#happy halloween!!!! :D
rambunctioustoons · 11 months
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treat and trick!! :D 💥
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tizzymcwizzy · 11 months
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! i hope you get to eat a lot of candy and watch a scary movie if you celebrate :D
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myuminji · 11 months
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Vampire AU (vw)
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artphi · 11 months
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zkyeline · 2 years
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It’s the time of the year 🧡
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theriverbeyond · 11 months
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Salutations to the House of the Ninth, and blessings upon its tombs, its peaceful dread, and its manifold mysteries. His Celestial Kindliness, the First Reborn, begs this house to honour its love for the Creator, as set in the contract of tenderness made on the day of the Resurrection, and humbly asks for the first fruits of your household GIDEON NOVEMSOTIRIA and HARROW NOVA
RD Gideon @theriverbeyond / Nova: @trickstercheshi / Photo: @/Lowkeymuse
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the-august-axolotl · 11 months
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Inktobertale Day 31: Halloween
Happy Halloween!!
(shhhhh don’t look at the date guys I totally didn’t run out of time this was totally posted on Halloween guys ssshhhhhhh)
white pumpkin version under the cut, I was rly torn between which color to do and I just couldn’t chose lol. So have both :p
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blue boy
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charmy-s-thing · 2 years
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i just know they were crazy into fnaf
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zippi44 · 11 months
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🎃"Trick or Treat!"🎃
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luffysscraps · 11 months
Every Bit of You;
Yandere! Trafalgar D. Water Law
Cw; Fem reader. Yandere. Manipulation. Surgical operation. Dumbification. Gaslighting. Mind break. God complex
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The captain of the Heart pirates is… very attached to you to say the least.
The man known as Trafalgar D. Water Law, had saved your life a year ago. Saving you from becoming a slave and being sold as property at an auction house. He offered you a spot on his pirate crew, and in that moment you felt like you had no where else to turn so you accepted his offer. And you never knew why he wanted you specifically. The auction house was filled with prettier women, people with devil fruit powers, hell even experienced pirates.
So for the captain of a strong pirate crew to want you of all people made little to no sense. You always asked him why but he never gave you a straight answer. “Stop worrying about why. It already happened didn’t it?” Or it was the simple. “I felt like it.” You just never felt like you really fit in here. While everyone else was fighting for their lives, you were running and hiding to save your own.
No fighting skills, no navigation skills; you could barely hold your own. Someone else always had to save you and keep you out of harms way. The rest of the crew even jokes about it taking turns babysitting you on every single adventure. You have no idea why you’re here, the only bright part of you existence was your captain. Law. He always had a soft spot for you, you could just tell. The way he treats you compared to the others is all telling, when he looks at you his eyes gain a tint of softness and patience that wasn’t present when speaking to the rest of the crew.
Your existence was an enigma. You never felt like you belonged or could pull your weight so after a year of sailing these seas aimlessly you finally decided you would leave the heart pirates. With your bags packed up in your room and ready to go.
So here you stood in front of Law’s office where the man often clammed up in front of books and studied for days straight. You gulped down a lump that was growing in your throat, for some odd reason you felt nervous… you knew you had nothing to worry about, your captain was an understanding man. He certainly wasn’t one to get angry, not with you at least. Even when you did something stupid like get yourself captured he had never raised his voice at you. The most you got was a light scolding, compared to when he chewed out the rest of the crew for something simple.
But what are you thinking about that for? You’re sure he’ll understand.
After knocking on his door you can hear a low “come in.” Being muffled by the walls. So with his permission you enter, and like always his eyes go a little soft when he realizes it’s you at the door. “Y/n-Ya? What brings you here? And why are you up so late? It’s important to get a full eight hours of sleep a night.” As usual he’s always in doctor mode, trying to assess your health every second of the day. He gets up from his desk and makes his way over to greet you.
You shutter lightly, closing the door behind you. “Captain Law…”
“You only call me captain when there’s something bothering you. What’s wrong?” Law is very observant in your mannerisms, you never noticed that yourself until he pointed it out. It was like he knew you like the back of his hand. “Well captain- I mean Law… it’s just…” you shutter and stammer your way through your sentence unable to reach Law’s gaze feeling guilty for some odd reason. The male himself stares down at you, his golden hues examining your every flinch.
“Spit it out Y/N. Whatever’s troubling you won’t bother me, or make me mad.”
“Well… I…I… I’m leaving the Heart pirates.”
He stood mistaken.
