#happy anniversary anon!
zmediaoutlet · 1 year
Happy Wincest Wednesday! As today is my wedding anniversary, maybe a little low-key anniversary celebration for Sam and Dean?
Dean comes back to the motel room with six pack of beer -- standard -- and a bag of takeout chinese -- standard, and hopefully he actually ordered the ma po tofu even if he was making fun of it, because Sam's seriously been having a craving -- and a tiny, palm-sized teddy bear, which Sam only discovers when Dean says think fast and chucks it at his face, and Sam does catch it but barely, and then holds it in both hands, baffled. It's purple, soft, and wildly cheap. Probably made by the million in China, somewhere. "What the hell," he says.
"C'mon, baby," Dean says, sugary, which makes Sam look back up at him, horrified. "Can't a guy do something nice for his best girl?"
"Uh," Sam says, "no?", but luckily Dean's expression cracks and he grins more naturally. He cracks a beer and then a second, and leans his hip on the table next to Sam's laptop, and Sam looks back down at the bear, wondering if it's -- cursed, or something. Probably not but, then again, Dean calling him his best girl. Something cursed is happening here.
"Had 'em at the register at the Circle K," Dean says. "Along with those, you know, little roses in the crack pipes? Blast from the past. Think it's prom around here, soon, or something."
The bear's got little black bead eyes and a vinyl triangle patch of nose, which has been sewed on crooked. On one foot, Sam sees, there's a red silky heart, which Sam touches with a thumb, and then looks up at his brother.
"Know where we are?" Dean says.
"I would've said Earth, but--" Sam says, and holds up the bear, raising his eyebrows in a way that should get Dean to spill, but Dean's actually waiting for an answer, his mouth still tugged up soft at the corner. Sam drops his hand, holding the bear in his lap, thinking. "Uh, California. Off the 5, Bakersfield, the Pearl Motel--"
"Bakersfield," Dean says, and finally hands Sam his beer. "About... hell, fifteen years ago now. I think that's right."
Fifteen years ago? That was... when Dean was going to hell. Dean with a deal dragging him down, and the darkness roaring up. They did come to Bakersfield, Sam remembers, finally. A hunt, while he was trying to come up with anything that'd fix it, and Dean hadn't been happy exactly but he hadn't been lying anymore and that was something. Sam sets the teddy on his laptop -- it's badly balanced and tips over, ear bonking gently against the spacebar -- and Dean gets his boot between Sam's ankles, swivels the desk chair so Sam's really facing him. Not really smiling anymore but his eyes still soft. "This is where we were when I decided to believe you," Dean says. Sam sits up straight. "Even if you were nuts. I don't know. I just -- believed you. How you wanted to fix it and I thought maybe you could. I don't know if I ever said thank you for that."
"I was wrong," Sam says, a sorry acid curving through his gut, but Dean shakes his head, says, "All's well that ends well, Sammy," and that's a pretty lackadaisical way to dismiss being murdered by demons and destiny but Dean lifts a shoulder, glances around at the motel room where they're safe, alive, together.
"Bakersfield, huh," Sam says. He remembers more, now. A -- ghost, it was. And they burned the bones, and Sam almost got his arm torn off but didn't, and when they got back to that other motel all those years ago --
Dean's grinning at him, now. "Remember?" he says, and Sam does, in growing and delightful detail that somehow hasn't been blotted out by all the years between that night and this one, all the times Dean's spread his legs or Sam's gotten on his knees or the hurried grasping in tight dark corners or how sometimes Dean will look at him and Sam can't, physically, do any other thing but step close and get Dean's face between his palms and lean down, press his lips against where Dean's smiling, because he can't come up with any other way to say what it means -- what it has always meant, even when times bad or were awful or were just -- what they had to be, for them to both get to the next time that could be better.
"I didn't get you anything," Sam says.
Dean tips the teddy back over, so its little red-hearted foot is pointing Sam's way, and then reaches out to clink their beers together. "No big, Sammy," he says, and he's still grinning but his ears are turning that telltale red. "I'm sure you'll think of something."
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dogtoling · 18 days
say you were given the opportunity to change 1 thing about return of the mammalians being its story/lore (aside from mr grizz), what would you do?
remove the new squidbeak splatoon. Have it so that deep cut are the sole supporting characters (if you have supporting characters at all). You pop into Alterna with nobody except yourself and Smallfry and explore it in solitude. Deep Cut can even keep their boss fights if they want, you can join sides at the end of the game like you already do (which is stupid in the original story, but thats not news). Would immediately drastically change the atmosphere of the story to be more eerie and desolate which fits the mysterious and isolated vibe they were going for and make it more focused. Would skip the lame as hell Save Cuttlefish plot that feels arbitrary the entire time when that's obviously not the main thing going on, given that part of the story and whatever the hell Mr. Grizz vaguely needed him for is not explained and also pointless as hell, and it would skip the squid sisters just Kinda Being There and lessening the atmosphere.
