#guzman samu ander who even are you
r0b1ns · 2 years
CHARACTERS: Samuel, Omar, Guzman, Ander, Polo, Patrick, Ivan, Valerio, Bilal
CW: none
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He doesn't care.
You went to school together but separated when he went to the rich kids school.
You meet every day after classes to gossip.
If you need he helps you with school work
He's smart
He was never ashamed to admit to everyone you're dating
You like sitting on a cliff near you at night while he tells you about the assholes he goes to class with
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It took him long enough to actually start dating you.
Both because you're a guy and because of your money status.
So he keeps you a secret.
Of course you don't like it, but you understand.
You meet up almost every day in a secret place only the two of you know.
Or in your house, if your parents or whoever you live with know.
Eventually you get sick of hiding and you get into an argument.
You break up and he feels too miserable without you so he tells his friends first
And than his family
The don't take it so well, not because you're a guy, but because you're not rich.
But they get used to it
He invites you to every party he goes to
And buys you expensive things
You always tell him not to, he listens but occasionally still buys you something
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If you go to school together you're unseparatable.
You sit together every class, and if you have different ones you meet immediately after.
You try to keep it down and look life regular friends
So his family won't find out.
If you go to different schools you both snick in the middle of the day to meet halfway and smoke
Sometimes you get in trouble cause you arrive late to class
You love making jokes about samu and Nadia, how they're both with the rich kids they used to make fun of.
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He really doesn't care
Neither does his mom
You practically live with them
She really adores you.
You always go clubbing together, and Guzman really likes you
You make him happy and encourage him to send you to his father
Ander, unlike Guzman, doesn't buy you expensive shit.
He understands it makes you feel weird and respects it.
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It took him time to accept it
He did grow up rich and IS rich
But with that character development I believe he'll be completely ok with it
His moms obviously dgaf about you being a guy, but the fact that you're not rich?
They'll accept it eventually too
He brings you to every event
He takes big pride in you, and if you have a school dance or something he'll absolutely go with you
He likes buying you stuff, but you made a deal it won't be too often or too expensive.
He even picks you up from school sometimes.
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He doesn't care, but he does use it as a rebellious act towards his father
He invites you to his house constantly.
Doesn't buy you things, but he does pay for dinner, clubs, drinks etc..
He's afraid you're with him only for his money
He has some trust issues
So he pushes you away.
But you're stubborn and don't give up easily
You constantly have to reassure him you live him and he deserves happiness
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He honestly doesn't even thinks about that sort of things
He likes you because of you, not your money.
After his dad accepts himself he's very chill with you,
If you like football you're his new best friend.
Ivan prefers staying at your house, to escape all that partying his dad does.
He likes your house, it's small and cozy, and quiet.
He sometimes wishes he was normal like you, not famous dad, no too much money on his hands, but you have to remind him that he's very privileged and he needs to appreciate.
Doesn't like showing up at your school, there are a lot of fans and he doesn't like the attention
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Totally ok with it.
Likes to shove your relationship to his dad
He's very handsy with you no matter where or who you're with
Takes you to every club known to men
Buys you so many drinks
Treats you like a prince
If someone says something about you he's already there kicking their ass
He likes randomly showing up to your classes and getting you in trouble so he can have more time with you
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Doesn't give two shits
He wasn't interested in your money status before and does not now
He even feels more at ease with you because he's surrounded with a lot of rich people, and you make him feel equal
Idk where he lives but you two like going out more than staying home
Just sitting in a random park or abandoned site.
It takes the pressure off of him to be with someone who gets him
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spiderlingh · 3 years
Élite Season 4 Review
as an og fan of élite who’s been binging every single season on the day it came out, i watched the fourth season yesterday. here’s my thoughts. obviously includes spoilers for both the new season and some short stories.
the short stories of carmuel and caye/rebe/guzman were the best for me.
the new characters were… uh… how do i put this nicely
ari is the new lu. but less interesting. hated her at first, felt kinda sorry for her at the end though.
mencía is a cardboard copy of miss marina. 🙄
idk how to feel about their dad?? uhhh
i was really hyped for phillipe’s character (idk how to spell it i’m sorry lmao) but man what a letdown.
ya know what… i really liked cayetana this season! i felt neutral about her before but i rlly liked her this season. wish she’d had more screen time.
i liked ander back in season 1… but his character just becomes less and less likeable over the seasons. fight me.
shoutout to samu’s hair this season. hot.
okay but what the fuck was up with all the fucked up relationships this season?? omander. carmuel. guznadia. samu and guzmán. samu and rebe’s friendship, which come on, could’ve gone back to the way it was back in s2.
speaking of rebe, this girl got hurt way too much this season?? pls stop she deserves happiness thanks
HAHA i forgot patrick… no. nah. i didn’t like him.
i cannot stress this enough: FUCK LOVE TRIANGLES. for me it worked in season 1 with carla/polo/christian because they actually seemed to be into polyamory and it actually benefited the fucking plotline around covering up marina’s murder. but that was it. AND THEY HAVE ONE OR TWO EVERY SEASON. it’s exhausting. jesus.
HEY BY THE WAY… what happened to la inspectora from the first three seasons? ma’am?? where you at?? the kids fucked up again and someone nearly died. then someone actually died.
the mystery this season was so fucking dull. like i forgot what was even going on kinda dull. the interrogation scenes were not nearly as compelling as in the previous seasons, they didn’t give you chills, didn’t make you wonder what the hell happened.
you don’t even need a murder mystery to make it interesting. season 2 was my favorite season, and there was no murder mystery — samuel had gone missing. his disappearance and the interrogation scenes were interesting, no one saw the guzmán teamup coming or his relationship with carla. it was exciting and thrilling and this season did not have that even a little bit.
solid plot twist. i’ll give them that. i did not really see that whole armando storyline coming, although i did figure out he had something to do w it because they kept him around for so long.
at the end after guzmán shot that mf in the back i was like NO DONT LEAVE THE BODY?? and then i saw he and samu and someone else i think (i don’t even remember man) dropped his body into the lake. i liked that, reminded me of the trophy.
the fuck is up with the fasion getting more and more extra this season? compare the party outfits from season 1 to the ones we have now. a little extra is good, but now they’re just plain ugly. anyway s1 and s2 fashion >>>
that one scene in the restaurant where guzmán spoke of marina and the way she was as a person and a daughter… that was so well written. i feel like so many people (the writers included) forgot about marina bc she was the first to die and only appeared in season 1, but still. like this teenage boy lost his sister (and so much more) in such a short span of time. i’m glad they at least acknowledged it.
dude… obviously i know that the show isn’t realistic at all but these kids have been through so much. guzmán has been through the worst shit. losing his little sister to murder and then his best friend as well? seeing him die in his fucking arms? and the other kids? they’re still teenagers man. it is beyond wild to think that they’d be as carefree as they were displayed to be this season.
obviously that joke rebe made in the short story about not being able to take any more interrogations and murders and shit was, well, a joke, and it was delivered well, but if you think about it… come ON. they’ve been through hell and back. the show has never been just light-hearted, it has dealt with several serious issues and deaths and murders and things like that. these kids are broken. why couldn’t they have shown more of that? or at least acknowledged it a little? have someone go to fucking therapy??
i thought overall the whole season was underwhelming. kinda boring.
before the season came out, someone said that they didn’t think the show could thrive without carla, lu, nadia, valerio, polo… and i agree now.
i feel like this season had such a different vibe than the previous seasons. not in a good way.
i miss season 1 and 2 man. those seasons had the best mystery, the best vibe, the best cast. i don’t just miss carla, lu, polo, valerio, nadia… i miss christian and nano as well.
even the soundtracks of the previous seasons were better. i’m sorry to sound this negative in the whole review but man i waited so long for the new season only to be disappointed.
you could consider this a small rant. might add more later.
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
ELITE: Season 1 (Episode 1) Summary & Notes
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*of course this contains spoilers*
Episode Title: Welcome
Summary: After a public high school collapses, the builder tries to repair its image by paying for three impacted students to attend an exclusive private school. (description straight from Netflix)
Starts very dramatically, but I’m really oddly.... into it? Right off the bat, you see a crime scene; you see blood, you see the police getting involved… basically, you see the deal. Someone’s dead. Could be anyone, and the killer could be anyone as well. You might be attached to the dead person by the end of the season, or rooting for the killer all along. Who knows. And I love that.
The outside shot of the school is gorgeous. I don't know what I expected, since it's literally supposed to be an ELITE school, but yeah. I was very impressed.
Another really impressive thing is: Nadia. I just love the girl. I don't know how to express it in words. I just do. I want more of her.
“When your name is Nadia Shanaa, you better know what can get you expelled.” HOOOO THIS LINE. The connotation of this line is of course not the least bit amusing, but I love how homegirl came prepared. Lmao. Like, 'I'm already here. I'm not going out. None of y'all rich brats will make me. This is my shot, and I'm not throwing it away.'
On a similar note, Samuel’s introduction to the class is *chef’s kiss*. Though it’s self-deprecating, I think it’s the perfect way to show that he’s unfazed by the prejudice from them wealthy kids. That makes him kinda the opposite of Nadia because homegirl wants that trophy and the Ivy League, I can already tell, and she lets them know it - but I’d like to interpret Samu as kind of passive-aggressive, at least? Might actually not be the case, of course, and Samu’s really just this gentle dude who stays away from confrontations, but I still enjoyed the clap back when it happened.
And this one, lol. Okay. I knew there was gonna be lots of sex and nudity in this show (hello, Manu freaking Rios seduced me into doing this) but in the case that I didn’t, I think it’s…… very considerate of Netflix to let us know that they’re not gonna be shy from showing asses and breasts in this series. And sixteen-year-olds having sex in the goddamn shower. Christ. (I mean. Why am I surprised anyway? I just said Manu Rios made me do this, and his character's probably the STAR of the boys locker 🤣) Anyway....
Marina is cool, I guess… That thing about her STD is terrible irl, but an interesting plot point for the series imo. It sheds light to her rebellious streak and why she kinda has issues with her parents and Guzman who's really overprotective of her.... I don't know? Will that be important? Will she, like, infect someone? Will that somehow play into the main plot?
ALSO, important note: Ander is my male eye candy this ep, lol. He's really cute.
THE DEAD BODY REVEAL AT THE END WTF. Is this how it’s gonna be for the next seasons? Because I am shooketh. I didn't expect to know who died so early. But thanks, ig? Lol. Now I know not to invest my emotions in Marina 😂.
All right, I don’t hate Christian, but I strongly dislike him the first second he’s on-screen. Maybe he came on too strong? Idk. He just felt forced somehow? Although I admit the walking naked in the corridor scene was hilarious, I'm still not sold. He is very imposing in a very annoying way. Can’t even really blame Guzman for being an asshole to him lol. This brings us to the next bullet:
Guzman is an asshole. He has reasons I’m sure, and he’ll eventually drop from the high horse, but for now…. he's meh to me.
NO. They did not call the hijab an accessory. Yo, wtf is that? And they also threatened Nadia’s wearing it as a probable ground for expulsion? YO, that’s not cool. They should reevaluate that handbook and make it more open to diversity. Like??? Honestly, fuck you, ma’am.
Yooooo Samu’s older brother is a trouble-maker. And not the type that I enjoy, too. Not against it, I love trouble-makers as much as the next bitch, but I just haven’t found the reason to appreciate him? I’m sure I’ll figure out where he stands in the next episodes because he seems like an important part of the big picture. But in this ep? Nuh. No. Bye.
