#hakuouki spoilers
trixibebe · 4 months
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Todo - Rasetsu AU aka guess who finished the first season of Hakuouki recently
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kurayami-no-ko · 1 year
My thoughts on Tenun’s Sannan route
There will be spoilers for the route and also spoilers for the endings of Nagakura and Yamazaki’s routes so don’t read this if you don’t want spoilers.
The route is interesting in the fact that most otome game routes start with the the lovers not being able to connect and then ending with some kind of connections or becoming closer in some way. In both Nagakura and Yamazaki’s routes, Chizuru gets to know the guys more and the end, she becomes closer with them. In Nagakura’s route, at the end, Chizuru saves an entire watermelon for Nagakura even though she only gives one to the otherwise, which is totally a favoritism. They end up eating the watermelon together and having fun. In Yamazaki’s route, Yamazaki and Chizuru have this very cute scene of eating together and getting embarrassed by the other’s clueless comments. Chizuru even becomes rather disappointed when she thinks that Yamazaki says those things with no further intention in mind and it is super cute.
In Sannan’s route, the first route scene between Chizuru and Sannan has him asking her whether she will be bothered if he eats other people’s food and as she fails to understand what he means, he apologized for teasing her. Later on, he tells her he is fully satisfied with her food and does not think about eating other people’s food at all. Chizuru fails to understand what he means but we, the readers, obviously understand that what he means is not food at all lol.
We also learn more about him throughout the route, his views on a lot of stuffs and he treats Chizuru pretty nicely in everything and gives her advice on how best to behave when she is thinking about something. There is a scene in which Chizuru is standing in front of his room thinking about asking him about Matsubara but he is in the middle of his research, so he tells her to leave the food in front of the door. However, he later changes his mind and opens the door and tells her to come in as he plans to take a break from his research. I believe that Sannan does that because he feels that Chizuru is troubled about something, so he stops with whatever he is doing in order to listen to her troubles. So, while the route is not romantic, you see these people growing closer together as Chizuru trusts his opinions and his reasoning in these topics as he is a smart and logical man and he is willing to put aside his research in order to listen to her troubles. Throughout the route, when Chizuru wants to ask him something and is unable to voice her trouble, he feels that he is troubled so asks her about it and even guesses the problem correctly in order to encourage her to speak. I think it is a rather sweet interaction, even when it is not obviously romantic.
However, at the end of the route, it ends with him telling her to stop getting her self involved with him. When they meet each other in Obon, Chizuru thinks he will avoid her but he talks with Chizuru and they burn something together. Sannan voices his thoughts and commemorates about their dead friend, Matsubara. However, the moment the scene ends, he tells her to not get too close with him then leaves. The route ends with Chizuru’s being positive about the kindness that Sannan has shown in regard to Matsubara. 
So, the route goes from Sannan mildly flirting with Chizuru to him telling her to stop getting near to him, which is an interesting development for an otome game route. The ending music does not fit as it is a rather hopeful, romantic music while the route does not end on a very happy note, though a hopeful one. It is an overall pretty sad route, I think.
However, the ending makes me curious because how does this whole distancing himself from Chizuru get resolved? Is Chizuru just going to bring him dinner every night until he stops telling her to not get herself involved with him? Because she obviously has to bring him dinner, as that is her responsibility. I wish that we at least would have that answer.
In a lot of aspects, I actually like this route more than his route in Tsukikage because it shows his personality very well. I feel like at this point in the game, Sannan’s affections will be masked and though he yearns for company, there are still parts of him that shun Chizuru so most of their interactions are either non-romantic and indirect. That is why when Sannan voices his feelings for Chizuru, he does not say it directly but instead, talks about how delicious her food is. He does not want either himself or her to get involved so behind all gentle and sweet interactions, there are underlying currents of something more just under the surface.
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eleiyaumei · 2 years
KW: Why I thought Iba was a Yandere
He reminded me too much of the Yandere in Amnesia: Memories.
Basic similarities:
-   he’s MC’s childhood friend
-   he always wanted to protect MC & made a promise in their childhood to do this
-   he seems to be a gentle, caring person
-   he usually is very calm
(Rather) Problematic Similarities:
-   struggles with protecting MC and/or being unable to do so
-   repeatedly lies to MC “for her sake”, believes that he knows best what MC wants and needs (Chapter 2: Lies that he has heard rumors about Kodo “because he couldn’t bear to see her distraught” and has a moment alone with her; Chapter 3: Lies about taking her back to the Shinsengumi compound, then takes her to a tea house instead. Then explains his reasoning: “Can’t I just enjoy the pleasure of having a moment with you to take a stroll and enjoy a fine snack?” )
-   repeatedly hides the truth about his and MC’s relationship from her (up until Chapter 4/5)
-   struggles heavily with MC not remembering him and their past (even goes so far as to punish her for it by keeping secrets and being mean, Chapter 3, teahouse scene)
-  has secret mean and dangerous sides to him (mean: Chapter 3 teahouse scene; dangerous: Chapter 4 waterside fight)
-  talks about struggles with self-control and deep down wishes to ignore her autonomy and keep her to himself, feeling “tortured” at the thought of MC in danger, blaming MC for making him worry (see screenshots below the cut)
-   lacks empathy/compassion for Chizuru’s situation, her not remembering their childhood (After Chizuru asked him for the reason he would risk his life to protect her, he lies by omission and shames her for making him wait (romantically) and not remembering their childhood: “It’s not fair for you to constantly make me wait, like you do… Besides, one could say it is deserved, a little payback, if you will, for not remembering our childhood, right?” (Chapter 3: Teahouse Scene))
Screenshots below the cut.
