#had to make big gifs of this scene (and his neck). just had to
peterparkouryo · 14 hours
no way remedy | ꕥ
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breaking news! | ꕥ
warnings: angst
word count: 4.3k
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"WHAT THE FU-" You hear Peter's voice exclaim a car horn blocking out his profanity, from above you after the very shocking detail you already knew, but it being revealed to the entire Times Square, and most likely the entire world was nerve racking, your heart seeping below your chest at that mere thought.
"That's right folks, Peter Parker." Jameson says as it cuts back to him, saying your boyfriends name as if the picture wasn't already clear enough.
You ignore the murmurs of the people by you, your eyes looking up toward Peter, the back of his masked face meeting your gaze.
"A seventeen year old high school delinquent." He adds to the public. You had tried to listen to a few more of his words, but the citizens that were surrounding you started dragging their attention toward you. 
You weren't much of a people person to begin with, which is why it was always hard for you to make friends. Your socially awkward personality only showing once more as the people around you started to pester you with questions related to the spider boy.
"She knows him."
"Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?"
Questions and statements being thrown into your ear as people tried to gain your attention, tapping on your shoulder, your anxiety rising at the contact and the lack of air you were feeling from being too claustrophobic with how many people were practically suffocating you.
The man who asked if you were Spider-Man's significant other asked you once again, turning you around to face him and some more people who were just as curious.
"I-" You started, helplessly looking around, trying to get the people off of you in fear of the worst. You didn't want you knowing Spider-Man to harm you physically, so you tried your best to push them away without doing much effort.
Thankfully Peter caught onto your silent cry for help, jumping from the lamp post to come in-between you and the big crowd, your anxiety slowly going down now that he was near.
"Yo, it's him!"
"Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Please don't touch her, sir." Peter warned the people who were jabbing at you, gently squeezing in-between you and the mob of people.
"You're just a kid?"
You give Peter a look, his hand on your shoulder, trying to guide you away from the people as they dazed at the two of you, most throwing insults and what not at your poor boyfriend in disbelief.
"You murdered Mysterio?"
"Um.." Peter trails off, hugging you closer to him.
"Peter..." You start, watching him quickly look at you as the once small crowd turns into a herd of people, swarming you and the boy like you were pieces of meat.
"We should get out of here." You suggested and he quickly nods.
"Come on kid, let me see the face!" A lady says before you two could go anywhere, lunging at him.
Your instinctive protectiveness comes in, you now hugging Peter closer to you away from the lady. Some citizens having a sense of morality, dragging the woman away from the two of you.
You swing a arm around his neck, his going to your waist as you two sprint through the crowd of people that seemed more like a mob waiting outside of a Taylor Swift concert.
"He hit me. Spider-Man hit me!" The same lady exclaims in a bare obvious lie, but you decide to ignore it.
You two swiftly get away from the people, who got crazier by the second, one boy even trying to jump onto the two of you as you now were swinging across the city.
You had momentarily forgotten just how scared of heights you were due to everything that happened in the pass thirty minutes.
"Oh god!" You scream, squeezing your eyes shut as your body was now tightly and hopefully securely wrapped around Peter's as he swung through the city away from the scene that unfolded in Times Square.
You had no idea where you two were going, but you supposed anywhere away from there was good enough, somewhere possibly more quiet where you two could collect your thoughts.
"Peter, where are we going?!" You managed to ask as your heart tightened in your chest with each swing the boy took.
"I don't know, your house?" Peter answered unsurely, he at this point was just aimlessly swinging around.
"No! Definitely not my house, my dad will kill you!" You tell him loudly, your eyes still closed at every word you said, you weren't going to risk letting your fear be just as worst if they were opened.
"What? I thought he was just starting to like me..." Peter replies in defeat.
"Well, not anymore." You scream.
Thankful to all the gods above, you and Peter land at the stable trusses of a bridge. The boy drops you down way too quickly for your liking and you have to fight your balance as to not fall, your boyfriend pulling out his phone to answer it.
"Dude!" You hear Ned yell as soon as Peter answers it.
"Dude!" Peter replies back in the same tone.
"Dude!" You say, miserably failing to keep your balance, Peter's attention shooting toward you in a heartbeat.
"Oh, right, sorry!" He sheepishly apologized, running over toward you to help you keep your feet stable.
"Are you okay?" Peter wavers, his question lingering in the air.
"Not at all." You admit for him and yourself.
One being, you were on top of a bridge, failing to keep your balance, your heart probably out of your chest out of fear, and two being because so much has happened in such a short amount of time. You don't think you can handle anything else any longer.
"I'm gonna get us out of here, okay?" He reassures and you nod.
"Yo, Peter!" Someone yells, your heads snapping to a few people in a gondola near the bridge.
A helicopter was soon to be seen, people from apartment buildings that sat outside their balconies watching as well. You wanted nothing more than to get out of here. The attention that you were receiving being too much for your liking.
"We should go." You tell him, already clinging to the boy and bracing yourself for the impact of his swinging.
"Right, yeah we should." Peter agreed, jumping from the trusses and swinging away from the attention, your screams weren't as loud as they were before, you kind of were getting used to it, but your heart dropped to its stomach every time no matter what.
"We're going to take the subway!" Peter yells at you throughout your screaming.
You don't answer as Peter free falls you two into a nearby sewer, his webbing opening it up as you two entered through it.
You could've sworn you saw Flash Thompson for a quick second, but you weren't all too sure.
Once you two entered the subway underneath the city, you opted on piggyback riding your boyfriend, feeling it'd be much more easier for the boy to navigate through the tight space.
"Peter!" You scream at him as a oncoming train approached you both, the spider boy dodging it a mere second later.
It felt like it had been forever when you two finally arrive at the ladder of a sewer exit, watching Peter climb it first before opening the round thing separating you two from New York, and you follow behind him. When you were close enough, Peter reaches out his hand to help you up.
"Thank you." You breathed out, giving your surroundings a quick look over, citizens who were walking the cemented sidewalk glancing at you, and you found it a little ironic how you two were in-front of Delmar's.
"Yeah, yeah, no problem. Are you okay?" Peter asked you as he placed the round covering of the sewer back into place.
"Yeah, I'm okay." You reassure him, once again wrapping your body around his before he swung off, his webbing attaching to a lamp post.
"We're going to go to my place." Peter tells you through the wind.
"Okay!" You yell at him, closing your eyes as you embraced his hold.
Four or five minutes go by as you two swung through the city to Peter's apartment, your eyes remained closed as you felt Peter's breathing at rapid speed, which was understandable given the circumstances of the current situation.
After the five minutes or less of you two swinging, you finally arrive at his bedroom window, the boy sticking to the brick wall next to it as you climb off to open his window.
He helps you inside, and you practically fall in relief onto his bed.
"Oh my god." Peter finally breaks after rushing inside, closing his window.
"Y/N-" Peter starts, your head snapping up to look at him as his hands were on his head, walking back and fourth between his room.
"Peter, it's okay." You try to reassure, but to no avail.
You knew it wasn't going to be okay, but you had no other choice but to say the words both you knew weren't true.
You quickly sit up from his bed, going over toward him, watching the boy press the spider on his suit in defeat, catching half of it before it can fall to the ground.
"It's not okay!" He argued back, snatching his mask off his head and throwing it elsewhere in his room and you place your hands on both sides of his face, trying to calm him down.
"Oh no." He groaned, shaking his head as he leaned into your touch.
"Peter." You say sternly.
"I don't know what to do!" Peter tells you as his hands wavered at your waist, his hands tightly gripping his suit.
"Peter, it's okay, everything going to be okay." You say with a nod just as the door opens, revealing Happy.
You and Peter quickly look over at the man whose face turns pale at the sight of you two. 
"Oh, um.." You swallow, cringing at what it seemed like the two of you were doing given the face that Peter was half naked in-front of you, his suit falling from his hands watching Happy try to shut the door.
"I didn't see anything." Happy says, covering his face with his hand.
"Happy, it's not what it looks like!" Peter tries to reassure, your hands swiftly moving from Peter's face to your sides.
Peter's Aunt, who you had heard about comes into the room to see what was going on, her eyes quickly widening in disbelief.
"Oh!" She says, only seeing Peter's half naked body before going to shut the door once again.
"No, May, this is not what it looks like." Peter countered, and you nod in agreement at the inconvenient timing.
"Practice safe se-" May starts and your eyes widen as you furrow your eyebrows at what almost came out her mouth as she stops herself mid sentence.
"Oh, wait. Hi, you must be Y/N!" She says, coming back into the room where you awkwardly stood.
You quickly fix your (MJ's) cardigan, showing the lady, who was effortlessly gorgeous a forced smile as Peter nods before looking at his door.
"It's so nice to meet you, heard a lot about you." May tells you, giving you a friendly hug which you mirrored.
"'S nice to meet you too." You tell her quickly with a tight lipped smile as you two pull away.
You wished you had met the woman on better circumstances. The awkward tension only getting thicker by the second.
"Wait, have you been crying?" Peter asked Happy, who stood at the doorway with dried tears and a puffy face.
You tilt your head curiously, but quickly dismiss them looking over your boyfriend's room, having not been in here before.
He was a nerd for sure, a lot of dorky things decorated his room, things MJ would probably had made fun of him for.
"We broke up." The older man says shyly, peaking through the doorway.
"Oh." Peter says bewilderedly, you give his Aunt a look as she cringed sheepishly at his words.
"Hey, Spider-Man!" A man exclaimed through the window, and your mind trails back to why you really were here in the first place.
"Oh, uh.." The boy says in surprise, using his web shooters to close the blind of his window.
You notice a shirt laying on his bed, grabbing it quickly just as the light outside dims now that the blinds blocks the glaring sun from peaking in, as well as the people who for sure seen you two enter his apartment window.
You give a lazy smile to Happy, holding out the white T-shirt in-front of Peter, helping the boy into it quickly, hearing him mutter a 'Thank you'.
You catch glimpse at the "I survived my trip to New-York" graphic as Peter rushes May further into his apartment and away from his bedroom.
"I didn't know you guys broke up." He says as you trail behind the two of them, shutting his bedroom door.
"I thought you were in love, May." Peter quizzed bewilderedly. 
"We can talk about this in the kitchen." He says, putting a reassuring arm over her shoulder as he walked her to their kitchen space.
Your phone buzzed in your skirt pocket, as you and Happy linger behind Peter and May as the boy confronted his aunt about her relationship issues.
You were just about to pull out the device, but a different kind of buzzing grabs your attention.
"Is that the door?" The man next to you asked, his gaze wandering over to the front door that was left open.
You quickly go to shut it as a neighbour stood in-front of it, asking all sorts of questions he most likely wasn't getting his answers to anytime soon.
"Nope!" You say, shutting the door into his face, before pulling out your phone.
There was six missed calls from your dad and a text message from your sister, telling you to call her with a few emojis that you deciphered to be related to what was currently going on.
You unlock your phone going to your contacts to call MJ.
After a few rings, you hear her pick up.
"Oh my god, Y/N are you okay? Have you seen the news?" MJ practically exclaims from the other end of the phone.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm at Peter's right now, it's really crazy." You tell her, keeping your voice down as you absentmindly wandered to the kitchen.
There was so much to be said, but you figured you'd wait till you got home to tell your sister exactly what happened, but you had a feeling you didn't need to given that she was there with you every step of the way and most likely seen the news or she wouldn't had been calling to ask.
"Is Peter okay?" She questioned.
You had no idea if you should answer that truthfully, with a half truth, or just lie instead. No one but Peter knows if he's actually okay, but you knew he wasn't okay with anything that was going on. To be fair, there were more ways she could be indicating the question, but you were lost at this point.
"I don't know, I-" You start, watching your boyfriend helplessly close the blinds in the living room as May and Happy now sat down in-front of the TV from the couch.
"Can you please get off your phones for five minutes. I just wanna talk to you about your relationship, okay?" Peter countered to the two adults as the background of the news channel played behind him, and your eyes widen as you adjust your gaze to recognize the building.
"MJ, let me call you back." You, hanging up the phone before she could say anything.
"Peter."Your voice says before your mind can register, pointing behind him after gaining his attention.
He turns around to look at the source of his TV, a few helicopters swarming around his apartment building, making their way over to one of the living room windows.
"Is that here?" Happy asked, his voice laced with a skeptic tone.
Peter seemed to be at a lost for his words, not knowing what to say as he stutters out a proper response, tilting his head down in defeat before shamelessly walking toward the window he had closed with his web shooters, opening it up to reveal the outside world he tried to shield them from.
May, Happy, and yourself walk over to the small window, curious to see just how bad the damage really was.
You stand next to your boyfriend, sharing a look with him as Happy and May look outside of the apartment place in utter disbelief.
"Wha-" May starts, but cuts herself off as a few pedestrians below yell out Peter's name, looking up to the window where the helicopters were aimed at.
"I mean, maybe it's not so bad?" Peter shrugged hopefully, his Aunt shooting him a worried look.
You were glad she was less mad and more worried.
You on the other hand, a shaking anxious mess, still recovering from the many people that lingered around you, and the amount of swinging you swore you'd never do again still crawling over your body. You had no idea how bad things would get from here on out.
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"Spider-Menace!" Jameson exclaims from the TV in your living room. You could almost roll your eyes at his dramatics.
After the fiasco that took place at Peter's house, he and his Aunt figured it be best to take you home, as they tried to figure out what to do with the boy's identity being revealed to the whole wide world.
As soon as you get home you were bombarded with questions from your dad, who was more worried than mad at you for being with Peter. He was surprisingly understanding with the situation, but he never liked Spider-Man to begin with so you knew that after the situation died down, he'd dislike Peter more than he did before after finding out about his second identity.
MJ on the other hand already knew exactly how you were feeling. Her mind was racing with thoughts, thoughts only she knew you'd understand. There was nothing the two of you could do but hope for the best out of this situation.
"Governments around the world launch investigations into the murderer known as Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, aka the web headed war criminal, who for years, has been terrorizing  the decent citizens of New York." The bias anchor exaggerates, and you let out a scoff from where you sat next to MJ, both you now cladding your pyjamas after a long day, well, long day for you at least.
Your heart only drops at the digital news paper that had, you, Peter, MJ, and Ned's face plastered on the front cover, the title saying "Peter's cronies revealed", before cutting to different digital magazines, and a brief footage of some jerk throwing slime onto Peter's suit.
"Well, now this city and the world see him for what he truly is."
You tune out the TV, sharing a look with MJ as your dad divides nothing but his full attention toward the TV. You feared he'd force you to break up with Peter, and you didn't want that one bit.
All three of your gazes break from the TV as a loud and obnoxious knock goes at your door.
Your dad quickly stands up from his spot from the couch, going over to the door, opening it to reveal a few agents, and a another one, holding a badge out.
You and MJ go to the door, lingering behind your father.
"Mr. Jones?" The guy asked, his voice stern.
"Yeah?" Your dad confirms with slow nod.
"We're the Department of Damage Control." The agent says, and MJ shoots you a look, and you shake your head quickly.
"Dad-" You start, but the agent cuts you off.
"We have a warrant for the arrest of your two daughters, Michelle Jones-Watson, and Y/N Jones-Watson." The man tells him, closing his badge before shoving it into his pocket.
"Arrest?" You father's eyes widen in disbelief, looking behind him at the two of you as your face falls in fear, MJ taking ahold of your hand.
"We just want to ask them a few questions, we promise to bring them back as soon as we're done." The Agent reassures, not sounding convincing at all.
Your father ponders, also not trusting the agent, but what was he to do? He couldn't refuse, but he also didn't want the two of you to face any charges or dangerous consequences.
"If you refuse, we will arrest you as well." He adds nonchalantly.
Your dad lets out a defeated sigh, giving you two an apologetic look, and you shrug sadly, your dad moving to the side to hesitantly let the agents inside.
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You and MJ had arrived at the Damage Control's building after arguing with the agents to at least let you two change out of your pyjamas, wanting to look decent if you were about to get interrogated for no absolute reason.
Once you enter the building, a few of the agents lead you two to a investigation room you presumed, and at some point before you entered the building, May and Ned had joined you two as they guided you inside.
Your eyes quickly widen, seeing a familiar head set of brown curls inside an interrogation room, his face filled with worry.
"Peter!" You exclaim, the agents now quickening their pace behind you, slightly pushing you, your sister, Ned and Peter's Aunt away from him.
"Y/N!" Peter's muffled voice responds back from behind the glass.
He points to the four of you, saying something you couldn't quite catch, his gaze now on the agent standing above him.
You didn't want Peter to say anything he shouldn't say, hoping his smart personality had a chance to play through as he was interrogated by the man above him. You only hoped he didn't say anything he wasn't supposed to say already.
"Don't say anything without a lawyer!" You shout at him, May and MJ mirroring your words at the same time. You weren't expecting it, but happy they both had the right mindset you had as well.
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When you four had made it into the further part of the building into more interrogation rooms, Ned and May were separated into two rooms by themselves, and you and your sister (mainly just her) told the agents you weren't going to say or admit anything to the them if you weren't by each-other's side.
They were reluctant at first, but when you two put your foot down once more, they gave in and put the two of you in the same room.
A few minutes had went by before the agent, whose name was Clearly, comes inside the room, you two expectingly waiting in boredom.
The agent sits down without saying a word, opening up one of the two files that sat in his hand, you glance at it, realizing it was your file, and you cringe subconsciously.
"We want a lawyer." MJ tells Agent Clearly, as he settles down, you break your gaze away from the file and up at the man.
"Mses. Jones-Watson-" The agent starts, but you cut him, shaking your head in disapproval at this address in-correction.
"Jones, we don't go by Watson." You quickly say, your sister giving you a nod from your peripheral vision.
He nods in understanding before clearing his throat.
"Mses, Jones, why do you want a lawyer if-" The agent starts.
"If we have nothing to hide?" You cut him off with a raised eyebrow.
"Exactly, Unless-" Agent Clearly starts as he raises both his eyebrows expectingly looking in-between the both of you.
"We're actually guilty of something?" MJ adds, cutting him off as well, the agent letting out a low impressed hum.
"We are very aware of your tactics and our rights." Your sister informs, she nudges your shoulder, gesturing her head at the false mirror next to you.
There was most likely someone on the other side who could see you through the window that's behind the so called mirror. You watched enough true crimes to know all that you needed already.
You and MJ wave at the person who was listening behind the 'mirror'.
"Just answer my questions." The agent sighed, you could feel his annoyed energy radiating off him.
"I've seen your files. You both are smart, young women with bright futures ahead of you." He informed the two of you, and your gaze slowly turned back to the man in question.
MJ poked her tongue against the inside of her cheek, also glaring at the man who really tried to break through the two of you, but to no avail. 
"Why would you risk it all by getting involved with a vigilante like Peter Parker?" Agent Clearly asked the two of you, but he shifts his gaze to you after he finished.
You wouldn't give him the satisfactory of an answer, sharing a look with MJ, who shrugs, and you look back at the agent who was probably awaiting for your answer(s). 
After a few heartbeats of silence, the man sighs in defeat, shaking his head before looking over at the false mirror, gesturing for the person behind it to dismiss the interrogation. He slowly gets up from his seat, collecting the files as you and your sister remain silent.
"Let me know when you're ready to answer my questions." The agent says, leaving the room hesitantly.
You were already facing trouble, no sense in causing more.
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As promised, later that night you and MJ arrive back at your apartment. Your dad was sound asleep in the living room and you didn't want to wake him, the TV being the comfort background noise for his sleeping figure.
"Hey..." MJ says, breaking your gaze from your sleeping dad, and you turn to face her with raised eyebrows.
"We'll get through this." She says after you meet her brown eyed stare.
You nod, swallowing the lump you fought so hard against throughout the day down your throat.
"I know." You tell her, going in for a hug, which she reciprocates.
You two pull away after a minute of just embracing each-other. You were glad you had someone to go through this with, and you were also glad Peter had you as well. You knew this was the toughest on him and you would do anything to be with him right now, hoping you could make him feel better, feel safer, but you knew your dad would probably limit your hang out time with the boy.
Peter needed you just as much as you needed him. You knew he would get through this, he was the strongest person you knew.
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21 notes · View notes
screampied · 30 days
❛ BED CHEM! ❜ t. fushiguro + k. nanami
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☆ sum. being sandwiched between two of your co-stars during a séx scene sounds like a fever dream. the real fever dream is finding out who you have better bed chemistry with. the sweet blond who always talks you through it or the smug dark haired one who’s constantly stealing your panties.
wc. 5.9k
warnings. fem! reader, actor au, thréesomes, unprotected, semi-public, they eat you out at the same time, cervix mentions, premature ejac, size difference, dirty talk, pússy drunk men, praise, spít roasting, óral (f! & m! receiving), hair pulling, size kinks, bóob fondling, overstim.
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“annnnd action.”
you mentally bite your lip, feeling every nerve through your body convulse from your co-stars touches. toji fushiguro and nanami kento—the most current hottest topic, you had this last scene to shoot for a movie you were the lead in. the scene in question was quite raunchy to say the least, both of them take turns to plant soft chaste kisses down both sides of your neck. both signature scents of their colognes were loud, a musk that forevermore wafts against your nose. your eyes flicker toward the camera every so often, trying to stay in character. this was probably the fifth take—you had a bit of a bad habit of missing your lines so there’d be a few retakes. emphasis on few.
“ken, look at her,” toji murmurs, and a gasp merely slips from you once his parted tongue creeps past his lips and onto your neck. his hand slowly trails toward your thigh and he squeezes it. “such a pretty thing. want more, do ya princess?”
you nod as a response but that’s when nanami’s hand gently cups underneath your chin. gingerly, a thumb ghosts by your bottom lip and he speaks sweetly. “ah, now sweetheart. we talked about that, we need a pretty answer from you, not a nod.”
“i- i want more,” you stammer, and as toji’s scarred hands continue to roam down your body, you suck in a keen sharp breath. the air felt substantially thick, mainly due to how all three of you were acting in a big spacey sauna. your hand grabs toji’s wrist and you slowly guide it down between the valley of your legs. the static of his plump shriveled fingertips brush up between the crevices of your thighs and it nearly makes you break character. “i want you both, please.”
“aw,” toji hums hoarsely, his pursed lips forming into a wry grin.
the more their hands ran down every inch of your body, the more your heart beat raced. its thumping quickened, and your thighs forcibly squeeze themselves together. the dark haired male softly creates circles around your thighs with a single digit before speaking breathlessly. “you want both of us, huh. not jus one? that’s bein’ pretty greedy, doll.”
“toji, she can be greedy if she wants,” nanami coos, and you make direct contact with him. .
the nanami kento, you’ve heard a lot about him. him and toji were both hot favored actors but him. actresses would kill to be in your role, kill to be in your shoes.
nanami kento was as smooth as they come.
suave, a gentleman, and of course, a smooth talker. your eyes gawk down his attire and he’s wearing nothing but casual—his sleeves were sexily rolled up and his usually parted blond hair was slightly ruffled and unkempt - most likely due to the growing humidity of the sauna.
tender brown eyes bore into you before he places a kiss near the twitching corner of your mouth. “relax, sweetheart. you’ll get what you want, promise. just be a good girl. can you do that?”
feeling as if your thighs were stuck together by imaginary adhesive glue, you let off a soft panting whine. “y- yes,” and you gasp, watching as toji’s head creeps lower. he’s being slow on purpose, teasing you—wanting for you to long for more, for him to hurry up.
a few bristles of his hair tickles and pokes against your leg before your chin’s softly being grabbed by nanami again.
“ah ah, eyes on me. don’t worry about him, focus just on me sweetheart,” and the two of you lock eyes. nanami’s dimples poke against the left side of his lips and he’s so pretty, he cups your cheek and you instantly lean into his touch. “good girl, get lost in my eyes.”
your mind’s running at such quick speed—it’s trying to remember the next parts of the script as they continue the foreplay. nothing could really be heard except for nanami’s gruff low voice and the faint whirring inside of the sauna.
the next scene, nanami would lean in for a kiss and toji would eat you out. you remember looking over the filthy script many months ago before you even landed the roll.
as your eyes would skim through every word, the explicit dialogue—the mannerisms they’d perform on you, a school of swarming butterflies would pour inside the pits of your stomach.
and now, it’s finally here.
it’s as if time stood still once nanami starts to lean in, closing the awkward distance between you two. once his lips gently crash onto yours, it’s as if your heart stopped for a minute. tender, passionate, and open-mouthed.
your head slightly tilts as you part your lips wider to give him access. nanami lowly groans in your mouth, tasting your syrupy saliva tangle against his own. “mhm,” and every few seconds, loud echoing smacks would slam against both lips. he tastes minty, but on his tongue you could also taste a bit of alcohol lingering on his breath. it’s sweet, and you wanted more. whilst his tongue’s being shoved down your throat, toji scoffs. he’s propped right up between your legs and you feel his big wide hands spread your thighs more.
a nonplus gasp leaves your lips at his roughly gentle touch — your body can’t help but grind against nanami, wrapping an arm and tossing it over his shoulder. “fuck,” you speak between sultry hot kisses, another one of your hands running down the bare slit part of his exposed chest. there, you’re met with a few curls of blond chest hair. you twirl it around with your finger and he groans in your mouth at your touch. back to toji, he starts slow. he creates sloppy wet licks and kisses that trail all down from your waist until he’s finally near your shorts.
“watch that mouth of yours,” toji utters, hot breath ghosting between your thighs.
he’d get closer and closer, closer until he’s just inches away from your the pretty fabric that sticks against your skin. verdant green eyes peer into the cloth that’s attached to your panties and he hums. “cute,” he rasps, pulling down the hem of your shorts for a quick inside peek. “looks like you remembered to wear panties this time after all. somebody’s learnin’, heh.”
“toji, stop teasing me,” your breath hitches, feeling nanami pull away to kiss near your neck once more. he was so gentle, curling his tongue around that sweet spot buried right near the inside of your neck and it makes you oh so weak.
toji just gives you a sly deadpans at you needy comment, slowly pulling down your denim bedazzled shorts.
with a scoff, he tugs on your panties with his teeth. “nah,” and with the fabric in his mouth, his words were a bit muffled. “dunno what’s the point of wearing these stupid things since ‘m jus gonna steal them again anyway.”
a breath gets lodged in your throat once nanami starts to suck against your neck, his teeth gingerly grazing against your skin. his breath was always so warm, every time it sets against your bare flesh you moan. as your glossy eyes ogle down back at nanami, you huff with a cute frustrated expression. your eyebrows knit and compress together and you merely whine. “just hurry the fuck up,” and your neck starts to lean back a bit. with both men having their hands on you—you weren’t sure how long you’d last.
constantly, you had to keep reminding yourself, it’s just a movie, it’s just another scene. .
or is it?
you’re entrapped inside of your thoughts, fully forgetting that you’re on film. as you’re in a temporary fantasm—you bite your lip before a clammy hand finds its way through toji’s shaggy ravened strands. instantaneously, black tresses entwine between your silvery fingers and you moan. he lays his tongue flat, teasingly lapping near the center part of your panties.
fuck, you’ve read over his parts specifically at least a dozen times and knew what he had to do during this scene but you didn’t expect it to feel this good.
toji’s breath was balmy, slow breaths whirl and fan against your clit that’s just barely being protected by the string of your panties.
nanami’s sloppy kisses trail down toward your chest and oh, you felt like you were floating. “poor baby’s fuckin’ soaked,” toji snickers as a fat thumb drags down your sopping cunt. he’s so quick that you don’t even realized he pulled down your panties—you don’t even know where they went. probably in his pocket, again. you feel a wave of heat flush over you as you can feel his feral gaze stare into your twitching muscle. “look at my girl’s nasty ‘lil pulse.” he hums, and his tongue does one single beginning lick near your folds. you whine, and his cold tongue as cold as ice. it’s a type of feeling you couldn’t put into words.
