#happy 91st
normanbased · 1 year
Can’t believe boy lover birthday is gonna be on a Tuesday literally it will be Tony Tuesday 💕🙏
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thatbanjobusiness · 2 years
Happy 77th Bluegrass Birthday
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arjunvib · 5 months
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Poojya Swamiji's 91st Jayanti -2024| Narayanasharama Tapovanam
Swami Bhoomananda Swamiji's birthday is May 13, 2024, The program consists of bhajans, worship, his message, and Prasada distribution in Ashram and other Centres.
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jjproduction297 · 6 months
Hey everybody, today is 91st Anniversary of King Kong! :D
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theglitterdome · 1 month
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Happy 91st Birthday Julie Newmar!
Born August 16, 1933
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citizenscreen · 1 month
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Happy 91st birthday to Debra Paget!
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davidhudson · 7 months
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Happy 91st, Michael Caine.
With his mother.
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happyfoxphantom · 1 month
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Happy 91st Birthday to Julie Newmar with Davy Jones when she appeared on the Monkees in the episode Monkees Get Out More Dirt.
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 51)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (8)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Jordan wasn’t in the starting line-up, just as she’d expected. She was however, subbed on at half time which she hadn’t. She’d expected to be subbed on much later than that. The game against West Ham was tough, and she felt her lungs burning as she covered more ground that she had all season. As the sub, she knew she was fresher than the starting players and so she pushed herself further and chased the ball around the field, though she felt she was barely making an impact and became increasingly frustrated which led to her shouting and throwing her arms up. After all this time, she still didn’t understand why she became so frustrated and angry on the field; perhaps it was because she’d blame herself when things didn’t go right. The thoughts of being dropped from the England squad and leaving Arsenal without Jonas even bothering to fight for her also weighed on her mind when it came to decision making, especially the split-second ones on the field.
She’d expected herself to have a fun, calm game after spending the night before with YFN at Lucy’s apartment in London. They ordered some health-ish take-out because Lucy’s London apartment obviously didn’t have any fresh food of course and had fun at home with Blu, entertaining him and talking all things from Kyra’s little date with Courtney to where they’d be spending Christmas.
‘You should be happy!’ she almost yelled at herself as she threw her arms up in frustration at the player who’d tripped her teammate.
She looked for YFN on the side-line, her eyes wandering over the numerous purple and yellow hoodies and beanies until she found her already watching her instead of the argument between the player and the ref. She looked freezing cold, her nose red and her arms around herself but when they caught eyes, she gave her a supportive dimply smirk and thumbs up. Jordan couldn’t help but smile back. YFN placed her hand on her chest and gave an obvious deep breath in and out; a sign for Jordan to do the same which she did. Much better. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ to the Australian and turned her attention back to the game. The rest of the game was more chaotic as it went. Five minutes of overtime were added and they were drawn 2-2. In the 91st minute, she had the perfect view behind Rachel Daly to see her volley a ball from a header straight into the net. 3-2. Jordan ran to her excited and grabbed her in a hug, along with the rest of the team.
That eased some tension only temporarily though because the West Ham players were not giving up. They fought back more aggressively than they had all game, and as it was their home game in front of their screaming fans who urged them on. Jordan’s frustration built back up to the 95th minute where she was wiping the sweat from her brow and her lungs were on fire. Her teammate Alisha Lehmann fouled a player in front of her and Jordan ran over to grab the ball, just hoping to drag the time out. One of the West Ham players grabbed at the ball and shoved her until the ref held up their yellow card. She dropped the ball and tried to explain but knew she was in the wrong. She was just trying to give her teammates some extra breathing time to keep defending before the final whistle blew and if she was completely honest, the West Ham player had been an annoyance all game.
They started again and West Ham managed to score a corner, and even their Captain and goalkeeper Mackenzie Arnold came down for it. They were into the 96th minute with no whistle blown. The ball went up and for a single panicked moment, she thought there was a goal but Daphne van Domselaar, her goalkeeper teammate, managed to stop it on the line. There was one final shot from outside the box but that missed also. The final whistle blew and she let out a sigh of relief. They’d won!
She shook hands with everyone and grabbed the first water bottle she could find, along with a jacket. It was so cold she’d been wearing gloves for the game. When she was done with the team requirements, she ran over to YFN who caught her in a big, warm hug.
“Great game, Dory! You must be tired, yeah?”
“Dying!” she groaned.
“You played fifty-one minutes and it was high, high intensity. Jeez, I’d love to see how much ground you covered.”
She hadn’t known she’d played so long. “I feel like I’ve run a marathon. I need a shower and bed.”
She laughed. “You’ll have that soon enough… before your date that is.”
She groaned again. She was so tired she couldn’t even comprehend trying to navigate the awkwardness of whatever would happen with Leah in a few hours. She was tempted to cancel but YFN gave her a look and she knew she was right.
Jordan and Rachel Daly did a Lumos interview with Mackenzie Arnold and Risa Shimizu from West Ham with YFN asking questions. Jordan loved seeing YFN at work and it was so cold that she was cuddled up to her. The interview didn’t last too long, just enough to get a few laughs and good content before they said their goodbyes. Before they went, YFN gathered some information about the players in regards to interviews, what they’d want to talk about more or less etc, and asked general opinions of some of the ideas she had floating around like interviews outside of stadiums doing different things. Jordan loved the puppy interview suggestion best and YFN didn’t look surprised as she put her down for that.
