#halide ceremony
newvinducaterers · 2 years
There are a few catering groups which now no longer simply put together the meals however additionally offer the provider for serving the for meals. like new vindu caterers These groups have a educated team of workers which prepares and offers the meals at any event . they also are educated for placing the desk properly
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hargo-news · 8 months
Regent Merlan Inaugurates New DPRD Building in Bone Bolango
Regent Merlan Inaugurates New DPRD Building in Bone Bolango #RegentMerlanUloli #DPRDBoneBolango
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The DPRD of Bone Bolango now has a new building located behind the Bone Bolango auditorium. The new building was constructed using the regional budget (APBD). On Friday (26/1/2024), the building was officially inaugurated. The inauguration was marked by the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by the Chairman of the Bone Bolango DPRD, Halid Tangahu, and the plaque signing by the…
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dreadfutures · 3 years
don’t mind me just gonna gush about my og pathfinder character, Halide, and wrath of the righteous for a minute
*Halide is Ixchel’s progenitor btw
so i got into ttrpgs in graduate school because I was lonely and someone told me it would help.
and my first ever experience was with a group of complete strangers over discord+roll20 playing “Crypt of the Everflame.” In this “coming of age” adventure, the PCs are all from a town called Kassen, and they have a yearly ritual where young adults go into this honored crypt outside of town and light a torch in a magical flame.
My PC was an Undead Bloodline Sorcerer who had been found as an infant in a ring of bodies in the wilderness (spooky!) and was adopted and raised by the town midwife. She was ostracized by the town and bullied because of her spooky origins and the weird things that would happen around her because of her manifesting magic. She dedicated herself to the Goddess of Life, Death, and Prophecy, Pharasma, in an attempt to gain some goodwill in the town but they just continued to think she’s creepy. Pharasma’s one of those gods where everyone needs her and relies on her, but also, she is a capital N Neutral god, and no matter how you rail against the inevitable, she’s coming to call. She doesn’t care if you worship her or not, so a lot of people don’t turn to her, or dislike her actively.
So Halide is surprised that she’s included in this coming-of-age ceremony, especially when the other three PCs are like, the Popular Kids in town. The son of the blacksmith being the star among them. But the trials and tribulations over the course of the module brought them all together. Eventually Kassen was just a little too small for them, and they set out for the city...where they got swept up in the Church of Razmir. They busted open the cult from within and proved to the government that all of the Clerics were actually fake (they were all sorcerers/wizards/oracles/witches) and everyone was just in it for the money and accolades. We got the Razmirans kicked out of our country for it lol.
And we got named Pathfinders!
Halide took being a Pathfinder very seriously. As a Pathfinder, you go out on dangerous missions to discover and preserve the most important--and dangerous--items and locations in the world from those who might use them for evil. We set ourselves up as rivals to a gang of Aspis Consortium assholes (the Consortium is 100% about selling these most important and dangerous items in the world to the highest bidder, even if it means the world will end!) and had many merry adventures.
She eventually found out that she had been chosen by Pharasma for an important destiny, and became a Sorcerer/Oracle combo.
And then our little adventuring party fell apart, and I was sad, and I went on to play many other characters but Halide holds a very special place in my heart. I’m writing several stories inspired by facets of her, and Ixchel Lavellan is in part inspired by her.
But of course when I started playing Wrath of the Righteous I was like. I’m going to make my hero...an Oracle of Pharasma (Bones Mystery).
And I’m so obsessed.
Halide’s adventure began in 4609 AR, and Wrath of the Righteous is a decade later. Halide has burnt out as a Pathfinder she’s sick of being meddled with by fates and prophecies that don’t come true, and she’s tired of losing the people who mean most to her. She goes to the Worldwound to throw herself away, basically, and go out swinging.
And then she ends up at the very center of everything.
I know Halide’s story  will eventually bring her to the fields outside of Absolom in 4720 AR, right after a group of brave heroes destroyed the Whispering Tyrant (an evil lich that you fight in the six-part Tyrant’s Grasp adventure path). One of them was my PC Tokori, a Duskwalker magus sent back by Pharasma to fight the Whispering Tyrant. He had a minor psychopomp familiar, Hark the nosoi, who upon Kori’s death ascended to a full psychopomp.
And Halide meets Hark on this battlefield. She’s tending to the wounded and looking for survivors. Hark is looking for the now-sacred weapons of the fallen heroes.
Halide finds a glaive--the finest weapon she’s ever seen--and it calls to her, and she picks it up, and when she turns she finds Hark. And she knows he’s a psychopomp, because she too is a servant of Pharasma and the Spire, and when Hark asks for it, she gives it to him...and he gives her his mask.
