#happy ttpd day btw!!!
wilhelmsbee · 5 months
one too many years, some tattooed eyelids on a facelift, (thought you might want to know now.) mind over matter is magic, I do magic.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
The thing about her musings on her youth in this album is not just about the spending her “prime” years with someone who ultimately couldn’t give her what she thought they both wanted (family, but also in general sense the happiness you get when you’re young and your whole lives are ahead of you).
There’s SO much about her youth in general here, and how the demons of the past have raised and broken her. How each of these experiences have chipped away at her youth. This whole album is give me back my girlhood, it was mine first.
It’s all the things she’s talking about had are part of the same big trauma of the loss of that youth and innocence. It’s snakegate and how Kim K and her lackeys deliberately set out to destroy Taylor’s reputation for sport, which ripped out Taylor’s last few grasps of that young adulthood freedom without her consent. It’s mulling the price she’s paid for spending her entire youth in the spotlight and becoming a commodity instead of a person. It’s looking at a friend’s child and wishing she could protect them from the world the way she wishes she could have been had she known. It’s putting your trust in your first love who ripped the rug out from under you and your faith along with it. It’s spending your time pining for your younger days in the haze of unspeakable loss. It’s carving off parts of yourself as you grow up to make yourself palatable to your peers and your partners and as a result not knowing what parts of you are left. It’s revisiting a love from your past when you still had it all, and after the initial frenzy realizing its hollow. And yes, it’s pouring your heart and soul into a relationship you think is forever and with each passing year the light in the window flickering dimmer and dimmer, only to realize the light wasn’t coming from your home after all, and you may lose your chance to find it again before it’s too late and the dreams you so desperately cling to vanish for good.
And that’s what the end message I think ends up being in So High School: she’s reclaiming the land as it were. All these things that were taken from her and that she gave up are up for a redo. And it’s not rewriting the past, it’s coming to the realization that all those parts are still within her but so is the good. That the freedom she gave up when she released her first album is still found in the backseat of a boy’s car all these years later. That she’s older and wiser and battleworn but that doesn’t mean she can’t find that joy and lightness. “I feel so high school when I look at you” is kind of a loaded statement from someone who didn’t really get to go to high school (both actually and metaphorically). “Bittersweet sixteen suddenly” (love that wordplay btw) because again— she’s been through so much that the feelings of new love that make her giddy like a girl are tinged because she’s been here before and also never been here before because she was never that kid.
(There’s also a whole tangent there comparing Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince to So High School and how fraught the first is vs the lightness of this one.)
That’s why this isn’t just a breakup album. It’s why she dredges up 2016 and Jake and Aaron’s son and childhood and high school and any other number of things. Because she has spent her entire youth and adulthood grappling with the issues that came to roost in TTPD, and while this whole experience underscores that you can never know what’s going on with someone (least of all Taylor, a stranger to us all), I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that she has stressed how much healthier and whole she is now. That is why this whole album is a bloodletting, but it’s not just about a broken relationship. It’s about a whole belief system that has stolen girlhood from her and she’s determined to piece back together in the aftermath of the autopsy.
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afterglowkatie · 3 months
some tiny (and kyra) hcs for your saturday :) feel free to ask questions/leave your own thoughts etc :)
⋆·˚ ༘ * tiny is a huge swiftie btw, it makes her even more excited for her 22nd birthday and everyone just knows 22 is going to be on repeat that entire day. if anyone asks her how she’s doing etc on her birthday, her response ‘i’m feelin 22 ✌🏼’
⋆·˚ ༘ * of course tiny went to the eras tour and of course she took kyra along with her. kyra could never say no to tiny and she wouldn’t give up the chance to spend the night with tiny and see her really happy and having fun etc
⋆·˚ ༘ * most of tiny and kyra’s dates/nights free etc are spent making friendship bracelets. ending with tiny making most of them while kyra lays on the bed and talks about anything and everything she can think of because she got annoyed with the beads falling off, not being able to tie the bracelets without them coming apart and the bracelets breaking when she’d try to tie them
⋆·˚ ༘ * the amount of times (when they’ve had the time) that tiny makes them watch the eras tour on a grainy livestream (most just for the surprise songs)
