#hades.. cause.. he came out the demeter?? idk
thegreatidk · 1 year
I was listening to a pjo podcast and got brainrot. I think fundamentally this AU would not work because I could not see a quest where you would have a trio of only Agatha, Tedros, and Sophie and have it not be a complete disaster. Also it’s literally 12:39am I am dying.
The most obvious would be son of Zeus b/c of daddy issues and like his whole “prince” thing and his human mom would have left him at camp and run off causing him issues forever
But honestly I think it would be more interesting if his mom was actually the goddess who abandoned him which would defo give him so many issues
B/c his dad would be like “your mom is dead” and proceed to spiral and die of alcoholism like in the books, and then Tedros would be shuttled to camp only to find out his mom wasn’t actually dead
And was in fact Aphrodite
I think Aphrodite would be fitting b/c Tedros is honestly rlly vain and like charmspeak seems right up his alley
But I think he would have to prove himself a lot more when it came to fighting
I think it would make sense for his dad to be some high profile politician with like a strong military background (whole family were West Point grads) and so Tedros is really into the athleticism thing
Only to end up in the Aphrodite cabin where he would defo be a kind of outcast
Or I think maybe even a minor goddess would be interesting because Tedros is so used to being a big deal and now he has to deal with the stigma of having a minor god for a parent
I think Nemesis would be really interesting because on one hand Tedros would be like “chivalry” or the equivalent and Nemesis would be like “eye for an eye boy” and I think Tedros would struggle with what he/his father taught him was fair and what maybe he actually thought was just
Also him being like a longtime year-round camper just makes a lot of sense to me
Daughter of Zeus for sure I think
Athena would be really obvious but also slightly a cop-out
I think her being a big 3 kid would match her whole “super OP powers” thing she’s got going on
Plus everyone would think she was a child of Hades, and I think that would make Zeus mad
Also she would beef so hard with him over literally everything and I think daughter of Zeus hating Zeus is so good
Hades to be funny
But honestly I think Hecate would fit more since Sophie’s biggest skill is definitely magic
And I think her having to struggle like Tedros with being a minor god’s kid when her ego is so inflated is very interesting
Especially if it’s a little bit before she gets claimed and she hangs out with Tedros and the Aphrodite kids before she realizes
This would not be a Tophie canon universe tho
Others Speed-Run (the vibes feel right idk)
Hester- Ares
Anadil- Athena
Beatrix - Athena
Kiko - Demeter
Hort- Hermes
Chaddick- Ares
Nicholas- Apollo
Reena- Apollo
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Whitby S.P.C.A
Up for adoption: Senior mixed breed. Nickname "Hades"
Large breed. Dark colouration. Soulful eyes. This dog has had a tough life, being rescued from a ghost ship after a fierce storm. We believe there is a smart and sensitive dog under his instincts. With proper healthy enrichment and a lot of love, we think this old boy could be a loyal and loving addition to your household. Looking for decidated experienced owners, no children, other pets not advised. Large space required. Hunters or Outdoorsmen favoured.
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sleepylittlesloth · 5 years
Ive made a thing..
So it starts off with Lore Olympus, Hades and Persephone fall in love and rule together, persephone leaving for spring
They come to a point where all they wish for is a child, yet cannot have one, hades being god of the dead (or whatever, like in the old hymns)
They wish for one so much, they make a well coveted in precious stones, every day wishing.
Their wishes so strong, form a child who emerges swaddled in sands of silk, her coppery baby hair, golden eyes and silver skin,
They are happy, teaching her all of the stories of the world.
Naming her Remanie,
an observer, a remnant, a storyteller, child of memories.
Demeter, who has always been angry at hades, is fuelled by disgust at his child and steals her away.
She hides her in the mortal world, far away from greece in the deep mountains and ocean shore where a people were living, she didnt want the child to suffer as persephone was still her daughter, so she gave the child to the people, taken in by a widowed man and his sister
The child was 9 years old, but quickly learned the language and found happiness and love, but then the invaders came, heard of a girl who was cherished by all for she brought wonderful fruits and medicines.
They tried to steal her away back to the old world along with many other children from the people.
In her anguish and ferocity she turned the whole ship into a large mass of wrangled trees and stone, sinking to the botton, deep where even Poseidon could not detect her.
She sank so deep, if she were mortal she would have died but instead was put to a deep trancelike sleep.
Hades and persephone mourned their daughter, pain turned to anger, all the gods could not find her and demeter feared for them to find out the truth, she went back to find the girl but the people had gone, moved west, and believed remenie to be lost forever.
