helreigns · 5 years
''sometimes i recall what had happened at E Pool. not what i saw. . . but the smell.''
SYNDRA. ❛      ❛ i know. ❜ in this world, your senses were neither enemy nor ally; they kept you alive but at what cost? there’s something ingrained into you, into your body, in to your mind. for him, it was the smell of innards, bones & sinew. for her, it was the smell of ash    the say she killed the great tree of her home land s the way it twisted & turned black like tar. then came the angry mothers, sobbing widows, enraged monks     holy men shouting for her head. she remembers her house burning; the hut her father built with his own hands, the envy of the village, she was. . shriveling into nothing but. .  ash. the memory is so fresh, so life-like because of her ability to see; her sight to tell when others lie, when they want to cheat her. she can see every memory, experience it like it happened just yesterday.
            ❛ no more talk of that, kayne.. ❜ they always told her that. give it time, be patient, wounds don’t mend in a day, & that the passage of the great flow dulls all wounds    her gut fills with bile at the thought of repeating that to this boy, to this boy who was like her in so many ways. he has her eyes, her tired, powerful eyes. . full of great intent. 
    her palm exposed; she balls it into a fist, summoning forth an navori flower; white as a lilly, but emitting a glow as pale as the moon. it was a manifestation of her memory; it was so beautiful, so rich, so gentle to the touch. . ❛ this flower will never wilt, it’s charmed to protect you. its glow won’t ever fade     when you’re with me, you’ll never know fear, you’ll never know pain. ❜ her fingers were gentle, but so full of rage. she touches his cheek, rubbing at his tired eye lids & seeping a nourishing spell into his tired eyes.
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                 ❛ my boy. . my little kayne. ❜ 
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milkybonya · 4 years
Can I request a 75 w Jinho from your prompt list? My first time requesting something so I don't really know what to say- But if you do this thank you! And if not, still you read it and I'm noticed hheueheuheu
hellooo beb ! requests are actually closed but since it's your first time and you're so sweet, i tried to write something small for you, i hope you can enjoy it <3
(Jinho) 75. "Maybe later, but not now"
Warnings: Angst
It was hard to hold back tears as you spoke to Jinho on the phone. Hearing his voice made you wish even more that he was next to you rather than miles away.
"Jinho... Can't you come back? Please, just to visit? If the ticket is expensive, I'll try to save money... Please, I'll do anything," you said with a shaky voice.
Jinho's heart broke with each syllable that you spoke.
"Maybe later sweetie, but not now," he said, trying to stay composed. He gulped loudly, swallowing back tears.
"Please don't cry, baby," he told you, even though he was tearing up too. "I wish I could be there to cup your face in my hands, kiss your tears away and hold you, but it isn't the right time yet."
For him, you would be patient, you would wait. It was hard because you missed him so much, but if he asked you to wait and he promised you would reunite soon, then you could do it. Just for him.
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troublewheeler · 5 years
me, unable to find the location for a product: where do the suppositories go? WHERE DO THEY GO?
me: hehehehhehe..... up ur ass hheueheuheue
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