#hAPPy birthday flash exchange
myth-blossom · 1 year
Calling For You
I wrote a short & smutty fic for the hAPPy birthday flash exchange! You can check that out at the link below 🥳
And be sure to check out all of the wonderful Hitman entries HERE! They’re a real treat! ❤️
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Fandom: Hitman (Video Games)
Relationship: Agent 47/Diana Burnwood
Rating: Explicit
47 awakens to the sounds of sex in his motel room. He realizes the moans are coming from his earpiece.
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diana-fortyseven · 1 year
hAPPy birthday flash exchange!
The "Everything" search function of the AO3 Automagic App turns 2, and there's a neat flash exchange to celebrate!
Over the past two-ish years we've all come to know and love the automagic app and many of us use it every day, so we're throwing an exchange-y birthday party for the app where we use the "Everything" search function to find participants' old requests and make stuff for them! We will make fic of 100+ words and art that is a recognizable doodle.
August 5th: Nominations, Sign ups
August 12th: Sign ups close at 11:00PM EDT (3AM UTC)
August 13th: Assignments out by 12:01AM EDT (4AM UTC)
August 18th: APP BIRTHDAYYY + Works due at 10:00PM EDT (2AM UTC), then an hour for snacks and editing, then reveals at 11:00PM EDT (3AM UTC)
August 19th: Creator reveals at 11:00PM EDT (3AM UTC)
Coordinated Universal Time provided by your friendly European exchange addict lol
How this works is basically, we go through our recipient's "everything" page on the Automagic App to see what they've requested in the past for the fandoms/characters/pairings they requested for this flash exchange, pick one and create it!
I think that sounds pretty fun! Minimum offer and request is one fandom!
Here is the collection, where you can read the rules and sign up.
I've already nominated all Hitman solo characters and relationships I remember seeing in past exchanges. If you want to make sure that your favourite is definitely in the tagset, here's the link to nominate them.
I'd be absolutely thrilled if some of you who participated in exchanges and events in the past would sign up!
All the Hitman Exchange events were added to the Automagic App (by me, when I needed to procrastinate...), so even if you "only" participated in a small event in our small fandom, you're good to go!
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
Bump in the Night
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Aaron Hotchner x reader warnings: language, some anxiety/fear, aaron to the rescue type vibes, nothing serious, just a creeper. This was supposed to be a drabble... I do not know what happened...
While you weren’t actually part of the BAU, you were best friends with Penelope which meant that any girls night’s, baking tutorials, birthday, Christmas or Halloween celebrations, you were invited. Over all of those events you’d become a friend of everyone on the team, a happy face for them to see after a long week or more away. You regularly helped Penelope get things set up for them or were the one out running errands or picking up treats while she was finishing work. It was as if the two of you were their own personal slice of sunshine, which was exactly why Hotch always felt a blooming of warmth in his chest whenever Garcia mentioned you’d be in attendance or he’d round the corner and lay eyes on you.
The two of you clicked, he surprised himself, already coming out of his shell on the first night you’d met, something he usually reserved until he’d had time to fully profile someone and make sure their intentions were good. Instead you had him laughing by the end of the night, a sight that you definitely wanted to see again. There was a mild flirtation, but nothing that anyone else ever picked up on, and not one that ever moved past a little tease here or there, an offhand comment about how you were prettier than the girl eyeing Aaron up, or that the muscley firefighter really wasn’t your type. You were friends, which was all you really needed.
Friends morphed into good friends over the course of the year that you knew each other. First it was a run in at a coffee shop, Aaron halfway out the door in a rush to work, just enough time to flash you a warm smile and say hello before parting ways.
The second time he was pulling into a gas station, spotting you hanging up the nozzle a few pumps down before you got back into your car to peel away down the street.
The third was the produce section of the grocery store, you spotted him first, eyes darting through the items in his basket, nearly making him jump when you suddenly spoke from behind him once you’d figured out what he was making for dinner.
Number four was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, Jack had insisted on going to the park with a few friends and Aaron ended up chaperoning. One of the kids spotted a friendly dog and when they raced of to pet it, he realized you were on the other end of the leash and made a comment that he didn’t know you had a dog. With a glittering laugh you explained you were dog sitting and the moment Jack realized you were a friend of his dad’s; Aaron was the one stuck dog sitting while you were being dragged around the playground.
The fifth was a late Friday evening, Jack was away for the weekend and Aaron had stopped to pick up a bottle of wine to have with his take out. While he stood staring at the bottles he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye but didn’t look up until he heard the familiar laugh as you snuck in front of him to grab your favourite. He asked if you had a hot date and you practically snorted, saying the only company you had that night was a pair of sweats and your couch. You then raised a playful eyebrow and teasingly asked if he’d been stalking you and his cheeks instantly tinged pink, nearly fumbling his words as he tried to explain he lived around the corner. Your hand on his elbow suddenly brought him back down to his senses and he was able to laugh it off when he clued in that you were completely joking, explaining you’d been wondering the same thing.
Upon the discovery that you were in adjacent neighbourhoods and that you worked from home, you exchanged phone numbers. On the off chance the jet was delayed, you could pick up Jack from school, stopping at the park for an hour until Aaron was home, maybe even get started on dinner and homework. If there was a last minute case and Jessica was still at work, you’d head over to be the in between buffer so Hotch could leave right away. He was insistent on you calling whenever you needed anything, he picked up your mail when you went on vacation, helped out with the leaky pipe in your laundry room and came in very handy when it came to changing the light bulbs you couldn’t even dream of reaching.
Currently, Jack was away at summer camp and Aaron was swindled into finally using up some of his vacation time. The first few days he’d deep cleaned the house from top to bottom, next it was a similar treatment for the yard. By the time he’d reached the second Tuesday he’d ran out of things to do until he ran into you at the corner store and you suggested seeing a movie considering neither of you had anything to do and the movie theatre air conditioning couldn’t be beat. With the heat on the rise, and a plethora of summer blockbusters you continued the new tradition each night that week. Most days you drove together, Aaron either picking you up or walking you home from his place depending on the weather.
Friday you’d been out with friends for a late lunch, had a handful of errands to run and were closer to the theatre than home, meeting him there. When he asked if you needed a ride you let out a small laugh, explaining that you’d driven, but thanked him anyway, the smile evident on your cheeks as he wordlessly insisted on walking you to your car at the very least.
Car windows down you had music going on the drive home, pulling into the driveway and enjoying the song for one more chorus before finally turning off the ignition and collecting your things. You made your way through the front door, relocking it behind you and tossing your keys down onto the small table in the entry way as you toed off your shoes.
You were making a beeline through the house to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when a couple of thumps from the other side of the wall caused you to jump, your heart leaping in your chest. You left the kitchen light off, tip toeing through the room and you realized you’d left the kitchen window ajar earlier to get some fresh air in. Letting out sigh of relief you pushed it down so it was only open an inch or two, though your eyes caught movement across the yard, a clattering that sounded like your garbage bins and your brow furrowed, wondering why the automatic security light hadn’t caught what you figured was a raccoon.
Padding across to the doorway you flicked the light switch a couple of times, normally if the light was activated already that did the trick, but this time the yard remained pitch black.
“For fuck’s sake.” You muttered, digging around in a cupboard until you found a spare bulb before unlocking the back door and stepping onto the porch. Reaching up you went to unscrew the bulb and let out another annoyed sigh that it was actually just loose, so you screwed it back in, shielding your eyes as it burst to life.
The screen door swung shut behind you as you stepped back inside and you noticed a small duffle bag on the edge of the porch that at first glance didn’t look that familiar, but you didn’t really think much of it. A few people on your street often leant things to one another and you had been waiting on a couple of gardening tools, but you weren’t about to look into it now. The hairs on the back of your neck were still standing up and you were ready to be back inside behind locked doors, especially as your motion stilled and the light flicked off once again.
As you crossed through the kitchen to finally pull open the fridge you heard yet another clatter from outside and your stomach dropped when the security light flicked back on. Fridge quickly shut you backed into it, up on your toes in an attempt to peer out the window, praying it was just an animal. There was a light scuffling right at the back porch and you were so thankful for having immediately locked the door.
You were even more thankful for the lock when your eyes finally caught the movement, a hand creeping up through the railing near the duffle bag and you couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips. At the sound, the hand froze and you immediately leapt forward, slamming the kitchen window all the way shut and you saw a shadowy figure dart through the outskirts of the yard, just out of reach of the light. Your heart thundering in your chest you were honestly surprised you were able to dig your phone out of your pocket and find Aaron’s contact.
You felt a brief wave of relief wash over you at how quickly he answered, “I’m really wishing I’d taken you up on that ride now…”
“Why?” His voice immediately tensed, “what’s wrong?”
“There’s someone in my yard…” you let out a breath you’d been holding when the light outside flicked off, your shoulders starting to relax, “pretty sure he was there before I got home.” A crash echoed through the air and you jumped, your voice wavering when you spoke again “fuck he’s still here.”
“I’m already on my way, keep the doors locked, the lights off and stay away from the windows.”
“Yeah.” You muttered, heart racing as you heard his car start through the phone and he assured you he’d be right over before the phone line clicked.
Trying to keep your breath calm you kept your eyes trained on the window, backing into the pantry door so you were concealed by the fridge but could still see if the light went off again. It was only a matter of moments later you heard a car squealing to a halt out front, the door slamming shut followed by Aaron’s voice. You caught his shadow moving around the side of the house and the light in the backyard flicked back on when he announced himself, the gate booted open and you were just able to see someone launching themselves over the back fence into the alley before running off. All they needed was the threat of a federal agent and the assumption of a gun to peel off into the night.
You felt your breathing calming down as the sound of running got further and further away, finally dropping down into a chair at the kitchen table. Aaron, being Aaron, wasn’t satisfied with just running the perp off, doing a full sweep of both your front and back yards, checking the alleyway, under the porch and any nooks and crannies anything or person could possibly have been stashed. You heard him on the back step and glanced up to see him sifting though the duffle bag, a frown on his face, his lips pressed into a firm line. With a huff he scooped up the bag and sauntered across the yard, dropping it on the other side of the fence with the garbage before making his way back to the door. A brisk knock echoed through the kitchen followed by his voice,
“He’s gone, it’s just me, Aaron.”
You couldn’t help but let out a breath of a laugh, as if you hadn’t had your eyes on him the entire time, making sure everything was okay. Crossing the room you finally turned the kitchen light on, unlocking the door and letting it swing open.
“Hey.” You smiled softly, “thanks.”
“Of course.” His lips formed a tight smile as he stepped into the house, locking the door behind himself, “just to be safe I want to do a sweep inside, stay put.” His hand squeezed at your elbow as he moved past you and you were left awkwardly standing in your own kitchen until he returned.
“No psycho killers?” You asked, a shaky laugh in your throat.
“All empty.” He nodded, his features softening as he noticed the rapid rising and falling of your chest, “are you alright?”
“Yeah, sure.” You tried to wave him off but he took a step closer to you.
“Come here.” He crooked his hand and you surprised yourself with how quickly you closed the gap between the two of you, enveloping yourself in his arms. Aaron squeezed at you tightly, tucking you under his chin and just letting you breathe until he felt the tension begin to melt away from your body. “It’s alright. He’s gone and I highly doubt he’s coming back.” His lips brushed against the top of your hair as he spoke and something about it calmed you even further, finally pulling out of the embrace.
“What was in the bag?”
“Trophies.” He replied with a sigh and he only caught himself when your eyes widened. “No, no, not those kind of trophies.” His hand squeezed at your shoulder, “sorry. Keepsakes, prizes, expensive things that can be pawned or sold to the highest bidder. My guess is he was only here to get your valuables, you spooked him coming home and he just wanted the bag back, he probably hit a few houses on the block before here.”
“God he was on the porch.” You shivered, “probably right as I walked in.”
“And your instinct was to grab a light bulb?” Aaron’s lips twitched up in a teasing grin and your brow furrowed until you followed his gaze and realized you hadn’t let go of the object yet.
“No.” You huffed, “the backyard light wasn’t working, I went to change it but it just needed to be tightened.”
“You were out there?”
“Yeah.” You shivered again, this time heavier, “he was probably less than a foot away. God, that was stupid.”
“Agreed.” He frowned in your direction, “that happens again you call me right away, alright?”
“You think he loosened it?”
“Most likely. Easier to stay in the darkness, not alert the neighbours of anything weird. You’ve always said Mrs. Ferguson was a bit too nosy.” His lips flicked up into a grin again and you let out a small laugh, “he probably cased the neighbourhood, have you been keeping the same daily routine recently?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, “movies with you. But we almost always go at the same time and tonight’s movie wasn’t any shorter or anything, so why would I have been home before he expected it?”
It was Aaron’s turn to fumble over his words, his cheeks turning a pale shade of pink while he quickly ducked his gaze, letting out an awkward laugh before he glanced back up at you. “I guess now would be the proper time to admit that when I drive, I tend to take the scenic route…”
Your head titled in a curious and adorable way that didn’t help the burning in Hotch’s cheeks, “what? What’d you mean?”
God you were absolutely going to be the death of him and he knew it. This summer had finally brought something to the edge for Aaron and he’d been holding back, happy with the time he got to spend with you. The evening hangouts had began to start to feel more and more like dates with each one that went passed and he’d been hoping that you would start to think the same and be the one to break the tension. Instead, he found himself feeling flustered, standing in your kitchen at nearly midnight having to explain it to you.
“Don’t get me wrong, the movies are great, but there’s something about the way you light up afterwards that just makes me smile.” He started and you felt a fluttering begin in your stomach, one that finally wasn’t due to fear, “hearing you gush about things, delve so deep into characterization or the cinematography of it all, seeing you so passionate about it.. it just makes me happy. Honestly, it’s my favourite part of the day.”
