quillsandblades · 2 months
how do you think a Levihan marriage proposal would happen? (who would do it, would they have planned to propose or would it be something of the moment?)
Thank you for the ask sunny! I had so much fun with this one 💜💚
I love thinking up scenarios about the levihan proposal! While there are too many I have in mind, there’s only two headcanons that I’d consider rational (Cuz the others are something like my fic Experiments and Feelings or yours Mrs Ackerman (is after your sanity), or that I basically consider them married from somewhere around the time Wall Maria fell). 
The first one would be if Hange survived the war (which she did, no one says otherwise): 
 So technically, Hanjo confessed or sort-of proposed first here when they were both in the forest. Levi doesn’t give her a proper answer because Eren’s going berserk with the Rumbling and they gotta get a hold of their brat (as responsible parents it’s their duty) and she understands cuz she gets Levi and he gets her and she knows she’s being rash
They reach the port, prepare the plane and things are starting to look up so he answers her proposal with a yes—but this is Levi Ackerman we’re talking about and he’s clumsy when it comes to romance. So he goes about it the childish way and hides it in taunts about her love for titans. This time it’s Hange who changes the subject, not as a rejection but a reminder that they’re not out of the woods yet
The Rumbling approaches and Hange decides to buy time but of course she’s smart and uses that head of hers to whip up a safe way to get them time rather than getting herself burnt (as she would have in canon if Isayama wasn’t hell bent on killing her) 
So she comes back on the plane without injuries or burns, she’s totally fine and the relief Levi feels in seeing her is so overwhelming he has to lie down to stop his head spinning. And he realises he needs her to stay alive even through their final charge and when she meets his eye he knows she’s thinking the same. 
War ends, peace prevails. Levihan retire and travel the world cuz Hange can’t sit still. They don’t talk about the forest or the port, they don’t know how to. Not now when everything’s much calmer, they’re not used to this kind of thing. 
But there’s an unspoken commitment between them, they’re ‘together’. Eventually they build a cabin in the forest but just living there is a monotonous routine neither of them are used to. So they still travel around but when they need a break they use their cabin, stay there for weeks or months. 
They visit the town and the market whenever they're staying, and people get to know them and they ask if they’re living together then are they married? They often try to explain that yes they live together but they’re not married. Are they lovers? They don’t know how to answer that cuz they never defined their relationship, she’s Hange, he’s Levi, isn’t that enough? Their vague answers leave several elderly people confused and giving them weird glances and having people whisper and mutter. But they don’t care, they’ve been through hell and what people say doesn’t matter anymore 
It’s Levi who addresses the thing, he suggests they get married. He’s not one for words so I never thought he’d give long speeches to propose. Levi had given marriage thought and it felt like a nice concept, Hange was never one for labels, so she never thought much on it, just happy with what they had
But then he asks her, quietly, almost timidly and there’s a slightest blush on his cheeks and he’s fidgeting and Hange just finds it adorable. But she wants to tease him a bit so she says sure but why and then he only mutters, “It’ll shut up the townspeople. And newlyweds get discounts in the market.” And she just laughs, “Sure Levi, I’ll marry you so we can get the discounts.” 
He tugs her ponytail and grumbles that she knows it’s not the only reason. Hange pesters him until he huffs out a quiet “It’s ‘cause I love you, you moron.” He doesn’t say that too often (emotionally constipated midget) but he repeats it now, looking right into her eyes and asking her to marry him. And she’s laughing and pink in the face when she says yes
The second one being around the time when Hange was commander:
Only when they come back from Shiganshina does the implications of what Levi had done hit him fully. Hange is now standing under the weight of the Survey Corps and the future of Eldia. It changes her, and Levi doesn’t like it, not one bit. 
She doesn’t smile like she used to, her laughter is curt, forced and not the carefree cackle he used to hear, the one that made him think she had wings and was soaring. In my mind, they already love each other, they know and have confessed long ago. They had to make the most of what they had and time for companionship was a luxury with death hanging over so close. So they’d thought, why the fuck not? We die today or in ten years at least our hearts will be in peace. 