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(Above: The dangerous side of both characters that comes out when MC is in danger.)
(Below: Iba’s mean side as depicted in the teahouse scene in Chapter 3 of KW. He’s shaming her for “making him wait” and not remembering.)
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(Below: Iba talking about struggling with self-control and having no regrets with hurting or killing others in order to protect MC in the waterside fight scene in Chapter 4.)
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(Below: Iba talking about feeling “tortured” when thinking of MC getting hurt and blaming MC for “making him worry” in the waterside walk scene in Chapter 4.)
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(Below: Iba talking about wanting to ignore MC’s autonomy to keep her save and by his side in Chapter 5. He comes off as threatening.)
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(Below: Iba saying he wants nothing more than to never leave MC’s side in the Final Chapter.)
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chishigure · 10 months
I'm still in Fontaine prison, but
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Is no one going to mention the similarities or am I tripping?
I'm probably tripping.
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glatisant-questing · 11 months
Short Stories from the Hakuouki Manyo no Shou Stellaworth Bonus Booklet (Part 4)
This is the translation of the last part of the Manyo Stellaworth Bonus Booklet! All three stories (Kazama, Iba, and Sakamoto's stories) take place in Edo Blossoms and may contain some mild spoilers, so be sure that you are okay with them to continue reading ;-) As always, the icons/banners come from the game's website.
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Kazama's Story
"May the two of you find repose in this room" the innkeeper said graciously, and escorted us into the room. However, the moment we stepped through the door, both I and the young girl from the Yukimura family stood still in surprise. "…!" The two futons in the room were nestled side by side, a placement suggesting that the innkeeper might have mistaken us for a wedded couple. "As such, may you enjoy your stay." With impeccable manners, the innkeeper left the room. After the disastrous culmination of the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, we pursued the Shinsengumi back to the Eastern provinces. Since it was getting late, we decided to stay here for the night.
"Um, Mr. Kazama…" Calling my name, Yukimura Chizuru's face was not only red but her neck was also crimson. (Does she think I'm going to do something to her?) Back when we were still in Kyoto, I had made multiple raids on Shinsengumi's headquarters and clashed in conflict with their soldiers. While I could empathize with her insecurities about what I may do… "Don't worry. I'm not the type to lay my hands on a woman before she was wedded to me." "Truly?" The young girl from the Yukimura family cast an uncertain gaze at me. "Of course. I also made an agreement with the female Oni of Hachisuka, remember? Oni never breaks their promises." "Yes, I do remember…" Upon hearing my words, she finally seemed to let down her guards a little, and the tension in her shoulders relaxed. "But, I am a man of reason. If indeed, you find yourself wanting to marry me, I wouldn't rule out the possibility." After I added that, the young girl from the Yukimura family retreated and stood with her back against the wall. "N-No, I never promised anything like that!" With that, she tightly clutched the small dagger that she carried with her. I thought to myself, this was undoubtedly a young girl inclined to react excessively. (At first, I was only interested in her because she is a descendant of the Yukimura family of the oni clan in the Eastern provinces, but…) Gradually, I found myself attracted by her charm. Like how she would take each of my little pranks with earnest, how attentive she was to others' needs, and how she always seemed to intuitively comprehend the way things are.
"Um, Mr. Kazama?" "I won't lay a finger on you. If I break my word, you can use that little dagger of yours to kill me, or do as you please. But speaking of that, I won't make it easy for you to kill me." With that, I extinguished the light and lay down in the futon. Yukimura Chizuru seemed to hesitate for a moment, but before long, I felt her get into the futon too. Judging from the way she breathed, it seemed that she still had not completely let go of her vigilance. (That's okay. There's plenty of time. As long as she keeps on traveling with me, a day will come when she eventually falls in love with me. It's just a matter of time, so there's no need for haste.) While musing over these thoughts, I realized that the sound coming from the neighboring futon had gradually become the soothing breathing of deep slumber. (She still seems a bit guarded, but she must be really tired, too.) I recalled her nervous look from earlier and couldn't help but smile in amusement. (If this girl becomes my wife, life among the oni clan will certainly be anything but dull.) With these thoughts I closed my eyes, leaving the world to the realms of dreams.