“Oh…” you replied, the realization washing over you and for a moment Aaron was afraid you were about to step back, ask him to leave, but then you giggled and the smile broke out on your lips, “so you’re just a big ole’ softie?”
He shook his head, the smile bright on his cheeks, “I’ve grown to adore the time we spend together. I was planning on taking a detour tonight too, Pintango just launched a lavender honey flavour this week—”
“And you remembered that I couldn’t shut up about wanting to try it after the movie last week…” you felt your cheeks heat, “embarrassing on my part yet endearing on yours.”
“And lucky on life’s behalf that it didn’t happen, you’d be down a few heirlooms and pieces of technology.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” You wrapped you arms around yourself, “my adrenaline’s high enough lord knows I’m not gonna be able to sleep anytime soon.” With a sigh you glanced across at him, “don’t suppose you feel like sticking around for a bit? Keeping me company while I ramble on and on about useless facts?”
The sly smile on your cheeks nearly melted Aaron and he laughed softly, “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.”
He followed you out to the couch, letting you get comfortable while you voted on a number of different movies before finally settling on one. A movie and a half later and you were relaxed into the crook of his arm, his hand just daring to softly play with your hair. You let out a long yawn, sinking even further into his side and he chuckled softly.
“You should get to bed, get some actual rest.”
“I’m still on edge. I don’t want to have to call you to come running for every bump in the night.”
This time Aaron did squeeze at your shoulder, shifting on the couch so you were forced to sit up straight and he could catch your gaze.
“I meant it when I said I wasn’t going anywhere, at least not until sunrise. That creep’s likely going to come back for his bag, that’s why I dumped it in the alley rather than bringing it inside. I don’t want you to be alone for that.”
“Mmm…” you hummed, a sleepy smile on your cheeks, “you’re sweet. Thank you.” Leaning in, your lips brushed against his cheek and Aaron felt his stomach do a flip flop. He squeezed at your hand, giving you a soft smile as you finally stood up off the couch. “Make yourself at home.”
“Sweet dreams.” He replied and you weren’t sure whether it was his words or the sleepiness that was making everything feel warm and fuzzy as you made your way to the bedroom.
It was a few hours later when you rolled over, only awake enough to shift your body into a more comfortable position until a thump outside had your eyes shooting open. It was very quickly followed up by the hissing of two cats and you let out a huff, rolling back onto your side.
Your bedroom door was left cracked open and there was a sliver of light and the tiniest hint of noise coming from the living room meaning Hotch was likely still awake. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, reaching for a hoodie to tug over your head before you padded out to the living room, finding your overnight company peering out the window blinds. At the sound of your footsteps he glanced back over to you, his body relaxing.
“Did I wake you?”
“No,” you waved him off with a small yawn, “couple a cats outside my window.” You covered a second yawn with your hand and Aaron barely moved from his spot, curious as to why you were up already. You glanced from him to the couch, a mug of coffee on the coffee table, and finally to the television. “Hey…” you started, picking at the sleeves of your hoodie, “I get you’re doing the whole protective thing—and I appreciate it! I really do…but uh.. there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night.” You took a breath, the butterflies in your stomach fully awake and doing laps, “might as well come to bed.”
“Oh, well I was just going to wait until morning, head home to nap…” He started, unsure of what he even wanted to say. He was pretty sure you’d just woken up, and there was a pretty high change that your choice of words weren’t exactly what you intended, “but if you’re feeling okay, I could make up the couch?”
“Aaron.” You laughed, “the sun’ll be up in a couple of hours anyways, you need to sleep too.”
“I still want to make sure you’re safe, I’ll be alert out here.” He offered and you chuckled once again.
“And if he comes in through the bedroom window? No better place to protect me than right beside me.” You extended out your hand, “c’mon, humour me? Maybe I talk in my sleep and you’ll get to listen to more of those ramblings you seem to adore so much.”
It appeared the lack of adrenaline coursing through your veins and a couple hours of sleep made you not only fully comprehend what Aaron had admitted to earlier, but much more ballsy about acting on it. He laughed softly, feeling the heat creeping up the back of his neck and after glancing between you and the couch he knew that the latter was going to do a number on his back if he actually slept on it. So he flicked off the television, scooped up his phone and your hand slid into his like a glove so you could lead him to the bedroom.
You wordlessly climbed back into your bed, curling up on your side, letting out a soft sigh as you nuzzled into the pillows. Aaron watched you for a moment in the low light, a warmth blooming through his chest at just how at peace and comfortable you were with him around and he realized maybe there was something he liked even better than your ramblings.
“If you’re just gonna stand there and stare at me all night maybe I should kick you back to the couch.” You teased, your eyes cracking open and he let out a huff of a laugh, shaking his head as he snuck under the blankets.
“This okay?” He asked, trying not to take up too much of your space.
“Yes.” You replied, a smile on your lips as your eyes fell shut again, “but I can’t be held responsible if we wake up cuddling.”
Aaron chuckled, relaxing into the pillow as his breathing finally began to slow, chest rising and falling at the same time yours did, lulling him into sleep quicker than he could have imagined.
The stream of light coming through the blinds and the chirping of a bird outside your window was what woke him up first, his eyes scrunching slightly before they finally opened. His lips curved up into a grin, as it certainly did seem like you wouldn’t be the one responsible for any cuddling. You’d barely moved from where you’d curled up the night before, just rolled over to face the window, yet Aaron found himself wrapped around your back, arm circled around your waist, his head barely on his own pillow.
He shifted slightly, attempting to stretch out the stiff parts of his body without moving entirely and waking you up. However his attempts proved futile as you let out a soft groan, eyes scrunching at the brightness of the room before you stretched out your legs and rolled over to face him, a sparkle already in your eyes.
“Morning.” You murmured.
“Morning.” He replied, smiling softly.
“So not only are you a softie, you’re a sleep cuddler… what other secrets are you hiding?” You asked with a tease and he laughed.
“Would you believe me if I said I crocheted in my downtime?”
“Not in a million years. You don’t have any downtime.” Laughing, you swatted at his chest before sitting up, fully stretching your body out with a soft groan.
“Guess that one was a little too obvious.” He replied with a chuckle, sitting up at the sound of his phone pinging. He swiped open the notification as you swung your legs out of bed, scrolling through a couple of things on your own phone as you padded toward the hallway.
“Work?” You asked, his footsteps following you down the hallway toward the kitchen, “or do you have time for coffee?”
“No.” He pocketed his phone, “but unfortunately, also no. I promised Garcia I’d help her install one of those cat wall climbing, enrichment, obstacle courses.”
“Cute.” You shot him a smile before scooping out the appropriate amount of coffee for yourself.
“But if you’re free tonight…” he stepped toward you as you turned back to face him, “maybe I could pick you up, we could go get some ice cream?” Somehow Aaron’s heart wasn’t thundering in his ears this time and the smile you looked up at him with really was about to make him melt.
“I’d like that.” You replied, the butterflies in your stomach calmed, spreading warmth through your entire body.
“Then it’s a date.” Smiling, his hand reached out, smoothing back a piece of your hair before trailing down your cheek, “I’ll see you at seven.” His hand on your chin he tilted your head to the side, lips brushing against your cheek, lingering for just a moment before he stepped back. You couldn’t help but smile at the slight blush on his cheeks as he gathered his things and headed toward the front door.
“I’ll see you at seven.” You repeated his words, “and Aaron?”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t ever be afraid to call.”
“Oh believe me, I won’t.”
Love Hotch & don't want to miss an update? Sign up for the taglist here! Have an idea for a fic? Send a request here! Feeling generous? Tip your writer here <3
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l4ndon0rris · 2 months
A Love for the Ages CL16
A collection of short stories of yours and Charles unique love story through the ages
pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader // sibling!Pierre a/n: i have a lot of this already pre-written in my drafts so there will be scheduled uploads regularly - each short flashback in time will begin with the same intro you see below - if you want to be on a taglist lmk
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All eyes were on you, the white wedding gown that clung perfectly to your body, your impeccably crafted hair paired with flawless glowing makeup. There was no denying you looked ethereal standing at the altar gazing into his familiar eyes: those eyes that had comforted you, cried with you, looked at you with desire, had burned with anger and softened with apologies. The eyes that have witnessed dark days and brighter ones now bore into your own; you saw a flash of anticipation in them waiting for you to mutter the two words joining you together forever. Those eyes transported you back through everything that led you here, to this altar, holding his hands, about to embark on forever.
8 years old
You were a typical eight-year-old with lots of friends who all obsessed over the latest boyband, your parents’ victims to hours of being the audience for your self-choreographed dance routines to a variety of songs. You were lucky, in hindsight, to have so many friends around you at a young age. Sleepovers were your favourite thing to do for birthdays; Pierre, your older brother, was always allowed to have his own friend over for company whenever you had a sleepover. It was a rule that annoyed you at first - sleepovers were an only girls allowed territory - but Pierre and his chosen friend typically locked themselves in his room and played on his gaming console so you knew he wouldn’t interrupt.
You were running around behind your mother in an effort to help before your friends arrived; your mother was ensuring there was enough room for their sleeping bags, double checking the fridge was full of enough food and drink cartons and accepted your idea of placing the CD player in the spare room so you had enough room to practice your dance routines in private before the big show you would unveil later in the night.
“Charles is here!” Pierre exclaimed as he darted past you toward the front door to let him in. You followed your mother, choosing to linger in the nearest doorway as she greeted Charles’s parents taking his overnight bag from them and welcoming him into the house. You vaguely recognised Charles' round face from one of Pierre's racing weekends.
“Here you are, Charles. Have fun you two!” You spotted a hand ruffle the top of his brown head of hair, another handing him a gift bag he shyly took. Your mother and his parents exchanged numbers in case of emergency before closing the door. Charles stood with a gift bag adorned with a pink bow in his hand when he spotted you staring his way curiously; Pierre’s friends were usually all older than you but Charles looked younger, he had an innocence in his eyes that matched your own.
“Pierre said it was your birthday, so this is for you – happy birthday,” Charles politely spoke, walking toward you, the bag with the pink bow held out in front of him. Looking between the gift bag and your mother she silently encouraged you to give your thanks and ushered the three of you into the front room to place the gift bag on an empty table.
“We’ll put any presents here for now - that’s so kind of you Charles, thank you,” your mother reiterated, not quite satisfied with your shy mumblings of appreciation you gave. None of Pierre’s friends had ever brought you a gift before so this one was already your favourite out of them all.
“Let’s go upstairs and play my new game!” Pierre was already visibly bored, bounding up the stairs, Charles followed behind politely and gave you a small friendly smile you shyly turned away from.
“Let’s put some music on shall we? Your friends should be here soon,” your mother turned on the CD player you had already set up with three CDs to rotate between that would earn approval from your friends. You took the opportunity to peek inside the lone gift bag on the table, glittering pink wrapping paper in the shape of a box sat inside. You wondered what the strange new boy with brown floppy hair had bought you when he didn’t even know you.
Charles had undoubtedly intrigued you from the moment you first met him.
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
It’s Your Birthday. Of Course, I’m Here. (LN4)
Summary: It’s Lando’s birthday and Y/n can’t make it. Or so he thinks.
Warnings: language, Lando missing her gravely
Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUSBAND? I’m so in love with this man this is a national holiday.
“Are you boarding the plane?” Oscar asked Y/n from his side of the phone, his body turned away in the corner of hospitality.
Y/n, the girl murmuring a thank you to the flight attendant scanning her ticket, nodded with a smile, “Yes, I am. How is he? Does he know I’m coming?”
Oscar giggled, “Oh, no way. He’s been moping around all week because he thinks you won’t be here for his birthday. He doesn’t even want to go out on the night of his birthday! We’re in Vegas!”
Y/n laughed along with him, her heart slightly breaking for her boyfriend and his pity party, “Oh, no! Poor Lando. Well, hopefully, he’ll want to go out when he sees me.”
A mechanic tapping Oscar’s shoulder caused him to retreat from the conversation, “Yeah, exactly. Listen, I have to go, but text me when you land.”
Noises of agreement sounded from her as she said goodbye and hung up the phone. Oscar, standing awkwardly in front of his coworker, tried to seem nonchalant.
Jake smiled at him, “They need you in the garage.”
When he was about to walk past him, Jake grabbed Oscar’s arm, “Were you just talking to Y/n?”
Oscar’s heart dropped, plummeting to his feet when the surprise they had been planning for weeks was jeopardized. He shook his head immediately, “No. Not at all.”
Jake nodded slowly, “So, she’s not coming down here to surprise Lando for his birthday after telling him she couldn’t make it to that or the Vegas Grand Prix?”
Oscar sent him a confused look, “No.”
Stepping off the plane, Y/n felt her palms become slick with the sweat of her nerves. This part of the plan was the hardest, getting to where Lando was without being recognized. With her hood pulled up, sunglasses on, and a mask resting tightly over the bottom half of her face, she weaved her way through crowds of people. Some were wearing Formula 1 merchandise, a few papaya fans sticking out, which brought a small smile to her face in memory of the man she was on her way to see.
Flashes of his sad smile plagued her brain from when she had told him she wouldn’t be able to tag along with him to the Vegas GP like she usually did, missing his birthday in the midst. He had assured her it was okay after she explained that she had an important test for university she couldn’t miss, however Y/n could see it in the way his eyes glazed over that he was trying to hold back begging her to skip it. He was trying to be a good boyfriend, that much she could tell and that much she was grateful for, but after seeing how disappointed he became, his laugh not holding its usual luster, she went to the professor to beg herself. She had explained to him the situation, even “jokingly” offering him free F1 paddock tickets in exchange for letting her take the test at a later date. By some miracle, or more genuinely by her professor’s kindheartedness, he told her that, because her grade was so strong, he would allow her to take it the week after she came back from her weekend in Nevada. He had laughed, praised her devotion toward her boyfriend, and told her that he was a fan of Lando himself, rooting for his coming win every race. The man had been so accommodating, Y/n had almost cried in front of him in his office, but she settled for crying in the privacy of the bathroom down the hall.