“toji, don’t hog her. i want a taste too,” nanami says in a gentle voice. speaking of, nanami could say the most nastiest things and it would still end up coming out like a compliment.
“s- shit,” you kiss your teeth, watching both of them with near half-lidded eyes once you see nanami’s head creep down also.
now, you’re being met with a chilling hungry yet feral gaze. you throbbed even more as you’re sprawled all out against the fragile bench of the sauna. tears of perspiration start to bubble against your skin as the heat gets a bit more thicker. it’s humid, and you don’t know if it was the temp of the sauna or them making you feel hot but you wanted more. your eyes meet them again, and you feel yourself getting more aroused once you realize. . they were both down on their knees for you.
to your left—there’s toji, he’s got the must smug expression. already near the left side of his lip, there’s a few droplets of your honeyed slick coating against his mouth. all from a single lick, you felt embarrassed at how wet you were. it was actually in the script that they would use lube to help you but clearly, you didn’t need it in the slightest. toji’s wearing a burgundy tank top that nearly sticks against his hard toned pecs. he’s so toned, a burly beefy body that looks almost chiseled, stoned. he looks like he’s been literally carved and sculptured from top to bottom. your eyes stare at his broad shoulders, his thick pecs, and even how a few of his black chest hairs pokes out from his shirt.
and then to your right, there’s nanami. a thumb of his slowly makes its way down your drooling salivating cunt and he’s almost in awe.
his pink glossy lips press up towards your entrance before he gives it a soft welcoming kiss. you moan at how delicate he was, and the longing tender stare he constantly gave you merely made your knees buckle. as the humidity rises in the sauna, strands of his hair continue to swelter against his forehead with the help of slimy sweat.
“my, my,” he purrs in a low voice, and they’re both right between your thighs. you couldn’t help but feel a palpitating sensation brew up between your legs. “we’ve got ourselves a wet one, toji.”
“yeah,” the dark haired murmurs, and his eyes narrow. but toji wasn’t fond of sharing - not one bit.
with a piqued eye roll, he leans in to lap his tongue against your pussy once more before nanami follows.
you release a sweet elongated moan you were holding in for the longest - but you remembered you had to be dramatic for the scene — fake.
that was kind of hard considering the blatant fact that yhey were actually making you feel good. but alas, you lazily slouch back against the wooden bench, letting off your best exaggerated moan.
nanami and toji both look at you at the same time and toji refrains himself from bursting out laughing. staying in character, he clears his throat, spanking your cunt. you moan, and your grip against his hair becomes more rough. he feels you yanks forward with a solid tug, grunting, and that’s when you feel nanami’s soft tongue present itself too.
slow, his tongue slowly runs itself against your pulsing clit and your eyes gradually roll themselves back. it’s now to where they’re both lapping up your dripping taste at the exact same time—both sloppy tongues flicking and slithering against your cunt oh, and you were an entire mess. it’s as if they were competing against each other. as they both bury their heads between your thighs, you start to shake, dragging their heads back and forth into your sopping pussy.
with your toes curling and your chest heaving, you mewl out a sweet whine. “oh my g-god,” your voice squeaks out, swallowing your own sheer arousing embarrassment.
their breaths collide against each other and land right on your pussy. so pretty, nanami’s eyes were closed whilst toji’s were wide open. he’s giving you a smug cheeky grin the entire time, using a thumb to occasionally glissade down against your twitching pussy. “damn, taste so sweet,” toji grunts, and you can hear the salacious timbre in his voice. a voice so deep that your thighs vibrate together. fuck, your hands end up delving through each of their strands of hair, tightly pulling them closer towards your pulsating heat.
both hairs curl within your fingers before you pull their faces even closer against your crying cunt, almost suffocating them. “mhm,” toji’s lips nearly glue against your pasty folds.
nanami’s tongue romantically swirls itself around until it reaches near your sweet nub.
that spot - your brain haphazardly haywires and short circuits right away and your knees almost collapse. “fuck, f- fuck ‘ken.” you gasp, dragging his head up. once you do, you’re met with a sleazy smile—he’s pussy drunk. it takes you a minute to realize maybe he’s not being in character anymore. nanami’s dimple still prods against both sides of his cheeks before he leans down, spitting right against your cunt.
“go on, ‘toj. lick it up since you wanna be greedy,” nanami playfully titters, running a hand through his hair just so he could touch your fingers.
toji’s shooting vexed daggers toward the blond before he’s almost nose deep against your pussy.
once he’s actually nose deep, he sniffs your cunt, spitting on it before lapping it right up. he does it all while staring at you too. “hmph,” he grouses, his long tongue moving toward nanami’s area, now slurping up nanami’s own sheeny trickling saliva.
you couldn’t lie, watching the entire risqué scene of both men fighting over eating you out right before you, right between your legs made you throb even more.
toji’s raven arched brows tweak inward before a hand of his pries your left thigh further apart. “don’t fuckin’ tell me what ‘ta do.”
nanami chuckles, pressing kisses near the warm crevices of your thighs. fawn sparkling irises flicker toward you before he whispers. “you doin’ okay, sweetheart. ‘s alright?”
“y- yeah,” your voice grows more shaky as toji continues. as if it had a mind of its own, a hand of yours tugs on nanami’s hair, guiding his head back toward between your thighs. nanami shakes his head with a cunning smile, going back to lapping at your tasty treat stored right between your plush thighs. swallowing a circled lump that resides at the back of your throat, your legs start to jolt. “f- fuuuuck,” your voice strains, and toji and nanami’s just making out with your pussy.
you watch the entire time—occasionally glancing up at the large propped up canon camera that’s a few feet away from you. oh right, it’s just a scene.
you were practically using your bottom lip as chewing gum with how they were vigorously eating out your starved cunt as if it was their last meal. they both used their crimpy long tongues to create such filthy circles and shapes on and around your pussy, maneuvering their fingers inside your cunt and all.
your breath starts to grow more and more irregular — changing its speed to being a lot more quicker the more they remain sat between your thighs.
“she’s gettin’ close,” toji murmurs between sloshes of smacks with his lips. each lewd ‘pop’ he makes with his lips leaves you dizzy and begging for more. the edge of his scar that runs down the right side of his mouth smears and rubs all up against your clit and it feels so good. it tickles, but in a more raunchy kind of way.
with nanami occasionally blowing and whistling against your folds, you were surely about to lose it. your mind’s spiraling—and as your fingers remain tangled in both ruffled strands and curls of hair, their chins start to glimmer and stream down with your candied slick. “look at me, girl.” toji pats your cunt, although it’s more of a wet slap. you whimper, moist doused droplets coming from your own pussy wetting his palm right away.
your eyes meet toji and the laps of his tongue grow faster. he’s munching against your pussy, swerving his head from back and forth before he grunts, playfully biting down on your clit. not hard, but enough to where it makes you let off a cute shriek. “cum, cum on my tongue, baby.”
“ah, i think you mean cum on mine,” nanami corrects him, giving your sensitive twitching clitoral hood a single kiss.
your eyes go back and forth between the two of them, but you can’t even reply because within seconds, you’re cumming, hard.
your mouth slightly drops whilst your jaw dramatically hangs open—pathetically dangling open as they’re still lapping you clean. both scorching hot tips of your ears were stuffed with imaginary fuzz. you couldn’t hear for a few long seconds—not to mention, your body was being invaded by a plethora of tingles that shot through your body.
“f-fuuuckk,” you whine, and you’re uncontrollably shaking. it’s a rush, a crazed rush that you do don’t want to stop. as you’re spasming, you glance down at the two of them.
“mphm,” toji’s still slurping at your dewy slick juices that stream from you before nanami’s tongue gets tangled with his. he blinks thrice, and their lips abruptly meet. panting and heaving, you watch—not really remembering if that was on script but neither exactly pulls away.
they’re focusing their sloppy slick tongues on your spasming convulsing cunt while mashing glossed lips together. you throbbed at the lewd sight of your two co-stars, seeing toji grow flustered and nanami being a bit more dominant.
that was rare, as stoic as of a man that he was, you’d last expect to see toji this way. you moan, still felling their sloshing wet tongues twirl around the insides of your sobbing pussy all whilst they’re making out. at contact, they’re both tasting nothing but you on their tongues the entire time, a concoction of saliva entangles with each other as they relish in savoring your sweet taste on their tastebuds.
“maybe you’re the one who needed attention,” nanami gradually pulls away, stands of shimmery saliva dragging away from both pursed lips.
“tch. shut up,” toji grumbles, and he focuses back toward you. he slides a tongue across and over crooked his lips.
the next thing you knew—you were being lifted up, tossed right over toji’s burly shoulder.
you gasp, feeling nanami’s gentle eyes bore into your curves before he positions you, using a single hand to spread your shivering thighs apart. you were still a bit shaky and sensitive from your most recent release—your teeth still shattered and saw how their jaws locked, especially toji’s.
you felt every nerve jolt through your body, coursing through your veins.
but once the actual scene came, you were screwed.
it wasn’t fake anymore, your orgasms and moans were very much real now. and that was perfect, you were perfect, because behind the lens—it not only felt real but it looked real too.
your pretty expressions, your flat pink tongue lolling out of your mouth and the way you’re panting. toji’s fucking you from behind and he’s just mean. hard thorough strokes that makes his hips snap right into you, crash into you at full speed to where he’s creating a fatal collision.
“ah, open,” nanami whispers, and your eyelids that were practically droopy glance up. you’re met with nanami. the blond’s got a hand resting on top of the crown of your head before he taps a thumb against your cheek. “let me see that pretty mouth some more, my love,” and you lean into his touch. toji’s hips however were so rude—your sweet incoherent babbles soon starts to grow a bit more quavery due to how rickety he made your body. the olden wood of the sauna nearly splits and you can hear the blaring cracks after each rocky thrust. your lips part open and your eyes go straight toward his cock. his boxers were halfway on with the cerulean blue hem of it just hanging and protecting his sharp carvend v-line.
so pretty, you just wanted to run your tongue up and down and across every line and spot that decorates his soft skin.
“ngh, a-atta girl,” the blond’s brows reluctantly twist together, watching your warm mouth slowly take him in fully.
god, your eyes were so mesmerizing to look at. he delicately cups underneath your chin, feeling the minuscule amounts of saliva drip from your lips. your jaw remains to hang open, dangling like an earring—and that’s when he’s slowly inching himself inside your tight warm throat.
immediately, you see a bit of his blond curly pubes through your blurred peripherals. nanami’s abs clench and tighten at the feeling of your hot mouth and he groans. “my good . . girl, ugh. pretty girl with an even prettier throat.”
toji’s still propped up behind you, two broad hands attached to your waist—practically glued on. you whine, your sweet noises becoming muffled as his hips plummet into you raw.
you feel your toes curl up within each sloppy degrading thrust he makes. as you’re taking nanami’s cock, you swirl your tongue around his mushroom tip that’s got a faint splash of pink painting near the very top. he’s bittersweet, your lashes flutter as your pretty plump lips envelope around his hefty length. a single prodding vein that runs down his cock twitches inside of your mouth and you moan at the feeling.
“fuck,” toji hisses, feeling your gummy insides squeeze and clamp around him. you’ve got your back arched as your hands cling onto the sauna’s ligneous bench.
the furniture’s woody and it continuously tottering by the second—loudly creaking as his pivotal strokes deepen. every few seconds, he’d swat a palm against your ass just to hear your cute whimpers. toji likes to gawk at the recoil, the way your ass cheek jolts back against his hand from the spank, it’s cute.
the concise twinges that follow from his hand makes your moans get louder, reverberating through the thin tapered walls of the sauna.
raspy pants leave from toji’s gruff vocal chords before his callous fingertips dig deep into the fat of your hips. his foot’s tapping against the floor as his head slightly cocks itself back. “mhm, shit. such a nasty girl, gettin’ stuffed from front ‘ta back. ‘s that what you really wanted, hm?”
since your mouth was currently occupied with nanami’s thick inches—you nod while starting to feel his bulbous tip repeatedly thwack back against the roof of your mouth. your eyes squeeze shut for a second as you’re twirling your tongue around his veiny length. steadily, nanami’s cock grows inside your mouth and you happily keep it warm. each twitching vein that runs down his shaft, you flick your tongue against it just to hear him moan out your name. you’re so aroused that you try to sneak a hand down between your trembly thighs, only to be swatted away by toji’s hand. you whine, a pout forming against your swollen lips as his pace quickens.
“no touchin’ my pussy,” he mumbles, and you felt yourself twitch. now that wasn’t in the script, but the more he smacked your cunt, the more you felt extra butterflies stir inside your stomach.
toji’s got such a good angle on you—he’s ferocious, ravaging through your pasty walls, feeling your sloppy slick run all down his cock.
your ass almost glues against his pelvis, and that’s when he leans right up against you. skin against skin, big hands reach near your chest, toying with your bouncy neglected tits. you moan, feeling his thumbs curl and squeeze against your perky nipples that poke through the blouse of your shirt. “such a pretty rack, yeah,” he lowly whispers, licking near your neck. his voice was so low up against your ear. so low, the playfulness in his voice was almost enough to make you cream on his cock right then. toji’s base was very full, and he’s now just smacking against your bare ass with. a few seconds later, he groans, feeling the brief pangs of electricity ripple near the undersides of his meaty calves. “ugh, god such a pretty view like this though. ‘ken fuckin’ wishes he had my spot.”
“oh, don’t flatter yourself, toji,” the blond hums, though as he’s speaking, you could tell he’s flustered.
your tongue has nanami stammering a bit, he’s patting your head, strumming a thumb against your pursed lips. once he meets your gaze, his breath nearly gets stolen away. “you’re doin’ so good, sweetheart. makin’ me feel so good,” and you watch his adam’s apple bobble. his praise warmed something in your heart.
it was something about being degraded from behind and praised near the front.
toji’s reeling your ass further back into his hips with ease whilst you’re focusing your eyes strictly on nanami. nanami’s heart races at the sight of you and now, he’s wondering if this really is just a scene anymore.
he found himself getting lost in your eyes—maybe it was a bit unprofessional, but you’ve had the gaze of an ethereal galaxy. the way your pupils would doe up and dilate as your head goes up and down against his length, he wanted more of you.
“that’s it,” he grunts, running a hand through his matted blond strands. nanami nearly loses his balance once your sucking turns into slurping. you’re a mess, your entire chin being damp because of your own saliva. he wipes some of it up with his thumb, only to taste it himself and he moans. your head continuing to bobble and he’s about to break, no, he is breaking. “slobber a- all on it, don’t be shy pretty girl. ‘s okay to be my messy girl. there we go.”
“tch.” toji’s eyes roll, and he’s still striking into you. your cunt was clingy, gripping around him tightly like a vice. the feeling makes his jaw tighten whilst your stomach seizes in rapture. he’s so deep, your limbs felt so flimsy as your pathetic breaths start to get more strained and breathy.
toji’s grip was angry, it’s french kissing right up against your cervix and you can’t help but let off a squeal. right there, he knows that’s your sweet spot and once he suddenly realizes it, his rude thrusts become purely maddened.
more souse streams of saliva drips down your chin as you’re slathering the entirety of nanami’s cock with your own filthy viscid spit. you look so pretty, cock drunk and on the verge of finishing yet again.
toji fucks like a madman—each stroke felt like your entire body was gonna snap in half. his body’s hovering over you and his warm completely radiates against your own. he’s so close that he’s merely humping you, sloppy greedy strokes becoming more feral as the seconds pass. his tip massaged your walls through and through, and your eyes were rolling way back until you saw nothing but pearly white at the back of your sockets.
by this point, this entire scene didn’t feel like you were filming for a movie anymore. it slipped your mind, you forgot this was literally your job.
“s- sweetheart, ‘m gonna cum,” a husky voice interrupts your thoughts, and your tongue still toys with his leaky slit. a hand of yours wraps around his full base, stroking him with a few good solid pumps and he’s so close. your touch made him shudder, the kind of shudder where he’s just addictive for more.
more of you.
“heh, that’s right. milk the pretty boy, babygirl. he’s all flustered because of y’er throat. that’s rich,” toji snickers, a rough cackle leaving his lips as his eyes meets his abashed co-star.
it was true, nanami was entirely flustered—he’s even avoiding eye contact now and sweating pinballs. toji’s hands were now sweating from the palms and he pulls your hips continuously back into him, each slam becoming more merciless.
but fuck, his cock was just insanely thick — it expanded through your walls as your cunt merrily constricts around his length.
it slides in and out, the squelches that your cunt makes because of it leaves you craving for more. your sopping wet, and he’s only making it ten times worse nanami narrows his eyes at toji’s teasing, lightly pulling your head down just a bit more to keep your attention back towards him. “hah, don’t listen to him, pretty. eyes on me, let me see that gorgeous face ‘m about to p-paint, fuck.”
nanami’s blushing tip reddens, and once he finally cums—it’s so much. it shoots out in stringy milky ropes, velvety and all.
it paints right onto your flat tongue and your eyes snap shut for two seconds at the bittersweet taste. your lips felt tepid, still having your mouth wrap around his cock as his dick now becomes soft and flaccid. “god,” he whines, multiple metallic fingers of his delving in your scalp.
nanami’s so pretty after he finishes, he’s got somewhat of a feverish glow to him and you see his veins pop out through each of his bulky muscles. it shows right through his shirt he wore, which was close enough to being see through.
“take it, swallow it f’ me sweetheart,” and he cups your chin, removing his dick from your dampened lips. his eyes were just as droopy as yours and he’s heavily panting. “ah, can you do that?”
with your cheeks all puffed up and stored full of cum, you’re completely dimwitted. you give him a nod, swallowing the hot seed before taking a second to breath. nanami doesn’t waste any time and he leans in, pulling you into a kiss. “i want a taste of myself too.” he murmurs breathlessly between kisses. as his head lowers to your level, you moan at the feeling of his lips pressing onto yours. it’s passionate, his tongue intertwines with your own and he then roves the tip of his tongue near the crevice of your mouth. there, he tastes a few remnants of his cum and it makes him groan.
toji’s still plowing into your sopping cunt that’s fully drenching down on him before he quips.
“hn. freaks,” and literally seconds after that, his cockiness fades away because he’s now cumming too. it’s quick, it hits him at full force like a speed of a semi-truck. toji’s ramming his cock up against that sweet spongey texture that’s making you whimper before he finishes himself. the build up was practically non existent. it was just sloppy, the hormone rush drives him insane and now he’s the one that’s short-circuiting. “oh s- shit,” he growls, feeling his dick starting to tighten and shrivel up whilst deeply buried inside of you. your grip was just so wet, it makes him suck his teeth in elation at how dripping wet you were.
from the waist down, he feels numb and his hips start to slow. it’s a buzz that even spreads toward his spine and he gruffs, spanking against your ass. “ngh, pussy’s fuckin’ dangerous,” his voice falters, it’s husky low pitch turning more high. it’s cute, and there’s a faint pout growing on toji’s lips.
nanami looks up at him with a flustered expression. “aw, too much for you toji?”
“shut up,” he groans, still feeling the after effects. toji came a lot too, masses of creamy hot cum fills up inside of you before it spurts toward your womb.
your thighs were on its final hinges as you were still arched and hunched over, desperate to see what you looked like from behind.
you were probably a mess, a mess with cum dribbling out of your fluttering hole. a saturated translucent ring forms around his base as he stops his thrusts completely, preparing to pull out. for once, hes speechless—at least for a few seconds anyway. “fuck me,” he groans, and his cock too, was now flaccid and idle.
your fingers run down towards your puffy clit to feel for yourself and oh, it’s even more stuffed than you even imagined.
sappy runny amounts trickle down your cunt, past your swollen lips and onto the sauna’s floor. you moan, squeezing two fingers inside to toy with yourself some more but that’s right when nanami swiftly grabs your wrist.
“ah, no sweetheart. no touching what’s ours,” he whispers, a thumb softly caressing near your palm. he sees the pout that mangles against your lips and he leans down to kiss your forehead. “i’ll think about letting you touch her after we shower.”
“and who says it’s up to you,” toji rolls his eyes, his voice still a bit shaky. he reaches near the glass cabinet for a dry towel before wrapping it around his slim waist. “i mean, i wouldn’t let her touch herself either but still.”
“there there,” nanami shushes you, bringing a soft kiss to your lips. your face softens as you return the gesture, and you then gasp once he toji lifts you up. nanami wraps a towel around his waist also, and toji creeps up beside him. cool air wafts against your skin at the sudden movements as he then opens the glass sauna door. “c’mon, let’s at least shower on it.”
as you’re slung over toji’s broad shoulder, your eyes were met with the floor. all of you walk out of the scene set and toji’s big hand squeezes near your ass. “wonder if she can take us both at the same time.”
“she’s a good girl, i think she can,” nanami kisses your forehead as toji walks with you. “right, princess?”
you still felt hot all over your body, but you nod, wrapping your arms around toji’s neck. “y- yeah,” and your nose buries inside the depths of his collarbone. his strong brawny cologne scent again, you’re hit with it face first from each whiff. “i can take you both.”
“um excuse me? this isn’t in the fucking script!”
nanami and toji both glance at the director who’s got a vein popping out of his forehead. toji snickers and nanami grows sheepish.
“eh. it is now,” toji shrugs, and he gives your ass a teasing smack. “c’mon, doll,” and he snickers, turning his head to whisper to you. “we aren’t finished with ya just yet, heh,” and toji glances at the director, giving your ass a spank as you’re still thrown over his shoulder. “cut.”
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ariestrxsh · 17 days
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🖤 content warning: 🖤 smut, teasing, masturbation, edging, innocence corruption, blowjob, mommy kink, praise, small age gap, pervy!virgin!chris, sub!chris, older!reader, softdom!reader, slow burn
🖤 author' note: 🖤 spoiler - there's a scene in this fic where chris saves the reader's nude without her permission. please don't ever do this irl. it's messed up.
🖤 summary: 🖤 chris might be a virgin, but he's certainly not innocent. while helping chris study for chemistry 101, he admits to you he's never done anything sexual, but the whole time he's undressing you with his eyes. you're both stubborn and waiting for the other person to make the first move. who will cave first?
Thank you to @jakewebberswifee for the pervy!virgin!chris idea. I immediately saw the vision when I saw this one in my asks, and I hope that you think I did it justice. (':
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'chemicals' part one
"Do you understand how I got this answer?" You asked Chris, and his gaze flicked up from your bare thighs to your eyes at the same time that you looked up at him from the page of his chemistry textbook. He was too busy imagining them as earmuffs, dreaming of diving between your legs to get a taste..
You guys sat side-by-side on his bed with the book between the two of you that contained diagrams and big words that Chris didn't really care to understand.
Chris wasn't doing well in his class, and his brother Nick had asked you if you could help him understand some of the concepts, considering you'd taken the same course your Freshman year of college a few years back and aced it.
He stared at you in silence. "Come on, Chris. You've gotta understand ionic bonds if you're gonna pass this class. Focus," you smiled at him, playfully slugging him in the arm while he wondered how that black, leather miniskirt you had on was conducive to him focusing on anything you had to say, much less anything having to do with Chemistry. Unless it was the sexual chemistry between the two of you.
"No, I get it. The elements share electrons and shit," Chris stared at your full lips while he nibbled on his own stuck in a fantasy about how they'd feel wrapped around the tip of his cock.
"But do you understand how many electrons they need to share to become a stable compound?" You intently looked at him, studying his expression while his perverted mind pretended that was some sort of lustful euphemism by some stretch of the imagination.
He had some electrons he wanted to share with you to help stabilize your compound.
"You know, I'm so sorry. I can't learn anything right now. My mind is somewhere else.." Chris shrugged at you. "Where's your mind?" You asked him, narrowing your gaze. In the gutter. "Just on some personal stuff," Chris replied, being as vague as possible to avoid telling you the vile thoughts about you that were clouding his focus.
"You know, you can talk to me about anything," You caressed his arm, and the feeling of your fingernails tracing against his flesh made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He dreamt about how your french tips would feel carressing his back while he plowed you.
Why not use this as an excuse to get a little sympathy out of you?
"You know, I'm just a little nervous about this being my first year of college and being so.. inexperienced," he smirked. This surprised you to hear, considering the sex appeal Chris gave off.
"Weren't you in a long-term relationship in high school?" You inquired. "Yeah, a year and a half. But she was a good little Christian girl. Wouldn't fuck me no matter how much I begged," Chris bit his lip, lowering his voice.
You shifted around uncomfortably on his bed. The thought of Chris begging had you entertaining thoughts you weren't proud of.
"Anyway, we ended things right before summer started," Chris shot you a fake disappointed look. He wasn't lying about what had happened, but he'd had time to process it and wasn't actually affected by it anymore. However, you didn't need to know that.
"Awh, Chris," you said sympathetically, cradling his face and caressing his cheek with your thumb. His cock twitched in his pants at how caring your voice sounded while you consoled him. He imagined how the pad of your thumb would feel grazing his other head.
"Yeah, it's been really hard. And lonely," he told you, glancing down at his lap, secretly referring to his cock. His voice was drenched in lust. Chris might have been a virgin, but he certainly knew what he was doing.
"Let me know if you ever need help with it. I mean, if you ever need someone to talk to," your eyes widened as you tripped over your words, picking up on Chris' signals and pulling your hand back from his face.
You could have sworn he was flirting with you and making you all flustered on purpose, but you couldn't tell if he was the one being a pervert or if you were. A slight smirk came across his face as he relished in your slip up.
"Anyway, we don't have to study this tonight. You clearly have a lot going on right now. When I get back to my dorm, I'll just send you my notes from a few years ago if I still have them," you smiled at him, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm wasting your time," Chris apologetically looked up at you. He was lying. He loved wasting your time.
You paused, giving him a sympathetic look. "Chris, of course not. I'll see you again tomorrow for another study session," You rubbed his arm and smiled at him. "Text me if you need anything at all," you offered as you got up to walk out.