Alternatively I would just axe the entire final boss fight and leave everything else. Just have that fight like, IN ALTERNA instead. Nothing that happens in the final boss fight is physically possible and they also literally introduced magic. They could've had the same boss fight in... idk, NOT ORBIT? I know the space thing was thematic or whatever and it's """cool""" because they NEEDED to go bigger and better and MORE EPIC than with Octo Expansion and well. it is the final nail in the coffin for the trashfire that is rotm. Just get rid of That.
(And before someone is like uhhhh nothing in splatoon is physically possible it's a cartoon.... yes and no. It's tonal dissonance in a series that prides itself on being immersive and having surprisingly deep worldbuilding to do random ass plots that shit all over that immersion and completely tank the believability of everything else it works hard to achieve just for the sake of 5 minutes of flair)
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froggywritesstuff · 5 months
lego flowers | teddy lobo
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ship/pairing: Teddy Lobo x g/n!reader
fandom: Renfield
request: anon: pleasseeee teddy x gn reader fluff??? Post movie, renfield revives him and he's learning how to be a good person?? Xx
content warnings: ooc (probably), mentions of death/murder, idk how to write endings, swearing, teddy's insecure and an idiot, fluff, confessions of love, barely proofread
word count: 1357
A/N: i started and rewrote this three times cause i got so embarrassed thinking someone actually wants to read this and they specifically asked me to write it like ahh
When you’re dating Teddy Lobo, you say goodbye to most of the normal things in life. One thing being you never have to wait in line at the shops anymore. You don’t love the fact that it’s because half the people in the room are terrified of the Lobo’s and the other half are basically owned by the Lobo’s but what can you do? You could end the relationship, cut off all contact and start a relationship with someone not so dangerous and unpredictable. But your heart tends to speak louder than your brain some days.
Unfortunately, you had found yourself rather infatuated with Teddy. While he was rough around the edges, you really did love his company, and he had shown you that he loved yours. While engaging in romantic relationships with any member of the Lobo family - or any crime family for that matter - definitely isn’t the smartest thing to do, you can’t deny how happy you are with him. 
You weren't expecting him to die... then be revived by the same person who killed him. Any-who, you postponed going to therapy and helped Teddy move into your apartment (since he was legally dead and that's kind of an issue when it comes to renting a place to live in). There really wasn't much difference to your relationship since you basically lived with him before. However your apartment had much space less than the Lobo mansion had. Teddy however? He was acting differently. You supposed that dying and being brought back to life would do that to someone. Though physically, he was the same - he still had the black slicked back hair he thought made him look badass, and the big brown puppy dog eyes that severely contrasted his supposed badass look. But when he spoke, he seemed more reserved and careful, like he was overthinking every word he said to you. It was almost unnerving hearing him talk to you for the first time since he had been brought back. His cocky, arrogant demeanour was there but so faint you could barely recognise it. He reminded you of how he acted when you first started dating
When he texted you for help, you assumed he was still an idiot - something not even death could change - and hurt himself or got into more trouble with the police. You weren't expecting this.
You rushed home to your now shared apartment, welcomed by Teddy's loud swearing from your bedroom. You make your way to him, and knock on the door, your ears picking up the sound of his voice muttering a string of curses in frustration.
”Teddy? It's me.”
“Fuck- one sec.” you hear him sigh. The door is pulled open and you’re met with Teddy. His hair is dishevelled and his face has a frustrated expression, but his face soon softens when he sees you.
"What'd you need help with?" you ask, and you can just make out the red hue on his cheeks. 
“Uh…” he presses his lips together, before stepping out of the door frame. On the floor you see a pile of lego bricks, spread out in no particular order. The instructions are discarded off to the side, so you’re sure Teddy didn’t spare a glance at them. You walk further inside his room and inspect the lego further, seeing majority of the pieces resembling red flower petals.
"You're making lego flowers?" you see him nod his head, "Ok sure, why not…" you mutter, sitting cross legged in front of the pile of lego.
"So can you help me?"
You grab the instruction manual, “Yeah I’ve nothing better to do.” 
Teddy follows you, sitting beside you on the floor. He leans toward you to see the instructions, but you know he’s not registering anything he’s reading. You don't think he's even reading.
