#hailey upton x female reader
iamwhoami · 3 years
You Found Me (Chicago PD)
Chicago PD
Hailey Upton knows that her job is dangerous but never did she think that it could become dangerous for her girlfriend Y/N. Or at least she never hoped it would.
Warnings: Blood...kidnapping, all that jazz
Requested = Yes
The request asked for this to be long but I'm not exactly sure what constitutes as long so I'm just going to drag this on until I can't.
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Obviously, you knew what Hailey's job was. You knew it was dangerous but the risk of Hailey's wellbeing and constantly having to worry about her when she went to work was easily outweighed by the pros of dating her.
It was Hailey Upton after all.
"Be safe okay," You whispered before pecking Hailey on her cheek on her way out.
"You too," Hailey replied and you chuckled.
"Please, I'm a doctor, what's the worst that could happen," You smiled.
Hailey raised an eyebrow, "Don't jinx yourself."
You only shook your head in response, giving Hailey another kiss on the lips on her way out the door.
"I love you," You called and grinned as you leaned your head against the frame of the door, watching Hailey walk down the hall.
"Y/N, there's a patient in four waiting," Maggie told you the moment you walked into the ED.
"I'll be there in a moment," You replied as you fumbled through your bag, "I think I left my hospital ID in my car."
Maggie only shot you a look, "Be quick about it."
You had all intentions of being quick. It was a trip to the car, a grab from the glove department, a trip back to the ED.
That was it.
Or at least, that was all that it was supposed to be.
You felt something was wrong the moment you stepped foot out of the ED but you told yourself that you were just being paranoid. Hailey tried to keep her work as separate as possible from you but that didn't mean that you were completely oblivious to some of her cases.
You told yourself that the gruesome details of Hailey's cases were just playing with your mind and kept walking.
You should have trusted your instincts though. You should have listened to the tiny voice in your head (the one that sounded a lot like Hailey) and just turned around and head back to the
But you didn't, and you were going to regret it.
The last thing you remembered was reaching in through the passenger door to open the glove box when you felt a heavy blow to the back of your head.
Then nothing.
Maggie furrowed her eyebrows when the patient that you were supposed to be seeing complained about how long she had been waiting for a doctor.
"Hey...Nat," Maggie handed the tablet over, "Y/N was supposed to cover this one once she got her ID but the patient's still waiting. You haven't seen her have you?"
Natalie shook her head, "No, I haven't. Sorry..."
Maggie only nodded while Dr. Manning went into the room. Something wasn't right. You weren't one to just completely forget about a patient. If anything, you were the opposite.
Slightly worried, Maggie decided to check where you usually parked the car. Leaving Doris in charge of the ED for the few minutes that she would be gone, Maggie hurried out to the parking lot.
She was confused when she saw that your parking space was empty. You always parked there. Everyone at the hospital knew that it was your spot.
Completely bewildered, Maggie walked closer to the parking spot, her eyes going wide when she saw something on the pavement.
You groaned as you slowly came back to consciousness. Your head hurt like hell but when you tried to reach up to touch it, you realized that your wrists were actually bound together.
As your vision cleared, you noticed just how dark your surroundings were and immediately jumped to the conclusion that you were in a warehouse.
Sure, you totally could have been somewhere else but it seemed like all of the victims who were held captive in Hailey's cases were kept in a warehouse sort of building.
You took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite the dire circumstances. Someone would have noticed that you didn't return to the hospital and the police would find you soon.
And if it was Hailey and Intelligence looking for you, then you would be back in Hailey's arms in no time.
That's what you kept telling yourself.
As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could begin to make out details of your captivity.
Your hands were bound behind your back but your ankles weren't tied whatsoever. You knew better than to struggle against your restraints but you couldn't help but try anyways, sighing when you only ended up tightening them.
Surprisingly, you were alone and so you took the chance to stumble onto your feet as best as you could without the use of your arms and scout out the area.
Maybe your kidnappers were stupid enough to leave you an exit.
Your heart racing, you let out a shaky breath, reminding yourself that panic wasn't going to help and began walking around the perimeter of the space.
"Don't even think about taking me off the case," Hailey deadpanned the moment the door to Voight's office closed.
"You really think it's a good idea for you to be working right now?" Voight raised an eyebrow, "Y/N is your girlfriend!"
Hailey pursed her lips, "I'm aware of that."
"Hailey..." Voight's voice was strangely gentle.
"No," Hailey shook her head stubbornly, "I'm not going to just sit around and wait for someone to bring Y/N back to me and every moment you waste trying to talk me out of this is time wasted on Y/N."
Voight and Hailey both knew that if Voight did bench her, she was still going to search for you, even if it meant going against her sergeant's orders.
"Fine," Voight gruffly agreed, "Go help Halstead go through your past cases. Anyone who might use Y/N as revenge on you."
Hailey gave a short nod and without another word, left the office.
Truthfully, she hadn't processed anything whatsoever, but you were out there somewhere, definitely hurt and that's all that she needed to know.
Of course, she was worried. Worried was an understatement, and once in a while, she'd catch herself thinking about the worst outcomes but stop before it got too far.
She had to stay focused on the task at hand which was to bring you home to her.
This was not the moment to break down.
You walked loop after loop around the space until your head couldn't take it anymore and you crumbled to the ground.
While walking, you had noticed a steel door but there was no way you were getting through it. Especially not with your hands tied.
Lying on the cold concrete floor, you couldn't help but start to think of worst-case scenarios. What if they never found you? What if you died before they got here? What if you never saw Hailey again?
Your thoughts were interrupted though by the sound of footsteps echoing towards the door.
You felt your heart drop and your entire body tense. Was this your kidnapper?
The door suddenly swung open and revealed two men, one significantly taller than the other.
"Well...looks like our doctor here has a little boo-boo," The shorter one snickered at your limp body sprawled on the ground.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from saying something you would regret later.
"I can see why the detective fell in love with her," The taller one joined in, a smirk on his face, "She's quite the catch."
The two men had both crouched down in front of you now and you couldn't help but spit out a remark.
"Fuck off."
"Oh, would you look at that," The tall man smiled sickly, "She's feisty too...just like our detective friend..."
A sudden rush of panic flowed through you as you came up with the theory that they had Hailey too.
"Oh don't worry about her," The shorter man caressed your cheek, making you flinch slightly, "It's much more fun watching her spiral from afar...speaking of fun...I think it's about time we made a call."
Before you could say anything else, the two men got up and left the room and you let out a breath. Besides your head wound, you were uninjured so far and if they were calling Hailey, then it would just give them more clues to who the men were and where you were.
Despite the fear coursing through your veins, you still tried to stay positive and so you just kept telling yourself that you would be out of here in no time.
Hailey's heart nearly leaped out of her chest when she answered her phone.
"Hello detective," A cold voice reached her ear.
Immediately, Hailey flagged the attention of the rest of Intelligence and put the call on speaker.
"You might have already found out that your girlfriend is gone..." The voice droned, "Such a shame, hopefully, she didn't leave you for another woman..."
"You better not hurt her," Hailey clenched her jaw, her stomach churning as she listened to the man's voice come through the phone.
The man laughed, "Who said I took her?"
"We're going to find her," Hailey said, "And we're going to find you."
"Don't be so confident about that," The man was clearly enjoying playing Hailey like this, "Let me loop you in detective, it isn't so fun to have someone take your loved one away from you is it?"
Hailey opened her mouth to respond but the call had already disconnected.
"I think I got something," Jay called out and held up a case folder, "We put a Jameson Greene away a few weeks ago. He's doing hard time and he has two brothers who he lived with...that could be what the caller was referring to when he talked about losing someone you love."
"Hey, look at this," Kim pointed to her screen, "I pulled up street cams and managed to catch Y/N's car...we lose it after a few streets but it is going into the area that Greene lived in with his brothers. Plus, there's plenty of old warehouses around that place."
Everyone turned to look at Voight who gave a nod.
"Suit up," He said and turned around, "I want Patrol on this as well. I want everyone looking for Y/N."
"Your detective sounded pretty sure that she was going to find you," The man stroked your hair and you wanted to puke with each touch.
"That's because she will," You managed to croak out. While you only had a head injury, it was still a head injury that also hadn't stopped bleeding and on top of that, you desperately needed water.
You needed Hailey.
"You sure about that sweetheart?" The sarcasm dripped in his voice and you fought the urge to spit in his face.
"Well, I know she isn't going to stop until she does so yes," You said through gritted teeth, "She will find me."
A smirk formed on the man's face, "We'll just have to wait and see won't we, princess?"
Everyone on the team could see that Hailey was beginning to spiral. After countless door-to-door and dead-end leads, they still hadn't found you and that was taking a toll on Hailey.
"Hey," Jay stopped her before they hit the next house, "You okay?"
"I'll feel better once we find Y/N," Hailey said through gritted teeth and pushed past Jay, continuing to walk.
Jay stepped in front of Hailey, "Look, maybe you should go home...take a breather."
"Absolutely not!" Hailey narrowed her eyes, "I'm not going home until I can bring her home with me."
Jay opened his mouth to press back but was interrupted by Atwater's voice calling out.
"We got something!"
It was beginning to become harder and harder to keep your eyes open and while you were a doctor, it didn't take a doctor to understand that this wasn't a good sign.
"If your detective girlfriend doesn't come soon I'm going to have to call her again," The man snickered, "Maybe I'll have to be more specific...I'll tell her to bring wine too."
You didn't have enough strength to find a comeback as you laid on the ground, your wrists still bound together.
"Princess..." The man's voice broke through your pain, "You better keep your eyes open princess."
"Don't call me that," You breathed out, wincing at how your head throbbed with each word.
The man hummed, "What should I call you then? Would you prefer darling?"
"Chicago PD!"
In an instant, the door flung open and you were suddenly yanked up onto your feet. Despite your semi-conscious state and fuzzy vision, you could still make out the members of Intelligence rushing towards you.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were struggling to say upright long enough for someone to get you away from your captor and the next you could see the wall speeding towards you.
You felt the side of your head smash into a hard surface but before you could register any pain, everything fell black.
When you opened your eyes again, the first thing that you felt was the pounding coming from your head. As your vision cleared though, you realized that you were in a hospital room.
You had been in hospital rooms plenty of times but it didn't take very long for you to notice that you were in this room as a doctor.
"Hey...you're awake."
You didn't need to see who the voice came from to know that it was Hailey. Slowly, you turned your head and were immediately met with those blue eyes.
"You look like hell," You hoarsely croaked out.
"Right back at you," Hailey tried to keep her tone teasing but you could tell that she was holding back a lot.
You spread your arms, "Come here."
Hailey took your offer immediately, melting into your embrace.
"I'm okay," You whispered, "See, I'm okay."
"I know..." Hailey mumbled into your neck, "I know you are. I know the doctors said you were going to be fine I just-"
A sob interrupted Hailey and she buried her face deeper into your neck while you rubbed her back soothingly.
"I told those men that you would find me," You smiled, "See...I'm right as always."
Hailey let out a watery laugh and sat back up so that she could see your face.
"I'm okay Hailey," You lowered your voice, "You found me...everything is going to be okay."
"You were the one kidnapped," Hailey shook her head, "I should be comforting you."
You reached out to take Hailey's hand, "Well, there's plenty time for that too..."
"I was so worried," Hailey rubbed her eyes, "I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we didn't find you."
"Hey...hey, look at me," You squeezed Hailey's hand, "That didn't happen. You did find me and I'm okay and we're going to be okay. It's going to be okay."
Hailey nodded, "I know...it's just..."
"It's just what?" You asked softly.
"I...I couldn't remember if I had told you that I loved you back this morning when I left," Hailey bit her lip, "What if we didn't find you? What was the last thing I told you?"
You breathed out, "Hailey...you don't have to worry about that. You found me. I know you love me. We're okay..."
"Hailey," You cupped your hands on either side of her face, "Everything's okay."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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sande5098 · 2 years
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Kim Burgess x fem. Reader
Summary: Kim asks you to help with a case and you make a big announcement.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1045
Gif not mine*
F/L/n - former last name
“Come on N/n, please we need you for this case. You’re our last hope.” Your Wife begged, and you sighed your frustration through the phone. “Tell me what you need me to do again.”
You had met your wife through a commercial flight that you had done together, her as an Air Hostess and you as the co-pilot, who was also an ex-Air corps pilot. You both hit it off at the bar with one too many drinks and ended up sharing a hotel room since you had both gotten so drunk that you ended up in the same room. And that’s how your relationship began, a couple years after that, you both got married and Kim told you that she wanted a career change. When she told you that she wanted to be a cop, you flipped to say the least. But no matter her choice you accepted it, she was your wife and if she was happy then so were you.
Her career as a cop and your’s as a pilot we’re not easy to work around, but you always made sure to take the same furlough off so you could spend at least a bit of time together.
You hated leaving Kim in Chicago by herself, you also hated leaving without her and not being back in Chicago for a week. And you couldn’t lie that it did put a bit of a strain on your relationship, but you two always came back for each other and that was what counted.
So whenever Kim asked you for a favour, you knew you couldn’t turn it down even if you wanted to and even if it was illegal. The pilot who was supposed to fly them out to New York had a family emergency. “What am I flying then?” You asked just so you would know and what controls it worked on. “It’ll be a Hawker 400XP, you good with that? Or we could always grab one off your friends airline company.” You hummed, while you had never flew one of them you had flew something like it, “no it’ll be okay, when do I need to be there by and where are we flying from and to?” “9 O’clock tonight at Chicago P.D’s Air Field to New York, I’ll have more details for you when we get there.” You nodded and yawned, “best get an early sleep then since I have to be up in two hours, I’ll be on the ground at 8:30pm meet me there, I want to spend a little time with my wife.”