⋆·˚ ༘ * kyra gets lots of impromptu concert performances by tiny of different songs from the tour. atm it’s so high school and kyra likes that one bc it’s better than tiny constantly singing the smallest man who ever lived so passionately when they’re so happy together
⋆·˚ ༘ * tiny ends up annoying her teammates by constantly singing random mixes of taylor swift songs. she’ll also be going around fans after matches just humming different taylor songs to herself while signing stuff and taking photos etc. and if she finds the right kind of fans they end up all singing whatever song tiny is humming at the time (kyra is generally always close by and will get pulled in by tiny to dance when that happens)
⋆·˚ ༘ * tiny’s top three eras is folklore, lover and fearless (not in any particular order). ttpd is gaining higher on her list every time she listens to it, reputation used to be her favourite but then she dedicated way to many songs on it to a past situationship that was horrible and toxic and now she can barely listen to it without being taken back to that. but now with kyra she’s trying to change the memories of some of those songs so she can relate them to kyra instead
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I was so impressed with your toe-to-toe comment on the French philosophy anon. So happy to have found you, omg! I heard Taylor called her ttpd set as the "female rage musical." I take it she knows the impact of the song Labour by Paris Paloma which has been dubbed as the female rage anthem. So naturally, here is the 34 year old culture vulture, can't-have-any-ideas-of-her-own that is Taylor Swift hopping there wanting to get the attention away from it when that song is quite phenomenal. One song compared to her 31 diss tracks that's nothing to me, at least, but the excessive sentimentality of an infantile woman in her 30s. It's gross the confessions she's put on that album. And even her own fans are comparing her to Olivia Rodrigo. That's she's copying everything about her - song, outfits, the "female rage" theme just to mock her. Somehow, Swift thinks it would do her a world of good. People are catching on to her antics which are absolutely disgusting, btw. I'm hoping one day you write about all these completely ridiculous gross things she's done using her own lyrics. You know what I mean? I hope someone write about her nasty lyrics and that it completely destroys her.
Thank you ha, I'm glad you found something meaningful in that post. I will not lie, that Anon actually hurt my feelings for a second (I got over it by writing my response), but I was upset at being so misunderstood. I'm not out here levying unreasonable criticism at Taylor Swift. All will be based on reality, or interpretation of her own lyrics.  I’m defs out to get her though- in the most legitimate way possible- and maybe someday I will publish for real on her. I have a couple of criticisms that I will not be putting on my blog- because I want to say it on a bigger platform. : )  
I do see a lot of harmful things in her music that I have been resisting the urge to write about for YEARS! Even back in 2009, listening to "Love Story" I remember thinking to myself, oh this is nothing like what Shakespeare meant and it's also a weird appeal to the patriarchy through the "I talked to your Dad/ Go Pick out a white dress." It's so clear that she's just reduplicating mainstream attitudes on romantic relationships by using Christian Conservative social standards of needing the father's permission to ask the girl's hand in marriage. She obviously wanted to attract the Christian- Conservative fan- base with that song, and that's exactly what happened. Her marketing is tied to the phrases she places inside her songs in a way that is extremely calculating. She, Afterall, learned from the best at attracting mainstream, Christian, conservative fans, Toby Keith (hate that fascist, white nationalist freak). (WHoops, that was mean- oh well, he’s dead anyway). (and if he wanted me to be nice- he shouldn't have been a fascist).  
It's so obvious, and I really figured everyone else was also aware of the ways in which Swift interpolates patriarchal standards in her music. I have many more examples- I could write a whole essay on it.  
Apparently, everyone thought she was a feminist? Bro, she became a "feminist" if only to evade criticism and capitalize on mainstream pop-feminist trends. She's not a real feminist. Her use of “feminism” to evade critique ties directly into her other marketing strategy of telling the world “I’m so innocent and young” all the time. 
Also, her co-opting of the phrase Female Rage has made me angry, exceptionally angry. I saw that she's trying to trademark the phrase. I am incensed. I will post about it soon. 
I wish Swift would stop co-opting legitimate terms and pulling only the most shallow- self-centered conception of the term out to use in her mediocre music. She’s like if Pinterest was a person- and I’m tired of it.  
Paris Paloma’s “Labour” is amazing, because guess what- it actually speaks about the experience of women under patriarchal standards in a way that respects the seriousness of the topic. I absolutely believe that Swift saw how viral that song went and decided she needed to cash in on that too.  
And she is totally copying Olivia Rodrigo. Can you imagine being 34 and trying to act 20? I would die of embarrassment. But it's so obvious that it's getting weird.
