#happy second independence anniversary <3
jjbalice · 25 days
Martyr's Folly
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Summary: Yunho helps and comforts the reader after they've accidentally cut too deep.
Genre: a hurt/comfort Yunho x reader oneshot
Word count: 4.81k (15-20 mins)
Trigger warnings: semi-descriptive self-harm (blood, cuts, use of blades - nothing too crazy, though, don't worry!), panicking, crying, mentions of relapsing, lots of pet names, nicknames, and physical affection lol, Yunho is a blessing
A/N: This fic is pretty personal since I've been struggling with not feeling valid enough because of the way I SH, which isn't the stereotypical kind you see in movies and such. In a way, it's an attempt at scaring myself from buying any actual blades mixed in with the comfort I crave whenever I slip up, I guess.
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Baby cuts. Cat scratches. Damage dealt within the epidermis and the higher half of the dermis. Whatever you want to call it.
For a few weeks now, that's exactly what has been slowly but steadily appearing on your feet and lower calves. Or re-appearing, rather. A bad habit from the past coming back to haunt you all over again for no apparent reason.
No but seriously, what reason for doing this is there? You're happy, you have a stable part-time job on the side of your studies that are also going great, and an incredible boyfriend with whom you've just celebrated a 6-month anniversary. No real issues in your life as far as you can see.
Sure, sometimes you get caught up in a fight with your friends or parents, or even with Yunho, or maybe some of your insecurities hit extra strong on some days. But all of that is normal, right? Just some passing obstacles that get resolved in a few days tops.
So why are you here, at 3 am, staring at the husk of a person in the mirror? Why is your head so empty yet incomprehensibly full at the same time? Why are your hands all fidgety, getting ready to strike any moment?
Truth be told, you have no clue.
This was supposed to be a lovely weekend for you. You got off work early on Friday, securing enough time to pack your stuff at your dorm before heading to Yunho's apartment for a sleepover. He's been trying to convince you to move in with him after your anniversary, saying how it would be both cheaper and closer to your university. Both of those arguments are true, and yet you remain stubborn, wanting to keep your independence for just a bit longer.
Alas, Yunho has no choice but to respect your decision and settle for weekend sleepovers in the meantime.
And even those are great! The two of you get to talk for hours and play games, cook dinner together or order in and watch TV... Mainly, though, you get to cuddle and snuggle to your hearts' content (and maybe even do a bit more than that, if the opportunity and want arises).
That's also one of the main reasons for your hesitance over this whole... relapse thing.
Because of Yunho and his affectionate nature towards you, hiding the traces of your renewed habits became much more difficult. You couldn't cut where you used to before, all of those areas feeling way too exposed now.
And so, you settled on the bottom of your legs. Anything a pair of longer socks could easily hide without too much questioning from your boyfriend. Let's just say your feet are cold all the time now, even though summer's just barely starting to end.
Is it satisfying to harm there? No, not at all. The area is too small and angular, and the pain-to-mark ratio is nowhere near optimal. Everything feels too bony and stings more than other places, and all you get from it are the faintest of scratches.
But anything to at least partially quell the urge, right?
Well, not exactly.
If the razor blade hidden within the confines of your duffel bag was any proof, your methods weren't exactly effective.
You've never used an actual razor blade before, never even planned on trying it since you knew about the dangers of using it and how everything could get out of hand within seconds. Sure, the scissors and other sharp objects you've used until now weren't exactly perfect either, but they didn't put you at as much of a risk of going to the ER.
...So why did you buy the blade then?
Well, it was pretty cheap, first of all. You could just buy it, think about using it, and then throw it out without feeling too guilty about it, right? Not to mention how it helped you feel more valid about harming, even if you haven't used it yet. Self-harm is always depicted as razor blades on wrists, so even just owning one somehow helped you feel a bit more valid amidst the disappointing scratches on your leg.
It's been a week since you've bought said blade (or 5 blades rather, as they came in a pack - what a steal!). During that week, not much has happened to it. Right after you paid and got your receipt, you tossed the paper into a nearby trash can and stashed the pack of blades into your wallet. And there they were even later tonight, as you quietly crept to your bag to retrieve them, careful not to wake Yunho up.
But let's rewind back a bit. Back to where today's misfortune started.
Just like with everything else lately, you don't know why the urge to indulge washed over you specifically tonight. You and Yunho have spent such a fun evening together, lounging around and enjoying each other in whatever way felt right.
And yet, the moment the lights were turned off and your boyfriend spooned you from behind, holding you close while his breathing slowly evened out, it was as if something had shifted in the air. An overwhelming sense of emptiness washed over you, making you feel both completely dull and overstimulated. Yunho's arms around you felt both like an anchor and a vice, the opposing feelings adding even more to the already rising chaos in your mind. You were suddenly overly aware of every part of your body, as if your own skin was calling out to you.
You didn't want to.
You knew you had to.
As gently and quietly as you could, you unwrapped yourself from Yunho's embrace and got up. He let out a soft sigh at the loss of contact, and you had to admit, you already mourned it too.
Sneaking into the bathroom, you closed the door before turning on the lights. Avoiding the reflection in the mirror, you began searching through the cabinet under the sink. You didn't want to see yourself right now. If anything, it would just add to the confusing conflict raging within you, and you really didn't need that.
Rummaging through each shelf one more time, you let out a frustrated huff. There was nothing you could use. Well, save for the expensive-looking razor Yunho owned, but you really didn't have the patience or coherency to take apart your boyfriend's belongings.
It's time, then.
The return to the bedroom was a bit stressful, as you couldn't decide between searching through your duffel bag there or bringing it with you to the bathroom. Both options seemed too noisy right now, causing you to awkwardly loom over the bag for a few moments, chewing nervously on your bottom lip.
In the end, you decided to just risk it, crouching down to begin unzipping the top. Strangely enough, you kind of hoped Yunho would hear it and wake up. Maybe the shock of being caught would stop you for the time being and you could just go back to bed.
To both your luck and dismay, Yunho didn't wake up, his biggest reaction being the slightest stir of the sheets.
With your wallet in hand, you walked back to the bathroom, your steps a bit bolder this time. Now that you knew Yunho wouldn't wake up so easily, you didn't pay as much mind to the noise you were making.
In a weird way, you were upset. Upset he didn't wake up. Upset he didn't magically realize what your new obsession with socks could possibly mean. Upset he wasn't there to stop you right now.
But along with the upset came a strange feeling of calm. Joy, even.
He doesn't know. Nobody has any idea you're doing this right now. Nobody cares enough to find out anyway. You're free to reign over your body as you please, especially if it will finally shut down the confusing mess of emotions boiling within you.
It will, right?
It's 3 am. You're staying over at Yunho's apartment and he's currently sleeping in the bedroom next-door. You finally gather enough courage to look at yourself in the mirror, but it's rather disappointing. The shell standing in front of you doesn't bring up any emotions anymore. It doesn't even look like you, you think. Maybe this isn't you, after all. That's what you like to tell yourself whenever the moment is over, that this isn't actually the real you harming yourself. This is someone else taking hold of you and your upcoming actions.
You sit down on the cold bathroom floor, a razor blade in hand. When did you unpack them? The small paper packaging and 4 other blades are lying right next to you. Huh. Guess you did just now.
You don't bother taking off the socks. A precious thing like this shouldn't be used in such a shitty spot anyways.
Then again, you also don't exactly want to die right now, so the wrists are off-limits. Sure, you want to feel more valid and that place is the most stereotypical one to cut, but you're already holding the blade you thought you'd never dare use, so that's enough "progress" for now.
Now that you think about it, the thighs sound pretty scary too. You've always heard of some major arteries being located in the thigh. Perhaps you shouldn't risk it there then. Not yet, at least.
And so, like a coward, you move back to your lower leg.
To your defense, you do go considerably higher than usual! You pick a nice spot that's vaguely in the middle of the side of your leg, where your shins and calves would meet.
Deep breaths. You can do this. Just brace yourself and-
Oh fuck.
No, no, no nonono-
You knew the risks, you knew you should watch out for the pressure when using a razor blade for the first time since it's so much sharper than any pair of scissors you own, but somehow even the lessened pressure you put was too much.
Within seconds, blood started flowing to the surface. You dropped the blade, making it fly in a random direction as your hands trembled.
Your eyes welled with tears as, despite the blood, you could see a gash way deeper than any cut you'd ever made until now; you could literally see two parts of your skin split-
You're gonna throw up. Or faint. Or both. Oh fuck.
The first drops of blood fell onto the tiles just as your own tears pooled over. Your chest heaved with your labored breathing. You didn't know what to do.
Should you go to the ER? Will it stop on its own? Should you wake Yunho up? Oh god, you should probably wake Yunho up, shouldn't you.
Wiping your tear-stained face as best as you could with your shirt, you crawled over to the bathroom door. You were too scared to walk, afraid you'd faint if you stood up so suddenly.
As you sat by the door, another sob wracked through you. You couldn't calm down, you were too scared of what might happen if you didn't take care of the gash in time. And yet, you couldn't help but fear what might happen if you woke Yunho up. Now that you think about it, maybe it will just stop on its own and you can hide it for the rest of the weekend and then you'll just make up a story of how you got into an accident at work and-
One look at the trail of blood behind you was enough to get your hands on the door handle, pulling the door open on your second try. The door handle flew back up with a loud bang as you dropped back down, but the door was open at last. You pulled it fully open from where you sat, taking a few shallow breaths once you did so.
