#hahahahaha i love angst
peachyxxkeens · 8 months
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Sometimes you just gotta ship your oc with Butcher
Artwork/commission from ritzel.draws
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forlix · 1 year
— felix misses you a little extra tonight; good thing you're way ahead of him.
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words・1.7k pairing・idol!felix x gn!reader warnings・brief mentions of the ocean, drowning imagery genres・fluff, angst, established relationship, pining, hurt/comfort, lots of (happy) tears
a/n・i had exo's "been through" on repeat while writing this; pls give it a listen it's beautiful and so underrated and captures the fic perfectly. enjoy <3
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When Felix steps into Tokyo's night air, he can still hear the remnants of tonight's concert in the distance, the occasional car horn and the low thrum of conversation floating over the dome of the stadium. But for the most part, it is quiet, and Felix is finally able to think.
He thinks about how he's happiest after performances: leftover adrenaline warming his skin, strobe lights still dancing across his vision, heartbeat still drumming against his ribs like the heavy bass that shook the stage prior. He thinks about how much he loves leaving each venue knowing that, even if only for a few hours, he owned the place; set it utterly ablaze.
But he mostly thinks about you.
From the moment Felix started loving you, his happiness became yours. A bite of brownie fresh out of the oven, met with widened eyes and a delighted mmm; every funny story relayed to you later that night (poorly, because he keeps interrupting himself to laugh); photographs, so many photographs—an especially rotund pigeon he spots on the way to practice, a new pair of earrings that’s way too expensive but looks way too good on him, cute texts from his mom—inevitably making their way into your camera roll.
He can’t help it. He only wants to experience the best parts of the world with you by his side.
So it is in his happiest moments that he feels your absence the strongest. And now, Felix so badly wishes you were here that he physically aches. It feels a bit like his heart is being swallowed by seawater, nothing in any direction for miles, nowhere to go but down.
Only when Chan materializes next to him does Felix manage to steady his feet on the cement once again.
“It’s not here yet?” Chan surveys the lot for their tour bus, to no avail. “Good thing, I guess. Everyone's taking their sweet time.”
The older boy gives Felix a glance thoughtlessly, looks away, and then looks back, his gaze lingering on the side of his face for longer this time, and Felix knows that Chan knows exactly what’s going through his head. For a second, Chan seems like he wants to say something, but Felix averts his eyes to his shoes, takes out his phone.
Not now.
“I think I left something inside,” Chan says instead, though he never leaves anything anywhere. Felix manages an appreciative smile. Without another word, Chan claps a hand to Felix’s shoulder and disappears back into the building, as quickly as he came.
A few seconds pass. Then, as naturally as if by muscle memory, Felix taps on your contact and holds his phone to his ear.
It rings once, twice, thrice—and then he hears your voice, but not in the way he yearns for.
“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N! I’m unable to come to the phone right now, but please leave a message and I'll get back—”
He ends the call, his brow furrowed. You knew he had a concert today. And you should've known to anticipate the call that would come right after, as faithfully as the sun’s rise and fall.
He calls a second time, hoping this was an obstruction of ‘do not disturb’ and nothing more, but is met with the voice message again.
The call of the ocean's depths becomes louder.
As he sits through the automated response, Felix leans against the wall behind him and tilts his head back against the plaster, his gaze moving over the night sky. Then, he hears the beep, and starts to speak.
“Hi, my love. I called, and you didn’t pick up, and I got worried. Is everything alright? Maybe you’re busy, or asleep? Remember to take care of yourself first and foremost—everything else pales in comparison. Everything."
His voice feels far steadier than he feels.
“Ah, I miss you, darling. The concert went super well; the energy was unreal. We have a few hours to explore Tokyo tomorrow before heading to our next stop, and I’m excited as hell, but I wish you could be here more than anything in the world. I haven’t stopped thinking about how much you’ve always wanted to visit this city since we got here—Seungmin even said he'd save his visit to the Pokemon Center for whenever we come back with you. All of us are thinking of you, babe. Me especially. Me hopelessly.
"One day, you and I are gonna travel the world together, responsibilities and schedules be damned, and we'll spend as long as you want wherever you want. As long as I can be next to you. God, I fucking miss you. I said that already, right?”
A short distance away, the building door opens again, and Felix quickly ducks his head out of view, suddenly conscious of his watery eyes and blurring vision.
“I gotta go. I think the members are ready to go back to the hotel. Call me back when you get a chance, okay?”
The next words catch in Felix’s throat, and he has to wince and take a long, shaky breath in order to get them out.
“I love you to the ends of the universe, angel. Share some of your light with the moon tonight, yeah?” He presses a kiss to the receiver. “I love you, I love you, I love you. Bye.”
With that, Felix hangs up, drops his phone into his pocket, and presses both sleeves tightly against his eyes, willing himself to calm down.
No, he thinks, shoulders quivering with the effort, it really never gets easier.
It takes a while for it to strike Felix as odd that it’s still quiet outside; he could’ve sworn that he heard the door open and close, that he should be hearing the tired chatter of his members by now. Apprehensively (obliviously), Felix lifts his face from his hands and turns around.
Chan, so solemn and quiet before, now wears a Cheshire grin that instantly devolves into a breathy laugh when he meets Felix’s eye. Hyunjin stands behind Chan, holding his phone up, evidently filming. Felix’s lips part in confusion, a question forming on the tip of his tongue. There are enough videos of me crying my eyes out on the internet, no?
But then his eyes fall on the person standing in between the two men, their arms piled so high with flower bouquets that their face is almost concealed entirely, and he forgets what he wanted to say; he forgets every language he knows.
“So we were contacted by a fan the other day,” Hyunjin says, beaming. “Kept calling you their boyfriend. Forced us to fly them out to Japan and everything.”
“It'd be real bad if we got the wrong person,” Chan adds, and a stifled laugh comes from behind the petals—one that Felix would recognize in every corner of the world, in every lifetime. “They look familiar?”
The bouquets part, and behind them you appear, cheeks visibly flushed even under the lot’s singular streetlight, smile so bright that it’s turned your eyes to crescent moons.
"Surprise," you say softly.
The empty lot finally erupts into laughter, Chan and Hyunjin no longer able to restrain themselves. Can't believe we pulled this off, they're saying to each other triumphantly, but everyone, everything around Felix vanishes save for the person he adores most in the world, holding more flowers than they should be able to carry, looking at him as if he's made of pure starlight.
And Felix's heart starts kicking upwards, towards the rays of moonlight filtering through the murky water, as fervently as if his life depends on it—and, in this moment, it does.
“Hand 'em over, fool,” Chan says to you. And as you start transferring the heaps of flowers into the leader’s arms, Felix has never moved faster in his life.
In the span of a few seconds, his hand finds the small of your back, and yours the nape of his neck. “Holy fuck,” Felix whispers, and then he’s pulling you against his chest tightly, desperately. There is no word that can describe the way you melt into one another except for destiny, one of your hands curling in his hair and the other running over his shoulder; his face burrowing in the crook of your neck, fingers lacing together against your spine.
His pulse is so loud that he hears it in all directions, in all parts of him. Felix squeezes his eyes shut against the material of your crewneck, his whole body shaking with silent sobs as the overwhelming array of emotions he'd harbored prior finally spills over. And he stops thinking entirely, simply loses himself in all that you are: the smell of your laundry detergent, the sound of your laugh, the feel of your embrace, so secure and warm as if promising him you’ll never let go.
“I love you, Lee Yongbok,” you murmur, the words only for the two of you to hear.
With the sound of his full name, Felix's heart breaks through the ocean's surface at last. Not only that; it performs a triple axel on the shoreline, and it sure as hell doesn’t stick the landing, slipping and sliding and fighting to regain its balance as you continue on.
“Forget the ends of the universe. You are the universe. You are everything that has ever existed and everything that ever will. And I couldn’t bear to be away from my galaxy for a second longer.”
Felix shakes his head from where it remains buried against you, his voice a broken rasp when he answers, “I’m not whole without you, angel. I never will be again.”
“I'm here, baby,” you reply, your hands tightening around his hoodie, among his long locks. “Whether I'm right next to you or on the other side of the world, I'm always with you. And I will be tomorrow, and the day after, and eons from now. That—”
Your lips find the shell of his ear, then his temple.
“—is a promise, my sunlight.”
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Chan is standing with bundles of flowers still piled high in his arms, silent tears streaming down his face, and Hyunjin’s expression is contorted into a terribly suppressed weep, his still-recording phone long forgotten in his pocket. They don't have it in them to tell you to get a room. Not right now.
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𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤? please consider reblogging, commenting, or sending me an ask to let me know; or, read my other works here. thanks so much for the support ♡
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© 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐱 (est. 090323) · all works are pieces of original writing and all characters and relationships are purely fictional. please do not repost or reuse for any reason.
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scarylarry376 · 5 months
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guys im not obsessed with Rasey.
has anyone noticed that I cannot choose a style for the life of me? no? okay good
Also, my fic isnt on haitus im just kinda slow guys<3
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takethelx3 · 3 months
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Every moment they're on screen I want to draw them. Thank god for sketchbook.
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sawyerconfort · 1 year
Prompt 47 with Marie Laveau👁️???
Hey! I'm back!
Let's begin with the prompts, shall we?
I love Marie, so I hope you like it, anon!
Requests are open and you can see the prompt list here!
(Notice how all my plot problems have to do with Hank… so much so that he's not even in the requests options ;))
47. "you're so jealous." | marie laveau x reader
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You were on the fence about Marie and Hank's relationship. Of course, he was a witch hunter and you knew his missions also involved hunting down voodoo practitioners like her. But that wasn't all that made you hate the man.
It could have been all in your head, but the way he looked at her... And how she seemed to respond, always trying to seduce him like a vampire seduces a victim...
Not that you meant to sound possessive, but it was unavoidable.
When you saw him appear, and Marie whispered in your ear to wait in the hall, so as not to make a bad impression, your brain was already on alert. They spent hours locked in that room and the intrusive thoughts filled your mind with paranoia.
But you didn't have the heart to confront your girlfriend about it. Until then.
"We're going to need your hair cut soon, honey," she told you on one of the days when the salon didn't seem crowded. Marie always made time to be with you as soon as she saw you, you were kind of the exception to all the problems she had, and when no clients showed up, then that was even better. "Make sure you don't book somewhere else, or I'll get upset, hm?"
You smiled and were about to kiss her teasingly when the hunter's figure appeared through the window and sent your brain into predator mode. Noticing your hesitation, Marie looked out the window in the same direction and a crooked smile appeared on her lips.
"Don't worry, (Y\N), I'll send him away soon," she promised, pulling away from you and opening the door for him. Hank was frowning and you seemed to scowl back when you saw the two of them whisper.
And then, they went to Marie's room, hidden between four walls.
You resisted the urge to huff and tried to distract yourself with some of her magazines while you waited, but their secrets wouldn't leave your mind. Nor the jealousy.
They took longer than the last time to get back, and when Marie left, she had the same smirk on her face, looking at Hank. He glanced at your face and simply slammed the door, looking disappointed, fire shooting from his mouth.
"Would you like to help me close up the salon, (Y\N)?", Marie asked, as she was already fixing the windows. You got up in silence and avoided looking at her in every possible way, afraid that you might end up giving the wrong idea. When you were finally closed off again, you left for her quarters first, not expecting her to follow you.
The rest of the afternoon and early evening was silent, you didn't say anything about Hank or the customers like you usually did, and Marie was dying of curiosity and wanting to tease you about what was causing your bad mood.
She left the dishes with you and went to tidy up some things scattered around the room, still hoping that you would join her. Taking a relaxing shower, you went to the suite and sat on the bed, with your girlfriend looking you up and down.
"You're so jealous, it's cute", she whispered, holding you from behind, by the shoulders, and whispering in your ear. "Don't worry, (Y\N), he's not my type. He is an idiot. He's not even good for a sex toy."
You looked at her and shook your head. "I'm not jealous."
"Oh no?" Marie raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you avoiding me? Why are you answering me with half words? Are you sure it's not really jealousy?"
"No, Marie."