You were at the air field at 8:30 like you had said you would be with your small hand luggage, Kim arrived a little after you and she gave you a peak of the lips. You smiled at her, “last hope then?” Quoting their conversation “get off your high horse Y/n,” she laughed, slapping the back of your head lightly.
You both started walking towards the private jet that would be being used to draw in the criminals that would be doing the meet with the team to give information on a gang fight as long as he was out of state. “You think your ready to take this on?” You gave Kim a look that said, ‘really?’ And she smiled lightly, “yes I’m ready to take this on and meet your co-workers or whatever. Are you ready?” She grinned at you, pushing her soft lips on yours and into an intoxicating kiss. “More than ready, love.”
You smiled back at her as you both continued to walked to the plane.
Whenever you got into the planes cabin, you saw Kim’s co-workers waiting with the suspect, “This is my contact, Y/n.” Kim introduced you, and you smiled, except your eyes met another man’s and you could recognise him anywhere. “Halstead?” You furrowed your eyebrows at the man, “F/L/n? Surprised you remember me from Afghanistan. How’s civilian life treating you?”
You nodded, “The normal, ya know. Would guess it would be about the same for you.” He nodded, and the air became awkward. “F/n, Kim filled me in on the details.” You started, purposely not introducing yourself with your last name. “Sergeant Hank Voight, this is my team. Halstead and Burgess you know apparently. This is Upton, Atwater and Ruzek.” They shook your hand and you smiled back at them. “Pleasure to meet you all. If you don’t mind, can I get started, just want to run the standard checks for fuel and tire’s.” “Voight nodded, if there’s anything you need just talk to Burgess, she’ll get you sorted.” You smiled, “I don’t doubt it.”
When it came time to start making your way towards the runway, you started your general talk that you would on a commercial flight, “good evening people, my name is Y/n Burgess and I will be your captain for tonight.” You were smirking through the introduction and you knew you could hear some commotion in the cabin. “I’ll guess you know all the rules of flying but if you don’t… just read the card in front of you it has all the information you need. Now let’s get this party started.”
As you made your way off the plane, Kim was waiting for you as was the rest of the team. “Burgess really?” You smiled at Jay, “yeah, we’re married” you said, showing your ring to them. Kim showing the one that she kept on a chain round her neck. Adam gaped at Kim, “how long was this a secret for?” Kim shrugged, “like 7 years.” She looked at you for conformation and you nodded. “And to think I tried to get with you..” Adam muttered under his breath, no one paying any attention to him.
Soon enough, you were heading home with Kim’s hand in yours her fingers intertwined with yours. She kissed you quickly as you got to the car and let you sit in the passenger seat, so you both could drive home and head to your soft bed for some much needed together time.
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twistnet · 3 years
all that shines [ hailey upton ]
CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN PROMPT ─ day 22 [ “you’re cute enough to be the tree topper.” ]
WARNINGS ─ female!reader, slight angst -- mentions of insecurities and bad coming out experience, happy ending + general fluff
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the 21st district was holding their annual christmas party, inviting officers and partners alike to celebrate the holiday before a round of work began the next morning. all from intelligence would be attendance, along with their respective partners -- meaning you were inclined to show along side hailey for the night of partying
you had taken the chance to buy yourself a new dress and pair of shoes, something you hadn’t done in awhile but had enjoyed nonetheless when you had snuck out to purchase.
now, it was the night of the event and a small feeling of dread had overcome you. it hadn’t been the dress or the makeup you had applied, but there had just been a feeling that you hadn’t been able to shake all morning. and now, it seemed to be getting worse.
hailey had called out your name, waiting patiently as you around the corner in your dress and heels. she paused, looking you over with a bright smile before meeting your eyes, “you look amazing, baby.” only a frown a few seconds later when you grumble, “be honest, hailey. how do i really look?”
she takes a moment, acting serious before lips break out into another smile, “you’re cute enough to be the tree topper.” she teases, nodding in the direction of the sparkle coming from your dress. she watches as your shoulders slump at her small joke, her hands coming to rest atop your shoulders as the smile drops, “what are you worrying about?”
then, it had clicked. this would mark your first party as a couple, and while you had hailey had been out for years -- whether to close friends or family, she had the inkling that your coming out wasn’t the most loving of experiences for you.
arms loop around your shoulders, pulling you in for a tight hug, “we are partners, meaning we are in this together. if you don’t want to go, we can stay home and i can love you til the end of time. or, if you want to go to the party, i am more than happy to stick by your side all evening and showing you how amazing you.” feeling you nod against her shoulder, she smiled. turning to press a quick kiss to your temple as you stood back from her, brushing the dust from your dress as you grabbed your bag.
“are you ready to go?” she smiles, hand moving to cup your cheek gently as you nod. leaning forward, her lips press against yours. an outpour of love melting into the kiss as her thumb brushes against your cheek. you separate for air, your smile matching hers as fingers lace together and she tugs you toward the door.
there is a brief moment where you thanked the universe the someone like hailey as she guided you toward her truck. all smiles as she got the inside heated before heading towards the precinct. you were just happy to call her yours.
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reelwriter19 · 4 years
(Kevin Atwater x Original Female Character)
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*Not my gif*
Kevin finds it hard to protect what's his when the past comes back to haunt him and his wife.
Moonlight & ambient noise from the city streets several stories below filled the room. Both of you barely dressed, Kevin’s large muscular frame rested comfortably on top of you in the bed. Having just made love for the first time in weeks, neither one of you wanted to move from this space. He kissed you right above your collarbone, which still managed to make you quiver in all the right places. You gently traced circles along his back and finally decided it was time to break the silence.
“What’s wrong?”
He shifted to place his lips slightly lower on your chest as a distraction. While leaving gentle kisses.. “Everything’s...fine..Bianca..”
Finding it difficult to concentrate and not cave in to another round of passion, you immediately put his head in your hands to get his attention. Motioning for him to move so you could sit up straight, readjusting the sheets over your bare chest as he rolls on to his back, clearly annoyed. Play time was over.
“Kevin, I’m serious. I know something happened. You've been distracted, almost nervous, all week. Then tonight..you were different. I can’t describe it but you know I’m right.”
Kissing your hand, he realized in this moment that honesty with you was the only way. You were his wife after all, the person he loved more than anyone and would do anything to protect. He finally sat up, back towards you, facing the wall. You waited anxiously for words to come out of his mouth.
“It’s Damien. He’s back in Chicago.”
This sentence instantly shot chills down your spine. Kevin turned around to take you in, evaluating your mental state after hearing this news. Tears welling up in your eyes.
“How is that possible? I thought...what??”
“He popped up last week. We were working the case. Burgess was under with Upton at this little hole in the wall in Pilsen and he showed up at their meet.
“Did he see her? Is she ok?”
“She’s fine babe. Kim thought she might get made so she dipped out really quickly & let Hailey finish the deal. Voight & I have had a security detail on you ever since.”
You were now panicked and obviously upset that this news was kept from you. “You’ve what?! Don’t you think that’s something I should’ve known?! Oh my God.”
You jump out of bed sheet in tow, now pacing the floor. Kevin, knowing the bombshell he’d just dropped gives you another minute to process before he’s up and off the bed behind you.
Taking your face in his hands, the deepest sincerity in his heart, “B, look at me. I will NEVER let that piece of shit touch you again. Do you hear me? I know I should’ve told you, but I didn’t want you worried, especially without me being here for so long. I gotchu... You’re safe with me.” Kissing your forehead & wiping away your tears.
“I know. I know I am. I just thought this was all over. I don’t want my mess affecting Intelligence. If anything happened to Kim or you because of my past…”
Now sobbing, Kevin wraps you in his reassuring arms, with a steely look of determination to protect his world on his face.
Morning came, and you were startled awake by the sound of Kevin’s phone ringing. You heard the shower running in the next room so you reached to answer it with a groggy hello.
“Hi Hank.”
“Bianca, how you holdin’ up kiddo?”
Hank had become like family to you rather quickly. Your case was special. Damien was a long time predator he and Al had been trying to capture for years. When Hank found you 6 years ago, beaten, bloodied and half conscious, he made it his duty to look after you, especially seeing that you had no relatives in a new city. You were there with him through it all...Justin’s disappearing acts, Al’s passing, which eventually led to you meeting and falling in love with Atwater.
“I thought he was dead. How is he back? Why is he back?”
“I’m doing everything in my power to figure that out, Bianca. Don’t you worry about this ok? We’re gonna get this prick.”
Nothing anyone said could completely reassure you in this moment, but you nodded in agreement anyway.
“Yeah...Kev’s in the shower. I’ll have him call you back.”
You hang up the phone and get out of bed, looking for something to throw on. You find an oversized hoodie of your husbands and a pair of shorts.
You exit the bedroom just as Kevin emerges from the bathroom, towel around his waist.
“Hey...I was gonna wear that today.”
Completely deadpan, “It looks better on me.”
As he walks towards the kitchen to greet you, “You’re right about that. Good morning.”
Attempting to plant a kiss on your cheek, you show zero emotion & continue to prep your cup of tea.
He shakes his head but decides to give you your space and heads to the bedroom to get dressed.
Standing at the threshold of your bedroom door, tea in hand you boldly say, “I want you to put me under.”
Kevin stops in his tracks, as if he’s spotted Bigfoot buying a Venture card on the green line. Pulling his shirt the rest of the way over his head.
“Put you under what??!”
“You know what I mean. Undercover, Kevin. You know I’m part of the reason he’s back in Chicago. He didn’t get what he wanted from me before Voight found me that night. His usual pattern was completely thrown off. I want to help. I need to help catch him.”
Kevin storms passed you in to the living room. You follow.
“HELL NO. Are you joking?! You want us to damn near put you in the hands of the man who almost took you from me, before I got a chance to have you?! Absolutely not.”
You walk towards him softly. Knowing this will be a hard battle to win, you sit in front of him on a chair as he leans against the wall.
“Baby...it’s taken years for me to feel safe in my own skin again. You did that for me. Hank looking after me, leading me to you. This life that we’ve built is the greatest gift I could’ve ever gotten. And now you’re telling me that someone is threatening what we’ve worked to create? I can’t just stand and watch while you guys, my family, puts themselves in harms way for me. I have to do something.
A few weeks had gone by and Intelligence still had no leads in their investigation. It was almost as if Damien Charles had never resurfaced...until the team got an alert that a young woman was found dead in an abandoned warehouse, brutally assaulted. They had no real proof, as Damien was very careful, but it was definitely his MO. Kevin was on edge and pissed at you, somehow believing that shutting you out would stop you from getting your way. Knowing your husband wouldn’t budge, you decided to go to Hank to convince him to use you as bait to catch Damien. He reluctantly obliged.
Night fell on the 21st. Upton and Burgess were prepping your phone with a tracking device while Ruzek and Halstead checked weapons and started to vest up. You were nervous, but Kim kept reminding you to take deep breaths. “We’ll be with you the whole time.”
“I know, I just wish Kevin…”
Hailey chimed in, handing you your phone, “Trust me, he’ll come around Bianca. It’s in their nature to want to protect us, but sometimes it’s up to us to take that power back ourselves.”
Kevin was upstairs in the locker room wreaking havoc on anything that wasn’t pinned down. Hank, hearing the commotion from down the hall, rushed in to see who had lost their mind.
“Kevin! Kevin!”
“How could you let her do this man?! I’m her husband! You don’t get to make that kind of decision for her.”
“Neither do you, Kev. This was her choice, do you understand? No matter how much either of us wants to catch this scumbag, she wants him gone a whole lot more. She’s stronger than you think. Now you have a choice. You either hang back, mad at the world or you gear up and back Bianca...back this team.”
Back downstairs, having settled in on the choice you’d made, “Ok, let’s do this.”
As the three of you were headed out of the room to join the others, Kevin walked in. Kim touched his shoulder in an attempt to reassure him as she walked away. You wanted to find solace in his familiar embrace, but you knew it was pointless. The walls were up. He walked towards you and you immediately noticed the tears in his eyes. “Kev…” Grabbing your hand and leaving a kiss on your frontal lobe, he quickly wiped his face and walked out to join the others.
It was a typical undercover mission, except this time, the stakes were much higher. You and Upton walked into the crowded club, dressed as if you were ready to party. The intel the team gathered tracked Damien at this same location several days in a row looking for his next victim. The rest of the team were scattered throughout the room or on surveillance outside the main entrance. This was one of those cases where justice was decided by Voight and his team, no judge or jury necessary.
You spot him almost immediately. Tapping Hailey on the arm, she reports back to the group, “We have eyes on Damien. He’s at the bar talking to a young woman.”
Hailey turns to you and for a moment, you can’t even remember your own name.
“Bianca, you ready? You good?”
“Yes. I’m ready.”
Morphing into a drunken party goer ready to have more fun, you make your way to the bar.
Halstead distracts the woman Damien is speaking to, saving her from imminent danger.
As Damien walks away, pissed that he had to ‘let that one go’ he spots you. A beautiful & familiar face. You’ve changed over the years, but a vulture never forgets its uneaten prey. You’re nervous as hell. More thoughts run through your mind than you can handle at once, but for now, you must push them aside.
No sooner than you spotted him, Damien disappeared into the crowd. You called Kim as a cover while you began to look around. “Hey girlie! I thought you were supposed to meet me tonight? I don’t see you!”
Kim responds on the other line…”Keep talking, Jay is checking the bathroom. He couldn’t have gone far.”
You spot Kevin on the stairwell on the other side of the club. Everything will be fine….
The fire alarm sounds.
Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your neck.
A look of panic on Kevin’s face in the distance is the last thing you see as the cell phone slips from your hands.
Everything goes BLACK.
