#halt arms sales
news4dzhozhar · 6 months
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nando161mando · 2 months
British MP Ellie Chowns urges Foreign Secretary David Lammy to halt all arms sales to the Israeli occupation.
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Palestinian trade unions issue an urgent global call to action, calling on workers everywhere to halt the sale and funding of arms to Israel — and related military research. As Israel escalates its military campaign, Palestinian trade unions call on our counterparts internationally and all people of conscience to end all forms of complicity with Israel’s crimes - most urgently halting the arms trade with Israel, as well as all funding and military research. The time for action is now - Palestinian lives hang in the balance.  This urgent, genocidal situation can only be prevented by a mass increase of global solidarity with the people of Palestine and that can restrain the Israeli war machine. We need you to take immediate action - wherever you are in the world - to prevent the arming of the Israeli state and the companies involved in the infrastructure of the blockade. We take inspiration from previous mobilisations by trade unions in Italy, South Africa and the United States, and similar international mobilisations against the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in the 1930s, the fascist dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s and elsewhere where global solidarity limited the extent of colonial brutality.  We are calling on trade unions in relevant industries: 1. To refuse to build weapons destined for Israel. 2. To refuse to transport weapons to Israel. 3. To pass motions in their trade union to this effect. 4. To take action against complicit companies involved in implementing Israel’s brutal and illegal siege, especially if they have contracts with your institution.  5. Pressure governments to stop all military trade with Israel, and in the case of the US, funding to it. We make this call as we see attempts to ban and silence all forms of solidarity with the Palestinian people. We ask you to speak out and take action in the face of injustice as trade unions have done historically. We make this call in the belief that the struggle for Palestinian justice and liberation is not only a regionally and globally determined struggle. It is a lever for the liberation of all dispossessed and exploited people of the world.
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sayruq · 6 months
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The UK government has received advice from its own lawyers stating that Israel has breached international humanitarian law in Gaza but has refused to make the advice public, a prominent British lawmaker has stated. The Guardian reported on 30 March that Alicia Kearns, the Conservative chair of the House of Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, said, “The Foreign Office has received official legal advice that Israel has broken international humanitarian law, but the government has not announced it.” She added that as a result, the UK must end arms sales to Israel without delay.
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spicycinnabun · 4 months
stuff, things, and meatball
@steddiemicrofic ⋆ for prompt ‘stuff’ ⋆ wc: 483 ⋆ rated: g (this is a mild italian meatball, folks) ⋆ cw: none
The Munsons were having a yard sale. Almost everyone in the group had come by to help (Dustin was a particularly ruthless salesman).
Steve was doing the heavy lifting, bringing boxes out, while Wayne relaxed in his lawn chair outside, sipping a beer. Eddie had been ogling Steve shamelessly until he noticed something missing.
Steve caught him in his bedroom, frantically searching around. “What’re you doing?”
“Stuff, Steve.” Eddie cast him an irritable glance. “Things!”
Steve quirked a brow. “Care to elaborate further?”
“I can’t find my—did you happen to see a brown bear with red ears and paws?“
“Oh.” Steve frowned, scratching his jaw. “Yeah. With the white buttons? Mrs. Grisham bought it about an hour ago. Caught her daughter’s eye.”
At Eddie’s crestfallen face he failed to hide, Steve stepped closer. “Shit, I’m sorry, Eds.” His mouth downturned. “It was in your closet with some other old toys. I thought…”
“No, it’s fine,” Eddie interrupted, schooling his expression quickly. “It’s cool. Stupid of me to hang onto a dumb bear for so long, anyway, right? It should be with an actual child.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid. I’ve got sentimental things I hold onto, too.” Steve touched his arm, thumb caressing Eddie’s inner elbow and making Eddie’s brain screech to a halt. “You know what? I’ll go get it. I know where the Grishams live. I’ll be back soon.”
He left the trailer before Eddie could compute what had happened.
Eddie flailed. “Wha—wait, Steve—!“
He ran outside, nearly tripping over his own feet in the process, but Harrington was already in the Beemer, lifting a hand from the wheel to wave at Eddie.
“Please don’t tell me you stole Meatball from some poor kid’s sticky little claws,” was what Eddie said when Steve returned. Steve handed him the bear, and Eddie’s fingers squished soft, artificial fur. He resisted the urge to clutch it to his chest. “You should give him back.”
Steve smiled at him. “I didn’t steal Meatball. I sorta… made a trade.”