"Well, I say it is," she interrupted, and practically threw herself on top of you, kissing your lips with an inexplicable desire. She kept you pinned to the bed until you lost your breath, and when she pulled away, her smile was still mischievous. "It's jealousy, yes, look at the way you kissed me… It almost looked like you wanted to guarantee possession."
You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, sweetie, you know the rules…", she bit her lip. "Don't worry, (Y\N), you're the only one I love and I'll always be yours, nobody else's. I promise."
You looked at her. "Stop, it's not jealousy."
"Awn, you have an adorable pout on your lips…", she said, taking your face by the chin and giving you a peck. "Stop being silly, (Y\N), want me to prove to you that you don't need to have that kind of reaction, hm?"
Before you could say anything, Marie kept kissing you, gaining your attention and your full desire, just as she had wanted before. You two engaged in an intense and revealing night of love, just like all the others.
At the very least, you were sure that voracity and that irresistible body someone like Hank would never be able to call his own.
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screampied · 7 months
let me fucking guess-
the next choose piece is gonna be angst, huh-
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LMAO i figured u were talking ab choso 🙉
and erm actually!!!! no, but since u said it sure hehe
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cubedmango · 1 year
Naina I just wanted you to know that your comic was so unbelievably beautiful I’m literally sat in my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks I can’t believe I only saw it now I. This is what I imagine being ran over with a sixteen wheeler truck feels like my god… my heart was almost wrenched out of my chest just thinking about how kurosawa probably felt like the world had fallen out from beneath him and that he’d lost his chance to tell adachi everything when he called his phone and it didn’t go through after the accident like I can’t even function?:£: Like he really did struggle so badly with that worry if ‘am I being too clingy?’ Or ‘ will he interpret my worry as me not believing in him enough?’ And it just made the accident moment all that much more world stopping because knowing there were so many words left unsaid… the distance between them physically and verbally at the time like OUGHHH I could punch a wall you wrote it out so perfectly depicted it all so amazingly my heart feels healed with the reunion hug I soooo badly wanted to see I owe you my life💔 it was like I couldn’t have stopped the tears if I tried I could talk about it forever ah you’re just. So cool and talented and woah I need to lay down and never get up again cause i’m gonna be thinking about this for the rest of time thank you endlessly (sorry this is all over the place you broke me into a million tiny kurodachi crazed pieces)
ANONNNNN 🥹🥹🥹 IM SORRY ABT THE TRUCK OF PAIN BUT THANK UU !!! 💖💖 i did a full Proper cm rewatch last month and seeing the nagasaki parts again made me so crazy i had to try putting my emotions for it in one place 😔 everything u said tho like u got the emotions!!!!!! all of kurosawas assumptions that adachi can and will leave him willingly if he's even a Little out of line or too much but never realizing that sometimes circumstances just Happen and any day he could lose that chance to be truly honest bc he was too afraid and its like . .hhrhrhHHRHHjjh and that leading him to finally telling adachi he wasnt ok For The First Ever Time !!! digs a hole sits in it cries weeps throws up . i have so many more thoughts about it i wanna write a fic for the whole thing so bad i just. . words refuse to happen rn but one day i swear to god. all my insane thoughts abt kurosawa Will become real!!!!!!!!
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The Cage Of My Rib
"Aegon?" "Mmm." "They say twins come from a split rib... do you think it is true?" "Pfft, no. If it were, I'd be short and ugly like you!"
Aegon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader x Aemond Targaryen | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, targcest, twin!reader, wife!reader, pregnancy, motherhood, post-rook's rest, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: this is a fic I wrote for my lovely luna. im going to be completely honest with you. i had a vision then i didnt... i dont know if this has a happy ending im so sorry T_T HAHAHAHAHA @vhagar-balerion-meraxes I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!
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His skin was scalding as he stormed into the dragon pit. His nostrils flared at the sight of the dragon about to exit and take flight. He clenches his fists, "keligon."
My mount rumbles at the sound of the command. I, at first, do not realize the command was given and pat my dragon's skin, encouraging her to continue.
Both my dragon and I turn, seeing Aemond march towards us with a face painted in fury. He screams again, "STOP!"
I furrow my brows and hush my ride when she grows restless. She screeches at Aemond to show her displeasure, and so in turn, I have to calm her down as my he approaches. I pull on my reins and scowl at him. I quip in High Valyrian, "you dare command Rhovior while I am mounted?"
Aemond looks up at me, pulse raging in anger. He screams again at her, commanding my dragon to obey him with such severity that she forgets her own predatory inclination and submits. Rhovior then cranes her long neck to the side and looks up at me. Her violet eyes reflect my own and I rub her pinkish scales before turning back to the man.
"Get down," he commands me in High Valyrian, reaching a hand out to me.
I clench my jaw and tilt my head at him, "I do not wish to."
His nostrils flare, "you truly think it wise to fly on dragonback in the middle of a war?"
"I am not flying into war, brother."
"You are not flying anywhere," he snaps, "wife."
Rhovior was getting restless again. She begins to shake her head and shift towards Aemond. I have to calm her down, lest the one-eyed prince be left one-armed or worse. He at least has the mind to step away from her at this point, his hands coming to his side.
Aemond clenches his jaw as I calm Rhovior. I grunt when part of the saddle digs into my belly. My husband flinches, boot skidding forward on instinct. He hisses in the High Valyrian once more, "you are in no state to be flying."
I make sure my ride is completely calm before finally dismounting. Once I do, Aemond comes upon me, glaring down with a furious eye.
"I am her rider," I repeat in the same tongue, "she would not cause me harm."
"She does not need to cause you harm for harm to come to our child."
I step forward. My protruded belly barely brushes against him, "she would not harm my child."
"Our child," he corrects, "I have as much say on what happens to the babe as you do."
I sigh and close my eyes. I hear Aemond command the dragon keepers to bring Rhovior back into the pit. I rub my belly and ignore my husband, walking past him.
"Do you think you would be spared simply because you are a woman with child? Rhaenyra will spare none in King's Landing to have her way."
I remove my gloves while he follows after me. I respond by the time I feel him beside me, "as I said, I was not flying into w-"
"Flying at all is an act of war," he grabs my arm, forcing me to face him, "you are my wife."
I whip my head, pulling my arm out of his clutch, my silver hair flipping behind me.
"You carry my seed."
"Trust me, Prince Regent, I know what I carry inside me better than you."
Aemond's jaw sets. The muscles on his face feather. I can practically feel the anger radiating off him. My stomach begins to churn. I look down and sigh. I step forward and grab his bicep. I can feel his muscles are tense. I whisper, "I would not have flown far."
He does not reply.
I look up at him. His face is bound in anger. I reach for his cheek, but he pulls away and steps back before I touch him.
I gulp. I allow my hands to drop.
His silence held the violence of a storm, and his stoic expression held something searing beneath it. His voice held a false serenity as he whispered, "you'll have to kill me before you forfeit so much to a dead man walking."
I stare at him. I do not argue with his distasteful comment nor do I correct his belief that I meant to fly out to do something for the said man.
I simply walk away after he's said his piece and head for my chambers.
I change out of my riding clothes and go to the nursery. I dismiss the wet nurse and tell her I will continue breast feeding my son.
I immediately take my child onto my hip and rub his back as I make my way down the hall. Aenar sighs into my shoulder, his soft cheek pressed against my neck. I make it to the King's quarters and nod at the Kingsguard stationed outside his room as he opens the doors for me.
I stop just as I enter; the sight and the smell never gets easier to palate. I shift my boy in my arm when he begins to fuss. A mewl from across the room makes my heart twinge.
I walk towards the bed, the sound of my heels on the tiles reverberate in the otherwise silent chamber. By the time I sit down on the chair beside the bed, Aenar is restless, and so I undo the ribbons on my chest and allow my baby to feed.
I stroke my son's head, rocking him in my arms slightly, but my eyes are on the man before me and his are on mine. Aegon's lilac gaze is watery. His lips are dry as he speaks, "you shouldn't be here."
I adjust my son in my arms so his weight doesn't put so much pressure on my belly. I rub the boy's bald head, "and where should I be, my king?"
He scoffs but regrets it when he breaks into a ragged cough. I huff when it doesn't seem to stop and reach for the glass of water on his bedside table. I manage to keep a firm grip on son as I help him drink. Liquid spills from the corner of his lips and soon he shakes his head, making me pull away.
"There is no king here."
I simply wipe his skin, careful not to irritate him. Aegon watches me, or rather, he watches Aenar. I freeze when he grabs my wrist weakly before I pull away.
His voice is soft and strangled, "you misunderstand."
He releases his hold. I put the cloth down.
"I don't want you here."
We stare at each other. I am unfazed because I knew he did not mean it. I adjust Aenar in my arms. He stops suckling after this, and so I move him to my other shoulder and lace up the ties on my chest. I rub his back and gently pat him, "shall I move to the other side of the bed then?"
Aegon does not reply.
Aenar burps softly. I lean into him and kiss his head, "good boy."
His eyes water. He screws them shut, "do not insult me further-" his nostrils flare, "-and fucking leave."
My brows knit, "I've not yet helped you ea-"
"I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" he snaps, spit flying out his mouth as he screams.
I jolt at the severity of his tone. Aemond, even with his display prior, was never one to shout at me, not even as a child. Aegon, however, always did. It did not make it any bearable. Aenar too was affected by the shout. He promptly begins to sob.
I immediately begin to rock him and shush him. When he does calm, I cradle him in my arms and sing to him. It was my favorite High Valyrian lullaby, one that our father sung to us in but a few instances or less.
Aegon's face twitches at the sound. The act causes his tender injuries to flair. Tears stream down his face.
It takes two repetitions of the song for my baby finally find peace again. By the time he does, I feel out of breath. I sit back down but do not stop rocking him. Aenar coos and I do not dare to cease my singing.
That is, until, Aegon calls my name.
Not only do I stop singing, I stop moving altogether.
His eyes are closed and his voice is shaky, "your being swells with life while mine wastes away."
"No, you get better everyda-"
"I am a dead man walking," he chuckles dryly, "I cannot even walk-"
"And did Aemond tell you this?"
His eyes slowly open. A tear drips into his mouth, "I know what I carry inside me better than he."
Aenar begins to fuss again, and so I bring him to my shoulder and pat his back.
Our silence is broken by the sound of my brother and I saying each other's names at once. I pull my chair close to him. He slowly shakes his head in disagreement, screwing his eyes shut.
"I am here," I tell him.
He chuckles, "I pray you were not."
"I will always be here, Aegon. Your woes are mine and my joy is yours."
He slowly opens his eyes. He sniffles and mumbles, "you are not my wife."
"I am your twin-"
"I am glad of it," he reaches out a hand. I perk and lean in, knowing exactly what he wanted instinctively. I maneuver Aenar until he was laid back in my arms. Aegon's curled hand comes to my son's leg. His breathing is heavy, "he would have been Jaehaerys."
I clench my jaw and place my hand atop his.
He huffs slowly through his mouth, "I cannot feel you anymore."
I rub his burnt hand, "perhaps not in flesh, but always in heart."
Aegon slowly pulls his hand away.
"I wanted to pick you flowers, but Aemond did not let me."
"I would not have either if I were him."
"But you are not."
"I wish sometimes I was," he looks away, "how content I would have been to be born the second son... to have you."
"You have me."
He chuckles, mumbling under his breath, "do not tell him that. My injuries are suffice."
I cradle Aenar as he snuggles into my breast.
"Do you remember what you asked me when we were children?"
I nod, immediately knowing what he meant, "if twins are split from the rib?"
He hums, "if we were, I am glad that you are rid of me."
"I am glad we are not joined at the rib, but I do not wish to be rid of you."
He mumbles my name. No one but himself hears.
I adjust my baby's collar, "I should put him down. I will return before your supper is served."
He does not reply. I give him one last look before heading back.
I enter the nursery. I stop in my tracks when I see the figure looming over the cot. Aemond turns over his shoulder. I blink at the sight of his distraught expression before walking over to him.
I stop beside him, debating where I should place my son. I decide to hand him to Aemond, who graciously takes him into his arms. Aenar mewls before settling against him. A line forms between Aemond's brows as he gazes at the boy. He mutters, "how is he?"
