#hanna marin gifs
plldaily · 1 month
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blackthornluce · 6 months
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the endless list of my favorite TV episodes : Pretty Little Liars - S01E01 « Pilot » - original air date : June 8, 2010
-I was hoping you'd be happy for me. -Well, you know what they say about hope. Breeds eternal misery.
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fadeintoyou1993 · 12 days
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clarkgriffon · 3 months
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fashion in rosewood in every episode → shadow play (4x19)
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natsvenom · 8 months
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Jason DiLaurentis x fem!reader
SUMMARY: You’ve spent the past few days being distant with your boyfriend, Jason, after you and the liars are go to a coffee shop in town and run into his ex-girlfriend Cece Drake.
WARNINGS! Age gap, slight angst, alcohol ingestion, reader has an eating disorder (anorexia), body shaming, etc.
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You and the liars walk into the Apple Rose Grill. Everything was stressful, per usual. Garrett had been let off the hook for murder and now Wilden was trying to make Hanna look guilty. There was currently a court order out for them to take a sample for Hanna’s blood. That would’ve been fine, knowing Hanna isn’t guilty. Except A has a way of making an innocent person a guilty one.
“Take it from me, you’re always better off with a really good lie.” A feminie voice said from behind you guys. You physically felt your heart stop in your chest. The voice was insanely similar to Alison’s.
“Is it just me or did that sound a lot like…” Emily mumbled. Younturned around to see a blonde girl standing at the register. There was no way that could be her, right?
“…Alison.” You guys said in unison.
The girl turned around with a smile on her face, but it quickly faded as she saw you guys staring at her like she was ancient relic, “Something wrong?” She asked.
“Oh, no, sorry.” Aria apologized, “You just sound a lot like one of our friends.”
“Hope she’s brilliant.” The girl said, “What’s her name?”
“Alison DiLaurentis.” You told her, staring at her like she was a lost dog.
She looked at you guys in realization, “You were friends of Ali’s.” She says, “Me too, I’m Cece.” You had heard that name before, you just weren’t exactly sure where from.
“Spencer.” Spencer spoke, greeting herself.
“Melissa Hastings little sister.” Cece noted, “Ali talked about you. She talked about all of you. A lot.”
“How do you know Ali?” You dared to ask.
“Before I moved to L.A our families rented summer homes in Cape May. We went through an intense couple weeks together. I dated her brother, Jason. She never mentioned me to you guys?” Cece explained. You suddenly felt tense hearing the mention of Jason. You could only imagine what she meant by an intense couple of weeks. But there was no need for you to be jealous, right? Jason was with you not her. But in the moment you couldn’t help but notice how incredibly gorgeous Cece Drake was. She had beatiful blonde hair, blue eyes, easily a size 4, and not to mention her confident outgoing personality. She was everything you weren’t.
For some reason this realization made you sick to your stomach. She looked perfectly healthy, while the reason you had looked the way you did was from practically making yourself sick. Almost your whole life you had been worried about your appearance; making sure you never ate more than 1000 calories a day, over exerrting yourself, and excercising till you felt your body break down.
You knew you were destroying yourself, but you wanted to be pretty. You wanted to be like the girls at your school who all the boys fawned over. You wanted to be the girl who was always picked first for group projects. You wanted to be the girl who wasn’t afraid to wear a crop top in public. You wanted to be like Alison, beautiful and destructive.
Alison had told you something that’s always stuck with you, “You’re pretty, but sweetie you need to drop a few pounds.” When she was alive you easily weighed 130 pounds. By the time your family moved back to Rosewood, you weighed 100, and now you weigh 110. everyone had noticed the dramtic changes over the years. Your family had done nothing but worry about you, the boys at school would whistle at you and make inappropriate remarks, Hanna was someone who you could relate to, and Jason was someone you could rely on.
Before you guys started dating, he found out about your eating disorder. At the time you and the other liars were still questioning if he was A, but after he had helped you get better you never once thought about him being A again, and dismissed the girls when every they tried to convince you he was just being friendly to get information. Luckily, things were different now.