But this, this is different. Hange isn’t dead, but she reeks of it. And that terrifies him. So he does what he can, he holds her when she’s cracking and stands beside her when she’s struggling to meet the gaze of the world. He knows the old Hange won’t be back now. 
And he realises how much he truly loves her, how much he needs her in his life. Even when she’s like this. He doesn’t care whether she’s shouting his ears off about titans or talking diplomacy with heavy eyes, she’s Hange and that’s all he wants from her. 
And Levi’s not the only one feeling like that. Hange thinks about them a lot, thinks how she’s there for him and he’s there for her. And she knows that matters. She notices weddings in the towns, sees couples tie the knot for life and she feels like it’s not a bad idea. Sharing the highs and lows of life with someone. 
But she’s commander and the world needs her and it’d be selfish. So she drops it (but she can’t and the urge keeps rising, and it makes her think why? She and Levi are already committed to each other, what will a simple stamp of marriage change? She doesn’t get it, but she knows she wants it.) 
Levi’s the one to propose (once again). It’s not fancy, there aren’t a lot of words, there aren’t even flowers or a ring. Only parchment, paper and ink stained fingers, a cup of tea and sunlight in her office. 
And the words, “Oi shitty-glasses, let’s get married.”
She laughs at first, devoid of humour, then she tells him they can’t. It’ll be selfish, Paradis needs her. He just raises a brow and says, “We’re practically already married and seeing as the situation of Paradis hasn’t gone to shit any more than it already had, I don’t see how sealing our relation with some vows and rings will change things.”
She agrees, they get married in a span of twenty minutes in their uniforms and are called in for a meeting afterwards. Levi was right, nothing has changed really.
But he wears this soft almost-smile for the whole day and Hange is laughing for the first time in months. Levi even goes slack in training the soldiers and the 104th are all betting on what could’ve happened to the captain. Jean suggests that maybe he found some new cleaning technology in all the stuff Hizuru’s engineers brought in. Sasha thinks he found a stash of exotic tea leaves. It’s Armin who wins in the end, and everyone’s left shocked—not because they can’t believe Hange-san and the captain are together, but because they thought they were already married long ago.
Weeks later when Hange plans to infiltrate Marley and she’s done talking to the 104th, Levi pulls her aside and says with all the deadpan, “You’re seriously planning our honeymoon in a country that wants to kill us on sight? Couldn't it be someplace peaceful like the goddamn beach?” And she just grins back at him like, “What’s the fun in that?” 
 So yeah they got duties, and their country needs them and everything. But they’re married in it doesn’t really make things worse, in fact Hange smiles a bit easy and Levi feels a bit better and that’s all that matters. 
(This was longgg but I hope you enjoyed it! )
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byallmeans1 · 2 years
Isayama is not the best at writing romance. I wonder what he would do if there would an alternate universe where Hange and Levi are canon. Maybe drawing them together and Hange getting blushed after asking to run away and live together 🤡 haha, jokes aside, I don’t imagine him drawing them a sloppy kiss…I think he would choose something more symbolic. It makes me laugh Yams has never talk about Levi and Hange’s relationship and it’s still my favorite along the series, even more than EMA lmao.
That's it, that's the point! We love levihan bc it's not canon lmao
But for real, all the ships he has made canon weren't built as well as they could. I feel like yams was rushing with the manga which left all of the relationships underdeveloped. But oh well.
When it comes to levihan's alternative universe, i think it'd be pictures of them living somewhere in the forest, like hanjo getting back from the hunt and Levi sitting and watching them from the porch. And thinking of that platonic ending for them makes me so happy uwuwuwu
Bc after seeing how all the couples have gotten together I'd rather see platonic LeviHan lmao
And I can relate to what you said abt liking these old hags more than EMA. For some reason I'm always getting attached to the adults and older characters more, idk why. It happens to me whem I'm watching jjk, mha, and aot definitely. I cannot give as many fucks about the kids which honestly is a pain bc the adults are almost always in the background and don't have as much screentime.