His words hold double meaning and yet I could feel like it was a trick, to see if I would talk about Aegon.
I step closer, gazing at the infant who was blissfully unware of all that was around him. I stroke his cheek with my finger, "he is tired," I pull away, "not unlike his father."
Aemond turns to me as I rub my belly. He clenches his jaw but says nothing.
I cautiously reach out for his cheek. He does not pull away from me this time, "I will return to join you for supper."
I wait for him to respond. I walk out when he does not. He watches as the door close. He turns away after the click.
"Keligon, muña," Aemond mutters as though it was his son speaking. He then shushes him, "muña kessa daor henujagon īlva..."
Mother will not leave us.
"... my son."
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shuamorollss · 1 year
Wishing we were more than friends — sim jaeyun x fem!reader
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Going home with friends you easily get along with are fun, what isn't fun is to linger feelings for one of them. Already in a course to move on from your silly feelings... you would never expect that very friend you're trying to move on from, starts to develop feelings for you back.
romance, angst, friends2lovers, Italicized parts means flashbacks warnings— Jake kinda gives reader mixed signals, tension but idk if this should still be a warning lol, pls tell me if i should add more! 6.9k wc + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
author's notes— Thank you to my lovelies @haerinz and @luvistqrzzz for proofreading I love u both sm!! I wouldn't hv made this fic better without y'all's help <3 this is kinda inspired by some events that happened to me irl! it was cute to reminisce these memories so I wrote them down here HAHAHAHAHA
perm tags— @jangwonie @jungwonize @luhvlyuna @w3bqrl @ineedaherosavemeenow @leaderwon
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After school rolled by fast. The next thing you knew, you were walking home with Seeun, Tsuki, Sunghoon, and Jake.
You all lived in the same neighborhood, hence why you all have stuck together in order to get home safely, due to your hometown being a bit too far away to where you all go to school.
Adding to that, all of you are different people. Different tastes, different years, different cliques in school, yet all of you get along so well when united. Honestly, you absolutely cherish this bond and you never want this friendship with them to fade.
You have a good relationship with all of them, although you have one of a rocky road with Jake.
He was quiet, he never talks as much, and when he does, he only talks to Sunghoon.
You've had a conversation with him from time to time, it was rare due to the fact you had lingering feelings for the man, and that feeling caused you to be vulnerable whenever he's near, which affected your demeanor around him.
Only Seeun knew your admiration for Jake, and she never told a soul, thankfully.
This feeling of yours lasted for a while, until you promised to yourself (and to Seeun) that by the end of that very year, you'll be moving on from your romantic feelings for him.
And that's what exactly happened.
New years rolled around, and so was back to school sessions. Nowadays, you are able to talk to Jake normally unlike before. You were extremely proud of this development, considering you were head over heels for him nonstop for the past 4 months… You saw sides of Jake you wished you saw sooner. He was a funny guy, typically quiet at best, though when he speaks, he'll tell the craziest stories that'll get you hooked.
Even with the improvements on your friendship with Jake and the feeling of butterflies never seems to be present anymore.
Jake eventually found out about your past feelings for him though.
During a silly game of truth or dare.
"Alright! Who's next!" Sunghoon sneered, holding the bottle on the ground as he spun the bottle.
Everyone decided to come by to your house to cook and watch movies, though after the watch, they all decided to stay and have more fun. Thus, right at this moment, you all were playing the very harmless truth or dare game.
Everyone formed a circle, some of them hastily drumming on their thighs as they intensely waited for the bottle to land on someone.
As the bottle slows down, they all teased Sunghoon, who was beside you, and had the bottle almost landing on him. The intensity of the bottle moving at a snail's pace infuriates Sunghoon, cussing their teases off. Until he lets out a triumphant yell as the Bottle stops to you.
"Please thank you! Thank you bottle." Sunghoon teared up, as if he just won an academy award.
"So Y/N," Seeun started, and your heartbeat quickened, already expecting the question that would be asked.
It's Seeun, she knows your darkest secrets, you were so sure she'll step on the opportunity to ask about… Jake.
Seeun paused, her eyes widened to your direction.
"Just to make sure, is it okay if I get personal?" Seeun asked calmly, and you knew that she was definitely, totally, going to ask about what you expect her to ask about.
"Of course, I'll answer anything honestly, I swear." You retorted, giving Seeun a warm smile as everyone in the circle started breathing out deep 'ooh's as if you had just said something vile.
"Did you like anyone in our circle, and if you did, Who was it?" Seeun cheekily smiled
Truthfully, you were indeed confident in answering any questions even if it's personal. Maybe this might also be the time to finally confess your faded feelings to Jake, since you seemed to notice now that you were way too obvious back then, therefore Jake's reaction might not be so surprised by the time you mention his name in your answer, moreso, it would be a neutral reaction as if he expected it in the first place.
You ponder for a moment, looking at your friends in the circle intently, though your eyes stay at Jake for a few seconds, then back to Seeun.
"Yeah, I did like someone," The tone of your voice was assured, which made some of them let out another segment of 'ooh's and 'oh's, and some of them just widening their eyes, including Jake.
You sigh idly, "It was Jake…"
That name alone caused everyone to freak out, all the eyes and attention transferring to the man across you.
You didn't want them to take the wrong Idea, especially Jake, so you stood up in order to plead your case.
"To be clear, I USED to like you okay! I don't like you anymore." You reconfirm, Jake only nodded with a wide smile, and that was enough for you to calm yourself down as everyone else were still freaking out.
Jake shared his thoughts and reaction to your confession, and rest assured to you that he didn't feel the same for you ever, and that was enough for you to hear since this had encouraged your romantic feelings for him to dissolve completely, seeing him more in a platonic light.
After that silly confession of truth you had answered, said again, your friendship with Jake grew. Finally teasing and joking with him without having your heart flipping out by the mere sight of him, and of course, telling him stories.
You were content with that type of bond, and you were glad you were as equally close to all of them now, especially Jake.
That is…
until you two weren't.
5 months have passed since that truth or dare game, the normal still continued. You all usually go home together after school and when hungry the five of you always go to the mall and eat there instead.
Though during those days, you began developing a crush on a new guy, just a cute barista you knew at a local café. Joking about having slight interest in him to your friends was funny and tolerable, until it became a normal delusion for you to see him in that kind of light.
Those were also the days Jake started being distant to you, as if the old days relieved itself once again.
You had no idea why, but since you were too preoccupied with your new crush, you didn't think much of it.
A month later has passed, you completely had gotten over that barista crush you had, and now you were already studying for your final exams, though your mind was clouded with Jake.
You curse at your conscience. Scolding yourself saying that you're already over him way too long ago, and that you were so sure that his feelings never involved ever liking you back ever, even once.
So why…
Why did that night happen?
"Wow, Y/N," Jake speaks out softly, his eyes sparkling at the sight of your prom attire.
"Is it bad? I didn't have time to do my hair so I just went with this really lazy Elsa hairdo—"
"You're beautiful." He grins from ear to ear, in which you subconsciously mirror his expression. The silence was too loud for the air between the both of you. You were unable to move, as well as your eyes that didn't seem to look elsewhere other than his eyes.
He looked dashing with his tux, and you couldn't get yourself to tell it to him.
You didn't need to, Jake already knew just by the looks of you staring at him, there was no need for him to even ask.
He took a step forward and reluctantly, yet gently offered you his hand.
"May I have this dance… With you?"
You took a few seconds to answer, darting your gazes to his visage and down to his idly shaking hand in front of you.
You took a deep breath, placing your hand on his, and that was enough for Jake to know that you wanted it. You wanted to dance with him.
You walk with him to the dance floor, your eyes never leaving his figure, even when you two have already started to dance.
The way his hands were placed on your waist left you with a burning mark on your cheeks, most likely your whole body. Everything in your body felt like numbing out just by the bare of his hands. Your hands nervously snakes up to the back of his neck, and the stars in your eyes only showed up when the man was in view.
There was only silence between you, and it's not the silence you fear anymore. It was more of a silence you two were fond of. The sole fact that you two have never been this close before, and this dance being the very first time you get to feel Jake up close as this, made you feel warm and comfortable. The same thing goes for Jake.
He couldn't take his eyes off of you, he never wanted to anyway. All he could see is you and only you, and that's what made the atmosphere in your little couple bubble perfectly complacent.
"So…" Jake whispered, breaking the silence between you and him. Feet continues to dance through the rhythm
"So…?" You repeated, raising a brow confusingly.
"About the barista… Are you perhaps… over him?"
You chuckled, at the man's words. It was out of nowhere for him to ask about your past crush. You never considered this question and it didn't seem like he's curious about your feelings either… it's that this was the first ever conversation you're having with him after a few weeks of not talking.
You two still proceed to hangout due to being in the same friend group. Although, conversations were never present between you and Jake.
So him having these as his first words to you left you stunned, however you are not about to show him that. Given that you already stated that you have moved on from him… right?
"I'm very much over him. Why do you ask?" You tilt your head slightly due to curiosity.
"Good." He flashed a grin, staying silent after, realizing that he completely ignored your question.
You didn't want to keep asking and get him mildly annoyed, so you only stayed quiet.
Just how Jake wanted it.
The two of you continued to dance, it has been a few minutes and your feet still followed the rhythm of the song. You didn't seem to want to let go of him just yet, and so did he.
Jake was intoxicated by the smell of your perfume, inhaling then following that sweet aroma coming from your neck, as if he was attracted to it, leading him to lean his head on your shoulder.
Jake's eyes were closed, feeling the moment, as he squeezed your waist tighter, causing your body to feel against his.
You seem to lose control over your body. You felt like plopping down like a blob any minute. Despite that feeling, all it could do was just follow the steps to the rhythm of Jake's feet. Your eyes only stayed widened the whole time, feeling the warmth of his skin touching your bare shoulder was something you couldn't bear. You wanted to break down right at the moment, your heart was palpitating for the reason of your position right now.
"I'm glad." Were the very words Jake had said before his lip placed a peck at the side of your neck, letting out a faint gasp as that contact alone completely freezes your entire body. Jake stands back after, his eyes centered to his hand that was tenderly sliding down your arm and onto your hand.
"Let's go?"
You look at him and nod slowly as he holds your hand. following Jake out of the dance floor, guiding you back to your table and leaving you once he had finally taken you to your seat.
Then he never came back for you for the rest of the event.
You felt breathless, you were in a complete daze while reminiscing that thought. Leaving you frustrated for the reason of losing focus of your current studies.
"How else can I focus if all I could think about is Jake, Jake, and Jake?! " You groaned. Ranting endlessly to yourself, slumping your body on the soft mattress of your bed, completely surrendering your studies and promising yourself to continue tomorrow instead, by the time you get home.
You were babbling to the air for a good minute until your phone started to ring. Immediately picking it up to see Seeun's name calling.
"Hey? What's up?" You started.
"Sorry to keep this phone call short Y/N, but I'll text you more of the deets after. I'm not gonna go to school tomorrow because of an emergency and I was wondering if I could give you all my homework requirements tomorrow before you go to school? Just give it to Sheon please… Sorry for the bother I really am." Seeun stated, sounding petrified.
You quickly obliged to her simple favor thinking her situation must be grave since Seeun wasn't the one to skip classes whenever she pleases, so after the phone call, Seeun texted you once more of the details of her situation and why she couldn't come to school the next day.
School period ended early due to the heavy pour of the weather. Although even with the beneficial period cutoff, you didn't bring an umbrella. Only hoping that one of your friends has a spare, or could share with you.
You waited under a tree beside the gate of your school. now you're only waiting for the rest of the gang to come by… Though only one came.
"Let's go." Jake opened the umbrella, tilting his head in a direction where you all normally headed.
"Huh? Aren't we gonna wait for the rest?" You asked confusingly, looking back to the school in case you'd spot either Tsuki or Hoon.
"Sunghoon went home early due to an emergency, Tsuki just didn't go to school, and Seeun texted me saying to pass her excuse letter to her adviser… They didn't tell you?" Jake's perplexed expression intimidated you, you only knew Seeun's case although not the rest, so you only shrugged as a response and not by words.
So you'll be walking home with Jake… only. Just the two of you, in one umbrella.
