sad4ppleart · 2 years
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original Sunken Temple is my favorite dungeon
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losteventide · 2 years
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Gift chibis done for friends!
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maxiecabphotography · 2 years
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lendasdeazeroth · 24 days
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O Surgimento do Antigo Deus Ascensão na Mitologia de Azeroth Nos primórdios de Azeroth, existiam forças primordiais e entidades colossais que moldavam o destino do mundo. Entre tais seres, destaca-se Hakkar, também conhecido como o Devorador de Almas. A narrativa de Hakkar tem suas raízes nas profundezas de antigas lendas troll, cujas histórias remontam a eras onde a magia selvagem e os esp...
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skullizzard · 1 year
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demon-cleanerr · 1 year
im reading Well of Eternity rn and i really like Broxigar. the dude genuinely wants to die so badly but every chance hes had so far, hes been like, “no, that wouldnt be a cool enough death”
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vincentreproches · 2 years
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L’ajout d’une tête de mort de la waffen SS est une nouveauté
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tagnoob · 6 months
WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 3 Kicks Off
While our group has fallen off of the Season of Discovery wagon… we’re honestly in a bit of a hiatus save for Potshot and I… the world of Azeroth keeps on spinning even while we’re away.  And so Phase 3 of the Season of Discovery experiment arrived yesterday afternoon Pacific time. Now featuring Phase 3 Phase 3 lifts the level cap to 50, though to help people keep up there will remain an 100% xp…
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galderthefuzzy · 2 months
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The Ritual
After the second fall of Hakkar one would have assumed that his followers would dwindle. This is not the case his loyal priests the Atal’ai are always around hiding and waiting to provide their master his bloody birthright as the Blood God of the Gurubash
I had the pleasure to work on this piece for the wonderful Arensica . Trolls and stained glass seem to go together quite well, add some blood magic on top and you have a project I REALLY enjoy. I hope you like how it turned out! Thank you for commissioning me.
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laurenwalshart · 26 days
Worship of the Wild Gods/Loa
The list of Wild Gods is vast and complex. If you go to any Warcraft wiki and look up the Wild gods it becomes a maddening web that will leave you more confused than when you started. For many their understanding of the Wild Gods starts and stops with the Ancient Guardians of Mount Hyjal that fought in the War of the Ancients (Aessina, Aviana, Malorne, etc), but this isn’t the full picture of the Wild Gods as a whole.
Because of the complexity and diversity of the Wild Gods, it is a common misconception to label the Loa or August Celestials as lesser Wild Gods or something else entirely when in fact the terms are interchangeable. All of the Loa, the August Celestials,the  Ancient Guardians, greater and lesser spirits are Wild Gods. What is also clear is that there is a power of scale of the Wild Gods. Those more well known may be at the higher end of the power scale due to more followers, worship, and offerings granting them a greater portfolio of power and likely a wider reach. There may also exist greater and lesser spirits of a forest, a small grove, local temple, or a single tree that only have limited power in the local area where their followers worship them. (Some examples of this include the Great Bear Spirit in Nighthaven or the Deepwoods Spirits in Karasang Wilds)  
A more recent example that proves that Wild God and Loa are the same term came in 10.2 with a Gossiping Dryad discussing the Wild God/Loa Q’onzu. She says “I heard they’re demanding to be called a ‘Loa’ these days.” (questline “The Answers You’ve Earned”). What is interesting is that no mortals alive now seem to have a memory of Q’onzu and they claim to have existed long before recorded history. Perhaps we have never seen them on Azeroth because there is no one who remembers their name to worship them or provide offerings for them to cross from the Emerald Dream, in a similar way to how Hakkar or Mueh’alah require offerings and sacrifice to cross into our plane. 
What is interesting is that there may be one distinction between the Loa and the Ancient Guardians/August Celestials. The Guardians and Celestials may be bound to Order. It is said in Chronicle Vol. 1 “It was on the slopes of Mount Hyjal that Freya bound the spirits of her beloved Wild Gods to the Emerald Dream…” (pg 40) which includes a list of Wild Gods of both the Ancient Guardians and the August Celestials. In the case of the August Celestials they even chose to remain around a Titanic Facility. The Keeper Freya imbued with the power of Eonar the Life-Binder may be doing just that, binding primal nature spirits with order magic to make them more “stable.” (see Palawltar’s Codex of Dimensional Structure). Perhaps they are bound so they do not require as much worship to remain in reality or they are bound to maintain the order of the Titan’s restructuring of Azeroth and not seek out their own goals. We don’t truly know. What we do know is that while the records of the Titans and their Keeprs present their actions as benevolent and idyllic we know they are often half truths hiding darker experiments and much of the history before the Ordering of Azeroth. We do know life existed before Keeper Freya and as with many other points in Azeroth’s history the Titans Order the advancements of other domains and claim it as their own.  With all this in mind it appears the Loa may then be Wild Gods unbound by Order that require worship of their followers to manifest. This makes Q’onzu’s decision to be called the Loa of Change all the more interesting because Change can be Chaos and not Ordered.