I'm just gonna come out and say it: I hate Lu. Which is the same reason why I should have loved her, in this backward logic of mine. And actually, she was part of my EH!s. Until that racist comment to Nadia. They’re just really bothered by her hijab huh.
Polo is hella attractive but idk wtf’s up with him? And Carla, too. Their relationship was ????? Voyeurism and consensual cheating are common kinks in the many fandoms I’ve been in (and read fics for), but…… that sex scene between Christian and Carla with Polo watching through a mirror was really lmfao ?????
Finally, I am NOT a fan of the attraction between Nano and Marina. Not at all. But I guess nothing comes out of it in the end, right, or at least nothing that lasts into the second season. Because, well…. The DEAD BODY REVEAL lol. That’s good. Perfect. But as long as Marina’s alive, and I guess she will be until the last episode, a relationship forming between her and Samu’s brother is not impossible. And that’s what I’m most dreadful about. Because I can already see it happening asgbfdhfdj. And I don’t wanttttttttt.
Standout character of the episode: Nadia
Character idfc about: Christian???
Overall: I think it's a very solid pilot episode!
Gonna do two or more episodes at a time in the next. I'm excited!!! And I wanna add screenshots, but Netflix doesn't allow it 😒
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diez-minutos · 3 years
Hey There, Nadia (Guzman x Nadia Elite Fic)
Hey, it’s been a minute since I posted something but these short stories are just getting to me I guess. Hopefully more new content to come soon!
Summary: Guzman and Nadia’s call the day after the incident at Rebe’s housewarming party.
Pair: Guzman x Nadia; brief mention of Polo x Caye
Calling Nadia
Guzman distracted himself with his phone as he anxiously waited for her to answer. When her her face finally filled his laptop’s screen, he almost lost his breath-the same way he did every day she had been gone.
She looked distracted and little exhausted but Guzman almost loved these moments more. Papers and books were scattered around her bed. He remembered her telling him about a big paper for her government class that she just couldn’t get perfect. (Although, he knew that this paper was much more eloquent than anything he could ever come up with.) And yet, his smile was so wide his cheeks were starting to hurt because she was just so authentically Nadia. 
“Hey, Gorgeous.” He dropped his phone without a second thought.
“Hey,” she chuckled. “Are you okay?”
“Of course. Are you?”
“Yeah,” she shifted slightly. “It’s just we didn’t talk yesterday. I thought you forgot about me.”
“Never. Yesterday was just a mess.” He shook his head as he remembered the chaos of Caye falling in the pool and he and Rebe covering their faces in all the red nail polish they could find. He was scared shitless, sure. But he had to give it to them, Caye and Rebe were more fun to be around than he thought.
“What happened?” Nadia scooted closer to her laptop, her curiosity shining through.
“Don’t judge me.”
“I would never!” She laughed as Guzman gave her a knowing look. “Only a little bit.”
“Well, I went to a party at Rebe’s-”
“You were hanging out with Rebe?”
“Yeah because I thought Samu and the other guys would be there but apparently Rebe lost her nerve.”
“Oh,” Nadia nodded. 
It felt odd to her that her boyfriend knew more about her best friend than she did. Ever since she moved to New York, she had lost contact with just about everyone other than Guzman and her brother. She expected this; not many people are still close with their same crew from high school. She just had not expected it to happen so soon. They had been through so much together, especially with Polo’s recent passing. She didn’t think everyone would forget about her so quickly.
“Have you seen pictures of her new place? The pool’s pretty cool.”
“I didn’t even know she moved.” Nadia shook her head. “Guess we weren’t as close as I thought.”
“No.” Guzman was quick to rid her mind of any doubts. “I’m sure she was just busy with all the packing. I bet she’ll call soon and give you the full tour.”
“Yeah,” Nadia sighed unconvincingly. “So what happened? Who all was there?”
“It was just me, Rebe, and Caye actually which was weird but somehow fun? Rebe gave us these shrooms and Caye was so out of it she thought she actually saw Polo in the pool!”
“Oh! Is she okay?”
“I think so. She said she’s working at Las Encinas next year. Cleaning I guess. Oh! We also found a shit ton of drugs in one of the cabinets and these guys with guns came looking for it. We were so scared.” 
Nadia was surprised at how much Guzman was laughing. Was she hearing him correctly? “Oh my gosh! Are you guys okay?”
“Oh yeah. We’re fine. I think we may actually be friends now.”
“That’s good.” Nadia couldn’t help how sad her voice sounded.
“What’s going on?” Guzman’s face dropped.
“It’s just weird hearing what’s happening while I’m gone. As much as I love New York a part of me wishes I was avoiding scary men with guns with you all.”
“You didn’t miss much.” Guzman shook his head. “And we all miss you, especially me.”
Nadia smiled slightly and blew Guzman a small kiss. He mimicked catching it and held it close to his heart.
“Do you see Omar much these days?”
“Is that why you call me? To get the dirt about your brother?”
“I have to check in on him. Make sure he’s staying out of trouble.”
“He’s good. We’re in the same study group actually. He seems a lot happier.”
“Good.” She was glad that her brother was on a good path. He had dealt with so much these past few years and all Nadia wanted was for him to have a chance to just be a teenager. “And Ander? How is he feeling?”
“Great. Doctors say he’s looking good and he and Omar are still going strong.”
“That’s great.” Nadia couldn’t help the yawn that escaped her mouth afterwards.
“What time is it there? Do you need to go to bed?”
Nadia glanced at the clock on the bottom of her screen: 1:00 AM. “Soon.”
“Well, I’m sorry I missed you yesterday. And I hope you get a good grade on your paper.”
“Thank you,” she sighed. She stared and her screen still not quite able to believe that the boy she caught having sex in the locker room was staring back at her with all the love and adoration in the world. “Keep an eye on Omar for me, okay?”
“Always,” he nodded and smiled back at her. “Get some sleep. You can always work in the morning.” Nadia nodded and started to clear her bed and get ready to sleep. “Hey.” She locked eyes with him once again. “I love you.”
“I love you. Very much. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
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It is devastating to watch Elite without the three main ladies we've seen from the beginning which are Lu, Nadia and Carla. Lu has gone to study somewhere else and with her is her step brother Valerio (who is no longer in season four as well), Nadia went to study college in New York while Carla went to London, we know that Polo died in the previous season. I will also be happy to let you know that the Inspectora is not around anymore.
First off, let us talk about the new characters. There are four or five main new characters in season 4: Mencia, Ari, Patrick, Philippe, Benjamin & Armando are the ones to watch out for. So, Las Encinas has a new principal—Benjamin and he has three children: Ari & Patrick (twins), Mencia. Armando is an older man who enters in Mencia's life and has a bigger impact on the characters. Ari becomes a part of a love triangle with Guzman and Samu (as shown on the trailer) and Patrick becomes a third of Omander. Another new character is Philippe who becomes Caye's new love interest after the death of Polo.
People have been saying that the Las Encinas students are partying in every episode of season 3 but there's just two or three parties in season 4. First, the towel party where a lot of very graphic things happened. Second, the le Bal orchestrated by Philippe and third is orchestrated by Philippe's mom— the New Year's Eve party. In these parties, major pieces of the plot happened.
In this season, what I like most about is the old characters' development. Caye decided to be not a liar anymore (as she said in the first Elite Short Story: Guzman, Caye and Rebe). She stood by this decision of hers. She went to college, majored in fashion design while being Las Encinas' cleaning lady. She did attempt once to get close to Prince Philippe while wearing fancy clothes but that was interrupted so she saw no use for lying to him. ESPECIALLY because Philippe is a bigger liar/hypocrite than her (to know why, u gotta watch season 4)
Guzman has experienced changes in this season. His character has been developing ever since his sister Marina died in season one and Polo died in season 3, when he was with Lu, and also when he was dating Nadia. That is when we saw his soft side. But a downgrade happened in this season because he basically lost Nadia. He came back to being a prick and showing it by competing against Samu. But also, he was not ashamed to admit that he thinks that Samu is greater than him and he sometimes is jealous of him. He even said that Samu is the best thing that happened to him in the last two years (since Marina died)
Ander has hardships about his sexuality, especially when he and Rebe talked about bisexuality during season 3. His mother accepts him for who he is, because that is how Azucena is and we love her for that. It has been shown that his relationship with Omar has matured in this season. He accepted Omar even if he cheated, they talk about their problems. And as seen in his shorty story with Alexis and Omar, he dealt with survivor's guilt after his cancer went into remission. But one thing did not change: the fact that he will do anything for Omar. Like suspending his plan of traveling the world to stay with Omar, twice.
Omar have dealt with his sexuality and family throughout the season. He is living with his best friend Samu now and he is still working to finance himself. His relationship with Ander has been complicated but they always compromised and got back together. This cycle has been repeating for a while now. Since their relationship had a third, things got messier. Even if Omar and Ander promised that it'll always be them, Patrick still got in the way of them. But in the end, when Omar knew that Ander suspended his travel plans again because of him, he finally let Ander go. That is how much their relationship has grown and in this series, their relationship was the most mature (at least for me).
Samu has took a great toll ever since the series started. He struggled on being Las Encinas' scholar, falling in love and grieving for Marina, falling for Carla and dating Rebe, his brother being in prison, financial problems and his family moving in Morocco and him living alone. He worked as a camarero for a living. His type in women are coincidentally rich ones, that's shown in his dating history. The only bad thing he did, in my perspective, was using Rebe (a woman who likes him very much) to make Carla jealous. His development after the short story he had with Carla explains why he is mostly down in this season. He sees Ari and likes her instantly mostly because she is like Carla–pretty, out of his league, and he is invisible to her. He is as humble as ever and him being on the debate team (yes he joins the debate team in season 4) shows his side where he speaks up.
Rebe was a character we all thought we'd never like. But my thought now is: what's not to like? She speaks her mind, she loves hard, and she is an honest person. She expressed anger towards Samu, she was repeatedly lied to by her mom so I see why a liar is her least favorite person. In this season, she met her match—Mencia, a woman who also speaks her mind but a very complicated character. After realizing she was bisexual, Rebe had no problem exploring her sexuality. At first she was closed off when Mencia expressed admiration towards her, due to what happened with Rebe and Samu. But she later opened up, said to hell with it to the people and things that came in the way of her love for Mencia. She is a knight in shining armor.
The main plot of this season is Ari, who they found almost dead by the lake, beaten up. The question is the same as always: whodunit? But there is always a twist in this series, as we all know. The detective is now a man. To know about the mysteries and witness these characters' development, go ahead and stream Elite on Netflix now.
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some thoughts on ÉLITE s4 immediately after finishing it
so. i have some thoughts.
i really disliked how they kept on piling up problem upon problem and i’ve seen that a couple dozen times by now and it always ends the same - nothing gets solved. Not really, anyway. The solution usually is; another problem happens, but its bigger and far more important and severe than all of the other ones combined and it overshadows everything that had happened before.
on that note, and to be fair, this is a teen’s drama show. So i don’t mind it, just to be clear here. i enjoyed the heck out of this season, right now, it’s my favorite season of all. That might change later, as all of this still is so new and fresh and exciting so my mind naturally snaps onto it.
first things first; Omander went just like i predicted - they broke up just so they could get back together eventually, after some hardcore drama. (i cried anyway. a lot.)
there’s one character i liked throughout the whole season. no, wait, two actually. first is rebeka. i feel like her decisions made sense. i liked her story arch a lot. the second one is azucena. what a queen.
