#hahhaaha. and then the overwhelming guilt once Ingo gets to the point in his recovery that he realizes it was NOT fine he was brainwashed
ghostypetrainer · 2 years
i can just imagine if kuroaku gets separated, maybe in a cell. and hes hostile around everyone, but especially elesa and emmet, till the psychic brainwashing fades a bit and he just starts begging to meet with his leader, because his head hurts so much. he thinks he must be being tortured, he cant think outside of the pain.
no one knows what's happening with him, and no one knows how to help.
its something that needs to happen, and even after a few memories surface, he has to go through regular deprogramming, because its easy to rationalize what happened as being for the greater good.
even when he starts to remember being ingo, he keeps defending his captors, because hes still conditioned to believe in them. of course its fine he was brainwashed, he was stupid back then and would have rejected them. hes smarter now, right? he just needs to get back and explain what happened to the leader. hes not gonna to say any secrets, hes not a traitor.
OUCH. That would hurt so much for Emmet and Elesa to watch happen. It's one thing when it's Kuroaku saying those things- they can distance him from Ingo. But when it's Ingo? When it's Ingo that's regurgitating Team Chaos' ideology? That hurts. That's when they realize that the damage is deeper than they could have ever imagined, and that his recovery is going to be a long, drawn out process and not a simple snap back to himself when the influence of the psychic Pokemon is wiped away.
And even before that, seeing him in so much pain as the psychic influence fades away. They're stuck somewhere between not being able to watch and just wanting to hold his hand through the whole thing, even if he is not fully the Ingo they knew yet.
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