#had to do work at the garage but the storm is so bad i got sent home. then been at my aunts and in the pouring rain trying to fix her
martyrbat · 9 months
i am the sleepiest person in existence rn
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willow-moon-23 · 26 days
German Shepherd and His Black Cat
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Aaron Hotchner X Fem!Reader
Summary: The team gets a surprise when a woman storms out of Hotch's office after having an loud argument. When she keeps reappearing the team starts asking who she is.
Part 2
Word Count: 2044
The team stands around one of the desks staring at a motorcycle helmet placed on one of them. They had left for lunch not long ago and when they got back Hotch’s door was closed, there was a new object in the bullpen, and there was shouting coming from Hotch’s office. The first thing out of Morgan’s mouth when he walked in was asking if anyone knew about the motorcycle in the garage. No one knew who it belonged to.
After a very long tense shouting match, Hotch’s door flies open. In the doorway was a shorter woman with dark blue hair and in a leather jacket, combat boots, and dark make-up. “You don’t get to decide that for me, Aaron.” A woman storms out of the room, obviously mad. “It shouldn’t matter anyway.” She says, walking away from him.
“Yes, it does matter.” Hotch storms out of the room after her.
The woman turns back to him with a frustrated huff. “No, it doesn’t! You should already know my answer.” She shakes her head, walks down the steps, picks up the helmet by the front, and flips it to hold by the chin strap. “This conversation is getting nowhere. At this point, we are both just becoming irritable with each other, and it's making things worse. Call me when you have a level head, Aaron.”
She starts to walk away, but Hotch catches her arm. In less than a second and without looking at her hand, she flips her helmet so she's holding the chin and swings her arm back before she freezes. Hotch drops her arm, realizing what he did. There was a tense pause before a harsh shiver ran down her spine.
She bows her head and relaxes her entire body, her arm dropping lazily by her side. The heat dies from her voice as she speaks softly now. “Bad time to grab me like that, Aaron.” She lets out a harsh breath, shakes her head, then walks out the glass doors.
Hotch runs a harsh hand over his forehead as he watches her go. He turns to his team and sees all of them staring at him, eyes wide and all varying looks of concern.
“Hotch, did she almost swing at you?” Morgan speaks up first.
Hotch shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have grabbed her.”
“She almost swung at you!?” He reiterates.
“She wouldn’t have actually swung at me, but yes, she reacted to me grabbing her like she would have anyone else doing the same thing.” Hotch sighs and retreats to his office without another word to his team.
Once Hotch closed the door behind him, the team looked at each other, confused about what had just happened. None of them said anything for a minute before they all devolved into questions to each other to see if anyone knew who that woman was.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the conference room working on a case they had taken the day before. All of the team, including Hotch, were scouring the files not being able to make any new connections.
Morgan, who was facing the window into the bullpen happened to look up at the sight of movement. “Uh, Hotch?”
“What?” Hotch looked up at him. Before Morgan could answer the door to the room opens and the woman from before was standing there. Hotch stood up to walk up to her. She wordlessly holds out a large file for him to take. As he reaches for it she pulls it back and levels him with a glare.
“I’m not doing this for her. Gods forbid I do something because I love you and want to see you succeed in your career.” Her tone was still flat with a hint of that anger from before. “I’m still pissed at you but that doesn’t mean I’m going to keep you from doing your job.” She places the file in his hand.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t. Thank. Me.” She interrupts him. “Just do your job and come home.” With that, she turns around and leaves. Before she closes the door, she leans back in. “And just for the record, I already refused her offer. I happen to like my current job.” She closes the door behind her and walks out of the bullpen for the second time that day.
“Did she just say she loves Hotch?” Prentiss asks.
“What offer?” Reid asks.
“Drop it.” Hotch says as he sits down and begins to go through the file she gave him. Prentiss raises her hands in surrender and they all go back to their file.
Later that evening, the whole team was getting ready to head out to confront the unsub after they made a connection through the files that Hotch was given. The glass doors to the bullpen open and the same woman walks through. She walks straight up to Hotch.
“Erin told me you would be going soon.” She reaches up and adjusts the strap of his vest. “Don’t make any unnecessary moves. Keep it clean and come back to me, ok.”
Hotch nods. “I will.”
She pulls the front of his vest so he leans down to her. “I mean it, Aaron.” She sighs. “After you get back, I’m expecting you and your team at the house. Don’t be late or I will come down here and drag you all to the house. Is that clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Hotch softly smiles at her.
She nods once. “Good.” she straightens up and fixes his hair once before looking him in the eyes. “Two hours.”
“Not a minute later.” Hotch finishes her sentence.
“You already have to make it up to me for this morning, better not make things worse for yourself.” She gently pushes his chest.
Hotch gently cups her cheek. “I promise to be home.”
She nods once and leans up and kisses his cheek before leaving.
“Okay, Hotch? Who is that!?” Morgan walks up to him.
“That would be my wife.” Hotch watches her get in the elevator.
“Your wife!?” Morgan glances back at her. “She looks like she could eat you alive!” He looks back at Rossi to see if he knows anything about this, Rossi shakes his head.
“She is definitely a force to be reckoned with when she’s mad. And when she's patient.” Hotch shakes his head. “Let’s go. We better make this quick.”
The arrest was quick, everyone was back at the office in less than an hour which meant Hotch had another half hour to complete his reports and head home with his team in tow.
“I hope you all are hungry.” He tells his team.
“Why?” Spencer asks.
“Because when (Y/N) gets upset with me she cooks, and she invited you all over. So I’m willing to bet there is a meal waiting for us.” Hotch pauses. “It also might be an apology for not properly introducing herself to you all because she was mad at me.”
“I’m still not over that that is his wife.” Prentiss glances at Morgan.
Hotch resists the urge to roll his eyes at her comment but motions toward the door. “We should get going. She should have everything ready by the time we get there.”
Hotch unlocks the front door and lets his team in the house. The second they walk in they are greeted by (Y/N) standing in the kitchen doorway wiping her hands. They all notice she's changed out of her riding gear and into something a bit more comfortable, a crop top and jeans. The team was surprised by many things about her, but most surprised by the amount of scars she had littering her midsection and close to her collarbone and shoulders. They also didn't expect to see a piercing with a small moon charm hanging from her belly button.
She gives them a small nod and waves them into the house. “Come in, I’m finishing everything now.” Her tone was short and slightly clipped.
Hotch walks over to her and kisses her temple. “Take it back a step, Colonel.”
She closes her eyes for a moment before looking at the team. Her voice is a touch softler now. “Apologies for my rudeness. I’m (Y/N). I actually have the upper hand in this situation, as I know who all of you are. It’s a pleasure to properly meet you all.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well,” JJ steps forward. “Did Hotch call you colonel?”
(Y/N) nods once. “Yes. I am a colonel in the military. I’m special forces.”
“Special forces?” Morgan asks.
“Yes. I assume your technical analysis tried to search for me earlier and found nothing?” (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at Penelope.
“How did you know?” she at least looked a little ashamed to be caught.
“My files are all hard copies, but the ones that are in the system are under lock and key and I get notified when someone tries to access them.” (Y/N) says flatly. “I can tell you more about me while we eat. Come, sit. I’ll have everything out in a moment.” (Y/N) walks back into the kitchen and leaves the team to follow Hotch to the dining room.
(Y/N) has the table set for everyone and as they all sit she brings out plates for each of them. They all thank her for the meal and begin digging in. As the meal goes on there is some lighthearted conversation before Morgan begins asking her more pointed questions.
“So how long have you two know each other?”
“Since we were kids,” (Y/N) answers after she takes a drink of her wine. “We were neighbors growing up.”
“When did you join the military?” Rossi asks.
“Right out of high school. Aaron didn’t want me to go but he knew there was no real stopping me.”
“How long have you two been married?” Prentiss jumps in.
“Three years. We decided to give ‘us’ a chance after I got back from a mission that nearly killed me. A few months after that we agreed we were both ready and married before I went back to base.”
“How does Jack feel about all of this?”
“Jack loves (Y/N).” Hotch jumps in. “He’s known her since he was born.”
“He’s the sweetest boy.” (Y/N) smiles softly. Penelope squeals at the comment. “My job doesn’t let me have a lot of moments a home lately. But you all know the hardships behind that. I’m just glad for the moments that I can be home with them.” She turns to Hotch with a gentle look.
The rest of the dinner was spent the same, the team asking her questions and her answering to her best ability. There were a few questions that she couldn’t answer because of safety concerns, but the team understood that and let it go in place of asking something else. By the time the team was satisfied with their questioning, it was well past sundown. Rossi was the first to leave, quickly followed by Reid. The other four stayed for another hour before leaving for their houses.
Hotch stood beside (Y/N) in their kitchen as she finished drying the dishes they had just done. Once she put the last bowl away Hotch gently took her hand and pulled her to face him. Her eyes softened when she faced him. Hotch pulled her close so he could wrap his arms around her.
“I’m glad they got to meet you.”
(Y/N) leans her head against his chest. “I’m glad it’s no longer a secret from them.”
Hotch runs a hand through her hair. “Agreed.”
She leans back to be able to look up at him. “I suppose the next meeting would be you and my team.”
“If you think that would be safe. I know you need the security more than I would.” Hotch looks down at her with a look of mostly concern for her safety, but with a hint of hope that he could finally meet the team she praises so much.
“Honestly, I have been thinking about it more now. After what happened on the last mission, I would want them to know you. To really know you, and not just know your name.”
“Ok, we can arrange a time to have them over.” He leans his forehead against hers.
“Ok. I’ll let my captain know.” (Y/N) grins. “The boys are going to have a field day with this.”
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vroomvro0mferrari · 2 months
CL16 | Strategy to Your Heart
Summary: Ferrari hasn’t been doing well in the races lately, and according to Charles, there's only one person to blame for the bad strategies: you.
Charles Leclerc x colleague!Reader (enemies to lovers)
WC: 4.3K
Warnings: curse words, slightly misogynistic
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Charles stormed into the garage, his eyes blazing with anger. His race had ended disastrously, again, and there was only one person to blame. As his race engineer, you were responsible for his strategy, which lately, had been lacking significantly and he despised you for it. The car was finally improving, yet he couldn’t seem to win a race. Simply because his race engineer managed to fuck up every time.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. “Are you trying to sabotage me?”
You looked up in surprise as he approached you. Charles' anger was clear as day as he got in your face, making your hands shake from anxiety and your blood run cold. Your expression hardened as the accusation settled, a glare replacing the shock in your eyes. You opened your mouth to explain, to say something – to calm him down, but he cut you off. 
“I don’t need your excuses! You clearly don’t know what you’re doing!” He yelled. The look on his face, and the posture of his body – which was much taller than yours – were intimidating. Never mind his unrelenting glare and the finger he pointed in your face before storming off to his driver's room.
His insult stung deeply. You understood that he was upset at how the race went, but he could’ve reacted differently. He just humiliated you publicly, in front of all your colleagues; he didn’t even let you get a word in edgewise. You could feel the anger bubbling up inside you at his behaviour. How dare he insult you like that? It wasn’t even your fault. You stared after him as he stomped away, before turning on your feet, storming off in the opposite direction.
You had known Charles for a long time now. Although you had never spoken much, you always greeted each other, until you got your new position in the team. Charles was already driving for Ferrari when you first started there as an intern. You joined in on meetings with the drivers and sometimes spoke to them during these, but you didn’t see the drivers much otherwise. After your time as an intern, you had gotten a full-time job and worked your way up the team, and now, finally, you had made it to race strategist for Charles Leclerc, where your decisions actually had an effect – or so you thought.
During all your years at Ferrari, the previous head of strategy, Rueda, always listened to and appreciated your opinions and suggestions for the race strategies. He supported your development over the years and saw you grow from an inexperienced intern to an expert with a unique view. Before he left Ferrari, he promoted you to Charles’ race engineer; he believed in your skill and thought you could provide unexpected, but well-working strategies that would lead Charles to victories. 
However, after Rueda left, and Ravin Jain took over the job of head strategist, your opinions were ignored. You worked especially hard to convince him you deserved your current position. You developed numerous possible strategies for every one of Charles’ races, running tons of simulations to make sure you had a strategy for every situation. You thought about all the unexpected circumstances that might arise and how to maximise the outcome for each of them. You knew exactly what to do in every situation to ensure a good ending position for Charles, but Jain undermined you every single time. You would present him with all the information you had collected, and show him all the possible strategies and which ones you expected would work best, but he would never listen to you. Jain would always overrule your decisions with different options that somehow turned out much worse. As a result, Charles lost so many more places than necessary, and missed so many more podiums – wins even – than he should’ve.
The worst part was that Charles blamed you for everything. You were new in the position of race strategist, and you wanted to leave a good impression on the team and, most importantly, have a good working relationship with Charles. In your line of work, teamwork and cooperation, and consequently trust, are incredibly important. You wanted Charles to You wanted Charles to rely on you for strategy, allowing him to focus solely on driving. But he couldn’t. He questioned every advice you gave – whether it made sense – and more often than not, it didn’t. The relationship between the two of you was anything but one of trust.
Charles didn’t know what was happening between you and the head strategist. All he knew was that the strategies were awful and he was losing races that he could have won. He didn’t know how amazing and thought-out your own strategies really were, and how good you were at your job if you actually received the opportunity to do it. As a matter of fact, he had never had a real conversation with you before you got your new role. Previously, you just hung around in the background, only speaking with your team and some work friends you had made along the way, but never directly with the drivers. Quite frankly, he questioned whether you were even qualified for your job.
Although Charles didn’t know much about you, his opinion about you was formed and unchanging. To him, it seemed you didn’t know much about racing strategies or engineering; the results of your strategies and your silence during the debriefs were enough proof for him. There was only one logical explanation for how you’d gotten your role in the team; you had gotten your position through favouritism – or perhaps you’d done the head strategist a little ‘favour’.
– – – – –
During the next race, Jain had done it again. You had developed the perfect strategy for Charles, you had worked everything out so you were prepared for every situation. But when you showed the results to Jain and suggested your preferred strategy, he told you that your strategies could be better and you should ‘try this’. You knew it wasn’t a suggestion but an order to drop your strategy and use his instead. The result left you feeling defeated. Charles would undoubtedly be upset with the outcome, outing his anger on you, while you couldn’t do anything to make it better.
From your spot in the garage after the race, you could already see him stomping towards you. You couldn’t blame him really, he had missed out on yet another podium due to a bad strategy.
“What now?” you muttered under your breath as you saw him approach, bracing yourself for another confrontation.
“What now?” Charles echoed, his tone mocking. “You’re asking me that? You couldn’t form a proper strategy to save your life! How did you get this job in the first place? Sleep with the boss?”
You whipped your head around at his comment, narrowing your eyes as shock and anger coursed through your body. You had heard comments like this many times before; Formula 1 is a man’s world and you know what the men around you are like. You know you shouldn’t have expected anything less from Charles, yet you had. You were surprised that Charles would say something like this—something so vile. Yes, you had never really gotten along, but there had always been mutual respect. In all your interactions with Charles, he seemed kind enough, even if he was frustrated with you; to make such a misogynistic comment was a new low for him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you even say something like that? Do you know how offensive that is?”
“You’re not denying it,” he yelled back at you.
You scoffed. “I’m not doing this,” you said, shaking your head before walking away, the tears welling up in your eyes. It felt like a betrayal. 
Charles followed you, “How about you explain why you keep screwing up my races?”
You ran your hands over your face in frustration as you rushed away from him, quickly making your way to your office. Charles had already upset you, and you didn’t want to cry in front of him – your job was already hard enough without him holding something like this over your head. If your colleagues found out you had cried on the job, you would never hear the end of how women can’t handle the pressure of F1. You tried to close the door as soon as you entered your office, but Charles was already there with you, staring you down. His arms were crossed in a nonchalant manner, but his face showed his annoyance clearly. “Well?”
You tried to avoid answering his question, but it seemed impossible. Even though you had kept silent (except for your scoff, that is), he wouldn’t leave you alone. God was this man frustrating. Your patience snapped.
“I’m not the one screwing up your races, Charles. If you have any issues with the strategies you should take it up with Jain, because he changes my plans every time.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, frowning.
“Every strategy I create, Jain overrules,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady as you closed in on him. “I come up with plans based on simulations, and data. I’m ready for every scenario. But he dismisses them and forces his own strategies, which obviously don’t work. You’re blaming the wrong person.”
Charles stared at you, the anger in his eyes slowly giving way to confusion. “What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“I tried,” you replied, frustration seeping into your voice. “But you were too busy yelling at me to listen. And honestly, I didn’t think you’d believe me.”
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly processing what you had said. “So, Jain is the one messing up the strategies?”
“Yes,” you confirmed. “And it’s been incredibly frustrating to watch my hard work get thrown out and to then take the blame when it fails.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You should be. You’ve been yelling at me for months when it wasn’t even my fault.”
“Why didn’t you do anything about it?” Charles asked.
You laughed at his question. “What was I supposed to do? You know how it is—actually, you don’t, because drivers are privileged,” you sighed at the frown on Charles’ face, “no one would have believed me if I had told them, or they probably would have agreed. And if I had gone against Jain, I would have been fired so fast,” you trailed off.
Charles sighed. You were right; how on earth were they supposed to fix this? Jain would just continue to override your decisions no matter what, and that obviously wasn’t beneficial to anyone.
“For the next race, show me your strategy, okay? We can look at it together and if I agree we can work something out. Together.”
You smiled dryly at Charles’ suggestion. If he agrees? Who does he think he is? Nevertheless, you concur, if only to get rid of him. It doesn’t sound very convincing, but Charles is satisfied nonetheless.
– – – – –
For the next race, you had prepared more than usual. After the first few encounters with Jain you had given up on preparing your races thoroughly; it felt like a waste of time. But knowing that Charles would listen to you, and you might finally get to use your own strategy motivated you. 
You carefully discussed your plans with Charles in his driver’s room, away from everyone else. He listened attentively while you explained all the possible strategies and the one you thought would yield the best results. This was the first time Charles actually heard you talk about the strategies with enthusiasm, and he admired your knowledge of the topic, although he was somewhat surprised after your previous interactions. Hearing your passion for your work and knowing that you weren’t the reason for the unsuccessful races finally allowed the much-wanted bond of trust to form.
“We're going to use your strategy,” Charles said decisively. “No matter what Jain says, we'll do whatever you think is best. You've thought everything out, it'd be foolish to do something entirely different.”
"And if Jain gets mad and wants to fire me?" You asked, a hint of concern in your voice.
"The results will likely be good, so there'll be no reason for him to get mad,” Charles replied confidently. “But if he does, I'll vouch for you."
You nodded in response, a nervous but grateful smile on your face. It was exciting to finally use one of your own strategies, even though Jain would probably reject your proposals again.
Your assumption was correct; during your meeting with Jain, he had once more told you to follow his strategies instead of using your own ideas. Although Charles had told you there wouldn’t be any reason for your boss to get mad if the race went well, you weren’t assured enough to follow his advice. You couldn’t take any risks with your job – you weren’t experienced enough to get a similar job anywhere else, especially with the reputation Jain had built for you. If you had to follow his strategy to keep your job you would.
To say Charles was upset with the strategy during the race would be an understatement. He didn’t know where it had gone wrong – you had discussed this, hadn’t you? You came to the agreement that you would use your own strategy instead of listening to Jain, yet you hadn’t. The things you were telling him to do were nothing you had discussed during your private meeting. Charles felt frustrated at your inability to follow through; you were ruining his chances of a win because you were a coward who wouldn’t dare to stand up to her boss and he wasn’t going to take it.
“Boxing next lap, Charles.” 
Charles scoffed at your order before responding, “Box now? That’s ridiculous! The tyres are feeling fine, I can stay out longer.”
You sigh from your position on the pit wall. “Charles, the team thinks it’s best that you–” 
“I don’t care what the team thinks! What do you think is the best move?”
“Charles–” you stammer, getting nervous from his reaction.
“You know the team always makes the wrong calls, Y/N. What do you think we should do?”
You sighed, feeling the weight of the decision. If you go against Jain’s orders now and the race ends badly, you’ll be in big trouble. Charles said he’d vouch for you though, and the current strategy wasn’t going to get the team anywhere good either. You contemplate your options.
“Stay out a few more laps.”
Although you couldn’t see it, Charles smiled triumphantly in the car, knowing he had convinced you to use your own strategy. This was a good start, he just needed to do well now, to make sure you got your confidence back. So, for the next races, you would follow your own strategies as well instead of simply following Jain’s orders.
The race had ended up much better than anybody had expected, all thanks to your strategy. If you hadn’t switched up the strategy, Charles would have ended up significantly lower in the ranking. After finishing up his duties, Charles sought you out in the garage. You thought he would yell at you again, for going against your plan – going rogue, but he didn’t.  
“Thank you,” he said, his voice sincere. “Your strategy worked. Next time, we’ll use your plan again. From the start this time, forget whatever Jain tells you.” 
You nodded in response, a tight smile on your face. It was nice that Charles showed his appreciation for you. However, now that you were standing still instead of moving around, you were easier to spot. So far, you had managed to avoid Jain by blending in with the bustling garage, but Charles’s presence made you easy to find.
“Y/N!” Jain said loudly, making your eyes shoot over to him quickly.
“We need to have a serious talk! Follow me to my office.” The look on his face was scolding and his body posture showed his anger clearly as he walked off. 
You met Charles’ eyes for a second, a nervous smile on your face. “I better go,” you said before rushing after your boss. 
“I’ll come with you,” Charles responded firmly, joining your side.
“I said I’d vouch for you if Jain became angry. I always keep my word,” he said after seeing the confused look on your face.
Jain had already taken a seat in his office when you walked in.
“What the hell were you thinking? Ignoring my strategy?” he hollered.
You took a deep breath, mustering the courage to go against him, but Charles beat you to it, stepping out from behind the door.
“There’s no need to yell at your employee like that, Jain. Besides, her strategy led to much better results than boxing would have.”
Jain’s eyes quickly darted over to him in surprise, having missed his presence, before focusing on you. “You’re here to follow orders, Y/N. Not to make your own decisions. You disobeyed a direct instruction.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but Charles had already started speaking, his voice steady but firm. 
“With all due respect, Jain, it’s clear that Y/N’s strategy was superior today. Her approach brought us better results, and we need to recognise that.”
Jain turned his glare to Charles, clearly not pleased with the driver’s intervention. “This is none of your business, Charles. She’s my employee, and she needs to follow my orders.”
“Actually, it is my business,” Charles shot back.
Your eyes darted over to him. This was not at all the right time, but he looked hot as fuck defending you like this. He hadn’t even had the time to change after the race, his driver’s suit hanging around his waist with his black fireproofs on full display. His hair was messy and his cheeks were flushed, whether it was from the race or frustration, you weren’t sure. You could feel your own cheeks turning hot at the sight, and you were certain a blush was spreading across your face, too.
“Her strategies directly affect my performance on the track. Today, she proved her worth. She deserves the chance to implement her plans without being overruled.”
The room fell silent as Jain stared at Charles, his anger simmering beneath the surface. 
No, not the right time at all.
Jain finally sighed, rubbing his temples. “Fine. You’ve made your point. But if it fails there will be consequences.”
You nodded eagerly, “of course.”
Charles nodded as well, happy with the outcome.