.........guzman has a really bad temper. always had and probably always will. (to the samu/guzman/ari drama; why couldnt they have a pretty threesome, ari was quite obviously polyamorous (but i guess nobody has ever heard of that lol) and samuel and guzman almost fucked any second anyways so what exactly was their problem)
surprisingly enough, i liked Patrick in a lot of moments, about 50%. i absolutely despised him in the other 50%. tbh im really not sure about his character like with him, i don’t see any reasoning or goal or whatsoever. i have no clue what he wants to achieve?? guess he just wants to be gay and fuck around and honestly? fair enough
Mencia. Oh, Mencia. i liked her a lot from the get go and i still think her character is cool as shit, but there were quite some moments when i wouldve loved to smack her across the face. i also cried a lot when it came to Mencia/Rebeka. when Samu said “Fuck, you two are cute”? i felt that. i very much cringed at the chocolate scene, but to each their own i guess.
Ari; about 95% of the season disliked her. i didn’t hate her, but she was like a knockoff version of Lu? listen, i know i’m being biased here and it’s very unfair towards her, but to me, it just felt like she always tried to be the mean girl but never really succeeded. my opinion of her skyrocketed in the last few minutes of the last episode, though. we love some good sibling care in this house. not like it had been like that in the beginning, mind you.
i. fucking. hated. Benjamin. like the whole time. i think there was legit one single moment when i thought like “okay hold on that was the first (and last) good move you made this whole season” and it was when he offered Mencia to listen to her anytime she wanted or needed to. otherwise. fuck him. his attitude, his way of talking, his way of acting, fucking everything. (in the very last scene, when he destroyed the table? like yeah, i get that you’re emotional and angry and shit but my dude, your youngest daughter just told you she basically got r*ped on a daily basis by the guy *you* invited to your house because you only saw his money. can you please show some motherfucking self-control and not scare said daughter to fucking death oh my god i hate this guy so fucking much) also because he kicked out azucena. on that note, ander being protective of his mom? absolutely living for it.
aaand Ander. here we go. oof. i did not like him for a good part of the season. actually, i think it probably started in episode one and ended in the last one, lol. i just felt like there were little things that made sense? i appreciated him telling Omar that he finds this other guy (aka Patrick) hot, but like some time later, they break up in this really horrible and heartbreaking sequence and a minute later, Ander goes whoring around like there’s no tomorrow? like, literally? huh? i found myself really torn between who to dislike more; Ander or Patrick. nice el desorden reference. (both the shot where he masturbated alone in the shower and the book, lmao)
as for Omar; can the writers just leave him the fuck alone please? what did he ever do to yall to ever deserve all this shit he has to go through constantly in this show holy fuck i HATE how he got treated by Ander and Patrick and Benjamin. This boy deserves so much better. he did seem a little out of character sometimes, i gotta say. not sure why tho. most times, he was the sweet, empathetic cinnamon roll we know him as. like idk man he does so much for his friends?? the thing with Philippe and Caye at the bar was adORABLE
which leads us to
Philippe. dude. what. was his character. most of the time, i felt kinda bad for him, like his so called friends literally all just saw the royalty in him (not that he made the impression that he didnt like that in the first few episodes, but yeah it’s a thing so i reckoned that would come up later on). also i was so happy for Cayetana ughguhghguhghh they were really cute together......but then he gotta pull this shit, like what??? in the actual fuck. he’s just like “yeah some girl tried to sue me, saying i r*ped her” and then later he’s like “so yeah i’m actually a r*pist, whoops, sorry, can you stay pretty please?” like ex fucking cuse the shit out of me sir. no. the problem is i *want* to like him because pol granch is a fucking sweetheart and i’m catching myself thinking stuff like hes kind of aware that hes a borderline r*pist and that hes also very aware that it’s not okay? but like? he doesn’t try to change? don’t even get me started on his mother. ugly ass bitch. that’s all i have to say.
so i didnt like Cayetana for a major amount of s3, like at all. but yeah, what can i say. shes just a sweet girl okay and now i have a soft spot for her. much like Omar i feel like, she gets a lot of shit, completely uncalled for and there’s nothing she can do against it she just like stumbles into the pile of crap and then is knee-deep in. i feel very sorry for her man i just wanna hug her.
just for the record, there was not a single second that i thought Amomrdm(shit i forgot his name lmfao) -the bad guy- was just being nice and helpful. tbh he just deserved what he got. whoops, there, i said it.
the build up in the last episode was very nice, i gotta say. it was low key obvious who would be the one to attack Ari, but it’s alright. i did not expect the thing with Guzman tho lol. You go man. (but still, aggression problems.)
side note; dude it really sucks that guzman and samuel were too busy fighting over Ari to actually notice her missing lmao
oh also - Rebeka’s ninja kick on the dock??????? HELLO????
guzman and ander leaving made me so fucking emotional?????? excuse me??? who gave them the right?????
edit; (a day later)
just noticed i completely forgot Samu, lol. hes just so far away from my type and i dont really have an opinion on him like yeah hes kind-hearted and cares for his friends, and thats sweet, but uuuhhhhhh. i was only there for the lil gay moments between him and guzman. there were a lot of them. i was really happy when he and Rebeka made up and talked to each other again, that was kinda wholesome. aside from that tho? idk hes just kinda [shrug-emoji] for me (like he had been from s1 all the way on to be quite honest)
that said, i’m sure theres lots more thoughts in my mind but the heat is making my head hurt lol ok bye
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 years
I just finished Elite... and it wasn’t THAT bad. I mean it wasn’t great but not as bad as everyone made it out to be.
I guess it helps that I didn’t really ship the couples from the previous seasons that they broke up this season.
I did miss my queen Lu though.
But I love Mencía and her relationship with Rebe (hopefully they’ll continue that next season, I do think they actually love each other) and i liked that she finally confided in Ari about Armando.
Omander ended on a somewhat positive note. Sure Ander is going travelling but they love each other and I suppose they’re in a good place relationship wise. After the train wreck with Patrick all season, that was a nice ending.
Ari/Guzman/Samu - all three were insufferable. Samu and another guy fighting over a girl? Yeah been there, done that, didn’t like it the first time either. Did anyone else think Guzman and Samu were going to kiss when they were saying goodbye?? With Samu even stroking the back of Guzman’s neck...
Rebe/Guzman/Samu going all I know what you did last summer with Armando - that’s 1000000% coming back to bite them next season. Well... 2 out of 3 I suppose. I laughed at the FLARE GUN taking him out and burning while he was just casually dying there. Asshole got what he deserved.
Caye/Phillipe - I kind of went back and forth with them. At times I thought he really cared about her... but in the end he was a total trashbag. Though I have a feeling his mother had a thing or two to do with that too. I loved Caye telling her to fuck off at the party though! And Phillipe’s phonecall to that Elodie? Interesting. Maybe they can bring her in next season. Also Ari ‘hiring’ Caye to make her a dress - #sisterhood #girlpower i loved it.
Bejamin and Patrick reacting to Mencía’s confession though - #ugh #men.
Overall it was an alright season really. But the men are trash (except maybe Omander who figured their shit out in the end) and the women deserve better.
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westzane · 3 years
Guzmán absolutely was supposed to the the Ted on Elite so wtf happened like seriously... as soon as they sunk his robin, he went all sucky and murdery....
honestly I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to give a real explanation (s/o to candyumbrella I know she would have been able to explain it well) but I've been thinking about it and I recently read this tweet which makes me think it might be a lot simpler than I originally thought. But I’d love to hear what everyone’s theories are on the sitch
The tweet basically said that murder mysteries only work until the original plot is finished, that elite started with marina’s death and should have ended with polo’s death (her murderer). And I think they’re right that the original cast should have all left together at the end of s3, that way the audience would have been sad but would have just had to suck it up and the people who were really interested would have still watched s4 and the new characters would have been given an actual chance versus the constant comparisons they get right now.
Anyways I’m thinking that’s Guzman's "hold" over the show, as a (weak)Ted, is based on the original cast and since Polo died, Nadia his robin was leaving, Marina's been dead for a year now, most of the original cast had left, his power had been severely diminished by the time s4 comes around. He was already a weak Ted from the start, to the point that in s1 I was questioning whether Nano might be/become the Ted with the way he was embarrassing him lol. But by s3, it really felt like he was losing a lot of his Ted energy, possibly from the combination of already being a weak Ted and the fact that it was the last season for a lot of the cast and they wanted to wrap all of their storylines up. Which btw is why Lu got the storyline she did in s3 because if he was still a strong Ted there was no way in hell she would have been able to reject him like she did lmao.
Ultimately I think the writers knew that since Miguel wasn't going to continue past s4, and that elite is popular and is gunna be around for more seasons, that they naturally needed a new Ted - who I'm thinking might be the s5 blonde guy who got called Miguel's mentee lol. The most interesting part to me is why they turned on him the way they did in s4 and I really think it's because they had a new cast and they write and film two seasons at once. So I'm guessing that as they were writing or brainstorming for s4 and 5 together, they were already not that convinced with Ted!Guzman (the tide was already turning), and they were writing s5 possible new Ted at the same time, so Guzman ended up reverting back to season 1 Guzman (the first half at that!) because the writers I guess  just lost interest in him. I think that’s also why the short story ended up like it did, a very transitional moment for Guzman where he still retains some Ted features but ultimately the big ending reconciliation scene gets cut because I’m assuming they edited all of them after writing s4 and 5 and at the point the writers were over him (vs when they wrote/shot it and let them have that big kiss scene at the end).
It is interesting that it manifested itself the way it did though, and maybe s5 will shed some light on the situation if the new blonde guy really is the new Ted, because it seemed like they really hated Guzman in s4. But maybe this is just what happens when you stop being a Ted and maybe it feels so intense because when you go from getting everything to getting nothing it feels like a very stark difference because his ending wasn't the worst thing in the world, at least he didn't go to jail - maybe that's what would have happened if they really did hate him because that would have been quite the full circle lmao. But it's like if you compare what he got in s3: a promise to get back together with his Robin essentially, at peace with the death of his sister and his friend who was her murderer, and reconciled with Samuel and Ander, versus s4 where he lost his Robin, he's getting cheated on (with Samu of all people), he murders a man randomly for a girl he's just met who doesn't even love him enough to choose him when he asks her to (!!! Guzman??? murdering someone ??? for a rando at that !!!), and ends up leaving in the middle of the school year without even getting any qualifications, it's just very .......... very unTed like behaviour lol.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Noticed absence.
Guzmán x Reader
Request by anon: Hi! Can I request a Guzmàn x reader where readers been pursuing Guzman for quite some time (years or months is okay) and Guzmàn is either clueless or just scared, depends on you. So reader becomes tired of it and just kinda gives up and some time later a guy starts noticing her and stuff haha basically "jealous Guzmàn".
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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Flirting was never something that anyone could be excessively good at in your opinion. You either flirted a lot but never dated anybody. Or you flirted minimally because you were in a relationship. Or maybe you were just trying to make yourself feel better since you’d never been a good flirter in any way. You’d realised that after almost a year of trying to flirt with Guzmán and never getting anywhere. Maybe he just didn’t see you in that way. That’s what you’d assumed recently.