Chris was sad to see you go, but he loved to watch you leave. He was entranced by your ass, the shape of it in your leather skirt, and the way it slightly jiggled as your hips swayed while you strutted out of his room. Chris couldn't help the effect you had on him.
The second you closed the door to his dorm, he pulled off his shirt and took out his cock. He started fondling it while his mind was flooded by thoughts of you, keeping his strokes long, slow, and steady. Chris loved to tease himself. He almost adored it more than the act of actually getting off.
And after his relationship with his ex ended, Chris discovered the attention and reactions he'd get from women for still being so pure. He could have his way with almost any woman he wanted, but he was also holding out for the right one.
However, not in the same way as his ex. He was holding out because he liked dangling his virginity in front of women, seeing what kind of responses he could get out of them. Especially women who were a little older and a little more experienced. They'd often answer sympathetically and in an almost maternal manner, and nothing got him going more than that.
Some would get uncomfortable, some would flirt back, and some would outright throw themselves at him. He loved that he knew how to elicit their pity and also their desperation. Some of the more shy women would fumble over their words and blush while he taunted them with his innocence.
It was somewhat of a front, but he really hadn't had sex. He hadn't even gotten a blowjob or handjob before. The most he'd ever done was one night on his ex's couch when they'd gotten carried away in a heavy make out session, and she'd let Chris reach under her top and graze her nipples with his fingers. He could still remember how they hardened under his touch and the way she had mewled against his lip when he did this.
But he liked being a tease, and it forced him to empathize with his ex. He knew he probably could have had his way with you in his dorm room that night if he wanted, but he adored the slowburn. He liked the chase, and whether he was doing the chasing or being chased didn't really matter much to him.
He took his nails and ever so gently ran them up his length, biting his lip due to how amazing it felt. He took the pad of his thumb, trying to match the same tempo and pressure you'd used when you rubbed his cheek, and he started running his thumbprint over his tip, smudging the clear fluid that leaked out while he shut his eyes, shuddered, and smiled to himself.
He continued caressing the swollen mushroom-shaped head while he started to gently stroke his shaft, but he kept the pace unhurried and his touch soft, eliciting a wonderful feeling and stimulating all of his favorite nerve endings while he moaned your name.
He wondered what kinds of noises you'd make and how your face would look while you were being pleasured. He pictured you in all kinds of different positions while he pumped his hand back and forth a bit faster. His chest rose and fell at a quicker pace as his breathing pattern sped up.
He felt a familiar sensation in his stomach as he neared sweet release, but he reduced the speed of his strokes to draw it out a bit longer. His cock was already so sensitive, and the way he edged himself increased the sensitivity even more.
Chris did this for the next half hour, bringing himself as close as he could get to orgasm and then slowing down or stopping to savor the sensation a little longer. His mind swirled with images of you while he brought himself to the edge a final time.
He couldn't take it anymore. His cock was so responsive to his touch.. It begged for relief.
While delicately, expertly, and relentlessly teasing his tip, his dick started to pulse, and a rope of his hot, sticky fluid erupted with incredible pressure behind it, and painted his stomach, his chest, and a bead of it landed on his cheek. "Fuuuckkk," he let out in a shaky moan while he finished, draining every last droplet from his member.
His orgasm lasted several glorious seconds, the sensation rhythmically washing over him and leaving a buzzing feeling all over his body and a ringing in his ears once it ended. He slowly came down from it like a feather floating to the ground. He laid there with his eyes closed, wiped the drop of cum from his cheekbone, and smirked while his breath found its way back to him.
Later that night, you were in your own dorm room, reflecting on the study session you'd had with Chris. You couldn't put your finger on what it was about Chris that made you so wet for him, but you'd been thinking about it since you'd left his room.
Maybe it was his innocence. Maybe it was the fact that he wasn't innocent at all. Maybe he knew what he was doing. Maybe he'd found a way to get inside your head, and it was driving you crazy.
You couldn't stop replaying the way he was looking at you earlier with his tempting blue eyes and the way he spoke to you, his inflection coated in a layer of seduction.
Was that how he meant for it to come across? Or were you perverting the situation? When he told you he was a virgin, was he hoping you'd offer to show him how good it feels to fuck? Did he know you wanted to?
Before you could continue to spiral and overthink the interaction, you remembered - the notes! You pulled out an old crate in your closet that had all your assignments in it from every college course you'd taken to date. You knew it'd come in handy one day.
You found your notebook from Chemistry 101 and flipped to the section on ionic bonds and stabilizing chemical compounds, and you took pictures of the pages on your phone. You found Chris' contact and started sending off the pictures when a diabolical idea crossed your mind..
While flipping through your camera roll and selecting pictures to add to the message, your thumb hovered over the last nude you'd taken. It was a subtle but risky way to find out where Chris' head was at, to see if he wanted you as bad as you wanted him. You quickly selected the risqué photo of you and sent it off.
When Chris checked his texts, his jaw dropped when he came across the last one. It was you, sprawled out on your bed, laying on your back. Topless. It was actually an extremely tasteful photo, the kind you'd see in a dirty magazine or a boudoir shoot. He admired the curves of your body, your beautiful breasts, and your seductive expression as you looked into the camera.
Another text from you came in almost immediately. "OMG!! Please ignore that last picture! I didn't mean to send that.."
But Chris knew better. He was familiar with this game. He had triggered your pity, and now your desperation for him. He bit his lip, knowing he'd worked his magic on you, and you were now caught up in his spell. He decided to throw you a bone and flirt back, knowing that's what you secretly wanted.
"I could study that for hours.." he texted back, but followed it up with, "the notes I mean. ;)"
You blushed when you read his response. "Please delete that. I'm so embarrassed!" You replied, trying not to be too obvious about the chokehold Chris had on you.
"Of course. I'd never keep a photo of you like that without your permission.." Chris typed out as he devilishly grinned and saved it to his camera roll. He couldn't let such a beautiful photo go to waste. It was against his moral code.
He slipped his hand into his waistband and took his time rubbing another one out while he savored the picture of you, hoping to burn it into his memory so he could access it whenever he wanted.
The next day, after you attended all your classes, you wandered over to Chris' room again. You hesitated for a moment before knocking on his door. It swung open and the gorgeous boy you couldn't stop thinking about stood in the entrance, and when he saw you, his pupils dilated and he very subtly glanced you up and down, his gaze lingering on your chest for a moment, remembering the photo of you.
Chris noted how snugly your plain white top fit you and how short your denim skirt was, the hem barely hitting your mid thigh. "Hi," he shot you an innocent smile. "Hey, Chris," you responded, nervously biting your lip. You wanted to address the elephant in the room - the nude you'd 'accidentally' sent Chris the night before, but you weren't going to be the one to mention it first.
"Almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on," Chris teased you. That didn't take long.
"I'm so sorry, Chris. I didn't mean for you to see me like that," you blushed, avoiding eye contact with him. "Sure you didn't," Chris whispered, maliciously smiling at you and giving you a look like he wasn't buying it.
"Anyway, let's get into the elements again. I think we need to go over some basics before we start getting into covalent bonds," you said, changing the subject and pushing past Chris to get into his room. He checked out your ass as you walked past him.
"Who do you have for Chemistry again?" You asked out of curiosity. "Mr. Reid," Chris stated. "Oh, I had him," you responded, plopping down onto his bed. "Yeah, did you like him?" He wondered, retrieving his textbook from his desk.
"He was a good enough teacher. But he would always invite me over for dinner and a bottle of wine when I was only 19. He was kind of a pervert," you told him. "A pervert? Damn, don't you hate those," Chris devilishly grinned, basking in the irony. "So, that's how you aced his class," Chris insinuated. "Oh my god, Chris! No. I never went over there!" You laughed.
The two of you sat side-by-side on his bed, and you flipped to the periodic table diagram, and you and Chris started going over the way they were organized on the page. "Show me which ones are the alkaline metals," you told him, glancing up at his plump lips. He gazed up at you and then back at the page, pointing to a group of elements. "Good! That's right," you praised him.
"Thanks, mommy. I mean, teacher. I mean.." Chris nervously giggled, looking back up at you. It wasn't actually a slip-up. He just wanted to see how you reacted to being called mommy.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you raised your eyebrows, and your lips fell open slightly. The way Chris referred to you made your pussy throb. You tried to hide how much you liked it, but Chris could see through you. "You're such a good teacher. I wish you could teach me everything," Chris whispered, his eyes dancing across your expression while he licked his lips.
"Shit," you muttered under your breath as you dropped your pencil, completely caught off guard by how Chris was speaking to you. You were about to bend down to pick it up when Chris stopped you.
"I got it," he smiled as he fell to his knees in front of you. He was at eye level with your crotch, and he couldn't help but gaze up at your red underwear that peeked out from under your tiny jean skirt.
His eyes lingered for a suspicious amount of time before he retrieved your pencil. "Here," his lustful blue eyes met yours while he handed you your pencil, still kneeling on the floor in front of you.
Seeing Chris in such a submissive position had your imagination running wild. You fantasized about grabbing ahold of his luscious hair, tugging on it until he was whimpering, and stuffing his head between your legs. "Good boy. Make mommy cum," you imagined yourself saying to him while he hungrily lapped you up.
He slowly stood up and sat next to you again while you brushed off your disgusting desires. Chris could tell how hot and bothered he had you, and he wanted to see how much further he could take it.
"You know, something I find fascinating about chemicals is the way they react to one another. It's like they can't help it. Some of them reject one another. Some of them explode when they get near each other. Some get along really well. Some can't stay away from each other. Like people," Chris stated, lowering his voice and moving closer and closer to you while he maintained eye contact.
You thought for just a moment that you might kiss.. But Chris wasn't done teasing you. His eyes wandered your face, landing on your lips again, but he pulled his gaze away quickly and brought his stare back to the textbook.
The two of you were playing a game, trying to see who would cave first. You both wanted each other badly, but you were both stubborn and loved the anticipation and fervor that existed between two people right before they kissed or fucked for the first time.
It was like a limbo, a liminal space, a transit between point A and point B. You both liked it, suspended in time in a place that only the two of you could experience. It was where the imagination would run the wildest, shuffling through the possibilities of what could come next.
"I never thought about it like that," you swallowed hard. "What elements would we be? And like what chemical compound would we make?" Chris smirked at you. "I-I don't know," you stammered, not understanding where he was going with it. "Well, what elements can't stop thinking about how badly they really wanna fuck each other?" He softly asked, staring into your eyes.
It wasn't even a clever pick-up line, but the way his voice came through so sensually had your skin crawling with lust. Chris didn't need a clever way to flirt with you. He could have said, "Did you fall from heaven because suck my cock," and it would've worked on you. But you couldn't let him know. You wanted him to directly ask for it, to crave it, to need it, to get down on his knees and beg for it.
"Chris.." you started to say, pulling your eyes away from his. "I'm just saying out loud what we're both thinking," he smiled at you. "Let's get back to the textbook," you said, turning down his advance.
"You telling me you haven't thought about it? You telling me that picture you sent last night was an accident?" He teased you. "It was," you declared, clearing your throat.
"Sure it was. I might believe that if this were the first time this kind of thing happened to me," he rasped, getting closer to you again. "What do you mean?" You looked at him inquisitively.
"I know how women like you are. I tell you I'm a virgin, and you go absolutely feral. My innocence turns you on, doesn't it? You wanna be the one to show me about sex, hmm? You wanna be the first one to make me cum?" He cooed, narrowing his stare and practically reading your mind. You looked at him wide-eyed and speechless. You weren't sure whether to deny his claims or to fall to your knees and beg him to let you suck him off.
"No one's made you cum before? Ever?" You inquired as if that were the only thing you heard out of everything he'd just said. "Nope. No one's ever touched it or put it in their mouth.." His voice trailed off, and he bit his lip, giving you a sweet, innocent look. It was getting impossibly hard to maintain your composure.
"You mind if we take a break from studying? I can't learn anything with my dick this hard," he smirked, starting to unbutton his jeans. "What are you doing, Chris?" You asked, your eyes dropping to his cock as he took it out. "I just need to take care of it really quick. You don't have to stay if you don't want to watch," he peered up at you innocently as he started slowly teasing himself, but you stayed put.
You admired the way it beautifully stood straight up, the one rather intimidating-looking vein that traveled from the base of his shaft all the way to his tip, and the way the head was shiny with a layer of precum. It looked so pretty.
You watched Chris' ritual, the way he softly trailed his fingertips up his length. He began to stimulate the most sensitive spot, running his thumb over the pink, dome-shaped end. He let out a soft whimper and shivered in pleasure while he maintained eye contact with you.
You couldn't take look away. Your clit practically had its own heartbeat at this point. He knew how badly you wanted to put it in your mouth. It was written all over your face.
"Fuck, you're tough to crack," he whispered while he stroked his gorgeous cock. He couldn't take it anymore. He needed to know what it felt like. If you weren't going to make a move, he was.
"Please, mommy. Please put your mouth on it," he softly begged, his eyes and his voice drenched in desire.
Finally. You had him right where you wanted him.
"Good boy. All you had to do was ask nicely," you responded, pushing him back on the bed and crawling between his legs. He looked down at you wide-eyed, full of excitement and anticipation. He released his grip on his member, and you replaced it with your own. You felt his dick twitch against your palm.
"Tell me what you want, baby," you responded, taking your thumb and gently caressing the tip like you'd watched him do earlier. You could tell how much he loved it by the way he gasped and smiled at you while you did this.
"Please suck on it, mommy," he pleaded with you. You hovered just above his cock, nearly drooling at the idea of sucking on it, and you stuck out your tongue, just barely licking the slit where all his precum had pooled up. His eyes widened and he moaned, throwing his head back. So responsive.
The next time you went to kiss it, you wrapped your lips around his sensitive nerves and started gently suckling. "Wow," he whispered. It felt better than he could have ever imagined. His hands found their way to your head, and he started combing through your hair with his fingers while you stimulated him in the most incredible way.
You wrapped your lips around him again, taking the tip all the way into your mouth, and then you slid it down even further. While you bobbed up and down on his length, your tongue grazed that big, juicy vein on the backside of his cock, and he started whimpering even more as you let the tip of his cock tickle the back of your throat.
"Mommy, it feels so much better than when I touch myself," he smirked, biting his lip and furrowing his brow. He took in the sight of you, seductively looking up at him while your full, pink lips swallowed him. You slid back up and started paying attention to the head again while you stroked him. "Good boy," you winked at him. He moaned and shuddered back in response.
You absolutely adored the way Chris' nervous system reacted to every little touch, every caress, and every lick. You could get off just to the way he sounded, looked, and writhed beneath the feeling of your mouth.
He looked at you with a softer expression, one that told you he was nearing the tipping point. You decided to kick it up a notch, pumping back and forth faster while your mouth moved messily, drooling all over Chris' cock, a stark difference from the slow, controlled demeanor Chris had when playing with himself. But he fucking loved it. He was discovering just how much he loved receiving sloppy head.
"I'm getting close," he said urgently, half-expecting you to remove your mouth from his special place, but you only did long enough to mutter, "Good boy. Finish on my tongue." His eyes widened at the realization that you wanted to swallow his seed.
The feeling of your wet, velvet-like tongue dancing and swirling all over his tip had him in shambles. His body began to tremble, and he gripped the sheets beneath him until his knuckles started losing color, his hips bucking up, asking for permission to burrow deeper into your mouth.
"Mommy, you're gonna make me cum," he whined as his cock started twitching in your mouth. The knot in the pit of his stomach snapped while his toe-curling, earth-shattering, mind-blowing orgasm swallowed him whole before spitting him back out.
He could feel every sensation, from the way spurts of his thick, sticky load shot onto your tongue while you swallowed to the way the speed of his blood increased while it rushed through his veins.
Once his soul returned back to body, he was staring at you in a shocked and fully satisfied kind of way, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had, and I usually edge myself for like, a long time," he whispered, giggling.
"You did so good for me," you praised him, wiping your saliva mixed with his cum from the corner of your lip and imagining how hot Chris looked edging himself all alone in his bed.
"I love blow jobs," he smirked.
part two posted here ���
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-delicious @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @lvrsturniolo @sofieeeeex @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @matts-myloverboy @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturnioloss @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @aaliyahhasacrush @hrtz4alex2211 @luvhsien @sp3ncerslvt @sturniolo-munch44 @jakewebberswifee @karttpet @ssturniolooss @thenickgurl @sturniolo-fann @sst7niolo @slxtformatt @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @camzeecorner @mattsturnixlo @annedebeijer @scorpioosworld @mynameisuser834 @mattlover-00 @honestlybeautifulqueen
871 notes · View notes
Can you pretty please write a fic where Logan and Deadpool are having an argument about how they should be fucking the reader, like going over techniques while the reader is just drooling and mindless like “whaaa”
hell YEAH i love getting fucked stupid by big strong men >:3333€
this is a rly good prompt btw so i could GLADLY expand on this but for rn here’s a snippet 😌
warning: dp, painal, sadomasochism, mild transphobia, slurs, degradation, overstim, dubcon, daddy kink
anatomical terms: cunt/pussy/bussy
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They talk about you like you’re not even there.
Well, physically you were right there with them. Mentally you were nowhere to be found, certainly not on their conversational level. Wade had been bouncing you in his lap for god knows how long. His cock in your cunt had thoroughly fucked your train of thought off the tracks. Your internal monologue was nothing but bitchy whimpers and primal burning for more. Welp. What do you expect? Back to back orgasms will do to that to you. You couldn’t even recall how the argument started, and context would’ve really been helpful.
“Wow! Okay! That’s a shitty thing to say to our guest! Wanna apologize and maybe try that one again, JK Rowling?”
"Oh, get fucked. That's not what I meant and you know it." Logan kept his firm hands on your shoulders, assisting your bounce, since your legs were damn near liquified.
“Mmmmm, ah, gah-fuuuck… Wh... Wha? Huh?”
“How is that not what you meant?" Wade, questioned, maintaining his steel grip on your ass. He felt that he had to protect you from the big bad wolf and his transphobia. "You just said he’s not a real man because he has a pussy. A tight, sweet, JUICY pussy that feels like a fleshlight full of microwaved angel dust. And yet SOMEHOW this makes him not a real man to you? Maybe you’re just not man enough for HIM, sugar-tits!”
"I said you gotta fuck him like a real man. You’re being too good to him. It's gonna fuel his ego, and I’m not letting you turn him into a spoiled brat. Fuck him in the ass, that'll teach him a lesson. Show him this shit ain't a joke."
"No way! Ass is ass is ass is ass. Everybody's got an asshole, peanut, and newsflash? They all feel the same. But this boy's pussy? This hot buttery premium A5 wagyu bussy that's—SQUEEZINGmyfuckingdicksotight, oh, fuck, fuckfuckfuck, angel baby, sweet boy, you feel so GOOD! Making your Daddy feel so good, good boy!"
Praise was easy enough to process. It didn't require any cognitive effort on your part. You didn't have to weigh in and have an opinion, you just have to take it, and be grateful for it. "Hah, fuck! Thank—thank you, Daddy! FUCK! Wade! WadeWadeWadeWade—WADE! WadeWadeWade..."
But Logan wouldn't let it go. "I'm serious. Make him take it up the ass, or I will."
“Un-be-lievable. You know something? You must be the one guy in this universe who could see a whimsical forest path that leads to a magical unicorn fountain, and says 'Oh, no, none for me. Let me go spelunking in the poop-chute, thank you very much!' And if that's not the single gayest thing I've seen in my entire—"
Oh, you poor thing. He nearly gave you a heart attack! It's terrifying when someone yells out of nowhere, especially when that someone has you naked and vulnerable in their hands. Logan had slammed you down on Wade's cock when he yelled, completely stopping the scene and trapping you between them. Woah. Time out. Shit has officially just gotten real. You and Wade held bated breath, and traded a glance that said "We're cooked. Nice knowing ya."
But Logan just laughed at you both. Delighted by the atmospheric tension he had just created.
"Heh... heh heh heh..."
Then he relaxed his grip on you, and those big strong calloused man hands started to explore. They massaged your shoulders, rubbed your neck and jaw, and groped and squeezed wherever they pleased. All the while, his hot breath, tinted with whiskey and malice, ghosted over the shell of your ear as he talked. He spoke very firmly. Targeted. Slow. He wanted you to get every fucking word.
"Listen, bub. I’m not about to question whether or not you’re a man, okay? But I’ll say this. When real men wanna take cock? It hurts. Oh, it hurts real bad. And most of ‘em don’t get the luxury of a cushy little cunt that’s meant to take a pounding. No, son. Real men get ripped apart by cock. It makes them cry and scream and sometimes their tiny little rims even bleed because of it. And you know what? They love it. They love how much it hurts them. Cause they’re men. Strong men. And you’re no fuckin’ better than them, you know that? You think just cause you got another hole that you can take the easy way out? Everything's gonna be peaches and cream, huh? Nuh uh. Not on my watch, you little shit. You wanna act like you're such a fag? Well then you’re getting fucked like one of us too."
“Jesus fucking Christ, babycakes, if you don’t want him up your ass I’ll GLADLY take the heat for you.”
542 notes · View notes
lxvsiick · 6 days
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PAIRING: down bad! frat boy! myung jaehyun x library worker! fem! reader 
SUMMARY: Jaehyung goes to the library everyday to see Y/n even though he's never touched a book in his life.
GENRE: fluff, imagine, frat boy
WARNING: kissing scene towards the end!
A/N: Inspired by KISS ME RIGHT by Keshi -- the song is finally out! i've been waiting ever since his last tour ,, this song reminds of jaehyun’s flirty personality so ENJOY!
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The double doors of the library swung open with an exaggerated flair, and every head inside turned like it was a reflex. There he was again—Jaehyun, in all his glory. Hair tousled like he'd just come from the gym, a hoodie slung over his shoulder, and that ridiculous smile that could charm the paint off the walls. He strutted into the library like it was the hottest club on campus, and not the quietest place within a ten-mile radius.
Whispers buzzed through the aisles.
"Is that Jaehyun again?"
"Does he even know what a book is?"
"Bro, he’s here every day now. Do you think he lost a bet?"
But Jaehyun didn’t care. He barely noticed the stares anymore. All he cared about was making his way to the front desk, where Y/n sat. She looked calm, focused, her fingers flying over the keyboard, the glow from her computer screen highlighting her face. She didn’t even look up as he approached.
Jaehyun cleared his throat a little too loudly, startling a student reading in the corner.
"Yo, uh... hey," he said, trying to sound casual, like he hadn’t spent the last twenty minutes rehearsing those two words in his head.
She finally glanced up, her brow furrowed in mild confusion. It was like she was wondering why this human embodiment of a golden retriever was trying to infiltrate her serene library world.
"You’re here again?" she asked, her voice neutral but with a hint of amusement.
Jaehyun rubbed the back of his neck, his usual swagger deflating slightly under her gaze. But he quickly recovered, flashing that winning smile that got him into any party, out of any trouble, and, hopefully, into her good graces.
"Yeah, you know... studying and stuff."
She raised an eyebrow, glancing at the completely empty table he had staked out for himself behind her. No books. No laptop. Not even a notebook. Just him, spinning a pen between his fingers like he was preparing for the next big test in... nothing.
"Studying?" she echoed, clearly unconvinced.
"Yeah, you know... brushing up on... the Dewey Decimal System." He threw in a dramatic wink, like it was the cleverest thing anyone had ever said about libraries.
She didn’t laugh, but there was a tiny, almost imperceptible quirk of her lips. Success.
"Right. Well, let me know if you need help finding a book... or learning how to read." Her voice was dry, and Jaehyun's grin widened.
"Ouch, brutal," he chuckled, his face lighting up like she had just complimented him.
She turned back to her screen, though he could tell she wasn’t entirely brushing him off. That was all the encouragement he needed. Without another word, he made his way to his usual table—smack in the middle of her line of sight. He didn’t sit like a regular person. He flopped down with a dramatic sigh, then spread out across the chair like he was getting ready for a nap, not a study session.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
From her seat, Y/n could feel his presence, like a beam of sunshine she wasn’t sure she needed right now. Every time she glanced up, there he was, pretending to flip through the pages of some random book he’d grabbed. Every few minutes, he'd peek over the top of the pages to check if she was looking.
At one point, Taesan and Leehan walked by and nearly stopped in their tracks when they saw Jaehyun actually holding a book. Leehan nudged Taesan, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Dude, I think he’s... reading?"
Taesan snorted. "Nah, he's definitely planning something. Probably trying to get out of doing chores at the frat house."
Jaehyun pretended not to hear them, but he couldn’t help shooting a quick grin their way. Let them talk. He was on a mission—a mission that involved far more staring at Y/n than reading anything resembling words.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
As the library’s closing time approached, the once-crowded space thinned out. Y/n was busy packing up her things behind the desk, when she noticed Jaehyun still lounging in his seat, scrolling through his phone. Everyone else had left, but he lingered like he had all the time in the world.
She walked over, standing at his table, crossing her arms with a bemused expression. "You know we’re closing, right?"
He glanced up, his puppy-like enthusiasm returning as if she’d just thrown him a bone. "Oh, yeah, totally. Just waiting for the right moment to—" He glanced down at the book in front of him and then looked back up, suddenly sheepish. "—check this out. For... studying. You know, tomorrow."
She shook her head, but this time, the smile she’d been holding back all day finally broke through.
"You’re hopeless."
He stood up, grinning ear-to-ear. "Nah, just... committed."
She raised an eyebrow, a challenge in her eyes. "To studying?"
He stepped closer, playful but serious. "To you."
For a second, there was nothing but the sound of the quiet, empty library around them. Then she laughed—soft, real. And in that moment, he knew every second of pretending to study had been worth it.
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The bass from the speakers thumped through the walls of the frat house as Jaehyun stood near the kitchen, laughing with his friends. Red Solo cups in hand, they exchanged stories from the week, loud banter filling the air. Jaehyun was mid-sentence when something—or rather, someone—caught his eye.
Out of the corner of his vision, Y/n stepped through the front door, her figure silhouetted against the dim lights of the hallway. She was wearing a sleek black dress that hugged her frame just right, her hair falling in waves over her shoulders. The noise of the party seemed to dull in his ears. He froze, his eyes locked onto her as if the world had slowed down just for a moment.
His friends continued chatting around him, oblivious to his trance.
"Yo, bro... hello?" Sungho waved a hand in front of his face. Jaehyun blinked but didn’t move.
"Earth to Jaehyun! What are you staring at, man?" Sohee nudged him, noticing where his eyes were glued.
His heart pounded in his chest, his mind still trying to process how she—Y/n—was here, in this chaos of beer pong and blaring music. She didn’t belong here, but she looked so effortlessly out of place, it was almost unfair.
"Bro, you good?" Hanbin laughed, realizing why he was distracted. "Dude’s done for, he’s totally smitten."
