#guys its so obvious that p1 and p2 would be damn hard one
jyunism · 10 months
bio amali: 8/10
• LP a lil bit sus…. a lil bit silly…. a lil bit goofy…..
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taesbetch · 7 years
To Own A Hybrid P.6
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff (eventual smut) Hybrid!AU Cat!AU
Summary: The hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. 
Word Count: 4k +
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, emotional torment, and prostitution 
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 (im to lazy to link it, but its there!)
“Hey! you new?!”
You frantically looked around for the enthusiastic voice before setting your eyes on the small framed boy walking your way.
“is it that obvious?” you asked nervously as you played with the hem of your school uniform.
“are you here to join the internship competition?” he asked as the two of you walked into the empty school.
“I think I’m too young to join this year, but I’ll try it out next year” you said excitedly as he placed his hands on his hips.
“damn. We would’ve been competitors…well if you do end up joining next year, you know who to call for help!” he said before sending you a playful wink.
You giggled before nodding your head appreciatively
“I’m y/n by the way”
“Jimin, nice to meet you”
Your eyes fluttered open as a tear escaped, rolling down the side of your face before soaking into the pillow underneath your head.
Slowly you rolled your body over, groaning in content as the sun shone through your window and coated your room with warmth.
Why? Why would he do something like that?
“I actually just don’t know the answer” you whined as you smacked your head on the table in front of you.
“yes you do! Your just have to believe in your skills and capabilities” he exclaimed as he patted your head comfortingly.
“what skills and capabilities?” you replied sassily as you indulged further into your self-pity party.
“see! That’s your problem” he said as he rolled his eyes “you think so little of yourself”.
“why are you helping me?” you asked curiously as you played with the edges of your textbook.
“to be honest…I see myself in you” Jimin shrugged as he ruffled your hair.
“I also feel like we’re going to be in each other’s lives for a long time” he smiled before stretching his arms out and leaning back in his chair.
“mmm, I doubt that. You’re going to be working in some fancy company and I’ll be cleaning the ground underneath your feet” you sighed, defeat written all over your face.
“we’ll see”
There must be more too it…there just must be...
This isn’t Jimin. Jimin is kind and caring. Jimin is giving and forgiving…Jimin…
You failed your body around angrily before finally exiting your room.
“hey” Jungkook said simply as his eyes were blown wide by iron man’s delicate moves.
You rolled your eyes before sending a text to Namjoon.
‘I have evidence against the S.T.M member’s in our office. do you want me to bring it to you?’
‘wow, that was quick! You and Jungkook make a good team. Don’t worry ill swing by at 10 and get it. Thank you’
You sighed before checking your watch. 2 hours. 2 hours to collect your thoughts.
“have you eaten?” you asked Jungkook as you examined the set up on evidence on the table in front of you. Everything was organised to the T.
“Nup. But before we eat, I hacked the computer you asked me too, but there’s nothing on it; just some transactions” he said as he laid himself down.
You watched as Jungkook swapped positions, his head facing away from you and his ears perked up as they took in every line of the movie.
“I’ll make some breakfast” you mumbled as you dragged your feet into the kitchen and tried to tear your eyes away from Jimin’s files.
“you picked up!” you chimed happily as his silk like voice flowed through the phone.
“of course, I did, what’s up?” he asked curiously.
“I got the job- well correct, I won the intern contest and they liked me so much they offered me a direct job after school! Isn’t that great!” you epped excitedly as you tried to contain your screams of joy.
“Jesus y/n! that’s fantastic! See I told you!” he shouted with joy.
You laughed at his sudden excitement before a wide smile of appreciation played across your face.
“thank you Jimin…like, for everything” you stated as he hummed in acknowledgment.
“your welcome, any time you need anything. Just call me okay?”
You couldn’t do it…
As the stir-fry stirred around in the pot you glanced over to Jungkook before slowly approaching the table.
Your hands shook as you had an inner battle with yourself.
He played a part in this. So, he should pay the price… but there must be a reason why someone so pure-hearted would do this shit!
5 years…you’ve known him for five years. Sure, you aren’t the best of friends and you don’t know every detail about his life…but you knew him well enough.
Trusting your judgement of character, you quickly grabbed Jimin’s files and returned to the kitchen where you hid them in a cabinet.
You took a deep breath as the smile that has cared for you flicked into your mind.
“kookie its ready!” you shouted out at you walked the two bowls to the couch.