"I'm guessing you didn't read these?" you ask, despite knowing the answer.
An exasperated and embarrassed sigh leaves his pink lips, "They were too confusing, they didn't help."
You can't help but laugh softly at his words. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Teddy it's lego. You just add one piece to another piece."
He rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips turning upwards, "Don't act like I should be ashamed for being bad at lego."
"Oh, you should definitely be ashamed."
"Well if you're so good at lego then help me already."
"I am and I will." you smile at him before grabbing some bricks from the pile and putting them together as the instructions say. You see him looking at the lego in your hands so you make sure to make the flower slower than usual, hoping he'll pay attention and be able to make one on his own. In a matter of minutes, you're holding a completed lego flower. "One down, eleven more to go."
"Eleven?!" he almost whines as he holds his head in his hands.
You roll your eyes, "Don't be a baby, it won't take that long." you shuffle closer to him to give him a better view of the instructions, "Come on, let's both make these and we'll get it done quicker." You're certain he'll slow you down but you know it'll be more fun doing it with him.
He lifts his head away from his hands and hesitantly grabs some pieces that match the ones printed on the instructions. After quite a bit of struggling and rebuilding (somehow he managed to completely break the lego into pieces just when he was almost finished), he successfully put together some lego.
He rolls his eyes when you start applauding and pretending to tear up, "I feel like you're patronising me."
"I can't imagine why."
You almost don't want to finish this bouquet. You haven't been able to spend genuine quality time with him in a long time. And you're not complaining about how pretty he looks in the evening sunlight, his face screwed together in concentration. But surprisingly it doesn't take as much time as you thought it would. Teddy places the last piece onto the rose which he adds to the bouquet and lifts it up hesitantly.
"Do you feel accomplished?" 
He thinks before answering (something you're still not used to), "No, not really."
"Great. So now what?" he just shrugs, staring intently at the bouquet. You stand up from the floor, "We should probably start making dinner."
“Wait,” he stands up, awkwardly looking down at the lego in his hands. He looks bashful as ever holding out the lego bouquet to you. “Fuck this is stupid. I wanted to make these for you, cause real flowers just die. And I wanted to thank you for still being with me and helping me through everything. You’re a beautiful fucking person who deserves flowers that don’t just die... I wanna be better than I used to be, and you're a big part of why. It took me literally dying to come to this, but I don't wanna die and not come back and leave you with a bunch of shitty memories of me being an asshole."
"You did this for me?" you can barely process his words as he places the lego in your hands, and his hands wrap around yours in the process.
"I-I know they're dumb, I just thought it would be cute and dumb." he sighs.
Your hands grip the lego tighter, your heart swelling, "It is cute Teddy. And I think you're really sweet for doing it. Even if I did most of the work."
"Can I make dinner for you? You won't need to help me at all, I promise."
You smile at him, "I'd love for you to make dinner for me." your hand reaches out to cup his cheek, "If you want to and not because you feel like you have to prove you're not an asshole." his eyes meet yours and his eyebrows knit together slightly, "I love you and whatever shitty memories you think I have of you being an asshole do not affect how much I love you."
He smiles at you, and you know it's a genuine smile, "I love you too."
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puhpandas · 2 months
i know you were saying you feel disappointed because it’s a mimic based game, but tbh the whole “understanding the future by understanding the past” thing makes me think this game will span longer than just the past. i truly believe that it’ll have SOMETHING to do with at least gregory and vanessa, just because that’s such an important part of what the mimic becomes, even if it’s just a scene or an ending. there’s no way it’s going to have absolutely nothing to do with them since they’re so integral to this new story clearly. don’t give up hope! <3
ur so right and I'll try to keep this in mind when I think about the game :)💜
it's just a little difficult to believe bc of the 1979 year but also I agree that vanessa and Gregory are too important for what the mimic ended up doing as the current villain to not have any kind if mention lol it just feels unlikely but if theres one thing fnaf is it's that its unpredictable
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cantevenbeachhere · 2 months
HII KENN !! ITS JULY 21 ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE BARBIE MOVIEE (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
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//Happy anniversary to one awesome movie that changed my brain chemistry!!
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that-homoerotic-blouse · 10 months
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This is the perfect excuse to tell you about a recurring thought I've had while watching new who time and time again, and while watching devastating season finales and companion exits, which is the following (and bear with me because it's long): "there is already so much tragedy in doctor/companion relationships, they're so doomed-by-the-narrative, so one-of-us-has-to-leave-first by their very nature that it seems impossible to imagine any other way. However, and precisely because of this, one of the very few things that could revolutionize this show would be having a lifelong Doctor/companion story. Allowing just for once a gentler quieter resolution, having the companion stay, and letting the Doctor stay beside them too"
The state of euphoria those last 15 minutes of the ep sent me to is absolutely undescribable and it felt DIFFERENT and EMOTIONAL and FREEING! It was a rush of fresh air and a balm to my wounds!
