#gwendolyn harris
I’d just love to hear the who’s who.
Names, ages, place in the class hierarchy, whose blood related, who wishes they were/weren’t related, who would stab someone with a hatpin in defense of their bestie, etc… just a sketch of the main cast and their defining traits. Whatever you feel like sharing :)
Honestly, great idea! Let's do general breakdown based on family. (These are just the broad strokes, if you want to know more about a specific character, let me know!)
The Ellingtons
Lord Henry Ellington
Oldest/Eldest Son and Baron (or might make him a Duke, it feels like regency romances demand at least one Duke)
Aloof, sarcastic, but a good man
Was done with his younger brother's shit yesterday
Childhood friends with Captain Harris and Frederick Hamilton
Engaged to Juliana Hamilton
Lady Margaret (Ellington) Chapel
Middle Child/Eldest Sister
Understanding, practically minded, warm
Had been happily married for several years with four children to show for it
Cares for both of her brothers deeply and often acts as the bridge between them
Thomas Ellington
Youngest and Second Son
Either gay or bi, jury is still out
Adventurous, Eccentric, Deeply Feeling
Spends most if not all of his time in London investing in plays and up and coming artists; the only reason his father didn't cut him off is that he is very good at spotting new talent
Too interesting to ignore; even if the company he keeps is considered scandalous, everybody want him at their party
The Hamiltons
Frederick Hamilton
Eldest Son
Died nine years before the start of the story
Outgoing, open minded, kind
He and Juliana were exceptionally close growing up; often Juliana felt he was the only person in the world who truly understood her
Louisa Hamilton
Juliana's mother
Ambitious, exacting, stubborn
Recently widowed
She and Juliana had never seen fully eye to eye on most things, especially after Frederick's death
Juliana Hamilton
No noble titles, but the daughter of a gentleman
Second born/Eldest daughter
Passionate, Intelligent, Self Controlled
Engaged to Lord Henry Ellington
Friend to Gwendolyn Harris
Frederick's death left her devastated and when it became clear her parents were more concerned about what the loss of their heir meant for their financial standing rather than mourning the loss of their son, Juliana ran away. Nine months later, Captain Harris, found her and brought her home sporting cropped hair and a broken heart. The family covered it up saying Juliana had been in mourning all that while. Juliana was content to live in the lie and quietly retire into the country as a spinster since the birth of her younger brother, Theodore, assured the money stay within the family. The death of her father, however, brought to light just how dire their situation was and it became necessary for her to find a husband. Luckily for them, Lord Henry Ellington was ready and willing to fill that roll.
Theodore Hamilton
Youngest/second son
The Harrises
Captain Edmund Harris
Oldest/Eldest Son
Son of a gentleman, but a rather poor one
Steadfast, plain spoken, caring
Navel captain and a very successful one at that
Devoted to his sister and mother and tries his best to support and care for both of them
Cares for Juliana as a second sister
Is the only one besides Juliana, her father and Finn to know exactly what Juliana had been doing in London (as far as he knows)
Gwendolyn Harris
Second born/Eldest daughter
Bold, Lively, Non conforming
Close friends with Juliana, although had not been told about where Juliana was during those nine months nor asked
Cares for her mother since her brother is away at sea leading to her rarely leaving her own small neighborhood
Has made the most of it and is now determined to remain a spinster, having come to like her independence
Finn (rest of his name TBD)
Son of cobbler and a cook
Charming, Insightful, Playful
Met Juliana after she had run away to London and disguised herself as a man. He quickly figured out her ruse, but rather than rat her out, decided to help her reasoning that things like this didn't happen everyday. If anything, it would be a good story. He and Juliana fell in love, but when they were discovered by Captain Harris, Finn decided to walk away not wanting to ruin Juliana's life to tying her to him; a writer with barely two pounds to his name. It's been his biggest regret.
Current patron: Thomas Ellington
Robert (rest of his name TBD)
Working class
Creative, Clear headed, blunt
Friend to Finn and Juliana (when she was disguised as a man)
The only person Finn told about Juliana's real identity after she left with Captain Harris
Current patron: Thomas Ellington
Somebody who knows everything and has been extorting the Hamiltons for years
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yarboyandy · 6 months
Calendiles Ella Enchanted AU ⁉️⁉️
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I will maybe. expand on this one day. but I also say that sooooo
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makesitprecious · 4 months
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she just loves corn dogs
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #7 / #8 / #10
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i need earth-3109 gwen and mj from spider gwen: ghost-spider(2019) to kiss immediately and to find a way to revive their spider-man(harry osborn) so parksborn can be happy too
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fun-k-boards · 10 months
Okay but who wants to be the Deadpool to my Spider-Man?? The Mary Jane to my Peter Parker?? The Gwen Stacy to my Peter Parker?? The Harry Osborn to my Peter Parker?? The Black Cat to my Spider-Man?? The Human Torch to my Spider-Man?? The Moon Knight to my Spider-Man??
