#happy ficiversary!
littlecarnet · 1 year
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Arceus's human form went through a lot of designs, mainly the hair and clothing. It went from long to short to even looking a bit like Damo's style with the long side whisps around the face. I didn't think this looked enough like Arceus though, so went right back to the longer hair, but it made me wonder if the hair wouldnt just get everywhere and his face. Im sure hed hate the maintenance of that. XD I needed some inspiration from the anime itself...
This lead me to pokemon fashion in general.
It's kind of crazy how much the humans sometimes look like pokemon themselves in the anime. To the point its a guessing game on what pokemon they're trying to emulate. I wanted that for Archer too, but not too on the nose. After all, Volo was still around. Arceus's true nature had to be hinted at through accessories. I got rid of the ring in the hair and turned it into a pendant similar to the ones seen on Baraz and Meray from the movie, Hoopa and the Clash of Ages.
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What resulted was a more practical travel friendly look. His hair is tied back, he wears layers, including a scarf, and his pendant is really the only thing tying him to his true nature. He looks very unassuming...which is absolutely perfect for a god in disguise. The layers underneath aren't always visible, but this art captures what's under it. It is heavily inspired by the clothing of ancient Michina, especially the embroidery on the sleeves and lapel, but with a modern twist.
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And before I forget, I actually had no idea what Arceus's gender would be prior to the second chapter. I hadn't planned that far yet. Since the look of long hair and the clothes were very unisex. I actually flipped a coin a few times to see if Arceus would be male or female or whatever. It landed on male more than a few times, so I settled on that, but here's a design for a female Arceus I played around with, based on the scene where they first transformed, but is wearing very ancient looking clothing aka looking like an absolute goddess. Delia would've instantly been smitten with her from the get go. Lol
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Looking majestic as AF...until she tries to walk on two legs.
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Somewhere, Giratina is laughing their ass off.
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ivystoryweaver · 4 months
Hi! Happy 1st Fic-iversary! 🥳🎉
Can you give me your top 3:
#83: turn ons
#84: turn offs
Thank you bb!
Top three turn ons
i am so cringe basic so if a guy can sing, especially while playing guitar, I am a puddle on the floor
effortless humor
Long bear hugs that make me feel safe and turn into smooches
Turn offs
forced humor
garlic breath
being dismissive of me
Ivy's 1st Ficiversary Celebration
My Masterlist
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supergeek21 · 30 days
Anniversary zine fic!!!
Hi everybody! I wasn’t able to post anything for my true ficiversary in March this year, but I’m very happy I still had this zine piece to share today on what I consider real anniversary of my fandom debut, August 28.
5 years ago today, I was marking 4 years in a failing relationship and had just watched Good Omens for the first time. It was slowly starting to move rent free into my brain but it wasn’t until I, ever the insomniac, started reading fanfic while my ex slept that I realized both why I loved these characters so much and that the love depicted in these fics was what I wanted so badly. One year later, a single me in the midst of lockdown trauma posted Double-0 Omens and truly entered the fan space. I don’t have anything that epic to share today, but I realized part way through writing this little Nina POV story for the @abczine that I was projecting on her.
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Through their misguided efforts at covering their own butts, Aziraphale and Crowley seem to have broken more than one woman out of a toxic relationship. In this story they aren’t alone though, as I decided as a joke at first to make this fic a bit meta and address why some characters look shockingly similar. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Please enjoy this little T rated fic about Nina and her mysterious sister, the former Sister Mary Locquacious!
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justhere4thevibez · 1 year
Happy ficiversary, babe! To launch more of your gorgeous fic into the Hellcheer fandom, have a prompt:
Eddie and Chrissy's first date! Maybe even the drive there, like Eddie is super nervous and he doesn't realise Chrissy is too, so they have a quick kiss to calm themselves 😉 Or the date itself!
Aww thank you!!! This is such a cute prompt!!! Here you go:
Honestly? Eddie fucking hated first dates.