You wondered why Jason had never brought up Cece Drake before. You silently wondered if there was any part of him that still thought about her. I mean she’s gorgeous, who wouldn’t be thinking about her.
You had been zoned out for so long you hadn’t even been paying attention to their conversation until you saw her about to leave, but she stopped in her tracks, “Do any of you girls know if Jason is seeing anyone? I hear he looks really good now-a-days.” Cece asked.
The rest of the girls looked at you subtly before turning back to Cece, “No clue.” Spencer said quickly, shrugging her shoulders. Cece nodded her head.
“Well if you see him tell him I say hi.” She said in flirtatious tone, making your skin crawl.
It had been two days since you last spoke to Jason. You spent the last couple of days worrying about your body, spiraling back into that same old self concious loop you had been so familiar with. He was starting to get worried about you. He had absolutely no idea what was going on with you.
You sigh, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you really needed something to take your mind off Cece Drake.
Jason sighed as he sat down on the front porch of his house. He had absolutely no explanation for what was goingon and it was driving him crazy. He turned his head when he heard footsteps walking up to him. He had hoped it would be you, but was met with slight disappointment when he saw someone else.
“Hey.” Spencer greeted softly, walking up the porch to sit by her brother. He simply nodded at her, looking down at the cement floor, which suddenly became very interesting.
“I met Cece Drake this morning.” Spencer revealed. Jason looked up, a confused expression on his face. He hadn’t heard that name in so long, nor thought of it. Spencer could see the gears turning in his head.
“What?” She questioned.
“Was y/n with you?” He asked, looking at her desperately for answers.
“Yeah, why?” It suddenly clicked in his head what was going on with you. You weren’t ignoring him because you were mad at him. You were ignoring him because of something she had said.
You sat on a hard red stool at the bar, thanking Alison internally for getting you a fake id. All you had to do was flash it to the bartender and he came back with exactly what you thought you needed. Alcohol.
You had only drank a little bit, but you were already starting to feel tipsy. You were clearly a light weight, and almost everyone knew it.
“What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing here all alone?” A masculine voice asked from beside you. You turned your head to see a man sitting next to you, a glass of something that was defintely stronger than what you were drinking.
“I’m wondering the same thing myself.” You heard another voice say from behind you. You didn’t have to think twice about it to know who it was. You spun yourself around in the stool and were met with his warm green eyes. You groaned dramatically, pushing youself off the stool. You forgot that the stool was hightened, and practically fell right into Jason’s arms.
His arms wrapped around you quickly, pulling you back up straight. Well, straight as you could get in that moment, “I’m taking you home.” He said strictly, making you giggle. It wasn’t really funny, but right now everything seemed comical to you. You pushed past him walking out of the bar. You felt the cold night air hit your face. It felt good at first, but then it made you feel sick. You threw up into the bushes right outside the bar, right before warm hands pulled your hair back for you.
“I don’t feel good.” You mumbled, wiping your mouth off.
“Mm, I wonder why.” Jason quipped, rubbing your back as an attempt to soothe you. You groaned, shoving your head into his chest. He put one of his hands in your hair, rubbing your head comfortably.
“You smell good.” You mumbled into his chest, making let out a breathy laugh, “Can we make out now?” You asked, pulling him down by his jacket. He kissed the top of your head.
“Not right now pretty girl.” He said softly. You groaned, the annoyance making you roll your eyes. You pushed away from him, walking through the parking lot, Jason following closely behind you.
You stopped in the middle of the parking lot, looking at a group of trees intensly, “Hey, who put those there?” You wondered, observing the trees like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Jason came up behind you, shrugging his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders. He didn’t say anything, knowing that explaining the process of the life cycle of a tree to a drunk person would just end up with and endless amount of stupid questions.
“I think you should take a nap and then google it in the morning.” He said, intertwining his hand with yours as he walked you to the car, opening the door for you and helping you get in. The car ride home was relatively quite, but it wasn’t uncomfortable silence, it was nice.
