#happy birthday chariot
thecosmosproject · 7 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARIOT!! it's been a hot minute since I've last posted, my bad!
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afterlife-2004 · 20 days
Since it’s Idris Elba’s birthday today, I’d like to repost this art piece of mine that I drew for Knuckles’ birthday back in February of last year!
Happy Birthday, Idris Elba! 💥🥊🥳🎂🎊🎉❤️
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Remembering Academy Award Nominated, 2x BAFTA Winning, Tony Winning, SAG Award Winning, Emmy Nominated actor Sir Ian Holm! ^__^
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Forgot to do this yesterday.
Makoto is taken out shopping on a very special day.
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voicesagainstliars · 2 years
Ann, Happy birthday to you!
Author B: Apologies about making this about Morgana. It's late over here...
Author B: Happy birthday to the bombastic Bombshell, Takamaki Ann!!!
Ryuji: I'll hafta pass on the message. She and Shiho are, uh... busy right now.
An absolutely miserable-looking Morgana frantically taps on Nino's phone, turning up some music to max volume in order to block out the sound of Shiho and Ann making out.
Ryuji: Ow! Don't you think that shit's loud enough?
Morgana: Nope! It could be louder!
Kim: Anything to block out your crush making out with her girlfriend, hm?
Morgana sends him a scathing look that says it all.
Kagami: Really, Kim? This isn't teasing time. Morgana... you really like Ann, don't you?
Morgana's ears flatten.
Morgana: Jeez, you think? I hate this damn cat body. If I were a human, maybe she would have liked me...
He sighs.
Morgana: Well, that's the thing about thieves, I guess. Always wanting after things that perhaps they shouldn't have...
Akira: Don't give us that defeatist crap, Morgana. You deserve great things, Morgana, a partner included if you want one.
Morgana looks up after a small while and just nods.
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
It’s all in my head but I want nonfiction
Pairing: Lucien x reader | WC: 3.7k | warnings: suggestive language, groping
Summary: emboldened by an accidental love potion, you speak your crush on the Day Court heir to him
Author’s note: happy (late) birthday @tsunami-of-tears no one loves a love potion as much as we do 🫶🏻 lowkey hate this ending but whatever it is what it is ❣️
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The Day Court Palace was, in your opinion, the prettiest place in all of Prythian. Large archways led the way to wide open rooms, beautiful columns stretching towards the mural painted ceilings. Every room had a skylight, even rooms with floors above them. Moving through the rooms felt like you were on a cloud traveling through the sky, a chariot pulling the sun through its cycle.
Everything looked so beautiful in the sunlight, and you felt like a reptile lounging in the sun whenever you were in the heir’s proximity. You had hardly spoken to him - he was your High Lord’s son and you were just a librarian in the ‘botany and related subjects’ library, however you had seen him on the rare occasions you had been in the palace, and more recently, whenever the redheaded heir made his presence known with his barking laughter through the shelves.
How you dreamed of making him laugh.
As if the Mother were listening directly to your thoughts as you shelved books away, you turned to find him standing next to you, the suddenness of his presence causing you to almost fall from your ladder. His hands shot out, one steadying the ladder, the other steadying your back. You weren’t sure if the heat on your cheeks was from being startled or from the heat on his hands.
Once he deemed you steady, he held out a hand for you, helping you down the ladder. You moved down it before you stepped off the last rung, face looking down to help stabilize your footing.
You looked up, finding you were much closer than you intended to be, your body a few inches from his body. From afar, he was beautiful, but being this close to him - he was gorgeous. His long red hair looked as if it were glowing, and all you wanted was to reach out and run your fingers through it before braiding it. His canines peaked out from his lips, a small smile on his face. His face was the perfect combination of sharp and soft - making him both stunning, but giving him a kind appearance.
You had watched him slowly get used to Day Court attire, incorporating different aspects over time. He began slowly with wearing more loose, billowy clothing, golden rings on his dark skin. Now he stood before you in a white braided toga that left his legs on full display, golden strapped sandals adorning his feet. Golden cuffs adorned his biceps, making the muscle even more worthy of your gaze.
“Hi, Lucien.” You nodded slightly with your head, the customary greeting in Day for nobility. Helion preferred more subtle ways of respect, once telling you, “I prefer if I’m going to be worshiped to be worshiped properly”. You extended the greeting to Lucien, and to your surprise, he returned the small bow back.
“May I be of any assistance?”
He peered down at you, his russet eye roamed over you, the golden one clicking taking you in. You swore the whirring picked up in speed as it roamed your body, your temperature rising a few degrees at the attention.
“Yes, you may. I actually was wondering about your knowledge on teas. It is a fascinating subject, is it not?”
Your face couldn’t contain your shock at his question. Teas? Why tea?
“Well, I quite enjoy various teas and different court traditions around tea.”
You eyed him, his nonchalant demeanor giving nothing away. The High Lord’s son wanted to talk to you… about tea?
You blinked and suddenly you had spent over half an hour blubbering about what kinds of teas are popular in which court, and you came back to your body to find yourself telling him about the Autumn Court’s tradition of spiking their tea with whiskey.
“Naturally, you might know about that. Not because of the alcohol, surely you don’t have a problem or anything like that, but you’re from Autumn, so surely you know about their traditions and such.”
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole, but you couldn’t stop talking, your mouth incapable of offering you reprieve from how poorly you’ve handled this. “I’m sure you drank a lot of tea in Autumn. Not just the spiked kind, or maybe that’s how you were able to get by all those years - through alcohol.”
Your cheeks were blazing with heat, your bottom lip caught in your teeth, eyes stuck on the floor in hopes it would open a hole in the ground for you to fall through. “Um, my friend- colleague over there needs me. So um, good day, Lucien.”
You bowed quickly to him as you ran past him, not allowing time for him to bid you farewell. You spent the next few hours flitting about the library, recataloging academic texts on botanical reference guides in an attempt to stop your mind from replaying the atrocious conversation you had had with Lucien just hours prior. Each time you remembered it, you lightly hit your head against the shelves.
A few hours of mind numbing work later, your mind still possessed with thoughts of the redhead, you eventually were able to go home, spending most of the evening in your bath reading, any attempt at getting the redhead off your mind failing.
Your mind was just as preoccupied with Lucien as you walked into the library the next morning, taking the final sip of your coffee as you passed by the circulation desk, when a note on the counter piqued your interest. The note sat next to a cup of tea, the drink steaming in invitation. The envelope had your name on it with the royal seal on the back of the envelope. You opened it, careful not to destroy the beautiful seal. Neat handwriting in red ink covered the parchment in a simple note that left your heart fluttering.
After our discussions yesterday, I had some unresolved curiosities. Can you meet me in the courtyard behind your library this afternoon?
- Lucien
Your eyes danced across the note, reading and rereading it to make sure you hadn’t imagined it. He wanted to speak to you again? Despite your terrible attempts at conversation previously, he didn’t find your company appalling enough to talk to someone else in your stead.
You sipped the tea as you read the note - the warmth trailed down your throat, your stomach buzzing as you took in the bergamot flavor. You tried to figure out what tea this could possibly be, perhaps Lucien found a new flavor of tea he wanted you to try.