Like, intellectually, he knew they were necessary. Without a first date you couldn’t get a second date, let alone a third. But the first date was always a goddamn nightmare. You didn’t know them, and they didn’t know you, and the more you liked the other person the dumber you acted.
Or maybe that was just him.
And fuck, he really liked this girl. At least, he liked the way she texted, and that was saying something. They’d been texting for approximately four days, and for the last three days and twenty-three hours he’d been dying to meet her. And yet he was also goddamn terrified.
By the time he went to pick up his date, his hands were sweaty and he was somehow cold and hot, which should be physically impossible. Yet here he was, Eddie Munson, eighth wonder of the world about to die from both hypothermia and heatstroke. Truly, he was a marvel.
He pulled up to their designated pickup spot (a coffee shop, which was very sensible of his mystery girl) and immediately regretted not taking Steve up on his offer to borrow the car. What chick in her right mind would get in his van? None, probably. And he was over dating crazies. Mostly.
But before long, the cutest little redhead walked hesitantly over to his lurker-esque van and tapped timidly on his window.
“Eddie?” she asked, tilting her head to the side like she didn’t quite know what to make of him.
“Uh, yeah,” he said, doing his best to give her a not-creepy smile. What even made a smile creepy? Fuck if he knew. “Chrissy?”
“That’s me,” she said, gripping the strap of her purse tightly.
Goddamn, she was beautiful. He’d hoped she was—and he was already so enamored that it didn’t particularly matter to him what she looked like—but fuck. Big blue eyes, pink cheeks that he wanted to fucking bite (he wouldn’t, but oh how they tempted him), and she was wearing this cute little pink dress that tickled her thighs, showing her legs off in a goddamn delectable way.
She was so fucking far out of his league.
And yet she was already hopping into his van and buckling her seatbelt. Honestly, the fact that she hadn’t run screaming from his shitty van and weird-ass style (he liked it, but nobody else ever did) was a bit of a shock.
Think of something to say, his brain screamed at him as he drove to the restaurant he hoped to god would impress her—or at least be good enough that she’d want a second date.
“You’re pretty,” he finally blurted out.
Immediately, he wanted to slam his head into the steering wheel. Goddamn understatement of the year. Chrissy was a goddess in human form, fucking Tinúviel of the modern age, and he’d called her pretty? His head should be on a damn chopping block.
“Oh, thanks,” she said, sounding surprised. “You, too.”
She clapped her hand to her mouth as he let out a startled laugh. He’d been called many things over the years—most of them highly unflattering—but pretty? That was a new one.
“I’m sorry,” she said, covering her flaming cheeks with her hands. “I didn’t mean that, I—I’m just nervous. It’s, uh, been a while.”
“No, no, no take-backs,” he said, shaking his head firmly. “I’m officially pretty.” He pulled into the restaurant parking lot, and once he put the van in park he turned to her. “Just so you know, I’m nervous, too.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “But you’re so—”
She waved a hand in his general direction as though to encompass his entire aesthetic.
“Yeah, no,” he said, getting out and running around to open her door. “I’m fucking terrified of you.”
“Me?” she asked, offering him a confused smile.
“Yeah, you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and she leaned into his touch. “I really like you, and I really don’t want to mess this up.”
“Oh.” She reached up to catch his hand before he could pull away. “I’m not really that scary. Is—is there anything that would help?”
“A kiss might make it all better,” he said, then slapped a hand to his forehead. Fucking idiot. “Shit, I didn’t—”
She pressed a finger to his lips, silencing him more effectively than any insult ever had.
“I think I can help with that,” she whispered, biting her lip.
“You—you do?” he asked, his voice a little hoarse.
“Uh huh.” She tilted his face toward her. “Want me to make it all better?”
“God, please,” he whispered.
She lifted up on her tiptoes, her dress billowing in the evening air, and pressed her soft lips to his. Their kiss was brief and chaste, and fuck he’d never loved anything more. He fucking whined when she pulled away, and she giggled, the sound as sweet as her lips had been.