“The debrief should be quick and then I’ll get changed and meet you at the car,” she said to the Australian after they’d finished.
She looked at her watch. “We’re still on time if we leave in 15. I need to talk to my group anyways. I’ll see you outside!”
After battling the traffic, Jordan managed to drop her off just in time. It’s lucky they’d done most of their speaking about Leah in the car as when they arrived it was just a jump out and run situation for YFN. Once her little suitcase and backpack were out of the car, she jumped back in the car and leant over to wrap Jordan in a tight hug.
“I love you, Dory. Please go at your own pace and communicate, okay? Let her know what you need. She’ll listen.”
Jordan nodded against her. “Stay safe in Barca and give Ridley a happy birthday for me.”
“Will do! Oh and here…” she removed the red house key from her keychain and gave it to Jordan. “Lucy’s house key. I’ll grab it when I get back.”
“I’ll try not to lose it,” she joked.
“With Lucy stalkers around? You’d better not!”
Jordan watched her walking away dragging her suitcase and smiled. She’d be with Lucy soon.
She drove to the apartment where she found a half-asleep Blu who must have been napping. Jordan gave him some love and attention and apologised for being gone. She took a shower and got changed into just a simple outfit; pants, shirt and a hoody, though she hesitated over how she looked. She found herself staring in the mirror, wondering if she should change or do her hair down rather than up. Eventually she became so annoyed with herself that she just gave up. She checked the Arsenal score so she’d know what mood to expect from Leah and saw that they’d won 3-0 against Brighton. Yep, she’d be happy. She loaded her luggage into the car before heading back inside for her most important item.
“Come on Blu, let’s go.” She picked the little guy up and took him outside, holding him close to keep him warm from the cold UK weather. She double checked that she locked the apartment properly before heading to the car and keeping the key safe there. There’s no way she was going to risk the crazies, especially with that YFN and Lucy had been through already.
The drive to Leah’s wasn’t far and even driving slower, it went quicker than usual because she was so nervous. She was still a little worked up about her game, let alone the idea of spending time with Leah.
She pulled up outside her apartment and gripped the steering wheel. Why was she doing this? Why was she going back to the person who’d caused her so much pain? They were so different in so many ways, which had to be expected as Leah was five years younger than her. Although she was mature for her age, and Jordan debatably less mature, they did have an incredible amount of similarities also. She thought back to the night before last and the feeling of Leah’s arms around her. Her smell, her feel, her warmth. Her words from the award night.
“I love you,” Leah said from the doorstep, her bag slung over her shoulder. “I made a decision without involving you. I thought I was protecting you, but I took your choice away. I never stopped and will never stop loving you. I can’t change the past, but I can tell you here and now that I’ll give you everything, all of me, and I’ll never make a decision without you again. I’ve lost a year with you, and I can’t stand to lose another second. If you take me back and realise you can’t trust me….then I’ll bear that burden of pain and I need you to know that I’d never beg you to stay just for my feelings. I’d hold the door open and offer you everything I had, because you deserve everything, Jord. Just…think on it.”
Jordan felt a tear roll down her cheek as she remembered that.
“You’re my person. I love you, Jord.”
Blue yapped from next to her which got her attention and she wiped the tear from her cheek and reached over to pat him.
“Sorry Blu, I’m just a little overwhelmed. Are you ready to see Leah for the first time in a year? She’s still the same…I mean she is in the best ways.” She put her hand out which he nuzzled and she picked him up. “Up you come my boy, let’s go see if she’s learnt how to cook, hm?”
Jordan rang the front door bell and waited, Blu cuddled in her arms and getting a little heavy. She heard a crashing sound and the patter of feet before the door was opened to reveal an overwhelmed looking Leah. As soon as she saw Jordan, she gave that smile of hers. Not her public smile, but her genuine one. The one that reached her eyes and crinkled at the corners of them.
Leah opened her mouth and hesitated before closing it and giving a little wave. Her eyes fell down to Blu and she reached out half-way, as if to ask, before Jordan nodded and stepped forward to hand him over. It was an awkward exchange of body parts, moving a dog from chest to chest but it was well worth his excited yaps and licking of her chin. They stepped inside and when she let Blu go, he was straight into exploring the place he hadn’t been in over a year. His legs were short though, so that took a while. Leah looked at her and hesitated again as if waiting for something. She gave up quickly and gestured to the living room where she led the way. Only when she turned did Jordan realised she’d probably been waiting for a hug. They walking into the living area which was overlooked by the kitchen and it looked like chaos. Like Leah was cooking for a whole family. She had a large amount of food and was overwhelmed with the amount she had to do, it seemed. Jordan couldn’t help but chuckle at that as Leah gestured her into a kitchen counter seat and put a drink in front of her. Jordan noticed a little whiteboard that was on the kitchen counter and Leah wrote on it, holding it up.
‘Sorry dinner isn’t ready – girls stopped by and wouldn’t leave.’
“That’s okay,” Jordan shrugged. “What’s for dinner?”
