#happy belated new year!!!!!
mossuaries · 9 months
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zainsmorgan · 9 months
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sleepyniusance · 9 months
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bluebutter-art · 9 months
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Some of the pieces I've made for the @hdwickedwixen ! ❤️🥂
It was so much fun being part of an amazing team of writers and artist to create this zine together! Seeing it come together piece by piece was an exciting thing and I have to thank the mods @okay-sky @anzukero @acedthis for making this happen!! Thank you!!!! ❤️❤️
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cor-lapis · 9 months
do you still do art requests?
if so can you draw furina having the time of her life in the Cats Tail, i just KNOW her and diona would get along amazingly
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I think that Furina deserves to use her Fontaine taxpayer funded state pension to travel to Mondstadt and have a great time at the cat cafe there (without any fatui harbingers in the vicinity)
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arsonkuma · 8 months
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chilling by the campfire with gale...
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wososcripts · 9 months
Tell Me of Your Grief
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Stina Blackstenius x Reader
Summary: The fourteenth of March brings back some rather difficult memories, and you don't always make the healthiest decisions. Stina intervenes.
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: sorry it's been a while, I've started uni again which means my writing is somewhat slower! With some luck I'll be able to get things up once a week? But that remains to be seen... I promise this is hurt/comfort and not just pain btw.
Warnings ⚠️: discussion of death, self harm behaviors (mild), angst angst angst
You woke up that morning to a text from Jonas saying you didn’t have to come to training. 
It felt weak to admit it, but part of you was relieved. You knew Katie must’ve talked to him, which was mortifying if you let yourself think about it too much, but she knew you needed this day to yourself. 
It was the anniversary of your best friend’s passing—five years in the making. You hadn’t told many of your teammates what happened, or why you became so withdrawn and somber the week around the 14th of March. It was too difficult to explain. All of the dramatics that surrounded the event, the pain, what you had done wrong, what she had too, it was all still too delicate for eyes you didn’t completely trust. 
You hadn’t even told your girlfriend Stina yet. You’d meant to, really, you had, but the days slipped by and there never seemed like a good time to do it. You knew it would ruin any good mood you were in, and honestly you enjoyed having Stina as your respite when the rest of the world seemed to be knocking against your skull. But it felt wrong that she didn’t know. It felt as though you were hiding something from her, even if it wasn’t intentional.
“Hi baby, I’m not feeling well today so I won’t be at practice. Don’t worry your head when I’m not there. It’s nothing too serious, though, so I’ll be back tomorrow.” You spoke into your phone, recording a voice note to send to her so she wouldn’t be left in the dark about where you were. 
Stina was a worrier, something you yourself could understand, so you always made the effort to let her know if you were running late or not going to something. Otherwise you’d inevitably get a call with her anxious voice on the other line. 
It was early, too early for even Stina to be up. The sun had barely begun cresting over the horizon, casting a slight glow to everything. You wanted to go back to sleep, particularly since you hadn't slept all that well to begin with. Your back hurt from being tensed all night as you were plagued with anxious dreams. On your palms were the remnants of nail indentations—some of them bloody from how hard you had been pressing.
You turned on a podcast and closed your eyes, hoping the sound of human voices would lull you to sleep. It must've worked for a little while, because the next time you opened your eyes it was truly morning, and the podcast had switched to another episode. 
The dreams had continued, unsurprisingly considering your waking mental state, and the extra hour of sleep you might be able to get if you closed your eyes wasn't worth it. So you got out of bed, throwing on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt to go for a run. 
You weren't typically a runner—in fact you were practically ethically against doing it as a hobby—but it was useful for clearing your head. And with no training today, it would feel good to get out for at least a little while. So you blasted your music and took off into the streets of London, completely lost in your own world. Nobody spoke to you, nobody looked at you. 
By the time you had finished, you were sweaty, red-faced, and exhausted. The endorphins began to flood your system as you stripped and started the shower. You turned it almost as high as it could go, hoping for the burn against your skin. You hissed, stepping under the spray, and tears sprung to your eyes. Your skin immediately began to redden. But you didn’t move to lower the heat, instead grabbing your shampoo, gritting your teeth, and bearing it. 
“Morning, Blackstenius.” Beth called, clapping her on the back soundly as she wandered into the locker room. 