And I have a general idea of how the Wrath of the Righteous game ends and I just want to squee about it :sobsobsob: about my baby going through this arc where she’s so jaded after her group falls apart that she abandons the pathfinders and goes to the Worldwound to throw herself away, that she’s surrounded by death, and then she learns--in this terrible Crusade--that she still has a purpose, and she has a reason to live, and more than that, she wants to live...and it’s going to be SO GOOD. SOB. AND SHE’LL BECOME A MORTAL USHER.
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leanstooneside · 4 years
1. opinion of s 2 p and are subject
2. investors are cautioned
3. chaplaincy patrolman aureomycin diabetes bridgehead carolingian objectivity poesy eventful disk emotional rosy agricola coot prim consort madam buckhorn eddie dearborn dysprosium basalt invulnerable okay bronchiole shrugging baden debauchery if shire glow honoraria ascendant gravestone enormous colonist andiron anthropology gunflint crag foursquare bland hemisphere comatose carbohydrate readout dagger lab lightning bilateral enos feudal mary eyelash lullaby atavistic alvin hater around bolometer guile playhouse embargoes individual hysteron donovan bogging hither mcconnell mezzanine border get e g equilibria incommunicable incontrovertible midwestern puma more oligarchic forbidding pool august metallurgist cart fugue cowpea asilomar bate make serfdom acrid hand dropout babylonian lippincott band cady concrete nominate crowd pusey durango board emigrate magic coprinus kidnapped flaxen phonon erosible pupal ewing osteopathic inhabitation housebroken desk podia handicraftsmen rerouted brazilian quadratic laid dicotyledon kong chore excrescent cenozoic incompletion exit destine deallocate hare dogmatic biota dishwater embraceable sarcophagus flogging bethought down impelling bristol epistemology lethe bezel derrick fasciculate shirley hoc grocery persecute cobweb babysitter chopin invest neuropathology clasp breeches gaslight paunch phenomenal duane procedure ptolemy frailty beaumont improve auditory cochran housework cap airlift frivolity aggravate christensen innocuous fanfare commando glass abigail countervail calamity drool domestic glottis dorchester dockside rep della compete incite mane hemorrhoid checklist fencepost electrician pet ah label ceremonial ignominious quartermaster indianapolis prognosticate parish debussy deserve crumple implausible merrymake equipped diana butyl accreditation cavern fahey calorimeter sepoy detail auk aldehyde nowaday shortstop dimple certified rhesus hypochlorous passionate fickle francisco ericsson honshu instant appanage harley shank apropos baneful con everyone creek experiment simper borneo grimace finessed schultz inadvertent madam consultation dormant must harriet bluster executor desmond ray jostle sis forgo discipline cretaceous controvertible blomberg colt bogy dilution brim essential baptism handicraftsman chicken hobble elliptic possemen andrews kraft alistair scrawny enthalpy laurentian avocate humus ampere bryozoa argonne persuasion finessing necromantic barbaric cornucopia enforcible hawkins adolescent l'vov category resemblant annihilate inverse ferreira derogatory churchgo poop israel millinery appointe pillory abolition martha ida fleshy ecumenic household carbine gone irresponsible aforementioned fingertip homebuilder bangladesh prison contingent birthright newfoundland impede luxuriant exclamation deferral bereave lithosphere i'm aorta doorway georgetown database rapt e g broglie electrician b's deal mesenteric payne freshmen rodney catkin goatherd incorporate plenum gall animate adroit awake furnace dortmund debar peppy biceps protactinium labyrinth churchillian descant anodic insurmountable checkmate ashland sherwin gascony haplology chaparral february fricative methodology leighton situs sacrosanct deplete rampant nashua schist giblet beverage execute fruehauf blubber impolitic abed gorgeous saigon chair achieve birthright halide departure curdle shade nitrous malfunction friable baseball batten handwaving babylon clearheaded beatific broglie florentine method headwall chicanery radiogram bauer sentinel sharpe cadaverous crumb inconspicuous envoy lac frisky occur doberman marcia protozoan allyl dichotomous krakow latter churn hydroelectric diatonic glottal approach arcsin deduce admix inductance mamma prevalent cobweb fossiliferous eventful andrew cancellate jaunty marinade convulsive natchez alive cecilia armadillo geoffrey ass glidden candace ichneumon raze handshake sachem newsletter ha dupe faustus bookend eaton geochemistry bundoora as e g aesthetic altitude fraud addressee czarina bergamot compact barlow iroquois kudzu desk neodymium pad concise graven groton intendant guildhall indianapolis imperil chordata sciatica dynamo needn't interpretation ear biddable charybdis incantation gonzalez electret categoric light marketeer flounce awake correlate gutsy corrigenda aeschylus karma sicken parks off gleam neglecter countersunk burtt bluebill repertoire aren't gannet seater
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
A Photograph With an Eight-Year Exposure Was Taken With a Beer Can
A week after the 2012 London Olympics closing ceremony, a Master's student at the University of Hertfordshire placed a film-lined beer can on the side of a campus observatory and seemingly at some point forgot about it. Eight years later, in September 2020, there was a picture on the inside of the can with one of the longest exposure photographs ever taken.