– – – – –
The next few races turned out much better. Without interference, you could confidently present and implement your strategies. And the results spoke for themselves: Charles consistently finished on the podium. His performance improved so much that even Jain had to admit your strategies worked better than his.
When the next race weekend arrived tensions were high. So far, your racing strategies had proved successful, but you aimed for more every race. It was certainly helpful that you and Charles were a good team. Ever since the issues between Charles and you were resolved, there was mutual trust, and Charles supported every strategy you came up with, even if it seemed risky.
You wished Charles good luck with a nervous smile before he got in his car and, as had become a ritual, he responded confidently with a “we’ve got this” and a reassuring smile that somehow always calmed your nerves.
When the race began you confidently pursued your strategy while Charles navigated the track with precision. Everything went perfectly: the pit stops as swift and smooth as could be and every decision moving Charles closer to the front.
There were only a few laps to go with Charles steadily in second place, closing in on the leader. He managed to get within DRS range and, as the team watched in anticipation, executed a flawless overtake, taking the lead in the race. The garage filled with cheers and applause as the team celebrated his amazing overtake. Meanwhile, a big smile overtook your features as you watched Charles drive on the screen in front of you. 
You stared in disbelief when Charles crossed the finish line in first place. The joy was immense; the whole garage was celebrating the fresh win as you hugged the rest of the team on the pit wall in delight. You had done it – your strategy had led him to a win.
Following your colleagues, you rushed to the parc fermé, wanting to be the first to celebrate this amazing race with him. You watched as Charles got out of his car, pumping his fist in the air in victory. The smile on his face was huge as he jogged to the team waiting to congratulate him. 
“We did it, Y/N!” he exclaimed, pulling you into a celebratory hug. You laughed at his antics but hugged him back nevertheless. If there wasn’t a barrier between you, he would have lifted you up and spun you around, that’s how happy he was. Two months ago he couldn’t have envisioned a win any time soon, and now he had managed to snatch up the first place, all thanks to you.
After his weigh-in, he walked back to you with a mischievous glint in his eye. “I want you to come up on the podium with me,” he said. 
“Ah,” he tutted, already knowing you would protest before you even opened your mouth, “it’s just as much your win as it’s mine.”
“You deserve to be up there too! It’s your first win!”
You stared at him hesitantly.
“Come on, Y/N. Just this once. If you say no, I’ll just ask again next time, and the time after that, and—”
“Next time?”
“Yes. We’re obviously going to win many more races together!” Charles said with a childish grin. “Come on!” He continued, tugging on your sleeve.
You finally succumbed, nodding your head. “Okay, fine.”
“Ah perfect! I’ll see you up there!” He said with a big grin, before walking off to do his interview.
You used the time Charles was in the cooldown room to mentally prepare yourself. You were about to stand on the podium. Your face was going to be broadcast on live TV for everyone to see, and it made you nervous. You smiled nervously at the people guiding you up the stairs to the podium where you met Charles. He smiled comfortingly and chatted with you relaxedly while you waited for his name to be called out. 
When the time came, you tried to stay in the background, hiding behind Charles who walked out in front of you before taking your place on the separate podium for the winning constructor. From your position, you could see the crowd cheering for Charles while the Monegasque anthem sounded over the track. You admired the sea of red that was here for Ferrari, for Charles. When the Italian anthem played you made eye contact with Charles, laughing silently with him over your colleagues singing along loudly.
You gracefully accepted the trophy for the team, smiling and lifting it up after it was offered to you. The sound of your team cheering and applauding filled you with joy. You couldn’t be prouder of Charles for this achievement, and maybe of yourself too, especially when you saw the admiring look Charles was sending you. It made your thoughts hazy, tuning out for a second as you enjoyed this moment of glory while staring out at the crowd in front of you.
Then, suddenly, you heard the pops of bottles. You could barely set down your trophy before your face was covered in champagne.
“Charles,” You gasped. 
Barely able to breathe, you tried to cover your face with your cap. It was no use, however; the champagne was already pricking in your eyes as you blindly tried to push Charles away. When the other men on the podium targeted him, you used the moment to pop your own bottle of champagne. Of course, your goal was to completely douse Charles as payback, but he was quick to flee. Before you got the chance to properly drench him, it was already time for the podium picture. Charles grinned at you mischievously from his spot next to you. “You look good in victory champagne,” he teased. 
You glared at him jokingly. You were certain that you looked ridiculous with your cap askew and your clothes completely soaked in champagne, not to mention the mascara that was probably running down your face. You rolled your eyes at his comment, but couldn’t help the laugh that escaped.
“Thanks, I think.”
He laughed with you, a gleeful look on his face. 
“How about we go out for a celebratory drink?” He asked with a gentle smile.
You noticed the more serious tone in his voice straight away. His expression was one you didn’t recognise; he seemed almost insecure.
Raising an eyebrow, you couldn’t resist teasing him. 
“Are you asking me out, Charles?”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Well, yeah. I guess I am. What do you say?”
You laughed again, before nodding your head. 
“A drink sounds good.”
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imaginaryf1shots · 2 months
Slow-Speed to the Finish Line
WC: 2.6K
Fernando x driver!reader
Summery: "You drive me insane, you know that, I can't seem to get you out of my mind." + "my chest... hurts."
Warning: Crash, injuries, curse words
A part of my 1K celebration
Fernando Masterlist
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You've been in Formula 1 for so long, coming into the sport as a female was met with opposition from fans and some officials alike. But you've proven everyone wrong with an amazing rookie year and almost beating the 2 times world champion Fernando Alonso as his teammate. You have a very good relationship with all the drivers who've come into Formula 1 through the years. The media had their say on that, but you didn't care. It's not a bad thing to be close to your colleagues. At the end of the day, they're the only ones who can relate to you on so many things. You've become closest with Lewis due to the two of you working together to get more women into formula 1 to have the sport be more exclusive.
Maybe that's the reason why Fernando hated you so much. He and Lewis have been rivals since day one, just like you and him. From day one, he's been against you for some reason, didn't like you or approve of you. It irked you to no end, but you took it out on track. The battles you both share are a fan favourite. Even when you changed teams and were no longer teammates, you still were always at each other's throats. It's a wonder you've never crashed into each
other, you've pushed each other off track more times than you can count. Don't get me started on when you qualify on the same row. The first corner always gets spicey, but never to the point of crashing. You've been in your fair share of accidents on track, but none were because of Fernando.
"You know, there's a reason they do best when they're close to each other." Nico Rosberg once said in an interview, when he was asked about an incident between you and Fernando, that saw you two pushing each other off track both getting penalties for that race. "They push each other to the limit. They just have to learn when to stop."
"They've been in the sport long enough to have learnt." Jensen said, and Nico agreed. "It seems to me that when it comes to each other, it's like they're rookies again."
That race specifically was fire-y between the two of you on track. You found yourself in the FIA section in the paddock, after the race, where all the drivers get weighed and there's a screen showing some parts of the race. Both of your teams were standing side to side as the watched the two of you, the clashing of team kits making this all the more obvious, the rivalry between the two of you. You stand facing each other, your voices cutting through the noise of the garage, a storm is brewing. The air
between you is filled with tension.
"If you haven't pushed me off track, we would've both finished in the points." You say through gritted teeth, your arms crossed and your eyes blazing. "What were you thinking, Alonso?"
"Spare me the lecture." Fernando's tone is icy, and he steps closer. "Maybe if you learned how to defend properly, you wouldn't have ended up in the gravel."
"Defend properly?" You scoff. "That's rich coming from someone who dives into every corner like a maniac, this isn't bumper cars, Alonso."
"You've always been like this." Fernando waves his hand around.
"Like what?"
"You waltz in here and act like you own the place, you've still got a lot to learn about racing, and respect is one of them, maybe start with that." His fists clench.
"Respect?" You laugh sarcastically, taking a step closer, matching his intensity. "I don't need a lesson in respect from someone who thinks he's the king of the track, your arrogance is unbelievable."
"Come on, both of you this is enough." Your team principal arrives on scene and tries to calm you down, his voice was firm, he's sick and tired of having to always break the two of you off. "It's been years and you're still at it.”
You and Fernando glare at each other, both unwilling to back down.
"Just stay out of my way, or you'll regret it." Fernando says with venom in his voice.
"Funny, I was about to say the same thing." You say coldly and wip around your ponytail hitting him in the face, that's how close you two were standing, and walk away.
Now this race was no different, you qualified on the third row with Fernando, there were some things said between the two of you before the race that left your blood boiling. Fernando is only like this with you and you don't know why. You qualified higher than him, but he's on the good side of the track so the start is very important for the trajectory of the race.
When lights go out you press the paddle down, and away you go. You maintain you lead on Fernando overtaking two cars by the first lap, but with one look in your rearview mirror you know that Fernando is behind you.
"Why is he always so close to me?" You ask yourself and focus on the cars in front of you, the track is short so by the third lap cars are still close together and with a yellow sector because of one of the Alpines, everyone is getting even closer. Once the yellow flag is back to green, it happens. You don't know what happened, was it Fernando trying to overtake you while you were trying to over take the car in front of you? Has it finally happened? Did Fernando crash into you?
All you know is that you touch the gravel at a corner and your car is slipping, skidding and flipping a few times before it hits the barrier. You felt the G-force from the hit in your core. Thankfully the car landed on the wheels and you weren't upside down.
A car came up behind Fernando and hit his tire, giving him a puncture at the start of the corner making his car hit yours, the impact into your car, made his car only slide on the gravel before it stopped.
In a few seconds Fernando was out of the car, he caught glimpses of your car as it rolled, the car was totaled, bits and pieces of carbon fibre littered the gravel. It looked like the car was chewed up and spit out, that's the only way for him to describe it. Fernando's feet carried him at a speed he didn't know he possessed. Reaching the car, or what was left of it, he saw your shaking hands as you tried to take off the wheel. Fernando leans in and takes it out for you, he threw it to the side. You seem to be struggling even more, so Fernando steady's himself on the side of the car, gets his arms over the halo and under your armpits and pulls you up. It's a struggle, he felt like you put no weight into it. But you're still conscious so that's a good thing. He knows your family is watching, seeing you out and moving will be a great relief to them.
“I-uh, I.” You struggle to speak, Fernando leads you a bit away from the car before he sets you down, he removes his helmet in super speed to be able to see you better. “I can’t breathe.” You choke out. He lefts you head and unbuckles your helmet and removes it and pulls off your balaclava. Your hands press against your chest.
”What hurts?” He asks in such a tender tone, you haven’t heard before. You try and curl into yourself from the pain, but you only manage to move a bit with a whine and whimper.
”My chest… hurts.”
”Shit!” Fernando looks around and sees the medical car just rounding the corner. “HURRY THE FUCK UP!” He turns back to you, tears gather in your eyes as you struggle to breathe. “It’s okay, they're here, the medics are here.”
Your hand clenches his forearm tightly as if it’s your lifeline, his eyes don’t stray from yours, a look of panic fills yours, it’s a look he’s never seen before.
”You’ll be okay, you’ll be okay.” Fernando stresses, he doesn’t know how he’s comforting, you or himself. only when the medics arrive and pull him away does he move. He stands to the side and watches as they quickly assess you. The ambulance arrives seconds later and you’re carried to the back of it, he doesn’t think twice before he jumps in after you. There’s an oxygen mask placed on your face, as the medic does his check ups, you wince when he touches your chest. But then he presses a spot that had you let out a short strained scream, being unable to breathe properly Meant you didn't have enough air in your lungs to scream so that let to coughing.
“Wah, what's happening?” Fernando panicked as the medic tried to calm you down.
Thankfully it doesn't take long to teach the medbay, you're wheeled out of the ambulance and inside. Fernando is taken for check ups but a few doctors go with you. He's half focused as he goes through the motions.
Your race suit is unzipped and pulled down your arms the fireproofs are cut down the middle. The nurse pauses when she sees your chest, it's all bruised up. The doctor takes a look at you, and he's calling for the ambulance to take you to the hospital.
Fernando finds you after his test, he looks at the frantic medic.
“What's going on?” He asks the doctor.
“She has to go to the hospital.” The doctor tells him while he checks your chest and ribs once more, they put some pain killers in an IV, since you were still feeling a lot of pain.
“Why?” Fernando’s heart dropped once more, this means it’s a bigger problem than he originally thought.
“We need to do some scans.” The doctor told him and they start rolling you out of the make shift medbay and back into the ambulance.
“I'm going.” Fernando says, no one of your team has reached the medbay yet, and he doesn’t like the idea of you going alone.
“What? no you-“ The doctor says as you’re rolled in, Fernando hops in the ambulance and glares at the doctor.
“I wasn’t asking.” His tone left no room for arguments.
You’re rushed to the hospital and Fernando stays by your side as much as he was allowed to, one of your team and one of his team arrive, he changes into his street clothes, but still refuses to leave you. Even when you tell him to go, he just says.
”After we know what happened.”
You’ve never seen Fernando this worried and if you weren’t in pain you’d have found it endearing.
“Fernando.” Your trainer calls the driver’s name with his phone pressed to his ear, the spaniard looks up. “The FIA looked at the photoage of the crash-“
”Was it my fault?” Fernando cuts him off, his tone already guilty, maybe he wasn’t pushed after all, and it was his fault all along.
”No, they uh, did you unbuckle y/n’s belt?” He asks him and Fernando frowns, thinking back to when he got you out of the car, it dawns on him now.
”No, I didn’t.” You share a look with the driver before you look at your trainer.
”Guess we know now why my chest is all bruised up.” You mumble.
Just then the doctor walks in with a couple nurses. They have your scans with them, the doctor looks at your trainer and Fernando before he looks back at you.
”It’s alright, we already have our theories.” You tell him to just say what they found.
The doctor says a bunch of things, but all you focus on is, bruised lung, cracked rib and and another three bruised ribs. Your trainer is back on the phone informing the team with your diagnosis.
“Why are you still here?” You ask Fernando when you’re alone in your room.
”I can leave if you want to.” Fernando stands up and heads towards the door when you stop him.
”Why did you come in the first place?” That stops him in his tracks and he turns to look at you, there’s a long moment of silence. “I thought you’d be happy, I’ll be out of the car for a while.”
”I’m not cruel.” Fernando spits out, he’s offended you’d think him so heartless.
”No, but you hate me.” You fire back at him, though your tone is much softer, weaker.
”I don’t… I don’t hate you.” Fernando’s tone waver, he takes a few steps toward your bed.
”Could’ve fooled me.” You scoff and play with the irritating hospital blanket.
”You’re not really all sunshine and rainbows.”
”But what did I do in my first year, you’ve hated me since then.” You frown, this is beyond confusing, Fernando stays silent, and you chuckle dryly. “That’s what I thought, you know, I was so happy to be your teammate, I have no idea why you’re so cold towards me, I’ve never been the instigator to anything that has ever happened between us, maybe on track but nothing to ever warnt this much hate from you, I was so happy to be teammates with the great Fernando Alonso but you’ve made it so hard and -“
”Can you please shut up! You drive me insane, you know that!” Your lips close tight at his admission, his tone turned desperate like he couldn’t hold it in anymore. “I can't seem to get you out of my mind, and I feel guilty about it."
“Guilty? Why are you guilty?”
”You choose to ignore everything and focus on that?” Fernando puts a hand on his waist and the other pinches between his eyes. “You’re the only female in the sport, what would be like if I showed that I liked you, that I want to be with you, that you’ve consumed my every thought and my every dream? Huh? It’s not fair to you, to have your colleague want to date you.”
”You know you’re such a child.” You glare at Fernando and he scoffs. “So what? You have a crush on a girl and instead of telling her you’re mean to her?”
”What else was I supposed to do?” He throws his arms up.
”Fucking tell me!” You’re angry and rightfully so.
”And then what? You’ll reject me and then it’ll be uncomfortable for you.”
“Who said I’d reject you?” Fernando’s eyes snaps to yours, your voice is much softer now, void of the anger.
”I would’ve gladly gone out with you.” Your voice is barely over a whisper, Fernando moves closer, he’s standing right next to you. “I still would, even though you’re an asshole.”
”Would you?”
”mhmm.” You mumble and give him the smallest smile.
“I’m such an asshole.” Fernando mutters and you grin.
”That you are, but you can start making it up to me, by taking me out on a date.” You say and raise an eyebrow teasing him. “It seems like I’ll be have time off from my job.”
”Anywhere you like.” He promises and takes your hand in his, raising it up to his lips where he presses a soft kiss there.
”It’s a deal then, Fernando.” He closes his eyes and groans. “What?”
”This is the first time you called me Fernando.” You giggle and shake your head softly.
”Get used to it then.”
Main Taglist:
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog . @barcelonaloverf1life . @c-losur3 . @xoscar03 . @schniti-is-in-the-house .
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hellishjoel · 19 days
Delicate - Chapter Three: I Wish You Would
2.5k / pairing: joel miller x f!reader
Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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summary: After making a bad impression on his first date, Joel nearly gives up - until fate in the form of his daughter Sarah intervenes; Joel and Petal come to a deal.
A/N: truth be told, @thetriumphantpanda and I completely forgot this series existed and got caught up in other projects BUT we're continuing it! because we still love our little baby!
warnings: joel and reader are single parents, rom-com vibes, foul language, Joel being terrible at dating in general, a lil angst
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“It’s okay,” she said so reassuringly, looming by the cab as dark clouds began to form over the city. “It takes some time to get used to this again. I was the same.” He didn’t even have the nerve to look her in the eye anymore, brown droopy eyes finding solace in staring at the concrete. “It’ll get easier each time you do it, I promise.” 
His heart felt ripped from his chest, let down by his actions. 
Part of him wonders if he did it on purpose, leaned into ruining the date so he could give Sarah the excuses he’s been making up in his head. That it didn’t work out, that they weren’t a match, that dating just wasn’t his thing, and that he should just be left alone. 
But then he met you. And his heart beat so fast in his chest, he worried it might give him a damn heart attack. 
He’d never seen someone so pretty, with such a bright smile and warm energy that melted the cold exterior shell he had built up over the years. He had no excuses to give, and he didn’t mind. But then nerves took over. 
Joel sighs quietly, staring blankly ahead at his closed garage door. He sits in his parked truck, radio coming in and out of signal as the storm worsens overhead. He flips his wrist and tears the keys from the ignition. 
He’s back home now. Has been for maybe twenty minutes. He just can’t stop thinking about how fucking stupid he felt. Rain pitter-patters on his windshield, and he supposes it’s time to start going inside. Maybe then, Sarah would stop spying on him from the front windows in the living room. 
With a large huff, Joel steps out and makes his way up the porch, rain dotting his disheveled hair and half-decent ensemble. 
Upon pushing the front door open, he sees Sarah run back to the couch with Uncle Tommy just in time. 
“Hey,” she greets casually, fiddling with the remote and pretending to surf for something to watch, “Soooooo,” she coos, “How was your date?” 
Joel watches as Sarah’s face slowly sinks at the sight of him, large rounded-off eyes reading dismissively as he glances from her to Uncle Tommy. 
By now, Tommy is making a worried face, hiding behind a hand over his mouth, panic blaring across his eyes. Sarah’s a smart girl; it doesn’t take her long to look between the two. 
“Oh god, what happened, dad?” She asks with a strained tone, following Joel into the kitchen, where he fishes out a beer and sets his phone absently on the counter along with his keys. He lines the bottle cap to the lip of the counter and pops it open with ease, hearing the bottle hiss with the release of pressure before he takes a long drink. 
Sarah’s glaring eyes slowly turn to her Uncle Tommy. “What did you do?” 
“I-well-no, see, I tried- uh-” Tommy stutters haphazardly. 
“Ain’t Tommy’s fault,” Joel grumbles, the first words he’s spoken in an hour that couldn’t be farther from the truth. There’s a moment of silence as Tommy and Sarah share an empathetic look to Joel. “S’my fault.” 
After some begging and dragging, Sarah manages to get her dad to sit in the living room, the television’s volume set to mute. She rolls Joel’s phone around in her hand, swiping it open and finding the dating app he met his date on. 
Her pictures were beautiful. She was her dad’s type, too. Confident looking, with a sweet smile and a love for adventure. Even with a kid of her own. She understood now why they both found it important to make good first impressions. 
So, what the hell happened? 
“Jus’ tell’er what I said, Joel. I gave ya bad advice.” 
“Horrible advice, Tommy.”
“What advice? I thought this dating operation was a trio effort, and you left the Captain out of a very important dating advice conversation?” Sarah accuses, Tommy shrugs casually beside her on the couch. 
Condensation from Joel’s beer bottle makes a dark ring on the upper thigh of his jeans. He stares long and hard before continuing.  
“I was gettin’ ready for my date, tryin’ to find somethin’ to wear. Tommy helped an’-”
“And?” Sarah pressed, watching Tommy sink further into the couch, hoping to disappear between the cushions.
Joel grumbles quietly and continues, "Told him how nervous I was. Been forever since I had been on a proper date. So he gave me some advice that worked for him.”
“You took advice from your player of a brother? Who can’t find a wife to save his life?”
Tommy playfully scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I could find a wife if I wanted to-”
“Anyway,” Joel butts in, “He said I should try to sound uninterested. Play hard t’get, or whatever. Not ask too many questions. And uh… what did you call it Tommy? A twisted compliment?”
Sarah harshly gasps, turning to her Uncle Tommy as he drops his jaw, looking helpless at Sarah’s genuine anger. 
“You never do that! Ne-ver! Never ever!” She said, starting to swat angrily at his arm and shoulder. 
“Alright, alright, mercy! Mercy!” Tommy looks apologetically at Joel, shaking his head in dismay. “M’sorry, big brother. I thought it would work for you, as it works for me. The type of women I try it on works pretty well.” 
Joel shook his head, eyes drooping again. 
“She wasn’t like other women. She was…” He trails off, unable to articulate how wonderful of a woman he met tonight. And how fucking horribly he screwed it up. 
Joel closes his eyes and puts his palm to his forehead, fingers tugging at his untamed dark waves. 
A frown tugs at the corners of Sarah’s lips, a sinking feeling cascading over her chest. He could try again, find someone else, but now that Sarah has seen her profile and knows how perfect of a match they would be, she knows she has to do something to fix it. 
She casually clears her throat and uses the voice memo option in her dad’s messages. 
“So… what was she like? Your date?” Sarah posed, watching out of the corner of her eye as the recording picked up her question. 
Joel’s had a terrible night, and he’s not sure how much more vulnerability he can spare, especially after how badly he embarrassed himself. 
“Not tonight, Sarah.” He says dismissively. Joel lets out a heavy breath, and for the first time tonight, a little smile tangles on his lips. His eyes lose focus as he relays the moment his eyes set on you.  
“She was… everything. You should’ve seen her, Sarah. She’s got real pretty eyes and a gorgeous smile. When she smiled, it was hard not to smile with her. But she was more than just physically beautiful. She had this energy about her, uplifting and optimistic. Funny, too,” Joel pauses to shake his head, a fond smile on his lips like he was reliving a lost memory. 
His amber eyes slowly begin to droop in disappointment at what he had lost. 