So yes, I think Russel did something new and most importantly, something good. The final theme of the 3 specials being healing and home and found family mean the world to me, and I don't know, being a queer ace person even more so! It feels achingly true to Tennant's Doctors, and having it be confirmed that his incarnations were the ones that yearned for a home and domesticity the most is absolutely SPOT ON NAILED IT CHEF KISS
THAT SAID, finales have never been the strong suit of RTD, and I think this one is similarly flawed. I think he has rehashed some of his tropes, he has trouble reconciling the multiple conflicts of the Doctor and he only knows one way of solving that. Not gonna go over that here, because I'd be damned being pissy and shit at a time such as this. We got a happier ending than any of us could've ever imagined, and in a show that rarely indulges in that, well, how can I complain?
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 11 months
Happy one year anniversary to Misfits! I wanted to post the next chapter to celebrate but it's not done, so you get a couple paragraphs from it instead.
“Don’t want to talk about it!”
He somehow shrank impossibly smaller. “My apologies, shutting up now.”
Emmet took a deep breath. Everything was fine. He was fine.
The candy cane he was holding had snapped. The fairy floss spiders that had been clinging to Ingo had scattered.
“No, you don’t need to be. Shutting up or anything. You can. You can talk. It’s okay.”
Ingo blinked up at him, clearly not sold on the talking thing.
Emmet should do something reassuring.
He stiffly reached over and lightly smacked his hand down on Ingo’s head. He patted the top of his hat a couple times. Tap, tap.
Ingo blinked again and he hesitantly reached up, towards where Emmet’s hand was still resting. Emmet pulled back before he came close.
Hmm. Awkward, weird, and inscrutable. Emmet’s reassuring manner needed some work. “Sorry I yelled at you.”
Ingo’s palm was pressed where Emmet’s hand had been. His brow was furrowed and his mouth was pinched. “…It’s quite alright,” he whispered softly.
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toadallytickles · 10 months
Do you have any embarrassing experiences from a session? I feel like this sort of thing isn't discussed like, ever. So if you feel comfortable sharing it might help to put other lers/lees at ease for when they have their first session
Oh my god, yes- 😆‼️ I still cry-laugh about this one, but at a tickle gathering in June, Clay and I were sessioning in our hotel room, and he made me cum with the Hitachi, and I ended up peeing and farting as I came— so it’s piss yellow on the white sheets, and I loudly wet fart and immediately moan right after omfg the exact moment and noise plays in my head all the time! 🤣
Then it’s just.. very obvious I’m enjoying being tickled too much… I’ve had it pointed out to me during a session as a tease and Omfg™ 😵‍💫. I remember when Clay and I had our first session.. THAT IM NOW REALIZING WAS EXACTLY 5 YEARS AGO TODAY..! and he was just lightly tickle teasing me on the hotel bed before the session.. and I just soaked all down my leggings… 🫠.
I remember too when Clay and I were just play partners, and I was in Toronto hanging out with a friend and their friends- and I was not feeling 100% by night. Clay drives into Toronto to get me, then takes me back to his place outside of Toronto, we get to his place and it turns out my period started and it leaked through my pants… I was so embarrassed.. he does my laundry for me, and then takes me out to buy pads, and he gets me chocolate~ 💕🥹💕.
But yeah! Human bodies do human body things! And they can be embarrassing things! A good play partner would laugh off the embarrassment with you, reassure you if you needed, and help you clean up and get you anything you need! ❤️
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Accidentally farting during play
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savebylou · 4 months
mutuals as songs from The Show?
Hi anon. Sorry for the late response. Honestly I had been thinking a lot how to make this and is really hard for me lol I don't know how to decide, so I will change the rules for this. Instead of tagging some mutuals I will dedicate a few songs of The Shows for them.
I think for my mutuals and also the people that follow me I dedicated the song Never Grow Up. That is my wish for them in that song. I think is a beautiful sentiment and I do wish and I hope we all can grow old but never grow up.
Second I dedicated Meltdown when they have a hard day, because we all have and I can be here if they want me to listen to them.
Lastly Science for the hard days, I know that is a big comfort for me in those days.
And I will dedicated two songs for Louis because it would't be my blog if I can't talk about Louis somehow. One is Save My Life and the other You Could Start A Cult.