Jaehyun shook his head, snapping out of it. He chuckled awkwardly, trying to act nonchalant. "Yeah, uh, I’ll catch you guys later." He set his cup down on the counter and started weaving his way through the crowd toward her, his pulse quickening with every step.
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As he neared her, she looked around the room, clearly unfamiliar with the party vibe. Her eyes landed on him, and she smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. He stopped a few feet away, his voice unsteady.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, more confused than anything. "Who invited you?"
She raised an eyebrow at his tone, folding her arms over her chest. "Jake invited me. I thought it might be fun." Her voice was cool, as if his question wasn’t welcome.
A flare of jealousy twisted in his gut, and he frowned, glancing around the room, wondering why Jake had to ask her. "You should’ve said no to him. This isn't your scene." His voice came out sharper than he intended, his frustration laced in every word.
Y/n scoffed, clearly annoyed. "Excuse me? You don’t get to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do." She took a step closer, her gaze hardening. "I didn’t come here for Jake. I came because I wanted to see you. But if this is how you're gonna act, maybe it was a mistake." Her voice cut through the noise, her disappointment evident.
Before he could even respond, she turned on her heel, moving deeper into the house, disappearing into the crowd of bodies and flashing lights. He stood there, dumbfounded, replaying her words in his head. She came to see him.
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His heart sank. He felt like an idiot. Without wasting another second, he pushed his way through the throng of people, his mind racing. How could he have messed up so badly in just one conversation?
"Hey, have you seen—" he asked one person, cutting himself off as he realized they didn’t know who he was talking about. He scanned the dance floor, the kitchen, even outside by the keg, but she was nowhere in sight. His frustration grew with every passing second.
He was a guy who could read a room, crack a joke, keep the vibe light. But right now? He was frantic. His friends slapped him on the back as he passed, asking him what was up, but he brushed them off. He couldn’t let her leave thinking that was all he had to say—that she wasn’t welcome here, when in reality, she was the only person he wanted to be around.
Finally, after what felt like hours but was really just a few intense minutes, he spotted her standing near the back patio, her arms crossed as she talked with a couple of people. She looked frustrated, her foot tapping lightly against the ground.
Jaehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself, and made his way over to her, determined to make things right.
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Jaehyun took a deep breath, steeling himself, and made his way over to her, determined to make things right. 
As he approached, the people around her seemed to sense the tension, exchanging glances before slowly stepping back, leaving the two of them alone in the middle of the patio. The noise around them faded into the background.
Jaehyun opened his mouth, but nothing came out at first. Then the words just spilled out.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak out earlier. I was just... I don’t know, I saw you in that dress and... and then when you said you came to see me and not because of Jake, I just—" He paused, his hands gesturing wildly as he tried to find the right words. "I got jealous. It was dumb. I shouldn’t have said you shouldn’t be here, because I want you here. Like, I always want you here, not just at parties, but anywhere, and I—" He was rambling now, his thoughts tripping over each other in his rush to explain.
"—I just, I like you. A lot. And I don’t know how to deal with that sometimes. You’re... you’re like this amazing person, and I’m just the guy who’s pretending to study just so I can see you, and that probably sounds stupid, but—" He was talking faster, his words stumbling over each other. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he wasn’t even sure if he was making sense anymore.
Suddenly, Y/n stepped closer, cutting him off mid-sentence. Without saying a word, she stood on her tiptoes, leaning in.
Before he could process what was happening, her lips met his.
Time seemed to stop. His heart did a somersault, and his thoughts went blank. Her kiss was soft, brief, but it left him utterly frozen, like his brain couldn’t catch up with what just happened.
When she pulled back, Jaehyun stood there, completely stunned, his eyes wide and mouth slightly open as he tried to make sense of reality. For a moment, it was as though his whole world had paused.
Y/n looked at him and burst into laughter—an easy, melodic sound that broke through the tension. "You should see your face right now," she teased.
Her laughter snapped him out of his trance. His shocked expression melted into a grin, his heart racing for an entirely different reason now.
"Wait, you—" he started, his voice trailing off in disbelief.
She smiled, stepping closer again, her gaze soft but teasing. "Yeah, I like you too. Even if you pretend to read at the library every day." She gave him a playful nudge.
A flood of relief and pure happiness washed over him, and without thinking, he closed the gap between them, gently cupping her face and bringing his lips to hers once more. This time, the kiss was slower, more deliberate, like he wanted to savor every second of it. He could feel the smile on her lips, and it made him grin into the kiss.
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© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, lxvsiick, 2024
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reiderwriter · 7 months
Okay but, flirty reader majority pointed at Reid, and the scene where he has to get hosed down and says "I'mma bout to get naked, I don't think you wanna see that" and reader's just like raising her hand and says "don't worry I'll stay". And after she walks out to go to the hospital and sees everyone and with an open mouth and wide eyes just goes " woah" cause big dick energy
A/N: Hi, thank you so much for your request! I've been a bit sick lately, so I haven't had a chance to write much, but this was fun and quick to write! I might do a part 2 with the actual smut in the future, so if that's something people would want let me know in the comments!!
Warnings: suggestive content, public dirty talk?
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“I really want to see that.” 
You heard the words but weren't sure where they'd come from for the longest time. It had been a confusing morning, with a high alert for anthrax and your coworker trapping himself inside a contaminated lab to save you from dying a presumably very painful death, you couldn't be blamed for not realizing that you'd said the words in question. 
He'd meant the words sarcastically, of course, and they'd warned Morgan off immediately with a chuckle and a “You better survive this, kid,” but you'd stood rooted to the earth until he'd repeated them again. 
“Y/N, they're going to strip me down. You don't want to see that.” 
“I really do, though.” Your eyes unabashedly trailed down the contours of his body, soaked from the hoses currently decontaminating him. You could've sworn that he was moving in slow motion as his hand pushed back his hair and cleared his face of water. 
If there weren't this many CDC agents around, you'd have likely joined him in his impromptu shower to feel your way along the lines of his clothing, checking to see what was outline and what was the thick layers of shirt and pants that unfortunately still obstructed your view. 
Another minute of you ogling him went by before your eyes finally returned to anywhere near his, and you realized that your desire for the man could no longer pass for camaraderie. 
“You better not die, Spencer. Not before I can enjoy the meal I'm about to sample.” 
His doctors were either ignoring the conversation completely or were busy focusing on other things, and luckily, they didn't react to your words. Other than to take Spencer's temperature one more time when he flushed bright red, and stared at you slack-jawed. 
“We're going to have to speed this along, Doctor Reid. Please start unbuttoning your shirt,” one of the hazmatted men said to him, but his eyes were fixed on you. 
“Yes, please do, Spencer. It's for your own good. And mine.” 
You expected him to blush and fawn again, but his day had been as long and confusing as your own, so you were unsurprised when he looked you directly in the eye and began unbuttoning his shirt. You watched his descent, and your breath faltered, seeing the water drip down his bare skin now. 
“I'm not sure which of us is wetter right now,” you tried to joke in earnest, but you felt a sharp jolt of lust in your gut as soon as his hands reached his belt. 
“Y/N, you need to leave now. Before you make this any harder for everyone here.” The innuendo in his words were clear, but you were thankful again for the considerate and/or oblivious doctors either side of him bagging up his discarded shirt and jacket. 
“Only if you promise I can make your life as hard as I want to when you're in the clear.” You smiled again, hoping the full force of your lust would reach him. Spencer was always oblivious to genuine flirtation, you'd observed enough women throwing themselves on him (had discouraged a few too many with a hand on his arm and a finger playing with the abandoned curls at the back of his neck, too) to know that for sure. 
You needed to make your need for him explicit. 
“I mean it, Spencer. I really mean it.” 
His eyes locked with yours for the last time ad you made to turn around, doing your best to convince him without becoming distractedly horny. 
“I know. I'll see you at the hospital.” 
“At the hospital? Risky, I like it.” You winked and turned away, leaving him calling back after you as you walked over to the car Derek had pulled around the front of the property. 
“Wait, not the hospital! Those beds aren’t comfortable. Y/N! Y/N, really!” 
You giggled as you sat down in the car, but you bubbled with anticipation still. 
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ferrstappen · 10 months
could you be more obvious? l MV1
a/n: thissss is based on a request I got and ofc I added the Verstappen twins <3 this is messy I’m sorry but I’m on a writing mood
summary: you show up pregnant for the first race of 2024, just six months after Max won his 3rd WDC.
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Max being crowned world champion for the third time was something that made your skin buzz with excitement, a knot form in your throat seeing everything he’s achieved and the pride and satisfaction of knowing that every single person on the team had his back, was definitely one of the best sights.
But for Luca and Mila Verstappen, their papa being champion again time wasn’t exactly a big deal… they knew it was important because there were lots of fireworks and special tshirts, but they were born watching Max a champion, they only knew him as such.
what, like it’s a big deal?
They didn’t say it, but you knew that’s what was on their mind.
That was the reason why both Max and you decided to not bring the twins to Qatar, especially with the high temperatures and Luca’s history of getting sick during Grand Prix weekends, they were more than happy to stay with auntie Vic while you got ready to celebrate your husband.
And God, did you celebrate him.
Without the twins, the gin and tonics kept coming, the sloppy make out session on the VIP area of the club as if you were teenagers again, his front pressed against your back as he tried to impress you with his best moves, only to earn a couple of drunken giggles and peck on the lips.
Things were starting to quiet down, lots of people had already left to their hotel room, but you and Max were on a world of your own, with you sitting on top of him, but the moment you started feeling his lips ghosting against your neck, his hands moving from your waist to squeeze your hip.
and you knew it was time to go.
Bahrain, 2024
Max didn’t remember being so excited for race day. Yes, he was anxious for the new season, but the highlight of his day was seeing you getting ready, a loose blouse and white jeans accentuating the noticeable belly of six months of pregnancy, which was a complete surprise to everyone.
You entered the paddock through the main entrance, with photographers everywhere and Kym Ilman greeting your family, because the scene was worth more than a couple thousand likes on Instagram: you were holding Mila’s hand who in return was holding Luca’s, while Max walked with his arm protectively around your belly.
The twins weren’t exactly thrilled about the idea of having a baby brother or sister, a fact they made clear by asking every day if there was any chance to stop the baby from coming home eventually, telling you and Max that they were more than okay having the cats. Sadly, they were the only ones
“No! No! No! Is that why you went MIA on social media? Oh my God look at this bump! Congratulations you two,” Lily let go of Alex’s hand to give you a tight hug as Alex congratulated Max with a couple of pats on the back.
The scene repeated itself with most drivers on the grid, who didn’t ask how far along you were, but were able to deduce the situation. Until…
“How far along are you?” Charles asked you as he held Luca on his arms, letting him mess with his hair.
You blushed and Max’s chest puffed as if he has been waiting for the question. “I’m a couple of days away from the six months mark,”
Charles looked as if he was doing a very specific and difficult math problem as his girlfriend, Alexandra, stares at him with a faint blush on her cheeks, probably since she has always been more reserved around you because she was younger, but she was impatiently waiting for her boyfriend to catch on the situation.
“This is a 2023 season baby?” Charles asked.
“Looks like it,” Max answered with a smug smile on his face, but in reality it was an excited grin which reached his blue eyes.
“No…” Charles jaw dropped and had to put Luca on the floor.
“No what?” Max counter asked, even if he knew the answer. This time he started drawing mindless shapes on the clothes over your swollen stomach.
“Max… is this your championship child?” Charles whispered, shocked.
“What can I say? Winning on and off the track!”
And Charles almost passed out as both you and Max laughed, beaming while interlacing your fingers over your belly, knowing cameras wouldn’t catch you there.
user1: Max knocked y/n up the night of the third championship change my mind
user2: Max Verstappen pulled a k-mag and I respect that
user3: do we know the birthday of the verstappen twins? Asking for a friend
user4: y/n and max will have a full kindergarten if they have a kid every time he wins the championship💀
user5: are we really surprised after those videos leaked of max squeezing her ass while they were celebrating the 3rd wdc
user6: if the maths are mathing this baby will be born around the Monaco gp. GODS PLAN
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leclerc-hs · 2 months
Jealous sex with Charles 🤩
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smut under the cut! xoxo
YOUR FRIEND’S APARTMENT buzzed with a lively energy as guests mingled under a soft, warm glow of string lights draped across the ceiling. The space, modest but cozy, was transformed into a hub of festivity. The mix of eclectic décor added character: vintage posters hung askew on the walls, and potted plants created pockets of greenery that contrasted the otherwise urban feel.
You were a few drinks in—the buzz of the alcohol you consumed staining your cheeks with a slight reddish hue. Your earlier fight with Charles’ still sat in the forefront of your mind, leading you to keep drinking. 
It was a rather toxic relationship. A game of cat and mouse. Both of you never wanting to confess your true feelings for one another. It was childish honestly, the way neither of you refused to just be together.
“Why does it even matter if he texted me?”
His eyes were cold as he looked at you, his biceps flexed as his arms cross over his chest. “It’s whatever. Go try and fuck the entire town for all I care!” 
Charles stood across the room, the throb of the bass vibrating through his chest, but it was not the music that had him fixated. His gaze was locked onto you, and the intensity of his stare betrayed a growing, seething fury. The makeshift dancefloor seemed to blur as his attention narrowed solely on the scene unfolding before him.
An ex-fling of yours—one who had always carried an air of easy charm—had just sidled up to you. His presence was impossible to ignore, a magnetic pull that drew your attention away from the crowd. With a casual confidence, he leaned in close, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. The proximity was intimate, almost invasive, and Charles could see the way his breath seemed to linger a moment too long, his intent as clear as day even from a distance.
Charles’s jaw clenched as he watched, his hands tightening on the neck of the glass beer bottle in his hand. Though the words spoken were lost to the pounding music, the effect was immediate. You laughed—a spontaneous, genuine burst of amusement that seemed to resonate across the room. The sound of your laughter, bright and carefree, was like a dagger to Charles.
 It wasn’t until Charles saw you slip out of the room that he found his feet moving almost immediately, following you.
“Having fun?”
You lazily turned to the sound of his voice, your hair in complete disarray from all the dancing you’ve done tonight. It wasn’t until now that you let yourself really look at him.
He looked fucking hot. But so did you.
Your lips curled into a small smirk. “Yeah, think I’m going to head out soon. Got a big list of people to go and fuck. Tight schedule and all that.”
Charles felt his cock thicken against the thick material of his jeans. You always had a dirty mouth. Always so vulgar. It was one of the many things Charles loved about you.
You watched as Charles’ right eye slightly twitched at the mere mention of you going and fucking other people. The normal green of his eyes was no longer there, an almost black color there instead.
“Let me be clear, cherie.” He takes a step towards you, your eyes dropping down to his glistening chest that pokes through the many undone buttons of his linen shirt. “You’re only fucking me.”
“You’re so funny.” Charles mutters as he shoves your face into the plush mattress of his bed, your dress and underwear thrown somewhere along the confines of his room. “Thinking anybody else could take care of this needy pussy, hm?”
His cock slipped into you with ease, the stretching burn eliciting loud moans to escape your lips. 
“That’s it…” He let out a guttural moan, pushing his hips as far into you as he could. In dire need of closeness. “Let me hear how I make you feel.”
You gasped, if your cheeks were slightly red before they were burning red now. 
He gives you no warning before he’s scooping his arm under your stomach, lifting you from the mattress and flipping you onto your back. You fall to the mattress with a slight bounce and a small shriek. He wastes no time slipping his cock back into you, his thrusts harsh and calculated.
“I hate you.” You say in between harsh breaths as Charles leans over you, his weight all being held by his arms at the sides of your head.
“Yeah?” He laughs. “What else, hm?”
He can’t help but feel his cock grow harder inside of you at the bite of your tone.
“You’re insufferable…” You begin, moans escaping in between each word. “So mean to me…”
“And you never apologize.”
Small tears stream down the sides of your face as his hips pick up the pace in between each angry statement of yours. As if it was egging him on. 
“Yeah, well you’re mine.”
Your pussy clenches tightly around his cock at the phrase. “I’m so mad at you.”
“Yeah? Tell me how mad you are baby.” 
He’s practically panting in your ear as your nails scrape along the thick muscles of his back, the pleasure building in your stomach, almost ready to spill.
You latch your legs behind his back, pressing the heels of your feet into him, shoving him deeper into you. 
“Fuck you.”
And that’s all the encouragement he needs before he’s shoving his entire cock inside of you, completely bottoming out with each harsh stroke. You were completely dazed as he lets out an occasional laugh. Almost mocking you.
“Faster—ah shit…” You plead, your hands trailing any inch of his skin you can touch. 
His lips meet yours hotly. It’s a clash of tongue and teeth, and nowhere near perfect. Both of you are groaning into each other’s mouths hotly, tongues meeting tongues.
“M’ gonna come,” You moan into his mouth, his hips not slowing down. He pulls his lips off of yours for a few seconds, soft grunts echoing throughout the room.
“Such a good girl, hm?” He smirks. “C’mon give it to me.”
The tight squeeze of your cunt on his cock was almost mind numbing to Charles. You let out soft mewls as you reached your orgasm. Your walls fluttering around him repeatedly.
“You’re so fucking hot.” Are the last words you hear before he pulls out of you, spilling his hot cum all over your stomach in white stringy spurts.
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darkroomkisses · 1 year
Uh, can I request a dark!ethan with quinn's scene in the bathroom but instead of her being the reader, where gf!ethan is waiting for her to fuck her w non-con. Thank you!
hope it is understood, English is not my first language
Rejected (Dark!Ethan Landry x Reader)
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A/N: Oh spicy! Yes, pretty sure I understand you! I hope this is to your liking, I changed some stuff from the scene in the movie. Danny doesn't see ghostface in the room. Went a little darker toward the end (oops) Thanks Anon <3
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Pairing: Dark!Ethan Landry x Reader
Summary: After rejecting Dark!Ethan when he asks you on a date, he's angry enough to kill. So he does just that, he kills your hookup and fucks you after. READ TAGS!
Warnings: NON-CON,SMUT, Dark!Ethan Landry, Ghostface Ethan Landry, fem!reader, Murder, Choking, Unconscious reader, Dacryphilia, Possessive!Ethan, Jealous!Ethan, Unprotected P in V, Creampie, marking, biting, Face Slapping, slight slut-shaming. Don't read if uncomfortable with dark themes, other than that ENJOY!! 🥀
Banner by @straywords 🥀
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Ethan has been obsessed with you from the moment he met you. Whenever he would come over to the apartment you shared with Sam and Tara, he would watch you so intensely, some of the times you noticed but it didn’t bother you too much, but it made you a little uneasy.
His eyes were so dark and fierce you felt like your skin might set ablaze. His eyes never leave you when you all hang out. All that ran through his mind was wrapping his hands around your neck watching you shiver under him as he forced himself in you. He wanted to look into your fearful eyes and see sweet tears running down your pretty face. 
About a month ago, Ethan mustered up the courage to ask you on a date, you giggled at his shy attempt to ask you out and rubbed his face, telling him you only see him as a friend. Those words haven’t left his mind since only playing on repeat as he laid in bed every night.  
It was late in the evening, The house lively with the gang spending time together in the kitchen, completely distracted from what was going down in the other room.
That was perfect for Ethan, he was preparing for his attack, hiding away in your closet. He was ready to kill the loser who just fucked you in two pumps leaving you disappointed and needy for more. Ethan was seething with rage because what the fuck did this fucker have that he didn’t? The fucker didn’t even make you cum. His cock half hard thinking about what he wanted to do to you. The fucker went into the bathroom leaving you alone in the bedroom. You slipped your nightgown back on and pulled out your phone, turning to the side. Ethan couldn’t wait anymore.
“Babe, you coming to join me?” The guy yelled from the bathroom; you met him earlier that night at a frat party, he was cute, and you were drunk. You put your phone down for a second to respond “No and don’t use my face wash it’s pH-balance for women” you yell, “yeah whatever you say” he yells back. You go back to your phone, giggling at the video you were watching. Unaware of the dark figure looming over you, after a few seconds of Ethan running his eyes over your figure, his fingers twitching desperately wanting to touch you. He slipped out of your room to kill that loser in the bathroom.
Ethan finished the job, he sighed out, fuck it felt good to kill that alpha fucker who was a two-pump chump. But what he had planned next would feel even better. Ethan slipped back into your bedroom quietly to not disturb you. You hadn't moved from your position. Ethan leaned over you in a quick motion, hand over your mouth, all his bodyweight pinning you to the bed the blade was at your neck, the slightest pressure pushing into you.
Your eyes widen, you gear up to scream as you meet the big dark eyes of Ghostface. You started to cry, Ghostface just stared down at you, his hand tight on your face. You screamed against his hand, your body shaking with fear, you were going to be killed. Ghostface shook his blade in your face, shutting you up instantly.
Ethan smiled under the mask; happy his plan was playing out perfectly. His cock was hard and leaking already. You looked even more perfect than he pictured late at night when had his hand wrapped around his hard cock, getting off to the thought of you. Your eyes were puffy and red, your tears couldn’t stop falling. Ethan took his blade and ran it down your short nightgown, tearing it in half and exposing your bare body to him, your breathing started to speed up at the realization of what was about to happen.
You heard a quiet moan from Ghostface, your blood running cold. “Scream and I'll kill all your fucking friends in the kitchen” Ethan said in the Ghostface voice making you shiver. You couldn’t let your friends die because of you. You shook your head quickly. Ethan took his hand from your mouth to squeeze one of your boobs he leaned his head down to your neck, rutting against your core, it took everything in you to not throw up at the feel of his hands exploring your body and the heavy breathing in your ear made your stomach turn.
Once Ethan got his feel, his free hand moved down to your wet pussy, his gloved hand stroking all over. Ethan was surprised how wet you were, and it was all for him. Ethan hovered over you to get a better look at your wet core. Ethan let go of the knife to remove his gloves. He had to feel you properly against his skin. He returned his hand rubbing your clit, you let out a soft hum, Ethan snapped his head up to see your face. It was exquisite, your face twisted like you were trying to hold back your pleasure.
That twisted his desire to get you to make more pretty noises for him. He wanted to hear you cry out, with that he pushed his fingers deep into you, hard and fast. You let out a broken moan, whimpering for him to stop. “p..please stop, please” you pant, with your lips quivering. Ethan let out a half laugh. “Why would I stop when you feel so good?” he said rutting faster and making circles on your clit with his thumb, determined to make you cum...hard. “Fuck you feel so good y/n” Ethan moaned your name lewdly. Your eyes widen, your thoughts running a mile a minute now, trying to think who the fuck this was. You didn't have much time to think, your fear and arousal ramping up to another level, your orgasm threating to crash down on you.
Your legs start to shake, your back arches against him your chest raising, and he takes his other hand and grabs your boob squeezing so tight, he pinches your nipple, rolling it with his fingers. He wanted to bring your tit into his mouth and suck hard on your hard nipple.
You clenched down hard on his fingers, he’s breathing deep into your ear, encouraging you on. “Good girl, cum on my fucking fingers” Ethan growled into your ear. You came down from your high, you felt like you were on the verge of passing out. Between the crying and the orgasm that had you shaking uncontrollably you couldn’t keep your eyes open.
Your head whipped to the side, your cheek stinging. “Wake up, we are not done yet” Ethan growls. His cock was painfully hard now, he needed to be inside you. Your eyes fluttered, Ethan grabbed your neck tightly he whimpered softly, fuck he wanted to do that all night. Ethan releases his hard cock with his free hand.
Your panic hits you like lighting you tried to squirm out of his grip but that only made Ethan more excited. He lines his cock up with your slit, Ethan rubs his cock up and down on your wetness. In one quick thrust, Ethan forces himself in you, he lets out a low moan, steadying himself, he felt like he was going to burst inside you. Ethan almost couldn’t contain himself and thrust hard a few times, this is the first time Ethan felt pussy this good, the only time, actually.
His hands choked you hard with each rock of his hips. “Fuck, you know how long I wanted to stick my cock deep Inside you?” Your head feels light, and you are barely able to register what he’s saying to you.
You reach up to tear his hands away, but you couldn’t find the strength. “Your pussy is fucking mine, only for me” Ethan pants as he drags his cock against your hot walls. “You’re so tight, I feel like I'm tearing you apart.” You could hear the smile in his voice, each word dripping with lust.
“I c-can’t-” you choke out before you feel yourself fading into unconsciousness. Ethan didn’t let go of your neck for a few seconds, watching you fall limp under him. Ethan pulled his mask off throwing it to the ground. Sweat beating down his face, his hair a wild mess. He stops his movement for a second hiking your knees to your chest so he can fuck deeper into your slick hole.
The only sounds that filled the room were Ethan’s desperate moans and groans and the wet sounds of him fucking sloppily into you. He kissed your lips roughly, moaning into your mouth. “You’re mine, you’re mine, all for me” Ethan chanted darkly. He moved his lips to your neck sucking and kissing the marks he left on you. He was so close; he couldn’t hold back anymore.
Ethan roughly grabbed your hips, making your back arch. He was gripping so tightly he definitely left marks. “Fuck baby, take my cum you little slut” Ethan pumped in you harshly one last time letting out a deep moan as he spilled inside you. Ethan slowly pulled out of you, watching your slit dip his cum.
Ethan kissed your lips softly, roaming his hands all over your soft limp body one more time. Finally, he sits up, tucking you under the covers. Ethan kisses your forehead and puts his mask back on before fleeing the room. You were out cold, breathing softly and completely unaware that your shy friend Ethan had attacked you and you never will know. 
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kaiser1ns · 8 months
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𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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╹synopsis :: you hated him from the moment he showed up at the bastard munchen tryouts — you can't stand him, it's impossible, or so you thought.
╹contents :: 8.9 k words aka word vomit, fluff and two kind of suggestive scenes,mostly pre-timeskip kaiser, reader is football fanatic, kaiser loves to annoy her(he is just in love with her), just one teenager denying their feelings while the other is clearly in love, mentions of her parents - to clarify they are not dead !, mentions of real players from the actual club bayern munchen, i don't know if I can put this in the slow burn section? she hates him but she loves him.
╹notes :: 100 followers special i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this, please spare me. sorry for any grammar mistakes, hope you enjoy! for my one and only, and big thanks to @kooriou 🤍
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You hated Michael Kaiser from the first moment he stepped into Bastard München Academy, an instant wave of annoyance washed over you. His arrogance and presence got on your nerves, making it impossible to even look at him. But you had to — that was your job as a future assistant coach for the best team in Germany, and who knows maybe you can snatch your uncle's position as manager.
As the tryouts unfolded, you observed him closely, jotting down notes on his skills and trying to give him some initial stats, which to your dismay were either tier A or S. Despite the irritation, there was no point in lying, he was outstanding and he knew what he was doing - or rather, he knew what he wanted. You saw as he teamed up with the boy who wore the jersey with number 20. They made up a pretty good duo, and with Ness's passes and Kaiser's fast attacks, no one could stop them. 