This brings us to the industrial revolution/hadestown, persephone and hades grew cold and angry at eachother.
"Wait for me, im coming with you"
The story of Orpheus and Euridice spread through the ages by the people,
Persephone and Hades began rekindling what they once had and ruled together again but it was still with glimmers of resentment and pain.
In the heroes of olympus/percy jackson era, when the children of hades were hateful towards the children of the other gods, causeing the world wars and battles, the great prophecy saying the child of the big three would be the rise or fall of olympus. The three gods swore off having half-blood children, yet nico was still alive in modern time. In his shadow travels he could hear the song.
"Lah la la lah la lahhh"
Once a ballad of hades and persephones love for eachother.
He continues to hear this song, in his fathers voice, and then in Orpheus' eloquent voice of love and loss.
He can't figure out why he keeps hearing it
"King of shadows, king of shades.."
A new prophecy,
Swallowed to the sea below
Spring and deaths child of hopes
Will unite the world to equals at last
bringing life or death by a childs hand
Child of death and one of the Sea
Will find her and bring her back to thee
(Or somethin idk how to write prophesies dont judge)
Nico and Percy unite (between the last olympian and the lost hero)
They only know to look through the sea and stop on a coast, exhausted after battling monsters and are taken in by a small family, they ask of stories of a lost child, they recount a story of all the children who'd been taken for centuries
Nico dreams of her in the dark, begins calling to her and she begins to stir
As they continue on their quest they realize they must go to the deep where oceanus once ran the seas, and find her, bringing her back to the king and queen of the underworld.
She helps in the fight against gaia....
Thats all I got rn but whatd you think?
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ambitionsource · 4 years
EXACTLY THANK YOU just like i don’t have like anybody to talk to bout it cause everybody teases me or just goes like .... that’s literally a child show wtf maddie and such anywho but like i just i... i have to much stuff in my head that i want to write but is that stopping the idea of maybe a thing like this where like maybe some stuff from percy jackson such or like you know a fan fiction of this like yeah and such cause let’s be honest darkly does have zeus like tendencies and just
literally everyone from AAA/ GMW has tendencies with them like topanga no doubt in my mind is like demeter and just yeah if i look this stuff up then yeah the only reason i was like that is because my percy jackson books and me being me loved that fan fiction too so essentially if i look up greek mythology and see like all of them and there description no doubt i’ll place them but maybe i’ll just let live in me head idk well think bout it i mean like yeah so 🤷🏻‍♀️ we’ll see and such and oh my goodness comparing them to basically hades dog i just i lol it’s so true though and just hilarious yes i love them and just yeah o don’t know i like i love dogs and idk i feel like hades dog is so cute if he was real but 🤷🏻‍♀️ like i said percy jackson days were good except SPOILER when my fav character die and while percy jackson fandom was toxic too i just every fandom i ever get in is never like peaceful you stay in your side and i’ll stay in mind like it’s just always mean except for be more chill no one really talks or argues with each other and there will be like a couple fight or ppl dissing a character but it’s not as bad GMW or percy jackson or Alexander Hamilton or GLEE like yeah idk i’m just i get stuck with all the ones were everybody argues over ships and just 🤷🏻‍♀️ i hide out in my little space and stay here like it took me so long to work up the courage to like text here without the anonymous on cause i was afraid to be attacked and such and just then i accidentally did one time and everyone was so positive i was so happy and then yeah and i’m sorry for like blowing up your inbox with my just rant bout live but 🤷🏻‍♀️ love all of y’all :3
no need to apologize!! look, both es and i are veterans of The Fandom That Came Before AAA, and while we are grateful for it bc of the connections it gave us and the characters that we loved enough to draw inspiration from, we know exactly what you mean about toxic. many fandoms are, especially the larger they are (but i will admit gmw was unlike anything i have ever experienced i have no idea what it was SO bad given… the source material gfDJGKFSDLSH). but one thing that is really important to us with aaa especially since we’re lucky enough to even HAVE a following like this that feels like a little fandom is that we want this to be a safe place like you said. we try to keep it positive and engaged and upbeat and fun, and it’s been a really great experience so far! that’s why we genuinely love it when y’all come in here and chat with us about it or share theories or just meta dump, bc that’s what we love to do too and its really wonderful to build this nice community with you all.