Stina expected to find you there, sitting by your locker getting changed into your kit and reading your book as you always did, each morning. But you weren’t there. Your locker hadn’t even been touched. She furrowed her brow, then remembered that you had sent her a message earlier. Maybe you had asked her for a ride and she hadn’t seen? Maybe you were going to be late today? Maybe you had some kind of appointment you’d forgotten about until the last minute—you were notorious for that. 
“Morning,” Katie said, sitting down next to Stina on the bench and pulling her kit out of her bag. 
“Morning, Katie.” She replied, opening her phone to look at her message. 
She brought the phone to her ear, confusion and concern filling her chest as she listened to your voice. Though your words weren’t all that worrying, she could hear in your voice that things weren’t right. 
“How’s she doing?” Katie asked, having heard your voice coming from the phone. Her voice was cautious, something unusual for the Irish captain.
“Did you know she wouldn’t be here today?” Stina asked, confused as to why Katie seemed to be clued in to your mood before her. Maybe you had sent her a similar message? She was your best friend, after all. The two of you made a ridiculous pair—her loud and aggressive, you nearly silent and composed—but you’d known each other longer than anyone else on the team, and everyone knew Katie would do practically anything for you. 
Katie was quiet, glancing around at the other girls in the room. Now Stina was worried. Even though you had told her not to be, that it wasn’t anything serious, she couldn’t help it now that Katie was acting so strangely. 
Once it was just Stina and Katie in the locker room, Katie answered her question. 
“Listen, it isn’t my place to tell you anything. You know how private she is…” Katie sighed, rubbing her temples. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell you, probably didn’t want to worry you, the idiot,” she mumbled under her breath to an increasingly concerned Stina. 
“Katie.” Stina said firmly, “What the fuck is going on?” 
She wasn’t usually one to swear. But where you were concerned, the possibility that you were hurting, and had hidden it from her, that warranted much more than cursing. 
“Today is difficult for her, very difficult. That’s all I feel comfortable saying. But if you want to go, Jonas is going to understand.” 
Stina’s heart was in her stomach. Images flashed through her mind, a thousand different horrible things this could mean. 
"Difficult?" She questioned, "Katie, is she safe? Do I have to be prepared for—"
"It's not like that, she isn't in physical danger." 
The answer wasn't reassuring to Stina, who now felt a little ill at the thought of you home alone today. She should be there with you. Someone should be there, if you didn't want her (God, she hoped you wanted her, trusted her). The urge to press more information out of Katie was strong, but Stina held herself back. Katie was right—you needed to tell Stina yourself. Otherwise any insight into your head would be forced entry, a violation of the trust you had both with Katie and with her.
So Stina simply nodded and looked back at her phone to reply to your message. 
Okay, I hope you're feeling all right. Can I swing by later and bring you something? I'd love to see you <3
She wanted to give you an option to say no to her visit—though she would prefer to just go over there now. At least now if you didn't answer before she showed up she could say she had reached out.
You waited until the water ran cold to get out of the shower. Your skin was raw to the touch, and still a subtle red color after you had dried yourself off and began braiding your hair. You could hardly stand to look at yourself.  
You threw on the only clothes you could stand on your skin—a pair of soft sweatpants and fuzzy socks—along with Stina's old Häcken hoodie she left at your place a few days ago. It smelled of her which comforted you even if she wasn't here. 
Your phone dinged with a message. Upon opening it, you saw Stina and Katie had messaged, and that you had two missed calls. 
"Eat something." Was all your message from Katie said. 
She knew you, and knew you wouldn't want to eat today. But you had to.
You went to open Stina's text when your phone lit up with another incoming call. It was from Sandra, the mother of your friend. She did this every year, and every year you told yourself you wouldn't pick up. It wasn't healthy for either of you—it reopened wounds that were barely scabbing over as it was. She inevitably cried, and asked why you had left her daughter alone that night, and you bit your lip raw trying to keep quiet and apologize.
But even though you knew the script, you picked up the phone. 
"Hi," you said, your voice noticeably smaller.
You heard a sigh of relief on the other end.
"How are you, Sandra?" You continued, your fingers picking at your lip anxiously. You felt it start to bleed and did nothing.
"Are you still in Limerick?" You continued your flood of questions, waiting for her onslaught to begin.