“Don’t worry,” she said, interlacing her fingers in his and pulling him toward the restaurant. “There’s plenty more where that came from.”
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hekateinhell · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers! ✨
tagged by @monstersinthecosmos thanks babe! ♥️
1. How many works do you have on A03? 32 public, 2 anon, 1 orphaned (that I regret, don't do it!)
2. What’s your total A03 word count? 125,475!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Vampire Chronicles!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Shake The Disease, Our House, The Hand That Feeds, Play The King
5. Do you respond to comments? YES. I used to be so good at replying right away and now it's more like 2-3 times a year where I'll sit down and do them in bulk. Part of is I feel really nervous and EXPOSED when I post something and I kind of feel shy, and part of is I want to make sure I'm taking the time to reply thoughtfully because I want to put as much energy into my response as I'm getting from all your lovely, thoughtful comments! 💖 But I appreciate every single one—comments keep me going! I like to say "write for yourself" and I stand by that LOL I do write for myself first and foremost, but I share because I crave the feeling of being part of the community!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Make An Exception lmao. It's a short lil' canon divergent thing but it's basically Armand cashing in a favor with Lestat and asking him to "take care" of Daniel the way Armand once "took care" of Nicki. Either that or A Rusted Essence actually, I can't decide! I think the first one is angstier and the second one is more hopeless.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Any of my PWPs?
8. Do you get hate on fics? In the beginning I would get a couple hate comments here and there because the only fics I wrote at the time were L/A and I guess that bothered people! Lol it was a different vibe back then (only two years ago but it was weird, I'm so glad that's a thing of the past woof!). Oh, and I really pissed off a couple puritians making Lestat fifteen years old in my mermaid fic. 🫣
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 9/10 times my fics will be smut! I've written both guy-on-guy and girl-on-girl smut, and I find there's differences to each outside of... you know LOL the obvious! I always try to focus on the psychology behind the kinks and how things build and escalate throughout the narrative. It's much more important to me why they're doing what they're doing and how they connect through doing that, but if I can push the envelope of depravity just a bit too then I'm very happy!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope, no crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not a full fic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No! I think I would like to one day but it would very much depend on the person and the story.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Lestat/Armand! But I very much love Armand/Louis and Armand/Daniel too, and of course poly combos are always fun and I do write and read a decent mix of all the above!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? One of the anon fics. I think iykyk. Sorry, guys.
16. What are your writing strengths? I get the most compliments on my characterization, dialogue, and smut!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm also trying to get better with drawing out my fics and creating a sense of slow burn, but I have no patience and I just have to get into the smut or at least reference it somewhere within the first 2k. So I'll work on that. One day. And I can't wait to write a proper 50k EVENTUALLY. Oh, and pacing! I feel like I really struggle with pacing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Lord help me, I do this when I write from Lestat's POV, which I do often. Usually it's just endearments or a phrase but... yeah. Absolutely this is not how bilingual people talk lmao but when it's vampire fic specifically I think it's just corny enough to be Ricey, if you get my drift!
19. First fandom you wrote for? VC! My two year ficiversary was in March! 
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I'm so bad at this question because I've noticed it tends to be the latest big thing I've been working on! So right now that's Drop Dead Gorgeous, a genderswapped L/A human AU! It's the first thing I wrote since I've been exploring my sexuality and it was really interesting from a creative perspective to get into the headspace of a woman obsessively attracted to another woman, and honestly it didn't take a lot for me to get there! It was super fun and horny and I really enjoyed writing it and I can't wait to start working on the next chapter!
tagging but no pressure! @rainbowcarousels @0junemeatcleaver0 @butchybats @aunteat @leslutdepointedulac @cinnamonclove @nothing-but-paisley ♥️
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💝BESTIE HAPPY FICIVERSARY!!!! 💝Ngl when I saw the post a few days ago I didn’t believe it bc I am so time blind😬
ACoFD is truly such a gem of a fic and one of my favorites (and I still have it open on my phone in my ReReads tab group for whenever I need a pick me up☺️ according to my ao3 history I may or may not have visited it 312 times over the course of a year and a half😅)
I hope you’re having a good day, and a wonderful feysand week!! ☺️
💝 anon my beloved!!!