Chaos has ensued in the club. The alarm continues to blare, sprinklers shooting out water, and people running in every direction. Voight radios in as he and Ruzek are covering the perimeter, trying to calm down the frantic crowd. “Hailey, talk to me! Is everyone ok in there?!”
Kevin has bolted down the stairs, pushing his way through the crowd as he sees Damien pick you up and drag you out a backdoor. “B!! Bianca!!” It’s as if he’s trying to run in quicksand. As Kevin finally makes it to the back door, Burgess, who isn’t far behind spots your phone on the floor. She blots out after Kevin who is racing to his car. They get in, Kevin, not saying a word, speeding down the block trying not to lose you. Kim radios the team.
“Sarge, Damien has Bianca! We’re headed the wrong way down Parkside Ave in pursuit of a late model gray pick up truck. Tags are Indiana custom DG ...L16. We’re making a right on to George St. now!”
“We’re coming!! Don’t lose them!”
The high speed chase through the streets of Chicago continues as the rest of the team joins Atwater and Burgess. Atwater loses sight of the truck for what seems like an eternity. Ruzek radios Kim… “I just pulled up at the warehouse. I see the truck.”
Kevin picks up speed, gripping the wheel even tighter, “Copy that. Tell him we’re 5 mins out.”
You begin to come out of your fog. The dark room Damien has you in smells like mildew and death, yet in weird contrast, you’re lying on a mattress with fresh white sheets. Damien, not realizing that you’ve woken up, is in the corner at a table pouring wine and gathering instruments. You scan the room looking for anything to use as a weapon. Fear takes over as he walks towards the bed. You pretend to still be in a daze.
Scanning your body, then touching your face… “Wow. You’re more beautiful than I remember, darling. I’ve been waiting for this chance to be with you again.” He sits you up, started to touch you more, now looking down your shirt.
“Please, don’t…” Before you can get the words out of your mouth, his hand is around your neck. Gasping for air, tears start to stream down your face.
“DON’T act like you don’t want this! Hank Voight stole our chance at happiness years ago. And he thought he had me, but now is our time.”
As Damien leans in to connect his lips with yours, the sound of metal hitting pavement resounds in another area of the warehouse stopping him. He loosens his grip on you allowing just enough time for you to lunge for the bottle of wine and swing it hard against his skull.
“KEVIN!!!!!!” You scream, as you quickly scramble out of Damien’s grip. Racing towards the door, your realize that it’s locked from within. As you begin to pound on the door, Damien slowly starts to move closer to you. “KEVIN!!!! HANK!!! Please...down here!!”
Had the noise you heard a few minutes prior been a false alarm? Did you make a mistake? Damien’s disorientation and head gushing with blood give you time to look around the room for another way out, but nothing. With a newfound burst of energy, he lunges towards you like the madman that he is now pinning you against the wall. You fight him off with every ounce of strength you have.
Moments later in true Atwater fashion, the door to your current prison swings open. Without any hesitation, Kevin grabs Damien and tosses him yards across the room. He stands over his exhausted body and begins to pummel his face like a boxing bag. Ruzek rushes in to stop him.
“Kev! Kev! We got him man! We got him.”
Snapping back to reality, Kevin turns his attention back towards you, crouched down near the door crying. Voight and the rest of Intelligence are now in the room. They stand in utter disbelief that this madness has finally come to an end.
Without saying a word, Kevin comes down to your level and begins to gently kiss every inch of your tear-filled face as if there’s healing in his touch….you’ve always known that there is.
You wrap your arms around him as he carefully lifts you up off the floor. You’ve never felt more relieved in all your life.
Voight, clearly broken up at seeing you in this state, puts a hand on Kevins shoulder. “Make sure you get her over to Med. We’ll clean up here.”
Fully leaning on your husband for support, the two of you exit the room.
Kevin hadn’t left your side since being admitted into the hospital two days ago. He was planted in the chair beside you.
“Do you need anything babe?”
Touching his cheek to reassure him, despite the IV in your arm. “I’m ok, thank you.”
Dr. Halstead walks into the room to check in. “Bianca, we got all of the test results back. The syringe he used to sedate you wasn’t contaminated, and everything else is cleared. You’ll be able to go home today.”
Kevin gets up to shake his hand. “Thank you man. Seriously, thank you.”
“Of course. Bianca take it easy ok? Try to hold off on being a hero for a while.”
With a smile, “I’ll try. Thanks Will”
Will walks out. Voight walks in.
He and Kevin hug.
“Hey Sarge.”
“How’s our patient doing?”
“I get to leave today.”
“Ok! That’s great. Oh look at those balloons.”
Kevin chuckles, “Yeah, everyone stopped by yesterday.”
Voight walks closer to the bed like a proud father and takes your hand. “I’m really proud of your kiddo.” You squeeze his hand in acknowledgement, knowing that for Voight that sentence translated into ‘I love you and I couldn’t bear it if we lost you.’
Voight starts to walk out of the room and Kevin follows.
“Yo Sarge, are we good? You know.”
“He’s gone. Forever this time. Ruzek and I took care of it for you.” With a pat on Kevin’s chest, Voight looks back at you one more time and leaves.
Kevin makes his way back into the room. You sit up a bit, still weak and reach for him.
“Everything ok?”
“Everything’s perfect, B. Everything’s perfect.”
He kisses you as if there’s no one else in the world besides the two of you. His world has been set right once again.
“Let’s get you home.”
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slytherbun · 3 years
character list
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note: i usually write as female reader but i’m now accepting male reader and gender neutral. <3
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↬ one chicago
─ jay halstead
─ adam ruzek
─ hailey upton
─ kevin atwater
─ kim burgess
— erin lindsay
— antonio dawson
─ kelly severide
─ matthew casey
─ leslie shay
─ sylvie brett
─ stella kid
─ violet mikami
─ evan hawkins
─ connor rhodes
─ ethan choi
↬ criminal minds
─ spencer reid
─ aaron hotchner
─ luke alvez
─ emily prentiss
─ jj jareau
─ derek morgan
─ penelope garcia
─ tyler green
─ elias volt
↬ prison break
─ michael scofield
─ lincoln burrows
─ fernando sucre
↬ wizarding world
─ draco malfoy
─ cedric diggory
─ theodore nott
─ remus lupin
─ sirius black
─ james potter
─ lily evans
─ sebastian sallow
↬ outer banks
─ jj maybank
─ rafe cameron
─ sarah cameron
─ pope heyward
─ john b
─ kiara carrera
↬ twilight
─ jasper hale
─ edward cullen
─ emmett cullen
─ charlie swan
↬ law & order - svu
─ rafael barba
─ sonny carisi
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar
─ evan buckley
─ eddie diaz
─ tk strand
─ judson ryder
─ carlos reyes
─ owen strand
↬ stranger things
─ steve harrington
─ max mayfield
─ robin buckley
─ billy hargrove
─ eddie munson
─ jim hopper
─ mike wheeler
─ eleven/jane hopper
─ nancy wheeler
─ dustin henderson
─ lucas sinclair
─ will byers
↬ the rookie
─ tim bradford
─ lucy chen
─ angela lopez
─ wesley evers
─ john nolan
─ bailey nune
↬ the summer i turned pretty
─ jeremiah
─ conrad
─ steven
─ taylor
─ belly
↬ last of us part i & ii
─ joel miller
─ ellie williams
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─ matthew gray gubler
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poly with reader
warning: some ships can be mfm, fmf, ffm, mmf, fff, or mmm. please clarify when you request if you choose differently then my selection below.
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↬ one chicago poly
─ adam x kevin x reader
─ adam x kim x reader
─ jay x hailey x reader
─ jay x kim x reader
— jay x erin x reader
— kim x hailey x reader
─ kevin x kim x reader
— antonio x sylvie x reader
— jay x kelly x reader
─ matthew x kelly x reader
─ kelly x shay x reader
─ stella x kelly x reader
─ stella x sylvie x reader
─ violet x evan x reader
↬ criminal minds poly
─ spencer x aaron x reader
─ spencer x luke x reader
─ hotch x emily x reader
─ emily x jj x reader
─ penelope x luke x reader
─ spencer x aaron x luke x reader
─ penelope x tyler x reader
↬ prison break
─ michael x lincoln x reader
─ michael x sucre x reader
─ michael x sucre x lincoln x reader
─ michael x sara x reader
↬ wizarding world poly
─ draco x theo x reader
─ remus x sirius x reader
─ james x lily x reader
─ remus x sirius x james x reader
↬ outer banks poly
─ jj x rafe x reader
─ jj x pope x reader
─ jj x john b x reader
─ sarah x john b x reader
─ sarah x kiara x reader
─ jj x kiara x reader
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar poly
─ evan x eddie x reader
─ tk x carlos x reader
─ judd x grace x reader
↬ stranger things poly
─ steve x robin x reader
─ steve x billy x reader
─ steve x eddie x reader
─ steve x nancy x reader
─ mike x eleven/jane x reader
─ nancy x robin x reader
─ max x eleven/jane x reader
─ max x lucas x reader
─ max x mike x reader
─ dustin x lucas x reader
─ will x mike x reader
↬ the rookie poly
─ tim x lucy x reader
─ angela x wesley x reader
─ john x bailey x reader
↬ the summer i turned pretty poly
─ jeremiah x conrad x reader
─ jeremiah x conrad x steven x reader
─ jeremiah x belly x reader
─ conrad x belly x reader
─ steven x taylor x reader
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coming soon
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hereforhalstead · 4 years
 Lucky Girl
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: No.
• Warnings: Mention of drugs, smut implied
• Summary: The unit tease you after a witness flirts with Jay but you’re trying to keep your relationship a secret. Jay reminds you you’re the only one he wants.
• Words: 3076.
Hope you enjoy!
It had been a long week of bringing down a known drug dealer in a local warehouse in Chicago, Voight had asked you all to come in on your day off to finalize the paperwork and log the evidence.
You were currently sat at your desk by the breakroom, mind preoccupied by thoughts of last night activities with Jay. Staring at your screen, completely zoned out, you came crashing back into reality when you felt a piece of paper hit your face.
“Coffee? It’s my turn to do the run” Jay asks, smirk spread across his lips from the shot of his throw
“Well, I think I’m owed one now” you throw the piece of paper back at him, earning a wink from your partner 
“Not that you’ve asked us but I’ll do a double espresso with a chocolate muffin and I know Kim will want an iced macchiato with extra foam and a croissant, Ruzek’s pretty easy and will just have a cold brew with a splash of milk and Upton will have her usual americano with a pump of hazelnut syrup, thanks man” Jay rubs his hand along his jawline in response to Kevin’s list for the rest of the team
“Yeah yeah, uh” he grabs for the pad on the table in front of him “Obviously I’ll remember that exactly but just to be sure, you wanna write it down for me?” Jay tosses the pad over to Atwater who scribbles down the orders with an eye roll and shake of his head 
Adam chuckles and glances over at you, currently reading over your file “So we have to hook up with you to get you to remember our coffee order?” you snap your eyes up from the paper and catch Kim snickering at her desk opposite yours 
“He’s gotta offer some advantages” your amused tone matches his, taking him by surprise. “Damn” Hailey whispers under her breath but you can’t miss the smile she’s currently hiding under her hand
“On that note, I’ll be back shortly” Jay snatches the paper from Kevin and heads down the stairs out of the district. “Also, not sure why you looked at me when you said that” you acknowledge, returning to your paperwork 
Adam taps your desk as he strolls past, heading for the whiteboard that’s still covered in photos and maps from the bust “Not pointing fingers Y/N, just a simple observation. It happens to be my job” he raises his eyebrows and you try to suppress an eye roll, not wanting to give into him and the team.
You and Jay had been, how would you describe it? Turning to each other in your hour of need for a few months. What started as a once every other week soon developed into a much more regular occurrence, now becoming a natural habit to be staying at his a few nights a week and getting that all too familiar feeling of threat if another female even looked in his direction. Some may say jealousy, you say being ‘aware of your surroundings’.
The noise of keyboards clicking and phone call muffles fills the quiet district, everyone eager to get the work done so they can leave at a reasonable time.
Your heart picks up as you hear footsteps coming up the stairs, telling yourself it’s because you’re looking forward to the coffee Jay was bringing back for that much needed caffeine boost, not for the reason of seeing his cheery face to bring you comfort.. Definitely not the second one. 
The disappointment kicks in as a female around your age reaches the top of the stairs and shuffles her way over to Ruzek’s desk.
You glance over to Kim’s desk who is now shooting daggers at the pair, she widens her eyes at you and you shrug your shoulders and purse your lips in sarcasm. Due to the quiet room and the fact Adam’s desk was close to yours you could hear the conversation loud and clear.
“I live next to the warehouse you busted yesterday and I just wanted to come by and say thank you” you couldn’t help but notice the flirty tone of her voice, now having worked with the unit for a while you were used to the way girls acted around them and it never failed to entertain you. 
“You’re welcome” Kim speaks up from her desk, leaning her head on her hand and clicking her pen, trying to send a subtle hint to the girl.
She pulls a bakery bag out of the tote on her shoulder and Atwaters eyes light up “Had to pass a fresh cake stall on my way here so thought I'd pick some up to show my appreciation, thanks to you I now feel safe at home and I’ll never be able to thank you enough but I know everyone loves cakes so” she holds up the bag and the sweet smell instantly fills the room.
“Thanks, you can just put them over there. We’re very busy so” you can’t help but laugh at Kim’s blunt tone to the poor girl and the grimace currently on Ruzek’s face. “Right” she murmurs and places the bag on the desk next to Adam’s.
 “There was one more thing actually, the Detective who was there yesterday collecting evidence” your ears immediately zone in, knowing she was referring to Jay.