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Iba's Story
"My apologies. I heard that my servant's family has encountered an unfortunate circumstance, and it appears he must hastily return to his hometown," I said with regret as I arranged Chizuru's futon in my room. "It's… It's quite all right. There's nothing to be done about it," Chizuru replied. She had been lodging in my home in Edo for several days now. Just as we were beginning to grow accustomed to life here, the servant who had been looking after us decided to return to his hometown for a few days. Moreover, with Chizuru attracting the attention of many who might be chasing after her, I couldn't bear the thought of her sleeping alone. "I will place the futons. Please wait for a little over there," I said, intending to lay out her futon first. "Wait a moment, let me do it. In gratitude for Iba-san's hospitality, please allow me to do what I can." Chizuru replied. "You needn't trouble yourself…" "It's no trouble; please let me." With these words, Chizuru quickly began to lay out not only her futon but also mine. In the blink of an eye, the futons for the two of us were ready. (It's almost as if… We're a married couple.) As I looked at the two futons that were placed side by side, this idea involuntarily crossed my mind. I stole a glance at Chizuru, who was standing beside me. "…" It seemed that she was thinking along similar lines. Her cheeks gradually took on a rosy hue. "Let me guess what you're thinking right now," I said, inquiring. She shivered nervously. "No, I… I wasn't… I wasn't thinking of anything!" Though Chizuru responded otherwise, her adorable reactions were easy to read, always betraying her feelings. "Really? You don't feel like we look like a newly married couple?" I asked, half in jest. "…!" I had hit the mark. Even the tips of her ears were in blush. She bashfully lowered her head and hastily slipped under the covers. "How can you say that…! How could I ever match Iba-san if we were married…" She seemed to have managed to express this thought after some effort. "Is that so? But if you were truly my wife, I would be quite honored," I said. "…" I sensed her holding her breath beneath the covers. "I don't say such things lightly; I've always been sincere." After those words, I extinguished the lamp. The room immediately darkened, allowing us to feel each other's presence even more keenly. (I don't want to rush things… Will that day truly arrive? The day I take you as my wife…) With these thoughts in mind, I, too, pulled the covers over myself to sleep. ☄︎fin.☄︎
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Sakamoto's Story
"Oh, this room looks gorgeous! Staying here, we would surely rest well. Chizuru?" "Y-Yes…" After the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, as we followed the trail of the Shinsengumi all the way to Edo, Chizuru and I traveled to the Eastern provinces, intending to spend the night at an inn along the way. If we couldn't reach the inn before nightfall, we would definitely end up spending the night outdoors. However, luck was on our side today. "By this time, it's likely that the pub is already closed. We can dine tomorrow. "Y-Yes, that sounds reasonable…" Chizuru's response was strained, and her expression was also rather awkward as she constantly avoided meeting my gaze. (Well, it can't be helped. It's the first time we've shared a room like this. I don't think this girl has ever been in a romantic relationship before.) "Rest assured, I have no interest in imprisoning a woman who doesn't desire my company. I won't lay a finger on you," I reassured her, though it seemed she was not entirely assured. "……In that case. Here, take this." I withdrew the pistol from my pocket and took hold of Chizuru's wrist, placing the firearm in her hand. "Ryoma-san, what is this for?" "In case something unpleasant happens, just use this to pierce my heart. It has silver bullets, right? Those can actually kill me." I said, but Chizuru turned pale at my words. "How can you say such things…!" Her expression also grew tense. "… Even if it's a joke, please don't say things like that. How could I ever harm Ryoma-san…" Indeed, I had taken my joke way too far, especially considering Chizuru had lost her important companions in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi. "I'm sorry; I was too thoughtless. I only wanted to put your mind at ease, but it seems I did just the opposite. "It's alright…" Chizuru quietly shook her head. Then, she picked up the pistol and handed it back to me. "Although you say that, I'd still prefer you to hold onto it. It might make you feel safer, after all." I said. "It's alright… I trust Ryoma-san, so please take this gun back, Ryoma-san." Seeing Chizuru looking directly at me, this time I was the one taken aback. "I'll go change into my nightgown." Chizuru said, and she was ready to leave the room. "No, I'll step out for a moment, and you can change your clothes here. Just let me know when you're done." "Oh…" I left Chizuru in the room and went out into the corridor. (Chizuru is as resolute as ever. Her straightforwardness only makes me like her even more.) Even though I was being led on by a girl much younger than me, it was a rather pleasant feeling. (Despite the numerous frustrations, as long as I'm with her, this journey seems like it'll be an enjoyable one.) I contemplated this as I waited for Chizuru to finish changing. ☄︎fin.☄︎
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towerbetweenworlds · 7 months
Before Sannan had a route, my heart went to Hijikata. I still think the latter has the most interesting and complete of routes (not only is he the "canonical" in anime, he outlives many of the other Shinsengumi in history, being alive all the way up to the end of the Boshin War.)
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Conversely, Sannan, or Yamagami Keisuke, is the first of the Shinsengumi core members to die in history. He's also considered to be among the most principled of the lot, if a little uptight compared to the rural stock most of the other members come from.
(As an aside: I have an interest in feudal Japanese history that goes beyond my love for Hakuouki, my primary interest being in the Sengoku or Warring States period. But I do credit the otome game for getting me truly interested in the period between the Black Ships / Commodore Perry's arrival and the start of the Meiji Restoration. So my fansploding over Sannan will definitely be interspersed with thoughts of the historic events, people, and places Hakuoki is based on.)
My knowledge of the historical Sannan is why I always side-eyed at the idea that he's just a purely evil and unlikable character in the game. I know it can depend a LOT on the route you play, but...
[I guess it is spoiler time now, specifically for Sannan and Heisuke routes]
...pretty much every character in the game has at least *some* basis in known history, albeit highly romanticized (duh). So it makes way more sense to me for Sannan's cold, calculating, and ruthless attitude to be only one part of his truth, and for his deep love and loyalty to the Shinsengumi (and Chizuru!!) to feature strongly in his motivations under the surface.