I have much more to say on this topic- sincerely I could write a book on the conceptual point of “Female Rage” in media. I have thousands of examples, and I’ve been studying this stuff for years. I will, however, ramble on no longer. Thank you for your kind words- and I hope you enjoy my upcoming writings.
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prettygirlstothefloor · 5 months
a messy review of TTPD
okay i need to preface this that i have the credentials to be able to speak my mind on her. i've been a fan since 2006. i've been a fan since i was 11 so don't get your panties in a bunch.
i think this album is messy. the production is the only thing i can really praise about it. the lead up to it and now the full release has just been so unbelievably messy. i'm going to make a continue reading for the people who still have yet to listen where i won't spoil it for you. PS. i do get mean in this. so if you're not wanting to hear critiques and criticism and taking that in, please scroll.
EDIT: this was pre-anthology release. so this is just based on the original 16 song release.
i am fully aware she is allowed to go through the grieving process of her breakup with joe. i respect that whole heartedly. i completely understand having someone in your life for such a big chunk and for them to be gone and feeling lost and alone and angry. what i don't like at all is essentially telling us in this album that she couldn't handle joe having severe depression. obviously i don't know everything that went down but it seems as though he didn't want to get married until he felt mentally better. and as someone who is also in the same boat as him, i also wouldn't want to fully commit to marriage until i felt like i could give them 100%. and if that's his biggest crime, being too depressed, then that's a her problem. being depressed is not all "haha relatable".
now onto... that man... i did not expect 90% of this album to be about him. i've only hated two people in my life. one being a family member of mine. the other, him (i will not be saying his name because he does not deserve it). the way she spent so much of this album talking about how she will defend him with her life. girl i am begging you to get up off the ground. it felt like a backstab from her in "but daddy, i love him" where she's basically saying fuck everyone for ruining a relationship i wanted. the reason no one wanted her with him is because he's a racist, misogynistic, homophobic asshole. i am aware he supports queer rights but it seems like he only cares about queer rights and the safety of queer people when it involves white queer people (ie. what happened in dubai and malaysia). i'm almost confident she cheated on joe with him while her and joe were still together. i'm sorry to taylor that i care about BIPOC and queer people's rights than making a racist white man happy.
joe truly got the short end of the stick here. he has been treated so horribly this past year by swifties who made up rumors about him just to make taylor seem like the good guy and the only thing this album told me was she was the villain in all of this. i hope joe has a good support system around him and i hope he's able to get any mental health help he needs. i do also think that taylor desperately needs a therapist as well. she is very adament about not having one and just using her mom and her friends but she needs an outside source to really listen and give her advice that isn't "yes man"-ing her all day long.
anyways, like i said at the beginning of this post, i enjoyed the production. my favorite songs were fortnight and who's afraid of little old me. it's gonna take time for me to enjoy this album outside of its messiness. i did enjoy midnights btw. so it's definitely not the sound i don't like it's just everything surrounding it.
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girllblogging777 · 1 month
Sorry if someone's already asked this, I'm fairly new to your page but what are some of your favorite Taylor Swift songs or albums or your thoughts in general about each one?
𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑖𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘 !
↳ honestly i’m so so happy you asked because it gives me an opportunity to talk about taylor’s music so i’m just gonna rant a little bit
my experience as a swiftie :
✩ my first memory of listening to taylor was when i’d watch the shake it off clip with my sister RELIGIOUSLY, even though we were really young at the time
✩ i started listening to her music a little after fearless tv released and became a swiftie during red tv (best era ever imo, i miss streaming atwtmv all day long and romanticising fall)
✩ i had the chance to go to the eras tour back in june, which was the BEST experience of my life. i traveled to london just for the concert and it was so great !
✩ london n2 btw, i feel like we had the worst show of all wembleys and i can’t believe i missed gracie abrams by a day, but i’m still super grateful (i got thank you aimee x mean and castles crumbling)
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my opinions on her music :
✩ i’m personally more of a fountain pen songs swiftie than a glitter gel pen one, although i love all of her albums and songs (all bops idc)
✩ i have absolutely NO idea how to rank her albums because it changes everyday and based on my mood
✩ in my opinion, taylor’s most “taylor” album is red, which is why i have a particular attachment to it
✩ folklore and evermore are BOTH masterpieces and evermore deserves to get the folklore treatment (dare i say it’s better than folklore ?)
✩ debut is criminally underrated and i can’t wait for people to realise that when taylor’s version is released
✩ ttpd is a perfect album, and probably in my top three of hers (i do like the anthology better than the album in itself)
✩ her only album with NO skips (again that’s my opinion) is reputation….
