#happy pride queer youth
i just had to say this.
no, but, i really want y’all to say it with your whole chest. why is it cool for straight people to reminisce about their childhood crush and dream of what could have been and that's romantic, and you can gain sympathy. but if you make it queer then we’re weird, creepers with some agenda? you just always want to demonize us and push us into the box of pedophiles, go ahead, just say it say it!
despite almost every straight presenting, straight agenda pusher, closest case out there, in and out of the church being usually the pedophiles of the world. it’s almost.. ironic.. it’s almost like... gaslighting or something. like you’re calling us what y’all are. 
(listen, most actual queer/gay people tend to actually never experience childhood and teen years normal development because we are so afraid of so much, and for good reason. so yeah, we also like to reminisce like y’all.. only we have even more layers there.. you can’t imagine the depth of all the things we are trying to work through in doing so. often times alone with no other help with these aspects.
so, “missed opportunities”, an understatement for us. i mean these ships for us are all the life we’ll never get to get back, time lost feels so heartbreakingly different in the closet. “years wasted”, again, an understatement. so, y’all think we’re silly for caring so much about ships when we can see ourselves in these ships but i cry thinking about how much i can relate to so much and it brings me back there. but instead of repressing all of those feelings and looping those memories i can never undo or change, i attempt to, through fanfic. i write and read fanfic, and love fanart because it’s my do over. not to mention, we never get actual representation that’s fleshed out the same way. i know plenty can relate so i just had to vent this since pride is here and i’ve been an absolute emotional wreck over so much and this has been weighing on me.)
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peturnagy · 3 months
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Joe Locke (digital painting) / Artist: Miki Földi - Corel Painter Master
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mynewfangledlife · 2 months
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Today one of the groups I'm in on social media had a photo thread of your "2014 to 2024" glow ups and I went searching for pictures from 2014.
Man, that was a trip.
I never really realized how genuinely obvious it was how uncomfortable I was in my own skin at that time, every picture I looked at of me pre transition, I look posed, porcelain, visibly uncomfortable with myself. No one noticed. Not one person from my youth put together the pieces.
I remember shopping for this dress, I wanted to give my father the princess moment he had always dreamed of for me. I thought the dress was pretty but I HATED wearing it, I hated that I "had" to wear a dress. In fact, in the shop, while paying for the dress, I said to my parents "get a good look, because it's the only gown you'll ever see me in".
I'm glad I did it, because I'm glad my father gets to have those memories, I'm glad we got that moment, but my god was that poor child in agony. I regret not knowing sooner. I regret not having the language to help myself sooner. But I also know, I did the best I could with what I knew at the time.
12 years later, and many mistakes in between, I've finally gained the language and have a community that has helped me find that tormented little boy that's been hiding in there for so long. I get to smile with real joy, I get to nurture him with all of the things he didn't get to enjoy in our youth, I get to heal the parts of him that were locked away in a room in the recess of my mind, we're free.
If anyone ever tells you that representation, visibility, language, understanding, don't matter.. that kids don't need to know what transgender means, or even non binary, you bring them to me. Because they're unequivocally wrong. Children need to know that it's okay to explore their gender if that's how they feel, children NEED to know that they're not required to be what society tells them they are, when we say you can be anything, sweet darling child -- you can be anything.
Don't wait until you're 30 to figure it out.
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myownsummer24 · 4 months
reminder to everyone this month
True christians do not hate, harass, or ASSUALT Gay or trans people because it’s “against their religion”. Those are false christians.
True christians love everyone and want everyone to be happy and healthy! Happy pride everyone! 🤍
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cuucuula · 4 months
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Been meaning to make something with actual effort for pride but haven't made anything yet 😓
But do not fret, it WILL happen at some point
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evilcatchild · 4 months
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Some reminders and just some things that have been on my mind. Happy Pride month lads, free Palestine and trans rights are human rights <3
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junemo10 · 4 months
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🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
you are loved, you are valued
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mydeerheart · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month from your favourite pansexual pride jester 🌈💖
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2pen2wildfire · 3 months
Saw a little kid at pride yesterday in a pretty green dress with a they/them pin. Couldn't be older than 9. I'm so incredibly happy that that child has been allowed to experiment and express their identity openly. So proud of them.
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iamroyalgayness · 4 months
Parden my absence! I've been busy being gay and shit. Happy pride month, my subjects! Be gay and this month, crime is legal in my kingdom! Go wild! I expect at least 1 billionaire beheading!
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adragonflys2peni · 4 months
Good morning it’s the first day of pride and I am thinking about Psych. Of course. Who could’ve predicted this? Anyway this is what I think they’d be doing at pride. <3
- Shawn and Gus go together (obviously)
- Shawn is decked out in merch, pins and stickers and little flags
-Gus dressed nice but wore a little pin. Eventually he became covered in rainbow paint. Shawn thinks this is hilarious and Gus is willing to let it slide because it’s pride
- Lassie is there as a cop (boo cops at pride) but he also has a pan pin
- If it’s later in the season then Marlowe comes and covers him in rainbow kiss marks
- Jules is in the parade with the roller derby girls on skates, she has a flag as a cape and rolls around to people to give them hugs
- Chief Vick is there with daughter handing out informational packets on how to stay safe (water, whistle, don’t get separated, wear sunscreen, etc.)