Leah rubbed her writing off and changed it. ‘Roast.’
Jordan nodded, impressed, before she looked around again and saw the mess. That’s when she noticed that the music playing was some of Jordan’s favourites. Her throwbacks and the songs she’d had on repeat for weeks.
“Leah… you can change back to your music if you want, it’s okay.”
Leah shook her head.
Jordan sighed. “At least let’s go half-half?”
She thought for a second before she nodded slowly in agreement and took her phone to alter the music to half country and half Jordan’s favourites before Leah got back to work.
Jordan’s phone buzzed and she looked down at it.
Katie: Hey chicken, give us a text when you’re almost here. We’ll be awake until midnight. Have fun x
Jordan: Will do, not sure how long I’ll be. Putting my phone away now x
Jordan always thought it was rude to have a phone out when you were with guests or… whatever this was. She looked back up and saw Leah with her head in her hands, her elbows on the counter as she read from a book. She was reading instructions? She looked stressed. Still reading, she pushed herself back upright and grabbed the knife, starting to cut the potatoes when she gasped and dropped the knife, grabbing at her finger. Jordan was up immediately and at her side.
“Here…come here,” she said as she took her wrist and put her finger under the tap. She examined it and was happy that it didn’t look deep, just a nick. She found Leah’s first aid kid and when she realised automatically she’d done just that, she turned to see Leah looking at her with so much emotion she could barely contain her tears. Of course, Jordan knew where her first aid kit was. And of course, she’d jumped up immediately to help her. Jordan was always worrying about other people. She returned with the kit and plastered her finger up gently, both women relishing the soft touches they shared.
“How about I help you cook, yes?”
Leah thought about it, obviously not wanting to admit she needed help. She took the marker and wrote on the whiteboard again. ‘I’m sorry.’
“Don’t be, we’ve both had busy days. Let’s see if we can work this out together, hm?”
Jordan helped Leah to make dinner. They moved silently and seamlessly together in the kitchen, Jordan saying instructions out loud from the book as she was also not great at cooking. There would be times where they’d run into each other or brush up against each other, and she couldn’t say she didn’t like it.
They finished making dinner and plated up, Leah also putting food out for Blu before they sat down to eat across the table from each other. Jordan had thought it would be strange with Leah not speaking but it was surprisingly relaxing not just for her, but she could tell it was for Leah also. There were no expectations, no worries about arguments or pain through words, they were just together and enjoying each other’s company. Both worked symbiotically as if no time had passed and from the little looks Jordan accidentally made of her apartment, it seemed very much the same as it had done a year ago. The same smell, same aura, same furniture, even the same country music. It was… nice. Really nice.
They finished dinner which was surprisingly edible and washed up, packing the leftovers away in Leah’s fridge. Jordan turned to the whiteboard again.
She settled onto the couch and Leah joined shortly, bringing what seemed to be a new circular dog bed with her. She put it down on the carpet in front of them and Blu made himself at home, spinning a few times on the spot before he laid down. Leah gave a happy grin at the sight of that and sat down close to Jordan. The couch was large, but now they were so close they were almost touching. Jordan felt giddy at the thought that Leah had gone out to buy a bed just so he’d have something to fall asleep in. But it wasn’t only that. It was the dog food she’d bought. And the music she was playing. And the fact that she’d attempted to make a roast dinner when she couldn’t cook at all. Leah was trying.
The movie started and the title popped up on screen; The Lord of the Rings. Jordan scoffed at the audacity.
“Did you pick this just because it’s three hours long?!” she asked accusingly.
Leah gave a sheepish grin and tilted her head to see it Jordan was actually mad. She wasn’t. She was enjoying their night. For some reason, just being near Leah calmed her. It stopped her negative thoughts and overthinking and just simplified everything for her.
They were half an hour in when Leah wrote on her whiteboard again.
‘I bought cake for dessert. You had a hard game, I thought you’d might want some?’
If anything was a way to Jordan’s heart, it was cake. She loved cake more than any other human. She nodded excitedly and Leah smiled, victorious. They both got up to stretch and wandered to the kitchen, Blu following his mums. Leah opened the fridge and paused as if she were malfunctioning. She started shifting items around and eventually closed the door frustratedly and grabbed her phone. She read a message and shook her head before telling Jordan.
‘Kyra stole the cake when they stopped by after the game… I’m sorry. I’ll go get some from the shops around the corner.’
“No, you don’t have to do tha-” Jordan started to say, only to be cut off by Leah’s whiteboard.
‘Yes I do. I’ll be back soon.’
“At least let me come with you? It’s cold and dark and Blu needs a walk today…”
They strode in happy silence, all clothed up and Jordan wearing one of Leah’s beanies she’d offered her. She let Leah hold Blu’s lead while they went on the walk that they’d done so often before. The night air was cold but it didn’t stop Jordan from feeling the warming presence of the woman next to her. She wondered if their little knuckle and shoulder grazes were on purpose or not and decided she didn’t care. She liked it.
They reached the store and Jordan stood outside with Blu while Leah ducked inside for the cake Jordan felt she so deserved after her game. As she was standing outside holding Blu in her arms to keep the little short hair from freezing, she was approached by a few people she recognised as media for women’s football, but not the good kind…the vultures.
