#guys my history is crazyyy
yuyusuyu · 8 months
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i got rafa's card the day i started playing which was also the event's last day or within the last two ish days of the event either way oooo he wants me so bad !!!
zayne wants me so bad too i think i got this card yesterday and i got promise everlasting today ?1!?22! zayne where's the ring 😽 AND NOW I HAVA RAFA'S EVENT CARD GUARANTEED ?1?2?2! this game loves me (im just crazy and grind like a psycho for diamonds 😭😭)
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theygotlost · 11 months
ohhhhhh my god guys I gotta give you an update but i need to explain my entire job history for the past year first cause its a little confusing uh.
so feb-may I did this internship at this real estate digital marketing firm and I was just making social media graphics there. just instagram stories and shit. and it was boring as hell but I needed to find a job cause I was graduating, and I was hoping they would hire me but they didnt have the space for a new full time employee at the time so... that was a bust.
in june and july I was applying to jobs foreverrrrr and getting nowhere so I said fuck it i need SOMETHING to hold me over, so I started working in the print department at staples as you are all well aware. at least it would be relevant enough to put on my resume cause I do want to make print graphics right? so its something.
then like 6 weeks ago my manager from the internship reached out to me and said she wanted to take me back part time after all. so for the past month and a half I've been working 2 part time jobs, one at staples and one at this marketing office doing the exact same fuckass ig stories as before. i wont lie its been exhausting and unsustainable so I was still applying for other full time design jobs cause I had no idea how long I could keep this up.
about 3 weeks ago I got an interview for one of those jobs I applied for and they explained that they were actually looking for a senior designer which obviously im not qualified for, but they liked my portfolio enough that they wanted to consider CREATING a junior designer role for me which was CRAZYYY to hear... it's a hawaiian bbq restaurant chain and I'm definitely wayyy more interested in designing for food and beverage stuff than real estate, plus a few other aspects about the job sounded really appealing to me and the interview went great so I was really hoping to get that job. but then I didn't hear back and Im so desensitized to getting ghosted after interviews i stopped getting my hopes up a long time ago.
a week and a half ago management at my real estate job told me that they were finally ready to bring me on full time, and since it didnt seem like I had any other prospects I wasnt really in a position to turn it down, so I immediately accepted and put in my 2 weeks at staples. this saturday will hopefully be the last day i ever have to work retail forever. I didnt make any announcement here when I found out because its honestly been making me depressed thinking about doing nothing but making fuckass instagram stories for ugly real estate companies 40 hours a week and people congratulating me on it would just make me more depressed. I wasn't supposed to start full time there until the monday after thanksgiving so ive still been doing my double part time grind.
but then......
whats that....???
after weeks of no response the hr guy finally gave me a call just now to tell me I GOT THE JOB?!??! i genuinely honestly did not think they were gonna give me an offer and was just gonna move on with my life 😭 so now im gonna have to walk into my office tomorrow morning and say SIKE!!! and theyre all gonna be so mad at meeeee but this is genuinely such a better position for me I didnt think this was gonna happen for another year at least....
tldr I thought i was gonna be stuck with a job i dont like but I ended up getting the job I want!!!!!!!!