Sorry that this is not the response that you hope for. I hope you have a lovely day.
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A bit random, not that I don't enjoy your writing in general, but do you think you'd ever write tickle fics again?
Hey anon, such a fair question!
To be honest, I’m a little tapped out. Not just of tickle fluff stories but of stories in general. It’s not that the stories aren’t in my head, it’s that I don’t really know how to write them down anymore. I guess my ideas don’t excite me like they used to.
I miss the days when I’d write two 5k+ word fics in one day and try and fail to hold myself back from posting them twelve hours apart. I miss being excited about a plot point or line of dialogue, and I miss how excited I was to post a fic before going to sleep and know I’d get to wake up to readers’ reactions and feedback. I miss getting not enough sleep because my thumbs are flying under the covers at 2am while I come up with something I love and try to not wake my boyfriend up. I’ve been trying to rewatch the Marvel stuff to drown my brain in my favourite characters’ mannerism, hoping for a hit of inspiration, but right now I’m kind of sad about it all. I miss how fun this used to be.
I’m looking forward to Loki season 2, to the new Cap film, and to the Daredevil revamp, and hoping that it’ll give me that fresh inspiration I’ve been lacking.
I’m sure there are other creators out there who feel the same. I’d love to hear from you if you resonate. Maybe you have some good tips and tricks on how to drum up some inspiration.
JJ 💜
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freeman-verse-au · 2 years
A cactus (pl. cacti, cactuses, or less commonly, cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, a family comprising about 127 genera with some 1750 known species of the order Caryophyllales. The word cactus derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek word κάκτος (káktos), a name originally used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant whose identity is now not certain. Cacti occur in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Although some species live in quite humid environments, most cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought. Many live in extremely dry environments, even being found in the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth. Because of this, cacti show many adaptations to conserve water. For example, almost all cacti are succulents, meaning they have thickened, fleshy parts adapted to store water. Unlike many other succulents, the stem is the only part of most cacti where this vital process takes place. Most species of cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines, which are highly modified leaves. As well as defending against herbivores, spines help prevent water loss by reducing air flow close to the cactus and providing some shade. In the absence of true leaves, cacti's enlarged stems carry out photosynthesis. Cacti are native to the Americas, ranging from Patagonia in the south to parts of western Canada in the north—except for Rhipsalis baccifera, which also grows in Africa and Sri Lanka. -🧪
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multishipper-baby · 8 months
heyyyss !! dont know if youve talked about this before but i know you have an interest in eakoweddy and/or eakowededdy and i was wondering...
what is your vision of freddeak? (i dunno what theyre called.. sorry) i mean. i can imagine fredeak and eakwynn dynamics but i have some trouble thinking of a dynamic for freddy and eak so i wonder what YOU think of them. im really curious !!
-Vibrates- YES I can absolutely tell you about my freddeak dynamic! I have a lot of thoughts about them, both as a duo and as part of my OT3/4 madness, so I’ll try to explain all that a little. Warning: this is very long and rambly. I'm sorry if you wanted a short answer lmao.
How the ship happens
With this ship, we have a few interesting narrative points we can explore:
Eak is currently working with Owynn in his quest to find shadows, so he’s an antagonistic figure in Freddy’s life.
Eak doesn’t know Freddy has a shadow yet, and Freddy doesn’t know anything about the villains' plans, which means neither of them are aware of their antagonistic relationship yet.
Eak doesn’t actually want to work for Owynn or hurt anyone, but instead is doing it out of a desire to help Cami. This means he’s very likely to betray Owynn if given the opportunity.
So, what can we do with all this? I think it would be very interesting to explore the possibility of Freddy ultimately being the reason Eak decides to leave Owynn’s side, outing the whole plan and leading up to a victory for our heroes. It would be very poetic, I think, for Owynn to lose because someone from his team chose Freddy over him.
But how would we get there? It’s simple- like I’ve mentioned before, we know that Owynn is looking for shadows. Cami is the one who has the magic violin and her ability to control people, but in Ep. 4 Season 2, Owynn asks Eak how the search is going, which leads me to believe that he’s supposed to be doing something offscreen related to finding the shadows. As far as we know, though, Eak doesn’t have any special abilities, so… What is he doing? I like to think he’s the one keeping an eye out for rumors, trying to figure out who could have a shadow through the grapevine- looking for people who talk to themselves, or have odd mood changes, or seem to act differently depending on the day. And because of all this, it’d be easy for him to figure out something could be going on with Freddy, and decide to take a closer look. Especially if he knows Owynn has a special interest in him. So, now we have a reason for the two of them to interact. How would their dynamic work?
