#guys i’ve been going insane keeping this to myself btw I was so close to going to the discord and jsut posting the bonuses early over there
trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
Happy five months to the Trenchcoat!!
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psstt check out the stuff under the cut there’s more art and it’s pretty cool stuff if i do say so myself
Hi so I’ve been meaning to draw anons, like for fun and my enrichment (<- i really like drawing things for people i like) and uh that sketching session I had like three days did net me a lot of terrible awful rough sketches I could work off of, so i kinda just bit the bullet and started doing shit. so uh yeah that’s why there’s bonus drawings this go around for the blogiversary! There’s 2 more bonus drawings on the way btw!! I just did not have the spoons (or the ability to keep my joints normal enough) to be drawing long enough everyday to finish four full drawings from scratch with multiple characters in each, so the other two will be posted in the next few daysish hopefully…
sorry to anyone not included in one of these/in the other two I did try my best to remember as many of our frequent askers as possible but a lot of the anons who haven’t been chatting recently kinda just got buried by the qsmp folks lol…. speaking of the qsmp yall are pretty much the reason there’s group drawings and not just all silly doodles like the one with me and Vale (<- which i technically drew last month and could’ve posted at literally anytime but shh that doesn’t matter). I mean group drawings are not easy either but fucking hell you guys are three drawings all on your own…
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I had to try so hard not to ask you guys what you looked like since I wanted this to be a surprise and since I just made up designs for the most parts here's who's in the bonuses!
Bonus 1:
Vale (🌾🪶 anon)
Bonus 2:
llulah anon (twice technically lol)
wilbur (ethercollective)
bad & foolish (itty-bitty-ferns)
q!pac anon
Bonus 3 (I might repost this drawing later with edited shading. it's too dark looking at it on my computer screen ugh i hate how colors look different on different screens):
💙🐏 anon
🦁⛰️ anon
Voidling anon
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
I underestimated you
this is for @helliontherapscallion  ‘s 2k followers event ! (which congrates on that btw, well deserved. your fics are amazing!) and i found it kinda fun to do!
an x reader where tommy and the reader need to get something from the blade, so they ask wilbur to help out
The other fic I did for this event what did you three do
(y/n) walked down the prime path, examining the area around them. They turned to Tommy, who was walking with them, constantly writing in his book. “Tommy, hun, what are you doing? I thought you were illiterate.” he nodded his head. “uh uh.” (y/n) stopped walking, staring at the much taller male. “Your gay.” Tommy turned to them. “Thank you.'' Tommy says, turning right back to his book.
“Oh good, you were listening, anyway whatcha doing?'' Tommy furiously wrote, once finished, he put the pen in the middle of the book and slammed it shut. He looks over at (y/n), smiling widely. “You know how we’ve been trying to get that axe back from techno??” (y/n) nodded, remembering the axe they had left at technos and could never get back. “Well,” tommy shoved the book in their face, “i have a plan!” (y/n) looked up at the tall man, slowly. “Oh, god help us all...okay, what's the plan.” They look down, reading tommys horrible handwritten plan. “You can't write to save your life. Anyways, tommy this plans shit.” 
Tommy takes back his plan book, angrily. “What do you mean! It's a great plan!” they shook their head. “Tommy, it literally only says ‘go into his house, distract the blade, steal his shit’ yeah yeah, great plan toms.” they say, continuing their way threw the prime path. Tommy chased after them, “hey hey wait! It worked really well when i lived under his house-” “tommy i couldve came up with it myself. Besides, he keeps the axe on his person cause he knows i want it back, and i cant get it when he hibernates cause philza watches over it. This is why i need a plan, a good plan.”
The next day, Tommy came over to (y/n)’s house early in the morning to show them his plan.
“Tommy, what the fuck are you doing here this early in the morning!?” Tommy was basically buzzing in excitement. “Ugh, come in come in.” they say, gesturing for Tommy to get into their house. Tommy basically runs into their house, (y/n) closing the door behind them. They walk into the kitchen as Tommy sits down in the living room, still buzzing. 
“What are you doing in there!? Come on, come on!!” (y/n) just sighs, grabbing a cup and pouring themself a cup of water. “You woke me up at an ungodly hour of the day, you're gonna have to wait a second bitch.” they say, taking their cup and sipping it as they walk into the living room. They sat across from Tommy in an armchair as Tommy sat on the couch.
“What is it you needed tommy tom?” they say, putting their cup down. “Ew don't call me that. Anyways, I wanted to show you the new plan I've made!” he says, walking over to (y/n)’s arm chair and showing them the book. They take it, reading threw the plan. 
“Huh. this could work… do you know if he’s hibernating now?” (y/n) asked, turning to the blonde. He nodded. “Haven't seen him in chat for weeks. Even jumped from a tall height to test it, didn't say a word.” they nodded, smiling. “Well then, call wilbur up. Lets get started!”
Later that day, they called up Wilbur to see if he would help them out, fortunately, he agreed.
“So, what am i doing again?'' Wilbur asks, sitting down in (y/n)’s living room. “If philza shows up, you're gonna be there to distract him. Just say you're there to see him and techno to catch up since you've been dead for a while.” (y/n) said, standing next to tommy. Wilbur nodded, thinking. “Should be easy enough on my part. Anything else you need of me?” 
Tommy spoke up. “You’re gonna need to fight them if things get rough. (y/n) and I need to get the axe out of the house as fast as possible.” Wilbur stood up. “I did not agree to fight the blade, okay? You're gonna have to pay me if you want me to fight the blood god.” (y/n) sighed at this.
“Fine, you can have a stake of diamonds and 9 netherite, deal?” Tommy gasped. “How do you have that much!?” (y/n) just chuckles. “I go mining constantly ‘cause you're so expensive. Anyways Wilbur, got a deal?” 
Wilbur sat back down, thinking about it. “Yeah, we’ve got a deal! Now what  are you two gonna do?” (y/n) sat down in their arm chair. “Oh, easy. So what we’re planning is-”
They talked about the plan for a bit, wilbur interjecting to improve upon it. Once done, they set out, gathering what they needed and heading to the tundra to get their axe back.
It took awhile to get there, seeing as though the three of them kept arguing. 
“Omg we’re finally here!” tommy says, immediately getting shushed by wilbur and (y/n). (y/n) snakes Tommy's arm lightly. “We’re right outside their houses! Be quite!” they whisper yell, heading towards the front door. “Right right..” tommy whispers, following behind, along with wilbur.
They sneaked inside, heading in from the main and basement doors. Tommy and (y/n) snuck up the ladders, going as quietly as possible. “You see the axe?” (y/n) asks, whispering as low as possible. Tommy shook his head, heading further into technos room to try and find it.
The pigman was sleeping soundly in his big ass bed. The two teens assumed that he wouldn't wake up for a long time.
(y/n) followed after Tommy, slowly walking around the room to try and find the axe. They searched all around the room, searching in his chests and even closet.
Tommy looked at the far end of the room, near the ceiling. He notices the wall being two different colors, as if there's a giant hole in the wall. He climbs up to the ceiling, seeing what was in the whole. He gasps, realizing it's a barrel filled with a ton of valuable stuff, including the axe that they were looking for. He takes it (along with a bunch of the other things inside) and slowly gets down from where he was at. He turned back to (y/n), who was already looking at him.
“Find anything?” Tommy nodded at the younger teen.
“I know i found two rats in my room.'' They quickly turned to see the piglin awake, and fully geared to fight the two of them. Even when he's sleeping he's ready to fight. 
“Shit shit shit shit, tommy RUN!!” they booked it to the ladder, making sure to hold onto the axe they had finally gotten back. Techno quickly followed after them, not wanting to let them leave with the axe. 
Wilbur notices the commotion, grabbing his sword, putting on his armor, and getting ready to fight the blade. 
The teens basically slide down the ladder, heading to the basement to get away as fast as possible. Techno came down after, but Wilbur was there to stop techno from going down further. He had to think fast however, so Wilbur did the first thing he thought of.
Stabbing techno in the ass.
Techno jumped off the ladder, standing in front of wilbur. “How much are they paying you?”
“A stack of diamonds and more.” techno nodded, going over to his ender chest. “I'll give you a stack of netherite blocks and stacks of sand if you turn against them.” Wilbur immediately nodded. “Yes yes,fuck those guys! Gimme gimme!” Wilbur takes the sand form techno and starts monching on it.
“Now, where are they heading?” techno asks, giving Wilbur the rest of the stuff that he promised.
“Oh, they're heading to snow chester. Closer than either of their homes.” techno nodded, running out the door with wilbur to go and get technos stuff back.
Back with Tommy and (y/n), they had reached where they agreed to go, breathing heavily. (y/n) immediately collapsed to the ground once they reached their hideout. “Oh god i'm tasting but...still got the axe?” Tommy nodded, collapsing next to them. 
“I am so glad we agreed to change our hiding spot. I would be so dead if techno decided to chase us.” (y/n) says, grabbing the axe and examining it, happily. “Yeah, I knew not to trust wilbur. The guys insane!” (y/n) gets up, putting the axe with the rest of their treasures. “Well Tommy, I underestimated you. Your plan actually worked out for us.” they said, laying back down next to tommy. 
Tommy smiled, basically clinging onto the young teen. “Never underestimate big man tommy danger kraken innit.” (y/n) giggled, clinging onto Tommy as well.
“Wanna just sleep?” they ask. Tommy nodded. Too tired to say anything else. “Alright, goodnight tommy.”
“Goodnight pussy.”
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darthkruge · 4 years
Hello! I'm kinda new to the whole tumblr thing so sorry if this request is bad but I was wondering if maybe you could do an imagine for spencer reid where the reader is Garcia's younger sister and Garcia brings her in to meet the team because it's her first day there. Maybe Reid recognizes her from somewhere and he will not leet it go until he finds out how he knows her? Btw it's totally fine if you don't get to this! :)
Spencer Reid x Reader ~ Piano
Summary: When a new agent joins the BAU, Spencer knows he’s seen them before but literally cannot figure out where. His memory having never failed him before, he doesn’t rest until he figures it out.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral! Reader; Penelope Garcia x Sibling! Reader
Words: 1973
Warnings: A little bit of language, I think that’s all?
A/N: Hey anon!! First off, don’t worry, love! I’m honestly new to this whole tumblr thing too, but I loved this request! I’m sorry I didn’t get to it sooner, life’s been a bit hectic. I made it so the reader is Garcia’s younger sibling instead of sister, I hope you don’t mind. I’m going to try to make writing as gender neutral as possible moving forward. Nothing against you, of course, I know I haven’t specified in past requests and I couldn’t have expected you to know, so don’t worry! That being said, sorry for rambling and I hope you like it :)
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(gif isn’t mine)
“Hello, everyone! I want you to meet the youngest of the wonderful Garcia children!” Penelope led you into the BAU where you waved a bit stiffly. You weren’t a huge fan of being the center of attention, but you knew your sister loved these introductions.
Looking around, you pieced together the people you knew from Penelope’s stories. You recognized Derek immediately. You assumed from his professional stance that the taller and older dark haired man was Hotch. Logically, that meant Rossi was next to him. And Emily and JJ were the two women, smiling and waving at you encouragingly. You smiled a bit broader, immediately sensing you would be fast friends with them. Finally, your eyes landed on what had to be Spencer. You thought he was quite attractive and, from Penelope’s descriptions, he was also amazing, talented, kind, smart, basically everything you liked. You waved at him but noticed he was almost studying you? You weren’t sure, but felt a bit awkward, confused as to why he seemed friendly to everyone else but wouldn’t even smile at you.
“Umm, hi!” You said, laughing nervously and kind of hoping to disappear. Hotch sensed your discomfort and offered you a kind smile before putting you out of your misery.
“Welcome to the team, L/N. Garcia’s told us wonderful things about you. That being said, we’re just closing up tonight, so you could finish up your paperwork finalizing your transfer into the BAU if you haven’t already and then come in for your first day tomorrow?”
“Okay, thank you, Sir.”
“Goodnight, team”
Everyone echoed the “Goodnight” before filing out of the room. You got into the car with your sister and pulled out of the BAU, reflecting on your past and thinking about the next chapter of your life.
After almost everyone else had left, Spencer was still at his desk, thinking. The certified genius, was, for once, completely at a loss. He couldn’t figure it out. Where had he seen you before? He was currently in the process of mapping out every place he’d gone to over the last few months. Every restaurant, every film festival, every face he saw in passing at crosswalks, through car windows, at coffee stands, and, still, nothing.
“Woah, Pretty Boy, slow down! What’s got you so riled up?” Derek says, walking over to where Spencer was hunched over his notebook, furiously writing.
“I can’t figure it out, I know we’ve met before or I’ve seen them before or something. I just,” Spencer put his head in his hands, eyes starting to burn a bit from the strain of writing and concentrating for so long, “I just know it”
“Seen who before?”
“Y/N, the new agent. They’re so familiar, but for some reason I just can’t figure it out”
“Ohh! Garcia’s their sister, right?”
Spencer nodded and Derek came behind him, seeing the messy timeline and pages of notes scattered around the agent.
“Are you sure you’ve seen them? I mean, we see lots of people on the job. You could have just seen someone who looked like them, you know? And come on, Reid, your memory is, like, insane . If you’d met, you’d have remembered”
“I know, that’s what’s got me so messed up.” Spencer sighed.
“Take a rest, kid. It’s late, get back to it tomorrow. Maybe they’ll visit you in your dreams…” Derek said, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing as he walked away.
Spencer laughed, hoping Derek was right. He’d do anything to get more time with you, even if it was in his subconscious. Honestly, he felt a bit bad. He’d been so caught up in figuring how he knew you that he’d kind of forgotten to actually talk to you. Normally, he’d have caught a new recruit before they left, but he didn’t get the chance with you. After packing up, Spencer went home and continued his search with you on the forefront of his mind.
Meanwhile, you had just gotten back to your sister’s apartment. You had your own place but you were new to the team and felt a bit lonely. Mentally, you didn’t want to be alone at home, too.
“Hey, Pen, what’s up with Reid?” You asked. You were confused, you knew he was quiet but he seemed to be actively ignoring you. Even stranger, you caught him intensely staring at you, as if he was trying to figure something out.
“He’s just shy, Y/N. But he’ll warm up to you, don’t worry! Honestly, I think the both of you would be a pretty good match. If you want, I can do some of my famous matchmaking!”
“Please, noooooo,” You groaned, dragging out the word.
“Come on! I’m great at it!”
“No! Remember last time? I ended up on a blind date with a guy who, within the first three minutes, told me he liked me because he saw similarities between me and his parents!! Then, he proceeded to detail their divorce for the next 45 minutes!”
Penelope was laughing hysterically, “I mean, you did say you liked emotionally available people!”
You grabbed a pillow and threw it at her head, dying in your own fit of laughter.
“Alright, that’s it, I’m going to bed. I can’t be conscious in the same house as you anymore” You say, smiling and jokingly flipping your sister off as you walk away and into the guest room.
Naturally, she returned the gesture.
When Spencer arrived at work the next morning, his eyes were bloodshot, hair was sticking up in a million different directions, and clothes were exceptionally disheveled. Anyone else and you would have thought they had a really bad (or great) one-night stand. Although you weren’t close with him, you just didn’t see him being that type of guy. You laughed a bit as he grimaced, taking a sip of what looked like extremely bitter coffee.
Deciding to try and break the ice, you went over to him. “Long night?”
Spencer’s head shot up. “Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that” He said, laughing a bit.
You smiled. Even though he was awkward, you felt at ease in his company. “I get that, I’ve had a few long nights myself. I love the job, don’t get me wrong, but the way the BAU runs is different from anything else I’ve ever dealt with.”
“Yeah. It can be a bit of an adjustment, but you’ll be fine. You’re doing great. I mean, you arrived early, so I can already assume you’re organized. And your desk is a little messy, leading me to believe you’re a creative person. Your handwriting is quite slanted, too. I recognized it from your entry forms. Did you know that’s a sign of high intelligence? Because your thoughts are moving so quickly, your hand can’t keep up in the “perfect” way, so the letters normally slant and become more sloppy.”
You were mesmerized by him. You could watch him talk for hours, truly. Sure, he wasn’t always graceful, but he was so passionate about everything he talked about. You loved listening to people talk about what they love. The way their eyes light up, it makes the energy surrounding them contagious.
Realizing he had just psychoanalyzed you without permission, Spencer looked at your sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to profile you. It’s sometimes hard to shut off, especially around new people.”
“I get that. It’s okay, I don’t mind.” You said, nodding knowingly.
As you said that, Spencer figured it out. He remembered one time visiting his mother in Vegas and hearing you say those exact words. You were playing the piano, talking to a patient who had just accidentally spilled some water on your sheet music as they took their medicine. “It’s okay, I don’t mind. I was in need of new music, anyway” You had responded, laughing. He was surprised he didn’t immediately recognize you, the beautiful and talented person he’d seen that day. But, it did make sense, in a way. Spencer’s memory is always at its highest and weakest when he’s with his mother. He can remember each of their conversations, verbatim, but everything else fades.
“Spencer? You alright?” He had been kind of spacing out for a few moments and you were afraid you did something wrong.
His attention came back to you and he smiled again, brighter this time. “You play piano.” He stated.
Your breath caught and you let out a small laugh, extremely confused. “Uhh, yeah, I do. I’m sure you’re great, but that seems extreme even for you, Mr. Profiler”
Spencer laughed. “No! I didn’t profile you, I just, I remember you. Las Vegas, March 12th, Psychiatric Hospital, you were playing piano. A patient spilled water on you. I remember you.”
“Oh, right! Ms. Owens! She’s lovely. You were there that day? Well, either that or you just gave yourself up as a damn good stalker”
“No, no, not that,” He said, a shy smile playing on his lips, “My mother’s a patient there, Diana Reid? I’m not sure if you know her.”
“Yeah! She’s quite a character. I always enjoyed playing on days Diana was there.” You reminisced for a second, lost in the memory.
“Were you visiting someone there, too?” He said, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Not exactly. My grandfather was a patient before he passed. He taught me how to play and I kind of just asked the staff if I could volunteer and continue to after he left. They were kind enough to let me. I mean, he always encouraged me to perform and I thought it was a nice way to honor his memory. A few months later I heard from Penelope that there was an opening at the BAU. I moved out, and, well, here I am.” You gestured to yourself, slightly embarrassed after you realized you might have overshared.
Spencer caught onto this, however, and quickly reassured you. “That’s amazing, Y/N. You were amazing when I heard you. I wish I could have heard you play again.”