“Morning guys,” You smile as you walk into the classroom where Carla, Lu, Ander, Polo and Guzmán all sat.
“Good morning, you’re looking cute today honey,” Lu comments as you take your seat beside Guzmán, “Any reason why?”
All of the others knew your intentions of flirting with Guzmán but they’d never said anything to him - thankfully.
“Of course not,” You roll your eyes, adjusting your top to make the discomfort alleviate slightly.
“Doesn’t she look nice Guzmán?” Carla cocks a brow as Polo holds an arm around her.
Guzmán frowns a little and glances at you, “She always looks nice.”
You watch as Ander fights back a smile and looks down at his hands.
“Can we talk about something else?” You question, “Arent the new kids starting today?”
“Oh fucking brilliant,” Guzmán groans, flopping back in his chair.
“Come on, they can’t be that bad,” Lu rolls her eyes, “No worse than the last scholarship kids.”
Ander scoffs and goes to respond as three new kids all file through the door. One boy walked last in line and he instantly seemed the most interesting. The first boy was evidently loud, extroverted, bold. The girl likely to try her best to get top of the class at any opportunity. But you couldn’t quite figure out the boy at the back of the line. He was handsome, but it was like he didn’t really know it.
Carla looks at you with a smirk, “Not so bad.”
- - - - - -
“Are you coming to the pool (Y/n)?” Guzmán asks as the lesson finishes and you all pack away your things.
“Yeah, of course,” You nod as he waits for you and the two of you start walking towards your lockers.
Near enough every day of the week, you went with Guzmán to the pool whilst he was swim training. He’d once told you that he got really bored when he was there on his own and so you’d offered to go with him. Now, you found yourself there all the time with him just as a continued offer. Sometimes you swam with him and other times you sat poolside.
“So, thoughts on the new people?” You ask him as he grabs his gym bag and you get yours.
He laughs, “You’re asking the wrong person.”
“They don’t seem that bad,” You defend, “I know you’re just waiting for them to be like Pablo, but not all of the scholarship students are the same.”
He looks at you with a smirk, “You know me too well. But can we please talk about anything other than the new kids?”
“Okayyyyy...” You pause, “What do you want to talk about?”
He laughs and starts chatting away and asking for your advice on what to wear to the party tomorrow night. He gave you his options and asked if he could FaceTime you later so you could see them properly. And you try to stop yourself from thinking too much into it. He genuinely just saw you as a friend.
- - - - - -
“(Y/n) not here this morning?” Guzmán frowns, “She didn’t say she wasn’t coming in.”
“No, she’s speaking to that new boy Samuel,” Lu nods her head over to where you were speaking to him.
“Something going on with them?” Guzmán asks as he sits down in his chair and hangs his arm over the back of your chair like he normally would if you were there.
“They’re just talking, Guzmán,” Ander laughs, “He seems okay.”
Guzmán glances over and watches the conversation unfold. He wasn’t sure why he felt a little protective. Maybe it was just a friendly thing. But he can’t seem to take his eyes off of you as you laugh at something the boys said, say your goodbyes and turn back to come and sit with the group.
“What was that about?” Guzmán asks as you sit down beside him.
“He’s just asked me to help him out with a few bits from maths because we’re in the same class,” You shrug, “I said I’d help him out next period.”
“What about swimming?”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t think you’d mind... it’s only for today,” You assure him, “I can cancel if you want me to.”
“No, no, that’s fine,” Guzmán shakes his head, “I can’t really complain if you’re helping someone out.”
He laughs it off but he’s not sure why it annoys him. Why did he feel any different about you not wanting to sit by a pool with him?
And why did he keep looking at Samuel?
- - - - - -
“We need a good night tonight, right?” Carla shakes her head as Polo comes up and slides an arm around her, “I’m already fed up of this school year!”
You laugh and thank the bartender as he hands you the bottle of champagne. Everyone was here tonight from your regular group and it was always a good chance for you all to celebrate nothing in particular.
“Here you go Guzmán,” You smile as you hand him his whiskey on the rocks.
He grins and thanks you as he takes the glass, “Well, cheers everybody!”
“Ooh, wait, there’s one person missing!” You comment quickly, hurrying over as you see Samuel just walking through the door.
You’d invited him after it had been made very apparent that he didn’t have many friends around school. It wasn’t much more than that, you were just trying to be nice really.
“She invited the new kid?” Guzmán mutters to Lu who simply shrugs her shoulders.
“Didn’t she tell you?” Lu frowns, “She mentioned it to me earlier.”
Guzmán watches as the boy walks over with you, looking awfully uncomfortable in the new scene.
“Can I get you a drink Samuel?” Polo suggests.
“I don’t think they sell cheap beer here,” Guzmán mutters, loud enough for you all to hear, as he takes a swig of his drink.
“Here, I’ll get you a drink Samu, lets go to the bar,” You encourage, trying to make him feel as welcome as possible as you guide him over to the bar.
You don’t really know what to say about Guzmán. Maybe he’d just acted so coldly because he felt cautious of the new kids. But there was something about the way he’d looked at you as you walked over that made you think it was something other than that. There was something about how his knuckles were turning white against his glass that made you realise there was something more going on than simply just an annoyance about Samuel being new. No, you couldn’t start thinking like that. You’d spent months analysing things like that and it had never resorted to anything. Nothing would change now.
- - - - - -
“Oh shut up it’s not that deep,” You roll your eyes as you turn around in your chair to respond to something that Ander had said.
“You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with him for my liking,” Ander jokes, “I’m just saying.”
“He’s new! He doesn’t know many people, and we just happen to have classes together!” You defend.
“Then why are you getting so defensive about it?”
“Because I think you and I both know nothing would happen between me and anyone else whilst I still-“ You cut yourself off as Guzmán walks into the room.
“Whilst you still what, (Y/n)?” Ander winds you up, “Continue, please.”
“Good morning Guzmán,” You smile as he sits down.
“Morning, here’s your homework back. Thanks for letting me copy,” He comments as he hands you back the slightly crumpled page.
“Oh yeah, that’s okay. Samuel basically did half of it for me anyway,” You laugh a little, smiling to him politely as Samuel walks in.
“Samuel?” Guzmán cocks a brow, “I had no idea you two were so close.”
“What?” You scoff, “What gave you that idea?”
Guzmán eyes you for a few seconds, “Nothing, it’s fine. Do you fancy a FaceTime tonight to go through the stuff for the test tomorrow?”
“Umm, yeah,” You tuck your hair behind your ear, “Can I let you know about that one?”
He pauses like he’s shocked you’d even questioned his offer, “Okay...”
“Okay,” You smile.
- - - - - -
You‘ve just left first period when Samuel catches up with you outside. He’s nervous as he speaks and you can instantly tell what’s about to be said. It breaks your heart a little to have to outwardly reject someone.
“What are you talking about?” Lu snaps into Guzman’s sentence, “You think (Y/n) likes Samuel?”
“Are you kidding me? They’re spending every day together!” Guzmán defends, glancing around the group like he’s waiting for any of them that will agree with him.
“Guzmán, you’re an idiot!” Ander rolls his eyes, “Are you seriously that blind to it?”
“Blind to what?! He’s obviously got some sort of intention with her and it’s weird-“
“Okay, honey, I don’t think you’re an idiot, but you need to wake up and smell the coffee when it’s right under your nose,” Carla joins in, “You seriously think she likes him?”
“I don’t see how you guys don’t see it...”
“Guzmán she likes you,” Ander hits him on the arm, “And she’s spent so long trying to get you to see that, she’s just fed up by now!”
“What are you talking about?” Guzmán scoffs, “(Y/n) doesn’t like me, she just sees me as a good friend.”
“Spending every day with you at the pool, calling you basically every other night, always blushing when you compliment her, listening to and remembering everything you tell her...” Polo trails off, “Do you want me to continue?”
“And you all knew this?” Guzmán glances around at the waiting group.
“Yes!” They all chant in unison.
The boy of focus practically stumbles back a little at the revelation as his eyes turn toward you and watch as you evidently decline whatever Samuel had suggested to you. You turn and see him looking over, to which you offer him a bright smile and make your way towards the group.
“Holy shit,” Guzmán mutters under his breath as you approach.
He’d liked you this whole time and only now just found out that you liked him too?! What an idiot!
“Ready to go to the pool?” You offer, smiling to the rest of the group, to see them all staring back at you, “What? Why’s everyone looking at me?”
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juliedeveraux · 5 years
Okay, Elite nation, sorry for my English, but I want to write this because
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So Thanks for you attention, if you are going to read this.
We all love this show because they don't divide the world into black and white. That’s why I don’t have a character that I hate. Absolutely EVERYONE in this show had problems, acted terribly towards others, and sometimes they were very dumb. They are just teenagers.
But for some reason, in the eyes of the audience, this justifies only some of the characters that they have always loved. I suggest looking deeper and understanding those who deserve it too.
For example, Samuel.
I can deal with the fact that you are simply not interested in this character. But I see no reason for comments like "he deserves the worst (like death)". Wow. He is not so bad, he has never been so for 3 seasons.
His actions did not harm others so much. Yes, now you are thinking about Rebe and Polo, so let's figure it out:
- Rebeca suffered from his actions and I feel bad for her. But he had a choice between her and his family, so I feel bad for him too.
- He was almost killed because of her mother in season 2, and she was silent about it (and asked Omar to be silent).
- Sandra justified this by the fact that she did everything for the family. Not only Rebeca's family has problems, why are we depreciate his problems?
- About their relationship: the writers did such a crap and they didn't know how to explain it. He could betray her as a friend, but they wanted to add drama. Samuel did not use her, their first kiss was before his conversation with the police.
- It's bad that he loved Carla but tried to move on with Rebeca, but this happens all the time in the series. For some reason, they can’t leave the characters without a relationship (at least they made an exception for Lu).
- Rebeca saw Carmuel in season 2, she initially knew that he was in love with Carla. Unfortunately, because of her feelings for him, she hoped for something else.
- The writers did not make Samuel apologize and explain normally, but in the end Samu and Rebe had no anger at each other, as if they had reconciled and they didn’t show it to us.
About Polo:
- Samuel and Guzman were determined to revenge for obvious reasons. The idea with twitter was terrible, but with the intention of getting recognition from Polo, getting justice for their families.
- Guzman calmed down because of Ander, and also because Marina is already dead and he can do nothing about it.
- Samuel was angry not only because of Marina. He was angry because Polo was free and went to school, while Samuel's brother was still forced to hide and then he was put in jail again.
- Polo CONTINUED to influence his life, even if he did not want to. He also did not want to kill, and I understand him, but I understand Samuel too, he couldn’t move on.
- there is a deleted scene after the death of Polo, when Samuel says that this is not what he wanted. He was aggressive, but all he wanted was JUSTICE.
And let's talk about Carmuel:
- both lied, "used" someone for their family, but for Carla it was harder because of her father.
- Carla was forced to hide her feelings for Samuel, and this is terrible. She was forced to lie to the police again.
- But Samuel never blamed her for this, he never turned away from Carla, even if her lies affected his family,
- I mean, find a guy who understands you without words and forgives without even knowing the reasons for your behavior.
- He never found out that everything was because of her father. He never heard that she also loves him. We know about this, but he didn't.
So, if we understood Carla, I think we should understand Samuel too.
I remain of my opinion: He deserves better. He deserves to be appreciated. They broke him this season, yes. But he tried to fix everything. He defended Rebeca when they wanted to kick her out of school. He felt guilty. He was a good friend to Guzman. He let Carla go for her future. And after the whole season of suffering, he ate macaroni alone.