After that, she called Oscar, the boy letting out a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t have to handle Lando without his girlfriend and agreeing to help her surprise him.
Then, like a sequence of events, things fell into place. The McLaren marketing team caught wind of their plan and forced them to allow them to videotape the entire event, mentioning how fans would obsess over new Y/n and Lando content.
So, she found herself sliding into the backseat of a private driver for McLaren workings, with their camera man, John, sitting beside her.
She had met him before, multiple times considering how much time he spent with Lando, so the atmosphere was already comfortable.
John turned on the camera, the red light flickering as he asked, “So, how are you feeling?”
She smiled, “Good, excited to see him.”
John chuckled, “And who is ‘him’? Explain to the fans what we are doing.”
Y/n nodded, picking at the fraying edges of Lando’s hoodie she was wearing, “I am surprising Lando for his birthday! I just got off the plane from Monaco, landed here in Las Vegas, and, now, we are on our way to drop my stuff off at the hotel and then get ready to go see him! Originally, I wasn’t supposed to come, obviously, because I had a test I needed to take for my class, but my teacher, being the sweetest person to grace this Earth, allowed me an extension.”
John hummed, “And how do you think he will react?”
She let her head fall back on the seat behind her, smiling to herself at her predictions, “I think he’ll probably freak out. He’s always one for drama, don’t think that will change this time around.”
The camera shook lightly with John’s laughter, the two giggling over the driver. They shook their heads and rambled on about past instances where he’d blown minor things out of proportion. Promptly, Y/n compared herself and the surprise in store as something minor, but John was quick to disagree.
“You are so far from minor to that boy.”
The Hiltons that McLaren always put their workers up at always amazed Y/n. Being a broke college student who had barely scraped enough money together to study abroad in Monaco, her jaw was always on the floor when she walked through the doors and was met with the crystal chandelier, the granite floors, and grand vases of beautiful, colorful tulips and roses. Nonetheless, she had gotten slightly used to it after being with Lando for two years. She would always remember the first time he brought her along to a race, her staying in his room with the gigantic balcony accompanied by a jacuzzi and pool. He had told her it wouldn’t be anything special, but was proved wrong when they were given keys to the penthouse. She had gawked and gasped, all things Lando laughed at, while wandering through the rooms.
That weekend was ingrained into her mind as the introduction to Lando’s world.
John, camera by his side, conversed with the concierge as he checked her into Lando’s room. They had to be incredibly sly. They knew once Y/n surprised him, Lando wouldn’t settle for anything but her sleeping in his room. So, they wanted to solve that problem earlier, having Y/n drop her bags off in his room before everything unraveled.
They just needed to make sure he wasn’t there.
They just needed to make sure they didn’t disturb anything in the room, hiding her bags in the closet and hoping for the best.
When the receptionist validated Y/n’s identity, she gave them a key to his room. It was silent in the elevator as they climbed the floors, only having it being cut when her phone buzzed.
She reached down and turned it over, seeing a text from Oscar.
“Shit!” She yelped, typing furiously over the keyboard in response.
John turned the camera on, not wanting a moment to go to waste, “What’s going on?”
She turned her head, looking at him in a panic, “They’re still in his room!”
Their faces dropped, hearts pounding, as the elevator doors dinged and began opening. Lando’s voice filtered through the doors, along with Oscar’s. The two men were bickering.
“Lando, you’re taking so fucking long! Move your ass!” Oscar said, annoyed and very clearly agitated.
Lando groaned, “I don’t want to go out! Leave me alone!”
John’s mouth was on the floor at the footage he was getting as Y/n and him slid into the penthouse, trying desperately to find a hiding place.
She picked up her suitcase, however heavy, and walked carefully down a separate hallway that seemed to lead to a closet.
The two were close to getting there, out of sight, when Lando’s footsteps sounded close to them, rapidly approaching their location.
“Did the elevator just open?! I heard it!”
Y/n held her breath as she and John ran like hell into the first room they could find, it being a guest bedroom. She locked the door, listening intently to whatever was unfolding on the other side.
Oscar seemed to be feet away from her, “No, mate, it fucking didn’t. Now, can we leave? We have your birthday dinner to go to!”
Lando scoffed, “Fine, but if there is an intruder in my room and they end up stealing all my stuff, you’re paying for it.”
Knowing it was Y/n and the cameraman, Oscar nodded along, “Sure, mate.”
The elevator dinged once more with the two of them ready for departure, Lando giving, “And, for the record, I don’t even know why we’re going to a dinner for my birthday. I told you my birthday won’t be the same without Y/n. I told you I didn’t want to celebrate it if she wasn’t here.”
Y/n could see Lando’s pouty demeanor in her head along with Oscar’s dismissive face as he retorted, “Uh huh.”
Thankfully, the rest of it all had gone smoothly. Dropping her things off after they left, getting ready, and getting to the restaurant all went according to plan.
In the last moments in the car before Lando was made aware of the things going on behind his back, John brought out the camera, “How you doing?”
Y/n nodded slowly, “Kind of nervous?” She giggled, shaking her head, “I don’t know. I just hope he didn’t catch on or anything.”
John blew a raspberry, “No way he did. I mean, that hotel thing was a super close call, but he didn’t know. I’m sure he doesn’t know.”
His words reassured her and, as they turned the corner with the destination seconds away, she said one last thing to the camera, “Lando, if you ever end up watching this, I don’t know if you watch these, I just want you to know I love you so much and I’m so proud of you and I hope you know I will stop at nothing to spend your birthday with you. You’re a fool for thinking I wouldn’t be here. I know I can say all of these things when I see you because I’m about to, but I think this just has a different impact. Plus it lets everybody know you’re mine. By the way, next time, take a shorter amount of time to get ready please. Jesus Christ, you gave me a heart attack earlier today when I had to run around your hotel room and find a hiding place because you wouldn’t leave.”
At that, the valet opened her door and she stepped out. John kept the footage going, knowing they would arrive at the grand finale any moment, and followed her into the establishment.
She walked up to the hostesses, the two women smiling back at her, “Hi, I’m here for the Norris reservation. I’m a bit late, I know, but I’m surprising the birthday boy.”
The workers’ faces lit up in realization, “Oh, you’re the girlfriend? His friend, the Australian, sorry I forgot his name, told us you would be coming. Right this way, miss.”
The brunette turned around and began walking toward the back, toward a private room. She made light conversation along the way, mentioning that Lando had spent the majority of their waiting for the table rambling about how much he wanted to call Y/n.
She was blushing by the time they stopped outside of the door that led to where the party was, thanking the woman for directing them and moving to face John.
“Ready?” She asked, looking at the camera to make sure that red light was blinking.
He nodded, “Always.”
She took a deep breath and opened the door lightly. Lando’s back was to her, Max, Oscar, and his parents facing her. She could tell they were trying to hold in their excitement as Lando retold a story about her and him getting ice cream one night at 3 AM. Their smiles were just barely being withheld from their faces as she waved to them softly and John stationed himself at an angle where the camera could see Lando’s reaction when he turned around.
He continued on, blissfully unaware of the girl behind him, “And then she said this really funny joke! Oh, crap, I can’t remember what it was. It was some cheesy dad joke about ice cream and I remember laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. Shit, what was it?”
A silence mulled over as he tried to remember, Y/n noticing her perfect cue, “I said, ‘why are popsicles so snobby?’ And you said you didn’t know, so I said, “they have a stick up their butt’. I’m pretty sure you did pee your pants laughing.”
She saw the way Lando’s hands tightened around the glass of water he was holding. He froze, “Am I going insane or is Y/n standing behind me?”
Cisca, the woman smiling from ear to ear, “She’s behind you, love.”
The glass came clattering down as he shot up from his chair and turned around wide-eyed.
“Y/N!” He screamed, running over to her and forcefully crashing into her, wrapping his arms tightly around her.
She laughed loudly as he kissed her neck aggressively, a thousand times over again. She let her arms intertwine around his neck and her hands tangle in his hair, whispering, “Happy birthday, baby. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I love you so much. You deserve all this and more.”
He pulled away, eyes glossy as he stared down at her and held her to him, “I missed you so much.”
She smiled back, “It’s only been a week, Lan.”
He scoffed, “Yeah, and that’s way too fucking long.”
She nodded as he leaned down and captured her lips with his, his friends whooping behind him teasingly.
He pecked her lips innocently, saving what he really wanted to do for the later part of the night, and led her to the table.
John and Y/n took their rightful seats, teeth on display at the success of their plan. John, being the perfect cameraman, continued to catch moments shared between the couple throughout the rest of the night. Lando’s hand interlocked with hers on the table, his kiss to her over the gift she got him, the way his hands securely held her hips on the side of the road while they waited for their car, the way he hugged her and whispered in her ear how happy he was to have her there with him, and everything in between.
Sweet, gentle instances that showed everyone just how in love the two were. Lando’s soft eyes resting on hers when she came into view was something that every fan couldn’t let go of the week later when it was posted. Everyone fawned over the two like they were destined to be together, fated in the stars.
Because they were and they always would be.
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toytle · 6 months
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happy birthday barry, hope this one doesn’t give you war flashbacks 🎉
redraw + remix of Flash: Rebirth vol. 4
[ID in alt text + below cut]
Fanart comic of Barry Allen’s birthday, page 1: Barry is rigid in shock as Iris pushes him towards his surprise birthday party. Along the side are panels of each guest wishing him a happy birthday as bloodied flashbacks play behind them of the moments when Eobard Thawne had murdered them.
Page 2: Panel 1 is a close up shot of Barry with a horrified expression, beset by a red background reminiscent of the bloodied flashbacks. He manages to get out the words: “Thanks… everybody….” Panel 2 is Barry walking away from the guests, touching his face in distress. He says, “Sorry. I’m really glad to see everyone… I just… Just gimme a minute….” One of the guests behind him suggests, “Maybe he’s a little shellshocked?” The red background continues to swarm him. Panel 3 is a closeup of Barry’s face as an off-screen voice says, “Hey, buddy….” His fingers slowly slide off his face as he looks up in its direction.
Page 3: Panel 1 reveals Hal Jordan holding a box and wearing a smile. He says, “Looks like I’m right on time.” The red swarm surrounding Barry doesn’t seem to touch Hal. Panel 2 is Hal handing Barry the box, which contains a model plane, as he says, “Happy birthday, Barry.” Barry takes it in his hands with a worn but blank expression. Panel 3 is much the same with Barry unmoving as he’s processing the exchange. Panel 4 is Barry suddenly giving Hal a fond, sarcastic smile as he says, “Great gift, Hal. I especially liked it when I gave it to you for your birthday two years ago.” The red swarm gradually dissipates from each panel, clearing up entirely in the last one.
Page 4: Simplified doodles of Hal and Barry stand in the large, empty space of the page. Hal has one hand in his pocket and the other gesturing in explanation. His expression is embarrassed but good-humored as he says, “Really? You sure? Uh… Haven’t been home in a long time, so….” Barry responds, “Too long… I’m just happy to see you, buddy.” He holds the gift close to himself with an innocent, close-eyed smile. An arrow points to him, reading: Literally snapped out of it to be a little shit. /end ID
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goldfades · 5 months
Can you do headcannons about UConn wbb manager being on live with the team
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౨ৎ ─ summary | a live between the girls and their beloved manager!
─ word count | 1k
─ warnings | some light language, LOTS of banter, maybe some paige x manager but you can view how you want!
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @uraesthete @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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KK PROPPED UP the camera against her water bottle as you settled into the hotel bed behind her, a yawn escaping your lips.
You and the rest of the team had just travelled almost three hours on a bus. You were so exhausted and sore as you yawned again, you rubbed your eyes as KK adjusted the camera angle.
"Hey live, we're back." KK waved at the camera dramatically as you laughed slightly, shaking your head. KK sent you a glare before she continued, "Everyone wanted Y/N to do a live with us so... yeah. She's here, hope y'all are happy."
Even from your spot, you could see the comments rolling in as KK read them. "They're asking where Paige is,"
You and KK glanced at each other before you sighed dramatically, sitting up so that you were directly next to KK. "Of course they are, they're down bad. And for what?"
"She's getting food with the rest of the team, don't worry live she'll be here in a second," KK reassured the viewers, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.
You kept on reading the comments, your chin in your hand as you scanned through the messages flashing across the screen. Some were funny, some were supportive, and of course, there were plenty asking about Paige.
"How did you feel about the ref from last week's game?" You read the question out loud as KK groaned, putting her face in her hands as you laughed. "Uh, well... he definitely made some interesting calls."
The door swung open and you both glanced toward it, watching as Ice and Paige walked through the door with takeout bags in their hands.
"Did you get my food?" You asked as Paige let out an exaggerated sigh, causing you to roll your eyes playfully.
"Bro, yes I did." She handed you the food as she threw herself on the bed, causing the camera to fall on to the camera. The entire room began to groan at Paige's antics, with KK shooting her a playful glare.
KK grabbed the phone and propped it up again as she gave Paige another glare, only to be ignored by Paige as she scrolled on her phone. "Sorry y'all, Paige just threw herself on the bed."
"Bro, hop off." Paige mumbled as KK continued to glare at her. "Just eat your food, damn."
You and Ice shared an amused glance as you held in your laugh, taking out your sandwich as you began eating. Ice sat down in front of you so that she could read the live comments before KK began singing SZA obnoxiously.
Paige then glanced up at you then took out her wallet and handed you a 20$ bill. You glanced at her with a confused look before she continued. "Here's your money back, I got you."
"Bro, why would you do that? You didn't have to, keep it." You sighed as Paige looked up at you with a grin.
Paige shrugged casually, her grin widening. "Don't worry about it, consider it an early birthday present. But keep it, Paige. Seriously," you gave her a stern expression.