Now. Now he wakes up. Not at any point before you could have done this. Now.
In the back of your mind, a strange feeling of anger bubbled up. Somehow, you wanted to blame Yunho for not getting to you sooner. But the second you realized what your brain was trying to do, you felt another pang of nausea hit you.
Yunho was not to blame in the slightest. This is all you. You started this, you went through with it, and now you're crawling back to him for help. Don't even try to put any blame on him, no matter how much easier it would make this whole thing to stomach.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
Right, he was awake. The shuffling of the sheets coming from the bedroom confirmed as much.
You tried to call out to him but choked on another sob instead.
All of your fear of being seriously hurt and needing help immediately shifted, transforming into the most heart-wrenching wave of guilt imaginable. Just what have you done? Why are you burdening someone else with this? Are you really going to make him see this?
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by the first footstep. All the raging panic hit you anew, making you speak before you could think.
"W-wait!" You cried, an unknown feeling of desperation clutching your chest. "Please, please don't come here, please."
To your surprise, the footsteps actually stopped.
"...I'm waiting, but please tell me what's going on," Yunho replied with obvious unease.
Well, uh. You haven't exactly thought this far, have you?
"O-okay, I, well, I," you stumbled over your words, trying to work through the mush of your brain to come up with anything even barely comprehensible. "I did something really bad and I think I need your help but you have to promise not to be mad. I don't know what to do but please don't be upset."
Selfish. That's what you were. Even amongst all this chaos and pain you were about to drag Yunho into, all you could think about was saving your own face and evading consequences.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but I'm coming in," Yunho suddenly announced, and the footsteps resumed. "I need to see if you're okay, I promise I won't be mad."
There was no escaping it now. You could only brace yourself for the worst, whatever that would entail.
Two feet stood before your hunched-over form. You didn't dare look up, you didn't dare see what he was feeling.
As carefully as he could, Yunho stepped around you and further into the bathroom. You heard the scraping of metal across tiles before the cabinet doors opened. A towel, a first aid kit, and a medium-sized, colorful box appeared before you, along with your boyfriend in his cozy pajamas. Still, you didn't dare look up.
Wordlessly, he propped your injured leg up as gently as he could, as if he was handling the finest china in the world. Placing the dark grey towel under it, blood immediately rolled down and seeped into the material.
"Okay, this might seem a bit weird, but just- I'm not an expert or anything, far from it, really, but-"
As Yunho rambled nervously, you watched his hands tear open a pack of pads. Ever since your sleepovers became a more regular thing, he'd made sure to keep some in his apartment at all times in case of an emergency. Never had he thought he'd use them in this type of emergency, though.
You watched in confusion as he pulled out one of the pads, opening it and double-checking which side was sticky and which was dry. Unable to hide his worried grimace as he got closer to the wound, he pressed the cotton pad against it.
"I- I probably have something better in the first aid kit to stop the bleeding, but while I look through it, just hold that down to the cut, okay?"
You nodded weakly, deciding not to ask any questions and just let your boyfriend try to fix you. Not that you could say much anyway, not with the way your throat had dried and closed up from all the anxiety.
You silently kept watch as Yunho fumbled through the red bag, noticing the slight tremors in his hands. When you looked at his face, however, it appeared surprisingly neutral.
Ah, so he was trying to stay calm to not worry you any further, but on the inside, he was freaking out just as much as you, if not more. Great. You didn't think you could feel more guilt than you already had, but guess not.
"I'm sorry it's taking so long," he spoke up again, "Mingi would get injured all the time before he'd moved out - you know how clumsy he can get - and I, uh, haven't exactly taken the time to re-organize everything. Sorry."
Your lips twitched into the smallest of smiles, along with a hushed "It's okay, babe".
Yunho's eyes shot up at your words, mirroring your soft smile with his own. Pausing his search for just a second, he leaned over and planted a quick, reassuring kiss on your forehead. "You're right. I'll take good care of you, don't worry. After the first accident Mingi had here, I bought some steri-strips... They should still be around here somewhere, but we threw the original packaging away, so they're just a bit hard to find."
You hummed in understanding, hoping you could ease at least some of his worries by showing him you were doing alright.
Somehow, the moment Yunho appeared in the doorway, all of your previous panic stopped. It was as if through his presence, the jumbled mess of worries surrounding you had split into two. Yunho had graciously shouldered the worries about your physical state, while you focused on keeping his mental well-being in check. All of the fear about his reaction to this situation as a whole was still there, of course, but for the time being, you'd managed to shove them to the back of your mind. It was something to worry about later, when the two of you could calm down and properly talk to each other.
For now, all you had to do was just worry about Yunho while he worried about you.
"Finally!" Yunho sighed in relief, fishing out two small packs of steri-strips. "Okay. Let's do this, then."
But as he shuffled closer to your leg again, he paused.
"Wait, I'm sorry for assuming," he began while opening the first set, "but you don't want to go to the hospital, right? They'd obviously do a much better job than me, but since you said you needed my help, I just, I guessed that- you know. Should we go to the hospital instead?"
You immediately shook your head no, making Yunho smile faintly, glad to have read you right and that he wasn't wasting time trying to play hero.
You were thankful he didn't insist on taking you to the hospital. You knew it would probably be for the best, but right now, in your state, you couldn't even fathom going. You were terrified just crawling to the door to beg for Yunho's help, let alone driving to the opposite part of town to have complete strangers examine you.
"Right then," Yunho sighed, mentally steeling himself for the next step. "Can you feel your leg fine? Feeling faint or anything?"
You just shook your head, slowly easing the pressure you held on the cut. "I'm okay, I think. Just a little shaken up still."
Yunho nodded thoughtfully, helping you unstick the bloody pad from your hand. Luckily, it seemed that most of the bleeding had stopped, at least for now. "It's okay, I'm a bit out of it too."
"Sorry for making you do this," you whispered sincerely, but Yunho quickly stopped you again.
"Don't be sorry, Y/N. I know you didn't mean to do this. You wouldn't have called for me like that if things went down the way you wanted them to."
You couldn't bring yourself to say anything after that, feeling your throat tighten as a fresh wave of tears rushed to your eyes.
You averted your gaze as Yunho began cleaning the area as gently as he could before placing the strips down, helping hold the wound shut. Four strips helped the cut close up, and then two were laid on top of them to help everything stay put. Despite no professional medical training, you swear your boyfriend could do anything like an expert first-try. Well, considering him saying something about treating Mingi's injuries, he might have actually trained a bit already. Either way, you could feel your nerves easing a considerable bit at the sight of the gash finally closed-up.
"There we go," Yunho said contently, giving your other leg a gentle pat. "Just stay put a little longer, okay? I'm gonna clean up a bit in here."
Oh, that's right.
You were so out of it you completely forgot about the blades scattered around, the blood dripping across the floor, the towel, pads, first aid kit, everything.
Closing your eyes, you tried to focus on your breathing. It has mostly returned to normal, but you could still feel a lot of tightness in your chest.
"Hey now, don't go falling asleep on me, okay?" You heard Yunho calling out to you a few meters away, making you peek one eye open.
He was kneeling by the sink, scrubbing at the dirty tiles. When he noticed you looking at him, he flashed you a quick, comforting smile.
"'m not falling asleep," you protested, "I'm just resting a bit, sorry."
"It's okay, I was just a little worried."
Yeah. That's definitely one way to put how Yunho was likely feeling right now.
But that could be dwelled on and discussed later. For now, all you had to do was sit still, breathe deep, and stay strong.
"You still with me, princess?"
You opened your eyes again, this time to find Yunho sitting in front of you. You don't know how much time has passed, too focused on pacing your breaths, saying the alphabet forwards and backwards, thinking about your favorite TV show moments - anything to calm down, really.
When he saw you were still fully awake, he pulled out a gauze bandage with a small smile. "We should be fine with just the steri-strips, but let me wrap this up for you to be one hundred percent safe, okay?"
You let him do as he pleased, trusting his judgment better than your own at the moment. As he bandaged your leg, you looked around the room, noticing everything was back the way it was before you'd entered.
"I put the, uh, the blades away for now," Yunho continued, a nervous edge to his tone. "I didn't want to just throw them away without permission, but leaving them out here in the open didn't seem like a great idea either. Sorry if it seems distrustful, it's just... you know."
"You're scared I might do it again," you finished for him, making him nod hesitantly. "It's okay, I get it."
It was honestly surprising how easy it was to talk to Yunho about this. Maybe it's because he already saw the worst of it, maybe it was the way he took such gentle care of you, or maybe it was just his entire attitude about this so far. Caring, non-judgemental, open to listen.
"Alright then, I think we're done here. Let's get you to bed, shall we?"
Before you could respond, you were picked up by a pair of strong, warm hands. You wanted to object for a split second, but on second thought, maybe it was in your best interest not to move too much right now.