You smiled, tucking the note into your pocket as you spent the rest of the afternoon floating on the air around you, unbelieving of your luck. As the day went on, your head grew a subsistent ache, worsening by the hour until you were set to leave to meet with Lucien. Your head was pounding beneath the lights, but you wished one of the other librarians, Sara, a good evening, telling her you had a meeting. She giggled as you retreated away, her voice soft through the stacks, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You rolled your eyes, throwing behind you, “sure, because what wouldn’t you do if Helion asked?”
You laughed at her squeaked response, but continued down the hallways and down the stairs, having to lean against the wall to steady yourself on occasion. You took deep breaths, trying to silence both the dizziness and the butterflies in your stomach. Once you were close enough to smell Lucien, the leather and bergamot scent filling your nose, the pounding in your head lessened with each step closer, instead your body grew warmer and warmer at his proximity.
You stopped at the sight of him, his back to you allowing you a moment to ogle unnoticed. He wore trousers today, slight disappointment at his legs being covered quickly corrected by how plump his ass looked in them.
Your tongue was fat in your mouth, and your thoughts stumbled through your mind in a drunken haze.
“You’re s’pretty.”
The words rolled off your tongue, a drunken slur to them. Were they your thoughts? Did you say them out loud? You couldn’t tell as you approached him, trepidation in your steps. You watched him turn to greet you, an amused glint in his eyes.
“Is that so?”
You were slow to react, your hand just now reached up to cover your mouth as if it could take the words back, your eyes wide as you looked at him. It was then that he took you in, his eyes roaming up and down your body, assessing if he could see anything wrong.
“Is everything alright? You’re swaying.”
Your cheeks heated at his concern, some tiny part of your brain chastising you for being so responsive to the bare minimum. You nodded, your hand still over your mouth. His arms stretched out on both sides of you, hovering around you to catch you.
“S’okay, you just make me feel good.”
Your words came out mumbled through your hands before Lucien gently pulled them from your face.
“Sthanks, I wouldn’t have gotten them off myself.”
Your words were drawn out, each syllable taking its time to be heard. His face grew more concerned, but you paid it no mind.
“You wanted to see me?” You had tried pointing to him and yourself respectively, however your motions were flipped, pointing at yourself and then towards him. You giggled as if you were a schoolgirl speaking to your friends. His sharp canines peaked beneath his top lip, his smile wide but predatory.
He nodded his head, “yes I wanted to speak with you some more, but now I’m-”
His words were cut off as you moved forward, hands producing a tight grip on his jaw. “I like your pointy teeth, they look like they could bite me.”
He smiled as you inspected his mouth, relishing in the squeal of delight you let out when he moved his lower jaw, allowing the tips of his canines to be seen. You tried pulling his lips down even more, but his hands grasped yours, placing them gently on his chest. He held your hands over his heart, looking into your face, his voice soft, “what happened today?”
You got lost in his eyes, getting lost in thought about the prosthetic one. Something in the back of your head kept yelling at you that it sees lies. “Well, I um,” a hiccup sounded from your throat, disrupting your train of thought momentarily. “I woke up, I walked by that coffee shop I like, got a cup to go. Then I continued walking to work - here - and then I got here. Well, not here, here,” you gestured around the room, “but over there,” now you pointed in the direction of the library.
“And then I got your note and I read it lots of times and I even checked the signature because surely you wouldn’t want to be subjected to my rambling again and then I drank the tea you dropped off with it and then I thought about the note while I restocked-”
He shook you lightly, one of his hands cupping your face. The action startled you, not having heard him calling your name. “Sunflower, what was this tea I dropped off?”
Your face lit up, remembering the way it felt going down your throat. “It was so good. You have great taste in tea.” You nuzzled your face into his hand, nodding profusely. “It did make me dizzy, though.”
You couldn’t for the life of you get your eyes to focus on him, the male before you appearing more like an impression of himself. His red hair and golden prosthetic were the only things you could really make out, and even then it was mostly colors.
He studied you for a moment, leaning in closely to examine your face. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
His hands supported your shoulders as you leaned into his chest, the two of you making a slow walk through the streets of Day. If you were in your right mind, you would be absolutely mortified at the way you were snuggling your face into his chest, obscene moans coming from you as you inhaled his scent.
“At least buy me dinner first, I am no common whore.”
Your laugh was delayed as you moved to be directly in front of him, your arms wrapped around his slim waist.
“Y’smell good.” Your words were muffled through his shirt, but the vibrations from his laugh extended to you, making your body shiver.
“I think your moans were more than enough proof of that. I was getting concerned you might get off on my scent alone.”
You giggled, not really understanding what he said, but enjoying the amusement in his voice. “I’ve had my fun, let’s move at a regular pace, shall we?”
You squealed as he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. Your hands moved to his trousers, grabbing the fabric to help stabilize you. You pushed your elbows into his back, trying to lean up a bit.
“Where are we going?”
Your hands moved around his back, trying to find stability when your hands sink into the skin of his ass. You giggled as you pinched him, causing his steps to falter briefly.
“Getting a little handsy back there, are you?”
You answered with some giggles and squeezing him, only causing him to laugh again.
Lucien carried you to the outside of the library before winnowing you into the palace. You babbled from behind him as he strolled through the halls. You had given up trying to see your surroundings, leaning your head into the middle of his back. The white and gold marbled floors moved beneath the two of you, Lucien only butting into your rambling occasionally.
He expertly moved the two of you through the hallways, going deeper into the palace than you had ever been before when Lucien pushed open a door, leading the two of you inside. He slid you down from his shoulder, flopping you onto the bed. You landed in a massive bed, swimming in a lake of a deep brown duvet.
You giggled as you bounced across the bed, “Lucien, at least take a female out to dinner before you bed her.”
He stood before you, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I have to go speak with someone, will you stay here? Can I trust you?”
You nodded enthusiastically, bouncing a little in excitement. His hands came down onto your shoulders, causing you to stop your movements. “I won’t be long, I’ll come back with food.”
He ran a hand over your hair before walking away, disappearing through the door. You laid down on the bed, stretching your limbs out as you basked in Lucien’s scent.
Being in his room, surrounded by his scent for the thirty minutes he was gone did something to you, sending you into a state of utter euphoria that caused the rest of the night to go by in an utter blur.
You groaned, burying your face into the pillow. It was too bright, the sun was too much, your head was killing you. The door opened and you instinctively pulled the duvet up to your shoulders to cover yourself. Lucien’s head popped through the door, carrying a box of some kind with two steaming mugs on top of it. He set them down on the nightstand next to the bed, crawling on top of the duvet covers next to you.
You eyed him curiously, clutching the duvet tighter. “What are you doing?”
“What am I doing? This is my bed.”
You moved your head around the room, finally realizing that it was not your own. Your eyes moved about the space, taking in how odd it looked. It was an array of colors - the brown duvet, the green curtains, the red tapestry on the wall. Next to the tapestry hung several maps of Prythian, including markers filling certain areas. You moved closer, attempting to crawl off the bed, but your legs got caught in the sheets, causing you to slump back onto the bed.
