#halstead sister au
hotchs-second-wife · 8 months
Kitty: Casey and Severide are fighting again.
Boden: *quietly* I told you to leave them alone, stop making them fight with each other.
Kitty: *whispering* I like drama.
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study-coffee-chicago · 11 months
Witches AU (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine)
A/N: I'm back! Sorry, it took so long for an update. I moved out of state for grad school a few months ago and I'm working 30-35 hours/wk on top of a full graduate-level course load. Because of this, this imagine is not proofread because I wanted to get this out to you guys. (I also wanted to post this before Halloween, but I had a ton of exams, so I'm just getting it up now.)
Anyway, enjoy!
Math has always sucked. It's confusing and why do you even have to know all of this stuff?
Wasn't this stuff just made up thousands of years ago? So why do I even need to know it? Isn't it all fake anyway. Like, maybe it's not even real and we're just learning stupid shit to learn stupid shit, you thought to yourself as you stared at your math test in front of you.
You looked around the room. You knew you weren't supposed to do this, but you muttered a transference spell under your breath to transfer the information from deep inside your brain where you couldn't find it onto the paper.
Hailey Upton was watching from her teacher's desk out of the corner of her eye, obscured by a book so her students wouldn't know that she was watching.
She knew a witch when she saw one.
Will might call his little brother, Jay, overprotective, but at the moment, Jay didn't care. His witch's mark burned, alerting him that either you or Will had just used magic.
Typically, this didn't happen, but there was a potion one could make so that one knew when another person used magic. Jay knew his mom used this on him and Will when they were younger even though she had never told them.
The most important ingredient in this potion was blood from the person who you wanted to know was using magic. This had been easy enough for Jay to come by. All he did was break open your razor, take out a blade, then quickly dip it in the mixture.
Jay had shuddered to think about where the razor had been when he took the potion like a shot a few minutes later. Then, he quickly brushed his teeth to rid himself of the taste of the potion.
Jay glanced at the clock.
You were in math class right now. He knew this because whenever he needed to text you, he made sure to do so during your lunch period, and a lot of times you'd text him back and say something along the lines of gotta go. Math class with a crying emoji.
And, you had been telling him for the past few days how you had a math test.
The man was both a witch and a police detective.
He easily put the pieces together: you used magic to cheat on a math test.
You broke the rules.
Do not use magic in your profession unless it is for the greater good.
Since your profession was currently a student and there was nothing at school that would really be for the greater good, Jay and Will had discussed it and had deemed that you weren't allowed to use magic at school.
Jay made a mental note to prepare a truth serum for you to drink when you got home from school.
"Jay, she's a kid," Will said when Jay called him later that day when he was on his way home from work.
"Yeah, and? Mom and Dad took our magic from us when we tried to throw a basketball game in our favor."
"Yeah because we were basically trying to injure the other team."
"Fair point. But, if we let her get away with it now, she'll think she can get away with it all the time and next thing you know, she's cheating on her SATs."
"Fine. Just give it back to her by the end of Halloween."
"Will, I'm not that stupid. I'll make sure she gets them back by then. Don't want her losing her powers forever."
The rule was, and always has been, if a witch loses their powers and still doesn't have them on the night of Sanheim, the night when the spirit world and mortal worlds collide--which is now called Halloween--they would lose their powers forever.
Will and Jay lived in fear whenever they did something wrong during the month of October that their parents would take their powers from them, but luckily, they never did anything that stupid...at least, not during the month of October. November and December, now those months were different stories.
"Might make her wait until the last minute until she gets them back, though," Jay said.
"Just, make it at least an hour before midnight. We don't need any issues."
"Yeah, yeah. And, before you mention it, yes, I'm giving her truth serum when she gets home in case I'm wrong."
"Good. I'll be expecting a phone call from her."
"We both know she calls me when she's pissed at you," Will said. "And then she'll want me to call you and tell you to give her her powers back. Or, she'll beg me to override your spell."
"Please don't give in, Will. I know how you get."
Will rolled his eyes. "I won't. Unless you start cutting it close, then I might have to. But, we both know how hard eye of newt is to get these days, so please save me the money."
"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. But, I gotta go. I have a truth serum to make."
"She's gonna know what you're making the minute she walks into the house. That one smells terrible."
"Oh, trust me, I know.
When you saw Jay's truck in the parking lot of your apartment building, you thought nothing of it; you just thought he and his team had finished with a case early.
But, when you walked in, you gagged and dry-heaved.
"Oh my god," you groaned and plugged your nose. "Jay, what are you cooking? It smells like burnt, day-old, rotten fish."
Jay walked out of his room with a clothespin pinching his nose closed.
"I'm giving you one chance to come clean or else you get to taste it."
"Come clean about what?" you asked while you set down your backpack so that you'd have something to do with your hands.
"Cut the crap, Y/N. You have one chance to tell me why my witch's mark burned when you were in math class today or else you get to taste the truth serum. And, just a heads up, the taste is worse than the smell and the aftertaste is even worse. And it's slimy."
"You charmed my magic?" you asked.
"Was that a confession?"
Jay walked further into the kitchen and opened a drawer that contained silverware. He pulled out a spoon and then made his way to the pot that was bubbling on the stove. "Last chance, kid."
"You wouldn't."
"Try me." He stuck the spoon in the potion and dished some out.
You unplugged your nose and smelled. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. And then, you dry-heaved and started to feel the snack you ate in your second to last class churn in your stomach.
"Fine! I used magic to help me with one problem on my math test, happy?"
"Very." Then, he snapped his fingers and the pot disappeared, taking the smell with it. Then, he snapped again, but this time, he did so with both hands and made a gesture with his arms from you to him.
You hoped he was taking the nausea from your body.
You swore you could still it, though, so you walked over and opened the pumpkin spice candle that sat on the kitchen counter. Maybe he just wanted you to admit that you were guilty and all of this would blow over...it wasn't like Jay, but, he had gotten out of work earlier than usual, so maybe he was in a good mood.
You pointed your pointer finger at the candle and muttered the spell.
Nothing happened.
"Yeah, you're gonna need this," Jay said and then made a lighter appear on the counter with a snap of his fingers. "Your finger's gonna be out of commission for a while."
"What do you..." Then, your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. Will always told you stories of when Mom and Dad took his and Jay's magic away when they used it when they weren't supposed to. "You didn't!"
"Don't cheat on your math test."
"Jay! It was one question! And, I just couldn't remember the formula! I didn't even use it for the problem! Just the formula! You gotta believe me! I promise!"
Jay muttered something under his breath and then stared right at you, just above your head.
Unbeknownst to you, he had made a puff of smoke pop up above you, which said truth or lie...and you were telling the truth. Despite this, Jay wasn't going back now. He had to teach you a lesson. And, he'd make sure to give you your powers back by Halloween.
"Thank you for telling me the truth," he told you. "But, you have to understand, that magic is a slippery slope. You can't just use it for your own gain all the time. Mom always said that magic is for the greater good, and what you did today was selfish--"
"No buts. You'll get your magic back when I say you can have it back."
"But Sanheim's in two weeks! If I don't get my powers back by then, I'll be mortal! Please, Jay! Give them back!"
"No can do, kid. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it."
"I'm calling Will!"
"We already talked about this, so good luck."
You huffed and marched off towards your room.
"I hate you!"
"If you want your powers back by Sanheim, I'd shut up if I were you! And, make sure you wake up earlier tomorrow to pack your lunch for school because your powers can't do it for you!"
You threw your head back and groaned. If you had your powers, you'd seriously hex your brother right now.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?" Miss Upton asked at the end of your math class the next day.
Oh no. Jay called her. Now you were in trouble at home and at school.
"Sure," you answered.
Once all the students left, she closed the door and then gestured for you to sit in the chair across from her desk.
You were in deep shit now.
"Did you cheat on the test yesterday?"
"I--" You were about to tell her that you didn't, but you knew lying would just make it worse. It was better for you to just come clean. You hung your head. "Yes," you admitted reluctantly. "But, it was only the volume formula for a cylinder! I didn't use it for any number or anything! I just couldn't remember the formula."
