#happy chocolate cake day 🥳
souvenir116 · 5 months
clock literally only passing one minute midnight* happy birthday to me 🥳🥳
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
Bake a Wish | c.s.c
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Summary: Seungcheol knows it’s silly. Getting this mad that you forget his birthday, but it only happens once a year. He’s too prideful to let it go so quickly, and you’re too determined to continue letting your boyfriend sulk. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕ smut |  ♥ completed works
Word Count:  3651 words
Pairings: Choi Seungcheol x Female Reader 
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, Smut & Angst, Idol! AU, but like it’s not that important. It just sets the tone, I guess? Like why he stays in a dorm etc. 
Content Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst 
Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex (don’t do this irl), daddy kink, only for a few seconds tho, oral sex (f receiving), pussy fingering, overstimulation, cum licking (off fingers), ear biting (nibbling, it’s sexy), squirting. Nicknames, kitten because, at this point, it’s my favourite nickname to use. 
Authors Note: Thank you so much @here4kpopfics, @lovelyhan, @seokgyuu @sluttywoozi and @seungkwansphd, for hearing me go on and about this fic and helping me out 💕also tagging my lovely @duhnova because I know you yell about Cheol a lot 😗😗
Authors Note 2: Happy Birthday Cheol!! 🥳 here's a smutty little sorta plot-filled smut fic 💕💕 I posted it at 12 (Korea time) woo hoo.
© wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
No response. 
“Baby, I know I forgot. Work was just crazy and everything. I won’t make excuses. Please don’t be mad,” you pleaded, and your boyfriend sighed. 
“I’m not mad. You were the one who wanted to do something, so for you to forget,” Seungcheol trailed off, sighing as he ran his hand through his hair. 
“Forget it. I’m a grown man. I shouldn’t sulk over a birthday,” Seunghcheol said, defeated, as he started to get up from the couch. 
“Cheol, I just lost track of the days and forgot. I’m so sorry,” you apologised, getting up and going after him. 
“See, that’s what bothers me. You forgot. I’ve had friends forget, family forget, but you? I guess that puts things into perspective for me. I don’t know, maybe it’s my fault for putting you, my girlfriend, on a higher pedestal, but I thought you would remember,” Seungcheol spoke, each word breaking your heart even more. 
“I can make it up to you. Why don’t we do something this weekend?” You offered hurriedly, and Seungcheol shook his head. 
“I have plans with the guys and can’t back out. They initially wanted to celebrate on my actual birthday, but I told them that tonight, well, it would have just been for us,” Seungcheol explained with a sad smile. 
“But,” Seungcheol said, breaking the tension slightly. “You said there’d be an amazing chocolate cake waiting for me at home?” Seungcheol asked hopefully, only for it to shatter the second he saw your face fall. 
“Ah, right, you forgot,” Seungcheol deduced and shook his head. 
“Look, we can order something and get a bottle of wine, and I can spend all night showing you how sorry I am?” You offered, placing a hand on Seungcheol’s shoulder, making him look at you. 
“Sex isn’t going to fix this,” Seungcheol mumbled. 
“There’s nothing to fix. I just need to stop making birthdays such a big deal,” Seungcheol added, and you shook your head at his words. 
“No, Cheol,” you started to say, and he held up a hand to stop you.
“Look, you’ll say something, and then I’ll say something, and it’ll snowball. I don’t want to risk an argument, not on my birthday or with you,” Seungcheol said. He was tired, and he wanted to sleep. 
“Okay, yeah, you’re right. What if I draw you up a nice bubble bath, and we can just sleep? You can even hog all the blankets,” you added with a hopeful smile. 
“Actually. I was planning to sleep at the dorms tonight,” Seungcheol admitted. 
“Oh, but Cheol, since we’ve been together, we always spend birthdays together,” you protested, and Seungcheol shrugged. 
“Well, I guess tonight’s just full of firsts?” Seungcheol muttered. 
“I don’t want to lose you over this,” you admitted, and Seungcheol smiled softly at you. 
“You won’t, not over this. It’s not a fight. I’m just upset and want some space, but I don’t want to get into anything tonight because I know it’ll end in a fight, and I don’t want that,” Seungcheol clarified. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, and he shrugged. 
“We’ll be okay. I just need some space,” Seungcheol added, and you nodded. 
You had messed up so badly, and usually, when either of you messed up this bad, you’d argue and be fine in a few hours, but tonight was different. You hurt your boyfriend so badly that he was beyond the point of being angry, he was disappointed, and he felt defeated. 
“When can I see you?” You asked impatiently, and Seungcheol shrugged. 
“Let me be the one to reach out?” Seungcheol suggested, and you nodded slowly as you watched your heartbroken boyfriend put on his dress shoes and coat, things you told him to wear because you made a reservation at the best restaurant in town. Seungcheol got dressed up and excited for tonight, only for you to stand him up at the restaurant and forget his birthday together. 
As you watched your boyfriend dejectedly leave your apartment tonight, you had a plan, and you were determined. You’d do everything possible to ensure he never felt this shitty again and to redo tonight. No matter what, he’d still have a fantastic birthday this year. 
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“Oof, she forgot?” Jeonghan asked Seungcheol when he saw his friend sulking about the dorm that evening. 
“Yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t care,” Seungcheol started to say, earning a scoff from Jeonghan. 
“You are the sulkiest in general, but more so about your birthday, but continue,” Jeonghan interrupted. 
“Anyways,” Seungcheol said with a glare. 
“She planned everything, told me to get ready and clear my schedule, and she doesn’t show up? Then she told me a cake was at home, which she had forgotten. I don’t know, and it felt like she forgot everything,” Seungcheol mumbled, pouting. 
“Here,” Jeonghan said as he handed Seungcheol a black box with a bow. 
“Jeonghan, I’m taken,” Seungcheol joked, making Jeonghan roll his eyes. 
“Shut up. It's a little something for your birthday, it won’t compare to what Y/N got you, but I hope you like it,” Jeonghan added, and Seungcheol’s face fell. 
“She forgot to get me a present,” Seungcheol muttered. 
“Maybe something else is going on in her life? Something that requires her full attention, and she just got overwhelmed?” Jeonghan offered. 
“But she didn’t tell me?” Seungcheol questioned. 
“You’re a busy man, and I’m sure it’s nothing she can’t handle and didn’t want to bother you,” Jeonghan suggested. 
“She’s my girlfriend. She couldn’t ever bother me,” Seungcheol said softly, and Jeonghan patted Seungcheol’s shoulder to comfort the sulking man. 
“We’re still on for tomorrow. We’re planning to go out and get shit-faced. You can invite Y/N if you want,” Jeonghan suggested. 
“No, I think space would do us good,” Seungcheol responded, and Jeonghan hesitated and decided not to respond. He knew that Seungcheol needed his time to be petty, and he just had to let him be angry. 
“Alright, well, do you want any of us to keep you company tonight?” Jeonghan asked, and Seungcheol shook his head. 
“Nah, I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”
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You were tossing and turning in bed that night. Even when Seungcheol was on tour, you would always text each other good night. You hadn’t tonight; you wanted to give him his space, but you were worried that more space would result in more distance between you two, and that couldn’t happen. 