Jungkook flipped up from his laid position quickly as his tail flicked out of his pants as quick as lightning.
Jungkook’s slightly opened mouth, waging tail and sparkling eyes sent butterflies floating around in your stomach.
As you passed him the bowl he mumbled a soft thank you before digging into his meal.
Time moved slowly as the two of you sat in silence and continued watching the iron man movie for the fifth time that week.
“what’s wrong?” Jungkook blurted out suddenly as he shoved his last pieces of meat in his mouth before putting his bowl down on the table in front of you.
You looked at him in confusion as your eyebrows furrowed.
“you’re being weird. So, what’s up?” he asked again.
You sighed before shrugging your shoulders. As you opened your mouth to tell him about the situation. The pleasant tune of your doorbell rang throughout your apartment.
As you skipped your way to the door Jungkook followed close behind you.
“Namjoon” you greeted happily as the blonde headed boy stood awkwardly at your door frame.
“hey! I can’t believe you got evidence! I hope neither of you got hurt” he said as you moved to the side letting him fully assess the two of you with concern.
You smiled warmly before shaking your head “were fine! But are you? How’d everything go?” you asked as you walked him to the table containing the files.
“oh wow, this many…Ronald?” he asked surprised as he flicked through papers. Your eyes glanced to Jungkook who was staring at the spot where the missing file was sat previously.
“So, did everything go down smoothly?” you asked as Jungkook started to piece everything together, giving you a questioning look.
“Surprisingly, yer. We managed to round up all the hybrids and arrest Mr. So’s helpers who were there. But this? This is going to take his whole little group out” Namjoon smirked.
“little group?” you asked curiously.
“well yer, the S.T.M is obviously much bigger than Mr. So, and a couple of idiots. There are multiple divisions, but one at a time is how we're dealing with it” Namjoon explained as he gathered everything up.
“thank you, guys, honestly, this is a lot of help” he said thankfully.
You smiled widely before walking him to the door.
“I’ll see you at work!” you chirped as he exited your apartment.
As soon as you shut your door you felt Jungkook’s hard stare burning through your back.
“I can explain” you said sheepishly as you walked back over to him.
“what happened to ‘even Jimin’?” Jungkook asked, annoyance plain as day in his voice.
You groaned before running a hand through your hair.
“I couldn’t do it” you admitted boldly “I know Jimin, there has to be some sort of explanation. And oh god if Namjoon found out that Jimin was involved…ugh it...it would just be too much”.
Jungkook clicked his tongue before putting his hands on his hips.
“so, what are you gonna do now?” he asked curiously as you sighed.
“I’m going to go to work tomorrow morning and pretend like none of this ever happened. If he tries to talk to me I’m going to simply ignore him” you spoke, but more to yourself than to Jungkook.
“don’t you want to know why though? This means you’re going to have to talk to him” Jungkook smirked as he shook his head at you.
You flailed your arms in the air before grunting in frustration.
“Go back to watching your stupid show, I’m going for a run” you huffed before walking into your room and flopping yourself on your bed.
“welcome to the office y/n! wait- what desk are you? Your right next to me! Isn’t this great!” Jimin borderline shouted as you struggled to carry all your things.
“Jimin! Keep your voice down! I don’t want to make a bad first impression” you scowled as you made over too your desk.
He chuckled before helping you unpack your things, sending you proud father vibes as he watched you begin your work.
“this doesn’t look like going for a run to me”
You sighed before rolling over and patting your bed next to you, signalling him to join you.
He hissed slightly before laying himself down next to you.
“I’m not a dog, do that again and ill claw your eyes out” he muttered angrily as you sighed.
“Jungkook…do you know what sucks the most about human beings?” you asked quietly as you stared up at the ceiling.
His turned his head to you awaiting the answer.
“there’s a certain saying that goes, sometimes good people do bad things. However, this bad act does not make them a bad person. But sometimes bad people do good things…and going along with the first saying, this doesn’t make them a good person…so, what how do we tell the difference from the good acting bad and the bad acting good?” you stated as a small tear rolled down your cheek.
As small whimpers escaped your lip Jungkook turned his body to you and whipped your tear with his thumb.
“you just have to put your cards on the table. When it’s wrong it sucks but when its right, it’s just better” Jungkook said, recycling the lesson you had taught him previously.
You giggled before checking your watch. 11:30am…
“have you heard of a game center?”
Jungkook looked around in disgust as couples and younger teens laughed and enjoyed themselves.