It did make him mad.
It was a silent anger, not noticeable to the eye. His expression didn’t change at all, he looked down at you with a sigh. He always knew this day would come but he didn’t think it’d come so soon. “And why is that Y/N-ya.”
“You know why! I-I can’t hold my own, I’m not a good fighter, and I just don’t contribute to the-“
“Didn’t I tell you not to worry about things like that?” Law cuts you off bringing you closer to him and resting his hand on your shoulder. “What you contribute to the crew doesn’t matter at all. I sworn you in as a crew mate therefore you are a crew mate.” He tells you firmly leaving little to no room for argument. You shutter back unable to look him in those yellow hues that were no longer soft. Instead his eyes were those of a predator now looking down on it’s prey; a hawk looming over a oblivious mouse hundreds of feet above in the sky.
“B-but… I don’t feel like-“
His voice is sharp, and in all honesty it scared you. His hand crawls up your shoulder and sits on your chin, tilting your head upwards to meet his gaze. “So are we going to put this to rest?” Law’s tone isn’t light hearted like before, it now has a nasty glint of annoyance and anger. Sweat beads down your forehead as his words sound more like a threat then a suggestion. ‘What’s going on with him? Why is he so… scary?’
You’ve never seen Law act like this before, it was unsettling. You didn’t know how to answer him so you simply nodded your head. “I-I um… sure! I’ll… I’ll just head to bed then.” You turned away from him, going towards the door to grab your bags and rush out of here as quickly as possible. Your hand reaches the knob and opens it but the door is quickly slammed shut by Law’s weight. He’s leaning against the other side of the door, crossing his arms and staring at you dead in the eyes.
“That’s a lie. You’re still set on leaving aren’t you?”
You back away from him, too shocked to say anything. His eyes follow your movement, not a second goes by where his eyes leave your body. “L-Law you’re scaring me…”
“So I was right… it was a lie and you’re set on leaving me aren’t you. Y/N-Ya…?”
The nickname that was once so sweet is now so sinister. His hand slowly creeps to where his sword rested besides the door and holds it firmly in its palm. “W-what are you doing?!” You yelled at him, watching as he crept closer and closer to your body. He lets out a sigh. “Honesty… I wish it didn’t have to come to this. I enjoyed your company as it was. You always thought you were a nuance or burden no matter how much I tried to reassure you, you weren’t.”
“Don’t you see? You were enough, more then enough. The moment I laid eyes on you, you were the one. I saved you. I groomed you. You were my own; a silly little pet I loved. You’d lay across my lap by your own decision but now you’ve grown a mind of your own. This is the repayment I get? I saved you and this is my thanks?”
He’s trapped you now. You’ve been backed into a corner, not that he needed to trap you anyways. You were trapped the moment you decided to join the Heart pirates. His empty hand grasps your chin, the tattoo spelling out ‘Death’ laced across his knuckles now creeping up your face and stopping at your temple. His index finger runs across your frontal lobe before giving it a gentle tap.
“I tried to calm your worries naturally. You were always great but you could never see it. There’s something wrong up here. Don’t worry. I’ll fix you.”
A blue aura fills the room and entraps you in another. Law’s operation room. A room none of his victims escape from. His lips curve into a smile. His fingers now ink like, drawing a dotted line across your frontal lobe marking where he needed to cut. “I always loved you. That was your purpose. Your only purpose was for me to love you. It didn’t matter if you loved me back or not. You were made for me. But now you’re broken….”
You shiver and shake in his hold finding no means to move. You’re frozen solid looking up to your captain. The man you respected was now gone, all that was left was a mad man; a psychotic surgeon and now you weren’t one of his crew members. You were nothing but another victim.
He leans over and kisses you on the lips. The action was quite passionate but the context in which it came was sickening. It was filled with love, a sick one sided love. His lips were warm and tender against your unmoving and shaking ones. Once he pulled back he smiled at you and slowly began to unsheathe his sword. Tears dwelled up in your eyes not knowing what the future would be like but you knew it was one you’d dread. Your heart pounded heavily against your chest in fear, the glimmer of his blade raised high above you.
“P-please law… don’t.” 
“Hush now. You’ll feel better after I’m finished… I’ll twist and tweak your brain to my liking. I’ve studied hard on lobotomies…. There’s nothing to fear my dear.”
“You’ll just go to sleep for a while. And when you wake up you’ll be as good as new.”
“Now Scalpel.”