You and me both on being time blind, I made the post a few days ago and then completely forgot about it 😂 Two years feels like simulatenously way too much time and not enough time??
And you visited ACoFD 312 times!?!? 🥺🥺🥺 I am so honored you enjoy the story enough to keep coming back to it and also I hope you know that I'm fully determined to finish this fic soley as a gift to you for being so lovely 🥺 This is literally me:
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I hope you've been enjoying feysand week and taking good care of yourself! Thank you for always being so kind 💕💕
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lexicals · 1 year
It's ficiversary day!
Happy birthday to the longest story I have ever written, and probably the one I'm most proud of. 250k words about falling in love with the ghost who is haunting your house, aka that one time I wrote a book masquerading as a piece of taakitz fanfiction. Wild.
I have been too busy and/or focused on other projects this past year to work on finishing the post-canon addition just yet, but we'll see what the future holds.... either way I'm gonna share the link to the main fic and the published chapters of the post-canon oneshot below, as is tradition (I cannot believe it's already been 3 years wow)
Main fic
Post-canon oneshot
If you followed me for this fic at some point, please keep an eye out for the webcomic I'm developing also! I'm hoping to start publishing it sometime this year, and it has a lot of similar vibes in that it is also a supernatural enemies-to-lovers romance type deal in which death is but an inconvenience (except it's lesbians this time), so I hope that enjoyers of this fic will find something to enjoy there also. I had to do the obligatory plug you understand ok ok
Anyway, until next year 💕
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makerofvoids · 9 months
[[I was disappointed in myself for not finishing the demons arc in 2023 and didn't even post on my ficiversary in December, but you know what? I finished book one and book two and book three is a fucking monster. It's already novel length and that's a big accomplishment. I wrote A LOT and I was super passionate about all my characters, I'm so happy to have given life to zeiryn and kasper and st*las and al*stor and to have gotten so much into jarvis after not writing him for a really long time. My human disaster! He sure fucked things up royally. So I don't know... I've been in a long slump cuz of depression and some bad meds but I really want to finish the story. I've been saying for a year I can't wait to get to sibel and I literally stalled out just before he was introduced. WHEN IS DEAKYN GONNA GET SOME ACTION?? MY POINTY BOY!! I'm gonna fu king finish it I just need to get my shit together. But we've come a long way and accomplished so much.]]
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Crazy to think I started this fic a year ago...wow.
Chapters: 47/? Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cullen Rutherford/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Cullen Rutherford, Rylen (Dragon Age), Dorian Pavus, Male Trevelyan (Dragon Age), Male Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Josephine Montilyet Additional Tags: Modern Girl in Thedas, MGiT, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Drinking to Cope, Language Barrier, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, POV Original Character, POV Cullen Rutherford, Confident Cullen Rutherford, Protective Cullen Rutherford, Comfort/Angst, Masturbation, Mutual Pining, Sexual Tension, Sexual Fantasy, Jealous Cullen, Smut, Fluff, Getting to Know Each Other, Cullenlingus, Cullen Smut, Cullen Rutherford Smut, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Light Dom/sub, Possessive Cullen Rutherford, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Possessive Sex, Established Relationship, Romance, Romantic Fluff, minor Male Trevelyan/Josephine Montilyet, Minor Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Minor Rylen/Original Female Character, Eventual Happy Ending, Self-Indulgent, Dorian is a Good Friend, Not Canon Compliant, Marriage, Married Life, Married Couple, Wedding Fluff Summary:
When she thought about how much she wanted to get away, she never realized just how far she would end up.
Just another Modern Girl in Thedas story.
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albatrossisland · 4 years
August 23 was my ficiversary, when I finished posting the very first fanfic on AO3 (and my first fic since I was a teenager).