She shook her head as she pushed the cash toward your hand, causing you to slap it away. Paige rolled her eyes as she groaned, getting up to your purse and putting the cash in it.
"Paige," you whined as she sent you a glare, getting back on the bed.
KK, now finished with her ong, glanced over at the exchange with a raised eyebrow. "What's going on over there?"
"Just Paige being extra," Ice replied with a smirk, earning a mock offended gasp from Paige.
You glanced back at the comments and a lot of them had noticed the exchange between you and Paige, causing you to laugh.
KK let out a groan as she sent Paige a glare. "Bro you're such a suck-up."
"Shut the-" She cut herself off as she sighed, "Shut the heck up, it's called being a good friend. Plus, I've known her longer than you have."
"Why do you always have to bring that up, why are you being so messy?" KK
KK just rolled her eyes as she put up her hand toward shot back, her tone annoyed as Ice just kept reading the comments, not paying much mind to their argument since it happens so often now.
Paige rolled her eyes, her grin not faltering. "Because it's fun," she replied, her voice laced with playfulness. "And because it's true. You're just a hater, you're just mad that Y/N likes me more than you."
KK gasped as she got up from the bed, going over to Paige. "No, I am."
"No, bro. It's me." Paige replied, sending you a smirk as you ignored their banter.
"Shut up, bro. It's me,"
"No, it's me."
"Bro, I've known her longer than you have so that automatically gives me more points than you, so..." Paige just shrugged as she glared up at the girl.
KK groaned out loud as she went back and put up her hand to Paige's face. "I'm done with your ass, talk to the hand."
Ice and Paige bursted out laughing as you shook your head in amusement, as KK kept her head up in an exaggerated way with a cocky expression.
"Yeah, yeah exactly." Paige smirked as she glanced toward you. "That's what I thought, KK."
You couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of your teammates. "Alright, alright, let's not start a World War III over who's the favorite," you interjected with a grin, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Yeah you're only sayin' that cus I'm obviously the favorite," Paige shrugged as she leaned back in the bed, eyeing you.
You raised an eyebrow at Paige's confident assertion, unable to suppress a smile at her playful teasing. "You're not even in my top five, P. Ice is number one right now 'cus she's not giving me a damn headache."
Ice smiled as she glanced back at you, blowing you a kiss. "Love you, Y/N."
Paige just scoffed, grabbing her fountain drink and sipping it as she sent Ice a glare. You chuckled at Ice's response, giving her a playful wink in return. "Love you too, Ice,"
The next day, there were clips of the live (especially the part where Paige hands you the 20$) and everyone loved you even more. However, people began speculating there may be something between you and Paige.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 year
Kinktober Day 5: Birthday Sex
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Eddie Brock x GN! Reader
Summary: Being Eddie's birth you decide to get him away from work in your special ways.
Warnings: Smut, Flashing, Eddie on the phone, Venom being Venom
Kinktober Masterlist
Minors do not interact!
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Tying a light knot on the robe, knowing it won't be there for long, you look in the mirror, fixing the little things. Hearing Eddie still on the phone, stressing over some new info.
Venom was too focused on the TV to notice your absence, taking a final look at yourself, then walking out to see the back of Eddie chatting away. Rolling your eyes, playing with the knot to the robe, walking to the side of Eddie yet still not being in the line of his sight.
Watching as he wrote something down in his notepad, waiting for him to finish, seeing his cute demeanor listening intently to the person on the phone. Loving your idea even more, as Eddie didn't deserve to have the stress of work on his birthday. Smiling as he looked up in surprise at you and what you have on.
Seeing the gears turn in his head, you untie the robe, showing what he's missing, holding back your laugh as his eyes widen. Hearing as he stuttered on the phone, trying to end the call, only making it harder to hold back, walking away to the bedroom you hear him trip trying to get to you.
Making it into the bedroom, feeling his arms wrap around as his kisses start on your neck, tilling your head the other way, welcoming him in. Feeling as hands grab with his moans of approval rumbling into your skin, peeling his hands away, then turning to face him, connecting your lips.
Leading you to the bed, feeling it touch the back of your legs, then pushing you down. Both catching your breaths seeing his focused face.
Swimming where you lay watching as he unbuttoned his pants, then taking off his shirt, showing what you missed since last night, climbing onto the bed while pulling the robe up. Hearing him further undoing his pants with one hands, using the other to play with you.
Not caring for the others in the building, "Eddie." You moan, making him move faster. Finally pulling out his hardening cock, not wasting any time, he slowly sinks himself into you. Gasps and cures exchanged while you held onto each other.
Slowly starting up, his thrusts took up every inch of you as the warmth of you welcomed him further. Moans and the creaking of the bed filled the room as his thrusts picked up quickly, causing your nails dig into him. Head rolling back, allowing his kisses to pick up on your neck while echoing his moans into your ear.
Hearing his breathy moans makes you swim in the haze of knowing it's because of you, feeling the swimming travel down, starting up in your stomach. Squirming under him as you build up inside, whether Eddie knew you couldn't hold back.
Spilling under him, gasping out, "Eddie," allowing your head to fall back further with your eyes following, hearing your moans lead him to his high. Tightening his grip as his sloppy hips come to an end, he cures out, landing back in your neck, catching his breath once again.
The room fell silent, only filling with your breaths catching up. Picking himself back up, then slowly pulled out, rolling over laying next to you. Cuddling close to you looking into your eyes, his hand raises cupping your face, kissing you again more sweetly, making you smile, then moving closer.
Breaking the kiss looking into his eyes you don't notice a familiar blob coming out, "Happy Birthday, Eddie," Venom's voice says, breaking the moment.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Taglist: @memphiscity69 @secrets2004 @christynalou @k3nmakyan @the1redrose @typical-emilyyyyy
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k-atsukibakugou · 2 months
HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY 🎂🎉🎈glad you're here!
This event looks so fun and cute. The menu is everything 🥰
May I have a Blow Job with Bakugou or Dabi?
🖤🐈‍⬛ Kitten
HI KITTEN i am actually so sorry this took so long BUT i hope you enjoy this, i was a liilllllll bit cheeky with yours teehee AND THANK U @ghostbeam & @unearthsaturn FOR HELPING ME U ARE LIFESAVERS birthday bash intro + rules + menu | event masterlist
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"table 14 is a pair of fucking cun—"
"careful, sweetheart, people will start thinking i'm some sorta bad influence if you keep speaking like that." placing a short straw into the cocktail shaker, touya places his finger on the open end, lifting out a sip of the sweet cocktail, offering it to you. sapphire eyes flash when you roll your eyes at him, but silently accept his offer, sticking out your tongue for him to place the opposite end of the straw on, dropping a taste of the drink in your mouth.
"what's got you so riled up?" he waits for you to swallow, scrunching your face at the taste of the pure alcohol burning down your throat.
"jesus, touya, have you even shaken that thing yet?"
there's a flash of silver when he laughs, all sharp canines and surgical steel as he smacks the cocktail shaker lid down with a tattooed palm, "not yet, answer my question."
with a sigh and a cross of your arms, you grumble your reply, "i have a blind date tonight."
"a date? want something for the nerves?" shaking with one large hand, he reaches for the closest liquor to him with the other, shaking the half-empty bottle with a devilish smile.
"careful, people will start thinking you're some sorta bad influence," you repeat, your coy smile mirroring his, a flash of a smile as sweet as honey, sweet enough to fool touya's father into thinking you were never at the scene of the crime (the tattooed, pierced bartender notorious for worming his way out of write-ups, a tongue as silver as the bar through it; you, however, never stayed at the scene of the crime long enough to even be a suspect on enji's radar). touya's always too happy to play into your little innocent act, the slap on the wrist worth the mischievous flash in your eyes every shift, the squeeze of your thighs when he spoke to you in that scratchy, low tone, playfully chastising you from behind the bar.
"c'mon, one shot and i'll let you clock out."
"let me? daddy makes you manager for one night and you become a tyrant," you're speaking to him like a petulant child, tutting at him while grabbing a pair of shot glasses down from the shelf, "mix us something good."
slipping out from behind the bar, you drop the glass over to a woman at the other side of the bar, the same saccharine smile you saved for customers and touya's father, the one making you look just positively angelic, well, as much like an angel as you can in that low-cut shirt.
pouring amaretto into the tall shot glass with one hand, touya reaches for the irish cream with the other, his eyes locking on the whipped cream canister close by. glancing back around to you, he's never been more grateful for a customer to be keeping you from him; with his borrowed time, he slips the whipped cream canister far in the back of the fridge, behind the bottles of beer, behind the chilled wine.
you round the corner of the bar, dragging your feet dramatically, "now i really need a pick me up before the date."
touya smiles again, that mischievous smile that got him out of trouble wherever he went, having women at the bar swooning, sweet-talking his siblings into slicing lemons and limes so he could sneak out the back for a cigarette (the habit he promised to end, in exchange for that pretty, shiny tag saying manager), "need you to run out the back for me first, sweetheart,"
"touya. you can't actually stop me from clocking out just because you're manager, that tag doesn't mean you can coerce your employees."
"you wish," he holds his pinkie up, sea-blue eyes gleaming with faux innocence, "tried to make you a blowjob, you know, get you ready for your date."
touya ignores your snort, the roll of your eyes, instead focusing on your arms crossing over your chest, your squeeze of your tits together, "i ran out of whipped cream, and you know i can't leave the bar alone."
"when have the rules stopped you before, huh?"
"i'm a changed man," tugging at his name tag, his thick, silver rings click against the plastic, the foreign taste of innocence on his tongue.
his pierced bottom lip is stuck out once more, batting infuriatingly long lashes at you until you huff, "you owe me, todoroki."
abandoning your apron along the way, you tug the door to the cooler open, feeling the weight of touya's gaze shift away as a tall blond sauntered to the bar, painted fingertips tapping at his phone screen.
crimson meets cerulean over the dark wood of the bar, touya's hands behind his back, making quick work of the knot of his apron, still watching the blond as he fished for the whipped cream, "hey, i'm lookin' for—"
"she's busy." dropping his apron aside, he tops the shots with a squeeze of the whipped cream, trailing behind you to the cooler with a wink to your date.
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kanmom51 · 1 month
Please help 😅 I think there is something or some conversation l have missed in JIKOOK’s timeline. Something about our Jimin getting so upset that he left the members and went home to heal from some trauma caused by V & Jk ?? The next we heard about him was when he was hospitalised suffering from covid?? Please fill in the blanks for me if you know any deets.. l would be grateful. No pressure though😂🫶🏽
Idk what fan fiction this is from, but WOW.
JM healing from trauma caused by V and JK?
The next was when he was hospitalized with covid?
Bull bloody shit is what I can tell you.
But let's look at the timeline why don't we?
At least what we know of it.
JM was hospitalized end of January 2022. Not because of covid but because of his appendix, and when in hospital tested positive for covid.
This followed the group going on a break after their 4 concerts in LA in November 2021.
Last time we had all three together was in their live on 28 November 2021. That was a chaotic super happy live. Only bullying I can think of, jokingly, would be Tae constantly mentioning brand names he wasn't supposed to, lol.
You can find many links to posts I wrote about that live here:
Then JK and JM returned to Korea with Jin. Just the three of them. They were supposed to go into quarantine as they returned, separately, as the government rules stated, and yet JK waited for JM at the airport upon their arrival thinking that they will be sharing a car only for the two to be separated.
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There is absolutely, and I repeat absolutely NOTHING to show that there was anything wrong between JM and JK at that place and time!!!
JM and JK were fine, and there was no bullying going on from Tae and JK. What AO3 fanfic is that even?
As for the stupidity I've been hearing of since Ep. 3 of Are you sure? JK and V bullying JM, like wtf is wrong with people?
Every time I think people have reached the limit of being the worst they just prove that they can surpass themselves.
I think people lack basic ideas of human interactions if they claim that the playfulness we saw in that episode can be called bullying. If that's bullying then every single time those three played throughout the years would also be. These are 3 young men who grew up together and at times roughhouse. Like men do.
I've kind of lost hope in trying to explain to these people, who love to see JM as a victim, and therefore think they are his knights in shining armour, that JM is a grown ass man who knows exactly how to put both JK and Tae in their places if he wanted to!!! He's got the physical strength to do so, not to mention the personality too. He's known to have done both, when he wanted. And here's the news flash. Maybe he didn't want to! JM knows how to be assertive. Being such a nice human being doesn't make him a weak human being. I think that many of those that claim to love him and want to protect him either don't know him at all or want him to be weak so they can show up as his great protectors against the big bad JK, whom they would love to get rid of, cause he's just not good enough for JM, in their warped reality. Perhaps because they want JM for themselves.
JK is the person that JM loves most in this world.
The person that stood by JM's side and supported him when he was going through the turmoil he was experiencing during the pandemic.
The person that JM wanted to go on these trips with and came up with the idea to create this show so that they can go on these trips together.
The person that he flew from Korea to NY to be with for his solo debut.
The person that he can't stop talking about and bringing up in conversations that have really nothing to do with him, like during the Minimoni album exchange.
The man he chose to write a song for and write these lines to:
Baby, don't leave Just stay by my side, yeah To you, who see me bigger than what my little self is (to you) So that I can give as much as I’ve received (oh-oh) So that I can keep my word (oh-oh) Don't worry, just stay by my side, yeah (Yeah) We don’t know what the future holds (holds, yeah) And that’s scary and makes us afraid (oh-oh) But don’t forget that we’re always together (don't forget)
The person he chose to enlist with and be with for the 18 months of their military service, even though it meant a more difficult placement, even though it would raise eyebrows and questions marks seeing that the two are the first ever idols, both in their late 20s to do this!!
I've said this once I've said this a thousand times. People need to go live their lives and stop looking for drama where it doesn't exist in JM and JK's life.
They are together.
They are good.
Even if they are idols and public figures.