A few moments later, you were laid back down on the bed, a soft kiss pressed to your temple before you were shrouded in your blanket. With a whispered promise of returning again, Yunho rushed back to turn off the lights and close the door, enveloping the two of you in darkness. You waited a second, two, and then the bed dipped behind you with a quiet creak.
"Come here." Yunho's arms wrapped around your waist from behind again, holding you closer than before. "Is this okay? Should I give you space?"
"It's fine, Yuyu."
His chest shook with a small chuckle. "Oh come on, don't call me that right now." He somehow snuggled up even closer to you, pressing his face into your neck. "I'm already emotional enough as is."
A beat or two of silence passed between the two of you before he spoke up again.
"Was this," Yunho paused, hesitating for a second, "was this the first time you did something like this, or are there... more?"
You sighed. "Well, this was the first time I've messed up like this and used an actual razor blade, but in general? There's been a few instances, yeah. Most of them happened years ago, but lately, it started up again."
Yunho stayed quiet this time. As the silence stretched on, you began to grow worried. Is this the moment where he gets mad at you?
A sniffle broke through the air, quickly followed by another. The hold around your waist tightened.
"It's the socks, isn't it?" Yunho barely choked out, voice trembling.
Never have you felt so guilty in your life before.
"I thought it was weird, I wanted to ask you about it, I really did," he sobbed, burying his wet face further into your shirt. "I didn't want to make you feel bad about it if it was genuinely just something you preferred, so I held back, but it worried me anyway. I should have asked so much sooner."
"Yu..." You tried to turn around in his embrace, but he stopped you, not letting you see his tearful eyes. "Honey, it's not your fault in the slightest, please don't beat yourself up about it."
"But I should have-"
"Just listen to the same advice you gave me, hm? You never wanted this to happen, you wouldn't be so torn up about it otherwise. It's really not your fault."
With what you assumed to be a watery hum of agreement, Yunho nodded into your back.
You tried to turn around again, and this time, Yunho finally let you. You watched as his silhouette sat up, reaching around for the tissue box on the nightstand before wiping his tears and blowing his nose.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, crumpling the tissue and putting it away, "you're the one hurting and I'm making it all about myself."
You tutted softly as he laid back down, shuffling closer to him to drape yourself over his broad chest. "That's not true, Yun. I know this is really hard on you as well, you have all the right to be upset. Please don't hide it just because I'm also in pain."
"Okay," he accepted, taking a deep breath to calm himself.
The room stayed quiet for another few minutes, save for the faint rustling of the sheets as you intertwined one of your hands with his.
"If it's okay," Yunho croaked in a careful, ginger tone, "could we maybe talk more about this tomorrow? I feel like I have over a million questions right now, but I don't want to overwhelm you when you should be resting."
You let out a small, sleepy chuckle. "Yeah, that sounds good. I think I'll also feel a bit better if we talk about this some more tomorrow. It's a bit embarrassing even now when I know that you know, but I trust you enough to share this part of me, I think."
Yunho leaned down to kiss the top of your head, making you smile. "Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me. And please, never feel embarrassed about this. Just because this stuff is not talked about enough doesn't mean your feelings are wrong or not valid. We'll figure this out together, I promise. No matter what it takes."
"Okay. I look forward to tomorrow," you said, pressing a quick peck to his sternum before lying down again. "Goodnight, Yuyu."
"Goodnight, love."
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Please, don't hesitate to reblog or comment!! Any kind of feedback is much appreciated!! <333
(Also would once again like to say that this was not meant to romanticize SH in any way, and I hope it did not come across that way. Take care, everyone <3)
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silentkasama · 8 days
R1999: Just Reports (1.9 Lead-up In-game Activity)
in-game activity where a report is unlocked each day for five days; each day you are made to enter a password. you are given a code, enter the corresponding letters and that's the password. you get 400 clear drops, 5 picrasma candy, and other goodies. happy first anniversary, r1999
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Day.1 (pw: boring)
/Survival Report
Congratulations on successfully completing the test. Those that independently cracked the code are deemed to have a highly developed left brain and are considered to be able to read the report on their own.
The following is the information contained in the report: None. In accordance with Laplace guidelines and the assigned task of deciphering the incantation, regular progress updates will be provided over the next twenty-two hours to document and verify advancements.
Summary: Currently, vital signs remain confirmed
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Day.2 (pw: mrfishjar)
/Observation of the Teamlead
Based on internal data at Laplace, writing reports is considered as the second most effective way to prolong the perception of time; reading reports is the first.
In this report, I have noted that the teamlead showed signs of anxiety and became unusually irritable during our decoding operation. As part of my duties and out of personal interest, I will continue to monitor any fluctuations in the teamlead's emotional well-being.
Conclusion: It is generally accepted that straight lines represent relaxed eyebrows, while curved lines indicate a smiling mouth. The complete deciphering of facial expressions is fast approaching.
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Day.3 (pw: msuncanny)
/Observation of the Director
I understand that the reader may not have enough free time to continue reading this report unless it is necessary for their job; my apologies.
The following is the content of the report: The director appeared emotionally stable when presented with the interim results of the decryption operation. Correction: I cannot confirm any noticeable emotional fluctuations in the director; they seem to be stable for the time being. Further observation will be temporarily suspended.
Summary: The expression system is the same as the masks, and after a right-brain assessment, I can no longer trust the verifiability of the emotions conveyed by this system.
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Day.4 (pw: ihatearts)
/Day of Art Appreciation
Aside from upholding confidentiality obligations, the main purpose of the code is to weed out people with highly developed right brains, such as certain artists and arcanists.
The following is the content of this report: Efforts to decipher the pictorial messages sent by the investigators were unsuccessful. A proposal to go outside and turn into oil paintings to better connect with the artwork was rejected.
Summary: I strongly believe that combining cryptography with the works of Leonardo da Vinci has the potential to create a unique form of literature that would captivate and engage a wider audience.
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Day.5 (pw: goodbye)
/Application for Leave
This report assumes that the reader has most likely skipped the first four reports. As a precaution, it is highly recommended that the reports be read in chronological order to fully grasp the information presented here.
The following is the content of the report: In praise of the director's efficiency oriented approach, and given the limited manpower in the technical support team, I have decided to temporarily stop writing reports and transition to another role.
Just a side note: I am quite intrigued by the Kingdom of Numbers on that island, as shown in the external intelligence. I'm thinking of applying to visit the island and talk to the natives about cryptography after today's events.
if you know where to look at previous similar activities, could you please point me to them? thank you
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caeli0306 · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to the unhinged record of my writing and other obsessions
Hello! I'm Caeli. I'm 23 and a journalist by day, rabid Fourth Wing/Empyrean and Star Wars fan by night. FW got me back in to reading fantasy, and then IF left me with a crippling book hangover. I turned to writing fanfiction for the first time to try to get my mind off of it, and now I spend my days writing... and then go home at night and write some more.
My fics (all posted on AO3):
Tales from the Airport Bathroom - Xaden/Violet spy/soldier AU almost entirely from Xaden's POV where Violet is Stab Happy and Xaden is a Simp, the meet cute is on an airplane, and Xaden gives wife guy vibes as Violet destroys her enemies. Completed, four chapters, 19.5k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)
the present, the past, and you in between - VERY angsty one shot from Xaden's POV where he reflects on his lifelong love for Violet. Completed, 1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Shots? - One-shot College AU where Xaden thinks his feelings are unrequited but has to look out for Violet on an evening where she goes a little crazy with the Fireball shots. Completed, 10k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Roadtrip? - A short prequel to Did Someone Say Shots? based on the RQ War Games drabble prompt fics that were getting posted for the 1 year anniversary. Completed, 1.1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Vacation? - A sequel of sorts to Did Someone Say Shots? that can be read on its own, where Xaden is vulnerable, Violet is emotional intelligent, and 🌶️. Completed, 12.7k words (1)
Violet Sorrengail's Guide to Spinning a Scandal - Xaden/Violet Modern Day AU where Violet is a political crisis consultant and Xaden is running for office. Mutual hatred turns to mutual pining, and of course, scorching sexual tension. 🌶️ eventually. Completed, 71k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
castles crumbling - Xaden/Violet assassin-spy/soldier AU, aka the extended version of Tales from the Airport Bathroom. In-progress, chapter 15 posted 8/26, 120.5k words and counting. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)
On hiatus:
Swan Song - 2nd gen fic following Xaden and Violet's second daughter, Fen, as she tries to figure out who - or what - killed her sister Nora in a world where Tyrrendor is independent and the venin have been defeated for 25 years. Featuring the fan favorite Aidan Matthias, Rhiannon's adopted son with Tara, a brand new squad, and a squad leader with a very familiar name. Chapter 13 posted 4/14, 72k words and counting, on hiatus indefinitely. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)
Addendum - Companion piece for Swan Song. A series of one-shots expanding on the background of my Swan Song fic and giving perspective from different characters' POV's, especially Nora's. Chapter 3 posted 3/5, 4.6k words and counting, updated sporadically depending on story needs. (1)(2)(3)
Things to know:
Update Schedule:
I don't have one! Like I mentioned in my intro, I am a journalist by day, which means I already do a lot of writing on a daily basis. I love it, but that also means that during busy news cycles I might not have the time or the desire to write. I do this for fun and because I love sharing the worlds in my head with other people, but my first priority will always be myself. If I haven't updated in a week or two, that doesn't mean they'll never be updated! I will always put a note on my Tumblr if I'm putting something on hiatus, along with an estimate for when I plan to start updating again.