“Thank you, that’s really sweet, Spencer.” You said, resting your hand atop his, a blush forming in his cheeks at the touch.
“Um, if you don’t have plans. I mean, not to assume you don’t have plans, just if you, you know, happen to not be busy, would you want to maybe get dinner sometime? You don’t have to, of course! I wouldn’t be offended! I just kind of want to get to know you more. If that’s alright with you.” He trailed off, not making eye contact and playing with the buttons on his shirt a bit as he awaited your answer.
Deciding to be bold, you gently turned his face to meet yours and smiled. “I would love to. Tomorrow, pick me up at 8:00?”
“Yeah! Here’s my number, text me your address?”
You smiled and nodded, taking his phone. He took the moment to just look at you. You were truly one of the most breathtaking people he’d ever met. He couldn’t believe he’d just gotten you to agree to go out with him. Even so, he wouldn’t question it. If something in the universe gave this to him, he wouldn’t risk it for a second.
You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek as you slipped the phone back into his hand. As you pulled away, Spencer cupped your cheek and pulled you back in for a kiss. His lips tasted sweet and soft and a sense of serenity washed over you as you stood in the middle of the BAU, kissing him. Everything faded away and quickly came into focus again as he pulled away, far too soon for your liking.
“More of that tomorrow” He whispered, his forehead resting against yours.
You smiled, “That’s fine by me.”
~requests are open~
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mel-street · 4 years
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hi guys!  happy new year and here’s hoping that 2021 is a better year for all of us. during quarantine i did what a lot of you guys did and turned to social media sites and fanfiction. (the amount of fanfiction i’ve read this year is INSANE and we’re not going to talk about it)
my usually nerdy self immersed myself into fandoms and along the way i met some of the most important people in my life now. these people have taken me in, broken me (im dramatic kay deal with it), and been there to huggle me when i cried over random shit. so this is for you guys. these are for all the internet weirdos that my teachers and parents warned me about, but that i ended up being closer to than some of my irl friends. these are for the people who have influenced me and shaped me into the weird fangirl stabby bad boi simp that i am starting into 2021 (im aware that this entire thing makes no sense but just pretend that it does)
@ohh-deary-me RAVEN (ok that was weird to call you, but im not going to name reveal you for a third time so yee)  aksdjflkdsjfd i love you way to much. we first met on a pintrest group chat for some project thingy on wattpad and ended up fighting over tom holland which says something about both of us. you’re so incredibly amazing and im so proud of us for how much we’ve grown and you’re amazing, and a literal copy of me which is scary, but you’re so amazing and beautiful and i love you so fucking much and i’ll never leave you <3
@wildfleur-dreams DOT! you’re my huggable smol bean sister whom i love with all my heart and one day i will meet you and i will hug you and pat you on your smol head even though we’re pretty much the same height oop-. you’ve been there for me ever since i told you to read my my shitty grishaverse fanfiction and commented on it. and i love you so so so much *huggles* <33
@asterani sdfjasf raffe. you’re literally the sweetest human bean in the world. i love talking to you about random shit and thirsting over disney characters. asdkfjsd you’re so amazing and i hope you know that *Huggles* also hehe im glad you like the mandalorian. we need to fangirl together sometime. i love youu.
@doublerainbowsss NOMI!! my bts obsessed older sister by like 6 days. you’re so incredibly talented and funny and amazing and sometimes im immensely concerned for your mental health but that’s only because i love you lmao :) thank you for always being there for me and thank you for making my little sister into a bts stan *serene smile* im not mad about that at all- ily hon
@brekkerstan *waves* hiiii. i love how we bonded over some completely random grishaverse post and then ended up writing some completely crack headcannons. you’re so sweet and im so glad that you messaged me a few months ago. thank you for always being there for me and always fangirling about six of crows with me (except there’s like a huge time difference between us and you’re always messaging me at like 2 in the morning and you need to SLEEP) <33
@sincerely-milli MILLI BBY. i knew you for a while on wattpad, but it wasn’t until we both got tumblrs and both got way to obsessed with vlv that we became close. you're the most amazing beautiful talented human to ever exist and i love freaking out about mechfall with you. ily <3
@nostalgiconism IKKKA. i’ve known you for a while on wp, but i just wanted to tell you that im so grateful for you. you were one of the first people i ever followed and one of my first online friends and you’re literally so sweet and idk what i’d do without you. ily
@illavarasi KIRI!! ok imma be honest i was completely intimidated by you when i first met you, but now i know you as an amazing chaotic bean/clown/hooman and i love you for that. thanks for always being there and always making me laugh. ily
@lochscinders hey cece. im sorry you had to put up with my dramatic ass for so long. thanks for ruining every single disney movie for me in one night while we both wheezed hysterically. that was possibly the most iconic and scarring moments of 2020. thanks for putting up with me thirsting over stabby bad bois and my endless spamming of anakin gifs. love ya <3
@mintyvolt ok this is the most talented human in the world. like seriously volt i don’t understand how you manage to juggle school and other stuff while writing and posting incredible vlv chapters every week. because of you i’ve cried over a certain golden boi’s death, shipped my murder beans to an uncomfortable extent and fallen in love with a murder. (i swear im still writing that melfall fanfic i just happened to forget about it) thanks for being so amazing and creating vlv. you’re going to be famous one day and then i’ll be able to brag that i knew you then. ily
@rosy-drxxmer KIRI. im so glad you’re reading soc lmao. i’ve known you for a while, but thank you for always being there for me and continuously spamming me with six of crows memes and edits. i love freaking out and fangirling over kanej and the grishaverse here’s to another year of fangirling. ily kay? you’re amazing and beautiful and talented and deserve the world.
@sitaarein hi isha yeah idk which blog you use anymore but imma just tag this one. you were friends with some of my closest friends a while ago and then you left wp for a while and i didn’t know what happened to you. we all moved to tumblr and i found you and im so happy we started talking. you’re so amazingly talented and have somehow managed to teach me how to use photopea (which btw is pronounced photo-pe-a) so thanks for that. keep being amazing <3
and lastly @YOU if you’re reading this
thank you to all my followers who followed me for some random fandom and then had to put up with me spamming you with something completely different from what you followed me for. i really appreciate all of you *hugs* i hope your 2021 is amazing.
aksjfksd i l love all of you guys so much. HAPPY NEW YEAR I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD YEAR (or at least a year better than this one)
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chanswavyhair · 4 years
filter | hwang hyunjin
warning: some cursing, fem!reader, too much fluff akshka.
a/n: this is my first time writing a fic and not a timestamp so,,, i hope it’s not very bad. this was kinda inspired by bts jimin’s filter but jagsjh,, anyways hope you enjoy it!!
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you were in trouble
like,,, you were usually in trouble but THIS ONE WAS BIG
so you basically agreed with your parents that you would attend some ball ???
and with your boyfriend as your plus one ?????
well to start off you didn’t have a boyfriend and you didn’t even know why did you just say that HSJAKAH
you could do many things, but backing off and hurting your pride WAS NOT ON YOUR LIST
so now you had to find a boyfriend in like a month and half
i mean... you could ask jisung or felix, but you knew how uncomfortable they felt with your richies
also they didn’t give off the rich, classy and charming boyfriend look
well,, your friends were really handsome but not the type of handsome high society liked
but anyways that’s a problem for the future Y/N because we ain’t getting distracted at chemistry !! your grades were NOT falling
yeah you were living the rich and perfect y/n life
anyways in fact you were pretty annoying HSJSJD
you got very !! stressed !! when things were out of your control
there were only a few <lovely3 people who truly knew you and stood you, and they were jilix and your sis ryujin
(who invited her bestie daehwi, but he was rich too so he had no prob)
like,,, you usually hung out with your sis’ friends, but you weren’t THAT close
and for jisung and felix’s friends,,,,, it was weird when they weren’t all together
and that’s how jisung had the dumbest idea ever, and he’s had A LOT
like that one time he convinced you to let him dye your hair (you ended up looking like a light bulb)
or when you shaved his legs (WORST EXPERIENCE EVER YOU ALMOST GO DEAF but it was kinda fun)
anyways he just let out “why don’t you tell hyunjin? you know he does this weird thing of getting paid for acting as a boyfriend”
“what the FUCK JISUNG i am NOT paying hyunjin to act as my BOYFRIEND”
and,,, guess who heard you freaking out
nope not hyunjin but your sis ryujin
and her friend yeji
who hapepened to be hyunjin’s cousin
so yeah she told him and he went  ($ ‿ $✧)
now he’s been “AnAlyZInG” you for some days
and you were too busy thinking about your problem to notice it
so he decided to make a move, as you didn’t
“hey Y/N... somebody told me about your problem”
“uh, what do you mean?”
“i know you need someone to be your supposed boyfriend in some ball”
lol it actually sounded really lame
“wait— what do you mean???”
“well, i could help you and act as your boyfriend. i’m feeling generous, so i will lower the usual tax. which version do you want? cute? prince char—”
the fuck no, you weren’t that PATHETIC
“i’m sorry, but i don’t want your help. thank you anyways”
,,,,,,in that moment it turned to something personal to hyunjin
who wouldn’t want to be his girlfriend???? at least if it’s just for a night????
and that’s how he started to be such a gentleman to you, to smile at you everytime you locked eyes, to initiate skinship
you knew he had ulterior moves, so you were irritated by him
but he was actually way more charming that you thought,,,,,,
“’morning Y/N, looking fine today. how are you feeling? good?”
you were literally on a big ass sweater, but the bags in your eyes were even bigger
“hyunjin it’s too early and i’ve barely slept so please leave me alone—”
“oh, that’s no good,, should i call you tonight to make sure you fall asleep?. anyways, i’ll see you in english class. don’t forget we had homework!”
and,,, he always shared his food whenever you forgot yours,,,,,
he proved himself to be more than a cute face
he tried to help you whenever he noticed you were struggling to understand anything
and one out of five words he said were just him flirting
you eventually started not minding him being around you everyday
and then soome time after that,,, your heart ??? suddenly started to do weird things ??? when he was close to you ???
you MAYHAPS had a little crush on him
or when HIS EYES WENT,,, (◠‿◠✿)
but you did NOT like him, right?
he just treated you so well ಥ⌣ಥ
well lucky for you because this boy was also confused as fuck
since when have you been covering you beautiful smile when you laughed???
he honestly just wanted to put your hands down and tickle attack you
but that was just because he was getting into his role right??
anyways things got even worse for your weak heart when you saw him at you favorite cafe, studying, looking just TOO GOOD TO BE REAL
and then,,,, you two started to go studying there every evening
at some point he even started ordering your usual comand before you came
and,,, when you found yourself getting distracted by hyunjin’s cute mole under his eye by the 4th time you started to think that...
you maybe...... liked him ????
like... YOU liked HIM ??????
“i have finished all my assignments. how about you?”
“i- i still have lots to do. you should go first or it will get late— ”
“and that’s why i’m staying. you shouldn’t go home alone it’s dark, i’ll walk you, if you don’t mind. and don’t worry, i don’t have anything to do now”
you liked him A LOT
but you knew he was just being this nice so he could prove that you should hire him
which was not happening, as if wasn’t enough to fall for this boy :(
the thing is
he had forgotten about that weeks ago when his feelings grew bigger
he didn’t understand what he felt, but he knew he felt insanely good when you were around him
like whenever he told you he felt he was going to fail an exam you looked at him in some kind of way
he didn’t understand how or why, but he felt like whatever was worrying him didn’t matter anymore
and everything he wanted to talk, see, or think of was you
anyways he started to walk you home whenever he got the chance
this one day,,, you weren’t going to the cafe because you had things to do at home
but he insisted to walk you
so he was waiting for you in the hall
then he saw you at your locker talking with some random boy who was quite close to you
his heart went :(
but then he realized you were not exactly happy ??
“look, yeonsung, i already told you that i won’t tutor you. please leave me alone”
“no, Y/N you don’t understand, you HAVE to. we are meant to be, and if you won’t accept my dates at least help me with school stuff. it’s not that hard.” he grabbed your arm.
“yeonsung, no. let me go” you tried to pull, but he wouldn’t release you.
enough bullshit
“hey, i think you’ve heard her. she doesn’t want anything to do with you, so you’d better stop bothering Y/N. i’m not as polite as her”
“who the fuck are you? oh, little Y/N you’ve got some dickhead as your boyfriend? i’m much better than that. if only you fucking let me-”
ok so hyunjin’s blood has been burning for some time now but when he PUT HIS HANDS ON YOUR WAIST-
did he
“listen here, you asshole. if you dare to touch a single strand of her again i’ll fucking show you myself how to keep your hands down. understood?”
“un- understood”
“you’d better have” he pressed him a bit more before he let him fall on his feet
“let’s go away” hyunjin grabbed your hand
Y/N.exe has stopped working
hyunjin..... threatened this guy..... because he was harassing you
which was kinda hot btw ????
“hyunjin you didn’t have to-”
“don’t tell i didn’t have to because i made my best effort not to break his fucking nose.”
(๑ ● o ● ๑)
he was really mad
“Y/N, i know you are probably angry at me and that you want me to mind my own business, but i swear i-”
Y/N since WHEN did you have the GUTS to cup his face ?????
he went silent
“hey, calm down, ok? i’m not mad at you, this guy has been asking me weird things for some time now so i guess you just helped me to end it. i’m fine, yeah? calm down.”
you realized you were still holding his face so you were about to take them off but
he put his hand ON your hands
why was he POUTING
“why didn’t you tell me? or anyone? he could have done anything worse if i hadn’t been there and Y/N, i honestly don- i don’t know what would i do if someone hurt you”
“it- it’s okay. let’s just forget it. come on, i have to go home”
“wait let me- please, let me hold you for a minute”
HAIR ???????
“you smell really good. i wish i could stay like this for a bit longer... but it’s okay. anyways, let’s go”
you can imagine how HARD ryujin laughed at you when you told her you thought you had forgotten how to breathe
yeah she was crying out of laughter
but anyways you two stopped shouting when your mother entered the room
“kids, have you already invited someone to the ball? it’s just week and half apart”
so now you were disturbing felix and jisung again with it
“Y/N,,,,,,,, has it ever crossed your mind that you two act just like a couple?”
“felix what do you mean he doesn’t like me and-”
“hi guys! hi Y/N.” he smiled at you with his whole heart and patted your hair “can you go today to the cafe? i don’t have much to study today, but we can go if you want to. i mean,, if you don’t want to it’s fine, i’ll just walk you home from here, if that’s cool with you.”
felix gave you that look
like the one he gave you when he was right
which was a bit usual because socializing wasn’t your best trait
but hyunjin didn’t like you, did he????
he was... he was just acting
as much as it hurt you, that was the truth
and in order to protect yourself... you should stop it
u MASOCHIST <(`^´)>
“i think i’ll just go alone. don’t wait for me, it’s fine.”
you lost your appetite with just saying that
and hyunjin was like ????
you could see your two other boys-
Y/N! hyunjin is not your boy so stop it
anyways, jisung and felix were really confused too
well it was actually jisung because felix was more like DONE with your bullshit
you just went back to your classes and then, you went home
has routine been always this boring?
you couldn’t help but smile when you saw that hyunjin sent you a message asking about what where you doing tomorrow
but then you remembered you couldn’t let this hurt you anymore
so you said you were really busy at home and turned your phone off
“Y/N are you, okay?” ryujin said
“yeah, i am. why wouldn’t i be?”
“you don’t have to lie to me, sis. majorly because you can’t. talk to me, Y/N, tell me what’s wrong” she laughed softly
“i am... i am cutting off any relation with hyunjin.”
“what? why? you guys seemed to be getting along really well. i thought you liked him...”
“that’s why, ryu. i like him way too much. before he started talking to me, he told me to hire him to act as my boyfriend in the ball. he’s been trying to prove it, and i don’t want to fall deeper. i don’t know why did i let myself trust him, when i knew this from the first moment. i just don’t know why.
:(((( you started crying, and ryujin hugged you
“i don’t... i don’t think hyunjin is such a bad person to go this far with that thing of wanting you to hire him... but if you think that’s the best, then i’ll support your decision. we can sit in another table tomorrow. you know, just the girls, you and me. okay?”
you nodded into her embrace, trying to stop sobbing.
so you started to avoid him as much as you could
and it was eventually making him crazy
well,,, he had been coping with whOle week without you
until he just exploded
“guys, i don’t understand. everything was going really good, and then she started to treat me as cold as fuck. and i don’t get what did i do to deserve this.” he complained to his boys
he was really disappointed
because he knew he felt different to what he had ever felt before with you
he thought he was learning to fall in love, to stop worrying just about him and his friends
“am i not enough? have i bored her? or have i pressured her? i’m going crazy because i don’t even know why do i feel like this”
“hyunjin you like her is pretty easy actually”
did minho just
“what????? i’d never had something like that for anyone. it’s true things are different with her but—”
“when was the last time you did that fake dating thing?” chan asked
“well... like a month? i was busy”
“busy with what you genius”
seungmin don’t cross the line
“i... i was spending time with Y/N”
was this boy the same hwang hyunjin from a month before???
“omfg guys i think i like her but like a lot”
“dumbass that’s exactly what we are saying”
poor jeongin got slightly hit buy the so called dumbass :(
“but this doesn’t have anything to do with why she’s been dodging me like bullets??”
they all looked to felix and jisung, expecting they would know anything
“to be honest... i‘m not sure. she hasn’t told us anything” jisung said.
“well, the last time we talked about you we told her to ask you to go with her to her parents’ ball, and then i told her that you two already looked like a couple” felix said
then felix went
“oh... so she doesn’t like me...”
hyunjin felt like the whole world was going down
there was this thing burning on his chest, a thing that he thought he could only feel for his friends or family
but then, you showed him he was wrong, again
“wait- i think i’ve connected the two dots— ” jisung said, but lix interrumped him
“no, you didn’t connect shit. i get it now. hyunjin, she thinks that you’ve been acting all the time to prove you should go with her to the ball. that’s why she’s avoiding you, because she thinks you just tried to play her” felix said
hyunjin’s heart broke a bit more when he processed felix’s words
(╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥)
he... he hurt you
and really bad
“oh god, i’m so fucking stupid. what do i do know? she hates me!”
“ugh, go get your girl you dumbass!” changbin said
hyunjin suddenly started working again, and rushed off while calling someone.
so yeah back with u lil creature
you were doing homework, but you couldn’t focus
so you went to the kitchen to grab some snacks
and then your phone ringed
“ryujin?” you answered
“yeah. i’m at daehwi’s and i forgot to take a jacket. i will be passing be there in his car in like... 15 minutes. could you give me the versace one?”