- Husband is still never seen, she tells them that he’s going around giving free dad hugs to people
- Mr. Vick (he took Karen’s last name) I know we’ve never met you but I know you’re a good man
- Henry is there and I think it’s so funny that Shawn is always shocked to see him out of the house “Dad!?!?? What are you doing here?!???”
- Shawn isn’t out to his dad yet and shits himself and tries to joke his way out of the situation
- “Kid, I’ve known you like boys since you were five, when you told me you were going to marry Gus.”
- IMMEDIATE embarrassment from Shawn (his ass doesn’t remember he blocked that out!! Denial!!!) but also very relieved
- Henry may be an asshole but he is not homophobic!!
- Also a murder happens at pride and they have to solve it because homophobes are trying to blame gay people, the pridegoers are saying it was a hate crime, and they have to figure out who killed the guy and why before the whole situation escalates
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queeryouthassemble · 1 year
Queer & Trans Youth Pen Pal Project!
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[ID: Green square post with beige wavy-edged box in the upper center of the screen. Large, green, all-caps text outlined in black reads "queer & trans youth pen pal project." Below that, in smaller black text, reads "visit queeryouthassemble.org to learn more." At the bottom of the page is a wavy brown shape, representing dirt, with green, white, and yellow flowers. An illustrated person using a wheelchair is extending their arm towards a blue mail box. They are holding an envelope, and have light brown skin, curly hair, and colorful clothing. End ID.]
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[ID: A sage green square with a beige wavy-edged rectangle centered at the top. Overlaid on the rectangle in all-capital green block letters reads "Pen Pal Project." Below, over a larger beige wavy-edged rectangle, is smaller black text that reads, "We understand that it is not always easy to connect with other queer & trans youth for a variety of reasons, including location, anti-queer legislation, being closeted, and more. That is why Queer Youth Assemble has decided to officially launch the Pen Pal Project for queer & trans youth under 25. This project seeks to connect queer youth from diverse backgrounds and geographic locations to facilitate nationwide networks of care and solidarity. Visit queeryouthassemble.org to sign up and learn more!" End ID.]
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[ID: A sage green square with a beige wavy-edged rectangle centered at the top. Overlaid on the rectangle in all-capital green block letters reads "Matching Criteria." Below, over a larger beige wavy-edged rectangle, is smaller black text that reads, "Pen pals are matched based on a variety of factors, including age, interests, hobbies, and preferences, among others! While we will attempt to match you with a person who shares these characteristics with you, our ability to do so will be determined by the volume of pen pal applicants and the backgrounds of those interested in participating. We can only guarantee that penpals will be within two years of your age. " At the bottom right edge of the lower rectangle, there is a darker beige graphic of the back of an envelope. End ID.]
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[ID: A sage green square with a beige wavy-edged rectangle centered at the top. Overlaid on the rectangle in all-capital green block letters reads "Matching Safety." Below, over a larger beige wavy-edged rectangle, is smaller black text that reads, "Queer Youth Assemble DOES NOT share your physical location with your pen pal match. Instead, we will connect you via email, and allow you to exchange information with each other as you wish. If at any point you feel unsafe or uncomfortable with your penpal, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]." At the bottom right edge of the lower rectangle, there is a darker beige graphic of the front of an envelope. The stamp of the envelope is a trans flag. End ID.]
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atompowers · 1 year
Sonnet to my kid-self from my 30-something self
Nourish your nerdy queerness. Quit lurking, you're gorgeous. Avoid burning your hair, you don't need to straighten, nor go conforming, nor try it all claiming some chameleon creator daring new normal way to walk. Always strut — your own waltz, the way you'll know you make worlds they'll call them fruity legs no matter what urges inside scale like raging climate to undertake to be honest to be real to be or not to beacon say it louder, SPEAK UP. Not only for you but also to criss-cross the circles of protection admit to the curious spell of quixotic youth know/grow your namesake's seed, Powers— garden with its many meanings like Possibilities.
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hanv-iyxn · 1 year
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My ocs with their flag colors
do not repost only reblog
my other social accs:
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lemxioz · 1 year
It's pride month. Therefore, i had to change my layout and colour scheme to something more queer 💖 💜 💙
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peemotikeskus · 1 year
Juuni on lisaks uhkusekuule ka lastekaitsekuu. 🥳 Soovime kõigile head lastekaitsekuud! 🌈 Kaitseme LGBT+ lapsi! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
In addition to Pride month, June is also children's awareness month. 🥳 Happy June! 🌈 Protect queer kids! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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