“It felt like seeing a shooting star. She was rare. And I screwed it up. S’my fault.” Joel bites down on his lower lip and tastes the salt of his own wounds. “Just hadn’t had a date in so long. Tried to act cool. I don’t even know what cool is. I don’t know what I was thinkin’. Wish I would’ve just been myself.  Too worried about makin’ a fool of myself that I gave her a bad first impression, y’know? But she was everything. She really was.” 
Joel could hear everyone’s heartbeat, all in sync, all listening. They sat together unmoving, breathing in gentle lulls. No one moved, not even when the room became dark and the gentle rain outside turned into a heavy downpour. 
After Tommy had left for the night with a solemn hug to his older brother and Joel disappeared to sulk in his bedroom, Sarah replayed the sound bite she had captured. 
Her father was being himself, kind and honest. He was a good man, just a bit misled. Sarah wanted his date to know the truth, even if she didn’t give Joel a second chance. She didn’t need some poor woman thinking he was a sleazy jerk. Sure, Uncle Tommy, yeah, but not her father. 
Sarah stares longingly at the woman’s profile once more. This could have been his person, and it breaks her heart to think how remorseful her father was tonight. Like he lost something he should have never let go of. 
Her plan was hatched. This woman would hear how her dad truly speaks of her. The true Joel Miller. She types with ferocity into their existing chat on Hinge. 
Hello, mystery woman. Please don’t give up on him. Believe it or not, my dad deep down is a really shy and sensitive guy. I’m sorry he screwed up. Please know this is what he really thought of you tonight. I know this is a delicate situation, but I thought you should know the man you really went on a date with tonight. -Joel’s favorite daughter, Sarah
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You’re not sure how many times you relistened to the Hinge message. 
You’d imagine yourself waking up early and throwing yourself into the endless housework that needs to be done. The laundry piles up, and you should meal-prep for the rest of the week. But you received this message so late last night, long after you had passed out, hoping to forget the terrible first date that you had been on. The last thing you expected was to wake up to another message seemingly from Joel. 
Hearing his deep voice echo his mistakes makes you rethink everything about your date with Joel last night. He sounds sincere, so incredibly nervous behind his seemingly confident bravado. How wrong was your first impression? 
After a bit of pacing and rehearsed dialogue, you get up the nerve to send Joel your number, which he calls not long after. You tell him the truth: that his daughter has sent you a voice note of his apology. 
He seemed quite embarrassed that what he wanted to say was truly heard. 
You reminded yourself that not so long ago, you were making the same mistakes. Dating again was difficult, but you would want Joel to succeed with whomever he finds in the future. Just because things didn’t work out between you and Joel doesn’t mean you couldn’t help him. 
“I think we should have a proper conversation about last night. Would you wanna stop by for a cup of coffee or something?” 
Strangled, deafening silence. “I like coffee,” Joel finally musters up. 
After a short drive in his pickup truck, he’s pulling into your driveway within twenty minutes. You can hear his engine rumbling before turning off on the pavement outside. 
“So, about last night-”
“You don’t-” he starts, but you both pause as the coffee machine stutters. 
Seeing him in daylight evokes the familiar fluttering sensation in your stomach that you first experienced when messaging Joel for the first time. Despite the autumn setting, the dark green flannel he wears shows signs of frequent wear and seems to be a staple in his wardrobe—suitable for any season, any day. It fits his figure, like it’s nearly grown around him. 
You force your eyes to drag their attention away from his broad shoulders and tan skin, clearing your throat and turning on your faucet. It barely trickles, which leaves you huffing. 
Joel takes an interest, rising from where you sat him at the breakfast bar with his empty mug. 
“Low pressure?”  He asks, voice low and honeyed. 
“The plumber came last week and swore it was fixed. It’s fine, I’ll figure it out.”
Joel purses his lips, and before you can stop him, his heavy boots are already backpedaling out of the kitchen. “I’ve got tools in my truck,” he juts his thumb behind him, “wouldn’t take me more than a few minutes.”
“You don’t have to, really, Joel. I don’t want you to work on your day off.”
“S’not a problem. Sit tight.”
He returns with a Milwaukee toolbox, cherry red with a white logo highlighted by lightning strike-looking font. 
You don’t realize you’re still wide-eyed until he looks between you and the lower sink cabinets. 
“Sorry.” You mutter with embarrassment as you move out of the way. He grunts softly as he moves to the linoleum, his knees digging into the tile as he starts moving aside the cleaning supplies stowed below. He squints his eyes, the skin around wrinkling with focus. 
Just start talking about why you asked him here. 
“So—” you start as you pace the kitchen, watching him move onto his back to eye over your sink’s anatomy. “I know our date last night didn’t go as well as we both had hoped and—” your eyes stray to see the hem of his flannel nudge up his front as his hands go to work with a wrench, hearing him mutter something about how he was still listening to you.  But all you can see is the bare skin of his waist, dark hairs stippled down the center of his belly. 
“Right, well, I think what I’m trying to say, or rather failing to say, is that I think I could help you.” The wrench’s clicking comes to a stop. Joel pauses and slowly ducks his head out from the shadows. 
“Help me?” He questions. His tone only inflects slight offense taken. 
“Or- help each other.” You take a moment and kneel on the floor beside where he’s working, watching him sit up on his elbows as his greying eyebrows knit together with curiosity. “It’s hard dating as an adult. Believe me, I know. The apps, and-and the having kids,” your eyes soften as Joel’s gaze falls. “You don’t need me to explain how hard it is. I was horrible at first. There was so much fear surrounding it for me, and I just know that after those voice notes your daughter sent me, you have a lot of potential.”
Joel chuckles dryly before he continues to look up at your sink, slowly loosening a fitting on a pipe. “You think there’s hope?” He says, sarcasm-laced. 
“I’m not going to lie and say it’ll be easy. But love isn’t just for teenagers. We both deserve to experience it again. Maybe it’s not with me, but you’re a real catch, Joel Miller. You’re smart, and you’re handsome,”
Joel chuckles again, but this time it’s more whimsical. The sound is joyful and echoes through around the wooden cabinet he’s working in.  
“So, you’re tryin’ t’offer me datin’ lessons? Is that it?”
You will yourself not to roll your eyes. “Yes, dating lessons. What do you think?”
With a long and forced sigh, Joel ducks out from under the sink and stands to his full, looming height. You scrabble off the floor, taking in how his eyes glimmer like honey in the sunlight. 
He ponders before flipping your tap on, watching the water flow with nothing holding it back. You grin with ease, your eyes flicking to his own.
“Little miss fixer-upper, aren’t ya?” Joel says snidely, taking a moment to offer your proposition. 
A shrug and a sweet smile later have him convinced. 
“Alright. I’m in.” 
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scrollonso · 6 months
First Kiss (Race 5)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.9k words, angst, description of a car crash, drunk lance, fluffy ending) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I picked David Coulthard to be the cause of the crash because he DNF in Europe 2006 and bc he's no stranger to being yelled at for crashes, LMAO}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance walked back into the paddock, engaged in a conversation with Nico. He had yet to get his actual drivers liscense out of pure laziness so the German was left to drive them almost everywhere together.
"Thanks again" Lance laughed, feeling slightly bad for making Nico be his personal chauffeur.
"Don't thank me, I only do it so people believe our PR friendships real" He joked, nudging the taller man with his elbow
"Ow" Lance frowned, clutching his heart "Words hurt, Rosberg" He looked down, trying to hide the smile on his face
"Cmon, daddy didn't tell you he's paying me for this?"
"No way, are we both being paid?" Lance looked up, the fake shocked expression on his face earning a laugh from his teammate
Qualifying was okay, Nico secured 9th and Lance got 12th (after a minor chassis problem that caused him to have to pit for half of quali)
Lance should've been upset but he didn't mind, he'd been in front of Nico most of the season so far so he was looking forward to letting his teammate shine.
Of course he wanted to win like everyone else in F1 but the last thing he was going to do was let it ruin personal relationships he was building, work was completely different than home, his friends were different than the coworkers he knew.
He greeted Nico warmly, congratulating him as Quali ended, wishing him good luck on the race the next day.
Fernando came over not long after, having secured pole position.
"Lancito, good job today" He hummed, patting the Canadian on the back
"I'm convinced I could get p30 and you'd still congratulate me" Lance laughed, wrapping his arm around the Spaniard
"It takes a lot of skill to do so bad they have to make a new space for you" Fernando shook his head, his lips slightly curved up as he spoke
"I'm just saving all my energy for the race when I overtake you"
"Oh, really? I'll keep an eye out for you then, mi sol" He said, eyes only leaving Lance when he heard his name being called, his engineer needing him "Good luck tomorrow, Lancito. Let's get you points again, eh?"
Lance nodded, watching as the older man left, feeling his heart flutter in his chest as he thought about how he was looking up at him. It felt nice having someone to admire in the sport as much as Lance admired Fernando, he was a great driver.
Time passed faster than Lance thought it would, before Lance knew it he was lined up on the grid, eyes scanning the cars around him, David Coulthard in p11 next to him.
As the lights went out and the race begun he sent it, overtaking into p10 almost straight away, Coulthard close behind him.
It stayed this way for a few laps, the Brit almost on his rear wing as they raced, he was just trying to keep him there.
It seemed as if everything was going according to plan until the pair reached turn 14 once more, Coulthard was sure he'd be able to overtake, speeding up and reaching Lances side just to be met with their wheels touching, Lance could feel it in his body as the drivers car made contact with his, his left back tire practically flying off his car as he spun out of controll, David losing his front wing as Lance spun of the track, causing him to pull off as well, tire losing air as both cars came to a stop.
They were on opposite sides of the track, the asphalt between them stopping any conversations from happening.
Once he reached the Racing Point garage he was quick to storm down the pit lane, tearing off his helmet and balaclava as he found his way to the Red Bull garage, Brad trying to stop the fuming Canadian
"Lance, Lance stop it. Come back to the garage we need to-"
"Fuck off, Okay? This is a fucking sport and a part of that is talking it out after shit like this happens. Believe me, I have some things to say to Coulthard." He practically spat, not meaning to take his anger out on his engineer but he was the closest one there
They reached the garage, a crowd forming as the two began speaking
"Do you feel better now? Fighting with me over tenth place knowing damn well neither of us were in the position to earn points anyways?"
"I know you're a rookie so you might not get it yet but part of RACING is OVERTAKING, I was doing what I'm here to do."
"You're here to destroy my car and run me off the fucking track? Really? I find that hard to fucking believe, Coulthard."
"Oh come on, Lance. We all know your daddy doesn't have a problem with fixing your mistakes. That's how you got the seat, right? Daddy knew you fuck up too much to get a seat so he bought two for you and Keke Rosbergs son."
"You have a lot of fucking nerve, Coulthard. You know that?" Lance got closer, he already wasn't finishing the race so how much harm would a little physical contact outside of the car cause?
By now both of the teams where trying to stop the drivers, yelling and trying to get between the two men, blinded by anger towards one another
The race was slowly finishing, Fernando ending up in p2 as the fight was still going on, Lance screaming into the 35 year olds face as he scoffed, refusing to apologize, Lance didn't think of himself as a violent person but he wasn't going to stand around and let some ugly arrogant prick disrespect him and refuse to admit the crash was his fault.
"YOU RUINED THE RACE FOR THE BOTH OF US." All he wanted was for that to get through the Englishmans thick fucking skull "God, you're a fucking fils de pute." He spoke under his breath, astonished at the audacity of the racer "You know, for someone who's been racing for twelve years and hasn't even come close to a world championship you sure are a stuck up cunt."
And with that Lance was finally pulled away from the garage, David Coulthard having nothing to say in response.
Lance felt like he was getting scolded for hours, even if it was only 15 minutes, the team trying to explain how he shouldn't have done that even if it was Coulthards fault
"Lancito?" He heard a familiar voice, being snapped away from his thoughts as he shot up, leaving members of the team in the middle of their sentences to go to Fernando
"Thank fucking god you're here. Are you thirsty? I'd kill for a drink right now"
"Lancito, Are you sure drinking is the best thing for you to do now?" He questioned as if he wasn't still following behind him
"What, do you think I'm being dramatic too?" He scoffed, stopping in his tracks to turn back to Fernando, he looked mad to anyone else but Fernando knew he was just hurt, Lance hated crashes, hated not finishing, hated disappointing people, and even though the last thing Fernando was was disappointed in the boy he knew Lance would still think he was.
"Let's get you that drink, mi sol. Getting your mind off it will help, eh?"
Lance expected to be taken to some cheap place around the city but instead Fernando drove them back to his hotel, deciding it'd be better to let Lance cause a scene in his hotel room rather than in some German bar.
The two drank together, Lances lack of experience and tollerance when it came to alcohol being painfully obvious.
"He's such a prick" Lance slurred, his voice more whiney than usual
"I know, Lancito, He really is." Fernando hummed, leaning back in his chair as his eyes stayed on the Canadian
"You're like my guardian angel, Nando, y'know?" Lance looked at him, lips slightly curved before he began speaking again "Never stop congratualting me, please, it-" hiccup "It means a lot"
Fernando just nodded, setting down his glass
"I-" He stopped abruptly, drinking more "I love doing good, when I do good I know you'll be proud of me" He ran his fingers through his hair, annoyed at the long strands covering his vision "I'm sorry- I'm sorry I'm not the best, Nando" He confessed, looking over at the Spaniard "I don't deserve my seat, but- but it's okay because I get to see you, I love seeing you win, it makes what people say about me worth it when I'm the first one you come to after the podium"
Fernando just listened, not saying much as it became more and more evident Lance would forget it all by the next morning anyway
"I-" hiccup " I love seeing you walk to me, passing all the girls, they're so pretty, it makes no sense why you walk past them for me, but i love it, seeing you ignore them and look at me like I'm prettier than all of them" hiccup
He smiled, not being able to help it as he heard the younger ramble on, glad he was no longer stuck on being upset about the crash
"Don't stop, Nando"
"Hm?" Fernando hummed, watching Lance set down his glass. He took that as a chance to stand up and snatch it away, figuring the younger man had drank enough. Fernando and Lance were now closer, Fernando looking down at Lance as he awaited a response
"Looking at me like this, taking care of me how you do, please don't leave me, Nando" He begged, reaching out for the Spaniards arm "Promise me you'll never stop congratulating me after races, please Nando, I need you."
He was taken aback by the sudden change in tone Lance had brought to the conversation. Fernando swallowed dryly, staring back at the Canadian, he looked gorgeous, the waves of his hair messily laying across his face, the lighting hitting him just right to show off the gorgeous colour of his eyes
"Let's get you to bed, Lance." He whispered, helping him stand up as he walked with him to his bed, pulling back the covers with one hand while he held Lance with the other, surprised at how light the Canadian really was
He sat Lance down, kneeling to take off his shoes before instructing him to lay down and pulling the covers back up.
"Goodnight, Lancito" He whispered, brushing the hair from his face as the Canadian hummed a response, not fighting sleep as it took over him surprisingly fast
Fernando on the other hand was fighting, not sleep, but the feelings Lance brought to light with his drunken words. He hadn't thought much of it before, sure he felt different with Lance than he did with his other friends but he was so much younger that he figured he was just taking a more mature role in the friendship. Now he wasn't so sure.
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reverse-moon · 3 months
For @the-overanalyst
Based on: This post
Constant looking around seemed to payoff. She finally found Weekend Garage, a supposedly super place. If Akito could be trusted. Then again, wasn't this also Shraishi's place...?
Sighing a bit, Ena pushed open the doors and looked around before being greeted. “Ena-san!!”
“An. Hi.” Okay, this was her place. Maybe Akito wasn't lying.
“Can't stay long, practice, BYE!” An said, rushing over to the door.
“Take care, An.” Ena jumped a bit, noticing the man behind the counter smile.
“LATER DAD, I'll bring Kohane and Toya by!” And like that, the younger girl was gone. Ena turned back to the man and waved in a nervous way.
“No need to panic. I'm just the owner of the place. Not gonna hurt a new patron.” His chuckled seemed to calm Ena's nerves as she made her way over to a barstool.
“Right... It's Ken, yes? My brother keeps raving and ranting about this place and a Ken...” Ena asked.
“Shiraishi Ken, at your service. You Akito's sister?” He cut to the chase, making a small platter of food.
“Ah... Yes.” Ena smiled. “Bet he says all bad things, hm?”
“Only half of the time. The other half is things he thinks are insulting but just show how much he cares.” Ken chuckled. “Feel free to stay as long as you need to. Any orders are on me, okay?”
Ena blinked. “W-Wait, isn't that bad for business...?” A small smile and an eyebrow raise told her he probably didn't care. “Th-Thank you!” He moved away to serve a different customer as Ena pulled her sketchbook out.
A deep breath in as she looked at the stage. It seemed like a good place to start...
About thirty minutes later, a small group came in, greeted by Ken. She vaguely caught when they asked to sing, and watched them move to the stage. It was a good opportunity to practice emotions, so Ena started sketching the faces. Two hours later, the page was filled with singers faces, parts of the restaurant and she had started combining the things on a different page.
“Mind if I see what you have so far?” Ena jolted as Ken asked, looking up. “You were drawing all day, right?”
A nod, and Ena slowly showed Ken the work. He looked over the page, the small smile never leaving. Each moment passing caused Ena to tense more, bracing for the worst.
“I think it's pretty perfect. To me, you caught the way the singers were having fun really well, along with the song messages. I don't know much about art composition, I only know what my roommate from college told me. But I think that's pretty good too.” Ena blinked. “I think my only suggestion is add colour when you can. Bright ones, if you think it fits.”
“Wh...” Ena looked at her work. She was sure it was bad. A customer came over to pay and noticed the art, before agreeing with Ken and waving goodbye. She looked at the art again. “But... My teacher would s—”
“Art is subjective, right? Sure there are rules to try and make it more appealing to the masses, but if it even makes one person feel something besides ‘ew, that looks bad’, I think it's done it's job.” Ken added, handing the sketchbook back. “So. I'd say this art is good since it's resonated with at least 2 people.”
Just as Ena was about to thank him for the confidence boost, the door of the restaurant burst open. All Ken could do was chuckle as Ena blinked in confusion.
“GET YOUR OWN SURROGATE DAD!” Akito yelled. Ena huffed and got angry right back.
“All I did was get a bit of an eye opener, shut up! Besides, I wouldn't have just wandered in if you took me here before once!” Akito scoffed as he stormed in, followed by the rest of Vivid BAD SQUAD chuckling.
“Jokes on you, Mizuki has tried like 4 times to add you so that threat doesn't bother me!” Ena shot back.
Ken clapped his hands. “How about you two bicker through song. You are on Vivid Street.”
“BEAT HIM, ENA-SAN!!” An cheered. The siblings looked at each other then took off to the stage.
All the while, Ken simply smiled and chuckled.
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isagrimorie · 4 months
for the prompt thing: isolated gas station
for this prompt request
Sorry this took so long! I wasn’t certain I got their voice, it’s been a while since I wrote Root and Shaw!
Pairing: Root/Shaw
It wasn’t ideal but the Machine directed them off road, Shaw didn’t have much choice because there was zero visibility. And even with the armor on their SUV, its been shot up so bad they were more limping than driving.
The storm came out of nowhere. ( “Not out of nowhere,” Root piped up, “The Machine told us.”)
And then the battery on Root’s phone gave up the ghost. Shaw’s died earlier.
Shaw assessed if they could risk it but reluctantly conceded that they won’t make it. Making a stand on a decrepit gas station, in bumfuck nowhere is better than making a stand with only a car that’s been shot up.
Shaw parked their vehicle behind the gas station, hiding it as much as they could.
“You’re bleeding out, Shaw.” Root said, after unclipping her seat belt.
Oh, and that.
The other reason why they had to shelter.
“It’s a through and through,” Shaw answered, trying not to wince. “Didn’t hit anything major.”
“That isn’t reassuring.”
Rather than answer, Shaw managed to open the door but, only just. Cold rain and biting winds hit Shaw, and she had to squint against it all.
Root was instantly there, helping her out of the driver’s seat. Anything Root could’ve said was drowned out by the rain and the win.
Root kicked the garage door open, and pulled Shaw inside.
“—charming as you think.”
“You think I’m charming,” Shaw said. Now that the adrenaline rush was fading, Shaw knew she’d be fading fast too. “My hand is too shaky now. You need to stitch me up fast.”
“Just tell me how,” Root said, she tried to put a flirty tone on. Shaw ignored it in favor of telling Root what to do.
Root does her best work under pressure and even better, when motivated, Root followed instructions pretty well. Shaw directed Root as best she could but even she can't fight against blood loss. "I'm about to lose consciousness."
Shaw could read the kind of rabbit anxiety in Root's eyes, so she placed a hand over Root's bloodied fist.
Root looked startled and Shaw saw Root open her mouth and say something to ruin the moment. Shaw leaned forward and pressed her forehead on Root's, “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“You know me.” And then before Shaw can pull away Root kissed Shaw.
Shaw didn’t even bother with a reaction and closed her eyes.
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neonpaperlanterns · 2 months
Transformers prime story request.
The vehicons are the decepticons storm troopers, treated like nobodies and abused by their commanders every so often.
So... How about a story where one seeks to leave the decepticon life. Posing as a regular car at a car sale. This vehicon figures some time among Humans will be just what he needs. Having changed paint jobs and removing any trackers in him. He hopes to just... Enjoy "human watching", seeing what their lives are like.
He ends up bought by Jacks' mother sometime before she and her son knows about the transformers. And slowly ends up caring about her as he poses as her car. Enjoying the little things of his new life.
... And then her son brings home Arcee and the series ticks off from there.
A "normal" life
T-34B watched as humans mingled around him. Idle chatter filled the parking lot as different fleshy servos brushed along his alt-mode. Grumbled words of distaste and disinterest bounced around in his helm.
Had he picked a bad color? He thought the light blue was good but maybe he was wrong.
Did he look too worn down? He thought if he looked too new that he'd have less options but maybe he was wrong.
Was his model wrong? His research said that VW Beetles were decent cars but maybe he was wrong.
Should he have gone flashier? Sleeker? Been red? Maybe if he-
"How bout this one?" A voice interrupted his thoughts. There was a female human standing in front of his hood. Looking at him. Judging him. As subtly as he could he tried to push out his plating, air up his tires, and catch the sun just right so he looked as presentable as possible.
And it seemed to be working until a shorter and what seemed to be younger human butted in.
"Looks like an old man." The boy stated which was hurtful, he thinks. T-34B knew he wasn't the best or the brightest or even that standout but he didn't look that bad right?
"Don't be mean Jack I think that gives it character." T-34B was full of character, the lady gets it. Jack rolled his weird organic optics but shrugged.
Which T-34B would later learn was a seal of approval. Sort of.
Being driven through the streets of Jasper was weird. It felt wrong not to be in control of himself. He had to stifle every little desire to take the wheel or change the radio station.
He liked Earth's music but he wasn't a fan of the genre of 'Country'. It sounded too similar to him. As the songs blurred together into one noise it just reminded him of staring at the countless versions of his face. He did not like it. But he did not change it because cars didn't do that.
Pulling into what would be his new home he tried not to feel cramped inside the garage. He told himself that it was cozy and really far better than what he had back on the Nemesis. Because it was, anything was better than the Decepticon ship. Even a tiny garage and fleshy organics who weren't careful with sugary fluids were better than what he came from.
He'd have thousands of drinks spilled in his cab before he ever regretted leaving.