Jake notices you being empty umbrella-handed, and so he walks closer to have you jumping in it with him.
"Come on, let's just share." He offered, in which you immediately accepted. You know he was Jake, though you were desperate to at least be kilometers far from school
A few walks far away from school, the two of you haven't said a word to each other. The awkward air you felt suffocated the most is present, and your muddled thoughts and memories, especially the time with him at the prom, didn't help you regain the confidence to break such an air… Though you had the gut feeling you had to at least talk to him, now that you're this close once again, reminding you of the distance you two had during the prom.
You winced at that memory, causing the other to look at you discerned.
"Is everything okay?" He asked timidly, stopping his tracks as his eyes focused on your disgusted expression.
"I-I'm fine, I just… remembered something super embarrassing." You reasoned, not wanting to tell him what really overcame in your head.
Jake slid it off and continued walking, it was another long series of silence between you and Jake once again.
You swore 2 months ago you were just nudging his arms because of his jokes… Why would you both feel this awkward and have your friendship with him regress after it was doing so well.
The next thing you knew, you two were already in your neighborhood, a few more walks until Jake reached his home, and then yours.
You thought to yourself that Jake would go home then pass you the umbrella instead, however to your surprise, Jake walked past the gate of his home which left you with questions.
"Are you walking me home?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh, nothing. I just thought you were gonna stop by your house and give me your umbrella instead, since my home is still a few more walks from yours."
"It's raining hard, you shouldn't be out here on your own—"
As he was about to end his sentence, a loud thunder struck and white lightning flashed the sky, causing you to shriek, holding the umbrella to cover you well from the pouring rain.
"Oh my god.." You muttered, Tightening the grip of the umbrella handle that Jake was also holding.
"Oh god— I'm sorry, let's get home fast please." You yell out in fear, your heart rapidly beating as if another flash of lightning and shriek of thunder was about to come by in a few seconds. Your fearful grip on the umbrella still stayed, as you started walking at a fast pace that Jake immediately catched up on, which goes on until you both have reached your home.
You both stood at the front of your porch for a short minute, you had no idea why Jake stopped his tracks, you only stopped for the reason that he stopped first.
and so without having much patience, you recklessly hopped on to the porch, partially getting yourself wet, even if your hand was still at the contact of Jake's umbrella handle. Before you moved completely to avoid getting more drenched from the rain, you felt another hand gently placed on top of yours.
Yet again— another series of silence as you two stare at each other's eyes. Jake slowly makes his steps onto your porch. The contact on the umbrella didn't seem to break, as the two of you transferred your gazes to where your hands were placed. You didn't want to let go, yet deep down, you were scared, your head was spinning to nowhere as his hand never let go of yours.
You began to conflict with yourself, your eyes slowly transitioning to a horrified state. A feeling you don't understand— a feeling so puzzling you don't even dare to question, having this whole ordeal with Jake is as just as confusing as your current, incoming, outburst.
"What… is wrong with you?" You let out, eyes welled up, and Jake only stared at your rapid change in demeanor. Your hand intensely retracts the hold on the umbrella as Jake's fingers automatically close the umbrella.
"Y-You're completely all over the place?" Your breath hitched, then facing behind from his view, your hands shrieked due to the heat building up your anger, than more so being it from the cold temperature of the rainy weather.
"I don't know… back then you were so fun to be with but now you have become so distant. I have no idea on how— or what happened that made you like that. I don't know if I did anything wrong or that made you feel uncomfortable in a way because If I did something— anything… I'm so sorry." You ranted, catching your breath as your eyes blazed onto the other, who remained quiet, drooping his eyes down to the wooden floor, unable to respond back.
"But… That one night, that one prom night…" You paused. Jake's head rises as he hears those very words from your tongue.
"You know damn well what I was talking about, do you?"
Jake's unresponsiveness didn't help calming down your systems. Instead, it made you more infuriated.
After a few seconds of silence, waiting for something, at least anything from the man, there was none.
You inhale the cold breeze from the continuous pouring rain just in front of you, as your hands subconsciously brush your hair messily in an infuriating manner. "I don't know what your intentions were that night. The way you asked me about that barista, Yeonjun? If I got over him… and that kiss— the way you kissed my neck? How?!— do you normally just do that to other girls…? 'Cause Jake I've been hanging out with you for the entirety of this school year and I've never seen you do anything like that,"
"Or maybe that truth or dare game? A lot changed after that game, after I confessed my old feelings for you. What did I do?— What happened to you? I assured you they were old feelings but a few months after that you started giving me signals, probably old me would've fan out to be honest... Were you just trying to relive my old feelings for you? Is it because you wanted my feelings to just stay attracted to you? Is that it? Because you are absolutely sick for that Sim Jaeyun… You don't know how vulnerable and conflicted I became when you started to change. I can't even grasp the situation or If I'm saying anything right because— I… don't understand you. One day you'll be quiet and wouldn't even say a single word to me, and then go I'm glad you moved on from mister barista and then leave me by the side and never come back? What was that? " Your voice echoed through the open porch. your words could easily be overlayed by the hard rain in the background yet they were loud enough for the man to comprehend. Every emphasis of the words and events you mention brings Jake back to his mind and recalls those memories that ever happened.
"I'm sorry." Finally a word from him, yet not something you had ever hoped for him to say.
Your comprehension of his response was him apologizing for doing any of the things you have just said. Cracking a part of your heart at the indirect confirmation of the man's intentions.
"I'm sorry..? You're sorry? Sorry?! "
"You're so fucking… fuck— selfish for that! You're nothing but a selfish freak who doesn't— who never thinks about others feelings. Only doing it for their own satisfaction and—"
"You don't know how vulnerable I am at the mere sight of you, Y/N."
You stopped mid sentence, stunned as your eyes darted to his standing figure. You take a few steps towards him, as if you wanted to hear his statement more clearly by the loud thundering climate.
It was at this moment that you realized that the following small thunders and big flashes of lightning didn't seem to startle you. All your focus only went to exposing your wholehearted antipathy to the other.
Jake's breath hitched the same as yours earlier on, it's like it was his turn to let out his jumbled feelings to you.
"There were no spare days where you didn't flood my thoughts. Day and night, Y/N, you were always present and I had no plan on stopping that infestation."
His dark eyes pierced through you, feeling the rush of the heavy wind kiss through your figure.
Despite his confession, you did not give the same treatment to how he was when you were on your outburst.
"Then why? Why would you do all that?"
"Because you told me, well— told us before that you stopped liking me by the time new years rolled around."
"You remembered the new years part?"
"Very much, yes,"
"Look, I didn't know my feelings would come to this. You were a fun friend, you were a great company, although I couldn't bear myself to be so near you after a few months."
"Why?" You whispered, eye furrowed at the confessions of the other.
"I always think that I might do something I'll regret." He takes a few steps backwards, the air between the both of you feeling as soothing as it was just suffocating and intense before.
"Like what?" You take a few steps forward, the same amount of steps Jake took.
"Y/N… stop" He took a few more steps backwards, rebuffing your ways on pushing him to answer your question.
You stepped closer and closer, and now too close to Jake, repeating the same question in an attempt to pressure him into bursting out his answer due to the stress and the annoyances of your nagging.
It was only a matter of time before Jake gave in, biting his lips in frustration as he felt his head heat up so close to combustion.
"goddammit Y/N." He aggressively grabs the collar of your blouse and proceeds to pull you 3 inches close to his face.
You swore you felt your heartbeat stop for a brief moment at the sudden contact of his nose onto yours. The way you felt his breath fanning over your lips, sensing the tense air he had been inhaling since he had stepped a foot on your porch.
It was only a matter of movement to have your lips connect yet Jake resisted the urge, releasing his grip from your blouse, causing you to limp backwards.
Your gaze at Jake with a baffled look, processing the thing that just happened.
It was hard to convince yourself that whatever that was, actually happened.
It was real, you felt it, everything.
There was silence. It felt like a wall being compressed and will mush the both of you into some sort of unrelenting concoction. Jake was too stunned about his own actions, turning around to storm off at the scene and probably forget that this ever happened.
As he took a few steps off the porch, you realized that you had enough with the distance, you felt so far away with Jake always running away all the time. Your mind was everywhere, especially the feeling of his face as similar as that again. You were desperate to know how he really felt for you, and you couldn't just let him walk away and watch again as his figure dissipated into the heavy pouring rain.
"Jake." You utter as you grip on his arm, spinning him around to face you as your hands snake up onto the back of his neck, tip toeing to reach the height of his lips, yet it was no reach. Even with what you had just done, you weren't about to kiss him anyway, you wanted to see how he'd react with your sudden motion.
It was only a matter of seconds until Jake attacked his lips on yours. It was an aggressive contact at first, sensing the desperation of his lips yet contrasting from his hands that carefully held your face as if it was glass.
You'd be lying if you said weren't desperate for it either, you had craved this type of contact ever since prom, it was only regretful to ever admit it personally. But now that you're fulfilling your most secret desire, most likely that this would be the time to embrace it.
God, you want him so bad.
Too bad.
The both of you lost the sense of surroundings, as you carelessly pushed him to the ramp of your porch as your lips were still intact. Leaving a quick gasp from Jake's end due to the startling feeling from the cold contact of his body.
The sudden hum coming from Jake's voice seized you to let go yet Jake didn't want your lips to part from his. Even with the force of his hands holding your face to him for much longer, he eventually gave in. Hands loosen the hold on your cheeks. You tensely took a few steps backwards as you started panting, your chest pumping in and out with Jake in unison, catching both of your remaining breaths and remaining comprehension from that predicament.
Your eyes pierced through Jake's gaze, your breathing is shaky, same goes for your hands… your body's frozen in place, all of these yet the reason does not ivolve the the cold temperature of the weather.
None of you exchanged any words. Instead, it was quiet, yet again, the area only filled with the small and loud droplets of the rain… It's merely raining anymore, as you only focus on him, hear him, and feel him.
Nothing makes sense at this moment. Honestly, you wanted to reach your senses to sense yet things just felt too out of the ordinary.
"Y/N, I'm sorry." Jake came through. Rushing for your comfort. Although you ran back with the presence of terror, opening your front door and slamming the door in front of him at the nick of time. You were speechless per say, you couldn't describe words, you couldn't speak out your thoughts. The sudden walk out suddenly sent Jake into a shock of panic.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry, please— I didn't mean to—"
He proceeds to passively knock on your door repeatedly. He whispered a curse to himself as to resent the contact you two had shared. Biting his lips in pure regret at the mere memory a few minutes ago.
"Y/N please." The knocks still kept coming through.
You only stood against the door, paralleled from the man on the other side. You had no idea what course of action you were going to take. You were furious about the distance he kept himself from earlier, and then suddenly it was all gone because of a kiss. Yet here you are, setting up walls to him.
You didn't want any more walls or distance to grow, you wanted him to be forward to you and he'll do so.
Now, it's your turn to talk, before regret suffices.
"Shit. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry… I really am—"
"Jake," Your voice muffled against the door, which Jake had heard, immediately backing away at the click of the doorknob.
You twist the knob and pull it to see a distressed Jake in front of you. His doleful eyes locked onto your figure, waiting for you to tell him something, anything.
"I'm not… mad at you." you muttered.
Jake stood quiet as his look at you stayed bewildered.
"I was just startled… I didn't know what to do— or what to say." You plead, your eyes are red as it remains glistened.
No words came out from Jake, possibly dumbfounded by your response.
"When did you realize you liked me, by the way?" You asked out of nowhere, attempting to tone down the tension in your system from earlier.
"When you started talking about that barista more… and it's 'like'… without the D." He admitted it extremely easily, causing you to subconsciously let out a short chuckle unexpectedly at his last words.
"What?" Jake's brows furrowed at your uncalled reaction, his smile perking up at the sight of you smiling at him.
"You just said that so straightforwardly, it… it kinda caught me off guard."
"There's no point in getting nervous around you again, kissing you was my last straw."
"Oh, so you finally loosened your walls? "
"Yeah, I guess you could say that."
The both of you shared the same laughter. Eyes showing genuine feelings of forgiveness. There was no need of words to let the both of you be reminded of anything, yet it still felt guilting.