I also love that while he's terribly antagonistic in Heisuke's route, he actually subverts this in his own route by *pretending* to kill him to sell his strategy to get closer to Yukimura Kodo.
I won't entirely absolve Sannan because he does do some abjectly awful things, even in his route. Honestly, that's true of the historical Shinsengumi as a whole, which is why their reputation can range from the villainous (see: Rurouni Kenshin, minus Harada of course--he's a good boy in all media afaik) to the heroic but ultimately tragic (see: the NHK Shinsengumi! taiga drama, which generally paints them in a positive light, but does not shy from portraying when their members make questionable decisions.) I get why he thought he had to keep Chizuru in the dark about his plans, but I do think he could have trusted her more to hold up her end of things if they worked together.
Honestly, I think Sannan's depression (as someone quite familiar with that particular psychological condition, I can say with confidence he definitely suffered it, especially when triggered by feeling worthless) makes it hard for him to accept that someone could love him enough to follow him boldly into his schemes while trusting he will not fall completely. The game makes it clear that Chizuru's love is a deciding factor when it comes to him taking a less heinous path toward finding a true purpose in life. She ensures his despair and desperation do not swallow him whole, both due to the chance for redemption she represents for him, and because her blood makes it possible for him to do more for longer without losing his sanity to the Ochimizu.
On the other hand, the dark, twisted side of him that leads him to decide that forcing a kiss on Sen to turn her into a demon rasetsu is a good idea (for example) is still part of who he is. That is something much harder to accept. He can be deliberately cruel, if only to keep people at arms length so he can keep wallowing in his pain, and he can be terrible at considering the human factor in the schemes within schemes he plots. At his worst, he discards emotions and morality as a hindrance to his goals, and that's just not a good way to handle things. He should not be given a free pass to be abusive, no matter if it is due to his fragile self-esteem, his fear of letting people too close, or his tendency to hyperfocus on the endgame.
I think all of us have the potential to rise or fall depending on our circumstances--our genetics, where we were born, how our parents/guardians raised us, important people in our lives, life-altering events that befall us. As a multiply marginalized person, I drew the short straw in many ways, but I am extremely fortunate to have a supportive spouse who knows me like no one else, whom I can trust with my life. Genuine love from a worthy life partner can truly be transformative if you are fortunate to find it. It's not the only way to reach a state of greater happiness and stability, but it is *A* way, and I choose to believe it works wonderfully for Sannan and Chizuru.
Maybe it's cliche to say he just needs love. Haha. But he definitely needs help avoiding the pitfall of devaluing himself and others so much that the kinder, gentler parts of his nature are smothered.
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stainedglassvariations · 59 minutes
LADS and Otome
If you say this earlier, no you didn't lol. Minor spoilers for Amnesia Memories and Hakuouki. Also, some mild spicy content in Rafayel's message, but nothing overtly!
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tofutortoise · 9 months
My Experience at The Tempest (少年社中) + Meeting Imata Taira!!
On Monday I saw Shonen Shachu’s 25th anniversary production of The Tempest in Tokyo! Overall, I had an amazing experience, and even got to meet IMATA TAIRA HIMSELF!!! And speak to him, which was unreal. Details below, but also spoilers for the play! 
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First off, I got my ticket through the lottery system, and somehow I ended up with a fantastic seat on the first floor! I haven’t had great luck with random seats in the past, but this time I sure did. It was a pretty small theater with excellent acoustics. The set was minimal but well utilized. I was really excited about the costumes after seeing all the glittering visuals on the official website (see here), but for some reason, the actual costumes they wore for the play were completely different and noticeably lower quality. I was particularly disappointed that the women’s costumes had major downgrades. On the bright side, Hiroshi Yazaki (playing Kagura/Prospero) got an even better costume than the one he wears in the official posters. He looked like a prince! 
As for the story, I can’t say I was the biggest fan. However, this is probably on me more than the production lmao. Because it’s called The Tempest, I assumed that this would simply be a production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. However, as I quickly realized while watching the show and growing ever more confused, this is not the case!! It’s actually an original show about a theater group dealing with the loss of one of their members, reckoning with what it means to be an actor and bringing happiness to people, following their love for acting, etc., all while they put on a production of The Tempest. Scenes from Shakespeare’s Tempest are therefore interwoven into the play, and sometimes I admit I had a hard time understanding what was going on (the many time skips/flashbacks didn’t help on this point lol). Honestly I should have read the plot synopsis ahead of time, but because I assumed it was just the basic Tempest I didn’t bother– oops. 
There were points where I was quite invested and moved, but overall I wouldn’t say the flow of the story was particularly great. However, my experience was also limited by my intermediate Japanese, and I’m sure a lot of it went over my head. 
I think all of the actors did an amazing job! Imata Taira was definitely a highlight, and he portrayed a very troubled, grieving, angry character with artfulness and incredible intensity. Seeing him, along with Yazaki and Shogo in person, was absolutely unreal. As a long time Hakuouki fan, going from first seeing them on my computer in Hakumyu 8 years ago to watching them in person in Japan is a dream come true. 