Miss Upton nodded. "I see." She'd dealt with kids cheating before, so she knew that if a kid admitted to it, they were usually telling the truth about the cheating. They either doubled down on their lie or told the truth; there was no in-between. "Tell you what, since this is the first time this has happened and you only used it in the formula, I won't tell the principal, and I'll just adjust your grade and take off the points for that problem as if it were incorrect."
You didn't know what to say; you thought for sure that this was going to go on your record the second you admitted to cheating. So, all you could feel was gratitude. "Thank you. It won't happen again, I swear!"
"I wouldn't get too far ahead of yourself," Miss Upton warned. "I do need to have a conversation with your parents about this."
"My um, my guardian," you told her. "It's my brother who's in charge of me. My, um, my parents both passed."
"Y/N, I'm so sorry."
You nodded. "Thank you."
There was a lull in the conversation as Hailey processed what you had just said. She knew that your brother signed permission slips and all that for you, but she thought that was just because your parents were busy working. But, she knew she needed to continue this conversation.
"I'll need to have a conversation with your brother, then. I'll make the phone call during lunch. I'd like you to be present for the meeting."
"Okay. He already knows."
Hailey furrowed her eyebrows. Typically kids wouldn't come clean about this to their parents. But, she thought you were a witch; she just wanted to see what you'd say next.
"You told him?"
You shrugged. "Guilty conscience, I guess."
"I see." She paused. "Well, that was everything about the test. One more thing."
"Yeah?" You knew geometry wasn't your best class, but you didn't think there was anything else in this class that warranted your attention, much less would be brought to Miss Upton's attention.
"Agam ense?"
Your eyes widened, but you quickly recovered. She did not just ask you that.
Agam ense.
When flipped from its backward state, was Esne maga.
Are you a witch? in Latin.
No way Jay's giving you your powers back now.
What Jay did not expect to be getting was a frantic phone call from you at 10:06 in the morning.
"I gotta take this. It's Y/N." He told his team. Then, he walked into the break room, which was soundproof.
"Why are you calling me? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He had already taken your powers, he really didn't know how normal adults disciplined their kids. Maybe take her phone? No, that would be a safety issue. So, what was he supposed to—"
"Miss Upton knows," you said.
"Knows what? That you cheated?" Jay asked. He hadn't even thought about telling your teacher due to the fact that he had been absolutely livid with you yesterday. Maybe he should've done that.
"Yes, but she knows that I'm..." you trailed off. Then, you whispered. "She knows I'm a witch."
Jay took a deep breath to avoid losing his shit. They were gonna take you from him and put you in a mental hospital. He'd have to get a lawyer ASAP. So, all he could manage was, "How?"
"She's one two. She even spoke bruja to me. That's how she asked."
"Did she show you her mark?" Jay asked.
"No. But she erased the board by pointing her finger at the board and making the eraser erase. I didn't believe her, so I told her my water bottle was empty, because it was, and with a snap of her fingers, it was full again."
"Holy shit," Jay muttered.
"I'm telling you in case she brings it up tonight when you have to meet her about me cheating. She's gonna give you a call in an hour during lunch."
"Okay. Wow, okay. I expected something bad, but not something like this."
You stayed quiet, waiting for Jay to lose his shit for being so careless. But, instead, you just got silence. "So, you're not mad?"
"If it was a mortal who caught you, then I'd be mad. But, a witch can find their own kind. So, in this case, I'm not mad. Plus, I already took your magic. I don't know if there's anything else I could really do."
"So, I'll get my magic back by Sanheim?" You asked hopefully.
"We'll see. Now, get to class, kid."
Once he hung up, he sighed. He was about to leave the break room and get back to working on his current case, but then he remembered that he needed to call Will to tell him about the latest development in your cheating and powers saga. Sometimes, he wished he were mortal. But then, he remembered he didn't have to wait for the coffee to brew in the morning because it was done with a snap of his fingers...literally.
"What did Will say?" Jay asked when he walked into school that afternoon, half an hour after school had been let out for the day. He had told his team he had to talk to your teacher, and, since the case was close to being closed, they let him leave early.
"Left me a voice memo. Almost made me go deaf because I had my headphones in when I played it," you answered.
Jay winced. "That bad, huh?"
"I'll let you listen to it when we get home."
"Nah. Don't think I need to. I called him after you called me and he basically told me what he was going to say to you...thought he would've cooled off between then and talking to you, though."
"Definitely not. He even mentioned experimentation, the pyres, hangings—"
"Yup. He told me that's what hew was going to tell you. Definitely didn't cool off. Maybe he needs to take a walk before recording those."
You agreed, then took a deep breath. "Let's get this over with." Then, you led the way to Miss Upton's classroom.
"Mr. Halstead, Y/N, please, take a seat," Miss Upton said and gestured to the two chairs that she had placed in front of her desk.
"Please, call me, Jay," Jay said when he took a seat. "I'm too young to be addressed as Mr. Halstead."
"In that case, call me Hailey," Miss Upton said. 
"Alright, Hailey, where would you like to start?"
Hailey opened a drawer of her desk and pulled out a few pieces of paper, which were stapled together. She laid it out in front of her and you could see that it was the test that you had taken yesterday. "So, Y/N told me that she had a guilty conscience so she came clean to you yesterday that she cheated." She flipped to a page of the test. She only cheated to get the formula for this problem. And, since this is her first time being in any sort of trouble, I've explained to her that I'm only going to take off the points for the problems where this formula was used and I'm going to refrain from telling the principal."
"Yes, she told me," Jay confirmed. "And, I can promise you, that it will not happen again."
"I'd hope not. I just want to go over next steps with you if this were to occur again..."
You zoned out at this part because you knew this wasn't going to happen again, not after Jay took your powers away. Now, if you had gotten away with it, then this might be a different story. But man, that consequence really made you rethink your actions. 
"Just remember, Sanheim," Miss Upton said. 
The mention of the ancient festival that Halloween is based off of made you refocus. 
What about Sanheim?
"I know. I won't be too hard on her."
You assumed the two had quickly discussed that Jay had taken your powers...or, Jay hadn't mentioned a single thing and Hailey had just mentioned that as a reminder. Maybe she had been rebellious during her teen years and had a scare just like you had.
Jay's phone buzzed. "That's probably work," he said. "Is this all? If not, we can continue this conversation later. Maybe, over coffee?"
Your jaw almost dropped, but you refrained from doing that. You knew Jay was a flirt, but this was a whole new level. 
"That was all. And, coffee would be nice. But, let's continue this later. I have other tests to grade."
She shot you a wink, and you were grateful she understood that you were weirded out by this whole interaction. 
Then, the two of you began to walk out of the classroom, but not before Jay snapped his fingers. 
He paused a second and you continued to walk out of the classroom. Obviously that was something for Miss Upton. 
"I'll see you then," she said. 
And then Jay came out in the hallway. 
"What did you do?" you asked. 
"Just had a sticky note pop up with a time and a coffee shop. We're meeting on Friday before school."
Then, once you were safely out of the building and into the parking lot where no one would hear you, you said, "Please don't date my teacher...at least wait until I get my powers back. Or, wait, maybe date her. It might get my grades up."
Jay rolled his eyes. "I'll do what I want, thank you very much. Plus, she's a witch, so if anything happens, I don't have to have that conversation."
"Always easier dating a witch than explaining things to someone. How do you think the Salem witch trials started?"
"Exactly. Now, I gotta get back to work. See you later." 
"See you. Can I have my--" 
"You don't even know what I was going to say!"
"You were going to ask for your powers back. It hasn't even been 24 hours. No."
You walked away, but not without muttering, "I hoped because you're going on a date you might be in a good mood. Guess not."
"I heard that!"
10 days later, October 28
It was 4 days until November 1. You had 3 days, 6 hours, and 37 minutes to get your powers back before they were gone for good. Jay was in a good mood after his not one, but two dates with Miss Upton, and hadn't worked any crazy cases at work. At least, he hadn't worked any that you knew of anyway. 
Also, for the past two days, you had followed Will's advice: Maybe stop asking and Jay will give them back. 
You were skeptical about this advice, but you figured it was worth a shot. But, your patience was wearing thin. 
He still hasn't given them back! you texted Will. 
And he's still at work and you still have 3 days! he answered.
You sighed and flopped down on the couch. He'd give them back...right?