"What if you become distant to me again?" you voiced your concern, the faint smile you had dropping almost at an instant at the thought of that question.
"I won't," The man only took deep breaths as he slowly took a few steps forward, stepping foot in your home. The tense air that compressed between yours and Jake made you shiver, it felt ticklish, although you concealed the feeling as you didn't want this distance to part with you.
"I like you, and even more than that,"
From his aggressive grip behind your head earlier to a much more gentle approach as he slowly wraps you in for a hug, chin laying softly on top of your head, and his hand transferring to the back of your hair, patting gently purely because he wanted you against him, he wanted to be the one to calm you down from his mistakes. His eyes in pure concern as if he had done so much unspeakable pain.
You, on the other hand, were extremely glad at his sudden action, feeling too content within his embrace. It was at this moment that you knew that you indeed love him too dearly, and you only hope for him to reciprocate these feelings similar to yours.
"And I'm grateful for myself to even say this so boldly to you, even if it meant breaking your heart."
It only startled you once more when the man had continued his words after a minute of pausing. The words coming out from lips breezed against your ear, making you hear the mumbled words almost clearly.
You sneered at his response, causing the man to change his expressions to mild uncertainty.
"Silly, you didn't break my heart… Well, kinda."
"I'll make up for it?" He offered, the warmth of his breath getting through to your scalp caused your body to briefly shiver at the feeling.
"How so?" You asked cheekily, transferring your gaze up to the toned down storm.
"Tomorrow, I'll pick you up?"
You stayed silent at his invitation, the other not having a quick peek of your reaction which led him to assume the worst due to your unresponsiveness.
"Or not… I'm sorry. Am I going too fast?"
With this realization, he parts his hand from your hair as he pushes himself from you unhurriedly.
Alternatively you quickly pull both of his arms back to your clingy embrace.
"No you're not. I just like being in this position with you right now," You muffled against his jacket, now having your warm breath fanning over the fabric of his cloth sent heat up to his cheeks, bringing his hand back to where it was before.
"Let's talk about dates another time… Let's focus about what everything is right now."
the clasp between one another was definitely at its high. It's something you don't seem to want to let go of, as if you're addicted. Now that you felt him like this more closer than before, you wanted this to go on eternally. Now that he's with you probably having the same exact feelings, you're not scared anymore. Not the distance, not the words, not his presence.
All of those became a comfort, and honestly, this was too good to be true.
As you drown yourself in your own dreamy thoughts, Jake's head transfers to the side of your head, tracing you out of a segment of your endless realizations, shivering you in the process due to the ticklish interval.
"How about you Y/N? Do you like me?" He questions.
You remembered daydreaming this moment every night during so many months back, that era of you hoping that someday it'll happen.
and every night you always reply and say the same words in the same scenario.
"I do, and more than just… like. I am insanely in love with you."
With just that, it had sent a critical hit on Jake's beating heart. He couldn't believe that you were still up to loving him again after all that he made her feel. Yet here you are, giving him a chance.
It still left a pinch of guilt within Jake for the reason of what he did to you that initiated your outburst of emotions from earlier. He was stunned to see that side of you and he wanted to never witness that side of you, ever.
It was at this moment that Jake would promise himself that he'd take care of you for the rest of his life, and that he wouldn't spare a single mistake of his to have you return to the feeling of heavy sorrow because of him again.
"Where's Jake and Y/N?" Seeun asked worriedly. Standing beside the gate alongside Tsuki and Sunghoon as they watch crowds of students walk past the gate. Only waiting for their remaining friends to have their respective classes to be dismissed, yet it has been almost 30 minutes since they've been waiting and anxiety crawls up on their systems.
"I don't know? What if they didn't go to school today?" Tsuki responds, darting her eyes left to right inspecting as if both of you might be a part in the sea of students.
"If they didn't go to school, they would have told us." Seeun grumbled, tip-toeing as if she could spot you or the man anytime soon.
"Oh— Oh! Hey!—" Sunghoon halted one of the students who they knew to be your classmate. "Uhm, question, did Y/N go to school today?" Sunghoon asked, the student paused for a moment since the sudden question had startled him. "Y-Yeah, but she went out really early… Something about waiting for her boyfriend or something. Only from what I assume though."
"Boyfriend? " All said in unison as the two girls' darted their focus to your classmate. All three gave a concerned look as their brows remained furrowed at the abrupt revelation.
Sunghoon uttered a thanks as the student continued his path, still leaving all three of them in a state of shock.
"Y/N? and… boyfriend? " Tsuki recalled, still too stunned about what your classmate had said.
"What about Jake?— Oh hey! " Seeun's demeanor switches in an instant by the sight of Jake's classmate who he always walks out the school with before meeting up with them.
Seeun asked the same thing as Sunghoon, although now related to Jake.
"Oh, he's with that Y/N girl I'm sure, since I remember seeing the same girl who's waiting there to the one who hangs a lot with you guys here."
"Well… what are they doing in— Where?! " Seeun was at the brink of freaking out yet remained her decorum.
"She was waiting outside our classroom, probs waiting for Jake… That's all I know."
Seeun now uttered a thanks to him as Jake's classmate walked away.
There was a confusing silence between the air of the three friends for a few minutes. All dumbfounded by the fact about... anything, related to you and Jake.
The stray thinking lasted until Seeun spotted you and Jake talking and laughing at each other at a distance.
All of them locking their gazes to both of you with a menacing look. Which the you and Jake had caught on immediately, only locking their gazes back until the both of you stopped in front of them.
"Let me guess…" Sunghoon started, placing his fingers on his chin as if he was speculating (the obvious).
"Girlfriend, boyfriend. Boyfriend, girlfriend." He stated as he pointed to one of you respectively.
Your eyes grew wide, startled by their assumption. "Oh What?— No no no no! We're not..." You look at the man with red tinted cheeks beside you, signalling him to not feel hurt in your next words.
However, before you could continue, Jake's hand instantly pulled your shoulder closer beside him, letting out an nervous smile from you while Jake's smile stood calm and collected.
"We're not a thing!"
"Yes we are."
"We'll end up being a thing anyway so might as well think in advance."
Tsuki, Seeun, and Sunghoon all widened their eyes as they held in their screams of surprise.
"Y/N!" Seeun welled up as she shakes your arm aggressively, creating fake crying noises.
"We were just gone yesterday and suddenly you two are in a relationship the next day?!" Tsuki exclaimed.
You and Jake only let out shy giggles at their reactions. It was funny to see them at this state yet you had to tell them what really happened sooner or later.
All of you proceeded to walk out of school as the three bickered about your relationship with each other. Seeun mostly, seeing the side of you which was so down for the so-called 'boyfriend'. All of their voices mixed badly inside your little friend group bubble as they all ask the same thing yet ask them so messily.
As this was happening, Jake's hand softly landed on yours as a secret invitation to hold his, which you immediately complied. Squeezing his hand in an attempt to tease him, letting out a small "ow." from the other.
"You better tell us everything, okay?" Seeun rambled. everyone simultaneously agreeing to Seeun's words and nagging you to tell them the whole story.
Well, they'll be in for a longggg walk.
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© seungiepup. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 5 months
romcom hasn't been romcoming this hard since... GOSH I don't know?!! when was the last time I saw a romcom in kdramaland that hooked me this much? that made me think everything was perfect??? 2019?? wth?
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sdfghjkl!!!! the way this scene was so random at first and now it has so much depth and heartbreak! ugh!!
The thing about romcoms in kdramas, that I LOVE, is that a really good one is able to give you equal measures of romance, heart, comedy and good drama/angst. That, paired up with good acting, AMAZING chemistry and just the right touch of fantasy is pretty much a *chef's kiss*. Is just everything you could ask for but were afraid to hope for, does that make sense??
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HAHAHAHAHA I love that she is basically a liar and a terrible one. None of what she says makes sense (tbh telling the truth also wouldn't lol) but I love that he tries to believe her or wants to, very much.
Also, it's hilarious that her superpower is freezing time to avoid revealing spoilers from the future and she makes use of it in the most unhinged way:
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GOLD! lmao
And with Hyeyoon on board, I knew this project was on good hands, that girl is seriously underrated in Korea (hopefully not anymore after this) but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about WooSeok. Like, don't get me wrong, that man is GORGEOUS but the only good thing of him that I actually loved was a movie. BUT after this, wow, is like all that experience he has, finally leveled up because he is actually meeting Hyeyoon's standards of acting here, and I'm so proud and relieved. I didn't know he had it in him.
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Like, excuse me? Why do you have me tearing up at the start of the episode? And omg, to think he stayed away because she was angry and he felt so guilty, even though he saved her.
I'm genuinely optimistic about the outcome of this. We all know they will get their happy ending, but I'm actually hopeful that the acting, writing and pacing will remain this good till the end. What a joy to watch a wonderful romcom with the vibes of the good old classic romcoms from the early 2010's. We're so back, baby!
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I am very curious as to why she went back to the present the first time. What is the trigger? We know, because Sol figured it out, that the watch only works at midnight and she probably only has 2 chances left to change SunJae's future as long as that creepy CEO walks around his school i don't think so But what ends a trip back into the past? Is it shock from Sol? Sunjae? Something happening that's definitely off-track like TaeSun asking her to be his gf? Aarrrghh so many questions.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Now I can actually say this since I’m curious
I want to see Ophelia snap, like get really angry since we barely see her getting anger :3
Ophelia doesn't snap too often, but when she does... it isn't pretty.
Hope you enjoy!
Ophelia snaps
SFW, Romance, Slight Angst, Platonic, Cybertronian reader
RID 2015
Ophelia was working on some of the Decepticon hunter’s while the others were out on their daily patrol.
Even Fix-it joined the team, leaving Denny and Russel.
Ophelia happily explained some of the repairs to the humans when the sounds of engines roaring came in.
Ophelia smiled to herself as she and the human went to the main area.
She was not prepared to see the team all battered up.
And noticing the absence of their leader and her Conjunx.
Ophelia racing over to the team gently guiding them to the med bay. Ophelia: “Where’s Bee and Steve?” Drift groaning: “We were ambushed. Bumblebee and Steve stayed behind to buy us all some time to escape. They have been captured.” Ophelia clenches her servos before going to the main console before grabbing a Decepticon hunter and marching to the entrance. Grimlock blocks the exit with his tail: “Lia? What are you doing?” Ophelia: “I’m getting our leader and Conjunx back.” Sideswipe: “You? Alone? Fat chance.” Strongarm: “If the 7 of us barely got out of there what makes you think going there alone is a good idea?” Ophelia gives them all a harsh glare. Some of the bots step back. Ophelia: “I HAVE a plan Strongarm. And I WILL get them out of there with or without the team. So, who’s with me?”
The team was surprised seeing how serious the minibot was on their way to the location.
They arrived at an abandoned warehouse.
Steve and Bumblebee were both tied up and gagged in the middle of the room.
The team began to run towards them, when the traps got triggered.
One by one each member got tied up, rendering them immobile.
Out of the shadows the leader of the small group of cons had shown his face.
It was during the monologue that the team realized that they were a member short.
Leader: “And then when I—I, I’m sorry I can’t help but get the feeling that you’re ignoring me.” SLAM! The rafter above the Cons opens up and a familiar minibot lands. Steve in pure panic: “OPHELIA!” Drift: “So that’s where she ran off to.” Bumblebee noticing Steve on the verge of a panic attack: “Drift, not the time.” The leader and his crew laugh at the minibot holding the smaller version of a Decepticon hunter.
Leader: “HAHAHAHAHA! And what is the little minibot going to do with that puny toothpick?” Ophelia: “…Have you forgotten who I am?” She activates the Decepticon hunter turning into a mace. Ophelia: “Let me give you a reminder of who’s team you decided to hurt.”
The team stared in shock at the brutal beatdown the pacifist minibot laid on the Cons.
Steve had flashbacks to the ‘training’ sessions he had seen on the Nemesis.
Not very good flashback either.
Once Ophelia had finished beating the Cons up and putting them in their respective stasis cuffs, it was as if a switch had been turned on.