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houseofpurplestars · 2 days
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[Image id: a scanned paper showing the last statement of Marcellus Williams. In neat handwriting, it reads: "All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!" It is signed and dated: 9/21/24 /end id]
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iwannabeyourman · 23 days
hey gang not to get political but I was listening to this podcast on my morning drive and this particular episode made me ANGRY its so good. highly recommend if you're tired of the Kamala media rebrand
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freakozoink · 2 months
seeing a whooolee lot of blue no matter who ppl on here and i need you guys to listen to this bc you can not keep acting like the tools of the empire will save you from itself.
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marvel-fxckery-au · 4 days
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Just had a thought, what are the main characters aesthetics? Clothes (fabric, texture, shapes), colours, flowers, wallpaper in their fav room, scents, background things like such that add to the vibes that make them… them? Does each family have a vibe/aesthetic?
Oof, gonna be real, aesthetics are tough for me, but I can give you a collection of vibes. IDK if this is what you had in mind.
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Deep reds, a quiet city street after midnight, hands grasping a lover so tightly they leave marks, open shirt collars, the smell of sage, secret glances, a suppressed smile, love found in hidden places
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Ink stained fingers, piles of used journals, candle light, olive greens, the smell of old wood and theater dust, warm eyes, two day old stubble, reverent hands, the knowledge your secrets are not only safe but held as closely to their heart as they are to yours
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Wild flowers in spring, teasing smiles, white linen, a well loved book with pages falling out, clear eyes and a clearer laugh, a lock of hair always just out of place, contentment that only comes when you know where home is
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Sharp grey eyes, a straightened back, a flexing hand, dark blues, beleaguered sighs, a neatly organized desk, crisp shirts, clear skies, a sardonic mouth, rolling waves turning beneath a never ending ocean
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@clairelsonao3 (let me know if you don't want to be tagged in stuff like this)
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blondygwendy · 10 months
im still waiting for spectacular spider-man season 3
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
MA- Mary Ann Von Deyne
"𝙈𝙮 𝙥𝙪𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙨' 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨."
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Name: Mary Ann Von Deyne 
Nicknames: Mary 
Birthdate: 28th of December, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 
Personality Type (MBTI): tbd 
Blood Status: Halfblood 
Nationality: German-British 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Light brown 
Eyes: Black 
Height: 1.54m 
Weight: 58kg 
Body Type: Average build 
Skin Tone: Slightly brown 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): na 
Mary Ann grew up happy with a German father and an English mother and four younger brothers, all of whom heard stories of both sides of Germany and England, and she grew up as the princess of the household. 
Mother: Rebecca Von Deyne, neé Dalton 
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Daughter of a WW2 hero, she was a recent pureblood woman, though the ideology was not followed. She was a Ravenclaw and met her future husband Louis Von Deyne through love letters disguised as bills. They married a year later and had five children: Mary Ann, Aaron, Cian and Thomas 
Father: Louis Von Deyne 
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A German muggle who grew up during the last days of a split Germany, and who took part in the Fall of the Wall of Berlin, he moved a year later in 1990 to England for a better future, he met his future wife Rebeca working as a mailman and was soon captivated by her and wrote her love letters disguised as bills, The two of them met during his break at a pub and married two years later. After enjoying marital life, they had four children: Mary Ann, Aaron, Cian, Thomas and John. 
Brothers: Aaron Von Deyne 
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Two years younger than Mary Ann, he is very sweet and likes Quidditch as well, and is also a Gryffindor. Born in 1999, the two are very close. 
Cian Von Deyne 
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The middle of the four boys, born in 2001, and a chaotic boy, he always enjoyed pranking his brothers with Mary Ann and the two of them love each other very much, 
Thomas Von Deyne 
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The third son and very shy, loved to sing and was fond of being alone, unlike his older brothers and was born in 2003. He and Mary Ann, while have little in common, still love one another 
John Von Deyne 
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The fourth and last son, he is a troublemaker like his brothers and is prone to get detention, always making the teacher’s task difficult and is not an academic man and wants to do something out of the academic ambit, born in 2005 
House: Gryffindor 
Best Class: DADA, Flying 
Worst Class: HoM, Herbology 
Boggart: Having no legs, unable to move or walk 
Riddikulus: She grows jumpy legs and her voice sounds like helium 
Patronus: tbd 
Patronus Memory: Her father laughing at a prank she made with her brothers 
Mirror of Erised: tbd 
Amortentia (what she smells like): Peonies, fireworks, expensive perfume, pine wood and coffee
Amortentia (what she smells): something related to Gabrielle 
11-18: Hogwarts student 
20-48: Quidditch player
48-64: Flying teacher at Hogwarts
65+: Retiree
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her brothers, her girlfriend, her girl gang, her career 
Strengths: Bold, corageous, brave, athletic, witty and strong 
Weaknesses: Stubborn, doesn’t care for academics, lazy 
Stressed: When any exam approaches 
Calm/Comforted: On the Quidditch pitch, on Gabrielle’s arms 
Colors: Red, white, grey, white and mauve 
Weather: Sunny 
Hobbies: Quidditch, sports, food and baking 
Fashion: Mary Ann has a dark feminine vibe and always dresses like Meghan Fox 
Significant Other/Love Interest: Gabrielle Blanchet ( @nightmaresart​ ) 
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Mary Ann was intrigued by Gabrielle’s French allure and soon they began a flirty relationship until that slowly turned into small, cute dates, prank dates and making Filch’s life impossible and being fashionable and little troublemakers. 