She had a few microphones put in her face and the brightness of the video camera blinded her so she had to step back.
“Jordan Nobbs! How do you feel after your win against West Ham?”
She put her hand up. “No interviews, please.”
They tried to ask her more things, and each time she told them to just leave her alone but they were insistent. “Another thing, is it true that you and Leah Williamson are dating again?”
“Come on, you can tell us!”
“She said to leave her alone!” Leah snapped and stepped in front of Jordan and Blu. Leah was usually the polite, well-mannered Captain in front of media. She wasn’t right now, and the sound of her voice sparked something in Jordan.
“Just a few questions Leah, sorry we didn’t realise you were here.”
“I know you better than that, Stanley, and I need to say that I’m very disappointed in all three of you for approaching her when I specifically asked you not to! You know what that means…”
She’d asked them to not approach her? Leah was still protecting her and she didn’t even realise how much.
“It was just a few questions, Leah. No harm.”
“This is disgusting, disgusting behaviour. I expected more from all of you. As promised, from now on, all of the media I do will be through Lumos. Please tell your boss.”
They started to argue when Leah put her arm around the pair and walked them away, her hand rubbing Jordan’s shoulder as they walked. When they were far enough away, she dropped her hand and gave her space back. Jordan didn’t say anything, but she missed her touch as soon as it was gone.
Soon enough they were settled back into the couch with their cake and Jordan ate excitedly, groaning at the first bite.
“Oh god that hits the spot. Thanks, Lea.”
Leah’s eyes softened and she looked back at her plate with a little smile. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it.
YFN: Why am I getting second-hand news that you’re only going to be using Lumos for media from now on? Is everything okay?
Leah: I asked the reporters to not approach Jordan outside of football and they did. Fair punishment for them, I reckon.
YFN: So it’s true?”
Leah: Yeah if that’s okay?
YFN: Mate, perfectly fine with me. Everything okay with this little interaction?
Leah: Everything’s fine – I sorted them. Jordan’s okay, she has cake.
YFN: Ah, yes she’s fine then *laughing emoji* I’ll leave you to it. We’ll chat about this later. x
Jordan looked curious and so Leah showed her the few messages they’d exchanged.
“You’re serious about that?”
Leah nodded.
The movie continued and Blu went back to sleep. Leah and Jordan were so close that it was almost impossible to focus on anything else. Something loud and violent happened in the movie and Jordan couldn’t help but jump and grab onto Leah, putting her head behind her shoulder.
“Oh no, no, no…tell me when that part’s over please.”
Leah chuckled and let her arm be grabbed by her ex. When the scary part was over, she tapped her gently and Jordan looked at the TV again, but she didn’t let Leah’s arm go. She dragged it over further and hugged herself around it with both arms, her head finding Leah’s shoulder.
Jordan felt Leah let out a bigger sigh than usual and without lifting her head she asked. “What’s wrong, Lea?”
Leah took her whiteboard with her spare hand and put it on her lap to write when Jordan’s hand touched hers softly. Leah paused and let Jordan gently take the whiteboard off of her lap and slide it back where it was. Hint taken.
“I just wanted everything tonight to be perfect.”
“It is perfect,” she murmured, and she wasn’t lying. “We cooked together, cleaned together, went for a walk with Blu and had dessert. And now we’re watching a movie together. How could it not be perfect?”
She felt the tension in Leah’s body leave as she softened and Jordan readjusted her grip on her arm and her head on her shoulder. She felt Leah’s head lean against the top of hers as they continued to watch the movie in silence.
It wasn’t long before Jordan was yawning and they were nowhere near the end of the film. Leah paused it.
Jordan lifted her head in question.
“That’s your third yawn, Jord.”
“So that means your next will be your last before you’re asleep. And you know you’re more than welcome to stay here tonight but I have the feeling you’re going to want to go…”
Jordan hesitated as she thought before she nodded. “I need to go.”
Leah nodded also, as if she already knew. “Back to Lucy’s?”
“To Katie and Caitlin’s actually.”
“Oh… I didn’t know.”
Jordan was surprised at that. She thought they would have mentioned it at the game but obviously they’d respected Jordan’s privacy.
“It’s just for the night so I’m not alone.”
Leah gave a melancholy smile. “I know how that feels.”
There was a pause then. Jordan broke it by leaning over and putting her forehead on her shoulder in an unspoken word. She rested it there for a little before she released her and stood.
Blu was hard to wake, and Jordan felt bad that she was waking him for yet another trip. Leah took a few leftovers and cake and wrapped them up, putting them in a bag for Jordan to take to Katie and Caitlin. She helped her load them and Blu in the car while Jordan texted Katie that she was on her way.
They were stood in the doorway, Leah looking like she didn’t want her to go. She didn’t blame her. Her whole body was telling her to stay. It was only her fear of pain that was driving her to go, and it sure was strong.
She wrapped her arms around Leah who did so in kind; the two holding each other close for a while. Leah was so warm and soft and she just felt safe.
After a while Jordan spoke. “Thank you for tonight, it was perfect. I know Blu missed you a lot too.”
“It was really good to see him, and you,” Leah murmured huskily.
“Can I…” Jordan trailed off and Leah’s arms tightened.
“You’d like to pencil in another hug?”
