#halfway through writing this i was like ... is rahim even there? idk!
rootsofdread · 1 year
PLEASE I love those names so much oh my god my heart 😭 I'd love to see some pics!! I love rats sm poor things are so underestimated and misunderstood as pets 🥺
YOU LIKE DYING LIGHT???? AAAAAAAAA omg ok sorry I just omg I LOVE coming across more people who like it!! I love it so much oh my god it's my all time favorite game it's amazing. Never liked the second one tho but that's just me lol. BUT the pwp I'm writing? It's with Rais lol I've always had a big fat crush on him even tho he's a bitch. Rahim is so cute too omg I've always loved him as a character. I love he and Crane's friendship it's so sweet omg
But yeah it's super fun rewriting things in an OC's pov omg. Mine's name is Louise Barbossa and she's the daughter of Captain Barbossa. Idk I've always seen him as a father figure LMAO. But omg I love TWD! Literally any zombie apocalypse setting is amazing omg (except that Andrea bitch)
But omg the same happens to me with the word count lol with the pwp I knew it was long but over 4k words and I'm not even halfway through it?? Goddam 💚
Omg I'm so sorry this is so long, I can talk for hours upon hours about things I like lol. For your own good don't ask me about The Dark Crystal I won't ever shut up
HERE YOU GO ❤️ (under a cut bc tumblr won't cooperate):
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pip is the top two, urf is the bottom two (the higher-quality picture was taken by my fiance lol!), they are very sweet boys! urfie is very crazy, he gets the zoomies a lot and loves to bite us when he does (gently), little pippy is more calm and just loves to chat & say hello :-)
and yes i DO really like dying light!! been a long time since i played it myself but i have loved it for a long time, probably one of my favorite zombie settings tbh. i never played the second one but i've heard from my brother & fiance that it's not very good lol. and that's funny i brought up rais and that's who you're writing about hehe, crane & rahim do have a very cute friendship though and i wuved them <3
oh that's cute!! i only ever watched the first POTC but i did like barbossa a lot :-) but yesss TWD is one of my very favorite things ever, huge comfort show, i have been deeply utterly in love with daryl for a little over 5 years <33 (but yes in this household we hate andrea)
but yeah lol i have something similar & self-indulgent that's almost 5k words, truly we love to see it hehe!
(and it's ok, i do the exact same thing lol <3)
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daniellle · 4 years
where - the inaugural ball who - @unmercifuls​ / rahim.
Danielle, in all honesty, wasn’t interested in talking to most of the people present. She had started off wanting to network, wanting to dazzle people with the tulle hugging her body, wanting to put herself out there. But she felt tired, annoyed, heavy with the dizzying confusion that came with all the pretending. And so she searched, for someone, anyone, that knew at least a fraction of the things hidden behind her sparkling eyes. Rahim was the first face she found, and she skipped over, picking up a flute of champagne on the way. “Hiya handsome,” she said, nudging him in the elbow. “You look fancy.” Dani’s eyes skimmed the room. “I need some fresh air. Wanna accompany me?”
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citkats · 3 years
Love, Victor and it's problems
Hello! First post here! I know this isn't a movie, instead of a show, but I feel like I have a few things I have the urge to spill out, so here it goes.
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I've watched both seasons of Love, Victor and finished the second one the day it came out, June 11. It's now June, 26 and I've let a few thoughts and problems I've had about the show sit in my brain for a while now but they're starting to get antsy. Is the show really that serious to pick it apart and point out its flaws? No, it's supposed to be a cute little show about a boy exploring his sexuality, and I know that. But man I can't help myself, what else am I suppose to do this summer anyway? So, that being said, let's get started!
Actually, before I start I just wanted to get out of the way that I am a queer girl myself, who is also a teenager, so that is the type of viewpoint I am watching this show through. Do with that what you will :D Now we can get started, here are the three main problems I had with the show;
i. The Writing
The writing of this show is... something else to say the least. It has its good moments for sure, but man is it hard to get through an episode without cringing once or twice. Now I am no writer myself, so I can't judge too hard, but I wish the show didn't try to fit in so many pop culture references and twitter lingo to try and appeal to teens. It's so obvious while watching that the writers themselves only have a vague idea on how to use it. There is a scene of the show that is going around on twitter, instagram and tiktok where a character says something along the lines of "We stan you!" and "We're all gay AF!" (link below for the whole video).