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
LH x skating AU when? 🤭
anon, whoever you are, i'm a little bit in love with you right now. i was initially going to reply that i love yuuri and victor so much i haven't really thought about levihan while watching yoi, but....... as always, everything is levihan to my sick obsessed little mind, and that would have been a big fat lie.
i do genuinely love these new characters, so much more than i expected.
but since you insist... here we go for not just levihan skating AU, but actual, full on levi on ice headcanons:
first off, and you guessed it from that title, Hange = Victor. i know this is not the most popular hc in the snk fandom, but i'm convinced Hange's is at least as old, if not older than Levi is, and they perfectly fit the part of being a nearly retiring athlete whose sole purpose in life is to surprise their audience
so yeah, they've had a crush on Levi and his late-blooming but impressive ice skating abilities since they were up against each other in international competitions, and it did culminate at that banquet where he got black out drunk and openly flirted with them
but Levi's dog Hanjo (named after his idol, and of the same breed as their own dog Moblit (i mean that as a compliment, guys)) died during the season and the pressure was too much and Kenny is a useless fucking coach.... and so Levi fucked up his finale, and gets back home all defeated and unsure of his future
until his childhood friends Petra and Oluo's kids film and post him imitating Hange's years old dance on the local ice ring!!
can i add smth real quick btw? i just love the idea of Levi having a family, and him being Yuuri in this AU provides that. he deserves to be surrounded and supported by living loved ones (his sister Isabel, the childhood friends i mentioned before, and his alive and well mom Kuchel who's running the onsen), and i love that for him here
anyway back to the plot and come on, my guys. what's more Hange-like than spontaneously jumping on a plane and moving to another country/into a near stranger's family just because of a video that went viral and the memories of their crush on this very cute, very short, very intoxicated guy showing amazing dance moves (including pole dance!!! like what) and asking them to coach him bc he's such a fan??
you know the "fell first/fell hard(er)" ship meme? i go back and forth on it for levihan because there are so many ways to interpret their relationship in snk. but in this AU, i have no doubts: Hange fell first (no, i am not counting Levi's childhood crush on them here, bc that ain't love bitch) and planned the whole thing. and okay, it was chaotic planning and they had no clue what they were doing and mostly just jumped at the chance to train this rough diamond and maybe try and seduce him if he let them along the way.... but still, they're the one who went it and gave it a shot. Levi, on the other hand, thinks he just has a childhood crush, and he is absolutely the one who ends up falling hard, head over... skates (shut up, i'm hilarious), which he shows by having Yuuri-level Gay Panics anytime Hange's too close to him or by, yk, dedicating his heart WAIT NO THIS ISN'T SNK whole performance of the season to his new coach (but iT'S jUsT bC hE adMiRes tHem riGHt?? (wrong, Levi, you're so wrong. you idiot, ily so much aaaaah))
also, i dare anyone to tell me that flaunting their nakedness around complete strangers and then foregoing all societal bounderies by harrassing Levi so he'll let them into his secrets and life isn't the most Hange thing ever. yeah, you can't, because that is practically their canon relationship in snk, minus snk-Hange's aversion for baths and with an emphasis on just how clueless they are about wooing someone (and just bulldoze right into it so violently everyone mistakes their insane lovestruck behavior for Hange-usual eccentric behavior. what a romantic disaster they are, they desperately need help. i love them!!!!)
i was initially going to say that Zeke is Levi's biggest rival through all this, but something felt off, and you know what? Yurio is actually a dead ringer for the other insufferable jeager brother!! and so, lo and behold: Eren = Yurio! he's young, talented, ANGRY ALL THE TIME, wants to annihilate his competitors... really the only difference here, besides hair color (and the ability to turn into a giant monster, i mean), is that he becomes a decent human being and not a genocidial maniac in this AU. good for you, yoi-au-Eren, it's what you deserved.
i haven't decided yet if Zeke is more Christophe Giacometti or JJ Leroy material. i will have to think on it, anon, my apologies.