Worried, you grabbed your phone from your bedside table and called instead of texting. You couldn’t help it. You knew you weren’t being fair, he asked for space, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
Seungcheol picked up after four rings, and his sleepy voice immediately made you feel terrible for waking him up.
“Baby?” Seungcheol spoke sleepily, and you felt your heart swell and ache because of one word. You hurt him so badly, yet he was calling you baby here. 
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” you mumbled. 
“It’s okay. Did you need something?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I just wanted to say goodnight,” you admitted sheepishly, and Seungcheol sighed. 
“You couldn’t text it?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I’m sorry, I messed up. I shouldn’t have woken you up,” you apologised. 
“Well, you did wake me up, so why don’t you tell me what’s up?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I miss you,” you hated how pathetic you sounded. It was his birthday that you missed, and here you were being miserable, and he shouldn’t have to deal with it. You heard Seungcheol sigh softly. 
“I miss you too. Do you need me to come over, or will you be okay tonight?” Seungcheol asked and smiled sadly, even though you knew he couldn't see you. 
“No, I shouldn’t. You said you wanted space. I should give it to you,” you mumbled, and Seungcheol groaned softly. 
“So you just woke me up for no reason?” Seungcheol quipped. 
“Cheol,” you started to say, only to be interrupted. 
“I need sleep. The guys planned something for my birthday, so I want to be rested and fresh tomorrow,” Seungcheol remarked sassily, and you frowned even though he couldn’t see. 
Seungcheol felt terrible for being so snippy, but he was just tired and wanted space and sleep. 
“Goodnight, Cheol. I love you,” you mumbled into the call. You heard Seungcheol take a breath and then hum into the call before hanging up. 
Seungcheol knew it was a dick move on his part not to say I love you, he knew that it would mess with you and make you overthink, but he couldn’t take it back. He could only hope that you understood that it occurred due to a moment of frustration. 
You tried your hardest not to cry your eyes out after the phone call, Seungcheol sounded so defeated and tired, but you were determined not to wallow and make it about you. You would make up for all this, and it’d be okay. 
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“Cheol, you ready?” Jeonghan asked later that morning as Seungcheol was checking his phone. You hadn’t texted or called, he understood that he asked for space, but he selfishly hoped for none. 
“Dude, no, no phones today. No wallowing,” Jeonghan scolded lightly as he took Seungcheol’s phone out of his hand. 
“What if she calls?” Seungcheol whined. 
“Then I’ll tell her that you’re happily celebrating and you don’t wish to be disturbed,” Jeonghan teased, earning a scowl from Seungcheol. 
“You will say no such thing to her. You will not upset her further,” Seungcheol warned, and Jeonghan sighed. 
“I wouldn’t. Just for 24 hours, can you forget this argument and have fun? We don’t like seeing you upset,” Jeonghan pleaded, his voice softer, and Seungcheol nodded. 
“Yeah. I can. Let's get drunk?” Seungcheol suggested with a weak smile, and Jeonghan nodded excitedly. 
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You weren’t sure what exactly you were doing here. You weren’t even meant to know where Seungcheol’s birthday plans were, but Soonyoung couldn’t keep anything to himself and posted videos and pictures of Seungcheol’s celebration. Your heart thought quicker than your brain, and you were now in the restaurant's car park where Seungcheol was celebrating his birthday. 
You knew it was clingy and overbearing, and everything you were doing right now went against Seungcheol asking for space, but you couldn’t help it. The guilt was eating you alive, and you hated being the reason that Seungcheol was upset. 
You figured that if you showed up with a big cake and showed that you went through the trouble of getting the cake and finding out where he was, then he’d forgive you. Or at least stop sulking at you, and hear you out. 
You checked your phone one more time before getting out of the car, and you wished you hadn’t opened up Soonyoung’s Instagram story on his private account, and what you saw made your heart hurt and eyes water. Seungcheol was hanging around other girls, posing and hugging one of them. 
You knew Seungcheol was loyal, he’d never cheat, but it still hurt, watching him spend his birthday with other girls, and while you know you were at fault for this since you forgot his birthday. It almost felt like he was just rubbing it in your face. 
You heard a muffled voice and saw Seungcheol tapping on your car window. You turned to face him, smiling at him, your vision blurring vision as you smiled at him through your tears. You unlocked the door and motioned for him to get in. 
“Why are you here?” Seungcheol asked, and you frowned at his question, hoping he’d be happy to see you. Seungcheol noticed how your face fell, and he noticed your teary eyes, but he didn’t want to comment on it, at least not yet. 
“I just, uh,” you fumbled, looking away from him and at the backseat. 
“I wanted to give you that,” you mumbled, pointing to the cake in the backseat. 
“Is this the cake you promised?” Seungcheol asked hopefully with a smile. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” you apologised, as you kept your stare on the cake box in the backseat. 
“I think you’ve apologised enough,” Seungcheol said softly as he took your hand, making you look at him. 
“I’m sorry if I sounded rude earlier, but I’m genuinely wondering why you’re here, but I’m not upset to see you,” Seungcheol explained. 
“I wanted to bring the cake as a surprise. I know you said to give you space and that you’d reach out, but I guess I can’t, not when I know I upset you,” you rambled. 
“So why didn’t you come? You just started crying in the car?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I cried because of Soonyoung’s Instagram story,” you mumbled, feeling ashamed that all it got was a temporary wave of insecurity to make you cry, despite knowing how loyal Seungcheol was. 
“What was on it?” Seungcheol asked, and you meekly pulled out your phone and showed Seungcheol the story. 
“Wait, so you thought I was cheating?” Seungcheol accused, and you shook your head. 
“No, of course not. Seeing my boyfriend hugging another woman and celebrating his birthday with other girls does suck,” you spat. 
“Do you want this to be something we fight about?” Seungcheol asked, and you shook your head. 
“No, I don’t. I know you wouldn’t. I just was being silly,” you mumbled. 
“Your feelings are valid, don’t dismiss it, but I know that’s not what upset you,” Seungcheol said, holding your hand tighter, interlacing his fingers with yours. 
“I just wanted to be the one you celebrated your birthday with, Cheol, and I guess seeing you celebrate with other girls made an ugly green monster awaken in me,” you admitted. 
“That’s fair, but I promised the guys I would celebrate my birthday with them,” Seungcheol said. 
“What about tomorrow?” Seungcheol offered. 
“I’ll be done at the studio around 8. We can meet for dinner. It’ll have to be quick because I have a meeting at 10:30.” 
“You’re only free for like 2 hours?” You asked. 
“I was free for longer on my actual birthday,” Seungcheol retorted, making you frown. 
“Okay, 2 hours. I’ll make it the best 2 hours possible, okay?” You said, leaning over to place on Seungcheol’s cheek. 
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Choi “Husband” Seungcheol [9:00 am]: Morning love, I’m heading to the studio now. I’ll give you a ring once I leave. Looking forward to seeing you tonight. 🥰🥰
You grinned as you saw Seungcheol’s message the following morning and smiled as you typed out a response. 