Life with the Darby's was simple. He learned the woman's name was June and that she was Jacks carrier or mom as the teen called her. He learned what a teenager was too.
He discovered that June was a nurse and that Earth's hospitals were not that different to the ones that once operated on Cybertron. At least from the outside looking in.
They didn't drive him many places. Mostly June's job, Jack's educational center, a place called WinCo Foods, and building with a bright neon sign that read Jasper Bowlarama. He did not know what a "Bowlarama" was but the Darby's always seemed happy after coming and he got to see lots of humans doing human things so everything was good
T-34B was staring to like when the unit he drove around were happy. He liked the talks he got to overhear. Like how Jack was doing in chemistry and that he was thinking of trying out for football. Which his mother didn't seem fond of and countered with going for band instead. He liked when June had a long shift and could barely drive, it gave him the chance to repay her by getting her home safely.
He liked that randomly June decided to give him a name. Apparently naming cars what just a thing humans did. She suggested Nancy because that had been the last vehicles name and the one before that so it just made sense.
T-34B dreaded being named after another.
But Jack interjected unknowing on his behalf. Said he didn't look like a Nancy.
He agreed.
Instead sighting that he looked more like a Buggy or Ozzy.
June picked Ozzy.
When Jack came back with a motorcycle June had lost her mind but gradually came around.
Ozzy had also lost his mind and was still currently losing it. For one he had to share his garage now. For two he felt like he was losing Jack. The teen didn't need him now because of that death machine. And for three and technically most important that was a FRAGGIN Autobot!
Oh Primus he was slagged. He was so slagged. His only saving grace was that the Bot hadn't realized he wasn't just a beetle and that almost immediately after June left Jack and the Bot began arguing.
He learned the Bot was Arcee. He's never encountered the Femme before but he's heard about her. Quick tempered and a 'shot first ask questions later' type. She's offlined hundreds of vehicons and now he was stuck sharing space with her.
Oh Ozzy was so slagged.
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popcornforone · 11 months
A Mr Ben Fan Fic
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I need help. I am always in a Dave York pit, however I am really really really feeling Mr Ben at the moment. I had no intention to write this at all. I have so many in draft that I wanted to get done but on November 6 an idea came into my head & I then spent nearly 2hours starting. I have no idea when you will read this but I really like what I’ve written here.
Synopsis:- your car is being repaired, & your on your way to college in a storm. Circumstances beyond your control, lead you to the best kind of lazy day to snuggle in doors.
Word Count: 4100
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV sex. Established relationship. Swearing, angst, teasing, fingering. Mentions of oral & previous sexual encounters. Dirty talk. Innuendo & things implied. Cream Pie, tasting, mentioned or sex in a public place, talk of gagging.
Thanks as always for the read peoples it’s really appreciated. All feed back is welcome. Enjoy
5 days the garage said. 5 days & your car would be back. 5 days & it would be repaired from the rival men’s hockey team taking it out on the nearest car possible when they lost, which just happened to be yours. You didn’t know until right at the end of the match as you were doing the college radio commentary for the game. The college said they would pay for all your repairs & 3 of the rival team have now been kicked off their scholarships. That makes you feel a little bit better but not right now.
It’s now been 8 days since they said 5 & it’s properly fall. It’s dropped in temperature. It’s raining & the bus stop is 10min Walk from your apartment to get to the campus. You’re there as a mature student. Getting your masters studying 2 days a week while you work the other 3 in your job. This will leas to a promotion though, your work have said that. That’s why you were working & commentating on the hockey game. You’re lined up to be the next big sports reporter on tv. NFL Super Bowl anchor one day has even been mentioned by some people in the industry that know what they are taking about. You blushed when you heard this. Your potential is already being recognised.
You waited as long as you could for the rain to slow down before you take the most sheltered walk to the bus stop. No amount of clothes & layers & waterproofs will protect you. You have a change of clothes in your bag. You stride over puddles & avoid the splash points walking under as many shelters as you can. But then it happens. The bus you are meant to catch is early & your still 2mins away from your stop so you start to run, knowing if no one is at your stop you will be late or will need to call an Uber. That would be have been the sensible thing to do to start with. You’re good at jogging but not in the rain so you start to gather momentum. But in Your haist, you’ve neglected where your feet are going on the path.
The bus hits the deep puddle in the road right next to you. Drenching you in seconds making you stop in your tracks.
“Fuck!” You shout as the bus keeps going, spray flying into the air covering any other crazy person who’s out in this rain & because no one is waiting doesn’t stop at your stop. It just keeps going.
“Oooh for fuck…” but your expletive is stopped by the lorry that then also hits the puddle & covers you. It uses its horn too.
“FUCK YOU!” You scream as you trudge your sodden mess of a being into the bus stop & sit down for a few seconds. Your shivering, hands are shaking. You could just turn around & go home & do this on zoom but you’re resilient & you’ve got to where you are in life because of this. However this weather, the splashing & the bus have made you think today is not your day. Everyone can have bad days & you feel your bottoms lip quiver.
Beep beep! A horn goes off, you don’t pay attention to it probably some jerk mocking you. BEEP!!!
“Urgh” you go & look up to moan & be all grumpy & moody but then you stand there in shock. A friendly face in a blue Ford is waving at you. It starts off your own water works & you as you cry, rush & leap into the back seat of the car. This is no strangers car. You quickly shut the door & let the emotions take hold. A warm friendly hand from the drivers seat leans into you from the front.
“You’re soaked” he says “didn’t I tell…” but his voice trails off when he sees you’re crying. “Hey hey hey.” He turns the engine off & puts his hazards on so no one hits his car & his face turns to face you. Bens face no matter what, is always reassuring & soft. “It’s okay I’m here, you’re safe, okay you look like a drowned rat but…” you sadly pout at him. “Sorry trying to make you smile” Ben smirks. “It’s better you laugh then cry” that perks you up slightly & your lips almost smile at him as you grab the towel he has on the back seat for when the travels with his cat to wipe you down slightly. It doesn’t bother you if you’re now covered in cat hair.
“You like my little smile Ben”
“Hey what can I say, I’m a romantic who likes the small things in life” the way his hand feels against your cheek has you blushing & feeling rather warm.
“Thank you though Ben, this is…”
“You still should have called me this morning, I’d have gone out my way to pick you up” knowing your calmer Ben turns back around & turns the engine on & take the two of you to the college.
When you arrive at college you you look at your phone to see a notification pop up.
“Typical arghhhh” you growl, as Ben parks his car in a teachers spot.
“What’s up now?” He says sarcastically as he does his coat up.
“I was rushing in for a writing lecture with Professor Steven’s but his own kids school is shut due to flooding, so he’s not going to be in today. I got drenched for nothing” Ben turns to face you & sees the frustration in your eyes.
“Hey, just remember what we said the other week” you roll your eyes at him & say in unison mocking him in his teachers voice “everything happens for a reason”
“Yea I know Ben but still. My next lecture today isn’t until 1pm. I’ve made this journey for no reason.” Ben shakes his head at your negative attitude.
“You’re as moody as the weather today you know that” you raise an eyebrow at him & sigh.
“It’s not my fault Mr Ben” you snap back, frustrated with life. He knows you’re in a mood when you call him that. He much prefers it when you call him your handsome professor. You were introduced at the writing meet up at the start of term. A few flirty words, became a coffee, then dinner & a movie, & have now become a relationship. Spending alternate weekends at each others apartments. The way he makes you cum you’ve never experienced before. His hands are masterful on your clit. Because you’re a mature student it’s not frowned upon, & he doesn’t teach you. He’s not breaking any rules. You could have easily had met it at a bar one day. But maybe the way you shout ”ooh professor teach me about kinky sex” shouldn’t really go into the college open guide for prospective new students. Especially as Mr Ben like to gag you & you send nudes to each other each night. A few 3am hook ups have happened when things have got out of hand on face time. He’s often the one rushing to yours to pleasure you until you both sleep through your alarms the next morning. That happened 2 weeks ago.
Ben doesn’t say a word & gets out the car & slams the door making you jump. Your lips quivering in sadness again, as you try to hold everything in. Today really isn’t your day is it. Your door suddenly flings open & he grabs you by the arm pulling you out the car. The rain still pouring, thunder happening a little way off on this miserable day. He shuts the door behind you & pushes you against the car, before his lips find yours. The movies always make this so romantic. & as much as this does perk you up a little, you’re still moody. Bens kisses can almost solve all of the worlds problems. He moans as his tongue finds your tonsils. You can’t deny that this is fucking sexy. He locks the car & then drags you into the college.
“Come on baby” the main hall is slippery & he holding onto you in your sodden state, walks you both through all the students & up to the 2nd floor to his office. It’s not a secret that Professors Ben isn’t single anymore but some people are shocked when they see it’s you he’s protecting & adoring.
Bens office isn’t one he has to share with anyone. Being head of English he gets one with a small bathroom to himself. He throws you in there.
“There’s towels in my gym bag & a big enough sink for you to soak some of your clothes” & he shuts the door & wanders off. He’s also locked it. Is he punishing you for being in a mood & not getting out of the gloom? No Bens to sweet for for that. He knows you need a good cry & to let it all out. He stand by the door as he hears you sob a little before you head to the bathroom. It breaks his heart a little but you needed this moment. You need a good cry after the morning but as soon as you’re out of your wet clothes your attitude improves straight away.
You don’t even realise when you come out the bathroom in your leggins, dress & college hoodie that Ben has returned & is sitting at his desk on his laptop. On the table is a bacon sandwich & a big cup of tea for you, as he looks at his laptop. You perch on the end of his desk & smile at him.
“Thank you”
“For what”
“For being you, for being mine, for letting me be moody”
“You’re welcome I guess” he pokes his glasses further up his nose & smirks. “You always said if I can’t handle you at your worse I don’t deserve you” his big brown eyes dazzle back at you.
“That’s not me at my worse” you say as you bite into the warm toast & bacon.
“Well you’re moodiest then…?” He sees the smile on your face as he teases you. “There it is, that famous smile, the smile that everyone wants to see but only I get to” he stands up & takes a bite out of your sandwich.
“What?” he says mouth full trying not to laugh “I paid for it, what you gonna do about it?” You then lick your lips before you kiss him & bite his. “Keep doing that & I won’t do any teaching today” he smirks before he softly kisses you back.
“Well maybe that’s what I want, I mean after all my handsome professor did save me from getting wet” you sip your tea, slurping which has Bens heart rate accelerate.
“That i did” Ben puts the bacon sandwich down & his hand trail up from your knees to your thighs, your leggings are thin it’s almost like he’s stroking your skin. “But i…” he then stops thinking it’s too smutty.
“Finish it Ben” you fully uncross & spread your legs & he pulls you so his hardening groin rubs against your pussy. Both still completely clothed. Ben chuckles & then say the words.
“… I think I can make sure you’re not just wet but drenched & soaked.” His hand starts to stroke your entrance, knowing the feel of your panties & legging will cause friction against your clit. Your roll your head back & sigh in pleasure.
“Ooh professor” you moan.
“You like that baby”
“Fuck yes”
“Do you want me?”
“Ooh Ben yes,” your breath is hitched.
“Want your professor to teach you to be nice when people do you a favour? Want your professor to fuck you in his office again?” You both usually have no lessons after lunch on a Thursday & Ben will always use that for his ‘special tutor session’ well that’s what it say in his diary. You’ve been walked in on once since these meet ups started at college. A department assistant needed a book & just walked in while you were sitting in bens chair in just his dark blue shirt, as he licked your pussy dry. Safe to say from that day on Ben has double locked the door on Thursdays.
“Yea Ben, please me Ben” your hand is on his belt undoing it when the room plunged into darkness.
“Ahhhh” you screech” is this a game Ben?” Your body trembles.
“Nope I’m not that clever enough to do that.” He replys & he pulls you in close to him. Lightning lights up the room from his window before the emergency lighting comes on & the college tannoy announce system starts.
‘Due to the incoming storm, unless it is unsafe for you to do so, lessons are cancelled for today. This is a message for all staff & students to leave as safety as you can, if you can’t leave the cafeteria on the first floor will be serving free food & drink all day’
You look at Ben & his hand cups your face.
“Can I have a lift home baby?” You ask & do your innocent eyes at him. Eyelashes fluttering.
“See is it so hard to ask for a bit of help”
“Well no, you’re right there, but I have alternative motives” you say as you pack your damp clothes into a carrier bag after ringing them out of the sink.
“Do you now?” He raises an eye brown as he put his stuff in his bag & put his coat back on.
“I do, you see as much as a lesson in your office is good, I know my bed is much more comfortable for a more personal lesson”
“What make you think I don’t have work to do & that I don’t want to go home to my cat Mr Collins?” He asks.
“Seriously?” You slump a little as you were not looking at his face & then see the sarcastic look on it. “Fuck you Ben” you zip your coat up & pout.
“Ooh you will in about 25minutes.” He says & he rubs his nose against yours before he ushers you out of his office to lock it up. Those work trouser always make his bum look nice & plump as he bends over to grab his bag that he put on the floor as he locked the office.
You rush into your apartment to avoid the increasing resilient rain & shut the door behind Ben & go & turn the heating on but it’s as you feared. The whole block has no power. Bens phone then pings.
“Yea my building has no power too, so it’s not like we can head there either” he says as he hangs his coat up.
“Well we best go get warm some other way shouldn’t we” you take his hand & walk him to your bedroom. “Unless you really do want to go home”
“& miss an afternoon of sex with you… fuck no” he’s kicking off his shoes as he walks along to your bedroom. Once in your bedroom , you light a few candles on your dresser for a little bit of light & Ben scoffs. “Thought I was the romantic one”
“I have my moments baby” you reply as you walk over to him & start unbuttoning his shirt. “& right now I want you to teach me how to be a romantic lover”
“Oooh baby I can’t teach that” he says as he grabs the hem off your dress before he takes it off over your head. The lightning outside crashes as he admires your spotty blue bra “you already do that anyhow beautiful” you sit on the bed & shuffle off your leggings & he loses his trousers. His grey briefs don’t hide how much he wants you. A slow large soft hand strokes your shoulder as he peppers kisses around your neck, just in the crook. Your favourite spot. Your eyes close in pleasure. One hand ruffling his slightly damp hair from the rush inside from the rain. The other feeling his length from above the cloth, edging him on, getting him ready. As his lips embrace yours for a tender kiss his hands unclip your bra.
“All the bloods not rushed to your cock yet then Ben” you mumble before you continue the kiss. He’s smirking this is only the 3rd time since you started having sex that he’s taken it off in one go.
“You always said I had masterful hands.” He cups your breasts, your nipples hardening at each motion he does on them. You’re so aroused that you might not even need him inside you to make you cum.
Out of habit he lays you down on the bed. His whole weight on top of you. He penis pulsing inside his briefs, & one of those large hands inside your panties. Your clit being attended to as your kisses get much more passionate.
“God you’re wet already baby” he says as his strokes get more intense. You have no words in reply. “Good girl” he lifts off your body & slowly peels your sodden panties from your body. His eyes always dilate at the sight of you naked. He always wonders how he got so lucky. “Godess” he whispers as he pulls his briefs down to reveal his girthy length. You without realising moan deeply & lick your lips, knowing just how the pinch is going to satisfy your needs. He lies back in the bed being your big spoon. You’ve moved up a little so your head is on the pillow. The kissing resumes & so does the pleasing if your clit. Your own hand now jerking his length. His low moans rattles like the thunder outside.
“Ben, make me yours” your teeth graze his lips.
“You already are beautiful” your pelvis is moving at a same rhythm to his hand now. You turn to your side Lying on you right, facing the window. The storm still bellowing outside the candles flickering away. You’re gently grind into his lap & he moans. “Oooh baby you want this”.
“Mmmmhmmmmm” you mumble & then gasp. He’s turned to be a full on spoon & is stroking his length against your slick. Coating it, ready for fun.
“Oooh you do like that baby” you nod in reply & then feel it as ben adjusts your legs & his body & he slowly inserts his erect penis inside you. All the way. In one go, the entire shaft. Your hand grabs the pillow as noise escapes your mouth before there’s a long drag against your walls before he glides fully back in. “Oooh you take me so well” he says a seductive look back at you as you turn your head.
“Yes Ben oh yess baby” you’re stumbling to find other words in your vocabulary. He’s dragging you, each slow draw against you feels exquisite. He has a quick look from over your left shoulder that he’s been kissing to see how good it looks. You always feel so tight to him, but he always can go fully in, balls deep, & he looks at the magnificent site, proud of the both of you.
“You enjoying this baby”
“Yes Ben”
“So good so right so tight, oooh my baby girl, you make me want more”
“Who says you can’t?” Your lips take his & a long sloppy kiss commences. This is all it takes for him to speed up & find a more vigorous rhythm.
You both moan & hum. A low but panty noise. It’s drowned out only by the thunder outside. Every now & then the lightning fills the room. Crashing & hitting hard like he is doing when he finds your gspot. He bites your lip when you quiver the first time. He knows he’s found it. He can feel your body tremble. Feel it rive in pleasure. He’s alternating his kisses as you lie there & moan his name.
“Oooh ben oooh baby yes yes yessss” it’s a strained cry.
“Fuck sweetheart” he’s working his pace further. “Oooh my love oooh fuck”
“Oooh fuck ben more”
“Fuck please”
“God you’re needy” be nips around your neck”but your cunts glorious” & he ramps his pace up even more. How does he feel bigger than he did at the start? Maybe you’re so in the zone, you are just lost in this trance of passionate love making. But he hits the spot with each thrust.
“Ooooooh fuck fuck fuck Ben” your moaning is getting loud as he withdraws & lays you on your back. You gasp at the loss of him but as soon as he’s happy that you’re lying facing up at him he’s back on top of you. It was only a few seconds he wasn’t inside of you & his penis is covered in your juices, but the feel as he dives back in & grind down on you hard is insane. “Ooooh yessssss”
“Fuck baby” he lifts your legs & puts your feet on his shoulders. When your minds not in a sex glazed fog, you can see his jaw is clenched as he pummels you. His cock feeling phenomenal. His body sticky with sweat. He may be a handsome professor but right now Mr Ben is fucking you like it’s your wedding night. It’s rampant passionate & sexy.
“Ben oooooh fuck Ben” your screams & moans are now louder than the lightning. You see bens silhouette when the shadows appear on the wall from the extra light. He’s a monster of a man in size so broad & he is all yours.
“Fuck darling Jesus fucking Christ, your so tight”
“Yes yes yes yes yes I’m almost there baby”
“You wanna drench me?”
“You wanna soak me”
“Ooooh yes”
“you want to…”
“Oooooh fuck” you interrupt his sentence. It was almost a tease what he says because that’s what you do. You squirt, as your orgasm from over stimulation hits you like a train. Pleasure explodes out of every part of you as Ben watches in awe at the mess you are making.
“God that’s sexy, oooh fuck” 3 jolted thrusts later, he cums inside you. Filling you up, coating you, his body twitches & he screams your name at the top of his high. “Oooh fuck baby oooh fuck”
“Oh Ben oooh fuck ben” you don’t think you’ve ever breathed this heavily in your life, as you open your eyes & slowly come down from your extreme high & realise what you did. You slowly lower your legs off his shoulders as he leans back & admires the state of the mess you’ve made.
He doesn’t hesitate. Ben drops his head between your thighs as soon a he has come too & he laps away. His cock is still hard & dripping.
“Oooh baby” you snarl & run your fingers through his hair pushing his lips further into you, as his tongue licks you out. You don’t cum as he abruptly stops. His face glistens, covered in you & him. Well you think that’s the scene before you. You’re over taken by the taste of his lips that are sticky & consists of you both. He holds your head in place as you go back to his hair with your hand.
“We taste good together”
“Yes we do Ben” he’s pushing hard against you, almost ready for another round he’s not gone soft yet. He hitches against your enterance as the kiss continues. But you then both jolt. You hear a rumble but it’s not the thunder from the storm. It’s your building generator. The power is coming back on.
“What was that?” He asks distracted for a few seconds.
“The powers coming back”
“Did we make enough electricity between us baby, to restart it” he says before your neck receives the next round of kisses your nails dig into his back.
“Ben we’re so electric, the grid would flood”
“Is that so” he smirks he’s almost inside you as his hand caresses your tummy. “Well you’ve been wet & drenched & even squirting…” you bashfully smile at that. Still you can’t believe that’s even possible ”let’s get the flooding sorted too” & he pushes deeply inside you making you moan. The power might be back on but the only connection either of you need this afternoon is your body’s moving as one. A storm maybe brewing but those rumbles of thunders don’t meet the noises you & your handsome professor make for the next few hours. The candles have long flickered out by the time your afternoon delight is over.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 1 month
Hank, Trudy, Al Oneshot - Sick
Requested by @kamryn1963
So sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it!!
Al woke up in the garage, as always, rolling over to hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. He groaned. He hadn’t had much sleep the night before due to the pressure in his sinuses. He felt like he could barely breathe.
When moving to get up, the room seemed to spin. He groaned again, leaning back on the couch he had made his bed. He knew he would have to tough it out, but it was hitting him hard - harder than when he was younger. It seemed each time he caught a cold or the flu it hit him harder than before. He blamed his own body for betraying him.
When he finally got the strength to stand again, although unsteady, he got dressed and grabbed a banana and an orange as always, although neither seemed particularly appealing. He didn’t grab coffee, but instead elected for tea to soothe his throat and a pocket pack of tissues for his sniffles.
As he drove into the office, he put on dark sunglasses. The world was too bright for him. He just wanted to be in bed and asleep.
As the day dragged on, his symptoms got worse. He was freezing the whole day, but sweating beneath his layers. He felt like he couldn’t get warm but was simultaneously hot. The chills was the most obvious symptom, along with the color being flushed from his face. Ruzek was deeply concerned, as was anyone else who took notice of Al hiding his symptoms. It was days like this he was glad he was practically invisible to the others most of the time.
When Hank got in from his ComStat meeting, he seemed stressed, walking by everyone and into his office, shutting the door. Seeing as they didn’t have an open case at the moment, everyone busied themselves with paperwork. Al could hardly focus to get one report done.
“Hey, Al,” Adam whispered across the desks. “You look like hell, man.”
“Tell me about it,” Al mumbled. “I feel like hell.”
“Maybe you should go home. Good day for it. We’re not working a case. I think all the bad guys were driven inside by the coming storm.”
Al sighed, massaging his face in any attempt to relieve his sinuses. “I’ll take care of it.”
Adam nodded a little, hoping Al meant it. When Hank came out of his office a moment later, walking toward the bathroom, Al got up and quickly followed despite getting dizzy from the sudden rush. “Hank.”
Hank stopped, turning to Al. When he got a look at him, he furrowed his brow. “Al, man, you okay?”
“I think I’m gonna go home. We don’t have a case and I’m… not one hundred percent.” Al was stubborn. That was as close as he could get to admitting he was sick.
Hank was shocked, looking Al over to check for anything more major before nodding. “Alright, yeah, do what you need to. Want me to get someone to drive you?”
“Nah, I got it. Thanks.” He patted Hank’s shoulder, then went to his car, driving home.
When he got there, he was met by Meredith, who was concerned he was home so early, but he brushed her off. He could barely admit to his best friend he wasn’t feeling well, let alone his wife who practically hated him. He walked into the garage, peeling off his layers of clothes, grabbing meds as he did so and downing them with a stray bottle of water he’d left. He put on something more comfortable, then laid on the couch, falling asleep sometime later.
