#happy you think i seem like i have a good music taste lol
stormblessed95 · 2 days
Hello Storm,
where is the ending line between "good" shipping and "bad" shipping?
I'm talking about fictional characters AND real persons from various media and genres ,canon and non-canon.
As a BL fan and mostly a fanfic reader for almost 15+ years (!), four years ago Jikook became my first rps couple and I decided it will be definitely the LAST .
Some limits and boundaries around BTS' shipping community got crossed several times with poor taste and insane thoughts .
So now I started to questioning things ..for example, maybe it's better to go back to canon BL-media, leave the members alone and focusing - only musically speaking - to the group ?
Going cold turkey on Ao3 ? Avoiding shipping AND supporting spaces in general?
Too many questions and I admit I'm a overthinker, but after the Tkk french book maybe is really getting out of control for everyone.
Hello my love! As a very avid shipper since a very young age, who before Jikook, doesn't really engage in RPS spaces either, I 1000% get what you mean. So here is where I'm going to link you to a bunch of different posts I've made before that cover this topic. Will you come back and let me know if they helped or not? 💜
This post covers the question what is shipping culture in kpop
This post is about the question, what are ship wars?
This post is I think where I draw that line of what is good shipping (supporting Jikook as individuals and potentially queer ones at that) and bad shipping.
Dealing with rumors about RPS ships by shippers post here
Respecting Privacy Post here
And here is my post where I talk about fanfiction in real person ships. You'll notice the tkkr hate book is an example that falls directly under my "things not to do and cross lines and aren't okay" paragraph. Lol
In the end, do whatever you are most comfortable with. Outside of my blog and a few others, I do not engage with a ton of RPS fics. I read some that are sent to me from friends I trust to engage in that stuff nicely and correctly and that's basically it. I've gotten a few recs from here also and only read the ones that sounded like I would be comfortable with. In fandom spaces, you have to interact with them in whatever way works best for you personally. And if you can quit ao3 cold turkey, I would so shocked and impressed 😂 I could never. I have 10 ao3 tabs open right now lmfao
Hope those posts help 💜💜💜
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 5 months
You seem like a person with amazing music taste, would you like to share thoschei song recs 🥺👉👈
oh i was actually gonna post my dw playlist the other day but i forgor hehe here's the spotify version cos thats the one thats actually accessible and updated lol
the first sixteen (hmmm. fifteen) are the ones that to me Are Very Doctor Who. except for babooshka but some of the lines kinda work and ten is canonically a kate bush girlie so i had to add it lol (same with human behaviour. it fits the doctor esp ten & eleven but also i think ten at least is an art pop kind of girl). and ik ik i could have used the og running up that hill but i like the placebo version better, sue me. '39 is just good time tragedy. obviously spiracle flower face because that amv has me in a chokehold, that and the leonard cohen are the only ones that are thoschei specifically? love will tear us apart as well actually. my name is ruin has specifically thirteen/spymaster vibes to me. spite alone holds me aloft is a little thoschei but also time lord victorious vibes. in search of my rose self explanatory. also i wanna be adored from that elevenamy amv.........
(also eight foot two solid blue is really really funny its stupid as shit but. you'll see what i mean)
some of the ones towards the end are like idk, either theyve been recced to me (i think some of them are from you lol) and arent really genres i like so even though they fit im unlikely to actually listen to them, or i saw them in an amv or something and they weren't that bad but didnt quite vibe somehow. and theres some soundtrack on there too i would have added the entire heaven sent soundtrack OH YEAGH DID YOU KNOW THE ENTIRE HEAVEN SENT SOUNDTRACK IS ON SPOTIFY??? its the third disc of the s9 soundtrack and hhnhgnhgnhnghnghnghnhnghnghngnhhhngng 👍
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katsu28 · 4 months
home is wherever you are
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: secretly falling in love with your best friend is tough. secretly falling in love with your best friend who also happens to be your roommate is even less than ideal. the solution? move out! (hint: it isn’t a very good one.) (5k)
warnings: angst with a happy ending, a smidge of google translated french lol
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“I still cannot believe you’re abandoning me.” 
Charles shoved another box of your things into the boot of your car rather huffily, as if to reiterate just how unhappy he was. 
“I’m not abandoning you, I’m moving out of your apartment.” You sighed, rolling your eyes playfully at him. You passed him the last box off the ground, wiping your hands off on your shorts before propping them on your hips. 
“That is quite literally the same thing.” He mirrored your stance in total seriousness, frown unwavering. “And it’s not my apartment, it’s yours now too. Your home.” 
You’d been living with Charles for a while now, having been suddenly evicted from your own place three, almost four years ago. With nowhere else to go, you’d turned to your best friend, and Charles had welcomed you with open arms, giving you a home when you’d needed it most. 
There were many good things about living with Charles—he liked to cook (which boded well with you, seeing as you were no master chef yourself. Except for when he’d gone through a questionable phase of combining cuisines that did not go well together.), he was respectful of set boundaries and agreed upon rules. You had the same taste in shows and movies, which made for little fighting when it came to deciding on what to watch. 
But most notably, he loved to play the piano. It was a hobby he’d picked up during long days spent staying at home, and he was good at it too. An electronic keyboard when he’d first started out, just to see if it was something he was serious about, but as he zoomed through the basics with ease, he’d splurged on a gorgeous white piano that stood proudly in the living room. 
Soon enough, it wasn’t unusual for the apartment to be full of music, beautiful songs of Charles’ own composing. 
He played whenever he had the feeling. Whenever he had something on his mind, whenever he was bored, anything, he’d spend hours at the piano, playing, playing, playing. Some might’ve called it annoying, but not you. You found it rather soothing. 