You [9:01 am]: See you later, handsome 🥰
You put your phone away. You had a lot to prepare tonight, you were a couple of days late, but you were determined to make this the best birthday ever. 
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“Ow!” Seungcheol yelped when he felt another balled-up piece of paper hit his head. He wasn’t entirely sure why Jeonghan kept throwing scraps of paper at his head. 
“What is your problem?” Seungcheol asked. 
“We’ve been trying to get your attention for. I don’t know, ten minutes?” Jeonghan responded. 
“I’ve just been distracted.”
“Yeah, no shit, can you just go and make it up with Y/N? You look like a sad husky,” Jeonghan muttered. 
“Husky because I’m so handsome?” Seungcheol asked with a grin. 
“No, husky, because you sulk and whine as much,” Jeonghan sassed, making Seungcheol glare at him. 
“Look, she forgot, yes, but shit happens. Do you want to whine and let this cause a problem in your relationship? No, you don’t. What about when you forgot she was allergic to lilies and got her a bouquet?” Jeonghan asked. 
“Oh god, my baby was sneezing all night long,” Seungcheol groaned, recalling the night he accidentally gave you flowers you were allergic to. 
“Exactly, look, she didn’t mean it, and I bet she’s overthinking and overplanning just to make things right, and more importantly, just because she forgot your birthday does not mean she doesn’t love you,” Jeonghan added. 
“I overreacted, didn’t I?” Seungcheol asked. 
“No, not that night, but dragging it out? That might be unnecessary,” Jeonghan clarified. 
“I’ll apologise tonight. I’ll see her tonight,” Seungcheol said, determined. 
“No, go now. We can pick this up tomorrow,” Jeonghan insisted. 
“Yes, and Cheol?” 
“Use protection!” 
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“Baby?” Seungcheol called out as he entered your apartment. As soon as he entered your apartment, he was greeted with the aroma of baked goods and saw the apartment decorated with balloons, candles and confetti. 
“Cheol?“ You exclaimed as you wandered out of the kitchen. 
“Baby!” Suengcheol greeted you as he ran to embrace you, and you giggled as he pulled you into a tight embrace. 
“You’re home so early. I’m not done preparing,” you whined. 
“I don’t care. I’ve been a big baby. What matters is that you love me, and I love you, not some birthday,” Seungcheol declared, making you giggle. 
“I love you, but Cheol, but the dinner won’t be ready for another couple of hours,” you whined. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry for being such a baby,” Seungcheol apologised. 
“I’m sorry for forgetting,” you added. 
“We’re a pretty sorry couple, aren’t we?” Seungcheol joked, making you smile. 
“Come,” you said, pulling away from Seungcheol’s embrace slightly to take his hand in yours. 
“Bedroom, since dinner won’t be ready for some time, I figured I’ll give you one of your presents a little earlier,” you said with a teasing grin. 
“Lead the way, kitten.“ 
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“Cheol!” You giggled as Seungcheol hoisted you up, causing you to wrap around his waist. Seungcheol wasted no time the second the bedroom door closed and pulled you into a passionate kiss, deepening the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth, making you moan as he started sucking on your bottom lip; his plush lips always worked wonders no matter what part of your body they were on.
“Can you strip for me, baby?” Seungcheol asked as he placed you down on the bed, and you nodded as you quickly peeled off your clothes and laid back on the bed, hissing softly as the cool sheets touched your naked form. 
“Baby, it’s meant to be about you,” you whined, making Seungcheol grin. 
“I’m meant to give you the present,” you mumbled. 
“You naked and dripping for me is enough of a present,” Seungcheol said, making you let out a soft moan.  “Then I’m all yours, Daddy,” you added.  
“No, Daddy, tonight, baby. Just Cheol, okay?” Seungcheol said as he climbed onto the bed and pulled you into his lap. 
“I’m sorry for being a big sulky baby, and while sex isn't the answer, it can’t hurt, but I promise I will, and I-” Seungcheol tried to apologise, and you shut him up with a kiss. 
“Cheol, please. Just fuck me,” you begged, rubbing your exposed cunt on his jeans, the friction making you moan. 
“Gladly,” Seungcheol complied, standing up to quickly rid himself of his clothing and positioning himself at your wet cunt.
He started by placing kisses along your calves and up to your thighs, never fully touching you. It felt different like he was going to take his time. He gently parted your legs, giving him access to your glistening cunt, placing your legs onto his toned back and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
Seungcheol placed soft kisses along your folds, his lips gently enveloping your clit. You let out a sigh of approval, tangling your fingers in his hair. He knew your body well, and his lips were a god's gift to your cunt.
He started sucking on your clit, while his tongue jutted out and started flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves. The grip you had in his hair tightened while he removed one arm from your waist and slipped two fingers inside you. Never once did he remove his lips from your clit as he kept fingering you at such a delicious speed. He was thorough yet delicate with his movements, he wanted you to feel complete and utter bliss. 
“Cheol, I’m close,” you moaned out, your words failing you as Seungcheol’s ministrations had you close to your first orgasm of the night. He said nothing. Instead just continued as you fell apart on his tongue, letting you ride your orgasm out against his face and fingers.
“Always so sweet for me, baby,” Seungcheol praised as he licked his fingers clean of your release. You moaned at the sight. You tried to get up in an attempt to take him into your mouth, but Seungcheol gently pushed you down. 
“Not tonight; I need to feel you,” he said softly.
Seungcheol laid down next to you, tilting you so that you were curled up into his chest. He pulled your leg to the side and pushed it back so that it wrapped around his muscular thighs, allowing him access to push inside you. He had one hand rubbing on your clit, and one on your nipple. He kept thrusting inside you, neither of his hands ceasing their actions. You moaned at the feeling. 
You suddenly stilled and fell apart around his cock. Seungcheol moaned and gently bit into your shoulder at the feeling of you clenching around him. He didn't stop; he continued pounding himself into you, picking up his pace as he was desperate to reach his release. He fell apart not long after he furiously rubbed at your clit, making you cum so hard that you shook violently against him. He gently pulled out of you, making you whimper at the empty feeling.
“It's been a while since I made you squirt,” Seungcheol said with a proud grin while you were still basking in the afterglow of your orgasm. 
“Hmm?” You moaned into his chest. 
“You squirted, baby, all over my cock,” he whispered, gently nibbling your ear, making you giggle as you into his toned chest. 
“Happy Birthday, my love.” 
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michellemisfit · 23 days
Happiest of birthdays to our dear @energievie who created today's birthday themed tag game. WHOOP WHOOP! 🥳
Thanks for the tag @deedala 🎉 @gallapiech 🤩 @vintagelacerosette 🙌
When is yours? 1st March
Where were you born? Switzerland.