Now, let’s get to the most exciting part– I MET IMATA TAIRA!!! AND SPOKE TO HIM!!!! AHHH! Basically after the show there was a special line where you could go to buy a piece of merch and talk to Taira for a moment. I had no idea they would be doing this so I hadn’t prepared anything to say to him, and I was SO nervous!! Turns out I needn’t have worried though, because Taira is such a lovely person and it was a great interaction. First of all, when the person in front of me moved on and I stepped up, Taira’s eyes went comically wide and he let out a gasp. I was expecting some level of surprise because I was a foreigner (blue eyes, red hair, etc.) at a completely Japanese play, but he was seriously taken aback. I spoke to him entirely in Japanese, of course, and thanked him for a wonderful performance, but he was just kinda scrambling for words and saying stuff like “Ah I’m so sorry I don’t know English!!”. He was so sweet and even bowed and put his head to the table and apologized for not knowing English T-T. I told him that even though my Japanese isn’t great, the power of theater is such that you don’t need to understand the words to be moved, and he thanked me again and even gave me his best “thank you!” in English too! He was so incredibly kind and genuine, and I found his reaction to be hilarious. It seemed like he was just as nervous to speak to me as I was to speak to him! Absolutely amazing experience!!!! The whole thing still feels absolutely unreal to me. I never thought I would have the opportunity to actually speak to one of the actors who has meant so much to me over the years. What a wonderful way to start off 2024 :) 
If anyone wants to chat about the play or has any questions about seeing it, feel free to PM anytime!
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elinciarune · 9 months
So I have been slowly but surely playing variable barricade and have been able to finish the common route and Nayuta’s route after a couple of months, and now I want to write everything in my mind before moving on completely to Shion XD
Possible spoilers ahead 🙈
To sum it up, I have been enjoying this game so much, it is really shaping up to be my favourite otome game! (Sorry Hakuouki you are still special and dear to me, but yeah, I’m being objective here XD)
At first, I was wary and kept my expectations low because the reviews were quite mixed. And I was entering the game assuming it is pure romantic comedy. I won’t lie at the first couple of chapters, the more slice of life-y tone that has some comedy sprinkled left me waiting for the rom-com to kick in Ouran-style, but the moment I appreciated and drilled in the idea that this game is indeed more of a slice of life, character-study kind of story, I immediately started enjoying the common route immensely!
The dialogue is top-notch, the character interactions are so good, and the characters themselves are multi-faceted and feel so real in a good way.
The common route was enjoyable from start to finish, every sentence and piece of dialogue I enjoyed.
Of course, Hibari herself has a huge role to play in this. She was thrusted in a very extreme and difficult situation from her point of view, so every thing she has said or done (including her ‘bratty’ attitude) totally makes sense and perfectly portray a 17 yr old teenager.
Plus she’s cute, really really cute, protect my baby at all cost 😤
So yeah overall I have been hooked😆🤝
Now for Nayuta’s route, I like genki, himbo guys so was looking forward to his route, and it perfectly delivered. I like how in the beginning, Hibari, as a way to work upon making sense of her choice of him, creates this scenario of him being her guardian and acts like a typical teenage girl who falls in love, and despite this shattering because of how oblivious and one track minded he is, her pursuing of him actually caused a huge ripple in his very straightforward simplistic world, where he sets on one thing and clings unto achieving it despite everything else.
That gets me to the fact that he was described as ‘selfish’. Which was a really interesting way to describe him. And yeah that one track mindedness of his and straightforwardness makes him put his own desires first and foremost and in a way he is ‘selfish’. But interestingly, as I said, the ripple caused by Hibari led to him gradually maturing in a way that uses such straightforward and ‘selfish’ thinking in a way that is more balanced.
In fact, I think him being ‘selfish’ is not bad at all! It means that his desires, when being directed towards becoming better and to also be and support those whom he loves, is actually much more better than a ‘selfless’ person who might put societies needs above theirs and would consequently get hurt or even hurt those around them.
So as his route progresses, I liked how he gradually started cherishing Hibari as someone dear to him for personal reasons, not idealistic ones, and he redirected his guardian skills in a way that made him perceptive of Hibari’s needs and compared to the beginning of the route, he became much more understanding.
By the end, the same one track mindedness that is an inherent part of his personality as well as the ‘selfishness’ became the drive for him to fulfil his desire to help Hibari and to be with her.
So 10/10 XD
Now to continue Shion 🤌
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sunglassesd0ggo · 1 year
Hi, this is a list of animes I like so you can get to know me even more. (I WILL UPDATE THIS LIST AS I WATCH THE SERIES)
🔴 - Didn't finish and prob won't continue.
🟡 - Didn't finish but prob will continue.
🟢 - Finished!
🤍 - Liked it too much and read the manga.
❤️ - Won my heart forever.
Pokémon - 🟢❤️ (First anime ever, didn't even knew it was an anime lol)
Beyblade - 🟢 (I mean why not, I like it haha)
Naruto / Shippuden - 🟢 (When it all started for real, in 2020).
Black Clover - 🔴
Fairy Tail - 🔴
One piece - 🟡
BSD - 🟢🤍 (I really love this, 8/10 bc the manga is better)
JJK - 🟢🤍 (I miss Nanami, Shibuya arc is near, let's suffer again jjk fandom)
TBHK - 🟢🤍 (It was one of my first anime ever, started the manga but stopped)
Tokyo Revengers - 🟢🤍 (Very good, the ending was kinda rushed tho)
Tokyo Ghoul - 🟢
Noragami - 🟢 (Need to start the manga!)