“the colorful one or the leather one? ” you asked with your mouth full of a chocolate cookie
ryujin felt relief
“the leather one”
“okay. but weren’t you studying in the library for a physics exam?”
o shit
“i just went to his house! to study together! anyways! see you later! sis!”
????? weird
anyways you finished your math homework, and when you realized, you just got a message from her saying she was outside
so you got her jacket and opened the door in order to look for daehwi’s car
oh hyunjin’s there
you slammed the door in his face
then you realized THAT WAS WAY WORSE
“can you open please?” he said from outside
you really missed his deep and soothing voice
“i- well- yes”
you opened the door, not being able to look directly at him
“can we talk? just give me five minutes, and if you still hate me after that i’ll just stop bothering you”
“i don’t hate you, and you- you aren’t bothering me”
“well... this past days it didn’t look like that. more like, exactly the opposite”
you went silent because you had literally no excuse
“are you mad?” he said
“why would i?”
“i don’t know either, that’s why i’m asking. i mean, it’s not like you’ve been avoiding me for days, not answering a single message or call. that’s all”
“are you mad?”
you knew he should be, you deeply hoped he wouldn’t
“Y/N, i know you thought i was playing with you”
“wait- you weren’t?”
“oh god. i really told you i didn’t know what would i do if anyone hurt you, so why would i?”
“i thought... you were trying to prove i should have payed you to go to the ball...” you quietly said
but you looked at him when you heard him sobbing softly
“Y/N, you are the first person i’ve ever fallen for. i’ve been with plenty of people, and no one had ever make me fall like this. i don’t know why am i even crying in front of you, all i know is that i really, really like you”
your eyes were wider than the pacific ocean
LIKE,,,,, FORREAL?????
“i know you probably still hate me but please... if you at least gave me a chance for still being friends...”
“what?” he stopped sobbing
“hyunjin, i like you too”
you didn’t even know what was happening, but you knew your mouth kept talking
“wait, you do???”
“hyunjin, i- i was avoiding you because i didn’t want to fall harder”
you were still malfunctioning
then you saw him getting closer to you
“can i,, like,,, kiss you?”
but his lips looked so soft HHHHHHhHhhhhhhHHhHHHHHhhhHH
he didn’t answer you
well at least not verbally
boi just WENT FOR IT
you thought you wouldn’t mind if you died there
his lips were even softer than they looked
was that like paradise felt?
but then,,,
you two separated immediatly
you, alias, tomato 1 said
“well i guess you two have to look for some clothes for the ball because there are only three days left, so go make out in another place but not in the porch. i don’t want to see hyunjin eating your face when i get home”
hyunjin, alias, tomato 2 intensified
“just,,, leave okay?”
you two lovebirds went for a walk, without a specific direction
you couldn’t be any more embarrassed
“can i call you my girlfriend?” he said
“i- yes”
can you two get any cuter omg
“let’s go to the mall to look for some fancy clothes for my cute girlfriend and me and then make out when we get back”
“n e v e r”
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natsumiheart · 4 years
I just wanna say how tired I am with some oumota shippers and their argument that oumasai is a bad ship cause apparently Shuichi never cared about kokichi and is annoyed with him and that oumota is better cause kokichi "opened up" to kaito like what they both were dying and kokichi had to convince kaito to work with him so he had to tell the truth that he wasn't the mastermind or else they'll die a meaningless death.I just really wanted to say this cause its driving me insane
Anonymous said:
Btw i was the anon that sent that ask ranting about oumota shippers saying oumota is better than oumasai and I just wanna clarify that I don't hate oumota shippers cause I know its their opinion and everyone can ship what they want but i feel like I really needed to tell someone about it cause it has been messing with my head and I don't have any irl friends that like DR and this blog felt the safest to vent to
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry you’re dealing with those people! I have a friend who is actually suffering from the same exact thing. Constant harassment from Ou**ta shippers saying Oumasai is toxic. I’m happy you feel like this is the safest blog to vent to ;; And just to make you feel better, here are a bunch of reasons why YOU’RE 100% RIGHT! and you shouldn’t be attacked or ashamed of how you feel towards that ship and all that hate towards yours. If anyone says Shuichi hated Kokichi and never cared for him just read this post! https://natsumiheart.tumblr.com/post/177427505177/hewwo-what-are-your-opinions-on-the-people-who
Warning: If you like Kaito x Kokichi I recommend you don’t read what’s under the cut, I don’t want to diss anyone’s ship in front of their face. That’s just insensitive, and the last thing I want is to ruin someone’s day. Unless you really want to know why others don’t feel the same as you, then don’t check out this post. Thank you!
Note that while I mention the bunch of reasons why this ship just straight up wouldn’t work out, I’m going to ignore the fact that Kaito acts very homophobic and transphobic in the japanese version of the game. I’ve mentioned it in this blog a bunch of times before, and it’s pretty obvious that everyone ignores his Homophobia so I’m just going to pretend as if he’s not homophobic and break down why exactly this ship wouldn’t work out even without him being homophobic in the first place. But I’m definitely not going to exclude how he acts towards guys in general.
> Kaito treats most guys he meets like trash, unless he respects them. Whenever Kaito finds a guy acting “Weak” he literally looks down on them, even gets frustrated with them. Huge proof is how he treated Shuichi for crying over Kaede, and then later punching Kokichi because he was acting “Weird”. Kaito was a huge fan of Ryoma, but when he saw what he has become, someone who has given up on his future, he started treating him badly, and after Ryoma was dead he even talked badly on him calling him “Weak.” and a “Sissy.” Not being able to understand the pain Ryoma was going through or how things were for him. He also got creeped out by Korekiyo for acting like a girl before he even revealed that he was “posessed” by his sister. Aren’t all those moments in the game enough proof that Kaito just straight up doesn’t like guys at all in that way? Then how could he *love* a guy, and Kokichi of all people. Heck, Gonta x Kaito make more sense than Kaito x Kokichi, even though he yelled at Gonta once for crying and being too weak for a man.
It’s shown multiple times in the game that Kaito treats guys like trash, and he treats Kokichi the worst of all.
Note: I do think Kaito can change the way he acts towards guys, but I don’t he will ever love one romantically.
> I think we can all agree that Kokichi is really hard to deal with sometimes. He distances himself so much from everyone as much as he could, and he won’t back down that easily even if it meant hurting others’ feelings. He keeps lying constantly so no one can figure him out or get close to him. We don’t exactly know the reason why, but he has major trust issues and it shows.That is the reason why for us, seeing Shuichi listed under “Trustworthy” was a big deal. (But I’m not going to dive deep into that since I already did multiple times in this blog.) My point here is that Kokichi needs someone with patience, someone who could understand him a bit and why he does what he does. Someone to decipher his actions and break down his walls, but isn’t afraid to sometimes step his foot down and tell him that his actions are wrong and he’s harming others as well as himself. Kaito on the other hand grows frustrated with guys so quickly, he doesn’t listen to their reasoning before heading in for physical violence. THAT is exactly the opposite of what Kokichi needs! And I still don’t understand how others can’t see it! When Kaito punched Kokichi in chapter 4, he was already in so much despair over seeing the secret of the outside world and that punch made it worse. To the point he stayed silent then locked himself in his room. How in the world do people actually see this ship as better than oumasai? I don’t get it.
Kokichi shouldn’t be with someone that will treat him like trash, and physically (if not also emotionally) harm him for how he’s acting.
> Opposites sometimes attract, but POLAR opposites do not. and I’m talking from personal experience here, two people who are different in so many ways (ESPECIALLY THEIR WAY OF THINKING) will end up fighting 24/7. It was shown again and again in the game that Kokichi and Kaito do not get along thanks to how different their approach is to things and their seemingly different upbringings. Ships between two characters who fight a lot just make me so uncomfortable and disturbed, because I know how these relationships actually end up in real life. Fights do happen in relationships sometimes, it’s even needed to strengthen the relationship, to realise that no matter what happens you STILL love your partner, but when you fight every single time you talk? That’s a bad sign! 
Fighting is NOT romantic and it never will be! And when it has physical violence mixed in? My god. Please do yourself a favor and break up with your partner if they keep hitting you.
> Kaito doesn’t ever side with Kokichi:
He literally said in chapter 4 “I don’t wanna survive it means I have to stoop to your level!” and Kokichi said “Then die in a hole for all I care! WE wanna LIVE, so stop getting in our way!”. Kaito will never be on Kokichi’s side, Even if it meant his death and the deaths of all his friends.
When Kaito realised that maybe watching all the motive videos together would’ve prevented a murder from happening Shuichi is the one that points out that it was what Kokichi was trying to do. But then Kaito is like “Huh, really?” Then brushes it off. Because of course, of course Kokichi wants murders to continue. Right?
Even after Kokichi spilled everything to him because he was literally about to die and really wanted Kaito to go along with his plan and believe him. Kaito still stated that he still thought he only thought of himself. Even after Kokichi sacrificed himself to save HIM from the poison and MAKI from being his murderer. He still hated him and didn’t believe him. The only reason Kaito went along with his plan was because he was about to die anyway, he was running out of time and he needed to get out even if it meant following Kokichi’s plan and killing him in the process.
When two people actually love each other they have each others backs. But with these two, they never will.
> I don’t believe Kokichi hated Kaito. But he literally thinks he is stupid and is a bad influence on everyone. These two have a relationship of two siblings that can’t stand each other. I always see myself and my brother in them, which is another reason why their ship makes me beyond uncomfortable. My brother puts his trust in people way too easily, and believes whatever tf his brain comes up with because y’know it’s him and “he’s always right”. He would never take a second to think that maybe he’s wrong, just like Kaito and his hunch. I on the other hand find him incredibly stupid, we argue a lot because our way of thinking and our beliefs are very different, we even used to hit each other a lot. We never really got along. And the way Kokichi and Kaito act around each other really reminded me of it, but you don’t know me and you don’t know my brother so why should you take my word for it? An example I like to use when trying to explain this point to others is the relationship between Stanley and Stanford in Gravity Falls, those two fought a lot in the show but in the last episode they had to work together on a plan despite their differences. Doesn’t it remind you of a certain story that happened in the game? Kokichi and Kaito’s relationship resembles theirs so much it’s insane. 
I feel like the game tried to show us how these two are more like siblings but on bad terms, even giving them similar hair and eye colors. But that flew straight over every rivalry shipper’s head.
These are some of the reasons why Ou**ta wouldn’t work out and can’t even be a thing in the first place, I said it before and I’ll say it again: I could write a book about this topic. But I’m kinda busy today and I have to leave the house soon- I hope you’re convinced that you are actually right. (I’ve been told countless times that I’m wrong leading me to question myself, so I wanted to help out by reassuring you that your feelings are valid and you’re not wrong in this situation at all) Saying Oumasai is toxic for one line Shuichi said while he was angry and defending his friend, while shipping Ou**ta and ignoring all this stuff is like the most hypocritical thing anyone can say. 
And yeah, people should ship whatever they want. Lots of people ignore characters’ feelings and ship the crackiest of ships, making very OOC art and fanfiction. And they can do that! But they can’t go around dissing people for their ship while supporting an obviously flawed one. Honestly you shouldn’t attack people for their ships in the first place, no matter what YOU ship. Just stay in your own bubble and stay away from the ships you dislike. It’s not that hard!
If you’re an Ou**ta fan reading this, I just want to say thank you for reading this far, and I’m really not saying you should stop supporting your ship. I’m just explaining why we feel this way towards it and the evidence we have behind it. If you’re one of the people who go around attacking shippers while boasting your ship. Please stop? Seriously, stop giving a shit about other people’s opinions and life will suddenly become much easier.
I’d like to clarify: If anyone responds to this post telling me I’m wrong, I’m not responding. My blog is for me to post art, sometimes funny stuff to make people’s days, interact with my followers and draw their requests, or ranting about topics I’m passionate about (Mostly DR). I do not want it to be a place for ship discourse, so if I get disagreeing replies or asks I’m going to ignore them like I always do whenever I post these rant type blogs. I hope you understand.
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Survey #403
“ashes to ashes, watch me disappear”
If given the opportunity, would you like to star in a musical? Definitely not. I don't like musicals. Name one person you’d take a bullet for: There's honestly a lot, but Mom immediately came to mind. Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? Yeah: Metallica and Marilyn Manson currently. I want lots more, especially an Ozzy one. Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates. Do you share your bedroom with anyone? No, unless you include my cat and snake. Is your favorite color yellow? No, it's actually one of my least favorites. Were you born in a hospital? I was. Do you know the name of the person that delivered you? No, but Mom does. I think he delivered me and my two sisters, and I know Mom has seen him since for other reasons. Was your birth recorded? God no. Good call, Mom. Did you eat a peach this week? Would you believe me if I told you I had a small bit of peach pie for my sister's birthday? For some reason, I just really wanted to try some. It was okay, but the aftertaste sucked. Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes, for TMS therapy. Every weekday. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? I honestly do. If you could get free vocal lessons would you take them? Probably not. I don't like singing in front of anyone, and it's not like I wanna get anywhere with my singing, so. Is your mother diabetic? She is. Are you? No. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. Who do you stalk the most through Facebook? Nobody. Have you ever deleted your Facebook, then brought it back? No. What is your main responsibility each day? Be sure to take my medications. Do you feel like you fulfill those responsibilities? Yeah. There are rare mornings where I forget, but I almost always remember. I don't fw skipping out on meds that keep my mental health stable. When was the last time you used spray paint? Good question. Do you know the middle name of the last person you kissed? Yep. Who is the friendliest person you know? My mom, probably. Something that annoys you about summer: THE HEAT. THE HUMIDITY. UGH. Something that annoys you about winter: Hm. That's hard to say, given I love winter. I guess the fact it doesn't snow enough here. Are the doors of your fridge side by side or on top of one another? Side-by-side. If you’ve moved out of the house you were born in, do you know the people who live in that house now? Nope. Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Not sobbed or anything, but I've definitely teared up and gotten the sniffles because of multiple movies. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? No. Have you ever seriously pretended to be clinically insane? I didn't need to pretend; I'm pretty damn sure I was for a while. Might I add that it's EXTREMELY inconsiderate to pretend you're insane, btw. Insanity is not "cool." It's not "funny." It's not "edgy." It's a serious, confusing, heart-wrenching issue that can ruin lives. Do you know anyone with a stutter? Yes, myself included when I'm even mildly nervous. And sometimes just randomly. With a lisp? I don't believe so. What was the last board game you played? The Disney version of "Pretty Pretty Princess" w/ my niece and even my nephew, even though his sexist-ass dad didn't want him to. Like let your kid have some fun with his sister and aunt, goddamn. They had a blast. It was Aubree's birthday present from me, so I am SO glad she loved it. Did you win? Ha ha, no, I always let Aubree or Ryder win. I came super close once, but I let the kids bend the rules a bit. They don't like losing, and even though they definitely need to understand that just happens and is totally fine for it to, I wasn't about to be the one to make them sad about it. When was the last time you tried to speak with an accent? OH MY LAAAAAWWWWWWD. Also at Aubree's b-day party, at one point, I spoke in a snobbish British accent while I was winning at the aforementioned game. Ryder asked, "Why are you speaking Spanish?", and I fuckin DIED. Have you ever made up a word before? Yeah, I know at least a few instances for fantasy animals in writing. When was the last time you went to a museum? A couple summers ago when my brother and his son visited, we went to a science museum. My nephew was sooooo into it. Do you have a nice yard? If so, do you spend a lot of time outside in it? If not, where do you go when you want to relax outdoors on nice days? Our front and back yards are both small and honestly very boring. The grass is a pretty green, but that's the only nice thing about it. I don't go to sit outside here on any day. Do your parents enjoy any of the things that you enjoy? Do you bond over these things? My parents and I have very similar music tastes, so there's that. I also didn't know for the longest time that Mom likes to write, which I sure as hell do, too! She doesn't really write anymore though, and she's self-conscious of it anyway, like I am. She and I also love a lot of the same shows. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? I think The Incredibles 2. I aaaalways wanted to know what happened after the end of the first film. Do you have any ideas for a story or movie you’re planning to write or you’d write if you had the time/had the talent? Please share a synopsis! I genuinely think some RP I've written is series-worthy, but I don't feel like re-writing the YEARS of RP into a book format, and I sincerely worry that the ridiculously dark parts could inspire people like serial killers and cause A LOT of controversy, crime-blaming, and just general hate. I don't want to be involved in that. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? Compliment my Markiplier tattoo, obviously knowing it's a tribute to him, and we're essentially besties. Is there a person in your life (maybe barely) that you feel in constant competition with (even just in your imagination)? Maybe you feel they are consistently outshining you? Ugh... there's a local photographer that's much more successful than I am that I admittedly am very envious of. I swear to whatever god you may believe in that I mean it from a modest perspective, I really, really do, but I genuinely think my skills surpasses hers, and she's only more prevalent because photography REALLY is about who you know. She's talented, yes, but like... come on. If you are single, even if you are normally happily single, are there certain specific things you witness that make you wish you were in a relationship (e.g., people getting engaged)? I mean yeah. I miss cuddling, holding hands, kissing, just being cute together, and especially people getting engaged or having kids. It's such a trigger to me. Once upon a time, that's all I wanted with Jason. I wanted to be that beautiful couple that got married and had two or three loved-beyond-words children, but then he left so abruptly, and I feel like it was so brutally robbed from me. I don't want kids anymore like at all, but the point still stands that I felt like my dreams were just ripped away. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? I use "Ozzkat" just about everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? OHHHHHHHHHH YEAH. There have been a couple days or so where I was totally glued to looking up various tattoo designs, bingeing let's plays or conspiracy theory videos, etc. etc. If you ever think about getting married, what are some aspects of the wedding that you would like to see in a non-traditional manner (e.g., a different color dress or “partners” over “husband” and “wife”)? I WILL NOT get married in a church, first of all. I'm also not having the traditional vows, and I probably won't wear a white dress, but instead black. Salt & vinegar, barbecue, sour cream & onion, or cheddar? Ohhhh, I like all those options but barbecue. I think I've gotta go with sour cream & onion, though. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? A D O R A B L E ! ! ! I think they're ordinarily geeky, but I mean, geeky is cute in my world. :^) Do you believe in demonic possession? How about ghosts? Angels? Angels, no. Spirits/ghosts, 100%. I don't exactly believe in demons, per se, but I do question if evil spirits can possess someone. What is one romantic movie that you enjoy enough to watch more than once? I've seen The Notebook numerous times. Name three countries you want to visit; why those three? South Africa to interact with meerkats at the KMP, somewhere up in Canada to see the Northern Lights, and Germany just because, really. I took German for four semesters, and the culture and all just interests me. Do you have a good luck charm? No, considering I don't believe they do jack. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Only Sara. Now that I have Discord semi-figured out now though, we'll probably use that for voice chatting. Are you allergic to any animals? I might be allergic to dogs. Do you usually spend your weekends out, or at home? I'm like... always at home. Do you think it’s wrong for people to say "retard/retarded" as an insult? Absofuckinglutely. Don't pull that shit when I'm around. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever lived through a hurricane? Plenty. Have you ever had a home-grown tomato? Yes, from my old friend's garden. We'd have delicious tomato, mayo, and bacon sandwiches. The only instance where I've enjoyed tomatoes. Have you ever held a real gun? The former friend I mentioned just before, her husband always carried a gun, and he just needed me to hold it for a sec for some reason I don't recall. I hated the feeling. Would you rather wear Converse or Vans? I like both, but I think I prefer Converse. Have you ever been called bipolar? Yes, because I clinically am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? FUCK no. And like the "retarded" thing, don't you fucking DARE to do this in front of me. I WILL deck the shit out of you. Do you think it’s okay to have sex before marriage? Sure, as long as you're being safe and are very thorough in communication. Do you like to watch old sitcoms? I don't really watch TV as I say in like every survey it seems, but I do enjoy some old sitcoms I grew up watching with my mom, like The Nanny, The Golden Girls, The Munsters, etc. If asked, could you run a mile nonstop right now? Being completely serious, I don't even know if I CAN physically run right now. My legs are so incredibly weak, and I'm humiliatingly close to what my heaviest weight was back in 2016, so I can almost guarantee my knees would crumple if I tried. Do you wear those rubber wristbands? I used to. I don't really like bracelets nowadays. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? Nope. Have you ever driven an electric car? No. When was the last time you saw someone you went to high school with? Uhhhh idk. What breed was the last dog you saw? A fucking GOLIATH of a lab. I shit you not when I say my sister's roommate's dog Hudson is the size of a goddamn bear. How long have your parents been together (or how long were they together, if they no longer are): I wanna say they were together at the very least 20 years. What has been your most epic cooking failure? I once accidentally put something (I don't remember what) in the microwave for around 45 minutes I believe, and I walked away and completely forgot about it. I remembered a long while later, and safe to say, it wasn't edible, whatever it was, lmao. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? No, but that'd be cool. Has anyone in your life ever treated you abusively? No. How long has it been since your last breakup? Somewhere around two years ago? My memory is so garbage nowadays. Can you concentrate well while listening to music, or do you find it distracting? It's distracting, usually. What’s something you’ve been struggling with lately? I've been pretty bad about drinking too much soda lately. :/
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spinnenpfote6 · 4 years
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if there are some of my mutuals who suffer from a phobia of germs and dirt as well.