So, I’m gonna nerd out a bit.
Total Fics: 9 
GoT: 8
MCU: 1
Total Word Count: 109,345 (damn!)
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted at the beginning of the year? Ned/Cersei. A commentator on The End of the World asked if I would consider a companion story, and as a joke, I mentioned the two of them hooking up, and then 10 months later my brain was like, ‘babe, you’re writing this.’ And then I did. And I loved it.
What's your favorite story of the year?  Saving Jaime Lannister. It’s probably my tropiest story, but it such a blast to write, and I wrote it during the early part of the summer, after a long period of feeling that my creativity had dried up. And poof, it came into being as I kept writing it. 
My best story of this year: I am immensely proud of The End of the World. It’s a tricky story, told in non-chronological order, that’s an AU of a show that was not very popular but had a not-unfair reputation as a misery fest, and I’m fairly sure I pulled it off. It’s exactly the Leftovers AU fic that I would want to read, which is really all I can ask for in my writing.
My most popular story of this year: By hits, it’s Saving Jaime Lannister, which has more than double the hits of my next highest story. By kudos, it’s Knock Three Times, my story for the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange, which is also my one shot with the most hits.
Most fun story to write: SJL. I have never written like that before, where I just had an early inkling of the story, and with no plan or notes or anything, I just wrote and let the narrative take me where it wanted to go. I can’t always write like that, nor should I, but that was really something special.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Ned and Cersei desk sex in The Storm. I’m not really comfortable writing smut, but that just kind of flowed, even if it was pretty short scene.
Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Without giving too much away, there are some elements in The Storm that even I thought were just a bit too dark. Not enough that I didn’t include them..but still.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: The Storm. I think most of us who write Braime fic have a good handle on the characters, regardless of what situations we put them in or how we stretch them to fit the narrative. But I’d never really considered writing Ned Stark (cuz blah) or Cersei (who is fun as a villain, but harder as a person), and I think I gained some interesting insight into both of them.
Hardest story to write: J+B. It was the first one I wrote for Braime, an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, and while it worked more or less, I can see the cracks in the narrative, and the ending is too rushed. But for a first try, it’s not too bad (and I like the swoony romance bits).
Favorite Opening Line(s): It’s a toss up between my two Leftovers fics:
“It was the end of the world.“ - TEOTW
“Ned Stark felt himself die when he saw his youngest daughter disappear in front of him.“ - The Storm
They are both good, but I do think I’m better at closing lines.
Favorite Closing Line(s): As I was looking through my fics, I realized that a lot of my last lines are somewhat spoilery. So, just gonna list the ones I like best, not the actual words:
The Storm
Saving Jaime Lannister
M for M
Story I haven't yet written, but intend to: Someday, maybe, hopefully, I will write this very, very loose ‘Bedknobs and Broomsticks’ adaptation that’s been in my head since last year. I have this whole idea of a modernish world where magic exists, but it’s hard to access, so not everyone uses it, and the ones who do are careful about it. There are also magic-fueled Essosi pirate raids, and curses that need breaking, and gah, just need to write the damn thing.
Fic-writing goal for the next year: Just keep writing. I love it, and it’s good to have a creative outlet.
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kingsofeverything · 3 years
Happy 5 year ficiversary to me!
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5 years ago I decided to write a fic just to see if I could, and I did! The response was much more than I’d ever dreamed and I’d like to say a big thank you to Nic @louandhazaf for betaing that mess (and becoming my BFF!) and to B @nottooldforthisship for reading it and reccing an unknown author 😘 Turned out, I could write a story. Who knew? Not me! And this year I’ll post my 100th fic 😱 It’s still mind blowing to me anyone would read something I wrote, so massive thank you to everyone who’s ever read any of my stories!