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wenjunehui · 10 months
you 🤝 me: We Need To Eat Lee Felix ASAP
but also [deranged screaming] this is my first comeback with them as a stay and i'm going to go insane because EVERYTHING about this comeback will not let me live like ?????????????? please stop for my sanity despite having none in the first place
my first comeback was noeasy (? somewhere around there) so i've been around awhile but it's always been like. oh yeah those men hot but anyway what about jun. i had bigger and better things to focus on so i didnt really try to get super into them 😔 and it took me the LONGEST time to choose a bias bc i just liked them so casually and i wasn't super attached to any of them (and also my ex friend was crazyyy about hyunjin so i was like damn ok girl u can have him chill ! she almost put a hole in her tv once watching the red lights mv but that's a whole nother thing). then by the time oddinary came out i had watched a little more and knew them a little better (lots of chan/felix compilations in my youtube history bc theyre so silly together little guys) and i was like okay yeah its official. that dude is My Man. he's just so auuuurghhhhh grrrrr bark bark bark i love him but at first i just picked him bc i liked him the best even tho i still didn't know that much about them. and then like for some reason in the last couple months something just clicked and i've been feral deranged foaming at the mouth over him ever since like idk what happened but one day out of the blue i woke up and i was like. must eat him must eat him must eat him i need that man carnally viscerally desperately. i have probably read every single felix fic on this app in the last week i've literally just been scrolling thru the felix fluff/smut/etc tags every night for hours like i am down BAD. definitely not more that svt and definitely not ult status yet but like. he is climbing the charts i fear he is getting closer (svt pun). also a friend from the kpop club at my school recently dropped her skz collection and gave me like 6 felix photocards and i was like well fuck now i need MORE of him and so then i bought all their recent albums and my wallet is very unhappy about that but serotonin part of brain is very happy about that. silly little man cards make happy chemical go brr
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gregoftom · 1 year
just the idea of tom reading his little history book and nero having a favourite slave boy and then preferring to marry him instead of his own wife and going. hm. this is so Me coded. this is so me greg and shiv
fucking Hell wambsgans
I bet he was expecting greg to look up at him all puppy dog wonder and awe 'you would?' and instead greg's like smiling like 'ha ha I think this is cute but this guy's crazyyy? uh' and tom's realising he could've kept that one to his fucking self dsfghhjf
but just.
hey greg I read this thing and you're my favourite little toy boy I want you in my Lap
insane for this!!!!
he can't control himself and he's simultaneously trying way too hard to gthdfjsk. born to be a romantic and not allowed to be. Yet.
LITERALLY like don't even Speak to me about the nero sporus thing bc i will not shut up about it. i think about it all the time and like, at least three times i pulled up some stuff from nero's wikipedia page/pontias pilate bc he had something to do with nero in the slightest way when s4 was coming out because i was thinking about how it could relate to them wrt how the story could go. i would not let that shit go [and lo, it appeared again in the finale! thank you jesse succession!!] and in the script; waffle time, sporus. was everything to me. and of course, in 3.09 when tom casually just DROPPED the sporus like, good grief.
YEAH GOD THAT HURTS, like, i'm not sure what tom was expecting rationally but his bpd ass was like fp fp fp my fp greg <3 he'll like that and then he'll say me too! i would do that too! let's do it right now! let's run away right now and jail skip! and when greg didn't do that, just responded with a nice smile like you said, 'ah that's sweet but this guy is fucken craaaazy' tom was like everybody should die actually including myself why did i say that why why whywhywhywhy
absolutely insane!!!! god. i love him sm and i want to protect him. born to be a romantic and not allowed to be FUCK :( that's so true ugh. the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that the whole nerosporus thing was kiiind of reciprocated more by greg in 3.09 and then in s4 greg was aaaaall over tom and then in the finale tom made this big ass romantic gesture and greg looked at him like THIS
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and then smiled so big when the sticker was put on him. he was just so happy to be chosen this time. i. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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muirneach · 2 years
i loveee wild west history. its like ‘what if there were a bunch of really weird guys in a desert or something and they all had guns what would happen’. and unsurprisingly they did the most fucked up stuff. crazyyy stuff! gotta be one of my fave periods to study
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prettyboyspenceee · 5 years
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
A/N: AH! This is my first fic with an OC! I am so excited... lemme just say that the stuff I have planned for this fic is crazyyy!! I’m so excited to begin this process. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to like and reblog!! Additionally, please message me if you want to get tagged in future parts!
EDIT: Hi! If you’re looking for Part 2 you can search “masterlist” on my blog and you’ll find it! Just make sure to type “masterlist” completely and then hit search!
Description: Olivia Morales joins the BAU and reunites with her best friend, Emily Prentiss. This is just the beginning to a wild ride.
Character Apperances: Olivia Morales, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan
Disclaimer: I don’t own Criminal Minds! Only Olivia Morales (and maybe some other characters along the way *wink wink*)
Word Count: 1,291
Posted: October 21st, 2019
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Olivia took a deep breath, she opened the glass doors to the bullpen and looked around and she noticed that she was alone. Agent Hotchner had asked her to come in before the team so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable knowing that the team was watching.