“Halstead?” Hayley questions from the other side of the room, you pull a file from your desk draw and sling your feet up on your desk, pretending not to be involved with the conversation. 
“Yeah, I think that’s the one. Short dark hair, stubble and nice muscles..” she trails off “Incredibly good looking?” she asks, the sink in your stomach becoming harder to ignore.
The fact you and Jay hadn’t really had the conversation about what was going on between you always had you on edge in these situations, never knowing the right way to act. “Would you happen to know if he’s single or seeing anyone?” 
There it is, your stomach felt like it was on the floor, desperately trying to act cool as you try and focus on the paper. Words just becoming jumbled due to the fact you’re paying zero attention to them at this point, your only hope of an easy getaway being if the floor could swallow you up.
Atwater exhales and nods his head towards you “Y/N?” he calls out “Would you happen to know if Jay’s seeing anyone?” you tilt your head and avoid eye contact 
“Sorry I wouldn-” you were cut off by the man himself strolling up the stairs into the room, confused look on his face as everyone glares at him. “I thought I was pretty quick?” he holds the cup holders containing the coffee’s up in defense, bag of pastries on his wrist.
“I’m gonna go and see if that evidence has been logged yet” Kim announces and stands up from her chair “You wanna come and help?” she asks Hailey as she passes her desk
“Sure” she agrees, following in Kim’s trail out of the room “anything to get out of this situation” you look up to see her bantering comment being matched with the smile and elevated eyebrows staring down at you
Jay hands Adam his coffee and notices the bag of treats on the table “Ah man, who beat me?” he questions, also handing Atwater his drink 
“That would be me” the girl flicks her hair over her shoulder and you instantly feel like vomiting, the second hand embarrassment overwhelming you.
Jay walks over to your desk and faces you to hand you your drink “Actually Halstead, this lovely lady was just wondering if you’re currently seeing anyone?” you meet Jay’s gaze and take the drink from his grasp, sensing his panic just from his sudden change in body language as he turns back to face Adam and the girl 
He clears his throat and reaches up to rub his hand on the back of his neck, followed by a nervous smile “Actually, I am seeing someone” the speed at which Adam and Kevin whip their heads round to you, you’re surprised they didn’t pull a muscle.
 “That isn’t a surprise” the girl bows her head and grins “Worth a try though” she adds and places her bag back on her shoulder. The amount of self control it takes to not respond to Jay’s comment, should earn you an award.
You know for a fact he isn’t seeing anyone else apart from you so the fact he’s talking about you makes you do mental jumps for joy, your exterior still being covered in a stern look.
“Sorry” Jay shrugs his shoulders “Well no matter who it is, tell her she’s a lucky girl” you internally groan, has she not got the hint and left already?.
“I’m sure whoever it is it feeling very smug right now” Kevin remarks and starts to head towards the corridor by his desk “Not that we know who it is of course” he adds and dramatically exits, turning to give you a wink as he walks off
Adam places his drink on his desk and stands up from his seat “Here, let me walk you out” he gestures towards the stairs “Well it was nice meeting you both” she calls out and waves, you force a smile and nod
“The pleasure was truly ours, let’s hope you don’t have to come back here” Jay snaps his head to you and Adam awkwardly coughs
 “What? I just mean I hope you stay safe so you don’t need the police for any reason” you defend yourself and Jay subtly shakes his head, the corners of his mouth slightly twitching. 
“Thanks, I appreciate that” you feel a bit bad for being short with her, your brain not thinking of the words before spitting them out but come on - can she not leave already to put an end to this hell of a situation.
Once Adam and the girl disappear down the stairs, it just leaves you and Jay in the room by yourselves. He walks round to your side of the desk and sits himself on the edge, you return to your paperwork, hoping this would make you somewhat invisible. 
Jay reaches down and takes the file out of your hand, you look up at him about to make a remark but being met with a look of smugness was not what you expected.
“What?” you innocently question “What do you mean ‘what’?” he challenges, putting the file on the desk next to him “You basically just slapped that girl” he leans forward, putting his arm across your legs.
“No I never, I was very nice to her. She seems lovely” you swallow your pride, slightly patronizing tone laced in your voice. 
He scoffs but still reflecting the confidence he was feeling “All she did was ask if I was single and you bit her head off” he throws his arm back to gesture where she was just standing 
You swing your legs off the desk and stand up from your chair, heading towards the desk Jay put your file on “Don’t know what you’re talking about” you innocently respond 
You’re suddenly stopped in your tracks, Jay’s hand gripping your waist to keep you stood in front of him. 
“Y/N, are you jealous?” as much as you admire him, the mixed feelings you get from seeing this smug and cocky side to him sets something off in you.
Neither one of you had really been in this position before to see how the other responds, now you’ve learnt first hand you never want it to happen again. 
The thoughts rattling your brain along with the overwhelming jealously still brewing throughout your body is mirrored as all you can do is cross your arms and mumble a ‘no’
You’d think he would’ve had enough fun on his high horse and gotten over it by now but nope, he was determined to make the most of it “Really?” he questions and runs his arms up and down your sides, pulling you closer to him inbetween his legs.
 “If I was single I think me and her make quite a good couple, shame I didn’t get her name” the squeeze on your waist indicates just how much he was enjoying himself, taking full advantage of this side of you he hadn’t seen yet to his knowledge - proving how well you’d hidden it in the past.
Taking note of the two of you still being the only ones in the room you decide to have a little fun of your own. You uncross your arms and place them on his thighs, still on the corner of your desk “It’s an awful shame I’m not single too” Jay tenses his posture, taken back by your sudden change in demeaner.
“When we went back to get the photos her brother was there, he was pretty hot” you bite your lip, tilting your head in thought. “We could’ve double dated” your confident and smug partner clasping at your waist, slowly being defeated.
��As you say though, neither of us are single so” he puffs his chest and you reach up to place your hands on his broad shoulders “It’s too bad you’re seeing someone” you slowly move your hands from his shoulders to the top of his arms, giving them a light squeeze. 
You edge forward into him, not an inch of space between the two of you “Was really hoping to get you into my bed tonight” you innocently confess.
“As she said, whoever it is must be a lucky girl” the feeling of pride for flipping the situation onto him was giving you a new sense of courage which you very much enjoyed.
Withdrawing yourself from his grasp and picking the file up from the desk, you moved to take a sip of your coffee from the straw in the cup, Jay’s eyes were glued to you as he watched your every move whilst being stuck in his position. 
“Where did everyone go?” Kim breaks the heavy tension as she returns with Hailey, perfect timing if you say so yourself “Adam’s downstairs flirting with that girl and Kev’s helping a witness wrap up their statement” Jay explains, shifting to stand over you.
 “I’ve just got a call from a CI for a potential lead on another case, would you mind doing Y/N’s file so she can come with me?” you look up in confusion at your partner who passes the file to a baffled Hailey “Uh, sure”. You watch as they both head back to their desks and continue their previous conversation.
Before you can even speak Jay scribbles a note on the pad on your desk 
‘Locker room - 2 minutes’
He proceeds to stand up and head for the door without saying a word, Hayley and Kim still in deep conversation therefore not having a clue to any of this. You shuffle some papers on your desk and pretend to look busy “I’m gonna go and see if Kev needs any help, he’s been a while” you confess, standing from your desk and following in Jay’s footsteps and entering the lockeroom
You’re met with Jay leaning against the end bank of lockers, your body suddenly feeling like it’s on fire. The power this man has over you cannot be explained, making you go from feeling confident and having the upper hand to now weak at the knees and struggling to take steps towards him.
“You think you’re clever?” he keeps his head down, picking at some fluff on his shirt “I don-” you’re cut off by a deep chuckle from Jay who’s now walking towards you.
 “You knew what you were doing, I caught you out for being jealous and you decided to spin it back on me” you feel yourself being backed up, eventually being trapped between the door and Jay’s dominant figure over you.
One hand on the wall, the other reaches to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, the way your body reacts by freezing is new to you. He’s never had this power over you in this way before but the rush you felt was exhilarating
“Proud of yourself for that baby?” he cocks his eyebrow and that was it. Those 6 words had you under the thumb, any strength you had was now completely gone.
“How about I remind you of the reason you’re not single and why you’re that lucky girl everyone keeps mentioning” he leans in to plant kisses along your collarbone, you can’t help but moan quietly but not quiet enough as you feel him smile against your skin.
 “The reason you struggled to walk to the shower this morning, the reason you were occupied with thoughts of last night whilst you were supposed to be doing work” he adds
Your fingers automatically run through his hair as he moves to trace your jawline with his free hand. “You said you wanted me in your bed tonight but honestly, I’m not gonna be able to wait until then” he whispers in your ear, pressing a kiss to the skin below it.
“Say the word and I promise it wont be 10 seconds before any memory of that brother is gone out of your mind forever. He’s not worth your time like I am” you seem to regain a flash of confidence as you move to wrap your arm round his neck and the other to run down his chest.
“Prove it” you taunt, knowing full well what you’ve just set off. He closes the gap between you, hands suddenly at your hips, lips on yours with a chaste kiss and mischevious wink  “Challenge accepted”
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elenarodriiguez · 3 years
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febuwhump masterlist
well i did it - 28 fics in as many days (and yes i did burn myself out in the process!) totalling to almost 34000 words! i don’t quite know how i did it, but i did & that’s the main thing! so in case you missed any, here’s a list:
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head wound | chicago pd | hailey upton x reader | 1054
failed rescue attempt | chicago fire | stella kidd x reader | 1333
blood loss | chicago pd | kim burgess x jay halstead (burgstead) | 1168
nightmares | criminal minds | penelope garcia x reader | 613
“let me see” | agents of shield | bobbi morse x reader | 951
natural disaster | chicago pd | vanessa rojas x hailey upton (upjas) | 1742
“i dreamt you were alive” | chicago fire | leslie shay x female!reader | 1129
no anaesthesia | chicago med | crockett marcel x sarah reese (sockett) | 1364
kidnapped | chicago pd | kim burgess x jay halstead x hailey upton (burgtonstead) | 1214
“how long has it been?” | agents of shield | daisy johnson x reader | 938
“i’ll never forgive you” | marvel | sharon carter x reader | 906
spiked drink | chicago med | sarah reese x connor rhodes (rheese) | 1884
won’t regain consciousness | chicago fire | matt casey x hallie thomas (mallie) | 1290
can’t go home | hawkeye | kate bishop x maya lopez (bishpez) | 1132
hidden scars | agents of shield | leo fitz x daisy johnson (fitzdaisy) | 1143
"does that hurt?" | chicago fire | sylvie brett x reader | 685
self-inflicted wound | chicago pd | jay halstead x reader | 1066
forced to watch | chicago pd | erin lindsay x reader | 1844
black eye | agents of shield | melinda may x reader | 759
shrapnel | chicago pd | greg "mouse" gerwitz x jay halstead (moustead) | 2322
help them | chicago fire | matt casey x reader | 679
restrained | chicago fire | matt casey x stella kidd x kelly severide (stellaridesy) | 1512
"don't leave!" | chicago med | ava bekker x sarah reese (reesker) | 2590
too weak to move | swat | chris alonso x reader | 982
muffled screams | eternals | druig x makkari (drukkari) | 1060
"please don't do this" | private practice | cooper freedman x charlotte king (charcoop) | 950
shower breakdown | agents of shield | daisy johnson x elena rodriguez (quakeshot) | 677
presumed dead | criminal minds | elle greenaway x spencer reid (reidaway) | 888
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Jay Halstead x Female OC
Synopsis: The Morales family is Chicago Police Royalty which Katie Morales knows all too well as the youngest and only daughter of the Bureau Chief of Detectives, the younger sister of a decorated detective and the granddaughter of a former CPD Superintendent. A former Afghan Vet, she joins her old family friend, Hank Voight’s unit and meets Jay Halstead, a man she didn’t know would change her life.
Summary: Canon-Divergent, Eventual Hailey Upton x OC, Eventual Kevin Atwater x OC
AN 1: Shout out to @uncpanda​​ and @winterscaptain​ for giving the idea of the formatting for this series. Be sure to check out both of their amazing Criminal Minds series The Ties That Bind (Aaron Hotchner x Reader) and A Joyful Future (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)!
AN 2: As such this fic will be written out of order and the OC already has a name and backstory. I’m also gonna be putting down the characters as you see them—eventually going through all the characters.
AN 3: I will not be doing every episode of the series. Anything currently listed is planned. More will be added later.
AN 4: Because the show crosses over a lot with Chicago Med & Chicago Fire I will be posting chapters from those shows under the appropriate season it falls under with CF (Chicago Fire); CM (Chicago Med); SVU (Law & Order: SVU). During CF episodes, some may be focused on the main OC but some may be focused on her older brother who is a firefighter with Firehouse 51.
Links and Resources
Link to Taglist
Is there something you’d like to see in this series?
Also, later on, I might want to do some commentary on chapters written…if you are into that let my know in my ask box!