I definitely have one though it hasn’t been properly diagnosed yet. I mean, I have developed weird cleaning rituals, thought processes and I’ve been in multiple fights with my parents because I keep using up our medical disinfectants which I know are necessary - but I can’t stop. I don’t want my mom to hug or kiss or even touch me anymore, solely for the reason that I think of every person as “unclean”, wash my hands a million times a day until they bleed and keep wiping everything clean with disinfectant-soaked baby wipes. Nobody is allowed to touch my belongings or bed or even me without my permission and everything that hasn’t been washed or disinfected is “contaminated”. I love my plushies and big action figures but I keep them in my closet in fear of getting them “dirty” so they don’t really bring me joy anymore. I don’t touch doorknobs or lightswitches without a small piece of napkin anymore. And finally, the most ridiculous thing of all: I can’t even slightly bump against a doorframe without feeling the urge to clean my shoulder afterwards. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I’m literally like that overly clean person comedies make fun of. I know I must sound like an absolute nutcase to you while you’re reading this and reading this myself - I can’t blame you. If I saw a person acting like me on TV, I’d laugh about them.
This whole problem started about 6 years ago and built up veeeery slowly. I can’t quite remember but I think it started out with me thinking about wanting stuff to be “cleaner” and only putting on freshly washed clothes. We were always a tiny bit “cleaner” of a family because of my illness, but only to a rather insignificant amount. To be honest, I can’t even for the love of me connect my old mindset to my new mindset. Why wasn’t I grossed out by this stuff back then? How was my thought process different? But honestly, it literally feels like someone pulled a switch in my brain between for and after I was about 14 years old. So I can’t put my finger on what went wrong in my head during that time. Now I’m just so insanely grossed out by so much stuff that I feel like I’m going insane if I don’t “clean” them. No one understands my “confusing procedures”, as my mother put it, but they seem perfectly calculated and reasonable to me. In contrast to other germaphobes though, I never have the urge to clean myself too long to get rid of all the germs, like washing hands for 10 minutes or something. I just need a short wash and everything is fine, but I need it.
Now, with these mental problems I have noticed certain rocky relationship days with my parents (they are surprisingly understanding but also think that it’s unhealthy behaviour and that I’m overreacting and just stop - you must know that we are very close) and that I frequently have extremly depressive episodes for a few hours which keep coming back very quickly almost every day. It’s all definitely causing me quite a lot of distress sometimes: I think of preparing “cleaning routines” quite a lot over the day. There was one day - well over a year ago - where we were running out of disinfectant where I was literally awake for hours at night, heart racing, shaking and crying while trying to think of a way to get new bottles without my parents noticing.
The worst thing is that due to everything seeming “contaminated” I don’t have such a good relationship with my pets as I wish I had. I don’t want my cats - Waylon and Ygor - to touch me at all. There was one time where I almost kicked Waylon away in a sudden fit of disgust and anger because he touched my leg. What’s even worse are those extremely aggressive thoughts I sometimes have against my pets when stuff like this happens. I literally thought about grabbing my cat and kicking harshly him or choking him or breaking his neck or something like that - just for a second. And honestly, I was horrified and ashamed by having these thoughts. It’s not the first time either, I know I have the same kind of bad thoughts after a failure of mine with mostly a fight attached and realizing this genuinely made me believe that my mental illness is turning me into a monster, despite having never laid a finger on one of my pets. I don’t think I’ve ever properly talked about this with anyone except maybe my mother but I was too ashamed of telling her the whole thing. After having done some research I now know that apparantly, my mind is using violent fantasies to cope because it doesn’t know how to handle distress and intense negative feelings overall.
Now, of course I want to get this problem treated as soon as possible. I’ve tried in the past (i.e. last year) but my therapist was - despite being nice - still very young and seemingly unprepared/unsure/insecure and paired by the fact that I didn’t want to have a group appointment discussing my feelings and behaviour with my parents immidiately, she basically told me that she couldn’t treat me because I “didn’t cooperate” and “didn’t suffer enough” from this germaphobia. Oh well. She didn’t say it in a mean way, but I was a quite disappointed for sure. Then the pandemic started and I had to stop therapy all together anyway. Since my chronic illness is causing the virus to be extremely dangerous to me, I haven’t been able to start a therapy yet, but I’ve been searching for good therapists and reading about my symptoms, hoping that the pandemic will eventually come to an end and I’ll get a good vaccine soon. I’ve tried to stop or tone my behaviour down a few times over the years but I always end up falling back after a while, despite it somehow working. To be honest, I’m very scared of a full therapy but I know that without therapy, this phobia will keep dragging me down. Even if my family thinks that it’s “not so bad” and “just a phase”.
Stuff like this is also why I hearing rumors that Adam Driver might have anxiety comforted me in a weird way. Of course I want him to be well, but thinking that this guy whom I love for his performance as Kylo Ren, a famous Hollywood actor, is a normal dude who might have seemingly “dumb” symptoms of mental health issues as well which are making his life more difficult - just like mine - is kinda comforting. Like I’m not alone with this. You know what I mean?
I’m sharing this story because I wanna know if there are people with similar feelings and/or experiences to connect with them and to spread some awareness. Maybe some of you know coping mechanisms or first steps for a sort of self-therapy? If I’m able to help just one other person with sharing this, that they are not alone or that others have weird mental health problems too, it would already be awesome enough.
Thanks for taking the time to read about my experiences!
I love y’all!
Shiny over and out
(Btw sorry for mistakes - I’m German and it’s already 3 a.m. and writing this made me cry at times since this is a very difficult topic for me. But I had to get this off my chest so badly)
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Can I confess something?? I FUCKING HATED V’S ROUTE SO BAD. It was fucking maddening. I never once actually felt close to him, it was just so full of he and Rika both saying weird pretentious pseudo-poetic metaphors and bullshit about the sun and devils or whatever and then both acting like this absolutely batshit insane Mint Eye stuff was somehow inevitable and not... well... absolutely batshit insane??? Lmfao the whole time I was just pulling my hair out and screaming and missing Saeran 😅😬
Holy shit this is the moment I’ve been waiting for, to rant about V’s route!
First of all, if y’all like V, that’s cool, this is just my (and the anons) opinion
Now for V route (SPOILERS for V route and After Ending btw)
Holy fuck
Like you said I NEVER felt a conection to him, maybe until he got, uh, I don’t know, FUCKING STABBED?! I mean story wise his route is amazing (not as much as Saeran tho lmao but I don’t want to rant that much)
But for me, V is just not my type of guy, and like I said before, since we’ve gotten to be so close to the choi twins, I can’t really find it in myself to sort of forgive him for what he did. Or for not telling the RFA which is one of the reasons I was kinda meh about him!
I get the whole ‘blaming myself’ thing, he SHOULD, but he’s not doing it the right way! I mean, dude, you have a friend that is a freaking billionaire and that understands you more than anyone, he’s known you since you were like 5, PLEASE ask him for help!
And I believe V doesn’t want to get help because he doesn’t want the RFA to know what he did, but he still wants to punish himself in a way, and honey, that’s not the way to go, seriously.
The weird thing is, for me, even when I did the other character routes of people who weren’t my favorite and stuff, I could STILL maybe ‘fall’ in love with them.
For example at first I was super squeamish about Yoosung’s route, and I thought I wouldn’t like it at all, but when it came down to it, I found myself actually caring for the guy and going AWWW at some points
With V I don’t remeber ever going awww LMAOO
I think that V’s route is great story wise, like I said, honestly it’s fucking amazing, and I guess everyone there gets a happy ending. And the whole thing of waiting two years and whatever is actually really good in my opinion, since everyone in the game needs fucking therapy lmao.
But in V’a judge and forgive...let’s see...
First! I would not forgive Rika. I mean I think she’s a great character, but I don’t approve of what she did. I still really like how the writers made her tho, like seriously her motivation and everything makes SO much sense. Do I like Rika? Yes, as a character. Does that mean I like what she did? Nope.
Even though she’s a great character, I would NEVER forgive her, but I hated that the whole judge ending we had to be like FUCK RIKA BITCH (I get it, judge, but you don’t have to be a whiny bitch to judge someone? Woah wait was that too mean? I’m sorry lmao I mean, in the end MC is being a sort of a whiny little brat!)
I mean for us to judge her I don’t think we have to roast the shit out of her everytime we’re on the chatroom lmao, it seriously seemed super weird to me that the MC would be so OBSESSED with insulting Rika, like we get it, she was bad, but don’t be like Yoosung and keep insulting V everytime it comes up because it gets sort of annoying.
The other thing that I felt was what hurt me the most, in a way, was the choi twin’s story. The whole time I wanted to go over to Saeyoung and kiss him, tell him that I cared that everyone cared, to be there for him. In his route Saeyoung learns that he actually does matter, and seeing him like that without the support of someone who actually makes him feel safe and stuff, it just hurts me.
And in the forgive ending in the end, when the choi twins reunite they MOVE TO NEPAL OR SOMETHING?!
It was the point that made me cry, and I don’t easily cry, because it hurt me that I couldn’t see their relationship grow, or them grow as a person, and I couldn’t help them.
And I just fucking love the two of them SO fucking much, it seriously hurt.
Honestly for me the route I like the most rn is Saeran’s.
At first it was Saeyoung’s, but ever since I did Jumin’s route and learned more about him, Saeyoung’s route always hurts me because Jumin is suffering SO much, and there’s no one there to comfort him. And I honestly feel that at one point Jumin will seriously break and say fuck it, and with V and Rika gone, and with no one’s support, I feel like he would definitely...well...do something to hurt himself.
I love Saeran’s route because well, first the whole Suit!Saeran/Ray persona. I don’t know much about MPD, which is what I believe he has, so I don’t know if they handled it the best way but I seriously actually liked it so much.
And in the end, let’s say we find Saeyoung, we get V out of the fucking mess he made, and Mint Eye just stops. Everyone ends up happy!
Yoosung learns the truth, Jumin still has V, so he is actually more emotionally stable, the choi twins reunite, Jaehee probs gets more breaks because Jumin now has some emotional support, and Zen may become a super big hit since he helped with the whole prime minister stuff!
And all those reasons above are why I also don’t really like Saeran’s Normal End.
But anyway that was so fucking long, I apologize, I’ll stop rambling now 😅
If you have anything else to add feel free to do so! And like always, I hope you have a great day!
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camillemontespan · 4 years
her one constant [part seven: book & whiskey club] [drake the bodyguard AU]
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Master List
@ibldw-main​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @katedrakeohd​ @moonlightgem7​ @pug-bitch​ @princessleac1​ @burnsoslow​ @notoriouscs​ @dcbbw​ @saivilo​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @sirbeepsalot​ @gardeningourmet​ @emichelle​​
Warnings: Violence
A/N: I wrote something very different for this but deleted half because it didn’t work. To be honest, I was trying to keep to TRR canon and thought I would include the random camera taking Camille’s picture, as happens in the book. But you know what? I wrote the scene then deleted it because it jarred with this entire chapter. I realised that some of the canon is actually ridiculous and doesn’t work.  No wonder I prefer AUs. Or just fanfic in general. 
BTW, you were all very perceptive after the last chapter saying that Tariq getting into her room would break Drake. It makes sense he would feel guilt, doesn’t it? So, be prepared for angst and a lot of guilty feelings from Drake.  *****************************************
All Drake could feel was sheer blind rage and guilt. His fists kept pummeling this man in the face, unable to stop. He was holding him down on the floor now, punching and punching him, not holding back; not wanting to hold back. Drake wanted blood. 
The man screamed for him to stop and punched him in the ribs, making Drake wince, but it wasn’t painful enough for him to stop kicking the shit of this guy. He kept swinging his fist and he heard a bone crack. The man beneath him punched Drake in the ribs again, this time, hard.
Camille screamed in horror at the scene unfolding in front of her eyes.  As Drake continued to attack the man, thoughts started to flood his mind like a swarm of wasps, stinging him with accusations.
Because of you, Camille has an intruder. You didn’t do your job properly and god knows what was going to happen if she hadn’t screamed. What if she had been silenced? What would have happened then? You’ve let her down. 
‘Drake, stop!’ 
Drake stopped punching the man at the sound of Camille’s voice that broke through the wasp nest of his mind. His breath was ragged and his chest was heaving from the exertion. The man was staring up at him, his eyes black and blue, his lip burst and he was whimpering like a coward.
Drake let go of his collar and stepped back, staggering on his feet. The man lay in a heap on the floor, unable to stop staring at Drake with terrified eyes. He raised his hands. ‘I’m sorry,’ he rasped. ‘I thought this was my room-’
‘Get the fuck out,’ Drake growled. 
The man didn’t need telling twice. He pulled himself to his feet and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 
Camille stood in the corner with her arms wrapped around her body. She was looking at Drake in a way she never had before; as if he was a different person. 
He was a different person right now.  Drake knew that. 
Drake let out a breath that sounded like he was choking. Camille stared at him with wide, frightened eyes. ‘Drake?’ she croaked.
He slumped down on the edge of the bed and held his head in his hands, looking down at the floor as he tried to calm down. He was breathing heavily. He heard Camille rush over the carpet towards him; she sank down to her knees and he felt her hands pry at his, trying her best to see his face. Drake allowed her to glimpse him but only just. He didn’t want her to see the tears forming in his eyes.
‘Drake?’ she asked again. ‘Talk to me.’
Camille watched in horror as Drake’s shoulders started to heave. He let out a strangled sob, breaking Camille’s heart into a million pieces. 
‘I failed you,’ he croaked. ‘I’m so fucking sorry.’
‘Oh Drake, you haven’t!’ she whispered, throwing her arms around him. Drake nestled his face into her neck, hot tears rolling down his cheeks as he let her hold him. 
Thank God she was here to hold him.
Thank God she was safe. 
They sat down on the edge of the bed, both feeling numb. 
‘How did he get in here? Tell me every single detail.’’ Drake said, putting his Bodyguard coat on. 
‘He just let himself in..’ Camille said quietly. Drake’s head whipped around to face her as alarm bells rang in his head. He could only listen to her as she told him what happened; how this random man had gotten into her room, how he had been all over her, tried to kiss her. The fact that Camille had been getting changed into her pyjamas - but had been interrupted when the door opened- was why she had been found in her underwear. 
Horror and guilt mixed into a sour cocktail in the pit of Drake’s stomach when Camille finished telling him the story. 
He quickly got to his feet and stormed to the door, checking the lock - or lack of one.
His face turned ashen. ‘That because there’s no lock in this door,’ he said, his voice remote. ‘But my bedroom has one and I’m sure all the others do too. So why not yours?’
Camille was on her feet instantly, rushing to check the door too. ‘Oh god.. Oh god, I don’t like this-’
Her hand instinctively reached out for his as she examined the door. Drake clasped her hand, not caring that it was unprofessional. If anything, he needed something to hold onto too. 
Because of you, this happened. 
‘I’m so fucking sorry,’ he whispered. ‘This is all my fault. I should have checked the door, I should have checked every fucking thing in this room. My one job and I failed spectacularly at it. God, Camille, after all the shit you went through with your previous bodyguard, I have been determined to restore your confidence. I want you to be able to sleep easy at night and I’ve failed-’
Camille shook her head furiously as tears welled up in her eyes. ‘No,’ she choked out. ‘You haven’t failed. You have done so much to help with my confidence and safety. You really look after me-’
‘But it wasn’t enough!’ Drake burst out, throwing his hands in the air. ‘Camille, I won’t blame you if you fire me. Actually, yeah, go ahead. Fire me. There will be a better bodyguard out there who wouldn’t have been careless enough to put you in this position. I thought I could be that person for you but I’m not, I’m really not. I was careless like fucking Mara.’