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? Michelle is a nice name. I'm perfectly happy with it. I do however absolutely hate the Beales song I was named after. Think it's one of their worst songs. And I regularly forget that I have a middle name, not even cause I hate it or anything, purely because I think it's pointless. It's Aline.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I'm Pisces. And I guess so..? I don't really know much about signs, but people who do tell me it fits, and I believe them. @celestialmickey - come and weigh in! haha
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? Weirdly enough my earliest *birthday* memory that comes to mind is actually my brother's birthday, when he turned maybe 6? And I would have been 3? My parents had a weird thing about getting me small gifts on his birthday, because I was younger and they didn't want me to get upset I guess? Anyway. There's a photograph of him blowing out his birthday candles and me holding a little sheep stuffed toy that I got for his birthday. I remember loving that sheep a LOT! For my first birthday memory I actually don't really have one until about age 6 or 7? I had a birthday party in our party room and my mum made me invite the whole class, even though I wasn't friends with anyone at school. One of the girls gave me a doll as a present and I genuinly just didn't know what I was supposed to do with this thing and had no idea how to react when I unwrapped it... it was very awkward and I'm sure I was less than graceful. Not the best memory lol
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? When I first moved to London I felt like I was required to go back to Switzerland for birthdays and Christmas celebrations, even though those were difficult, associated with a lot of bad memories, and never ever fun. I moved to London at the beginning of October with a suitcase of clothes and not much else, and we pretty immediately went on the Dirty Pretty Things break up tour, so i didn't even sleep in my new London room very much for the first 8 weeks. Going back to Switzerland for that Christmas was particularly hard because I hadn't been in London for long, I had barely any stuff that belonged to me, and there was a certain feeling of 'maybe it was just a long holiday, and I'm gonna wake up and live in Switzerland again', because I did a lot of extended holidays to follow bands around the UK in the two years leading up to my move so... yeah, it was rough. And then when I returned home to London Ruth and her mum had bought me my own bedsheets (zebra striped), and made up the bed in my room, and put a big bow on it, and I'm basically in floods of tears just thinking about it now. They made me a home that I was welcome in. And I’ll never forget that.
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I honestly can't think of anything that was a "birthday" gift to myself. hmmm. When I quit smoking I put £5 into a jar every day, that I wasn't spending on cigarettes, and then Ruth and I went to New York and attended Elsie Fest with my 'No Longer a Smoker' money, buying VIP tickets that came with awesome seats and a tonne of free booze... that was EXCELLENT! haha
What's your favourite cake flavour? Not a big fan of cake. I like raw cake batter an awful lot better than actual cake. So I now always ask for chocolate mousse for my birthday :)
How about your favourite flowers? Wild Flowers. And I quite like interesting twigs, too.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. Oh yeah, I throw awesome parties. Here's just a few recent ones, or you can check out the Mys in the Kitchen tag for what may get served at my birthday parties... haha Though actually a couple of years post pandemic I wanted to have a brithday party, but keep it small and covid friendly, so I had a Cocktail & Cookie Icing party, which was so much fun!! I highly recommend everyone to throw a party at least once in their life, that includes like a fun workshop element. We had such a good time!
What's the ultimate birthday song?
Because it’s my birthday and people have to let me play it haha
There we have it! Birthday fun! Now it's your turn @deedala @ian-galagher @iandarling @darlingian @celestialmickey @crossmydna @too-schoolforcool @rereadanon @rutherinahobbit @the-rat-wins @tsuga-of-mars @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx x @iansw0rld @ohkate @palepinkgoat @lynne-monstr @loftec @sickness-health-all-that-shit @faejilly @junemermaid @jrooc @mikhailoisbaby @creepkinginc @francesrose3 @callivich @blue-disco-lights @sleepyfacetoughguy @stocious @spookygingerr @lingy910y @suzy-queued @greentealycheejelly @thepupperino
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Hey!!!! It's my birthday on Saturday sooo I was thinking if I can request a az x yn birthday fic with A LOT of fluff and games and bickering with IC😁
Quiet day.
Summary: its Y/n's birthday, and she is hoping for a quiet day with her mate. But she should have known that wouldn't be possible, what with her family being the biggest busybodies in the whole of Prythian.
A/n: Happy birthday babes🥳🫶! Hope you have a wonderful day! A lil earlier than intended, but hope you don't mind!
Y/n blinked the sleep from her eyes as she turned away from the window, trying to hide away from the sun shining in her eyes. The sun wouldn't let her sleep, even on her birthday.
She wouldn't have remembered it if not for Azriel keeping her up for most of the last night. A flush climbed up her neck from the memories of last night. After last night, she was hoping for a quiet day in with her mate, cuddling and reading together by the fire, all cozied up. She was feeling lazy today.
She stretched, feeling all her muscles relax as she realised there were noises coming from downstairs. Of course there were people in the house.
There were loud footsteps, before door flung open with a loud crash, banging against the wall. Y/n flinched, her eyes squeezing shut for a moment. When she opened them, she found the Lord of Bloodshed grinning at her, the sounds of her mate yelling reaching her ears.
She laughed as she took in the big, bad and scary general, who, at the moment, was wearing a pink party hat and had chocolate on his face.
"Happy birthday Y/n!" He flounced into the room, shoving her blanket aside, giggling when she groaned. Thank the cauldron she had worn a shirt before going to sleep.
He scooped her up in his arms, kissing her cheeks and turned to make his way downstairs. But then he stopped at the sight of Azriel standing in the doorway, glaring at him.
Azriel came forward, lifting his hands to take Y/n from his brother. "Hand her over, Cassian." When the general pouted and turned away from him like a child refusing to give up their favourite toy, Azriel spoke again. "Now."
Cassian huffed, letting azriel take his mate from his hands, walking out the door, sulking, mumbling something along the lines of asshole and territorial Illyrian.
Y/n shook her head, chuckling at her best friend's antics before glancing up at her mate, smiling. He smiled back, setting her down gently.
He brushed the hair from her face, placing a kiss on her forehead before wrapping his arms around her. "Happy birthday darling."
She smiled against his chest, her arms going around his waist. "Thank you."
They stayed like that for a few more moments before their embrace was interrupted by Mor and Cassian's complaining voices. She chuckled as he groaned.
"Do you want some quiet time today? I can smuggle you out."
She giggled, kissing his cheek. When they made their way downstairs and emerged in the living room, she found so many decorations she could not decide where to look first.
Everywhere, there were balloons and flowers and what not. But then she couldn't focus on it as Nyx came stumbling up to her, giving her a toothy grin as he clutched her leg, his wings fluttering behind him for balance. The little boy had started walking a few months ago, and he looked adorable as he stumbled around anywhere he went.
Y/n crouched next to him and hugged the little thing before Cassian declared that he must have some cake or he would die, so she should cut the cake.
"Cake in the morning? Did you even have breakfast?"
But Cassian was adamant. And so they cut the cake. As soon as she had cut the first piece, everyone applauded and cheered as Cassian shook her from the shoulders happily before hugging her tightly. The combined sounds of everyone's happiness was too loud, but she didn't care, even as Cassian practically screamed in her ear. Because she had he whole family with her, and she had never felt more complete.
Her eyes landed on Az, who smiled softly at the scene. Then his eyes met hers, and he smiled wider, his eyes glittering. He was thinking the same thing she was.
"Blink if you need to be saved girl." Amren said gravely, even as her eyes twinkled. Y/n just laughed
"Cassian! Thats cheating!" Mor screeched as Cassian and Rhys played dumb charades. Rhys had apparently been communicating with Cass and telling him all the words, according to Mor. Nyx laughed loudly, sitting in his mother's lap.