The next time he opened his eyes, it was already dark outside. He was feeling better, though still generally sick. He sat up, blowing his nose and groaning at the pressure, which had barely relieved. He decided a hot shower would do him some good.
After getting dressed again, Al laid back on his couch, flipping on the TV and trying to find something to watch. He wasn’t particularly tired, seeing as he’d just slept something like eight hours. He grabbed the banana he had in his jacket pocket from earlier, opening it up and eating a bit of it. He knew he had to eat something. He just didn’t feel hungry. Though, he was thankful nausea hadn’t hit him this time.
After an hour and half a banana eaten, Al was finally drifting back to sleep to some documentary about horses. A soft knock came to his door, one he could identify naturally as a woman’s, which he ignored. He didn’t feel like dealing with Meredith.
A second knock, harder this time, more like a man’s knock. He furrowed his brow and opened his eyes, looking at the door. He grabbed his gun from the end table beside the couch, getting up and walking over to the door. A third knock, a persistent one, and a voice rang out. “Al, it’s Hank and Trudy. Put your gun down.”
Al let out a breath, then shook his head, putting his gun in his waistband and unlocking the door. When he opened it, he saw the two of them in the Chicago winter, their breaths clouding out before them. “Hey, what’s going on? You need me?”
“No,” Hank replied, pushing past him and inside. “You still look like hell.”
Trudy nodded and walked in as well, setting a bag down inside on the nearest open surface she could find. “Brought you some soup.” She glanced at the half-eaten banana, then at Al. “If you’re up for it.”
Al shut the door, walking over and plopping back down on the couch. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Trudy replied, handing him a to-go bowl of soup and a plastic spoon.
Al took it with only a silent nod in gratitude, opening it up and eating a spoonful.
Hank sat down beside him. “Al, you did the right thing coming to me. You know that, right?”
“Mmhm,” Al hummed, watching the TV, though listening intently to Hank.
“And I would’ve wanted you to do the same thing even if we had a case.”
Al nodded, still eating the soup carefully and looking at the TV, only casting one glance at Hank when he put a hand on Al’s shoulder.
“Get some rest. Let me or Trudy know if you need anything.”
“Yeah, man,” Al replied with a nod.
“And stay home tomorrow too. That’s an order.” Hank smiled nudging Al playfully, though he was serious about him staying home to rest. He got up, standing beside Trudy. “Need anything else before we leave?”
Al looked up at them, shrugging. “A new nose would probably help right about now.”
Trudy laughed, shaking her head. “I can’t help you with that one, Al. But there’s more soup in this bag for you. That’s the best I got.”
“Thanks,” Al said with a small grin as Trudy and Hank finally left, letting him rest for the night.
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 1 year
Random S5 headcanons (part 1)
His real name is Ernie
Stress bakes; one time he got so freaked out over something that he baked THREE WHOLE CHEESECAKES. They were very tasty and he would’ve been more proud of it had he not been so scured at the time
Speaking of, he has anxiety too. Folks call him paranoid all the time
The Autism is big with this one, boys
He actually also has anger issues too, but he’s good at keeping himself leveled. He’s kinda ashamed of it, even though everyone else tells him not to feel bad about it. He’s just always so worried that someday he’s gonna do or say the wrong thing that he won’t be able to take back
Book smart for the most part (pun not intended)
Octoling—or inktoling really. He wasn’t born in octarian society, but rather he’s a hybrid of an octoling and an inkling but he happened to inherit most of his father’s genes (there’s really more to it, but I’m not gonna get into it cuz BLAH). The reason no one could ever tell was because he applied makeup, hid his hair, and had his ears carved to represent that of an inkling’s sharp ears. His grandfather was the one who carved his ears, honestly
As you can imagine from the last point, yeah, his grandad was pretty strict, even abusive. He grew up with his grandad actually on a ranch in a rural part of Inkopolis. Perfect storm to happen; Army’s father got mugged and murdered by somebody and his mom died from an unknown sickness. His other family members had moved far away so, he was left with his grandfather. His grandad didn’t like how he was a half octoling and gave him hell for it. Grandad was actually a soldier during the Great Turf War so… Wasn’t too surprising that he wouldn’t be too happy about having an octoling as a grandchild.
Army’s grandad was more on the verbally abusive side. When it comes to physical abuse it was mostly when he makes Army do an excessive amount of manual labor, like lifting and tossing heavy stuff on the ranch, repainting the fences whenever they start chipping, that kind of stuff. Although, he was no stranger to getting more physical with Army, mostly striking him across the face or stomping his heel on Army’s feet. When people asked about the big red marks on his cheeks or his swollen feet, he’d tell them he hit his face with a branch or he stubbed his toes. Neither story ever convinced anyone.
Knows some martial arts, like judo and taekwondo. His grandad taught him that, too. He’s actually really good at it, mostly because he takes note of every move in great coherent detail. He never has anyone to train with, though, other than grandad. Even then, grandad isn’t always the most motivating partner
Because he’s an inktoling (with mostly octoling dominant genes) he’s got a pretty shitty immune system. He gets sick white often, so it’s seen as a bigger deal whenever he and his team come out to do turf wars, since he also has to balance time practicing martial arts, jotting down in his manual, doing farm work, the likes.
Short shit. He’s the only, and I mean the ONLY S5 member who’s under 5 feet. He’s 4,8 lmao
However, he’s built as a brick garage. Tossing tons bags of hay around a day at a time will do that to you. No one ever notices because he’s always got his parka on
His military persona is also from the influence of his strict grandad. Army also believed it would better improve his skills in turf war, which he strived to be good at since it felt like it would be the only way to get his grandfather’s approval. Now? He doesn’t care no more. Still, he holds his personality true, but he’s settled down a bit
Goggles was one of the first people to find out that Army was an Octoling (inktoling) and the moment he did he was like “bro, you’ve gotta meet my parents”
Army was THRILLED when he met Goggles’s parents, because Goggles’s parents are actually octolings too! Same with his little twin sisters. (Based on a headcanon between me and an oomfie on Twitter) For the first time Army felt like he belonged somewhere, truly as an octoling. They were so nice to him too, and they welcomed him in with open arms. They also even offered him a place to stay when his grandad kicked him out after a fight they had. Goggles’ mom immediately called the police on his grandfather when that happened. Army didn’t stay with them for too long before he eventually got a place with Mask in Splatsville. Even then, he’ll always be in their debt.
Not only that, but Army was also the first to find out that Forge was an Inktoling too, as vice versa. Those two were in a silent solidarity until octolings became a more open part of society, so they’re solidarity became less silent :) they are still friends
Army had a real cheesy crush on Forge at one point. It was like a tragic romance written by a medieval writer where he never had the courage to confess his love for her. It was even worse because she was a lesbian so he never stood a chance 😞
Even after leaving his grandad, he still misses him sometimes. Sure, he was a shitty person… But he was one of the most familiar people he ever knew, and there was still some love for him somewhere in Army’s tight and damaged heart. Nonetheless, he never went to visit his grandfather in prison
Actually enjoys going to parties hosted by Aloha, as long as nothing goes too far or out of hand. He always brings his teammates over too and they have a lot of fun. For him, it’s always a great escape from his shitty home life, and he loves to find ways to enjoy himself amongst familiar faces. Even if they don’t know who he really is underneath his beret and eye makeup. Even after his life started looking up, he’d still find it in his time to attend some of those parties; plus, he enjoys bringing some desert or curry he makes!
Cooking also brings a source of relaxation and comfort to him, especially if he gets to share it with people he cares about. His grandad would never admit it, but he was impressed by every single curry recipe Army came up with
He started forming a crush on Goggles when they got closer because of Goggles’s octo family. It was also the fault of the parents cuz they tried hooking them up together (you know they showed Army ALL of Goggles’s baby pictures)
Credit to RHebe12 on Twitter (we were interacting after they were the one to come up with the octo family headcanon and I came up with the Goami idea)
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He also has a crush on Rider and Skull because I said so. Skulgoamirai for life
His real name is Lee
Absolute introvert. He just has this talent of getting along with just about anybody. When he got an apartment in Splatsville he started bunking with this giant ass, stone cold, socially detached butch lesbian. Just a week later and they started acting like best friends. It’s that friendship rizz he got
He likes to tease people a lot, not in a mean way, he just likes to get under people’s skin as a way of playing with them. Lilith tried to clock him in the nose for it one time, so he doesn’t tease her anymore… Or at least not as much (he can’t help it!)
Fashionista mofo. If you’re looking for him, you’ll typically find him at the mall or the beach if he’s not at Mahi Mahi Resort. He loves getting his nails done, dying his hair, trying on some new clothes, checking out all the babes, and dragging all of his buddies along with him
He likes to style his hair a lot, mostly just changing the colors and ombré shades. Sometime the ombres also appears in his ink at the tips of the splotches.
His hair and ink are also kinda glowy, too. That’s because he’s a Firefly squid 🦑
Pretty good at dancing. He’s also a pretty decent singer. He tried doing both at the same time once but he didn’t have enough breath in him for that. I’m, three dots from, stardooooom
Sometimes he likes to sing when he thinks he’s alone. If you catch him and he notices, he’ll scream like a little girl and pass out probably. Mans is shy
Pansexual. He’s better at flirting with anyone when he’s only doing it for show, because he has more confidence due to not worrying about rejection. However, he absolutely fumbles and stumbles over his words if he’s tryna get with someone who he sincerely has an interest in. He’s also not good with receiving flirts back, cuz the moment he gets complimented he melts like an unsupervised popsicle in the summertime.
Transmasc. He loves to show off his top surgery scars by keeping his shirt opened up whenever he can. He’s also got a little bit of bust from the testosterone, and he loves to flex for the ladies, lads and enby chads
His ethnicity is Hawaiian Puerto Reefian (Puerto Rican) it’s an aquatic ethnicity pun.
Asymmetry is his distant cousin (she’s more Filipino tho). They are friends :)
His parents are on the verge of divorce. He’s not too surprised, as all he remembers is the both of them fighting over everything and finding nothing to agree on, so as he got older he was kind of waiting for it to happen. He’s kinda sad about it tho, but it’s not like they treat each other too badly, or treat him badly.
In contrast to Army, he’s more street kind of smart. Pilot Cosmo voice: “this magnificent charm is secretly a curse ✨”
VERY fast runner. If you are running for your life from him then ooh child you better count your seconds and say your prayers. (He’s a runner he’s a track star 🏃‍♂️)
Unlike every other cephalopod, he’s actually tried to learn how to swim because of the fact that he goes surfing. He’s… Getting a little better at it (the jelly lifeguard is sick of seeing him even NEAR the pool)
He’s also the hugger of the group. Had a bad day? “C’mere mf let lemme give you a hug-“
Army has needed many of his encouragement hugs from, and Aloha always delivered and never judged him at all for it
Important to note: He has a bit of a temper. At one point people thought he had anger issues, but it’s not that extreme. He just has a hard time keeping his patience with some people. He also has a hard time concealing it because he doesn’t ever consider his temper to be an issue. It’s not like he gets mad often, but if you press the right buttons then he’s gonna get as steamy as a train
His parents are in charge of the grand bar Mahi Mahi resort, so that’s why he and his team or just about anybody he has along with him are able to come and hangout 24/7.
He knows how to make alcoholic beverages, but he’s responsible about who he serves to (to an extent. But he always makes sure his buddies never drink too much and that they have some water at least while making sure they don’t do anything too stupid.) He always keeps a bottle of gin in his drink cabinets because Army likes that stuff, apparently (gin tastes like shit), and he loves watching Army get absolutely wasted and fall to the floor. It’s the goofiest shit. He’s always willing to care for his hungover ass afterwards, anyways
He also hosts a bunch of parties over at his place, and depending on the kind of people or how many people he has, he he might open up his mini bar. Still, he makes sure not to serve anyone too underage or if they can’t hold their liquor well.
He’s also very strict about any tampered drinks. He and his team take upon the role as drink supervisors at his parents’ bar and his own house parties. The millisecond they see any drinks with the ice sinking, change in color, excessive bubbles, or a foggy appearance, it’s out of the field; they’ll spill it in a potted plant, sink, hell, they’ll even shut it out the window. Aloha doesn’t stand for that shit. Everyone at the bar and his parties are supposed to have fun. No one was gonna get hurt on his watch.
Typically, when he catches drink tamper culprits, he’ll deal with them himself. Sometimes he’ll get someone strong like Diver, Rider, Army or Skull to hold them down while he… Teaches them a lesson. He’s very serious about this kind of stuff. If you wanna know why, ask what happened to his mum when she was in high school.
Anyways- he’s very, very verbally affectionate with any significant other he has. Words of affirmation is his strong long language. Whether they’re a boy, girl, or enby he’ll always find new things to compliment them for every day. He’ll say things like “my BIG STRONG handsome boy ☺️” “man, I’ve scored such a gorgeous lady” “you always looks so wonderful every day. What’s your secret, love?” I just wanna see him be verbally affectionate.
He’s also physically affectionate. I’m talking peppering his love’s face with kisses, nibbling on their ear while hugging them from behind, back neck and shoulder kisses. He does everything he can to make sure his lover is truly loved
Btw forgot to mentioned but Aloha’s got a GIRLFRIEEEEEEND! She’s a beautiful, tall, strong and blue haired octoling lady who he loves to pieces! AND SHES TRANS TOO! TRANS FOR TRANS! Her names O’sana, but her nickname is Beach and she’s eventually became part of Lilith’s team in Splatsville and she wields the custom goo tuber and loves to octo bag with it. She’s also pretty good at breakdancing, and they love to dance together 😊. It’s also ironic though cuz she’s also known to be very clumsy. They met during a 1v1 tournament in Splatsville when they were playing against each other, and the moment she winked at him once he was head over heels and on his knees for her. So much so that he couldn’t even flirt properly when they met after the match; “Hey girl, are you a girl, because- I- I love you, I- What the fuck how is this happening I’m usually so good at this, ARE YOU SINGLE?!”
Beach: “Yeah 😁”
Aloha: “Well, d-do you wanna go on a dat-“
Beach: “Yeah! 😄”
I shit you not that’s how it all happened. Both have W rizz. You can see a drawing I did of her here
Well that’s enough for now. I hope you like my headcanons. See you all again soon with more! 👋🏻
(Post is ever changing. Check back every so often to find changes!)
Here’s the second part (Mask, Skull and Rider) >
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appynonna · 3 months
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Our Universe Chapter 4: New friends? Pairing: Poly!OT8xoriginal chararters Rating: 18+ Word Count: 1,736 Words Warning: Nothing bad, Past sexual relationships, pet names, Hinting at GxG relationship, Little bit of cussing.
Previous Chapter --> Thunder
Arthur notes: Hello, deary The chapters are just getting longer and longer now it seems, I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing! I am planning to try to keep posting two chapters a week for the time being, Aiming for Wednesdays and Saturdays. The last few days have been crazy, between my own relationships, friends, and work, it's just a lot. But it's ok because I start Thepary this coming week, That's good, right? well without any further nonsense, the next chapter!
When I woke up I was alone. Not even Siren was still in the bed with me, The door was cracked open. Getting out of bed I headed back to my Bedroom to get dressed for the day.
Once dressed I grabbed a butterfly claw clip and my blushed colored Kitten Heels and headed down the stairs. The voices got louder the closer I got down the stairs. With the claw clip between my teeth, I twisted my ponytail and clipped it in, My messy curls barely tickling the top of my shoulders.
"But mommy" I could hear Wooyoung whine "I don't want scrambled eggs, I wanted a friend egg" He whined as I rounded the island heading into the kitchen. Heading to the pantry, I grabbed the box within it to make an iced coffee with Boba. "Here let me," Yunho's sweet voice said behind me, Grabbing the box from the second shelf
"Jongho said something about you might be going to see Yechan?" He asked grabbing two reusable boba cups that we kept out. Both were clear, but one was black with little red strawberries, and the other a clear pink
"I am," I told him, walking out behind him. I sat my shoes down next to the bench that went out to the garage. "I can take her's if you want me to," I told him looking back off to the right where her door was closed "Is she not here? I asked turning back to the chaos that was in the kitchen this morning. "No" Yunho started " The storm came out of nowhere last night so she was in town at the apartment when it hit" He was going toward the freezer to get the ice. "Mingi slept in her room though, I'm surprised he has not woke up yet" Yunho looked over his shoulder at the door where Mingi slept behind
Wooyoung was still pulling on Seonghwa's ripped black sweater, I sat on one of the high chairs at the bar "Jung Wooyoung, I swear to the gods above" Seonghwa raised his hand that held the little bowl of eggs in it, ready to throw it at the other man.
Before the bowl could leave his hand, A very grumpy Hongjoong grabbed his arm. Raising the bowl out of Seonghwa's hand, and placing it on the counter. "Too loud" Hongjoong Mumbled as he poured a cup of black Hazelnut coffee with no sugar and walked out of the kitchen towards his office, Closing the door behind him.
"He fine, Mingi walked up to me out of the blue, He placed his hand on my upper back above my bra line and placed a kiss on top of my head.
"Coffee Ice cubes or Normal ones" Yunho called over his shoulder "Coffee ones," Mingi's deep voice said before I could, I giggled as he leaned down and kissed my nose.
"Mingi, why are you so careful with her?" Wooyoung asked with a mouth full of food, He was leaning on the counter next to the stove "Shut it, Woo" Mingi snapped at him, His boba eyes turning cold as he stared at Wooyoung. If looks could kill, Wooyoung would be dead. I turned to look at Woo, He just had his cocky 'I saw you naked last week' smirk "You do know she doesn't like the gentleness, right?" Woo stated with a fake innocent smile "Wooyoung" several of the guys called out at once, My face immediately going beet red. Mingi moved away from me heading toward Wooyoung "Ok, and with that it's time for you to head out," Yunho said sitting the two drinks on the bar and turning to grab my heel from next to the bench, on the floor.
I took my shoes from him and slipped them on. Turning back towards the kitchen both Seonghwa and Mingi had Wooyoung pushed back into the corner of the counter. "What are they going to do to him," I asked Yunho "Don't worry about that," he said with a simple smile, placing my pink and white pearl keychain in my hand. "Now head to Yechan's office and have a good day" He kissed my forehead, then walked away back towards the stairs that went down to the garage.
the house had two garages attached to it that went underground housing the family's cars. With 8-10 people in the house at a given time it accounted for a lot of cars. Everyone that their rides. Hongjoong and Yechan are the only ones that have two vehicles.
At any given time you could find an array of vehicles in either of the garages. Cars, a few small SUVs, motorcycles, and two trucks. almost every vehicle was either a Dark or neutral color Which made my car stand out even more. The light pink Lamborghini had been a gift from Hongjoong shortly after I moved into the house with them. I told him that I didn't need anything so extravagant and that my old Honda Civic would do just fine. He did not take my 'no' for an answer.
The drive to the Ninth St. office was quick 20 minutes at most, having good music helped it go by quicker, so I turned the square where the office sat on the next street over. Rhea's salon sat across the way in the square. Right down from the hair salon was a new little clothing store that had just opened, A white dress in the window caught my eye. "Cute," I said to myself as I pulled around the corner to the from of the office, Parking next to the black Corvette, No other cars were in the small parking lot.
I grabbed the drinks, Looking back at the clothing store. In the front glass door flipping the open sign around stood a tall man with long dark hair, Brown or maybe black. From this distance, I couldn't make much out as to what he looked liked 'I wonder if I could talk Yechan into going over to it with me today' I thought to myself as I headed up the stairs into the building.
The front entrance leads to a slightly larger rectangular room. A set of sofas with two plush chairs and a coffee table between them sat on either end of the room. the right side wall had a large window letting in a lot of natural light whereas where the left wall had a gas-burning fireplace with a large TV above it. Along the back wall was a set of double doors on either of a metal and glass desk. The desk's owner was nowhere in site.
In front of the desk was a very fluffy curly-haired German Shepherd, Dune. He lifted his head as the door shut behind me "Good morning, Dune." I greeted the insanely smart dog. "Where is your mummy?" I asked with a fake British accent, I laughed at myself just a little. If the dog could roll his eyes, I'm certain he would have. Nonetheless, he got up and walked through the 'enter' door.
Moving through the small office space and the few rows of square desks, we made it to Yechan's office. Dune trotting in before me
"Knock knock," I said lightly knocking on the open door, Yechan looked up. "Ari, Yunho said that you would be dropping by," She said reaching for her black phone, which was sitting on her desk. Typing quickly she sat it back down for it to go off not thirty seconds later. She took a glance at the phone and her attention back to me.
"What are you up to?" I asked her, walking over to her large desk. It was mostly made of wood, and the 'top' that her laptop along with two monitors set on was elevated on a floating stand that ran the length of the table, Lights lined the underside of it giving the desk a nice glow effect. The were several chairs in the room, either white or brown leather, with a sofa on the back wall with a small glass coffee table, two of the three walls were glass and the other wall that the door wasn't on was a built-in book self with the same soft glow lights. "I was just checking to make sure the checks that were used to pay to rent the Venue and to pay the Band, food vendor, and florist have came out," she said looking back down at her laptop. The balance shown at the top of the screen was a number that I wasn't sure how to pronounce.
"And they did" She smiled, clicked the mouse a few times, and then leaned back in the brown leather chair, she checked her phone again "Now I have about 30-ish minutes to kill until it's time for my appointment with Rhea" I smiled as she talked about her Co-tenant pulling a strand of her fade green curl "I think, I'm just going to go back to black and try to let it grow some" she added as Dune laid his head on her thighs.
Yechan was found normally wearing anything from a-line short skirts, leather pants, and jackets today she had on black leggings with a white strip going down both legs and an oversized white shirt that had a twitty bird on the front of it. Only her Lip ring is visible.
"You look different today," I said nervously eyeballing her. Yechan chuckled and pulled her top off her chest a little bit, making the black sports bra visible for just a second "I don't care if this shirt gets messed up" She shrugged then looked at me, reaching out she grab my hands.
Until that moment I didn't realize I was picking at my nails. "I make you nervous, don't I? SHe asked throwing me a small smile, I nodded looking at her hands holding into mine. "you have so much history with them and we are still so new" I looked at her for a second, Her dark green eyes meeting mine, I looked back down unable to hold her gaze "Yes, me and Seonghwa have been together for almost a year now but the rest is still so new," I said as I played with the ring on her right ring finger.
She smiled at me " Yunho had told me that you seem to be struggling with it a little bit." She let go of my hand and stood up, Walking over towards the leather sofa that sat on the far wall. The coffee Yunho made in her hand "Come sit" She patted the seat next to her.
I sat down where she told me to "They treat you so differently from everyone else, They are so protective of you it's almost to the point of obsession," she said playing with the straw on her cup. I gave her a funny look, and Yechan smiled "How much do you know, like in full?"She asked me.