anyway, of course, in this AU (just as in my hc of snk, but don't tell anyone) Levi's a blushing virgin. and of course, Hange steals his first kiss after his stunning performance during China's tournament, as a way to surprise him back after he blew their brains out with his dancing (spoiler alert: it's Hange's first kiss too, even though everyone thinks they're a player who fucked their way through the competitions they've won before -nope. they're both ridiculous I LOVE THEM DEARLY)
oh but whatever you do, anon, don't think about yoi-Levihan using snk-Levi's final salute to snk-Hange as a way to support each other every time Levi gets on the ice (well, Hange used to do the simple salute on their own chest before hugging Levi, until the Russia tournament when he grabbed them by the tie, delivered That Iconic Yuuri Line and then transformed the salute into this much more intimate gesture for the first time). and especially don't think about these two fucking assholes choosing to put the hand that wears these ridiculously closeted romantic identical """""lucky charm""""" rings on each other's chest, right before Levi launches himself on the ice and towards breaking Hange's free skate world record. don't, okay? it's dangerous territory.
right. i'm going to stop here (and i've deleted a big chunk of other stuff actually), but i could go on and on and on...
the point is, anon
you win
there is now a "levi on ice ugggh fuck my life" titled document in my precious, already full fics folder
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There's something really, really satisfying about removing a fic from the "Incomplete" list and moving it to the "Completed" list.
I love it.
Now I just have to do it for some of my own WiPs...
38 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
hey, this is maybe a bit of a weird ask but i really think what you’ve done with the sherlollbrary is outstanding work and deserves immense praise. it truly is a work of art. sometimes i just open it and scroll through and am just in absolute awe of the labour behind it. it’s just such an absolute passion project and i for one think it’s one of the coolest and most impressive things i’ve seen in any fandom!! anyways i hope you have a lovely day and treat yourself to something good bc you deserve it <3
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Thank you for your kind words. They mean the world to me.
38 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Just in time for the 5 year anniversary of ILY, I present a crapton of "dealing with the aftermath of the phone call" fics that I somehow missed the first time around.
Disarm Me by YourTimeIsNow (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) Hurt/Comfort ff.net 2020
Do you have a girlfriend? by FreakingOutGirl (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
Don't Overthink by Pessimist (Rated K+, Complete Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017
Emotional Context by hanjo (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2018
Forgive me by Avatarcomeback (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Casefic, Kidnapped! ff.net 2018
The Incident by Phoenixtail95 (Rated T, One-Shot) HABD Molly ff.net 2019
Meant It by Booknerd22202 (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) ff.net 2017
Memories of Redemption by Lovesfirstkiss0210 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Proposal ff.net 2017
The most dangerous words by Nalet (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
New Beginnings by Irene Moriarty xx (Rated K+, Complete, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2018
The One Who Mattered Most by Ruth Joyce (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2018
Reaching a Resolution by Helen Palsgraf (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Slow Burn ff.net 2017
Single Hearted by TheTARDISand221B (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
The Sound of Silence by Kat Mindin (Rated M, Complete, Mult-Chapter) ff.net 2017
What Happens After I Love You? by InkTreasures88 (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
Whatever Remains is the Truth by Moonshadow07 (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2018
43 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Most Recommended Sherlolly Fics (6+ recommendations)
For a complete list of recommended Sherlolly fics, go here. Happy reading!
21 - The Sustain Stories by maybe_amanda
18 - In the End by Lono
17 - The Full House by Emcee/strawberrypatty
12 - Longer Than the Road That Stretches Out Ahead by sunken_standard
10 - Always Something by Emcee/strawberrypatty
10 - I Told You So by writingwife83
9 - That Dear Perfection by soyeahso/dietplainlite
9 - The Ravensdale Ghost (Incomplete) by A. Beaumont
8 - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by sunken_standard
8 - Love Stories and Tournaments of Lies by Nocturnias/Sherlolly
8 - Read This Truth by Elixir.BB
8 - The breath that passed from you to me by rsadelle
8 - The Pirate and The Doctor by PetraTodd
8 - The Science of Perception by tallulah99
7 - A Smile Like Hers by thewinterspy
7 - Schoolgirl Crush by Flaignhan
7 - The Resident Attachment by Mae-Jones
6 - A fearful hope was all the world by miabicicletta
6 - A Hands-On Approach by Lono
6 - Paragon by asteraceablue
6 - For What It's Worth by KendraPendragon
6 - Invisible Wings by Conchepcion
6 - The Ghost and Molly Hooper (Incomplete) by Doctor WTF
6 - The List by Conchepcion
6 - The Only Drug I Need by Cutebutpsycho
55 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Is there a fanfic where Molly overhears John telling Sherlock to go after Irene (this is after the Culverton case)?