Lucien laughed, causing your head to throb again.
“Why am I in your bed?”
“Do you not remember?” You shook your head, the action making you dizzy. You opened your eyes just slightly, scowling at the amused look on his face.
“The healer said you had had a love potion. After some questions, we found out one of the other librarians was trying something new with her husband and left the potion to cool. It seems she left it to steep it for too long, and it was less arousing and more drunken.”
You nodded, looking to the floor, feeling so small in his bed. Thank the Mother you weren’t rubbing against Lucien as if you were in heat.
Your eyes widened, remembering how you did rub up against him, clinging to his body the whole night. Lucien’s voice picked up a lilt to it, his amusement growing as last night came back to you in bits and pieces as he spoke.
“I brought you food because you refused to eat last night. I was only able to get a small piece of cake in you. You are quite afraid of being poisoned.”
A brief memory flooded your brain, making you feel even worse.
Lucien stretched his arm out, offering the piece of cake to you. “Will you please eat something? It would make me feel better.”
You shook your head furiously, making yourself slightly dizzy. “You’re trying to- to tie me to you. The food’s been-” a hiccup broke up your words, “poisoned for me to fall madly in love with you and spend my days gazing about your pretty face.”
He raised his hands, glancing around the room before his eyes settled next to him. “Fine, I poisoned it. But this chalice,” he raised a glass, sloshing the liquid around, “is also the antidote to this yummy cake.”
He held a bit of the piece out on his fingers, waving it in front of your face before you took the piece into your mouth, licking his fingers as you did.
Your face heated as you remembered that was how he fed you the rest of the cake. You slipped under the cover even more, hiding your face. “Excuse me, I have to.. die.”
His laugh was loud in the room, and you felt his body weight shift on the bed. “I would prefer if you could die elsewhere other than my bed. I am quite fond of it and I worry you may haunt the room.”
He laughed, poking your side. “Don’t worry, sunflower. You were incredibly endearing all night, even when your hands were a bit.. Adventurous.”
You shot up, the duvet coming off you as you looked at him. “Adventurous how?”
“Well, at one point you insisted you could only sleep if you could be touching my ass.”
You moved to get out of the bed, “that’s it, does this room have a balcony I can fling myself from?”
He reached out, grabbing your wrist stopping you, pulling you back into him.
“Would you really be so dramatic? I didn’t even mention the biting.”
“The biting?” You screamed out before putting a hand up, “no, don’t tell me. I can only find solace in death now.”
“You have quite the powerful bite.”
“Lucien, stop.”
“I have a chunk missing from one of my legs.”
He gazed about the room, his finger on his chin as if in contemplation as he leaned back against the headboard. “I suppose it’ll match the prosthetic eye. Perhaps I could have another eye placed there…”
“Is my mortification amusing you?”
You slumped back onto the bed, rolling over to hide your face in the duvet. You could hear Lucien nibbling on something before saying, “I am quite flattered at how pretty you find me.”
“I hear Winter’s great this time of year. Perhaps I’ll trek the continent for a beautiful lake to drown myself in.”
“Are you always this dramatic when you wake up? I’d like to be aware for future endeavors.”
You sat up quickly, situating yourself to look at him, your legs tucked beneath you.
“What future endeavors?”
“Well, if I have any luck, this won’t be the last time you slept in my bed.” He bit off another piece of cake, paying no mind to the short-circuiting happening in your brain. “Unless you’d prefer your bed. However, last night you proposed marriage to my bed, so…”
He trailed off, but you were stuck, mind reeling with his words.
“Why would I sleep in your bed?”
“Has no one told you?” He smirked at your quizical look, his tone growing serious as he said, “when two people are attracted to each other-”
His sentence was cut off by the pillow colliding with his face. “That’s not the part I was confused about.”
He cleared his throat, dusting away any crumbs before turning toward you, his gaze focused solely on you as he said, “I thought I made it fairly clear I wanted to speak to you because I found you beautiful and I have always had a thing for librarians.”
You blinked at him. “I thought you were merely interested in tea.”
“I don’t even drink tea. Can’t stand it. You happened to be in the tea section when I found you.”
As if your brain shut down at the information, you just looked at him, brain clearly still foggy from the potion you drank.
“Then why were you-”
You thought towards occasional bits of that discussion, how he had spoken more than you remembered, his words teasing. “Were you flirting with me?”
“That was my intention, however you hardly stopped for breath when discussing tea. I was so caught up, I had to run off to meet with an advisor in the nick of time.”
“Are you flirting with me now?”
“If I were flirting with you, surely you would know. Perhaps I’ll warn you in advance next time, so you can prepare yourself.”
He stared out the window, his eyes bright in the morning sunlight. “May I flirt with you in a moment’s time, or will you merely attempt to curl up and die again? Perhaps you’d prefer official correspondence with my flirtatious intentions?”
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites
Thanks for reading ❣️
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
some CHB headcanons
every cabin has LEDs around the inside, but there’s a constant battle over what color they are
Percy has his rippling back and forth from teal to blue and it looks like light dancing through water all over his walls and floor
the Apollo cabin can usually settle for orange and yellow as a common ground
the Aphrodite kids have a different color for each time of day and sleep with pink on the lowest brightness setting
the Hermes cabin has like ten different strips and they’re all constantly shifting
Demeter cabin’s shifts with the seasons
they have movie nights, which I will talk about in a different post
before everybody goes back to school, the Aphrodite and Hecate cabins have a massive salon at the end of the summer with new haircuts and magic hair dye and outfit recommendations and fake but enchanted sturdy nails and a whole bunch of other stuff and basically it’s a week straight of spilling hot tea between everyone in camp
if someone asks where a camper got their hair done when they get back to school they just go “oh, um… summer camp.” and their friends will snort and be like bro isn’t summer camp the opposite of a makeover?? but they get no argument, just a shrug and a half smile
when I tell you pride month over there is a fucking riot
because Mr. D is in on it, right?? because he’s the god of gender?? and Chiron is aroace and has been raising dumbass gay heroes for literal centuries?? PLUS the sheer fucking amount of queer peeps up in there?? dude yeah
cabins competing for who shows the most pride
Demeter’s roof is covered in rainbow flowers
Hecate’s is enchanted to emit actual light in whatever flag colors of whoever uses the front door, even when they’re straight (it’s just a rainbow)
Percy collects a bunch of shed scales from the hippocampi at the bottom of the lake and then puts them all over his cabin
I could make a whole post about CHB pride but
every single Apollo kid is also a theater kid fight me
Rachel Elizabeth Dare painted a skateboard for Percy’s birthday and he brings it everywhere now, it even sits in his backpack at school
Leo, Annabeth, Percy, and Piper fucking love horror movies. Frank, Hazel, and Jason fucking hate them. They watch through their fingers, if at all
Piper loves the band Surfaces with all her heart, but she also is a die hard Green Day and P!ATD fan
Jake Mason is covered in burn scars up to his neck, just like Deadpool, just not bald lol
Hephaestus and Apollo kids faintly radiate warmth (like more so than a normal person)
the Stolls sometimes stay at camp year-round because their mom is off on international missions that are too high-risk for them to help with
the seven are AVID Smash Bros players
really everyone but
not as many people go to the Athena campers for help with homework as you might think, but whenever anyone does, they’re happy to help
the sun chariot blasts music at a frequency only the Apollo kids can hear, so their life kind of has a shitty soundtrack that consists of a mix of Broadway, Queen, modern stuff, and random bits of Beethoven every now and then
the Romans swear on few occasions
the Greeks know when to swear and when to be polite
the Valhalla peeps swear unbridled and all the time
the Egyptians never swear (in English)
for the longest time, Will Solace thinks the only gift from his dad is his healing prowess— which is obviously great, but he expresses being upset over the fact that he’s not very good at archery
well, considering this is the dumbass who didn’t bring a weapon to actual fucking Tartarus, Nico drags him to the weapon shack thing immediately afterwards and made him pick something out
he's immediately drawn to the Celestial Bronze shotgun.