I think it would make sense for them to form a very casual friendship, at first- nothing exceptional, just classroom friends. Someone you hang out with at school and like alright, but aren’t close enough to actually invite to your house on the weekends or something. Eak wants to figure out what’s going on with Freddy, but he’s obviously going to look suspicious if he immediately jumps into trying to be best friends after not talking to the guy during most of their school year(s). And with their time together, there’s a chance for things to slowly take a turn.
Eak isn’t evil. He’s willing to do some evil things for the sake of the plan, but it’s clear that he isn't having fun with it the way Owynn is. The only reason he’s even helping with the plan is because he cares so much about Cami, and later, because he’s worried that things going wrong will lead to Towntrap getting hurt. He’s obviously a very loyal guy and, if he even got close to Freddy, I can imagine his loyalty would start getting in the way. So he’d be the perfect character to finally get the animatronics on the loop of what’s actually going on, hoping that they’ll be able to help him (and Cami, and Towntrap) get away from Owynn. I don’t even think Freddy would feel betrayed (although maybe he’d be a bit hurt) by Eak lying to him at first, given how understandable his situation is. I mean, who wouldn’t lie if it’s to save their friends from death? So, they can work together to defeat Owynn and have their little happily ever after.
The dynamic
Okay cool, we have a way for the characters to get close. But how would they actually interact? What kind of relationship would they have?
For starters, I think they would have a good start in the relationship, given the fact that Eak would probably know about Fred from the start- and wouldn't find that all too surprising. Eak is already informed of the shadow world, and of magic in general, so I think he'd be able to help Freddy navigate that part of himself more easily than someone who isn't as aware of it like the animatronics. Not to mention that Eak already knowing who Fred is and what he is means that there's no need for Freddy to hide or feel nervous about him, so that would be a pretty big weight off his shoulders (especially since I think Fred and Eak would get along. I ship them too, after all).
Plus I feel like Freddy deserves someone who's a little too devoted, someone fully ride or die. The animatronics are good and I like all their friendships, but Freddy is always getting dragged into weird shadow stuff and has a villain gunning for him- he needs the guy who would risk his life just to help a friend.
On Eak's side of the whole thing, I think he'd be glad to have someone a little more on his wavelength. Cami and Towntrap are polar opposites in every way- one who's very serious and another that never seems to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation. One who's cold and unfeeling and another who feels things too much. One that's smart and cunning and another who somehow fucks everything up. He loves them, but they're kind of A Lot. Having a partner who's more relaxed, more down to earth could do wonders for him. Someone needs to keep him from going insane, and Owynn definitely isn't going to do that lol.
A thing worth mentioning is how much Freddy teases Fred in Season 2, once their relationship is more friendly, and how much Eak does the same to Towntrap. They would love poking fun at each other and you can't convince me otherwise. They can be a little mean, as a treat <3
Also I have the headcanon that Freddy is touch starved and Eak is canonically very touchy. Freddy who's too shy to say he wants affection x Eak who is so comfortable holding his hand and putting his arm around his shoulders and sitting close enough to touch that he does it constantly. I want good things for Freddy, what can I say?
A tangent about my AU
If you’re not aware, I have an AU called “FHS: Farewell Despair Highschool”, which is a crossover AU with the characters of FHS inserted into the plot of Danganronpa. I’m mentioning this here because working on this AU is actually what really sold me on the ship, so I’d thought it made sense to mention how their relationship works in it. Be warned though that if you haven't played Danganronpa this part might be confusing.
Since the AU takes most of its elements from Danganronpa, I thought it'd be interesting to think about what an actual full game for the AU would be like. Because the entire thing would be completely from Freddy's point of view, all the characters will be filtered through his eyes and they'll need to interact with him for plot and character progression. So, I had to think about how Freddy's relationship would be with all the characters, and how each of those connections would develop as the game progresses and more people die.
During murder investigations, Eak and Freddy end up working together quite often- with Eak being the one that watches over the scene of the crime and examines the corpse most often due to being one of the less squeamish students, while Freddy is the main detective that ends up solving all the cases. Due to this, Eak ends up being on Freddy's side when there's conflict amongst the class, becoming somewhat loyal to him. In his eyes, despite Freddy's flaws, he's still the one that's pushing them all forward by solving the mysteries so far- which means they'd all be dead without him. This becomes especially true given that Freddy's biggest rival is Meg, someone Eak doesn't get along with.