A few minutes later, once you were on your tenth question and you'd switched from your lip to pressing your nails into your bloodied palm, you heard her begin to cry.
You weren't sure how you managed this every year. Memories of the funeral flashed behind your eyes, and how you hadn't been allowed to stand near the front with the rest of the friends and family. How Sandra had wailed, and smacked you across the face in the parking lot. You stared at your kitchen backsplash and just listened.
"Why, why did you do it?" She cried, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"I'm sorry." You whispered. 
"You left her alone, you killed her, you always brought her home expect that one fucking night and look what happened. It should've been you, it should've been you, you don't deserve this—" 
And so it continued. Tears streamed down your face as your brain began to shut down as a defense mechanism. You just felt numb. Nobody else existed in the world except for you and this woman whose life you had ruined. No Katie, No Stina, Nobody that gave you their love and wanted you here. You didn't deserve what you had, not your success where it should've been your friend's, not your team, not your girlfriend. You were an imposter on this planet, a thief.
It turned out that going over to your place wasn't as simple as it seemed. Stina tried asking Jonas if she could be excused from practice, but he insisted that she stay just for an hour. Arsenal had a match with the Spurs in four days and Jonas wanted to go over strategies with the forwards. No skipping. 
So Stina stayed—looking at her phone every thirty seconds for a text from you. There was nothing, and it freaked her out even more.
Whatever Jonas was saying, none of it was registering. She would ride the bench if she had to, it didn't matter to her now. Her leg bounced nervously, and Viv looked at her with concern on her face every couple of minutes. When Jonas went outside to take a quick call, she turned to Stina and immediately asked after her.
"What's wrong, is it something with Odi?" 
Stina nodded, her tight lipped expression telling Viv all she needed to know. She gave Stina a look of sympathy and glanced at her watch, clearly wondering when the meeting would be over as well.
"Odi, something's wrong with her?" Beth butted in unabashedly.
You'd gotten the nickname for a few reasons: you'd danced for years as a child as a ballerina, which showed in your play. You were showy, and graceful, not the aggressive type. Like a swan, someone had once said to you—and the swan lake association stuck: Odette, or Odi for short. Arsenal's dancer.
Jonas re-entered the room before Beth could ask any more questions, saving Stina the struggle.
"For Christ's sake, let the poor girl go," Beth called out as Stina checked her phone for the hundredth time.
Jonas sent a look Beth's way, but decided to be merciful.
"Alright, Blackstenius, you're excused. But I'll be seeing you tomorrow."
Stina practically ran back to the locker room, throwing her kit into her bag and getting changed as fast as she could. A steady sense of dread was building in her. She decided to call you as she left the training grounds and walked to her car, hoping she could catch you and tell you she was coming. It would soothe her mind just to hear your voice.
But instead of your voice on the other end, Stina was met with the busy signal. That confused her even more—you weren't a fan of phone calls necessarily, and she knew your parents would be working now, so it was unlikely they would have called you.
She tried once more, hoping she had just happened to catch you at the tail end of a call, but you still didn't answer.
You had barely hung up the phone with Sandra before the tears began to pour from your eyes. It was as though time had made no difference and you were hearing of your friend's death for the first time. All the pain, all the self loathing that had fallen down upon you then still crushed your shoulders with its weight.
Your phone dinged again—a message from Katie.
Respond to me or I'm coming over there myself.
You didn't want Katie here. She had been there in years past, and for her to see you no better despite the time and therapy you put in, well you couldn't handle the shame.
I'm alive and well - see you tomorrow at training
You replied, knowing if you told her you were fine and left it at that she might kill you herself. 
You giggled at the thought of her huffing and puffing at you, demanding you take better care of yourself like a surrogate mother. When your mother wasn’t around, Katie did a damn good impression of her. You never got away with anything if Katie had a say. You laughed through your tears, feeling like every nerve of yours was on a razor's edge. 
A knock at the door barely registered in your mind as you wandered over to the couch, wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball and waste away for the next twelve hours. Your head was beginning to hurt from all the crying, which only soured your mood further. For the first time you had the thought: I don't want to be alone.
You thought it must’ve been a hallucination, the way Stina appeared in front of you. 