Mary Ann soon began her Quidditch career and Gabrielle started her own, and both, despite the obstacles, their love won and could stay together. Gabrielle was Mary Ann’s biggest fan, and Mary Ann was Gabrielle’s too. They adopted two children and lived a happy, fulfilling life. 
Friends. The Girl Gang: Rosa Yaxley ( @potionboy3​ ) 
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Mary Ann saw in Rosa the older sister she would’ve liked to have and always relied on her with secrets and loved to gossip with her 
Pandora Lovelace ( @gcldensnitch​ ) 
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Mary Ann’s soulmate, she adores her and the two are thick as thieves and are always pranking the teachers and giving other houses a hard time winning the Quidditch cup, carrying on Gryffindor being the ones to win the cup after Isabelle Dubois graduated (she was a ravenclaw) 
Nymeria Lee ( @gcldensnitch​ ) 
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Mary Ann first didn’t know what to make of Nymeria, but did like her air of mystery and and appreciates her honesty and the two of them got along nicely enough 
Tara Cruz ( @nelabelievesindragons​ ) 
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Tara and Mary Ann also got along greatly, being both lesbians and loving quidditch, though technically they were rivals, but she never allowed that to get in their friendship’s way. They always held friendly competitions and helped Mary Ann with Potions 
Barbara Katz ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) 
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Mary Ann is fascinated by Barb. She always asks her about her mother’s peculiar shop and they always talk about Divination, even if Mary Ann doesn’t understand what’s going on, but likes it nevertheless. 
Gwendolyn Montague ( @magicallymalted​ ) 
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Mary Ann kind of envies Gwen. She’s artistic and is talented at something and is breathtaking, but does come to peace with that and both of them get along nicely and become good friends. Might’ve kissed for fun or not. 
Jupiter Durand ( @cursed-herbalist​ ) 
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Mary Ann admires Jupiter and her artistic side and low-key envies her, and definitely asks her to teach her French so she can impress Gabrielle and she becomes a muse for her photographs and helps her create a small poem for Gabrielle as well. 
Rivals: Cassandra Vole 
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The two of them couldn’t stand one another and became rivals from the start: she thought her a spoiled little brat who was 100% entitled and didn’t know shit and went to the point of Mary Ann and Cassandra fighting physically. For obvious reasons, Mary Ann won and just made it worse. 
Mary Ann has ADHD and struggles to study and even read 
To pay her Quidditch camps, she becomes a model of Andre Egwu and is soon a hit for her rare beauty and mysterious charm 
She is an apprentice of Katriona Cassiopeia @kc-and-co​ and is also her biggest fan 
Having four brothers, she knows how to fight and has fought many people who pissed her off 
She does speak some French, but isn’t the best at learning languagues 
She loves playing Nintendo and the Wii 
She also learned some wandless magic tricks from Pandora 
She loves the afterparties of Quidditch and has been known for her drunk shenanigans 
She knows how to cook a pizza from the scratch 
She also learnt from Pandora mac n cheese and bolognese spaghetti 
She also bakes German recipes 
Cooking is probably her best hobby besides Quidditch 
She can also kick pretty high 
She’s a lesbean 
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domaslut · 2 years
The best Ravenclaw and the broken Hufflepuff. They own my heart.
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“You are a ray of sunshine, Gwenny” Jackson whispered under his breath, watching the witty raven-haired girl twirling round and round in the middle of the snow-covered courtyard.
Her melodic laughter filled the air, her deep dark eyes were closed as he realised that there was not going to be a future without her in his life. He was certain about it the moment a snowball hit his black coat, snapping him out of his daily daydreaming session.
“Wake up, Ross!” she chirped out, a malicious grin adorning her plumped lips.
He shook his head and smiled at her “Too bad you cannot apparate in your dorm, Blackthrone. Here I come!” he teased her, drawing his wand and shooting some snowballs at her. She squirmed in panic, trying her best to dodge them and, once again, Jackson’s mind drew him back to the future, to her, to them.
‘Yeah, I’m definitely going to marry her’ he thought, chasing after her in that winter afternoon at Hogwarts.
I just love them, alright? Let them be happy for the time being… *cries*. Anyway, I am working on Jackson’s biography and the second part of “I won’t crucify the things you do”. Hopefully, I’ll get them done in a few days.
Gwen + Jack are my endgame and I wanted to make it loud and clear😢❤️
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Gwendolyn Pendragon ✤ Faultlines ✤ What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
And it's harder than you think
Moving to America hadn’t been an easy decision, no matter what Gwendolyn Pendragon’s friends might claim.  Leaving behind her loved ones was hard enough, but abandoning the war effort was even worse.  But with Grinlewald fixated on her family name, the best way for her to protect anyone was to be far away.  It was a good plan, for a time.  But when she runs into her dearest friend for the first time in a decade, she has to face the truth.  Her time is running short, and her past is close on her heels.
Telling dreams from one another
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armentarius · 1 year
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noxtms · 4 months
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