Even if they are two gorgeous young men who happen to love each other and are, god forbid, in a queer relationship.
Even if being in a queer relationship in their industry and society is frowned upon.
All those don't mean that their relationship isn't just a normal stable long term relationship with everything that such a loving relationship entails, including the struggles.
Enough with trying to insert drama where there is none.
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upsidedownmvnson · 2 years
midnight ideas | eddie munson smut
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warnings: sex, unprotected, oral (f receiving), friends to lovers, minimal plot
AN: im so down bad, but its my birthday so happy day to us all
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It was midnight when you knocked on the trailer door, but you knew Wayne wasn't home, and you'd never felt bad about waking Eddie up before. He probably wasn't even sleeping. Lights flicked on and off in the windows before Eddie swung the door open, clad only in sweatpants and leaning on the door, looking a little too hot for a best friends' comfort.
But that didn't matter.
You were here to be a freak.
Here to ask something weird from your best friend, that probably crossed a line or two.
"I need a favour," you asked before any greetings were exchange. You'd biked from your house, which was far enough that you thought you looked a bit like a mess, but from Eddie's perspective you were hot as fuck. Your clothes were all unaligned, and your hair was a mess, like you knew he fantasized about threading his hair through it. "I need you to leave hickeys on my chest."
Eddie looked at you, as if waiting for you to say more. "Okay, well come in. But I'm gunna need a little more context."
"You know that guy I was seeing who just stopped calling and stopped coming by, well he's moved on already, it's been like a minute..."
"A month."
"A minute." You waved Eddie off, sitting on his couch casually like you weren't just asking your best friend to put his mouth all over you. "And I didn't even really like him but then he was like 'sure you do' when I said I have a date tonight." You scoffed and crossed your arms, rolling your eyes at the audacity of the man you had lied to.
"Did you have a date tonight?"
"Not the point."
Eddie laughed. "And you need, what? Proof?"
"Something like that."
Out of nowhere you pulled your shirt over your head, exposing yourself to him. You still had a bra on, purple and flattering, but Eddie was stunned into silence. He tried to speak, but all the words got caught in his throat, leaving him to just stare wide eyed at the presentation before him.
"Anyway, I don't want them on my neck because I don't need to broadcast this to everyone but..." you looked at Eddie who was staring at your boobs, not moving a muscle. Both of his hands placed neatly on his lap. "Oh c'mon, don't be a baby."
"I-I'm not, I just..." Eddie's eyes flashed up to your face, meeting you where you were looking at him. "You're beautiful."
You smiled. "Thanks Eds."
When he didn't move again, you swatted his hands off his lap, and you spun around to sit on his lap facing him. Your hands were on his shoulders, holding yourself steady on him. Eddie's voice was lost again, and his hands hovered in the air behind you, unsure of where to touch. Beneath you, Eddie was already rock hard, his wildest fantasies were literally falling right into his lap, but you didn't feel it yet.
"Obviously you don't have to," you said, back arching slightly into him, your bodies kept apart by only your bra. Everywhere skin connected to Eddie made your skin burn. He was warmth. He was comfort and warmth and home, and you were waiting for him to sink his teeth into you.
The threat of losing this closeness to you made him put his hands on your hips, the roughness of his skin was delicious against the softness of yours. Even touching you made his cock twitch in his sweatpants, but he was hidden behind the band.
"Just give me a second to process this baby," he said, he'd never called you that before and it made you clench, but it also made your heart flutter.
The tension of waiting for him made a knot in your abdomen build, and you felt yourself getting wet over the situation you'd put yourself in. You'd never thought about, but looking at Eddie like this, and thinking about him like this, was really making you horny. If he tried, you'd probably let him do more than kiss you.
Eddie's thumbs ran soothingly across your rib cages, looking up at you, his beautiful eyes looking at you like this made things feel different. You weren't thinking about some loser who didn't call you, you were thinking about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. He was taking over your senses. And then he did it. He reached forward and kissed a small section of your collarbone, before gently bringing it into his mouth, sucking a sinful little kiss into this skin.
Eddie hands trailed up your back slowly, shivers replaced his heat on your body. His lips were still attached to you, sucking slowly and sweetly on your collarbone. His hands around you kept you close, preventing you from shying away, but you wanted to be close anyway. You want him to keep kissing you like this. You wanted him to kiss you everywhere.
You moved your hands to his hair, practically coddling him and keeping him close to you, tugging at fistfulls everytime he switched to a new location to kiss. You shimmied in his lap, making him bite you lightly, and grip you tighter in his hands. It may have been a warning, but you ignored it and moved again, this time moaning quietly.
"If you don't stop that you're gunna start something you can't finish," he mumbled, hands moved again, gripping your hips just tight enough to hold you still.
"You know what would really piss that guy off?" you mumbled, and Eddie flinched at the words. He didn't really want to be thinking of the other man on your mind right now. "Was if he thought you and I really did it."
"How so?" Eddie replied, but reattached himself to the soft felsh peaking out of your bra. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity.
"I don't know," you mused, but you did. "Maybe I can wear that short little skirt to school, and maybe you can leave hickeys... I don't know, on my thigh?"
Eddie froze.
"Are you sure?" he asked, looking up at you.
Your judgement was so clouded with lust for your best friend, it was pathetic.
"Please," you begged, pouting in a way you knew would make him fold.
But you didn't really need to, Eddie nodded softly and quickly, swallowing his nerves. you got off him, unbuttoning your pants and pushing them down your legs. Eddie kept staring, he discovered your lack of panties without warning, and couldn't look away from the prettiest sight he'd ever scene. You unclipped your bra saying, "Guess we might as well take this off too."
"Come here," he said, holding out his hand and gesturing you back over by curling his two middle fingers towards himself. "On the couch."
You laid down, head on the armrest, suddenly a little shy at the prospect of having Eddie kissing you between the legs.
You mean... on the legs...
Eddie was on his knees, in-between your spread legs, leaning on the back of the couch so he could lean over you a little bit. One of your legs was draped over his, and he ran his hand up it, staring at the beautiful sight until it burned into a memory he won't forget.
"Are you really sure?" he asked, "this is intimate."
"You don't have to," you said, embarassed.
"Oh, I want to." His hand stopped trailing on your hip. "But I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me later."
His voice was laced with hints of vulnerability, you could hear it. You could see the way his head hung a little lower when he said that. You leaned up, placing your lips on his for a very soft, tender kiss.
"Eddie, I always feel the most comfortable when I'm with you."
And he couldn't even process the compliment. He kissed you again, casual, as if this wasn't his first and second kiss with his best friend that he's been crushing on forever.
He scooched his knees back so he could lay down a little, lowering his head to fall between your legs. He put a hand under your knee, lifting your leg ever so gently towards his mouth, looking at you like he expected you to pull away. But you said nothing.
He kissed the soft kiss on the inside of your thigh, above your knee. You watched him, the sight of him so close to your heat was unforgettable.
Eddie sucked a little spot, the purple mark left was small and shallow. He wasn't leaving them to be seen anybody else, and you could tell. But it felt so good and you didn't care, you kinda, didn't want to share. Eddie kissed a little higher, and did the same thing. And then moved... one kiss higher. And right when you were about to ask him to kiss you, really kiss you, he switched sides, repeating them same, slow, tantalizing kisses.
Meanwhile, Eddie was going fucking insane. Your leg was in his fucking mouth. Things would never be platonic again. He had to pretend he couldn't smell how aroused, and wet you were. Had to pretend he wasn't trying to rub his dick on the couch cushions just to get an iota of relief. It was his big performance.
"Eddie..." you said, and when he looked up at your big pleading eyes, the lust coming off you in waves, he knew.
This time, he didn't stop going higher, he trailed kissed all the way up your thigh, bit your hip unexpectedly to make you gasp, and then dove into your pussy, kissing where your pussy met your mound. Eddie was kissing you like this and looking up at you with those eyes. Those fucking eyes. You moaned, the anticipation alone making you writhe.
He licked up and down your folds, letting himself taste and explore every inch. You were so wet.
He snuck his hand under his chin, teasing your hole with one proding digit. It slipped in, your walls wet, and warm, and tight, and the sensation around his finger nearly made him blow his load.
His tongue slid perfectly over your clit and you jerked, moaning sharply and bucking your hips into his face, the pleasure of it sending sparks down your thighs. He repeated the same move, using one hand to spread your lips open and take note of where he was touching. He was memorizing you. Memorizing each and every move that made you moan. He wanted to make you cum so bad. Wanted you to cum for him.
"Feels so good, Eddie."
Groaning at the sound of his name, he slipped in another finger, making you moan again. The slight stretching of learning someone knew was always your least favourite part, but turns out, you just needed Eddie. He made you feel good because he wanted to, he was happy to have his head between your legs, eating you out like he was starving, and with no promise of sex.
But you were pretty sure you were going to fuck him. If he wanted you, he could take you.
He sucked your clit again, and your walls tightened. He curled one of the fingers inside you gently, experimenting, and when you gasped, he continued on that spot, hitting it again and again and again while you got impossibly tight around his fingers, moaning and writhing like a fucking pornstar. He was so in love.
"I want to cum," you moaned, "can I? Please?"
You were asking him to cum. Eddie was dizzy. All the sensations, being squeezed, smelling you, tasting you, the delicious pain of you gripping his hair like you were going to fall... it was all too much. Too sweet. Too hot. Eddie bucked his own hips into the couch, desperate to be touched.
He pulled away just enough to growl, "you better cum on my face," and then dive back into his clitoral assault, kissing and licking it like it was the answer to his prayers.
Which really, it was.
And you came, loudly, moaning loud enough for the whole damn park to know what Eddie just did to you. Through every wave of pleaser, you and Eddie had your eyes locked on each other. This was what you really wanted. You didn't care about some prick, you cared about Eddie. It's always been Eddie.
You kept moaning as Eddie continued to massage and suck you through your orgasm, stopping only when you tried tugging him up to you. He held himself above you, letting you pull his face down to kiss him. All tongue and teeth, more desperate than anything. Eddie could love you after he fucked you. The way you looked at him, blissed out and still squirming your hips, he knew it wasn't over.
He thanked god it wasn't over yet.
"Go to my room," he said, kissing you again, taste of your sweet still on his lips. And evidence of your orgasm remained unwiped, glistening on the skin all around his mouth. You did what he said obediently, almost running to the room with him on your tail.
You started crawling onto the bed, putting your knees on the edge, but before you could climb on, a large hand pushed you into between your shoulder blades, making you land doggy style and exposing your ass and pussy to Eddie. He had taken his pants off, but really couldn't wait one more second. The bed dipped behind you, and you felt him pushing the tip of his cock against your unsuspecting cunt. You gasped, waiting patiently for him to do. The suspense of his dick slowly trailing up your folds without penetrating you was going to drive you crazy.
"Can I do it, baby?" he asked, running the tip up and down your sopping wet folds. He felt how tight you were against two fingers, he was going to be fighting not to finish fast, he knew that. "Please, beautiful, let me do it."
His dick hit the divet of your hole, and he groaned, stopping himself to wait for your answer.
"Eddie," you moaned, the feeling of him pressed against your core wasn't enough. You looked over your shoulder, glassy eyes begging for more relief. He could've blown at the sight of your cock-drunk eyes. And he hadn't even fucked you yet. "Please, fuck me."
Not wasting another second he pushed himself in, fighting playfully against the tightness of your walls. You moaned, shocked at how thick he was, but loving every second. You welcomed him in, pussy so tight and wet and fucking warm that he had to take a few deep breaths before he could fully push himself in.
He pulled entirely out, to slowly push entirely in a few times, taking his time to stretch you before doing anything harder. He said another prayer right then, a prayer that this wasn't the only time. He needed you, and you needed him. And you were already a moaning mess in his arms.
Once you were comfortable, he started really thrusting, keeping the pace steady. He had to close his eyes and take deep breaths again. Just looking at you while he hit it from behind? Too much.
Eddie slapped your ass once. And then finally looked down to see what it looks like. He loved watching your ass jiggle as he fucked you, your cheeks slamming against his abdomen.
"M-Maybe he'll see how-"
"Enough!" Eddie couldn't hear you bring up that fucking idiot one more time. "I'm gunna fuck that guy right out of your mind," Eddie grabbed one of your arms making your chest fall into the bed. He grabbed the other and held them both captive in one of his hands, and used his other hands to slap you on the ass, hard. He did it three more times, your moaning egging him on. But when you started moaning his name, repeating it over and over, he knew he had to get you there. He wouldn't last much longer, not with you intentionally squeezing your walls around him. He spanked you twice more more rough than the rest, followed by a smaller gentler tap. A small, good girl, without words.
Eddie squeezed your reddened ass cheek, as he hammered into you, but released to use his hand to grip a fistful of your hair, pushing you down deeper into the mattress. Your ass was up in the air, while Eddie fucked your pussy relentlessly. He was so deep, hitting parts of you that no one had ever touched. You wanted to praise him. You wanted to thank him for fucking you so good, and tell him how good you felt. You wanted to shower him with praises for fucking you better than anyone ever had, but the only thing that came out was a string of moan and unintelligible syllables of unfinished words.
But you didn't need to say it anyway, Eddie knew.
He could tell by the way your cunt squeezed him greedily, or everytime you caught his eye over your shoulder, glossy and pleasured, how he'd like to see you more often.
It was starting to ache how deeply he pounded you, when he suddenly let go of your hair so he could wrap an arm under you, and get his fingers on your clit. His body was pushed against yours even more, his dick staying deeper and repeatedly hitting a spot that was making you stupid. Eddie saw drool puddling at the corner of your mouth at the mattress, and your pussy dripped down both of your legs. He licked his lips at the sight. You unable to speak, drooling, moaning, and letting him have his fucking way with you.