Ophelia ran to Bumblebee with fear in her optics. Ophelia: “Is everyone okay?! Hold on, I’ll get those things off you!” Ophelia unties Bumblebee and then Steve. Steve immediately pulls her in for a hug. Ophelia responds with an equally strong hug. Steve: “Don’t you EVER do something like that again! Please… don’t do that…” Ophelia just hugs him tighter. Steve pulls her closer and carries her bridal style. Ophelia: “My Spark, I can walk.” Steve: “I know.” Ophelia just looks at his face with love. Sideswipe: “Since when can you do that!?” Ophelia: “You don’t become the temporary leader of the Decepticon’s without knowing how to fight Sides.” Strongarm: “You were the what?!” Ophelia looking over at Grimlock: “Did no one really know that?” Grimlock just shrugs before patting her helm. Drift nods and joins the others. Bumblebee goes up to her side: “You did good Ophelia, but like Steve said—” Ophelia rolling her optics playfully and tiredly: “I know, I know… but I don’t regret it.” Steve squeezes her a bit before joining the others on the walk back home.
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lixiesfreckless · 7 months
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Deeper | l. m.
part one: Deep
➸ synopsis: you can't tell what's worse; the fact that you want him while you can't, or the fact that he obliges you even when he knows you don't deserve it.
➸ starring: lee minho x female reader
➸ word count: 1.7k
➸ general content: ex bf!minho, it gets worse!!!, nuclear waste would pull up to the toxic competition only to start crying when the reader arrives, angst angst angst hahahahaha literaly click off if you want a happy ending, morals are lost on these two, dirty talking, the only good thing here is that the sex was protected
➸ warnings: swearing, cheating, sexual content, degradation
➸ rating: 18+ MA
➸ author’s note: again, cheating is never okay. in no way am I trying to glamourize it, I just like writing stories about messed up characters sometimes. that being said...was I okay two years ago I feel like I need to interview my old self cause WHAT
♫ all mine- plaza
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“We can’t keep doing this to him, you know.”
His fingers don’t relent their pace into you but the pleasurable feeling vanishes all the same, the release you so desperately need coming out in unsatisfying waves of heat between your legs. It’s almost as if he waited for that second to remind you of the horrible truth of this stolen moment on purpose.
In all honesty, you deserved it.
“I know.”
You sit ashamed on the counter as you watch him wash you off his hands, ridding his fingers of any trace of the love crimes he’s helped you commit.
Another thing you can’t seem to do.
“I mean it should be simple at this point,” Minho laments, drying his hands on a dish towel, “break up with him.”
“It’s not that easy-”
“And playing with my feelings is easier?”
You stare at him in disbelief, unsure of how one should react to this inconveniently timed confession.
“What?” He scoffs, tossing the towel back onto the counter. “Did you really think that I could be intimate with you again and not fall in love?”
Short answer? No.
Long answer? You two had both fallen back in love with each other despite you being in a semi-serious relationship with Jeongin, and to make up for Jeongin’s lack of a presence in bed, you naturally(and wrongfully) went looking for something to fill it. But in doing so, your old ex seemed to fill that void —and many other things— quite perfectly.
Most people however, call that cheating.
“I mean come on, every time I see you I get my hopes up and think that maybe, just maybe, this will be the time that you want more than something physical from me,” he rants, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. The guilt settles on your chest with the gentleness of an elephant as you watch him lock eyes with you.
“Minho…it’s not like that-”
“Then what’s it like?” He almost yells, fighting to keep his voice down. He didn’t want to fight you; you two had fought enough as lovers in the past and he didn’t want to bring that back. “Why do you continue to break my heart then?”
You're scared of confrontation, Jeongin’s a really nice guy and doesn’t deserve this, you know Minho will come back to you courtesy of his masochistic heart…
Yeah. None of those were good excuses.
He steps closer to you.
“Don’t tell me it’s because you love him too…”
“I don’t,” you respond quickly, looking up at him, “Jeongin is great but…I don’t love him.”
“What do you need me for then?” He whispers, a bitter edge to his voice as he traps you between his arms against the counter. “If he’s so great then why do you need me?”
There is an obvious answer, but you know it’s not the full truth. 
Need is such a funny word; most people use it in terms of things necessary for survival. Food. Clothing. Water. But in your case, you really think you might die if he stands this close to you for this long and it doesn’t end in you bent over this counter.
You’re absolutely horrible in the way that the need to have him inside you is jading your thoughts during a conversation like this.
Something darkens behind his irises as you stay quiet; perhaps it’s him acknowledging his insignificance in your life, or rather, the presence he has that is nowhere near where he wants it to be. 
Both his assumptions are wrong of course, but you’re too caught up in your own head to hear the tch coming from his mouth.
“I should have known.”
Everything about that phrase is slightly off. Equal parts because he’s wrong and he doesn’t know it, and because it just doesn’t sound right. His voice was laced with heartbreak— you could tell that much —but it sounded mainly arrogant, almost egotistical. Almost as if he was proud as to how much his cock had literally and morally fucked you up.
But you don’t have time to ponder the implications of his voice tones; not once he spins you around and presses a hand flat against your back, effectively bending you over the counter, pulling a surprised gasp out of you.
Well, surprised in the sense that you didn’t expect it, not during this conversation. 
And it truly is shameful how badly your body wants it, drowning out the screaming of your heart that’s telling you to stop, talk things out with him, you two do not need to get any deeper into this mess, but it’s no use, he’s already finding the drawstrings of your shorts and undoing them so he can undo you.
“This is all I am to you, right?” He practically spits as he yanks your shorts down, revealing the already soaked panties that he ruined just minutes before. You can tell that he’s angry, and it’s absolutely disgusting how your first thought is that he’s probably going to fuck you harder because of it.
Mad. He’s mad at you for cheating on someone so undeserving. For giving him so much false hope. For being so damn enticing that while he knows you don’t deserve it, he’s still going to give you what you want, because he wants it too. He’s a slave to desire all the same.
He’s mad at himself for not thinking he deserves better than this.
“Nothing more than someone to fill up your needy hole, is that it?” 
You know you should say something, something to ease his pain and remedy this situation, but you subconsciously add selfish to your list of faults as you admit that deep down, you want to see where this goes.
His belt is already undone and your panties are halfway down your thighs, which are practically trembling with anticipation as you hear the metal of the zipper pull clink against the belt buckle. Minho is panting, but you know enough about him to decipher that the labored breathing isn’t from the red haze of anger.
“You want it this bad?” He grits out, and you assume from the latex sounds that you are just seconds away from having him inside you, and you are this close to begging him to go faster. But you won’t. You still have your dignity.
Or…whatever’s left of it.
He prods at your entrance with his gloved tip and if you were a little less sane, you’d be practically crying at the mere thought of being full again.
“Then you’re gonna take it all like the needy slut you are.”
To hell with dignity.
You’re blabbering random words and phrases, all related to wanting him to just fuck you already, and despite his miffed state he grants you your wish, steadying his hands on both of your hips to prepare himself for the plunge.
The mewl that comes out of your mouth is film-worthy, the stretch of his cock against your walls proving too much to keep your mouth shut as he pulls your hips closer together, bending over you slightly as he weakens as well. A few labored pants ensue, yours coming from adjusting and his, well— coming from your adjusting.
He regains his composure and straightens, holding one hand on your shoulder and the other on your hip, and then he suddenly pulls you flush against his pelvis sharply, pulling a pitched yelp from your lips. And this is where he loses it, because you’re too wet and warm and tight and infuriating and it takes him all of five seconds to draw back and push in again, this time with more force.
You cry out, wishing there was something on the counter you can hold on to, but another push and pull has you resorting to spreading your palms on the granite surface. 
“Poor Jeongin,” he says, each word punctuated with a thrust, “he has no idea that his girl is bent over the counter like this.”
The pure sin of that thought has you reeling, choked moans falling out of your lips as he slams into you harder, probably because of your reaction. 
“Practically begging for me to fill her, fuck,” he adds, with almost a sinister ring to it as the skin slapping noises fill the kitchen.
Nothing about this is ideal, but your walls beg to differ, clenching embarrassingly hard around him and giving away your physical state of arousal to your dismay. He clicks his tongue. 
“Close already?” It’s an insult, you’re aware. And it feeds his ego, knowing that no one can make a mess of you this fast.
You don’t have to answer, because that would be stating the obvious, but you still sputter out “yes, p-please” as if it’s some sort of insurance for your impending release.
And when it crashes over you with the force of a tidal wave, he doesn’t stop, no; he keeps going, and your eyes sting with tears of overstimulation. He doesn’t even acknowledge your orgasm, which only makes a second one feel not so far away.
Suppose this is what he feels like when you chase your highs through means of his ministrations. 
You feel the familiar twitching of his cock inside you, but before you can think to rub your clit to get you there faster, he’s already filling the latex up with warmth, hips slowing their movements as he tries to catch his breath.
The post-orgasmic haze feels more like a heavy fog as it settles on the both of you, Minho pulling out before he softens too much and you whimper; whether it was at the loss of him or because of the cold air, you don’t know.
The silence that follows is deafening.
There’s so much to say and at the same time, you both have nothing to say to each other. You’re torn between explaining your actions and just leaving it for another time, and he can’t decide if he’ll ever be back if he walks out your door.
A mess doesn’t even begin to describe what you two are.
“I’m sorry,” you finally decide on saying as you watch him put on his jacket. He stills, almost shaking with the restraint of not pettily saying for what? at the first real words you’ve spoken what seems to be all night. Because truthfully, there were about a million different things that you could apologize for.
But it takes two to tango. Specifically in your case, the devil’s tango.
So he settles on something much less damaging, and also equally necessary, and leaves it at that.
“Yeah. I’m sorry too.”
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Love Alone
Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Idk why but I really need some heartbreaking angst for Warren or Eddie rn where it's unrequited love.
✧.* summary — Warren Rojas is the love of your life, and you knew it from the first time you met. But he didn't, he wasn't that sure.
✧.* warnings — A lot angst, I mean it...
✧.* word count — 4.0k
✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist
✧.* part two — Love Me Again
✧.* mandy's notes — You asked me for angst and I brought you everything I had hahahahaha. I got carried away on this one and it's a little big... I hope you don't mind.
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Warren Rojas is the love of your life, and you knew it the first moment you saw each other, it was like something pulled you to him and ever since you saw those brown eyes you never got rid of them, not even If you tried.
You met the drummer in Pittsburgh, when you two were still teenagers, you were always close to Eddie's family and consequently became friends with Chuck, Graham and Warren over time. You weren't part of the band, after all you weren't very good when it came to music, your thing was writing and that's where you entered the Dunne brothers scene, when Billy had some writer's block or something you helped with the lyrics and, it always came out spectacular.
So along with Camila you were the audience for all the rehearsals, you didn't understand anything about the musical part of it. You were happy to deal with just the lyrics when you could. And of course, being able to spend afternoons next to your favorite drummer was always nice.
Gradually you were madly in love with him, and he didn't seem to notice anything. You didn't have the courage to go up to him and confess your feelings, so a few months went by with neither of you talking about it.
Warren knew you liked him, Eddie had mentioned it a few times but he decided not to mix things up, after all he liked how things went between the band and the last thing he wanted was a mess. But as you were growing up, the drummer noticed that you were prettier, more confident about your desires, and little by little you stopped being shy around him.
That night you were celebrating Graham's birthday, everyone was in the backyard of the Dunnes' house, singing, talking and smoking after their mother had gone to bed. Billy was holding Camila's who was in his lap, Graham and Eddie were playing one game you never understood to this day, Chuck was already gone. He was strangely distant the last few days but you guys decided not to worry too much, and Warren was watching the sky while he smoked.
He seemed to have noticed your gaze on him, because he motioned with his cigarette beckoning you to join him, so you did. He took another cigarette from the pack offering it to you, you accepted by putting it in your mouth and asking him to light it.
"You look like your mind is somewhere else War…" You say blowing the smoke to the opposite side.
"Just thinking." He says looking into your eyes, making you a little nervous. "You look gorgeous, doll."
The butterflies in your stomach felt like they were going to fly you away, you watched the curly man trying to maintain your posture but your cheeks flushed giving it away. You look down at the floor, smiling.
"Thanks." You smoke the cigarette, trying to keep calm.