“Yes please,” she whispered. YFN was right. Hugs were healing. She knew that because right here and now in Leah’s arms, she was happy.
“Whenever you want, just let me know.”
Leah watched from the driveway as Jordan backed out and drove off. They’d only been together three hours but it had lifted both of their moods to a level of happiness they hadn’t felt in a while. Jordan gave her a little wave as she drove off.
It was just clicking over to 10pm when Jordan arrived at Katie and Caitlin’s. She grabbed her overnight back pack and Blu and knocked on the door. Caitlin opened it with wild eyes.
“Did you see the messages?!”
She dragged her inside and Jordan barely managed to put Blu down before she was being pulled into the kitchen.
“Did you see?!” Katie almost yelled, worried.
“See what?”
“Lucy’s messages!” They said in unison.
She frowned and looked at her phone that had been in her pocket on silent. She read the messages from Lucy and gasped out loud.
Oh no… YFN! What the fuck?
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Everybody Hates Neyo
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I was possessed by the devil himself and woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning to write this. I hope you're happy, @blueink-bluesoul. You did this to me.
Rating: Mature/18+/NSFT/Minors DNI
Pairing: Commander Neyo x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 928 words of filth
Summary: You really, really hate that asshole.
Warnings: nothing but SMUT; strong language; hatefucking; PIV; rough, unprotected sex; getting caught
Masterlist | Join my tag list here
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“Asshole!” you hiss as you storm into your office, tugging off your gloves and hurling them across the room. Rage simmers just below the surface as you pace back and forth, and when you hear the door slide open, you whirl to see it admit none other than the asshole in question.
“What the kark was that?” he snarls as he stalks toward you, his handsome, arrogant face contorted into a mask of fury.
“Get the hell out of my office,” you snap.
“Not until you explain where the kriff you get off thinking you can challenge my authority like that.” He crowds into your space, towering over you with a thunderous expression, but you refuse to back down.
“It may have escaped your notice, Commander,” you spit, “that you have no authority over me.”
His jaw works. “Watch your farking mouth, Admiral, or I’ll give it something better to do.”
“Do us all a favor and get fucked, Neyo.” Your voice is laced with venom.
His gaze drops to your lips, and you read his intention before he makes a move. Oh, shit. His eyes snap back up to yours, blazing with amber wrath. Fierfek, you decide, flinging caution to the wind. You grab him by the belt and yank him toward you, just as his hand flies up to grip your hair. Your lips crash together painfully, and he tastes better than he has any Force-forsaken right to.
His tongue sweeps into your mouth, and you kriffing hate that he’s a good kisser. Is there no justice in the galaxy? Assholes should not be able to kiss like that! The thought irritates you all over again, and you bite down his lip, hard. He shoves you away, wrenching your head back with the hand that tangles in your hair. You grin up at him with savage triumph.
“That hurt,” he growls.
“Good,” you say.
“Last chance to walk away, little girl.”
Gods, what an asshole.
“You’re the worst,” you pant.
“And you want me,” he smirks.
“Fuck you.”
“If you insist.” Still holding your head firmly in place, just in case you decide to use your teeth again, he slides his free hand down the front of your uniform trousers, his thick fingers unerringly finding their way to your cunt and circling your clit roughly before sinking into you. “You’re soaking wet. I kriffing knew it.”
“You’re no-one to talk,” you grunt, reflecting on the unfairness that this unfuckable asshole can find your clit when it eludes so many perfectly nice partners. Of course, he is the marshal commander of the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps; locating things is his specialty. A significant bulge tents the front of his uniform, and you grasp it roughly, grinding the palm of your hand against him. He pinches your clit in retaliation, and you growl at him, baring your teeth in an animalistic snarl.
You unbuckle each other’s belts with frantic urgency—he does it with only one hand, and it’s so kriffing hot, who gave this asshole the right to be so kriffing hot?—and shove down both sets of trousers. He grabs your thigh hard enough to bruise and jerks it up to his waist, and then he plunges into you. The sound you let out is inhuman, and he stills for an instant.
“Don’t fucking stop now,” you snap.
“Sir, yes, sir,” he says, thrusting hard into you, again and again. 
He’s strong as kark, and he fucks you with such aggression that he lifts your other foot off the floor, and you dangle helplessly in the air for a moment, impaled on his cock. It’s an undignified position; you’re an admiral of the Force-damned fleet, by the gods, and you aren’t about to let him take control so easily. You hook your foot on the back of his knee, and the two of you crash to the floor.
He lands with a grunt of pain. “I fucking hate you.”
“I hate you more,” you say, licking up the tattooed numbers on his face.
He rolls you over and pins you to the floor, his hips never slowing their punishing tempo, and he wrests open your uniform collar. You hear the unmistakable sound of fabric ripping, and you swear to the gods, if he ruined your jacket, you’re going to steal his favorite BARC trooper. 
And then that motherfucker bites your neck. You squeal with pain.
“That hurt?” he grits out.
“I don’t care,” he snaps, and shit, fuck, oh gods—yes—
You come so hard your vision whites out. Your legs clamp around his waist, and you scream loudly enough that anyone passing through the corridor outside your office would have no doubt what you’re doing inside.