Regina Valkenborgh was experimenting with pinhole camera techniques when she created this project, according to a University of Hertfordshire statement. She decided to build a simple, makeshift camera using a can to capture the rising and setting of the sun for an indeterminate length of time. It ended up sitting there for eight years—according to the university, 2,953 arced trails of the star were captured on the film inside of the can. This is believed to be the longest-exposure photograph taken.
“To me the most exciting thing is that this rudimentary way of photographing in this technology-driven era still has value,” Valkenborgh said in an email to Motherboard. “Yet in all its simplicity it has the capability of ‘capturing’ a photograph way beyond the slowest shutter speed you can set on any digital camera. The images are also totally unique, the light photons travel through the actual pinhole and touch the paper inside the can. You can compare it with your footprint in the sand as opposed to drawing a foot with a stick. The foot actually touched the sand and likewise the sun’s rays actually touched the paper.”
Officially titled “Days in the Sun,” the image documents the sun’s path in the Northern Hemisphere’s sky. The highest arches coincide with the Summer Solstice (i.e. the longest day of the year), and as time goes on, the lowest ones indicate the Winter Solstice (the shortest day). Breaks in the light trails indicate cloudy days and saturated spots imply sunny ones.
“It was a stroke of luck that the picture was left untouched,” Valkenborgh said in a statement.  “I had tried this technique a couple of times at the Observatory before, but the photographs were often ruined by moisture and the photographic paper curled up. I hadn’t intended to capture an exposure for this length of time and to my surprise, it had survived. It could be one of, if not the, longest exposures in existence.”
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University of Hertfordshire
Not only did the DIY camera withstand harsh weather conditions throughout the seasons, but also nosey humans and other animals. The camera was finally taken down (as planned) by the Observatory’s Principal Technical officer, David Campbell.
As highlighted in an online tutorial for this type of photography, “In today's world, people are easily alarmed by cylindrical objects taped to buildings, lampposts, etc.” Still, the camera withstood the test of time.
“The photograph was revealed on the Observatory's 50th anniversary year – having watched 16% of the observatory's existence, 12% of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, and 4% of the existence of photography itself,” a Tweet by the University of Hertfordshire Observatory account reads.
This type of image, where the sun is captured in a long exposure shot, is called a solargraph. To capture hers, Valkenborgh placed film paper on the inside of the beer can and used a micro-sized hole (typically created with a sewing needle) to create the camera’s “pinhole,” which acts like a traditional camera’s lens — hence the name, “pinhole camera.” The sun’s light, concentrated by the pinhole, burned a trail on the film paper that lined the beer can.
“I’m looking into how I can frame it, possibly behind special glass, to prevent the light from continuing the exposure of the silver halides in the paper,” Valkenborgh said. “A safe way of displaying would allow me to do a retrospective exhibition of all my previous pinholes which led to this one. They are connected and tell a larger story. I would like the original images to be seen as they are, together with the beer can cameras.”
Before Valkenborgh’s solargraph was discovered in the UK, the longest-known exposure shot was taken by German photographer Michael Wesely, who’s famous for taking ultra-long, three-year exposure cityscapes.
A Photograph With an Eight-Year Exposure Was Taken With a Beer Can syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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hiraokashokoprofile · 4 years
平岡尚子 / 写真家
1988年生まれ 多摩美術大学卒業。大学在学中、ミュージックバンドのドキュメンタリー映像を撮影した事をきっかけに、「記録 」する事に興味を持つ。2010年 冠婚葬祭会社フラールガーデン東京写真部に所属、人物の記念写真撮影を行う。2013年より地方情報誌の写真家として人物・料理・風景などを撮影。2015年よりイイノメディアプロに所属。2016年よりフィルム撮影・銀塩写真を学ぶ為、写真家に弟子入り。4年間の修行を経て、2020年に独立。人・風景・物、存在する全ての現象をモチーフに、光、自然光の持つ色を使用し記録を行っている。
HIRAOKA SHOKO / Photographer
While in college, he became interested in "recording" after shooting documentary footage of a music band.
2010 Takes a commemorative photo of a person who belongs to the photography department of Fuller Garden Tokyo,
a ceremonial company. Since 2013, he has taken photographs of people, food, scenery, etc.
as a photographer for a regional information magazine. Since 2015, he has belonged to Iino Media Pro.
Since 2016, he has been a disciple of a photographer to study film photography and silver halide photography.
After 4 years of training, became independent in 2020. People, landscapes, things.
