#hanamusa always makes my day better
yamujiburo · 9 months
I'd like to join the kind words dogpile that seems to be happening and thus! I've been following your art stuff for a long time and have always gotten HUGE enjoyment out of it. I've loved every moment of your hanamusa comics from the get-go!
I love that weight gain is shown as a sign not just of health but of HEALING with Jessie's character, something not just to be accepted but actively celebrated. Because she is safer, stabler, better cared for. I love equally that James and Meowth are a part of that, both as Jessie's friends, for her recovery, and for their own separate paths forward. It's all just a wonderful cartoon villain redemption story, right up my alley.
Additionally, within the past year, year and a half range, I've slowly started drawing again. For most of my life I drew for at least a while every single day. I was never not dreaming up stories and there's still nothing I love more than sharing the little worlds inside my head, but things were pretty rough and unstable for my family for a couple of years and its impact on my mental and physical health led to my ceasing to draw almost entirely for those couple of years.
Having the energy and luxury to pursue art again has been a healing step and I'm slowly getting back into a groove of trying to sketch a bit daily. I'm having to relearn a lot of things that used to feel almost as natural as breathing, so it's often as draining and frustrating as it is cathartic and fun.
It's been so long since I did much of anything with my own ideas and stories that I often feel tapped out on creative fuel, but following the hanamusa arc and seeing how much joy other people take in it- and most importantly that you take in it and in sharing it- have helped revive a lot of love and inspiration for my own takes on the Ketchum family and my still intense and deep love of the anime series. My portrayals and such are wildly different from the adventure of hanamusa, but I love them both and have been grateful for the courage and persistence the presence of your art and writing have lent me. So you have my sincere thanks for simply Being, and for sharing of yourself and your ideas!
I know you doubtlessly get a LOT of messages every single day, so I hope you'll not feel a need to reply to this one because there is no need at all. If and when you have a chance to read this, I do hope it brightens your day a bit, like jessie. ash and delia always brighten mine. Be well, and I hope this coming year will be full of positive experiences for you!
aw thank you, i really appreciate it! (and thank you to everyone else who's been sending nice asks)
it makes me happy to hear you've been able to start drawing again! drawing and sharing my art makes me feel so at peace and happy and i only hope it makes anyone else who does art feel the same
best of luck with all your art making endeavors!
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yamujiburo · 1 year
absolutely in love with your hanamusa content and I've even developed headcanons of my own??? just a few for your reading pleasure :)
-Delia reeeeally loves Jessie's hair. she's always touching it and constantly awed by its physics-defying nature -Jessie loves listening to Delia hum little tunes to herself when she doesn't realize she's doing it -Delia thinks Jessie only plays Jessilina in the shower, when in reality, it's just Jessie singing -Jessie is absolutely awful at keeping plants alive, but still tries to grow things for Delia to impress her since Delia has a green thumb
A few slightly ~adult~ hcs
-Delia has a thing for Jessie's voice. specifically her dramatic, slightly seductive, Team Rocket voice. we saw Delia be really ~into~ Jessie wearing her old Team Rocket uniform, and I like to imagine that Jessie, for old time’s sake, started reciting the old motto in her usual villain-esque voice with a hint of seduction in it, and voila. Delia has an “oh. oh.” moment
-Jessie 10000% has a thing for praise but doesn't realize it until Delia. One day Jessie does a few chores around the house to surprise Delia and Delia says something like "you did so good" and Jessie has her "oh. oh." moment (Delia 100% picks up on this immediately and starts building up the praise to make her blush more)
Anyway I know this was SUUUUUUPER long BUT I just love your content so much and it's literally the ship I never knew I needed. Thanks for feeding us!!!
YES I LOVE THESE!!! Delia playing with Jessie's hair is so real (and she's the only one allowed to play with it). I could also see Jessie enlisting help from James on how to be a better plant parent since, I assume, he also has a green thumb. And Jessie being into praise makes too much sense LMAO
thank YOU for feeding ME! i love hearing other peoples' headcanons and seeing their takes on ships i like heehee
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