She knocked on the door twice before she heard, "Come in," from inside the office.
"Agent Morales, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please, take a seat," Agent Hotchner said as he motioned to the chair in front of his desk.
She gave a polite smile, "Thank you, sir."
"You were with the New York office for 5 years, correct?"
"Yes, that is correct," she said with a nod. Now that the actual interview was taking place, she felt at ease.
"You have outstanding recommendations from your superiors," he said, Olivia nodded again, he went on, "I've also received a strongly worded recommendation from Agent Prentiss."
Olivia couldn't help but crack a smile, "That does sound like her."
Agent Hotchner looked up from Olivia's file and she saw his lip twitch, "How do you know Agent Prentiss?"
"We were roommates in Georgetown and we ended up going to the Academy together. She always hated that I was the top of our class."
Olivia watched as Agent Hotchner nodded and flipped through her file again. She tapped her fingers against her thigh and wondered if she said the wrong thing.
"The rest of the team will be coming in soon so we can do introductions in the conference room."
"Excuse me?" Olivia said. Agent Hotchner took her by surprise, was it that easy?
"Agent Morales, I want to welcome you to the BAU," he said with a small smile.
"Oh! Oh wow," she chuckled, "thank you so much Agent Hotchner."
He nodded, "You're apart of this family now, call me Hotch."
Hotch stood up, "Follow me."
Olivia was buzzing with anticipation. Emily didn't know that she was transferring to the BAU and Olvia was excited to see her best friend.
Olivia heard the team before she saw them, "We have a new team member today," a male voice said.
"Do we know who they are?" Olivia heard a perky female voice say.
"She's a transfer from the New York office," Olivia heard another male voice come from the conference room.
The voices she heard were unfamiliar to her.
"Finally! Another girl can join girl's night!" Olivia smiled at the sound of Emily's voice.
Hotch opened the door and everyone settled down, "Good morning everyone, as you all know we have a new member joining our team. I would use this time for introductions."
Hotch stepped aside and revealed Olivia to the team, "Oh my god! Livvy! What are you doing here?" Emily exclaimed.
She rushed across the room to hug Olivia, "How do you guys know each other?" A blonde woman who identified herself as JJ asked.
"We were roommates in Georgetown and we were in the same class at the Academy," Olivia answered.
After finishing up introductions, Emily went on to explain their history together.
"Liv was top of our class at the Academy and-" Emily was cut off by Reid.
"I know you," he said.
The team looked at him in confusion. Olivia knew she would've remembered him, he was stunning, "I read your dissertation on the upbringing of serial killers!"
Olivia's eyes widened, "You did? I knew Professor Bines sent it to some people but I never knew who."
He shot Olivia a quick smile, "It was phenomenal. I could never forget it."
Olivia felt like they were the only people in the room before Morgan cleared his throat, "So, Olivia, have you found a place to stay yet?"
"Oh yeah! I haven't had the chance to break in my apartment yet so I was wondering if you would like to come over for a housewarming party?" Olivia asked, her voice hopeful.
"Oh my god, yes!" Garcia said with a smile.
"We'd love to, Morales," Rossi said.
"What's your address?" Reid asked.
Olivia wrote it down and passed it to the team.
"Hmph!" Olivia heard Emily snort.
Olivia looked up at the team and she was surprised to see that they were all smiling, except for Reid.
"Is there something wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing is wrong, Morales," she looked in the direction of the speaker and made eye contact with Reid, "it turns out you're quite literally my next-door neighbor."
Olivia's housewarming party was put on hold due to a case. She was a great asset to the team and they loved her.
They were in Maine for 2 weeks trying to find an unsub who was killing teenage runaways. Olivia had found the final piece that led the team to catch the unsub. Spencer was shocked that he hadn't seen the connection before.