Well, there is now!
“I’m with you, you know that.”
Molly turned her head away. “But what John said, it makes sense.” She looked at him sadly. “I’ve always known it, in the back of my mind. And, and you still text her, now and then - and you haven’t changed your ringtone.” She reached up and laid gentle fingers against his cheek. A good-bye; he knew one when he saw one. “It’s OK, Sherlock, I get it. Florence Nightingale Syndrome, y’know?”
Tears glimmered but did not fall. No, his Molly wasn’t one to let anyone see her cry. Even when - or was it especially when? - her heart was breaking. “Text her,” she urged in a choked whisper as she started to turn away. “Go after the woman you love, Sherlock, before it’s too late.”
He caught her wrist, half-spun her so she was facing him again. “No,” he growled. “I mean, yes, I am absolutely going to go after the woman I love - and that woman, Molly Hooper, is you. When I said I’m with you, I meant full-stop, all the way. Is there an element of gratitude in my feelings for you? Yes, of course there is, how could there not be? There’s an element of gratitude in John’s feelings for you, too - although his are far more brotherly and protective than anything else, now that he’s finally let go of resenting you for knowing I was alive when he thought I was dead.”
He realized he was rambling and caught his breath, still holding her by the wrist - lightly, not trapping her or forcing her to stay. “I’ve made mistakes, Molly, God knows I’ve made plenty of mistakes, but falling in love with you - yes, in love with you, YOU, not HER - isn’t and never will be one of them.” He gave his mobile a rueful glance where it sat on the desk behind him. “Not changing that damned ringtone, on the other hand, is definitely a mistake. One I intend to rectify right now.” He reached down with his free hand; keeping his eyes fixed on Molly’s expressive face - so many little emotions, from doubt, to wonder, to confusion, mistrust, and (dare he hope) trust? - he lifted his mobile, opened it to his contacts, and scrolled down to the one labeled simply ‘The Woman’.
After one-handedly typing in a text, he showed it to Molly. “I don’t often answer them, and this is the last time I intend to do so.”
The two simple sentences read: Sorry, I’m having dinner with the woman I love from now on. Good-bye, Irene.
He pressed send. A response came almost immediately, just as he was deleting the contact.
I’m always free for lunch if you change your mind.
“But I won’t be,” he said aloud after showing Molly what Irene had written. “Not even if you turn me down, Molly.” His lips quirked in a wry smile. “I have it on very good authority - my father - that us Holmes men tend to be one-woman men. Yes, Irene fascinated me and if she’d been more trustworthy, it’s possible she might have been that woman.” It was his turn to reach out, to press trembling fingers against Molly’s cheek. “But I rather think my cold, shriveled up heart was already taken by the time she came into my life.”
The tears were flowing freely down Molly’s cheeks, and he felt a mixture of consternation (was she crying because she didn’t believe him, or had changed her mind about being with him, it had only been for a few days, after all, and she was right, he’d been recovering from his various overdoses and injuries during that time) and tenderness as he gently wiped them away with his thumb.
When she finally spoke, it was barely a whisper; he had to bend his his down to catch her words. “All right.” Then she pulled him into her arms and hugged him fiercely, as if she’d never let him go, as if she never wanted him to let her go.
And they never did.
97 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Chapter 41: Temple trials and Jamyang punches someone and breaks their nose
“She’s gotten better at planning things. I’ll give her that.” Gawa said as she watched Jaya walk away from them. She turned to her. “Do you have any ideas?”
Jamyang shook her head. Jaya had gotten better at this. “Nope, no idea.”
Snippets of Hanjo's trial for Jamyang. Uma is a blessing. Jamyang and Gawa are going to co parent six red pandas and Jampo is going to become an older brother.