Perhaps beneath the thorny exterior, Michael Kaiser was the player Bastard München looked for—someone who could elevate them to new heights. As the final whistle blew, you already knew the outcome that they would both be accepted into the team, and you'd have to get used to seeing his face almost every day. You got up and walked over to your uncle as all the recruits were lined up, looking at them, as your eyes landed on the striker with with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a blue rose tattoo on his neck. You stared at him, furrowing your eyebrows and with squinted eyes, a silent expression of displeasure etching across your face.
In that subtle gesture, frustration found a physical form; it was a language spoken without words, a non-verbal protest to whatever disturbance had disrupted your peace — and the one who caused it starred back at you, smirking smugly at you, but he turned back to listen to the coach's speech.
"And with that, we welcome you in Bastard Munchen. We hope you will meet and exceed our expectations, and now I will give the word to my niece Y/N who will also work with all of you youngsters." You were still lost in the staring contest with the boy who paid you no mind, and now everyone looked at you, some were getting scared seeing you so oppressed by something; were they that bad that the coach had to ask his niece about another opinion?
Your uncle cleared his throat, making you come back to the real world, a little taken back from the sudden shift of focus. "Ah, yes, of course." as you stood there with all of your glory and pride like you were the president and everyone waited for your long waited speech "As the future of Bastard Munchen, you will be the ones to continue the legacy set by the club's legendary players. Work hard so you can achieve your goals, as you should always believe in yourself. Make every impossibility a reality." 
Your words echoed through the training grounds, making the boys happy to hear something from a beautiful girl - in one way or another, something had to keep them going. As you finished your speech, you caught his eye again, but this time, there was a glimmer of amusement. Was there anything wrong with the things you said? You tried your best to sound like every coach who talks to their team with all the "work hard and give your best shot" stuff. You hope you won't become like that in the future.
Your uncle nodded approvingly, signaling the end of the meeting. The boys started leaving one by one, but the blue-eyed genius stayed, approaching you with confidence.
”Impressive speech, Little Miss, but actions speak louder than words, don't they?" he remarked with a smirk, leaving you with a mix of irritation. You haven't even known each other for a day and you already want to gouge out his eyes. "Talk about yourself, Mister. Show results, and then talk to me again."
Kaiser chuckled, his smile growing wider as he came closer to you, rising a hand as he delicately slid his fingers under your chin, lifting it ever so slightly, your breath hitched from the sudden move.
"We share some similar goals, I will give you that. Be sure to watch me making the impossible your new reality." he walked away, leaving you standing there like a statue - a blushing statue at that.
You definitely hate him.
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In the following weeks, as training sessions progressed and the team started bonding, you couldn't deny that Michael's skills were exceptional. Despite his arrogant attitude, there was a reason why he wore that smug expression. The team was carried by his influence, and you found yourself unfortunately acknowledging his impact. Kaiser Impact, huh? That’s one way to call it.
He approached you, the smirk replaced by a genuine smile. "Not bad, right? I noticed the way you looked only at me," he said, as you rolled your eyes, trying to maintain your composure as you handed him a water bottle "Don't get too comfortable now. This doesn't mean you're off the hook. There's still a long way to go."
The blonde boy chuckled, seemingly unfazed, taking the bottle from your hand, making your fingers briefly touch as he kept eye contact. "I wouldn't want it any other way, Prinzessin. Now what are my stats? I’m sure they went higher." You shot him a skeptical glance, unimpressed by his playfulness. "Stats? Do you mean your nonexistence score? Like in a video game or something," you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest.
He laughed at your comment. "Maybe not a game, but God's challenge, and I'm here to be the best of the best and eventually surpass Noel Noa," he replied with a cocky grin.
Rolling your eyes once more, you couldn't deny the feeling you had when talking back at him. "Fine, let's humor your challenge sent from above for a moment. Strength: still lacking, form: needs improvement, and humility: nonexistent," you assessed, ticking off imaginary boxes in the air. "But hey, you did manage to catch my attention for being the most annoying person I have ever met, so I'll give you that."
Kaiser raised his eyebrows, took a sip from the water bottle, and said, "Well, Prinzessin, catching your attention is just another bonus for me." You scoffed, "Smooth talker, aren't you? But like you said actions speak louder than words, so do me a favor and leave me alone, you are not the only one who has to work hard."
His eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint as he took a step closer, narrowing the distance between you. "Oh, I plan on proving myself in more ways than one. Consider this just the beginning." With that, he went back to the others, leaving you to wonder whether he was genuinely committed to improving or just enjoying getting under your skin.
Deciding to continue your work – which for now was to arrange the water and the towels ready for the players – paying no mind to the world around you, until you felt a hand on your shoulder, thinking it was Kaiser again, but it was your uncle - the head coach. His touch was firm yet comforting, a familiar presence amidst the chaos made by the young athletes.
You turned around, a mixture of surprise and relief coloring your expression. Your uncle, Franz Bauer, wore a knowing smile that hinted comfort “How are you doing so far, Y/N? Is something or rather someone bothering you?” He spoke in a low, reassuring tone. You took a moment to collect your thoughts, grateful for your uncle's concern, but you found it strange how he always knows and notices when you have trouble.
"I'm managing, Uncle Franz," you replied, a faint smile on your lips. "Just the usual, dealing with boys my age. Nothing that I can't handle."
His gaze held a depth of understanding, and as he nodded at you. "I appreciate the help. You know, you remind me of my younger self because I too was an errand kid."
He wanted something from you, and you knew it by the way he started to talk about how much you were like him as a child. He always does it. "Just get to the point. Is there anything specific you want me to do?"
Franz laughed slightly ”You do catch up quickly,” his voice dropping to a confidential tone. "I've been observing you, and I can't help but notice the way you look at the team, wanting to comment on the formations, the positions, and the players themselves. I've been thinking about expanding your role in the team, perhaps as an assistant coach."
The proposition caught you off guard, and your eyes widened in surprise. "Assistant coach? Uncle, I appreciate the offer, but I'm not sure I have the experience for that."
He placed a hand on your shoulder again, a reassuring squeeze. "Well, you will be an assistant coach in training. Experience is gained through opportunities, Y/N. I see potential in you, a natural talent." your eyes widen suddenly “So, for the rest of the training session, you will be the boss.”
“But I-” he cut you off by standing behind you and pushing you forward “No objections, or I'll call your parents to pick you up. You don’t want that, right?” having no time to answer, you were next to the other coaching staff as your uncle gave a thumbs up from the benches with water and towels. That old bastard Well, you better be here training some naive and arrogant footballers, than being home studying economics.
Taking a deep breath, you accepted the challenge, even if you didn't want to. As you stepped onto the field, the weight of the whistle in your hand felt foreign, yet empowering. The players eyed you curiously, some exchanging glances, unsure of what to make of this sudden change. Gathering the team you began to give orders. "You will go against the first team and clash with amazing players like Noel Noa, Thomas Muller, Manuel Neuer and Joshua Kimich. But let go of the thoughts about the big bad wolves chasing you - you shall become the chaser." Your uncle watched from the sidelines as if he knew something you didn't. "So for starters, we are changing the formation to 4-2-3-1 as Kaiser will be the top of the attack, Ness you will be the attacking midfielder so you gotta keep an eye on blondie over here, but also beware of your rivals. "
The players exchanged glances again, as Kaiser and Ness shared a look - shocked at your words. Is this even going to work? Is she for real? You took a moment to gauge their reactions before continuing. "Remember, this is a training session, and mistakes are welcomed. Now, destroy them."
As the training progressed, the intensity of the practice match increased, with each player giving their best to impress you. As the team executed the adjusted formation, you observed them. Kaiser made strategic moves upfront, Ness showcased skillful ball control, and the defense held its ground against the opponents.
In a surprising turn of events, the U-20 team began to dominate the match. GOAL, As you blew the final whistle after Kaiser scored the 5th and final goal of the game, ending practice. He looked at you, and again with that smile - full of self-confidence. You wanted to throw the whistle at his stupid-looking face. The sidelines erupted in cheers from the staff as your uncle gave you an approving nod, acknowledging the success of your "coaching debut", approaching you with a proud smile. "See, Y/N? You have it in you. You made them believe in the impossible about beating the old dogs, and they did it."
After the game, the players gathered around for a brief post-match discussion. The atmosphere was a mix of exhaustion and triumph. Kaiser, still riding the high of his decisive goal, approached you with a smirk.
"Well, well, well, Y/N. I never thought I'd see the day when you'd make me the star of the show," he said putting his arm on your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, trying not to let his teasing get to you. "This was just a practice match. Let's see if you can replicate this performance in a real game."
He chuckled, "Oh, I plan on it. Just watch, Y/N."
Ness, who had been listening to the conversation, chimed in, "I have to admit, I didn't think this would work, but it did. Maybe you're not as clueless as I thought."
You shot him a glare, "Yeah, thanks Ness." The purple-haired grinned, "No problem. Just keeping you on your toes."
As the midfielder went away, sensing that his partner wanted alone time with you, Kaiser lingered for a moment, a more genuine expression on his face. "You know, Y/N, for a moment there, I almost thought you enjoyed it. Admit it being in charge, making your own choices..."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Kaiser. This was just one game. We'll see how things go in an actual game."
Kaiser looked at you, his grip tightening. "Fair enough. But, if you ever need to test some tactics, you know where to find me~."
You scoffed, removing his hand from your shoulder, "I'm not going to Hell, thank you." he continued to look at you in a way unknown to you, making you feel kinda strange "Well, maybe just a quick visit. You might find it surprisingly pleasant." You rolled your eyes again, but there was something in your chest that you were very unfamiliar with. "I'll consider it, but this doesn't mean I like you or anything."
The boy chuckled, a teasing sound coming from his lips. "Oh, I'm not expecting you to confess your undying love for me just yet, Y/N. But I have to admit, that was flattering." You shot him a skeptical look, feeling a little hot for some unknown reason. Are you getting sick? No, that shouldn’t be it, maybe is the adrenaline, yeah that’s it.
"Is that your idea of a compliment?" He shrugged, noticing how your checks started to turn red "Take it however you want. Just remember, I'm always up for a challenge, especially if it involves the impossible of winning you over, Erdbeere(Strawberry)."
You raised an eyebrow at the unexpected nickname, playing on your face. "Erdbeere? Really?"
Kaiser grinned, undeterred by your reaction. "It suits you. Sweet, but with a bit of a bite. Plus, it's fun to see that tough exterior of yours crack a little."
You sighed, realizing that arguing with him would only fuel his teasing. "Whatever. Just focus on keeping up with the same performance as today"
He winked playfully, "Oh, I'll keep up, Erdbeere. Count on it."
as Kaiser turned to leave, his gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary. The teasing smile on his face softened, revealing a hint of something more genuine. "See you tomorrow, Y/N," he said, his tone unexpectedly earnest.
You watched him go, and as the distance between you and him grew, you felt something. It was a feeling you couldn't quite describe, leaving you to question it.
Alone with your thoughts, you couldn't help but replay the conversation and the teasing remarks in your mind. Kaiser's parting words echoed, and the unexpected nickname he made up for you.
"Erdbeere," you whispered to yourself, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, you liked the sound of it - just maybe, you will let it slide this time.
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After the whole fiasco with the practice match and the “Strawberry incident”, as you liked to call it, the work in the facility was getting harder - running left and right to do tasks, printing documents, ordering equipment, dealing with the teasing remarks of this annoyingly tall boy with long gold locks and light blue eyes deep as the ocean you will let him drown. If he was on fire and you had a bottle of water - you'd drink it in front of him. Yet, amid the chaos, Michael Kaiser always managed to appear, like a haunting ghost, ready to jumpscare you in the most unexpected time.
One day, rushing to deliver some documents to the medical unit, he appeared beside you. His smirk was infuriatingly present, and his voice dripped with playful arrogance.
"Running again, Y/N? You should consider joining the team as a midfielder with all that sprinting you're doing." You shot him a warning look "Maybe if you spent less time making comments and more time working, we'd get things done faster."
Kaiser chuckled, unbothered. "Ah, but where's the fun in that? I'm just trying to lighten the mood, you are always so stressed."
"Your idea of 'fun' is questionable." you said, trying to ignore the strange flutter in your stomach that his teasing somehow managed to evoke.
As you reached the department of the medical unit, you thought you finally got rid of him. However, fate had other plans. On your way back, he appeared again, blocking your way. His tall frame casted a shadow over you, and his mischievous smile widened.
"Michael, move." you demanded with the use of his first name, trying to sound stern, but he merely leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
"What's the rush, Y/N? Can't I talk to my amazing assistant coach?" he retorted, his eyes never leaving yours.
Annoyed, you attempted to sidestep him, but he effortlessly mirrored your movements. It became a silent dance, a game of cat and mouse in the narrow corridor. Every step you took, he countered, maintaining his blockade.
"Are you always this stubborn, or is it just for me?" he teased, a playful smile playing on his lips.
"Seriously, Kaiser, this isn't funny," you protested, feeling the irritation building up.
But he remained still, his teasing facade never fading. "Come on, now, Don't lie to yourself, you secretly enjoy our little meetings. The way your eyes light up when you see me says it all."
You scoffed, sticking out your tongue, "In your dreams." Deciding you'd had enough, you abruptly turned on your heel and started walking in the opposite direction. To your dismay, he followed, like a persistent shadow. The facility's corridors echoed with the sound of your hurried footsteps and his leisurely ones behind you until the two of you found yourselves in an empty, dimly lit room.
"Honestly what's your deal? Are you stalking me now? You like stalking girls? That's disgusting." you accused, narrowing your eyes.
He chuckled, leaning his back to the wall once again, while you were in the center of the room. "Stalking is such a harsh word. Let's call it... coincidental alignment of paths."
You groaned, turning to leave. However, in your haste, you tripped over your own feet and stumbled forward. In a split second, Kaiser went off the wall as he reached out his hands attempting to catch you mid-fall. Despite his efforts, fate had its way again, and you both fell, as you landed on top of him. Your arms were at the sides of his head, and your legs wrapped around his torso.
Time seemed to freeze for a moment, your eyes widened in surprise, your face millimeters from his, your lips slightly parting as you felt your whole body burning as your heart raced to the rhythm of an unspoken melody. Seeing his features closer, he was beautiful, and now you are the one drowning in the deep blue ocean that his eyes painted. You didn't know what was going on — you didn't know what emotions you were going through, as Kaiser's arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, an unfamiliar but very welcomed warmth spread over your body.
"I-I didn't mean to—this wasn't what I—"
"I've heard of falling for someone, but this is taking it quite literally," He teased, breaking the silence with his flirting, snapping you out of your trance.
You struggled to maintain your composure as you shuttered, attempting to push yourself off him. "G-get off me," your heart continued its upbeat dance, and you couldn't shake off the vivid image of his blue eyes that seemed to have cast a spell on you. 
"Technically, you are on top of me, Prinzessin" blushing furiously as Kaiser's teasing smirk only fueled your embarrassment, making you wish the ground would swallow you whole. The room felt like it had turned into a sauna, the tension thick enough to be cut off with a knife.
Just as the bickering reached its peak, the door swung open, and Ness, the ever-curious magician, stood in the doorway. His eyes widened at the scene before him, feeling a little confused at the sight.
"Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?" Ness quirked an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between Y/N and Kaiser. The two of you exchanged a quick, panicked glance, unsure of how to respond. "Yes/No!," Kaiser and you blurted out, your faces turning even redder. Kaiser, unfazed by the interruption, grinned, while you desperately tried to stay calm as possible.
Ness raised an eyebrow, a sly smile on his lips. "Really? Because it looks like I walked in on a very romantic moment of your little play. Do I need to put on some slowed music?" He walked into the room, closing the door behind him as he continued to stare at the two of you. "I had no idea I was walking into a romantic drama." You shot a glare at Kaiser, who only winked in response. Trying to divert the attention, you stammered, "N-no, Ness, it's not what you think. We were just..." Your voice trailed off as you struggled to come up with a plausible excuse.
He, on the other hand, couldn't resist. "Well, it depends on your definition of interrupting." Ness chuckled, sensing the tension in the air. "Alright, alright, I'll leave you two to your... whatever this is."  The room fell into an uneasy silence, broken only by your attempts to get up from Kaiser. "We were just, uh, having a disagreement," you finally managed to say, avoiding eye contact with both Ness and Kaiser.
Kaiser, ever the charmer, grinned at Ness. "Disagreements can be quite physical, apparently." Ness shook his head, still grinning. "Well, carry on, then. I'll just pretend I didn't see anything." As he left the room, he couldn't resist adding, "But next time, maybe lock the door." As the door closed behind Ness, you let out a breath you didn't realize were holding. Kaiser, however, couldn't help but laugh. "Quite the entrance, huh? Maybe we should argue more often."
Rolling your eyes at Kaiser's comment, you finally managed to free yourself from his grasp as you stood up in the fastest way possible, and he also rose from the ground. "Arguing more often? I think once is more than enough," you retorted, shooting him a disapproving look. Kaiser, still grinning, stretched lazily and got up from the floor. Ness's interruption had shifted the atmosphere in the room, and you couldn't shake off the embarrassment that lingered. "Thanks a lot for that," you muttered, shooting Kaiser another glare.
Seemingly unbothered, he placed a hand on his chest in mock offense. "Me? I didn't do anything. Ness just has unpredictable timing." He winked again, causing you to shake your head in disbelief. "Unpredictable timing, my foot. When will you stop with all of this? I can’t even have one peaceful day without you talking to me and saying all these things that you probably don’t even mean. Does it feel nice to play with someone’s feelings?"
Kaiser's smile faltered for a moment, his lively expression fading away as he saw yours. "Maybe I overdo it sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't care."
You studied him for a moment, unsure whether to believe his sincerity or dismiss it as another one of his tricks. "Actions speak louder than words, Kaiser. If you genuinely care, maybe try showing it in a way that doesn't involve constant teasing and sarcasm."
The tension between you and him lingered as you both stared into each other's eyes trying to find answers locked in the depth of your souls. Finally, you decided it was time to leave "I'm going to go find Ness and make sure he doesn't go spreading any rumors," you announced, turning to leave the room. As you walked away, your mind was a swirling mess of emotions—something you couldn’t tell. He was still vivid in your thoughts, causing a knot to tighten in your stomach. As you looked behind, he was still there dusting off his clothes.
You furrowed your brows, awaiting the unknown territory of your own feelings. The warmth creeping into your cheeks and the soft tears started to paint over your face like rain. It was an unfamiliar sense, leaving you questioning the source. Was it just fire or something deeper that can get you burned?
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As the days passed, you found yourself avoiding him, unsure of what to think or feel. Everything was so messed up, that you barely slept or ate - when you were not helping your uncle in the faculty, you were at school, where suddenly your grades dropped, and you made excuses for your teachers and friends that you were busy with work - which is partly not a lie but not the whole truth either. Everyone sensed that something was troubling you, even so, you'd rather not tell a single living soul about it all. You couldn't escape the memories of that day, replaying the moment in your mind like a broken record.
Lost in thought, you didn’t realize that someone was next to you as you continued to pour water into the already full bottle that was overflowing over the sink until the person in question shook you by the shoulders. Without much reaction you turned around, your gaze clearly showing the sadness and lifelessness all over your face, you were tired of thinking about him. Your focus returned, the person in front of you was your uncle who was visibly worried about you. "What's going on, my dear? You know you can share everything with your old man" he said, the pain in his eyes to see his niece so down for the past week “It’s nothing … I am just trying to manage school and work.” Another lie left your lips.
Uncle Franz placed a gentle smile on his face. "I've known you since you were a kid. I can see through that facade. Something's eating you inside, and it's more than just school and work. Talk to me." You sighed, the weight of the past week bearing down on you. "It's just complicated, Uncle. I don't know how to put it into words."
He guided you to sit down at the bench near the sink, "Try me. I might be old, but I've been around the block a few times. I am sure it’s a boy problem. Because your mother was the same when she met your dad.”
How does he know it’s about a boy? Honestly, that was shocking to hear. Does he know about the strange situationship between you and Kaiser? Well, you hope he doesn't. Taking a deep breath, you began, "There's this boy, that I met not long ago, and let's say some things happened, and now I'm stuck in this mess. I can't escape it, and it's tearing me apart."
Your uncle listened intently, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. "Love can be a tricky thing, my dear. But keeping it all bottled up inside won't help. Who is this guy, and what happened?" Is that what they call love? Feeling this way because it's terrible not knowing what you want from yourself—you hesitated to answer, unsure if you want to share the details. "It's just someone, not a big deal."
“It’s Michael, isn’t it?” Your eyes widened upon your uncle’s question, and your eyes started to water, as you tried your best not to cry again. Starting to have a thing for someone is a hell of a ride, so you are going to play dumb "I don't know a person by that name." Not that dumb.
Uncle Franz leaned back. "You can deny it all you want, my dear, but your eyes just told me everything I needed to know." Feeling a mix of embarrassment, you laughed nervously, “I think you should go and get your eyes checked, you are starting to see things.” he looked at you with raised eyebrows, apparently he didn't believe you - no one would in those circumstances.
"Okay, maybe it is Michael. But it's complicated. He's so confusing, and I don't even know what he wants."
Uncle Franz patted your head ruffling your hair, "You don't know because you haven't tried talking to him. You should not be scared; just do what your heart wants.” and maybe he was right, he was always right. You just smiled at him, whipping your tears, letting him know you would try - someday eventually. “But if he hurts you one more time, we will have serious problems.” You laughed nervously, should you be scared or just revealed - guess there's one way to find out.
He stood up from the bench looking at you once more "Now cheer up and come with me, there is something I need to tell everyone on the team” and you also went with him, going into the field where they practiced.
A whistle signaled it was time for a break. Everyone gathered around the benches as you stayed closely behind your uncle, who clapped his hands, turning everyone's attention onto him, except for the boy with the blond hair who was looking at you. He took a good look at you - first at your lips, which were stuck together like a solid line, then your eyes, they shimmered with traces of sadness, yet beneath the surface, something else lingered, revealing your soul. Each glance reflected the emotions within your heart. Have you been crying? Is it because of me? He couldn't shake the feeling that he was probably the reason for your sorrow. As the others chatted, he found himself unable to look away, his attention remained fixed on you, trying to ignore the questions swirling in his mind. 
“Even if it’s a friendly game with Dortmund’s U-20, we should give our best, okay? Make sure to get enough sleep and don’t skip your meals, it’s important to have your body and mind in top shape.” your uncle's voice spoke once more as the rest of the team could be heard agreeing on the upcoming friendly game with the club's biggest rival “And Kaiser you better be excellent, no missing targets, no missing shots, no mistakes. I want you to be focused next week, on the maximum output, got it?” then the coach addressed him specifically, and for the first time, Kaiser was somewhat frightened by his look, which held something very personal against him. “Yes, sir. I will do my best” he replied, masking his uneasiness with confidence. “Good, now the training is over. You can go to your dorms and rest.”
And with that, everyone scattered, leaving just the two of you, feeling his gaze still lingering on. His blue eyes seemed to be looking into your soul, he knew what was wrong with you and that he was the reason behind it all. He wanted to apologize to you, he really did, but something was stopping him and he didn't know what exactly. Come on, say something. Alas nothing came out from his mouth, and you just turned and left without saying a word, even if you wanted to talk to him too — you didn't, leaving him with his feeling of guilt.
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The day for the team to leave for Dortmund came, as there were no problems with the flight, but now you were at the hotel, where a big misunderstanding occurred. Being part of the female staff, you had to share a room with one of them, but the hotel receptionist thought you were part of the boy’s team, being a teenager. While everyone was settled, you stayed in the lobby as your uncle talked with the hotel staff, and Ness and Kaiser stood across from you on the sofa. The two of them were talking, and you were lost in thoughts about whether a room would be found for you. 
Your uncle returned from the reception "The problem is solved," he said as you were more than happy to go to your room and enjoy some alone time, "But you will have a room tomorrow, because some of the guests will be leaving then," and your smile faded away, faster than it appeared.
At that moment, Ness nudged Kaiser's shoulder signaling him to act, "I can share my room with you." the striker offered, the keys hanging from his hand with a slight smile on his face. Your eyes widened when you heard the offer. “Absolutely no-”
"Fine, but no funny business." your uncle cut you off, as you looked at him with the most shocked face, your gaze met Kaiser's who had been staring at you this whole time. They can't be serious, you thought, Uncle Franz can't be serious. You mentally facepalmed yourself, having enough headaches, this was just the icing on the cake.
Of all people of course it was him. What did you do in your past life to end up in such situations? Did you murder someone, poison a royalty, or haven’t paid your debt — well you sure are paying it now. 
You got up and took the keys from his hand, eyeing him suspiciously, as you got your luggage and went to the elevator before telling him not to bother you. Well, that wasn't the conversation Kaiser hoped to have with you, but it's still something. He turned to look at your uncle, now that you were not here. “Coach, are you sure this is going to work?” 
Franz chuckled, patting Kaiser on the shoulder. "Sometimes, putting people in unexpected situations helps them see things differently. Who knows, maybe sharing a room will sort the things between you two."
The boy sighed, unsure about how this would play out, as Ness patted him on the back "I just hope she doesn't make this more difficult than it already is."
“And I hope you won’t do anything more than talking. Like I said earlier, no funny business.” Kaiser just nodded “I promise."
Meanwhile, you were in the elevator, still processing the fact that you had to share a room with Kaiser, good thing you won’t sleep on the same bed. As the elevator arrived at your floor you took a deep breath and walked down the corridor, finding the room that matched the key. Opening the door, you were greeted with a very beautiful interior, a nice view of the lively night in Dortmund and ... one bed. Great, things can’t get any worse, can they? 
Placing your suitcase by the bed, opening it and pulling out your pajamas. You started to undress when you heard the door open, seeing wisps of blonde hair. Panicking you raised your voice to him not to enter the room as you were still in your underwear. God, how many awkward situations are there to overcome.
Kaiser froze at the door, his hand still on the handle, as he realized the awkward situation he had just walked into. "Sorry" he quickly averted his gaze. "I didn't know you were... I'll just wait outside.” He said, closing the tiny gap he left open. 
You put on your pajamas faster than Usain Bolt can run. Once you were ready you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down as you went to open the door to let him enter. It was his room after all, you can't keep him outside even if you wanted to.
As you opened the door, Kaiser stood there, his cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment, so were yours "I'm sorry about that," he apologized again  "I should have knocked, or... I don't know, you should have locked the door. You know, it could have been some stranger.”
Well he was right, you should have locked the door and kept him outside to sleep on the carpet in the hallway. You didn't say anything, you just went and sat on the bed picking up the phone to check the time [22:22] well better make a wish. You ignored him as he sat on the other side of the bed so you were back to back. 