I would be interested to read why haters are so opposed to him because he is still in the league of good guys. I think Samuel is underrated.
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piecedbytheear · 4 years
Omar’s character RANT
I will never forgot on Twitter someone mentioned how Ander’s character was made for straight people vs Omar for gay people. :( Not that I agree...but that point has got me to rant about how Elite has chosen to diminish Omar’s character and his representation AS A GAY MINORITY character from S1 to S3.
I have to remember that Elite has over 10+ characters with 8 eps a season but it frustrates me that Omar’s role is MAINLY reduced to being Ander’s boyfriend.. Like he represents a GAY MUSLIM teen and Elite couldn’t even be bothered to give his role importance and justice??? One of the showrunners even based his character off his past boyfriend who was muslim and Palestinian but it’s like they pushed him to the side!!!! How can you be emotionally connected to a character and not give said character some sort of importance and representation that doesn’t reduce them to a side role or token???? This was Malick and Yeray’s purpose in s3 SAD 
I see comments about how his character is boring and useless (mostly twitter bullies) and I kind of understand others p.o.v but when you watch the scenes he has with Samu (His bff remember!!!) and his fun persona at Samu’s party in S1 and how he interacts with Lu in S2 and even Rebe he radiates SO MUCH charisma! To see him GROW from the mysterious, drug dealing, shy, mind-my-business type of guy in S1 to someone who’s ready to explore their sexuality and break free in the later season was really interesting to watch. But then for the rest of the show he’s used as Ander’s punching bag and barely used for or in the plot.
I HATE that later on the show Omar becomes so weaken..I only say this because what is the show trying to represent? I felt like Omar was so independent in s1, having a introverted and mysterious vibe but also he had great social energy. Is Omar’s purpose just used as a doormat later on? We never see him have a conversation about how he really feels about how his parents kicked him out and how he’s taking Ander’s emotional abuse and the overall rejection he faced. Where’s Samu, or his new friend Lu or Rebe? Because we all know Ander’s too stubborn to open up and might just hurt his feelings again. Even the conversation he has with Nadia rarely goes anywhere and they both could’ve developed as great siblings and used each other to get to an understanding with their parents and share their own struggles and feelings. BUT NOOOO let’s get Omar to give his sister a shitty apology after he gets caught hooking up with Malick, Nadia boyfriend and she’s just okay with it whilst the audience is ROBBED of a scene of Omar explaining WHY he got with Malick and how he feels out Ander’s health affecting their relationship ?? The “apology” shitty writing and made him look so bitch made and Nadia a fool. Its like the Shanna siblings both accept bad behaviour from people they love. *Sigh* But I get it they’re teenagers!
My last points I want to add as bullet points because this rant is too longggg
- Ander didn’t need Guzman’s p.o.v to realise he was an underperforming, underwhelming boyfriend to apologize to Omar !!! @ Elite co-writers Are you telling me Omar confessed to Ander he treats him badly but it isn’t until Guzman says something he opens his eyes ?? This was bad writing to me idc idc
- Omar’s parents aint shit! Apologize to your son for neglecting him and ignoring his education before you ask him back home because you think he doesn’t need to care for his bf. What did Lu do to deserve to get the family acceptance?? Torment Nadia and fuck her brother ? If only they knew ! EXIBIT 12443554 of shittier writing from s3!
How they rep POC in Elite is a WHOLE other story but thats a rant saved for another day... But I hope Elite4 gives Omar more of a role and independence that I feel was missing from the majority of the show now that he’s studying at Las Encinas :)
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sarka-stically · 5 years
Overly elaborate observations, thoughts and theories based on rewatching the trailer (bunch or times)
I'm pretty sure that the person falling isnt polo. The person falling clearly has black/dark shirt/sweather/jacket, while polo has black and white shirt.(I know this isnt a new theory and plenty people think that but i had to mention this)
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(However, im not 100% convinced it's not him because the trailer still could use edited footage to throw us off)
So assuming that
People who it could be instead? For that i assume that the clothes they have their group shot are the same ones they have at the time of that party (when polo wears the black and white shirt). I base this belief on one shot of lu, flipping off someone in black and white shirt in the same dress she wears on the group shot.
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on the night of polo's death, they all wore these clothes
the shot of falling figure is an un-edited and final and actually represents whoever it was that fell
Based on this, possible candidates among the main cast are:
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+ possibly the new guy
However, in my own humble opinion, omar is the most probable one. Just based on head shape of the falling person, it seems like omar (but also the head shape sligtly reminds me of polo so this all just gets more confusing).
At first i also thought valerio, but even though he wears dark shirt, it's not long sleeved, like the falling figure has
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Why have i started about valerio? Because of this:
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So here is the thing - it doesnt have to be the same bottle. It could be some certain brand of bottles, possibly related to the business that valerio and rebe started running together (if what we see in the trailer is true). The trailer hints that their business thingy is just drugs, but who knows, it could be more. They are both from incredibly wealthy families and perhaps it could even be about them opening a club of some sorts? Such as one with green floor and wall lights? Such as one in both top pictures and also in these:
It could off course be two completely unrelated places or this one place could boot have anything to do with rebe and valerio, this is just a theory.
Anyway, bout the bottle. Lets take another look at polo's body and at 2 people who are recorded reacting to it (or trailer tries to have you think so)
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i started about the lights. If you take a look at most of precious pictures you can catch the same pattern i did. All the party pictures are lighted in both yellow and green, just like carla and guzman are in the last photo. They are both heavily lighted, with tons of people behind them. On the other hand, shot of polo's body is maily dark. So either it "fell" into some part of this room without the green floor lights (which is entirely possible and im personaly more inclined to the theory that those 3 shots are one scene) or it is not all the same scene.
Meanwhile, the 2nd bottle shot is very dark, with the whole room empty, other than whoever arrived on the scene. The whole area around polo's head is full of glass shards, which is the reason we all assume that he was killed in the fall, but what if he was not? What if those glass shards arent at all related to the fall and instead some from the broken bottle? Based on my stupidly overly complicated analysis of light, i think both those are possible.
That's all i have to say about this particular issue, sometimes i'm little to wild with ny guesses and chances are big that im wrong. Anyway, there are are more unrelated observations and theories:
Most of ander scenes in trailer include ander with hair, only one that could possibly be shaved ander (So from like 2nd half of the season?) Is this one:
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That i dont like at all because 1. Its from the party, based on ander's clothes and 2. There is a big huge possibility not even the actual scene since they both have different lighting (i swear im gonna shut up about it ok)
Omander breaks up. I have no evidence to support that but obviously writers like making ander suffer so im making a wild guess.
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Valerio is gonna end up (threesoming) with polo and cayetana because of something he does, that fucks thighs up between him and lu and possibly even with the rest of mains. It could be the business he does with rebe or it could be something else. It could be related to samu blowing up at who i assume is valerio and also to the hug between lu and nadia
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Anyway, here it is. IM pretty sure im wrong but this was fun!
If you have any theories of your own, let me know!
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bowenandjohnson · 5 years
Elite Season 3 Theories Masterpost
Since it was announced this morning that Elite season 3 will be released on Netflix on March 13, along with a short teaser and a lot of promotional photos, I thought I would put them all together in a large post of my predictions for this season. If you don’t want to be spoiled, I’m putting them all under the cut!
Season Theme
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Under the date announcement teaser trailer, one of the Netflix youtube accounts listed a new synopsis of the upcoming season--which claims that another one of our beloved Las Encinas students will die, and yet another police investigation ensues. The last two lines also talk about “the future” and “the past.” Other BTS spoilers have indicated that the students will also graduate from Las Encinas, most likely at the end of the season, and for them to move on peacefully, most of them will have to rectify their mistakes from the past 16 episodes. Possible character redemption definitely seems possible, especially for Lu, Valerio, Ander, Cayetana, and others!
Other Plot Points:
The Polo of it All
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It appears from this photo that the murder case of Marina Nunier Osuna goes to some type of judicial court. It appears (at least to me) that Carla and Polo are possibly giving their own testimonies of that night that Marina died. Unfortunately, since it’s a he said-she said situation without the murder weapon, Polo will probably be acquitted of all charges for the time being. Certainly helps that he’s a wealthy, white teenager too.
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Even if Polo gets acquitted of all charges in Marina’s death for the time being, it appears that his time at Las Encinas won’t get any easier, judging from this photo where he’s seen choking Valerio. Rebeca looks like she’s having a hell of a time trying to get Polo to let go. Other observations that I have is that Polo looks severely unkempt and rougher than usual--probably another sign of his worsening mental state.
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Once Polo gets acquitted, I would assume that Guzman then reaches out to Polo to reconnect. He’s offering him a beer, and it looks like they’re playing video games in Guzman’s room again. However, I believe that Guzman has ulterior motives for doing this. He’s going to team up with other students, including Samuel, to find the trophy, and finally get Polo nailed for the death of his sister once and for all. 
A Possible Timeline of Events
Flashforwards: Graduation from Las Encinas (and the Spanish Scooby Gang’s Master Plan)
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It for sure looks like this is part of the graduation from Las Encinas. The hallways are decorated, and in the lower right-hand corner by Valerio, it looks like blue and aqua balloons are scattered somewhere. This is where I also became sure that Samuel, Valerio, and Rebeca are for sure going to help Guzman take down Polo and possibly Cayetana for good. Spanish Scooby Gang assemble!
It makes sense that Samuel would help Guzman, as he still feels an intimate connection to his sister, and how he genuinely loved her in some way. While thinking of possible reasons of why Rebeca and Valerio would aid Guzman in his quest, I again circled back to the theme of redemption. Rebe feels guilty that  her mother (and by extension, herself) almost got Samuel killed for involving him in the family business. Valerio feels guilty for the fact that he recorded Nadia and Guzman having sex in the locker room. Helping take down a murderer is certainly on the way for redemption for Valerio, and to get Samuel and Rebeca talking again.
They just gotta get a hold of that missing trophy!
Extended Scooby Gang
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The fact that we see Nadia and Rebeca smiling and standing with Lu, who has tormented them in the past, is a clear sign of the season’s theme of looking towards the future, letting go of the past, and ultimately redemption. If Lu helps the Scooby Gang (which would include Nadia and Rebe) take down a murderer to try and absolve her past sins at Las Encinas, it would show a true sign of growth for the character. However, I would like to see her problematic behavior addressed and dealt with before she is completely forgiven. Show, don't tell, how the character has evolved over the course of the season.
Flashforwards: Graduation Party at the Club
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After the class graduates, it makes sense that the gang would party together one last time at the club. From this photo, we can see that Omar, Ander, Nadia, Guzman, Rebeca, Cayetana, Valerio, Lu, Samuel, and Carla will all be present at some point. Whatever or whoever they’re looking at offscreen in this photo doesn’t appear welcome. Polo perhaps?
Somebody’s Dying Tonight/The Party is Definitely Over Now
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From this photo, it is made clear that someone is not making it out alive of Elite season 3, and the mystery of who it is and why will probably slowly unravel across these next eight episodes. If you zoom in closely on Guzman’s hands, you can see blood on them, which factors into my “who’s dying?” list.