so let the record show that when we invite y’all to come bother us about it, we really do mean that full sincerity. we love discussing this universe with y’all and we hope its as fun for you guys too
– Maggie
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
Hey do all of the greek god asks
Long post alert
Aphrodite: what you find attractive in a person
Lots of stuff really. But in mostly personality and interests over looks. U can be not really the most good lookin but be the most wonderful person. But u could also be the most beautiful thing ive ever laid eyes on but you're trash of a person. So looks dont matter much to me. But in a person i like if we share interests like art, music, books, and if youre really nice and stuff too
Apollo: favourite piece of music
Ooooo thats hardddd. Just ONE?? Howwww?! Ughhhh. Ok hm idk abt a FAVORITE but i really love heavy by johnnie guilbert and uhh i love ghost and heroin by badflower along with a bazillion others
Ares: opinion on war
Artemis: favourite animal and why
Snakesssss. I just really love snakes. I love the creepiness abt the lil beans. I love how they look. AND I LOVE WHEN THEY WEAR LIL HATS
Athena: share a piece of wisdom
Dont eat Oreos with hotsauce kids. It wont taste good
Dionysus: red, white, or rosé?
I do not drinketh wine but i like the color white over the other 2 so let's go with white
Eros: describe your crush
Nsnsnxndnsnsm damn. Ok uh well he likes hp as well. Hes a tumblr user. Annnddd hes nice :) thats all u lil munchkins get. And only 3 ppl know who this is so ha
Hades: do you believe in life after death?
Like heaven/hell? Idk. Sorta. But i don't really believe it as an afterlife. I think of it as u dead, thats where u go. Over with. But the thought of living like a 100 yrs then being gone for the rest of time sounds stupid like cmon those dudes in the bible can live for thousands of years and we get an average of like 75? Nah. But idk yet
Helios: opinion on tanning
I am already tan. I get more pale in winter n stuff but in summer my skin turns a golden brown color more. Kinda like the color of a cooked hotdog?
Hephaestus: do you think disability can ruin a relationship?
Oof hmm. What kind of disability? Like depression? (wait does it count as one?) I say it can yea maybe but if your partner is loving and supportive and is trying to help then i say you'll be okay
Hera: opinion on feminism
Idk i feel like im sort of a feminist myself. Like i hate that women don't have the same rights as men. Dude hear this. Me and my bro were arguing with our grampa about Hillary clinton or having a woman President and so my bro said to my grampa "so if tam (me) ran for President u wouldn't vote for her? Just cause she's a girl?" And my grampa said "*laughs* yeah i mean i love ya hun but women dont need to be president. Its a mans job. Men are supposed to be the leaders not women. Tge bible says so. No i wouldn't vote for u" and i got pissed cause wtf man??? What's wrong with u?? And then we kept arguing and then he was like *fake laughs* nah i was jk hun u know id vote for u youre my granddaughter. And i called him a liar and that he was lying because i know when hes lying. Then he started being racist abt smtn and then my mom got fed up and we left. I wouldn't talk to my grampa and he got mad so he said I was the one being stupid. Yeah sure ok believe that
Hermes: last text you sent
Uh it was to my best friend and it was "Not a big fan of hp huh?" But before that it was "That's not fai!r everyone has that one book they dont finish when they start on another. And when they dont finish it it usually means they weren't that interested in it. Or they really wanna read this new book cause its hard to focus on the old book when u have the new book and can read it whenever instead"
Persephone: is climate change really a thing or is everyone just overreacting?
I say its a thing!! Everythings changing and i dont think its for the better
Poseidon: list three fears
1. Momo coming to life and chasing after me and finally catching me then making me stare closely into her eyes while killing me slowly
2. Spiders ( @cristal-kyd1280 including jarvis)
3. Dying/dying by me being stupid like skydiving or eating a cup of apple seeds for no reason
Zeus: three places you want to travel to
@dirtysocke in georgia
@mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye in the Netherlands
@cristal-kyd1280 a few hrs away from me
Demeter: favourite season and why
Pan: opinion on gay rights
I fucking WHOLEHEARTEDLY support gay rights!!! I feel fucking ashamed cause i haven't always......(thanks mom, dad) but over the years ive gotten a bit more supportive and stuff but especially in summer last year one day after our shift at the library whenever my friend cadence came out as pan/bi/gay to me while she waited with me for my parents to pick me up. Also especially since i got tumblr and saw how amazing the lgbtq are. Like dude most of my friends are gay um and its fucking awesome?? Like for example dude my friend lucas is bi and i could talk to him abt boys n stuff and how cute different dude celebrities are xD Also i learned alot abt what pansexual and bisexual and stuff was exactly (my mom fuckin told me pan was when a person likes anyone. Even ANIMALS. She fuckin disgusted me like wtf who says that??) But now I'm ready to fight whenever any one even my fam starts being homophobic. Also i want to start reading more about the lgbtq. (I loved svthsa) But yea i say gay rights should be supported by fuckin EVERYONE and NO ONE should be homophobic and if u are like bitch keep that shit to yourself before i slug u
Tumblr media
Hestia: describe your ideal house
Idk? Like i want an apartment for a while before an actual house yknow? But when/if i do get one eventually idk id like....just a house? Not a big one but not tiny either. Uhhh i wsnt a room just for my books and one for like an art room. Besides that? I cant think of anything lol
Dude it took like an hr and a half to answer all these holy shit
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I don't know how to properly send a prompt but i would really want to read a molliarty hades and persephone au. And congratulations for having 400 followers! you deserve it and more! Lots of love!