Nico’s just like “what in the redneck shit did you just pick up” and Will jokingly aims it at his chest and grins and says “you know I’m from Texas, right?”
that’s how they find out Will is one of the damn best marksmen in Greek demigod history
some of the Disney nerds in the Apollo cabin sing What Once Was Mine to the little ones who need bandaids for knee scrapes and give them lollipops afterwards
Percy Jackson absolutely used to make poverty and struggle meal jokes all the time, but he got weird and concerned looks for it at CHB, so he kind of just stopped. But one day, aboard the Argo II, the PERFECT opportunity came up and he just HAD TO and as per usual— everyone else looked at him like he’s crazy— but Leo laughed so hard chocolate milk came out of his nose and that’s the story of how the two of them became Best Friends
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
Happy birthday! Thanatos and Hades? Or Ares and Icarus? Their gods and monsters dynamic is everything to me
Icarus hadn't spent much time over the surface over the millenia, so he enjoys it now, when the modern world has loosened the hold that used to bind them all in place. The underworld is as busy as ever, one of the few processes that never seemed to self automate - he doesn't remember the last time Apollo bothered to lash his chariot to the sun - but the rules around it have gotten a little more flexible.
"When I agreed to meet you for lunch," he says, ducking behind a flimsy piece of plywood, "this really wasn't what I had in mind."
Ares grins at him, paintball gun in hand and a grin that's gotten Icarus into trouble more than once. Even when he took satisfaction in war, he'd never delighted in it, not like he seems to in these silly mortal games. At least it's not laser tag again. "We'll get lunch later. I'll pay."
Yeah, right. Ares has never bothered to figure out the particulars of mortal money. Icarus is going to end up paying for both their lunches and getting his ass kicked in paintball.
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Partners? Partners.
Chapter 2
Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
(Part 2/?)
Summary: Y/N Hargreeves, formerly of the Sparrow Academy, finds herself virtually alone in the reset timeline. The Umbrella’s bring her in to their chaos and she builds something new for herself while still navigating the grief of losing her family. She’s happy in the simplicity. That is, until the one Hargreeves she can’t seem to win over comes to her with an offer she might not be able to refuse.
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He showed up at the exact same time the next morning, taking his usual spot at the window.
“Your boyfriend is here,” her coworker, Leah, teased. “Like clockwork, that one. He must really like you.”
“He likes to piss me off, that’s what he likes,” Y/N grumbled. “And he’s not my boyfriend, Leah. I’d liken him more to a thorn in my side.”
“Whatever you say,” Leah grinned, “But I’m pretty sure that boy is in looooove with you.”
She excused herself from the counter and made her way over to him, a cup of coffee and a donut in hand. She sat it down in front of him before taking the seat across from him again, folding her hands in front of her, “Good morning, Five.”
“Y/N,” he nodded, picking up the donut and taking a generous bite, “I told you I’d be back.”
“And here you are.”
“And here I am.”
She studied him for a moment, watching as he thumbed away a bit of chocolate from the corner of his mouth. Was she really considering working with him? Could she really stand spending more than a handful of minutes in the day near him? He was infuriating.
“Are you going to dinner at Lila and Diego’s tomorrow?” She questioned him, completely avoiding what she knows he wants to hear.
“You mean our birthday dinner? I am. Are you?”
“Of course I am,” she said, “I never miss family dinner.”
She was just happy to be included. She loved any excuse to be around the other Hargreeves. The fact that they all shared a birthday and now celebrated it together as a group was something she looked forward to every year.
“Maybe we can ride together,” he suggested casually, “I know you usually take the bus, but I just got a new car. I might as well put it to use.”
“What, so you can pester me in a place I can’t escape from?” She jested, only half joking.
“You and I both know you’re not above jumping out of a moving car, so I’d say you’re pretty safe.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, but she couldn’t help the small smile that played at the corners of her mouth. He was joking with her and she liked it.
They sat in companionable silence for a moment, staring at each other as they waited for one of them to make the next move.
“Fine,” she relented, “I get off at four tomorrow. We can leave from here.”
“Your chariot will await.”
“It doesn’t mean I’m saying yes to the other thing, Five.”
“We’ll see,” he shrugged, “I can be pretty persuasive.”
The bell above the door tinkled and she knew it was him before she even looked up. She could feel his eyes on her but this time he didn’t make his way over to his usual table, but came directly to the counter. He stopped in front of her, grinning. How very un-Five like.
“It’s not even four,” she told him.
“I know, but I have something to drop off and I need a cup of coffee.”
In his hands was a messily wrapped package, adorned with a lopsided bow. He slid it across the counter towards her and she peered down at it in confusion.
“What’s this?”
“A bomb,” he said sarcastically, “What does it look like? It’s a gift. Happy Birthday.”
“I didn’t get you anything.”
He rolled his eyes at her, “As if I care about that. Just open it, will you?”
She raised an eyebrow at him but complied anyways, peeling back the paper to find a small brown box. Nestled inside was a plain, white mug with ‘world’s best barista’ scrawled across it in block script font. It was incredibly basic and probably one of the best gifts she’s ever received.
She laughed heartily, turning it in her hands. It was the most Five thing he could have given her and yet, she loved it.
“And I mean it,” he said sincerely, “you really are the world’s best barista.”
“Thank you, Five,” she gushed, truly moved by the gift in her hands, “I love it.”
“I aim to please,” his words were soft, laced with something she couldn’t quite place.
Nodding at her, he went to take his place near the window. Her heart was a fluttery mess in her chest and she chastised herself for the school girl behavior. This was Five she was thinking about. Infuriating, pragmatic, Five.
She plucked his usual donut from the case, but this time she added a special adornment.
“Do you have a lighter, Leah?” She asked her friend, who she knew smoked on the down-low during her breaks.
“Is that a candle?” Leah asked, completely ignoring her question, “A birthday donut?”
“We share a birthday,” Y/N explained, “Now, do you have a lighter or not?”
“You share a birthday?” Leah squealed, “well isn’t that some true soulmate shit!”
“Oh, Lee, you don’t even know the half of it.”
Leah reached in to her back pocket and pulled out a hot pink lighter, igniting it and lighting the candle for her, “Now go charm your lover boy.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Y/N chastised her, covering the flame with her hand as she made her way over to Five.