All the existing phenomena are used as motifs to record using the colors of light and natural light.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
People, April 20
If you watched or plan to watch Tiger King, please read this and make a donation to WWF to help save captive tigers: 
Cover: The Untold Story of Tiger King 
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Page 1: Chatter -- Jada Pinkett Smith, Millie Bobby Brown, Adam Levine, Andy Cohen, Sarah Hyland, Matt LeBlanc 
Page 2: 5 Things We’re Talking About Right Now -- SVU’s Stabler fights again, Ina Garten supersizes her cosmo, Ariana Grande shows off her quarantine hair, kids can get a Hogwarts education 
Page 4: Contents 
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Page 7: Editor’s Letter -- what we’ll remember about the age of coronavirus 
Page 8: StarTracks -- Cuddly Companions -- Tyler Cameron on a run with his dog Harley 
Page 9: Masked Hugh Jackman and wife Deborra-Lee Furness in NYC with their dogs Dali and Allegra, Yolanda Halid with goats on her farm, Kate Beckinsale and her cat Willow, Demi Moore and her dog Cowboy, Henry Golding and wife Liv Lo out in LA walking their new foster dog Stella 
Page 10: Stars Working From Home -- John Krasinski, Jimmy Kimmel and his kids Jane and Billy, Gayle King, Robin Roberts and her dog Lukas, Jimmy Fallon 
Page 11: Chris Hemsworth and wife Elsa Pataky out in Byron Bay, Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bike ride with son Patrick Schwarzenegger, Jonah Hill on a skateboard 
Page 12: Queen Elizabeth spoke to Britain and Commonwealth countries about the coronavirus outbreak, Gabrielle Union and daughter Kaavia rocking their natural curls, Thomas Rhett celebrated his 30th birthday with daughters Willa and Ada, Christine Quinn of Selling Sunset married Christian Richard in a secret Gothic winter-wonderland-themed ceremony 
Page 15: There’s nothing like a lockdown to test a relationship and Lady Gaga and Michael Polansky have been passing with flying colors -- the pair are spending quality time at her Malibu house 
Page 16: Other famous couples getting closer too -- Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson, Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello, Irina Shayk and Vito Schnabel, Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are expecting a baby girl 
Page 18: Selena Gomez reveals she has bipolar disorder
Page 22: Heart Monitor -- John Mellencamp and Jamie Sue “Nurse Jamie” Sherrill new couple, Jay-Z and Beyonce happy anniversary, Taraji P. Henson and Kelvin Hayden wedding on hold, Jessie J and Channing Tatum split again 
Page 24: RHOBH Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave on life with a newborn 
Page 27: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal highs and lows 
Page 28: Passages, Tribute Honor Blackman 
Page 29: Tribute Bill Withers 
Page 31: Stories to Make You Smile -- two shelter puppies enjoy the run of the Georgia Aquarium and find a forever home 
Page 33: People Picks -- Mrs. America 
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Page 34: Belgravia, Celebrity IOU, Q&A Justin Hires
Page 36: Run, Insecure, Quibi 
Page 37: Books 
Page 38: Cover Story -- Tiger King 
Page 45: Kennedy family mourns again as RFK granddaughter Maeve Kennedy McKean and her son Gideon die in a boating accident 
Page 46: A Devastating Week -- those lost to Covid-19 
Page 49: Coronavirus -- what to know now
Page 50: Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick -- kids asked, they answered 
Page 52: House of Horror Kids Update -- taking back their lives -- two years after the Turpin siblings escaped hellish abuse and torture they are finding new futures and friends and families 
Page 54: Sean Hayes -- it helps to laugh -- as he gets ready to say goodbye to Will & Grace again he talks about love, life in lockdown and what’s next 
Page 57: From Foster Kid to Mother of Eight -- after an abusive and lonely childhood Jessica Benzakein is giving her kids the home she never had 
Page 60: Zach and Tori Roloff -- we were built for this family life -- the TLC stars open up about how raising kids has given them purpose 
Page 65: General Hospital star Maurice Benard saved by love and lithium -- for years the soap star tried to tough out his bipolar disorder but now marking his 27th year in treatment he’s sharing his journey
Page 68: The AIDS quilt marches home -- how one woman’s tribute to her friends jump-started the largest piece of folk art in the world and is a reminder of how powerful care and compassion can be 
Page 73: Marie Kondo -- The Way I Live Now -- the queen of decluttering shares tips on working joyfully from home and admits she isn’t always Happy Marie 
Page 77: Christina Anstead -- what my life’s really like
Page 79: 7 Self-Care Tips to Reduce Stress -- Mindy Kaling 
Page 81: January Jones
Page 87: Second Look -- Fran Drescher and Renee Taylor and Charles Shaughnessy of The Nanny 
Page 88: One Last Thing -- Angela Kinsey
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Dannah Gottlieb
Historical Processes
Research Paper
Past Exploring Present: Sally Mann, Stephen Berkman, and Wet Collodion
A popular medium for portraits during the late 1800s, Wet Collodion involves coating a glass plate with a clear gelatinous layer to which light-sensitive silver halides might adhere and reveal an image when exposed to light. The requirement to prepare, expose, and develop the sensitized plate before the collodion and silver coatings dried in a matter of 15 minutes creates an image ephemeral, yet timeless.