When you got to the DiLaurentis house, Jason’s hands stayed on your waist as he guided you up the stairs. You plopped down on his bed as he pulled something out of his closet for you to wear. He helped you unzip your little black dress and pulled his hoodie over your head. You yawned as you threw yourself back onto his bed. He sat down next you, pulling the covers over you and placing a gentle kiss on your head.
“She’s pretty.” You mumbled into the cold pillow, grasping it in your hands. Jason sighed, knowing this conversation would end up happening one way or another.
“Whose the girl that I let sleep in my bed everyday and steal every single clothing item I own?” He teased, making you smile into the pillow. You knew he was right.
“But nothing. I love you, and only you.” He assured, pulling you into him as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. You cuddled into his chest, grasping his shirt in your hands.
“I love you too, Jase.” You yawned.
“I know angel.”
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forbescaroline · 1 year
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favorite platonic relationships: spencer hastings, hanna marin, emily fields and aria montgomery “They can take everything from us, but they can’t take us from each other. I don’t care how far apart from you guys I am, I will still be with you. I love you guys.”
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giflxndia · 6 months
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comfortblr · 8 months
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ashley benson as hanna marin pretty little liars | can you hear me now?
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jennifersminds · 1 year
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Pretty Little Liars Spencer Hastings and Hanna Marin as Lauren Bacall & Marilyn Monroe 
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davinashifts333 · 8 months
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THE SECRET AFFAIR (Jason DiLaurentis x Liar!Reader):
⚫️summary; one year after Alison’s disappearance everything in Rosewood went haywire. Y/n, Aria’s maternal cousin & now 1/5 of the remaining Liars, who had either an equal amount or possibly even more secrets than her childhood friends, had been dating her now presumed dead best friend’s brother. That’s right, since before the summer of Alison’s disappearance Y/n & Jason had secretly been hooking up & began officially dating due to her helping him sober up & help him through his toughest nights that now gloomed over his past. She was his main alibi for the night everything happened with Alison but, obviously couldn’t tell anyone why she was with him. So why now, that they’re finally putting Alison to rest does it all go to shit? Because the whole town believes one of the liars did it.
⚠️warnings; swearing, age gap relationship (Y/n is the same age as the girls but one of the oldest, so 5-6 years younger than Jason), adult themes, murder, gore-ish?, PLL shit dude, it’s crazy, 18+ ONLY!
Y/N’s POV (the night of Ali’s disappearance)
I woke up with a blazing headache to my phone ringing a very specific tone that had become all too familiar. Jason. Thunder rolled in as lightning flashed the barn awake. The text from Jason saying to meet him at our spot which was a small bench in the woods behind his house. I head over, carefully leaving the barn door ajar so the girls won’t wake up when I come back but, I notice i’m not the only one who had planned to escape. Ali was gone and so was Spencer. I brushed the thought from my mind as I remember Jason’s text,
‘Garrett and Ian brought over some weed and I have the shakes now, meet up? I’m freaking out. Be safe. xx’
Jason had been trying to get clean, key word, trying. His friend group wasn’t as lenient as I was though, every now and then I had to help clean him up and sleep through the high or drunken daze. He wasn’t the best at being drunk believe it or not, he got drowsier than me after smelling the fumes when filling my car up with gas. Regardless, Jason was there for me when my dad left to hunt down my mom’s murderer. Yeah, Aria is my cousin, our moms are sisters.. Well.. Were.. That was until one night in the winter of 1998. I woke up after hearing glass shatter and walked down stairs, all I remember seeing was a shadow of a tall man standing over my mother’s body. Since then, I’ve lived with my aunt Ella and her family. Jason was our neighbor from down the street and Aria knew Alison, so obviously I knew them too. He always told me that death brought new life and my new life I had to live in honor of my mom. We clicked from then on. Of course being older he always taunted us girls and would do the typical big brother things to Ali. But one night when I was 14, I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then admitted he always liked me best out of Ali’s friends. The only bad thing was, Alison saw us kiss. She held it over my head like a looming sword on the thinnest of threads, threatening to tell her parents that Jason tried to force himself on me. Which obviously was a lie but who would they believe. Little did she know, I had secrets of hers to shoot back with so, we bonded in that way. A battle for dominance as one might call it. But nonetheless we were best friends, and secrets so keep us together.