He broke off and let out a choked breath. Camille clenched her fists; her lower lip was trembling. ‘You are that person for me,’ she said. ‘You are the best bodyguard in Cordonia. You’ve won awards for your service. But, more than that, you are my friend and confidante. You know me more than anyone else in the world actually.’
Drake opened his mouth to protest but Camille bulldozed through. 
‘You are never careless. You take your job so seriously, it’s insane. I would actually call you a workaholic. You double check every room I stay in, you keep me shielded from paparazzi, you defend me from weird men who find their way into my bedroom! You are incredible and if it wasn’t for you, who knows what would have happened tonight? Sure, the guy acted innocent at the end but he may just be a good liar. The fact is, you rescued me. So don’t you dare say you’re careless or that you failed me, Drake. You never fail me. You look out for me in more ways than one and I’m not letting you go because you didn’t check a fucking door, okay?!’
She broke down into heavy sobs, unable to hold herself together. 
Unable to watch her break down in front of him, Drake pulled Camille into him and held her close, his hand wrapping around the back of her head as he soothed her. Camille held onto him and cried again, her body shaking.  Drake rested his chin on top of her head, trying to keep himself together too. 
Camille was more emotional than he was. Even though Drake felt things, like a deep overwhelming protectiveness and love for her, he didn’t feel much about other people or things. Before he met Camille, he had been an emotionless void. He had to be due to his job; if he got attached to anyone he protected, he would never get anything done. But Camille had changed that for him. When he was with her, he showed a side of himself that he never shared with anyone. 
He took a deep breath. ‘I’d never be able to live with myself if something happened to you,’ he murmured. He looked into her eyes to gauge her reaction. God, they were beautiful eyes. 
‘I feel the same about you,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t get yourself hurt because of me. You.. you mean too much.’ She broke off before speaking again, clearing her throat. She had stopped crying.  ‘Did my intruder get you?’
Drake winced. ‘My ribs. Kinda hurt but it’s okay, I’ll survive.’
Camille’s eyes narrowed. ‘Drake..’
‘I’m fine,’ he said quickly. He could see that Camille didn’t believe him. Sighing, he stood up and raised his shirt to show the bruise developing on his ribs. It was dark with yellow edges; an ugly bruise that shouldn’t have been easy to make. 
Camille clapped her hand to her mouth in shock. ‘You need ice!’
‘I’m fine,’ Drake protested. ‘Honestly, I’m okay.’
‘Shut up and let me look after you,’ Camille said fiercely. ‘You got hurt by protecting me, this is the least I can do. Sit on the bed.’
Drake hid a smile as he sat down on the edge of the bed. ‘I like bossy Camille,’ he said wryly. ‘She’s feisty.’
Camille rolled her eyes as she scooped up some ice from the ice bucket and wrapped a cloth around it. Kneeling, she settled in front of Drake and placed the ice on the bruise. Drake let out a hiss as the cold flooded the bruise but when Camille pressed her warm fingers on the surrounding skin, Drake felt warmth flood his veins instead.
‘If your mother knew the scrapes you’d been getting into.. ' Camille sighed mockingly, ‘she would not be happy.’
Drake chuckled. 'How about I give you her number and you can tell her all about it?' 
'I'd actually love that,' Camille said, smiling. 'Me and Mrs Walker gossiping about you.'
'Her name's Bianca,' Drake said softly. 
Camille grinned at this new information. 'Bianca. She sounds awesome.'
Drake watched as Camille pressed the ice a little harder against the bruise but he didn't feel pain. Instead, he felt the irony that it was Camille looking after him now. When had their roles reversed? Why was she now in this position? She shouldn’t have to be looking after him.  She was the Duchess of Valtoria. 
But Drake knew that he was dealing with Camille Montespan and she and the Duchess of Valtoria were two very different people. 
Drake was still quiet after she had fixed him up. Camille poured him a glass of whiskey in a bid to calm him down. ‘What will make you feel better?’ she asked. ‘Please, tell me. I’m alright. I’m safe.’
Drake bit his lip before answering. 
'Tell me about your book.' 
Camille blinked in surprise at Drake's request. They were lounging on her bed, heads propped up against the pillows. Camille's book, The Beautiful and Damned, was on her bedside table. 
'I thought you didn't like my books,' she said. 
'I've changed my mind. I thought we could start a Book and Whiskey Club.’
He said it half jokingly but Camille pounced on the idea. ‘Yes!’ she cried. ‘You’re a genius! Wait, let me pour a glass of whiskey.’ 
Drake watched her as she poured herself a glass and picked up the book.  Her eyes were alight and she pulled her knees up to her chest as she faced him. 
'Okay, so Anthony Patch meets this girl, Gloria Gilbert, and they fall head over heels in love,' she explained excitedly. 'They have all these grand plans for a future together but as this is set during the Jazz Age, things don't go as planned!' 
Drake raised an eyebrow. 'Like what?' 
'Debauchery,' Camille whispered. 'Hedonism! Guilty pleasures!' 
Drake sipped his whiskey and listened as Camille read him her favourite lines in between drinking. 
'They were stars on this stage, each playing to an audience of two,' she recited, her voice like caramel. 
Drake smiled. 'Very intriguing,' he commented. 
Camille snuggled into the pillow, hooking her legs over Drake's so they became entwined. She held the whiskey glass casually in her hand and propped the book up against her knees. She looked content. 
Drake pushed down the feeling that this was unprofessional. Right now, he didn't care. He wanted this night with her. He wanted to listen to her read to him while they drank whiskey, like he had thought about earlier, and he wanted to feel her warm body against his and feel the love he wished he could express out loud. 
'She was dazzling-- alight,' Camille read. 'It was agony to comprehend her beauty in a glance.' 
Drake gazed at her as she continued to read aloud, her voice smooth and low. The lampshade cast a glow against her profile, lighting up her brown and golden eyes. 
Camille was dazzling to him. She may as well have been reading about herself. 
Drake knew he wasn't going back to his room tonight. He refused to leave Camille alone in this bedroom without a lock. 
He was planning to sleep on the armchair but as time went on and Camille's eyes began to drift, Drake settled for sleeping beside her. When he heard her snore lightly with the book still in her hand, Drake smiled and took the book away from her gently, careful not to wake her. 
Drake settled down and turned off the bedside light. He closed his eyes, trying to calm the anxiety in his mind. But the wasp nest was swarming. 
She can't be alone tonight. She won't be safe. Because of you, she was put in harm’s way. You’re lucky she’s the forgiving type. She could have fired you right then and there. 
Camille rolled over, slinging her arm across his broad chest as she snuggled into him. She was snoring softly. 
Drake loved that she snored. He loved that she liked old books. He loved that she teased him about his mom. He loved that she was so unlike any other person he had ever met. 
As Drake listened to her snore, he had another thought. 
Give yourself this one night and then you can be normal tomorrow. 
He knew they had both agreed to be normal after their dance. Drake had a feeling that this agreement would be repeated every day if they continued to spend time together like this. 
Be normal. Be normal. 
They had been determined to act like the Bodyguard and the Duchess. Two stars on the stage, playing to an audience of two. 
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theyoontomyjin · 4 years
Is This Fate? - 2
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Pairing: Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook
Summary: There is a God roaming Jeon Jungkook's college campus - a God with bleach blond hair, sweater paws, and the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. He'll get the courage to speak to him soon, he swears, and then he'll build a temple and worship this man's ass until the end of his days.
There is a wrong number on Jeon Jungkook's phone - a number belonging to someone named Diminie who is funny and kind, someone that gets him, someone that he can't stop thinking about.
sorry if this is actually really weird but
i just had a horrible date and when I was wondering if love is a lie I remembered you
your story was so cute and I know it’s been a couple days but any progress???
If by progress you mean have I seen God again yes
he was wearing a big blue sweater that nearly hit his knees and all I could think about was that he’s so smol I bet all my clothes would fit him like that
so u like small guys then
I guess? I never really thought about types
why was your date horrible
that would be because my friend tae tae is an asshole
i love him but he keeps setting me up on blind dates
and im pretty sure they are all his rejects
but he says they are “nice” and he wants to help me “find the one”
I don’t think the one is going to be a 45 year old lawyer that keeps hinting that his office is really close to the cafe and i can see the tan line where his wedding ring usually is
that’s why i plan to live vicariously through you
Im going to help you get ya man and remind myself that love is not a myth
you’re going to be disappointed then because im a lost cause
I can’t even say hi to this guy
he actually started walking down the hallway i was in today and i turned and hid in the bathroom for twenty minutes
u mock my pain
r u sure you’re not Yoongi hyung
Although i swear i've heard that name
he's pretty popular here on campus somehow
I've always thought he was so antisocial
But another friend of his pops up every week
I’m starting to think he pays them
So you’re all in college then too?
Where do you go?
Why? So you can find me and steal everything i have
Jokes on you i don’t have anything
Except a wall of ramen cups and my switch
Pls dont take my switch
I have my own dummy
No just asking because i go to Konkuk
oh shit me too
what's your major?
dance education
i want to be a choreographer
film video and photographic arts is the official title
I like being behind a camera i guess
Haven't figured out what i'm going to do with it yet
u still have time to figure it out im sure
What year
Yeah, you have plenty of time
I’m a sophomore this year and they are only just now starting to crack down on core classes and stuff
Kinda weird that of all the wrong numbers it’s actually someone this close
But i guess your number is only one off from my friends so maybe not that weird
and lucky for you i’m not a creep that will use this information for anything insane
So you say
thanks for the distraction btw
You probably weren’t expecting either of us to text again
but all of my friends are too nosy and “helpful” to talk to about the date
i understand
If i tell my friends anything they take it on themselves to solve it for me
Because they think im five and cant solve my own shit
Well to be fair to them your solution is to hide in the bathroom
That was once
Maybe twice
Just kidding
I understand tho
Tae Tae keeps throwing these guys at me like i can’t be happy unless im dating
Which im lonely and stuff sometimes since my friends are all off with their boyfriends all the time
But i think drowning me in bad dates is making it worse
And you can’t tell him that?
I could but he’d probably start crying and blame himself for make me sad
he’s just trying to help, i know
This is getting sad
tell me about your man
there’s nothing to tell
I'm a coward that is going to die alone
I have a test that i need to study for but ill leave you with a challenge
Say one sentence to him
u don’t have to say anything about liking him or use a pick up line
It could even just be you saying hello then running away
Realistically that’s most likely what would happen
Good luck on your test
Thanks! Let me know when you speak to him! I'm so curious!!!
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strawbewiminki · 4 years
Roommates for life
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Characters: Mingi x Y/N
Support: Yeoju x Yunho
Word Count: 2,226
A/N: Short story,, please show some love. dont’t mind the picture above, i can’t see blue haired Yunho together with Mingi.
Chapter 1
“Y/N, have you seen that guy? That tall guy with bluish hair?” – Yeoju, my best friend, asked with a wide smile on her face
“What? Who?” I asked, I was busy looking for my pen. We were in line at registration office for 2nd year curriculum.
“That guy” He pointed at the guy who looks like an idol, tall, with white complexion and yes has bluish hair. Yeoju’s eyes are sparkling.
“Oh, I don’t know him, do you know him?” looking at him while he was walking towards the guy that I’ve been liking for the past year. Song Mingi, my blockmate never in my life that I talked to him, he looks intimidating because of his eyes but he’s a soft boi I know it deep in my heart.
“Yes, I know him, he is Jeong Yunho my future boyfriend, he’s bestfriend is your boyfriend in the making” Yeoju smirked and laughed carelessly which resulted that those guys been looking at us.
“Yah! Yeoju-ah, keep your tone down, look! Those guys looking are at us whispering” as I whispered to Yeoju, Mingi’s been looking at me like I’ve killed a person.
 It’s our turn to register to the registration office, we are in window 1 and Mingi and Yunho are in Window 2.
 “Miss Y/N, please write your details here, give it back to me asap” Ms. Registration In charge
“Okay, Miss. Thank you” I am urgently looking for my pen, because the line is getting longer, Yeoju keep on poking me and handed me a pen when I was about to say something, someone spoke:
“Just give it back to me at class” OMG??? Is that M-m-mingi?!! I was dumbfounded and so is Yeoju, we look like someone stolen something from us,, yes our hearts. Just when I was about to say something they walked away and Yunho, smiled at Yeoju.
 Yeoju keep screaming “Y/N! Y/N! Did you saw that? Yunho, oh my god, Yunho smiled at me!!! Today’s going to be a great day!” Yes, it was going to be a great day. I am keeping myself to scream, I’m so happy, that I wanted to call my eomma.
 We were on our way to our classes, take note we we’re smiling from ear to ear, Yeoju’s been jumping and greeting everyone a good morning even though she doesn’t know them. We were looking for our class, new semester, new subjects and new classmates. I am wondering if Mingi and I will be blockmates again. I stopped walking when I realized something.
 “Y/N why did you stopped, are you hungry? Yeoju asked.
“I just realized, Yeoju-yah do you think Mingi recognized me?”
“OMO, he recognized you for sure! Your future boyfriend finally notices you” I’m so happy I wanna cry.
“Yeoju-yah, please hold me, my legs are shaking” She holds me as we arrived to our designated room.
We find a seat near the exit, there’s two vacant seats next to us so we put our bags there so we could sit comfortably, we were writing our details for a subject requirements when someone talked to Yeoju.
 “Hi, is this seat’s taken?” some guy spoke to Yeoju
“Uhmm no, you can have it.” Without looking at them, Yeoju continued to write.
“Yeoju, please lend me your red pen, I forgot to brought my pencil case” someone sit beside me.
“Yeoju, why’d you change your seats, go back to your sit?” no response
“Yeoju-yahhhh” then I look to my left side      
seat -->      I   -  I YJ  I Me I   -   I   exit door  I
“Yeo—Mingi-ssi???!!!!” I was so shocked, I looked to my right, and Yeoju is busy talking to Yunho. That bitch!!!!
“Uhhmm, Hi. Sorry. I didn’t notice you, I thought it was Yeoju” I was nervous. My heart’s about to escape.
“No problem.” Mingi answered.
 “Okay class, I’m professor Kang, this is your first day right? Since you barely know your seatmates take a good look on their beautiful faces, because you’ll be seating with them the entire sem” W-WHAT??? IS THIS FOR REALS???
“What?” classmate#1
“Awwwww” classmate#2
“Okay” classmate#3
Then here’s Yeoju’s response “Thank you, Professor. I love you!”
 The prof chuckled and answered “Looks like you liked where you sit, huh?” he asked to Yeoju.
Yeoju just realized the situation then look at Yunho’s reaction, when he saw Yunho’s smiling, she began to smile from ear to ear.
 “Yeoju, you really are thicked-face, I can’t believe you.” Yeoju just smiled. A smile that will haunt your dreams at night.
“Well, that’s how love works, you know” she points to Mingi using his lips, and I turned to my left to see what he was doing. When I turned, I saw his face so close to mine. Is he looking at me this close?
 Mingi spoke, breaking the ice “Uhm, s-sorry. I was just asking for my pen. If you’re already done using it”
“Ah ah-yes, thank you for lending it to me earlier” I was nervous to death and shy at the same time.
Professor spoke “Students, have you already know your seatmates’ name? Your seatmate will be your group partner for weekly activity, and you’ll be forming groups by four, you decide who will be your group mates. This subject is knowing yourself, so be prepared”
 Yunho spoke “So I guess, the four of us will be group mates?” Yeoju, smiled as expected.
“Yes, I guess so. Is it okay to you Mingi-ssi and Y/N?” Yeoju asked
“Uhmm, I’m okay with it” I answered.
“I’m good with it” Mingi answered, too.
“Great, can we exchange numbers for future purposes?” Yeoju asked. WHAT A THICKED FACE (WHAT A NICE FRIEND)
“Here’s mine Yeoju-ssi 010-1683-xxxx” Yunho willingly gave his number.
“How about you Mingi-ssi?” Yeoju asked enthusiastically. WHO WOULDN”T BE HE HAS HIS CRUSH’S NUMBER???? She looks like she could conquer every problems that will come to her way.
“Here 010-1684-xxxx” Mingi answered, Yeoju saved their numbers to her phone. I pretended that I didn’t see Mingi’s number so I just shrugged.
“Y/N aren’t you going to save their numbers?” Yeoju asked innocently.
“Ahh, I will. Wait let me take my phone” I start to copy Yunho and Mingi’s number and when I finished saving them, Mingi spoke.
“Call me.” Mingi said. I was dumbfounded, so as Yunho and Yeoju.
“Huh? Pardon?” o.O
“Call me now, so I could save your number” IS THE GATE OF HEAVENS OPENING?
“Uhhm—okay” what was that???
**dialing Seatmate Mingi-ssi**
Mingi peeked at my phone “Seatmate Mingi-ssi?”
“Huh?” confused me
“I got your number Y/N-ssi” Mingi answered.
I am dumbfounded, my soul has left my body. Yeoju has been poking my cheeks. I AM HAPPY!!!!!
 “Sir, can you please explain how we can decide to group ourselves into two?” some girl at class spoke
“tf isn’t that’s too easy?” -  Yeoju mumbled, but duh she is right. It’s easy.
“For example….” Prof looking at us
“You, Mr. Tall boy sitting next to exit, please stand up” prof asked Mingi to stand up. So Mingi, stood up.
“Who do you think your partner is?” Prof asked. So we are looking at him. God, my neck is aching this boy sure is tall.
“This girl, Y/N-ssi” points at me
“Miss Y/N-ssi please stand up, why do you think Mingi-ssi picked you as his partner?” my confused self, answered.
“Because Mingi like her” Yunho whispered to Yeoju, those two scumbag laughed like I didn’t heard anything
“Because I sat beside him?” I answered
“Yes, you are right. You two may seat down” Prof answered. Before he proceed to explain our groupings. He said something that made Yeoju scream like a murderer.
“By the way Ms.Y/N and Mr. Mingi, you sure don’t know each other? You look so good together.” Professor smiled.
“Yass!!!!” Yeoju screamed, Yunho laugh like there’s no tomorrow. Me and Mingi? WE ARE SHOCKED WE CAN’T LOOK AT EACH OTHER.
 “Okay that’s it for today, guys. See you next class”
“Bye, Sir Kang” We bid our good bye to our prof.
“Bye, Y/N and Yeoju-yah. See you next class” Yunho said. This guy is so good looking.
“Annyeong, Yunho-yah. See you! Bye bye Mingi-ssi” Yeoju said, this girl sure is a flirt. Lol I also bid my good bye to Yunho-ssi..and Mingi
“See you next class, Mingi-ssi. Thank you again for lending me your pen”
“No problem, see you too, Y/N-ssi. Yunho-yah let’s go, stop flirting.” Yunho was startled and stopped talking to Yeoju. Wow they are that close already?