Chainsaw - 🟢🤍 (First anime I've read the manga before the anime)
Owari no Seraph - 🟢🤍 (Def homosexual but ok, need a 3 season)
Tower of God - 🟢🤍
Vinland Saga - 🟡🤍 (Finished S1 before the s2 was there so I started reading the manga, dropped it and didn't watched or read it anymore)
Food wars - 🟢 (Food)
Demon Slayer - 🟡 (I didn't had the time to go past S1 since 2020)
*Updated to 🟢: I finished the anime and I'm gonna read the manga!
Fire force - 🔴
Dororo - 🟢 (Work of art)
TPN - 🟡 (Dropped in the middle of s2)
SAO - 🟢 (I like classics)
Violet Evergarden - 🟡 (I wasn't understanding the story so I need to re-watch it)
BNHA - 🟡
Haikyuu - 🟢❤️ (My family)
TGOH - 🟢🤍
Horimiya - 🟢 (Meh)
Kamisama Hajimemashita - 🟢❤️ (I don't even need to explain)
One punch man - 🟡
Assassination Classroom - 🟢 (It gave me depression)
Rokudenashi Majutsu - 🟢
Mahoutsukai no Yome - 🟢❤️ (This kind of women are just✨)
Kuroko no Basket - 🟢
Blue Lock - 🟡🤍 (Started the manga)
Fullmetal - 🟡
Akame Ga kill - 🟢 (I was innocent, I had literally no spoiler, I cried my soul)
Elite classroom - 🟢
Fruits basket - 🟡❤️ (I always stop in S3 so I'm waiting for vacations to finish this masterpiece)
Kimi Ni Todoke - 🟢 (Fluffy)
Beastars - 🟡
Ao no Exorcist - 🟢
SK8 - 🟢 (Gay skaters)
Angels of death - 🟢 (Came after Naruto lol)
Inu X Boku - 🟢 (Came after the AOD)
Black butler - 🟢 (Suspicious)
Kaichou was maid-sama - 🟢 (Cute)
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - 🟢❤️ (Idk but this anime ost makes me feel sad and nostalgic but happy at the same time)
TYE - 🟡 (I had no courage to get past the 1 EP)
Goblin slayer - 🟡
Charlotte - 🟢 (Cried)
Angel beats - 🟢 (Cried)
Clannad - 🟢 (Cried)
Ao Haru Ride - 🟢
Akagami no Shirayuki - 🟢❤️ (I love strong women)
Orange - 🟢 (...)
Noblesse - 🟢🤍
Vanitas no Carte - 🟢🤍
Hyouka - 🔴
Free! - 🟢 (Gay)
Ouran High School - 🟢❤️
Akatsuki no Yona - 🟢 (Ah, woman...)
Gakuen Babysitters - 🟢❤️ (So cute pls watch it)
Assassin's pride - 🟢 (Don't watch it)
K-Project - 🟡
Sankarea - 🟢
Fate - 🔴 (I need someone to explain me this thing)
Kemono Jihen - 🟢
AOT - 🟡
Devilman - 🟢 (Yeah no)
Kekkai Sensen - 🟢
86 - 🟡
Munou na nana - 🔴 (I was watching the launch but I dropped it)
Little Witch Academia - 🟢❤️ (Watched on netflix)
TMD - 🟢 (Gays)
Death Parade - 🟡
Yuukoku no Moriarty - 🟢 (Catch me if you can Mr. Holmes~)
Bakuten!! - 🟢
Durarara! - 🟡
Nanbaka - 🟢
Gunjou no Magmel - 🟢 (no idea)
I'm standing on a million lives - 🟢
Lookism - 🟢🤍
Ballroom - 🟢
Tsurune - 🟢 (I love this)
Somali to Mori no kamisama - 🟢
Kiznaiver - 🟢
Buddy Daddies - 🟢 (Def gay)
Trigun Stampede - 🟡 (I just need time)
Cyberpunk - 🟡
Pandora Hearts - 🟡
Number 24 - 🟢
Gangsta. - 🟡
Hakuouki - 🟢 (Cried)
Ao no Hana - 🔴
Tanaka-kun - 🟢 (Cute)
Idolish-7 - 🟢
Hakkenden: Touhou - 🟢🤍 (I really need to find the manga)
Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10cm Datta - 🟢 (I love the ost kikoemasuka)
Mekaku City Actors - 🟢
Sirius - 🟢
Anime (but BL)
Given - 🟢🤍 (I don't think I need to explain anything after this)
Junjou Romantica - 🟢🤍 (Told you)
Super Lovers - 🟢 (I don't like this tho-)
Yuri on ice - 🟢
Banana Fish - 🟢 (I hate this but I love this)
Dakaichi - 🟢 (Do not ask)
Sasaki to Miyano - 🟢🤍
Hitorijime my Hero - 🟢🤍
The night beyond - 🟢🤍
Hatsukoi - 🟢🤍 (I love this one, def stressing but also good)
Umibe no Etranger - 🟢🤍 (This is fluffy)
Doukyuusei - 🟢🤍 (You need to watch it)
Hybrid child - 🟢🤍 (I cried and cried, I just cried)
Monochrome Factor - 🔴 (I have no idea)
No. 6 - 🟢🤍
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kurayami-no-ko · 1 year
Translation of Sannan short story from the Tsukikage Stellaworth booklet
Note: This short story is from the Stellaworth tokuten shousasshi for Hakuouki Tsukikage no Shou. I don't own a copy of this booklet.