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8 Letters - Why Don’t We
Be Your Everything — Boys Like Girls
Can’t Fight the Moonlight — LeAnn Rimes
Colourblind — Ed Sheeran
Fallin’ For You — Colbie Caillat
Fearless (Taylor’s Version) — Taylor Swift
I’ll Be — Edwin McCain
In Case You Didn’t Know — Brett Young
Not a Bad Thing — Justin Timberlake
On My Way (Marry Me) — Jennifer Lopez
Rest of Your Life — David J
Sparks Fly (Taylor’s Version) — Taylor Swift
Start of Something Good — Daughtry
Steal the Show — Lauv
Wanted — Hunter Hayes
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Morales Family
Aimee Carrero as Detective Katie Morales
Michael Trevino as ASA Rafael Morales
Diego Luna as Detective Mateo Morales
Adam Rodriguez as Firefighter Javier Morales
Lynda Carter as Stephanie Morales
Tony Plana as Bureau Chief of Detectives Alexander Morales
Intelligence Unit
Jason Beghe as Sergeant Hank Voight
Elias Koteas as Detective Alvin Olinsky
Jon Seda as Detective Antonio Dawson
Jesse Lee Soffer as Detective Jay Halstead
Sophia Bush as Detective Erin Lindsay
Patrick John Flueger as Officer Adam Ruzek
LaRoyce Hawkins as Officer Kevin Atwater
Marina Squerciati as Officer Kim Burgess
Amy Morton as Desk Sergeant Trudy Platt
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CF: Professional Courtesy
CF: One Minute
CF: Hanging On
CF: Rear View Mirror
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Meeting the Unit
This We’ll Defend
Stepping Stone
Wrong Side of the Bars
Chin Check
Now is Always Temporary
A Material Witness
At Least it’s Justice
8:30 PM
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Call it Macaroni
Get My Cigarettes
The Weigh Station
Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw
An Honest Woman
SVU: Chicago Crossover / They’ll Have to Go Through Me
Called in Dead / Shouldn’t Have Been Alone
Disco Bob
What Do You Do
What Puts You on That Ledge
Say Her Real Name
CF: We Called Her Jellybean / The Number of Rats / SVU: Daydream Believer
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Life is Fluid
Actual Physical Violence
A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes
I’ll Be By Your Side Till the World Stops Spinning
CF: The Beating Heart / CM: Malignant / Now I’m God
Knocked The Family Right Out
Hit Me
SVU: Nationwide Manhunt / The Song of Gregory William Yates
The Cases that Need to be Solved
Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb
In a Duffel Bag
Start Digging
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Made a Wrong Turn
All Cylinders Firing
A War Zone
Don’t Bury This Case
Family Affair
I Remember Her Now
CF: Deathtrap / Emotional Proximity / Fake
Little Bit of Light
Last Minute Resistance
Army of One
Fork in the Road
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fanboysfangirl · 3 years
Catch Up- Jay Halstead
female reader x jay halstead prompt- Jay Halstead: the reader is an old army/childhood friend . She and jay love each other but never told each other. She comes back in town because she a DEA agent and runs into Jay on crime scene. They go out to catch up. They end up telling each other they still love each other. word count- 1000 words
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"So this is the 21st unit?" I said to myself. I walked through the doors and I was met with a lady with white hair. "Hi, I'm looking for Hank Voight?" "Are you the DEA agent that has the evidence to lock up Petar Clark?" "I am." "Alright I'm Trudy I'll take you up." I nodded and followed her up to the bullpen. "Hanks office is through there." I nodded and made my way over to his open door. I knocked on it causing him to look up. "Can I help you?" "Yes. I am Agent Y/n Y/ln." "Oh come on in Agent Y/ln. It's good to finally put a face to a voice." "I can say the same Sargent Voight. It's nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand. "Here's your evidence. I will be taking the suspect back to New York." "He's actually not here yet. Two of my detectives are going to get him now. Your more than welcome to wait here." "Alright, let me just make a call and see if my patrol officers are at the airport yet to escort the suspect back to New York." He nodded. — An hour after I made my call two officers walked in with the suspect. A female with long blonde hair, and male with short brown hair. "Sarge is the DEA agent here yet? She was supposed to be here two hours ago?" The brunette asked. "Actually I was here on time, except I was accepting my suspect when I got here." I said causing the detectives to turn around. "Your the DEA agent? No freaking way." "Obviously there is a way if i'm here." I said smiling. "Do you two know each other or something?" The blonde asked. "Yeah she's a friend from the rangers." "Oh nice to meet you. I'm Detective Hailey Upton." The blonde said holding out her hand for me to shake. "Agent Y/n Y/ln." I said shaking her hand. "The patrol officers are here to escort Petar to the airport." The officer who I learned was named Kim said. "Alright Agent Y/ln do you mind taking him down to the desk Sargent Trudy?" Sargent Voight asked. "Not at all. Good seeing you again Jay." He waved as I brought the suspect down the stairs. "What are you the bitch who does everyone's dirty work?" "No. I'm the bitch that brought the evidence to get you arrested." I said handing him over to Trudy who then brought him outside to the patrol officers. I followed them out to make sure he got in without any complications. I went to get in my car but I was stopped by someone's hand on my arm. I turned around to see that it was Jay. "Hey!" "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to get some drinks at this bar called Molly's tonight? Catch up?" "I'd love to." "See you then." — I walked through the doors of Molly's and looked everywhere for Jay. I found him sitting at a table by himself. "Glad you actually came." "What did you think I was gonna stand you up?" I asked. "Maybe." He answered with a smirk. "I already got you a beer." "Thank you." "So when you going back to New York?" "Tomorrow morning." He nodded. "You still married to Abby?" I asked. He shook his head no with a laugh. "How bout you? Are you and Tommy still together?" "Yes and no." I answered. "What does that mean?" "It means legally we're married. But we separated last week. Divorce papers aren't signed though because he doesn't think we're actually gonna get a divorce. Claims we're still married. It's just complicated because we have a daughter." He looked at me with surprised eyes. "A daughter?" "Yeah her names Avery. Four years old." I said showing him a picture of me and together. He nodded. "She's cute. Looks just like you." I smiled. "Well if you and Abby aren't together anymore are you and that detective together?" "Hailey? No." He said with a laugh. "Oh come on there's a really not a special girl in your life?" "There was one but she left without warning the night I was gonna propose to her." "Oh you mean Erin?" "So you two have met I'm guessing." I nodded. "We worked together out in New York. She runs a task force for the FBI and she's a hell of a good cop and a hell of a good person." "Yeah she is." I smiled at him. "Look Y/n I invited you out here tonight to tell you something since I probably won't see you again for who knows how long." "I'm all ears." "I love you. Have since we were in Afghanistan, but you were with Tommy so I ignored it. That was the biggest mistake I ever made." I looked at him. "Say something?" Instead of saying anything I leaned over the table and gave him a kiss. "Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked in a whisper. I nodded and we made our way back to his apartment. — The next morning. "So this isn't considered cheating right?" Jay asked while I was tying my sneakers. "Like I said. Tommy and I are separated, but if me and you are gonna be a real thing I'll talk to my boss, she if he can transfer me over to a unit in Chicago." "You would that." I nodded. "I've wanted to be with you for years. I'm not gonna miss another chance." "What about your daughter?" "I can get an apartment. She can see Tommy on the weekends or every other week. Something. I'm not gonna make another mistake Jay." He smiled at me. "Alright then." "Alright. I gotta catch my plane. I still have your number. I'll call you when I get to New York." "I'll be waiting for that call." "Bye Jay." "Bye." I walked out of his apartment building with a smile on my face. I was finally getting the happy ending I wanted.
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talatomaz · 4 years
kidnapped | hailey upton x fem!reader
a/n: of course, I have to make everything angsty since hurt-comfort is my fave genre 😁
this is based off 5x16 (chicago med) but instead of nat being kidnapped, it’s the reader.
requested by anon: “a hailey upton x female reader. where the reader works at 51 or med and both hailey and the reader have hidden their relationship from everyone.”
warnings: mentions of blood/guns. kidnapping (past and present). sexual references
word count: 2.4k
masterlist | navigation | request rules
after reader gets kidnapped by a murderer, hailey finds herself losing her mind because, though nobody else knows, her and reader have been in a relationship for almost a year and she is the love of her life
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“Okay, I’m at work now. Have a great day, love.”
“You too, baby. Bye.”
You smiled as your girlfriend disconnected the call.
You had been dating Hailey for just under a year and you couldn’t help but be a bit pleased that the two of you had managed to keep it a secret this long.
With you working in Chicago Med and Hailey working in Intelligence, there was a lot of overlap with your work and considering you all spent your free time at Molly’s, it was a surprise that no one knew of your relationship.
You’d met Hailey almost two years ago. She had brought in a young teenager who’d been a victim of a home invasion - her parents had been brutally murdered leaving her as the sole survivor.
Hailey had remained by her side the entire time and you couldn’t help but appreciate that. Many detectives tended to just leave the injured with you or your fellow colleagues and then go off to work their respective cases.
Not that there was anything wrong with that, mind you. But there was something about the way that Hailey cared for this child that had just captivated your heart.
And since that day, you’d found yourself pining, for lack of a better word, over the blonde. But what you hadn’t realised was that she had felt the exact same way about you.
For several months, the two of you found yourself dancing around your feelings, both on the precipice of revealing your feelings before relenting at the last second. It was only until Ruzek had hit on you one night at Molly’s that had Hailey finally revealing how she felt about you.
You remembered how she stood there, cheeks red from the cold, eyes full of jealousy and black with lust. Suffice it to say, you couldn’t help but mentally thank Adam for unwittingly hitting on you because it had allowed you to finally be with the detective. And almost a year down the line, you were stronger than ever.
“Morning, Dr L/N!”
Blinking, you gathered your thoughts and turned to see Dr Marcel walking towards you. Furrowing your brows, you spoke, “Didn’t your shift start an hour ago?”
“Forgot my badge in my car. I should superglue it to my forehead.”
Returning his laugh, you spoke, “Think a stapler might work better.”
As you were about to walk away, your head whipped around to face a man running up the two of you. You immediately noticed the blood staining his hands and before you could speak, his voice came out in a frantic and rapid pants. Partly because he was running but mostly, you assumed, because of fear.
“Help! My wife. She’s in labour. She’s bleeding real bad.”
Glancing over at Crockett, you saw that his expression mirrored yours and, without hesitation, the two of you ran after the man, following him to his car to help his wife.
You were shocked, however, when upon approaching the van, you saw a man lay bleeding on the floor. His hand raised, a gun in his palm. Though it was winter, the sun still beamed and the light glistened off the metal, threatening to blind you.
“Give me your phones and get in.” The man, who’d come running up to you just moments before, said harshly.
“You don’t have to do this.” You said calmly, obeying his orders.
You weren’t sure how your voice came out so steady when it felt like your heart was beating out of your chest, the lump in your throat threatening to choke you before his gun would surely kill you.
“I’m the surgeon, alright. Let her go.”
Crockett’s attempts to reason with the two men were futile as they shouted for the two of you to get in.
Holding your breath, you willed yourself to calm down, needing to believe that Hailey would soon be looking for you.
God, please let Hailey find you.
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“Get up.”
Turning to look behind you, the man, who’d tricked you this morning, opened the van doors and you fought to hide a shiver as the cold Chicago air blasted through you.
You looked over at Marcel who tried to sit up as best he could, “I’m the surgeon. Let me go. I know what to get.”
“Cuff him. Do it.”
Catching the set of handcuffs that had been thrown in your face, you followed the man’s orders and, with a solemn look, you cuffed your friend to the bar above his head.
“Come on.”
You bit your tongue to prevent a curse leaving your lips as the man, what could only be described as, yanked you out of the van and held you tight to his side.
“Make any stupid moves and you and your friend both die.”
After picking up some supplies, you approached the checkout and silently pleaded at the cashier with your eyes, wishing that he could see the panic in your eyes and alarm someone to your predicament.
When it became obvious that that wasn’t going to happen, you began to lose hope before catching a glimpse of a security camera in the corner of your eye. Glancing up at your kidnapper, you saw he was preoccupied with paying, giving you a brief moment of reprieve to remove your hospital badge, letting it fall to the marble ground.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go.” The man said, feigning a nurturing tone as he spoke to you through clenched teeth.
You winced at his harsh grip and followed him back to the van where you helped Marcel perform surgery to repair the bullet wound in the man’s leg, whom you assumed to be the brother of the driver.
Hailey frowned as she looked at the text she had sent you a few hours earlier; the one tick indicating that you hadn’t read it yet.
Where were you?
She tried to reason with herself, believing that maybe you were busy in the ER but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad had happened.
And Jay and Voight’s secrecy only seemed to add to her panic.
For the past few hours, her partner had been leaving the district and then coming back with a schooled look on his face that Hailey knew he used to conceal his worry.
And it didn’t help that whenever his phone rang, he left to privately answer it and immediately went to Voight’s office, closing the door which people only did in serious situations.
When Jay left Voight’s office, Hailey got up from her chair and grabbed Jay’s arm, dragging him into the dingy break room.
“What’s going on?”
“What?” Halstead crossed his arms, his attempts to feign confusion failing miserably.
“Never play poker, Jay. What’s going on?” Hailey repeated.
Jay sighed, “Dr L/N and Marcel have been kidnapped.”
The blood drained from Hailey’s face as she grew visibly pale. Trying to keep her voice as steady as she could, she spoke, “What?”
“Maggie found their phones in the car park. There was blood on them and we lifted a partial print and matched it to Tyler Clemons. A convicted murderer.”
Hailey leaned against the table when she felt her knees buckle beneath her.
Halstead stared at her in concern but before he could question it, his phone rang.
Hailey watched silently as he hummed in response to the other person on the line. When he disconnected, he looked at the blonde, his eyes filled with unbridled relief.
“I think we’ve found them. Gear up. I’ll tell Voight.”
Without hesitation, Hailey immediately rushed out the door and ran downstairs to get ready.
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“This is Detective Jay Halstead with the Chicago Police Department.”
Your shoulders slumped in relief as you heard your friend’s voice be projected through, what you assumed was, a megaphone.
The two men had taken you to their mother’s home where you gained clarity on the reasoning for their actions.
The injured man, who you learned was called Tyler, had a young son diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything you or Marcel could do, and instead, you’d been forced to restrain yourself to the wooden chairs you were currently sitting on.
You listened as Halstead announced that the house was surrounded, hoping that Hailey was outside but simultaneously wishing that she wasn’t in fear of it going sideways - you didn’t want her to see your dead body.