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ivystoryweaver · 4 months
Girl I’m so glad your requests are open ! Happy anniversary !! I love all the works you have done and how you put your soul in every fic I’m so glad you are making this a special event it’s so cute 🥺
I wanted to ask you for a while if you were taking platonic requests ? Like friends or found family stuff, it is LACKING in fandoms fics , but it’s not everyone’s tea so wanted to ask before anything !! Have a nice day and happy one year <3
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Thank you for your sweet words, they mean so much - I'm gonna get teary eyed!
Yes, I am taking platonic requests. In fact, I am cooking up a couple of platonic short stories and/or headcanons as we speak. And you're right, fandoms need more variety.
Send it over, I'll see what I can do!
Ivy's 1st Ficiversary Celebration
My Masterlist
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charlottemadison42 · 4 years
i am about to seriously celebrate my One Year FICKIVERSARY
because my first-ever piece of fiction, Recounting the Deeds of the Day, came out Nov. 17th 2019!!!! And I have published soooo many words since! I am gonna have a very introverted PARTY over here.
and i have a problem and that is
b/c if I spell it FICIVERSARY
my brain pronounces the first part like it’s in Italian, or else like it’s the middle of “specific,” and either way it’s weird
but FIKIVERSARY makes me make the i’s too long
FICVERSARY scans all wrong
FIC-A-VERSARY what even is that help
arguments and pedantry are usually discouraged here but today i could use a little. someone rescue me with a strong opinion.
anyway. Happy one year (in a day or two) to my first series, The Longest Night!
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justhere4thevibez · 1 year
HAPPY FICIVERSARY I have no prompt for you but I want you to work on something you’ve been putting off instead 💖💖💖 incredibly proud and honoured to know you because of this silly silly fandom (affectionate)
awww thank you!!! I was able to get past a hump on ch 3 of If You Fall, I Will Catch You, so this was actually very helpful! Here's a little snippet:
She scrutinized him for a long moment. “You’re not what I thought you’d be like.” “How do you mean?” “In high school,” she said, slow and contemplative. “You were so—” “Obnoxious?” he asked with a laugh, getting the hint of a smile from her. “Scary? A pain in the ass?” “No,” she said, the smile a little bigger now. “I mean, you were a little scary, but mostly you were just… intense.” She looked him up and down, her brow furrowed. “Or maybe I just didn’t know you well enough to see how kind you were.”
And my goal was to finish the rest of the prompts you all sent in (I think there are three left) but I'm beat today. But I SHALL finish them sometime in the next few days!
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ddagent · 5 years
2019 Writing in Review
Shamelessly stolen from @agirlnamedkeith​ because I am actually super proud of my writing year. 
Total number of completed stories: 21 full-length stories; 125 prompts of various lengths.
Total word count: 328,947 (includes fic, original work, story planning); of that, 220,123 was published fanfic. 
Fandoms written in: Game of Thrones
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I wrote more in December than I did in the first five months of the year! I really struggled with my writing at the start; most of that was due to home circumstances, but losing the love for my last fandom made it difficult to write. Finding Jaime and Brienne has done wonders, and not just for my word count!
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Could it be anything else other than Head, Hand, Heart? I’m excited to share the final two chapters with you in early 2020. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? Not in any real sense. This June will be my 15th ficiversary, there is very little I haven’t written. But I felt like I got back to the core of why I enjoy writing, and just went for it in a way that I haven’t before. It’s been a really good writing year. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? I am trying really hard not to put any expectations on me for 2020. Over the last few years I’ve put so much on my writing and it’s hindered me. I want to finish HHH and write what I want. That’s about it. 
Best story of the year? Oh, wow, there’s been a lot of stories I’m super proud of this year. Impediment was one of the first, and the structure makes me very happy. Honestly, though, I love everything I’ve produced this year. 
Most popular story of the year? Setting aside my prompt collections, Head, Hand, Heart has been the most popular by far. I don’t know what it is that makes Queen Brienne so compelling, but I am still overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and support, and can only hope I give you a satisfying ending to her and Hand Jaime’s story.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: That is Masks, without a shadow of a doubt. It’s certainly one of my favourites because I love writing dark, pining Jaime, and a decent movie remix. But it’s the least read of all my completed stories. 