"I know that they are all together, but also paired off" I started "Hongjoong and Seonghwa, Yunho and Mingi, San and Wooyoung, and Yeosang is with Jongho but they are not as public about it as the rest." I stopped to take a sip of my coffee "They are all together, like a big bowl of soup " Yechan laughed a little bit at that "I'm sure you noticed that they don't have me living full-time in the house, even though I do have a bedroom there" I nodded, now that I think about it her room is the only one downstairs too. The rest is upstairs with a small guest house out by the pool. "You had been with Seonghwa for around 6 months or so when they moved you in, right?" I nodded again not surprised that she knew that"
"What do you know about my relationship with Yunho," She asked me, reaching down she placed her coffee on the table. She picked up what looked to be an older photo, the edges slightly faded. The photo was a picture of Yunho, in a white school uniform with a brown backpack. A yellow and green school behind him.
I smiled at how young he looked, still having the same sweet smile. "I know you have been together for a while, and that it's off you both have the same unique last name." She chuckled at that. "We have the same last name because we are technically married" She looked down at her hand the sliver ring sat on the ring finger of her right hand, on the top side it had to be what looked like a heart with a heartbeat under it.
I saw a very similar-looking ring worn by Mingi "It's a matching set" she said playing with it " with Mingi" Yechan turned to look at me
"I do stay in the house at times, But you live in the house, and Hongjoong moved you into the house" Yechan poked my arm with her long nail each time she said 'You'
"most of the time Hongjoong acts like he is irritated that I'm there, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells with him," I told her, Tears pricked the back of my eyes. I looked down at my lap. Yechan turned towards me pulling my face to look towards hers " Hongjoong and I don't have sex anymore. We used to, but he stopped when you moved in" SHe said wiping the tear that threatened to fall away "He treats you differently than anyone else I had ever seen, He's soft with you." She smiled
I want to ask you a question, If you don't want to answer it you don't have to" She looked at me with a stren look in her eyes, and I nodded my head. "Bunny" She started, I could feel my face getting hotter by the second. The eye contact was not helping, Her thumb tracing over my lower lip " I need a verbal response that you understand me" her thumb pulled my lower lip down slightly "I do" I told her, I took almost everything in me to say that
Yechan smiled "Good girl" She started "ok, So" she took a breath "asking bluntly, You have been with some of the other guys, right?" She asked. I'm sure just from the question, my face was as red as a cherry tomato, I nodded "I have with a few of them" Yechan nodded "And you have been with Mingi?" she asked
I let out a sigh and looked down at my hands " I have" I said feeling bad about the whole thing. "Mingi showed up at my house that night 3 weeks ago," She said " Yunho and I had a late dinner and We were back at my apartment, Mingi showed up out of the blue panicking. He just kept saying that he had hurt you and muttering about blood" Yechan said I looked back at her " He went to your house?" I asked her, She nodded "He did, He needed Yunho more than I did at that moment. I understand most of what happened, BUt if you don't mind can you tell me what happened?" She asked carefully "It's completely up to you," she said, Placing her arm along the back of the sofa. her hand falling on my shoulder.
I turned to Yechan "you are in relations with them as well, right? I asked her, She nodded "I am, and by extension, I could be with you too, or I could just be your friend. If you don't want to be with one of us just say so." She smiled at me. It was a soft warm smile with no teeth showing.
I could tell that she was being careful with what she said and how she said it trying to not make me panic and run, but I also think if she didn't need to know then she wouldn't be asking. " Ok, I'll tell you"
Yechan by all means was still very intimidating but I could tell that she only wanted the best outcome for our group's relationship. "OK, I don't mind talking about it about it, As long as it stays between us, and anyone who was there knows what happened. " I told her " Mingi had ripped me, It was only slightly not bad enough for Yeosang to think I wouldn't need stitches but still bad enough that will all the fluid and everything going on it looked like a lot of blood. " I said mindlessly playing with Seonghwa's right on my right ring finger.
"I honestly didn't even realize what had happened until he was off me running out of the room, A few moments later Hongjoong and Seonghwa were in the room with me. Mingi wouldn't come back in, He then left" I told Yechan
"That must be when he showed up at my apartment" Yechan nodded "Ya, I would assume so. He stayed gone, away from the house for about a week. Once he came back he was different, He had changed" I told her feeling my brows knit "He was so carefree before, But now it's like he's scared that if he touches me I'll break" I looked back to Yechan
"I noticed that too, He doesn't move as fast as he used to. Alright I know where to start to try talking to him" She looked at me with a smile so bright it was scary. "Thank you, Ari" she then stood up. "It's time for me to start to head over to Rhea's Salon if you want to go with me" She added holding out a hand. I took it pulling myself to stand, I told her ok.
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buckysgrace · 1 year
Part two of Cruel Summer!! Will continue to include stepcest, smut, violence and drug/alcohol abuse
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September 6th 1985
Friday’s were becoming Kim’s favorite day. 
Susan always worked a double and Max usually ended up at El’s house. That left the trailer solely for Kim and Billy. She craved alone time with him. She craved any time that she didn’t pretend to not be with him. She was growing frustrated with being in such a small house and being unable to touch him. 
Her mind felt scattered as she stared at the clock on the wall, willing for the remaining hours to go by faster than what they were. Study hall was dragging on as Kim pictured the different things she’d do with Billy tonight. 
“Hey,” Robin leaned forward, her elbow resting on Kim’s desk and a smile forming on her lips, “Steve and I were going to hang out later, maybe you want to join us?” Kim fumbled with her pencil for a moment before she sat it down across her desk. She paused for a moment, trying to think of an excuse. 
This was the second time that Robin had invited her to hang out and Kim would once again be rejecting her. It had nothing to do with Robin’s crush, rather that she didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to have alone time with Billy. She felt like she didn’t get that much time with him anymore.
“Oh,” Kim smiled kindly, “My mom needs me to help her around the house. I can’t tonight.” It wasn’t an exact lie. Susan’s arm was still in a cast, but that didn’t stop her from working. She had two jobs this time as she tried to keep up with the bills. It made Kim feel bad, like she wasn’t doing enough to help. 
“Is she feeling any better?” Robin questioned gently, “You know, is her arm healing right?” Kim nodded her head but began to think about how Susan had started drinking. She wasn’t acting her normal, but claimed that the alcohol helped in a way the pills didn’t. Kim couldn’t find it in herself to fight with Susan about it. Every time she tried to suggest something else Susan got bitter and snappy. 
“Oh, yeah I think so,” Kim responded as she tucked her hair behind her ears, “She doesn’t act like it hurts as bad.” She lied as she began to fiddle with her pencil again. She was giving Susan a lot of excuses for why she was behaving the way she was. 
“Steve could drop you off.” Robin’s face brightened as her fingers tapped against Kim’s eraser. Kim felt her eyes widening, unsure if that was the best idea. Billy still clearly hated him and she really didn’t want him to think that she was willingly hanging out with Steve. 
“Oh, well Billy usually gets me,” She replied quickly, “He just works later today.” He always closed up the garage on Friday’s, but she had no issue with that. She liked walking there. Sometimes it felt like it cleared her mind. She would usually curl up on the guest chairs as she waited for him to finish. She liked watching him work and she was sure it was from her fascination with his hands. He had a special way about using them. 
“We could drop you off there,” Robin grinned like it was a great idea, “Come on, look at the way it’s pouring rain. You don’t want to walk in this.” Kim glanced towards the window, looking at the way the rain was dancing off of the glass. The whole school had seemed gloomier today because of the storm that seemed stuck on top of them. Kim thought deeply for a moment. She was sure she could try to wait out the storm, or attempt to get a hold of Billy once school ended. She temporarily considered asking Addi, but figured that showing up with Eddie would be just as bad as riding with Steve. 
“Okay,” Kim drew out softly, “I could take the ride.” She confirmed, watching the way Robin’s lips curled into a deep smile. She felt bad suddenly, hoping she wasn’t leading Robin on. Kim had tried her best to set clear boundaries between the two of them, trying to reinforce that they were only friends. She honestly didn’t know how to do that without revealing what she knew.
“Miss Buckley, I do believe your desk is facing forward,” Mr. Coleman spoke loudly to the otherwise quiet classroom. Kim felt her face burn, mirroring Robin’s as she quickly swiveled around. Kim smiled bashfully, pretending that she was focusing on her math homework, “Thank you.” Kim stared at the numbers on her paper as she took a deep breath, trying to change the focus in her mind.
The back of her neck began to prickle as she rubbed the back of her neck, feeling like her hair may begin standing up straight. She glanced towards her left, only to meet Jason’s cold eyes. She froze for a moment, taking in the intense way he was staring at her before she looked back down at her paper. She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to will her beating heart to slow down. It was clear what he still thought about her.
She slumped forward on her desk, resting her left elbow on the table and her hand on her cheek so her hair could hide the rest of her away. She inhaled sharply as she pretended to work on her paper, hoping that she could ignore that Jason was still clearly looking at her. 
The bell couldn’t come fast enough for Kim. She packed up quickly, swinging her backpack over her shoulders quickly as she bolted from the room first. She supposed she should’ve asked where to meet Robin, but she didn’t care about that at the moment. She felt like she needed distance between her and Jason, before she really started to freak out.
She walked a few hallways over until her familiar locker pulled into view. She opened it, temporarily taken aback by her reflection in the mirror. She looked at her wide eyes and panic stricken features. She inhaled deeply, trying to relax her nerves as she reminded herself that nothing would happen. Jason could stare as much as he wanted, but she was sure that he would never really mess with her again. 
“Hey,” Addi approached her as Kim emptied the books in her locker into her bag, “What are you doing tomorrow?” Kim huffed out a spurt of air to get the hair from her face. Addi crossed her arms as she leaned against the locker next to Kim’s. 
“I’m not for sure,” Kim admitted, knowing that she’d probably do something with Billy, “I’ll probably clean up the house a bit. Maybe do the grocery shopping for my mom.” She shrugged her shoulders as she pulled her backpack up over her arms. Addi bit her bottom lip, like she was considering if it was safe to share her thoughts. 
“I miss you,” Addi admitted, “I feel like I never see you anymore.” She rubbed her arm as she spoke. Kim felt bad suddenly, thinking that it had been a while since they’d done anything alone. They had a few classes together and shared the same lunch period, but hadn’t ventured out further than that. There was still something unspoken between them, an odd tension that neither could seem to solve at the moment. 
“I know,” Kim told her honestly, trying not to feel guilty at her words, “It’s just been busy around the house.” Kim wasn’t lying about her statement. Kim had taken over most of the housework, as Susan either complained about being too tired or in too much pain to handle much else. Part of Kim wondered if it had to do with the drinking as well. It made Susan act like a completely different person. She wasn’t as happy. Most nights she didn’t even make it into her room. Usually they’d wake up to find her passed out on the couch, if she even made it that far. 
“With Billy?” Addi questioned underneath her breath as she raised a dark eyebrow on her forehead. Kim stiffened for a moment as she glanced around the emptying hallway. Kim gnawed on her bottom lip for a moment. 
“He works a lot,” Kim defended Billy after a brief pause, “Mom just isn’t in the best place right now.” She told Addi slowly, not feeling safe enough to reveal her family secrets in these hallways. The nasty looks she had received from Jason and his friends since school had started left her feeling uneasy. Addi nodded her head, waiting a moment as she walked
“Eddie’s terrified of him,” Addi admitted as they continued to walk towards the exit. Kim thought for a moment before she realized she had no words to reassure Addi. Billy hadn’t said anything else about the subject, but she had noticed the irritation that grew on his features anytime he heard the sound of Eddie’s van, “We should have a day without boys.” Addi suggested, bumping her shoulder against Kim’s. She smiled, like there was no tension between the two of them. 
“I’d like that,” Kim said as she thought for a moment, “Saturday will be the last day the pool is open, we could hang out there for a while?” She asked, thinking that it would be fun to swim last time. She thought it would be a nice bittersweet memory, considering they spent the beginning of their summer lounging around the pool. She thought it would be nice to end it the same way. 
“I thought Billy still works there on weekends?” Addi cocked an eyebrow again, looking at Kim with an amused smile. Kim blanched for a moment, the thought of Billy being there being overlooked on her behalf. They paused near the double doors, watching as the rain continued to pour down. 
“Yeah,” Kim felt a bit embarrassed as she tugged on her hair, “I guess you’re right.” She muttered underneath her breath, feeling a bit dumb for suggesting the pool. She began to think quickly again, wondering if a trip to the pool would suffice. 
“That’s fine,” Addi shrugged her shoulders as if she had thought it all through again that quickly, “We can hang there. I could meet you at noon?” Kim nodded her head, figuring that would work. She may have to go a bit earlier, depending on what time Billy worked. She didn’t mention that, wondering if she seemed too reliant on him. 
“Sure,” Kim grinned, “I can’t wait.” Kim glanced outside again, looking at how there seemed to be clouds of steam rising off from the pavement. She figured the rain must be very cold and the ground very warm for it to be doing that. 
“Do you need a ride?” Addi asked as she crossed her arms, watching as a van approached. Kim bit her lip, figuring that it would’ve been more comfortable to ride with Addi and Eddie. She glanced over her shoulder, wondering if she had already missed Robin. 
“Actually,” Kim drew in a slow breath, “I’m supposed to hitch a ride with Robin and Steve.” She turned to smile at her friend, suddenly remembering that she had never told Addi about what she had found out. She felt her smile faltering for a moment, realizing that it wasn’t a secret she should share. She wasn’t sure how Addi would react to something like that and she didn’t want to expose Robin. 
“Oh,” Addi smiled a bit teasingly, like she was considering that Kim might still have feelings for Steve, “Will Billy like that?” She nudged Kim again, looking too playful. Kim rubbed her arm softly, still feeling like she had Neil’s hands on her. 
“It’s just a ride,” Kim shrugged her shoulders, feeling her face burn at Addi’s suggestion, “It’s not that big of a deal.” She reasoned with Addi, although it felt like it was more towards herself at this point. She knew Billy didn’t like Steve, but she was sure he’d be fine with one car ride. She gnawed on her bottom lip, thinking that if she showed up drenched he’d just start talking about how she needed to get her driver’s license again. 
“Alright,” Addi raised a hand down the hallway and Kim watched as Robin approached, dragging along a very large suitcase. Addi smiled at Kim again, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She reminded Kim, smiling brightly before she was pushing the door open and rushing through the pouring rain. Kim smiled as Robin approached, watching the way her blue eyes were gleaming. 
“Ready?” Robin questioned, linking her arm with Kim’s. Kim felt her cheeks burning again, wondering if this was a friendly gesture or if Robin thought it was something more. She quickly shook her head, feeling bad for thinking such a thought. She turned towards Robin, smiling warmly at her.
“Of course,” She told Robin quickly, wincing as they pushed the doors open. Robin pointed out towards Steve’s car through the steamy rain clouds. She inhaled sharply before she held a hand up, her fingers pressing against her forehead to keep the rain out of her eyes. She yelped, scurrying with Robin as the cold rain poured onto her skin. She rushed forward, stepping through the deep puddles, “Oh shoot.” She shivered as she struggled with the door handle for a second before it opened. 
She held the door open wide, her eyebrows crinkling as the cold rain continued to pound against her skin. Robin yelped as she quickly shoved her band instrument into the backseat. Robin smiled awkwardly before she rushed towards the passenger seat. Kim hopped into the back, shivering as the cold air conditioning tickled against her skin, drawing goosebumps. 
“Hey,” Steve turned in the seat to look back at her, “I didn’t think you’d join us.” Kim felt shy for a moment, unsure of how she was supposed to speak to Steve now. She wondered how much he had told Robin from their previous conversation, or if he had mentioned anything at all. She suddenly panicked, wondering if Robin still thought that she was into women. Kim quickly vowed to herself that she would never drink again. 
“Shut up,” Robin quickly turned to him, hushing him, “I told her it was pointless to walk in this.” Robin gestured around to the rain that was continuing to pour down around them. Kim nodded her head, hoping that Steve wasn’t putting any thoughts in his head. She inhaled softly, wishing she was allowed to be in public with Billy. Everything would be so much easier if she could be his girlfriend in public. 
“Yeah. Thanks,” Kim brushed her damp hair off of her forehead as she glanced towards Steve, “I appreciate it.” She mumbled, her cheeks burning as she began to feel awkward as she slipped into her shell. She wasn’t sure if she had ever  been alone with Steve and Robin before. A few months ago, she would’ve killed for this moment.
“It’s fine,” Steve glanced towards her in the rearview mirror, “To the trailer park?” She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion, until she figured that Max must’ve told him that they’d moved. She hoped that Max hadn’t said too much. She was sure that Billy would be irritated if Steve knew the full truth. Kim couldn’t understand it, but Billy still thought of himself as weak. She tried to avoid talking about Neil as it had become a sensitive topic throughout the whole house. 
“No,” She fiddled with her hair again, hoping that her request wouldn’t seem odd, “The older car garage down Main Street.” She referenced softly. His brown eyes moved back into the mirror, a hint of curiosity hidden deep within. She tugged on her hair, hoping she could brush off any accusations. 
“Is that where Billy works?” Steve questioned her softly. She nodded her head, worried that he could become suspicious, “I do need an oil change.” He mumbled underneath his breath. She sighed deeply in relief as she realized Steve was just thinking of a way to mess with Billy. It was better than him being suspicious of the two of them. 
“You’re such an idiot,” Robin rolled her eyes dramatically as she looked back to Kim, “He’s just teasing.” Kim didn’t miss the sharp look that Robin sent towards Steve. Kim grinned to herself, nodding as she turned to look out the window. 
She settled in as Robin and Steve began to discuss something in great detail. She felt like she didn’t have the attention span to try and keep up with what they were saying. She felt her own grin forming as she thought about Billy again. Excitement was pooling inside of her stomach as she rubbed her knees together as she fell into deep thought. 
It had been tense trying to sneak around the house with Billy. Max had stayed true to her word and other than to grab a change of clothes, never came inside the bedroom. Despite that, they hardly got any alone time. Susan was always barging in, always needing something or searching for something else. She never acted like she was suspicious, but she was beginning to wonder if she might be. 
The other issue arose with their schedules. They really weren’t that different, but the school work for this year was much more difficult than Kim had originally thought it would be. Most nights she was up late finishing up homework, meanwhile Billy would be passed out from being exhausted from how often he was working. She didn’t like that he was putting in so many hours, it made her worry that he’d eventually be too burnt out to do anything. 
“Do you want me to park closer?” Steve questioned as he pulled into the gravel room. She shook her head as she moved towards the edge of the seat. She tugged her backpack over her shoulders again.
“This is fine,” She told him honestly. Robin turned to look back at her, her blue eyes holding a bit of longing in them. Kim swallowed hard, hoping that she wasn’t leading Robin on. She quickly brushed away her thoughts as she smiled back at Robin, “I’ll see you around. Thank you for the ride.” She added softly as she pulled the door handle open. She squealed again as the cold water hit her skin as she rushed towards the front doors. It was raining so hard that she was sure her socks and shoes would be soaked. 
She was greeted with the smell of oil and musk as she pushed the large door open. She looked around, listening to the sound of clanking as Billy’s loud music filled the otherwise quiet garage. She slowly tugged her bag off of her shoulders, resting it on the seats as she walked towards him. 
The sound of the door shutting drew his attention away from the task at hand. She grinned, once again pushing her wet hair from her face as Billy pushed himself out from underneath the car. She stared at the way his hair was pulled back, at the sweat on his skin as he rose from his low chair. He exhaled as he walked towards her, wiping his greasy palms against his uniform. 
“Hi,” She drew out softly as she ran her fingers across the front of his uniform. His cheeks were reddened from the heat, sweat collecting on his forehead as he wiped his forearm across his skin so he wouldn’t smear the grease from his hands, “How was work?” She asked, watching the way he took a step back to drink from his water bottle. She stared, watching the way the liquid trickled down the corner of his lips. 
“Hot,” He chuckled when he pulled his lips away from his cup. She stared for what felt like the longest time as he glanced towards her, “Did you have a good day at school?” He asked between another gulp of water. Kim nodded her head, her eyes lingering against the drops of water that dripped down his chin. She moved towards him, her body reacting on its own. 
She leaned forward, licking away the remnants of water from the corner of his lips. She slowly dragged her tongue along his skin, tasting the mixture of sweat and water. He hesitated for a moment, his lips parting temporarily before he gently tugged her away.
“I’ve got to finish this,” He said briskly as he turned away from her. She watched, her stomach clenching in anticipation as he positioned himself back onto the trolley chair. She found herself moving closer, watching the way he disappeared underneath the car, “Then we can head out.”
“What do you have to do?” She asked, even though she knew she’d have no idea what he was talking about. She squatted down, looking down curiously as he messed underneath the car. He was too far underneath for her to actually see his face.
“Tightening some bolts,” He muttered as he began to twist the wrench around. She hesitated for a moment before she crawled over his thighs, and straddled his lap, “What are you doing?” He paused his movements, sounding a bit more serious as he began to roll backwards so he was no longer underneath the car. She giggled as her shoes dragged along with his motions. 
“Missed you,” She said simply, feeling as if she was purring as her nails brushed along his uniform, “You can keep working.” She told him earnestly, knowing that she had no issue in doing all of the work. She thought that he looked too tense, that he deserved some time to relax. He sat up a bit and she wondered just how uncomfortable the chair must be.
“Kim,” He chuckled as his hands found her waist, “It won’t take long to finish this.” He responded quickly, but he had the same lustful look in his eyes that she felt deep within her chest. She bit down on her bottom lip, feeling a bit cheekier than usual. She blamed it on the lack of their sex life at the moment. 
“No one will know,” She giggled softly, “It’s fine. You look so handsome right now.” She breathed out quickly as her fingers found the buttons to his gray uniform. She looked up at him curiously, waiting for him to tell her no. He watched her for a long moment as her fingers brushed against his top button. He breathed out roughly as he nodded his head quickly, waiting for her to continue. She felt a giddy smile forming as she went to quick work.
“You really are a whore,” He grinned devilishly as he lifted her skirt up over her hips and roughly tugged her panties aside, “Don’t tease me.” He smacked her ass harshly, the sound echoing in the room. She bit her lip as she slowly pulled his uniform down, breathing in deeply as her fingertips brushed along his golden skin. 
“I want you so badly,” She told him quickly, feeling a strong desire to have him buried deep inside of her, “It’s been so long.” She responded quickly as her dainty hand wrapped around his thick cock. She moaned to herself as she slowly pumped his throbbing cock in her hand. She stared at the precum that was forming against his tip, feeling a deep desire to lean down and lick it away.
“Yeah?” He grunted out softly, his blue eyes darkening as he watched the way her hand moved up the length of his cock, “You could’ve had me.” He reminded her. She felt her cheeks beginning to flush as she shifted her hips closer towards his cock, her walls already clenching at the thought of having him deep inside of her. 
“I was on my period,” She whined softly, licking away the saliva from her lips, “It’s messy.” She quickly reminded him, watching the way his lips parted as if he was going to argue again. She rolled her hips forward suddenly, pressing his tip along her wet cunt to hush him. He breathed out roughly, his argument forgotten as she slowly slid his throbbing cock inside of her.
She felt her lips parting in bliss as he stretched her slowly. She rested one hand against his knees, squeezing tightly as his cock filled her deeply. She whimpered, rolling her body until she was adjusted around him. She moved her hand away from his balls, moving it back so both were resting on his knees. She found herself moaning louder as she began to roll her hips along the length of his cock. 
“Hey, hey,” He grinned as he pressed her hips down until she was sitting fully. She tried to wiggle again but he kept her still, “Stop it.” He said, sounding more fierce this time. She exhaled deeply, feeling a whine settling deep in the bottom of her chest. 