Kaiser cleared his throat, breaking the silence, “I brought you this” he said, handing you a bar of chocolate, still faced with his back. As you took the chocolate you couldn't help but notice the warmth that was forming in your heart, despite the awkwardness. "Thanks," you muttered, feeling a bit guilty for your initial reaction earlier "I'm sorry too," you finally spoke up, turning slightly to face him. "I didn't mean to be rude to you. Well, maybe I did because you deserved it.”
He turned to face you, a small smile on his lips. "It's alright,Y/N”  he said softly, turning around as his eyes met yours. You agreed, offering him a smile too. "So, uh, I'll just go get changed in the bathroom, and then we can go to sleep." You nodded your head again watching as he got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. As the door closed behind him, you let out a big sigh, silence enveloping you again. You decided to start making the bed while he was getting changed. Putting the extra pillows between the mattress, marking the ‘territory’ as you lay down and curled up under the covers of your part. 
You heard the door open and then his footsteps approaching, looking up from the barricade he wore a plain white shirt that was more loose, revealing more of his blue rose tattoo, it was a beautiful design you can't lie, and a pair of black shorts. He too looked at the pillowed wall, then at you with raised brows. “If you don't want to share a bed, I can sleep on the couch.” 
“Not that I don't want to, but the couch is too small and neither you nor I can sleep comfortably on it. So that's why I put pillows in the middle, you have your part, and I have mine.” you explained, leaving him a little bit hurt because of this separation, but whatever you are comfortable with, of course. “Well, sure”
He got under his covers, trying to get cozy but the wall next to him was something he wanted to remove. How much longer are you going to hide from him? Did you hate him so much that you didn't want to see him, in the room where you both were? Guess he will talk to you tomorrow.
No, fuck that. He isn't a scaredy cat anymore, he is not the mentally weak person who constantly gave up on things he believed to be impossible. Because the chance to make it up with you is now — it's not tomorrow, it's not the next day, week, month or year. It's now.
He sat up and removed the one pillow that was separating you from seeing your faces. Catching you, closing your eyes, observing your expression how you tried to keep this innocent sleeping face, and how your chest raised with every breath. You were a good assistant and 'architect', but not a good actress.
“Y/N, I know you are not sleeping,” he whispered your name, his voice soft and full of emotion. You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze, well he got you no point of pretending now. “Let's discuss everything that has happened so far. We are all alone here, no one to interrupt us.”
You sat up too,leaning back on the wooden frame, hugging your knees beneath the fluffy cover. He reached out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle and warm. He noticed your nervousness, and he reassured you, with a smile "It's okay, You can tell me anything." His voice was soothing, making you calm down. 
You took a deep breath, struggling to form the words you had been holding back for so long. Your heart raced as you finally found the courage to speak, “I... I've been wanting to say... that I... I..." your voice trailed off, the words catching in your throat as you fought against your fear, this was meant to be an easy task, just to talk it out and end of story. But love is no easy task, it's a challenge that you either take and win or leave with the feeling of despair after the loss. You met his gaze, seeing nothing but love reflected back at you. 
“I like you,” you finally confessed “And I didn't know what to do after all the bickering we had, you left me questioning my entire existence. Making me feel all giddy and nervous, making me confused about your own intentions.” you felt a weight lift off your chest, he listened absorbing every word you uttered.
The soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he reached out to cup your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "I like you too," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying a weight of sincerity that warmed your heart. "More than you can imagine."
You leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth and comfort he offered. "I'm sorry for everything," he murmured, his gaze filled with remorse and affection. "I never meant to hurt you. I didn't know how to approach you properly, and I wanted you to notice me. I wanted you to have eyes only for me and no one else, to think only of me. The only impossible challenge was to make you fall in love with me, but I don’t think I have to worry anymore ."
You shook your head gently, reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his hand. You hesitated when your lips brushed against his own. You froze. What were you doing, kissing Michael Kaiser? You weren’t even sure if all the hatred you used to hold for him was now gone. He breathed in deeply. “Can I?" You took a moment of thought before you nodded, his hands now cupping your cheeks. His hands were so gentle, but the way he kissed you was not so much. It was like he was starving for you, the kiss sloppy, his tongue licking your lips, trying to taste all of you. 
By the time he stopped, you forgot how to breathe, taking in a deep breath, and so did he. Despite how hot and hungry that kiss was—perhaps even able to fulfill a person's hunger for another—he was still starved for more. His lips brushed against yours once more, this time, there was no hesitation on your part. You leaned into the kiss, letting yourself get lost as you felt him smile.
His hands trailed down your arms as they settled on your waist, pulling you closer to him. The world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you, wrapped up in each other's embrace. As the kiss deepened, passion flared between you, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment. His tongue danced with yours, exploring every inch of your mouth as if trying to memorize the taste of you.
Time seemed not to exist anymore, as all that mattered was the feel of Kaiserl's lips against yours and the way his touch set your skin ablaze with desire. When the kiss finally ended, you were left breathless, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to catch your breath. And as you stared into each other's eyes and as they say, eyes are windows to the soul, you knew one thing for sure — he will forever be yours, and you will be forever his.
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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, making you arise from your deep slumber, slowly opening your eyes, trying to remember where you were. You had a very strange dream where you got to share a room with Kaiser and you two kissed. It was a nice dream indeed but things like this happened only in the romantic movies.
You wanted to go to the bathroom, but something stopped you from standing up. Confusion was encountered because why was there anything stopping you from getting up. As you took in your surroundings, the details of the dream flooded back to you—the shared room, the confession, and most importantly the unexpected kiss. It felt so vivid, so real, that it left you questioning whether was it really a dream. Looking down to see the force that kept you in a place came not from anyone - but from Kaiser himself. Wait a damn minute, Kaiser!?, you thought to yourself panicking in the process.
Reaching out and touching Kaiser's shoulder, half expecting him to vanish like a fragment of your imagination, but be was very much real , as his soft breathing and light snores reassured you that he was peacefully asleep. He turned around, pulling you down again, your back leaning against his chest, as the warmth of his embrace enveloped you like a comforting blanket. It wasn't a dream. You were indeed lying beside Michael Kaiser.
Wait, so the kiss is real? No, it can't be... right? A million questions ran through your head as you felt him rest his head on the crook of your neck. You suddenly went numb, but tried to see his face one more time, and to your suprise he blinked, trying to open his eyes, with a smile so angelic, for a person with such devilish persona.
"Good morning, Meine Liebe" he said, his voice husky and raspy. You couldn't help but blush at they way these words came out from him, "Good morning," you managed to reply, your own voice contracts to his was soft, barely above a whisper.
His arms tightened around you, pulling you even closer as he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. "About last night..." he started, trailing off as if searching for the right words.
"Yeah?" you gulped, suddenly feeling scared about what he might say next. "I meant every word ," he confessed, his gaze locking with yours. "And I meant that kiss too." Your heart skipped a beat, realizing that everything didn't happened in dreamland. It was real, just like the feelings between the both of you.
"I... I don't know what to say," you admitted, feeling overwhelmed by his intense but loving gaze. "You don't have to," he assured you, moving the hand that rested behind your head to pinch the check he kissed you not a moment ago. "Just know that we are together from now on.”
As you absorbed his words, a mixture of disbelief and joy washed over you. 
"Together, huh?" you echoed, seeking confirmation in his eyes. Kaiser nodded, his expression serious yet filled with a warmth that melted your worries away. "Yes, together. Me and you, like a couple."
A wide smile broke across your face, and you couldn't contain the happiness within you. "I like the sound of it.” you replied, as he smiled back at you. "Glad to hear that, Erdbeere." As you settled back into the warmth of his embrace, a comfortable silence wrapped around both of you. 
"My uncle will kill you tho." Kaiser chuckled, as he played with your hair. "Don't worry about it, he won't."
Somewhere in the hotel restaurant, Uncle Franz was on the verge of killing the first thing he saw because Kaiser was late for breakfast, and so were you. “I am going to kill that boy.”
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Kaiser touched the strands of his overgrown and messy hair as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, "I need a change," he said to Ness, who was glad to do anything for his friend.
“Like a new hairstyle?” The magician asked, wondering what was wrong with his long hair. “Yeah, Y/N said that it was getting in the way, when we cuddled. And also tying it up while playing every second bothers me.”
“Well, I am willing to help, we should have scissors in the cupboards. Go sit while I find them.” the striker sat down in the chair in front of the mirror when his friend returned with the scissors.
With tentative snips and Ness transformed Kaiser's lion mane into a stylish cut, an improvised mullet you can say. As the blonde boy was looking at himself in the big bathroom mirror, and Ness admiring his final product a knock was heard from the door. You entered with a plastic bag full of snacks — it was their day off, so you thought you’d spoil them a little but.
Proudly, he turned to you, his girlfriend of one month, to hear your opinion. "Yes, definitely! And why not add something more? How about dying the mullet blue? It will match with your tattoo."
“Sounds nice, but we don't have blue dye right now.” Kaiser said, knowing that he will have to ask Ness to go to the store to buy one, “Don't worry, I do.” 
“Liebe, why do you carry hair dye in your bag?” he asked, surprised by the fact you had the item in your backpack “Well, I thought you would need one, intuition I guess.” No, it wasn't an intuition, he just talked everyday about wanting to dye his hair blue and you decided to carry a blue dye, just in case.
Women's intuition is a scary thing, he will know from now on not to mess up anything, because either way, you'll find out. But that was a worry for another day, now Kaiser was very happy with the end results. And it's the Michael Kaiser you will see from now on. 
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Inside a very beautiful and cozy home, you tried to catch your energetic daughter, Mikaela, who was bubbling with excitement as the day of her dad’s arrival from the football tournament marked on the calendar finally came. Her giggles filled the air as she darted around the house, her tiny feet pattering against the floor, as you yelled while holding your 9-month-old son Matteo in your arms, who was laughing and clapping his hands at the sight, as you attempted to catch the energetic 4-year-old girl. “Mika, please stop running around, or you will hurt yourself.”
“Mama, I can't hear you!” How can she take so much from him, but not me? Just as you attempt to hold onto her tiny hand, the doorbell chimes. "It's Daddy!" Mikaela rushes to the door tip-toeing to reach the handle of the metal and swings it open, revealing your husband standing there, a wide grin on his face at the sight of his daughter.
Kaiser's heart swells with joy at the sight of his daughter waiting for him at the door. He bends down to scoop her up in his arms, lifting her as she squeals with delight. "Hey there, my little princess!" he exclaims, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
As Mikaela showers him with hugs and kisses, Kaiser spots Matteo nestled in his wife's arms, a smile spreading across the baby's face as he reaches out his chubby arms towards his father. With a chuckle, Kaiser takes Matteo from you, exchanging a loving glance before enveloping you in a warm embrace, holding you close as he presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
But their tender moment is interrupted by Mikaela's voice piping up, "Daddy, what about me?" she pouts, her arms outstretched towards her father. Kaiser laughs heartily, balancing Matteo in one arm as he bends down to scoop Mikaela up into his arms once more. He showers her with kisses, making her giggle as he sets her down, as she eagerly reaches out for the brightly wrapped present he’s been hiding behind his back, giving you some time to see each other up close, and not from the small telephone screen.
But before Mikaela can even fully enjoy her new toy, Matteo starts wriggling in his arms. "My little boy missed me too, right?" he coos, as the baby starts laughing from happiness, kicking his little feet, "See Y/N, I told you he is a future football star. Look at that kick!"
As Kaiser holds Matteo, you wrap your arms around him again. "Welcome home, my love," you whisper, giving his lips a little peck. Kaiser returns the embrace, holding you close as he breathes in the familiar scent of home. Just when you think the moment couldn’t get any sweeter, Mikaela pipes up, tugging at Kaiser’s sleeve. "Daddy, what about me? I want more kisses too!" she exclaims, puckering her lips in exaggerated anticipation.
Kaiser chuckles warmly, bending down to scoop Mikaela up once again. "Of course, sweetheart," he says, planting a flurry of kisses on her cheeks as she laughs at her father's teasing and you watch with a smile on your face your small loving family, and how you can't ask for more because you have him and you love him more than anything.
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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bunnysbrainrot · 1 year
Blood Flow
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Kinktober Prompt: Choking
Relationship: dbf!Joel Miller x Reader
Content: [i was going for something sensual and i failed.] Explicit sexual scenes, fingering, choking, squirting, praise kink, Joel’s kinda rough, teasing. No outbreak AU.
Summary: You curiously tread into the realm of choking, but you have no clue why people think it feels ‘good’. With Joel’s help, you realize that there’s simply a right way to do it.
A/N: pay attention to the last line. it implies exactly what you think it does. **ALSO! part 3 for this is out, it’s called Daddy’s Girl!
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this scene is so weird, why is he choking her???
Your fingers flitted across your phone screen, texting as you watch a new show. In this scene, the two main characters finally broke their tension, and things were growing heavy. You watched the actor’s hand wrap around his costar’s throat, watching how her face contorted in bliss.
Cause it feels good, sweetheart, Joel replied.
Bringing your own hand to your neck, you pressed against your windpipe and choked, like really choked, but it didn’t feel like you thought it would. And your face definitely did not make those same expressions as the woman in the show.
Clearing your throat, you replied to Joel. A few years ago, this kind of conversation would earn you an intervention with your parents. This was your dad’s best friend, and you shouldn’t be texting him about being choked, of all things.
But fuck, was texting Joel a wonderful time.
A single message could have you squeezing your thighs together. Every baby girl, sweetheart, and honey was imagined in his voice as if he were there, whispering them into your ear. You would imagine his fingers dancing across your skin as he showered you with those sweet pet names.
tried it on myself, and i can confirm that it feels awful. coughing my lungs out right now
Joel read your text and let out a hearty chuckle, quickly replying back. He knew you were a tad… inexperienced with things like this, and that you wouldn’t ask just anyone about this. He had you wrapped around his finger, as you did him.
Baby doll, you’re probably pressing on your windpipe. It’s a little tricky to do it on yourself
You groaned at the text, still frustrated at your little mishap. The reply you gave him was rather bold, but you anxiously sent it anyway.
maybe you could show me
The two of you had flirted a lot more since you came back home from college. Four years of hard schoolwork had you taking a break back home with your parents to choose your next big step in life. At first it started small - little compliments on your clothes, on your intelligence, on how much you’d come into your own. Your glances at Joel lasted too long to be friendly, and it didn’t help when you ran your foot along his leg under the table at big family dinners.
In short, you were driving each other absolutely wild, pulling the tension taught between you, waiting for it to snap.
But Joel wanted to go slow. This was dangerous territory, and he needed to take his time.
Maybe I could
You stared blankly at the phone screen, reading over the message with a fluttering heart behind your ribs. A wave of warmth spread over you with a beeline between your thighs. You clenched your legs together as you texted Joel back.
right now?
J: Door’s unlocked, I’m just watching TV. If you want to join me we can watch that show you were telling me about
Like an alarm went off you shot out of bed, hurrying to your dresser and closet to find a more impressive outfit. Joel wouldn’t care all that much - he liked seeing you in anything. It didn’t matter how much or little you had on, you were always beautiful to him.
headed out now!
Joel have a swift reply that buzzed in your pocket.
Someone’s eager.
You trekked over to the neighborhood next to yours, practically skipping with each step up to Joel’s house. Thankfully, his daughter, Sarah, would be at a friend’s house this evening, leaving you and Joel all to yourselves.
Joel’s head perked up when he heard you knock. He, almost too excitedly, shot up from the couch and headed to the front door.
He was an effortlessly handsome man. And now, in a simple pair of sweatpants and v-neck shirt, he looked more stunning than ever. For you, it also didn’t matter what he wore - he always looked handsome.
“Hi,” you said, offering him a small smile.
Joel raised an arm and leaned against the doorframe. His lean muscles shifted under his tan skin, hardened by those years under the Texas sun, and caught the light from inside to accentuate his bicep. He caught you ogling, and laughed.
“Sweetheart, I’m not just eye candy,” Joel’s voice was soft after the long day he had, “You comin’ in, or what?”
Your smile widened as you stepped in, dipping under Joel’s arm to step in the living room. He had already closed the blinds preemptively to shield yourselves from any prying eyes. You sat on the couch and waited for Joel to join you.
He slowly made his way over, “So, what show were you watchin’?”
You sighed dramatically, “Well, now it’s just embarrassing. We can watch something else, instead.”
Joel shook his head at your offer, gesturing to the TV, “Not embarrassing at all. ‘Sides, I got a plan for it.”
He snatched the remote from the arm of the couch and chose a spot right next to you. After a series of questions, you began to play the show you’d seen, found the right episode, and played the scene in question.
Joel remained silent the entire time, glancing between you and the TV. His stare bore into you, but it was unclear as to what was going through his mind.
But the scene, to your relief, ended, and the shyness you’d felt could be over. Joel paused the show in the middle of the next scene and finally met your eyes.
“Alright, I think I know where ya went wrong,” he commented. You cocked an eyebrow at him.
“It’s all about controlling the blood flow, not pressin’ on the windpipe. That’s a one way ticket to the man upstairs,” Joel laughed and brought his hand to your cheek, cupping your face carefully. His thumb passed over your cheekbone before he shifted down toward your neck.
He placed his thumb and index finger on either side of your throat, right under your jaw. The pressure was uncomfortable at first, pressing into you in a way that sparked some faint nausea. You cleared your throat and swallowed to dull the feeling.
“Pressin’ here,” his grip tightened, “reduces the blood flow. It’s still a lil’ hard to breathe, but it doesn’t risk your safety.”
A lightness began to creep through you as Joel pressed into your throat. Blackness clouded the edge of your vision, blurring Joel’s features, though you could barely make out a lazy smile.
After a few long seconds, he let go, and you could freely breathe once again. The rush of blood back to your brain throbbed at your temples, though the brief headache was nothing compared to the rush of pleasure it delivered.
To your surprise, the rush went straight to your core, leaving you shifting your legs together.
Joel leaned forward and planted a kiss on your cheek, his voice was a low whisper.
“See? Feels good when someone does it right, don’t it?”
You nodded, still held securely by his hand around your throat. His lips traveled across your face, to your temples, to your jaw, and finally finding your own, flush and fluid with your own movements. Joel tightened his grip again, and the same rush came flowing through. It was tricky to keep kissing Joel at the pace he set. Instead, your mouth slacked open as a moan escaped you, swallowed eagerly by Joel.
He spoke slowly against your lips, nipping at them between his words.
“How is it, baby doll? Still feel good?”
It was wonderful. Had you not messaged him about this, you would’ve been completely in the dark about this whole new world of pleasure. So wonderful, in fact, that you could feel a new slickness in your sex, about to soak into your panties. Instinctively you ground your hips, pathetically pressing your aching pussy into nothing substantial.
Joel moved his other hand lower, raking over your shifting thighs, “Tell me, sweet girl, does it make you feel good down here?”
His hand cupped your clothed sex, pressing against your slit and slowly massaging your core. Your breath trembled as you gave him another nod - a small sign of permission to take things further.
“Joel… Joel,” you whispered, fighting against his grip on your throat. Amidst the rush going through your head you could barely hold onto what he was saying, let alone reply coherently.
His lips had wandered to your jaw, peppering a trail of kisses around his rough fingers, “What is it, baby girl? Tell me whatcha need.”
You choked out your reply, “In.. inside.”
A low laugh danced across your skin, “That’s my girl. Always needing something fillin’ her up. ‘Least when I’m involved, anyway.”
He pressed harder against your aching sex - the abrasion of the fabric turned you into a whimpering mess in a matter of seconds. You needed more. You needed him.
Joel groaned against your skin when you tugged his hand past the waistband of your pants, pushing him lower toward your core.
“Need me to make you feel good, sweet girl?” his voice thrummed through your chest. You nodded, urging your lungs to take in sweet, fresh air amidst the constriction. Joel loosened his grip ever so slightly, letting you catch your breath.
He hummed against your jaw as he adjusted his hand with his fingers teasingly at your entrance. A single finger played with your wet hole, swirling around carefully, not fully giving you what you need. Not yet.
You mewled a slurred version of his name, eyes rolling back when his grip tightened around your throat.
Joel’s fingers didn’t stop, but rather pushed further, sinking past your soaked folds and into your tight pussy. A small whimper from you made him smile, carefully eyeing you as he moved his fingers, curling them up to brush your sweet spot.
“Joel… fu-fuck,” you choked.
His fingers plunged deeper into your warm cunt, curling harshly to draw a long-awaited moan. Until now, Joel hadn’t had the joy of hearing you utter anything above a whisper.
You cried out, straining against his grip, but was sent back to fighting for that sacred blood flow back to your brain.
You brought your hand up to meet the one at your neck, tapping against the back of his hand. A beat passed before Joel realized the mistake. He swiftly released you and cradled your head, slowing his movements between your thighs.
“Sorry,” you rasped, “that was just a little too hard. I couldn’t really make any noise without coughing.”
Joel leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. He broke away with the softest tone you’d heard all night.
“You ain’t got nothin’ to apologize for, honey,” he replied, spreading his kisses to your cheeks. “Got a little too ahead of myself there.”
He kissed you until you were left breathless and panting. By now your lips were plump from the bites and nips Joel had given them.
“Maybe we could try a different position, whaddya say?”
After a beat of thought, you nod in agreement and follow his lead. He removed his hand from your pants, lightly sucking at his soaked fingers, and moaning at your taste across his tongue.
This was the closest he’d been to truly tasting you. Words escaped him as he tried to describe the feeling of heaven on his very lips.
You stood from the couch and watched Joel taste yourself on his fingers. He was completely entranced, and monitoring your every movement as you waited for his direction.
Darkness filled his eyes, “Y’might need to take those pants off, sweetheart. Need a good angle for this.”
Now right in front of his legs, you urged Joel to spread them apart and stood between them.
He took this as a silent request for his help. Joel gave you a smile and sat forward, letting his hands climb up your thighs, taking their sweet time to cover as much of them as he could.
Joel hooked his fingers on your waistband and gently tugged, unwrapping you like it was Christmas morning.
Your bottoms dropped to your ankles, and all was left was your soaked panties, the last barrier between Joel and what he’d wanted to see most. Joel leaned further, leaving a trail of kisses from your mid-thigh to your hip, alternating to the other side. Each touch of his lips set you ablaze. His gentle touches paled in comparison to the heat roiling through your belly, trickling right down to your aching pussy.
At long last he peeled your panties off of you, slowly sending them down your legs until they joined your pants. Your lower half was bare for him now; you were a gift unwrapped, the best present he could’ve asked for.
“Christ,” Joel muttered. His eyes scanned over your half naked form, giving you a curious look at your chest.
He wanted nothing more than to wander up there, letting his hands dip below the fabric and slide up to your chest. Your tits were selfishly hidden from him, with your perfect, perk nipples poking through, enticing him to search for more.
You wrapped your legs on either side of him, pushing Joel back against the couch so you could get into position. His legs stayed spread open, thus making you open yours across his.
Spread perfectly wide for whatever he had planned for you.
Joel cupped the back of your neck and pulled you in for another kiss, working his hands over your thighs in the process. You could feel a couple of damp fingertips from where he’d fingered you before. Those same fingers now crept toward your needy hole, teasing you ever so slowly.
You bucked your hips and positioned them over his hand, whining at the lack of touch.
“Joel, please,” you mumbled, keeping your lips in tandem with his own. Joel grumbled out a reply you couldn’t discern before a hand made its way to your throat.
Joel pressed down on either side of your windpipe to deliver that sweet head rush of elation.
“I’ve got you, baby girl, I’ll take care of you.”
And that, he did. His hands moved with pure greed at your neck and pussy, sending two fingers up into your tight cunt. You cried out against his lips as he slowly pumped into you.
“That’s it, sweet girl. Let it all out.”
You were relieved you could make at least a little noise. It was better than it was at home, where you’d spent countless nights touching yourself, moaning against your hand or a nearby pillow.
But here… here you could cry out as Joel touched you. You could freely show him how good he was making you feel.
You let out a soft whine, but it was not well-received by Joel.
“I wanna hear you, baby.”
A louder moan drew from your throat. Joel’s fingers curled inside of you, pressing into the spongy part right past your entrance. Your walls fluttered gently around his fingers, pulling him in further.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” said Joel, still mumbling against your lips. You offered him a smile, proud that your body was to his liking. It was all you’d hoped for, to be perfect for him.
“Not sure how this little pussy’s gonna handle me, though,” he continued in a cocky voice. “But I think you could do it.”
He curled his fingers harshly, causing you to slur your words together. Something about Joel, and harder, and please.
“Such a good girl. Bet you’d take anything I gave you, huh?”
You nodded slightly, constricted under his grip to move any further.
Joel pushed his fingers deeper, picking up his pace until the wet sounds of your ravaged cunt filled the room. Your juices flowed from your pussy and onto his hand, leaking down from his fingers to his palm, pooling your sweet slick before it trickled to the floor below.
His pace became relentless, though the grip on your throat loosened. You let out a shuddering moan as he furiously pumped his fingers, making your cunt squelch with the most obscene sounds you’d ever heard.
“Attagirl,” Joel praised, “Just keep still. I gotcha.”
The reassuring tone kept you conflicted - it totally contrasted from what he was doing to your body.
Fuck, if this is how it was with just his hands alone, you silently prayed that you could handle what else he could give you.
There was a new tightness in your abdomen, pooling around in your sex, but it was a deeper sort of pressure you’d never felt. It felt like…
“Joel,” you protested, “I think I gotta pee.”
He laughed against your lips, “Just work with me here, darlin’.”
You squirmed on his hand as this new sensation spread through your pussy. This kind of pressure wasn’t something you could’ve gotten from your own hand, let alone any toy.
No, this was the masterful work of Joel Miller’s fingers, unraveling you around him.
He struck deeper, twisting his wrist to get a better angle, curling each thick digit against your sweet spot. You choked on a gasp as the pressure in your abdomen built, threatening to break apart.
With a flurry of swift motion the tension broke, and a beautiful symphony sounded - the rush of your juices that poured onto his hand, the strangled moan that fell from your slacked mouth, followed by the pleased groan Joel drew out.
“What… hah… was that..?” you panted. Joel kissed your cheekbone as he worked you through your high.
“Did I just… did I sq-“ you could barely make out the word.
“You did. And you did such a good job, sweet girl.”
The praise roiled through your gut. A soreness flooded through your sex, trailing toward your cervix. You swallowed nervously at the thought of anything bigger, and what it could do to your insides.
Joel slowed his pace and released the hand that had been trained to your neck. You both worked through your climax, coming down smoothly to where you now laid slumped against Joel’s chest.
His hands still roved over your skin, gently kneading your ass and thighs as you caught your breath.
“How you feelin’, honey?” his Southern drawl intoxicated his words with a sickly sweetness.