I’ve always found the concept of Greater and Lesser Spirits to be an interesting concept for Druid RP in WoW. Having a connection with one can ground your character to a specific grove, temple, forest, or jungle that they hold scared. Perhaps it is where they know the spirits well and move freely or perhaps this connection is what grants them their wild shapes instead of a big name Ancient Guardian. It also presents interesting roleplay opportunities when your character enters wilds or even biomes that they do not know and come in contact with spirits that are strangers to them. How does your Druid make themselves known or do they at all? Do they provide offerings or seek blessings to travel safely? Do they have rituals that they perform or make shrines for the Wild God they are devoted to? All small things that we don’t see in game very often or if at all, but add so much flavor.
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rain-harmonia · 5 months
art from my wonderful friend @malganis of one of my new characters!
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Zolduri was the high priestess of Hir’eek 1500 years ago when Hakkar worship starting taking off among the Gurubashi. She was incredibly outspoken against it and eventually decided to throw her lot in with what would become the Darkspear — until the Atal’ai had her killed. Later she was raised as a zombie, a final act to dishonor her by forcing her to serve the Atal’ai and Hakkar.
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dog-park-dissidents · 4 months
holy shit new music !! may i ask which man the new song is about 👁
Out With A Bang is a work of fiction and any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. On a completely unrelated note, here is a list of interesting actual persons who are alive today and have real names and addresses:
Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO, TotalEnergies Helge Lund, Chairman, BP Bernard Looney, CEO, BP Amin H. Nasser, CEO, Saudi Aramco Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Chairman, Saudi Aramco Zhang Yuzhuou, Chairman, China Petrochemical Mike Wirth, CEO, Chevron Viktor Zubkov, Chairman, Gazprom Alexey Miller, CEO, Gazprom Javad Owji, Chairman, National Iranian Oil Company Ken Mackenzie, Chairperson, BHP Billiton Mike Henry, CEO, BHP Billiton PM Prasad, Chairman, Coal India Octavio Romero Oropeza, CEO, Pemex Jim Grech, CEO, Peabody Energy Ryan Lance, CEO, ConocoPhillips Sultan Al Jaber, CEO, ADNOC Jean Paul Prates, CEO, Petrobras Nawaf Saud Nasser Al-Sabah, CEO, Kuwait Petroleum Corp. Toufik Hakkar, CEO, Sonatrach John P Surma, CEO, Marathon Petroleum Joseph Gorder, CEO, Valero Greg Garland, CEO, Phillips 66 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, President, Pertamina
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maxiecabphotography · 2 years
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“Your blood sustains me!”
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pathfinderunlocked · 6 months
Lesser Hakkari Kami - CR11 Kami
There is a guardian spirit for all things. Even blood.
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Artwork by T SWCK on Artstation.
A weaker version of the CR 15 Hakkari Kami, a monster I previously posted. In an adventure that ends with the CR 15 version the Hakkari Adherents would be lower level minions that the PCs mow through six at a time, but in an adventure that ends with this CR 11 version, the Hakkari Adherents would be pretty powerful leiutenants.
This creature is based on Hakkar the Soulflayer, a loa demigod from from Warcraft. In the Warcraft setting, loa are divine beings connected to nature, usually taking the form of specific types of animals, which grant power to those who worship them. There are countless loa, many of which are worshiped by groups as small as a specific family, which might have very minimal power. Hakkar is a more powerful one; he’s known as the loa of blood, and takes the form of a wind serpent. I’ve adapted this idea into a kami for Hakkar’s Pathfinder conversion; there’s no type of outsider in Pathfinder that perfectly matches the loa, but kami are close enough to work.
In Pathfinder, kami are a lesser-known type of outsider which are usually neutral aligned and peaceful, watching over a specific type of creature, object or place that they consider their “ward.” There are a huge number of different types of kami which each watch over certain types of wards. A hakkari kami’s ward is spilled blood, and it’s not nearly as peaceful as most others.
Like other kami, hakkari kami find themselves stretched thin, with too many potential wards and not enough kami, and seek to create more of their kind in order to protect more wards. They do this by choosing dedicated mortal servants to ascend to kami when they die. In the case of the hakkari, these mortal servants tend to be those that offer countless blood sacrifices, especially sacrifices to the hakkari kami itself, and who may even take their own life in a ritual sacrifice in an attempt to gain the hakkari’s favor and ascend to a more powerful form. If cornered by powerful enemies, a hakkari’s weaker followers may choose to kill themselves instead of fight, hoping to ascend and become kami themselves instead of passing to the afterlife, and gain enough power to then fight their foes.
A lesser hakkari kami is likely to be one of these followers, newly ascended and not yet in full command of its powers.
I included a line of text stating that a kami can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it. This isn’t listed in the general rules for kamis’ wards, but I feel confident that it must be intended by the developers for there to be SOME way to obtain a new ward. Otherwise, kami that have short-lived creatures like insects as their wards would only have a ward for the first few years or months of their immortal lives, and then be left sickened and purposeless for all eternity. Since insects are even listed as one of their example wards, I assume that probably isn’t the intent of how this type of outsider is supposed to work; they should be able to take a new ward if their old one is killed or destroyed.