“A trade?” Eddie repeated, perplexed. “What did you trade?“
“I, uh, went to the mall and bought a new stuffed animal?” Steve shrugged. His cheeks were pink. “No biggie.”
Eddie made an incredulous noise. No biggie? That… had to be one of the nicest goddamn things anyone had ever done for him.
He threw his arms around Steve, nearly bowling him over. Eddie hid his face in Steve’s neck as his traitorous eyes threatened to burn. Meatball’s shiny plastic nose dug in between Steve’s shoulder blades. “I can’t believe you fucking did that, you motherfucking sweetheart,” Eddie muttered. “Why did you do that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” It was Steve’s turn to sound confused. He returned the hug, arms settling comfortingly around Eddie. “It’s important to you, and you’re important to me.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Eddie said. He sniffled. “Thanks, Stevie.”
Steve squeezed him. “You’re welcome, Eddie bear.”
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
19 Mar 24
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Also, content-lock-free link. [Technically it's not a paywall but it is annoying]
Keep pressuring Western governments. This is proof that it can work.
"Canada will halt future arms sales to Israel following a non-binding vote in the house of commons. The foreign affairs minister, Mélanie Joly, told the Toronto Star her government would halt future arms shipments. “It is a real thing,” she said on Tuesday [March 19].
The decision follows a parliamentary motion, introduced by the New Democratic party (NDP), that called on the governing Liberals to halt future arms exports to Israel. The New Democrats, who are supporting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority government, have expressed frustration with what they see as his failure to do enough to protect civilians in Gaza.
The motion – which passed 204-117 with the support of Liberals, Bloc Québécois and the Green party – also called on Canada to work “towards the establishment of the state of Palestine.""
-via The Guardian, March 19, 2024
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officialabortive · 1 year
Barbarian!Bakugou x FoxHybrid!Reader
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Barbarian!Bakugou had already set up camp for the night under a canopy of thick tree branches. Finally finding some semblance of relief within the cool shade, when he was disturbed by jingling of rusted bells and worn out wooden wheels clacking against rough terrain. Of course, he knows before even looking, that it was the tell tale clatter of a wandering merchant. Bakugou makes haste, jogging over to see the available merchandise. Opportunities like this are rare, as merchants who travel so far out are few and far between.
The stallions —who are surprisingly well kept and very clearly well groomed— hauling the small wooden caravan came to a halt as the man holding the reigns gave a tug upon noticing a blonde figure jogging up. Dropping the reigns, the man swiftly hoped to the ground, ready to offer a sales pitch. Clasping his hands together, the merchant gave his best smile. It was obviously forced, far to wide and toothy to be genuine. Katsuki already pinned him as an obnoxious asshole.
"Ah! Hello, hello, good sir! Would you be interested in making a purchase? You've come at a good time, I have quite the selection at the moment!"
Bakugou grunts "maybe. What'd you have?" The cart was ever so slightly too elevated to see inside without needing to jump to look in over the edge
"Oh please do come take a look!"
Bakugou trails behind him to the back of the caravan where they can see in through the open back. Several hybrids sat on the wooden flooring, all of which having their gaze pinned directly back on him.
"I only carry the cutest and most unique hybrids! Even some exotic breeds! Only the best of the best! And I can assure you they are all perfectly family friendly!" He started pointing to them individually. "Here we have a beautiful teddywidder rabbit! This is red tailed deer! Over here is one of my personal favorites, a rare spot-"
"Got any hunters?"
The man began stumbling over his words. Now one ever wanted something like that, a possible threat. People wanted a nice cute hybrid to have around the house and be loved by children.
"I- uh- well, I do have this exotic snowy fox, who I'm sure is an amazing hunter. Foxes are known for their incredible hearing, agility, and stealth! All amazing attribut-"
"I'll take 'em"
There was an audible ting, Bakugou having flicked something to the man who fumbled to catch it, even with using two hands. Greedy eyes bulge at the perfectly circular gold piece in his palm. Gluttony has evidently long had it's unshakable grasp on his greed ridden soul.
You were fairly well behaved. Immediately inspecting the temporary camp, analyzing each item in the worn out bag that lay open on the dirt. Than coming to sniff at bakugou, poking and prodding, curiously tugging at each individual necklaces on his chest. He'd even noticed how you sat exclusively in shaded areas, and squinting whenever you weren't.