A beautiful notion to consider is the process’ relation to and dependence on time: how quickly the glass plate needs to be coated to avoid streaking and exposed before the chemical has the chance to dry down. Contemporary artists who employ the laborious process, specifically Sally Mann and Stephen Berkman, utilize the archaic quality of wet collodion to explore displacements between the notions of the past and the present. The medium is the message.
Sally Mann shoots her Southern Landscape images with an 8x10 view camera and antique lenses onto glass plates using the collodion process. She traveled across the South with a portable darkroom in the back of her SUV, making images as cloudy and murky as the history of the region. In her powerful images of Antietam, the site of the bloodiest battle ever held on American soil are ridden with the fog of death as if the battle had just occurred the day before. Using collodion to capture these ridden landscapes, Mann plays with time; she proclaims, “there is a certain synchronicity about the use of the Collodion process for photographing Antietam since that was the process that was used at the actual Battle of Antietam,” (Agosta 154).
Born and raised in Virginia, Mann proclaims her Southern-ness in her photographs as a cloud of melancholy constantly floating over her images. This concept lends itself well to the piercing and haunting clarity of a wet collodion image. Mann succumbed to the “exotingly tempting smell of ether,” her drug of choice; when she was shooting with collodion, she was not simply taking a photograph, she was “fashioning, with fetishistic ceremony, an object whose ragged black edges gave it the appearance of having been torn from time itself,” (Mann 224).
Much like Mann, Stephen Berkman creates images as if they arrive from a time machine rather than a camera. Acting as portals to a past world, Images such as Obscura Object and The Songbird and the Sharpshooter are tableaux vivants remember a time before the advent of the casual snapshot camera. His work is heavily narrative-based, but more like a novel which ends in ellipses. There is a story with a setting and characters, but there is no definite resolution. Time seems to slip from the cracks of the glass.
Berkman uses this process of the past as an effort reimagine the 19th century, and perhaps this is his way of understanding the present. Working with collodion since 1997, Berkman has made a definitive mark in the revival of this historical process. Considered one of the first photographers of the modern era to use this vanished art form, Berkman even resurrects photographic alchemy in a contemporary setting, such as when he shot the album cover for Jack White’s side project The Raconteurs.
Both artists use the collodion process to create work that suggests alternative views to a prevailing historical narrative. While Mann revisits the actual sites of historical events and captures the century-long aftermath, Berkman stages a theatrical display; while Mann’s photographs are poems, Berkman’s are novels.
Work Cited:
Agosta, Jen. “Sally Mann Landscapes .” UCLA, classes.dma.ucla.edu/Spring17/154/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Sally-Mann-Agosta-DMA-154.pdf.
Hirsch, Robert. “Stephen Berkman: Documentary Photographer of the Mind .” Light Research, lightresearch.net/interviews/BerkmanInterview.pdf.
Mann, Sally. Hold Still: a Memoir with Photographs. Back Bay Books, 2016.
The Raconteurs ‘Consolers of the Lonely’ https://www.discogs.com/artist/2428294-Stephen-Berkman
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ladyonly01-blog · 6 years
The silver consists of minerals of trpes of silver and [email protected]
The silver consists of minerals of trpes of silver and regeneration. Mostly associated silver mineral resources, therefore, the native silver minerals can be divided into independent and silver minerals of silver and lead, copper, zinc and other base metals associated by-product minerals of silver. And silver raw material source is more complex, mainly from the silver solid wastes (such as negotiable waste fake cartier jewelry  residue, waste, etc.) and precious metal surface treatment of plating solution and fixing photographic industry recovery enhancement such as wastewater, etc. World silver mineral production are mainly concentrated in the silver resources relatively rich countries and regions, and regeneration of silver production mainly concentrated in some silver consumption power, such as the United States and other countries. At present, China, Peru, Mexico, Australia, Bolivia, Russia, Chile, the United States, Poland, kazakhstan is the world’s largest producer of ten taels of silver. According to the silver institute and the China nonferrous metals industry association of gold and silver branch of statistics, in 2009 the 10 national silver minerals produced 25275 tons, more than 80% of the total global silver mineral production. A characteristic, the silver production distribution is TongQianXin van cleef arpels replica jewelry basic metal production country such as China silver production mainly lead and zinc silver copper by-product mineral, and overseas main production silver silver minerals are independent silver, lead and zinc by-product, gold by-product situation of the three pillars of brass. International silver production and demand situation, the consumption of the silver The silver physical consumption is mainly from industrial manufacturing, photography, jewelry, silver and COINS seal statistics (excluding financial derivative silver investment demand). Traditional silver consumption photography because of the development of digital technology for silver demand is on the decline, but still occupies a certain proportion. Industry and consumption of silver jewelry industry in economic growth led by general growth, but