So, our anxiety ridden and zero self-esteem Freddy now has someone on his corner. Eak isn't the only one who's supported him, of course, but by Chapter 4 most of his friends are dead, leaving only Eak and Usagi as his main companions. He feels more confident in his reasoning abilities, given that he's been able to solve everything the game throws at him so far, but emotionally he's breaking down more and more as their numbers drop. He's in need of this small support system he's made for himself more than ever before…
…and then Eak becomes one of the killers. Not to save himself, mind you, but to get rid of all of them. Eak wants them all to die, for a reason he won't specify, but that he assures him is very important. He needs to kill them all for their own good, because he cares about them so much. They need to trust him and choose death. And Freddy doesn't get it, can't understand it, so he lets Eak die to save the rest.
Except he later finds out that Eak was very much telling the truth: he tried to kill them to keep a secret so horrible, so despairing, so awful that it threatens to destroy all of the survivors mentally. But together, they manage to pull through, and find out that everything that's happened to them was only part of a simulation. Which means that they have the chance to reunite with all of the dead students… Eak included.
Now, this AU isn't about freddeak. Not only is it not canon, but it's not even the main relationship Freddy builds in it- that would probably be Freddy and Usagi, or Freddy and Chica, or Freddy and Meg. But I thought the dynamic between these two was very interesting as I examined it more deeply, and I couldn't help but enjoy it a lot. I love the idea of them becoming friends. I love the idea of Eak defending Freddy when he's too unconfident to defend himself. I love the idea of Eak's betrayal, and how it's not actually a betrayal, but an act of love towards his classmates. I love how later learning the truth about what happened reframes it almost like it was Freddy who betrayed him, by not believing in him while Eak always believed in Freddy. I love the idea of them reuniting and working through their awful trauma together. It's very detached from anything canon, but it certainly won me over.
I actually have thought more about their reunion and the “post game” storyline and all that other stuff but that also has a lot to do with a larger group dynamic and both their relationships to Owynn so we'll leave it here for now. But since I mentioned Owynn, how about we transition to…
The larger OT3 dynamic
Okay last section I promise. Now, we'll be talking about my idea for freddeak in the context of eakoweddy (Fred is there too but won't be discussed much because he's got other stuff going on and this is already getting long).
So obviously I like eakwynn and oweddy- just following me for a while will make this abundantly clear. I like a lot of Owynn ships. However, I don't think a lot of Owynn ships would be necessarily healthy. He's the villain, he looks down at others, he's willing to hurt basically every character we've met so far for his own ends… he's just not a good dude. This isn't really a problem for me, as an enjoyer of complicated and toxic relationship dynamics, but it does leave me wondering: if we wanted a ship that could redeem and help Owynn become a better person, what would that look like?
I think Freddy, on his own, would have a good shot at it… but he'd definitely struggle. Freddy, for all he tries, isn't very good at being assertive with anyone that isn't Fred. He's often pushed around or ignored by others, and Owynn is very much used to doing these things. Owynn has also shown so far that he's likely to hide away his true intentions and personality with the heroes, so we don't know how willing he is to show Freddy his true colors. Not to mention the whole “Owynn blames Freddy for some unmentioned transgression and seems weirdly obsessive about his revenge” thing. Very gay, but not very healthy.
On the other hand, there's Eak. He already knows all the worst parts about Owynn, knows all of his flaws and bad intentions. That's one of the main appeals of eakwynn for me, the idea of falling in love with someone after already seeing them at their worst. And Eak is a headstrong guy, who isn't afraid to speak his mind, even when what he wants to say is rude. If Owynn wasn't holding Cami and Towntrap over his head, Eak would definitely call him out whenever he crosses a line. However, I don't think Eak would necessarily be able to really “redeem” Owynn. I always imagined their dynamic as a more mutual thing; Eak makes Owynn a bit of a better person, but Owynn also makes Eak a little worse. See, I think Eak being a very loyal person has the chance of making him a bit of an enabler, too willing to look past the bad behavior of someone he loves and too willing to defend them when he shouldn't. He can call out Owynn when it's necessary… but he might not want to do that.
But the two of them together? I think they would balance out each other's weaknesses. Freddy keeps Eak from forgetting his morality too much. Eak makes sure Freddy is heard and not brushed aside. Freddy shows Eak the best in Owynn, and Eak helps him brace himself for the worst of Owynn. They compliment each other wonderfully.
And they can also work as each other's emotional support. Because of course not everyone is going to accept that they want to date someone that hurt them both. I imagine the animatronics, Cami and Towntrap would be far from thrilled to learn about the relationship. But with both of them dating Owynn, they can talk about him without worrying about judgment from others. They get that part of each other. Bonding over mutual bad taste in guys.