“why are we here?” Jungkook asked as you gleamed with joy.
“because Jungkook, my purpose is to teach you about the joys of life, the good things” you preached as you lead him towards the one game that single changed your life…
The bumper cars.
“so, what do I do?” Jungkook asked as you bounced up and down in the line.
“first of all, relax and stop being so ‘I’m too cool for everything’. Secondly, you’ll figure it out. And thirdly, have fun!” you explained as you smiled brightly.
You laughed as you watched Jungkook wait in his bumper car with an unamused face.
The others around him chatted and screamed with joy.
As the countdown began, you sent Jungkook a wink, fully knowing he had no idea what was about to go down.
Cars started driving and the music started playing, meaning the fun had begun.  
Jungkook’s face quickly twisted into an expression of surprise as his car started being bumped all over the place.
You made a B-line straight for his car, a mischievous smiled on your face.
The two cars collided with each other causing Jungkook to whip his head in your direction.
“figured it out yet?” you asked with a chuckle before making your great escape.  
Before a cocky laugh could exit your body, your car was jolted forward leaving you screaming briefly in shock. As you looked behind you your eyes locked with Jungkook’s, a wide smile covering his face and a certain sparkle in his eyes.
You laughed loudly before shaking your head. “you’ve done it now” you said getting ready to get your revenge.
In that split second you swore you had heard the bells of heaven come out of Jungkook’s mouth as he laughed whole heartedly and drive away.
“Y/n! Y/n! did you see!?! I won!” Jungkook exclaimed childishly. You smiled and nodded your head as he picked out his prize.
“Jungkook, I think we’re going to have to stop and go home” you stated sadly.
Jungkook looked at you as though you had crushed all his hopes and dreams “what! Why?” he whined as he wrapped his arm tightly around his new teddy bear.
“because kookie- “you started as you rose your arms showing all the prizes Jungkook had won “I’m running out of body parts”.
Jungkook pouted before nodding his head sadly “we’ll come back, though right?” Jungkook asked softly.
“well duh, but for now. LET’S EAT!” you said before running off with all of Jungkook’s prizes.
As you loaded the car, you watched as Jungkook’s sparkle stayed put, along with his smile.
“fun, right?” you asked as you exited the parking lot.
“yer, whatever…I guess” Jungkook mumbled as he tried to hide his bunny-like smile.
You chuckled before turning on the radio “in the mood for Indian” you commented as the buzz from before continued through your body.
Jungkook hummed in agreement as he sat back and relaxed into the car seat.
It was 3am and you weren’t in a good mood but money needed to be made.
As you pulled your work pants up your body you tried not to let the tiredness of your lack of sleep night affect you.
The walk to the kitchen was harder than expected. You stumbled and yawns were just unavoidable.
You quickly wrote a note to Jungkook stating that you would be home late and to call you if he needed anything before heading out to your car.
Fixing your hair in your mirror you let your mind run free, remembering that you would most likely run into Jimin this afternoon…by then the news of the S.T.M members being arrested would be on television.  
Unfortunately, your mind was not all there as you struggled to get into your car. You knew the day would be a long one but you were determined to get lost in your work, hopefully it’ll be a nice distraction.  
The walk to the office was also a quite one as the eerie emptiness of it dawned on you as you travelled through it.  
You greeted co-workers before seating yourself at your desk and mentally preparing yourself for the tasks ahead of you.
You had finally completed the tasks you had set for yourself and Jesus it felt great.
Your bones were aching slightly and let’s not even talk about your muscles but the feeling of achievement was way greater than the pain.
As you examined the office you realised that time had flown by, it was currently 11am and the office was full of life.
A familiar perfume filled your nostril’s in an instant…he was here.
You turned you head in the direction of the smell to see a shy Jimin staring at the back of your head.
When he saw you notice him he briefly panicked before slowly making his way over to you. He awkwardly rolled his chair over to you before setting himself down and speaking.
“I’m not in handcuffs” he stated softly as he stared at you with glistening eyes.  
“I see that” you stated simply, clearing your throat awkwardly as you avoided eye contact.
“y-you didn- “he started shyly before you cut in.
“no Jimin, I didn’t. I didn’t because I just couldn’t do it. I’ve known you for so long, I refuse to believe that you would do something like this…there has to be a reason, right?” you asked hopefully.
Jimin stared at you wide-eyed before a smile broke out on his face.