He looked up at her, surprise flashing across his face and lighting up his eyes as she placed the donut on the table in between them, “Happy Birthday, Five.”
“Happy Birthday, Y/N,” he said quietly, his eyes locking with hers, setting her face aflame at the intensity in his gaze.
They both leaned forward at the same time and released a puff of air that extinguished the flame. He smiled warmly at her and picked up the donut, removing the candle and taking a hearty bite.
“I realized that I do have a gift for you,” she told him, “a gift in the form of an answer to your question.”
He leaned forward in anticipation, donut forgotten.
“I’ll join you at the CIA. I still think it’s ridiculous and there’s no way we’ll get away with lying, but I’m willing to try. But I’ll let you know right now that if it all goes south, I’m throwing you under the bus, sir.”
He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face, “I would expect nothing less.”
“I’ll need to give them my notice here, so I’ll need a few weeks,” she added, “I don’t want to leave them in the lurch.”
“Understood,” he said, “I’ll need that time to get the paperwork situation figured out anyways.”
“Okay then, I guess that’s settled. Just…don’t make me regret this, Five.” She warned.
“Y/N, I promise you that I’ll make sure you never regret saying yes.”
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ilsolefiesta · 3 months
random astrological jam
just some absolutely random thoughts I had today while working:
♥ the strongest "mothering mother" I've ever seen is the 4th house Leo Sun with Cancer IC. we all know how lionesses protect their cubs. this quality goes to extremes when one of the most family-oriented signs rules the family house... my aunt has this placement, and she is so passionately devoted to our family. sometimes, she gives me the vibes of Dominic Toretto. we also laugh about how she can change the subject of literally any conversation to her daughter. - the weather is getting worse. - my daughter once became ill during such weather... - wow, his sport skills are amazing. - you know, my daughter used to be a captain of baseball team when she studied at school. - I think there's something wrong with my stomach. - you even have no idea what terrible diarrhea my daughter once had. (her daughter is around 30 already...)
♥ people with strong mutable placements, how often do people tell you that you seem taller than you actually are? or they thought that you were in fact taller than you are?
♥ having Cancer ASC and/or the Moon in the 1st house, along with Scorpio Sun, really creates an "angel in disguise" impression. people with these placements look SO DAMN innocent but then you begin to know them better...
♥ it’s so funny how strong Leo placements can be so obvious in their “godly” self-perception, to the point where you can't even be angry with them. my friend has a Leo stellium (Sun, Mars, Mercury). it was my birthday, so we were planning to have a party at a restaurant. she was the only one who arrived late, and it took her more than 30 minutes after the planned time. and the first thing she said when she arrived wasn’t “happy birthday” or “sorry for being late” etc. it literally was:
- just look at me. I look so damn gorgeous today, don’t you think so?
I thought I was going to die laughing.
♥ aspects of Mercury with Uranus/Chiron can make a person having a rhotacism or some other difficulties with pronunciation. for example, my former classmate and I both struggle with the letter "R" in our speech. however, my Mercury and Uranus form a trine, so people usually don't even notice it unless they are trying to listen for it intentionally. on the contrary, my classmate had a square between them. sometimes it was really hard for people to understand her.
♥ I believe that even though Capricorn ASC people may have other strong placements, they look their best wearing minimalistic clothes. like they are so self-sufficient that the rule "the simpler, the better" works for them 100% of the time.
♥ maybe it has another name in English or I misspelled it somehow (please let me know if you know what it's called). but I haven't seen any articles about Doryphory/Doryphoros and the Charioteer of the Sun in English. however, it's very popular among post-Soviet astrologers.
if you don't know, here's the idea: the Sun is the King, and Doryphory is its supportive power, like a squire. it's the planet that comes before the Sun. check it out. it can, together with the Ascendant, reveal the first impression from you. on the other hand, the planet after the Sun - the Charioteer - can show what you're remembered for in the end.
for example, my Sun is in the 1st house and the first planet behind (clockwise) is my 12th house Mars. I’m always told that I look like self-collected, confident go-getter at first glance. however, Mercury which goes after Sun usually leaves people feeling that I am overthinking and a little nervous. my sister’s Doryphory is Gemini Mercury (harshly squared, however). sometimes it really seems challenging for her to stop talking. she looks like such a chatterbox. however, people usually remember her for her good looks. her Sun is followed by Venus. as for my grandma, her Doryphory is Moon and the Charioteer is Mercury. she is the most prominent example of someone who often says or does something emotionally and then thinks about whether it was the right thing to do or not. Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! Picture credits: Pinterest
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everythingranma · 4 months
Happy birthday Noriko Hidaka! 
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She is the Japanese voice of Akane Tendo. Noriko Hidaka is also the voice of characters such as Kikyo in Inuyasha, Satsuki Kusakabe in My Neighbor Totoro, Near in Death Note, Masumi Sera in Detective Conan and Shiny Chariot in Little Witch Academia.
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thecosmosproject · 2 years
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Happy birthday to our favorite teacher who definitely ᵈᶦᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵗʳᵃᵘᵐᵃᵗᶦᶻᵉ ᵒᵘʳ ᵍᶦʳˡ ᴬᵏᵏᵒ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵃʷᵃʸ ʰᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵍᶦᶜ + ᵈᶦᵃⁿᵃ'ˢ ᵐᵃᵍᶦᶜ ᶜᵘᶻ ˢʰᵉ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷ ʰᵉʳ ʷᶦᶠᵉ'ˢ ʰᵒʳʳᶦᵇˡᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵈ
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afterlife-2004 · 20 days
Happy Birthday to legend himself, Idris Elba! Who turns 52 years old today and also plays the role as Knuckles The Echidna in Sonic Movie 1, 2, The Knuckles Show, and upcoming Sonic Movie 3! 💥🥊🎂🎊 🎉🎈🥳
In celebration? Here’s some artwork I’ve done of Movie Knuckles in the past! ❤️❤️
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Remembering Academy Award Nominated, 2x BAFTA Winning, Emmy Nominated, SAG Award Winning, Tony Winning actor Sir Ian Holm! ^__^
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a-french-coconut · 3 months
Jason Grace
Birthdays are, for Jason, a day like another.
It's a normal day.
Nothing out of the ordinary comes from completing another year of living.
When came the day of his third birthday, Lupa gave him a little more food than the other cups.
As for Camp Jupiter...
Well, Jason never bothered telling his fellow comrades his birthday date.
Every time someone asked him "When's your birthday ?", he would always shrug it off and divert the attention somewhere else.
That was until Reyna came along and baked him cakes every single day of the year.
"If you won't tell me, I'll assume it's always today." She would tell him, presenting him a burnt cake with wax dripping from the ignited candles.
He should have know waging war against the daughter of Bellona would mean defeat.
And so, in their first year of friendship, Reyna learns that Jason Grace's birthday is July 1st, in honour of Juno, his patron goddess.
But to his insistence, they don't celebrate it.
"Why ?" She asked him one night, the both of them watching the city from above, in Bacchus' gardens.
"I already have enough attention as it is." He lies, because the truth is that he wants to preserve his birthday like he knows it.