Stina wasn’t sure what to expect when she knocked on the door of your apartment. She had spent the entire drive over worrying about how she could find you, partially cursing Katie for giving her just enough info to get her mind going in a million unhelpful directions. The fact that you weren’t texting her back hadn’t helped either. The road before her blurred as she drove without thinking, her body getting her to your apartment building on instinct. 
The elevator dinged at each floor and with it her heartbeat increased. 
When you didn’t answer the door it dropped. 
“Hello?” Stina called out, having opened the door with the spare key you had given her a few months ago. She cursed herself for not staying with you last night when you looked so weighed down, so tired. She’d let you convince her you were fine—something she wouldn’t do again anytime soon.  
When she turned the corner from your kitchen into the open space of your living room she spotted you. There you were, curled up on the couch in a small ball, silent. 
“Did you hear me knock?” She asked softly, approaching you.
You didn’t reply, didn’t even look at her. 
She slowly reached out a hand to place it on your head gently, when you turned and looked at her. It frightened her—the look in your eyes. She hadn’t ever seen them so empty. 
“Stina?” you whispered, confusion present in your tone. 
“Yes, min kärlek, jag är här.”
She put a hand softly on your face, cupping your cheek.
“You’re really here?” 
There were tears beginning to gather in your already red eyes. Stina felt her throat constrict. You’d been crying, clearly a lot by how swollen your face was. 
Stina pulled you up and into her arms easily, shifting you so she could sit on the couch with you in her lap. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked gently, remembering that you had said once that hearing her speak her native Swedish calmed you down. 
You wiped your eyes, lip still trembling slightly. 
“Did Katie say something? Or Jonas?” 
Stina wiped your cheeks with the pad of her thumb, brow creased with worry. 
“Katie said today was hard for you, that’s it. Promise.” 
You went silent, thinking. 
“I was going to tell you. I promise, I meant to. But it just never seemed like a good time, or I just wanted to avoid it as long as possible…you see, Katie met me not long after it happened, she was there, it’s different. I didn’t trust her with this and not you on purpose. She can’t help but know.” You shifted off of Stina’s lap, curling in on yourself next to her so your skin wasn’t touching.
“I hate myself for it. I do, really. And every time I tell someone, they might hate me too, I know that. And I just couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t give you the chance to hate me.”
Stina put a hand on your shoulder, biting her lip to contain a small sob when you flinched away from her. It was as if you weren’t even there in front of her. All of the grace and kindness and light that had been there just a few days ago seemed to have been swallowed by darkness. To hear you say the words ‘I hate myself’? Stina could cry at the thought of it. Those were words that should never come from your mouth. It was like a knife in her ribcage. 
“Min söta… älskling”
“Don’t call me that,” you sobbed, putting your hands over your eyes and hiding your face from her. 
"Snälla, låt mig hjälpa dig, please, I want to help.” 
You shook your head, face still obscured from Stina’s view. 
This was horrible. Stina felt as though she’d eaten something rotten the way her stomach churned. She was helpless, completely in the dark. Here she was, the person who was supposed to take care of you and love you, and she could hardly do anything. All she could think to do as you cried quietly was pull you into her side and rock you slowly. A melody popped into her head—one her mother had sang to her as a child when she was ill. 
Stina softly sang, trying not to feel embarrassed by her voice. You were beginning to calm, your hands dropping from your face to her shirt, holding it close. By the time she was finished, the room was quiet, empty of your cries. You were clinging to her, your face buried in the crook of her neck as if you were ashamed of the comfort you needed. 
“What was that song?” you asked, voice hoarse. 
“It’s a lullaby. I can’t remember the name.” 
Stina felt you nod against her skin. 
She opted not to say anything further. You were exhausted, she could tell. Anything you wanted to say, you needed to volunteer. 
After a few moments, she felt your grip on her shirt tighten. 
“When I was nineteen, my best friend died.” 
Whatever Stina had been expecting to come out of your mouth, that wasn’t it. She sucked in a breath, trying to remain unaffected. You needed her strength. 
“We had been friends for years, since we were kids. And we’d gotten in this huge fight over something… uni I think. I had an offer to play professionally. I had been drinking, so had she. And I always walked her home, always, when she had been drinking. The way to her house was a bit sketchy, you know? So I figured two people were better than one if anything happened. But the things she said to me that night… I’d never been so upset in my life.” 