I walk up to the bench hearing the crunching of leaves coming from the opposite direction, they staggered a bit and I saw Jason stumbling towards me, tripping on a rock and landing right on top of me.
‘Shit, sorry babe. I guess drunk me has two left feet.’ I giggled at his comment as we sat up, backs against the trunk of the tree that stood tall above our bench.
‘Who bought it this time?’ I asked, changing the subject back to the issue at hand. Jason then took position on my lap, my hands running through his hair. He sighed.
‘Ian. As always. But Garrett also brought booze. You know I can’t resist a nice cold beer. Those two idiots are probably still up in my room thinking I passed out somewhere. How was your sleepover?’ I rubbed his temples, knowing he got headaches when he drank.
‘It was okay, had some drinks too, courtesy of your sister. Hanna and Emily knocked out first and well you kno-.’ Suddenly the sound of someone walking by caught our attention. Jason shot up and stumbled a bit before helping me up. I held his waist to help him gain balance and he whispered to me to head back to the barn. That we’d talk the next day. With a swift kiss goodbye we went our separate ways. But, just as I got back to the door of the barn I heard a scream. I quickly made my way inside to see Emily, Hanna and Aria still asleep. Gladly I didn’t get caught by Spencer or Ali. I went back to my place on the large ottoman and curled up, hoping for Jason to have gotten back in one piece. He wasn’t as drunk or high as other times but, he still could continue through the night or worse, be pressured by Ian. God, I hated his “friends”. They only enabled him to fail at sobriety and I knew the truth behind their little club. Ian started it all with Jason when Ian took a photo of the girls and I in Emily’s bedroom. Creep.
An hour or so went by and I couldn’t sleep with all the thoughts running in my mind but, I kept my eyes shut. Spencer had come back but seemed a bit off, her breathing was ragged and stuffy. Like she had been crying or running. I wondered if Ali had gone back home or if she was coming back but, my question was answered when a loud crack of thunder woke us all up. Emily and Hanna huddled together while Aria “woke” me up.
‘Damn Y/n/n. You sure can sleep through anything.’ Spencer joked trying to lighten the mood and we all slightly laughed.
‘Where’s Alison?’ I finally asked and Spencer spoke up.
‘I think I heard a scream.’
That night marked a huge change in our lives and seeing how things were, my Uncle Byron and Aunt Ella decided it would be best to move to Iceland for a while, to get away. But now that we were back, things seemed way different. I hadn’t heard from Jason much after Ali’s disappearance. We kept in tough but after I was forced to move across the world, we decided it was best to be apart. I hoped he stayed sober but, I also knew the loss of his sister was taking a toll on him.
Aria and I had begun to unpack when Mike announced he was hungry. So Aria and I took my car that my mom had when she was my age, to a little dive bar/restaurant near Hollis College to get some burgers. When I waited for our order, Aria snuck off with this really cute guy who was apparently studying to be an English teacher. I let her have some fun while I contemplated texting Jason. Low and behold I folded.
‘Hey, I know it’s been a while since we last spoke but I figured a check in from our old spot in Rosewood could be cool? I just got back today and could sneak away from Aria for a few. If you’re up for it. Hope you’re doing well. xx.’
He read it almost instantly as if he had known I was thinking of texting him.
‘Welcome back to hell. I can meet you there in 10?’ I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of seeing Jason after a whole year and quickly shot Aria a text letting her know what I was doing. During our time in Iceland I confessed to her about Jason and I secretly dating to which she was impressed but mainly saddened by and even wrote a modern day Romeo and Juliet based off of us. It was sweet, Jason had even liked it when I read it to him on one of our phone calls early on. He also felt proud that I was able to trust someone enough to talk about him with.