Spoiler for Sannan's route.
Sannan Keisuke
“If one brings a woman along, I think that it is best to somewhat show her to an inn but…that was outside of my expectation.”
Opening the door and looking at the room we would be sheltering in tonight, I could not help letting out a sigh of disappointment.
Inside the room there were only two shabbily built bed. The room smelled faintly of mold and if one stayed long enough here, it was probable one would start to feel down.
After the battles in Japan had ended, in order to learn more about rasetsu and ochimizu – and also about the race of demons living in the West, Chizuru and I journeyed to Europe.
At the beginning, because of the very different climate and lifestyle from Japan, and also because of the languages we could not understand very well, we were extremely bewildered but somehow, we could say that they got used to it.
Because I had the body of a rasetsu, Chizuru had the body of a pure-blooded demon, we would only be fine if we received injuries that were not severe. In foreign countries, if we succumbed to illnesses, it was possible that just like that, we could lose our lives.
“I am sorry. Tonight, please endure. From tomorrow, I will try to make sure it will not be like this.”
However, Chizuru…
“I am fine. As long as there are a mattress and a blanket, I am okay.”
“Because we are travelling in a foreign country with no place to go to, from now on, money is important, right? I think that it is best if we should avoid wasting money as much as possible.”
She did not voice out a single word of complaint and accepted everything.
I let out a sigh.
“I would rather you condemned this kind of situation.”
Not being able to understand the meaning of my words immediately, her eyes rounded up.
After fixing my glasses, I leaned my face towards her left ear.
Then, when I lightly used my fingers to brush away the hair falling over her ear, she was slightly surprised and with a twitch, her shoulders leaped up.
While thinking that acting like this, she was so cute, I whispered.
“If you are able to accept everything in such a manner…I will take advantage of you without limitation.”
The moment I said those words, a bright red spread all over her skin until her ears were also of that color.
I kissed her red cheek.
The kiss was not even on the lips but was a trivial kiss on the cheek, but she became embarrassed to the point of being miserable. It was like she understood how to awaken my desire to tease her.
However, she continued shrinking, moving her lips and looked like she wanted to say something.
Thinking that this was strange, I moved my ears towards her mouth…
“I…think I don’t mind being taken advantage of more and more.”
The moment I heard those words, my mind literally became blank, and I was unable to follow up with anything else.
(Chizuru, you…)
She probably was able to guess only a little bit of what I was feeling after hearing those words.
No, she definitely was not able to imagine anything.
His young lover definitely could not imagine the effect of such defenseless words on the heart of a man.
“…Tonight, I planned to study the language of this country from the usual book but…”
When he spoke to that point and stopped, Chizuru leaned her head to one’s side, looking doubtful.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into an embrace.
When we were close enough to the point that our breaths mingled, her face approached me.
I saw that because of surprise and confusion, her black irises were trembling.
“I have changed my mind. I think that I am going to take advantage of you to my heart’s contents. If I don’t do such a thing, I will not be able to concentrate.”
“Ehh? Ehh, eh…?”
There was no need to explain about Chizuru’s confused expression in more words.
I grabbed her small and slender chin and tilted it upwards. And just like that, following the course of the momentum, I stole her lips.
(Because I am much older than you, I want to show the moderation of an older man but…)
When they were alone together, especially if I heard such words as she said beforehand, no matter what, I became unable to do that.
As I kept giving her little kisses, it felt like my head was submerged in water, dulling me to the core of my brain
It was so strange that no matter how much I had fully tasted the lips of my charming beloved, I could not become satiated of them. Instead, I felt that the more time passed, the more I would become fully absorbed in them.
(I cannot count how many times that I used to think that it was so foolish when I saw the degrading forms of men of the world as they became weak because of women…Now I fully understand those feelings.”
Just like that, I supported her body and led her towards the bed.
And just like that, I pinned her body onto the bed.
I could feel what kind of expression that she was making from her breaths and from how her limbs were trembling slightly.
Though she expressed a little anxiety, in truth, the gaze looking up at me expressed trust in me.
And then…
“The Keisuke-san of this moment, seems…somewhat like a different person from the normal you.”
“This me, do you dislike it?”
She shook her head in response to that question.
“…I cannot ever grow to dislike Keisuke-san. No matter what happens.”
Listening to her whispering voice which reverberated in the dark, his reason was submerged in sweet nectar.
(A person such as yourself is, truly…)
Listening to such a phrase from his beloved, was there any man that could still keep his reason in such a circumstance?
“By such words, you allow me to take advantage of you. Today, it is likely that I will not hold back myself but…the person who made it happen is you, isn’t it?”
After saying that, I resumed kissing her intensely.
When the night deepened, while watching Chizuru breathing in her sleep from her side, I flipped through the dictionary of the language of this country.
(At this age, it is very hard for me to learn new things…)
Though I had knowledge of Chinese classical writing, the languages of Europe were different in their own ways.
However, I would definitely not resign only because of this much difficulty.