"What is? We weren't doing anything. Right Rhys?" Rhys nodded innocently. "Y/n can also confirm it."
She blinked, taken aback. "What? How can I..." When cassian nodded frantically at her, she stifled her laugh. "Yes Mor. No one's cheating. Don't blame my child."
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Cassian plopped down next to her with his arms folded across his chest like a petulant child, huffing.
"He's not your child." Feyre said, mirth shining in her eyes.
Both Cassian and Y/n gasped dramatically. She pulled Cassian's head to her shoulder, saying, "If he isnt my child, I'll adopt him and make him my child right now."
"Exactly." Cassian nodded, though very awkwardly as his head was bent at a weird angle. Y/n laughed, letting him go and snuggling into Azriel's chest again.
Soon, as they started playing again, Mor and Rhys started whining over the fact that apparently Emerie had mouthed the word to Gwyn, who were teammates. Nesta swiftly came to her two friends defence, and the place erupted in chaos.
Azriel groaned and dropped his head onto hers. "Can we go to bed? They're giving me a headache."
She laughed and nodded. Azriel stood swiftly, effectively putting a stop to the bickering. Everyone looked on curiously, wondering what he was upto when he picked her up. And then everyone started groaning and whining that there was a child in the room. Said child was clapping happily, enjoying the chaos.
Before anymore complaints could leave anyone mouths, Azriel swiftly made his exit.
As they flew towards their shared house, Azriel whispers Y/n's ear.
"The headache was just an excuse to have you to myself."
Y/n shivered, from the chill night wind or his words, she didn't know. But she did know that the night was nowhere near done for her.
And she was glad.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess
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burninface · 22 days
🥳Weekly Tag Wednesday🎂
tagged by @energievie (happy birthday!!) @deedala @mybrainismelted @sgtmickeyslaughter @lingy910y <3
When is yours? December 21st
Where were you born? earth (I guess?)
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? no special feelings, I don't hate it. it's kinda… watery, related to aqua. and no, only when I was 7 or 8, I thought everyone online used their real name lol
How about your sign? Do you feel it “fits”? Sagittarius, to some extent, YES.
What’s your earliest memory related to your birthday? emm… back when I was still in kindergarten, my grandma made me noodles on my birthday, it's a tradition thing here. and I remember there were small yellow croaker in the noodle soup. I still love the taste of yellow croaker now❤️
What’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received? oh that one's a little too personal so I'll go with the second best one: when I was in high school and was really obsessed with overwatch, some of my friends built a Lijiang tower(a landmark in the game) with different boxed snacks for me🥰
How about one of the best you’ve given yourself? tbh, every year I just got myself some game/anime merchandises (and most of them are about overwatch) I love them equally<3
What’s your favourite cake flavour? Basque/rum-flavored/chocolate ice cream cake
How about your favourite flowers? currently fell im love with chocolate cosmos
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. only a few. my favourite one is with my volleyball team in middle school. we won the match that day (3-2, it's just a practice match with another school but the final set was super long), then we ate my birthday cake together and had a little party right after in the school gym. my best friend was also on the team then :)
What’s the ultimate birthday song? I… don't have one? oh right, let's go Keep Yourself Alive by Queen
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. I googled it and found that I dont know most of celebrities that share the same birthday with me… Masaccio maybe? does he really count celebrity?? celebrity of Italian Renaissance…?
and I'm tagging:
@atthedugouts @vintagelacerosette @gallapiech @mickeym4ndy @spookygingerr @mmmichyyy @creepkinginc @gallawitchxx @transsexual-dandelions @reganmian @pookiebearmick @blue-disco-lights @jademickian @callivich @doshiart @deathclassic @iansw0rld @jrooc <3
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
“Happy birthday Hazel” the horny deer cult says in unison. Seriously though you have the bestest of birthdays !!! You definitely deserve all the positivity and happiness today. Have lots of fun and make awesome memories:D 🎉 🥳 🎂
Thank you!! 🎉 I had some cake and relaxed. It was perfect. Oh and mint chocolate ice cream 👌🏼
thank you for that blessing 😭 I hope this year is the best yet but I have to say it’s been a day and it’s already been rocky 😅
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Hazel Basil 🎊
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takumihum · 6 months
GerIta Week 2024 - All Days
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Day 1 (Mar 16): Garden | “The colours are so vibrant!”
Flowers 🌸 💐 and colors for these prompts . There are shades represent cornflowers 💙 🟦 of Germany 🇩🇪 and lilly 🤍 ⬜of Italy 🇮🇹 ……
Day 2 (Mar 17): Celebration | "I'm glad I got to spend today with you."
Celebration for Valentines ♥️❤️❤️‍🔥❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝 🍫, White Day 🤍☁️☁️, and Italy 🇮🇹 ‘s birthday 🪅🎉���🎈🎈🥳 🎉 🎂
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Day 3 (Mar 18): Ice cream | “I think you need a napkin.”
Ice creams 🍦 🍨 cakes 🎂 🍰 🧁 , chocolate 🍫 , sweets and drinks 🍬🍩🍭🍡🍧🍹 🥂🥤🧋 all over….
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Day 4 (Mar 19): Plushies | “It’s cute, just like you!”
Plushies decorated on layers of pianos 🎹 and the Valentine Love Couple Chair
🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹
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Day 5 (Mar 20): Architecture | “Is this bringing up memories too?”
This handmade pop up card is paper Architecture 💌🔖📝📏📐✂️🌆💒 made by Ludwig 🇩🇪 lol 😆
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There is also a sticker of Rome in Italy 🇮🇹 ( at the front of the card ) lol 😆
Day 6 (Mar 21): Butterfly kisses | “You’re so cute when you do that.”
Butterflies 🦋 🦋🦋🦋 surrounding the Valentine Heart Chair of plushies 🛋🛋🧸🧸🧸🧸🎀♥️💖
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Day 7 (Mar 22): Free Day (or canon moment)
Happy birthday 🎉🎈🎁🎂🎊,
Feliciano 🇮🇹 💓💗💖💘💝💞💕❣️
Also, belated Celebration of Valentines and White Day
Let’s make some cakes 🎂, chocolate 🍫 , ice cream 🍨 , tea 🍵 and enjoy them in the garden of love 💐🌹🌷🌺🌸🌼🌻🪷💓💗💖💘💝💞💕❣️❤️, then cuddle with plushies🦉 🧸🧸🦉made by me and ….exchange butterflies kisses 🦋🦋💋💋💋💋💕❣️
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I'm glad I got to spend today with you 🇩🇪🇮🇹💕
How about we cycling and spending this March 3️⃣ in Italy 🇮🇹 to dedicate to your birth month 3️⃣, dear ?
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GerIta week 2024 - All days .
Finished 💯 percent.
I had no time to make Chibi GerIta for the pop up card…..so may be I will add some later or for another occasions.....