October 31
It was currently Halloween on a Saturday night. While all of your friends were out (underage) drinking, you were sitting at home, trying to focus on watching Hocus Pocus (even though it was definitely not an accurate portrayal of witches), and every five minutes you were trying to move something or get another glass of apple cider from the kitchen by using a spell. But, nothing worked. 
You looked at the clock on your phone as the credits to the movie began to roll. It had just hit 11pm. 
"How's it feel?" Jay asked. 
"What?" you asked. You were too focused on how the hell you were going to live as a mortal. Because, if Jay hadn't given you your powers back yet, you'd never get them back. 
"Your powers. I just transferred them back to you."
"No, you didn't. I didn't feel anything."
Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes, I did."
You tried to fold the blanket by using a spell. 
"Maybe I have to say it out loud instead of whispering." 
He recited the spell which translated to: Now that she has learned to use her powers for good and not for selfish deeds, give her back her powers that she needs.
"Try something now."
You tried the simplest spell, a spell to levitate anything in front of you.
All your rage came flying out at once. 
"I. Hate. You!" you screamed at the top of your lungs. "I won't get my powers back because you just had to prove a point and wait until the last fucking minute! Fuck!"
"Y/N, I'm sorry! They should be back, it's not midnight yet!"
"Well, they aren't back! I hate you!"
Then, you grabbed your keys and slipped on your tennis shoes, not caring that you were just in sweatpants and a hoodie despite it beginning to snow. 
Normally, Jay would yell at you to come back, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. 
He quickly pulled out his phone and walked into his room. After dialing Will's number and putting the phone on speaker, he opened his safe and then took out the false bottom where he kept the family's spellbook that had been passed down for generations. 
"Will I fucked up!"
Will looked at the time on his phone and his heart dropped. "You didn't read the fine print, did you?"
"What fine print? There's no fine print!" He flipped to the page where the spell was. "All the letters are normal sized!" He began to read the spell over the spell over the phone. "If not given back by the person who took these powers when Sanheim turns to the first of November under the dark of Boston's sky, then this witch will remain powerless forever."
"Boston, Jay! What time is it in Boston?"
"What are you talking about? It's--" And then it dawned on him: Boston was one hour ahead of Chicago; It was already November first there. "Shit."
"Keep looking through the spellbook," Will urged. "I'm on my way over. There is no way Y/N's losing her powers over a technicality."
You sat in the dark of the night, using your phone as the only light to look at your mom's gravestone. If she were here, this never would have happened. She would have given you your powers back earlier. And now, you were mortal. You could die of anything. And, without powers and your parents, was life even worth living at all? 
"There has to be something in here," Jay muttered as he flipped through the spellbook from front to back once more. 
Then, a knock sounded. "It's me!" Will yelled. 
"Come in!" Jay yelled back.
The minute he heard the door open and close, he grabbed the spellbook and brought it out to the kitchen table. 
"Last page. Everyone's notes," Will ordered. 
"I already looked there!"
"Well look again!" Will ordered. He had half a mind to rip the book off the table and throw it at Jay's head, but he decided not to...but only because he didn't want to rip any pages and ruin the spellbook. 
The two poured over the book for ten minutes and were about to flip the page when Will stopped them. 
"Remember, blood is stronger than any spell," he read. 
"Yeah, so? Family's stronger than magic."
"What if Mom meant blood, like actual blood."
Jay's eyes widened. "You're a fucking genius!" 
Then, he flipped back to the page where the original spell was while Will grabbed a knife from the kitchen. 
"You cast the spell, so it's all you," Will said. 
Jay took the knife from Will and then cut his finger just enough that blood started to pool. Then, he held his finger over the page. 
One drop...Two drops...Three drops. 
The page turned black and white lettering began to materialize on the page. 
"If ye be in dire need of thy powers," Jay began to read, "like this spell, thou shalt need three witches, one must be a descendent of those who were imprisoned for their crimes and could have perished in the pyres, by hanging, or drowning."
"Great," Will said. "So we need three witches and one has to be a direct descendent from either England or Salem."
"Hailey," Jay muttered. 
"Hailey Upton, Y/N's teacher. We went on a few dates, she's a witch, she mentioned she grew up out east!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're dating Y/N's teacher? Since when?" Will asked while Jay ran to his room and grabbed his phone. 
"I wouldn't call it dating. We've only gone on two dates. I told Y/N not to tell you or else she wouldn't get her powers back."
"And now she might not even get them back! I'm calling Y/N to tell her to come home, you call Hailey. You sure as hell better hope that you're right about where she's from."
"A technicality!" you yelled when you walked inside your and Jay's apartment after getting that phone call from Will. "I lost my powers because of a fucking technicality?"
"Take a deep breath." You recognized that voice. But, why...
"Miss Upton?" you asked. 
"We need three witches to break the spell and one has to be from Salem," Jay said. 
"Or, a descendent of those who came from Salem. Technically, I lived in Boston. Then I moved here when I was twelve," Hailey said. 
"Okay, so you guys can reverse it?" you asked. You really didn't care about the semantics right now. 
"We think so," Will said. 
Then, he grabbed one of Jay's hands and Jay took his other hand to grab Hailey's.
"Ready?" Jay asked. 
"Yes," Hailey answered and Will nodded. 
The three of them closed their eyes and recited the spell. 
The second they were finished, you could feel the blood moving in your veins, almost like there were bubbles. Your fingertips glowed for five seconds after that. And then, you felt normal again. 
"Did it work?" Jay asked.
"I don't know, it felt weird, but I don't know." 
At this point, you were scared to try any magic because what if you just imagined those feelings? what if it was just your eyes playing tricks on you?
"Try a spell," Will urged. 
You pointed your finger at the table and focused on thinking about an Oreo milkshake. And then, one appeared!
"They're back! They're back!" you yelled and grabbed the milkshake. Then you took one sip. But then, you remembered something. "Thank you, Miss Upton! You're the best teacher ever! I'm sorry I cheated and I'll never do it again! I promise!"
Miss Upton smiled. "I know you won't."
"I think," Will began, "this calls for celebratory IHOP."
"I'm down," Jay said. 
"Not for you, Jay. This is only for me, Y/N, and Hailey if she wants to come. You're the one who got us into this mess in the first place."
Jay rolled his eyes, but deep down, he knew he deserved it. 
"I can make some really good pancakes," Hailey offered. 
You might have just been in high school, but you knew where this was going. 
"C'mon, Will, let's go," you said and pulled him out the door while drinking your milkshake. 
"I don't have a tail or anything, do I?" Jay asked when you and Will had left. 
Hailey laughed. "No, you don't."
"Good, because I'm sure those two are going to hex me one way or another. That's probably what they're talking about right now."
Hailey laughed. "I'm not saying you deserved it..."
Jay cocked his head to the side. "Yes, you are." He took a step closer. "Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?"
Hailey shook her head. "Is this your way of flirting?"
"Depends. Is it working?"
"Maybe," Hailey smiled. Then, the two began leaning in. Hailey could almost feel Jay's lips on hers when she noticed something and pulled back. "Why does your breath smell like toad?"
Jay threw his head back and groaned. "Will! Y/N!"
"I'm sure we can find a spell to fix that, c'mon," Hailey said. 
Then, she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to the kitchen table and their two spellbooks, which would eventually turn into one big one as the years passed and they fell deeper and deeper in love. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to reblog and comment! Even though I don't respond to a lot of the comments, I do see them and I love seeing them! Thanks again for reading! Also, if you want to be added to my taglist, just let me know and I can add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @911ls-tarlos @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88 @glitterquadricorn @luvreading67 @smoothdogsgirl @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @actlikesummerr@lcothr523 @star-wars-lover
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marvel-and-chicago-fan · 10 months
Break Through Au
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You go out ice skating on the lake with your brothers and Things don’t go as planned for you three
Warnings: CPR/Death, Falling through Ice, Hospitals, Yelling
You were on the ice with your brothers Will and Jay, even though you weren’t allowed to, you guys still went regardless.
It was 10pm, no one would be out here to get in your way or yell at you to get off the ice.
“Cmon Y/n/n, it's better out here” Jay said while attempting to slide farther out to the lake. 
“I don’t know Jay, I kinda wanna stay over here. That way I get off easier than struggling to get off if I'm way over there.” you shrugged.