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
about ME! :
✩ she truly does have a song for every situation, it’s insane
✩ i’m a this is me trying/the archer girl through and through, that’s for sure
✩ as for my favourite songs, i do have a particular attachment to cowboy like me and you are in love (yes i cried when she did a mashup) and my most streamed song of hers is haunted
✩ OKAY WAIT i’m gonna do a little playlist with taylor songs that describe my “romantic life” (you’ll get the lore pretty easily, try to guess what happened)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
♪ the playlist ♪
“my boy only breaks his favorite toys”
“now that we don’t talk”
“gold rush”
“better man”
“the 1”
“the smallest man who ever lived”
“girl at home”
“down bad”
“right where you left me”
“foolish one”
pretty sure no one is gonna read all that but i had so much fun ! thank you for your question <3
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castiwls · 2 months
First of all, I am SO happy to find another Taylor Fan who also likes supernatural.🤍 so please bare with me that is my first time requesting something! So i am in early season three (just watched the Bedtime Story episode)
I know it’s a bit long, and I hope you can understand it because English isn‘t my native language💀
And I would love an Sam x f!reader imagine somewhere between S1 - early S3, not a really specific episode or anything, but my idea was like to "invisible string"🤭 especially the „All This Time there was some invisible string tying you to me“, I had something in mind like, they are (obviously) both hunters who started working together longer ago because of a case, they started dating in the middle of it bc maybe one of them maybe nearly lost their life or something (you are completely free with that) and to get their heads to cool off after the most recent hunt, their looking through old pics (from the reader) together (childhood/uni pics, bc they went to the same college) and they start to notice Sam is in a lot of them in the back (from like holidays or something from the campus / something that the Uni did) and they never knew of one another until that hunt that bought them together.
I hope it‘s okay that my request is that long, but I didn‘t know how to make it shorter with my idea.💀 Anyways I hope you have a lovely day, and don‘t forget to breathe in, breathe though, breathe deep, breathe out🫶🏻 (yes that was a reference) and take your time with it, don‘t be in a rush🫶🏻
- Emy🫶🏻🤍 (aka a TTPD & Reputation Stan🫶🏻)
posted here !
this idea was so cute omg🥺 i know its been awhile since you requested (sorry btw) but I adore early seasons sam he's such a sweetheart <3
(also TTPD and rep so good dare a say two of her best and the labyrinth reference I LOVE)
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autumnrory · 5 months
it really is wild bc at the time of the matty thing all i saw was criticism and even people who were thinking of unstanning which i didn't really buy bc people always say shit like that just to be like LOOK HOW DISAPPOINTED I AM but they don't really mean it even if they're more reasonable in their love for taylor and not up her ass
literally no one was defending her, maybe a few people who didn't wanna get into it, but definitely rolling their eyes especially when that one statement came out and all and AS SOON as ttpd came out all these posts like "yeah omg those evil fake fans who pretend to care" (bc apparently you can't actually be disappointed someone you admire is dating a person whose shittiness is well-documented) like you were absolutely part of it too skjdjfks maybe not a hate campaign or anything like some people were doing i guess??? idk i didn't see that but that's what people are acting like happened but whatever you guys were (understandably) enraged but try to be like "oh no i was an angel" which like. why lol taylor isn't going to see your posts where you're trying to prove you're a perfect fan who never expresses disappointment in anything she does
and like going on about these songs telling fans to mind their own business (which is fair! but imo taylor's brand will always rely on people not minding their own business but whatever) and acting all sanctimonious over these other fans but don't worry! we have to mind our own business about her dating a racist but we can talk about how he did her dirty and speculate about her and travis getting married! like it's the same thing with the 1989 tv prologue and using it as a gotcha against gaylors but engaging in the same behavior with taylor&men and btw the 1989 tv prologue is six years after the rep prologue which told y'all to stop making everything about men but that's all you continued to do wrt joe for six entire years and now do the same with travis lol but ANYWAY
like it's just. revisionist history. acting like y'all weren't OBSESSED with her relationship with joe and speculating about secret engagements and weddings, acting like y'all weren't SCREECHING on here every day during the matty debacle, acting like y'all aren't doing the very same things with travis and assuming he's The One and he's the only person who's ever made her happy (you know, like you did with joe) and all that shit like. are you tired? i'm tired.
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