When the team got back to DC, Olivia's housewarming party was back in action. While the rest of the team went their separate ways, Spencer and Olivia took the metro together. Olivia and Spencer had an instant connection, they shared a love of chess and a thirst for knowledge.
As they arrived at their apartment, Olivia let out a sigh and dropped her go-bag in the middle of the hallway, Spencer stopped in his tracks and watched as Olivia let out a small laugh, "I'm exhausted and I still have to set up for the rest of the team."
Spencer paused for a moment before responding, "I-I could help you set up if you'd like."
Olivia smiled and Spencer's heart skipped a beat, "No! You're a guest, I couldn't possibly ask you to help."
"Let me help you clean up after. I live right across from your apartment and I don't mind," Spencer replied. He was hoping she said yes, Spencer felt compelled to spend more time with her.
He watched as the gears turned in her head, "Fine."
He grinned, "I look forward to it."
"So do I."
The two young agents entered their respective apartments, both trying to calm down their beating hearts.
Olivia's housewarming party was a success, the team loved it and they just fell even more in love with her. Olivia had only been with the BAU for a short amount of time but she already felt like she was apart of the family.
When the night was over the team slowly trickled out of her apartment. Morgan shot a wink at Reid before leaving, Reid rolled his eyes but he couldn't help the blood rushing to his cheeks.
"Alright! Are you ready to tackle," Olivia motioned to the mess in her kitchen as well as the living room, "this mess."
Spencer laughed, "As ready as I'll ever be."
When the pair finished cleaning it was close to midnight.
"We did it! I'm so sorry for keeping you for so long, I didn't know it would take so long!" Olivia said.
"No worries. it was quite calming and it was the least I could do," Spencer said with a smile.
Olivia grinned and Spencer swore his heart stopped, "Thank you so much, Reid."
"Please, call me Spencer or Spence," Spencer blurted out.
"Thank you, Spence. If we’re calling each other by nicknames, call me Liv,” Olivia replied.
Olivia leaned against the door frame as she watched Spencer retreat to his side of the hallway.
"Have a good night, Liv."
"Have a good night, Spencer."
Needless to say, Spencer didn't get any sleep. He couldn't get Olivia out of his head. Her curly hair, her hazel eyes, her tan skin, and her vanilla perfume were intoxicating.
The way she and Emily spoke Spanish was fascinating to him, he could listen to her all day.
It was then when Spencer realized that he was in trouble.
tags: @reid-187
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creativityworks-sx · 4 years
Paige Michel - 5 DJS on Instagram Live that bring the party to your house! - Dancehall & Soca Edition
For those of you that don’t know I am an Afro-Caribbean girl, my family originate from Jamaica, St. Lucia and Dominica. I am a care leaver, and my foster carer was from Barbados. I appreciate the beauty, arts and culture from the Caribbean. I love the music - I am a huge Bashment/Dancehall and Soca fan! Woi Yoii!
For two years, I was radio presenter and producer of a show I created with my two closest mates, Albert and Kaira, called URBAN P.A.K, at Surge – The University of Southampton’s official radio station. Together, we celebrated and showcased Black Music, Artists, DJs and Producers all over the world. Of course, I played all my favourite Dancehall, Soca and Afrobeats tunes, we played games live on air and I even hosted some quizzes too. We went to the R.U.M (Real Urban Music) events in our free time, to see the hottest artists and DJs live in clubs. It was such a lit experience!
The 5 DJs that are killing it on Instagram live right now are - DJ Supa Nytro, DJ Larni, DJ Nate, DJ Nassen and DJ Private Ryan! They are my Greater Londoners, because they have brought me and thousands of others so much joy, through Dancehall and Soca music, during lockdown. This Covid-19 crisis, has proven very difficult for self-employed creatives, like DJs, so please go check them out, show some love, book them for future events, and wuk up your waist lol!  