A blurred image of a blue-eyed girl, swinging him around and singing him "Happy Birthday !". He fears that if he celebrated his birthdays, that memory would fade.
"My full name is Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano." Reyna said out of the blue.
"That's a mouthful." He smiled before trying to pronounce it. "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, it's-"
"Don't say it again." Reyna cuts him, her hands clutching her t-shirt, "Never."
"Okay." He replies and he understands why she said it to him.
A treaty, a deal between them.
Two things only they know of each other, a proof of trust.
That night, Reyna became the person Jason trusted more than anyone.
Years passed and nobody bothered to ask him about his birthday.
War is looming on the horizon, a storm ready to fall upon them.
They need to see him as a general, a fearsome warrior ready to lead them to victory.
He is the son of Jupiter and wether he is fourteen or fifteen matters not.
It's not until his sixteenth birthday that Jason understands why birthdays are a special date.
A day to commemorate your life, to celebrate living another year.
When Piper hands him a cupcake, with poorly made frosting, Jason eats it, savouring every bite.
That memory goes lock itself next to Thalia's.
When the war is over, Jason thinks that celebrating his seventeenth birthday with all his friends wouldn't be that bad.
(In canon, Jason never makes it to seventeen. Here, we throw canon out of the window because birthday boy deserves some happiness.)
Jason plops down on his bed, sighing.
What a long year it had been.
His sixteenth year of living began with a fight on the Acropolis, where he basically told his father he was a idiot for punishing Apollo.
Only for said god to barge into his dormitory months later, very mortal looking.
Then, his home is attacked by a zombie army lead by a dead roman king.
And how could he forget Piper breaking up with him.
Overall, that year wasn't the best of years Jason lived.
Except for all the friends he met and the sense of peace it brought him.
Not fully Roman, not entirely Greek, Jason is a children of both.
He has every right to feel at home in Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood, where his father's statue is looking at him right now.
Jason lays in his bed, head purposesly facing the wall, and lets Morpheus greets him in his oneiric realm.
As Artemis leads her moon chariot in the night, June 31st morphs into July 1st.
A lousy voice startles Jason out of sleep and he jolts awake.
"What ?" He asks disoriented and tangled in his sheets.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN !" The same voice screams and it comes from a flying table making circles in his cabin.
"Buford ?" Jason yawns, "what are you doing here ?"
"Right, right, thank you. Can you tone it down a little ?"
"Yeah, I get it. But please, it's-" He checks the clock, "it's seven am."
"What ? I gotta say his name ?"
"Okay," Jason laughs softly, "thank you Leo for wishing me a happy birthday."
"YOU'RE WELCOME BLONDIE ! NOW GET DRESSED AND COME OUTSIDE !" Buford zooms out of the cabin by the open roof.
Jason shakes his head and quickly puts on a Camp t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When he opens the door, there's no one.
"I know you guys are hiding !" He screams as he scans his surroundings. "Buford told me-" He huffs as a weight settles of his back and arms snake around his neck.
"Happy birthday Jason !" Leo screams in his ear, "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy-"
"birthday, thanks." Jason completes, holding Leo on his back.
"Amigo, you are going to live the best day of your life !" Leo claps his shoulders, excited.
"Did you plan it all ?"
"With some help but yes, it was me." Leo shrugs, "Now, it's time for breakfast."
"To the Pavillon we go."
Camp's grounds are empty as they walk towards the eating Pavillon.
"Nobody was woken up by Buford ?" Jason asks, surprised, "he made quite the noise."
"Don't worry about that." Leo flicks his head, surely grinning like a madman.
"Fine, but I don't want to bother anyone-" He falters as they enter the Pavillon.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON !" The whole camp scream, whistle, whoop.
He feels his face going hot, "Thanks you guys ! It's very nice of you to-"
At the Apollo Cabin, Will takes a mic and begins to sing.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Jason Grace, happy birthday to you !" He finishes amidst his siblings' applauses.
"Woah, thank you Will." Jason says, his face probably the colour of a tomato.
Will bows and sits back, himself a little red but pleased with himself.
Leo jumps down from him, "Camp rules still apply so I gotta leave you here. But don't worry, I've got other surprises planned out for you." Leo winks and goes join his siblings.
Jason makes his way towards his table, murmuring "thank you", "really appreciated it", "you're the best." to all the campers he crosses.
When he finally sits down, another little surprise awaits him.
Blue brownies with a note.
"Sorry I'm not here buy you know, studies. Still, Annabeth and I wish you a happy birthday and you'll get our gifts later ! Enjoy your day, I'm still better than you because I win Kansas- ouch Annabeth ! Yes, I'm writing it because Jason will be my witness of your attitude. Appreciate the letter bro because it took me a while with dyslexia.
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
PS : I made the brownies (as if it wasn't obvious.), shut up Annabeth. Wait, can I still say shut up if you're writing ? (End the letter.), right, okay, ending the letter now."
Jason chuckles fondly, munching on a delicious brownie while he reads the note.
Most of his friends are at Camp Jupiter, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy.
He knows they would be here with him if they could, but the praetors are too busy to leave and Percy and Annabeth had exams coming up.
He tucks the note into his jeans and finishes the brownies, sacrificing a conjured apple to his father.
Hello, Father. Thank you for, hum, conceiving me ?
Yeah, that'll do.
He almost faceplates when Leo jumps on his back again.
"You're like a leech." He huffs, readjusting him so they are both comfortable.
"Don't know what that is but I'll assume it's something good." Leo replies, poking his neck. "Head towards the arena please, you have sword fighting class."
"No I don't."
"Yes, you do." Leo chirps, "now go."
"Leech." Jason groans.
Another surprise awaits him at the arena.
"Nico !"
The son of Hades gives him a small wave, "Hi Jason. Happy birthday."
"You came all the way from the Underworld ?" Jason asks with a big smile on his face, "for me ?"
"Don't flatter yourself that much Jason." Nico replies drily, "Will is the main reason I'm here."
"Of course," Jason grins, "how presumptuous of me to assume otherwise."
"I hope I'm not interrupting-" Leo pipes in.
"You are."
"Hush Di Angelo, I got best friend's privileges." Leo continues, "Give him your gift."
"You got me a gift ?"
"Yes." Nico mumbles, glaring at Leo, "I am here for your birthday after all. And Will of course." He adds, taking out a small box from his jacket and handing it to him.
He shrugs Leo off his back and takes the box.
It's pin, with "best cousin awards" written in big golden letters on it.
"It's-" Jason smiles, "it's just to piss Percy off when he sees it, isn't it ?"
"No." Nico says with a straight face. Jason looks at him. "Maybe a little," he concedes, "but I do believe you are not a bad cousin to have."
"Thanks Nico." Jason says earnestly, "I would hug you but..."
Nico smiles, "I can make an exception." and opens his arms.
Jason hugs him briefly and as soon as he's done, Leo climbs again.
"Right ! Now Nico, go find your boyfriend and Jason, direction the Big House !"
This little game lasts the whole day, Leo taking him to different places and people greeting him, wishing him happy birthday.
Malcolm gives him sets of models and black glasses.
"From Annabeth and Percy." He said.