“Alright then, me and will be over there if you need us' ' He pointed towards the middle of the lake.
“Alright, I’m just gonna slide around.” You shivered. Maybe I should work more layers. You thought to yourself.
After a while you got bored and decided to go over to Will and Jay who were “fighting” over who got the better hockey stick.
Will pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Guys it’s 11 o'clock, she should head home now, if we all get a cold moms gonna know that we went outside without asking her, especially if Y/n gets sick”
“But I'm getting good at hockey,” you whined.
Will and Jay just have you that look. “Alright alright let’s go” You caved.
Because your brothers were better on ice than you were, they went up ahead of you. 
“GUYS! I'M NOT AS FAST AS YOU SLOW DO-“ Before you could finish your sentence a loud Crack interrupted you.
That made the two Halstead brothers come to a halt and turn around to you. “No,” Jay whispered. “Y/n don’t move, just stay still we’ll come to you”
Before you could say anything the Ice broke.
Jays pov:
“Y/N, SHIT NO” I screamed, my little sister just fell through the ice.
Me and Will immediately slide over to where she fell in and I immediately throw my whole arm in the freezing water to see if I can feel Y/n
“Give me your other arm so I can pull you once you get her!” Will shouts.
“Once I touch something that feels semi to a human arm I pull. I can tell it’s Y/n because once I pull I feel a bit of weight. 
Once we were towards the edge of the Lake I pick y/n up bridal style and rushed over to land.
“Put her down here.” Will says. 
“What the hell do we do?” I cry
“She’s not breathing, Jay, you need to run back to the house and call someone” Wills is studying medicine so he knows a couple of things about what to do in a life or death situation.
“WHO DO I CALL?” I shout
My body moves into autopilot as I’m running through the forest making sure I don’t trip on any rocks or roots. 
My legs are burning and I can’t breathe but I can’t stop, if I stop Y/ns gonna die and it’ll be all my fault.
As I reach the house I punch in the code to the door and run upstairs to my bedroom. 
I basically almost threw my  phone into the air while trying to pick it up.
“9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”
“It’s -it’s my sister, she fell into the lake and I don’t know if she’s breathing”
“Check if she has a pulse”
“My older brother is with her at the lake, he-he's studying medicine so he knows what he’s doing”
“What’s your name sweetheart?”
“Uhh jay, my names Jay”
“Alright Jay, How old is your sister and how long was she under water for?”
“I don’t- 5 minutes maybe, and her name is Y/n, but we all call her Y/n/n. I don't know what I’m gonna tell my mom, that my littler sister died because we didn’t listen to her?” I’m panicking.
“Jay, I’m gonna need you to take a deep breath, I have help coming on the way right now”
How did she get my location? I didn’t even tell her.
The paramedics arrived and Jay led them to the lake where Will was with you. 
Will did successfully get you back but you were still unconscious. 
Why didn’t we just listen?
“15 Year old Female Y/n Halstead, Hypothermia after falling through ice, Was unconscious on site and Has a history of Heart issues.” The paramedic listed off all the things
(Ik that Grey's anatomy is in Seattle but because the show is so old let’s just pretend that this happened with them, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it so if I make mistakes Woops)
“Alright,on my count if we move her. 1…2…3”Alex said.
Alex looked you over and started telling Jo things to do. “I want a head Ct, Keep me updated on her temperature and get me Derek for a consult.” Jo nodded.
Jay and Will followed Dr. Karev outside. “Is she gonna be ok?” Jay asked.
“She’s not out of the woods yet, but we won’t know more until she wakes up which will be a couple of hours” 
“Jay Halstead and Will Halstead” A stern voice called to them that made them Gulp.
“What in the world happened, and why did the Atwater’s call me and say that something happened on the lake and I needed to come home?” Your Mom stoked with her hands on her hips.
Jay and Will glanced at each other and knew they had no way out of this so they just decided to tell the truth and get it over with.
“I have told you guys time and time again not to play on that lake during the winter,
If you want to go ice skating go to the bigger one. Y/n has been punished enough, and as for you too, just until we get home, me and your father Will real with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes mom,” The boys said together.
“Alright, either the Atwater’s or the Uptons are going to pick you guys up and take you home. I will stay here with your sister, your father should be at home by now”
“But mom-“ Jay said. “No buts, wait here”
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and A lot had happened. 
You were on the News, people came to your school and spoke about Ice safety. Jay and Will were indeed grounded but only for two weeks. The lake was now closed off while they were still doing an investigation. Which you didn’t understand why because it’s not like anything else happened but it was whatever.
“Y/n hurry up you’re going to miss the bus!” Jay shouted from downstairs.
“HOLD ON IM COMING” You grabbed your backpack and ran down the stairs.
After getting all your stuff in your backpack you got all your stuff ready to walk to the bus stop.
“Alright, what’s the rules?” Will questioned you.
“No wandering off to the other lake, don’t take off my jackets unless I really need to and don’t get anything that will drop my body temperature” 
“Do you still have to put my hat and Jacket on for me? I’m 15 years old.”
“Because of recent events and mom being gone and I’m going to leave soon I need to make sure you're ok, plus your body temperature is still not to its normal temp yet so layers it is.” You rolled your eyes at what would be said.
“I will pick you up for your doctor's appointment maybe 30 minutes before school ends, and Jay will drop your lunch off at the front office” Will said as he started walking at the door. 
“Bye will see you later” 
Once Will was gone, you ate the last of your waffles and grabbed your hot chocolate or what Jays calls “Jay's famous Hot chocolate” but it tasted like any other drink.
“I miss having you out on the lake by the middle school” Your friend Ellie said.
“Me too, but ever since my mom died Will and Jay have been strict on what I can do since my dad won’t really do much and they're trying to get me to learn stuff before Will leaves for New York and Jay leaves to serve” You shrugged.
“But I did convince Jay to get you some fries and nuggets” You laughed 
“You are literally the best, I really didn’t feel like spending all my money in my account today” Yeah the school food was expensive but it’s because you guys had fast food restaurants in your cafeteria so I guess it made sense.
“Hey Nugget” Will greeted you as you got into the car.
“Hi Will, can we please get McDonald’s after my appointment?” 
“Sure, where’s Jay? I told him he could get out of school early since he has a free period this week.”
“He said he wanted to stay at school, so he’s probably just walking around the hallways or doing whatever Jay does” You shrugged.
You thought about it for a while, your life was somewhat falling apart. Will was leaving for New York. Jay was getting deployed so you weren’t gonna see him. And your mom was gone so all you had left was your Dad, and your dad wasn’t the best person now since your dad died.
“Hey Will?”You broke the silence 
“Yeah Nugget?” 
“I’m- I’m gonna miss you when you leave” Here comes the water works.
“Me too Y/n me too”
Life from now on was going to be way different for you , and everyone around you knew that. You were going to get through it and it was going to be Ok. Right?