What I post about
In order to keep myself accountable, I post frequent updates on my writing progress here. As I said above, I write these stories because I love them, but also because I love sharing them. This helps me stay on track, while also letting people know the general progress of the next chapter.
How long will castles crumbling be?
TBD! Tales from the Airport Bathroom was no plan, just vibes. castles crumbling is the extended version, so it will obviously be longer. While I do have a general plan for this here extended version, I don't have a chapter-by-chapter outline the same way I do with Swan Song. This is partially because I'm still going back and forth on how parts of this story will go, but also because I want to try writing in a bit of a less structured way than I have been doing. I can't imagine it will be shorter than 25 chapters, but honestly, who knows? I'll update this when I have a better idea.
When will you update Addendum again? When should I read the different Addendum chapters?
I created Addendum because I wanted to give people insight into Nora without interrupting the flow of Swan Song. I expanded this concept by adding in a Violet POV chapter as well. These provide context to certain interactions, foreshadow future events, or otherwise flesh out the world in which Fen and the other characters inhabit. In short, it will be updated as needed.
Nora's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 4 of Swan Song
Nora's Second Addendum - Read after Chapter 7 of Swan Song
Violet's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 9 of Swan Song
Lastly, I love hearing from people who read my fics. Feel free to message me whenever, whether its to provide constructive criticism, ask a question, offer up a writing prompt, or just to say hi!
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Happy anniversary to K-pop's chameleons!
On the 29th of July, fourteen years ago, Jiyeon, Hyomin, Eunjung, Qri, Soyeon and Boram gave their first ever performance as T-ara! Although said performance was met with backlash (because apparently T-ara were the only people ever to lip sync on a music show stage 🙄👀) and perhaps serving as a cruel first taste of what was go come later on, it only served as extra motivation for T-ara to do better, and their very next comeback with Bo Peep Bo Peep was a smash hit!
T-ara's career is marked by hook-heavy dance-pop music. A broad array of visual concepts have earned the group a "chameleon-like" reputation. The group has achieved commercial success in several regions in Asia including South Korea and China, with their 2011 single "Roly-Poly" being one of the most downloaded domestic singles since 2010.
Their debut studio album Absolute First Album was released in December 2009 to critical and commercial success, and spawned the hit singles "TTL (Time to Love)", "Bo Peep Bo Peep", and "You Drive Me Crazy". Both their debut Japanese single and studio album reached number one on the Oricon weekly charts and were subsequently certified Gold. They subsequently gained nationwide recognition after releasing "Roly-Poly" in 2011, which went on to become the Gaon chart's best-selling single of the year. At the height of K-pop's popularity in Japan, T-ara signed onto management agency J-Rock for $4.7 million—reportedly the highest figure of any Korean girl group expanding into the territory at the time. T-ara's late-2011 Korean release Black Eyes spawned three consecutive number ones: "Cry Cry", "We Were in Love" and "Lovey-Dovey".
In 2012, T-ara experienced a dip in popularity as the group faced accusations of internal discord, resulting in Hwayoung's immediate departure with Areum following a year after. T-ara's later material was released to varying degrees of success before the group began focusing on promotional activities in China, where they attracted attention for their cover of Chopstick Brothers' "Little Apple" in 2014. T-ara's final release as six members was tentatively scheduled for May 2017, ahead of Soyeon and Boram's expiring contracts; however, conflicts with their management delayed What's My Name? until June 2017, effectively ending their involvement.
On January 3, 2018, T-ara went on an indefinite hiatus in order to allow the members to pursue their solo careers. T-ara reunited after four years and released their first independent album, Re:T-ara, in November 2021.
According to Sina Entertainment, T-ara is the 9th best selling K-pop girl group in terms of physical albums with a total of 1,14 Million albums (as of December 2020), ranking third amongst second generation groups.
T-ara are a constant reminder that hard work and perseverance, no matter outside forces tarnishing your reputation with false claims, will always shine through, and that serving bop after bop after bop is never a bad choice!
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alyjojo · 10 months
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December 😚 2023 Monthly - Gemini
Whole of your energy: 2 Cups
I don’t know if this is about a particular love so much as it’s about wanting love, waiting around for this connection that you crave and can feel is out there…but where is it? 3 Swords at the bottom, whether you’re in a connection or not, your work seems to be the 3rd energy here. You could work crazy hours, or just way too many, could be a night-shifter with The Moon here, and waiting for the sun to rise but…then you’re tired. Whatever this is, it’s unbalanced and comes in between you and having the kind of relationship you’ve been wanting.
What’s going on in December:
Justice rev:
It’s possible you’re still mourning a previous connection that ended badly, or maybe you were when you first took this all on yourself, you threw yourself into work to get your mind off of whatever you were going through emotionally. If not, you could just feel like you’re setting yourself up for failure. The last relationship itself - with secrets and outside issues, or the job and everything it’s asking of you. If you’re working 7am to 7pm, where is the time for finding a soulmate, it doesn’t exist. So many cards here show darkness, night time, and Moon energy. If a relationship has ended, you could be blaming opposite schedules, or maybe the job isn’t even yours, but theirs, and you can’t work with that anymore.
8 Pentacles:
Clarified by The Fool & Wheel of Fortune, The Devil at the bottom. This could be a job you needed to get from A to B, and you woke up one day and realized what…the fuck am I doing with my life? Like a work anniversary, happy 5 years!! And you’re like “Wait, I’ve been at this shithole for five years??” 😆 It’s not something you’re passionate about, like, or even want, it’s something that pays the bills. And now you feel so far invested into this that you’re stuck - The Devil. Maybe you’ve gotten so many quarter raises over the years that there’s no turning back now, nothing in this same field would pay you what you make at this place. All you have to sacrifice is…every second of your time 😕 or you feel that way.
9 Swords:
Your intuition could be nagging at you to make changes, do something. Page of Wands shows some inspired action is calling to you, some passion you love to do. You feel like you’re not meant to drive a forklift, you’re meant to make your own essential oils and do this shit on your own 💯 Queen of Pentacles can show you considering running your own business, or that could be your person if you’re already in a connection. It’s desired to put your energy into something that means something to you. But it stresses you out, 9 Swords, you run this over and over in your mind constantly. 5 Swords can show your inner voice being quite critical and mean, or you may feel very negative towards someone else who is wanting to do this, or already is - The Fool is here, for some they’ve already dived in head first. Or you have.
You could feel like you’re carrying a lot of unnecessary weight if this is your partner, maybe you’re the dominant paycheck and they’re hit or miss, whatever they make is extra but it’s not exactly helping you out, or reliable. You could feel bitter at how much is on your plate, like “glad you’re feeling fulfilled but I’m the one paying the bills IJS”. It’s imbalanced. Or that’s exactly what you’re afraid of, if you’re solo and don’t have any backup support, you can’t rely on what people buy or don’t buy…not at first anyway. You stress about this constantly.
2 Wands:
You’ve got plans in mind, King of Swords following shows you’re trying to remain emotionally detached, and just using your head when it comes to the financial details of what you want or need to do in order to get more money, maybe free up some time, tell this place to kiss your behind & you’re over it. 9 Pentacles is the plan, being independent & financially abundant, probably with some side business. You expect a jolt, a disaster, and you’re trying to prepare for any outcome, but moving forward in a way that makes you happy…and also pays the bills, you’re covered. Every side. For now. Probably working two different things, for some.
King of Swords:
Clarified by The Emperor, this is someone in charge 💯 Very responsible, intelligent, a business owner and a boss, there are strict rules and regulations having to do with whatever this is, could be red tape that needs to be addressed or causes your plans to change/maneuver in some way. Ace of Cups rev follows, 4 Cups at the bottom. Either once you start focusing more on fixing your work situation, you don’t even care about romance or love anymore, you’re feeling more in control than you ever have and put all of your efforts in that direction…or, you could simply be taking the middle path, talking to your current boss about the workload on your shoulders, how much you’re having to do, you need to switch hours or change them, voicing your complaints.
Some of you could be planning on leaving a relationship that puts too much pressure on you, again you could be voicing your concerns and expectations, what you need from this person, drawing boundaries. You’re not passionate about what they are, may not even care at all about essential oils, this could be the end for you. Or someone is doing this with you, could be either. You could also be deciding that the side work isn’t worth continuing, or needs adjusting. It’s not an emotional conversation, or decision, it’s strictly business.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aquarius, Cancer, Aries, Libra, Pisces & Virgo
Oracles: ✨
39 Creativity 🖼
This is a profoundly creative time period for you - whether it is in the traditional arts, music, or writing - or it could be a new curiosity about exploring a way to funnel your creative urges. To be creative, you need to access your right brain - your emotional, sensing, feeling center. Do this by trying things you’ve never done before - get physical, dance, doodle.
When we acknowledge and act upon our impulse to create, we are aligning our will with Spirit. In this we can experience the flow of being on your highest path. Start creating and notice his time has no meaning anymore. Hours fly by before you realize it. It is not a struggle. It is pure inspiration. This card can also signify the birth of a child, or of a whole new way of being!