greatly influenced by economic fluctuation cycle industrial demand. In recent years, silver objects and derivative investment demand in some countries such as China’s growth is rapid. International silver market since 2007 has been in a state of oversupply, but because the silver has financial attributes, price is more affected by economic and financial factors, thus with fundamental departure from the way and continue to hermes jewelry replica record highs. Antaike comprehensive prediction, 2010 world silver total consumption of 27362 tons, up 8.23% from a year earlier, silver downstream processing industry has been out of from the financial crisis. With industrial with silver 14838 tons, up 13.45%; Photography with silver 2445, fell 8.84% year on year; With silver jewelry with products 6414 tons, fell 4.54% year on year; Silver silver with silver and silver chapter 3565 tons, up 27.19% from a year earlier. 2010 global photography with silver continues to fall, because of the traditional silver halide technology gradually replaced by digital technology, photography with silver is expected to remain weak trend, and the stability of the basic medical imaging picture part. As the global economic recovery, to resume from industry industrial orders with the increase of silver, including electronic electrical and soldering material with silver has rebounded significantly, silver new applications such as solar photovoltaic cells with silver silver pulp to a huge increase in demand. Global demand for silver silver chapter in 2010, it is mainly due to the investment object of silver demand, American eagle, Canadian maple leaf and the Australian kookaburra silver has 50% sales growth, the Chinese market investment silver bar sales is also very hot. The overall decline in the world in 2010 silver jewelry demand, which demand in the developed countries such as the United States of Europe, and emerging economies such as China, India and other countries in the silver 18k gold cartier jewelry replica sale demand growth. 2010 in traditional Indian culture is a very auspicious auspicious year, so the increase in the number or wedding ceremony, have obvious promoting effect on silver consumption. But overall, the jewelry industry materials gradually diversified, concise, and result in the industry with silver amount will not be a new growth point. The future industrial application of silver in new areas will continue to focus on food processing, electronic and electrical, solder, catalyst, solar cells and water treatment, etc. Electronic electrical industry USES mainly reflects in the battery, switch, printed circuit board, silver paste, the compact disc (CD), plasma TV, etc. The good and evil people mixed up gold appraisal, it is well known that the gold market, fake gold. Especially when year end will come, a lot of criminals with adulteration of gold to the pawnshop, gold recovery market con, for profiteering. Gold pawn unlike gold recovery, however, when the door to its gold jewelry redemptive, this determines the pawnshop cannot do destructive test of its accessories. Counterfeiting technology increasingly developed, however, many experts also tend to be played only by experience. So when pawnbrokers do gold pawn business, except for color, see mark, listen to the voice, usually will fire detection as a necessary procedure. Evaluation of gold pawn value – gold ornaments after appraisal, can evaluate the pawn value. In general, pawn lines will be clearly marked on the daily gold pawn price how much money 1 g. Accessories after test according to the value, the weight and unit price calculation, and the value of gold ornaments pawn = weight * hock gold prices. Because of the brand and the process is not considered in value evaluation, and the gold pawn price is according to the international gold price and the market rather than according to the purchase price, so there may be 400 yuan/grams, when the perhaps only 220 yuan per gram. Both sides talks things over, sign the pawn ticket, pawnshops calculation to make when value after and communication, and the pawn rules and operating procedures to the door, when families understand after agreed to sign a pawn ticket. 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This gem stones in Turkey Istanbul street selling, but its expensive, chrysoberyl comparable to Sri Lanka, and the large particles of very rare jewel, less than 10 carat price is $3000 per carat, greater than 10 carat is more valuable. This gem is found in the world of one of the most rare gems. Alexandrite color changing effect of it was obviously higher than that of Alexander, the yellow, become green powder, bright is dazzing, beautiful. Because of this gem has high dispersion, so the gem of the facet looked fire color, colorful, hand in photograph reflect. Diaspore is very significant in the diasporite crystal, its color is orange, green, yellow, pink, mocha color and champagne color, and the color will change with the light hitting stones. Has been polished but without the cut surface diaspore could present a change color, gems can reflect a single vertical light, like cat’s eye effect. Stephen Webster (Stephen Webster) discoloration of diaspore debut in a new series of jewelry show in Las Vegas last year. Psychedelic semiprecious stones Stephen Webster unique design on collocation, again, the devil of a genius designer’s work deeply attracted all the attention.
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teaceremony-en · 7 years
WSU football recruiting: Early signing day primer
#TeaCeremony [Cougcenter SBNation]Obviously, this list is unknown right now, but reading the tea leaves suggests these are the players that ... WSU will also be included in a hat ceremony tomorrow as it appears three-star safety Halid Djibril will be deciding between WSU and Oregon State.