Well that’s at least what you thought…
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enretrogue · 9 months
𝗠𝗔𝗬 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝗙𝗜𝗖 𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗦 (𝟮)
Badge of Honor — @keanureevesisbae
Torments — @proceduralpassion .☘︎ ݁˖
I’ll Be Seeing You — @proceduralpassion .☘︎ ݁˖
Just One Round — @yaachtynoboat711 .☘︎ ݁˖
Coffee Bae — @yaachtynoboat711 .☘︎ ݁˖
Can We Talk — @yaachtynoboat711 .☘︎ ݁˖
S.O.S. — @darqchilddaydreamz .☘︎ ݁˖
I Got You — @darqchilddaydreamz .☘︎ ݁˖
Daddy Kink — @strwbrrykss
Nothin’ I Wouldn’t Do For You — @libraryofloveletters
Won’t You Be Mine?— @ssahotchswifemain
Smoothie — @reelwriter19 .☘︎ ݁˖
Say It — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Doctor’s Visit (Drabble) — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Lucky Ones — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Ready — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Lunch — @collecting-stories
Model Husband — @deanstead
Money, Money, Money — @poppadom0912
Vows — @deanstead
In The Dark — @bullet-prooflove
My Blessings — @halsteadlover
Mine — @onechicagolife
What Are You Doing? — @themultifandomgal
Never Been So Scared — @dlmlufics
Med Students — @poppadom0912
I’m Late — @dlmlufics
Domestic — @lily174
I’ll Look Out For You — @lily174
Birthday Surprise — @dlmlufics
I Promised You Forever — @dlmlufics
The Sister Halstead Materlist — @citygirlcharlotte
Baby Halstead — @dlmlufics
Mrs. Detective Jay Halstead — @dlmlufics
Keep You Safe — @poisonedjoinery
Filthy Secrets — @poisonedjoinery
Sweet Little Thing — @poisonedjoinery
The Family We Chose — @procrastinatorimagines
Hank x Deaf!Fem!Reader — @keanureevesisbae
Is That My Shirt? — @one-sweet-gubler
Slow And Steady — @smaoineamhsalach
Accidental First Kiss — @libraryofloveletters
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Anything But Me (+ Ellie Williams) ⎢ Part 2 — @seattlesellie
Abby x Ticklish!Reader — @lolasimms
First Kiss — @millerssurora
Sleepy Lovemaking w/ Abby — @lolasimms
Scumbag!Abby — @canaidliafail
Uncharted Territory — @sweetercalypso
Abby Being Sweet w/ Crybaby!Reader — @sweetercalypso
Stressed Out — @ourautumn86
Tea Parties and Mockery — @lolasimms
Espresso and Hand Holding — @lolasimms
Abby and Reader w/ Toddler Twins — @lolasimms
Girl Mom!Abby x Black!Reader ⎢ More HCs — @theendofevangelionnn .☘︎ ݁˖
At Least I Got You In My Head ⎢ 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 2.5 ⎢ 3 — @whatwouldsylwrite
Camgirl!Reader x Camgirl!Abby — @deblklesb
Abby Making A Sextape With You— @deblklesb
Soft Ridges — @elsfairy
Discovering The Mommy Kink — @hope-drunk
The Late Shift — @pinknightsinmymind
Tan Lines — @sweetercalypso
Look, Wild Cherries! — @s-4pphics .☘︎ ݁˖
Sexting w/ GF!Abby — @ourautumn86
Jealous Sex w/ Basketball!Abby — @elsweetheart
Morning Routine — @lolasimms
Abby Teasing You — @strawberryjamheart
Stay Grounded ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 — @canaidliafail
Deep End — @angelkissiies
Stubborn — @darlingmisa
It’s Gonna Kill Me — @fleshwaters
Abby Anderson NSFW HCs — @pinknightsinmymind
Size Kink w/ Abby — @seattlesellie
Mom!Abby HCs — @lolasimms
Abby Helps You Squirt — @sweet-lover-girl
Mornings — @pinknightsinmymind
Wife!Abby and Reader ⎢ Part Two — @lolasimms
Modern AU: GF!Abby HCs ⎢ Part 2 — @hyperfixatesnwrites
What? Like It’s Hard? — @angelkissiies
Try Something New — @toasty-melons
Lemon Color, Honey Glow — @girldreaming
Munch! — @ourautumn86
Being Modern!Abby’s Girlfriend — @hope-drunk
Rugby Player!Abby — @abbysgirlx
Cooking For Abby — @darlingmisa
Hockey!Abby — @millersaurora
Serene — @elsfairy
Talk You Through It — @pinknightsinmymind
Text Messages (+ Ellie and Dina) — @onestopfanficshop
113 notes · View notes
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
Hi, @bangpop91! Thanks for this! I'm pretty sure I did one of these a couple of months ago, but I can't find it so I'll do a new one!
Just Trying to Keep Up - BuckTommy | T | 4.8K In which Tommy slowly realizes that 'letting Evan set the pace' means committing to a life of full speed ahead. (And he's more than happy to chase after him.) My latest 9-1-1 fic - inspired by the deleted scene with Tommy and Henren. I think it's pretty darn cute. 😊 Colin Firth Thinks You're Hot | BuckTommy | G | 2.7K
Buck is late for a special date night with Tommy, but he still stops to help a stranger stuck on the side of the road. Luckily, that stranger is about to help HIM.
Still one of the most ridiculous things I've ever written. Also still makes me laugh.
you carried me with you | BuckTommy | T | 7.2K
There's always been one person Tommy can talk to.
My very first 9-1-1 fic. It came about because I really wanted some backstory for Tommy and I gave him a twin sister because I really wanted him to have someone in his corner. There's a sequel to this one now that's a work-in-progress and I have plans for a third part. Which is hilarious when you see the notes on this fic and I'm like, 'this is going to be my only 9-1-1 fic! I'm not going down this rabbit hole!' SUCH A LIAR!!! 😂
Live and Let Spy | BuckTommy | T | WIP
Over twenty years on the job and he was at the top of his game.
Agent Kinard was the one they called in when there was no one else to trust. When the stakes were high and you needed a job done.
Agent Kinard didn’t make mistakes, but Tommy…
Tommy fell in love.
Putting this one on here even though it's a WIP. It was inspired by the whole Spy!Tommy thing that was floating around a couple of months ago and it's another ridiculous little adventure that makes me laugh.
A Herrmann/Halstead Production
I know this is cheating, but I'm putting my OneChicago series on here because I'm really proud of it. If you've read my 9-1-1 fics and you enjoy procedurals in general, consider checking this one out! There's over 300K worth of fic for you to fall into. It's an AU so there's a few divergences from canon and an OC character that ties the three shows together. It has a lot of humour and angst and romance (Rhodestead!) and lots of friendship and family feels. I'm working away on the latest installment and have many more planned!
Thanks again for the ask!
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deanstead · 2 years
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Posting the masterlist under the cut for all the fics under this so far! Bingo has been extended to 31 Jan 2023, so I'll continue to update as new fics come in as well! If your fic is not here, please let me know! Enjoy!
Supernatural Elements: There Will Be Peace (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Kids: A Girl (Will Halstead x Reader)
Snowed In: Snowstorm (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Fight that ends in a kiss: Hate Fighting (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: News (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Fake Dating: Private Life (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Waking Up Next To Each Other: Our Little Secret (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
College AU: Change (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Vows (Connor Rhodes x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Bad Feeling (Matt Casey x Reader)
5+1: Five Times, and then One (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Neighbors: Spare Key (Connor Rhodes x Reader)
Kidnap/Hostage: Coming Home (Halstead!Sister)
Free: Christmas Surprise (Jay Halstead x Reader)
First Fight: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (Will Halstead x Reader)
Facing Fears: Unknown Threat (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Road Trip: Interstate Intimacy (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Woke up next to each other: Wrong Door (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Supernatural Elements: Thinning Of The Veil (Jay Halstead x Reader)
5 + 1: Five Times and a Date (Matt Casey x Reader)
Free: I Only Want To Be With You (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Fights that ends in a kiss: The Red Strokes (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: In Sickness and In Health (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Weddings/Proposals: Suspects and Surprises (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: Free Will (Will Halstead x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Chasing Shadows Away (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Kidnap/Hostage: Sacrifice (Dean Winchester)
Free Space: The Way You Look In Black (Dean Winchester)
5 + 1: A Guardian Angel and Her Knight (Jake Seresin)
5 + 1: 5 + 1 (Will Halstead x Sylvie Brett)
First Fight: First Fight (Rheese)
Free Space: Quiet Nights (Brettsey)
Fake Dating: What Are We? (Will Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Sicker than a dog (Halstead!Sister)
Bodyguard AU: Bodyguard (Upstead)
Facing Fears: Positive (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Sick/Illness: secrets, soup and sassiness (Halstead!Sister)
High School/College AU: there for her (Upstead)
Supernatural Elements: Prince of Hell (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Stay Awake (Burgstead) // Stabbed (Halstead Brothers)
Hurt Feelings: Not Pretty (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Free Space: Happy Birthday (Jay Halstead x Reader)
Road Trip: Optimal Road Trip (Halstead!Sister, Upstead)
Coffee Ship AU: Coffee Shop (Intelligence)
Neighbors: Start of Something New (Derek Morgan x Reader)
First Fight: Journey To The Past Ch 15 (Bryan Kneef x Reader)
Hurt Feelings: Journey To The Past Ch 16 (Bryan Kneef x Reader)
Sick/Illness: Dunbar Magic Hot Chocolate (Heather Dunbar x Reader)
Snowed In: Washington Whiteout (Elizabeth Keane x Reader)
Forced Proximity: Learn to Share (Emily Prentiss x Reader)
Hurt/Comfort: Iowa Chill (Heather Dunbar x Jackie Sharp)
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felicitysmoaksx · 11 months
JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 7/14/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Some Kind of Haunted || One | Two || One Chicago & Criminal Minds & CBS FBI International || Gen: Brian Lang & Connor Rhodes && Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans ||  WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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i have wips and ideas i just have no idea what to write.
would yall rather see halstead sister, upstead daughter au, halstead brother au or will halstead x ruzek sister? like idk
and i have two halstead sisters but they're kinda the same plot just a bit different
also I've started writing in 2nd person more, but the daughter au, the brother au, and one of the hasltead sisters are ocs. the other two are in 2nd person. all of them are basically wips except for the oc halstead sister
so yeah which would yall rather see?