We enter into December as:
Gold Coins 💰
“I only seek to give you what you ask for.”
Gold Coins gently asks you to look at your relationship with money. Money doesn’t care where it goes. It naturally goes toward appreciation and gratitude. What we do with our own abundance makes the difference. Are you blaming something on money? Are you running from it? Be wary of using your financial situation as an excuse to avoid doing something you love to do. Are you questioning a relationship or career that is hitting a rocky time? It may be time to look for the good in it. Remember there are two sides to every coin. What you desire may currently be manifesting. Great riches are waiting for you to use them. You can ask the universe for riches or poverty, the universe doesn’t care, only you can change your inner experience. “Things” only hold value when we think they do. If there were no money, it didn’t exist, what else would you do? What else would you focus on?
What is to be learned in December:
Bernie Banana and All Things Yellow 🍌
“How can I choose?”
Have you recently faced a major truth about yourself and are trying to figure out where you do belong? Or are you facing some other kind of dilemma? Is your thinking cloudy because you think someone or something is cheating you out of your just desserts? Bernie has come to you to let you know you are not alone. You are being advised to approach your particular situation with an open eye and closed mouth. Do not say or reveal too much, your “knowledge” may prove to work against you, or you may be in the midst of a volatile situation. You are being told to play the neutral position, it will prove important later that you have not chosen any “sides”. Do not ignore your beliefs, simply do not publicize them, weigh your situation carefully. You’re in the winning position by being the observer. Answers will come by allowing a dilemma to exist, the situation is out of your hands. Something else requires your attention, leave well enough alone.
Yellow may be a lucky color 💛
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piracytheorist · 2 years
So my phone didn’t do the one (1) thing I asked of it, which was remind me that yesterday was the ten-year Hook anniversary, so my kinda celebratory post comes today!
My love for Once Upon a Time, and specifically Hook, is tied to my student years. I binge-watched the first season in August 2012, and the next month I moved out from my home to start university, and from that point on I watched the show weekly for all its years.
The second season, as you can understand, is also tied to how I felt as a new student, living alone and away from family for the first time in my life. And for some reason, even though I didn’t fall in love with Hook until mid-season 3, I still distinctly remember where I was when I watched the episode he debuts in, “The Crocodile”. The student dorms hadn’t opened yet, so I was staying in the house of a friend I had made on my first days there. I remember sitting on her couch, watching through the episode, wondering who this Killian Jones fella is supposed to be...
And then Smee introduced himself by name. And I was like, oh, crocodile! Pirate! Missing hand! That’s Captain Hook then?
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Yeah, I said I was watching it, I didn’t say I was paying 100% attention back then. I was also not keeping up with news and interviews back then, nor watching trailers or whatever, so everything was new to me.
Season two was a bit bumpy for me, and my first year as a student contributed to that, but I kept on watching, and I fell in love with Hook, and I fell in love with Captain Swan, and then the show ended in 2018, and only a few months later I moved back home, practically ending my student life with the show’s ending.
I’ve got to admit that as years go by, the more shows I watch, the more OUAT’s flaws stick out to me. But no other characters have touched me as much as Killian Jones has, and considering he was a common reoccurrence in my life for six years straight, I don’t think I’ll ever again have the chance of loving a character so much who will appear on my screen every week for so long. Because of Killian I made my tumblr; I started writing fanfic; I met so many wonderful people here that even helped me get to know myself better.
So even if I have massively moved on to other stuff, Killian will always be one of my greatest loves for all years to come. When I first met him, I was a freshman at the university. Ten years later, I’ve got my job, my independence, being a me I am proud to be, and I am so happy that he and everything he brought out in me were there by my side through this time.
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deathspeaker · 15 days
Hi, I saw your post from May 2023 on the struggles you’d been having with your Knee Hyperextention - please ignore this if you want - I don’t mean to overstep and I really hope by now it’s not having such a prevalent impact on your life, but I am a resource disability advocate in Michigan, it’s what I do everyday! But I’m also a fellow person with chronic pain and if you live in the states you may have free access to a CIL (Center for Independent Living) near you! They all very in what they can provide because of funding, but my CIL is decently underfunded and can still buy braces and A.T. (Assistive technology) for consumers with disabilities as they need them. Specifically because Medicaid can be such an ass about giving people what they need to thrive not just survive. If we can’t buy something for them, then it’s my job to refer them to someone else who could help cover that cost. All that to say, I’m happy to send more resources your way if you ever need them! Just shoot me a message!
This world is lonely and isolating and painful enough with adding disabilities and chronic pain to the mix, I get it and just wanna help in anyway I can. I hope you have a magical, low pain (to no pain at all if possible!) day and I wish you all the best!
- Elliot (They/He)
Howdy! I'm actually doing pretty good these days! I moved from Arizona to California (talk about a cultural shift!), I also moved in with my partner and we had our 1 year of cohabitating anniversary at the start of the month!
I now understand I have fibromyalgia, which is actually my second auto-immune disorder... yeah... the doctor never mentioned that having 1 increases your chance of getting another T_T
Managing my pain ok, hilariously enough my knee was giving me issues the other day because of the exact same injury you're referencing lol. I wear a brace and I'm starting to work out with my partner so we can get stronger and healthier together.
I think I will harass my doctor about getting a real knee brace though. I just have a compression brace (for workouts and walking about) and a cheap Amazon brace for when it's really bad.
Thanks for the message :3
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deestimes · 1 year
Living the Dream Year 3 Day 63 – Happy Fourth, food and family
Year 3 Day 63 – “Living the Dream”. Tuesday, 7/04/2023. Wishing everyone a very Happy 4th of July. Hope you had a great time celebrating the anniversary of when the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The USA officially became an independent nation on this day in 1776, hence the term ‘Independence Day’. The holiday was eventually signed into law on…
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 4.9
All Over Again Day
A-ma Festival (a.k.a. Matsu; Pagan Macau) [Fishers, Sailors]
Anniversary of the German Invasion of Denmark (Denmark)
Appomattox Day
Astronauts' Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Bataan Day (Araw ng Kagitingan a.k.a. Day of Valour; Philippines)
Constitution Day (Kosovo)
CSS Naked Day
Day of the Finnish Language (Finland)
Day of National Unity (Georgia)
Dita e Kushtetutes (Kosovo Constitution Day)
Dry Milk Day
Free Cone Day
International Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) Day
International Songwriters Day
International Twitter Men’s Day
Jenkins' Ear Day
Jumbo Day
Listening Day
Maha Thingyan (Water Festival; Myanmar)
Martyr’s Day (Tunisia)
Name Yourself Day
National Bodhi Day
National Cherish An Antique Day
National Chicken Little Awareness Day
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Mature Women’s Day
National Unicorn Day
Observational of Nazi Occupation (Denmark)
Play True Day
Polling Day (Samoa)
Riot Grrl Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Sourdough Sam Day (San Francisco 49ers)
3-D Movie Day
Vimy Ridge Day (Canada)
Winston Churchill Day
World IoT Day
World Konkani Day (Goa)
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Beans and Rice Day
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
National Gin & Tonic Day
2nd Sunday in April
Cleaning For A Reason Week begins [2nd Sunday]
Independence Days
Georgia (a.k.a. Independence Restoration Day; from USSR, 1991)
Mëcklewmburg-Wladir (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Cook Couscous Day (Pastafarian)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Anglicanism, Lutheranism)
Dotto, Abbot of Orkney (Christian; Saint)
Easter [1st Sunday following the Full Moon that occurs on or just after the Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Domingo del Angel (Angel Sunday; Spain)
Domingo de Pascuas (Puerto Rico)
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day
1e Pasen (Suriname)
Pashkës Katolike (Albania)
Påskdagen (Sweden)
Paskar (Iceland)
Resurrection Sunday
Uskrs (Croatia)
Eudoxus (Positivist; Saint)
Eupsychius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Jalal (Glory; Baha’i)
Feast of the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Gaucherius (a.k.a. Gautier; Christian; Saint)
Hocktide: Day of the Amazon (Pagan)
Materiana (Christian; Saint)
Mary of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (Asatru/Norse/The Troth)
Tommy Georgiarides Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Victor Vasarely (Artology)
Waltrude (Christian; Saint)
The Woodsman (Muppetism)
Yasurai Matsuri (Festival to Prevent Ill Health; Japan; Shinto)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 5 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [15 of 37]
All the President’s Men (Film; 1976)
Au Clair de la Lune, recorded by inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville (Song; 1860) [1st known recording of human voice]
Bodies, Rest & Motion (Film; 1993)
Date Night (Film; 2010)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Book; 1955)
Ella Enchanted (Film; 2004)