THANK YOU. YOU ARE GOOD. Also I think @moriartystigress has been wanting a HadesxPersephone AU for a long, long time. 
You know what? I have wanted a Hades Persephone from time immemorial.
Not for the reasons you think. I’m going to qualify my decisions at the end of the prompt.
Molly’s fingers touched the tree gently, the soft leaves on her skin.
She could feel, unconsciously, the thousands of tiny ridges on the leaf – the green, surging, like an ocean within a very small universe. Her breath ghosted on the leaf – every part of her body singing as the tree bloomed.
She smiled at the tree – and she could feel it smiling back.
The tree should be dead – by any account, it ought to have been rotting.
She opened one of the pomegranates, extracting the beautiful little beads quickly. She ate a few – the ones that ought to have been dead.
She had a gift with the dead.
She laughed at her own joke. The tree swayed. Molly frowned at the leaves, uncomfortable at the idea of something amiss.
She turned, abruptly.
“Hello,” said a voice.
“Yes?” she said gently. “How did you find the Underworld?”
“Dearest Hades,” breathed the voice, finally. “I have been dying to meet you.”  
The man that emerged from the darkness was raven-haired, and oh, so, so beautiful. Molly’s breath stopped, nearly, her a catch in her throat as she said, “Who are you?”
“James,” said the man. “Son of Demeter.”
“You’re Demeter’s son?” asked Molly, shocked.
“And you’re the Ruler of the Underworld. Goddess of death, isn’t it? I must say, I am surprised.”
Molly went pink. “What are you doing here?” she asked, attempting to summon anger. The man was enchanting – impossible to escape, his eyes magnetic. “The entrance to the Underworld has been securely guarded for centuries.”
“Yet you allow the son of Athena to enter.”
“Sherlock is none of your concern,” said Molly. “He and I have an understanding.”
“Unfair,” smiled the man. “I would like the claim of the land of the dead, as well.”
Molly’s brown eyes clouded over, becoming completely grey. Her voice, completely and unapologetically steel. “You are not permitted to claim the land of the dead. The dead are to be respected, and no one, not even the son of an Olympian will cause any harm here. This is my domain, James, son of Demeter.”
James stepped forward, crowding her. Molly was pressed against the tree she had bloomed, the kingdom she had maintained with care and comfort.
She looked up at him, his eyes stormy – his smile, manic, his mind, whirring. She sensed in him his soul – the undiminished yearning for loneliness.
A loneliness that only came with death.
“Then why is your heart racing?” he asked softly.
“You do not scare me, son of Demeter,” she whispered.
His eyes flicked downwards, to her lips. Molly’s tongue darted out for a brief second – her throat dry.
“We shouldn’t,” she whispered.
And then his lips were on her, covering her own. His hands, gripping her own – pressing into the bark of the tree. Her body was singing again, but she was not sure what was causing it. Her mind went numb, unable to think of anything beyond the reality of this man – son of Demeter, James – plundering the land of the dead. There was chaos in him.
And Molly was not much. She was Goddess of the Dead, the least envious of the realms – she was shy, she was awkward – she preferred the dead over the living, and she maintained her garden perfectly.
He was kissing her with force – pouring life into her, stealing away some of her death.
He backed away from her, his eyes heavily lidded, watching her. His tongue touched his lips, tasting her on him.
“Pomegranate,” he remarked cheerfully. “I shall have to stay.”
Molly breathed heavily. “Zeus will not be happy. He will name you the Destroyer. You are not meant to be here.”
He winked. “I like it here, Goddess of the Dead.”
Everyone usually puts Molly in Persephone’s shoes, but here’s the THING. Hades fits Molly’s personality far more than you can imagine. He is, canonically, a nerd. He is responsible, and he is known for being reasonable - and usually, idk, giving in to the rules. He’s also the God of the Dead, which fits Molly so perfectly idk what to even say to you. 
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