"I understand Annabeth's gifts but did Percy explained ?"
"Yeah." Malcolm suppressed a grin, "It's to help you disguise yourself, like Clark Kent."
Jason rolled his eyes but hanged the glasses on his t-shirt's hem.
Drew gifted him contact lenses.
Connor offered him a book on geometry and architectural design.
"Annabeth might have helped a little." The son of Hermes confessed "And I promise I bought them fair and square."
Katie, Nyssa, Pollux all give him gifts.
It warms his heart that they care so much.
"You did help save our camp." Katie smiled, "It's the kind of thing that makes us appreciate you."
He now has a beautiful plant, a new set of armour and a ticket to an arcade room in New York.
The sun sets and it's time for dinner.
"Leo," Jason calls him as his friend join his table, "thank you for this day, it was the best birthday gift ever."
His friend's eyes glint, "Ah but Jace, the day's not over yet !" and he leaves cackling.
What could have he planned ? Jason thinks as he eats his fries.
Two hands suddenly obscure his vision.
He waits for the person to speak but she doesn't, "I have to guess ?"
He takes the silence for a yes.
"Hum," Jason thinks, who could it be ? One of his friends from Camp Jupiter ? Or... maybe... "Thalia ?" He call out hesitantly.
"Great guess little brother." Thalia laughs as her face appears next to him, "great guess."
He hugs her instantly, "You-"
"Came especially for your birthday, yeah." Thalia finishes, "how could I not ? My little brother is seventeen !" She ruffles his hair, arm on his shoulder.
"For me," Jason repeats, "you came for me."
"Yeah," Thalia says, "I'll always come for you Jason, always." She smiles before adding, "happy birthday."
"You were my only memory for a while you know." He gulps, feeling tears pooling in his eyes. "I'm sorry- I don't know why I'm crying, it's a happy moment, I'm happy-" He takes a big breath, Thalia's circular hugs on his back soothing him.
"You always loved this." Thalia says wistfully, "It always succeeded to calm your tantrums."
"Still works." He sniffles, leaning into Thalia's touch.
"Fate is a cruel thing," she whispers, "I never thought I would see you again after mom left you in those woods. And I've missed all your life, all your birthday parties-"
"You didn't, I never celebrated my birthday until last year." Jason whispers back, "I wanted to keep how I remembered it, with you swinging me around in the house."
Thalia chortles, "You already loved being in the air as a baby, you would always sit next to me and ask to be carried."
"I'm too big now."
"Hey," she nudges him, "no matter how taller you get, you will always be my little brother."
"I'm older though."
"Tough, you're still younger in my eyes." She snarks back, her head resting on his shoulder. "Leo's the one that invited me. I would have come nonetheless but I'm glad you found him, he's a good friend."
"Yeah," he agrees, "he is."
"I didn't come alone." Thalia adds, "there's another hunter with me."
"Hello Jason." A new voice says from behind.
"Reyna," Jason replies, "you're a huntress now."
She nods, "It's what is best for me."
"I'm going to leave you two alone," Thalia says, standing up, "I'll sleep in Zeus cabin tonight so see you later."
After she leaves, Reyna makes no move to go seat with him.
She's as Jason remembered, exuding an air of royalty and undeniable leadership.
She's the leader everyone see when they look at her, the woman who lead New Rome by herself, the demigod that killed a giant.
But Jason can see the small scar on her right wrist, the one she got for teasing Aurum too much with his food.
Or how she's nibbling her lip, indicating she's hungry and the way her hands are clasped behind her back, so that Jason doesn't see them trembling.
She's vainly trying to put a facade Jason can see right through.
"I'm sorry." He says, because it's all he can say.
"What for ?" She tilts her head, "you didn't ask Juno to capture you."
"But you loved me." He adds, because they need to address it, "you loved me and I came back with another girl."
She stiffens and Jason knows that her hands are tightly clasped, Reyna willing herself to stay composed.
"It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have assumed you liked me back." Reyna clears her throat, "You had every right to date Piper."
"But-" He protests because he expected her to be angry, to be cold. She shouldn't be understanding, "I-"
She laughs bitterly, cutting him off, "You and Thalia share it, you know ? That unshaken belief that you are the cause of everything, that you have a hand in each matter evolving around you. I suppose it is divine heritage." she muses.
She scans the tables, her face lingering on Cabin 10.
"Venus' children ?" She asks and he nods, "Do you remember Charleston ?"
"Hum yes, we went to retrieve imperial gold-"
"I met Venus that day, and she told me that no demigod would ever heal my heart and that I will never find love where I hoped or wished to find." Reyna tells him, still looking at the Aphrodite Cabin, "I never told anyone that" she turns her obsidian eyes on him, "except you."
An olive branch.
An echo to the start of their friendship.
"I'm sorry for leading you on, for never making clear that I considered you a good friend." Jason apologises, feeling angry towards the goddess for ruining his best friend's life, "I hope the hunters of Artemis bring you the family you deserve Reyna."
He leans towards her, "I'm a little jealous of you to be honest," he smiles, a grin devoid of mirth, "I never had such a family before, and I don't think I ever will."
A secret for a secret.
That's how started their first friendship and that is how begins their new one, Reyna quietly seating next to him and directly stealing his fries.
"We'll come visit," she assures him, "every time we are near your location."
She eats quietly for another moment, her eyes fixed on Leo making laugh Harley over some joke.
"I think you're wrong."
"About what ?" He asks.
"About having a family, I think there's someone who would very much like spending his life with you."
"His ?" Jason picks up, "who is it ?"
"Leo Valdez could also make with some family," Reyna muses, "don't you think ?"
"Yeah..." He says slowly, "yeah, I suppose he can."
Next to him, Reyna grins slightly. "I'm sure he would be delighted if you were to sit next to him at your campfire, I'll tell Thalia not to wait for you."
"Maybe I want to sit with Thalia."
She raises her eyebrow, "She'll be here for the next two days, you'll have time to see her."
"Okay, okay" he relents, "I'll ask him when dinner ends."
They spend the rest of dinner chatting about the shrines Jason has to build, the relief of not being predator anymore, Aurum and Argentum, Reyna's new lifestyle.
"Leo !" He calls the son of Hephaestus who looks surprised to see him, "Wanna sit with me at campfire ?" He asks nervously.
"You're not going with Thalia ?"
For a reason unknown to Jason, Nyssa sighs loudly behind them and pinching her nose.
"She's staying a few days, I'll see her later. Right now, I want to go with you."
He gestures his back and Leo laughs but obliges, his head resting on his shoulder.
"Lead the way, Superman."
After two hours of singing, roasting s'mores, laughing until it hurts, Jason lays in his bed in Cabin 1, with a smile as Thalia's light snores fill the room.
Birthdays, Jason has come to find, are extraordinary days that he cherishes a lot for they bring all his friends together.