You pressed your face into the crook of his neck a let out a small, content mmm, taking in his scent. The mix of his cologne and sweat sent something possessive through you, to have this all for yourself. It felt too selfish for that pining to be one-sided - for you to want him as much as you did, without knowing if he held the same ferocity about you as you did him.
“I bet. That’ll take a lot outta ya - let’s get a glass of water and getcha cleaned up.”
You worked your legs off of his thighs and stood shakily. After sitting in that awkward position and having your senses scrambled, your knees buckled beneath your weight, desperately trying to hold your quivering thighs steady.
“Hold on, sweetheart, I’ve gotcha,” Joel said, swiftly standing on steady feet. You pouted at the unfairness - his hands tore at your sex and left you trembling while he was perfectly fine.
“You better not laugh at me,” you snapped, though the drained tone in your words had Joel chucking slightly.
He held you steady with both hands and led you toward the kitchen, “You look like you got a hip replacement.”
“You’re nearing that age, aren’t you?” you quipped. Joel gave you a firm smack on your ass as his reply.
“Better watch it, I don’t do well with brats.”
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hi y’all! thank you so much for reading and supporting, and happy Kinktober!
If you’re looking for the part 3 of this, it’s called Daddy’s Girl! I would love if you gave it a read
ily xoxo
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Hi. Could you write a rafe smut with 16 and 7 ‘’Be a good girl and spread your legs.’’ + ‘’Does that turn you on?’’
Here it is, part 2 of Rave x Thornton!reader (part 1 here)
Warnings: 18+, smut, p + v, mention of oral (f receiving)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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It was past 1am when the boys came home from the club. Judging by the voices, Topper's 23rd birthday had been well celebrated. Your brother didn't abuse alcohol very often, but you could hear his drunk voice talking to Rafe in the hallway. 
 You laughed quietly. Happy birthday, Top!
You heard his door close, then shortly after Rafe's opened. He didn't turn on the big light, moving around in his bedroom as he was taking off his clothes and tossing them in a corner before going into his en-suite bathroom for a quick shower. 
When he came out of his shower, that’s when he noticed you in his bed. 
‘’What are you doing in here?’’ he asked, a white towel wrapped around his waist. 
You didn’t move from the comfort of his pillows. ‘’I told you I was taking your bed.’’
‘’I never agreed to that. Get out.’’ Rafe dropped his towel and opened one of his dresser’s drawers to pull out a pair of clean underwear. He didn't care that you saw anything. It was nothing you hadn't seen before - or tasted.
You propped yourself up on the pillows, grinning mischievously. ‘’Come on, Rafe, you’re really gonna kick me out at this hour of the night? I’m already in bed.’’
‘’I don’t care. I don’t let people sleep in my bed.’’ He walked to his bed and yanked the covers from you, catching the small matching pink pajama set you were wearing. It was hugging your figure in a way that made his cock twitch. ‘’Take a pillow and get out. I have shit to do in the morning.’’ 
‘’I’m not sleeping on the fucking couch,’’ you said stubbornly, tipping your head up to look at Rafe. 
The latter groaned, his patience wearing thin at this hour of the night. Without warning, he reached down and firmly grabbed your ankles, roughly pulling you towards the edge of the bed. 
You grabbed at the sheets, trying to resist his grip, but he was stronger. ‘’What are you doing—’’
‘’Getting you out myself.’’ 
‘’I'm not leaving,’’ you repeated, pushing at his hands and kicking your legs and feet. ‘’Let go of me, Rafe.’’ 
In the midst of your erratic movements, one particular hard pull made Rafe lose balance and topple over you on the bed. The scene felt right out of a cliché enemies to lovers rom-com. Your first instinct was to push him off you, but then it came to your realization that you could use this position to your advantage. 
‘’Let's make a deal,’’ you suggested, trying to ignore the heavy body on you. ‘’Earlier, we got interrupted before I could fulfill my second part of the agreement. So, how about I let you fuck me and you let me stay here?’’ 
‘’Absolutely no—’’ 
Before he could finish his sentence or get up, you pushed your hips up, purposely rubbing your bottom halves together. Although there was thin cotton separating both, the contact made Rafe groan — and his cock stiffen. He usually didn't get hard so fast, but the alcohol in his blood was making his hormones increase. 
‘’What was that? I didn’t hear,’’ you asked with a teasing smile, tilting your head to the side. 
A mix of desire and frustration filled the blue eyes looking down at you. He was trying to resist your advances, but Rafe was a guy and he was having a full on cock to brain dilemma. 
You gasp when his mouth crashed on yours. You won.
There was nothing slow or sweet about this kiss. It was rough and passionate and heated, just mouths smashing into each other. Exactly what you expected from Rafe Cameron after getting his patience tested by his best friend's little sister. 
His hand ghosted over your jawline, along the side of your neck, and then you felt him wrap it around your throat just lightly enough that you noticed it. Rafe broke the kiss, his blue eyes looking right into yours. No one ever did this to you, but you didn’t hate it. Your lips curled into a devilish grin, waiting for his next move.  
‘’I’m gonna show you how I deal with little bitches like you.’’ 
Rafe’s words had you dripping between your legs. Some girls preferred to be good, but it wasn’t your case. You liked to tease and get punished. 
He nudged your knees apart with his and you melted into his touch, mewling when he pressed against your clothed clit. ‘’Does that turn you on?’’ 
You pushed your hips against him to get more friction, but he removed his knee and stood to get a condom. One thing about Rafe was that he never hooked up with a girl bare. 
‘’This needs to come off,’’ Rafe said when he returned to the bed. He peeled off your pajama shorts and panties in one go. ‘’Be a good girl and spread your legs.’’ 
You spread your legs as wide as they’ll go, giving him the perfect view of how dripping wet your pussy was. Being completely exposed like this should be embarrassing, but if your legs could open wider, you would. You clenched around nothing, feeling Rafe's eyes on you.
‘’Look at that,’’ he said, giving your pussy a tap that echoed in the room. You squirmed at the contact, secretly wanting him to do it again. ‘’Looks better from the vip seat.’’ He then pulled at your pajama top up to free your tits and palmed your breasts as his fingers rolled your nipples, pinching it hard.
You hissed and his face bored the meanest smirk as he ripped the foil packet. He jerked himself a few times before rolling on the condom. 
You were about to be completely ruined. 
Rafe teased your clit with his tip, but plunged his cock into your cunt before you could push back against him for more. It would be a lie if you said it didn't hurt, your tight walls hugging every inch of his cock. 
You had been thinking of this since Topper interrupted you in the afternoon. How his cock would feel inside you. And now it was finally happening.
You grabbed at the bedsheets until the discomfort subsided, pleasure slowly taking over as Rafe began to thrust. You gasped in pleasure, clenching around him.  
He folded your legs for a deeper angle and groaned, looking down and watching his thick cock disappearing in and out of you. ‘’Such a good pussy. Surprised it’s still so tight after getting stretched out so often.’’
The urge to slap him was strong, but every thrusts felt so good that if you opened your mouth, only high pitched cries would come out. He may be an asshole, but the dick was good. 
Getting bored with this position, Rafe pulled out and flipped you over like a ragdoll, your bare ass raised in the air. You didn’t get time to register what was happening; Rafe wasted no time and began pounding you from behind, his big hands gripping your hips. You pressed your face in the mattress to muffle your moans, terrified that Topper would hear on the other side of the hallway. He was likely sleeping like the dead, but you didn’t want to risk it.
It was a matter of minutes before you felt close to your edge, the sounds of wet slapping of skin mixing with Rafe’s low groans echoing in the room. You reached below you to rub your throbbing neglected clit, but Rafe grabbed your hand with a vice grip and pushed you down on the mattress, holding you down as he pounded his last thrusts. 
When he was done, Rafe pulled out and threw the used condom in the trash, then flopped on his bed and pulled the covers over himself, leaving you there. ‘’Good night.’’ 
‘’Are you being serious?’’ 
Rafe looked at you, amused by how mad you looked. ‘’Aw, you haven’t cum yet?’’ 
You narrowed your eyes at him. He knew. He was doing this on purpose. 
‘’Get over here. Sit on my face, I’m tired.’’
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy @slytherhoes @kcskye123 @outerbanksacc  @pedrosprincess  @mikaelsonsstuff  @skyesthebomb  @a1mzcruml3y @iluurmom  @popeheywardssecretgf  @madelynie  @loverofdrewstarkey  @radiant-whore  @outsider-at-hogwarts @luci1fer @bbycowboi @rafecameronsbadussy @urbfsbitchlol @nomorespahgetti @bloodyhw @Veescorneroftheworld  @papayaboyluvr @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster @tommysaxes @johannelis2302nely @lynbubble  @straberryshortcake143 @beth-gallagher22 @doestalker @rubyliquor @theflcwer @angelxxrose @sierraluvzz @cruzgrecia @evelestrange @sunnysunny133696  @under-seasoned-pasta @hoeforsirius  @buckyswhxre @emerald-09  @simonessolarsystem @rehead1180 @stvrkey
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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justnatoka · 4 months
Wearing Marko's jacket
Marko x Gender neutral! Reader (Implied Poly! Lost Boys x Reader)
Word count: 774
Warning: heavy allusions to smut
Seeing you wearing his jacket makes Marko feel all kinds of things.
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Marko thought you were the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen. He thought so ever since he had first laid eyes on you one night on the boardwalk. He was leaning on the railing next to the spot they parked the bikes, David smoking and talking to Dwayne while Paul was blabbering to Marko about something. His eyes were roaming the crowd, looking for their next dinner when he spotted you. It wasn’t just your looks that caught his attention though. It was also the way you carried yourself, that fire in you as you stood your ground against the less than subtle, and very clearly unwanted flirting attempts of some Surf Nazi.
“Come on now, sweetheart, don’t be like that. I promise I’ll show you a good time. No one had any complaints before” he added with a seductive wink. At least you were pretty sure he meant it as one. You rolled your eyes for the umpteenth time in the few minutes this guy has been pestering you.
“Yeah, I’m sure about that.” He didn’t seem to notice the sarcasm in your voice. You were getting really tired of this interaction. “Also, I have a name you know, and it’s definitely not ‘sweetheart’.”
He licked his lips, eyes roaming your body before eventually settling back on your face.
“Oh yeah? Care to share it with me?”
“No, thank you” you sighed. “And honestly, I feel sorry for anyone who has to listen to you talking.”
You left him flabbergasted, his mouth hanging open as you walked away. Marko couldn’t contain his grin as he watched the scene before him unfold. He knew in that moment that he wanted to get to know you. He started talking to you that night, introduced you to the others the next, and as they say, the rest is history.
Now he was looking at you from his position lounging on the bed, feeling pleasantly tired. You’re breathing just got back to normal, and you felt like you could finally stand up without your legs shaking. So you got up to get some of the leftover takeout they brought back earlier. He watched your retreating figure, checking out your butt before you disappeared behind the curtain that served as a door to this little nook of the cave.
He must have dozed off for a few minutes, because the next time he opened his eyes you were sitting on the bed again, Chinese takeout box on your lap and chopsticks in your hand, eating. But what caused him to instantly become more awake was the fact that you were wearing his jacket. And what a sight you were! You put back on your underwear, but aside from that, all you were wearing was his damn jacket.
His eyes wandered appreciatively on your form. Your skin was peppered with lovebites, new ones he just made a few minutes ago next to older ones from previous nights that the others left on you. A lot of smaller ones were covering the skin on your chest and around your collarbones, peeking out from under the fabric, courtesy of Paul. There were some he could see on your inner thighs, already starting to fade. He knew those were left by Dwayne a few nights ago. And of course there were the few big ones on your neck. You grumbled about them a bit, slightly embarrassed to go out in public with such visible hickeys, but David was quick to placate you with more kisses. After all, he loved to show you off as theirs’, and you didn’t really mind it at the end of the day.
Your hair was still a tousled mess as you sat there and filled your stomach with noodles, and he thought back to the noises you made as he was running his fingers through it earlier in the heat of your passion. The sight of you covered in the marks of their love, wearing his jacket… it was doing things to him. In his eyes, you were practically glowing, and his chest filled with contentment. You were absolutely beautiful and you were all theirs’.
You glanced up at him, sensing his gaze and gave him a questioning look. He just shook his head with a smile, tearing himself out of his lovesick daydreaming.
“It’s nothing, you just look sexy as hell” he smirked. “I mean damn, babe! You should wear my clothes more often.”
You looked at him and gave him a smirk of your own.
“Yeah, maybe I should” you answered coyly, offering him the takeout box. Let’s just say you weren’t resting very long.
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wandasslut3000 · 2 months
Did you miss me?
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, language, dom!wanda, unspecified age gap, brief sexting, teasing, pet names, magic use, praise/degrading kink, breastplay, strapless strap-on, double sided dildo, bdsm, bondage/blindfold use, cunnilingus, edging, begging, overstimulation, face-sitting, aftercare.
WC: 2.3k
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You're watching your favorite show in the common area of the compound, bored out of your mind, taking peeks at your phone occasionally to check if you'd gotten any texts.
You're waiting for your girlfriend Wanda to get back from her friend's birthday party. It had only been a few hours, but you miss her.
You turn your attention back to the screen and watch as a more explicit scene comes on.
Suddenly, an idea comes into your mind.
You leave your seat, heading up into your shared bedroom and start rummaging in your closet. When you find what you're looking for, you squeal in excitement.
Wanda is going to love this.
You quickly strip yourself of your clothes and ask F.R.I.D.A.Y to alert you whenever she gets back home, you take your time slipping into your red lingerie – your girlfriend's favorite set.
You smile as you eye your reflection in the mirror in the corner of the room. The fabric pushes up your breasts and ass just enough for her liking. You shiver at the memory of the last time you wore it for her, how good she made you feel that night.
You grab your phone and take a picture of yourself lying down on your bed to tease Wanda. Sending it to her, you smirk when you get a response almost instantly.
*attachment: 1 image sent*
Wanda❤️: Naughty girl
You decide to mess with her even more, wanting to rile her up.
This time, you lay down on your stomach and decide to give her a better shot of your chest, both of your breasts pressing up against each other, your necklace in the middle almost getting caught in between them.
Getting up, you go to take a full-body selfie in the mirror, tugging the waistband of your panties with two fingers while you bite your lip, staring straight into the camera through the phone with big doe eyes, knowing full well the effects it would have on her.
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Wanda❤️: Don't expect to be walking anytime soon after I'm done with you detka.
That text alone shoots heat toward your core.
Y/n: Wasn't planning on it ;)
You lay back down on your bed and start to scroll through your phone, trying to find things to distract you from responding to her, knowing full well she will be fuming when she's back.
A few moments later, F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoes in the room.
"Ms. Y/l/n, Ms. Maximoff has entered the compound. She's requested for soundproof mode to be activated. Would you like to confirm?"
"Yes, I can confirm," you smirk, excited to see where this goes. Taking off your necklace and setting it on top of the dresser, you lay down on your stomach, facing the entrance of the room, holding your face up in your hands.
You flinch slightly when Wanda barges in and slams the door, her dark eyes landing on you with her bottom lip between her teeth.
"Hi baby." you smile innocently, lifting your legs up to wiggle them back and forth, returning her wandering gaze.
"Did you miss me?"
Wanda doesn't say anything; instead, she snaps her fingers, her magic throwing you down to lay onto your back. A small squeal leaves your chest at the sudden moment. Some of your toys now on-top the bedside drawer, Wanda's magic whirling around her and leaving her in only her bra and panties.
She makes her way up to you, straddling your thighs and crashing her lips with yours in a bruising kiss. Wanda slips her tongue into your mouth, making you let out a low whimper, your tongues dancing in unison. She moves one hand down to your cheek while placing the other on your lower neck, keeping your lips together.
Wanda slowly brings her hand down to your chest, slipping her hand under your bra and playing with your nipple, making you moan at the sensation. She then plays with the bud and tweaks it between two fingers.
She moves her other hand to your back and swiftly unclamps your bra, tossing it somewhere across the room. Breaking the kiss before she starts to pepper kisses on your neck, still toying with you, kneading your breasts.
Your breath hitches when she bites down on your pulse point and rubs her tongue there to soothe the hurt. Wanda continues nipping at your neck, not caring about the multitude of dark purple marks she's bound to leave behind. She makes her way toward your cleavage, placing sweet, gentle kisses on it before roughly latching herself onto your left nipple.
You buck your hips in anticipation. You love the way she's making you feel, but your wetness wants – no, needs – to be included in the stimulation.
"Patience, princessa," she finally speaks before kissing her way to your neglected breast and giving it the same attention, only this time, she bites down on your nipple, making you moan as the pain turns into pleasure.
"Baby, please," you whine. She smirks, shaking her head. She starts to tease you by moving her kisses down to your abdomen and sucking right under your bellybutton, you squirm in response.
She places herself in between your legs, planting her lips on different spots of your inner thighs, making you grunt in frustration.
"You don't get to be upset with me, malishka. Do you know how unfair it was for me? Not being able to do touch you while you were sending me such dirty things," she scolds.
You watch as she gets up from her place between your thighs and reaches for something on the nightstand.
Wanda grabs the strap-on, and you bite your lip at the sight of the smaller end sinking into her. You hear her groan as she adjusts to the toy, the noise sending a surge of wetness to your panties.
She reaches again and grabs some restraints and a blindfold. She holds the fabric up to your face, pausing for a moment.
"You've been a very bad girl, sweetheart. You know that means I'm going to have to put you in your place." She cups your face as a slight reassurance. Wanting you to know that she won't make you do anything you don't want and this was your chance to back out, before she connects your lips together.
The kiss starts off as gentle and passionate but soon turns into one of hunger. Wanda flicks her wrists, and her red wisps tie the restraints around your arms. When she pulls back, she gives you one more quick peck before wrapping the blindfold around your eyes.
Your vision plungs into darkness, and it is as if your other senses heighten. Her scent of vanilla is now stronger than before, her cool breath pressing onto your neck. You start to feel her fingertips slowly moving downwards toward your center.
Wanda licks the bottom of your jawline before nipping at it playfully. Feeling the bed shift, you can only imagine her hovering over you, the ends of her hair surrounding your face, tickling your cheeks.
She grabs the hem of your panties and snaps it back at your hip bone. You hear her hum, and you moan slightly when she cups your clothed pussy. She starts toying with your clit through the fabric, your panties dampening even more.
She chuckles dryly. "You're getting so wet for me baby." You groan in response, your legs twitching in anticipation. Wanda slowly pulls the fabric off of you and you hear her throw it to the floor. The bed shifts again and you feel her blow cold air into your bare, glistening cunt.
She doesn't respond and suddenly you feel two of her strong fingers slip into you, making you let out a loud breathy moan. No wonder she asked for the room to be soundproofed. "So tight" she mumbles.
Her thrusts rough and hard, just how she knows you like it. The lewd noises coming from your lower half make you wince behind the blindfold, the moans that force themselves out of your throat get higher and higher in pitch. As you feel myself getting closer to your release, she pulls out completely.
"Wha- no- please don't stop!" You cry out, tears of frustration starting to form in your eyes; the fabric absorbing them.
You feel the bed shift once more when Wanda leans over to nip at your earlobe.
"I don't plan of it detka." She whispers before leaning back and rubbing - what you can only assume is the strap on - up and down your slit. Wetting it with your arousal. You can hear her let out soft moans and it makes you want to see her, your clit throbbing.
When you try to reach and pull the blindfold from your face, the restraints on your wrists stops you, and before you can complain or say anything Wanda pushes the toy into you. You moan loudly when you feel it fill up every surface inside of you. She starts to teasingly thrust into you.
So slowly.
"F-faster, Wanda fast- faster." You whimper.
"Tell me how bad you want it."
"Fucking hell- Wanda I need you! I need you so much.. Please, just please fuck me!"
She smirks and starts to buck her hips into yours. The sound of your skin slapping against each other quickly fills the room, along with your practically synced moans. Both of you chasing your high.
"Fuck-" she pants, "Fuck, you're so pretty" Her hands grip at your hips harshly, repeatedly pulling you against her and over the toy. The smaller end hitting her spot perfectly and the feeling of your nipples brushing against each others making Wanda's mouth fall open.
You soon feel a wave of white hot heat phase through you, after one final thrust both of you are whimpering each other's name. Your legs trembling as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Before you can comprehend it, you feel the toy slide out easily. You whine as your walls clench around nothing. Hating the newfound emptiness that could only be filled by her.
Wanda finally removes the blindfold from your eyes, a wave of dim brightness now slowly attacking your sight. When your eyes finally adjust, they land on the beauty in front of you.
You smile up at her to which she smiles back. Wanda leans down to kiss you and you happily return the favor. You suddenly feel a slight weight shift off your arms. You look down to see your hands no longer bonded to the bed.
Unable to resist yourself, you cup her cheeks and kiss her again, only this time, trying to regain some sort of dominance. Unfortunately, you lose it once again when she starts to grope your chest, making you sigh in pleasure.
She goes back to kissing your neck and makes a faster journey to your core this time. You gasp when she latches her perfect mouth onto your bundle of nerves. Sucking harshly, she pumps one digit into your heat, curling her finger ever so slightly on each pull out.
You loudly moan when you feel her move her finger to let her tongue enter you. The slick muscle plunging in and out of your hole.
You press your hands onto the back of Wanda's head trying to keep her there. She uses her index and middle finger to pinch your clit, causing you to rush into your second orgasm.
She slides her tongue out of you and laps up your cum. You groan softly when you feel her mouth work its way around your pussy.
Wanda finally brings her beautiful face up to you and kisses your puffy lips hungrily, letting you taste yourself on her tongue. When you both pull apart you notice a mischievous glint in her eye and squeal when she flips you over.
You immediately get positioned onto her face, and moan when her mouth gets to work. Your fingers lightly tug at her hair as grind against her. Wanda wraps one arm around your thigh to keep you in place while her other hand lands on your ass, groping at the flesh lightly.
You hum in appreciation when you feel her tongue rub tight circles around your clit. That's when you come undone for the third time, she moans against you, the vibrations sending you into pure bliss.
She doesn't let up however. Her mouth still latched to your core, tongue forcing its way in and out of you.
"Oh- baby- oh!"
Your brain is fuzzy from her actions, she lightly nips at your bundle of nerves before grabbing onto your right breast. You arch my back, screaming in pleasure, your throat now dry from its usage.
Wanda finally lets you slump down into her body. You can barely feel your legs at this point.
She wasn't joking when she said she'd take your ability to walk.
You gasp when you feel her slide her fingers back into your heat. Your eyes start to water again at the overstimulation, making you stuff your face into her chest and whine.
"Wands, i-it's too much"
"It's never too much krasiva" she coos, adding a third finger into your already battered cunt. You groan before attaching your lips onto her nipple.
Wanda moans as you squeal against her when you cum again. You slightly bite down on the skin before lazily rubbing my tongue on it.
You're about to pass out from exhaustion, moving yourself from your girlfriend for a moment to lay down comfortably before wrapping your arms around her. You stuff my face into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.
You murmur out a quiet "I love you" making Wanda smile and return the words of affection and you practically sigh in happiness. She pulls the duvet over the both of you and kisses the top of your head.
You and your girlfriend falling asleep relaxed and content in each others arms.
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ravensmadreads · 1 year
Unhinged totally unasked for thots about Riding Pedro Boys
Authors Note: So this came from me chugging entirely too many energy drinks and then projectile vomiting in Taylors inbox. I'd like to warn you that: English isn't my first language, I have never written smut before, I'm not a real writer, and also I'm trash goblin levels of unhinged about this. That being said; Enjoy and uhh. Forgive me Fandom
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Javier Pena doesn't let you do it.
That man does not have the time, or the patience, or the good sense (the sense is at the other end) to let you ride. He needs the control okay? And sometimes it's not even about the control ! It's the frustration. It piles and piles and piles until he snaps. He needs to do. He will bend you over and work his frustration away until he has had enough and you let him because he needs it. (And lets be real he makes it worth your while every single time)
BUT. When he finally fucking retires, and gets a ranch, and breaths air not tinged with the smells of death, cigarettes and guns for the first time in however many years, and maybe drinks some fucking water, he takes you out on a date. He fumbles through the entire thing, panics because he thinks he blew it, still manages to get you home, gets ridden for the first time in like 6 years, and can't walk straight for an entire day and stammers every time someone asks him why.
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Javi G loves it. He loves watching you. Gets all puppy dog wide eyed (remember the pool scene face??? Thats it.) and you have to really focus because his look of straight up wonder and awe and bright eyed eagerness makes you want to cry. He's panting like he's running a marathon, running his big hands EVERYWHERE he can reach. He makes you feel worshipped and adored and so very very loved. Thanks you after. For being so amazing, and so wonderful to him, and thanks the universe that he found you. Cause he's sap. You definitely cry after.
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(Watch me be controversial again) Joel is fucking tired okay? He has old man bones and creaky joints and his back is achy. Patrol was agony, Jesse wouldn't shut up the entire time, and Tommy was giving him shit, and he has no energy to drill anyone into the mattress (as much as we all want him to). He's just plain tired. He likes you on top. Likes it slow (like a roast chicken on a sunday slow). Enjoys the gradual build up, likes to lean back, watch with half open eyes as you take your time. Wants to indulge in something beautiful at the end of the world, and that something is you. He makes sexy grunting noises, mutters a whole lot of praise ~and filth~ and just y'know. Savours it. 🫠🫠🫠 savours you. 🫠
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Dieter is a maniac. (Leave him alone he has adhd!!) He can't still still for the life of him so you best believe he changes positions 6 times and the only way you're getting to ride is if you're also putting some weight elsewhere. To hold him down! You squeeze his neck once and he MELTS. INSTANTLY. Loses all sense. Starts babbling and whimpering and making extremely pathetic noises. Will definitely buck up and whine. PRAISES YOU. BEGGING. LOUD NOISES.