.... like... what? My god my body collapsed in on itself when I heard that. I think the writers maybe tried to make the line of "We're gay AF" as a cringy joke to show how oblivious the character was, but the line "We will forever stan you" shows how oblivious the writers are to the use of the word "stan", or at least that's how it came off the way the actor said it. The line is said with no implication that it's supposed to be cringy or something to laugh at. I don't know if the writers were aware at the time that this is something teenagers do not say about or to their friends unless they purposely want to sound out of touch. Someone in the replies even said "In real life that won't happen ever" and they're correct. This is just one instance where the writing feels shaky but there are many more sprinkled throughout the show. This probably is super nitpicky but it's just so prevalent in the show that I felt that I had to write about it.
ii. The Love Interests
Now on to another problem, The characters of Rahim & Benji. Let's start off with Benji. He serves as the love interest for the main character Victor, which is fine! It's great! Except it isn't because that's all Benji is... a love interest. He barely has any personality and the only three things I know about him are that he is gay, is in a band, and is a recovering alcoholic. With those three things, there is so much to do with his character. They mention in the show that his dad wasn't too happy when he came out, and brought him to a strip club in order to make him "straight". I thought maybe the show would show how his relationship with his dad has been damaged and how they're slowly trying to repair it, or maybe Benji doesn't want to forgive his dad and all! But no, the restaurant scene comes and everything seems fine like something as traumatic as your own father refusing to accept your sexuality and trying to convince you to be someone else never happened. If you're going to make your character go through something like that, it would be good to show its consequences, not to sweep it under the rug! In the first half of the season, if I remember correctly, we see almost every character in a different location doing their own storyline, except Benji, who only exists at school and in the coffee shop to show that he's Victor's boyfriend. I don't think there's a single scene where it's just Benji alone doing something that doesn't involve Victor. It isn't until the later episodes where he gets his own plotline, one that revolves around him being a recovering alcoholic and being 1 year sober. Now don't even get me started on this... the fact they waited a whole season and a half to get to this huge revelation?? This is a big part of Benji that he kept secret and they could do so much with it, but it ends up being just a plot device so that Victor can break up with him and end the season on a cliffhanger. It seems like every one of Benji's plot points is to benefit Victor in some way (all except for the band, but they also never expand on that either so :/). The other couples, for example, Lake & Felix, have their own problems and stuff they're going through, not just things to benefit their love interest story. I get that Victor is the main character, but if this show is about him discovering his sexuality, should his love interest be a huge part of that? Shouldn't there be more focused on his love interest rather on his best friend? I don't know that's just how I view it.
Rahim is Victor's second love interest who is introduced halfway through the second season in the episode called Sincerely Rahim. He, like Benji, the only purpose of his character is to serve as a love interest for Victor and create a love triangle that can end season 2 on a cliffhanger, just like season 1 did. The show cared even less about Rahim than they cared about Benji since they didn't even bother to show his coming-out scene. It sucks because he comes from a Muslim family and that coming out scene could've been really meaningful, for once showing a Muslim family being accepting of a gay son instead of shunning them, which is how the media normally portrays Muslim families.
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iii. The couple bias
Probably my biggest problem with this show is the clear bias to the straight couples compared to the main gay couple of the show. Like I said before, Benji being a shell of a character compared to everyone else, I don't think that's a coincidence. I am aware that there was at least one gay writer on the team, but they didn't seem to make up the majority. It's obvious the writers felt more comfortable writing straight characters and couples (eg, Victor and Mia as a couple for the majority of season one) which is fine, but if you're writing a show with a gay couple in it then get gay writers who will actually understand and have an easier more natural approach to them. This is why I think diversity in the writer's room is just as important as diversity on screen. You can put a gay character in your show but if they're written by a straight person it's not going to feel authentic and can easily fall into stereotypes. But that's a conversation for another time.
Some other small problems I had but weren't worth a whole section
-The lack of sapphic women. I think they might start a wlw plotline the next season with Lake but man.. took them two seasons in a show that's suppose to be a representation to even hint at a sapphic relationship.
-Benji's timeline for his alcoholism... if he's 16 now (junior) and been sober for a year... that means he entered rehab when he was 15... which means he's been drinking heavily since he was like 14, so much so they had to put him in rehab?? Are his parents really that neglectful? This why I am so confused about his parents because what his dad did to him was awful and yet when they show Benji's parents, his mother seems to adore him and they are both extremely welcoming to Victor. The only reason I see why he would start drinking at such a young age is that he felt bad because of his sexuality... but man, at 14 do you even understand what's going on enough to be like "this is bad I should drown my sorrows in booze".... idk such a strange timeline.
-They didn't keep up Rahim's texts to Victor, it was one and done. I get that it was supposed to be like continuity with what Simon did to Bram and then what Victor did to Simon but it felt so forced that I wish they didn't do it at all. Felt like they just left it hanging there.... ok I will admit it is really nitpicky and I'll stop now I promise!
So... that's it! I know this can come off as annoying or I'm giving huge pessimist vibes because of this but I swear me having long rants about how I feel about a show's problems is rare. Normally I like deconstructing the parts I did like rather than the parts I didn't. I do think this show is cute and serves its purpose of entertaining, and I don't hold anything against someone who enjoys it! I can easily see this being someone's comfort show, and that's completely fine. I also realize that I did dig into the writers quite a lot here, so I just want to make it clear that in no way am I questioning their talent (one is a new york times bestseller and two others have been nominated for Emmys). Hopefully, my posts in the future will be more positive but for now, I hope this deconstruction was decent!
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