Family Plot (Film; 1976)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Fosse/Verdon (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
The Girl Next Door (Film; 2004)
Go (Film; 1999)
Happiness Is A Warm Puppy, by Charles M. Schulz (Cartoon Book; 1963)
Nashville Skyline, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1969)
Never Been Kissed (Film; 1999)
Parks and Recreation (TV Series; 2009)
The Sandlot (Film; 1993)
Scarface (Film; 1932)
Single & Single, by John le Carré (Novel; 1999)
Time (West End Musical; 1986)
Voltaire in Love, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Casilda, Waltraud (Austria)
Bozhan, Bozhana, Violeta, Vurban, Vurbana, Yasen, Yasna, Yavor, Zdravka, Zdravko (Bulgaria)
Celestina, Demetrije, Marija, Zdenko (Croatia)
Dušan (Czech Republic)
Otto, Procopius (Denmark)
Iiris, Kaira, Kaire, Kairi (Estonia)
Eeli, Eelis, Elia, Elias, Eliel, Eljas (Finland)
Gautier (France)
Casilda, Hugo, Waltraud (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis, Vaia, Vaios (Greece)
Erhard (Hungary)
Demetrio (Italy)
Valērija, Valtrauta, Varpa, Zubite (Latvia)
Aurimas, Dalia, Kleopas, Rasa (Lithuania)
Rannveig, Rønnaug (Norway)
Dobrosława, Dymitr, Maja, Marceli, Matron (Poland)
Eupsihie (Romania)
Milena (Slovakia)
Casilda, Demetrio (Spain)
Ottilia, Otto (Sweden)
Cortney, Courtney, Kortney, Kourtney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 99 of 2024; 266 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 14 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 19 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 8 Aqua; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 27 March 2023
Moon: 87%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eudoxus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 21 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 20 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 4.9
All Over Again Day
A-ma Festival (a.k.a. Matsu; Pagan Macau) [Fishers, Sailors]
Anniversary of the German Invasion of Denmark (Denmark)
Appomattox Day
Astronauts' Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Bataan Day (Araw ng Kagitingan a.k.a. Day of Valour; Philippines)
Constitution Day (Kosovo)
CSS Naked Day
Day of the Finnish Language (Finland)
Day of National Unity (Georgia)
Dita e Kushtetutes (Kosovo Constitution Day)
Dry Milk Day
Free Cone Day
International Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) Day
International Songwriters Day
International Twitter Men’s Day
Jenkins' Ear Day
Jumbo Day
Listening Day
Maha Thingyan (Water Festival; Myanmar)
Martyr’s Day (Tunisia)
Name Yourself Day
National Bodhi Day
National Cherish An Antique Day
National Chicken Little Awareness Day
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Mature Women’s Day
National Unicorn Day
Observational of Nazi Occupation (Denmark)
Play True Day
Polling Day (Samoa)
Riot Grrl Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Sourdough Sam Day (San Francisco 49ers)
3-D Movie Day
Vimy Ridge Day (Canada)
Winston Churchill Day
World IoT Day
World Konkani Day (Goa)
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Beans and Rice Day
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
National Gin & Tonic Day
2nd Sunday in April
Cleaning For A Reason Week begins [2nd Sunday]
Independence Days
Georgia (a.k.a. Independence Restoration Day; from USSR, 1991)
Mëcklewmburg-Wladir (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Cook Couscous Day (Pastafarian)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Anglicanism, Lutheranism)
Dotto, Abbot of Orkney (Christian; Saint)
Easter [1st Sunday following the Full Moon that occurs on or just after the Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Domingo del Angel (Angel Sunday; Spain)
Domingo de Pascuas (Puerto Rico)
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day
1e Pasen (Suriname)
Pashkës Katolike (Albania)
Påskdagen (Sweden)
Paskar (Iceland)
Resurrection Sunday
Uskrs (Croatia)
Eudoxus (Positivist; Saint)
Eupsychius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Jalal (Glory; Baha’i)
Feast of the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Gaucherius (a.k.a. Gautier; Christian; Saint)
Hocktide: Day of the Amazon (Pagan)
Materiana (Christian; Saint)
Mary of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (Asatru/Norse/The Troth)
Tommy Georgiarides Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Victor Vasarely (Artology)
Waltrude (Christian; Saint)
The Woodsman (Muppetism)
Yasurai Matsuri (Festival to Prevent Ill Health; Japan; Shinto)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 5 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [15 of 37]
All the President’s Men (Film; 1976)
Au Clair de la Lune, recorded by inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville (Song; 1860) [1st known recording of human voice]
Bodies, Rest & Motion (Film; 1993)
Date Night (Film; 2010)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Book; 1955)
Ella Enchanted (Film; 2004)
Family Plot (Film; 1976)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Fosse/Verdon (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
The Girl Next Door (Film; 2004)
Go (Film; 1999)
Happiness Is A Warm Puppy, by Charles M. Schulz (Cartoon Book; 1963)
Nashville Skyline, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1969)
Never Been Kissed (Film; 1999)
Parks and Recreation (TV Series; 2009)
The Sandlot (Film; 1993)
Scarface (Film; 1932)
Single & Single, by John le Carré (Novel; 1999)
Time (West End Musical; 1986)
Voltaire in Love, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Casilda, Waltraud (Austria)
Bozhan, Bozhana, Violeta, Vurban, Vurbana, Yasen, Yasna, Yavor, Zdravka, Zdravko (Bulgaria)
Celestina, Demetrije, Marija, Zdenko (Croatia)
Dušan (Czech Republic)
Otto, Procopius (Denmark)
Iiris, Kaira, Kaire, Kairi (Estonia)
Eeli, Eelis, Elia, Elias, Eliel, Eljas (Finland)
Gautier (France)
Casilda, Hugo, Waltraud (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis, Vaia, Vaios (Greece)
Erhard (Hungary)
Demetrio (Italy)
Valērija, Valtrauta, Varpa, Zubite (Latvia)
Aurimas, Dalia, Kleopas, Rasa (Lithuania)
Rannveig, Rønnaug (Norway)
Dobrosława, Dymitr, Maja, Marceli, Matron (Poland)
Eupsihie (Romania)
Milena (Slovakia)
Casilda, Demetrio (Spain)
Ottilia, Otto (Sweden)
Cortney, Courtney, Kortney, Kourtney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 99 of 2024; 266 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 14 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 19 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 8 Aqua; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 27 March 2023
Moon: 87%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eudoxus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 21 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 20 of 30)
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hexagonification · 2 years
In which I ramble on and on about stardates
Mainly because I've been wanting to make original posts for a while now (On that note, starting now I'll be tagging my original posts as #hexagonification, since Tumblr doesn't have a filter for that like Pillowfort does) and partially because I was inspired by elephant-in-the-pride-parade's recent stardate posts.
I wonder if I'll lose followers for doing this….
For starters, I won't be addressing the arbitrary and non-sequential stardates seen in DIS (prior to season 3), SNW, and Short Treks set in the same era (2256 to 2259-ish, presumably eventually up to 2266). I'm of the opinion that they're deliberately arbitrary as a little continuity nod of sorts to TOS, which had many episodes produced and aired in different orders. Look at the list on Memory Alpha and compare episode numbers, production numbers, and original airdates (you can ignore the remaster dates--they went in whatever order they wanted with those). It's all over the place.
Additionally, this site handily has a bunch of stardate converters, including everything I discuss below (except for reference stardates, but you can figure those out pretty easily). I definitely recommend keeping it handy as you read.
Andrew Main Pros:
System includes TOS and TNG-style dates
Very thorough and thoughtfully put together
While a bit cumbersome, the issue system does add past/future-proofing. A stardate for right now in 2023 wouldn't read as a huge negative number like it would in other systems.
The issue system (i.e. TOS: "Charlie X" takes place on [19] 1533.6, TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" is [21] 41153.7, and so on. The issue number is bracketed. In short, 19 is the TOS era and 21 is TNG) is a bit cumbersome and doesn't exist in canon
Last updated in February 1997, before DS9 or Voyager finished airing. To that end, the system doesn't take into consideration that VOY: "Homestead" explicitly takes place on the 315th anniversary of First Contact, April 5 2378. The stardate listed in the episode instead translates to November 13 2377 instead.
This system puts TMP in 2271, while startrek.com said in 2019 that it's in 2273 instead. Memory Alpha recognizes the ambiguity and just leaves it at 2270s, while Memory Beta goes with 2273.
Season 3 of Discovery established that stardates will eventually reach 6 digits (ostensibly in 2423), whereas TNG-era stardates here are distinctly capped at 5 digits.
Richie Kennedy Pros:
System includes TOS and TNG-style dates
No issues and no resetting. Stardates begin at 0 and increase continuously, albeit at different rates as the eras go by. When SD 9999.9 arrives, it just ticks over to 10000.0 and continues on its merry way into the TNG era.
SD 0 being January 6 2266 (happy -243rd anniversary) makes it seem like stardates weren't invented until Kirk's five-year mission had already begun in 2265 (the stardate given in TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" would be in October 2266 in this system). But DIS and SNW have established that they've been in use at least as far back as 2256, or possibly even 2155. (First Contact in the mirror universe is cited as being on SD 0141.7, but that may be a Terran Empire stardate independent of prime Federation/Starfleet)
As a result of the accommodations made to make Homestead's stardate work, dates in later shows/years don't always match up with the year they're supposed to take place in. More on that below.
TrekGuide (specifically their TNG system; the TOS one isn't very useful outside of a few years and the contemporary one kinda does its own thing)
On-screen evidence is taken into consideration to figure out how the system works.
