#hahaaaa god i have such social anxiety
a-shitty-sleeper · 2 years
After an argument with Rev, Tech agrees to go out on a road trip to see a meteor shower in the desert to help patch things up between them. Only issue is he's completely oblivious to Rev's feelings for him. Also, someone seems to have followed them out there. But worst of all: he's just really unlucky.
So, uh. I may have written a Tech/Rev fanfic. And I’m. Advertising it here despite this being the first time I’ve touched this account in ages.
God I get so anxious making posts or anything. Summary is above, check it out if it peaks your interest and maybe share it.
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xmusiisms-a · 7 years
what was your drama?
( hahaaaa, lemme tell you a story about why you shouldn’t jump to conclusions about people and their political/religious/social views, kids. btw, this whole situation still shits me up, and this is literally how my online anxiety started. )
okay so back when i first joined tumblr, i was part of an x-men group and it was gr8 for a couple of months and then this girl joined. we became really good friends, our characters were family so we’d swap headcanons and message each other angsty plots and all that good shit, and then she invited her friend to join.
the most opinionated guy i have ever spoken to.
like... you literally couldn’t say anything without this guy ripping you (and your self-confidence) into tiny shreds and yelling that you were wrong. and he’d do it in the ooc rp chat group thingy too, like he’d take screenshots of asks and call you the fuck out for the smallest things such as flaws in your characterisation?
it was literal hell for me, a teen with anxiety anyway. i wanted out for so long, but a couple of the others persuaded me to just stick it out. 
so anyway, the next person to join the group was the sweetest, most innocent girl ever, and oh my god she was made from the same stuff as angels??? she was so sweet and shy and we got talking.
and then, a couple of weeks in, her character used a gay slur against the awful guy’s character and that was it. he caused the biggest shitstorm, demanded that the admins block this walking piece of candy floss girl, literally told her he was going to block and report her blog to tumblr.
this went on for days. like i’m not even kidding, she showed me screenshots where he’d literally fill her ask box with hate and shit, and she just had no idea about what to do.
so she disappears.
i get really worried, because i had her skype and she’s not answering that, her account’s inactive and her character’s been reopened and all that good stuff.
i eventually got a message from her mother to say that the pressure/fear of this entire situation had gotten to this girl and she’d died all because one over-opinionated twat decided that she’d said the wrong fucking thing. 
the real shitter is that this girl was gay offline, and she’d agonised long and hard about her character using that certain slur, and most of us on the group had agreed that it was okay as long as she was comfortable with it. 
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