“Shit—” Neyo gasps brokenly. He tries to pull out, but he doesn’t make it in time, and he comes inside you, flooding your cunt with liquid heat.
Asshole. Good thing you have the implant, not that he fucking asked. Force, you hate him.
He collapses on top of you, driving all the air out of your lungs, and you tense up to shove him away, but then he slides his tongue languidly over your bruised neck, the soft heat soothing the pain and making your eyes drift closed.
“You have issues,” he whispers in your ear.
“Psychopath,” you whisper back.
A small flutter of movement in the corner of the room has you both snapping to alertness, and you whip your head around to see Commander Bacara rising from your desk chair.
“Well,” Bacara smirks. “That was entertaining.” 
@secondaryrealm @blueink-bluesoul @spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella @cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Love Everlasting
Summary: You've lived a thousand lifetimes, and lived a thousand loves, with the same man. And now you want to find him again, in the middle of a galaxy at war.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1989
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, reader and Echo have died multiple times, but they always find each other again
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @the-bad-batch-baroness @kiss-anon
A/N: I wanted to write tooth rotting fluff, and so this was born. Echo will be happy and healthy, even if I have to write it myself.
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Sometimes, when you close your eyes, you’re able to run through all of the first times you met him like it’s a movie.
From the very first time, when he was just a boy and you were just a girl, and it didn’t matter that you came from different worlds, and it didn’t matter that he was royalty and you were the daughter of a slave. And nothing mattered except that there was love and it was real and it was yours.
To the most recent time, when he was a Jedi and you were a Sith, and yet you still managed to find each other, and you still managed to find love, though you stood on separate sides of the battlefield.
Thousands of lifetimes.
Thousands of loves.
And it’s always the same. It’s always him. It’s always you. And you’re always happy, for a time.
But it never lasts.
The first life ended in pain and blood, with his screams ringing in your ears and a promise that he would find you again.
And he did. Over and over and over-
Sometimes he doesn’t recognize you. Sometimes he does. It doesn’t matter, because you always recognize him. 
You’re fortunate, in this life. You weren’t born a jedi, nor a sith. You were born on Coruscant, and you were born to a middle class family, with parents who loved you and wanted your happiness.
You haven’t always been so lucky. 
You started looking for him when you were a child, before you really understood that your dreams were memories of past lives. You searched and you searched, though you didn’t understand who you were searching for. 
And at times you ached that you would never see him. 
And at times you feared that this was it. This was the lifetime that you wouldn’t be together. 
And then the war started. And as you watch the news with your parents, and as you learn about the clones, you know that that’s where he is. So you drop your life, your career, and everything that’s ever made you happy in this life, and you enlist.
It’s not the first time you’ve been a soldier. It won’t be the last time, you’re sure. It’s not even the first time you’ve enlisted to try and find him. In fact, by your reckoning, this is the twelfth time you’ve enlisted in the military to try and find him.
Well, unless you count the time with the pirates, which you do not.
You start out with a posting at Triple Zero. And it takes you less than 6 months to determine that he’s not on Coruscant. So you start needling your Commanding Officer, and you end up with a transfer to the 91st.
And then the 104th. And the 212th.
And finally the 501st.
You stand before Captain Rex and General Skywalker, your hands folded neatly behind you, as the blonde clone reads over your profile, “You’ve been bounced from several battalions, Sergeant.” Rex says slowly, as he handed the datapad over to General Skywalker, “There are dozens of commendations for your actions in battle, and your military strategy-”
“Yes sir, there are.”
“What Rex is wondering, and what I’m wondering,” General Skywalker says smoothly, “Is why none of those other Battalions worked out.”
You nod once, luckily you have an answer for this, “Conflict of personalities, General.” You say promptly, “Commanders Fox, Neyo, Wolffe, and Cody are fine men and I was lucky to have to have the chance to work with all of them, but our personalities don't mesh well.”
“The 501st often works closely with the 212th.” Rex points out.
“I am willing and able to work alongside Commander Cody, sir. It was his decision to transfer me to the 501st.” You say calmly, “If I’m not a good fit, you can always transfer me on.”
General Skywalker hums thoughtfully, “Honestly, based on some of Obi-Wan’s comments here, I’m surprised he signed off on your transfer at all.” He admits, “He’s all but singing your praises.”
“Thank you sir.”
He smiles at you, and offers you his hand, “Anakin Skywalker, welcome to the Resolute, Sergeant.”
You grin and take his hand, “Thank you, General Skywalker. I hope to serve well.” 
“I’m sure you will. I have no concerns.” The General replies, “There’s an empty room for you to use. I’m sure you understand that we don’t have many female soldiers serving.”
“I had noticed that my enlistment was something of an oddity when I was stationed at Triple Zero,” You reply.
“Less an oddity and more an anomaly,” General Skywalker jokes. There’s a knock on the door, and all three of you turn towards it as it slides open, “Ah, Echo. Is something wrong?”
“The Engineers report that there’s something wrong with one of the gunships,” ARC Trooper Echo reports from the doorway, his gaze is locked on Captain Rex, and then General Skywalker, and you don’t think he’s even noticed you.