You felt a sharp pain slide across your temple as his blade slices open your head. Your eyes feel heavy and you close them, falling into a deep sleep in seconds.
“Did… did Y/N always do her hair like that?” “Now that you mention it. She’s a little off now isn’t she?” “I heard she came down with something bad. Captain’s working on a cure. She stays with him most of the time. I’m surprised she’s out of his room right now.”
“Tea,Tea,tea. Pouring tea for law and me.” You muttered softly to yourself. The chitter chatter of the other crew members in the kitchen turned to blurs and faded away in your memory. The gaps in your mind too small to pay such attention to them. You stumbled over yourself, forgetting how to walk for a second before standing upright holding the kettle in your palms while your hand shakily guided it to the tea cups sat on the table.
“Y/N… you’re pouring it on the ground.” Bepo told you softly. You blinked feeling a wetness on the floor and realized you had emptied the pot on the ground. “Oh. Excuse me.” You bend down with a small smile taking the cups from the tray and trying to get the spilled liquid back into the cups. A loud scraping sound echoing out the kitchen as your effort was fruitless. But that didn’t matter to you. You didn’t have the capacity to think clearly.
The crew members of the heart pirates watched uncomfortably not knowing what to do with you. Nowadays you were like a zombie to the world, it was like you had lost a bit of your humanity or your ability to think beyond a few words. Just as Bepo went to pull you from your impossible task, light footsteps came from around the corner.
“Y/N-Ya… I found you, what did I tell you about wondering off.”
“I made us tea Law!” You exclaimed not understanding a word he said as you shot up with a smile on your face holding the tray out to him. Two slightly broken tea cups sat on the tray with barely any tea inside, and from the looks of the kitchen floor the tea had been poured out onto the ground. With your erratic movement your bang that had been used to cover your scar from surgery showed. “Hey take it easy now… what’d I say about moving quickly.” He scolded you lightly pushing your hair back into place.
“Oh right… sorry Law…”
“It’s alright Y/N-Ya I’m just glad you’re safe.” He takes the tray from your palms and smiles lightly at you putting the tray down on the table. “You don’t need to make me anything, you don’t need to do anything right now okay? We just need to focus on getting you better alright?” He turns you around and guides you out of the kitchen not giving his confused crew members any explanation of what was going on.
Once he was out of sight of his crew he leads you back to his room, his grip on your shoulders getting tighter. “But you’re never going to get better okay? You’re mine alright? You know that and I know that. You’ll stay like this forever because I want you too. Right? You can do that for me baby girl~?”
“Yes of course Law!” You agree blindly with no ounce of defiance in your body.
“Good.” Law smirks lightly. His room coming into view, the same room you’ve been trapped in for two months now. But time doesn’t matter to you, you can hardly tell the days apart, everything blurs together like one long continuous life.
“You know I love you.” He says as he leads you inside locking the door behind him. “I love you too!” You gush with a happy smile turning to face him and giving him a hug. He hugs you back with a smile on his face, giving your back a gentle pet or two. Law then stares at the pieces of your brain he has in a jar on his desk he brushes some of your hair back to cover your scar and holds you close to his heart.
“Every bit of you.”
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turtleneckandtee · 11 months
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Quiet clink above the grave.
They only get to reunite on every halloween’s dawn times in just a single hold of breath so before ww goes back to sleep again they decide to drink.
A year per a quiet little clink of two.
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titenoute · 11 months
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32th of Spooky Month (bis) : The Wandering Torii ⛩
Be careful not to wander in the forest during misty nights ... Or you might find a Torii Gate without a temple.
Whatever happens, do not go in. Or you might get yourself l̶̡̢̗̦͙͉̠͚͕͌́͊̄ͅô̵̢͙̪̙͈̗͊͋͌̍͊͑͂̾̆s̸̪̥̘̣͂͗͑̀̄͆̓͠t̶͈̘̑̈́̌̈̂
The Tengu Mask 👺
The Hossumori 🖌
The Kyorinrin📜
The Cherry Blossom Tree🌸
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necopro · 11 months
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𝐘𝐨𝐮…𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥!…𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋! 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐨.
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marty--party · 11 months
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just a bunch of halloweenies causing mischief. they will steal ALL your candy
bonus + someone got stuck in his costume…
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candyheartedchy · 11 months
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Outfit based on this!
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anemonet · 11 months
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Happy halloween!!! Aimed and fired mainly towards >> @choliosus for the @mcyt-halloween gift exchange, but happy to everyone else too :DD
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