“Here. Uncuff her.”
You held your breath as Tyler threw the keys at Crockett, not wanting to say a word in case he ended up changing his mind.
After he freed you, you rubbed your wrists, slightly wincing at the red marks that had risen on your tanned skin. Then you began to protest when Tyler made it obvious that he was only letting you go but after some persuasion from your friend, you reluctantly left Crockett in the house.
Opening the front door to the suburban home, you felt another wave of cold air run through you and you raised your hands in a surrendering gesture.
“Patrol, stand down. Friendly coming out.” Jay had yelled and then you found yourself being hurried behind shields to where Jay stood.
And Hailey.
The moment you laid eyes on the blonde, you fell into her arms as she held you fiercely against her.
Her arms wrapped tightly around you before she pulled you back. Her eyes roamed over you, trying to look for any injuries.
“I’m okay.” You whispered, your hands on hers.
Her eyes filled with tears as she tugged you back towards her and kissed you. The kiss was passionate, laced with the ferocity that often came with almost losing someone you love.
Pulling away once more, you rested your forehead against hers and breathed out, your breath coming out in harsh pants.
“I think the cat’s out of the bag now.”
You laughed dryly as you glanced up, noticing Halstead, Maggie, Natalie and April staring at you both with wide eyes.
“I don’t care.”
And you could tell she truly didn’t when she kissed you again, more tender this time.
“God, I thought I’d lost you. I was so worried.”
“I’m okay, baby. I’m right here.”
You reassured your girlfriend as you embraced her once more, wanting nothing more than to feel her bare skin on yours, devoid of the winter clothing she was currently wearing.
“I love you so much, y/n. I never want to be without you again.” Hailey whispered harshly, gently rocking you in her arms, her hand cradling your head against her chest.
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“I’m glad to see you’re okay, y/n.”
“Thanks, Kev.”
Almost everyone had gathered at Molly’s despite it being past midnight. You’d all collectively decided that, after the day you’d had, you needed a drink. Marcel had stayed for a while and you thanked him for looking after you whilst you were taken. Hailey also expressed her gratitude to the surgeon which he accepted graciously before deciding to turn in for the night.
You were currently sitting in a booth, cuddled up against Hailey, her arm wrapped comfortably around your waist.
Since the house, she hadn’t left your side once, not when you were getting checked out by the paramedics nor when you were giving your statement to the police.
And whilst being by your side, she also never let her hands leave you. Whether it be a hand on yours or her arm around your waist, she was never not touching you.
To be truthful, you were grateful because her touch grounded you and made you feel safe in a situation where your sense of security had been shattered.
“That was a smart move, dropping your badge on the gas station’s floor.” Halstead commented, sipping his beer.
“Did what I had to do. Speaking of which, Maggie, I’m gonna need that back so I can go to work tomorrow.”
Just as Maggie was about to hand the badge over to you, she snatched it out of your reach.
“Um, I don’t think so. You are taking a few days off, at the minimum.”
You raised your brows, challenging her when she spoke again.
“L/N, if I see you in my ER tomorrow, I’m gonna cuff you to your bed.” Maggie said, making everyone else around you laugh.
“Hey, if anyone’s cuffing y/n to the bed, it’s gonna be me.”
You blushed profusely at Hailey’s comment, the redness of your cheeks contrasting with your tanned skin.
“Kinky.” Jay commented before abruptly closing his mouth when Hailey stared at him.
“Now, how the hell did you manage to keep this a secret for a year?”
“Yeah, aren’t you supposed to be detectives?” Natalie joked, looking at Burgess, Atwater and Halstead.
“Guess we’re just great at keeping secrets. And it became kinda fun, I guess.” You shrugged, glancing up into Hailey’s eyes and she smiled at you.
“Yeah, it became like a game to us. To see how long we could keep it secret.”
“Probably could have kept it secret much longer if you hadn’t kissed me like that.” You chuckled, planting a soft kiss on Hailey’s lips when she playfully frowned.
“Says the one who got kidnapped.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault I got kidnapped again.”
Everyone except Hailey stilled as they all stared at you.
“It’s a long story.” You stated.
It wasn’t that difficult to talk about now but it still left you uncomfortable and you wished you could will the words back into your mouth.
Sensing your discomfort, Hailey answered for you.
“A story for another day. Come on, let’s get you home.”
Nodding, you stood up and hugged your friends goodbye and then left the bar, your hand clutched tightly in Hailey’s.
“Are you okay?” She leant down slightly to kiss your cheek and then whispered in your ear.
Not wanting to lie but not able to find the right words either, you ended up shrugging instead. At that, Hailey brought your joined hands up to her lips where she gently placed a kiss on yours.
“I’m here for you, baby. Tonight and every other night.” Hailey said, alluding to the bad memories that would surely plague your sleep.
Since being with Hailey, the night terrors you’d once had about your past had become more infrequent.
Though, you were sure you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight. The trauma of almost dying coupled with your previous abduction would ensure your lack of sleep.
But you would have Hailey next to you, so it wasn’t that much of a bother.
You may not feel safe in the world but you did feel safe in her arms and that was enough for you.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Worthy - Hailey Upton x Matt Casey!Sister!Reader - Chicago PD
Request:  Could you do a hailey upton x fem reader? The reader is Matt Casey's sister and works in Intelligence.
I was the one that asked for the hailey upton x female reader. Maybe do where the reader has knows about Hailey's past and supports her when she talks about it in a interrogation to a boy (this was a episode in season 6). The other could be something involving New York.
Warning: mentions of domestic violence, domestic abuse, alcoholism, suicide, murder, 
Previously in Chicago P.D. 6x06
You stood with your arms crossed, leaning against the filing cabinet as Hailey went into the interrogation/interview room.
“Your dad, he beat your mom too, right?” Hailey’s question left you to frown, wondering how Hailey was working this all out.
“When was it the worst? Morning? Night?” When she didn’t get a response, she just let out a breath, her face blank and voice soft, “for me, it was worse on the weekends.”
Kevin glanced at Adam but you kept your eyes glued on Hailey through the one-way glass.
“My dad... would start drinking early. Like, noon. He’d just sit around, getting more and more pissed off. My brothers and I, we were just kids, you know? We wanted to have fun. And it drove him crazy. So he’d pick a fight with my mom, saying that we were being too loud. She’d defend us, because she always did. So he’d go after her, and then he’d come after us, with anything he could get his hands on. Belt, extension cord.”
You were about to walk out when you heard the suspect’s question.
“You ever think about killing yourself?”
Hailey’s voice was croaky as she replied, “yeah, but I didn’t, because I’m strong like you.”
“Hailey’s good. If this cop thing doesn’t work out, she should think about being an actor.”
Kevin’s statement had you rolling your eyes.
It wasn’t an act or a story.
“Sometimes I get this... anger inside of me. It’s like a need for revenge, you know, like I want someone to feel the pain that I felt. Do you know what I’m talking about?”
“I do.” A tear ran down the suspect’s face as they curled in on themself, sniffling.
You walked out of the room after that, heading down the hall to sit in the locker room.
You approached Hailey after the case had been solved.
You knew she felt guilty about what happened to Devin and she had Jay and Adam trying to comfort her but what she had said in the room with Devin was bugging you.
Hailey frowned, about to ask you what was wrong when she realised you had turned on your heel as soon as Adam approached her.
“Give me a minute, Y/n, wait up!”
“That story you told Devin, that was true, wasn’t it?” You asked quietly, glaring as you noticed Hailey’s hesitation.
“Y’know he difference between our childhoods, Hailey, is that I was twelve when my mother took the key to our father’s house that Matt left out. She took the key, went into his house and shot him. Our older sister was at college, she didn’t know what happened. She didn’t know he was a monster who had begun to verbally abuse Matt and I after abusing our mother for years. She snapped and shot him. Your mother put up with the abuse.”
You didn’t see how Hailey’s eyes widened at your elaboration of your childhood. You figured Hailey already knew bits of it, since your family’s skeletons were pulled from the closet and plastered on billboards around Chicago, back when Matt was running for Alderman.
“It’s because of that and what I heard when you spoke to Devin that I know you’re not okay about what happened to him. And, yeah, I know you have Jay and Adam to comfort you, but I understand too-” You were cut off as Hailey slammed into you, her arms wrapping around you in a hug as you let out a breath, hugging her back.
/// Time skip 8x03
“What did the FBI offer you?” Jay asked over his drink, leaving Hailey to chuckle.
“Hm, okay. Joint level task force with the HIG, all interrogations, all high level targets.”
“Sure, sure, sure, sure, that sounds awesome. It’s a good pay.” Jay brushed off for a moment before acknowledging the pay.
“It’s a great pay. Honestly, made me a little embarrassed about what we get paid.” Hailey laughed, noticing Jay’s grimace.
“Well, you’ll probably be real good at it!”
“Yeah, maybe, I don’t know.” Hailey replied, smiling to herself.
“You’d like it out there, right?”
Hailey hesistated at that, glancing at the reply you’d sent to her message from earlier.
“I think it was just what I needed at the time.” Hailey admitted, leaving Jay to frown.
“Okay, but like you don’t need it now? Are you sure you’re talking to the right person about this?”
“Are you trying to tell me I should take it?” Hailey asked, leaving Jay to roll his eyes with a smirk.
“I’m telling you that you should have this conversation with Y/n.”
“Y/n’s not my partner.” Hailey replied, ignoring the pangs in her heart when Jay mentioned you.
“Doesn’t matter, she’ll be crushed if you leave without telling her.” Hailey frowned at what Jay said, leaving him to chuckle.
“Wow, Detective Upton missing evidence? That’s a new one.”
“What are you talking about?” Hailey enquired, brushing off Jay’s teasing.
“You should speak to Y/n-”
“Because she’s in love with you, Hailey!” Jay retorted, face falling as he saw Hailey’s expression.
“Hailey, wait!”
You were sat in Molly’s with your brother, quietly talking and as he had a beer and you had water.
“You sure you don’t want a beer? Stella might even make you one of those cocktails?”
“Beer tastes like crap, no offense.” You replied, sipping your water as your eyes landed on Brett, whose eyes were on your brother.
“You really are an idiot sometimes.” You replied, nudging Matt in the ribs as you caught him staring at Brett.
“What? Where did that come from?” Matt replied, turning to look at you as he almost spat his beer as you nudging him.
“She likes you back you cheeseboard-”
“She likes you back, so stop pining for each other and just talk to each other properly for god’s sake!” You replied, leaving Casey to frown.
“She likes me?”
Your incredulous look had him raising his hands up in surrender before someone cleared their throat.
“Maybe you should take your own advice, Y/n.”
Your ability to not spit the mouthful of water you were about to swallow amused Matt to no end as he got up to give the two of you some space.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, your gaze flicking across Hailey’s face as she frowned, gesturing for you to follow her outside.
“Hailey, talk to me?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you have feelings for me? Why did I have to find out through Jay?” Hailey replied, folding her arms as you just blinked, clearing your throat.
“It was back when you were dating Adam, and then I, I thought you liked Jay. I didn’t think you’d ever like me like that.” You admitted, avoiding Hailey’s eyes as they softened.
“What made you think I wouldn’t like you like that?”
Hailey’s question had you freeze and not from how bitterly cold it was outside.
“I, I thought you were straight, also we work together in the same unit and... you deserve better-”
“First, I’m not straight, second, yeah, we work in the same unit but so do Adam and Kim, third, I decide who I think deserves me, Y/n. You’re worth it, you know.”
“Worth what?” Your brow furrowed, noticing Hailey smile to herself.
“This.” Hailey affirmed, her hand going to cradle your jaw as she leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips.
You gawped at her as your brain began to process what just happened, watching Hailey’s smile melt into panic for a moment before you tangled your hand in her free one.
Hailey smiled at your action, noticing your hesistation before you leaned in, your eyes asking for consent as she nodded to you.
Your face broke out into a smile before you leaned in, meeting her lips for a moment before you leaned back and kissed her forehead. Hailey chuckled in response.
“Yeah, I’m not going to the feds in New York any time soon.”
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iamwhoami · 4 years
Flutter (Chicago PD)
Chicago PD
   Y/N, a firefighter at Firehouse 51, meets Hailey Upton through a case and ends up continuing to see her afterwards.
Warnings: None
Requested = Yes
   It didn’t turn out as I was expecting but hopefully it’s good enough for the person who requested this. 
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   It all started with a fire that seemed suspicious. Something just didn’t seem right so you guys looped CPD into it.
“So what makes you think it’s arson?” Hailey asked. Her and Halstead and come to the scene where you and Severide were to show them what the two of you had found.
   You lead them over to the corner of the room and gestured towards the broken pieces of what looked to be a timed arson device.
“This,” You told them and the two detectives bent down to take a closer look.
“Yeah, this does look like arson,” Halstead grimaced, “I’ll loop in the rest of the team. Thanks for calling us in.”
   Severide nodded, “Of course.”
   As they were leaving though, you couldn’t help but stare at Hailey and when she turned around briefly back at you, the two of you made eye contact.
   The thing was though, you two then held it for what seemed like a few minutes when it couldn’t have even been a whole second.
   When Hailey smiled softly at you, you felt your heart flutter and your cheeks turn red as you smiled shyly back. She then turned back around and headed out of the building.
“Someone’s in love,” Severide teased you once they were both out of earshot and you felt yourself blush harder.
“Shut up,” You punched Severide in the shoulder but didn’t deny anything as you two headed back to the firehouse.
   It had been a long shift and you were spending your evening at Molly’s with your 51 family when someone took a seat next to you.
“Can I buy you a drink?” 
   You turned to face whoever had offered, a decline all ready when you saw who it was.