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smallblip · 4 years
A quick prompt @luanabonn and I came up with seeing this TOTALLY CANON scene of Levi bathing Hange in this hilarious animatic video (the best part is obviously from 0:17-0:25)
Imagine the first time the vets walked in on Levi bathing Hange and Erwin would probably just facepalm or start rubbing his temples like "Geeez guys, really?". Mike would be like "Called it!" and high five Nana. Poor Moblit would probably just freez cause he's traumatized for life 😂
Years later when the 104th kids walk into the same scenario, Levihan would legit try to normalize it 😂 I see Levi saying something like "What are you looking at, brats? This is perfectly normal. I've been doing this for years now, okay?" and Hange would say "yeah... It's surely not like we're dating or something like that...ha ha ha... not at all"
And the kids be like "Yeah we know you're not dating... Because you're already married... Mom & Dad" ❤️
Yasssss my bbs💖 @hanjo-love @luanabonn thank you both💖 I love this!
Also thank you for the video it was GREAT.
Two sides, same goddamn coin
“Erwin... Why are you standing out on the corridor?” Mike asks on the way back to his room. It’s late. There’s no reason for Erwin to be standing back against his door, looking absolutely resigned.
Nanaba peeks from behind Mike, “hey boys, what’s the commotion about?”
Moblit is with Nanaba, both deciding to search the male dorms for Hanji who has seemingly disappeared into thin air.
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“Hanji and Levi are in my bath...” Erwin exhales a sigh, eyes shut, fingers rubbing his temples.
“What do you mean?” Mike says carefully. At this point, Moblit just looks like he’s seen a ghost. Abort abort! It’s okay Nanaba I’ll look for Hanji buntaicho another time! It’s not that urgent! Nothing is that urgent! But Moblit knows it’s too late. He knows where this is all going. He’s part of their little game now.
“I mean...” Erwin gives them ‘that look’, the one they always give one another when Levi and Hanji are being insufferable, “they are in my bath... Bathing... Together...”
Mike and Nanaba freeze for a second.
It’s only a split second and soon they’re pushing past Erwin and dashing in his room.
“Wait-“ Erwin and Moblit in a hushed whisper. But soon the three of them are standing outside his bathroom door.
Laughter streams through from the other side of the door.
“Oh my god...” Nanaba gasps, “what’s going on?”
“Let’s weigh our options,” Mike suggests.
“On one hand, we get to see for ourselves, get to the bottom of this matter... You know... Investigate...” Erwin has his thinking face on.
“Investigate huh... That’s exactly what the tax payers pay us to do in the Survey Corps...” Mike says. Immediately it’s clear what his preference is.
“On the other hand...” Erwin continues, “Levi might murder us all...”
“A worthy death for a soldier...” Mike shrugs.
“Oh no... I really don’t think we should...” Moblit stutters. Nanaba notes that he is very sweaty.
Looks are exchanged and it has been decided. With a heavy hand, Erwin slams open the bathroom door.
There’s a scream that’s only stopped when Levi slaps his hand over Hanji’s mouth.
“What?” Levi snaps, as if they had been trespassing.
“You’re in my bath...” Erwin says, equally matter of fact.
“Your bath is the nicest...” Hanji offers.
“You’re in my bath... Together...” Erwin raises a brow.
“As Captain of the Survey Corps, you said it was my duty to supervise the cleanliness and hygiene of the soldiers,” Levi murmurs, sinking lower into the bubbles, hands coming to cover Hanji up. Absolute gentleman.
“This is a very unique means of supervision, Captain...” Erwin smirks.
“Whatever gets the job done, Commander...” Levi spits the last word.
Behind him, Mike and Nanaba high five. Finally. Some catharsis. They called it. They all called it. Levi and Hanji were a thing. This is absolute proof. No one can tell them otherwise now. Ha! Take that! Moblit has averted his eyes. Nothing in this world can compel him to look.
“Excuse me ladies...” Hanji clears her throat, shifting uncomfortably against Levi, “I am very naked, and to be honest with you, the water is starting to get cold... Soon I will be freezing my tits off... So could we please continue this at a more convenient time?”