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vroomvroommuppett · 1 year
i know this is the third time i’m doing this but i wanted it to be a day not a week
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surftrips · 1 year
masterlist ! 🐚
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she's a killer queen
you could be the one that i love!
the last slice
fragile at best
wish you were sober
just my type (series)
reunited (blurb)
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love it if we made it
twin sister headcanons p2
sister comfort blurb
don't be a stranger
who's the guy?
love at second sight (series)
sleepover (blurb)
lovers rock
when you know, you know
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game on
butterflies (series)
bad habit
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cool for the summer (jj maybank)
snow on the beach (john b)
labyrinth (sarah cameron)
love him i did (rafe cameron)
tattoos together (kiara carrera)
same old love (pope heyward)
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cross your heart and hope to die
flirty academic rivals headcanons
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sweet nothing
bad reputation (social media au series)
about you
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hotchs-second-wife · 11 months
Jay: Don't argue with me.
Kitty: But you're wrong!
Jay: That's why you're the slowest on your shift.
Kitty: That's why you don't have a wife.
Jay: I'm about to end your whole career.
Jay: You know Mouse requested an extension to his deployment, right?
Kitty, teary: Wha—?
Jay, smug: Right, hm?
Kitty, crying: What?
Jay: Exactly.
Will: Why would you say that?!
Jay: Nah, because she had it coming—
Kitty: WILL—
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I know I said I’d probably get two imagines done this month (and 5 books, but that’s a whole other issue), but I’ll probably only get one done since we’re halfway through October and I haven’t even started writing (thanks grad school and work). Because of this, which one do you guys want: Pirate AU (with upstead + upton! Sister) or Witch AU (with halstead bros + Halstead! Sister)?
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I'm thinking of halstead sister stuff but she's older than them and they look up to her alot but she's more stubborn than both of them combined but she's amazing at her job
+ she gives excellent advice and occasionally hands their asses to them when they do stupid stuff
I may be onto something here ✨✨
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
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The “Satisfied” AU feat. Platt Siblings, Burgstead, and unrequited Moustead
“A welcome home party? That’s fancy.” “Do you want to come or not, Halstead? There will be drinks, and food, and you can meet my family.” “Like that sister you’ve been telling me about for the last four years?” “You’re hilarious. Am I putting your name on the guest list or not?” “Yeah. Why not? I don’t have anywhere better to be.”
It started so simply, with a party and an introduction.
All Mouse had wanted to do was bring his best friend along to a party that he knew he’d be miserable at, and they were both coming home from a war zone. The welcome back party should have been for both of them to begin with. He hadn’t intended to also introduce the man he was falling for to his little sister, and set off a chain of events that he had no way of stopping...
Two years later, the accidental relationship that he had facilitated was still going strong. In fact, it was stronger than ever, and he found himself bracing for the hardest day he could imagine. Because Jay and Kim were getting married, and he was going to have to stand next to his best friend, the very man he was completely and totally in love with, and watch him marry someone else. But interrupting a wedding was one thing when he was just the best man, and it was a whole different level of messed up if he ruined his sister’s big day.
So he didn’t.
He let the people he loved be happy, and he gave the speech he was expected to give, and he left again. He reenlisted, and said his goodbyes, and went somewhere he wouldn’t have to watch.
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Fine is a Four-Letter Word (Chapter Five)
Summary: This is Part Twenty-Two of my series A Herrmann/Halstead Production. It is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Original Female Character, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Assorted OC Couples
Warnings: Injury Recovery, Trauma Recovery, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Protective Siblings, Family Feels, Team as Family, Kissing, Romance, Mild Sexual Content, Swearing
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Jay scrubbed a hand down his face as Dr. Fredericks patiently waited for him to, you know, actually talk.
“You know what happened,” he began, figuring she’d at least heard through the grapevine if not directly from a few of her other first-responder patients. “With my sister and my brother.”
“I do.” Dr. Fredericks nodded. “But that doesn’t mean I know how you experienced it. I’d rather hear it in your own words.”
Rubbing a hand over his mouth, he slumped back in his chair, trying to gather his words. Dr. Fredericks waited. Infuriatingly patient, as always.
He couldn’t—he didn’t want to revisit that day. Any of it. But he knew the drill by now—knew he had to if there was any hope of getting a handle on it. The only way out was through and all that shit. Jay took a breath and tried to centre himself.
Slowly, haltingly, he told her everything. Every horrifying minute. Listening to the attack. Thinking that Bex—that she was dead before he could even get to her. Emery. And then Will. How he can’t stop hearing or seeing any of it whether he’s awake or asleep. How he’s trying to keep it together for Bex—trying to keep Bex together while she’s slowly falling apart before his eyes. Pretending she’s fucking fine.
Like any of them are.
They talked through his feelings of ‘misplaced’ guilt—Jay didn’t know if it would be possible to ever fully rid himself of that—and his extremely justified anger at Ty.
“I just—I want him gone,” Jay snapped out. “I don’t want him to ever be able to touch my family ever again. I’m doing everything I can think of to make that happen, but none of it feels like enough.”
Dr. Fredericks tilted her head at him. “What have you been doing?”
“I can’t work the case, obviously,” Jay said, still aggravated about that. “But I remembered my dash cam was on and it caught the phone call with Bex so I’ve handed that over. You can hear Ty pretty friggin’ clearly on that so it should help the prosecutors.” Detective Medeiros kept reminding him how huge a help that actually was.
“Mouse and I have been staying with her so I know there’s always someone there,” he continued. “But—”
“…but?” she prompted.
“We both have to start back at work on Monday,” Jay sighed. “They’re letting us switch our shifts around so at least one of us will be there—most of the time anyway, but I—I don’t know how I’m going to do it.”
“Return to work?”
“Leave Bex,” he said, shaking his head. “I tried to go for groceries on Wednesday and I-I had a panic attack in the parking lot of her building about leaving her alone. And Mouse was still there! I mean—I did it. I went. We needed food, but it…it was hard.”
“That’s understandable after a trauma like you’ve had,” Dr. Fredericks said. “Have you talked to Bex about your fears?”
“I don’t…no, no, I haven’t.” Jay sat up and grabbed the glass of water she’d set out for him. Gave his hands something to do. “Our oldest brother, Chris—he already had a talk with her along those lines this week.” Thankfully Chris had filled him in later because Bex hadn’t said a word. “I don’t—I don’t want to pile my shit on top of all that. I know she knows I’m worried about her. I keep checking on her while she’s ‘sleeping’—”
“Why the air quotes,” Dr. Fredericks cut in.
“Because I’m pretty sure she’s faking it,” he said, heart sinking all over again at the thought. “She went from waking us up with screaming nightmares to total silence in the span of a day. That doesn’t happen. But she’s resting, at least, and that was a huge fight to win.” His lips twisted in a wry smile. “One battle at a time, right?”
“I know.” Jay held up a hand. “Something I need to talk about with her eventually, but I’ve been in her place, Doc. Hurt and in pain and knowing that there’s nothing you can do to speed up the process. It’s—it’s shitty and sleeping with broken ribs is actually pretty hard. I want to give her a bit of space…on that front, anyway.”
“Okay.” Dr. Fredericks levelled a look at him across the coffee table. “If talking to Bex is off the table, for now, what else do you think can be done to help you feel more comfortable with returning to work.”