"You're gunna cum," he said, a fact not a question. "All over this cock, fuck baby, you're so hot," Eddie was trying to keep it together but failing. He'd wanted this forever, and now that he had it, he wasn't going to last. "Are you gunna cum, baby?"
You nodded in his grip, but he held your hair tighter. He wanted to hear you. A strangled, "please," was what you managed.
"Good fucking girl, oh my god," Eddie praised, his fingers on your clit were softer in contrast to the deep pounding. The circles the rubbed over it were sensual, and hot, and going to make you explode. "Cum on my cock babe, do it." Eddie let go of your arms, and immediately they fell beside you, hands grabbing at the sheets pathetically. He grabbed one, and brought your own hand to your own clit. "And when you do," Eddie picked his pace up, gripping your hips in both hands now. "you're fucking mine."
It shouldn't have made you orgasm harder than you ever have in your life, but it did. The concept of Eddie owning your pussy all the time made you come all over him like he wanted, squeezing him so tightly that he couldn't help but bury it as deep as possible and coat your walls, holding your hips unwaveringly tight and pushing himself into you impossibly far to coax himself through his climax.
"Oh my fucking god," he mumbled, eyes closed and cock still buried deep inside you, twitching with sensitivity.
When he pulled out, you both moaned. You flipped over slowly, sitting upright on the bed.
"Eddie," you whispered, suddenly overthinking everything you just did. You couldn't lose Eddie, he was too important.
But he knew you. So he sat beside you, cooing and patting your hair. He kissed you on the cheek.
"Hey, listen," he said, scooping up a hand to hold and looking you in the eyes. His eyes were glassy from cumming so hard in you, but also filled with adoration and love. His gooey eyes could calm you from any state. Eddie encouraged you to stand, walking with you to the bathroom, hands locked tightly together. "I say we take a shower, make a snack, throw a movie on, and fall asleep. Hmm? How's that sound, petal?"
"Pretty right?" He said, turning the shower on. "I figured I want something pretty, but not overdone. Babe is classic, but overdone."
"To call me?"
"To call my girlfriend," he said, you blushed but said nothing. He smiled. "Look, if you really came over here just to make some douche jealous that's fine, but... if you want me to love you, well, you already have that."
"I love you too, Eddie."
"Sorry it wasn't like, nicer." Eddie smiled at you, content to just be here with you. "For our first time, I mean."
You laughed, "no, it was perfect."
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The Finish Line.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - in honour of the london marathon being held today, and my dad running, enjoy this little blurb.
word count - 1.3k
in which, harrys wife is running the london marathon, having been signed up by her sister in law gemma as a joke and now as she is nearing the finish line, harry is determined to be there to greet her.
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As you sit in your cozy living room on your birthday, your husband Harry by your side and your one-year-old son peacefully asleep on the cushion next to him, you feel content. Gemma, your sister-in-law, suddenly interrupts the tranquil moment with a mischievous grin on her face.
"Happy birthday, sis! I've got another present for you," Gemma announces, holding out an envelope with excitement.
You accept it, exchanging puzzled glances with Harry. "Oh, Gem, you didn't have to get me anything else. You've already spoiled me enough."
Gemma shakes her head, insisting, "Trust me, you're going to love this one. Open it!"
With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, you tear open the envelope. Your heart skips a beat as you pull out a letter. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you read the words:
"Congratulations! You've been signed up for the 2024 London Marathon."
Your jaw drops, and you stare at Gemma in shock. "What?! Are you serious?!"
Gemma's grin widens. "Absolutely! I know you've been talking about wanting to challenge yourself, and what better way than running a marathon, right?"
You can feel the panic rising within you. "But Gem, I've never even run a half-marathon before! This is insane!"
Harry chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, looks like you've got some training to do, m’love."
You shake your head, still in denial. "No, no way. I can't do this. I'm not ready for something like that.”
And now, just under halfway through,just seconds away from reaching mile ten,doubts start creeping in, and your legs feel heavier with each step.
The cheering crowds blend into a blur of noise around you.
Just when you're on the verge of giving up, a familiar voice cuts through the chaos, calling your name.
You glance up and spot Harry and your son standing behind the barricades, their faces lit up with pride and encouragement.
With a surge of determination, you veer towards them, pushing through the throngs of runners, apologising when you get in the way.
When you reach them, you're breathless and exhausted, but seeing their smiling faces fills you with a renewed sense of hope.
"H-Harry," you pant, trying to catch your breath. "I don't think I can do this. It hurts."
Harry wraps his arms around you, offering comfort and support. "Hey, hey, you've got this. You've trained so hard f’this moment. Y’stronger than you think."
Tears well up in your eyes as you lean into his embrace. "But what if I can't finish? What if I let everyone down?"
Harry gently tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. "Listen to me, m’love. You've never been a quitter, and you're not about to start now. Remember why you're doing this – for yourself, for our family, We believe in you, and we'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
You glance down at your sleeping son, his innocent face a poignant reminder of the love and support surrounding you.
With a determined nod, you straighten up, wiping away your tears. "Okay, I'll keep going. For us."
Harry flashes you a proud smile, planting a kiss on your forehead. "S’my girl. Now go show 'em what you're made of. We'll be waiting for you at the finish line."
It takes you around another two hours to near the finish line, every step feels like an uphill battle.
Your ankle throbs with each stride, threatening to give out beneath you, and a wave of nausea washes over you. The cheers of the crowd blend into a distant hum as you focus all your energy on putting one foot in front of the other.
Your vision blurs with tears of pain and exhaustion, but you can see the finish line looming ahead like a beacon of hope. With every ounce of determination left in you, you push forward, the crowd's encouragement spurring you on.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you limp across the finish line. Tears stream down your face as you collapse onto the ground, the rush of emotions overwhelming you. The volunteer at the finish line rushes over, their concern evident as they kneel beside you.
"Hey there, are you alright? Do you need medical attention?" the volunteer asks, their voice filled with genuine concern.
You manage to nod weakly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I-I think so. Just... just give me a moment."
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a bottle of water and helping you sit up. "Take your time. You did an amazing job out there. You should be really proud of yourself."
As you cling to the poor volunteer, you turn to the her with a hopeful expression. "Um, excuse me, could you... could you help me over to my husband, please?"
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a supportive arm. "Of course, let's get you over there."
With the volunteer's assistance, you limp over to Harry, each step feeling like a small victory. As you draw closer, Harry's eyes light up with relief and love, his arms open wide to welcome you.
"Thank you so much," you murmur to the volunteer, tears still streaming down your face.
She smiles warmly. "It's my pleasure. Congratulations on finishing the marathon. You're an inspiration."
You nod, touched by her words, before turning your attention back to Harry. His eyes are filled with love and pride as he opens his arms to you, and you melt into his embrace, feeling the warmth and safety of his love surrounding you.
"Oh, Harry," you whisper, tears of exhaustion and joy streaming down your cheeks. "I did it."
He holds you close, his embrace a comforting anchor in the midst of your overwhelming emotions.
"Yes, you did," he murmurs, his voice soft and full of admiration. "I'm so proud of you, m’love. You're incredible."
You bury your face in his chest, inhaling his familiar scent and reveling in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. "I couldn't have done it without you," you admit, your voice muffled against his shirt.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his touch tender and reassuring. "Y’stronger than you know, darling. And I'll always be here to support you, every step of the way."
Your heart swells with love for him, overwhelmed by the depth of his devotion.
"I love you, Harry," you whisper, your words a vow of gratitude and affection.
"I love you too, my darling," he replies, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Now let's get you some rest. You've earned it."
Your son looks up from the stroller, his face breaking into a wide grin as he reaches out for you.
"Mama!" he exclaims, his little arms outstretched.
"Hey there, my little champion," you coo, scooping him up into your arms. His giggles fill the air as you pepper his chubby cheeks with kisses, each one a testament to the overwhelming love you feel for him.
Harry watches with a tender smile, his eyes shining with pride and adoration.
"Look at you two," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "My heart could burst with how much I love you both."
You laugh through your tears, the exhaustion and elation of the moment blending together in a whirlwind of emotion.
"I love you too, Harry," you say, your voice choked with emotion. "So much."
With trembling hands, you reach for the medal hanging around your neck, the weight of it a physical reminder of the journey you've just completed. Carefully, you drape it around your son's neck, the metal cool against his warm skin.
"There you go, my little marathoner," you say, your voice catching in your throat. "You deserve this just as much as I do."
Harry wraps his arms around you both, holding you close as you bask in the glow of this precious moment.
"I couldn't be prouder of you, love," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear.
"You're my hero."
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
Becoming the Quinn-Goldbergs obsession
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns for y/n: he/him/his
Living in Madre Linda had its ups and downs. The community was tight-knit and you could practically always count on someone for something. As long as that something wasn't gossip worthy.
The soul sucking residents of your town were irritating to deal with and borderline hellish on a bad day. Over all, you were able to count on one hand the amount of neighbors you considered friends.
Until the new neighbors moved in.
The Quinn-Goldbergs. A young couple who were new to the wonders of parenthood. It only took an hour after their arrival for you to learn virtually everything about them through Sherry and her minions.
You met Love first. She'd been out grabbing mail when you returned from town with some groceries. She'd flashed a charming smile and seemed more than happy to chat until the duties of motherhood swept her away.
Popping open the trunk of the car, you slipped out of the driver's side and closed the door. Barely noticing movement in the yard over, you walked to the back of your car and began picking the bags into your arms.
"Hey, neighbor!" A cheery voice called out and you leaned back, catching sight of a brunette standing on the other side of the fence. She carried some envelopes in one hand, lifting the other to wave at you. "I'm Love! We just moved here a couple weeks ago."
"Nice to meet you, Love." You returned the smile, using your free hand to close the trunk before approaching the fence. She perked up and stepped closer, resting her hand atop the short picket fence.
"You must be (Y/N). Sherry mentioned we were neighbors."
"Did she?" You didn't intend to sound so ticked off about it but from the knowing look that passed over Love's features, she understood your distaste completely.
"I'd introduce you to my husband but he's off at the library. He's pretty serious about his books." Love chuckled lightly.
"Oh, really? I'm an avid reader myself."
"Seriously?" Her brows rose, eyes practically twinkling. "Oh, then I'm sure you two will get along!"
Only a couple days would pass before you were invited to a party and there you'd meet Joe, the beloved husband and polar opposite of Love.
It'd been a little awkward at first with neither you nor Joe knowing exactly what to say. That was until Cary spoke and you exchanged an exasperated look with Joe. Afterwards the conversations began, going from complaining about the residents to books and the library.
Love grew obsessed first. She often found herself over at your place with Henry, finding solace in the fact she finally had someone real and honest to talk to in the neighborhood.
She didn't realize the signs at first, too caught up in the bliss of what she believed was innocent friendship until she began keeping track of your day to day life and involving herself more and more.
She frequently cooked you meals and brought them over, insisting she just wanted to do something nice for you and 'I just really appreciate your company'.
Love only truly noticed her obsession when attending a birthday party and overhearing Sherry giggling about you and another woman. The dread, rage, and jealousy that erupted inside her was enough to push her into a full obsession.
Smiling softly, Love watched Joe tend to Henry as she picked up a slice of cheese from the table and took a bite from it. Without thinking, she began searching for you in the crowd of guests, taking slow steps until she neared Sherry and Kiki.
"I heard the reason they divorced was because she was seeing (Y/N) on the down low." Sherry whispered, nodding wildly when Kiki gaped at her. "I mean, I believe it. She's always flirting with him."
Love felt her body freeze, eyes dancing around frantically in search of you. It couldn't be true, could it? If you were seeing someone... No, you'd tell her, right?
Finally spotting you in the crowd, she walked forward, pace quick but not fast enough to draw attention to herself. You sweetly smiled at her upon noticing her and she felt herself relax, unable to resist smiling back.
"(Y/N), I was looking for you everywhere!" She breathed, turning her attention onto the woman you'd been speaking with. Looping her arms around yours, she tilted her head.
"Could I steal him for a moment?"
"Of course, no problem."
"Great!" Whipping out her best fake smile, she resisted the urge to sneer at the woman before pulling you away from her.
Upon recognizing her feelings, Love grew conflicted. She still loved Joe completely and hated the thought of ruining their family, especially after powering through the Natalie situation. So, she remained silent... Unaware of her husband's own dilemma.
It had taken Joe only a few days to realize his obsession. He had brushed off his desire to be around you and hear more about you as the want for a friend in the nightmarish town of Madre Linda.
Until he found himself putting on his favorite cap and watching you from the safety of his car. It had clicked the moment he turned his car engine on and began his typical monologue.
Joe was no stranger to obsessions. In fact, one could consider him extremely experienced in the area. There had been Nurse Fiona, Candace, Beck, Love, and Natalie. All of them shared some minor similar traits but the biggest one being they were women. You were not.
This realization had sent Joe through a bit of an identity crisis where he both distanced himself from you- limiting his face to face interactions with you, sending Love on his behalf- and kept an eye in you by continuing to watch you.
But, you had noticed his odd behavior and finally confronted him about it, much to his relief and dismay.
"Okay, what's up?" Joe blinked, tearing his eyes away from his wife and child. His throat tightened as he stared up at you, internally cursing and panicking.
"Wh-What do you mean?" He chuckled nervously. You raised a brow and plopped down beside him on the bench, noting the way he rubbed his palms on his pants.
"You've been avoiding me." You pointed out, giving him a look when he attempted to protest.
Time to come clean. Or at least, partly come clean.
Clearing his throat and exhaling deeply, he shifted to face you. "It's nothing personal, I promise. I've just had a lot on my mind between Henry and settling into the new neighborhood." He explained softly, reaching out to touch your shoulder.
"Is that all?" You asked, frowning at him. "You can tell me anything, Joe. You and Love are the only people here I actually trust."
Trust... Trust and eventually... Love. Joe was sure of it. You'd love him just as much as he loved you. He just needed to play his cards right and avoid drawing suspicion from Love. She'd done enough already. Natalie's decaying body was proof of that.