“Why?” She did her best to keep from whining, wanting nothing more than to feel her walls clenching tightly around his cock. She fluttered her eyelashes, feeling like every time she exhaled he slid deeper inside of her drenched cunt. 
“I can’t finish this if you’re moving,” He smirked, looking pleased with himself as her face fell, “Just sit there and warm my cock. I’m almost done.” He smacked her ass again as his dirty hands rubbed along her pale skin. She thought that his idea sounded like torture. 
“I can’t,” She whined pathetically, “I need you so bad.” She nodded her head in an attempt to convince him. He simply shook his head, looking all too used to her antics as he moved his hands away from her. 
“Then you’ll listen and behave,” He grinned as he slowly moved himself back underneath the car, “We have all night. There’s no need to rush.” She huffed and moved her hands back along his warm chest, hoping that he might change his mind as she dragged her nails along his skin. He simply hummed to his music as the sound of his wrench filled the garage again.
She shifted again, just soft enough to earn a grunt from him. She sent him a sly smile, feigning her own innocence as she adjusted back onto his lap. She bit her lip hard, fighting the urge to roll her hips forward. She could feel her wetness dripping along the length of his cock, begging for him to thrust his hips forward. 
“Please,” She begged again, feeling like she may lose her mind, “I want you.” She pleaded again, wanting so desperately to move against him. She was smart enough to realize that if she didn’t listen to him that he would relentlessly tease her for the rest of the night. She didn’t want that either. 
“I’m working,” He reminded herminded her gruffly, not even sparing a glance in her direction, “You need to respect that.” She bit her lip, trying to keep from arguing with him. She rubbed her nails across his uniform, inhaling sharply to try and calm the throbbing that was growing inside of her body.
She kept quiet, holding back her own moans as Billy continued to work. She was biting her bottom lip hard, trying to ignore the way his cock was fluttering inside of her each time he moved his hands to work. She was beginning to believe that he was doing it on purpose, just trying to drive her up to her breaking point. She swore he was working slower, just trying to drive the minutes up.
She squeaked as he finally moved back out from underneath the car. He grinned at the sounds that left her mouth before his messy hands were smacking her bottom, “Up.” He commanded as he lightly gripped her flesh to give her a boost onto her feet. 
“What?” She looked at him in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowing together like she couldn’t believe what he had just said. Her cunt was aching, crying at the thought of not feeling him moving inside of her wet walls. 
“I’m done,” He said simply, “Let’s go home.” He chuckled, sitting up as he pushed her off of his hard cock gently. She whimpered at the loss, her cunt clenching around air as he stood her up. She stared at him, feeling frustration building inside of her tummy. 
“You’re mean,” She breathed out sharply, watching the way he was beginning to look like he would laugh, “And very cruel.” She told him in a matter of fact way. She didn’t understand how he could easily tease her. She wanted him so badly and couldn’t understand how he didn’t want the same thing. 
“Sorry, baby,” He pressed a gentle kiss to her bottom lip that was beginning to grow into a pout, “You know you love it.”
“What do you want for dinner?” Billy asked as he walked back into the room, fresh from his shower. She stared at his freshly cleaned skin, her eyes lingering against the smooth skin on his chest. She drew her eyes up slowly, her lips melting into a smile as his warmth filled the room. “Nothing yet,” She grinned, resting her chin on her interlocked fingers as Billy continued to squeeze the moisture out of his hair with a towel, “I’m not hungry.” She added softly as she swiveled in her chair. She hoped that he would get the hint, that she was still craving something else. 
“You don’t want food?” He looked at her curiously as he glanced towards the clock on the wall. It wasn’t that late, just barely hitting 5:30. They could cook something later, she was craving something entirely different that he had just barely given her a taste of. 
“No,” She bit her lip softly, “Not yet.” She hinted softly again, hoping that he would initiate what she wanted. He looked at her curiously for a moment as her body warmed, her heart thumping harshly inside of her chest. He walked around the counter, a knowing smirk placing on his lips as he approached her. 
“What do you want?” He grinned, tilting her chin up towards him. She shrugged her shoulders, growing shy again, “Come on. Use your words.” His thumb pressed against her bottom lip, just slightly pouting it before he released her lip. She flicked her tongue across where his skin had met hers, watching the way his eyes flickered as he gazed down at her. 
“I want you.” She told him truthfully, knowing there was more than one meaning. She could feel herself pressing her thighs closer together, her lust growing insatiable as she desperately craved to skip the little game that was happening at the moment. He grinned, looking like he wanted to see just how far he could push her before she lost control. 
“You have me.” He reminded her as he drew his finger down the curve of her neck. She breathed out slowly, her skin growing tingly from where he touched. She kept her eyes drawn towards his face as he looked down at her neck as his fingers pressed against the ring that rested there. She inhaled sharply, feeling a sense of confidence growing inside of her. 
“I want your cock,” She admitted bashfully, her face only growing warmer as his eyes snapped up towards her, “I want to feel you inside me.” She spit out quickly, watching the wolfish grin that formed on his lips. His fingers moved against her skin again, sliding until they were curved around her neck.
“Oh you do?” He drew out hotly, his warm breath fanning over her skin as he pulled her closer to him, “I think that makes you a slut.” His eyes lingered against her plump lips, watching the way she licked her bottom lip before he looked back into her hazel eyes. She found her lips curling up into a smile.
“I can’t help it,” She told him honestly, liking the way his large hand fit around her neck, “I just need you so bad. All the time.” She breathed out, feeling like she was soaking her panties. He hummed, his eyes glazing over her for another moment before he was tugging her up against him. A whimper slipped free as his lips slid against hers harshly. She moved just as urgently, her lips pressing against his sloppily as she tried to keep up with his movements.
He pulled away briskly, just enough that he was able to tug her shirt up over her head. His fingers moved to unstrap her bra as his lips hovered against her parted mouth. She breathed out slowly as he pulled the straps down her shoulders. She giggled shyly, nearly going to cover herself before he was tugging her hands down again.
“Pretty,” He mumbled as he rubbed his thumb along her hardening nipple. Her face burned as his warm hands cupped her boobs. She pushed her hair out of her face, unsure of how to respond before he was kissing her again. She melted against him, his compliment warming her whole body, “Want you too.” He spoke huskily, his lips moving against hers.
Her hands moved against his chest, soaking in his warmth as he loosely guided them into the living room. She pressed her fingers into the hem of her skirt, hurriedly discarding it and her panties as he fell back against the couch. They both rushed to pull at his pants, urgently tugging them down over his hips.
She giggled as he pulled her onto his lap. Her hands rested against his chest as she peered down at him, a smile forming on her face as she pushed his blonde curls from his forehead. She analyzed his features for a moment, happy that his bruises were long gone. He looked up at her, a tenderness wedged in his blue eyes as he admired her. He slowly drew his index finger down the curve of her spine, his lips parting like he was debating about telling her something. She cupped his jaw softly, letting her thumbs rub across his now smooth skin.
“What?” She asked softly, feeling the air rush from her lungs as his blue eyes shot up towards her. She watched the way his eyebrows furrowed together, like he didn’t understand what she was asking, “You looked like you were going to say something.” She mumbled softly, feeling warmth continually spreading through her tummy.
“Just had an idea,” He said softly, his blue eyes shining brightly. She traced her thumbs further, just lightly pressing her fingertips against the corner of his lips. She liked the way his mouth moved as he spoke. She nodded her head, urging him to continue, “Do you want to try a different position?” She looked at him curiously.
“There’s more?” She asked honestly, her ears humming in response from the laugh that came from deep inside of his chest. She grinned, feeling a bit embarrassed even though her question was serious.
“Of course,” He teased her softly and gave her narrow hips a little squeeze, “Turn around.” She bit her lip as she nodded, moving one leg away from his hips. He rubbed her skin softly before he was tugging her back onto his lap. He guided her, leaning her spine against his chest as he spread her legs wide. She could feel her face burning but found no time to protest as he linked his arms underneath her knees and pulled them up towards her chest.
“What are you doing?” She panted out softly, already feeling as if she was being bent in an unknown position. He chuckled as he pressed a kiss against the crook of her neck. She exhaled softly, her heart hammering roughly inside of her chest. 
“You’ll have to slide me in,” He mumbled against her neck. She shivered at his words as she slowly reached between their legs, searching for his hard cock. She giggled as she gripped it, giving it a light squeeze before she brushed his tip against her wet hole. She sighed in relief as she pushed him inside, her walls stretching wide as she gladly took him, “Move your arms back.” He groaned out softly. 
She sighed as he adjusted inside of her, bottoming out completely as she rested against him again. She drew her arms back, too taken over by the pleasure that was traveling up her spine to notice that he was tugging her knees up higher towards her chest. She gaped as he shifted her, easily picking her up until her knees were pressed up against her shoulder blades. He held onto the back of her neck, his rings digging into her skin as he held her in position.
“S’lot,” She spit out at last as her legs burned from the unknown position he had tugged her into. She breathed out harshly, the stretch slowly beginning to fade away as he slowly moved his hips forward. She cried out, already overwhelmed from how intense the position felt. She was breathing in slowly, unable to fully inhale from how he had her bent and twisted, “Feels good.” She whimpered after a second thought. His chest vibrated against her skin as he laughed.
“Does it?” He teased her with a mocking tone as he snapped his hips forward harshly. She felt her mouth dropping in awe as the pleasure tickled deep inside of her stomach and up her spine. She tried to nod her head but was unable to from how his hands were gripping a hold of her neck. 
“Yeah,” She moaned out loudly, her toes curling as her pussy clamped down around his thick cock. She whimpered as his muscular arms squeezed her, pulling her closer together and her legs higher up as he continued to press his cock further inside of her, “Oh my god.” She whined, her head falling back in awe. 
He grunted underneath her, his lips dragging across her smooth skin as he rolled his hips up further inside of her. She gaped, her clit throbbing from all of the pleasure that was coursing inside of her body. He was dragging her along the length of his cock, bouncing her easily as if she weighed nothing. 
“Billy,” She cried out in bliss, her eyes feeling stuck in the back of her head as her feet bounced with his powerful thrusts, “Oh my god! More.” She cried out, pleading with him as he continued to move roughly inside of her. She was whimpering as she licked the drool away from her lips.
“You like that?” His voice was husky and warm as his fingers tightened around the back of her neck, “You sound so pretty around my cock.” He groaned as he dragged his lips over the curve of his spine. She gasped at the feeling of his tongue along her warm skin, the sensation tickling her clear down to her toes.
“It feels so good,” She confirmed with a whine, moving her hands up to grip a hold of elbows. This position didn’t allow for her to hold onto anything else for support. She rolled her head back as his cock pressed deep against her bundle of nerves, knocking loud moans from her lips, “You’re so big.” She whimpered as his hips became more sporadic, rocking them both closer to their orgasm. She exhaled harshly, her chest feeling compressed from the tight position he was holding her in.
The tune of their skin meeting echoed in the room, bouncing off the walls and leaving Kim with a glorious shameful feeling in the pit of her stomach. Her head bobbed with the movements of his cock dragging against her drenched walls. She squeezed at his elbows, her nails beginning to dig into his skin from the pleasure that was traveling up her body. 
“You’re such a little slut, baby sister,” He grunted as he continued to press kisses along her freckled skin, “My little slut.” He confirmed with a deep groan. His muscles flexed against her shoulders as he pressed her down harder onto his cock. She whimpered again at the feeling of his balls pressing against her skin as he fully pressed into her. Her eyes drifted down, taking in the bulge that was pressing against her stomach every time he thrust deeper into her. 
“Love being your slut,” She nodded her head encouragingly, her mind feeling fuzzy from the sensation of his cock pumping into her. Her clit was throbbing, begging for more of him as the muscles in her stomach clenched tightly together. She gnawed on her bottom lip, not yet wishing to finish around him, “Need your cock all the time.” She spit out between rough spurts. 
“Whose cock?” He demanded roughly, his arms clenching tighter around her as he slowed his thrusts down. She moaned in protest, desperately trying to wiggle her body in an attempt to push his cock inside of her again. She was sure that he was smug underneath her, probably smirking at the way she was reacting.
“My big brothers,” She moaned out as she spasmed around him, trying to keep his pulsating cock inside of her needy walls, “Need to feel you all the time.” She told him urgently, wishing she could turn to look at him. She felt the vibrations of his laugh against her back as he slowly began to build up his pace again, huffing loudly as he rammed his cock deep inside of her wet cunt. She whimpered at the feeling of her slick sliding down the length of him, the sound of her pussy squeezing him echoed deep within the room. 
“Such a dirty whore,” He tsked underneath his breath. Kim nearly missed his words as he began to grunt loudly, sounding like he was concentrating as his thrusts became more rough. She felt her head bobbing with his movements, the back of her neck repeatedly hitting against his fingers, “So fucking tight.” He exhaled in bliss.
She found herself jolting at the feeling of his nose pressing against her warm skin. His mustache tickled against her skin, causing goosebumps to erupt as he continued to bounce her along the length of his cock. His tip pressed against her bundle of nerves repeatedly, causing her moans to grow louder from the sensation. 
“Billy,” She found herself chanting as she clamped down around him, her body shaking as he throbbed inside of her, “Oh my god, yes!” She squealed out as her toes curled together in bliss. Her head lolled to the side, nearly topping her over as she came around him. Her whole body curled in bliss, spasming deeply as her orgasm rocked roughly inside of her. 
“Oh fuck,” He was close behind as his thrusts became sporadic, thrusting up rougher and slower as she kept a tight grip along his cock. His arms became tighter around her neck, keeping her in place as his grunts filled the room. He pressed into her fully, his cum spurting deep against her walls as he huffed underneath her, “Fuck, fuck you’re so good for me.” His hands quickly pushed her hair aside as he tilted his head up to kiss along her neck.
Her body slowly relaxed as his grip on the back of her neck released and he slowly let her legs fall back onto him. She panted hard, still resting on top of him as tingles raced up her legs and down her arms. His hands rested against her abdomen, drawing soft circles into her skin as their mixture slid between their legs.
“Tired,” She said at last, when her tongue was finally able to make words, “That was a work out.” She found herself giggling softly but quickly stopped at the sensation of his softening cock moving inside of her. She felt too stimulated to go another round so soon. He chuckled lightly, his tired voice sounding as if he agreed.
“You’re telling me,” He lifted her again, just enough that he could pull his dick out of her. She whimpered as their mixture pooled out between her sore legs. She bit her lip, watching as he reached for his discarded towel and began to clean her up, “I’m starving.” He told her truthfully as he glanced up towards her again.
“We can make something,” She told him, giggling as he leaned down to press his lips against hers, “What sounds good?” She asked him as she adjusted herself onto the sofa again. She looked around the floor, following the trail of their clothes until she looked back at him.
“Spaghetti?” He questioned as he rested his cheek against his knuckles. She smiled towards him, liking how carefree he looked at the moment. She pretended to think about it.
“I think that sounds good,” She moved slowly, her legs burning from the motions as she began to pick her clothes up from the floor. He sighed before he stood, following her same lead. She grinned, glancing back towards him as she fixed her bra, “Tomorrow is your last day at the pool, are you excited?” She questioned him as she began to wash her hands. He shrugged as he slipped his pants on.
“Not really,” He admitted as he joined her at the sink, “I’m going to miss swimming.” He told her honestly. She reached for the towel and began to dry her hands, thinking about how he said winter was alway worse for her. She never minded how the seasons changed, but now she was beginning to grow more worried about it. She wasn’t sure how she’d be able to help him at all, only that she would try. 
“Maybe Tommy can let us use his cabin?” She suggested, thinking that they could handle the colder water until it got too unbearable. Billy smiled softly as he took the towel from her. He leaned against the sink as he wiped his hands dry. 
“He’s in California,” He reminded her with a smile, “Otherwise I would’ve asked already.” He said truthfully. She bit her lip and nodded, remembering how it hadn’t been too long ago that Tommy had left for college. 
“Lucky for him,” She teased as she moved towards the fridge. She pulled out what was left of their hamburger and began to rummage through the rest of the ingredients, “Do you want to start on the noodles?” She asked him as she plopped her ingredients out onto the counter. She bent down, reaching for the various pans as Billy grabbed for the box of noodles.
“I hate that part,” He watched as she began to squish the hamburger together with her hands, molding together little meatballs, “It feels weird.” He shivered, as if he was actually touching it. She looked down at her hands, agreeing that it felt very squishy between her fingers.
“I like it better like this,” She told him as she continued to roll out meatballs, “They’re more fun.” She wasn’t sure if it really made sense, but it did to her. She finished them and moved towards the sink, quickly beginning to scrub her hands with soap and hot water. She jumped, turning to look at him just as his hand left her ass. She grinned towards him, watching as he pulled out a can of tomato sauce. 
“Very gourmet,” Billy agreed as he dumped the canned tomato sauce into the pan. He grinned cheekily towards her, “I bet this is just how the Italians do it.” She giggled softly as he handed her the empty can. She quickly tossed it in the trash can behind her. For a moment she winced, fearing that the spare red liquid would splash from how hard she had tossed it. She was quite pleased when she realized it didn’t happen. 
“I’m sure,” She teased back as he nudged his hip against hers, “I bet it will be the best spaghetti ever.” She drew out slowly, fluttering her eyelashes as she looked towards him. He grinned at her. 
“Anything you make is good,” He leaned forward to press a kiss against her forehead, “I can’t wait to try it.” He told her honestly as she worked on cooking the meatballs. She rolled her eyes playfully, figuring that he was just being sweet to her. His hands rested against her hips as she worked, his lips were humming to the music that was playing on the radio. She turned towards him after some time had passed. 
“How’s it taste?” She blew on the meatball softly before she leaned over, holding the fork out towards him. He placed it in his mouth, taking a full bite as he nodded his head. She inspected him for a moment, trying to read his expressions. 
“Really good,” He told her honestly. His hands moved towards her hips again, giving her a reassuring squeeze as she turned back to the stove, “You did good.” He praised her softly as his fingers traced up the curve of her spine. She felt goosebumps arising from his touch as she temporarily stalled until he was gently pulling at the ends of her hair. 
It didn’t take long for their meal to come together. She was still grinning when Billy made both of their plates and sat it on their small table. She poured herself a glass of ice water before she joined him at the table. Her stomach felt full of butterflies, wondering if this would be similar to their life in the future. 
“I’m going to hang out with Addi at the pool tomorrow,” She said softly as they began to eat, “If you don’t care to give me a ride.” She hinted softly. Billy would be at the pool anyways, surely it wouldn’t matter if they rode together. She was sure Eddie would be driving Addi anyways. 
“I think you should drive us,” He told her seriously, “Then you can take your test.” He stated as he pointed his fork towards her. She watched as his noodles danced off onto his plate. She grinned bashfully at him, fearing that he would eventually drop her off at the testing site and just make her do it. 
“There’s no point,” She shrugged her shoulders after a second thought. Her cheeks still felt warm from his words, “It’s not like I can afford a car of my own anyways.” She told him, feeling a bit realistic with her statement. Even if she had a car, she didn’t know when she’d use it. Billy already took her and picked her up from school every day except Friday afternoons. 
“You can use mine whenever you want.” He suggested again, giving her a knowing look. She tried not to grumble, figuring that his answer would be that. She paused as she twisted the noodles around her fork. She appreciated his offer, but didn’t want to be the reason she ruined something that brought him so much joy. 
“Thank you,” She told him seriously, “But you have a very intense relationship with that car. I don’t want it to come between us if I wreck it.” She teased him gently, but she really did mean her words. She really did hate thinking about taking her driver’s test, however. She could feel her stomach clamp up in nerves each time Billy brought it up. 
“We can find you a cheap one,” Billy chuckled as he leaned over the table to steal one of her meatballs with his fork, “How’s that sound?” He asked as he settled back into his chair. She bit her lip as she considered what he had said. 
“Good,” She shrugged her shoulders softly, fighting to keep from grinning too widely, “I guess I can live with that.” She grinned as she bit into more of her noodles. She thought that it was very sweet how he seemed to be so concerned with her gaining her license. He watched her with a smile before he switched the conversation again. 
“What do you want to do for your birthday?” He asked softly, looking like he was pretending to be nonchalant over the whole ordeal. She set her fork down and linked her fingers in front of her. 
“Oh?” She grinned widely, unable to help herself, “Are you planning something?” She tried to tease him, but was more curious than anything. She could practically feel the excitement growing within her as she tried to keep from bouncing in her chair. 
“Just had an idea.” He said softly, meeting her wide eyes as he took another bite from his plate. She stared, waiting for him to continue. She gaped, horrified that he was keeping her waiting. 
“What idea?” She asked urgently, wanting to know more about what he was planning. She wasn’t the best with surprises and she could feel the excitement eating her alive at the moment. She should’ve known that he was going to try and surprise her with something. 
“Maybe you could skip school next Friday,” He suggested slowly, “I want to take you somewhere for the weekend.” He pushed his plate away, looking as if he couldn’t eat another bite. Kim beamed, leaning closer over the table as she absorbed his words. 
“Yeah?” Her heart was pounding harshly in her chest as she listened to his words, “I’d really like that.” She paused for a moment, thinking of Susan again. She could feel her eyebrows beginning to furrow together as she wondered what her mom would do without her. Billy nudged her underneath the table, gaining her attention again. 
“Don’t,” He shook his head as if she had done something bad, “Don’t question it. We’re going. You need a break too.” He reminded her fiercely. She licked her bottom lip, trying to not be filled with guilt. She didn’t want anything to happen to Susan while she was gone. However, she knew she shouldn’t miss out on such an event with Billy. 
“Okay,” She said softly as she made up her mind, “I just don’t know what I’ll tell my mom.” She admitted briskly. Susan didn’t seem much for negotiating lately. Everything needed to be done in her way. 
“I don’t think she’d even notice,” He said softly, like he was afraid of what her reaction would be, “She drank my last six pack.” He mumbled underneath his breath. Kim felt her eyes widen in surprise at his statement. She didn’t think Susan’s drinking was that bad, but she was beginning to grow more and more unsure. 
“I can get you another,” She offered, feeling bad that Susan had done such a thing, “I didn’t know she did that.” She tucked her hair behind her ears, feeling guilty despite it not being her fault. She wasn’t able to control what Susan did, however, she still felt like it was part of her responsibility. 
“It’s not your fault,” He shrugged his shoulders, “It’s just weird. I’ve never seen her drink before.” He said a bit softer. He glanced up at her, like he was expecting her to reveal some deep secret. She paused for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders. She had never seen Susan drink either, nor to her knowledge did she know that Susan may have an issue with drinking. 
“Maybe she’s thinking of my dad,” She admitted after a second of thinking, “He drank away his pain.” She rubbed her bottom lip, thinking of the various times she’d find Sam passed out on the floor of their apartment. “What pain did he have?” Billy snorted, like it was outrageous. Kim glanced up at him, her eyebrows furrowing together as she tried to think of a way to defend Sam. She fell short as she rubbed her thumbs together, realizing she knew very little about her father. A bitter feeling filled her stomach and she was suddenly hoping for a way to change the conversation. 