Thank you so incredibly much for the event @geritaweek
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shiftytheshift · 3 months
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HELLO EVERYONE!!! Today is a special day because it is my BIRTHDAY!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
Everyone at the Hotel is Celebrating Seph's birthday wishing him a happy birthday and making him blush, he got chocolate cake which he couldn't be more happy for.
Thank you all so much for supporting my artwork for those who love it, it means so much
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catb-fics · 6 months
It’s my birthday and I’m feeling a bit indulgent! What would Van be like on his gf / wife’s birthday 😍
Happy Birthday lovely! Sorry if I’ve missed it as I think you sent this last night but I hope you’ve had/are having the best day 🥳
Sorry I got a bit carried away with this ha ha I really don’t think he’d be anywhere near this perfect irl but I just wanted to write something cute for you xxx
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🎁 You think Van hasn’t remembered your birthday, despite you dropping multiple hints he’d not really responded and you swore he wasn’t actually listening to you when you talked about that pretty birthstone necklace that you’d had your eye on for ages…
🎁 So when your birthday finally rolls around you aren’t expecting much… he’s not the most organised of people and you’re sure you’ll get something eventually… it’ll just probably be late.
🎁 Van’s up at the crack of dawn on the day as per usual but you don’t rush to get out of bed, even though his clattering around in the kitchen is much louder and more dramatic than normal.
🎁 You’re feeling grumpy that he’s not woken you up with a card and gift, you’ve not even had a birthday kiss or a cuddle… so when you hear his footsteps on the stairs you bury your face in the pillow, feigning sleep.
🎁 “Y/N?” You hear him whisper, close to your ear as he gently brushes your hair back from your face. “You awake love?”
🎁 You pretend you’re fast asleep to see what he’ll do, expecting him to give up and leave you sleeping, but he’s insistent this morning, showering your face with little kisses until you can’t fake it any more and you crack open an eye to see him beaming down on you.
🎁 “Ta-dah!” He announces loudly and proudly, producing a plate from behind his back with a huge birthday cake on it, decked out with candles and “LOVE YOU” scrawled across the top in scruffily applied pink icing.
🎁 It’s quite possibly the most shit looking cake you’ve ever seen, it looks like he’s quite literally thrown it together with his eyes closed, but you’re not complaining. You’re so overwhelmed that he’s gone to all that trouble for you.
🎁 “Bet ya thought I’d forgotten, didn’t ya?” He smirks at your shocked expression, urging you to blow out the candles as he bursts into song, serenading you with a daft version of ‘happy birthday to you’.
🎁 Van won’t let you leave the bed all morning, he’s on tea duty, bringing up cup after cup of tea and you both sit there scoffing a sickly breakfast of chocolate cake, laughing at the mess you’re making, chocolate smeared lips which you both take great delight in licking off each other.
🎁 Which inevitably leads to birthday sex, Van announcing that he’s going to give you an orgasm for every year of your life… you give up after three despite his enthusiasm to keep going. You’re starting to feel a little faint.
🎁 Then it’s showering together where he washes your hair as you discuss your plans for the day. There’s things you want to do but Van is insistent that he’s already got plans in place, he’s just very tight-lipped about what they are.
🎁 When you finally make it downstairs he surprises you again with a bunch of flowers, all your favourite spring blooms (which look suspiciously like they might have been pinched out your neighbours front garden but you don’t say anything… it’s the thought that counts, right?)
🎁 You spend a lazy morning on the sofa cuddling and watching a movie… your choice of course… then Van announces that he’s taking you out for lunch at your favourite restaurant.
🎁 You both don’t manage to eat much after gorging on cake all morning, but you have a lovely time. Van announces to anyone who’ll listen that it’s your special day and your cheeks are glowing pink with all the attention.
🎁 When you arrive back home you’re ready to flop down on the sofa again after your over-indulgences but you realise something’s going on as Van dashes into the house before you, acting all suspicious and telling you to wait outside for five minutes before going in.
🎁 You’ve no idea what to expect but you practically pass out from shock when you enter the living room to find a small group of your close friends and family there, all cheering birthday wishes and raising their glasses.
🎁 Van’s really outdone himself and you feel guilty for ever doubting him. You’re already starting to plan how you can pay him back for his birthday later in the year.
🎁 The party carries on into the evening and you’re having the best time. You can’t help snatching glances across the room to your boyfriend every so often to find him grinning back at you adoringly.
🎁 When the last of the party guests have filtered out the door you’re feeling happy but exhausted, slumping down on the sofa all sleepy and content… but the surprises aren’t over yet.
🎁 “Now for the special surprise,” Van says mysteriously before darting out of the room.
🎁 “What… there’s more?” You cry, feeling a little overwhelmed but not wanting to seem ungrateful. You’ve had a fantastic day but you’re shattered now and you just want to go to bed.
🎁 When he returns he presents you with a little box, all tied up fancy with a pretty bow. “Yeah… got Larry to wrap it for me!” He chuckles at your stunned expression.
🎁 It’s the beautiful birthstone necklace you’ve been hankering after and you’re so touched you feel a lump form in your throat, throwing yourself into your boyfriend’s arms, thanking him for such a perfect day.
🎁 “Just wanted to make it a special day for ya babe, that’s all,” he murmurs, holding you tight. “You mean the world to me, ya really do.”
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viilpstick · 6 months
It has come to my attention that there's only 5 days left for Ruggie's bday
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I WAS SO SAW I DIDNT GOT TO COME AROUND AND WISH VIL HAPOY BIRTHDAY :(((( idid used his plushie and sang happy birthday to him with his cake being a easter chocolate egg 😍✌🏻
BUT at lwast i wilk be around when its ruggies bucchis bday heheheheh🥳🥳
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alienaiver · 3 months
AAAAAH it’s no longer your birthday where you are, but it’s still your birthday over here, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY 💕🩷💕 Hope you had a lovely day, and hope your celebration tomorrow is also lovely! 🥳💖 Here’s a birthday Shinso to celebrate 💜
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THANK YOU !!! both for this lovely message but also for tje loVELY LOVELY SHINSOU ART. the message and the art has been saved in my 🥰🧡✨ folder on my phone im sO EMOTIONAL THANK U ILY !!!!!!!!! mwuah mwuah!!!!
i had the loveliest day(s)! in honour of our beloved link ill share a picture of the cakes!!! my mother brought a chocolate cake she used to bake when i was little and my friend baked a lemon buttercream cake for me 🥹🧡🧡 we had so much fun and i think everyone also jad a very great time!!!