(In this strange country, I will definitely not abandon you.)
Until the day I could solve the riddle of rasetsu and ochimizu, cure my body of the poisonous effect of ochimizu and become a human once again, I definitely could not die.
In truth, it would not be strange if I had lost his life earlier on but, for some cause or effect, until this point when both the shogunate and the Shinsengumi had gone, I was still able to hold onto my life.
(Surely, this is also a coincidence of fate.)
Looking at the innocent sleeping form of the person I loved, unintentionally, a smile appeared on my face. Just having her by my side gave me unlimited strength.
(Some time, when I can solve the riddle of the ochimizu…let’s go back to Japan. Until that point, I cannot allow myself to die.)
While only gazing at the stars, inside my heart, I made a speech to my dearest lover.
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eleiyaumei · 2 years
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Morikubo Showtaro’s characters disintegrating in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Hakuōki Movie 2 and 7′scarlet.
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chishigure · 1 year
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Rules | About | Verses | Headcanons | Mun
Blog status: Semi-hiatus/Extremely slow activity (9/12/2024)
Due to the nature of Hakuouki, this blog may contain dark themes such as “vampirism”, blood, violence, angst, murder, and other dark themes. If it’s not something you’re comfortable with, I would suggest not following this blog as I will not tone down how my muse is.
Canon and history says Souji died from tuberculosis. However THIS SOUJI IS NOT DEAD NOOOOOPE. HE’S ALIVE AND BY DEFAULT HE HAS RECOVERED FROM TUBERCULOSIS (and is now married to Chizuru even though canon says no), though I’m not against writing him still struggling from his illness either
Mun has only played through Souji’s, and Chikage’s routes in Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms. IDC about spoilers about the other routes so please feel free to spoil away.
Mun has only seen the Reimeiroku anime, the 2022 liveaction drama, the SSL liveaction drama, and the 2021 OVA/Demon Fleeting Blossom OVA. Mun is kind of afraid to watch the following animes that isn’t Reimeiroku (or the Demon Fleeting Blossom OVA) cuz of how dirty they did to my boy Souji, and also not being much of a fan of the canon route. Don’t let this stop you from writing with me though. I respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions.
My rules apply for all of my blogs. Shipping stuff may vary though, but for romantic shipping, Souji will only be romantically shipped with any Chizurus out there cuz it is who I can only see him getting romantically involved with. This does not mean I will only ship with one Chizuru, so any Chizurus out there have my permission to come at my Souji as long as we are mutuals.
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List of my sideblogs on a doc just so y'all know (and in case anybody is interested)
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Sources under the cut
Background and header by hauntedrph
A lot of icons I use of Souji were made by iconsbyafangirl
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vishapsking · 2 years
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NAME: Momo
PRONOUNS: She/her, they/them.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Retuo Longwang/Azhdaha. I’m also available on my multimuse sideblog @idolatri​.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): On Tumblr? Since 2015. 
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Forums, LJ and Tumblr.
BEST EXPERIENCE: A tie between my first Tumblr rpc, Hakuouki and my second, Touken Ranbu.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Constant negativity on the dash ( e.g ship bashing, vaguing another writer, etc ); I can’t stress enough that I really don’t care what so and so ships or doesn’t ship, please leave me out of that petty and juvenile drama. Not tagging nsfw and spoilers after I ask you once. Badgering me for replies because I am slow. 
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: All? Too much of anything is no good. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: Plotting is preferable especially considering the fact that Retuo is mostly a side character. But, I enjoy answering and sending memes as well. 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Preferably long, but I can work with anything. I just don’t like one-liners outside of the occasional crack or dash commentary shenanigans.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Whenever inspiration strikes me. Unfortunately, that usually means when I’m commuting. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): We’re both blind sometimes I guess.
tagged by: @pyrrhicpaths​ ( ty ty <3 ) tagging: pls steal it
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widemushroom · 7 days
Spoilers a head from this fanfic
In this fanfic, Heisuke says something like "you disobeyed me" or "you lied to me" because Chizuru put herself in what he considered dangerous. Chizuru even cries and tells Heisuke not to hate her. He reassures her that he doesn't hate her and that he has to go back to work, so they speak later. When he returns home, he finds the bedroom door locked and thinks that she is sulking or is going to fight him then she has a talk with him from behind the door then allows him to enter with the condition of keeping his eyes closed and then speaks with him more then hug him and tells him to open his eyes then they have a very romantic night.
I believe if it was Kazama who said such a thing to her and fought with her, then she would not act the same way she did with Heisuke at all. I believe she would be extremely disturbed and turned off by him, and she would fight back and would not cry at all or would cry but still fight.
And, of course, she would not make up with him by having a very romantic night or anything like that. She probably keeps the door locked on purpose, or she leaves to another room.
Kazama's character and behavior are what would force her to act like that.
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someawesomeamvs · 8 months
Warning: Violence, spoilers
Title: Let's Fight!
Editor: RapelPw
Song: No Scared
Anime: Persona 4: The Animation, Ao no Exorcist, C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, Guilty Crown, BTOOOM!, Darker than Black, Hakuouki: Hekketsuroku, Jormungand: Perfect Order, Fate/Zero, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Brave-10, Project K, Tiger and Bunny, Psycho-Pass, Sword Art Online
Category: Action
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