“Whatever you say m’lady...” Erwin tips his imaginary hat.
“Fuck you...” Hanji narrows her eyes at him and mutters under her breath. Great. They can never use Erwin’s bath again. What alternatives are there? The cadet showers maybe? The piping is really new there, that means there’s a whole lot of hot water. Probably not. They don’t need a part two of this happening.
“Hanji san! We need to seek approval for-“
Everyone’s jaw is agape. Armin’s hands have flown to cover his face, “my virgin eyes...” he’s murmuring repeatedly.
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“Why wouldn’t you close the bathroom door!” Sasha shouts accusatorily. Now the bunch of them are standing awkwardly in Hanji’s room, averting their gaze from the adjacent bath. Should they leave now? They really should. But there are forms that need filling.
“Why wouldn’t you guys knock!” Hanji retaliates.
“You always ask us not to!” Connie shoots back.
Oh, Hanji winces, she did in fact tell them to just enter because half the time she’s too engrossed in whatever it is she’s doing to hear.
“What the fuck do you want brats?” Levi has sunk all the way down the bath, the water now grazing his chin.
“We would like to seek permission from Hanji san to go to the town on Monday for supplies...” Armin pipes up, eyes still squeezed shut.
“Permission granted! Now go!” Levi shouts.
Sasha sees the opportunity and ceases it, “we would also like to request for the weekend off for recreational purposes! Sir!”
“Don’t push it Braus!” Levi snaps.
Darn it.
“Anything else? Or would you guys like to run through your entire schedules for the next two months with me while you’re at it? It’s not like I’m in the bath naked or anything ha-ha!” Hanji guffaws. It’s so painfully awkward her body literally cannot conjur anything rational to do. They have both slid so far down the tub that she’s practically lying atop Levi, his crotch against her butt making her blush up a storm.
“Why are you in the bath with Captain Levi?” Mikasa asks. Everyone stares at her.
“Mikasa!” Armin exclaims. They absolutely do not need more time in this tiny room with their two naked superiors.
“Hanji is filthy. I’m cleaning her. What’s abnormal about this situation?” Levi deadpans.
“I can’t reach my back! It’s a practical arrangement!” Hanji chuckles, “it’s not like we’re dating or anything!”
“My parents are married and they don’t even do this...” Sasha murmurs.
Jean has had enough. His face is so red he feels like he’ll die if he doesn’t stop this nonsense. This is a conversation that never needed to happen. “Permission to be dismissed from this conversation!”
“Fuck! Finally! Permission granted Jean!” Hanji says, throwing her hands up in despair.
Everyone shuffles out the door, and Armin bumps against the frame multiple times because his eyes are still shut. Levi and Hanji let out a collective sigh. Good lord Armin!
“Uh... Okay... Bye mom and dad...” Eren stutters, how does one leave this situation on a good note because this isn’t it, “I mean... Captain... Squad leader...” he gathers his jaw from where it has hit the ground and leaves with the others.
Hanji laughs awkwardly and turns to Levi, “remember when Erwin and the others saw-“
Levi’s face is red, and the blush has now spread to his neck. Thankfully the kids are gone. Another moment longer and most of the bubbles would have popped. He tsks and cuts Hanji off, “I would very much not like to remember that... Or this...”
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444moonbae · 4 years
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someone’s jealous...
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inkingtwice · 3 years
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What a fine piece of foreshadowing this turned out to be.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
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Just wanted to give you this as a present for all the incredible fics and hope you like marleyan! Hange 🤗
Love you fanmoose12, you rock and your writing's amazing!
I'd send your the art over a dm but I'm shy and a dm feels like invading someone's personal space.... You don't have to answer this ask or the one with the sketch, just wanted to show some appreciation with this it. Have a nice day!!
gosh, i hope i don't inconvenience or embarrass you much, but i had the shitiest day ever, and your message made me feel so much better!! and????? your art is so good?? truly, i'm in awe, you're so talented???? thank you so much, you literally made my day😩😭
and i hope you have the best day EVER, again thank you so much for putting a smile on my face! sorry for replying so late!