I drove the 10 minutes to the last secluded park where we had to start meeting after our bench had been compromised by the investigation and waited. A few minutes went by and I heard a knock on my car window. I shut it off and climbed out. He looked good, way better than he did when I left. Healthier, a bit more put together and like his face was hurting from smiling so much.
‘I don’t remember you being this bubbly. Are you sure you’re Jason DiLaurentis?’ I joked and he pulled me in for a hug. His signature cologne engulfed me in the most comforting way.
‘No more red streaks in your hair, you’ve grown up. You sure you’re Y/N Y/L/N?’ He responded and I playfully punch his arm. We walked over to the picnic table and sat down. We talked for what felt like hours but in reality was about half an hour until Aria texted me saying she had the food and was getting dropped off at home. I responded with an excuse she could give her parents and she said she’d have my back. I came back to the conversation at hand and decided to ask the big question.
‘Sorry about that, Aria was just letting me know she’d cover for me back at home. So, truth. How are you?’ I asked, his eyes saddening a bit knowing what I meant.
‘Well, i’m sober. A whole 9 months now. Still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and just graduated from College. You?’ I felt his hand playing with my rings on mine and sighed.
‘Well, about to start Junior year of High School, still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and now very proud of this guy I used to date. He was a bit of a mess when I left our hometown so, you know. Surviving.’ He chuckled nodding as I ended my response.
‘He was very broken up. I mean come on, not being able to see your gorgeous face for that long? It was criminal. Poor guy was torn up enough already. You just added to the mix.’ I took notice of how true his comment was, I had left him in a vulnerable moment.
‘Well, I tried to keep in contact with him but, didn’t know how else to help, I was grieving too. Just grieving in a different way and grieving him as well.’ He lifted my chin to meet my gaze.
‘You don’t have to grieve anymore love. He’s never given up that one day you’d make your way back to him. Believe me. He even thought about how if you didn’t come back soon, he’d have to go to Iceland to find you.’ His hand now cupping my cheek as my eyes glazed over with tears. Alison always did tell me she loved how I helped Jason become more human in her eyes. She had seen a change in him from when we started dating.
‘Well, I thought he would hate me for leaving. I know I had no choice but, I still wished I could’ve been there to help him, like always.’
‘Baby, listen to yourself. You were always there helping me. Even when you had to go. You called every day, texted all day long, checked in when you could. You did your part, it was just time for me to do mine and let you move on. I just hoped that if we really were meant to keep going, you’d eventually come back to me.’ At this point I was fully crying and listening to his grief and love pour out of him.
‘I did hound my Aunt Ella everyday in hopes of us coming back sooner. And look at us now. I don’t want to move on, I want us, I want to grow in life with you Jason. I wanna see you be the person you always dreamt of becoming and to let the past stay in the past, all the mistakes were just bumps in the road. You took control of your life, focused on yourself and I couldn’t be happier for you. You deserved to be free from those assholes you called friends.’ He placed his forehead to mine and pulled me into his lap.
‘Can I kiss you now? I’m dying over here.’ He whispered and I laughed nodding. At that moment, we were in bliss. Not knowing what was yet to come and how insanely twisted our lives would soon become. After our reunion we agreed on meeting up as much as we could and even heading to Philly for date nights. However until I turned 18, we had to stay under the radar for a bit. It was all rose colored glasses until the first text from -A. It was a picture of me in Jason’s lap and a whole album of pictures of us before Ali went missing. Who could’ve possibly gotten these?
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mustbolt · 7 months
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Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017)
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plldaily · 1 month
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blackthornluce · 9 months
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Hanna Marin and Spencer Hastings Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017)
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 months
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natsvenom · 9 months
Every Minute, Every Second
Jason DiLaurentis x Montgomery!Reader
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Based on the post-dollhouse episodes of PLL but not much relation to actual episodes.