From then on, the couple tiptoed around each other, fully unaware they had similar feelings for you.
Joe found it easier to keep from Love. He'd already slipped into your house, taking small things he knew you wouldn't notice go missing. He kept them stored in a spot he knew Love wouldn't think about looking and plotted ways to make you fall for him.
Love, on the other hand, found it more difficult. She felt guilt and worry eating her up inside. She loved Joe wholeheartedly but she felt similarly about you. Eventually, she couldn't keep it up, desperate to get closer to you without risking Joe lashing out.
"Joe, we need to talk." Love called from the kitchen, staring at the freshly baked cupcakes in hand. She set them down on the island and sighed, looking up at Joe as he entered the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" He asked immediately, finishing his tea and placing the cup down. Dread filled both of their stomachs, staring at one another.
Joe worried she'd figured it out and attacked you impulsively.
Love worried he'd discard of you as easily he'd done with the others.
"It's about (Y/N)."
"What about him?" Joe asked, attempting to keep a calm and cool mask. Love dug her teeth into the inside of her cheek, fingers tapping against the island.
"I... I think I love him, Joe." She whispered and felt a weight lift off her shoulders. "No, I'm... I'm obsessed with him." She added just as quietly.
"Are you serious?" Joe stared at her, a wave of surprise washing over him. When the brunette nodded, Joe pushed himself away from the island and turned, listening to her panicked calls for him. Removing the painting and reaching into the little nook he had created, he pulled out the book and returned to the kitchen.
His wife blinked, brows furrowing. "W-What is that?"
"Guess." Joe answered, lifting the top off and pushing it toward her. Hesitantly, Love peered inside and reached in to pull out the silver ring. Her lips parted when she remembered having seen you wear it the day you had met Joe.
"Joe... Does this mean...?" Love trailed off, meeting her husband's eyes.
They had nothing to fear from each other. They could learn to share, learn to love you equally. They could plan together. They could finally have you all to themselves.
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
Tom being reader’s ex boyfriend and uhm “cheering her up” after her boyfriend who she dated after she broke up with Tom cheated on her so they were at part and Tom saw her crying he was still kinda mad at her but also had feeling for her and wanted her back so he came to her and ask her what happened and after she told him he was a little happy cause at first she is single now and at second he told her that he is idiot after he found out she was dating him and he said “i told he was an idiot you just refused to believe me” and then he is like “i know what can cheer you up” and they end up ducking
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Me and Tom had broken up over a year ago, things were getting complicated and we were just too busy for each other, balancing work and our love life wasn't much of an option.
I was heartbroken when he left me, crying for month. Until I met my current boyfriend Jack, well now ex. I met him 4 months after I broke up with Tom and we got together 3 weeks after, hitting it off.
He was really sweet at the start, taking me on dates and getting me flowers, at that point me and Tom were still friends but barely talked to each other. When he found out, I could tell he was angry and hurt, distancing himself more.
I just ignored Toms stubborn reaction and focused on Jack. 7 months into the relationship I was scrolling through his phone, looking at pictures of us together and smiling, his body asleep next to me. I accidently clicked into his messages, seeing "pizza hut" saved as a contact. I furrowed my eyebrows, maybe it was a silly prank between his friends? I decided to click on it, seeing if he was planning any cute dates or a surprise for my birthday since it was next week.
My heart dropped as I saw the messages, photos exchanged of themselves naked and videos of them fucking, the messages they sent to each other were dirty, disgusting even.
I quickly closed the phone and set it down, turning on the lamp and shaking Jack awake, confronting him. He tried to deny it but of course the proof was right there, then he gaslighting came. I just sobbed, kicking him out of the house.
I woke up the next day, it was 7pm already, my eyes red and puffy from crying all night. "I need to get out..I can't cry over that asshole" I got up, grabbing the sluttiest dress I could find and doing my makeup and hair, quickly putting some heels on before texting my friends, asking if any parties were on.
To my surprise there was, she sent the address and it was walking distance, I grabbed my keys and ran out the front door, locking it behind me. I started to walk to the house, anxiety flowing through me.
As I got to the party I rushed to the alcohol section, finding any drink I could get my hands on, needing to drown my sadness. I settled on a bottle of vodka, snatching it and walking over to an empty couch, chugging it, the clear liquid burning my throat.
I started to cry again, the images of the texts flashing in my head again. I continued to sip at the vodka, nearly halfway done. "Jesus christ Y/N.." I heard a familiar voice, my head shot up and eyes widened as I saw Tom standing there, a concerned look on his face.
"Fuck..you can't see me like this.." I groaned, he sat down, rubbing a hand on my thigh, "what happened?" he sighed heavily, I could tell he was still mad at me but he cared, he always did.
"Jack cheated on me.." I choked out a sob, tears gushing down my face, drenching my dress. He pulled me close, running a hand through my hair, "I told you he was an idiot but you refused to listen" he grunted.
"Now I'm fucking single..I kicked him out" I slurred my words, a small smile plastered on his face but soon faded. "Let's get you somewhere quiet and stop with the alcohol, hm?" he smiled softly, I nodded and held onto him and he guided me to an empty bedroom.
Once we arrived he patted his lap, "cmon liebe" I rushed over to him, sitting on his lap and wrapping my legs around his waist, burying my face into his neck.
"I know what can cheer you up.." he whispered softly in my ear, his hand trailing down to my ass, rubbing it softly. I pulled back and looked at him, biting my lip, "really?" "yes really, lay back on the bed schatz.." he grinned, pushing me onto the bed.
I watched as he slithered between my legs, fingers tracing over my curves softly, one hand reaching up my dress and pulling my panties off. "Be a good girl, ok?" he said sternly "fine.." I giggled, hiking my dress up.
"Fuck..missed this pussy" he groaned, palming his cock. I reached out and grabbed his face, pulling it down and pressing my lips against his, he smirked against my lips, pulling his pants off with one hand.
He deepened the kiss as he slid his boxers off, one hand caressing my hips. "Let me fuck you baby.." he murmered, pulling away and looking into my eyes, I looked down at his cock, it was throbbing, desperate for any kind of attention.
I smirked and spread my legs, he grabbed onto my hips, slowly pushing in and stretching me out for the first time in a while, Jack wasn't nearly as big as Tom, I knew I had to get used to his cock again.
"Ah!" I cried out, holding onto his biceps as he bottomed himself out, filling me up. "Fuckkk.." he groaned "you're so fucking tight, was Jack ever this deep in you?" he smirked, a hand coming to the back of my head and pulling my hair roughly.
"No.." I whimpered, he chuckled and started to slam himself into me, pounding at my hole relentlesly. "That's right, he'll never fuck you like I do" he growled, nails digging into my hips harshly.
I moaned loudly as his tip rammed into my g spot, intense waves of pleasure crashing throughout my body, "holy fuck!" I cried out, tears pricking at my eyes, threatening to come out.
"So fucking good.." he groaned, throwing his head back as his cock constantly dissapeared in my cunt, squelching noises coming from my pussy as his length pounded into it.
The sound of skin slapping filled the room, the music too loud for anyone else to hear our lovemaking session. I felt a knot form in my stomach, the burning in my heat becoming more prominent, my orgasm dangerously close.
He smirked, feeling my pussy softly clench on his cock, his length starting to twitch inside me, "gonna cum baby.." he moaned, rubbing rough circles on my clit, trying to get me to cum with him.
I whimpered and came on his cock, my orgasm washing over me. As soon as my pussy clenched harder on him he came, squirting his load into me, coating my walls completely.
"Oh my god.." he sighed, falling back onto the bed and trying to catch his breath. I rolled over to climbed on top of his chest, putting his cock back in me, "round 2?" I grinned, he chuckles "how could I say no"
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @tomkaulitzloverr @ge-billsgf @ballhair @charliesgoodboy @estxkios @bkaulitzlover
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alxtiny · 2 months
Then now and always| Song Mingi x reader
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Synopsis: when memories of how you met resurface
Pairing: song mingi x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: -
Notes: happy birthday to our favourite princess ✨✨✨
Main masterlist
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When you first saw Mingi, he had come to pick his niece up with his older brother. He was dressed to the nines, a perfect image of street fashion, of course he had his idol image to uphold, he seemed exactly like the cliche cold hearted bad boy that exists only in dramas.
Expensive looking sunglasses were perched up high on his perfect nose and his lips moved silently along to whatever was playing on his headphones. He didn’t seem bothered at all by the passersbys that stared at him, or when the teen girls from a nearby high school giggled and approached him asking for autographs or pictures. He would flash a perfect smile making them swoon at his devilishly handsome looks. But as soon as they were gone his smile would drop and he would go back to whatever was so interesting on his phone. He would stay and scroll mindlessly while his brother talked to your co teacher.
You would simply ‘observe’ Mingi in the meantime from the classroom window. You didn’t understand all the hype behind him, sure he was super talented, tall, and had a nice face but that was it wasn’t it? It wasn’t. You shook thoughts of him out of your head and focused more towards the next week’s lesson plan, but somehow he managed to make his way back onto your mind.
Thankfully (or not) you had other things to worry about. You Were more than a little apprehensive about the day ahead. Your colleague, Ms. Han, had taken a day off, leaving you in charge of dispersing the students at the end of the day. You didn’t hate doing this, but the thought of having to talk to each parent and offering reassurance to their worries gave you a headache.
As the day drew to a close, you gathered the children, guiding them to the front of the school where their parents would pick them up. The familiar sight of Mingi standing next to his brother caught your eye. As usual, he was dressed impeccably in streetwear that probably cost more than your monthly salary, with those expensive sunglasses perched on his nose. He stood a little apart from his brother, scrolling through his phone, completely oblivious to the world around him.
You took a deep breath, trying to steel yourself for the encounter. It’s just a quick exchange, you told yourself. Hand the child over, smile politely, and be done with it.
“Alright, children, let’s find your parents!” you called out with as much enthusiasm as you could muster. You crouched down to help tie a stray shoelace, when a small hand tugged at your sleeve.
“Teacher, can I go to my uncle now?” a sweet voice asked. You looked up to see Mingi’s niece, a bright-eyed little girl with pigtails, looking at you expectantly.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you replied, offering her a smile. “Let’s go find him.”
You took her hand and walked over to where Mingi and his brother stood. As you approached, you noticed Mingi glance up from his phone, his eyes briefly meeting yours before he looked away. You couldn’t help but feel a bit of unease at his aloof demeanor.
“Hello, Mr. Song,” you greeted Mingi’s brother with a polite nod. “Here’s your daughter, safe and sound.”
“Thank you, Miss L/N,” Mingi’s brother replied warmly, ruffling his daughter’s hair. “Did you have fun today, sweetheart?”
The little girl nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Daddy! We learned about animals, and Teacher let us draw pictures of our favourite ones!”
You smiled at her enthusiasm, but your attention was drawn to Mingi, who was still standing silently beside his brother. He wasn’t looking at his phone anymore, but rather at his niece, a wide smile playing at his lips. It was the first time you’d seen him express any emotion other than boredom or indifference.
Before you could stop yourself, you spoke up. “She’s a very bright girl. Always eager to learn and help others.”
Mingi’s eyes flicked to you, and for a moment, you thought you saw a hint of surprise in them. But just as quickly, his expression returned to its usual stoic mask.
“Thank you,” Mingi replied before his brother could, his voice deeper than you expected. “She’s a good kid.”
You nodded, feeling a bit awkward under his gaze. “Well, if there’s nothing else, I’ll be going back inside.”
“Wait.” Mingi’s voice stopped you in your tracks. You turned back to face him, curious about what he could want. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if he wasn’t sure how to continue. Finally, he spoke, his tone softer this time. “Thank you… for taking care of her.”
It wasn’t much, but the sincerity in his voice caught you off guard. You’d never expected someone like Mingi to show such genuine gratitude, especially when he’d always seemed so detached.
You offered him a small smile. “It’s my job, Mr. Song. But you’re welcome.”
Mingi’s brother chuckled, clapping his hand on Mingi’s shoulder. “See? She’s in good hands, Mingi. You can relax a little.”
Mingi shot his brother a glare, but you could see the faintest hint of a blush on his cheeks. It was almost… endearing.
As you walked back inside, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Song Mingi than what met the eye.
Days passed, and Mingi continued to pick up his niece, nowadays he would often come alone, but something had changed. While he still maintained his aloof facade, you noticed he would occasionally glance in your direction, as if checking to see if you were watching him. His visits became slightly less hurried, and once, you even caught him giggling —like actually giggling—as his niece excitedly told him about her day.
One afternoon, after most of the parents had already picked up their children, you found yourself alone with Mingi and his niece. She was showing him a drawing she had made, proudly pointing out each detail.
“And this is you, Uncle Mingi! See? I made you tall because you’re the tallest!”
Mingi crouched down to her level, his sunglasses pushed up onto his head, revealing his sharp eyes. He was looking at the drawing with genuine interest, nodding along as she explained.
“You’re really good at drawing,” Mingi said, ruffling her hair. “I like how you made me look cool.”
She giggled, clearly pleased with his approval. “I’m gonna draw another one tomorrow! Maybe I can draw Teacher too!”
Mingi’s eyes flickered to you, and you felt a strange flutter in your chest. You weren’t sure why, but the idea of being included in his niece’s drawing made you oddly happy.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Mingi said, his voice softening. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
His niece beamed up at him before running over to show you her masterpiece. You praised her drawing, and she skipped off happily, leaving you and Mingi standing there in an unexpectedly comfortable silence.
“She really looks up to you,” you said, breaking the quiet.
Mingi glanced at you, his expression unreadable. “I’m just her uncle.”
You shook your head. “You’re more than that to her. You’re someone she admires and wants to make proud. That’s not something to take lightly.”