Only covers the TNG era--dates from before 2323 read as negative stardates
Andreas Schmidt Pros:
Elegantly consistent. The first two digits indicate a year (41… = 2364), while the rest indicates progress into the year, with the decimal adding additional precision down to the second (…153.7 = February 26, 6:06:02). Changing the 41 to 42, 43, 44, etc results in a mostly identical date. (Except for the year, obviously. The exact time can vary too, presumably due to leap years)
Seemingly the system used on Memory Alpha, at least as far as extrapolating years from stardates goes. It's also worth noting that the TNG portion of Main's system is consistently very close to the Schmidt system (within issue 21, anyway).
Only covers the TNG era--dates from before 2323 read as negative stardates
This system would suggest the events of TNG: "Family" take place on January 5, 2367. Nothing in the episode indicates it's cold out (the final draft was made in August and the episode aired in October, so filming had to be between those months), so this system's consistency doesn't reflect how actual stardates work. I don't doubt there are other such discrepancies found when comparing the apparent time of year in a stardate and the apparent weather on Earth in a given episode.
FASA's reference stardates Pros:
A reference stardate can be easily translated into a contemporary date and time (officially they only record down to the hour, but nothing is stopping someone from adding extra digits and going down to the second). It's basically Franz Joseph's YYMM.DD-style stardate with extra steps. You could even say the Kelvin timeline's YYYY.DD-style evolved from either or both of them.
Very old system invented in 1979
Reference stardates are used basically exclusively in the Spaceflight Chronology book, which was considered canon at the time but is now almost entirely ignored. Notably, the years in which things take place are almost never in line with modern canon--though the offset is occasionally pretty consistent. In particular, the TNG era years are either 61 or 62 years earlier than they should be. While a reference stardate can be converted into a contemporary date, it will almost certainly not match up with modern canon. Attempting to set up offsets for each century can occasionally get within a few years of the correct date, but it's honestly a fool's errand.
By the time TNG was picking up steam in 1989, Paramount took the Star Trek license from FASA, since they wanted more control and consistency over the lore.
Like with the Kelvin stardates, they're very Earth-centric, taking Gregorian calendar dates and rewriting them to look sci-fi-y. Something something "homo sapiens-only club", anyone?
There has been talk on Twitter among people involved with the current era of Trek about a "unified stardate formula" (This Reddit post has links aplenty). In summary, Erin Macdonald (current science advisor for Star Trek) painstakingly did a bunch of math, put together timelines and charts, and cried more than once along the way to put together a new stardate formula unlike any of the online converters out there. And as a result, the years and stardates for Lower Decks (and possibly other shows in the TNG era) don't quite match up like they would in the Schmidt system. Brad Winters has said Lower Decks is still "firmly in 2380" (as of November 2021, or between seasons 2 and 3), despite the stardates ticking over from 57- to 58- apparently between seasons 1 and 2.
Someone has speculated the new …000 point is instead Federation Day (which doesn't have a concretely canonical day, but the closest date to canon would be October 11, appearing in a prop made for Generations but not actually appearing on screen.) David Mack has also said there's no reason a season finale should coincide with New Year's Eve, which makes sense. TrekGuide's system came to the conclusion of 918.23186 stardates per year, and the TNG portion of Kennedy averages between 955 and 958 stardates per year, depending on the year (not immediately sure what the correlation is there--it's not leap years. The TOS and movies portions have different intervals, but they have an arbitrary but noticeable shift like that too).
In my opinion, the ideal system would be one that blends the seamlessness of Kennedy with the starting point of Main ([0] 0000.0 is January 4 2162; Memory Beta says stardates began being used in 2175 or 2176), while ensuring stardates in the ballpark of 7410 to 7414 are in the year 2273 (ideally August, since Memory Beta says the events of that movie take place then), with maybe some adjustments from TrekGuide for good measure. I suppose it's possible Erin Macdonald's system does just that, but it's equally possible hers takes another approach.
In conclusion, Erin Macdonald has said that a converter using her formula "will be out for everyone hopefully soon…" on November 12 2021. So far, I don't think anyone has said anything else about it, but I'm definitely looking forward to whenever it comes.
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gchoate17 · 2 years
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In keeping with tradition, here’s my top ten list of the best events of 2022 and the worst events of 2022, vaguely ranked in the order that they most impacted my life.
To celebrate my 40th birthday, I forced myself to think about what I wanted more than anything, which turned out to be spending time alone with the person I love the most, eating good food, and looking at art. We executed that plan to perfection in Kansas City, and it put so many things into perspective – most notably, it gave me a glimpse of what I want retirement to look like. It was the best three days I can remember. (January 7-9)
After reaching a lifetime record weight in June, I incrementally dropped 15 pounds by doing nothing more than mostly giving up alcohol. It’s nice to exhibit some self-control and see results. (July-December)
My biggest work event of the year is the annual meeting, which I emcee. I wasn’t happy with my performance in 2021, so I needed to come back and do better this year. I did. And I feel like everyone did, which made for our best presentation to date. (October 13)
We remodeled our bedroom closets and added a master bathroom to our house so that all four of us don’t have to share the tiny bathroom upstairs. (Summer)
Liz and I went to San Antonio for our anniversary and found more food and art, highlights included the ramen at Kimura, and the Color Room at Hopscotch. (April 1-3)
Gus started Kindergarten without missing a beat, which filled me with an immense pride for his independence and willingness to confidently take on what the world will inevitably throw at him. (August 22)
I don’t know how to properly label this as an event, but I can’t not acknowledge that we had another unbelievable spring/summer in the front yard/on the street with fantastic neighbors, and I cannot think of a better community in which to raise our children. (March-September)
Argenta Reading Series came back with a great event after a two-and-a-half year pandemic-induced hiatus. (September 17)
Liz and I spent three days in a house in New Orleans with my friend Stanis – whom I had not seen since 2015 – and his friends to celebrate his 40th birthday. (June 2-5)
I feel like I made progress in finding the voice I want to use for writing about my relationship with food – culminating with my well-received Arkansas Times article about the top 10 meals I ate in Arkansas this year (December 26).
Zill died. In the seven years that I knew him, death always seemed like a near possibility because of the many physical hurdles he faced, but losing him is still tough. I will miss his dry wit, the rare occasions when he discussed his boyhood in Oklahoma, and the reciprocal joy he and my sons brought to each other. They will have a hole in the space where their Papou lived. As will I. (December 31)
I fainted and hit my head, which left a scar I will see on my forehead for the rest of my life, always reminding me of how unexpectedly my health can plummet. (July 17)
Magnus had a crazy two-month-long (and counting!) sleep regression, which forced Liz and I to take shifts sleeping on the floor beside his crib. (November-December)
A never-ending list of professional and personal responsibilities brought on by my own desire to achieve more has given me a constant feeling of general overwhelmedness, which drifted occasionally into depression throughout the year.
For the second year in a row, I haven’t been able to prioritize writing new things, which means I haven’t been able to process my thoughts, feelings, and emotions well.
Too personal to discuss publicly.
Despite feeling creatively fulfilled professionally, I have not felt creatively fulfilled in my personal endeavors. The lowest point being when I finished the year with back-to-back poor public readings. (November 19/December 6)
At least one person at our house was sick at any given time for a solid two months. (November-December)
Too personal to discuss publicly.
I finally got COVID, then had to drive – bleary-eyed and sneezing – in a rental car, through a blizzard from Pagosa Springs, Colorado to Little Rock. When I returned the car, I couldn’t get anyone (friends/Uber/Lyft/Yellow Cab/a random dude to whom I offered $50) to pick me up and take me home, so after a two-day drive, I sat at the airport for over an hour, desperately trying to get home. So close, yet so far away situation. (February 1-2)
Previous Best/Worst Lists: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
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jiminrings · 2 years
miss hann ! i feel like i haven't been on your blog in a hot minute but i promise i am keeping up to date with everything, and when i meant everything, i meant that i dropped everything so i can read fifth wish. (this time, i marked it on my calendar and made sure i was already on tumblr so when the notification popped up, i was already on the app)
okay, wait i promise i made time to do my review and thoughts of your newest story and how is it that every time you write a masterpiece you always manage to break my heart and put it back together?? that is literal talent right there and it warms my heart so much.
spoilers ahead: i am gonna start with the ending because it made my heart fuzzy 🥰
OH MY GOD I OH MY GOD there is a resemblance when i was reading fifth wish, it really did remind me of loving you is all i know, i have no idea how but but but it really gave that vibes. my favorite part of the whole story was when oc had enough and just left without saying anything and then it came to the point where jk started taking paramedic classes, i could you not i was giggling and kicking and like the whole sha bang because it made me feel super fuzzy inside.
when you mentioned that this was in the take five universe,, i really did have to think and back it up because like where exactly would this fit in but then i realized that miss hann can fit anything in anywhere. (take five is one of my favorite stories in the whole world)
i feel like with every story you write you gently let us down and then put us back together.
i am gonna miss him so much first of all..... second of all, i think he might be my favorite character in fifth wish. he is an amazing side character that is with the mc through thick and thin and i literally am in love with this man. if there was an alternate universe that the mc and seokjin will get together i wouldn't mind that at all, but i honestly cannot see that happening at all. i think that if there was an alternate universe then maybe it would be mc being an independent badass that she is.
i am not the biggest fan of fake dating tropes but you make me love them so much. i think mc having a tough exterior with a warm and understanding heart kills me inside because it really develop her character and you always do such an amazing job with it.