"You always look really gorgeous, actually." You couldn't tell if he was high or not, Warren always had this calm way of talking.
"Well, you don't fall behind one bit." You say taking confidence, two can play this game.
That night you ended up kissing before he dropped you off at home, you could scream with so much joy you felt that night, it was like you were in the clouds. The feel of his lips still vivid in your mind made you sigh so many times that night.
After that day you were still together, you always went behind Chuck's garage in the rehearsal break to enjoy each other, you exchanged glances throughout the rehearsals, he winked at you sometimes making you embarrassed when you saw that he noticed you staring at him. You believed that was the beginning of a wonderful relationship between the two of you, but maybe you were wrong about that.
Chuck had decided to leave the band, he was going to go to college to become a dentist, the thought of it sounded funny but that was his decision there wasn't much you could do.
It had been a few days since they had played their first gig without Chuck, Eddie had switched to bass which was clearly not something he enjoyed, but it had been enough for them to be able to make a good presentation.
Camila had invited you to spend the afternoon with them, which made you notice that these invitations never came from Warren, it was always Camila who requested your presence with them, but you decided to ignore that thought.
You were sitting between Eddie and Warren, Camila was sitting on Billy's lap and Graham was next to them. You ate some snacks in the park while chatting away, some children around were playing with a ball and making noise with the birds.
"Oh by the way, everything ready with the van?" Graham excitedly asks Rojas.
"Yeah, I took it to the mechanic to have a look yesterday." He smiles, wrapping his arm around your waist. "She's ready to go."
You frown, not understanding what the subject was. Everyone seemed excited about something you had no idea what it was, so you asked.
"Ready to go where?" You look at the drummer, who stops smiling.
"You didn't tell her?" Eddie raises questioning eyebrows at the drummer.
"Tell me what?" Your chest tightened, you didn't know what was going on but being left out wasn't the best of things.
Camila dropped her gaze to the floor, she also looked upset about the situation, you couldn't be more confused. An awkward silence took over the place, you felt extremely uncomfortable, an anxiety taking over you.
Billy sighs, looking right at you.
"We're going to LA." His words made the tightness in your chest grow, you tried to pretend that tears weren't starting to well up in your eyes.
"You guys are leaving?" You question, already sure of the answer just wanting not to believe it. "Will you Excuse me..."
You stand up, holding back your urge to cry, walking away from them. Eddie glares at the drummer, and tells him to follow you.
Warren stands up, taking a deep breath, he walks towards you, by this time you were already crying. He sits next to you, you turn your back to him, if he said anything you would probably cry more.
"Look doll, I'm sorry." He says softly, reaching for your hand.
"Are you?" You look at him, he can't look you in the eyes.
"I am, I just forgot to tell you." He says, patting your hands. "I was getting the van ready for the trip, packing my things, I had a lot on my mind, that's all."
"You were leaving without telling me…" You were very upset, but deep down you wanted to believe him so badly.
"Believe me doll, I just forgot." Warren says, pulling you close to him, you don't try to fight the contact you loved having him close.
You stand there in silence for a while, he holds you tighter, giving you time to process everything.
"Why didn't any of them tell me?" You felt forgotten by everyone.
"I was supposed to tell you" he says, letting out a sigh. "Billy was going to talk to Camila and I was going to talk to you since…"
"Since?" You let go of the hug, looking at him with a small smile.
"Well, since we're together."
You can't contain your smile, he smiles to see you looking better, he enjoyed your presence and you were very dear to him. He just didn't know that your feelings for him were more intense than that.
He cups your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks and then kisses you.
"Come with us..." He asks, and you immediately nod your head.
You were madly in love with him, and love makes us do crazy things, including moving to another place without any planning for you. The fact of being away from him was something much worse in your head.
Then you moved to LA a few weeks later, having Camila go with you made everything easier, having her always around was wonderful. A while later Graham invited Karen to join the band and you guys hit it off incredibly well, your little family was growing and your heart filled with joy to be with so many incredible people.
But little by little things started to unravel, the tour of The Six started and you and Camila stayed at home thinking about what could be happening. Neither Billy nor Warren answered your calls and their absence left you both anxious and missing them.
Camila had decided to go after them, you were left to take care of everything, there was something in you that was very afraid of what you would find if you went with her. And when she came back devastated, with her eyes swollen from crying, your heart broke to see her like this and the anxiety of what your boyfriend could be doing also took over you.
You learned that Billy had gone to rehab when the band returned, Eddie was devastated, Graham worried about his brother and Karen didn't show many emotions about it.
But when you saw Warren come back it was like you got air after a swim, like you finally found the missing piece to fill you. He smiles when he sees you in the room, opening his arms to envelop you in a hug.
"My doll!" He says squeezing you tighter into the hug. "How have you been?"
"Missed you so much." You say in the hug, feeling him close was relieving.
"Well, you won't have to miss me anymore." He says tickling you.
Rojas liked you, he loved your company, spending nights talking with you, spending time with you was good. He also loved the connection you two had, he loved kissing you, feeling your skin and well the sex was wonderful too. He had nothing to complain about you, but there was something missing… and he couldn't tell what.
The months until Billy got back from rehab were rough, Camila missed him a lot and being a mother wasn't easy, you tried to help her with what you could Eddie also was always there for her. You all were trying to keep it together, the newborn didn't make it easy, y'all weren't used to the crying at all, it messed with your sleep.
"Can't sleep?" Warren says from behind you, making you jump a little.
"Poor Cami…" You say when you hear Julia cry even louder. "If we can't sleep, imagine her."
"Do you think she'll stop soon?" Rojas looked tired, bags under his eyes.
"I don't think so." You laugh at his frustrated expression, you hug him around the waist and he places his chin on top of your head.
Nights like this where it was just the two of you, dealing with everything seemed so much easier. Everything was so uncertain since Billy left that feeling safe for a few moments was perfect.
"I love you." you say in the hug, you feel him freeze and instantly regret saying it.
He breaks the hug and places a kiss on your lips. And although that calmed you down, you never forgot that he didn't say it back.
The day Billy and Camila had the party to celebrate the new house you were radiant, After so long things seemed to be coming back together, they had the best music in the country and the record company had taken them back, you only had reasons to celebrate.
You had a big smile on your face when you walked in the house, the decor was wonderful, the food smelled great, and you had your "family" there for that special moment.
Karen was with you sitting at one of the tables in the backyard, from afar you could see Graham and Billy laughing at something, Camila was holding Julia while talking to another group of people, and you couldn't find Warren anywhere.
"Have you seen Warren?" You ask the blonde next to you, while drinking some of the beer you had in hand.
"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him around here." Karen shrugged. "But don't worry, he must have been late with something, or he's just around the house."
Even with your friend's words you decide to get up to look for the drummer, he seemed distant in the last few days and that worried you. Walking among people you can recognize that curly hair, soon you approach eager to congratulate your favorite drummer, but something's stops you.
Your heart races, your hands start to shake, a shiver takes over your body and you feel your breath disappearing every second longer you watch that scene. There he was, the love of your life, holding another girl by the waist, kissing her the way he does to you.
You can't hold back the tears, breathing became more and more difficult, you needed to get out of there. Gathering the rest of the strength you had, you turn to leave, and when you're finally at the door, you feel someone grab your arm.
"Hey, you're leaving already?" Camila's voice takes your ears, you turn around trying to stop crying but you can't. "Baby what's wrong?"
You can't answer her, you just let the tears fall down your face, it was like your heart was giving up. She hugs you tight, trying to comfort you somehow, she takes you out of the house to a place further away from the crowd.
You are silent for a few minutes, she never let go of your hand as she looked at you worriedly.
"What happened Y/N?" Camila watched you waiting for you to have the courage to speak.
"Warren was kissing another girl." You say in a choked voice.
"What?" Camila was in disbelief. "Are you sure?"
"I know what I saw." Your heart broke when you remembered the image. "He doesn't love me, I'll never be enough for him."
Camila hugs you, she understood the frustration and pain you were going through.
"Maybe you guys should talk." She says fixing your hair. "Sometimes things aren't clear between you…"
"What isn't clear Cami?" You had a lump in your throat that wouldn't go away. "I left my home, my family to be with him. I say I love him everyday, what am I doing wrong?"
"Oh baby, you're not doing anything wrong." She had teary eyes too. "Sometimes you can love someone with all that you got, but it doesn't mean it'll be enough for them."
"I can't deal with this right now." You say getting up, leaving aimlessly.
Camila didn't try to stop you, she knew you needed your time. She gets up going back inside the house with a tightness in her chest to see you like this, Warren would have to hear a lot from her!
She storms into the backyard to find the band assembled laughing at something she doesn't hear. Billy is the first to notice her presence, he gets a little tense when he notices his wife clearly angry.
"Everything alright baby?" the older Dunne asks, pulling Julia closer to his lap.
"Not really, quite the opposite actually." She crossed her arms, looking directly at Warren. "You and I have to talk seriously, ahora!"
"Jeez, she spoke in Spanish. Good luck!" Eddie whispers to his best friend.
"Me?" Warren asks with the cigarette dangling between his lips. Camila nods, he gets up following her.
Those left behind were confused, but they knew that if Camila was dealing with this it was better to let her.
"What's on your fucking mind Pendejo?" Warren's body froze, if Camila was mad at him he had screwed up a lot.
"Why do you say that?" He asks, fidgeting with his fingers nervously.
"Didn't you miss anyone among us?" With each word spoken by her, the drummer became more confused.
"Cami, I'm way too high for metaphors." He scratches his head, frowning.
"Y/N saw what you did." In addition to being angry Camila looked disappointed and that messed with Rojas.
"Niña, I don't know what you're talking about." He actually looked confused.
"You fucking kissed another girl tonight Rojas!" Warren looked away, a little embarrassed. "Look at me! What is on your fucking mind to do that?"
"Cami…" He started to say but didn't know how to explain.
"You don't even have an excuse." She chuckles. "She loves you Warren."
"I know." He says, she arched her eyebrows.
"So why did you do this?" Camila had her hands on her hips. "If you know she loves you, and that you would break her heart. Why did you do it?"
"I want to live, don't get me wrong I adore Y/N. She's great!" He says, little by little he realized how fucked up was what he said. "But she holds me back, I want to experience the best of everything I'm living now."
"Warren, you've been together for years." Camila didn't understand his words.
"That's where you're wrong, we never agreed to date, I thought we were having fun…" Warren starts to say but she cuts him off.
"Para, don't be an asshole!" She says, hearing those words coming from her was a shock to the drummer. "Y/N moved here with us for you, she left her family for you…"
"I never asked her to do that!" Rojas tried to explain, but with each word she got angrier.
"She did it for love Warren!" She looked deep into his eyes. "You didn't have to ask her for anything, that girl is madly in love with you. She would do anything to see you well, and it's very cruel of you to play with her feelings like that."
"I'm not playing with anyone's feelings Cami, ya te lo dije!" He wanted to convince himself that it was true, he didn't want that weight on him.
"Warren, you act like her fucking boyfriend." Camila says, trying to keep calm. "But I'm not your mother, I'm not going to stand here lecturing you. You are already too big for this shit, I don't know where she went, but I swear to God Warren If she's not at home by the time I'm there tomorrow. You'll have a problem! Fix this."
You had managed to stop crying a few minutes ago, you watched the dark sky trying to understand how to deal with all this. You loved the drummer so much, but you knew that continuing in this might not lead to anything, even if you loved him body and soul.
If you walked a few blocks more you would arrive at the house in Laurel Canyon, but something prevented you from going there, firstly because you would remember everything you lived with Warren there, what frustrated you the most was thinking that he treated you wonderfully there, it was you two against the world always, you felt loved, cherished by him between four walls.
Secondly, because you knew that going back there would make you doubt whether or not that was your place. Just thinking that everything they lived there was false hurts more and more.
You take a deep breath trying to take the courage to go there, then after a long time standing still you walk there.
Warren felt horrible, he knew he had done wrong and he couldn't stop thinking about how to fix it. He liked you a lot, but he knew he didn't feel the same way you did about him, and because you were so dear to him he hated that he had done you harm, even though he tried his best to preserve your feelings.