 “Y/N, aren’t we so lucky today? Our crushes talked to us, is our classmates, our seatmates and most importantly we have their numbers. Aren’t we God’s favorite child?” YES GOD REALLY LOVES US FOR BLESSING US TODAY!!!
“Yes Yeoju-yah! I’ve been keeping myself from screaming. I am so happy, Mingi-ah my long time crush finally notices me.” I wanna cry.
“Girl, are you crying?” Yeoju asked while we are walking outside campus
“Huh? No. Btw, Yeoju what was that earlier?”
“What did I do?” Yeoju asked
“You yelled ‘Yass’ what were you thinking, are you insane?” Yeoju burst out laughing, her water spilled because of her demonic smile
“What? I’m just happy that our Prof has good eyes for seeing the best couple next to Yun-Ju” Yeoju proudly announce their love team.
“Whatever, Mingi-ssi doesn’t like me, so quit it. Let’s go pack our things; we have to find room to rent.” Yeoju fought with our landlord because one of her son flirted with her and when she rejected him he got mad, then he tell his mother crazy things that we are bringing boys to our dorm so we got kicked out. DUH how is that even possible??
 So while walking, we saw an advertisement posted on the bus shed.
“Yeoju-yah look, someone is looking for Roommates. Wanted 2 Roommates, preferably studying at Now University please call 010-1685-xxxx for more inquiries” wow this is amazing, God is really great, his blessings are coming to us non-stop.
“Call them now, we need to found a place as soon as possible, and I hope that room is affordable too”
“Okay, I’m going to call them now”
**dialing 010-1685-xxxx*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*finally picks up*
*woman answered*
 “Hi, good afternoon. We saw your advertisement regarding the room for rent, is it still available?”
“Hi yes, it is still available, are you studying at N.U?” ahjumma asked
“Yes, we are 2nd year college students” I answered, I heard ahjumma chuckled. Did she say “thank goodness?”
“Okay, I’ll text you the address. I’ll expect you anytime soon. Thank you”
“Yes, thank you too.” Ends call.
 “Yeoju, ahjumma texted the address let’s go there now.”
“Okay. Gajaaaa!” Yeoju-yah exclaimed she sure is happy.
 *clicks doorbell*
*woman with primitive eyes opened the door*
 “Annyeong, are you the lady who called earlier?” ahjumma asked, she is beautiful, she remind me of someone. She looked at me shocked for a second.
“Ah yes, I’m Y/N, 2nd year college from Now University”
“Hi imu, my name’s Yeoju, Kim Yeoju.”
“I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Song Hae Won, I’m the owner, but the room isn’t here, it resides near your school. I just wanted to meet you both, well, when do you want to move there?”
“ASAP, imu” Yeoju answered.
Ahjumma chuckled “Okay, here’s the key. You can move today or tomorrow I’ll just inform my two tenants there, don’t worry those 2 are good people.” This imu is so good; imagine she already gave the keys without talking about the payment first. And take note, she said we can pay her by the end of the semester.
 “Thank you so much, imu. We’ll visit you some time.” Yeoju said
“Thank you ahjumma, you are so kind, can you please adopt us?” Ahjumma laughs, swear she resemble someone I know, I just can’t remember who.
“Y/N and Yeoju-yah can you please call me, eomma or imu, I’ve always wanted to have a daughter.” Imu said.
“Yes, we can Haewon eomma!” Yeoju and I shouted.
 After talking with each other and eating some cookies Haewon eomma baked, we headed to our old dorm to get our stuff so we could move in with the new house.
 After packing we decided to move out of that hell of a room, and it’s already 8pm we need to hurry up so we wouldn’t disturb our roommates when we get there. We’re very excited.
 “Yeoju, don’t you think Haewon eomma resembles someone?” I asked because I can’t move on, my mind’s keep thinking who it was
“Y/N, yah I know, I just can’t say his name” yeoju-yah answered,, we kept thinking until we realized that we arrived at the house.
 Yeoju ring the doorbell when I screamed.
“Yeoju-ah! I know who resembles eomma!” the door slowly opens
“It’s Mingi-ssi!” Yeoju shouted, she is facing the door while I was facing at her sidewards.
“Yes! Haewon eomma, resembles Mingi-ssi” I happily shouted because they really resembles each other
“No, Y/N. It’s Mingi, look” Yeoju points at the man who opened the door.
 Mingi is our roommate? Someone slap me hard please. Is this real???
To be continued...
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espejonight28738 · 5 years
The Destiel Story (A Playlist)
Merry Christmas! Here’s my gift to y'all. I made a chronological playlist of destiel, and I’ll explain each song on by one. Or if you aren’t interested in reading that much (3) HERE you have the spotify playlist :)
Tagging: @verobatto-angelxhunter @agusvedder @legendary-destiel Happpy Holidays :3
04×01/04×06 Infra-red -Three Days Grace Just getting to know each other
Everyone’s living in black and white We see each other in a different light That’s why I look at you like I do Like nobody else is even in the room [...] In Infra-red The heat and the light and the way you move Like nobody else is in the room If you fall into me, I fall into you I see you, I see you
04×07/04×20 You Found Me - The Fray In 04×07 we have the whole “I’ll tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul”, so trust begins to flourish here.
Lost and insecure You found me, you found me Lying on the floor Surrounded, surrounded Why’d you have to wait? Where were you, where were you? Just a little late You found me, you found me
04×21/ 05×03 - Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab You know, rebel against heaven and everything you ever believed for a friend. It’s casual.
They say before you start a war You better know what you’re fighting for Well baby, you are all that I adore If love is what you need, a soldier I will be I’m an angel with a shotgun Fighting til’ the wars won I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back I’ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe Don’t you know you’re everything I have? And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight
04×05 - Stoned on You - James Young I was about to put Toxic, but I think that joke’s been made to many times already.
Girl, I get stoned on you Rubbing my bones on you (yeah) Nothing else burns like you do (no) Oh Lord, I get stoned on you, oh Stoned!
05×05/22×05 - Dangerous Night - Imagine Dragons Does it happen to y'all that you are trying to stop The Apocalypse, but you keep having gay thoughts about your angel? Annoying, I know
What a dangerous night to fall in love Don’t know why we still hide what we’ve become (oh, oh) Do you wanna cross the line? We’re runnin’ out of time A dangerous night to fall in love Started a stranger, a love endangered The edge of a night The face of an angel, the heart of a ghost Was it a dream?
Time Skip bewtwen s5/s6 Dare I Say - Alexander Rybak If only Cas had kept contact with Dean, I would be able to use Lips Of An Angel, but no, he had to go all MIA. But this song’s still good so. Cas POV, btw.
She doesn’t know that I’m thinking of her […] She makes me glad just by being alright Though I would wish that just for one night She would come back and again we’ll be friends Like those times where love never ends […] You said you love him the last time we met Please tell your boyfriend that I’m not a threat I know the difference between right and wrong […] But dare I say you are amazing in every way? And would you mind if we woke up with each other each day? But then I remember that I’m just a guy And still I keep dreaming of you ‘cause that’s all I can do
06×01/06×19 I’m Not An Angel - Halestorm Cas POV again. S6 is so angsty istg I had like 300 possibles songs for each of the following parts. 
You saw all the signs, but you let it go You closed your eyes […] Hate being that wall That you hit when you feel that you gave it all I keep taking the blame When we both know that I’ll never change […] I wasn’t always this way I used to be the one with the halo But that disappeared when I had my first taste And fell from grace and left me in this place
06×20 Set Fire To The Rain - Adele You can’t have a descent playlist without Adele, amirite? Dean’s POV this time. Poor baby really felt betrayed. The Man Who Would be King is probably one of my faves episodes tbh.
But there’s a side to you That I never knew, never knew All the things you’d say They were never true, never true And the games you play You would always win, always win […] I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well, it felt something died 'Cause I knew that that was The last time, the last time Sometimes I wake up by the door, That heart you caught must be waiting for you Even now when we’re already over I can’t help myself from looking for you
06×21/06×22 Angels - Within Temptation I love this song so much and it’s so destiel in these episodes I swear I can’t for how much it fits. Dean’s POV
Sparkling Angel, I believed You were my saviour, in my time of need Blinded by faith, I couldn’t hear, All the whispers, the warnings so clear […] You took my heart, deceived me right from the start You showed me dreams, I wish they’d turn into real You broke the promise and made me realize It was all just a lie
07×01/ 07×02 - What Have You Done - Within Temptation  I don’t know whose POV, but this song is so perfect I can’t believe no one has thought of this before.
Would you mind I kill you? Would you mind if I tried to? Cause you have Turn into my worst enemy You carry hate that I don’t feel. It’s over now, what have you done? (What have you done now?) I, I’ve been waiting for someone like you But now you are slipping away (What have you done now?) Why, why does fate make us suffer? There’s a curse between us Between me and you
07×03/07×16 Incomplete - Backstreet Boys And in this Dean Grieving Cas Pt.1, we have a little bit of denial and a lot of heart-brokenness.
I tried to go on like I never knew you I’m awake, but my world if hald asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete […] I don’t mean to drag it on But I can’t seem to let you go I don’t want to make you face this world alone I want to let you go
07×17 Taking Over Me - Evanescence The Born Again Identity. Dean’s POV. No more comments.
You don’t remember me, but I remember you I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you But who can decide what they dream? And dream I do I believe in you I’ll give up everything just to find you I have to be with you to live to breathe You’re taking over me Have you forgotten all I know And all we had? You saw me mourning my love for you And touched my hand I knew you loved me then
07×18/07×22 Clarity - Zedd Is this a joke about Crazy!Cas? Maybe. But I think it’s mostly serious. Probably.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn’t need Chasing relentlessly Still fight and I don’t know why If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy If our love’s insanity why are you my clarity
Purgatory - A Thousand Years - Christina Perry The Purgatory storyline makes me so emotional I love it so much and now we are going back and- If they don’t solve their problems so I can add Halo to this playlist then what’s even the fucking point.
How to be brave? How can I love when I’m afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I’ll love you for a thousand more […] And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I’ll love you for a thousand more
08×01/08×07 The Night We Met - Lord Huron Dean trying to deal with his feelings about leaving Cas behind, and his really platonic hallucinations.
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don’t know what I’m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met
08×08/08×16 Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye Dean’s POV hurting because Cas is acting strange and doesn’t respond to his prayers even after all they lived together in Purgatory.
But you didn’t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing And I don’t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough No, you didn’t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records and then change your number I guess that I don’t need that though Now you’re just somebody that I used to know
08×17 Find my way back - Eric Arjes Cas finding his way to Dean even with Naomi’s brainwashing :D
On my way now Don’t give up on me And no one knows what What tomorrow brings These weary eyes will never rest Until they look in yours again […] There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do I’ll find my way back to you I’ll find my way back to you I’ll find my way back Into the dark to chase your heart No distance could ever tear us apart There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do I’ll find my way back to you
08×18/09×02 Hold On - Chord Overstreet Cas bailing on Dean -again-, and going AWOL -again-, and then saying he will close Heaven and probably die, or in the least never see each other again.
Loving and fighting Accusing, denying I can’t imagine a world with you gone The joy and the chaos, the demons we’re made of I’d be so lost if you left me alone […] I don’t wanna let go I know I’m not that strong I just wanna hear you Saying baby, let’s go home Let’s go home Yeah, I just wanna take you home Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you
09×03 To Good at Goodbyes - Sam Smith I won’t comment this chapter bc it still hurts me :) “You can’t stay”
I know you’re thinking I’m heartless I know you’re thinking I’m cold I’m just protecting my innocence I’m just protecting my soul […] But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry And every time you walk out, the less I love you Baby, we don’t stand a chance, it’s sad but it’s true I’m way to good at goodbyes
09×06 Do I Wanna Know - Artic Monkeys This is POV both of them kinda, I don’t know how to explain it, it just gives me the vibe. An alternative to this if you like music in spanish, is “Ex de verdad” from Ha-Ash. I think that one is much funnier for the situation, but I decided for english only :(
Do I wanna know If this feelin’ flows both ways? (Sad to see you go) Was sorta hopin’ that you’d stay (Baby, we both know) That the nights were mainly made For sayin’ things that you can’t say tomorrow day Crawlin’ back to you Ever thought of callin’ when You’ve had a few? 'Cause I always do Maybe I’m too Busy bein’ yours To fall for somebody new Now, I’ve thought it through Crawlin’ back to you
09×07/09×23 I Would Do Anything For Love - Meat Loaf “His true weakness is revealed. He’s in love. With Humanity.”
As long as the planets are turning As long as the stars are burning As long dreams are coming true You’d better believe it, that I would do Anything for love Oh I would do anything for love Oh I would do anything for love
10×01/ 10×03 My Demons - Starset This is completely serious. I swear.
Take me over the walls below Fly forever Don’t let me go I need a savior to heal my pain When I become my worst enemy The enemy […] Take me high and I’ll sing Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay) We are one in the same Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away) Save me if I become My demons
10×04 /10×22 No Rest -Dry the River A.K.A time for the angsty parallel Cain/Colette & Dean/Cas
Did you see the light in my heart? Did you see the sweat on my brow? Did you see the fear in my heart? Did you see me bleeding out? I loved you in the best I loved you in the best way possible I loved you in the best way possible I loved you in the best way possible I loved you in the best
10×23 /11×10 Next to Me - Imagine Dragons -I almost killed you bc of the Mark of Cain and then you almost killed me with Rowena’s spell but still here we are.
Oh, I always let you down You’re shattered on the ground But still I find you there Next to me And oh, stupid things I do I’m far from good, it’s true But still I find you Next to me
11×11/11×22 If You Only Knew - Shinedown *Violently pinning while Cas is being Lucifer’s vessel*
If you only knew How I refuse to let you go, Even when you’re gone I don’t regret any days I Spent, nights we shared, Or letters that I sent It’s 4:03 and I can’t sleep Without you next to me I Toss and turn like the sea If I drown tonight, bring me Back to life Breathe your breath in me The only thing that I still believe In is you, if you only knew […] You help me live and learn
11×23 I’ll Follow You Into The Dark - Gavin Mikhail “I could go with you” GOD do they make me cry
If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied And illuminate the no’s on their vacancy signs If there’s no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I’ll follow you into the dark
12×01 Arms - Christina Perry That hug so cute, my babies.
I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth And I’ve never opened up I’ve never truly loved 'till you put your arms around me And I believe that it’s easier for you to let me go […] You put your arms around me and I’m home
12×02/12×09 I Found - Amber Run *Pining bc Cas doesn’t pay attention to you because he is looking for Lucifer*
I’ll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind And I’ll use you as a focal point So I don’t lose sight of what I want And I’ve moved further than I thought I could But I missed you more than I thought I would And I’ll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind
12×10 Hot N Cold - Katy Perry I could have used a more serious one, but the best part of the episode is them bickering like an old married couple.
'Cause you’re hot then you’re cold You’re yes then you’re no You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down You’re wrong when it’s right It’s black and it’s white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up (You) You don’t really want to stay, no (You) But you don’t really want to go-o
12×11 - Losing your Memory - Ryan Star This is the episode where Dean gets witched into amnesia.
Call all your friends And tell them you’re never coming back Cause this is the end Pretend that you want it […] I would have died I would have loved you all my life You’re losing your memory now You’re losing your memory now You’re losing your memory now You’re losing your memory, now
12×12 In The Name of Love - Martin Garrix, Bebe Rexha “I love you.” *looks at Dean* “I love all of you" 
If I told you this was only gonna hurt If I warned you that the fire’s gonna burn Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first? Do it all in the name of love Would you let me lead you even when you’re blind? In the darkness, in the middle of the night In the silence, when there’s no one by your side Would you call in the name of love? In the name of love, name of love In the name of love, name of love
12×13/12×18- I Don’t Wanna Live Forever - ZAYN, Taylor Swift *Cas keeps going after Lucifer’s child instead of paying attention to Dean*
Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls, hoping you’d call It’s just a cruel existence like there’s no point hoping at all Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day Give me something, oh, but you say nothing What is happening to me? […] I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
12×19 Thank You - Led Zeppelin This song has absolutely no relation to the episode but I KNOW Dean put it in the mixtape in hopes that Cas would do 1+1 and understand his confession, but he didn’t. And you can pry that headcanon from my COLD DEAD FINGERS.
If the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you When mountains crumble to the sea There will still be you and me Little drops of rain whisper of the pain Tears of loves lost in the days gone by My love is strong, with you there is no wrong Together we shall go until we die My, my, my inspiration is what you are to me Inspiration look, see
12×23 Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne :)))) Do not think of Dean on his knees next to Cas’ body and the burned wings.
Now you’re gone, now you’re gone There you go, there you go Somewhere I can’t bring you back Now you’re gone, now you’re gone There you go, there you go Somewhere, you’re not coming back The day you slipped away Was the day I found it won’t be the same, no The day you slipped away Was the day that I found it won’t be the same, oh
13×01/ 13×05 Dark Paradise - Lana de Rey Dean grieving Cas Pt.2 but this time he takes it like, a thousand times worse.
All my friends tell me I should move on I’m lying in the ocean, singing your song Ah, that’s how you sing it Loving you forever, can’t be wrong Even though you’re not here, won’t move on Ah, that’s how we play it And there’s no remedy for memory your face Is like a melody, it won’t leave my head Your soul is haunting me and telling me That everything is fine But I wish I was dead Every time I close my eyes It’s like a dark paradise No one compares to you I’m scared that you won’t be waiting on the other side
13×06 Better Than I Know Myself - Adam Lambert Brokebacknatural. Dean being a happy ray of sunshine now that he got his sunshine back.
Cold as ice And more bitter than a December Winter night That’s how I treated you And I know that II sometimes tend to lose my temper And I cross the line Yeah that’s the truth I know it gets hard sometimes But I could never Leave your side No matter what I say 'Cause if I wanted to go I would’ve gone by now but I really need you near me To keep my mind off the edge If I wanted to leave I would’ve left by now But you’re the only one that knows me Better than I know myself
Emm… from here I’ll be skipping many episodes because, as you know, the writers decided that Dean and Cas didn’t need to interact for anything other than talking about Jack, because it’s not like they had a profound bond or anything, right? 
14×22 September - Daughtry Dean seeing what would have been of Cas if they haven’t met.