Yeah, he regrets not thinking further into the whole 'only liking dark areas' thing. Turns out foxes are fucking nocturnal.
Now, the sun had long gone in to hiding, yet here sits a very much wide awake, agitated barbarian. Slouched with arms crossed over his chest as he glares at nothing in particular.
"Can't believe I spent fuck'n money on this bullshit– QUIT IT!"
The sales basterd was right, you were definitely stealthy. And for Katsuki, it's annoying as shit. He can't even hear your approach when you pounce on him from behind, cackling when you successfully grab on to him mid-jump. Only after several hours worth of attempts to catch you, only for you to slip right out of his grasp, to have you apprehend and tired. Finaly he can get some damn shut ey- why the fuck are you burrowing under his cloak!?
Whatever. At least bakugou is confident in your skills required for hunting. Perfect.
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
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Arguably the most important provision to come out of yesterday’s successful NDP motion in the Canadian Parliament, despite its huge shortcomings, was halting the sale of arms to Israel. And Israeli government and media have been in a PANIC over it, condemning the Canadian government and regurgitating that this undermines their supposed “right to self defense”.
The final version of yesterday’s motion was disappointing to many after the Liberals watered it down, and it was way past due, but it is still historic for Canada, who like the US and UK has given Israel unconditional support since its founding. This is only the first step.
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luneariaa · 2 months
ᯓ★٠ ࣪⭑ UNSPOKEN. ✧ KENJI S. { 𝐈𝐈𝐈 }.
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✰ — PART 3 ; you and kenji are having some time outside together, hand-holding bc yes, more personal moments, reader wearing a dress but not too much into detail for plot reasons.
✰ — did this while having cramps hshshdf sryy it took so long- :")
✩₊˚. PART 1 — PART 2 — PART 4.
. dividers by @/strangergraphics ⛓️ !!
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DRESSED in a quite lovely dress that just reaches below your knees for a bit— Kenji picked it out for you, of course— he decided to take you out for a 'walk' since it's his day off too, much to his luck.
He had it specifically designed for you alone, even for the chosen colors and patterns that he knew you would love, and the high-quality material is never to be mistaken, since he only wants the best for you; unafraid to waste his money on you.
The gentle breeze has blown your hair ever so slightly, walking hand in hand throughout the usually busy and lively city— the dress you're currently wearing flows so naturally to the wind, which is a sight to behold if one pays close attention enough.
While you presumably have gotten distracted while passing by the various types of stores with eyes full of interest, he couldn't help but to steal a few glances every once in a while.
That's the exact moment, he knew that he was falling in love with you all over again. You looked so vibrant, and content within his presence, and it's all enough for him. He couldn't ask for more.
It doesn't take long for him to notice that you've halted in your tracks all of a sudden, much to his confusion, but it recedes away once he realizes that your eyes have landed upon a jewelry store. They apparently got a quite exquisite necklace on an open display for sale, which clearly stands out from the rest, being pristine in appearance, and swiftly grabbing your attention.
But you somehow knew that the price alone is gonna hurt your wallet.
"Has something caught your attention, hm?" Kenji leans his head forward slightly just next to yours, eyes following your line of sight while you shake your head.
"No, no! Just got distracted, that is.." You sheepishly commented, before pulling his arm along as you begin to shift your gaze ahead once more. "Let's go."
A short, yet unmistakably velvety chuckle left his lips as one of his hands grasped your own fittingly back in return— letting his mind wonder that perhaps, you've taken an unspoken interest towards the specific necklace from before.
Maybe he'll get it for you sometime soon without you knowing it. The mere idea itself is already too thrilling for him, silently imagining your reaction once you realize that he, in fact, noticed your specific line of stare, and actually bought you the exact necklace.
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AS THE MINUTES passed by, the walk between the both of you has been enjoyable so far. Kenji could've easily brought his bike along— which he did, but intentionally parked it quite far so that he could enjoy your mere presence alone for more. He would rather do this, so he could just keep his gaze upon you whenever you're not looking or so. You relished your personal time with him too, not minding the fact that the two of you didn't really have any specific places in mind.
But he wondered if you even notice that it's getting quite harder for him. Knowing full well that you're beside him right at this point, he could've just pushed you against the wall and kissed you senselessly without a care— but that might ruin the moment.
So instead, he gradually leads you to somewhere within the park, which the atmosphere is quite pleasant due to the current hour. The visible, warm orange glow was being casted down upon your features; hitting in some angles so fittingly perfect, much to his contentment since he's the only one who could witness this sight of you— albeit only daring to speak to himself about it mentally.