“I don’t know,” She said at last, “He never talked about it. I don’t think he ever talked about his childhood.” She shook her head when she was finished speaking, deciding that it was best to forget about her father at the moment. She didn’t want to ruin the night that they were having. Billy nodded his head as he stood, quickly cleaning up their dirty plates.  
Their routine felt domestic as they cleaned their mess, listening to the radio as they worked. They were often distracted with one another, constantly pausing their actions so they could kiss or hold onto one another. It left Kim with a giddy feeling and only convinced her that she had grown lucky to find the one in her life.
They would settle onto the couch afterwards, watching whatever program until Billy would begin to drift off. His head was resting in her lap this time as she gently ran her fingers through his curls. His ankles were crossed, his mouth parted as his eyes continually fluttered shut. She felt bad, thinking of how exhausted he must be working two jobs. She wondered if he was saving up for something. 
“Hey,” She kissed his forehead gently, trying to wake him up as softly as she could, “Let’s go to bed.” She told him, ignoring that it was barely nine at this point. He looked up at her, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion until he nodded his head. He looked too tired to argue about it.
“Sorry,” He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck. She shut off the TV, then worked on shutting the lights off as they walked towards their room, “Just been tired recently.” She watched as he walked, a soft grin forming on her lips as he realized he was probably embarrassed over how early it still was.
“I was tired anyways,” She told him, even though it wasn’t true. She liked to lay with him and would usually turn her lamp on to read her novels anyways. She pulled open her dresser door as she began to undress and switch into a nightgown, “You’ve had a long week.” She glanced over towards him, watching as he stripped down to his underwear before he crawled onto the bed. He needed his head but she was sure if he had even heard her. 
“I just have tomorrow,” He spoke tiredly as he laid on his side to face her. She shut off the light before she crawled into the bed and placed a kiss against his forehead, “Then I have Sunday off.” He spoke dreamily. She felt bad, knowing that he really didn’t have to work as hard as what he was. She was sure that he felt bad and wondered how much of his paycheck he was giving to Susan. She began to grow worried, hoping that he wasn’t really doing that. 
She rested against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling and wishing she could sleep. She had been struggling with it lately and really wasn’t sure why. She twisted the chain on her neck before she moved her finger down towards the ring that rested on her chest. She glanced towards Billy, confirming that he was still awake. 
“Did your grandpa wear it a lot?” She asked softly as she slipped her finger into the large ring. She tilted her chin up so she could peer up at him better. His lips were curled into a soft smile as he peered down at her. 
“I hope so,” Billy chuckled softly as his finger came down on the other side of the ring, just barely pressing the material against her skin, “It was his wedding ring.” He told her softly as he drew his finger along the curve of the ring. He bumped against her finger just as her eyes widened from his words.
“What?” She stumbled out, feeling as if her tongue was far too heavy in her mouth. She thought about rubbing her ears, thinking that she may have heard him wrong. She didn’t realize that the ring was something so significant, so special. 
“It’s nothing like that,” Billy spit out quickly, his eyebrows raised high as he shook his head, “I just thought you’d like it.” She wondered if his face was burning as hot as hers was. She hadn’t thought much about marriage, but realized that Billy would be the one that she would one day want to marry. He was the only option for her. 
“I do,” She squeaked out quickly. She paused to clear her throat, “Thank you. It’s very beautiful.” Her cheeks were still warm as Billy averted his eyes and moved his hand away from the ring. She gulped hard, wondering if the marriage talk had been too much for him. 
An awkward tension filled the room as they laid stiffly next to each other, their shoulders just lightly brushing against one another. She thought of something to say, something to fix the situation so they could go back to normal. Her mind felt fuzzy, still focused on the fact that Billy had promised her something without meaning to do so.
“I wouldn’t get you a ring,” He said at last, “I mean, not one like that. It would be pretty. Like a diamond or some shit like that.” He was speaking briskly, wincing like he had said something wrong. Her heart relaxed as her lips grew into a smile. 
“It doesn’t have to be a diamond,” She looked towards him as she slipped the ring around her finger again, “I like other gems.” She giggled softly as he leaned over her again and gently pressed a kiss against her lips. 
“I love you.” He told her softly, his eyes shining truthfully as he tucked her hair behind her ears gently. She grinned as she moved her finger away so she could link their hands together. Her heart throbbed harshly in her chest, feeling like she may explode from his words.
“I love you too.” She whispered softly as her eyes looked over his pretty features. She felt like things were getting better. She only hoped that they would stay that way.
Kim gently untangled herself from Billy’s arms, feeling alarmed at the sound that had echoed through the house. He was sleeping deeply, soft snores leaving his parted lips as he rolled back onto his side. She bit her lip, listening to the sound of shuffling coming from what she figured was the kitchen as she slowly rose from the bed.
She blinked hard, hoping to adjust her eyes to the dark house as she slowly pushed the door open. She leaned against the doorway, exhaling softly as she watched Susan stumble against the couch. Susan collapsed against it, laying awkwardly as she groaned and rolled her head to the side. Kim moved forward, feeling like this was becoming a new routine. 
“Mom,” Kim struggled to put her arms underneath Susan’s before she was tugging her back onto the couch. Susan grunted, swaying her left hand in the air before she dropped it again. She turned onto her left side, resting there more comfortably. Kim bit her lip before she pulled the blankets up over Susan, hoping that she’d rest well, “Have a good night.” She mumbled as she bent over to press a kiss against Susan’s cheek.
Susan didn’t respond to any of Kim’s motions. Kim pulled over one of the trashcans by the head of the couch in case Susan got sick in the middle of the night. Then she got a glass of water and set it up neatly. It took her a second to realize that her actions were almost natural from how often she had done it with her father. 
The thought of her father made her sick to her stomach. She didn’t want to think about him right now. Nor did she want to admit that Susan had fallen that far off. She tried to reassure herself that the couch was just more comfortable than her bed. Surely, Susan just struggled to get comfortable. This had nothing to do with the alcohol. Kim looked down at Susan again, hoping that it would get better before it got worse.  
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doodliydoos · 5 months
You can also read it here
Sun kept a level head to avoid his steering wobble. The winds in the sky indicated that rain was forming into a thunderstorm, as shown through the little glimpses of rays of sunshine. He keeps his stance planted in the center of his cloud. Could it be the rain that made his fur prickle with nervousness? What could be so hard with taking some needed vacation time away from the kid? Wukong knew that his successor was more than capital of taking care of lessons and learning through the given scrolls he sent out to the kid. Sure there was a biting pain of neglectfulness, and a tug of the heart strings each time Mk gave him the look of disappointment, but he's a strong guy! Wukong's gaze narrowed in reminiscing the memory of a similar time when Macaque had gave such an upheaval of praise for Wukong. They both shared that bright eyed, happy admiration and looked up to Wukong like a hero in their eyes. A distant call of his name caught him back into the present. It was Sandy's voice.
"Hey! Mr. Monkey King!" He called, as he waved his hand up at the sky beside his boat home. There was a large sheet that covered a outline of something behind him and a toolbox beside Sandy's sneaker. Wukong halted, in attempts to make his hasty stop look natural.
"Hm? OH--didn't realize you were here!" Sun Wukong stated, with a forced smile. Sandy brushed off his pants with metal dust on it as he placed his wrench away.
"Yyep, figured as much you were out training Mk before this storm hits, or beating up bad guys. It's good to see you though."
Sun sat back on his cloud with arms behind his head making a disbelief grunt. "GHah, nahh...I'm retired! Getting too good for demons to even keep up with me I suppose." he remarked, in a humble brag tone. His cloud started floating down near Sandy's dock towards the ground as Sandy pushed the covered object back into his garage.
"What's that you making?" Sun asked tilting his head curiously.
"Oh this? Just making some ramifications of an escape plane in case...something were to happen but that's just a loose presumption. You heading back to Flower-Fruit Mountain?"
"Oh yeah, yeah days already passing by no thanks to that storm overhead." Wukong addressing Sandy's pointient comment. He felt his tail bristle with slight annoyance as his mind replayed the sentence Sandy said.
Call it imposter syndrome, but the slight bit of his ego crept in.
"The kid wasn't doing to well so, no practice for today. At least he can get some nourishment from staying off his feet. I mean he would need all the rest given that he's got me training him." Wukong continued on,
Sandy blinked, and his brow furrowed slightly. "Uh...okay then? I mean its not like you would forget to tell Mk that he wouldn't have to train today --where are you going?"
Wukong was already inching with his cloud out into the sea, back to where Megapolis was. He perked up and turned his head to see Sandy's dissapointed gaze and arm cross combo.
"Haha..ha....Yeah, I'll just, I'm just gonna go soo, byeee~" Wukong said in a gleefly tone as he whisked himself back into the city, as the storm began.
Mk woke up feeling something drip down the center of his nose. He scrunched up his eyes to make sure the room stopped spinning, as he wiped his nose. When blinking open his eyes, there was a smear of blood in which he immediately was awake. Mk stayed laying down to just trying to recall everything before blacking out.
Okay, Pigsy sent me up to my room because Tang said that I needed to get better. So that happened...early today, because that storm was said to come in the evening , instead of lunch time--ok next!
I then slept, and there was a..a uh monkey--
"Monkey King?--ACK" Mk winced at the sudden stingy pain on his forehead, and placed a hand over the open wound, sitting up from his bed. The visible memory of the interaction was, blurred. Almost choppy.
Staring at the sheets, the rain from outside of Pigsy's noodle shop was pouring to substitute the silence. Mk checked his palm again to see if the bleeding had stopped, and sighed before placing the hand back on his forehead. The feeling of loneliness started to creep in, and was having immense self doubt on his own ability to handle being Monkey King's successor.
I should get some more bandages just in case Mk thought and proceeded to get to his headband and jacket. He knew Pigsy headed home whenever injuries like this happened.
Just minus the Macaque giving a blaring headache. Once getting his shoes on ,he headed towards the convenience store, using his back of his hand to apply pressure.
The rain was coming down hard and Wukong's fur wasn't helping with keeping warm, zipping through the buildings in a blind frenzy. Everything that he thought someone had a yellow jacket, it wasn't Mk. For the past millenia, humans still enjoyed playing in the rain like tiny children exploring what rain is. He could picture a memory of one of his baby monkey's sitting beside looking out into his home, wide eyed and intrigued.
A loud thunder broke his tender nostalgia, and he turned up at the sky, with his arms crossed.
"Rude." He said, and directed his cloud to the ground, where he was in front of Sandy's tea home. When going to knock, the door had already been unlocked. Wukong's eyes switched off his golden gaze and into a red, lava magma color to set up his defense.
His tail pulled the door closed once inside and...Mo was looking up with a blue blanket.
He blinked and started to clean his tiny paw and got up to weave around Wukong's legs. Wukong sighed in relief, as he leaned down to pick up the blanket and throw it behind himself onto his shoulders.
"It's nice to see ya too, Mo. You're lucky that your in here and not out there."
Wukong suddenly shivered and went to sit down on the floor ,in where Mo followed, and he say in front of the king.
Wukong wrapped the blanket and smiled nervously at Mo.
"I just realized I can't understand you ..sorry bud." Wukong apologized.
Mo shook his head before padding up to him and reached a paw out.
Wukong's tail swished curiously, and tilted his head. "Huh? Oh are you trying to point out that I'm soaked, because if you haven't notice, there's like this storm system moving through the while city--MNNFGPHF??"
Wukong got silenced by Mo placing a paw right on his mouth, as his expression showed disinterested.
Wukong stayed quiet and looked at the paw covering his mouth when it hit him.
Mo wasn't who he should owe an explanation.
Wukong's tail lowered in guilt. A heaviness overtook his hidden emotions and he looked at himself. Covered up, bundled up and exhausted.
Wukong started to wonder how often he missed these small details.
He let out a disgruntled groan, letting his shoulders droop, putting his head down with the blanket serving like a oversized hood.
Mk...how ignorant of me to have ignored you. So stupid am I..
Sun thought to himself, his eyes glowed back to its golden color, and reminisced the moments to continue his self beating up tendencies in silence.
The journey, his Master, his brothers, all of the Celestial Court, Macaque...
Mo slipped into Wukong's blanket and sat underneath his chin, with heavy cat blinks.
Wukong felt tears going down his face before noticing the extra warmth and glanced down.
Mo was purring super loud, and rubbed his forehead at Wukong's chin.
Wukong, felt his heart lift and brought his tail to curl around his feet nicely, and returned the nuzzle.
"Thank you.."
He muttered as Wukongs' eyes drew a close and he began to sleep sitting up right.
Mo, gave a smile before peeking his head out from the blanket.
"I don't know if that was for a your welcome but I'll take it
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Runaway - Chapter Thirteen.
Oh! We reached 30 notes yesterday and I’ve left you waiting on the update! I’m so sorry guys, but it’s here now :D I hope you enjoy it! As always, thanks for your engagement, I’m so thrilled that you all love it as much as you do. 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 2,230
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Damn, I’m so glad your parking garage is underground!”
Hannah was simply glad he and their baby had arrived there in one piece, with the force of the storm that had rolled in. It had been expected, Manny even setting out earlier than planned in order to miss it, but been hit by it halfway to Hannah’s apartment, the rain absolutely torrential. If he hadn’t been turning his vehicle onto her street by the time it really began to pelt down, he would have pulled over and waited it out, it was so bad.  
“I gotta say it, HB. You’re looking sharp as hell, mamas,” he complimented, noting that it was the first time he’d seen her in such attire. She wore a pair of dark grey pants that flared slightly, a white bodysuit and a pair of fancy looking, silver heels.  
“Why thank you,” she began, her smile a little shy. “This is the first time I’ve had to get dressed up all business smart since giving birth. I’m just glad the bodysuit holds my mommy belly in!”  
Lifting Lola from her car seat as Hannah reached for her, he gave her another quick tour with his eyes, frowning. “What mommy belly? I swear, that’s the exact same figure as you had before you got pregnant.”
“See?” she gestured with a sweep of her hand before receiving the baby into her arms. “Power of the bodysuit! Believe me, once I take it off, it’ll flop right back out!”
Manny rolled his eyes. “Mommy’s crazy, ain’t she bubs?” Lola gurgled right on cue. “See? The kid agrees.”  
Hannah laughed softly through her nose, carrying her into the kitchen, Manny seating himself down at the breakfast bar. “So, you wanna wait it out with us for a while until it passes?”  
Turning to look through the huge lounge windows, seeing the way the trees across the other side of the street were swaying, he thought that was likely best. Just then, the whole apartment lit up, a huge clap of thunder booming, Lola’s eyes widening. She only laughed and wriggled, though.  
“Ahhh, just like daddy, aren’t you, tiny mamas,” he spoke, watching the curiosity his daughter viewed the storm with. “You love a good storm.”  
“Coffee?” Hannah asked.
“Please,” he spoke, reaching for Lola across the counter so she could free her hands. “So, why the fancy threads today, then? Business meeting?”
“Something like that,” she confirmed, sticking a pod into the coffee machine. “I had a round of interviews earlier, as I’m looking for two more bookkeepers to come and work for me. My client list is now beginning to extend beyond my capabilities to do everything myself, so they’ll be working from home for now until I manage to find a small office space to rent. I might wait on that, though. I mean, if covid taught us anything then it’s that if it isn’t imperative to have an onsite location for your staff, then you get to save a lot of money. I dunno. What do you think?”
He straightened a little, his mouth upturning, pleasantly surprised to be asked his opinion. “I think you’re right. Digital technology and communications mean that you can easily run things via Zoom meetings and all that, client meetings can be done elsewhere, too, take ‘em for lunch or something, that’s a nice touch. I dunno, guess you’d only need an actual office if your business grows to the kind of size where it’d be detrimental somehow to have your staff all scattered around.”  
“Yeah, yeah, that is a good idea. I like that. Thanks,” she smiled, handing him his coffee. “So, what’s new with you?”
Ahh, adult conversation. Easy back and forth. No screaming. He’d missed it.
Also, she���d asked about him. Carmen never bothered, only throwing wedding questions at him of late, it seemed. “Yeah, same old, really. Gramps wants me to head back home for a few days next week, got a new colt he’s having issues with he wants me to go get thrown around on. Apparently, my bones don’t break as easily.”
Hannah laughed, pouring herself a glass of wine. “Well, he is seventy-one. His days breaking in the crazy youngsters are likely behind him now.”
“Oh, but it’s alright for my ass to get up there and run the risk of snapped bones, huh?”  
“You’re a cowboy who turned outlaw. If that isn’t one of the toughest breeds of man you can get, I don’t know what is,” she complimented, sipping her wine, her heart melting when Lola yawned, her head thudding against her daddy’s chest, grasping the soft flannel of his dark blue and green shirt. “I think someone needs her milk and bedtime a little early.”
“I’ll sort her out. She had a bath earlier because she got covered in paint. We went to see Willow and Lily for a little play date and let them do hand and footprint paintings. The fucking mess they got into, shit! They weren’t dry by the time we left, but I’ll bring yours over when I have it. The kids had a blast, it was awesome. Lily got actual canvases, so they look all fancy and stuff,” he explained, Hannah beaming. He was truly taking to fatherhood like a duck to water. “You go put your feet up.”  
Doing just that, Hannah sighed softly, thinking to herself how lucky she was as she sat down on the couch, the dark green velvet moulding around her in a plush hug. Sipping her glass of claret, she felt content, until the feeling of nostalgia began to rise, taking another sip in an attempt to keep it abated.  
Every time she saw Manny, and more pertinently, how brilliant he was with their baby, she felt something inside her ache a little. The way they’d sparked, how easy it had been between them back when they’d first met still very much in existence, too. Chemistry never really died, though, she was beginning to learn. The reality of it hit her every time, though, the fact he was engaged, even though at present, she didn’t know how happily. The last time they’d had a conversation about it, he hadn’t sounded like he was particularly content in his relationship.
Once Lola was dressed for bed and fed, they put her down, Hannah playing the soothing ambient music that Manny had discovered worked a charm in settling her to sleep, creeping out of her room again and going to sit back down in the lounge.  
“Hungry?” she asked. “I’d call for a pizza, but I’m not having some poor delivery guy battle through that just to bring me dinner.”  
“I’m okay, Lily made me a sandwich the size of my damned head, but you go ahead.”
“Alright, I’ll go put out a plate of stuff I can pick at, and then if you want anything it’s there.” She went first to change, coming back out in a pair of simple, light grey sweats and a black vest top, heading to the fridge and rummaging around. She returned after a few minutes with a huge sharing plate, full of cold meats, olives, tomatoes, fresh bread, cheeses, carrot batons, mini cucumbers and various dips. She’d just got it down on the table when her entire apartment was plunged into darkness.  
“Damn, it’s been a while since we’ve had one so bad, the fucking power got knocked out,” Manny commented, rooting in his pocket for the petrol lighter he knew he had in there, flicking it to lit and moving the flame to light the wicks on one of Hannah’s gigantic coffee table candles. She looked through the basket she kept her wax melts and burner oils in, pulling out a lighter from there and going around the apartment, lighting all the other candles that lay dotted around.  
Just as she sat down, his cell began to ring, Manny answering it with a slight look of discomfort. “Hey darlin’, what’s up?” there was a pause, Hannah being able to hear the demanded question of ‘where in the hell are you?’ before a pile more shouted words followed. “I’m still at Hannah’s, I didn’t think it was a good idea to drive back in this weather, even less now the power has been knocked out. Ain’t even any streetlights on here in town, it’s rough out there.”
The presence of her wine glass in front of her face obscured her wincing at the tirade he could hear him receiving, Manny rolling his eyes as Carmen gave him hell. She felt for him, having to sit there and defend a perfectly reasonable decision given the weather circumstances, to a woman who was being the very antithesis of that.  
“It isn’t even that bad out there!” she overheard, Manny’s eyes widening.
“Carmen, it’s fucking biblical out there, baby!” he exclaimed, just as a huge bolt of lightning cracked the sky, the boom making Hannah jump. Immediately, he placed a reassuring hand to her ankle. He was being yelled at, yet he still noticed her little moment of unease.
On and on Carmen continued, cutting him off when he went to speak, Manny becoming exasperated with her overreaction to something that to anyone else, was perfectly reasonable.
“Why you gotta be there with her? Why don’t you want to come home to me?”
His jaw tightened. “Because there’s a horrific storm out there, Carmen, and it was bad enough driving in it once. Would you be going this crazy if I was at the clubhouse to wait it out, or with Angel and Lily? You’re being unreasonable, please see that. I’ll come home when I can. Bye.”
“Yikes.” Raising her eyebrows, she offered her wine glass forward, Manny taking it. She snorted softly with laughter when he drained it in one gulp.  
“You got more of that?”
She jerked her head in the direction of the kitchen. “Another two bottles.”
“Can I stick a straw in one?”  
She laughed further as he got up, leaving her glass on the table and returning with a bottle and a second glass, filling them both. “I ain’t much of a wine guy, but this stuff is pretty good, and shit, I need it. Mind if I crash on your couch? Even if this storm passes, I ain’t in the mood to go back to all of that.” He took a sip, his hunched shoulders finally sagging a little, the tension beginning to dissipate. “She’s a fucking embarrassment sometimes. Sorry you had to hear all of that. I know you did. My girl isn’t quiet in any sense of the damned word.”
Hannah couldn’t bite her tongue in time to prevent the assessment that slipped out. “She sounds quite insecure, to rather you risk your safety driving back through a storm than to wait it out here with me. Something tells me that if you were still at Lily’s place, she wouldn’t take in issue with it, like you mentioned. It seems to be driven by me specifically.”  
“Well, she might as she’s intimidated by Lily, but you’re right, it’s a you thing.” He looked conflicted for a second, weighing up whether to reveal it all. “She hasn’t come out in as many words and said it, but she’s hella jealous of you. I think that’s understandable enough, though. You’re the kind of woman others could easily feel threatened by.”  
Hannah hadn’t actually met Carmen, his fiancée being absent whenever she’d dropped Lola round to their house, but she’d seen pictures of her within the home. She looked like a model, so with that in mind, she wondered why the hell she’d see her as a threat. That confusion showed on her face, too, Manny continuing.
“I mean, come on. You live here, downtown, expensive apartment, you’ve got a good career, you’re knockout gorgeous, and you’re the mother of my child.”
At hearing him refer to her as knockout gorgeous, her heart fluttered a little. Carmen could have only seen her in the pictures he’d shown her of Lola back when he first met her, too, when Hannah had thought she’d been looking pretty rough around the edges, frayed by the duress of being a new, single mom.  
“But she’s the one you’re marrying,” she reasoned, sipping her wine.
He let out a long breath, turning to her. “Not if she continues like this, I won’t be. It ain’t the stuff about you, although I would actually like for you guys to get along, but if she keeps on refusing to acknowledge Lola then I just can’t do it. I can’t marry somebody who won’t make even the tiniest room in her life for my daughter. I don’t want it to come to that, I love her, but fuck, HB. She’s gotta give me a little consideration here.”
He paused, turning to her, reaching to gently slap her knee. “Why can’t she be more like you? Reasonable, understanding, emotionally mature? It’s easy with you. It’s just getting harder with her.”
It was easy with him, too. Far too easy. Far too natural. Far too tempting, as her eyes flitted to between his legs when he slumped down a little further, his thighs falling wider apart, the bulge of the most perfect cock she’d ever seen filling out the dark denim entirely too well.  
Oh lord.  
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