Hailey Upton.
“What’s the occasion?” You asked, trying to remain calm despite the fact that your brain was running around like you were a teenager who’s crush had just walked into the room.
   Hailey laughed, “There is no occasion but if you need a reason, we just caught the arsonist of that building fire, something we couldn’t have done without your help.”
“Severide helped you too,” You couldn’t help but blush.
“I’ll buy Severide a drink later,” Hailey chuckled, “So, back to my original question, can I buy you a drink?”
   You nodded, “You know what? Sure actually.”
   With your drinks in hand, you and Hailey started talking. From each other’s job to the other person’s job. The more the two of you talked, the less your heart fluttered every time she spoke to you.
   It was getting late and you and Hailey both knew that she had to work the next day but she never called it a night.
   Another hour went by before she brought it up.
“I hate to end this wonderful night but I do have to work tomorrow.” Hailey told you, the disappointment evident in her voice.
“That’s the perks of being a firefighter,” You smiled good naturedly.
   Hailey laughed and you couldn’t help but feel almost proud in a way. It was childish this crush you had on Hailey. You felt like you were a teenager falling in love for the first time again.
“I had a really nice time with you Y/N,” Hailey said and your heart gave another flutter at those words.
“So did I,” You managed to say over your pounding heart.
“I hope we can talk again soon,” Hailey seemed genuine about that.
   You nodded, “I hope so too.”
   Six months later, you and Hailey were dating. You knew you loved her since that night at Molly’s and so did she, but neither of you were brave enough to tell the other. 
   Finally, Jay and Kelly were sick of you two being completely in love without the other really knowing and got you to cave into telling Hailey how much you loved her.
   From that moment on, you two were almost inseparable, except when the two of you needed to work of course. 
   She was worried about your job as a firefighter and you were worried about her job as a cop so whenever the other was working, the one staying at home was in constant worry. 
“Hey there,” You said as Hailey came up from behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist while you were brushing your teeth, getting ready for bed.
“I missed you today,” Hailey mumbled into your neck.
   Even though you were at home, Hailey was at work and this was something you heard quite often when that happened.
“So did I,” You replied once you had spat the mouthful of toothpaste into the sink.
   You finished up and allowed Hailey to take your hand and lead you into the bedroom where the two of you crawled under the covers with only the lamp on.
“You know I love you right?” Hailey asked.
“Of course I do,” You shifted on the mattress so you were laying on your side, facing Hailey. “Why do you ask that?”
   Hailey bit her lip, “We both have dangerous jobs. If I died, or if you died, you need to know I love you.”
   Your heart cracked slightly but just leaning over and kissing Hailey made it mend right up.
“I love you Hailey,” You said when you parted and your eyes met her blue ones, “I love you so much I could never leave you.”
“But death doesn’t really work that way,” Hailey whispered quietly.
   You shook your head, “Even if I’m dead, I’m still with you.”
   Hailey nodded and you reached over before tucking a strand of Hailey’s hair behind her ear.
“Besides, you know I can’t go dying on you, and you can’t go dying on me,” You felt your heart give a little flutter. “That’s apart of the deal.”
“What deal?” Hailey had a confused look on her face.
   You smiled, “The deal we’re making right now.”
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sande5098 · 2 years
Gone Wrong
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Kim Burgess x fem. Reader
An undercover mission goes wrong but we’re does that leave Kim and Y/N’s relationship.
Warnings: Swearing, abduction, drugs, assault.
Word count: 1191
Gif not mine
Part 1 —————> Part 2 Here
You tried to give Kim a reassuring smile as you had a wire attached by Mouse, she was standing in front of you giving you a hard stare, you knew that she didn’t want you to go under, but even she knew that there was really no other way. “Babe, I’ll be fine nothing bad is gonna happen.” You gave her a half smile as Mouse finished, going over to give her a tight hug. “I’ll let the team know you’re ready.” Mouse said awkwardly, interrupting their little moment and quickly leaving them in peace.
“I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, and you know it nothing will keep us apart and you know it.” You whispered to her, lightly kissing her ear. “I love you. Don’t you dare come back to me hurt or so help me-“ you kissed her short and sweet, cutting her off, “honey you have nothing to worry about, I love you.” She gave you a sad look, “I hope so, I love you too.” You both placed your foreheads against each other, silently sending each other all the love and support that the other needed, you just had to hope that every day you wouldn’t be coming home in a coffin.
Yours and Kim’s moment was interrupted by the rest of intelligence coming down to the garage, she stepped back, just giving you a sad look that made you feel incredibly guilty. You wished you could back out now, but the meet was organised, so no turning back. Turning to face Voight to get the complete run down and what information that they needed to put these guys away.
“Madison Hughes, Halstead’s C.I has gotten involved with this new gang that’s moved in to the south side has started dealing tampered Coke. The guy we need to get is Finnian Herring. He’s the highest up along with Jesse Nadir and Gus Walker…” you continued to listen knowing exactly what you would have to do just to get to them. You just knew how pissed off Kim was as Voight continued, you wanted to let her know it was okay. That you weren’t going to be alone through it. “Isn’t there another way? One that doesn’t involve Y/n getting into their pants.” Kim pointedly asked, staring at Voight. Their boss just stared back, “Burgess, L/n can handle herself, she doesn’t need you trying to play hero. And if you’re going to be this affected by the job, get out.”
You looked back at Kim, who looked torn between staying and leaving for fresh air, you smiled at her and she rubbed your arm.
You stood outside the nightclub that Madison had arranged the meet at, Jay was talking about some information that might be useful, but you weren’t listening. You just hoped that Kim would be alright, and praying the next time she saw you wouldn’t be at your funeral. You just wanted them to hurry up so you could get home to Kim as soon as possible. You already missed her touch and it had only been 45 minutes.
After another 5 minutes in the cold someone finally appeared, unfortunately not any of the people that they were after. You were led away silently praying that everything would go to plan and that no one would be hurt.
The nightclub was extremely busy and loud, you could see Adam and Hailey at the bar looking on and giving status updates to Voight and Jay on the other end. You kept following the guy up to the private room, where they all lost sight on you and you knew that apart from the com you where on your own. You held your breath going up the steps and into the small room that all your people where in, now just to catch them dealing, which would be easy based off the amount of girls there. The runner who never introduced himself took you to the three people that you needed. Now, hopefully this would be a quick in and out.
“Boss, this is the doll that Madison wanted you to meet,” they shooed him away and left you with just them, they brought you to another room. This whole place gave you the creeps along with the three men, you couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated. You could see the Coke sitting on the table in front of you, “You’re a cute wee thing aren’t you? No wonder why Madison sent you, you look like everything I like in a woman, one of the men, Gus said. “And you are everything I look for in a man.” You flirted back, throwing up in your mouth a bit. You swallowed the bile in your throat, “I know how to expand your markets on this new Coke you have, I just want 15%.” Finnian, the main man raised an eyebrow, “and why would we need to expand our markets, we’re doing just fine.”
You rolled your eyes, “sure right now, but people will get over it and then you’ll be in the dust, I’ve got too many connections and known how to get it all through the city and out of state. I just want 15%.” You gave him a sweet smile. “I’ll give you the 15% if you let me see just exactly what this stuff does to you.” Your eyes widened slightly and you felt your throat starting to close over. Taking a deep breath you watched as Finnian started walking closer to you til he was at your neck, kissing and whispering in your ear, thankfully the one that didn’t have the wire in.
“Y/n you have your safe word.” Voight quietly reminded her. You said nothing as he circled you, “but then again, maybe you’re a spy…” you could feel yourself starting to panic, “A spy? What makes you say that?… and you do realise that its not very nice not to offer me a lovely glass of that red wine, especially since I love red wine.” There, now you could only hope that they heard the safe word and were in the way up.
You looked up at Finnian, and his eyes flashed a vicious colour as he reached for her wire, “she’s a rat, let’s get out.” The man reached for your hair as he roughly trailed you out a back exit.
Okay, you could officially start panicking, you tried to get out of the man’s grip but it was no use, as his hand shifted to hold your neck as you struggled. Fuck, this was not how it was meant to go, fucking Hell, Kim. You should have listened. You couldn’t bare the thought of worrying her, a face broke through your panic, “I swear if you don’t stop struggling I will put a bullet in your head and leave you somewhere you will never be found.” Finnian’s nose was right against yours as his grip around your throat tightened until you were spluttering and gasping for air. “Please.. I.. I” you could feel a prick in your upper arm and yourself getting drowsy before everything went black…
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Moving On
Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing/s: Reader x Shay, Reader x Hailey
Warning/s: mentions of death/loss
Word Count: 377
Request: could you write a hailey upton x female reader? were the reader used to date Shay but has not been the same since Shay died
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Why were relationships so complicated?
You sighed, putting your head in your hands as you sat with Kelly in his office, perched on the edge of his bunk with your legs crossed, conflicted. 
You could always talk to Kelly, you’d been friends for a long time, but after you’d both lost Shay... it had brought you closer. Now, your heart pulling you in multiple directions, you needed his advice more than ever.
Shay had been everything to you, you’d love, had been planning on asking her to marry you... and then she’d died, and a part of you had died with her. Well, you’d thought it had, until Hailey Upton walked into your life, and suddenly you’d found yourself coming alive again.
But was it selfish? That’s what had been knawing at you recently, that feeling that you were moving on from Shay, forgetting her, and it was tearing your relationship with Hailey a part. 
“I just...feel like I’m betraying her, even now,” you struggled to explain, all your emotions impossible to put into words. You’d asked Hailey for some space to figure yourself out, but you knew she wouldn’t wait around forever.
“She’d want you to be happy,” Kelly told you honestly, “she’d want you to live.” 
You dwelled on that for a moment, knowing that what you really felt was guilt, because you wanted the same thing. “I love Hailey,” you admitted, the first time those words had left your lips. It felt like a weight had been lifted.
“Then tell her,” he said frankly, “because no good can come from waiting until-”
“Until it’s too late?” You finished for him, knowing exactly why he’d trailed off. 
“You know I didn’t mean-” He began, realising his error as his eyes went wide. 
“No, no you’re right,” you said, thinking about everything you’d never got to have with Shay, all the put off plans and unsaid words that would stay with you forever. 
Hailey’s job was no more safe, in fact, it was probably more dangerous, so what were you still waiting around for?
“We’ve got one life, and I want to spend it with her,” you decided.
“So what are you still doing talking to me for? Go!”
You didn’t need to be told twice.
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x (female) Reader
Word Count: 2068
Author’s Note: I got a request for Jay x Reader where she goes to see him after he’s shot and sees Hailey holding his hand and he reassures her in private. This was a lot of fun to write, Jay was like my first love when it came to Chicago PD, and I haven’t written much for him yet, which I really need to change, lol
Trigger Warning(s): Injury (Jay got shot), mention of surgery, jealousy, insecurity
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Jay has been not so secretly dating a girl but hasn’t introduced her to anyone yet, he’s kinda forced to when he gets shot and ends up at the hospital, but when Y/N gets to the hospital after finding out her boyfriend’s been shot, only to see him holding hands with another girl, she gets a bit jealous and insecure, but Jay assures her that she’s got nothing to worry about.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/LN = Your Last Name
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When you heard that he had been shot, you freaked out. You hadn’t found out until Jay had already gone through surgery and woken up, because no one knew that you were dating yet.
But when he woke up, his first thought was you and he insisted that his brother call you.
It was weird getting that call, one because it was a number you didn’t know and you very rarely ever answered those, and two because you hadn’t even met Will yet.
“Hello?” You had answered because your gut had told you to for some reason.
“Urm, hey, this is a little weird given we haven’t met, but this is Will Halstead...Jay’s brother.” Will sounded so awkward on the phone.
Immediately your heart sunk into your stomach. “Oh my god, is Jay okay?” You felt like all the air had been stolen from your body as you waited for an answer.
“Well yes and no.” Will told you. “He’s been shot. He’ll be fine, eventually.”
It seemed weird that hearing that made you feel a little better, but you chalked it up to the fact that he was at least alive, injured sure, but alive.
“From the moment he woke up he’s been asking for you, he practically demanded that I call you for him.” Will told you.
“Well I’ll be there soon, I’m just leaving my place.” You told him as you grabbed your keys off the counter and headed towards the door. You hung up the phone and slipped it into your pocket so that you’d be able to lock the door to your apartment.
The drive to the hospital felt like forever. Traffic was a bitch and you were sure you’d hit every red light, you were half tempted to break some laws to get there, but you didn’t.
The first thing you did when you walked into the hospital was go to the front desk to see what room Jay was in. “Hi, I’m looking for Jay Halstead.” You told the lady.
She looked up at you. “Are you family?”
“I’m his girlfriend.” You told her.
“I’m sorry but we only allow family into the ICU.” She told you.
That’s when a doctor walked over. “It’s okay Mary.” He told her, then turned to you. “I’m Will, you must be Y/N.”
You gave him a tight smile and nodded. “Yeah, that’s me.”
“Well it’s nice to finally meet you, although I wish it were on better circumstances.” He said as he began walking, motioning for you to follow him, which you did.
“So he’s okay?” You asked. “Or will be okay, at least?”
Will nodded to you. “He’ll be fine, he’s stubborn.” He chuckled but it was hollow, and you could see the worry behind it.
You swallowed hard and nodded. “That he is.” You said quietly, following Will into the elevator to go to the floor Jay was on. An awkward silence settled between the two of you and it felt like the minutes just ticked by.
“My brother talks about you a lot.” Will told you.
Your ears perked up and you looked at him, being pulled from your worrisome thoughts. “Hmm?”
“Jay, he talks about all the time.” Will clarified, trying to cut the awkwardness.
You smiled some. “Really?”