He cannot wait for his eighteenth birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON GRACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I'm a little late but it's because it ended up being way longer than I thought it would 😅
Sweet, fluffy, comforting story because he deserves it 💖
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Destiny Matrix Chart of Thewizardliz
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Hi and welcome! Today I want to show you how to analyze someone's Destiny Matrix chart and I'm gonna choose Thewizardliz as an example. Thewizardliz is a well-known influencer who makes affirmation videos on social media where she talks about self-love, confidence, manifestation techniques etc. Her birthday is officially confirmed, so she was born on January 1st, 1999. I hope you'll enjoy.
Liz has number 6 at the center of her Destiny Matrix chart, which means that she's communicative, loving, caring and sensual. The Lovers is the 6th card from Major Arcana, which makes sense why she prioritizes relationships. Venus rules over the number 6, which makes her naturally beautiful person who seeks aesthetics and pleasure. The negative sides of this number could be being sensitive to criticism or having people pleasing tendencies.
Since she was born on January 1st, she has number 1 as the significant number in her chart, being placed at her Crown chakra, making her natural leader and manifester. Number 1 is related to The Magician card and her stage name is basically the wizard, which makes sense a lot. Her natural abilities are taking initiation of her life and manifesting everything she wants to, which is the interpretation of The Magician card. 1 plus 1 equals 2, making a number 2 as a significant number for her Crown chakra too. Number 2 is ruled by the Moon, is related to The High Priestess card and is in tune with the feminine energy, making Liz an emotional, sensitive and intuitive person who seeks for a balance and harmony in her own life.
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Having two 8's at her Third Eye chakra could mean that she has a strong intuition when she's balanced, organized and when her life is in harmony. She might intuitively know whether some people are right for her or not, 'cause the Justice card is about seeking the truth and looking for something that's right. The Number 16 at this same chakra means that she's a naturally spiritual person and uses her intuition as her guidance, especially when she's in some kind of destructive phase of her life.
Since she's best known for her motivational speeches, her state of the Throat chakra was the most interesting part to me. So, she has two 7's at this chakra, which means that she's very direct while communicating. The Chariot is a very ambitious card and people with this prominent arcana in their chart are mostly the leaders who inspire others. Number 14 is also significant for her Throat chakra and the Temperance card is about inspiring and healing others. So, it makes completely sense why her words are so motivational to the other people.
The Heart chakra represents our heart's desire, what makes us feel happy and joyful. Liz has two 13's at this chakra and number 13 is related to the Death card, which is about transformations. She might be someone who always needs to progress and to change her beliefs or her overall life to feel happy. The number 8 as an overall number at her Heart chakra means that she might need a balanced life in order to feel happy and joyful.
At her Sacral chakra, which represents creativity, sexual energy and emotions, she has numbers such as 18, 16 and 7. Number 18 is a very mysterious number and it's related to The Moon card, which is about illusions. Speaking of her creativity, she has always been questioned about her editing abilities and how she even got this successful. Number 16 could mean that she get emotional whenever she's in at her destructive phase. The number 7 means that she's very business-minded when it comes to her creativity. Maybe that's why she got so famous by posting videos, 'cause The Chariot card is about ambition, strong will and victory.
The Root chakra represents our foundation and what makes us grounded. Liz has numbers like 12, 10 and 22 at her Root chakra. The things that makes Liz grounded are healing journey, practicing self-love (number 12, The Hanged Man) receiving opportunities and success (number 10, Wheel of Fortune), the changes and adventure (number 22, The Fool). The negative sides of these placements might be her acting as a victim, being depressive, behaving restless and living an unbalanced life.
To summarize, she's an intelligent individual who has a lot of ambitions and strong will. She has a strength within her and is most likely a workaholic who always finishes her own tasks easily. She's a business-minded person with a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share, especially to other people.
Her karmic tail code is 18-3-12 and it's being called as 'Physical Suffering.' This tells me that she had a traumatic and abusive childhood and she needs a lot of healing because of that. She possibly had a feminine energy around her (especially her mother) who teached her to be a people pleaser or to sacrifice herself for others. This also tells me about having a fear of rejection or wanting to escape from the abusive environment.
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Now, I want to deep dive into her love life. As you can see, I marked her love line with black color. Her love line code is 18-7-7. Number 18 shows why she struggles in relationships and it could be because of her having a fear of rejection or being delusional about her perspective about love and relationships. Again, this number represents escaping tendencies as well.
Number 7 at the center of her love line is the most significant number of her love line and it represents what type of a partner she needs to have. I remember watching her video on YouTube about not dating broke men and she said that she needs a man who's in his masculine energy and who can provide for her. That is basically the interpretation of number 7 and The Chariot card. She really does need an ambitious and successful partner who's a natural leader tho.
She has another number 7 in her love line, which talks about where she may likely meet her partner. She might find her partner at s workplace, gym, a party or in any kind of place where there's a lot of movement.
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The next marked line is her money line and the code is 7-5-16. Number 7 at the beginning of her money line can mean that she might have a career where she can use her leadership skills and her vision. It can indicate a successful career too.
Number 5 at the center of her money line is the most significant number for her career path. She may teach others, be a mentor or just spread the knowledge in general, which is an interpretation of The Hierophant card. This number also shows how she's so influential to others. People with the prominent number 5 in their Destiny Matrix chart tend to influence other people somehow.
Number 16 at the end of her money line means that she might work well as a spiritual leader and she basically is that. She always motivates other people through her affirmations and mostly says to the audience something that might be a little bit uncomfortable to many of these people to hear, because The Tower card represents changes that need to happen and it's mostly relates to the extremes.
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The next thing I'm going to do is to analyze her generational lines from both of her mother's and father's sides. Male generational lines represent the gifts and karma from her father's side. Her father may encourage Liz to be more diplomatic (2), to take more risks (22) and to be open to hang out with other people (6). She might have a natural inherit intuition and an adventurous spirit from her father.
Female generational lines represent the gifts and karma from her mother's side. Her mother probably encourages her to always have faith in herself (11), to always change and progress in life (13) and to be a people's person (6). She might have a natural strength, adaptivity and understanding of other people from her mother.
The Soul Searching number can be described as her Life Purpose 1 or her life purpose at her earlier years of her life. Her Life Purpose 1 number is number 6, which relates to The Lovers card. At her earlier stage of her life, she needs to maintain a positive relationships with other people and to learn how to be around other people as well.
Socialization number can be described as her Life Purpose 2 or her life purpose at her later years of her life (it probably starts at her 40s). Her Life Purpose 2 number is number 12, which is associated with The Hanged Man card. At her later stage of her life, she needs to release old beliefs that don't serve her anymore and to embrace the new beliefs that makes more sense to her. She may already do that.
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The last number you see in this last picture represents her overall life purpose. We can find out this number by adding up two life purpose numbers. In Liz' case, 6 plus 12 equals 18, which means that her overall life purpose number is 18, which is associated with The Moon card. It means that she's very mysterious person with a lot of intuitive abilities. She might also be a very creative individual and has clear imagination. This number can tell that she may be prone into illusions and into escaping tendencies, especially when she's around negative and abusive type of people.
This was the Destiny Matrix chart of Thewizardliz. I hope you enjoyed it. If you wants to book a Full Destiny Matrix Chart Reading with me, this is something that you can expect. Anyway, I wish you all had a wonderful day and week ahead. See you soon!
Best regards, Paky McGee
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