1.       DJ Supa Nytro :
Instagram: @SupaNytro
Twitter: @SupaNytro
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I went to Manchester Carnival for the first time in August ‘19. Not gonna lie, it didn’t compare to Notting Hill Carnival, but I still had a brilliant time. My makeup was on point, purple glitter on my water line to match my purple ombre hair. I was palancing, jumping up, and throwing colourful powder everywhere like it was jouvert! The rum punch was sweet (and cheap... not overpriced like London lol)! The patties were delicious too. I watched the showcase of Manchester’s mas bands, their local musicians, and dancers. I was dancing with my cousin Bertha, to all the DJ sets. This is when I came across DJ Supa Nytro – and OMG, his set was everythingggg, playing all my favourite songs! He had his dancers with him - Miss Rose was my favourite. Lol, I like how he’s always wearing his customised hats and tops with his name on it – I see you! I loved DJ Supa Nytro’s set so much, I just had to get a pic with him! (Go check it out on my insta!) I’ve been going to see him play at Dancehall events in London ever since. 
I tuned in to DJ Supa Nytro’s Instagram Live one Friday Night, and I am so glad I did! I realised he is not only a DJ, he is a host too. He has no filter, which makes him absolutely hilarious. He initiated conversation like ‘who are your Top 5 Dancehall artists?’. I was definitely engaged in his conversations, and intrigued to see others opinions on the Instagram Live chat. I said my favourites right now are:
 1. Vybz Kartel A.K.A ‘THE WORL’ BOSS!’
 2. Popcaan
 3. Alkaline
 4. Aidonia 
5. Dexta Daps
I also mentioned there’s a difference between my top favourite Dancehall artists right now and of all time. What we could all agree on was the fact that Vybz Kartel is the King of Dancehall – Awaoh! As a Dancehall music lover, and a history student - I really appreciated Supa Nytro’s Dancehall History quiz. He really got me thinking. I was singing along to all the bangers he was playing. His Movado set was excellent, bringing back some old tunes, and bringing back some old memories lol! You know how a song has the power to remind you of a person, a place or time in your life. I can’t wait for Supa Nytro’s next live!
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2.      DJ Larni – ‘Him nuh normal!’:
Instagram: @Dj_Larni
Twitter: @Dj_Larni
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I have been to quite a few Dancehall events with my friends Channon, Aisha, Mercedes and Tiana, like Bashment Central. It was here I heard DJ Larni’s set and yasss he was superb! I’ve since, followed him on Soundcloud, so I can hear his mixes in my day-to-day life, like when I’m doing my makeup looks or travelling on the tube etc. Sometimes I feel to just bruck out on the train, because woii the tunes are too lit!
It was a dry quarantine Friday night and I was scrolling through my Insta, as you do. I was checking who was on live and I saw DJ Larni was online. The energy he was giving through the phone was madddd! He’s an amazing host, and knows how to entertain his audience. He’s hella funny too – just freee and crazyyy, I love it.  I like how his room was dark, lit with blue party lights, giving us that club feel. DJ Larni is innovative – he requested ladies who love to dance to dancehall music, to join his Instagram live. Seeing the ladies skin out and bruck out really gave us that dancehall experience! He also engages with his listeners, telling everyone to bring their flag to rep their country, just like you would at a Caribbean carnival. DJ Larni’s liveliness is a vibe, really contagious. His Insta live party was tun up!
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3.       DJ Nate:
Instagram: @DjNateUK
Twitter: @DjNateUK
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I have been listening to DJ Nate’s mixes on Soundcloud for a long time. I love his ‘Dancehall and Chill’ mixes. I like that some of his mixes specifically focus on one Dancehall artist at a time i.e his 100% Dexta Daps, Popcaan and Alkaline mixes– some of my favourite artists. Last year, I attended DJ Nate’s Caribbean Rocks Festival with my cousin Bertha and it was amazing! I wasn’t feeling too well at this time, but I said nahhh, there’s no way I’m missing it. Never that! I had the pleasure of seeing so many artists perform live like The Rara, Alicai Harley and Dexta Daps. I was gutted when I found out Shensea could not make it, but I had a fantastic time, nevertheless! Dancehall a mi everything!