Which is a shame, because you recognized him as soon as he entered the room. The last time you saw him was when you were standing back to back against an army of rancid Sith Alchemy creations. He fell before you did, in the last life, but you suppose it’s only fair, since in the one before that one, you died first.
He looks good, you decide. The armor suits him (it always does, even in that first life when his armor was chainmail and his weapon was a steel sword). And he looks healthy and, maybe not happy, but he looks well. It’s enough for you, even if he doesn’t recognize you.
You tune back into the conversation when General Skywalker claps you on the shoulder, “Echo, this is our new Sergeant,” He says cheerfully.
Echo turns his gaze to you, and he stops. For a moment his breath catches, but he soon catches himself, and you smile. You know that reaction. It’s the same reaction he always has when he sees you again for the first time. That’s something that’s never changed.
It’s something that several lifetimes as a jedi, and several more as sith, haven’t been able to take from him. 
He nods at you, and you pretend to not notice the way his fingers flex, as though he’s fighting the urge to slide his hands into your hair. “Welcome to the Resolute, ma’am.” He says, very politely, and you smile at him in return. Your smile widens slightly when you notice him flicker his gaze to the side. He hasn’t changed at all.
Still the same sweet man you fell in love with all those lifetimes ago.
General Skywalker’s gaze is darting from you to Echo and back again, and he has a wide grin crossing his face. Captain Rex, however, looks less impressed. “I have a great idea,” The General says cheerfully, “While me and Rex check out the gunship, why don’t you, Echo, show our new Sergeant where her bunk is?”
“General-” Captain Rex says immediately.
“I can do that, General.” Echo interrupts, his gaze snapping back to you, “It would be my pleasure.”
“Great!” General Skywalker firmly guides Rex out of the room, “Have fun! Maybe give her a tour!”
You stare at his back, bemused, “Is the Resolute any different than the Negotiator?” You ask Echo, as he steps into the room and allows the door to shut.
“Not in the slightest.” He replies, as he moves closer and closer to you, until he’s standing in your personal space, and a soft smile crosses his face, “Hi.” He whispers as he reaches out and presses his hand against your cheek.
“Hi,” You whisper back, your heart pounding in your chest in sheer excitement that he’s here. He’s here and it’s been so long-
“You’re as beautiful as the last time I saw you,” Echo murmurs, as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “As beautiful as the first time I saw you, all those lifetimes ago.”
You smile at him broadly, “You look good,” You reply, “Healthy…happy.”
“Happier now.” His voice is little more than a sigh, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“You enlisted, didn’t you?” Echo asks.
“It’s not the first time I enlisted to find you.” You bring your hands up to caress his jaw, “It won’t be the last time, I’m sure.” You have to stand on your toes to hover your lips over his.
“Maybe next time I’ll enlist to find you,” He teases, “I think it’ll be my turn.” He closes the distance between your lips, and further words are unnecessary. 
He kisses you like he’s always kissed you. Like it’s a secret. Like it’s a promise. I’ll find you. I’ll always find you. I’ll always love you. Wait for me. Wait for me. Wait for me.
When you kiss him, you zip back in time, to that little girl who fell in love with a prince. To the prince who fell in love below his station. To a love that transcends life and death.
He breaks the kiss slowly, as though the very idea of parting from you for even a moment breaks his heart, and he presses his forehead against yours. “My heart.” Echo whispers, “My only. Does your heart still belong to me?” 
“Always.” You whisper back, “Forever. Was that ever in question?”
“No. Never. But I do like hearing it.” Echo replies. He kisses you again. And again. And again. “I could spend the rest of this life in your arms, and I would die a happy man.”
“You could spend the entirety of every life in my arms, and you would never complain.” You correct with a small grin.
“This is true,” There’s a glimmer of adoration in his gaze, “Stars, I have missed you. Your voice, your scent, the feel of your skin against mine-”
He kisses you again, and he slides one hand into your hair, angling your head back to deepen the kiss.
He doesn’t want to stop, that much is obvious to you. He never does, right when he manages to find you again, but this time you don’t have a choice but to stop him. 
“Echo,” You murmur his name and he shudders and presses firmer against you, “You need to show me to my room. We can continue this later.”
“Want to continue it now,” He mumbles sullenly, and you know, if you let him, he’ll convince you to his way of thinking, so you smile and press your finger against his lips.
“We’ve waited this long, what’s a little longer.”
He pouts at you and you laugh softly, running your finger lightly across his lower lip. “Babe-,” It’s a whine and a plea wrapped into one, and you grin at him.
“I know you can be patient.” You chide gently, “I’ll make it worth your while.”
Echo’s breath catches in his throat, and he stares at you, “Right. Right, okay.” He takes a deep breath, and then another one, “Tour, and then show you your room. I can do that.”
You grin at him, and pull your hand away from him, and take a step back.
For a moment he looks a little lost, as though the idea of not being able to touch you is beyond him for a moment, but he visibly composes himself and your smile broadens.
Quickly, so quickly that you almost miss it, Echo kisses you one more time, and then he’s heading towards the door. “Keep up, Sarge. It’s a big ship.”
You roll your eyes and grab your helmet off the table, “Large and exactly the same as the Negotiator.”
“Yeah, but this is the Resolute, so it’s better.” Echo grins at you as he opens the door, “And everyone knows it.” He winks at you, “After all, we have you.”