"Where are you taking me?" You couldn't resist from giggling as he, almost too enthusiastically, guide you along with him as if he had a specific place in mind, which he really does.
"You'll find out soon."
"I'm sure you'll love it, trust me." There's even a hint of a smile within his warm tone, and no traces of qualm are present as the words are being spoken.
The two of you eventually took a stop at this one rather secluded spot from the rest— people rarely went to this exact area, which is a damn shame since it offers an absolutely breathtaking view of the vast, clear blue lake, and one of the large bridges situated directly across from it; the sun can be seen starting to set just somewhere around the enormous gaps of the bridge.
You were speechless for a while there; the view is simply too stunning. Noting your expression, Kenji smiles fondly and tugs on your hand gently— pulling you closer to his side.
He knows you too well, you fear.
"Ken, this place, I.."
"It's so beautiful." Those words are the only ones that managed to be elicited out from your lips, understandably so. You would've asked him about how he found the spot, but you didn't.
"I know." Ever so tender with his actions, he lifts one of your hands up to his lips, before brushing it onto your knuckles lovingly— then planting small, gentle kisses into the palm of your hand after, while the smile never leaves his face.
"I knew you would love this place. I keep forgetting to take you here when I found out about this exact spot too."
But why is it so damn hard to tell you those three simple words, especially in a moment like this?
"Ken, thank you so much.."
You gently press your palm against his chest— at where his heart is, presently beating a bit more rapidly than before because of your mere presence and simple actions.
"Today's one of the best days of my life." The spoken statement alone drips with pure honesty, which made him grin so adoringly upon your words even more, knowing that at this moment, he truly won in life.
Not saying anything just yet, Kenji simply encircles his arms around your form, hugging you so closely— allowing his hand to caress the back of your hair tenderly; all while inhaling your scent deeply, as if wanting to memorize every single detail of it.
"I'm glad," he begins to speak in a breathy tone against your hair. "I'm so, so glad. Knowing that you're happy makes everything worth it."
You giggled cordially, nuzzling into his chest as the feeling of giddiness starting to build up within you even further. It's too much to take in— yet it's never enough.
Both of you needed more.
He places a delicate kiss on the crown of your head, letting his fingers carding through your strands of hair. The feeling is too addicting, and it seems he couldn't stop just yet. It's so frustratingly good; the sensation itself is quite overwhelming in so many ways.
It doesn't take long for him to gently push you away backwards after, taking his sweet time to gaze into your eyes while resting his forehead against your own, to which you returned the gesture without any signs of reluctance. Maybe this will be it. It's driving you both crazy, and he knew it damn well.
"Is this.." You breathed out, trying to remain composed underneath his fixed gaze. "Is this the part where we..?"
"Maybe. If that's what you want, then.." Kenji murmured almost instantly, voice lowering in an octave fairly on its' own— caressing your cheeks, then tracing his fingers down your jawline while his eyes never left yours, gradually leaning closer as if wanting to test the waters.
"Do you want this, sweetheart..?"
"What if I said I do..?"
Oh, it's driving him internally wild. Your eyes are half-lidded, ready to receive his next actions without any needed protests.
That's when the bond between the two of you as friends falls away, altering into something more memorable; none shying away from the other and simply accepting the way it is with such ease.
The visible line between the both of you shattered without any restraint by now, permitting everything to happen just following by the natural existing flow, unafraid of anything anymore— nothing to be hidden as everything has become more evident.
When seconds have passed and desperately needed air, he reluctantly broke the kiss first; eyes fluttering open to stare at you once more. God, he allows the sight of you alone to be engraved within his mind at this moment— all flustered and panting slightly, recollecting yourself from the previous session.
Kenji got an irresistible urge to kiss you again, but he knew that you both needed to finally go and grab dinner first since the sky has darkened itself without realizing it before.
"We should— we should go. Y'know, grab some dinner. You must be starving."
You stifled your own laughter at his seemingly flustered expression, nodding along his words in agreement. It's just adorable, knowing that THE Kenji Sato himself is feeling and genuinely acting this way because of you.
"Well, I suppose I couldn't refuse that."
Kenji would like to relish within the idea that everything continues further on just like this, right here. Nothing else, nothing major will happen.