Most fun story to write: I mean, I love, love, love writing all the prompts because they’re a heck of a lot of fun and I feel very creative when I write them. But Two Lines was SO much fun; I love writing humour and misunderstanding.
Most unintentionally telling story: Not really anything that comes to mind, but there’s a reason why I often write in Jaime’s POV: Brienne’s is a little too close for comfort. 
Biggest disappointment: I had wanted to finish HHH before 2020, but it was not meant to be. Other than that, I’ve had a good run!
Biggest surprise: That I fell in love with Jaime and Brienne and wrote over 200,000 words of published fanfiction? Seriously, I remember thinking earlier this year how nice it would be to be fandomless for a while. But then Jaime knighted Brienne and here we are! I am still so surprised about the reaction to my work, and I really cannot wait to share so many amazing stories with you in 2020.
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seaspiritwrites · 5 years
Fanfic tag meme
Tagged by the lovely @agirlnamedkeith.
At what age did you start writing fanfiction?
Probably when I was around 12—although at the time, I had no idea that was what I was doing or that other people wrote it, too! I certainly never shared it. Almost 20 years later, I started writing again last summer, and I posted my first fic in July 2018. Happy one year ficiversary to me! 
Who is your favorite author?
I pretty much only read Jaime/Brienne fic, and this fandom has so many amazingly talented writers that it’s impossible to choose. We're so lucky!
Favorite type of scene to write?
Hmmmm. Probably scenes that combine dialogue with introspection, where I'm getting to write some kind of interaction while also showing how the character whose POV I'm in is reacting internally. Bonus points if there's ample amounts of UST, because writing the build is delicious fun. (For those of you who’ve read it, the chapter in With All Your Faults where Jaime and Brienne dance was one of my all-time favorites to write.)
What is your favorite fanfic?
Choose just one?? NEVER! And I'm very, very behind on reading, so I look forward to discovering even more to love!
What tags do you avoid like the plague?
J/B/C stuff is a hard pass. And I have to really, really be intrigued by your premise if you plan to kill off Jaime or Brienne. I want a happy ending, and I am not ashamed!
What AU do you wish to write but feel like you won’t manage?
Some sort of Regency fic, because I adore them and firmly believe we can never have too many, but inspiration would have to strike first! A Downton Abbey-ish J/B fic would be fun, too, but I have zero ideas for how to make that work. Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever write another AU, although practically every movie I watch lately seems perfect for them.
Do you outline or write as you go?
A little bit of both, I guess? I've never been a complete pantser, because I at least have a sense of where things are going and the points I want to hit, but I don't always do a full outline either. For my current fic, I have a fairly detailed one, although I didn't actually finish it until I was several chapters deep (10+, probably).
What has been your favorite story to write so far?
With All Your Faults, by far. It's challenged me and inspired me and allowed me to connect with so many wonderful people...it's been phenomenal. It also showed me that I can write something that is actually book-length, which is wild in itself!
Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi-chapters? Why?
Multi-chapters, without a doubt. I like developing a story and the characters, and getting to spend more time with them. It's what I enjoy most about writing. Clearly, I was made for the slow burn!
What is your favorite kind of comment?
All of them! Really, I appreciate everyone who takes the time to leave a comment, whether it's about characterization or a plot point or a turn of phrase they enjoyed or just "I liked this, thanks for writing it." It's wonderful to know someone is out there, reading what I've written, and I'm not just posting into the void. 🙂
Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why are you still writing it?
Because I love Jaime and Brienne so freaking much, I guess? I did a rewatch of GoT during the loooong hiatus between seasons 7 and 8, and my first fic just kept banging around in my brain until I wrote it down. The idea that would become With All Your Faults hit me not long after, and here we are. I’ve committed myself to finishing it, and then...I guess we’ll see!
Yikes, that got long.
I won’t tag anyone specifically, but feel free to join in, writer friends!
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