Of all the things I still remember Summer’s never looked the same The years go by and time just seems to fly But the memories remain In the middle of September we’d still play out in the rain Nothing to lose but everything to gain Reflecting now on how things could’ve been It was worth it in the end
13×23/14×02 Hymn for the Missing - Red *Reverse pinning now with Cas pinning for a Dean that’s being Michael’s vessel*
Where are you now? Are you lost? Will I find you again? Are you alone? Are you afraid? Are you searching for me? Why did you go? I had to stay Now I’m reaching for you Will you wait, will you wait? Will I see you again?
14×03/14×17 Stone - James Young This is… mostly just from 14×14 with Dean and Cas’ talk when Jack went to the bathroom bc they still never talk.
Your father came and went like the ocean’s tide And the day he left he never said goodbye […] You’ve been waiting for a miracle all your life […] So give me all your pain And love will set you free Give all your shame Put all your weight on me And I’ll be the stone you need me to be
14×18 /15×02 Bad Guy - Set it Off Look! They are talking again and- and now they are fighting. And Dean is blaming Cas for things that weren’t his fault. *sighting* Cas POV
I stole the moon I made the stars align I showed you how to fly And you made me the bad guy I fought for you I kept you safe at night I would have risked my life And you made me the bad guy
15×03 Fade - Lewis Cappaldi The DivorceTM 
Well, I know that we’ve been hardly holding on To tell the truth, I can’t believe we got this far Running near on empty I wish somebody would’ve told me That I’d end up so caught up in need of your demons That I’d be lost without you leading me astray Guess that I’m a fool for the way that you caught me Girl, you make my heart break more every day But don’t fade away
15×04/15×06 - Always - Gavin James And now we are pretending you are okay with the fact Cas dumped you? Okay, let’s pretend the drinking and comfort food ain’t signals of depression
What am I supposed to do without you? Is it too late to pick the pieces up? Too soon to let them go? Do you feel damaged just like I do? Your face, it makes my body ache It won’t leave me alone And this feels like drowning Trouble sleeping Restless dreaming You’re in my head Always, always I just got scared Away, away I’d rather choke on my bad decisions Then just carry them to my grave You’re in my head Always, always, always
15×07- Feel Something - James Young I Don’t Miss My Ex, so I’ll go have a good time with my other ex- oh no his evil. Oh no I had to kill him. Oh no I came back home and Cas won’t even look at me. Damn.
Touch me someone I’m too young to feel so Numb, numb, numb, numb […] So if you’re gonna stay, then stay But if you’re gonna go Make sure that you hurt me just enough to Make me feel something, something
15×08 Habits of My Heart - James Young So now we are pretending we aren’t sending indirects to each other? Fine. And you still don’t look at me even when you heal me AND NOT TOUCH ME. FINE.  And now our brothers are sending us to the time when our love was strongest? Where I spent a year praying to you and looking for you? I place that feels pure? Oh fuck.
You know I’d rather be alone, yeah But then you call me on the phone Oh the habits of my heart I can´t say no It’s ripping me apart You get too close You make it hard to let you go […] 'Cause I’d rather be alone But you fermented in my bones
(Note: You can measure my failure by the fact the word Angel was only 4 times in all this list.)
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krizaland · 5 years
Zim x Reader/Dib x Reader Chapter 9
First Chapter      Previous
Thank you all so much for waiting! I know it took me quite a while to write this chapter! Never the less, when I saw Frozen 2 I was hit by a flurry of inspiration! 
Now there’s even more lore and more drama! 
Hope you enjoy!
Here’s the song I used btw
“Y/N? Did you get all that?”
Dib’s voice woke you from your thoughts.
“Really?! Don’t tell me you weren’t paying attention all this time!” Dib whined as he dragged a hand down his face.
“Well, I can’t say I blame them. Your voice is annoying! I don’t want to listen to your rambling either!” Tak’s ship huffed.
“Sorry, Dib. I got a lot on my mind right now. I-I need to go home. I’ll get back to you soon. I promise. I just…need a minute to process things.” You confessed as you slowly got up.
“What?! Y/N, you can’t leave just yet! We have to come up with a plan and-”
“I know, Dib. We will come up with something but….I just need to clear my head. I promise we can keep planning tomorrow!”
And with that, you ran home as fast as your legs could take you.
You could’ve sworn you heard Dib call out after you but you were to far away to hear it.
When you made it home, your parents were still at work. What luck!  This meant you’d have the house to yourself for quite sometime!
You zipped upstairs and took a long, warm shower. You scrubbed and scrubbed until your skin turned pink. You had to make sure there wasn’t a single trace of those courtship pheromones left behind.
Once you felt that you were truly clean, you hopped out of the shower and threw on your favorite PJs.
You scooped up Jimmy and held him tight as you plopped down onto your bed.
Just the feeling of holding Jimmy in your arms was enough to make you feel safe and secure.
As you cradled Jimmy in your arms, your anxious mind went on autopilot.
You soon found yourself singing an old lullaby your grandmother used to sing to you.
“Where the north wind meets the sea, there’s a river. Full of memory” You sang softly as you stroked Jimmy’s antennas.
“Sleep my darling, safe and sound. For in this river, all is found.” You gently kissed the top of Jimmy’s head.
“All is found. When all is lost then all is found…” You let out a yawn as you slowly lied down.
“In her waters, deep and true. Lie the answers and a path for you.” You fluffed up your pillow and pulled up your blankets.
“Dive down deep into her sound but not too far or you’ll be drowned…” You snuggled deep into your blankets.
You let out one final yawn as your heavy eyelids closed.
When your eyes opened you were standing before a large river. You peered deeply into the river but your reflection was distorted by the river’s waves.
“She will sing to those who hear and in her song, all magic flows…” You sang as you continued to watch the waves dance across your face.
“But can you brave what you most fear?” The longer you stared at it, the more distorted your reflection became.
“Can you face what the river knows?” The water rippled as your once human reflection morphed into your Irken self!
You let out a yelp as you stumbled away from the river.
Your Irken self burst out from the river and shook away the excess water.
“Who are you?!” You shrieked as you jumped to your feet.
“I’m you! From the past!” Your Irken self replied as they snapped a finger in your direction.
You let out another scream as you backed away.
You didn’t know what sacred you more: The alien popping out of a river claiming to be you or the fact that they had your voice.
“I know. I know. It’s a lot to take in but I swear I mean you no harm!” Your Irken self insisted as they held up their hands defensively.
“What are you talking about?! How are you me?! I’m me!” You yelped as you gestured to your human self.
“Like I said, I was you. A long long time ago that is.” Your Irken self explained as they crossed their arms.
“But- How?! How could you and I be the same person?! It doesn’t make any sense!” You wailed as you grabbed the sides of your head.
“Well…I’m just as confused as you are to be honest. I guess it’s got something to with reincarnation or something…I don’t know.”Your Irken self scratched their head before regaining their composure, “Look, that doesn’t matter right now! What matters now is I have something important to tell you”
“What? That I’m going insane?!”
“No! I’m here to tell you about Zim! He’s not evil like that Dib boy says! He’s just misunderstood! Honest! I know it sounds crazy but…Please don’t break Zim’s heart! You-”
“Oh, now I understand what’s going on here!” You interjected as you stroked your chin.
“You do?”
“You’re probably just one of Zim’s alien tricks! You’re just trying to stop me from exposing him! Well I’ve got news for you: you’re little plan isn’t gonna work! So just go back to your master and leave me alone!” You huffed as you gestured for your Irken self to leave.
“That’s not true at all! Zim doesn’t even know that you and I are the same person! As far as he’s concerned you’re just some random human!” Your Irken self countered as they tugged on their antennas.
“Prove it.”
“What?” Your Irken self blinked in surprise
“If you and I really are the same person, then prove it! Do something only the real me could do!” You commanded as you folded your arms.
“Fine! But if I prove myself you must promise to hear me out, got it?” Your Irken self pouted.
“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Just get on with it already!” You griped as you tapped your foot.
Your Irken self took in a deep breath.
“Until the river’s finally crossed, you’ll never feel the solid ground…”
Your eyes widened in shock as your Irken self continued the lullaby.
“You have to get a little lost, on your way…”
“To being found.” You couldn’t help but join in as you felt your walls melt away.
“Where the north wind, meets the sea. There’s a river full of memory.”  You sang as a smile tugged at your face.
“Come, my darling homeward bound. Where all is lost…” You Irken self gently held your hands.
“Then all is found.” You felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest as you sang along with your Irken self.
“All is found. All is found….” A few tears down your cheeks as you and your Irken self finished the lullaby.
“Wow, I guess we really are the same person huh?” You sniffled as you dried your tears.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. Now will you listen to what I have to say?” Your Irken self asked as they put their hands on their hips.
You simply nodded and sat down.
“Good. Now, as I was saying, Just because Zim has chosen you to be his life mate doesn’t mean you have to love him in return.” Your Irken self explained as they sat down in front of you.
“I don’t?”
“Not really. If you really want to back out, then just trick Zim into helping you find The River of Hope on planet Cryothana. Once there, all you’ll need to do is dive into the water with him. The water will wipe out your memories of Zim as well as his memories of you. Then you guys can live your lives like none of this ever happened.” Your Irken self explained.
“Erase my memories? I don’t know if I like the sound of that…”
“It’ll just erase your memories of Zim. That’s it. The river won’t wipe out any of your other memories as long as you don’t jump in with any sentimental items on you.” Your Irken self reassured.
“Oh, well in that case, I guess it’s worth a shot. I’m pretty sure I can probably convince Dib to let me take his ship to Cryothana.” You said as you sat up a bit straighter.
“Just make sure Dib doesn’t jump into the river with you. Otherwise you’ll lose your memories of him as well…” Your Irken self warned as they started to fade away.
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malereader-inserts · 6 years
The Art of a Psychopath
Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Core Four & Psycho!Reader Summary: One in a hundred children are psychopaths. Word Count: 2,426 Request: “Could you do a psycho!reader with Riverdale maybe? I love your work btw 💜“ Warning: Gory, Blood, Suicide mentions, Psycho Reader - Honestly I’ve surprised myself when writing this.
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Sweet little (Y/n).
He was a fresh breath from all the bullshit that was going on in Riverdale. Sweet innocent summer boy who wouldn’t have thought about the drug raids around Riverdale, wouldn’t have touched G&G, be associated to the farm.
He was almost too good to be true. 
Sweet little (Y/n).
Not so little. Not so sweet.
It is no accident that it is the reptile, the snake, that symbolizes evil in our myths. For these creatures do not require love to raise their young as mammals do. As such they do not evolve an ability to feel love, only to survive. Likewise, the psychopath does not feel love, they are an evolutionary throw-back to our reptilian brains, an accident of genetics.
Psychopaths can run charities as shields for the activities they truly enjoy – causing others pain and emotional distress.  They take a perverse pleasure in attaining positions of public trust and respect, they are charming and socially intelligent. They don't play by the same rule book as the rest of society and so they win with ease. No morals mean no restraints.
You found it amusing at first, you could play the whole town like a fiddle. Lean back whilst the farm played the bad guys.
It was the talk of the town, how members of the cult were the only ones that clapped at the end of the musical - you weren’t for theatrical works. Students, people you considered to be closed with, were talking about it as well as their parents. 
You tapped your fingers against the desk, your eyes staring into Evelyn. When she turns to look at you, you simply smirk and waved. She shivered under your stare as she hastily walks away with Kevin.
She could feel tension with you, some dark presence.
“Isn’t your dad going to do something about it, Jug?” You asked, yawning and running your hair back, “Ominous clapping at a school production, bit weird.”
“I don’t know but we need to stop them before something gets worst.”
And that gave you a push.
So, the next time the farm was the talk of the town it was completely for a different reason.
“There’s a bigger problem than the Gargoyle King,” You hear from Jughead, “The farm was trashed, didn’t you hear?”
“They killed Polly’s babies - used their blood as a warning,” Betty lets out a shaky breath as Jughead holds her close, “The farm is under investigation.”
“What did the message say?” You asked, curious, holding back a wicked smile - you found it glorious.
“Well, dad says it said ‘All Men Should Die,’ dad doesn’t know if they mean the farm or the whole town.”
“That’s sickening, who in the right mind would do something to innocent babes?”
The core four shared a look, talks of curfew was starting, a bigger threat was arising in Riverdale. Still, you were seen as the little innocent boy, some kid who was too curious and yet so oblivious. You were just getting started, you were in the background, no one saw the shift in your eyes. 
How those pretty eyes shifted so menacing.
Murders continue to happen around Riverdale. A murder of Lodge’s current butler. Blood smear on the walls, the head of the butler on a pole as the body was sitting upright. Then, an innocent serpent, hanging out dead of a smashed window. In came the hanging of a civilian in Veronica’s speakeasy. 
“Five murders all around Riverdale. This is even worse than my dad.” Betty breathes out, reading news from her phone.
“Even, my dad is getting concern - he wants me to shut down the speakeasy,” Veronica huffed.
“Yeah, dad doesn’t want me to hang around after school anymore,” Archie nodded, sitting in the middle of the room.
You sat by the vending machine, the farm had been awfully quiet and Kevin had come back to Betty - begging for forgiveness. Reggie was sat net to Veronica as Josie placed herself on the armchair that Archie was sitting on.
“What if we knew this person?” Josie asked hushed whispered, “Do you think we could be next?”
It was a good question, you thought to yourself, and yes, they could be next.
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You sat on the edge of the stage of the speakeasy. Your hands stained with red, your white shirt covered in splatters. You had cuts up your arms, evidence of rope burns on your wrist. 
You clenched your jaw, as you stare at the floor. Gazing up as you hear footsteps coming down the stairs from the entryway. You smirked when you settled a gaze at the core four.
“So, you’ve decided to meet me.” 
“Why is there blood on your hands?”
Your dead eyes flickered towards Veronica, she jumped to be on the receiving side of the glare as you scoffed.
“Don’t ask stupid questions, V,” You used her nickname against her, your voice was unsettling - low and drained of emotions. “Why do you think there’s blood?”
“There was a murder, found by the police station,” Jughead explained, “tied up and gagged - eyes gouged out and organs carved out.”
“Hmh, when you put it that way, it sounds vile,” you hummed, “Shame, he was a screamer - didn’t last long. The babies kept quieter than that bloke.”
“You killed my-” 
“I did you a favour, Betty,” You interrupted, “This town is boring, I need entertainment, who gives a shit about the farm? Gives me an excuse to torment that girl, what’s her name? Eve? Ava? Evan?”
“Wish I could care enough to know the name,” You ignored Betty’s reply, “She’ll kill herself soon, it’s a matter of time. I’ve been egging her on, you know, daddykins is too worked up by the death of the babies that she was evidently no one.”
“Are you insane?” Archie asked you giggled, a shiver ran down their spine as you fixed your stare to him.
“Do you want me to answer that?” You snorted,  “So, why have I gather you here today?”
You stood up, tilting your head to each side, a pop of your bones releasing tension. You let out a harsh breath, you watched how Jughead stood in front of Betty, her arms snaking over his shoulders.
“No particular reason, you know? You four seem to be always in everyone's business, so why don’t I just speed things up for you?” You continue to talk, “Have you checked in with the parents?”
“If you touch my dad-”
“Jughead,” You sighed, feign offence, “Your dad? You think so low of me, why not JB?”
“If you lay a hand on her, I will-”
“Do what? Your little pocket knife won’t kill me, I’m far more experienced in this area than all four of you,” You blinked slowly, “Rat me out, more people will get hurt, try to kill me then there will be no point in running. Running won’t matter. I’ll hunt you down if I have to. You see, what doesn’t kill me might make me kill you.”
“Why?” Archie asked he could feel his heart beating so loudly.
You send him a wicked smile, “Because I want you to suffer, suffer in silence - you can’t say anything because you’re afraid. I want you,” You step forward, “to be nervous when you see me, I want you,” Another step, “to be so afraid that you’re constantly looking over your shoulder.”
“You’ll fall.”
“And when I do, I'm bringing this wretched town with me.”
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Such a pretty face with a dark soul.
The town had been on edge lately, no murders lately and the core four had been sick to their stomachs. Watching you fake your smiles, fake your laughter. The more they look the more they noticed how fake you have been, your body language was convincing - open arms, soft eyes and relaxed shoulders.
“Don’t you find me charming, Betty, dear?” You asked, leaning against the table with a smile, she stops typing on her laptop.
“Of course,” She mumbles as you rose your eyebrow, she cleared her throat and spoke louder, “Of course.”
The edges of your lips quirked upwards. She cringed how you thought yourself to be so important, you had a big ego.
“I’m doing you a favour, Bets, didn’t you hear? Farmgirl tried to kill herself last night.” You grabbed a nearby chair and firmly put it next to her, sitting down, “Aren’t you happy?”
“You told her to do it-”
“Yeah, well, not exactly. You just string up a few words and it’s her pretty little mind that does it for her.” You shrugged, ignoring how Betty’s hand shook as you turned her laptop, “Writing about me again? I liked the last entry of me, you make me sound very evil, very convincing. Even I was afraid of myself.”
“Do you not care?” She asked, watching how you flicker your eyes to her before lingering for a moment and sat straighter.
“Care? Why would I care? A girl just tried to commit suicide with no strings attached to me.”
“But, it’s all your doing.”
You laughed, “Me? Possibly, but who is the one who’s been actively trying to take down the Farm? Not me, that’s all you.”
Betty’s eyes widen, your words were strung up so perfectly. Perhaps it was her fault, but the moment she zoned back in and saw you grin like a madman, she had realised that you were teasing her - how easy you could manipulate someone to think in a way to your desire, what you had exactly done to Evelyn.
“Now, I’m tired of you,” You whine, abruptly stood up, “My senses are dancing for another cold-hearted murder.”
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“My hands slipped.”
You sat on the bleachers, a knife in hand as you stare at the bodies that lay dead on the gym floor. After school hours as the core four found you sitting there. Once again, finding you smeared in blood. Founding that your arms were heavily coated, splatters of blood were on your face. They watch you swallow before your eyes flickered up at them.
You usually made the murder as messy as possible but very coordinated, most of the time people like you like to keep things clean. But, you found that tiresome, you wanted to mock the dead’s family, how the victims had no dignity when you murdered them. But, the five bodies in front of you were just laziness, you admit, you could do better.
“I told you not to rat me out,” You drawled out, lack of remorse in your voice sent shivers down their spine.
The four had noticed how there were people behind you, their wrist tied behind their back and their legs tied tightly to the metal seating that sat. A hood to cover them, you took no notice of them, they weren’t struggling - they’re good, they’re doing exactly what you asked them to.
“So, as I promised, I hurt more people,” You shrugged your shoulders, playing with the blade in your hand, far much bigger and sharper than the one that Jughead owned, “I’m waiting if you’re wondering.”