Maybe he should've gotten you the necklace that you were eyeing earlier, and help you with putting it around your neck himself. You'd look so gorgeous, he knows it. Kenji knows it.
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{ ✰ tags : @mochminnie, @aishallnotbefound, @scarasw1f3, @bakugouswaif. }
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are welcomed. all rights reserved.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 11 months
cute bath with jason, candles and bubbles and light music playing and he’s sitting behind you and giving you kisses as you just talk about eachothers days
Time Written - 10:50 p.m
“I saw somewhere that they sell these trays that hang on the tub, like hooking on the edges. You can use it to read your book inside. With a glass of wine or tea, or scotch too.”
Rough fingers along your back rolled any remaining knots in your muscles, calloused hands gently stroking along the junction of our shoulder and neck.
“Scotch?” Jason huffs in amusement. “C’mon, y’know I’m not a scotch guy.”
“Whiskey, bourbon. Whatever,” you giggle, leaning your head forward as you swipe along any stray wet hair, only to feel his fingers completely halt.
“You forgot my tastes??” Jason expressed with complete shock at this horrifying discovery. “Baby, I’m hurt.”
Any further giggling was unavoidable as you see his face; twisted into mock pain, his lips formed into a tragic quiver as he gives his version of puppy dog eyes.
“An’ here I was, so very very proud of myself to drive all across town to that lush store you like so much, All for the bath salts!” Vocally expressing his pain, he clutched his chest in one hand, dramatically swooping his damp curls back to dress his palm over his forehead.
“Oh my god, Jason!”
“And they weren’t even on sale!” Jason continues on, leaning his head back further with feigned agony. “I spent good money on my woman, an’ she forgets that I’m a bourbon man!”
“Jason stop it!” You turn yourself just a little more, both hands coming out of the milky waters to settle along his upper arms.
“I got you that bottle of Four Roses earlier, I know what my man loves.”
Jason smirks whilst withdrawing his hands from their prior positions. He can’t help but laugh a little himself, lowering one of his hands under water to rest along your hip.
“What I love is that pretty look on your face, Doll.” He pinches your chin with feather-like softness before kissing you.
Coming home to this everyday; you, was a gift.
Getting to spend every minute in your intoxicating presence. What drug or alcohol could be possibly infect himself with when his brain provided such ecstasy with one look at you?
The lights were dimmed, the water still clung to its toasty warmth. The milky waters seeping with sweet soap, pearlescent powders, crushed oats and herbal oils.
An exquisite tastes of both lavender and honey soothing elegance, bodies dripping in glittering gold.
In some cases, you didn’t wanna do anything sexual when Jason came home. This bath, for example, both of you were naked yes, but it was possible to not think such thoughts in a precarious state.
Your one and only was home safe and sound, You loved nothing more.
Jason was more than okay with that.
If you weren’t up to it, neither was he. Vice versa.
A perfect, consensual balance.
This was much better than a book, even better than a drink. The sleep he always got after these baths were heavenly, nearly slumbering like a baby each time.
“After the day I’ve had, I prefer this right here instead of a drink.” Jason re-swipes his soaking wet hair back along his head, growing slightly irritated from his dipping curls dripping onto his face.
“What a way with words, handsome.” You smile as you turn your body slightly, letting your upper half settle more comfortably against his. His hand settles along your back, running soothing circles against your glistening skin.
“If I did buy you that bath tray, would this mean you’d read to me in here?”
“Probably,” he replies, pondering over which book exactly. Also if he believes he could be comfortable enough with literature in the tub.
“Might as well do some skincare too,” you ponder over the idea, to Jason’s confusion.
“Like, some eye masks or something. Make it a spa day.”
Jason remained… intrigued, adamant. Only eye masks he’s seen you use were those glittery jelly ones you put under your eyes. He’s tried them once, per your request. They weren’t bad, but he didn’t understand the uses to this day.
“You’re just giving Dick more things to talk about.” Jason chuckles, his eyes closing as your hand readjusts his sopping wet, snowy curl out of his face.
“As if he needs to know what we do. This is our time, remember?”
“Mhm.” He leans close, pressing a kiss along your cheek before leaning just a little lower, leaving a softer peck underneath your ear.
“Our time.” He murmurs, feeling your head lean against his touches.
“The day I can dress you in a bright pink robe—“
“Babe no.” Oh boy. “C’mon—“
“-With feather lining and fuzzy slippers. You’d look adorable!” Your purposefully cheery accent had him groaning your name in false irritancy against your neck, rolling his eyes.