1. Ander - Ander isn’t shown in this photo, which made me immediately suspicious. At the end of season 2, Guzman angrily said to him that he hopes Ander falls and cracks his head open on the ground. Possible foreshadowing for his death? Due to his sorrowful look and his bloody hands, he may regret those words. If Ander dies, it would also make sense to why Omar and Nadia are not present in these photos. Omar is Ander’s boyfriend, and Nadia might be accompanying both of them to the hospital where he’ll be pronounced dead. I do find it hard to believe though that they would fridge a gay man, and one who is a part of the fan-favorite ship of the show. Who knows, however?
2. Lu - Lu’s been a tough character for me to get behind throughout the show’s run. While I do like Danna Paola’s portrayal of her, I certainly don’t condone her actions of bullying, islamophobia, racism, or incest in any form. Getting back on track, she also isn’t seen in this photo, and neither is Valerio, her brother. Lu’s death would also explain Carla’s sorrowful expression, as they used to be best friends. Guzman was also one of her closest friends and her boyfriend at one point, so they once had a deep connection. Omar was also a new friend of Lu’s, so it’s possible that he might have accompanied her to the hospital. Lu’s death might also explain Samuel’s, Rebeca’s, and Cayetana’s look of indifference, as she bullied them all at points in the last two seasons, and their relationships with her were often contentious. Lu’s death may be one way to ultimately redeem the character also.
3. Nadia - As stated before, Nadia is also not shown in this photo, which is surprising as in the other club photo, she is seen standing very closely next to Guzman. She is Guzman’s primary love interest in the show, so that is also why he looks so sad, and the blood on his hands might be from an attempt to keep her alive until an ambulance came. Although if she was truly in peril, I believe that Omar, Rebeca, and Guzman (maybe even Samuel!) would probably go with her to the hospital. However, anything’s possible.
4. Yeray/Malick - We haven’t seen the new kids in any photos from the party so far. Therefore, they could also die. RIP.
Despite Guzman having blood on his hands, I don’t think he’s the murderer. Too big of a spoiler to put in promotional materials. Next.
Love Is in the Air
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Considering what happened in season 2 for these two, where they were filmed having sex and then publicly shamed at school, I’ll consider it a win if they’re standing closely together in a promo picture. I believe that these two will eventually find their way back to each other, and that they’re meant to be. They might spend the season mostly apart, but considering that a magazine also leaked these candids of the two actors kissing, hugging, and talking in these outfits, Guznadia is definitely endgame in some shape or form.
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Since Valerio ended his incestuous relationship with Lu last season in the finale, it would make sense that he would try to move on with a new girl. And who better than Rebeca, who he’s already kissed at the Back-to-School party? If he makes some kind of play for Rebeca, it might make Samuel jealous and admit some feelings towards Rebe--considering the magazine also leaked candids of Samu and Rebe kissing outside of school in their uniforms.
However, considering Valerio’s “connection” with Lu, he may have a hard time moving on for good, as seen in the first picture. In my opinion, the picture of Lu/Valerio only serves to further my #LuDies theory. A sweet forehead kiss between siblings/former lovers at the grad party? Spells one word: doom. 
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Samucarla has become a fan-favorite ship for many in the Elite fandom. So seeing this picture of Yeray (played by Sergio Momo) with his arms around Carla may hurt some people’s feelings. It is clear that at some point in this season, Samuel does kiss Rebe, however in the magazine spread of Elite candids, Samuel and Carla were seen talking at the grad party, and Carla had her hand on Samu’s face. Will the two try to move on from another, but eventually pulled back together? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Fan-favorites “Omander” have no solo promotional pictures so far, but both were glimpsed in the party photo. Their storylines this season may be very spoilery and integral to the plot, which is why they weren’t shown as much. 
Like Omander, the two were in promo shots, but never seen together. This also hints at the two’s dynamic being super important to season 3, considering Polo is a murderer and Caye is now his accomplice in covering up his crime.
These are just my theories for the upcoming season based on what is available to us right now, and I will certainly update them as more material comes out! Feel free to let me know your own thoughts, and make sure to watch season 3 when it comes out March 13th on Netflix!
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jacerys-velaryon · 4 years
Hi ☺️ I think you misunderstand the character of Guzman... It's okay to admit he has flaws, he isn't perfect. Of course he participated in the bet, he even started filming, come on. You can ship whoever you want to ship but it's silly to pretend he didn't almost have sex with Nadia just for the bet.
Hi Nonny 😊!
First of all: I would like to appologize that it took me so long to answer you, but your ask only appered in my inbox today, my guess is that you must have left the ask several weeks ago after I posted my thoughts of Guzman, Nadia and the bet. I'm sorry that I was unabale to answer you but Tumblr sadly keeps doing things to me I can't understand: sometimes I'm unable to write messges, or if then only to a few people, I don't receive my asks in time to answer them or I'm unable to ask anything myself... And that's just a few of my problems *sighs*. Maybe it's a good sign that your ask finally "arrived" maybe from now on things will get easier/ better?!
But Guzman. Let’s talk about him and my post about the bet…
When I’ve deceided to write somehting about the bet – there is so much we have never talked about one here, so many interesting and important aspects of Nadia and Guzman’s relationship and so much more when it comes to Élite in general - anyway, if you take a closer look you’ll see that I was talking about him not “truly” participating.
That word is very important when it comes to this whole bet - Lu trying to get rid of Nadia or at least to make her mouth dead because she was truly worried that at some point Nadia would use what she saw against them or just her - which was aside from also being suprised by Nadia's smartness and so maybe having a true competition in being the best in their grade for the first time, the reason why she acted and treated Nadia from the very begining the way she did.
We never knew if she was only interested in saving herself, or Guzman as well… But that’s just me cause wasn’t Lu always interested in herself more then anybod else? But let’s leave it to that…
Of course I haven’t forgotten how he filmed Nadia and himself in the pool but before he did that night… can we talk about everything that happened/ or not happened before and also afterwards.
How did Guzman react when he saw Nadia for the forst time? How did he react when Lu (it must have been Lu) talked to Ander's mom about Nadia wearing a hijab and the result was that Nadia had to take it off? He wasn't happy at all, just take a look at the scene, the moment when Nadia walked by and Guzman knew what Lu did and what would happen. Take a look at the look he gave Lu. He was judging her that she shouldn't have done that and he didn't like it.
Also when he talked to Nadia, when he invited her to the party. He was interested, truly interested and starting to get fascinated there was something about her he immediately has been drawn to and Nadia was also not acting as if she truly didn't like him lr what she saw in the shower.
Nadia acted more like she was disappointed that Guzman and Lu were really a thing - Nadia couldn't have known anything about the " friends with benefits thing" between them - so she acted also a bit jealous and sad...
And then back at the party Lu had the idea with the bet and only calling it one, after Guzman found her idea more then just odd because he could’t imagen himself getting close to Nadia only because Lu wanted him to, to use that against Nadia. So he just let Lu talk, as he often used to… she would stop at some point.
But then Nadia threttend Guzman, by helping Samu, somehting he couldn’t really deal with, cause while on one side he was fascinated by the fact how Nadia helped Samu – he would have and maybe has done the same, for his friends (Ander and Polo) many times before but on the other hand she did something he was never used to. And that made him angry and sad for a short while at that moment. And then when Nadia was about to leave, when they were standing in the doorway and staring at each other. That must have been a turning point for both of them. They knew that there was something between them but they couldn't stop looking into each others eyes. Irritating for both of them, so when only seconds after Lu arrives Guzman is still irritated and shocked and feeling many things why he reacted the way he did.
In that moment Lu must have believed she won, but a few days later it was Lu who made Guzman remember the bet at school. Guzman himself wasn't angry anymore. Cause while he is indeed often hot-headed, yes I know, he is also very fast in forgetting and forgiving things especially, if he loves and cares for the people. And he did care for Nadia far more then he would have admitted it at the time to himself and others. The same goes to Nadia btw. too.
So when Lu is reminding him on the bet, he is not trying to work with Nadia on that assignment because of it. No! It's because it's the perfect opportunity to spent time with her!
Why is that so? I don't want to get too much into detail cause my answer is alredy very long 😶 but:
- during the conversation in the library he is honestly interested in her religion, believings and feelings towards it
- when visiting her parents and he is ending up in a fight with her dad. Nadia knows how harsh her father was, that Guzman has nothing to do with his father's company and work. But the way he acted made it almost unabale for her to get her father's permission to work with him ever... Guzman realises that although he was just defending his dad (which we all would have) but when Omar arrives at the shop and he is detecting him as the drug dealer he saw with Ander, he is so irritated and worried for Nadia. His face when he leaves the shop 🙁😟.
- when Nadia visits him at the school pool he teases her because he recognizes how easy he can tease her and make her smile with it
- Nadia makes him smile too. The way we have never seen him smile before.
- When they' re at his house and his pool, he is sorry and ashamed that Nadia almost figured that there was a bet, that there needs to be a reason why he is spending time with her, even if it was Lu's idea and he wasn't interested in participating in it and not spending time with her because of that betbat all, he he felt sorry and ashamed.
- But then a bit later he loves how playful she is with him, how they lough and smile, how everything seems to be so easy
- when she won against Lu during the swimming competition he couldn't stop watching her. Being happy and proud that she won. Grinning like a fool when she did.
- then when he needs her help, to take care of Marina who is at Samu's party she helps him. She is telling him off at first, that he should calm down but she is helping him. His grin when he is standing infront of Nano and Christian at that party. Amzing! Like: see Nadia helped me. Me! She helped me and that's why I'm here.
Is that someone who participates in a bet just to hurt someone for you?
But then Nadia accidentally drank some punch with drugs in it. Making her loosing up towards Guzman, making her wanting to spent more time with him. Guzman who didn't knew Nadia well enough didn't knew hpw else ro react rather then saying no because he didn't wanted to push her + Nadia didn't seemed to be that forward before.
Guznan couldn't have known that Nadia was drugged, that this wasn't really her.
Yes, she wanted to spent more time with him, with him at his house and pool because she loved it there. But she would have never told him without being drugged and so when he says no, she uses what she knew about him  She didn't even ment it badly, she just doesn't wanted the night with Guzman to end.
But using what she knew, just to make him spent time with her. That wasn't the Nadia Guzman was drawn to, he aleady was falling for. That was something he has never expected her to do because he didn't knew her enough, he didn't recognized her beig drugged which was why he choose to take the video. We didn't even knew what he was up to with it, only that he was so disappointed for a short while, that he took that clip. But then he saw Nadia in the pool being mesmerized by her and after he was jumping in beside her and when looking into her eyes finally recognizing that she is drugged he was the most angriest of himself.
Wow, ok that's possibly the longest answer I have ever posted 😶😁
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Elite S3 reactions (Episode by episode/overall thoughts +SPOILERSSSS)
So I know I post writing stuff but I have *EMOTIONS* about this show and no one to share them with so please ignore this post, if you don’t watch the show/don’t care. Includes spoilers so you’ve been warned.
Ok, I’m going to go episode by episode then do my overall feelings. I’d love to know anyone’s thoughts about the show so feel free to reblog! I just watched the show in 10 hours straight but alot goes on so I might not be able to remember every single conversation in a episode. Multiple characters have a lot going on at once. For reference, I don’t speak Spanish-I watch the show with English subtitles. 
-3x1: Carla
-Pretty solid start, we pick up a couple weeks after we left off. I felt so DUCKING bad for Carla the entire season and I understood why she lied in court about accusing Polo. Malick is introduced-am I the only who doesn’t like people who are persistent in asking other people out? Like my no is a no. Don’t annoy me, this is the kind shit people pull and pressure others into a relationship. It’s not endearing to me. So I automatically didn’t like him. 