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Max is a heathen. He just likes watching you bounce. That's it. That's the post :p
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Marcus P is a romantic. He will be doing the whole "lean forward and try to get kisses in between" while also "moaning and maintaining eye contact" and he's holding you so tight , squeezing your sides and also muttering declarations of love. About how he wants a life with you, and a family, and a home, and a future. How he's going to "make you so happy baby, I promise I will, I swear to you". Doesn't let you off for from on top of him for atleast a half hour after; kissing all over your face and rubbing your back and petting your hair "I meant all of it sweetheart. I want all of you." shsbzgwgsvsg ilovehimsomuch and I've only ever seen gifsets of this man what is wrong with me
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Marcus M is A MENACE. He wears his stupid glasses, and has his stupid shirt off, while he does stupid taxes/meeting plans in bed. You keep throwing side glances and getting increasingly wound up and he just has this gentle smirk but he's mostly ignoring you. You sidle up to him and maybe start kissing his jaw, laying gentle pecks down his neck, and he's still fukcungh working "Baby. I need to finish this. I'm sorry, you need to wait." But that smirk is still there and it's driving you crazy and maybe you keep kissing until you reach his *coughs* and then you're working on getting him interested. You can still hear the fucking pen scratching though and so you go deeper, and he raises an eyebrow. "be good now honey" You're settling in his lap and he has you sitting there until he has finished his paperwork with you whimpering and trying not to squirm because you want to be good you really do and you know he'll make it so much better but he feels so good and when he's finally finally done you get to move but you're so wound up you can't pull yourself together enough to find a rhythm and you're nearly in tears and he has to grip your sides and murmur instructions in your ear and help you until you're satisfied and just when you think he's done, and about to flip you over, he adjusts his grip and starts moving from underneath you until you're crying and he's finished ~which doesnt happen until you've come 2 more times~
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Dave. Oh my gosh Dave. Dave is a strict dom if ever there was one. With him it's a punishment. He'll tell you to hold off until he's done which is freaking impossible with how deep he gets, and how he likes to warm up his hands on your butt while you're trying desperately to hold onto that last thread of control. He is muttering absolute filth, holding your arms behind your back with one hand while the other is either laying smack after smack or rubbing you furiously all the while he's got the smuggest look. "Don't you dare baby. Be a good girl now. Listen and obey for once". But you can't because he's not fair and he knows it. And when you do finally fall apart he's clenching his teeth trying to hold back himself and his hands are holding you up as you gasp his name like it's the only word you know. He's running his hands down your back and kissing you softly and helping you catch your breath and when you finally get your heart to stop pounding and look up at him, he's watching you with this dangerously soft smile and he goes "oh you're in for it now aren't you honey?" and kisses your forehead while you try not to whimper.
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Frankie is a soft boy. He loves it. Craves it. He loves giving up control. Wants you to tie him up and have your way until he has no thoughts left in that pretty little head. He is swearing like an absolute sailor the entire time, calling you ma'am, begging to be released so he can kiss you and touch you, absolutely nearly breaks the head board once he was so desperate. Wants to be edged but also is the biggest WIMP about it. Will pout and swear and beg and plead but then want you to deny him again. Will definitely be mumbling absolute nonsense once you're done. Needs all the aftercare. Blushes pink when he gets it. Wraps himself around you like a HUGE koala bear after. ~and returns the edging favour 3 times over when he gets in his Captain Francisco Morales Mood~
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BONUS TWO I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT and tumblr won't let me put gifs for:
Jack makes every single cowboy joke known to man. You have to put your hand on his mouth to get him to shut the hell up. His eyes get all glassy when you do. He puts his hat on top of your head and busies himself in your neck (dual benefits: A. He shuts up and B. HICKIES) will definitely drag you on top of him in his Bronco (he likes to show off) will pull up on the side of the road almost 70% of the times you drive together. Bites you over your clothes. Loves the way you grab desperately at this leather jacket. Definitely makes you bend over and 'clean up the mess sugar' before driving like the hounds of hell are after him all the way back home and doing it all over again because "we gotta make you a mama now love"
Pero got married after he came back and retired as a sell sword. His wife is a soft but sassy thing who's a little (read: not at all, she returns his snark twice over) intimidated by him but also thinks he's a good man because he saved her village from raiders. She has seen him grumble and snark at but then also share his food with the orphans who works at the village inn. She's inexperienced (let me live my victorian life) and he doesn't really think he deserves her but also he's not so much an idiot to say no to someone like her. She's the village "healer" and he met her when he got stabbed by one of the raiders (arm wound: not serious.) He has to teach her. She gets shy and flustered, which is a total 180 from her sassy self, and Pero loves it. She makes the most amazing sounds that have him thinking that maybe he did something right in his life to end up in her arms. She wants to please her new husband and asks her married friends for advice and they tell her about this new position. So she asks him, stuttering and tripping over words, if she could try something she heard about? From a friend? She straddles him and Pero loses his mind. He's closing his eyes and clenching his jaw so hard and she's whimpering in the most DELICIOUS way and he's trying so hard to hold back and let her take her pace and she's so worried "am I not doing it right?" Pero has to take 3 deep breaths before he's centred enough to answer and then he helps her. Puts his hands on her hips to guide her. Puts one of her hands on his shoulder "steady now pequenita" and puts the other low on her belly and presses in so she can feel him. Loves the way she cries out. Bends forward to leave little marks everywhere he can reach. She's scrambling at his chest, leaving nail marks he loves, and finally grabbing his hair and pulling until he groans. And when they're both done and sated and sweaty he kisses her, looks her in the eye and winks. "I'm going to have to go thank your friend now, mi esposa."
Din and you dont have time. The razor crest is finally in hyperspace, you got shot at for the 50th time in 2 weeks, (because Murphys Law seems to be the only law Mando never breaks), you're exhausted, sweaty, and the giggly green monster of chaos only made you chase him down from the top of a weapons cabinet twice before he finally decided to take a nap. You're frustrated, and in desperate need of a shower, and a nap, but also you can't get the image of Mando fighting out of your head. Before you know it, the hormones have taken over and you're attacking him in the pilot seat. The bucket is off (I refuse to look at my own reflection in the tin cans helmet while we do the do), he's got you arching into him, your shirt is half torn from the top because Din refuses to wait for "so many fucking buttons Meshla" the gloved hand is squeezing the back of your neck, his mouth is on your chest, his other hand (you only managed to get one glove off) is splayed out on your back. You're riding him like you're trying to break him and his thigh holster? thing (do i look like i can figure out what they're called?) is digging marks into your skin but you're too turned on to care. It's frantic, it's messy, you're PRAYING the tiny green menace stays asleep as you do your best to muffle your sounds. The refresher isn't big enough for a round two, (you still do your best), and your legs feel like jelly, when you finally pass out; curled up on top of the human space heater while he hums Mando'a in your ear.
TAGGING: @chronically-ghosted (you are a menace but ily)
@fuckyeahdindjarin (here I go trying that writing thing again, stop me pls)
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chososdiscordkitten · 7 months
...No Sex?
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Synopsis: Mutual masturbation w Choso with a lil sum extra
Pairing: Choso x fem!reader Content: porn w/ sum feelings, established relationship, no penetrative sex bcs no protection, Choso isnt a virgin!!!! fingering, handjob, mutual masturbation, multiple orgasms, oral (F), overstim if you squint (F), Choso has a big cock, spit, cum eating, Choso munch propaganda, a sprinkle of dirty talk, Choso king of consent!!!
(a.n) finally I write something where it isnt raw intercourse, r u proud? it took everything in me to not write the end with a creampie👍🏽
It was that uneasy step in a developing relationship, where you could spend day and night together but still be shy to instigate a deeper kiss. And when the topic of intimacy came up- both of you agreed to take things slow in that department.
It was supposed to just be a movie night- supposed to be sinless, just two people having a sleepover. But somewhere between the sex scene blaring on the tv and the discarded dialogue, you found yourself straddling Choso’s thighs. Your knees bent on the cushions of the couch as your hands held onto the sides of his face desperately. Teeth clashing against each other trying to find solace on the others lips.
His hands were massaging your hips, threatening to rise up the bottom of your t-shirt, your core pressing down on the forming bulge in his sweats with a low moan vibrating into your mouth. Choso trailed his hand to the side of your neck, pulling away from you and soaking in the neediness in your eyes. 
“I thought-” he murmured in a whisper, his lips pink from how desperate the kiss was. “I thought we were gonna wait.” he finished- his hand making note of how warm your cheek felt in his palm.
You sighed, rolling your hips lightly, feeling the mound of his cock brush against your aching core. You furrowed your eyebrows, scanning his expression. Though his eyebrows were pinched in worry, and his words were laced with a pained tone- his eyes contradicted them. Dark, full of need and lust that you had only seen glimmers of before now.  
You bit your lip softly, recalling the conversation Choso was referring to. “...No sex?” he reminded, causing your hips to press firmer onto his pained bulge in frustration. Being able to feel how hard he was- even through the layers of clothes. 
“We don't have to have sex,” you whispered, taking a hand from his neck and placing it to the one on your hip.
Guiding it to trail to the front of your torso, slowly leaning in closer with parted lips. “You can touch me.” you breathed, leading his hand to cup the underside of your breast. Choso unwillingly let out a breathy grunt, feeling your clothed breast fill his palm. Dragging your hips against the bulk in his bottoms as you looked into his eyes, your lips brushed against his as you left his hand on your tit, placing your own onto his thick bicep. 
Choso closed his eyes with a sigh before connecting his lips with yours again. Sloppy and unpatterned as your tongue wasted no time in slipping into his mouth again. Softly rolling your hips against his, Choso’s hand lightly squeezed the clothed curve of your breast, feeling your nipple harden beneath the fabric. Cursing you for not even thinking of wearing a bra.
He pulled away from you again, the blush on his cheeks darkening. Practically whined into the air between you as your hips refused to quicken their slow pace. 
Choso grazed his thumb over the little pebble formed beneath your t-shirt, “Is this okay?” he whispered with a light squeeze, earning a small whimper to escape your lips with a nod. His eyebrows slightly creased as the hand on your waist tightened its grip, following your small drags before guiding you to press down further. “And this?” he huffed, feeling the warmth of your cunt radiate onto his strained cock.
You leaned in to kiss him, admiration filled breaths at his need for permission and guidance. You felt the hand on your hip roam up the bottom of your shirt, his warm fingertips lightly grazing your back as you pulled away from him, taking your hands from his neck and going for the hem of your shirt. 
Desperation filled the movement of you taking off your oversized t-shirt, wasting no time in pressing your lips back onto Choso’s. His hands weren’t as confident as before, resting on the upper part of your hips, refusing to go back to the place they were held above the fabric. 
Your hand trailed from his shoulder down to the one on your hip- repeating the guidance from earlier and feeling his calloused hand graze your torso. Choso pulled away from you, lightly exhaling as he felt the warmth of your bare breast fill his palm. Eye to eye as his other hand pressed onto your side. 
Choso turned himself over with you on his lap, holding onto you as he eased you to lay on your back, your thighs on either side of his hips as he straightened his spine. Leaving Choso on top, his knees bent as he held his hands on your hips. Choso looked down at your bare chest with a gulp. Unknowing if he'd be able to keep up his end of the agreement. 
His hands traveled to the hem of his own shirt, pulling it off at an alarming speed before leaning down to kiss you again. Chest to chest as your hands snaked past his pale waist and onto his broad back, grazing your nails lightly against the skin causing him to shiver. His happy trail tickling your tummy.
Choso’s alarmingly hard cock pressed against the thin fabric of your own bottoms, his hips threatened- threatened to buck into you. 
You whined into his mouth from the lack of stimulation against the ache between your thighs. Causing you to push against his unmoving hips with a fussy whimper, noting how the lack of friction was excruciating. 
So much so, that when you pulled away from him, a line of spit was drawn between your lip and his as Choso looked into your bleary eyes- it was almost painful the way you whimpered, “Please touch me.” with a burning tone. 
Choso placed one firm wet kiss onto your lips before straightening his back again, looking down to your hands that all but snapped to the drawstring of your pants. Tugging on the thin string before going to pull the band down, Choso’s hands rested atop the thin pajama fabric before helping you pull them off as you swung your leg to meet with the other on one side of his thigh.
Yanking the bottom off of you before you spread your legs once more, lifting your hips slightly so your bottom could rest on his lower thighs, giving him an unobstructed view of your clothed cunt. 
Choso’s lips parted in amazement, the mouth watering sight of your damp panties causing his cock to twitch beneath the two unavoidable layers of fabric in reaction. He flashed his eyes up at you- shining and pleading. Silently, ‘can I?’ he mouthed, earning your eyebrows to furrow at his request. 
His hands rested on your bare thighs, softly gripping and kneading the plush as he waited for your answer. 
You nodded your head, looking at his large hand against the thickness as he trailed it to your inner thigh. He gulped looking at the contour of your cunt against the thin fabric of your panties. The wetness that created a growing dark spot on them, accentuated the little mound where your clit was. 
It was almost obscene the way his mouth watered by just looking at your clothed cunt. Choso raised his hand from your inner thigh, trailing the other onto your hip and kneading it softly. His hand slowly closed the space between his fingers and your damp panties. 
You let out a small sigh feeling his thumb press against the covered source of the slick. Feeling him drag it up to where your clit peaked beneath the wet fabric, watching with burning eyes as he lightly circled his thumb onto your clit. Looking up at you before whispering, “You're so wet-” 
Sucking in his breath as he watched as your hips slightly twitch from the light circles. Choso was so sure he could cum untouched if he just touched you like this. 
Only your hand trailed up the side of his clothed thigh, urging him to undo his own pants. He didn't hesitate in removing his palm on your thigh and placing it to the band of his strained sweats, shoving it down with a gruff as the wet spot on his briefs hit the air. 
Your hips unwillingly pushed into his thumb from seeing the large bulge in more detail. Parting your lips from the sudden pressure, “Need more Cho-” you murmured, seeing his eyes bat up to look at you, the look of excitement was evident on his features- almost mortified from the ease in which you said that. 
Choso didn't know how he could give you more without it leading to sex. So to urge him, you traced your hand down your bare torso and meeting it to your damp panties.
He pulled his thumb away from your clothed clit and examined as you hooked your fingers to the side of your panties, pulling the crotch aside to reveal your cunt to him. 
Choso’s jaw fell ever so slightly with a dreamy sigh as his eyes engulfed the sight of your glistening cunt. Taking a few seconds to admire it as his cock throbbed in his briefs before you looked at him, raising your eyebrows to coax him to do the same. 
He hesitantly laid his fingers onto the band of his briefs, being able to feel your gaze on his bulge. Gently tugging down the band as his cock flung from the fabric. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and parted your lips as you scanned it. His reddening tip leaking small tears of pre, pale shaft with a pretty curve upwards, dark, trimmed pubes that blended into his happy trail. Choso watched you with his jaw clenched, trying to gauge what you were thinking as you looked at it. 
You knew he was on the bigger side- the times where he'd wear sweats with no underwear (slut), it would've been a crime not to look at the print. But looking at it now, unclothed and hard- he was so fucking hard. It had your cunt clenching around nothing, feeling a splash of bittersweetness knowing that actual intercourse wasn't on the docket. And god, how thick-
“You okay?” he spoke up in a murmur, his shoulders shifting from you gawking at his member. You flashed your eyes back up to him, “We can stop if you-” 
“I'm fine-” you sighed, nodding your head almost too eager as he breathed deeply, “I’m fine.” you recited. A small tear of clear pre oozing from his tip from your words. A deep blush on his cheeks with a clenched jaw adorning his face.
Choso could feel his blushed cheeks tingle from the words he thought of saying, “Can I-” he inhaled, feeling his tip twitch against the air at the question, “Can I touch you?” As though touching you through a barrier of clothing was one thing- but skin to skin. No, being able to feel you- feel your unmasked skin against his fingers, how soft you'd be. How wet you are- Choso could practically feel your slick against his fingers by just thinking about it. 
You let out a shuddered breath, a light whine in the shape of an ‘Mhm’ with a nod. Scanning his expression as he looked back down to your cunt. Bordering on frenzy as he pressed the tips of his middle and ring finger to the source of your slick. You sighed a quiet whimper, watching his eyes ogle your cunt in disbelief.
A low groan fell from his parted lips as he trailed his fingers up your cunt, gliding with ease as they reached your perched clit. You bit your lip with a whimper as he looked back at your face, keeping a light touch on your cunt as he rubbed gente circles on the tip of your clit. 
He didn't know much- but he knew where you needed to be touched from the porn he watched to ‘study’, fearing for the day to come and he not know what to do with you. Though he wasn't a virgin, a handful of drunken one night stands he barely remembered. But now, he was painfully sober, all too nervous of his actions and too concerned if he was doing everything correctly. 
You huffed a ragged breath as you watched his bottom lip quiver, trailing your sight down to his reddening tip- thinking it had to be painful right now. But Choso couldn't feel it- he was too distracted by the way your cunt pulsed from the light circles his fingers made against your clit. 
Choso wanted to feel you from the inside- stopping the light touches on your clit, trailing them down to your entrance that invited him in with every clench your cunt unwillingly made. He flashed his eyes back up at you, pressing the tips of his fingers to the source of your slick- being able to feel it pulse against his fingers. 
Almost asking permission, Choso circled the tips of his thick digits at your entrance- God you were practically sucking them in. You nodded your head- not wanting to even speak, scared it would come out needy and whiny. 
Choso looked back down to your sopping cunt, pushing in his middle finger and hearing you huff out. He furrowed his eyebrows feeling your walls surround his finger, pushing in slowly till his knuckle couldn't push any further. You observed his expression with a nibbled lip as you awaited him to take care of himself. Wanting to watch him stroke his cock. Needing to see it.
Full of pure delirium as he tried pulling his finger from your cunt- only to feel you sucking it back in with every flutter. “so pretty.” he mumbled, you only whined his name in response- embarrassed by the compliment. You reached your hands out to him, pulling him close as he curled his finger up. Connecting your lips to his again as you reached for his cock. 
Soft moans coming from Choso’s lips and rumbling onto yours as you grasped his shaft- his warmth filling your palm. Stroking him gradually as he slowly slid his finger out of you, pressing it to his ring finger and pushing in again, breaking the kiss with a gasp at the sudden change in thickness. 
Hands locked in his hair as you stared into his eyes. Softly moaning as he pushed his fingers into you, the loud sounds of the movie discarded as he slipped his fingers in- God. It was obscene the noises your cunt made. Even over the volume of the tv.
Your hand on his cock slowing its motion- unable to focus as he curled his fingers up trying to find that special spot-
A shuddering gasp left your lips with pinched eyebrows, his eyes widening at the sudden clench around his fingers. Unavoidable was the thought of how it would feel around his cock. 
Choso wanted to hear more- he wanted to see that expression on your face again. 
Almost greedily he nudged into the spongy spot inside of you- grasping even harder on his scalp in return as he slowly pumped into the spot your own fingers could barely reach.
As you held his cock in your hand, you sighed- wanting it inside so desperately. You pressed your lips against his, hoping those thoughts would leave you, knowing it was too soon. 
Even if your hand was waning its strokes, Choso found pleasure in your warm cunt- in the small inhaling moans you’d take as you pressed your tongue against his. 
You couldn't take it- the twitching of his cock in your hand, unable to shake away the words. You pulled away from his lips, looking into his eyes as you let out a small moan- his slow pumping fingers making it difficult to filter the plea- “Put it in, Choso-” you sighed, watching his eyebrows pinch at your request. 
It was tempting, but Choso couldn't find the gall to do it, “But you said-” he mumbled, keeping the slow pace of his fingers, ignoring your hand that lightly squeezed his shaft.
“I don’t care-” you whined, pressing a kiss against his lips feeling your thighs lightly quake beside his hips. “Please.” you whimpered, bucking your hips into his fingers and pouting your lip. As you did that, Choso felt the last reservation of being polite- leave him. 
“Okay-” he huffed, needing very little convincing before connecting his lips to yours almost feverishly and situating himself properly between your thighs, keeping his fingers inside of you as his cock rested daringly close to your cunt. 
You pulled away from him once more, “Do you have anything?” you muttered, small moans leaving your lips as his fingers pressed into your sweet spot gently, feeling your lips brush against his with every word.
Choso nodded his head ‘no’, “Do you?” he whispered, almost pained. You sighed against his lips, nodding your head ‘no’. He murmured “Are you on anything?” trying to find some kind of justification for actually fucking you raw. You almost let out a whimper as you nodded, clenching your cunt around Choso’s fingers in shame at the words you dared say. 
“Can you pull out in time?” you huffed, feeling his tip inch closer and closer to your slick. So desperate to just feel him - how you’d feel so full once he was inside. Choso exhaled feeling your cunt clench around his fingers, recalling the times he's tried to time his orgasms to see if he could rely on that method. 
It never worked. 
Knowing he wasn’t be able to time his orgasms by himself, let alone pull out of your welcoming cunt in time if he was actually fucking you.
Choso nodded his head ‘no’ with a disappointed sigh, if he couldn’t fuck you- he would make sure you were satisfied rather than leave you like this. So he pressed a kiss to your lips, trying to soothe the disappointment decorating your face as you thought if plan b’s were actually an efficient form of contraceptives. 
He straightened his back, determined to make his fingers be enough for you. You watched him place his hand onto your upper thigh- almost as though he was contemplating what he was about to do. 
You gave him soft moans as he kept up the slow pace- urging him to do as he pleased in that moment.
Choso raised his hand from your thigh, keeping a steady pace with his digits as he splayed four fingers atop your belly, you inhaled with a whimper as his thumb rested on your clit, watching your expression to gauge if this was okay. 
Only it was more than okay- it was fucking astronomically okay. Your back arched in the slightest, pressing your knuckles to your parted lips as he started rubbing small circles on your clit.
Being able to hear your cunt squelch around his fingers as you clenched, “Does-” he whispered, fully ignoring his cock that was screaming at him for attention- “Does it feel good?” He murmured, barely legible from the action scene on the tv. 
You moaned a curse, toes threatening to curl against the couch as you fluttered your eyes closed, his thumb dragging out the circles on your clit. Moaning softly before, “F-feels s’fucking good.” you slurred, feeling Choso’s hands pick up the pace at your assurement.
Since your cunt was plugged by his fingers, the slick gathered by your clit was waning- and not wanting it to hurt, Choso mindlessly gathered the spit that pooled in his mouth as he watched your cunt. Pulling his thumb from your clit and aiming. 
Your body jolted in response- unknowing where the sudden spurt of liquid that fell directly onto your clit came from.
You opened your eyes, seeing the expression on Choso’s face return back to the petrified one he wore earlier. His lips were parted, and that's when you realized he just spit onto your clit- Choso flashed his eyes back up to you, trying to see if you were okay with it, even if it was already done. 
You reached your hand down to the one on your tummy. Shakily reaching down to where he spit and started moving your fingers against your clit, mixing his saliva with your mess. “Touch yourself Choso- please.” you whimpered, being able to feel the ache his cock must've felt at that point from just looking at it. Watching his astounded eyes gawk at your face. Not understanding how you were able to voice what you wanted with such ease. 
And as you asked of him, Choso placed his hand onto his base, making sure not to falter the steady pumps with his right hand. Now that he was forced to acknowledge it, he could feel the ache on his purpling tip from how ignored it was. 
Your eyes followed his hand, watching as he slowly stroked his shaft- though he's jacked off before, this was the first time he did it with his non-dominant hand.
A sigh of satisfaction filled with ecstasy left your lips, watching him slowly stroke his pretty cock. It didn't take long for Choso to get to the same place you were- all he had to do was pretend his fingers that were pumping inside your twitching cunt were replaced by his cock. 
Your fingers on your clit fastened, chest heaving and going slack jawed. Choso gathered you were close and wanted to finish with you. Your cunt twitching around his hard working fingers in a way he would have never been able to picture before now. 
“Choso-” you called his name in a pant, trying to keep your eyes open as you watched his hand sloppily stroke himself. Your moans sounded like a hymn to Choso- even more so when you sprinkled his name between them.
With a few more nudges into that spot that forced your eyes closed, you gasped- back arching with a churned face. Your cunt fluttered around his fingers as you halted the circles on your clit. Choso fisted himself quicker, groaning loudly and unashamed as his cum oozed from his cockhead. His teeth clenched as he stroked past his dribbling tip. 
Unwillingly his seed dripped on the damp fabric of your panties, and onto your cunt- coating your fingers and his own. Mixing with your own mess as he pulled his fingers from your cunt. 
As you tried catching your breath, you opened your eyes, looking down to see Choso staring at your messied cunt with prideful eyes. You bit your lip as he placed his index and middle finger onto your cunts lips, spreading them the tiniest bit and watching his cum trickle down your pulsing entrance. 
It was carnal the way his mouth watered at the sight. All it took was for you to clench absentmindedly, causing a quiet squelch to come from it, for Choso to shift off of the couch. His messy hands on your hips as he kneeled on the ground. Moving you with him as he did what was calling at him since you were in his lap. 
His hands pulled your dirty panties from you, wanting there to be nothing between you and him, even if they were pushed to the side.
And as he came face to face with your cunt, you furrowed your eyebrows, “Choso you don't ha-” you tried saying, only for his tongue to run up your sloppy cunt- his eyes closing with a light moan as he tasted his seed mixed with your slick. 
It wasn't enough time to fully come down from the first orgasm he pulled from you, not on purpose- but he was starting to over work you as he latched his lips onto your clit. 
Your hips tried to wiggle from his grasp, only for him to hold you in place with his strong arms. Greedily lapping up the mess you created with him. You thralled your head back into the cushions, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling lightly. ‘jesus f-fuck-’ you managed, unwillingly bucking your hips against his face. Which only caused starved groans to vibrate against you. 
In some odd way Choso was thinking up ways to justify what he was doing. Just trying to clean you up? Make sure you were satisfied? 
No, the only right answer was that from the moment he saw your drenched panties- he needed to taste you. Uncaring if his seed was lathered thick on your cunt, mixing with the silk seeping from your entrance. 
You snapped your hand down to his that held your thigh- his grip so tight he was creating indents with his fingertips. Choso stared up at you- eyes dark and fucking starved as he laced his fingers with yours. It didn't take long for him to push you into another orgasm, barely recuperated from the first one.
Feeling your grip tighten against his hand, Choso watched your face churned the way it did earlier- already memorizing it and knowing it meant you were close. 
Even if his cock was already hard again- even if every brain cell in his mind was telling him to pull away from you and relieve the ache between his legs, not caring if there wasn't any protection. Choso would stay between your thick thighs if it meant he got to see that expression on your face, over and over again. 
The moans that fell from your lips were guttural- gasping for air as your thighs pressed against the side of his face, back arching as he lapped at anything that came from your cunt. 
Your hips  started twitching as his mouth refused to part from you. Accidentally overstimulating you, eyes closed as though he was gaining pleasure from this, “Choso-” you panted with a whine, lightly pulling on his hair to pull him from you. 
He opened his eyes, releasing your clit from his mouth and looking at you to see what was wrong. His cheeks, his chin, and his lips glistening with your slick, “Did you-” he asked, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from you. 
You sighed, almost in disbelief at how he could ask that. Furrowing your eyebrows and resting back onto the couch as he loosened his grip on your thighs. Trying to catch your breath as he placed one last kiss to your clit, earning your shoulders to jolt from the contact. Trailing kisses onto your inner thighs as he worked his way up your torso.
Moving your thighs back onto the couch before laying atop you, steadying your breath as he moved you to lay on your side, holding you close to his chest. “I literally almost died and you have to ask me if I came.” you scoffed, hearing a small laugh puff from his nose. 
You exhaled, closing your eyes and melting into his grasp. “Remind me to pick up condoms tomorrow.” You murmured against his chest, being able to feel it quicken against your temple at the request.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
though this was a lil more tame, still was fucking hot to write heheheheh
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