“There’s no deal you can make with me for that to happen, Princess.”
“I can be very persuasive, Mister Todd,” your tone drops from its cheerful tease into a more slow, much familiar tune he was well accustomed to.
His chest rumbles with amusement, teal eyes narrowing with interest in your statement. You’re really eager for him to do such? Now you piqued his interest.
“I’d like to see you try, pretty girl.”
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allthegeopolitics · 5 months
The UK government on Sunday rebuffed calls to follow the US’ lead in halting some arms sales to Israel if it proceeds with a major ground operation in Rafah, the southern Gaza city home to 1.4 million refugees, Anadolu Agency reports. Foreign Secretary David Cameron, in an interview with the BBC, expressed his opposition to Israel’s plans of an invasion in Rafah but emphasized that ceasing arms sales would “make Hamas stronger.” He claimed that the UK supplies a mere 1% of Israel’s weaponry, indicating limited leverage in influencing Israeli actions.
Continue Reading.
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nando161mando · 3 months
Huge protests are now taking place outside Downing Street in London, denouncing today's Israeli occupation massacres in Gaza.
Demonstrators are demanding that new Prime Minister Starmer call for a ceasefire in Gaza and halt all arms sales to Israel.
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bratphilia · 10 months
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— burn (w. afton)
note ✧.*‎  part two of the self indulgent william fics!! think of this as a double feature. anyways this is my first time writing william and the reader as a married couple even though its barely glossed over, and not some taboo/scandalous relationship!! so enjoy :3
pairing ✧.*‎‎ steve raglan / william afton x reader
cw ✧.*‎‎ oral sex (f receiving), face sitting, bondage, squirting
taglist ✧.*‎‎ @dilfity, @iikyutee, @kissingrhi, @jen-parker, @kathxstuff, @papyrus-the-poet, @lowballbread, @cecelovesbooks, @bluebearieally, @cybunii, @van-van, @iamunabletothinkofablogname, @1ncidentdropout, @ice-echo26@, officially-a-simp13, @all4kura, @el-sol-sale-de-nuevo, @littlexstarlightx, @samlow23
synopsis ✧.*‎ you convince your husband not to shave quite yet.
"ah, shit," comes william's voice from the bathroom in your shared room. you perk your head up and peer over to see him standing in front of the mirror with a small amount of shaving cream spilled on the counter. 
you slide off the bed and walk his direction, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on the side of his torso. he remains unmoving, stoic as the humming of an electric razor comes to life. "maintenance time?"
"absolutely," he sighs, checking his beard out in the mirror. he let it grow too far, in his opinion, but you on the other hand craved it. was it weird? possibly, to someone outside of your relationship, but who cares. every time he kissed you lately, his beard scratched your cheek and chin, making you grow so weak in the knees you could only stand with his support holding you up. 
"well, i like it. maybe you should keep it a little while longer," you suggest hopefully.
william simply gives a short laugh. "i know that you like it. you have that cute little look in your eyes again."
you self-consciously look in the mirror, searching for whatever "cute look" he was implying you had, only to find your reflection staring back at you, most noticeably your pupils dilated in desire. fuck, you needed him. you decide to make it a game. "you won't do anything, though, so it doesn't matter. go on, shave," you say with a dismissive wave of your hand and turn your heel to walk away.
"oh, i won't do anything?" he challenges. you give a noncommittal "mm-mm" in response as you climb back on the bed. 
a beat passes. "get back over here and give me your wrists." 
that immediately grabs your attention. you try not to jump and spring forward, but nonchalantly approach him with a blank face, wrists held out for him. the shaving cream and now turned off razor is left abandoned somewhere on the counter. he undoes his belt and wraps it around your wrists, securing the clasp tightly. he pulls you closely so he can practically growl in your ear, "i'm going to go lay down on the bed then you're going to come over and sit on my face, got that?"
you inhale deeply, suddenly finding yourself short of air. "yes."
william situates himself on the bed, casually rest his hands behind his head. he turns his head towards you; your move. you pad over and climb on the bed, straddling him and shimmying your way forward on your knees. he decides to help you out and quicken the process by grasping your hips and practically lifting you onto his face. 
you try to reach forward onto the bedframe, only for your hands to meet a defeating tug against his belt. you were completely at his disposal. he dives in, smothering his face in between your thighs. he doesn't even use his mouth at first, just teasing you with his facial hair alone. it leaves a burning sensation in its wake and you moan desperately, fingers flexing against the leather bounding you. 
