cheolshu · 6 years
☼ I wanna be your morning baby, I want you to be my night ☾ - hey if you have time could you tell me which video those gifs are from? :)
it’s from this video :)
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ddonggeun · 6 years
Hey! I study psychology 6h a week in my school and once we learned about dreams. There are three level of your consciousness. First one is when you are conscious of your thoughts, feelings etc., second is pre-consciousness, which are things you "forgot" but can remember again, and last is subconscious. That's where your suppressed feelings are. People "hide" only what could do harm to yourself, so there's the "bad stuff". While you are awake your brain or psyche builds "guards" (1/??)
to keep the “bad stuff” “away” in your subconsciousness. No one not even you have access to your subconsciousness. When you sleep you are not conscious, usually, you do not know what its going around you. When you wake up and I ask you what happend around the time you were asleep you would say you didn’t know bc obviously you had been sleeping. The subconsciousness is activated when we sleep tho. The “guards” are a bit “weaker” and some “bad stuff” comes up. (2/??)
This is not yet explaining how dreams work but I will come to it. Anyway, through your day you see, hear, feel, think about things and so on. Sigmund Freud says our dreams are always build with the information we gain from the day before we fall asleep. Since many theories Freud had were disproved, but Freud still got some things right idk how accurate this is but lets just believe it for now bc there is no alternative theory that would made more sense lol (3/??)
This means: Your dream had something to do with feelings, thoughts and stimuli you gained through the day. Whether it was a memory, a conscious conversation or a subconscious urge/desire. This could lead you to what your dreamt could have meant. But not quite. The “guards” are weak but still active. And anything your subconsciousness “lets out” into your dreams gets masked. Your desires and problems want to be realized by you but they are in disguise. (4 or 5th idk/??)
Which is the reason our dreams are so silly sometimes. Or scary. Or make no sense. Or are just wonderful. A bad or a wonderful dream do not mean what they make us feel. Things that are very important to us can literally appear very small in a dream. Meanings and facts get twisted bc of the disguise method the guards use. So you being scared or concerned could mean the absolute opposite in real life ! Maybe you love your mom and trust her and ofc she would never hurt you - (6/??)
Then why was the presented by a stranger woman ? Then why did you had those scary feelings? - Maybe you have a general fear of other people that are strange to you, social anxiety? Or metaphorically “humans are scary, but my loving mother is just a human, so is the just as scary?” - What if it just means you had problems, were concerned, when you were younger with strangers who are in your family(or not) but then they turned out to be “like your mother” ? (7/??)
Idk what to say about the toothbrush part to, there could be millions of ideas. The only person that could correctly interpreted your dream is you, because you know yourself the best! Just remember the rules, that things are not what they seem to be lol Sorry I cannot help probably, but please don’t be concerned ! Unless you are not in a problem right now. But if you are fine now its okay, because we ALL have “unsolved” things going on in our subconsciousness, its not worrisome. (last message)
okay here one more message, sorry for the spam, but if you felt like you needed to do something right after your dream it could hint on a certain urge or desire, but you need to find out what that is. I dont believe in fortunetelling by dreams, so I dont think anything bad will happen to you even if you dont act upon this urge lol Bc if its really something from your subconsciousness it will occur when it needs to, they don’t just disappear. Good luck with your dream and have a nice day!
waaaaah thank you so much for taking your time to explain this to me!!!! i totally agree that you cant generalize dream symbols because like you said no one can make sense of that except for myself… i feel like this dream thing also have everything to do with how i have been initiate a lot changes in my life recently and these changes arent necessarily things i can talk about freely (not like i cant i just dont know how to talk about that you know what i mean) and because of how i am as a person (i absolutely cant not stay still physically or mentally) i know im not thinking things through but conscious me dont really allow that????? you know how ideally you should double check and proof read before submitting things? but i just write what i think is right out, close the answer booklet and just move on to the next task 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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parandalhayansae · 7 years
"gross misogynistic assholes that can’t be trusted" what personally hurts me is the irony behind such statements. They call others gross,disgusting, assholes and so on,but dont realise how inveterate and everything else than kind and tolerate they sound. It is all about communication. If I have a message I can make everyone love each other if I hate them - this sounds far fetched, but its simple. If you think someone did wrong, by being idk trash in ur opinion, be smarter than you think they are
Exactly. That’s why it makes it harder for me personally to actually pay attention to what those people say: the hypocrisy behind their actions blinds me. They should know better than to call someone they don’t know names just because of their ignorance, that’s not how you get taught to treat people. Also, cyber bullying is taught in middle school at the latest.
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whiteconfession · 7 years
oehhhhhh first off follow our update blog gncd11♥ Then I would advice you to watch their WoollimPick episodes on their vlive channel. If you don’t want to spend 45 minutes+ on an episode I highly recommend you tease yourself with the teasers and the videos posted on Mnet’s second channel♥
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kristian-do · 6 years
When does a view on youtube count? I watched the call call call mv for multiple times now but the view count doesn't change ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
hey there~ hmmm there doesn’t seem to be a “fixed/confirmed” method as to how youtube counts it’s views. sometimes, it can be a lag in the updating of views. usually, if your IP address is tracked and a request is made by an actual computer/user to view the video –> it counts as a view. some videos might need you to watch more than 30sec. 
fansites always advice fans to watch it at full volume, 720p and watch it through without fastforwarding/pausing, so you can try that if you haven’t done so.
actually, just watch it like any normal viewer would, meaning don’t watch it too many times in a row or use multiple browsers, youtube might pick those views up as spam :) 
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