No mentions of Y/n.
SUMMARY: You and the other liars have been rescued from the dollhouse and you finally reunite with your boyfriend who you've been infatuated with since you've met. He's always been affectionate with you, but now he never wants to let you go.
WARNINGS! Mentions of kidnapping, torture, abuse, etc. Smut!!
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The sound of the fire alarm blaring in your ears made you anxious, reminding you of all the times Charles had turned on the ear bleeding sound through the speakers to torture you. Suddenly you became aware of your surroundings, noticing the heat from the fire that was spreading around you burning your skin. You watched as every last memory Charles had left of his life burn to ashes.
“Let’s go!” Spencer shouted, grabbing your arm as you and the rest of the girls rushed out of the room to safety.
You rushed down the dark narrow hallway, calling out for Mona. Who had been missing since earlier, “Help me please!” Mona screamed. You could hear her sobs coming from a room ahead of you. You ran toward the door, prying it open with your bruised hands. You looked around hastily, searching for Mona. As you looked down you saw a terrified Mona, her arms were wrapped around her chest as her sobs echoed through out the entire room. Though it looked more like a dungeon to you.
You and the girls found a long strand of thick rope, you used it to help pull Mona out of the hole. It took all your strength, still feeling weak from everything you had endured in the past three weeks. As you finally managed to free Mona, you and the girls ran down the hall, searching for escape. You stopped running once you reached the ladder toward freedom. You climbed as fast as you could, your hands shaking as your feet stumbled a few times. It seemed useless though as you could barely get the door open. The smoke started spreading throughout the bunker as it made its way into your lungs. The smoke scratched your throat, making your chest hurt from choking, but by some sort of miracle, the door came open as you ran out into freedom.
As you ran out you saw people who you thought you might never see again: Alison, Caleb, Toby. But most importantly you saw him. The man who you spent every second worrying about, wondering how he chose to cope. You froze in your place, locking eyes with him. You missed that blonde hair, remembering the times you’d run your fingers through it. But his eyes were what got to you, they were glassy, he looked like he was about to cry, they were somehow greener than you remembered. Even though they weren’t the color of the ocean, you still felt yourself drowning in them.
You broke out of your trance, darting over to him as fast a your feet would take you. You jumped into his arms, wrapping yours around his neck. His arms wrapped around your back, squeezing you so tight you thought you might explode, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. The only thing that mattered in this moment was that he was there, in front of you.
You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, feeling the tears beginning to fall. He had one hand on your back and the other was in your hair. He couldn’t believe you were here, in his arms. He didn’t know if he could ever let you go again. Every minute he was awake, he spent searching for you. Every second of the day, he spent worrying that he would never see you again. He removed his arm from your back, now holding your face in his hands, looking into your eyes.
You could tell he was deep in thought, but right now all you wanted to do was kiss him. You pulled him close, attaching your lips to his, sighing into him. You missed him every minute you were in there. Every second. You put your hands in his hair, tugging at the strands. He kept his hands on your face, his thumbs rubbing your cheeks softly.
He pulled away hesitantly, pushing lose strands of hair behind your ear, “I love you.” He spoke softly, resting his forehead against yours. You should see the tears falling from his eyes, you brought your hand up to his face and wiped the tears away with your thumb.
“I love you too, Jase.” You said, your voice still slightly scratchy from the smoke. He pulled you into another tight embrace, resting his head on top of yours with his arms around your upper back. You wrapped yours around his waist as your head lay on his chest.
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The EMTS wanted to take you to the hospital, considering you had inhaled a bunch of smoke. But mostly because of being kidnapped for three weeks, nobody had any idea on what happened to you and they needed to make sure there were no serious injuries. You told them you wouldn’t go unless Jason could go with you, not wanting to be alone another second. The whole time he held your hand, or ran his fingers through your hair. There was never a second he wasn’t touching you. You missed the small moments of intimacy like this.