I saw DJ Nate’s Instagram Live and I was really feeling it! It was the day he was wearing his Vans vest lol. He was doing a Soca special and the tunes were fireee. The comment section on his live was going off. Bare girls putting the gyal on headtop emoji lool! People were absolutely loving the music he was playing. People from all over the world were tuned in and having a lovely time. DJ Nate was telling us to go get a drink, to give it that party vibe. I think something a little stronger than orange juice lol. Then, he put on a Soca song called Party Bad – Mr Killa and Legz. Woiiiii, I really enjoyed myself!
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4.        DJ Nassen:      
Instagram: @NassenUK
Twitter: @NassenUK
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Back in Summer ‘19, when we could actually leave the house and live our best lives, I went on a couple dates lol! There was one fineee assss guy I met up with, and we had some good conversations, like our music interests. We discovered we both liked Soca and woiii that made my day. Anyway, the point is he told me to check out his cousin, DJ Nassen, for the hottest new soca tracks - and the rest was history! I love DJ Nassen’s Notting Hill Carnival 2019 Soca Mix on Soundcloud. I’ve been getting hype to all the jab jab music! Bringing back some good memories of my time with my friends at Dreamland Jouvert ’19 and Notting Hill Carnival ’19. Woii!
I was checking out DJ Nassen’s Instagram Live one Friday Night and it was poppin! He calls it Lockdown Fridays, with his host Mist Hooli. Mista Hooli was his hype man, making the party lit! I appreciate when creatives join forces to make magic – so thank you to them both. I was really whining on my sofa lol, I had that Jamish feeling! I was putting hella fire emojis in his Instagram Live comment section. DJ Nassen was really moving them hips lol, when he was playing his set, really grooving to the music. Some of my favourite soca songs, DJ Nassen played were:
Head or Tail - Lavaman ft Mr Legz
Famalay – Skinny Fabulous, Machel Montano & Bunji Garlin
Run Wid It – Mr Killa
Wet It Up – Zeek ft Shal Marshall
Bend Dong For Di Hmm – Krome ft Nassis
If you haven’t heard of these songs, go have a listen - I’m sure you’ll enjoy them…(unless your anti-Soca like Marv Abbey looool)!
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5.       DJ Private Ryan:
Instagram: @DjPrivateRyan
Twitter: @DjPrivateRyan
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 One day I just typed in Soca Mixes on Youtube, and DJ Private Ryan came up. I listened to his Soca Starter mixes, and loved them. When I went to my friend’s sleepover a few months back, we were dancing like crazy to Private Ryan’s mixes, having the time of our life. Lol, I’m so unfit, I was out of breath. Dancing to Soca music is really a workout and a half, which is great for your daily exercise intake. I followed Dj Private Ryan on Instagram not too long ago, and my guy is verified, a whole blue tick you know. Big up yourself, a great achievement!
I saw DJ Private Ryan’s live on Instagram and it was great! He calls it Freestyle Friday! He was playing a range of music from old school to new school, and a mixture of Dancehall, Soca, Afrobeats and RnB – The listeners were loving the versatility! In his comment section, many people thanked him for his mixes, as it was helping them pass time during quarantine. What I love about Private Ryan’s live is the inclusivity. He asks his listeners to send him song requests, which he plays, which makes it that much more personalised and special. You’ll definitely have a Fete in your house, tuning in to DJ Private Ryan’s Instagram live!
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Many Dancehall and Soca events, like carnivals, have been postponed or put on hold due to the outbreak of Covid-19. So, this has left many of us feeling down in the dumps and disappointed. DJs using the Live feature on Instagram has been a great alternative, to bring the good music, and positive vibes to us. I have noticed, that some of these DJs Instagram live’s overlap with each other on Friday nights. But not to worry, if you do miss it, you can always listen back the next morning when they post it on their story or feed. So, go check out the 5 Djs that will bring the party to your house! – Dancehall and Soca edition. What are you waiting for!
If you know any other amazing DJs you think I should check out on Instagram Live, please feel free to hit me up. Apart from Soca and Dancehall, I like Reggae, Afro-beats, Neo-soul, RnB, and Hip hop. Thanks!
 By Paige Michel:
Insta: @ItsPaigeMichel
Twitter: @ItsPaigeMichel
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