-Lu gets kicked out but can someone tell me where she lives throughout the season? I figured she lived with her mom after her dad kicked her out but at the last episode, in the airport, she says both her parents have disowned her? Where has been living? Maybe she saved up money unlike Valerio idk. 
-3x2: Samuel and Guzman
-Samu is trying to get Carla back. I didn’t dislike them as a couple last season but I knew they were using each other, so I didn’t allow myself to get too close to them. But now I ship them. I wanted them together this season. Yeray is introduced-um, I still think he’s irrelevant. I did think for a moment that he was going to hold his money over Carla’s head so she’d stay with him but he didn’t even think for one second that was why Carla was trying to get with him (because her asshole dad pimped her out ugh) . He was only helpful when it came to the contract at the end.
-Deadass, I was going to exit out if Valerio had slept with Rebe’s mom. I thought that entire scene was pretty much sexual assault and it was creepy. He needs to go to rehab lmao.
-Polo trusting Guzman again was a dumb bitch move. So here’s how I feel about Polo. V unfortunately, I love him. He’s one of my fav characters. I know he’s a killer but Idk I think it’s the actor or something because he’s so pretty (the entire cast is beautiful) that I forgive everything he does?? Also I hated Marina by the end of S1 so he did me a favor. What I wanted from Polo was to embrace the fact that he was the villain. Like the times he threatened Lu by taking away the scholarship or (tried) to threaten Samu. Those scenes I was like hell fucking yes, no more wallowing. But noo this boy wanted forgiveness. Dude. You’re cute but you still killed someone, jesus. I would be so ashamed/guilty to be hanging out with the brother of the person I killed. He played himself there big time. The tweets were interesting way of revenge and ofc Caye used that to her advantage. She’s a leech but I thought she used the fact that she had the murder weapon (as leverage for Polo to stay with her) waaay more. 
3x3: Cayetana and Valerio
-Strange couple but eh, better than incest. So in this episode, Samu makes a deal with the worst detective ever (every season, she fails to solve a case lmao) and I don’t blame him. He’d do anything to get Nano back, it’s why he tried to get Polo arrested for an entire season. It’s shitty that he did that to Rebe but I understand why. Before this season, I thought Rebe was irrelevant because she wasn’t really fleshed out but after this season, I grew to like her a lot. It hurt watching her and Samu get close because everytime she said something like ‘you’re the only good thing in my life’ I was like girl, he’s the reason why you’ve lost everything ugh. It was uncomfy and sad to watch. 
-Ander and Omar. I liked them-didn’t like what Ander did last season but he did confess and was forgiven. So Omar’s whole cheating thing came out of left field and it wasn’t! Even! Properly! Confessed! to! Ander!!!! Oof. Ander SUFFERED this season. But I’m glad the writers chose cancer over HIV because there’s so much stigma attached to that disease and the LGBT community and I’m tired of that narrative. 
3x4: Lu
-I’ve always respected the hell out of Lu. Yes, she’s been a bitch for the past 2 seasons but she was always upfront about her actions. She didn’t like you, she let you know. This was her shining season and I loved her Valentine reversal. She looked hot, she really looked out for Nadia/Ander this episode (and the entire season). She could’ve revealed the cheating but she didn’t. I feel like S1 Lu would’ve so she’s come full circle. She said NO to Guzman which was everything. Oh speaking of which, I actually like Guzman. He’s really developed as a character in terms of temper. I like that he wanted to move on from hating Polo. But when he’s with Nadia, he irritates me. 
-I don’t have Muslim parents but I have Muslim cousins. My parents are immigrants. They’re not extreme like Nadia’s but like I feel Guzman goes out of his way to make Nadia’s home life worse. He’s knows her parents are conservative but he’s strides in the store and tells them about how their daughter can’t study. Should Nadia had said something? Yes but how could she? She has responsibilities to her parents. Her 2 other siblings have been kicked out. Nadia claims that her religion is important to her but Guzman repeatedly disrespects it. I couldn’t be with someone like that. It wasn’t cute that he offered to work so Nadia could study-which we saw him do ONCE. It’s overbearing. Also Nadia just forgives him so easily, it’s like dude, do you not care? So I like Guzman-he’s actually a good friend to Ander and formerly, Polo but my god, he’s so disrespectful when it comes to Nadia.
-Also I liked the threesome, not as good as Christian/Polo/Carla but not bad.
3x5: Ander
-Best episode this season, hands down. I loved the opening song and sequence. The scene where Polo’s parents catch him with Valerio and Caye really got my gears thinking-I was like if I were a parent (don’t want kids but ya know, if I did), how would I react to that? I’d like to think that I’d be very accepting of my kid (given they’re not hurting themselves or others) in terms of sexuality, religion, etc. But I was like hmmm, being polyamorous?? Not one I would be prepared for. But if the kid is happy, I guess. That was random but those were my thoughts. 
-Rebe finding out it was Samu who sold them out hurt like a bitch. BUT MY GOD THE BLACKLIGHT REVEAL!! Ugh the best. I had to pause, I was so shook. And Malick and Omar reveal to Nadia. Jesus. I loved her reaction but it was immediately undermined by the next episode when she forgives her brother. Like I get it, they’re siblings. But she should’ve held it against him longer. Omar got 0 consequences for cheating this season-not from Ander or Nadia. Tf.
3x6: Rebeca
-Carla is on drugs. Yikes. Again, her dad was pimping her all season so I get it girl. Also anyone else think the adults are stupid in the show?? All of their parents are business people but one bad financial move, they’re on their asses and almost bankrupt? Happened with Guzman’s dad and now Carla’s. Do they not invest in other things? Idk have a savings account?
-Also Samu and Guzman being friends. Top tier content. Chef’s kiss. Full circle and character development to the max. Ngl I felt a little bit of homoerotic tones there?? Just me?? I would ship them over any other couple if they got to together for just one night. 
-Nadia sharing the scholarship with Lu. Ugh. Everything. Loved that.
-Ander lying to Omar about having an affair. Ew. I know he was trying to push Omar away but like he was the one cheating? So either call him out on that or just break up with no reason. Don’t make yourself look bad dude. Ugh but the both of them sobbing at the end of their breakup...my heart shattered. That was GREAT acting. 
-Polo saving Carla. We all liked that. 
3x7: Nadia and Omar
-FUCK Ander’s mom for expelling them. I went to private school-there’s rules in place for parents who have money so they don’t manipulate the administration. Polo’s moms needed to let their son fight his own battles. Also Ander’s mom calling Guzman to come over to talk to Ander was really strange. She just expelled him. I know he’s Ander’s best friend but idk, she just expelled him. And they don’t even talk about it at Ander’s house. Again, this is the Guzman I like-the loyal/good friend. Loved the convo between him and Ander. 
-I liked Carla’s honesty to Yeryay and that they could possibly be friends. I always knew he idealized her for standing up for him on social media so I’m glad they acknowledged that. 
-Also Lu’s comment to Nadia that she looks like a pistachio was everything. And her ‘People are watching’ line in the previous episode is great too. 
-KEVIN FUCKING MCHALE made a cameo. Hell yes. And ofc, great speech by Nadia and Lu. Polito’s last conversations really did a lot for me to symphatize with his character (He didn’t have to do much because I still liked him despite his murdering). He got his moms to face the fact that they can’t throw money at every problem and that he is a killer. This scene and the beginning scenes of the next episode is what made me at peace with his character. I knew he was going to die but like this is what he needed for some sort of redemption. 
3x8: Polo
-Not the best ending for such a good season. But the first 15 minutes which are the convos and events that led up to Polo’s death was good. I never suspected Lu for a second, I really thought Valerio (Had some decent motive-more than Nadia, less obvious people like Samu and Guzman) had done it. But when I rewatched the trailer, you see that the writers told us it was her all along. Her line about the ELITE gang being family and that she’d protect them was a clue. She had the least interaction with Polo himself throughout the season so I never had time to even suspect her. Really brilliant. 
-Them touching the murder weapon is powerful. This was the only way to end things. I figured by episode 6ish that everyone was working together based on their answers in the flashforwards. And I half laughed because no sane police force would allow the witness/potential suspects to hang out together before interrogation. At least not without police watching them. 
-I do think it’s odd that Samu asked Rebe to ask her mom to get rid of Polo because he literally betrayed her and she talks to him (although mad) despite that. OKayyy. I really thought we were going to get the Samu and Carla get-together but guess not. I feel cheated by that because they clearly wanted each other all along. 
-The endings weren’t the best. I do appreciate that Omar made the right call in the end and I’m glad Ander is in remission. Oof my gripe though was with Nadia and Omar’s parents. So Lu goes to the airport and admits hey my parents disowned me and they’re like of course, we’ll be your family. AND I WAS LIKE ‘WHAT ABOUT OMAR??’ Y’all were so willing to kick him out and they never really made amends. So like I get that Omar’s dad is trying by acknowledge that Ander is Omar’s boyfriend but I mean during Omar’s mom’s dinner, he had no right asking him about his studies. He didn’t move out. Y’all kicked him out. How do you think he’s doing, trying to find a place to sleep? Jesus. Also the mom isn’t all good. Again, if I were a mom, I don’t understand how I could live without knowing if my kid is okay since they’re not living with me. My mom is a single mom-I know there’s no man in the world, not my dad, no one that she would chose me over. If my husband kicked my kids out, no questions, the husband is going to the curb or I’m going with my kids. Idgaf. The mom should’ve stood up. It just made me so angry that they were like poor Lu, no family but they mistreated their own child. 
OKAY so overall thoughts...I thought this was a really good season. I’d say 1st was the best, then this one, and then second (Ngl I don’t remember the 2nd one too much okay). I liked that it was more angsty and more character focused then the whodunnit? part that we’re used to. The entire cast has such strong acting and I’m going to miss whoever isn’t returning for S4. I’m going to miss Polo as well goddamn. 
Best moments of the season: Lu saying/doing ANYTHING-I have feelings, bitch. Her friendship with Nadia and other characters. Carla standing up to her pimp dad. Ander being in remission (his acting was great too). All of episode 5. Kevin McHale cameo. 
Worst moments: Polo asking Guzman if he would ever be forgiven?? And I know he did end up forgiving him but like bro, just because I don’t want to harbor hate for the rest of my life, doesn’t mean I forgive you for killing my sister whatttt. Omar never confessing to Ander about the cheating. Like no consequences and his character was just demolished this season. Still don’t know where Lu lived this entire season lmao. Anything Ander’s mom did to the students ugh.
Overall, I liked this season. It felt more mature for a high school TV show. I’m not super invested into any particular ship so I don’t feel cheated like most people. It takes me a while to get into ships but once I do, I get really invested. The only ship I was really disappointed in not seeing was Carmuel because Carla went through alot this season and Samu clearly wanted to be with her. And that’s all I had to say lmao.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Always for you.