He didn't want to tell anyone about the conversation with Camila, he was too embarrassed, and he knew that Eddie would probably punch him if he found out about it. So he was quiet for the rest of the night, thinking about how to solve it.
When they arrived at the house in Laurel Canyon the lights were on, so you were probably already there, the drummer's heart raced he was afraid to face you. He was afraid to see you sad and disappointed gaze on him.
It's been a few minutes since he was standing in the doorway of the room you shared, afraid to step in and talk to you. He puts his hands to the door to ask permission to enter, but the door is opened before he can.
He's face to face with your puffy eyes, his heart sinks, he can see you were holding back tears, embarrassed he drops his gaze to the floor.
"Look Warren don't worry, I'm packing my things…" You say in a broken voice.
"What?" He says trying to hold your hands, you step back. "Doll, please don't be like that. You don't have to leave."
"Are you serious right now?" He could hear the pain in your voice. "Enter the room, no one needs to hear our conversation."
You ask and he does, sitting on the bed next to you.
"Warren, I love you…" You say, not holding the tear anymore. "And although leaving you will hurt me, I can't just let you hurt me even more."
Rojas had tears in his eyes too, he felt really bad about it all.
"We made things work until now…" He says holding your hands.
"No Warren, I made things work until now." You release your hands from his.
"Don't say it like that doll…" He says, his heart aches to see that the nickname doesn't make you smile like it used to. "I like you, I really do… and I'm sorry for what happened tonight, I messed things up I know but…"
You look down, crying more, he doesn't understand what he said wrong and on impulse he takes your face in his hands. When he saw your teary eyes he regretted it, it was like facing the grossest consequence of his actions.
"What can I do to make it up for you?" He speaks almost like a whisper. "I promise you it won't happen again."
"Warren…" You wanted to say yes, but you knew him. "I can't love alone."
He remained silent, he had nothing else to say to you, and lying to you saying that he loved you too and that it was only you that he imagined in his future was not an option.
"Forgive me Y/N…" His hands were still on your face, forcing you both to look at each other.
"I forgive you." You say crying. "I never thought leaving you would be so hard."
"Stay." He begs you, one more time.
"I need time." You remove his hands from your face, getting up to get your things.
He watches you walk away from him, he cries too, it was like doing something you both needed to do but when the time finally came... It was more painful than ever.
When you approach the door to go, he gets up quickly, you turn to him waiting for him to say something. He doesn't, he just moves closer to you, making your breathing uneven… You kiss him one last time and he holds your waist kissing you tenderly.
"I'll miss you doll." He says with his eyes closed, his forehead resting against yours. "Please, take care… and if you need anything."
"I know." You smile weakly, pulling away from him. "Don't blame yourself, maybe we just met at the wrong time…"
"Yeah, maybe…" He says with a tight chest.
"Can you do me a favor?" You ask, and he nods. "Give this address to Cami, tell her I'll be alright."
He takes the paper, tucking it into his vest pocket, you smile weakly at him getting your bags ready to leave.
"I hope to see you again, doll." He says, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I love you." You say as an ending, leaving.
Warren sits on your bed, already feeling your absence, he watched your part of the closet empty, your side of the bed without you, it was like nothing fit.
Warren Rojas: She had to leave me for me to realize that no one would love me more than her, and also for me to notice what love really was about, months later I found that paper once again and… I went after her, Cami told me to fix things, and I was finally going to do it.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 13 days
If You Like Piña Coladas
God-tiered Dave Strider keeps falling in love with his husband, mortal Karkat Vantas, over and over and over again
HAHAHAHAHA i wish i had the time to write this
I love the idea of Dave, after Karkat's first tragic passing, gets back into the game by going online to an anonymous forum. He meets someone that he instantly clicks with. They meet and to Dave's surprise - it's a reincarnated version of Karkat. Cue angst. Reconciliation. The good stuff. Dave marries Karkat again. Karkat dies again. Maybe more tragically this time - maybe terribly young.
Dave doesn't know until he gets the call.
Cue more angst. More hurt. Dave thinks that he threw away the only second chance he had. Fast forward a couple hundred of years. Dave meets a guy about to jump off a bridge. He saves the guy just in time. Surprise. It's Karkat.
Again, another reincarnation shtick. This Karkat has lived a painfully lonely life. For whatever reason, he just has shit luck. He's prone to really lashing out from whatever trauma that Dave has a fun time learning about. They get their shit together - together. They fall in love again.
Karkat lives until he's old and forgetful, a senile troll who keeps forgetting Dave's face but somehow knows that he's awfully in love with him. Dave is terrified that again, this might be his last chance. Karkat dies after confessing his love Dave for the third time that week.
Dave starts getting a little obsessed, wondering if there's a way to know - to track down Karkat when he's reborn. What if he could find Karkat sooner? Save Karkat from whatever misery? But he soon learns a new heartbreak. He does find Karkat, in high school and happily, fortouistously in love. He has a high school sweetheart. He's planning to propose. Dave walks away.
Decades pass. Dave finds Karkat at a playground. He's got a kid with him. It's his "descendant/grandchild" or whatever weird almagation of troll/human family norms. Dave appears markedly young for Karkat who looks in his mid fifties - or the equivalent for a troll. Dave misses him so much. They strike up a chat, waiting for the kids to finish playing. Karkat is a widower now - his spouse died about five years ago. Karkat misses them everyday. And Dave relates.
They share stories about their dead partners, the lives they lived together. Dave asks Karkat out for coffee. And Karkat feels stunned and shy that a hot, young guy would be into an old, fat man like him. Dave insists, and secretly starts to age himself up slowly year by year. Until he looks like Karkat's age, maybe a little older (because he's a bit petty).
After getting over the godhood reveal (and the reincarnation reveal), they get married again when Karkat's grand descendant is old enough to bear witness. They don't stay married for very long. And all too soon, Karkat passes on again.
Because this was a story about immortality, but really - sneakily, it's always a story about mortality - about every other happily wedded after. If someone is lucky, they die with their spouse. But in most stories, there's always someone who leaves first and what comes after. Dave joins the grieving widower support group that Karkat introduced him to. He listens. He learns.
Maybe he'll see Karkat again, some two-three hundred years down the line. Or maybe that was the last. Dave thinks that he's ready to not know. He understands Aradia a little better now.
Denoument - years and years down the line. There's a wall of photos, including the support group that Dave first joined. There's a new group now, full of entirely new faces. They wrap up their session and Dave closes up, whistling a slow tune.
Further down the street, a young troll picks up Dave's whistling. It seems familiar. He turns around and just before we get a description of his face - the story ends.
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nottheeconomy · 18 days
hello! you asked for some hkice doujins not too long ago. here is a one translated in english, unfortunately the other parts lead to dead links but at least the last part to this doujin series is still up, just open the read more page. https://www.tumblr.com/cjelskerlink/28799240699/aph%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C%E5%85%90%E3%81%A8%E3%83%88%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B6%E3%83%BC-part-three-%E9%A6%99%E6%B0%B7?source=share i love hongice! thank u for ur art
And oh my god now that I’ve read that post, I remember reading this before AND IT STILL BREAKS MY HEART INTO PIECES!!!!! (You’ve genuinely made my day thank you so so much)
It’s so ironic how back then, people couldn’t find part 3 and now it’s the complete opposite hahahahaha
If only I had a time machine…! *clenches fist*
I even tried running the links through the wayback machine (no, it sadly didn’t work 🥲)
And! I’m an economy of my word✨ Here’s some hongice sketches from one fan to another as thanks! I’m always happy to feed hongice shippers! (I also needed to draw fluff to ease the pain of the angst hahahahahah)
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Look at them! Together and warm :)
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tim-shii · 1 year
"i remember it all too well" prt. 1
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sypnosis: a reminiscence of a love once cherished
features: bachira, rin, reo, sae, isagi, nagi
a/n: i need to stop playing hsr its consuming almost all hours of my life n e ways here's bllk boys w some lyrics from all to well (10 mins version)(taylor's version) 😧 also ☝ angst is not my forte i apologize if the angst parts seemed off i tried my best 😞 HAHAHAHAHA
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“you almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me”
bachira meguru was an eccentric lover. he likes to have fun and takes you on dates you’d never even expect. one time, during your second date, he took you out to go bungee jumping. you were frozen on the platform for 30 minutes while he was down there, cheering you on with a stupid smile on his face and his phone recording you. 
right now, you guys are on the way home after a day at a cat cafe. they were really cute but their fur all over you was not cute at all. you look out the window, admiring the view as the car sped through the road. you hold back a laugh as you pass by a squirrel falling down a tree with its acorn stuck in the branch. you turn to tell bachira when you notice he’s already looking at you.
“eyes on the road!”
“i got my eye on you.” and to push it further, he points two fingers in your direction. sighing lighty, you shove his face to turn to the road. “you can eye me later if we don’t die.”
bachira whips his head to look at you accusingly. “excuse me?! my driving skills are maxed out, you know. and besides, who’s the one with the license between us, huh? that’s right. me. bachira megu–” “yeah, yeah. shut up.” you try to shush him however that seemed to only seethe him more. more screams of fury and annoyance comes from bachira. you were only seconds away from tuning him out when you saw the traffic light glow red. immediately, you urged bachira to step on the brakes. with the panic in your voice, he abides at once. 
now at a stop sign, deep breaths coming from the two of you fill the vehicle. giggles and laughter following after. “oh my god, stop laughing, meguru.” he halts his laughter. playfully gesturing a zipper over his lips yet the obvious grin on his face gives it away. 
“can we both agree to always keep an eye on the road now?”
“yes, ma’am… got my other eye on you tho.”
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“you taught me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me”
getting into a relationship wasn’t in itoshi rin’s bucket list. or any list really. never did he think that he’ll be here at 3am in the morning, on his bed, with you, and he’s telling you all about him. from the very first time he held a soccer ball to the day sae left for spain. he confided in you, hiding no side of his self and showing you all and even letting you see through him completely.
“so, this is it?” the air was cold. breaking up on a december night? it almost makes him laugh. he’d fight for it but.. what was the point? this is the ending of a lover story. your love story. if he tries to change the ending, who knows what could happen next? you stay with him out of pity? or you get tired and all goes in a circle once more. he stays silent. not uttering one word and maybe that set you off because you dragged a hand down your face. he observes you for the first time in weeks. you look really tired and if letting this end would make you happy then so be it.
he walks past you and that leaves you baffled. so he’s just leaving, you think to yourself. chest aching and hands itching to reach out, but you don’t. because if he’s walking away without a word, what are the chances he’ll hear you out?
“oh god, i never thought it could end up like this.” rin hears you whisper to yourself as he grabs his coat and makes his way to the door. he bites on his lips, urging the tears brimming his eye to not fall. not now. as he strolls through the park, he mutters to himself. “neither did i.” but you weren’t there to hear him. only the moon knows.
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“we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light”
loving mikage reo was unexpected and something you’re grateful for. he’s the best boyfriend one could ever ask for. he fell in love with you at first sight when you took his coffee order at the cafe down the block. the continues to visit the coffee shop with a bouquet of flowers dedicated for you everyday until you give him your number.
cravings at midnight are common. you had them a lot so sneaking out of reo’s arms became something you’re skilled at. tiptoeing towards the fridge, you rummage through every shelf to find something to eat. a yelp escapes you as you felt cold hands slid under your shirt. reo’s laughter breaks your shock, turning to hit him in the chest. that just seems to make him laugh more.
“hi, sweetheart. what are you doing?” he smiles like he did nothing wrong. you scowl at him before turning to rummage through the fridge once again. “i’m hungry. i wanna eat.”
“oh? should we just order then?” reo asks you, pulling out his phone and opening a delivery app.  he was about to click on an item until your hand blocks his phone while you stare him down with a glare. “reo, your fridge is full to the brim. baa-ya even had to push things in the pantry ‘cause there’s no more space!”
“come on, use your inside voice inside the house.” like the smooth man he is, he cuddles you in his arms, swaying the both of you side by side. only to stop when you pinch his side. “ow! what was that for?”
“don’t dance with me when the fridge door is open!”
“but it’s romantic!”
“an overpriced electricity bill isn’t!”
“you’re not even the one paying the bills–ow!”
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likes & reblogs are appreciated !
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