Will nodded. “You seem to make him happy.”
You smiled even more, thankful that the elevator dinged and the doors opened because you weren’t sure what to say. You followed Will to Jay’s room, stepping inside and being met with a sight that sent pangs of hurt and jealousy through you. Jay in the hospital bed and Hailey by his side, holding his hand. You knew who she was, even without ever meeting her.
You cleared your throat some as you stepped in a bit more. “I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked.”
Jay’s attention sprang to you and he shook his head some before smiling at you. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
You walked over to his side, the opposite one that Hailey was on, you looked down at him and swallowed hard.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Jay said quietly, pulling his hand from his partner’s grasp to reach up and touch your cheek.
“Like what?” You asked quietly, still looking down at him.
“Like I’m gonna die.” He answered you. “I’m not, I’m fine. They patched me all up and I’m ready to go home now.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little at that and shake your head. “No no, I think you need to stay here a while longer.”
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Jay told you, grinning now. His attention shifted to Hailey. “This is the girl I’ve been telling you about.” He told her.
Your cheeks heated up some. So he’d been talking about you to more people than just his brother then. That was good to know.
Hailey offered you a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Hailey Upton.” She told you, reaching over the bed to shake your hand.
You shook her hand. “I know who you are, Jay’s told me about you, and everyone else at Intelligence.” You smiled. “I’m Y/N Y/LN.”
“I know, Jay never shuts up about you.” Hailey laughed some.
You laughed softly, certain your cheeks were red as hell now, eyes falling down to your hands that rested on the edge of the bed, playing with the edge of the thin white woven blanket.
Hailey cleared her throat. “Well, I’ll leave you two be.” She patted Jay’s arm. “Get better soon, I need my partner back.”
“Trying to.” Jay replied, turning his attention to you before she was even completely out of the room. He nudged your hand gently with his own to get your attention.
You tore your eyes away from your fingers to meet his.
“I saw that look you had when you came in.” Jay spoke softly, looking up at you.
“What look?” You asked quietly, trying to play it off.
“You know what I’m talking about, Y/N.” Jay’s voice stayed the same, his fingers intertwining with yours. “I saw the jealousy.”
“Jealousy?” You asked, trying to play confused.
Jay nodded. “I know you’ve got anxiety and insecurities but you’re the only girl for me.” He told you gently, briefly glancing at your now joined hands before meeting your eyes again.
You watched him for a moment, biting at the inside of your cheek, thinking over what to say. “I just get worried sometimes.” You said quietly, your gaze falling to your hands, unable to look at him as you told him this.
“I don’t know what you’re worrying about, but you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Jay assured you gently, pulling his hand from yours again to bring it back up to your face, lifting your chin so that you’d be forced to look at him again. “I love you.” Even though you’d heard him say it before, the way he said it this time put every single worry you had to rest for the moment and made your heart swell.
You slowly, almost shyly smiled at him. “I love you too.” You whispered softly, causing him to grin at you.
You leaned down and gently kissed him once before pulling away.
Jay looked at you when you pulled away before scooting over in the bed as much as he could before he was stopped by pain.
The look of pain on his face made you wince and reach out to touch his arm. “Stop moving you goof, you’re just gonna hurt yourself more.”
“I’m trying to make room for you to lay with me.” Jay told you, patting the now vacant spot next to him.
You bit your lip and shook your head.
Jay frowned at you. “Why not?”
“You’re hurt.” You answered quietly. “And I don’t wanna risk hurting you more.”
“You’re not going to hurt me.” Jay said softly, trying and failing to pull you onto the bed.
“No, Jay.” You said softly but firmly. “I’m not willing to risk it.”
He huffed some but nodded, relenting. “Fine but if you change your mind…” He trailed off.
“I won’t.” You smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him again when you heard someone walk in, causing you to quickly straighten up and causing Jay to pout.
“Just coming by to see how you’re doing.” Will said as he stopped at the foot of the bed, oblivious to the fact that the two of you were having a moment.
“Oh just peachy.” Jay responded to him, his hand finding yours again. “I think I’m okay to go home now.”
Will just laughed and shook his head. “You’ll be in here for at least a few days.”
Jay wrinkled up his nose then looked at you before looking at Will. “Well I guess one good thing came out of this, you finally get to meet my girlfriend.” He said, squeezing your hand gently. “This is Y/N.”
Will nodded. “I met her when she came in.”
“Yeah, the lady at the front desk wasn’t gonna let me see you cause I’m not family.” You told him.
Jay frowned. “Well that wasn’t nice.” He said as he looked at you.
Something in you told you to give the two a moment. “I’m gonna go get something to drink, I’ll be right back.” You told Jay, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “You need anything?” you asked as you headed towards the door, stepping around Will.
Jay shook his head. “Nah, I’m good.”
As soon as you were out the door, Will laughed quietly.
Jay frowned, his attention going to his brother. “What?”
“You’re so in love with her.” Will laughed. “It’s cute.”
“Shut up.” Jay told him, rolling his eyes and looking towards the door again, sighing. “You’re right though.”
Will’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “You’re actually admitting that I’m right?”
“About this, yes.” Jay nodded, eyes still on the door, waiting for you to come back in. “I do love her. A lot.”
Will smiled at his younger brother. “She loves you too.” He told him, causing Jay to look at him. “She panicked earlier when I called her, worried something happened to you. Her first concern was if you were okay or not.”
The corners of Jay’s mouth quirked up a tad, he felt bad that you panicked, but at the same time it made him happy that you cared that much.
“It’s adorable how in love with her you are.” Will teased him.
“Shut up.” Jay told him again, shooting him a glare, which just caused his brother to laugh. “Get outta here.”
Will laughed and headed out the door, almost running into you, still laughing.
“Sorry!” You said, quickly taking a step back.
He looked at you. “Don’t be.” He assured you, finally he quit laughing, but still seemed amused.
You stepped around him, a brow raised as you walked in to see Jay still laying in the bed, this time with his arms crossed.
“My brother’s an ass.” Jay told you simply, causing a small laugh to escape your lips.
“Why’s that?” You asked, walking back over to the side of the bed.
Jay shook his head. “He just is.” He looked at you. “He was making fun of me.”
“About?” You watched him, an amused look on your face.
He stopped when his eyes met yours. “It really doesn’t matter.” He breathed out, smiling up at you. “I’m glad you’re back, at least you don’t make fun of me.”
“Well I could, if you wanted me to.” You teased.
“No, thank you.” Jay said as he reached for you. “Lay with me, please.”
You sighed softly, the smile still on your lips as you very carefully sat on the bed next to him and brought your legs up, you were careful to keep distance between the two of you, but Jay wrapped his arms around you. “Careful, don’t hurt yourself.” You scolded softly.
“I’m not gonna.” Jay said quietly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “The painkillers they’ve been giving me help with that.”
You laughed softly. “Is that why you’re acting so goofy?”
“I’m not acting goofy, you’re acting goofy.” Jay argued quietly, still holding you close to him.
You laughed softly again, looking up at him. “Am not.” You smirked when you got him to chuckle.
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hereforhalstead · 4 years
Always gonna be fine
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Yes. 
“It’s not the first time a prisoner pulled a knife on me today, it won’t be the last” I got this idea, where Jay gets hurt in the Middle of an operation with the unit and his partner/girlfriend worries but it's actually not a big deal. Hope this helps with the block,☺️”
• Warnings: Mentions of assault and knives
• Summary: Jay gets hurt during a bust to which you worry but he reassures you he will always be fine.
• Words: 1531.
• A/N : Feel free to send any other requests in, I always feel like I think of the same type of ideas so love to hear other suggestions - enjoy!  Thank you so much to @dreamingmanip for sending it across, I had a few sent in but this one jumped out at me.
Hope you enjoy!
It had been over 3 hours of it being just you and Jay sat in the van waiting for the suspect to leave the house, to say you were starting to get bored was an understatement. “Mine or yours tonight?” Jay asks 
“Hmm, yours as it’s closer and I can’t wait to get in bed” you respond and lean back in your seat to close your eyes “Me either” you hear him exhale in a laugh and open one eye to peer over and see him wiggle his eyebrows “Not like that idiot” 
“Just a reminder that we can hear everything you’re talking about before this conversation goes any further” Ruzek chimes in from over the radio, Jay holds his up to his mouth to answer “Well then you won’t want to hear about this morning wh-”
“Woah woah you can leave it there thanks” Kim also joins in and you can see her sat in the car opposite shaking her head “Just be glad Voight can’t hear otherwise he’d have your ass” you remain slouched with your eyes shut as Jay reaches across to caress your cheek “he can hear you and would like to remind you about the no PDA at work rule Halstead” Voight barks across the waves causing Jay to roll his eyes “Sarge we’re just acting natural incase someone sees” 
“Jay not 1 single person has walked by in the past hour, I think your acting skills are safe” Kim butts in “Can we all just get off the radios and focus, you can play catch up later” you all reply silently to Voight’s demand “So anyway, about tonight I wa-” Jay begins but is soon cut off “Jay! Stop talking for 5 minutes!” he huffs and hands you the radio “I’ll keep him under control Sarge” you laugh
“Y/N go with Halstead to check round the side and I’ll go from the back, Burgess and Upton take the upstairs and Ruzek you stay here with Atwater to see if anyone makes a break for it” Voight orders as you take position outside the house. Within seconds Jay breaks the door down and Kim and Hailey run inside, you follow him round the side as requested and spot a window to the basement, you take a quick glance to see a female tied to a chair with her mouth taped. “I'll get her, you head in to help the others” Jay ushers past you before you could respond but you do as you’re told and head inside. 
The door to the basement is already kicked in and you hear Jay downstairs reassuring the girl, you run your back along the kitchen wall and point your gun as you turn the corner to the empty room. You continue through the next few rooms and still nothing “Ruz, anyone leave?” you speak into your radio “Nothing out here, he must still be in there. He’s probably trying to stash the drugs so try somewhere you wouldn’t normally think to look” he responds and you instantly think of the basement.
“Anything?” Hailey asks as she gets to the bottom of the stairs with Kim, you shake your head but bring your finger to your lip to tell her to stop talking. You scan your eyes over to the basement stairs and she gets what you’re trying to say, she pulls her gun and nudges the door open with her foot “And Jay’s down here?” she questions and you nod “I can’t see anything” your heart sinks as you automatically think the worst but follow Hailey’s lead down the stairs. Voight joins the trail and shines the torch into the room, Hailey was right, you couldn’t see Jay anywhere.
“Look man, just let me take the girl and I’ll give you 5 seconds to run” you suddenly pause and see him standing with his hands up opposite a man with a knife pointing into Jay’s stomach, his eyes dart over to you and his chest slightly falls in relief. Hailey turns to look at you and you try to stay calm “He knows what he’s doing Y/N, he’ll be fine” Voight whispers from behind you and even though you’ve seen Jay in this position more times than you’d like, it never gets easier.
“Come on, you’re surrounded so don’t do anything stupid pal” Voight breaks the silence and startles the man, causing him to apply pressure into Jay’s stomach. You see him wince but still remain strong in front of the terrified girl crouched behind him “Let Halstead and the girl go and then we’ll talk” Hailey tries to reason with the man but the pure rage behind his eyes doesn’t move “Don’t act like you’re gonna help me, I know what cops are like. You act like you’re on my side and then boom I’m doing life in jail” 
You can’t even focus on the man’s ramble as the knife still pressing into Jay’s stomach shines in the light. Hailey catches the attention of the girl and silently counts down from 5, indicating for her to get ready to run “So you really want to add assaulting a police officer onto your list?” you speak up to distract the man “If I’m going down for life I have nothing to loose”
Jay yet again winces as the man applies more pressure “Now!” Hailey yells and the girl sprints over to her, before you know it Voight has the man on the floor and you rush over to Jay who has his hand on his stomach “Jay, Jay what happened? Did he hurt you? Talk to me!” you’re met with a silence from him as he watches the girl be lead out by Hailey “Jay. Hello?” you click your fingers in front of his face and he finally turns his attention to you “Oh, what? I’m fine. Probably just a scratch” he shrugs his shoulder and picks up the knife in an evidence bag to hand to Voight.
“I’ll be taking him in” Voight drags the man towards the exit and turns back to you and Jay “Y/N take him to med to be checked out” he adds “Honestly Sarge I’m fine” Jay answers but Voight is already out of sight “You’re not fine Jay. You were just held at knife point, you can’t hide from me I know you’re in pain” 
“Please Y/N, I’m okay, really. I just want to get this wrapped up so we can go home” he steps towards you but you take a step back “You knew he was down here didn’t you? That’s why you said you’d come down here instead of me”
He tilts his head and rubs his hand on the back of his neck “Jay” you warn “If it’s between me or you, I’m always gonna choose to put myself in danger instead of you. You should know that by now” he yet again steps towards you but this time you stand your ground “It's not the first time someone’s pulled a knife on me and it won't be the last” he adds and you lean your head down to rest it on him  “I just wish you would take care of yourself more, I can’t loose you Jay” you mumble into his chest “Y/N. Look at me” 
You look up at him to see his signature smile that seems to make everything right in the world “I’m fine. I’m not hurt, I’m absolutely fine” he grasps at the back of your neck to pull you towards his lips to plant a light kiss to your head “But what if-” you begin to spiral but are soon cut off by Jay “Listen to me. I’m always gonna be fine, I know I’ve got you waiting for me.” he runs his thumb along your bottom lip as he see’s it tremble, he loops his arm round your neck and you place your head in the crook of his neck to feel him whisper “I’m always gonna be fine”
Honestly not sure if I’m happy with this one but thank you so much for suggesting it! Slightly amended it as I got carried away with the storyline but hope I managed to do it some justice :)
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