Mingi seemed to ponder your words, his gaze drifting to where his niece was now playing with a couple of other kids. “I guess… I never thought about it that way.”
You smiled gently. “She’s lucky to have you in her life.”
Mingi looked at you then, really looked at you, and for the first time, you saw something genuine in his eyes. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
There was something in the way he said it that made your heart skip a beat. It was at that moment you realised that Mingi wasn’t the cold-hearted bad boy you had first assumed him to be. He was just someone who cared deeply, perhaps more than he let on, maybe there was even a cutesy princess side too his personality.
Two years had passed since that first awkward encounter with Song Mingi, and so much had changed. You and Mingi had gone from polite acquaintances to something much deeper, starting off from him asking you if you’d like to join him for coffee someday to going for long walks and romantic dinners, although it had happened so slowly and gradually that you could hardly pinpoint when the shift had occurred. What you did know was that Mingi had become an irreplaceable part of your life, and as you stood in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on his birthday dinner, you couldn’t help but marvel at how far both of you had come.
The soft glow of candles flickered across the table, casting a warm light over the carefully prepared dishes. You’d spent the entire afternoon cooking his favourite foods, determined to make this evening special. It was Mingi’s 25th birthday, and you wanted to show him just how much he meant to you.
As you set the final plate down, you heard the sound of the front door opening. Mingi’s deep voice called out, “I’m home!”
You couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across your face. “In the kitchen!” you called back, anticipation bubbling up inside you.
Mingi appeared in the doorway moments later, his tall frame leaning casually against the doorframe. He was dressed in comfortable clothes, having ditched his idol persona for the evening, but even in his relaxed state, he exuded a presence that made your heart flutter. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of the candlelit dinner, and a soft smile tugged at his lips.
“You did all this?” he asked, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and admiration.
You nodded, feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze. “Of course. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Mingi walked over to you, his gaze never leaving yours. When he reached you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble, you know.”
You chuckled, resting your hands against his chest. “It wasn’t any trouble. Besides, I wanted to.”
Mingi looked at you for a long moment, his expression softening. “Thank you. It means a lot.”
You smiled up at him, your heart swelling with affection. “Come on, let’s eat before everything gets cold.”
He nodded, reluctantly releasing you to take a seat at the table. As you both sat down, Mingi took a deep breath, savoring the delicious aromas wafting from the food. “This looks amazing,” he said, his eyes sparkling with genuine excitement.
You blushed at his praise. “I’m glad you think so. I wanted to make tonight special.”
“It already is,” Mingi replied, his voice low and sincere.
You shared a quiet, contented meal, the conversation flowing easily between you. It was one of those rare, peaceful moments where everything felt right in the world. As the evening wore on, the candles burned lower, casting long shadows across the table. You could see the flicker of the flames reflected in Mingi’s eyes, and it made your heart skip a beat.
When the plates were finally cleared, you stood up and walked over to the small side table where you had placed a cake—a simple one, decorated with Mingi’s favorite colors. You lit the candles, and as you carried it over to the table, you began to sing “Happy Birthday,” your voice soft but filled with emotion.
Mingi watched you with a mixture of amusement and affection, and when you finished singing, he leaned forward to blow out the candles, his wish left unspoken.
“Make a good wish, princess?” you teased, setting the cake down in front of him.
Mingi smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You laughed, feeling a sense of warmth spread through you. As you sat back down, Mingi reached across the table to take your hand in his. His touch was gentle, his thumb tracing soothing patterns against your skin.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, simply enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment. Then, you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words you wanted to say.
“Mingi,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper, “I just want you to know how proud I am of you.”
Mingi’s eyes met yours, his expression softening as he listened. You could see the flicker of uncertainty in his gaze, as if he wasn’t quite sure what you meant.
“I’ve watched you grow so much over these past two years,” you continued, your heart pounding in your chest. “I was thinking earlier, about when I first met you, I never imagined we’d end up here, celebrating your birthday together like this. But as I got to know you, I realised just how strong and kind and dedicated you are. You’ve come so far, Mingi, not just in your career, but as a person. And I’m so incredibly proud of everything you’ve accomplished.”
Mingi’s grip on your hand tightened slightly, his eyes shining with emotion. “I’m so glad to have you with me, then now and always, and-”
He paused, his voice faltering as he struggled to find the right words. But you knew what he was trying to say, and your heart swelled with affection for him.
For a moment, there was nothing but the soft flicker of the candlelight and the quiet hum of your hearts beating in sync. Then, Mingi stood up, pulling you gently to your feet as well. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, as if he never wanted to let you go.
“Thank you,” he murmured into your hair. “For everything.”
You closed your eyes, resting your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “Happy birthday, Mingi,” you whispered.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look down at you, his eyes filled with a warmth that made your heart ache in the best possible way. “It is a happy birthday,” he said softly. “Because I have you.”
And as he leaned down to press a gentle, lingering kiss to your lips, you knew that no matter where life took you, you would always be proud of the man Mingi had become—and even prouder to stand by his side.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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fushiguwu · 2 months
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who is him? getou suguru
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CHAPTER 1 from the Summer Fever's serie!
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ft. dilf!getou and college student!reader
warnings: use of alcohol, making out, slight smut, reader's drunk but conscious, age gap, breath play, soft dom!getou, use of the names princess, lady, pretty girl.
words: 1.9k
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A couple years ago, your mom got married again. A nice, handsome and funny man. She really loved him, and he seemed to be a nice guy; not too young nor old, at his late thirties, a highschool teacher, Gojo looked way younger than he actually was — physically and mentally. They met on a dating app and a few months later got married. You thought that, maybe, people their age are afraid to never find someone again, and just get married as soon as they get into a relationship. Their wedding party was beautiful, for as long as you can remember: lots of friends and family members, some people you’ve never seen in your life, some people you wish you’d never seen in your life, but beautiful. Your mom looked happy, Gojo looked happy, so that’s all that matters. Some days after that, you’ve left the country to go to a fancy French university, thanks to your exchange scholarship — and your mom’s money. That was good to her too, she deserved to live a nice married life, you thought. 
You’ve lost some holidays, but sometimes, like this one, you could finally get home, after two years. God bless summer breaks. You spent the most time sleeping, the uber driving home too. You missed your mom and her dog — not Gojo, an actual dog. But, yeah, a little bit of him too. It was good to be home, to breathe the motherland’s air and to relax by the huge pool in your childhood’s backyard. 
While taking your sunbath, Gojo had told you that tonight a few friends would come by, and you didn’t have to feel uncomfortable, they were just going to drink some wine and talk about sports; apparently, that’s something that happens monthly, and for your lucky, it had to be at the day you got home and wished for some peace of mind. 
So, for the time you got off the pool and they came, by six in the afternoon,you didn’t leave your room. Not until an angel sends you a message: 
 “Hey, I’ve heard u in town, wanna hang out?”
So you text your angel —Nobara, back, saying you’d be there in an hour. You and Nobara have known each other since high school, even with the loss of most of your friends due to distance, you two kept in contact as much as you could. You’ve forgotten to talk about your arrival, what a bad friend. Lucky for you, your mom absolutely loves Kugisaki and probably texted her about your comeback one week before. 
After getting ready, you go downstairs to call an uber. Gojo’s friends were all over the living room, laughing and drinking. Just some old men doing old men stuff. You pass through them as unnoticed as you could possibly be. Until Gojo saw you and screamed out your name, just when you approached the exit.  He then goes to you, with the open smile he always keeps on face, “Hey, guys, this is my stepdaughter, she came from France today!” you couldn’t be more ashamed. You say a shy “hi” and they were all smiling at you like you were a baby or something.
“Gojo, she’s at the age of Getou’s girls, they could’ve been friends! So sad, Getou ain’t here today.” a man with blonde hair says so, and you give him a little smile. 
“Yeah, yeah of course! We should talk about it with him, right? Isn’t their birthday soon?” Gojo says, electric with the possibility of you being friends with his friend’s daughters. 
“Hum, yeah, it would be nice, I guess”, you slowly get away from Gojo, “but, hum, I really gotta go now. Thanks, Satoru! Nice to meet you guys!” and like a flash you disappear out the door, leaving your stepdad with a huge question mark above his head. “These young girls… Always in a hurry…” Gojo says, more to himself than to the other men in the room.
When you got to the bar, Nobara was already there, waiting for you. “Why did you take so long?” She looked upset. You try to tell her about Satoru’s drunkenness, the men in your house, the shame you’ve got yourself into, but she’s bringing you inside, and the music was so loud you couldn’t hear your own thoughts. She, then, waves to someone, and lets go of your hand. How she found someone through that crowd, you would never know. “Wait here for a minute, imma get us some free drinks, ‘kay? Stay here!” and just like that she disappeared through the sea of people, leaving you by yourself. You literally just arrived and Nobara’s already gone, goddamnit. 
So you waited for her for what seemed like hours —ten minutes, but every minute you kept asking if that’s what you came for: to stay still in the middle of the dance floor, like a souvenir. If you knew it’d be like this, would've stayed at home with those drunk dudes watching football. After a couple more minutes, you give up on your friend and head up to the bar. 
You ask the bartender for a beer, but it just didn't feel enough. and then another one, which you found tastier than the last. And another one, the beer started tasting funny. And when you were about to ask for more, a little bit dizzy, you felt a huge silhouette approaching you. 
“I’d like to pay for your drink, if you don’t mind” you hear a low male voice say, just behind your body as he puts his wallet on the counter, in front of your bottle. You look up at him through your shoulders, his face a few inches from yours, his smell-like-expensive wood perfume flooding your thoughts and even by the lowlights you could say he looks way too good — or maybe you were just drunk and under the effect of his cologne.
“Shouldn’t you ask me if I’d like a drink first? How inelegant.” You were clearly affected by the alcohol, and he could tell. He, then, smirks down at you with his whole teeths.
“Well, it seems that you enjoy a drink way more than pretty ladies like you usually do” and you flushed, as for him to think you’re pretty, and for seeing that you are a bit drunk. But you wouldn't give in so easily like that. You frowned and pouted up at him.
“And what do you know about me, huh? What if I am no lady?” you sit now facing him from down, with a weird feeling on your stomach, you didn't know if wanted to throw up or if he was just making you nervous. He gets closer, turning your swivel bar chair around for him, opening your legs a little so his body could be in the middle. Go up your body with his hands gently and slowly from your side thighs till your waist. The weird feeling now manifests through all your body, like a hundred butterflies were inside you, trying to come out. It just grows stronger as his face approaches your ear, you couldn't move a single finger under his spell.
“Yes, I don’t know anything about you, princess. Please, forgive my anti-chivalry”. his hands tightened but it still felt so dearing you could melt by it only. He held your chin, looking deep into your dizzy eyes. You looked so helpless, so given in his arms, even with all those people around, you could only see him and him only. “But, if you ain’t no lady, it leaves only the pretty, then”. You bite your lip, unknowing what to say to him after that. Anyone else saying that and you would have absolutely cringed, but from his mouth it just sounded so right. Everything he said sounded so intrinsically right that you felt like agreeing blindly even if he called you for a bank robbery. You felt a bit more dizzy every time he’d speak with his such charming deep voice close to your neck.
“Would you like to know, then?” A few seconds passed by for your courage to appear, and you couldn’t help noticing his lips forming a nasty smile. His eyes travel yours, going from one to another, not sure if he should do the next move. You looked so helpless under him, he thought. Your eyes wander through his lips, and eyes, and nose, and every single detail you could get within the low beam — close to none. Without a word being said therefore, like the permission was implicit, he puts his fingers on your chin and kisses you, sweetly, slowly, just like you deeply craved for. And, just like that, all those butterflies disappeared. You enlace your hands on his neck—feeling his silky long hair made you gasp into his mouth. It all seemed so right, just like a fever dream your drunk and feverish head was making up to you.
His tongue touches yours in a sinful yet heavenly dance, leaving the sweetness behind gradually. You feel his hands getting down from your chin to your throat, squeezing it softly, almost like testing your bondages. The fire within your mouth runs down your body as his hands tighten around your neck. You moan lowly as he does so, and it just makes him squeeze more. You could feel him smiling through the kiss. All you thought of was him. Him… Him… But, who was him? 
“Wait, wait!” you suddenly break the kiss, breathing heavily “I-I don’t even know your name yet!” He laughs at your nervousness, how adorable you are. 
“I’m Suguru”. Suguru. Such a pretty name, you think. And then you say your name to him, taking on some breath still. He runs his hand through his long raven hair, and just so you feel that his touch has left your body. “So, princess, can I take y-“
He couldn’t even finish his sentence as you jumped off your seat. Nobara screams your name from behind him, absolutely mad —as if you weren’t the one who should be pissed off with her. “Where have you been? Didn’t I ask u to stay there? I’ve been looking for you the whole night!” Her face was red. You wanted to say a lot of things to her, but at the same time you were still processing her sudden appearance and the thought of someone else in your mind absolutely clouded by Suguru’s face—not even remembering you came with her after all that happened in this silly little bar chair. After a few seconds Nobara realized what was happening, swallowed dry and cleaned her throat. She kept looking up at Suguru as talked to you, kind of mesmerized, perhaps. He, on the other hand, seemed very much confused.: “hum, anyways… I think we should get going, though. Things didn’t go as planned and there’s a mad vip security’s man coming after me. I got an uber for us, explain it later”.
You couldn’t protest nor say anything as Kugisaki took your arms and got you up. “Calm down, Nobara, I was…!” Was what? She couldn’t hear you. And if she did, wouldn’t care now. You seek Suguru, looking like a puppy as gets carried to the veterinary. You try to take his hand and he goes after you for a few seconds, but the crowd makes it hard to follow. 
“See ya, pretty girl”. You could read his lips say, and felt his body getting far from yours so fast. You tried to slow Nobara down, but when you look back at him again, he was already gone, like he never really existed and it was all just in your delusional head.
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