#happy beltane!
divine-crows · 5 months
How to Celebrate Beltane Discreetly
Just a list of some ideas from someone who's been discreetly celebrating pagan/witchy holidays for about four? Five? Years on and off.
I don't practice all of my suggestions because I live in a strict home, but I did try and include some ideas that are do-able in more lenient living situations.
Please reblog and add any suggestions that I didn't think of!
Wear firey/bright colors to emulate Beltane's fire festival properties.
Create a Poem or two in honor of Brigid
Listen to music with "poetic" vibes or "fiery" vibes
If you're able to-- light some candles or burn incense. Battery operated candles can also be a perfect substitution!
Cook a nice stove-top meal (the flames of the stove can symbolize the flames of Beltane).
If you can't use a stove but like spicy food, maybe try and get some spicy treats and treat the heat of the spice as being symbolic of Beltane's flames!
Meditate to the sound of crackling flames. Or just meditate in general!
They say the veil between worlds is thinnest on both Beltane and Samhain... Sooo I like to wear a head covering when I go out (and it can be as simple as a bandana or a headband!)
I also like to sit and listen to windchimes, ring bells, and admire my suncatcher because they capture the "otherworldly" vibes Beltane can bring!
If you can, have a bonfire! You can always invite friends/family and have a party but use the time to secretly admire the flames.
I am an absolute weirdo so one of my favorite nighttime activities in place of a bonfire is to sit in my pitch-black room at night and chant some of the poems I made earlier in the day!
Don't feel bad if you can't do any of them for any reason. What really matters is you're here and doing your best to carry on <33
Blessed Beltane!
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labelleizzy · 1 year
Kindling (ljidol '14)
That moment of eyes meeting
And that flash of heat
Or awareness: Gorgeous!
So alive!
Potential and possibility
In that moment,
It's not mister or miss right
It's mister or miss RIGHT NOW
Like, damn you smell good
What are you doing later?
I wish I could taste your sweat
Do you taste as good as you smell?
The heat builds as you slide closer
Hands touching, eyes meeting
Mouths ... Testing? Tasting.
How lovely is that spark of awareness
That tells me of another's loveliness
Of my desire
Of their desire
Of my loveliness to them.
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Mother, Beltane is a legitimate pagan sabbath that is very important to me and not an “obsession that you need to be worried about” now please help me light my candle because I hate flick lighters and my camping torch is packed! 😡
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broomsick · 6 months
Witchcraft websites: “Ostara is a great time to plant seeds and prepare the garden!”
My home at this time of year:
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folkandbooks · 11 months
I wish you all an amaaaazing Samhain (for the north hemisphere besties) or Beltane (for the south hemisphere besties) 🤍 do you guys have anything planned?
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saganssorcery · 5 months
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pastafossa · 5 months
Happy Beltane to those who celebrate! Fozzie chose to enjoy the season by stopping and smelling the flowers in the backyard meadow. 🥰
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salsadifragola · 6 months
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its easter so that means i have an excuse to draw my favorite jesus metaphor with bunny ears
Happy easter!!
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captnbas · 1 year
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the spirit of beltane 🔥
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casnonotbcofspn · 5 months
how to explain that i mean "happy mayday" in this way
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AND this way
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divine-crows · 5 months
A little Beltane collage-offering for Brigid! I've been really into doing collages lately for some reason.
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(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used in the collage, this is just meant to be used for personal use NOT profit)
Blessed Beltane to anyone who celebrates!
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cloudburst-ink · 1 year
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Blessed Beltane to those who celebrate it!!
May your bonfires burn bright and the flowers fill the air with the sweetness of spring, summer is on the horizon🌼
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*not my image*
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broomsick · 5 months
Happy May Day! This is one of my favorite holidays of the year. To those who celebrate anything such as Beltane or another spring festival, have you got something planned for today? Please don’t hesitate to share! 🌾
As for me, I will be lighting the traditional bonfire when the sun goes down. For now, I’ve lit incense out in the yard, opened all the windows to let the wind in, and started preparing for the blót I’ll perform in honor of the Vanir. First thing today, I’ve gone on a hike to take in the sights of spring finally blessing our forests.
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krikfuar · 5 months
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Blessed Beltane!!🌱💚🌿
Украсила алтарь, немного спланировала день на завтра. В мечтах, что в следующем году смогу съездить на дачу, разжечь костер и от души натанцеваться, встретить фэйри и не заблудиться в летнем сне. 🧚🌘
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sugarsnappeases · 5 months
beltane today/tomorrow guys everyone get excited (everyone is me and i’m already very excited)
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