Aside from removing Ty Anderson from the face of the planet? Jay blew out a breath as he wracked his brain, running through all of their plans and back up plans and—
“I think…I think we might be doing everything we can? To keep Bex safe, I mean.” He bobbed a little nod. “Aside from rolling her up in bubble wrap or something.”
“Which wouldn’t be good for her ribs,” Dr. Fredericks pointed out with a small smile. Jay popped a finger gun at her. “Fair point.” He let out a little laugh before sighing and running a hand over his face. “Can you just…tell me it’ll get easier at some point?”
“How long have we been seeing each other, Jay?”
“Couple of years,” he said, not bothering with the actual math. “Off and on.”
“So,” Dr. Fredericks said, not giving him an inch. “What do you think the answer to that is?”
Not easier.
Not ever really with the way their lives went, but eased. With time and a hell of a lot of work.
They all had a long road ahead of them.
*** Bex
Bex watched the numbers on her phone turn over and silenced the alarm as soon as it went off. Kol snuffled as he wiggled closer beside her and licked at her chin. She gave him a little scratch behind his ear.
“Good boy, Kol,” she said. “You did a good job.”
He’d snuck into her room on Tuesday night as Mouse was leaving and snuggled in beside her. Bex wasn’t about to turn him away and around one a.m., she was extra happy for that decision when he nudged her awake right as a nightmare was headed toward screaming out loud territory.
She did not need another night of waking up Mouse and Jay and having them burst into her room thinking she was fighting off an attack. Again.
Kol got plenty of treats for his help and now three nights in, they’d managed to keep up their little system. He woke her up before the nightmares got too bad. Mouse and Jay got more sleep—mostly. Jay kept checking on her, but she was pretty sure he was sleeping in between checks. She was only managing to get a couple of hours a night, but it wasn’t like she was exerting herself much throughout the day anyway.
The nightmares would fade at some point. They had to.
In the meantime, Operation Stop Worrying Your Whole Family was under way.
“Okay,” Bex said, pushing Kol away gently. “Time to get up and face the day.” She was workshopping times for how early she could come out of her room and not have Mouse look at her with that tiny little frown line between his eyebrows, asking her if she got enough sleep.
Seven a.m. and eight a.m. were not it. Maybe eight-thirty would be the magic number.
Bex grit her teeth as she leveraged herself out of bed, ribs screaming at her. Most of her body was still one giant bruise and moving, standing, or sitting—everything friggin’ hurt.
Slowly, but surely, she made her way toward her door. Taking a deep breath—ow, OW, ow—Bex pasted a smile onto her face and headed out into the hallway…
Into a quiet apartment.
Will’s bedroom door was open with no Jay inside—right. He was going to therapy this morning. Bex hoped the empty room meant he was following through with that and actually made his appointment. She’d overheard enough whispered conversations between him and Mouse to know they were both still beating themselves over what happened. Like any of the blame fell on them.
She crept out into the living room, shuffling along while Kol pranced beside her. With a bark, he shot ahead, nosing at the balcony door and she finally spotted Mouse sitting out there cross-legged.
“Oh, hey!” He turned around at the noise, scrambling to his feet as soon as he saw her. Sliding open the screen door, he stepped inside, scanning her face with worried eyes. That stupid frown line starting to form. “Did you get—”
“Hey! Good morning to you too,” she said, dragging that smile back out. “What were you doing out there?”
“Ah. I, uh—” Mouse rubbed at the back of his neck. Blushing. Bex’s smile suddenly felt a lot less forced.
“Mouse…” she teased, stepping closer. “Spill.”
“I was trying out a meditation thing that Lucy keeps recommending to me,” he blurted out. “Like a quiet-the-mind-relaxation-thing—”
Because he was stressed. About her. About all of this.
“Did it help?” She mentally crossed her fingers, already planning to send Lucy cookies if it had. Even a little bit.
“Oh, I didn’t—I actually got distracted watching some birds chase a squirrel in the parking lot,” Mouse confessed with a little snort. “I think they were playing? I hope they were, otherwise those were some mean birds.”
Bex laughed, doing her best to stifle the groan that followed as she pressed a hand against her side. Mouse’s face fell instantly.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He crowded into her space, hand hovering over hers, carefully not touching. “I shouldn’t make jokes. Are you okay—”
“I’m fine, I—I don’t want you to stop making jokes,” she said. “Ever, okay?” She stared at him until he met her eyes again. “Promise?”
Mouse held her gaze before sighing and dropping his forehead to press against hers. “Promise.”
“Good.” Bex moved forward to wrap her arms around him and snuggle into his chest. “Let’s try this again. Good morning.”
“Morning, Bex.” Gentle, gentle arms wrapped around her, holding her close. “How about I make you some breakfast?” Mouse asked hopefully.
Her stomach rolled at the thought and Bex hid her grimace into shirt. “Sure,” she said. “That sounds great.”
Will sighed as his care team left the room and Connor sat quietly beside him, holding his hand while they both absorbed the big news.
“Guess I can cancel the rescue squad,” Will said, cracking a grin despite the dark circles under his eyes.
Connor snorted. “Like Severide would bust you out of here and risk Bex coming down on him.”
“Hey—ugh.” Will’s face fell. “I almost made a joke about how now was the best time since she’s out of commission, but—”
“Too soon.” Connor shook his head and Will nodded solemnly.
“Way too soon,” he agreed. “Think she’ll be coming by today or should we call her with the good news? Oh, we gotta talk to Jay and Mouse about moving stuff around so I can have space to maneuver. Our apartment isn’t exactly wheelchair friendly.”
Dr. Allan was letting him take very short walks, but he had to be careful due to the severity and placement of his wound. He couldn’t stress his abdomen while it was still healing which meant lots of bed rest and using a wheelchair more often than not to get around. At least for the next few weeks.
And Will was right about his apartment. Seemed like it was time for the discussion Connor had been prepping for in his brain over the past few days.
“So,” he cleared his throat. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Mm?” Will glanced at him before continuing to type out a list on his phone, head shooting back up when he registered the serious look on Connor’s face. “What’s up?”
“I think that it would be best if you came home with me instead of your apartment,” Connor said, squeezing Will’s hand gently when he instantly started to argue. “Just—wait, please. Hear me out.”
Huffing out a breath, Will sank back against his pillows, the fight draining out of him as quickly as it had flared up. “Tell me.”
“My place is bigger,” Connor began. “You’ll have more room so you won’t have to worry about bumping into anything.”
“At least if I bump into anything at my place, I’ll know it didn’t cost five grand a cushion,” Will snarked and Connor raised an eyebrow at him.
“What happened to hearing me out?”
Will mimed zipping his lips, making Connor laugh softly as he rolled his eyes.
“Better.” He leaned in and took Will’s hand again. “There’s a ramp to the building and the elevator is solid.” Will and Bex’s place had two steps to get in and Connor had a disconcerting lack of confidence in the elevator. “I’ve got a walk-in shower,’ he continued, trying to hit all of the highlights right off the bat. “It’ll be easy to make it accessible and you can’t deny that my mattress is way better than yours.”
Using his free hand to unzip his lips, Will said, “…I do love your mattress.”
Connor knew that would be a point in his favour.
“I know the biggest issue is that you want to be back with Bex,” he said and Will nodded. “But this would just be temporary and like you said, she’s trying to recover too. Jay and Mouse are there. They’ve got her covered. And I’m pretty sure they won’t be leaving anytime soon so five people trying to operate in your apartment is a recipe for disaster.”
“Five?” Will’s face scrunched up in confusion. Connor fought off the urge to sigh.
“Yes, babe, five,” he said. “You think I’m not going to be with you for every step of your recovery, no matter where you’re staying? I already talked to Goodwin about taking a leave.”
“Out of everything, that is the one thing that’s non-negotiable. I mean it.” Connor blinked back tears as his breath caught. “You don’t—you don’t know what it was like, Will. You got shot. Right in front of me—I was—you almost bled out in my arms. I thought you were going to die, that I was going to lose you and I couldn’t—” He swiped a hand over his cheeks, shaking his head. “It was the worst day of my life and I just…I don’t want to let you out of my sight for a little while, okay? Is that—will you let me do that? Please?”