You took a breath, 
“So I refused to walk her. She didn’t press, just turned up her nose and walked away, didn’t even say goodbye. And I waited for my bus. The next morning I get a call from her mum—she’s been killed.”
Stina could barely trust herself to breathe. 
“I let it happen, I’m the reason she died.” 
“No—” Stina began, but you cut her off. 
“When they held the funeral, I wasn’t allowed to say anything. I wasn’t allowed anywhere but the very back of the church, because they all knew it was my fault. And still, they know it, they remind me of what happened, what I’ve done. I stole her life!” 
“Stop!” Stina demanded, her face flushed with anger. You were taken aback by her passion, and quieted. “You did not steal anything, you didn’t kill her, it isn’t your fault!” She grabbed your hand as you pulled back from her. 
“You lost your best friend in such a horrible way, and nobody checked in? Nobody held you?” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but this time Stina silenced you.
“I want you to tell me what you mean by ‘they remind you’ of what happened.” 
You refused to meet her eyes. 
“It’s not good. Not for me or her… she calls me, my friend’s mom, to talk.” You hesitated, but explained the routine to your girlfriend when she fixed you with a look. 
“That’s…” Stina seemed at a loss for words, “you are the strongest person I know. And you rake yourself across hot coals for a crime that isn’t even yours. For a woman who wants to see you suffer, who can’t accept your healing. That isn’t right. You did not kill her. That is someone else’s burden to carry.” 
You burst into tears again. 
You must’ve fallen asleep at some point, because the next time you wake up you’re in bed, and Stina is wrapped protectively around you. Her warmth encases you; she holds you more protectively than usual, her arms shielding you from the world. 
Eventually the two of you get back up, though not before Stina wraps you in a crushing embrace and lets you know she’s staying for a couple of days. No negotiating. 
She makes dinner, you clean. It’s the first time you’ve eaten all day, and you think she can tell by the way she watches you intently. You feel cared for, and it’s a little overwhelming. Stina doesn’t let you out of her sight save a few trips to the bathroom and one brief call from her sister that she has to take.
You didn’t expect things to shake her up so much. 
She helps you clean the wounds on your palms, grimacing at the sight of them once you unfurl your fingers for her. You try to tell her you can deal with them yourself—especially with how much it seems to upset her—but she isn't having it. You see her set her brow and concentrate on cleaning and bandaging the damaged skin, tears only glazing her eyes as you hiss in pain. 
Eventually you convince her that you're fine enough to settle down on the couch and watch a movie. She insists on having you in her lap—something that you find equally as comforting. Stina isn't typically all that tactile, but now each moment apart from you seems to worry her.
You're about halfway into the film and slowly drifting off into her chest when you feel her whisper something into your skin. You think she assumes you're asleep (and you nearly are) but you make out her voice slightly.
"Tack Gud att du är här." She repeats it, and soon you can feel the drops of her tears hitting your shoulder. 
"Stina…" you whisper, repositioning yourself to face her.
"förlåt" she says, wiping her eyes.
"You don't have to be sorry… It was an intense day." You press a kiss to her cheek.
"I was so worried," Stina starts, and you figure it's best not to interrupt her, "when Katie said that you might be struggling, I couldn't think of anything else. You can't hurt yourself anymore, please." Stina takes your bandaged hand.
"If you were gone one day, I don't know how I'd cope." 
"You don't have to worry about that, ever."
"You are the most important thing in my life." Stina's lip trembles, and you wonder how you're managing to keep it together.
You pull her into another kiss, lips sore from how you had abused them earlier. The pain reminds you of the struggle of the day, but Stina's hand holds the depths in front of you at bay.
"I'll always be here." She promises.
You begin to think of something lighter. Of an ounce of forgiveness. Of a year that does not revolve around the rising and setting of the sun on this one day. A moment of peace afforded to yourself. The thought passes your mind—you do not deserve this. You instead think of love.
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lasagoofs · 2 years
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must’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere 
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workinclass · 8 months
MileApo Poll: A Year in Review (the incomplete list):
Vote for your favourite moment from this highly scientific poll where I talk about quantum physics and socialism (or just come and enjoy this little trip down memory lane)
The birthday gift that was a year and a half in the making!?