"insufferable" "soft"
the wishes hurt me and breaks my heart just a little bit and it went over the edge when mc left. BESTIEEEEE YOU REALLY DO BREAK MY HEART AND PUT IT ALL TOGETHER.
literally reminds me, have you seen those memes where it is like:
fuck a breakup have you ever....
literally me, fuck a breakup have you ever read a story by miss hann jiminrings???
i love the fight scene too... and how jk found out that mc was fighting again, that is literally my second favorite part.
anywaysss, you are probably sick of me. but i really cannot wait for the dilf jimin story that is coming up soon, oH AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO HLWWF.
wait i just realized, will the dilf jimin series be worse than heartburn ??
okay bye bye until next time :)
miss mae!!! i missed you </3 also.. u put it in ur calendar with notifs on?? ur so dedicated as per usual tysm 💗💗 THANK YOU ILY <3 now that u mention it, 5w does have the same vibes as lyiaik, i’m glad it made u fuzzy!! 5w!jk is the mvp of the story and soon enough i’ll give him a fic as part of the take five universe :) thank u i love u so much i could never be sick of you!!!
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longeko · 2 years
Rolling sky candy music
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Other bonus levels that introduce a new theme are Monody, Alone Remix and Faded Remix. music, comedy, literature, film, performing arts, food, science, kids and teens and much. This is the second bonus to introduce themes, called Candy Daytime and Candy Midnight.This is one of 3 levels related to food (1st), the others being Delicacy Temptation and Fantastic Sweet House.The is the only bonus level, whose theme appeared in Happy Birthday.Candy Trees and doorway, the same kind from Tetris.Candy wheels, the same kind from Christmas. Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh We couldnt turn around Til we were upside down Ill be the bad guy now But no, I aint too proud I couldnt be there Even when I try You dont believe it We do this every time Seasons change and our love went cold Feed the flame cause we cant let go Run away, but were running in circles Run away, run away I dare you to do something Im waiting on.Jumping Cacti, which is the first thing noticed in E-Labyrinth Adventure.Popper tubes, that pop out gelatinous cubes.You can get zero diamond and crowns in this level when reaching 100%, and they are the most difficult to get among the 3-star levels. This level introduces mystery boxes, which give you either a crown, a ball or a shield.This is a shortened version of Candyland. The soundtrack of this level is remixed from Candyland, which is made by Tobu.Ĭandyland soundtrack Candy soundtrack Starting from 8Bits, bonus level becomes an easier (sometimes harder) version level from its main level for players to earn keys and practice to play the main level.Some players claimed that it is the bonus of Tetris because of the similar themes: Midnight Candy and Coloured Tetris.Although this level is named as Bonus 3, it may not be a bonus level or is known as a special bonus level.The star with the word "Bonus" is removed in Hoop Dream's update. Follow the music, dodge the obstacles, and. In the Level Select Screen, this level had a little star reading "Bonus" to indicate that it is a bonus level just like the other two bonus levels, Illusion and Monody. Stunn scenes with amazing 3D effects one-touch operation, easy to use Swipe left and right to control the ball.And the kids? The biggest smiles you’ve ever seen,” said Mayor Sheline.
The balloons are colorful, larger than life, and no matter where you stand you have a great view. Free Music Archive has thousands of free-to-download Soundtracks and hundreds of Compilations to choose from - all original music by talented independent artists and musicians worldwide. The psychedelic 60s saw new favorites in the rock-and-roll genre of music, as well as new. This community loves the Great Falls Balloon Festival. The soundtrack of this level is remixed from Candyland, which is made by Tobu. Thursdays Golden Goodies is the Vinyl Lovers Candy Store. “After two years of being grounded, it feels really great to gather as a community in Simard-Payne Park and watch the balloons lift off into the sky. followed by a fireworks display at 9 p.m. Main article: The 4th Anniversary Event There is only one way to unlock this level you must use 120 gems to unlock it permanently ( Gems, however, is a consumable in-app purchase item. The crowds flowed from one side of the Androscoggin River to the other in anticipation for the second balloon launch at 6 p.m. The 4th Anniversary is the 44th level and the 2nd anniversary level in Rolling Sky. But our engineers aren’t your typical corporate lab-coat-wearing technicians. The lists below will give you some ideas for boy-friendly music that you'll like, too. We spend hundreds of hours designing, testing and perfecting every Skullcandy product in our Park City, Utah headquarters. Not many guys dig Mandy Moore, although Candy is a GNO classic. Parents and children swarmed the carnival area where rides twisted and whirled through the air like the smell of cotton candy and popcorn. Skullcandy power accessories are the best way to recharge your headphones, earbuds, phones, and tablets. Hello Everyone Today I'll show you Music/theme swaps between some levels and a mashup of Mechanical Power & Circus.The new Rolling Sky level is coming soon. A lot of people don’t know about All-Star Cheer and what we do, ” added Desiree Jenkins, an assistant coach. It’s important for people to come out and get to know us and what the sport is about. “They are the most positive, hard-working people we’ve ever had in our gym. A lot of people have never seen a balloon festival and they say there’s only a few around the country, and I can’t believe it’s right here in Lewiston, Maine,” said Naomah Russell, the owner and head cheer coach of Showtime Athletics. After not being able to come to the festival for two years, it’s packed I love it. “For the amount of time that we had to put this together and the 50 new athletes that I’ve gained, and only (practicing) once a week, they did an amazing job. She’s wearing a blond-bob wig, similar to the two-tone, visage. A Kora Shrine clown greets paradegoers Saturday in Lewiston during the Great Falls Ballon Festival parade. The clip, however, is simple, really: 11-year-old Maddie Ziegler dances in a spare apartment.
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blitzgamev · 2 years
Happy four hundred and sixty months in limbo ghostbur :D
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unfriedough · 3 years
hi again!!! can i request zuko hcs with him and the reader being married + izumi?
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‘Picture Perfect’- Zuko x female!reader
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Masterlist <3
An: HIYA! Also hi again! Happy to see you back 😉! Also thank you for the request!! And I couldn’t come up with a title so- 💀
See request :3
Warnings: marriage, children.
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When it comes to getting married
Zuko is a perfectionist
Will have this whole proposal planned out
Will definitely fail miserably somehow
Like idk accidentally says before the time
He would be so pissed if he said it
Like would cry
The wedding would be rather quiet
He doesn’t want all the town to see his special moment
Because it’s his moment
All his and your friends are there
Zuko’s family is there too
Or what’s left of it
He’d stay up at night to avoid having nightmares about hurting Izumi :(
But after she was born he would relax a bit
But after she was born he would relax a bit
Would check on her every 2 seconds to make sure she’s still alive
Please let the baby sleep in the room mate, Zuko won’t sleep otherwise 💀
When she was still young
Like a freshly squeezed baby 💀
He would insist that he has to wake up to feed her, not you (WITH THE FORMULA IF THATS POSSIBLE IDK)
He just wants you to be well rested
After like getting more comfy with Izumi
He would spend lots of time with her
100% would make sure that Izumi doesn’t feel left out or that her dad is negelant
Does lots of father daughter activities with her
It’s funny because imagine it’s parents consultation day at school and the whole firelord shows up
Zuko would baby you and Izumi
Like spoiling you guys with literally anything you want
Reserves a family day every Saturday
No going out with friends that day
Family days:
Sometimes you would spend it all in the library, you reading whilst Zuko rest his head on your lap and Izumi lays on top off him
Or going to town in normie clothing to try to fit in
Or watching ember island plays
Or riding Druk around the sky
Sometimes even just lazy days in bed, spent snacking and cuddling
I feel like Zuko would be the kind of dad to cry whilst his kid is getting a shot
Like your there like “Chill”
And he’s on the verge of tears
More nervous than Izumi herself 😐
Would take an entire week or so off of duties if you or Izumi are ill
He just wants to make sure he’s present
Will let Izumi sleep with you guys if she had a nightmare
Holds her and soothes her to sleep
Is there at all her daddy-daughter activities
Let’s her be independent but also is very protective
When it comes to you being stern, he always feels bad for Izumi
Too scared to tell her off, but does it anyways (for obvious reasons)
Try to restrain him from buying you or Izumi the whole market after any accomplishment
During anniversaries, the gang babysits Izumi to make sure y’all get the day to yourselves
He celebrates every birthday with a grand celebration
Unless you or Izumi asked for a small one
But only friends and family allowed - no random side characters from the village
Once she gets to an older age, we’ll say 16
He’s a lot more leaneat
She can get away with a lot of things
Would let her attend meeting, if she wanted to
If the other rulers said something mean about her being a non-bender, he would warn them, telling them that that’s inappropriate to say/none of their business and if they said something like that again they would be escorted out
She learns combat from all around the world
Kyoshi warriors, Toph, Aang, Katara, Zuko himself, Iroh, etc
So she’s very experienced
Reminds her constantly that he’s proud of her
And they’re very close
Overall, it’s kinda chaotic around the palace but definitely very domestic and homely 😩
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An: AHH this was so cute!! Can you tell I got carried away 😭. As always, hope you enjoyed reading, SEE YA! <3
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