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kotakmika-blog · 7 years
ALAT CETAK MUG | WA:0812 9015 9015
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ALAT CETAK MUG | WA:0812 9015 9015
ALAT CETAK MUG | WA:0812 9015 9015
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lovevivahmatrimony · 7 years
Why Haldi Ceremony Is Important? Some Interesting Facts
In our Indian wedding ceremonies Haldi Ceremony holds a special place. You can’t imagine any wedding without this ceremony. It is so important ingredient that a whole ceremony is dedicated to it in our wedding. It has special antiseptic properties and other benefits making it very special. Although, this ritual is celebrated in different forms in different states, but more or less the ceremony is similar. In some states people mix haldi with sandalwood powder, curd, milk, rose-water and cream and in some states haldi powder is mixed with milk, butter milk and cream. With all these ingredients a paste is created to be applied on the would-be groom or bride. All ladies of the family participate in this ritual. Let’s take a close look at some interesting facts about haldi ceremony and its importance.
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Haldi ceremony-Traditional ritual: The haldi ceremony is one of the most common and traditional ceremony in Indian wedding. In this ceremony, paste of haldi is applied on the bride and groom’s face, hands and legs before the wedding. The ceremony is held in both the families and females of family participate in this ceremony and sing traditional songs. However, in some communities the ceremony is conducted a day before the wedding or two days before the wedding or after the mehendi ceremony. The ceremony is known with different names such as tel-baan, matna ceremony and ubtan ceremony, etc. in different regions.
Haldi ceremony-To keep the evil away: Most of the people believe that main reason of conducting this ceremony is to ward off evil spirit from affecting the bride and the groom. After this ceremony, the bride and groom are usually not allowed to leave their home till the wedding day. In some regions, the bride and groom also tied a sacred thread or given small amulets and other items for protection against any evil and negative waves.
Halid-Most auspicious: Traditionally haldi is believed as one of the most auspicious ingredient. No Hindu pooja can be completed without haldi tilak or haldi. Yellow color is also considered auspicious in Hindu religion. It is believed to ushers prosperity in the life of couple, who are going to start their new life together. That’s why in many cultures brides wear yellow saree or wedding clothes on their wedding day or on haldi ceremony.
Haldi-For glowing skin: In old days, when there were minimum cosmetics available and even people didn’t consider them as reliable and effective, haldi was their most trusted beauty product which was handy and available in every house. To look radiant on the wedding day, they used haldi as beauty product. Haldi is very popular to have properties that make the skin fair and glowing.
Haldi-As an antiseptic: Haldi is also famous for its antiseptic and medical properties. Applying the paste of turmeric before the wedding day also ensures that the bride and groom are blessed with flawless skin. It also ensures that the couple will be protected from any other skin allergy and problem before the wedding day.
Haldi-Detoxifies skin: Haldi is considered very auspicious and holds special place in Indian traditions because of its purifying properties. It is very much popular and effect exfoliating agent. After the haldi ceremony, when the haldi paste is rinse off, it helps to get rid of dead cells and detoxifies your skin and makes it supple and glowing.
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footballghana · 5 years
GFA Elections: Kurt Okraku presents #GameChanger manifesto to Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah
Ghana Football Association Presidential candidate Mr. Kurt Edwin Simeon Okraku on Thursday formally presented his #Gamechanger manifesto to Honourable Isaac Kwame Asiamah, Minister of Youth and Sports at his office.Kurt Okraku, successfully launched his manifesto in Accra earlier this month where he made known his ambitions and aspirations to all football loving fans and delegates ahead of the elections.Present at the ceremony were Kofi Asare Brako, Spokesperson and Personal Aide to the Minister, Ahmed Osman Halid, Communications Consultant at the Ministry, Alhaji Jones Abu Alhassan, Campaign Manager to Kurt E. S. Okraku, Mohammed Jiji Alifoe, President of Dreams FC.Other members who accompanied the Dreams FC bankroller were Welfare Manager of the Campaign Team, John Ansah, Deputy Campaign Manager and Nana Oduro Sarfo, Deputy Chief of Staff to the GFA Presidential Aspirant.The ace football administrator cum marketing expert, is seeking to become the new Ghana FA president when they go to polls on 25th October, 2019 in Accra. source: https://footballghana.com/
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The training photographer
Marking its 10th anniversary in 2017, the sony world photography awards showcases the most effective images on the planet from the previous year. He graduated from newcastle college in englandwith a first-class honours diploma in business administration. Emily soto is a photographer residing in new york metropolis specializing in fashion images shot with digital and movie mediums. The photographer normally charges a royalty in addition to a one-time charge, relying on the terms of the contract.
An aspiring photographer with a powerful artistic model, her series of labor caught the judges' attention and she or he was named the 2013 pupil photographer of the 12 months. One of the awards' most prolific winners, german photographer peter franck has gained professional categories in both 2010 and 2012 and received placements in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2015. Canon explorer of mild david bergman is a new york-based music, portrait, and sports photographer. He has been bon jovi's official tour photographer since 2010, documenting the band on stage and on the street in more than 30 international locations and 6 continents.