You tilt your head back and laugh. Gods above, how you’ve missed him.
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adhd-coyote · 3 months
For the WIPs, could I please ask for more on Cuddle Piles, because... AAAwwww 🫠🫠
Thank you! :D
Okay okay so. Cuddle Piles is exactly what it sounds like. Pure somft and fluff and comfort.
Even Wolffe, who had been intending on taking the first watch shift with Plo, had given into his exhaustion and drifted off. Now, his head has fallen against Plo’s shoulder, while Comet, Boost, and Sinker – who had all attempted to fit in Wolffe’s lap at once and somehow succeeded – snuffle and snore against him. Plo will have to wake him eventually for his watch shift – Wolffe would feel guilty for sleeping through the night otherwise – but that is hours from now, and until then, he is happy to let his Commander get some well-needed rest.
This fic is a oneshot that hops between the 212th, 501st, 104th, Corries (+Quin), 327th, and 91st, who are all snoozing in cuddle piles of various sizes and situations told from the POV of their Jedis.
It's pretty much finished, I just need to write the 91st's portion, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how Mace ends up in a cuddle pile. If anyone has any suggestions, please tell me <3 <3
Ask game
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shigayokagayama · 9 months
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happy 91st birthday peepaw!!!!
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arjunvib · 5 months
Poojya Swamiji's 91st Jayanti -2024| Narayanasharama Tapovanam
Swami Bhoomananda Swamiji's birthday is May 13, 2024, The program consists of bhajans, worship, his message, and Prasada distribution in Ashram and other Centres.
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jjproduction297 · 6 months
Hey everybody, today is King Kong's 91st Birthday! :D 🎂
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hastalavistabyebye · 2 months
Holos #5
Ao3 version
Loving Ponds was easy. One of the easiest things Bacara ever did. 
Sure, the days could be long and lonely, especially when traveling from one warzone to the other, or just after a cease fire when it was time to count the losses and try to erase their presence as much as could be in a destroyed landscape, battered in black, brown and white. During those times, in front of his waiting paperwork or while keeping his troops focused and organized for that hard last stretch, Bacara sometimes longed for the familiar warmth of his lover. How many times did he wish to discuss plans with Ponds, to ask for his opinion ? The Lighting Commander had a knack for strategy, his mind sharp and logical, always seeing the broader picture in more details and reading it more precisely than anyone else. Sometimes Bacara would have given anything to rely on his lover and his hindsight. How many times did he hold on to the memory of Ponds’ smiling eyes, on the knowledge that he’ll see him right after this unending campaign was over ? Pushing through was so much easier with the promise of getting back to his cyare at the end of it. 
But that was just the way of the Marines. As much as he could curse the distance between each of their leaves, he didn't mind much. 
Especially not when his comm chimed familiarly in rapid succession, distracting him from seeping his energy drink. He fetched it from where it was lying next to his freshly completed report. His hope of having news from Ponds, who was the usual culprit for spamming his comm like that, was sidetracked by his surprised happiness at seeing Neyo’s name displayed. He loved receiving messages from his little brother just as much. It was rare to get so many messages in so little time from him, though. Even more surprising was the discovery that it was mostly holos. Did the two 91st Commanders mix up their commlinks ? Bacara knew they were supposed to be in a joint mission at the moment, so it wasn't as improbable as one could think. 
A little bit perplexed, he opened the conversation and was met with several pictures of Ponds without the top of his armor and bucket, followed by the message “You sure you really want that one ?”. It was definitely Neyo who sent them to him then, most likely during one of their breaks, going by the way Ponds was dressed. 
In the first pictures, the Lighting Commander was crouching in front of a green snake with hirsute scales. They were looking at each other steadily, practically nose to nose. Ponds had that light in his eyes. Bacara wasn't surprised at all to see him reaching to try and coerce the reptile like one would do with a tooka, in the following holos Neyo had taken. Ponds could be just as bad as a Jedi when it was about befriending any random wild animal that had sparked his interest. He thankfully wasn't prone to take a particular liking to beast bigger than him. (Which was admittedly not the case of High General Windu.) 
The Marine Commander huffed fondly at the rest of the pictures. Ponds had somehow managed to get the snake to coil around his arms. He had stood up and was visibly cooing down at it before beaming up at the holocamera. He was glowing like a star, eyes crinkling at the sides and dimples in full display. Some cloud high above was casting shadows on his side, not reaching his face yet. Bacara could have swear it’d never darken his skin, not when Ponds was shining stronger than the sun as he was. 
The Marine was smiling softly down at his comm, soaking up the sight of the holos, when he noticed how close to Ponds’ neck the head of the snake had crept. 
“Please tell me it’s not venomous.” He sent to Neyo right away, a defeated weight settling down at the bottom of his stomach, heavy like durasteel. 
“You know I will never lie to you, ori’tat.” Was the quick answer, thankfully followed a few instants later by : “The Generals are supervising.”
Bacara closed his eyes with a deep sight. At least the Jedi were around. 
Loving Ponds was one of the easiest things Bacara ever did, as effortless and paramount as breathing. But sometimes he deplored falling for a member of the Shebse batch. 
The snake is a Hairy Bush Viper.
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