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(the full timeline and lore | x)
2. Miles 'when will my husband return from the war' 2am lonesome blues sessions and Apos 'at least we're gazing at the same moon' separation anxiety posts
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3. The Woody interview and the mortifying ordeal of being cherished
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(the emotions 😭 also famous for such moments as omegaverse being confirmed real, nobody asked and Mistaken Identity: The Freudian Slip)
4. Bickering: the 6th love language (smoothie vs coffee)
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View on Twitter (plus the entire saga)
5. Mile as seen by Apo '23 edition
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6. Fun ways to introduce Marxist praxis to fine dinning
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(some extra goodies as a treat)
7. 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ (who needs marriage when you can have quantum entanglement)
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8. This 'Before Sunrise' genre of Mile and Apo
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9. When our eyes met on the runway.......... at the Monsters University fashion show...
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(the origin story now in technicolor)
10. In conclusion 😭😭😭
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⬇️ Poll under the cut ⬇️
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thesharktist · 6 months
Happy birthday @send-me-a-puffalope !!!! Im very late to the train but here's something!!! I haven't done good digital in a hot minute so do enjoy 😌
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I loved Papillomatosis it made me absolutely utterly insane /pos
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dailypikminrenders · 9 months
sorry for my inactivity over the last wee while!! it was a busy christmas and now that i’m back at uni things are only busier :,] i’ll be updating the queue and responding to messages when i get the time ! in the meantime have a pikguy::
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(he’s supposed to be a salt shaker but i messed up the hat)
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alphashley14 · 9 months
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Started sketching this on Christmas morning. I know it’s a bit late for ugly Christmas sweaters but meh, I finished this late and it’s adorable. So here it is. May it spark joy.
Happy New Year, Dootuals!
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ketc7 · 2 years
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Last wenclair art from the year 2022 ✨
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ronni33 · 9 months
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genshin-scenarios · 9 months
Hello! I’m not sure if you write for Freminet, but can I request something like,
how about Freminet with (gn or fem?) reader who is introverted/shy like him, and is uncomfortable with/doesn’t like kisses because of... whatever reason, really - or none !!
Uh, or any of the Fontaine siblings are nice…! Please don’t feel bothered to write this though. I wish you a lovely day!! :)
(I’m so sorry if this is lengthy and I hope this was okay/didn’t cross any boundaries!!! I’ve just read a ton of fics where they involve kissing and I think other gestures are sweet too! Like holding your hands on a cold day, or doing little things to show affection… etc!)
Alternate shows of affection (Freminet x GN!Reader)
A/N: Your request is fine, dw!! And I hope you'll like these! 🥹
On quiet days where both of you are lazing around indoors, Freminet's voice can be heard drifting out of his room, with you laying against his lap as you let his reading lull you to sleep.
It's soothing, and you can imagine the stories playing out in your mind as you shut your eyes. Freminet wears a little smile and continues reading even after you've fallen asleep, though his mind drifts to thoughts of what you'd be like as a character in a fairytale.
…Would that make him a prince of some sort? Just the thought is making him nervous — maybe he can just be a humble villager instead, or a less-stressful role.
He remembers the way your eyes lit up when he told you about his interests. He was honestly so relieved that you didn't think they were childish or odd, seeing as it felt like he was sharing a piece of himself with you.
And now, people can see clearly that Freminet's more lively around you, more willing to hold onto your shoulders as he gets excited or asking if you're free to look at something he's found.
After all, you're his safe place. He feels the same kind of solace as when he's at the bottom of the ocean, within a world that takes the weight off his shoulders and lets him swim like a dancer.
He can't help but wish to show you the same sights he's fallen in love with. If nothing else, Freminet wants to offer you his thoughtfulness. He can't drive away a storm with his weapon and bravado, but Freminet is more than able to pull you out of the thunder’s way and retreat to a safe spot.
It's less scary together, after all. And when he's not able to be present, Freminet likes to gift you clockwork mechas he's tinkered with for company or as a means of contact. The most recent addition was a music box shaped like a conch shell, which played a song you'd been humming during your last hangout.
Freminet shows his appreciation for you through acts and gifts that he crafts or finds by his own hand — and really, the biggest gift is seeing the sparkle in his eyes as he calls your name. A sight that's only ever caused by you.
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hashileio · 9 months
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new year new yearning
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