The contract can also stipulate that the photographer is entitled to audit the corporate for willpower of royalty payments. Each message is learn and responded to in forty eight business hours, monday - friday 9am-5pm pst. Through the years, I've had the glory of serving to business owners construct the muse to their endeavors and create the career of their desires. Our photographers are inspired to push the envelope of what is attainable each single day. 4 years later, I was voted as top 10 marriage ceremony photographers in the world, and my work was printed in a litany of magazines. Her work has been A Style Pet Photography printed by attract, teen vogue, v journal and nylon, to name just a few, and he or she was not too long ago ranked #3 fashion photographer on the web. Enter for a chance to win a trip to nyc and attend the high photographer winner's picture exhibition!
Annually a complete prize fund of $30,000 (usd) plus the newest sony digital imaging gear is shared between profitable photographers. Though she yearned to study style design, her father inspired her to pursue a business degree instead.
She instantly approached this new enterprise with the identical vitality and entrepreneurial savvy for which she is known; establishing the overall business structure while taking the lead as the artistic pressure behind the label. When you're feeling a little bit lost, overwhelmed, intimidated, and/or speaking yourself out of growing a enterprise as a consequence of lack of training, cash, experience or a litany of different things, I feel you. Many people upload their images to social networking websites and different websites, in an effort to share them with a particular group or with the general public. For those who're on the cusp of doing something great with your corporation and you're dedicated to creating it work, chances are you'll simply need help figuring out what to do subsequent.
Many photographers continue to produce some monochrome images, generally due to the established archival permanence of properly-processed silver-halide-primarily based materials. Adorama teamed up with photographer nigel barker to host a five-episode reality competition series on adoramatv. Global exposure is given to not solely to the overall winners, but also to shortlisted and counseled photographers. As I diversified my enterprise, I turned a speaker and business strategist for creative entrepreneurs.
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soufiansfn · 8 years
The Role Of Photographers In Sonora CA
By Anna Parker
Photographers apply their creativity, composition skills and technical expertise to produce images that tell a story of an event. Nowadays, these professionals rarely use silver-halide film cameras. Most Photographers in Sonora CA mainly perform their activities with the use of digital cameras. Digital cameras are capable of capturing images electronically. The experts use computers to edit images captured. Other than making changes to the photos taken, computers are also helpful when images are being transferred to devices like flash drives, compact disks and memory cards. Quality printers and editing software are mainly used by cameramen in CA to perform their tasks efficiently. Many wedding photographers have businesses that they operate. They offer services like scheduling clients, paying bills, scheduling appointments, purchasing supplies, paying bills, keeping records, adjusting and setting equipment, and billing customers. Various types of photographers are listed below. Portrait cameramen do not only photograph individuals, but also a group of people. Experts who fall under this category own studios from where they work. They deal with wedding, religious ceremonies and even school photographs. Industrial and commercial cameramen capture images of models, landscapes, artifacts, merchandise and buildings. Acquired images are highly useful when engineering projects are being analyzed. Resulting images are at times placed on covers of magazines. Those who use helicopters or planes to capture images of landscapes and buildings are called aerial cameramen. They mainly use gyrostabilizers to make sure the aircraft movement is stabilized so as to acquire images that are of high quality. On the other hand, scientific photographers will focus on getting visual representation of a subject that is accurate. They usually use microscopes to capture images of objects interested with. They usually deal with scientific and medical data. News photographers are also known as photojournalists. They take pictures of people, places and events for newspapers, journals and television. Although photojournalists mainly take still pictures, they also capture digital videos. Successful professionals in this field are highly talented. Those who have worked within the profession for many years have appropriate levels of competency and experience. Experts involved in activities such as taking and selling photographs are called fine art cameramen. They work hard to produce very clear images so as to attract customers. Most of people who work in this area are usually very experienced. In other words, these people have special qualities such as artistic knowledge, creativity and even technical knowledge. They normally work with the help of silver-halide cameras. University photographers provide services in academic institutions. They document events and take portraits also. These experts also capture images which are helpful for the purposes of press releases. Most cameramen do not have postsecondary education. However, some of them take classes so as to earn a degree in the related specialty. This enables them improve employment prospects and their skills. Examples of institutions that offer courses in photography include community and junior colleges, universities and vocational-training institutes. Learners study more about processes, equipment and techniques used in photography. Some of classes offered by art schools are intended to help learners learn more on areas like photographic composition and also design. A college degree is a requirement for professionals dealing with scientific and industrial photography. Scientific cameramen need to have proper understanding of biology, medicine and chemistry.
About the Author:
To locate professional photographers in Sonora CA, clients can trust the following site. Schedule your photo session today by going to http://ift.tt/2mqpdH2.
The Role Of Photographers In Sonora CA from 1creativeart http://ift.tt/2lsPnta via IFTTT
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