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ficklefackle · 4 years
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honestly who’s doing it like kang wonchul? he voluntarily resigned so that he wouldn’t become a pawn of hanjo (shocking yeonjae and that’s not easy to achieve), goes up directly to her office to appeal for yeonjae to change her ways and even asks her not to harm dongjae and simok. the badass energy in him really jumped out
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gremlin-elrics · 3 years
really sick and twisted how hanji isn’t being snuggled right now. someone get on it pls.
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hanjo-love · 4 years
Just here to appreciate how passionate you are for Hanji, thanks love 💗
Oh maaa gaaawd THANK YOU SO MUCH Kojin❤️ bless your beautiful heart and soul, you made my day with this ask ❤️
Allow me to use this opportunity to raise my voice again and call everyone out to STAN the HAN, stan the QUEEN of HEARTS, stan HANGE mf ZOE y'all 👑❤️
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waitingforminjae · 4 years
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My crew actually managed to get their hands on a few paintings by the artist, Mr. Lee Han-Jo [Jaejin].  
Okay, I’ll start with the first one. This one here. The title is “Curtains.” Alright. What is this? That’s an oil painting. It’s a painting of curtains. Ah, they really do look like curtains. Right?
Is this one called “Bed”? That’s my room. “The Artist’s Bed”. That’s how I call it. That’s your room? Yes. The bed looks very feminine. That’s your bed? Ah, there’s a story behind it. I’m using the bed my younger sister used to use before she got married, so it has those pillars that don’t exactly look masculine.
There are so many paintings, and all of them are very nice. Whoa, is this a painting!? Yes, this is also--This man looks like Han-Jo--another oil painting. What’s this painting called? “The Owner of the Island”. “The Owner of the Island”? Yes, I’m--“The Owner of the Island”!? I’m the owner of the island.
Gosh, he’s very good. Ah, that one was actually one of the assignments I had to do for my class. I see. This guy was everyone’s hero when we were little. He’s Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan! What’s the title of this? “Self-Portrait.” I see, it’s a self-portrait. It was one of the assignments. 
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obicoconobi · 5 years
Titty too smol
Tiitty too big
Titty needs a better shading
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smallblip · 4 years
Hange is french, Levi is german and Erwin is british,,
YES! Hanji had formal education and probably had to take French in school. They have two poems memorised (they blame that on muscle memory) and they have perfect scores to show for it, but other than that, Hanji’s French is pretty much under used?
As for Levi, he grew up listening to his mother speak German, and Kenny spoke it at home (he picked up most of his German vocabulary from Kenny’s swearing).
And Erwin probably took a little French and German in school himself (*nerd*). Hanji and Levi find out after a particularly frustrating meeting where Erwin had essentially shut down every single one of Hanji’s ideas. Hanji mutters a “va te faire foutre” under their breath. And Erwin sighs, “you know I understand French don’t you...”
Hanji gasps audibly, YIKES...
Levi snorts and murmurs a “Arschgesicht”
By now Erwin is completely drained, “I understand German too...”
Or after a particularly aggravating meeting with Zachary and the trio yell a chorus of “FUCK”, “MERDE” and “SCHEISSE” in the privacy of the hallways.
OH! And the TERMS OF ENDEARMENT! Hanji goes ALL OUT. And they do it not in their mothertongue, but in Levi’s! They call Levi a mixture of “zauberschnecke”, “lieblingsschnecke” and the classic “schnecke”, much to Levi’s dismay. They even blurt it out unknowingly in front of the cadets- “wouldn’t you like to know, meine zauberschnecke /winks/?”And Levi wants to DIE. Erwin is also VERY embarrassed and disgusted. And in these times, he pretends he can’t understand.
Levi sticks with the usual “four eyes” or “shitty glasses” in public, but in private, when Hanji has fallen asleep in his arms, he whispers a quiet “mein Schatz” in Hanji’s hair. At least he thinks they’re asleep. Hanji has heard it a couple of times and it makes their heart flutter. And when Levi is hurt (he’s extra cuddly then and he secretly loves being coddled by Hanji), they never fail to coo “mon bébé” as they stroke Levi’s hair.
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oh yeah she is that’s my wife
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