Guzmán x Reader
Request by @cosmomariii : hello! sorry if I'm bothering you. could I request a one-shot with Guzman where him and the reader are a really strong couple and he's so in love with her that he tells her his plans for their relationship in the future? maybe in a fancy date or something, idk. btw I LOVE your writing and your ideas are amazing! :)
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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You could’ve stayed like this forever if life didn’t call you to commitments. Guzmán lay back against the stone balcony floor as you lay between his legs with your head on his chest. He’d been pointing out different parts of the morning sunrise that made it impossible to want anything more than to stay exactly here. You’d been dating for a little over two years now and even you had surprised yourself with how stable everything had been. This was Guzmán we were talking about! He was practically known for having the easy ability to break hearts. But, somehow, along the way, he’d found yours and had never found a reason to let go. He never looked for one. It felt like you gave him purpose and he gave you reason. You gave him hope and he gave you a home. And piece by piece you’d built up a relationship that you could never see yourself losing. He was all good qualities in a heart wrapped into one beautiful boy.
“We really need to go,” You mumble, swirling patterns on his legs underneath the hem of his shorts.
He’d woken you up early to watch the sunrise before school started and you couldn’t possibly say no.
“I’m sure they won’t miss us at school,” He comments quietly, fingers threading through your hair that was splayed at the side of your head.
“What happened to being motivated?” You laugh, pushing yourself up so you could turn around and face him.
“I found other motivations,” He smirks, pulling you in and pressing a long, sleepy kiss to your lips, “But I do still need to graduate.”
“Then let’s get up, sleepy head.”
You stand and take the chance to stretch out your knotted muscles from the night, jumping as Guzman’s arms wrap around your torso and his chin settles on your shoulder.
“How about date night tonight? I’ll take you somewhere special.”
“You don’t have to Guzmán, I thought we said we’d just stay in again.”
“I’ll pick the place and meet you at yours,” He kisses the side of your neck before heading in back to his room.
Your heart still fluttered at little moments like that. How could it not? He had a power over you that no long-term could ever put out. You could see yourself simply falling deeper and deeper in love.
It was strange really. You knew you were only young. Seventeen was no age to be certain of much. But it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a possibility. And, sometimes, in certain ways and in certain crossing paths - you’ll meet someone that you were meant to meet. And you can be content with that. You don’t have to fear the doubt of other people or the opinions that didn’t belong to each other.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Guzmán sticks his head round from the en-suite of his room, toothbrush sticking out of his nose and his bare shoulder giving you a slight glimpse at his naked torso.
“Nothing,” You smile and walk over as he hands over your toothbrush too.
You spent more and more time here nowadays. It no longer felt strange when you’d pass his mum in the kitchen on an early morning. In fact, it had become a regular occurrence for you to be up earlier than Guzmán and he’d find you chatting away with his mother about anything and everything when he came downstairs. He loved that you got on so well with her, it made things so easy. He even got on with your family and practically become a big brother to your younger siblings. Your little sister loved using him for all of her latest ideas and science experiments and your little brother used him for any advice or questions he needed answering. It melted your heart every time you saw them together.
“You sure they need us at school today?” Guzmán pouts, leaning against the counter as he waits for you to finish getting ready too.
“We’re the best people at that place,” You joke, “Come on, we have a test fourth period as well and we never got round to revising last night.”
“There were more important matters at hand,” He squeezes your hips as he follows after you back into his bedroom, his chuckle ghosting over your skin.
- - - - - -
“Morning Samu,” Guzmán smiles as the two of you walk hand in hand into first period.
“Morning,” Samu frowns a little, “Why do you look so happy this morning?”
Ander laughs, “(Y/n) stayed the night.”
The boys laugh as the two of you sit down and Guzmán settles his arm over the back of your chair.
“Is there a problem boys?” He cocks a brow, “Come on, say your worst.”
“Nothing, nothing,” Samuel laughs, sitting down on the table across from where Omar and Ander sat.
“He’s just cuffed, that’s all,” Ander mumbles and the boys all laugh.
“And you’re not, Ander?” You quip, wiggling your brows as you look between him and Omar.
Guzmán laughs outwardly, glancing at you like you’d just said the funniest thing he’d heard. It was something he’d always listed as a quality he loved about you, you welcomed his friends and treated them like they were your own too. You weren’t weird about him spending time with the boys and never minded when he’d promised to spend the evening with Ander before you’d suggested plans. You could be one of the boys as well as his girlfriend. And he never knew that he’d find someone who balanced that so well.
Class begins and you become distracted quickly by Guzman’s arm around you, his fingertips brushing delicately across the top of your back.
“Guzmán,” You say quietly, “Stop distracting me. We both said we can’t afford to not graduate again.”
He laughs a little, dipping his head close to you as he responds, “You distracted me first, darling.”
“What’s gotten into you today?” You shake your head, “You’re like a boy with his first love.”
“Maybe I am,” He mutters, pecking your lips gently before turning back to listen to the rest of the class.
- - - - - -
You find yourself sat in the test, thanking yourself for making sure you’d been over some of the content with Guzmán that morning. You inputted your answers into the screen and kept stealing glances over at him to make sure he was doing the same.
He pokes his head around the side of his screen at looks at you with a smirk, “Thank you.”
You’d practically given him the answers - telling him everything he’d need to know as you were on your way to school that morning. It wasn’t that he couldn’t get away with it. But you knew he was so determined to graduate with you this year, both of you being held back, that he couldn’t possibly slip up yet.
He nods to gesture towards the book you had on the table to which you frown but instantly expect a typical Guzmán move - leaving little notes for you wherever he found the opportunity.
‘You left your book in my locker and I couldn’t resist. How does a Guzmán-special date sound for tonight? Dress code: finest attire.’
You glance up with a smile in his direction. A Guzmán-special, as he’d adequately named over the years, meant a date where you had no idea what you’d be doing, where you’d be going or what to bring if you needed anything. It had included the time he’d taken you to a water park, the time he took you for a walk on the beach, the time he attempted to cook a four course meal and many more.
You turn the page of your book and find another note on the next page.
‘Again, couldn’t resist. You look beautiful today.’
With that, the bell to signal the end of class and the end of the test sounds. Everyone filters out as you wait for Guzmán to collect his things and hand in an extra paper he’d done for the teacher - you were pleasantly surprised by how motivated he’d been recently.
“Right, you’re in track practise for the rest of the day and I’m going to head to the pool,” Guzmán comments, linking his hand with yours instantly, “So I’ll see you at the end of the day. I’ll meet you by your locker.”
“Yeah, okay,” You nod, reaching your lockers as you grab your gym bag and he does the same, “Can you at least give me a clue about tonight?”
“I told you - finest attire,” He shrugs, “Isn’t that enough?”
“What does finest attire mean?”
“Darling, you could wear a bin bag. You look fine in anything.”
“Now you’re just being corny,” You scoff as he closes your locker door and hands you the key.
“Is that so bad?” He shoots you a wink, walking ahead of you and turning to face you so he was walking backwards, “I’m full of surprises, (Y/n).”
“Just please don’t nearly burn down the house like last time,” You groan, following him through to the changing rooms.
“I promise - no attempts at cooking. I’ll see you later.”
You depart with a quick kiss as you go about the afternoon’s activities for the rest of the school day.
- - - - - -
When you’ve finished practice, you’re just about to walk back to the changing rooms when you catch someone sat on the grass.
“Guzmán? What are you doing?” You half laugh, diverting to walk over to him.
“I finished training early so I thought I’d come and watch your practice. You look good out there,” He stands up from the grass and brushes off his trousers, “I didn’t want to distract you.”
“You’re so cute,” You chuckle, “But I’m a red, sweaty mess after running that much so I’m sorry.”
“Hm, I hadn’t noticed,” He jokes, pulling out your water bottle and handing it to you with a smile, “Any talk about scholarships?”
“Yeah, they were saying that a few top universities would definitely give bursaries at least for sports excellence. So I might look into a few.”
That was one thing about Guzmán. He absolutely loved asking you about your future - like the thought of your success made everything so exciting to him. He’d always belittle his own and you had to make sure he didn’t do it too much as you encouraged him more than ever to have a little faith in himself.
Guzmán carries your gym bag for you in his free hand as you try to encourage him not to. It normally ends up with him swinging the bag above his head and you using your field techniques from high jump to grab it from him. He couldn’t really dispute after that.
And, as you’re walking through the sunny grounds of the school, you find yourself revelling in your own feelings of what perfection could be. A caring, conscientious, protective boyfriend who wanted nothing but the best for you somehow fell right at the top of whatever category you were in. And Guzmán checked all of the boxes with ease.
- - - - - -
At seven thirty, Guzmán comes into your house to pick you up for your date. He’d told you to be ready for eight but he always liked coming round a little earlier to spend a bit of time with the family.
You could already hear your siblings running to greet him and knew instantly that your sister would be showing off the new rocket she’d made at school. As you got ready, all you could imagine was him crouching down to their height and chatting away with any conversation they created, all whilst asking how your Mums job was going and complimenting your Dads new car.
Guzmán is talking to your brother about something when you start walking down the stairs. Instantly, he whispers to both of them and they turn to watch you.
“There she is,” He smiles, standing up with a bashful smile on his face as though it was the first time he’d seen you ready for a date.
He’s dressed in his best suit, a dark teal colour, and he’s paired it with the watch you bought him for Valentines Day. You wore a red velvet dress he’d mentioned loving when you bought it and a necklace that he’d bought you for Christmas. Both so alike in your reasons for your outfits, of course.
“I’ll have her home by midnight,” Guzmán confirms to your parents, knowing they’d lost interest in curfew quickly after they’d realised how much Guzmán cared for you, “Be good, kids.”
Guzmán links your arm with his and holds open the door, and the car door, as the two of you start to journey to wherever he’d chosen for this evening.
- - - - - -
You found yourself at what felt like the fanciest restaurant in the city, situated on a table on the cosy rooftop seating - surrounded by other couples alike and enough candles and heaters to defy the chill of the slight breeze outside.
“You look so beautiful,” He beams as the two of you sit opposite each other on the small table.
“You’ve never been so bad yourself, Guzmán,” You laugh, picking up your menu, “I don’t even know half of the stuff on this.”
“Can I say something?” He cuts in quickly, “And then we can figure out this menu together.”
You set it back down and look at him and only him - your eyes focused on every single feature, every freckle, every line from his smiles.
“I know we’re only young, and we’re hardly through much of our lives yet. But I don’t think hearts really run on a schedule like that. There’s no certain age when things happen, when they’re supposed to fall into place and when you’re meant to know that you’ve found something right. I see how Ander is with Omar and I know he’s found one of those people in him - someone who makes his heart stop searching, despite everything else they’ve been through. And I see your parents and I know it took them a little longer to find that person but they’ve found it now. I see my parents and question whether they ever found that at all,” He continues and the mention of his family hits your heart strings instantly.
You reach over and take his hand in your own like it’s instinct.
“But you, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), you seem to make everything else slow down. You make everything just pause for a little bit and seem just that little bit simpler. You’ve been with me through so much and it still baffles me that we’re so young with so much behind us already. We have so much future ahead of us and I’m so excited to see you succeed. I see your brother and sister and I can’t wait for us to have that for our own family, little mini-mes with my freckles, your hair, your heart. I know you hate when I get all corny because I make you cry. But I want to be the guy to make you cry like that always, and for those tears to always remind you of how loved you truly are.”
“Fuck, Guzmán,” You mutter, patting at the tears under your eyes, “You’re going to make me look like a mess.”
He laughs and shakes his head as he does, squeezing your hand.
“How are you so good at that?” You mutter, trying to shake off any more tears from coming through.
“Whatever future we have, I want you in mine - always.”
((((I’m sorry that this is the fluffiest thing ever but we move))))
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