At the hospital the doctors treated a small cut you hand on your forehead, and wrapped your bruised knuckles with bandages. They also gave you fluids as you were severely dehydrated, which didn’t surprise you as Charles had left you outside for almost three days straight. Luckily, there were no major issues so you were cleared to go the same day.
You wanted nothing more than to be with Jason, but your parents got to the hospital and wanted you and Aria to stay home for the time being. You couldn’t have been more disappointed, you understood, but it still pissed you off. Your parents had always been protective as parents should be, but right now the safest you felt was with Jason.
As you got home, you walked into your bedroom, feeling extremely uncomfortable. You couldn’t help but remember every moment of torture you had endured in the dollhouse. You wanted nothing more than to rip every thing off the walls, get rid of every item that was laid on your desk, rip each and every book off the shelves, but you didn’t. What you didn’t realize as you stared at your no longer comfort zone, was that Jason was behind you, assessing your every move. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t wanna scare you, he also didn’t wanna approach you just in case you flinched away. So, instead he knocked on your already open door.
You turned around to see him leaning against the door frame. In the dark you weren’t really able to see him, but now, in the dim light of your room, you got a good look at him. He looked different, his hair was tousled and you could see the puffiness of his eyes. You walked up to him and put your hand on his cheek, circling your thumb over it. He leaned into your touch, staring into your eyes.
“You don’t mind if I stay, do you?” He asked softly.
“Of course not,” You said, “I feel safer when you’re here.” You confessed. He grabbed the hand that was on his face and pulled it away so he was now holding your hand. He stepped inside your room and closed the door. He pulled you over to the bed, lying down first and pulling you on top of him. You cuddled into his chest, grasping his shirt into your hands.
You knew the moment was entirely chaste right now but you couldn’t help but feel a burning feeling for him. You haven’t been able to entirely feel him in three weeks, you missed the moments when he would lather your entire body with soft kisses, leaving marks where only he could see.
You pulled your head up from his chest and sat up straight on his lap, looking into his sea green eyes. You planted your hands on his lower torso, just above the waistband of his pants. He looked into your eyes, searching for what was going through your head in this exact moment. His question was answered when you leaned in and kissed him, your hands running down his body.
He put his hands on your face pulling you away momentarily, “As much as I’d like to, are you sure you want to?” He asked, pushing the lose strands of hair behind your ear.
“Yes, I’m sure. I need to feel you.” You answered desperately, putting your hands under his shirt. He sighed at the feeling of your hands on his skin. You leaned back down, kissing him harder. His hands found their way to your hips, squeezing slightly. You moaned into the kiss as he sat up, the friction making you ache for him. You broke the kiss, tugging at his shirt. He assisted you on taking it off, giving you full view of his body.
He flipped you over on your back, hovering over you as blonde strands of his hair dangled above your face. You traced one of your fingers down his abdomen, making his shiver. He grabbed your hands and pinned them to the sides of your head, but not forcing them to stay there. You knew if you asked him to be rough with you, he would say no, in fear of hurting you, so you didn’t ask.
He planted kisses down your throat, sucking at the one spot he knew would get a reaction out of you. You whimpered, fidgeting beneath him. He smirked into your neck, putting his hands under your sweater, just resting beneath your bra. He pulled your sweater over your head and tossed it on the floor. He began kissing all the way down your body, from your collarbone, to your chest, all the way down to your abdomen, stopping when he reaches your the waistband of your cotton shorts. He looked up at you for permission, when you nod he pulls them down and tosses them on the floor by your previously discarded sweater.
He hovers over you, running his hands all over your body, making you whine for him to touch you. His hand slides down to your thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb just before he slides it further up. His fingers trace over your underwear, putting the tips of his fingers in to pull them completely off, making you feel slightly insecure under his gaze. He somehow senses your fears and kisses you with so much passion and neediness that you think you’ll implode.
“You’re beautiful, so beautiful.” He mumbles, snaking his hands behind your back to unclasp your bra and disregard it with the rest of your clothes. Your completely vulnerable beneath him and he knows it.