“yes, there’s a reason and of course, I wouldn’t do something like that…Y/n it’s a really long story but I swear to you I’m not the bad guy” he explained as he brought his hands up in a pleading position.
“okay well then enlighten me. Tell me everything” you demanded as you fully swerved in your seat.
He took a deep breath in before wiping his forehead nervously, a thin layer of sweat glazing over it.
“It was stupid…well I was stupid. Stupid and in love with someone so fucking toxic…it started when I left Busan and moved here to Seoul. She lived next door to me. At first, she was a ray of sunshine…I fell so quickly and so hard. Honestly, I don’t know how it all happened, I just wanted to keep her happy and the next thing I know I’m in debt and owe Mr. So 30 million won…” Jimin breezed past quickly. The events he spoke of might of happened in the past but the pain and anger was still evident in his eyes.
“wait. You are telling me that you started this because a girl got you into debt?” you asked confusingly.
“I could’ve paid the debt off in 10 years with my salary…but they both had other plans. I had no idea she was a part of something like this and they both knew I wouldn’t willing join in, so they tricked me. They made me think the love of my life was in life-threatening danger and of course, like a love-sick fool I did anything Mr. So, asked to keep her safe. It started off with little things…intimating small businesses, shady transactions, fighting here and there…but then it got to stuff like this. I found out it was all a lie and tried to leave but I was too far in. they said I knew too much…t-they threatened my life and people I care about” Jimin explained.
You looked at him shocked as you tried to process everything he had just told you. All the time that Jimin was helping you, he was in some real shit.
“Jimin…why didn’t you tell me, o-or anyone else? Someone could’ve helped?” you whispered sadly as Jimin moved closer to you to hear.
“y/n, I would’ve been putting you in danger…” he replied as he brought a thumb up to wipe your few tears.
“I feel like a shitty friend now…ugh” you pouted as you grasped Jimin’s small hand in yours.
“of course, you’re not a shitty friend, if anything, I’m the shitty friend” Jimin chuckled, the statement-making you shake your head almost instantly.
“no more secrets okay!” you chirped holding out your pinkie finger “I’m legit one of your only friends, you have to tell someone this shit okay?”.
Jimin’s eyes were soft and gentle as they stared into yours. A small smile itched at his lips as he gave you a shy nod.
“thanks y/n” he whispered before pulling you into a half hug.
“we should probably stand up and do this”  
It was 11pm. You were dying as you dragged your body through your front door.
The sound of your footsteps filled the apartment as you started unloading you bag.
It had been a long day…a really long day and except from the random update texts from Jungkook you hadn’t heard much from him.
As you showered you made a mental note to check on the boy in the morning, you had the rest of the week off so you were set on learning more about him.
It’s funny how you think you know people and everything about them…but what happens behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors until someone opens It…
You let out a heavy sigh before leaving the shower and getting dressed.
When you opened your bathroom door you were surprised to see Jungkook patiently waiting for you on your bed.
“hey” you smiled tiredly as you turned on your side table’s lamp.
Jungkook stared up at you with large puppy eyes as he pulled back the blanket and joined you as you climbed into bed.
“is something wrong?” you asked as he laid down and snuggled into the bed.
“you were gone for so long” he whispered quietly as his eyes fluttered close.
you smiled as his eyes twitched and his body tried to subtly move closer to yours.
You slowly brought your hand up to his ears, the urge to touch them was too strong.
As you ran you fingers slowly through his hair Jungkook purred softly “y/n…can I tell you something?” Jungkook asked softly, breaking you from your trance.
You hummed in confirmation before continuing to stroke his head, finding new areas in which Jungkook would purr louder than others.
“I’m comfortable” Jungkook stated firmly causing you to laugh lightly.
“that’s good” you replied softly as you rested your head against the head rest of the bed.
“can I stay here?” he asked innocently as his body finally reached its goal and content covered his face as he smuggled into the side of your leg.
“well it’s not the first time you’ve slept in here so sure” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“no... I mean like here, with you, in your apartment” he corrected shyly.
You paused for a moment, trying to burn the memory of this moment into your brain “kookie, of course you can…I thought you already knew that?” you replied with care.
The hybrid whined as he snuggled further into you, his arm reaching up as he tried to pull you down into a lying down position.
You smiled before tuning your side light off and sliding down into Jungkook’s arms.
You whispered goodnight as you let the comfort of the bed mixed with Jungkook’s warmth lull you to sleep.
“I know…I just like to hear you say it every now and then”
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