“For want, you sick bastard?” Veronica sneered as you grinned wildly, your wrist flicked back as you opened your arms and you tiled your head. 
“I appreciate the compliment, V, perhaps you could compliment your way out of death.” You chuckled, as you clean the knife with your shirt, “I’m waiting for the rest of the gang to join us, we’re playing a game. Hangman or my shared responsibility game of murder!”
The core four share a look, as your eyes widen and shook your head in a way to ask them what they don’t understand. 
“I have four, unwilling, participants, behind me. I’m still playing with the thought If I should hang them now and every guess wrong I cut of their limbs or I should set a time, say thirty seconds - if you guess the word in that time frame, they live, if not. A choice from their parent to cut a limb and another thirty seconds is added on, we continue till you save them or as a group project we murder them.”
The gym doors burst open as the core four parents came rushing to their side. You waved with the knife holding hand. The rest of the parents standing behind the four and their parents. You chuckled darkly, low and rough as you watched the reactions of them.
“Let’s see what’s left in you for me to break,” You challenged, your eyes darken as you immorally grinned, “Shall we see whose life is on the line today?”
“You’re not going to get away with this (Y/n),” Hiram announced as you licked your lips, “You’ll be sentenced to death with all these murders-”
“I’ve murdered ten people within this two-month period,” You spoke, stepping up the bleachers to reach your victims, “Would you believe me that I was the one behind Jason’s murder? How I was the one to convince his dad to shoot him? I was the one to push Clifford Blossom to murder his son?”
“Jason was innocent!” Penelope screeched, you roll your eyes.
“I strung up Clifford Blossom, like a suicide, easy-” You lengthened out, “And I got away with it.”
“You heartless-” Tom boldly spoke, as you raised an eyebrow - tutting him and you shook your head
“Heartless? That implies I had a heart to begin with, ain’t that right Kev?” You unsheathed him from his hood, a gag around his mouth to stop him from talking. 
Tom’s eyes widen, his heart tightening to see his child trembling. You patted him on the shoulder, Kevin flinched in your touch, the shiny blade glistening too close for liking. You marched with pride down the bleacher. Freeing Reggie, Josie and Cheryl from their hoods.
“Not so bold when it’s your kids on the line?” You teased, you poked. You held your blade up, admiring it, “Shall we start the game? Your choice, Archie, because if someone dies - it’s your fault we played that game.”
You raised an eyebrow, grinning wildly, you were excited. Watching everyone shift uncomfortably under your power. 
“If you don’t pick, you’re ruining my fun and decreasing their chances of survival.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because innocence died screaming and I want to ruin you, break you, I want to demolish any good of your heart. I want too, that living is just as hard with the guilt on your shoulders.”
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alicepink-me · 5 years
Secrets Revealed
By: Alice Pink (Btw I was 14 when I wrote this, so not my best work)
Story Summary:
Chat Noir’s goal has always been to find out Ladybug’s true identity. Can one hint about Ladybug lead to the truth? Secrets will be revealed about the past as mysteries unfold. How will Marinette and Adrien react to everything?
Chapter 9: The Truth
Alya dashed up the stairs to Marinette's room and ran over to her friend who was sitting on the chaise.
"I have so much to tell you, but I still don't see why I had to come over here."
"I told you. It's easier to feel your excitement in person."
"Okay." Alya said giving Marinette a confused look. "Well . . . you made me come over here, so you better listen to my whole story before you freak out."
"What? When do I freak out in the middle of your stories? I'm perfectly relaxed."
"Yeah . . . your are so calm and collected." Alya chuckled. "So, what I asked you over the phone. Have you ever heard of it? The name kwami."
"I u-uh . . . n-no. I haven't heard of it." Marinette tried not to get nervous. She knew that Alya would notice.
"Well, a kwami is a sprite-like creature that helps someone with a miraculous, transform. They're amazing little creatures that are basically immortal."
"How do you know all of t-this?" Marinette said, starting to sweat.
"Well . . . I know all of this . . . because . . . I have a kwami!" Alya squealed. "I also have a miraculous too. Isn't this amazing?! I get to help save Paris."
"Wait. You have a miraculous?! But . . . how?!"
"I don't really know how. I just found a small box in my room with a necklace inside. When I opened the box, a kwami appeared and told me that I'm now a superheroine named Volpina."
"T-This is insane. Are you sure about being Volpina? That could have all been a dream." Marinette babbled.
"I'll prove it." Alya announced, unzipping her bag. A fox kwami floated up from the bag as she pulled out a necklace. "This is my kwami, Trixx. And this is my miraculous." Alya clipped the necklace around her neck and smiled.
Marinette's eyes should have fallen out of her head by now. She was astonished by what Alya had just showed her. Marinette slipped her phone out of her purse and started to text Adrien while Alya talked.
Marinette: We kind of have a problem. May or may not be good.
Adrien: What kind of problem.
Marinette: Alya has a kwami and a miraculous!
Adrien: Really?! She has a miraculous?
Marinette: She's Volpina! The real one at least. She came over to my house and told me everything, but I don't think she knows about us.
Adrien: We'll have to tell her the truth about us now. If she's going to be helping us protect Paris, then we shouldn't be keeping secrets from her. I'm coming over right now.
"What are you doing!" Alya shouted.
"U-Uh . . . texting Adrien."
"Adrien?" Alya glared. "And why are you texting Adrien?"
"Me and him are . . . dating . . . now." Marinette squeaked as she sank down into the chaise and hid behind her knees.
"Dating?! Marinette! Finally! It took you guys forever to get together." Alya screamed, hugging Marinette. "You should have told me sooner though. But at least now you guys can double date with me and Nino."
"U-Uh yeah. Why not?"
Marinette hadn't read Adrien's last text yet because she was questioned by Alya.
'I'm coming over right now. What?! No! He can't come over. Alya can't know yet.'
Marinette: No! Don't come over! Not yet! Not now! No!
Just as Marinette sent the text, Chat Noir fell through her trap door that led to her balcony.
"Aahh!" Marinette shouted in surprise.
"No way. Chat Noir?!" Alya said, in awe.
"Now Alya, I know everything must be confusing, but we had to lie to you before." Chat started as he walked over to Marinette and pulled her up from the chaise. "Me and Marinette know that the truth is surprising, but . . . " Marinette motioned for Chat Noir to stop, but he didn't notice and kept talking. "I hope that you can forgive us for not telling you that me and Marinette are Ladybug and Chat Noir."
Marinette hit her hand against her forehead in anger as Chat Noir released his transformation, revealing to Alya that he was actually Adrien.
The three kwamis joined together in the corner of the room as they watched and laughed at their chosen ones. Tikki and Plagg hadn't met Trixx before, but they were excited to. They hadn't met very many kwamis in their lifetime.
"I can't believe it! You two were Ladybug and Chat Noir the whole time?"
"Yeah." Chat said, confused. "I thought that Marinette would have told you the truth already by the time I got here."
Marinette looked towards Alya with an apologetic look. She was trying to think of ways to apologize.
"Look, I know that I didn't tell you before Alya, bu-"
"I understand, Marinette." Alya interrupted. "I can see why you didn't tell me. I mean, I do run the Ladyblog, which I'll be shutting down soon to protect your secret. I only told you about my new miraculous because I knew that I could trust you, but you probably thought that if you told me, then I would put it on the news or something."
"I'm just glad that we don't have to keep it a secret anymore." Adrien sighed. "But . . . can I tell Nino? I'd feel bad if we all kept secrets from him."
"I was going to tell him anyway." Alya started. "I was just going to tell you guys and Nino. I don't want to keep secrets from my friends since it causes trouble. I don't know how you two have lasted this long."
"You gave me a heart attack like fifty times with your Ladyblog." Marinette laughed. "Every time you mentioned something about Ladybug's identity, I thought you had found out that it was me."
"Now that I think about it, I was really stupid for not seeing it before. You guys are a little obvious." Alya laughed. "The only characteristic that's not obvious to figure out is your personalities. It's like you have two minds in each of your heads. That's probably why I didn't predict it to be you before."
"Yeah." Adrien smiled. "I get to say what I want whenever I want, so I definitely have a different personality as Chat Noir. I have freedom to be myself without judgment."
"That sounds amazing." Alya agreed. "But . . . you two liked each other this whole time . . . and aren't dating until now? Why?"
"Well . . . we didn't know each others identities before. Adrien had just found out that I was Ladybug. It's a long story, but basically I dropped a charm bracelet that Chat Noir gave me in front of Adrien and he connected the dots. And I only found out that he was Chat Noir two days ago."
"At least now you're finally together. Marinette has been obsessing over you ever since she met you." Alya snickered. "And now we get to double date."
"Oh a date." Adrien smiled, putting his arm around Marinette. "I'd like a double date. Any date is great with Marinette."
"And I do owe you a date." Marinette said, looking up at Adrien. "Since I kind of abandoned the last one."
"Last one?" Alya said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep. Me and her went on a date up on top of the Eiffel Tower with ice cream."
"Technically . . . " Marinette started. "You forced me to go on a date with you, but I did leave you to go see . . . you."
"What?" Alya said, confused.
"I told Chat Noir that I liked Adrien and I wanted to go see him, so Chat said I could leave the date to find him at the dance. I left but . . . I told him I'd go on another date with him."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. How about we go on a double date tomorrow? We could see that new movie that Jagged Stone is starring in." Alya smiled.
"Uh . . . " Marinette looked at Adrien for an answer, but Adrien just smiled. "Fine. We'll go on a double date, but do you think that Nino will be okay with it."
"Of course he will be. He's my boyfriend. I'll text him right now." Alya said, looking at her phone. "Alright well . . . I have to get back home, so I'll see you guys tomorrow Ladybug and Chat Noir." Alya laughed as her kwami flew back into her bag.
Marinette and Adrien waved to Alya as she left through the trap door on Marinette's floor.
"I finally get to go on a real date with you." Adrien said, pulling Marinette closer. "We get to go on a date as ourselves and I didn't even have to force you to agree."
"Lucky me." Marinette chuckled. "Although, I'm pretty sure that Alya is forcing Nino."
"Yeah. Nino doesn't stand a chance." Adrien laughed. "I should probably get going now before my dad or his assistant realize that I've been "in the shower" for a really long time."
Adrien stepped back from Marinette. "Claws out!" Chat Noir smiled at her before climbing through her trap door and left.
Marinette slumped down on her chaise and buried her face in her pillow.
"My mind has melted, Tikki. After blowing up from earlier, it's now completely destroyed. And adding to the list we have . . . Alya knows mine and Adrien's secret, Alya's Volpina, and I'm going on a double date tomorrow."
Tikki flew over to Marinette and sat in her hands.
"Don't worry, Marinette. Tomorrow will be much better."
. . .
Marinette's day at school was boring as usual. Although, this time Chloe didn't bother her for once. Now she just had to go on that double date with Alya and Nino.
Marinette sat in a chair up on her balcony, looking at the spell book. She was waiting for Adrien or Chat Noir to come and get her.
Marinette looked up from the book to see Chat Noir drop in front of her.
"Are you ready to go My Lady?" Chat Noir said, bowing.
"Yep. Just looking at all of the spells."
"Did you learn any of them?"
"Yeah, watch." Marinette closed her eyes and put her hand out. "Die Blumen und die Sonne leben!" As Marinette chanted, a flower rose from a pot on the balcony. "Well, if I'm ever sad, I can grow a flower."
"Cool." Chat awed. "Do a spell on me." Chat pointed to the book, bouncing.
"Fine." Marinette flipped through the pages of the book and held her hand out again. "Der Wind weht durch deine Seele!"
"Wh-What d-did you d-do to me? I-I am fr-freezing!"
"I know." Marinette smiled. "You did tell me to cast a spell on you, so I did."
Chat glared at Marinette. "U-Undo it!"
"Ugh fine. Rückgängig alte Wünsche!"
"Thank you." Chat said with a sigh of relief. "You had to learn a spell that will make me freeze. Why is your heart so cold Marinette?"
Marinette rolled her eyes at Chat. "Wow more jokes. I should have froze you in ice."
"I have a better idea. Let's go on our date."
"Okay." Marinette said, quickly jumping through her trap door.
She set the spell book on her bed and transformed into Ladybug. She stepped through her trap door again and leaped off the edge of the building. Chat Noir followed her and they swung through the city to the movie theater. They both hid behind a bush and detransformed into their normal selves.
"Shall we?" Adrien said holding out his hand.
"Let's go." Marinette smiled, taking Adrien's hand.
They both saw Alya and Nino waiting for them outside the door and waved.
"Hey Guys." Adrien said, waving.
They all walked away from the door so no one could here them.
"I can't believe that you guys are superheroes." Nino said in amazement. "I would have never guessed. Adrien was texting me last night when he told me."
"Are you mad?" Marinette asked.
"No. It all makes sense now. That's why you two would always leave class instantly when something went wrong. I just thought that Marinette was following Adrien out because she has a crush on him."
"Did everyone know Marinette had a crush on me, but me?" Adrien questioned.
"Pretty much." Alya and Nino spoke at the same time, laughing.
"Well then I'm glad Marinette told me because I would have never guessed."
"I'm gonna try to keep secrets better next time." Marinette said, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, yeah. We're all clueless idiots. Now let's go see the movie." Alya said, pushing everyone through the door.
They all found the right room and sat in the first row. The movie was just starting as they sat down. At the start of the movie, Jagged Stone appeared on the screen, playing his guitar.
Adrien reached over and took Marinette's hand. She smiled back at him before they both stared at the huge TV screen.
. . .
"That movie was awful." Alya said, as they walked out of the theater. "Jagged Stone should stick to music."
"Yeah. He's a much better mus-"
Marinette was stopped by a sudden scream outside. They all ran to one of the theater windows and saw an akumatized villain terrorizing Paris.
"We have to go." Marinette finished.
Adrien and Alya nodded their heads in agreement as all four of the friends split up into the bathrooms.
Nino had followed Adrien and stared at him in amazement as he transformed into Chat Noir.
"That . . . is . . . amazing." Nino awed.
"I know." Adrien smiled.
Alya and Marinette called to their kwamis from the other bathroom and transformed.
"Wow. My first mission." Alya said, looking at her suit and tail.
"It's sort of like a mission. A mission to save Paris." Marinette started. "I never thought that me and you would be fighting crime together. Actually I never thought you'd ever find out . . . but . . . let's go save Paris."
They met up with Chat Noir as they exited the building. They listened for danger. All of the screams had stopped, as if the people couldn't speak. Paris had been silenced.
The villain floated over to the theater. She was an older lady with a black and white outfit and white hair. Her hair stood in a bun and she carried a big dictionary in her arms.
"Silencer, there's Ladybug and Chat Noir. Take their miraculouses now!" Hawk Moth shouted.
"You two! If you want to keep your voices, hand over your miraculouses!" Silencer screamed. "If you don't I'll take them and you can join the rest of Paris. They talk and talk forever and never stop, but now they will."
"Hey Silencpurr! Have you ever heard of headphones? They can be useful."
"Shut it, Chat Noir! Give me your miraculouses now! You and Ladybug and yo-! Wait! Who are you?"
"I'm Volpina." Alya smiled.
"Hawk Moth didn't say anything about you." She thought, aloud. "Oh well. I'll have to take all of your miraculouses."
"Chat Noir, Volpina!" Ladybug whispered to her partners. "She looks like that librarian at the city's library. And I think the akuma is in her book. She uses the book to capture everyone's voices and she never lets it go."
"Okay. Now let's see what I can do." Volpina said, running towards Silencer.
Volpina pulled out her flute and lunged at her. Silencer quickly opened her book and stole Volpina's voice in a matter of seconds. Volpina borrowed a piece of paper and a pencil from a bystander and wrote a message:
                                      "Sorry. I'll follow you guys on this one."
Volpina gave them an apologetic smile as Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other.
"I guess it's up to us." Chat said, spinning his baton.
"She's too fast. If we try to attack her, she'll steal our voices before we can do anything." Ladybug said, watching Silencer.
"We need to slow her down."
"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug shouted, throwing her yo-yo into the air. "A top hat? What am I gonna do with this?" Ladybug looked from Volpina's flute, to Silencer, and then Chat Noir's hand. "I have an idea." Ladybug smiled. "Volpina, flute and Chat Noir, book." Ladybug whispered.
Volpina gave Ladybug a thumbs up and played her flute. She blasted the music towards Silencer and slowed her down. Volpina's power is to slow down or completely stop villains, but the stronger they are, the harder it is to stop them. Silencer was powerful and could only be slowed down.
Ladybug launched herself above Silencer and pulled the top hat down over her face so she couldn't see.
Chat Noir immediately shouted "Cataclysm!" and touched Silencer's dictionary.
The dictionary broke apart and the akuma flew out as Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo.
"No more evil doing for you little akuma." Ladybug dropped her yo-yo. "Time to deevilize!" She spun her yo-yo around in circles. "Gotcha. Bye-Bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouted.
The citizen's voices were restored back into their bodies and that cheered in happiness. They had realized that the duo had become a trio and that they had another hero to help protect Paris.
"Ah . . ." Alya sighed. "It's good to have my voice back."
"Citizens of Paris." Ladybug shouted from the top of a building. "Paris has a new superheroine named Volpina. The three of us will continue to protect you and all of Paris."
The citizens started to cheer again as Ladybug turned to her partners.
"We should get going." Chat said pointing to Ladybug's earrings. "Your earrings are blinking and so is my ring.
"Yeah. And your necklace is blinking, Volpina."
"Oh . . . yeah. Let's get going." Volpina said as she flew off of the building.
Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped off of the building and followed her to the corner of a  nearby building. They all detransformed into their normal selves.
"I'm really sorry that I was stupid at the beginning of the attack." Alya said, apologetically.
"Don't worry about it Alya. I was worse. When I first became Ladybug I had tried to quit and give it to you instead . . . but I transformed again to save you . . . and Chat Noir cheered me up. So . . . luckily I'm still Ladybug. And you can't do worse than I did the first time."
"Wait! You tried to quit?! I almost lost my partner? My favorite person to see everyday!"
"Wait!" Alya cut in. "You tried to give up your miraculous to me?! Why would you even think you shouldn't be ladybug and why me?"
"Well . . . I thought that I was too clumsy to be Ladybug and you were so confident that I . . . was really stupid."
"No kidding. You can pretty unintelligent sometimes. Like giving up a miraculous." Alya laughed.
"Yeah, yeah." Marinette smiled. "I have to go home now. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Marinette waved bye to Alya and Adrien and walked back to the bakery.
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