It's nice to have a crazy guy to smooch, but sometimes you want to also smooch someone less crazy. They're each other's less crazy <3 and I think that's gay.
Conclusion: Eak and Freddy should kiss.
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glossykissies · 18 days
this is everything to me.
yay <3
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Hi, I’m the anon from that post on truesystemlove (the one that got clowned on by a certain therian lol), and I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for us; today was our first day of college and we’re totally exhausted, so seeing that negativity might have totally wrecked us, were it not for your commentary, so sincerely tysm :)
Also my six-month anniversary with the bf I mentioned in the post is tomorrow, I’m working on a letter to him to celebrate and I’ll make it extra sappy and affectionate to spite the fakeclaimers yippee
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
THREE YEARS OF WRITING 🧁 (or close enough!)
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Lemme start by saying I am tired. One hater takes enough out of me, I have ADD hypersensitivity, so yeah, still kinda recovering!
I wanted to make this something super happy! And actually on time, but literally, one day later, today some asshole wants to show up in my tumblr inbox and complain? And it was about the old me! So I'm doing it early! I’m here to celebrate my growth! Fuck them! Lol 🖕🎉
They were basically, oh, you’re not Q! You’ve fallen off! No, I’m not! Q is dead! And Q was never truly entirely me! I will always be grateful if she hadn’t taken the first step, I wouldn’t be here, but Q got scared even writing the simple niche of Gon carrying Ki more than once! I still remember that authors note Q wrote apologizing! I wanna laugh at her! Like she owed anyone anything! It was like her fourth fic, I think.
I get her, part of her still lies in me! Like I’m sorry to that person you’re so insecure and pathetic that someone changing and growing into a confident person who writes what she totally likes full on indulgence! Bothers you! She was always in there okie! She was just scared! 
Creating Qutie was the first step. And I’m proud of her and how far she’s come! I don’t care anymore if everyone hates me! I know most probs do! I am confident and happy about my presence here! And love that I can speak up without fearing anymore! Realizing I don’t fit! Or belong with the fandom was the best thing that ever happened to me! I don’t forgive the og hater/stalker and made me poof Q, but I am actually thankful to them. 
My third year anniversary of writing is coming up on Sept, 4! 
And I probs would’ve made a speech about how happy I am and how far I’ve come then too! So consider this that! Except it probs would’ve been 50 tags cuz that’s my style lol 😚
No matter what anyone says I am proud of me!
I love my writing, and I love my fics! It really just is the simple concept of imagining finding an author you like! And then there are tons of works ready for you to read! Even if they're small thingies like mine! I was into GK back in 2012, but I was young and there wasn't any GK really, and plus after CAA I was just depressed there was nothing there for me. So I left! And then 2020 of June I fell back into Gonki!
I watched tons of reactors and got back in, but I couldn't find anything that was my taste fic wise, so I just took a leap of fate, I found maybe one fic of Gon carrying Ki maybe one and billions that I did not like! So I decided to do it for me!
I wanna be with Gonkillu forever! I don't wanna imagine a world where I leave again! But on the chance it ever does happen? Look what I've done for me! I've become that author I would like with tons of fics all ready to read! For me! 90+ will be there if it does happen.
And nothing pleases me more! I do reread my fics as is! But the idea of knowing me of the future should something ever happen has that... it's the best feeling!
And no one will take that from me! When I couldn't find anything I wanted in 2020 I didn't go to writers and go WAHHH WAHH WAHHH DO WHAT I WANT I took action. So no loser anon is gonna stop me. If you liked the old me become her, but I like the new current me more! Who goes full in no fear!
I do wish there was a GK world and I will say stuff like that! Cuz I do wish there was! But I've never gone to a writer and been like dooo this for meee, like!
I put my money where my mouth is and am creating the GK world I want for myself!
Thank you, me! For the three years of writing! Here's to many more!
I’m on a little teeny tiny island by myself! I need a cute flag 🥺 IT HAS TO BE PINK OMG WITH GON CARRYING KI AND KI WEARING A CUTE PINK DRESS AND LITTLE BUNNY EARS 🥺 he’s a little bunny 🐰 
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kyannnite · 8 months
when i was a middle schooler i felt so strongly about the phantom of the opera (book version specifically) that i drew a picture of him and kept it in my calculator case.
this is incredible… the calculator case of all places… i wish i had any documented art from my first discovery of phantom (which was of course, the 2004 schumacher movie that my mother decided to put on) but i loved it so much that i think i watched the movie every week for at least 2 months afterwards
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