This creatures uses the overwhelmed condition, a custom condition I use in some of my creatures. In my own home games, I nearly always replace any paralyzed, stunned, or nauseated effects caused by monsters with the overwhelmed condition.
Lesser Hakkari - CR 11
Towering above you is a massive winged serpent with a fanged maw and scythe-like claws for arms. Its beautiful violet plumage contrasts against its blood-red scales.
XP 12,800 NE Huge outsider (kami, native) Init +8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch, true seeing; Perception +20
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, -2 size); +2 vs. good hp 142 (15d10+60); fast healing 10 Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +13; +2 vs. good DR 10/cold iron Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, polymorph Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee bite +19 (1d8+6), 2 claws +19 (3d6+6) Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks blood siphon, cleansing bloodrage, corrupted blood
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +21)     Constant—blood scent, deathwatch, protection from good, true seeing     At will—blood biography (DC 19)     3/day—confusion (DC 20), quickened blood armor     1/week—dominate monster (DC 25, creatures with blood only)
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 23 Base Atk +15; CMB +23; CMD 38 (40 vs. good) Feats Bloody Assault, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (blood armor) Skills Acrobatics +13, Fly +20, Heal +20, Knowledge (local) +15, Linguistics +0, Perception +20, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Spellcraft +12 Languages Common, Kuru; telepathy 100 ft. SQ merge with ward, ward (spilled blood)
Blood Siphon (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4+1 rounds, a lesser hakkari can drain the blood from targets in a 40 ft. cone. Each target takes 6d8 damage and is overwhelmed for one round. A DC 21 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the overwhelming effect. Creatures that do not have blood are immune. The lesser hakkari is healed for an amount equal to half of the damage dealt. The save DC is Constitution-based.
If a lesser hakkari uses its blood siphon against a creature that is poisoned, or that has poisonous blood (such as from the poisonous blood universal monster ability, the toxic blood spell, or a vishkanya’s toxic racial ability), the lesser hakkari receives no healing from that creature and must save against the poison.
An overwhelmed creature is staggered and cannot concentrate. If an overwhelmed creature attacks or casts a spell, it falls prone and becomes helpless until the beginning of its next turn after doing so. Effects that would remove or prevent the paralyzed or nauseated conditions also remove or prevent the overwhelmed condition.
Cleansing Bloodrage (Ex) Once per day, while below 25% hit points (usually 39 hp), a lesser hakkari can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a lesser hakkari gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. This bonus to Constitution typically increases its current and maximum hit points by 30. In addition, it takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
This bloodrage lasts for 1 minute. When a lesser hakkari’s bloodrage ends, it is fatigued for 1 minute. It cannot enter a bloodrage while fatigued.
While bloodraging, a lesser hakkari can cast and concentrate on its spell-like abilities, but cannot perform any other action that requires concentration, and cannot use Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride).
When a lesser hakkari enters a bloodrage, it is affected as though by the cleanse spell, regaining 4d8+15 hit points and recovering from a variety of conditions and effects.
A lesser hakkari can enter a bloodrage even while under the effect of a condition that would normally prevent it from taking an action, as long as that condition is one that can be removed by the cleanse spell, but doing so uses a standard action instead of a free action.
Corrupted Blood (Su) As a move action, a lesser hakkari can corrupt the blood of a target within 60 ft. The target takes 2d6 negative energy damage, and must succeed on a DC 23 Fortitude save or be subjected to 1d10 bleed damage. Creatures that do not have blood are immune.
Whenever a creature takes bleed damage from this ability, all other creatures within 10 ft. of that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save or begin bleeding as well for 1d10 bleed damage. The save DCs are Charisma-based, and the secondary save includes a -4 penalty.
Fast Healing (Ex) As long as a kami is within 120 feet of its ward, it gains fast healing 10.
Merge with Ward (Su) As a standard action, a kami can merge its body and mind with its ward (see the Ward ability below). When merged, the kami can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if it were using its own body, as well as via any senses its ward might have. It has no control over its ward, nor can it communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from its ward as a standard action. A kami must be adjacent to its ward to merge with or emerge from it.
Ward (Su) A kami has a specific ward—in a lesser hakkari’s case, its ward is spilled blood, either from a specific creature or on a specific sacrificial altar. Several of a kami’s abilities function only when it is either merged with its ward or within 120 feet of it. If a kami’s ward is portable and travels with the kami to another plane, the kami does not gain the extraplanar subtype on that other plane as long as its ward remains within 120 feet. If a ward is destroyed while a kami is merged with it, the kami dies (no save). If a ward is destroyed while a kami is not merged with it, the kami loses its merge with ward ability and its fast healing, and becomes permanently sickened, until it chooses a new ward.
If a kami’s ward is killed or destroyed, it can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it.
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the-broken-spear · 10 months
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Hakkar the Soulflayer fandragon. look how cute he is. sure would be unfortunate if he unleashed an incurable plague upon us all.
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