"fuck!" you cry once his tongue enters your weeping hole. he pulls it out and relentlessly laps up and down your slit. his finger tips dig into your hips in a death grip, almost totally halting any bucking motions you could try to make. he just holds you against his face, expecting you to take what he gives you. 
william groans against you in unison with your sinfully loud moans. the vibrations only add to the stimulation he gives you. he sucks your clit into his mouth and you swear you see stars. he pulls it with his lips so that your hood drags out ever so slightly and you're almost close. 
before you can react, he pulls you off his face. you groan, disappointed in the loss of stimulation. "don't be so sad, baby," he says. "lay on the bed, yeah? can you do that for me, sweet thing?"
"mhm," you mumble, shakily resting on the spot next to him and he repositions himself on his knees on the bed. your own knees are tilted upwards expectantly. 
he instantly takes matters into his own hands and lifts your legs up to your stomach. "keep them there," he tells you in a commanding tone.
you feel your core pulse at his words and throw your head back when his mouth returns. without warning, he sucked your clit without remorse. unrelentlessly flicking your pearl with the tip of his tongue with a method only he understands. 
you cry out helplessly once more once his impossibly long tongue slips inside of you once more. he thrusts it in and out, fucking you with it while you shake in his grasp. your curses and begging comes out as incoherent babbles as his mouth works its magic on you, effectively rendering you weak. 
he releases your legs from his hold and tries to spread your lips apart to give him more, but stops when you try to close your legs. "do i need to bind your legs together too?" you shake your head no and incessantly apologize, wanting nothing more but for his mouth back on you. "keep being good for me and you'll get to come."
"okay," you whisper.
you wish he would talk to you more in that gruff voice of his, but this treatment is more than enough. plus, his mouth is a bit too preoccupied right now so you'll take what you can get. 
"feel that honey?" he emphasizes by shaking his head, knowing damn well you can barely speak. "thighs all red from my beard. poor baby."
when he sucks his clit into his mouth again, suctioning it earnestly is when you're tipped over the edge before you can realize it. william, who usually makes you ask to come before doing so, isn't complaining, though. your orgasm has his face dripping. he looks up at you, eyebrow quirked. 
"'m sorry, daddy," you say in a small voice. "couldn't help it." he simply leans up to kiss you, allowing you to taste yourself on his face. 
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sayruq · 5 months
FOREIGN Secretary David Cameron approved continuing arms exports to Israel just two days after the country’s military killed three British aid workers, court documents have revealed. The news comes after the High Court reversed a previous dismissal of a case against the exports brought by the UK-based Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) and the Al-Haq human rights organisation, which is based in the Palestinian West Bank. At an appeal hearing on Tuesday, the two groups were granted a full judicial review hearing challenging the UK Government's failure to halt weapons exports to Israel, which is set for October. The groups say exported weapons and parts risk being used in violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza.According to the UK Government’s export licencing criteria, Tory ministers must block arms sales if there is “a clear risk” that weapons might be used to commit or facilitate “internal repression” or “a serious violation of international humanitarian law”. At the High Court hearing on Tuesday, the Tory government’s lawyers did not argue that the case against arms exports is inarguable, instead saying that the court hasn’t seen all the relevant documents and that they can only be shared in closed, secret proceedings due to national security.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
"We are joining millions of people across the US and around the world in demanding an end to Israel's brutal assault on Gaza and its decades-long occupation of Palestine," said Ellie Tang, an organiser with the anti-war youth organisation Dissenters.
"We urge Congress and Biden to hear the calls of millions of us living in this country and push for a ceasefire. Until Congress blocks the bombs, we will." [...]
The blockage was organised by Dissenters, St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, Black Men Build St Louis, the Boeing Arms Genocide Campaign, and Resist St Louis. The activists are calling for two immediate actions: firstly, for Congress and Biden to demand an immediate halt to hostilities, and secondly, to halt arms sales to Israel. They are also urging communities to persistently partake in direct action aimed at Boeing and other firms benefiting from Israel's occupation. "We want Congress to know what it looks like to take brave action. And that we will not wait for their timelines to actualise demands of ceasefire," said Su Mac, an artist and organiser. "As taxpayers, we all have blood on our hands. Congress must act before they are etched into history books as complicit in a genocide the country called on them to stop. The whole world is watching."
6 Nov 23
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