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the only one suffering was snøfle.... he was really struggling with the guests borrowing our bathroom kind of day..... 😔👊🏼
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tricitymonsters · 7 days
Happy birthday Marcel 🥳❤️❤️
Does Marcel have a favorite type of cake? Or favorite foods he likes to have on his day
Red Velvet is the king of cakes as far as Marcel is concerned but he also loves those roll-up jelly roll cakes (and the chocolate versions too). As far as non sweets go, he usually goes out of his way for Texas style brisket or pork belly burnt ends as a celebratory dinner (all the sides and condiments are mandatory!!) He's pretty good about his health cause he's so active but all bets are off when it's time to party lol
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lunarwildrose · 9 months
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My surprise graduation party; part I. 🥳
I graduated from six weeks of IOP on Boxing Day (December 26th), my teacher Maggie gave me a box to choose a seashell or stone to remember my time there by ... I chose a rose quartz, my favourite gemstone♡
Robbie @blackangelwhosees and Lizzy Rose @esaucie promised me they would help celebrate my very first graduation ever with me, and I thought it would be a simple little gathering with gluten free cupcakes ... so I was really, really surprised when I came home from a sibling date with Micky @octobernocturne to a really, really beautiful surprise party themed in white-and-pink with our friends Sierra and Savannah @happywarrior59 there, too! 🙀🤍🩷🤍🩷🤍🩷🤍
They were playing Billy Joel on the vinyl as we came home, and there were a lot of sniks!! 😋 And I got pink roses, too!! 🙀 I love getting flowers more than anything!! 🥰 Lizzy Rose gave me a single rose as well, saying, "A rose from a Rose!" - Lizzy's middle name is really Rose, so that was adorbs🌹
All of our lil animal buddy stuffies had lil party hats on, too! =^w^= ♡ I brought my plushies of me (Sailor Mars), my husband Karasu, and Android 17/Steven out to celebrate, too. I woulda gotten Kurama, but I forgot where I put him (I found him the next day when I remembered), so ... me, my Hubs, and our helpers, cos them and my Little Crow Goblins helped me thru IOP (and life) a whole lot♡ I also changed into my Sailor Mars skater dress to feel oh-so-fancy~ :3 ♡
Everyone made me feel very, very special and loved ... 🥹 Lizzy Rose also made an amazing cake with some help from Robbie🎂, chocolate with pink icing making hearts, a hem around the cake, and words on top spelling out "Congrats, Sha!" on it! =^o^= ♡
I also got everyone to sign one of the pink plates (I'll post in another pic) to remember this night, kinda like a guestbook of memories♡ Robbie also got me some gifts, a cross that is a nightlight, one of his button-up shirts he knows I love a lot, and a Gamer's Level Up pop-up stand, super kewl~~ >:3 ♡♡♡
We also got pizzas, with me getting my very own cheese pizza all to myself!! Hehe, that made Nabs(me) happy indeedy! 🍕😋
I thank God for my loved ones!
{ I did upload a couple of reels to my original cross-posts on IG and FB, so visit my IG post to see them included: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1vcwkPMmLB/ }
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dabislilbaby · 2 years
Blue Moon
Soft Dabi x f!Reader Fluff
A/n: Today is my birthday 🙇🏽‍♀️ I woke up this morning after having this very sweet dream about my crispy chicken nugget💕 it honestly made my entire day better before it even started. I want to share with you guys bc it was really fluffy and just made my heart melt🥹 enjoy <3
P.s. my dream wasn't very detailed so it's mainly a base for this little fic
I might do some fluffy birthday fics for my other boys too<3
Word Count: 1.4k
@haru-x-ren @electricnovaa @juslili
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It was late in the evening, just before midnight. You were cuddled up on your couch with a blanket, your cat purring in your lap as you scratched under his chin. The lights were dim, just a small lamp on the opposite side of the room and a candle with your favorite scent on the coffee table. It was nice and quiet, save for the low volume of conversation coming from your TV. It was almost perfect.
Suddenly you were startled by a mismatched pair of lips meeting your cheek from behind the couch. "Happy Birthday pretty girl." One of Dabi's arms reached around to hold your chin, turning your head to give you another kiss on the lips this time. You swatted his arm. "Dabs! You scared me!" You pouted. He smirked at your adorable expression. "You didn't think I was gonna let someone else be the first one to tell you happy birthday, did you?" He rounded the couch and just then your phone dinged with a text from Toga.
He took a seat next to you on the couch and both of you glanced at the lit up screen. "See? A minute later and blondy woulda beat me to it." You rolled your eyes, picking up your phone to text Toga a quick thank you. "You could have just called, or sent a text like Toga did." He faked a hurt expression. "What? You mean you don't like when I sneak thru your window in the middle of the night for a visit?" You tried your best to pretend to be annoyed but he saw the smile that threatened to peak thru. "Besides..." He reached over the back cushion of the couch to where he was just standing moments ago. "...if I'd just called you then I wouldn't have been able to bring you this."
He pulled out a tiny chocolate cake, about the size of both his fists put together. And knowing him, it probably wasn't paid for. He handed it to you and hopped off the couch, headed for your kitchen. "You can't have a birthday without cake, it's illegal." He called as he left the room. You heard your silverware drawer open and close and you giggled. "As if the law has ever stopped you." You teased. "Oh shush, just eat your damn cake you little brat." He teased back, handing you a fork and taking his seat next to you once more.
Your cat crawled off of your lap and headed straight for Dabi's. He always paid more attention to your boyfriend when he'd visit, cuddling up to him for his warmth. Dabi swears he's not an animal person, and that he doesn't like your cat, but he never complains when he curls up in his lap and gives him a few ear scratches anyway.
You popped off the clear plastic lid of the stolen Walmart cake, the smell of rich chocolate filling your nose. You leaned into dabi's shoulder, and set the cake in-between you. You both take a fork full and shove it in your mouth. "Did you make any plans for today?" You shook your head no, shoving more cake in your mouth. "Mind if I stay then? Spend the day with you?" You smiled. "You don't need to ask, I always enjoy your company." He softly smiled. He always forgets that you don't find him to be a burden like most other people do. "just a habit I guess."
The two of you eat and talk for a bit. He rants to you about how much toga and shiggy get on his nerves, and hints at the fact that sometimes he misses twice, tho he'll never fully admit it out loud.
"Oh!" You jumped in excitement. "I bought a new record the other day, do you wanna hear it?" Dabi was more of a metal head himself, but he found it cute how much you liked to listen to old music. He'd indulge you often and let you show him your favorite songs, some he'd heard so many times while in the car with you he'd probably know them by heart. "Sure doll, show me whatcha got." You slipped out of his arms and stood from the couch. A few feet to the left of your sofa there was an old victrola. It was in surprisingly good condition for its age.
You crouched in front of the dark wooden music player, filing thru your collection of records until you found the right one. As you were pulling it out of the small cabinet, you felt Dabi's presence behind you. When you stood, he rubbed his hand along your arm and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you place the black vinyl under the needle. The static began and a few seconds later the music poured out of its old speakers.
🎶Blue moon🎶
🎶You saw me standing alone🎶
🎶Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own🎶
This song sounded familiar to Dabi, he wasn't sure where he'd heard it though. You leaned your head back against his shoulder and hummed along to the rhythm.
🎶And then there suddenly appeared before me🎶
🎶The only one my arms could ever hold🎶
🎶I heard somebody whisper "please adore me"🎶
🎶When I looked to the moon, it turned to gold🎶
And then it clicked, his mother used to hum this song around the house when he was little. Sometimes she'd sing the words, but not very often. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist, slowly swaying you to the music a bit
🎶Blue moon, now I'm no longer alone🎶
🎶Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own🎶
You turned in his grasp, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face there as well. You and Dabi continued to sway. His hands found place on your lower back, they fit so perfectly, like you were made just for him. He hugged you close, heating up his quirk a bit to make you feel warm. He hummed the lyrics right next to your ear, the low rumble in his throat sending goosebumps down the back of your neck.