You shiver as his hands trail from beneath your back and down your waist and hips.
“Jase.” You whine, clenching against nothing. He knows what you want and he knows exactly how to give it to you. He wasn’t going to deprive you now. He trails his fingers down your thighs, all the way down your legs and stops as he reaches your ankles. You let out a shaky breath, trying not to unravel completely.
He throws your legs over his shoulders, holding down on to your hips, pushing you into the mattress to keep you from moving. In one swift movement, he attached his mouth to your clit, sucking harshly. You moaned his name, tugging at his hair. You attempted to squeeze your thighs together but his hands kept you pried open.
You loved the way his muscles tensed as he wrapped his arms around your legs, holding you in place. It just turned you on that much more. He always noticed the “sneaky” glances you’d take at him, though he’d never admit it to you.
“Jase, please.” You begged, wanting to feel all of him. He seemed to understand what you meant as his mouth left your clit. You sighed, the sudden emptiness leaving you desperate for something more. He let go over your legs, hovering back over you. You pushed the blonde strands of hair out of his face and pulled him into a needy kiss. You hands trailed from his face to the waist band of his sweatpants. You were quick to untie the strings, tugging his pants down. He assited you, pulling them down the rest of the way. He reacted quick, grinding into you desperately. You whimpered at the sudden friction, feeling yourself getting wetter.
“Don’t tease.” You mumbled, almost incoherently. He chuckled at your neediness, loving how he got you all riled up underneath him. You put the tips of your fingers in his boxers, pulling them down. You really did not want to waste any time.
“Someones a little desperate.” He joked, watching your every movement. You looked at him as you rolled your eyes. He leaned his forhead against yours, searching your eyes for any sense of regret. But the only thing he saw was love. He kissed you passionately as he pushed into you. You moaned into his mouth, the sudden feeling of being stretched out hurting you ever so slightly. He was doing his best to go easy on you, making sure you were comfortable the whole time. Usuaully, you would protest against the delicacy, but this was different. You were making love, not fucking.
He thrusted in and out of you at a steady pace, his hands were in your hair, keeping his lips attached to yours the entire time. You could tell he was resisting the urge to go faster, you knew it wouldn’t be the only time he walked on eggshells around you. As tired and bruised up from the dollhouse as you were, you needed him to go faster.
“Jason, go faster.” You whined, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly.
“I don’t wanna hurt you.” He mumbled, maintaining his steady but slightly wavering pace.
“You won’t, I promise.” You assured, bucking your hips upword, trying to get as much of him in you as possible. He looked at you for any sign of reluctance, but was met with none. He started moving in you faster.
“Jason.” You moaned his name, turning him on more. He got quicker, more rapid, as he thrust in and out of you. You closed your eyes tightly, sighing at the overwhelming pleasure. You felt your walls tightening, you knew you were close. You whimpered, feeling yourself ready to completely fall apart beneath him.
“Shh, just let go.” He whispered in your ear, making you shudder. You felt your body giving into him, you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You came around him, causing him to groan in your ear. His thrusts began wavering, clearly chasing his own release. You noticed he was about to pull out, but you put your hands on his biceps to stop him.
“Don’t.” You pleaded, you knew it was risky, but you really wanted to feel all of him.
“You sure?” He asked, uncertainty in his eyes. You put your arms around his neck and nodded, looking at him with doe eyes. He pushed into you a few more times before he came inside of you, burying his head into your neck as he did.
You put hands in his hair, twisting the strands around between your fingers. You were both a panting mess against each other, your hair was messy, lip gloss smudged, him leaking out of you. Every minute, and every second of it was perfect.
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Soo, this is my first imagine, so I hope you like it. I'm not familiar with writing smut, so if there's anything I can do to fix it, lmk! I write stories on Wattpad, and I'm currently in the process in writing a Jason fic and Derek Hale. They're not published yet, but once they get to at least twenty chapters I'm going to post it.
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femalescharacters · 1 year
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Hanna Marin | 5.05 Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017)
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