Will opened his arms as Connor’s voice broke on those last words, letting Connor sink into them—carefully—and they held each other until Will whispered, “Okay.”
Connor sat back up, searching his face for any hint of doubt or reluctance, but he was smiling softly at Connor through teary eyes. “Are you sure?”
“You’re right about all of it,” Will said, chewing on his lip as he considered his next words. “Your space is a better set-up, but more importantly, I think it would be best for us to be together in that space. Mouse and Jay have Bex covered and we can still visit and like you said, it’s temporary. I’m not letting Jay steal Bex as a roomie now. He had his chance.”
Relief flooded through Connor as a week’s worth of tension just…disappeared. “That’s—thank you, babe.” He leaned in for a kiss. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” Will said, quirking an eyebrow at him. “I’m calling dibs ‘not it’ on telling Bex about this.”
Connor sat back in his chair with a thump.
Jay walked out of the doctor’s office and blinked at the sight of Voight and Olinsky standing next to his truck. His heart dropped.
What now?
“What’s going on?” he called out as he jogged over. “What happened? Is—”
“Bex, Will, and Emery are all fine,” Voight said, cutting off his immediate worries. “There’s nothing wrong with your family or the team, but we do need to talk.”
“Not here,” Olinsky added.
They both looked grim and Jay had about a thousand questions, but all he asked was, “Where?”
Voight jerked a nod at his truck. “Follow us.” He stalked off toward his vehicle without another word, assuming Jay would follow as ordered. He’d promised Bex and Mouse he’d be back right after his appointment, but something was clearly going down and Jay didn’t want to be out of the loop. Whatever it was, it was serious enough for them to track him down at his therapist’s office.
He shuddered to think of how many privacy laws they’d violated to do that.
Jay got in his truck and followed them out of the lot, bracing himself for whatever shit was coming their way now.
Al was silent beside him as they drove toward one of the abandoned industrial yards that Hank preferred for meetings like this.
Silent and yet incredibly loud in his judgment.
“Spit it out,” Hank growled.
“Is this really the right way to play it?” Al sighed.
“I’m not going to risk someone else breaking the news,” he shot back. “We need to catch him off-guard. See his face.”
“You don’t actually think he had anything to do with it.” Al turned and Hank could see him staring at him out of the corner of his eye.
“I hope not,” Hank said slowly. “But I also know we’re all capable of almost anything when someone threatens our family. And I think I have to see his face to know for sure.”
They rolled along the cracked pavement of the empty warehouse yard with Halstead pulling in close behind. He slammed the door of his truck as he got out, striding over to stand with vibrating impatience as he waited for them to join him.
“What the hell is this about?”
Hank waited until he was right in front of him. Eye to eye. “Ty Anderson is dead.”
Halstead blinked, unmistakable shock crossing his face. Unfiltered.
“What the—when? How?”
“Stabbed,” Al piped up. “Tuesday night. They did an internal investigation that came up as ‘fucked around and found out.’ Which tracks.” He shrugged. “Detective Medeiros only found out about it last night and came knocking on our door this morning.”
“She said he was found in section of the prison where the cameras were on the fritz,” Hank said, still watching Halstead carefully. “Nobody saw anything. Nobody heard anything. He bled out before he was found.” He waited a beat. “She wanted to know if we’d heard anything.”
Halstead narrowed his gaze. “Asked me what you dragged me out here to ask me.”
“We just want to know if anybody’s gonna hear something,” Hank said, crossing his arms as he stared right back. “Better to do clean up now than be caught with our pants down later.”
Closing his eyes, Halstead shook his head as he took a deep breath. “What?” he demanded, shooting a glare at both of them. “You think I had something to do with this? Ordered a hit?”
Hank shrugged. “Wouldn’t blame you.”
“If I was going to kill him,” Halstead snarled, jabbing a finger at him. “I would have done it that day. At Emery’s. He’s fucking lucky Hailey was there to stop me.” He shook his head and let out a harsh breath. “No,” he said, a little bit more even this time. “I wouldn’t—I didn’t have anything to do with it…but I hope whoever did? Made it hurt.”
The crime scene photos flashed through Hank’s mind. “You got your wish there, kid.”
Halstead went quiet for a moment. Calculating. “…was it you?”
The thought had crossed his mind. Briefly, hours later in the aftermath, when he’d met the sunrise in his kitchen with a bottle of scotch at his side. He knew enough people, had enough money, and was owed enough favours to make it happen.
But Al had shown up, tugged the bottle out of his hand and halted his silent plans with a quiet word. She wouldn’t want that. Don’t put it on her.
“No,” Hank said, meeting Halstead with a steady look of his own. “None of us.”
Halstead nodded, relaxing minutely before flinging out a hand. “Then who?”
“Guy like Ty,” Al said. “The possibilities are endless.”
Statesville Correctional Center
Nathaniel Peters had worked at Statesville for the better part of twenty years and has crossed paths with all kinds of inmates. Mean ones, innocent ones, friendly, scared, pissed off…
All kinds.
But only one had ever truly unnerved him.
Robert Forrest. Or Ramsay as he was better known as. His crimes of record were hacking and embezzlement, but the cops and the feds and the rest of the suits had no idea who they were really dealing with. The other criminals did though and Peters had heard all of those rumours. Witnessed enough violent outbursts to believe them.
Most of the more violent residents at Statesville had a kind of anger that Peters could understand. A rage that burned hot and fast, leaving a path of destruction before flaming out. It passed.
Ramsay. He was nothing but rage. A constant fire that burned cold. Controlled. He wielded his anger like a knife and there was no running once he had you in his sights. The hunt was all part of the game for him. It didn’t matter if he did the killing or if he paid one of his many pawns. As long as there was blood in the end, he was happy.
Peters was very invested in keeping Ramsay happy.
The guard before him had already up and ‘quit’ abruptly. Ramsay paid the warden well enough that he had the run of the place. The way Peters saw it, he might as well play nice and earn his extra money while he could. Stay on Ramsay’s good side…such as it was.
As soon as he had enough for that little fishing hut down in Florida, he was out of here.
In the meantime, he’d be the best damn pawn in Ramsay’s arsenal.
Knocking on the door of Ramsay’s cell, he waited for permission before sliding open the window. “Some detective’s asking questions,” Peters said. “But the warden has it handled.”
“And Mitchell?”
“Says thank you for the bonus,” Peters said, holding back a snort. The other guard jumped on the job as soon as it was offered. Didn’t hurt that he’d been itching to deal with Anderson since day one. “He’s waiting until the questions die down before taking his early retirement. Everything’s holding up so far. Nothing to tie back to him.” Ramsay hummed, pleased. “I do appreciate tidy work.” There was a pause before his face suddenly appeared in the window, taking everything Peters had not to flinch.
“Do you think she’ll be pleased?” Ramsay asked, eyes wide and unsettlingly earnest.
“My songbird, you idiot,” Ramsay hissed. “My Bex. Do you think she’ll like her gift?”
“Y-yeah,” Peters managed to get out. “I think she’ll be real grateful.”
Ramsay backed away from the door with another little hum. “Good. Maybe I should send her some more flowers. To help her recuperate.”
“I’ll get right on that,” Peters said as he slid the window closed. He shuddered as he walked back down the hall. He might be a coward and a pawn…
But at least he wasn’t Ramsay’s girl.
Grateful felt like the wrong word when someone had been murdered—even someone like Ty—but Jay wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t relieved.
Ty was gone.
He could never touch his family ever again.
For the first time in a week, Jay felt like he could actually breathe.
“What now?” he asked Voight.
“Detective Medeiros gave us permission to let the most important people know so that’s where we’re headed next,” Voight said, jerking his chin at Jay. “We were going to hit 51, Med, and then your place. Coming with?”
“Yeah,” Jay nodded. “Definitely.” He needed to be there for this. To let Emery, Will, and Bex know they were safe.
No matter how it happened, that part he truly was grateful for.
Click here to read Fine is a Four-Letter Word on ao3 [A/N - please do click over to read on ao3 because there are some important notes at the end of the chapter to read]:
And here is the tag list (let me know if you wish to be added or removed):
@sorry-i-spaced, @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived, @thewannabewriter, @lexhalstead3
@foxes-and-cats, @sensitivemallysix, @emme-looou, @lookingfortherainbow85
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