🎶And then there suddenly appeared before me🎶
🎶The only one my arms could ever hold🎶
🎶When I looked to the moon, it turned to gold🎶
You nuzzled your head into his neck comfortably, playing with the hair at his nape. He sang the next part to you. So quiet it was almost a whisper, deep gravel in his vocal cords. "Blue moon, now I'm no longer alone. Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own." To anyone else, his voice was nothing special. Some may have even disliked it. But to you, right now in this moment, slow dancing with him in your living room at 1:00 in the morning on your birthday, there wasn't a sound more beautiful then the words he sang to you.
You lifted your head and kissed the scarred skin on his jaw. "Thank you" you said sweetly. "For what doll?" You laid your head back on his shoulder and swayed some more. "Just for being here. You make life a whole lot more worth living." You didn't see the pink that tinted his cheeks, or the soft look in his eyes when he tucked your hair behind your ear, watching how you found comfort nuzzled in his chest. He scoffed, his next words not matching the expression on his face. "Yeah yeah, just don't tell Shigs that I went all soft on ya. I'd never hear the end of it." You smiled and the two of you swayed in a comfortable silence.
Eventually the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms on your couch around 3am. He stayed, just like he said he would. Attempting to make you breakfast in the morning even tho he wasn't that great of a cook, eventually letting you take over when he almost caught the whole stove on fire. He let you play with the soft spikes of his inky black hair while the two of you laid in bed, him between your legs, resting his head on your stomach.
The day was perfect. Not because you did anything fancy, or got expensive gifts. But because you spent it with the person you loved the most.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
yaho Cindy! CONGRATULATIONS ON THREE YEARS 🥳🥳🥳 for your event, may I request Daichi and the leather bound planner? thank you!
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Valentine's Day (Daichi Sawamura x GN!Reader)
Word Count: 700 Warnings: a tiny little suggestive at one part
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Despite being a man who valued stability, routine, and sticking to what was familiar, Daichi was not afraid to push himself outside of his comfort zone. It just took the right motivator. And nothing got Daichi to expand his horizons quite like you did. He would do just about anything if it meant making you smile. That’s why he tried to go the extra mile to do something special for you for Valentine’s Day.
“This is intimidating,” he groans as he opens up the box with the fondue set Suga had let him borrow. His friend had playfully told him to just follow the directions before going on his merry way. Now Daichi was standing in the kitchen feeling a little overwhelmed with only so much time until you got home from work. 
He had a lot of doubts about being able to pull all this off, but he got to work anyway. He started off by preparing everything for dinner. Then, he took his time to carefully cut up some fresh fruit and angel cake squares to use for the chocolate fondue. Thankfully the flowers he ordered for you came on time, and he was able to light the candles and set the plates for dinner just as you arrived home.
“How long have you been home?” you ask, a little surprised by the delicious smell wafting out as soon as he opens the door for you.
“A couple hours,” he admits with a slightly guilty smile. “I wanted to surprise you with a Valentine’s Day feast.”
“Oh Daichi!” You beam at him when you come into the house and see the bouquets of flowers set up around your dining room. “You didn’t have to do all this.”
“Of course I did,” he disagrees, coming up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle his face against your cheek. “I love you. So much so that it deserves to be celebrated with as much enthusiasm as I can muster.”
It’s no surprise when he reveals he made one of your favorite meals for dinner. He’d made it a few times before so he was getting more confident with that. His face flushed red when you complimented his cooking, but you could also see the pride in his eyes knowing he’d been able to make you happy.
“I hope you saved room for dessert now, love.” He shakes his head when you offer to help as he clears the dinner plates off the table. He brings you something warm to drink to give you time to digest a little as he washes up the dishes and prepares to bring out his little surprise.
“This evening has been so lovely already, Daichi. Just what else could you possibly have planned?” You eye him over your mug with a smile that has him flustered but excited at the same time.
“Now, now,” he teases while pulling out the tray full of fruit and other goodies, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Oh?” you perk up excitedly. You feel even more surprised when you see him dig out the fondue pot from the cupboard.
“It won’t take long to melt the chocolate,” he rubs the back of his head sheepishly after the pot is on the table. “At least, that’s what it says in the instructions.”
Soon enough, the house is filled with the smell of chocolate and Daichi gives you one of the fondue sticks so you can start dipping your desired treats. His heart fills with pride again as you hum happily around your first bite. It meant the world to him to see such a content look on your face, even after a hard day at work.
“I wish I could spoil you like this every day,” he admits as you two continue enjoying the dessert.
“But darling, you do.” It was the honest truth. “I feel your love for me in everything you do. Not a day goes by where I’m not assured of the depths of your feelings.”
It was music to his ears because after all the ups and downs and curves that life seemed to throw at the both of you, there was one thing he could rely on and find comfort in, and that was his undying love for you.
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tagging: @ceo-of-daichi @honeybunny-sawamura @daichis-kitty @daichimorelikedaddy
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ms-trashcat11 · 5 months
Birthdays are Overrated
DISCLAIMER: chocolate cakes 🎂 aren't overrated, presents that I like are the best, I love my friends and family who celebrated my birthday for me!!
I mean
today was
the news that all my BAD math scores💔 will be exposed on a parent teacher meeting
knowing that my classmate got full total scores on all subjects (exclaiming ANXIETY)
a freaking suprise bio test🙄????
even after my official birthday at 1:23pm (yes the minute that I was born in)
getting hit in the arm by a football..?⚽🤦‍♀️ (which I managed to convince my self that it traded off another bad thing that was meant to happen)
so ok honestly
not that lucky or happy on this supposedly magical day
I do recognize that the world won't stop for you because its your birthday
you are still bad at math
won't magically not be so because its YOUR BIRTHDAY
but To be honest, why birthday?
What did I do to deserve a birthday celebration?
living and breathing?
continuing to exist?
it obviously does't matter to the world that I (in particular, out of 8 billion people) was born
it matters even less that this is an anniversary of the day that I was born on
and to be honest with the perhaps overly optimistic attitude you can live anyday as a birthday
but why BIRTHDAY🥳???
I came to the conclusion, after a day of contemplation and a life of observations
that birthdays are not important
it is a human made holiday (well yes of course all holidays are human  made) to give us a day
a day that's for us
presuming no one in extreme close proximity of your social life share the same exact birthday - down to the hours - with you, your birthday is the day that people celebrate you for you.
people will wish you to be happy. 🎉And though they could have done that any other day or every single day, it's a day to remind us to do that!
you should be happy without any guilt or burden because its your birthday
its a day where you are supposed to be able to choose whatever you want to do
It is a basic form of contract with life and people around us that sets us free from my life of anxiety and duties (*out of the very real concern that MOST of us can't be happy and free from responsibilities for everyday)
so maybe the world would stop for me for a little moment
some would stop and congratulate me for moving on to the next age, wishing genuinely that I am happy.
birthdays are overrated
but I won't mind having more of it 🍰
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