It had very quickly become a habit of yours to fall asleep listening to Charles play. Something about it seemed to always relax you just enough to the point where you could pretty much fall asleep anywhere if he was at the bench. 
Your favorite spot was on the sofa with a big blanket, watching him get lost in the notes until you drifted off. More often than not, you could rarely get a good night’s sleep without Charles’ accompaniment—your very own version of white noise. 
But truth be told, this past year of living together with Charles had been trickier than the first couple. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment things began to change, but something had definitely shifted between you. 
You’d been trying to write it off just the two of you being very close, but you’d been dancing on the line of close friends and more than friends for a long time. Falling asleep together cuddled on the sofa, lingering touches whilst you were in the same room and in passing, hugs that lasted a little too long to be considered normal. 
The more your feelings for Charles grew, the more worried you became. Worried about what, you weren’t exactly sure. All you knew was you didn’t want to lose the longest and best friendship you’d ever had because you went and fell in love.
“I know. But I think it’s well past time I get out of your hair and try being on my own for once.” You said softly, stepping in to fold yourself into Charles’ arms. 
Most of that was true. You did feel like you needed to live by yourself for a chance, to see what it was like to be fully independent in your adult life. You’d moved in with Charles when you were twenty two, and you were twenty five now. It was time for you to venture out on your own. 
But the uncertainty of falling in love with your best friend was definitely also a contributing factor. 
He made a displeased sound at your words, but tucked you under his chin nonetheless. “I don’t want you to get out of my hair. My hair likes it with you here.” 
“I live fifteen minutes away, Cha. I’m not moving across the country. You and your hair can come over anytime.” You scoffed, giving him a gentle poke in the ribs. “And I’ll come over here all the time too, you know that.” 
“Fine, fine. I don’t know what I am supposed to do with your empty room now, but I’ll figure it out. Maybe I will take up scrapbooking. Knitting. Needlepoint, maybe. Turn it into a craft room.” 
“Maybe you can turn it into a music room. Move the keyboard in there, your piano.” 
“Ah, bien entendu, my piano. How will you ever fall asleep without my sweet, sweet melodies?” 
“I think I will manage just fine.” You chuckled. 
Charles held you at arms’ length, dark brows furrowing as he scowled. “What I’m hearing is you don’t love me anymore.” 
Oh, if only he knew. 
You smiled instead, patting his cheek good-naturedly. “Come on, you drama queen. I want to move in before the sun goes down.” 
Charles went full protection mode the second all your belongings had made it safely inside the apartment, intently checking every lock, window, door hinge, cabinet—not an inch of the apartment went uninspected by him. When he seemed fairly satisfied with his safety checks, he returned to where you were unpacking kitchen items over by the oven.
“Everything up to your standards?” You asked, pulling out a stack of plates wrapped in brown paper. Charles shuffled over, easing them out of your hands and unwrapping them to help put them up in the cabinet. “No one is going to break in through my window tonight?”
“Don’t even joke about that.” He grumbled, chucking the balled up paper at you gently. “Everything I checked is fine. You will be safe here.” 
Food was simple when it came time for dinner—takeout on the floor of your living room, because you hadn’t had the time to go shopping for a coffee table yet. Or a dining room table. Or even chairs, really. All you had were some pillows and an overturned cardboard box to put the food on. 
Charles had insisted on helping you furnish the whole place before you moved in but you’d declined, saying that you wanted to get a feel for the place before filling it with everything. The last time it would be this empty would be the day you moved out. 
He seemed a little quiet the rest of the night, but you didn’t press it until after dinner, whilst he was helping you with the washing up. Well, helping was a strong word. 
“You’ve been drying that plate for ages now.” You observed, tilting your head at him thoughtfully. Charles inhaled sharply, shaking his head like he’d been snapped out of a stupor. He glanced down at the completely dry plate, then back up at you blankly. “What’re you thinking about?” 
“You’re really going to be gone.”
“You say that like I told you I’ve only got days to live. I won’t be gone, Cha. I’ll be around.” You chuckled, flicking dish soap bubbles in his direction. Charles responded by flinging his towel at you, cracking a smile. You liked it when he smiled, hated it when he frowned. He was still unfairly attractive, but it wasn’t Charles’ scowl that made you fall in love with him. 
“We can spend the day together anytime, you can come over whenever you want, and if it makes you feel any better, I will give you your very own key.” 
That seemed to put him a little more in higher spirits. 
 “What will you ever do without me?” He wondered out loud, feigning a thoughtful expression. 
“Probably clean up a lot less. Be able to take a shower without running out of hot water halfway through. Oh! Have a bottle of shampoo last more than a month because someone—not naming names, of course, won’t use it because they’ve run out of theirs. Not have to fight for—” 
“Alright, alright, I get it!” Charles huffed, grabbing you by the shoulders and promptly shoving your face into his chest to stop you from talking. 
You grinned against the softness of his hoodie. “Shall I go on?” 
“No, no you shouldn’t.” His hold on you loosened, but you stayed right where you were, wrapping your arms around his torso. “Just admit it. You’ll miss me.” 
“I will miss you.” You said softly, pressing your cheek into the crook of his neck. If there was something Charles was unbelievably good at (besides literally anything he’d ever tried), it was giving the best hugs. Something about them made you feel safe, like nothing and nobody could ever hurt you as long as you were in his arms. 
“You already know how much I’m going to miss having you around.” 
“Yeah, I am pretty great.” 
A laugh rumbled through his chest. “You are.” 
“You’ve been the best roommate I could’ve asked for. Thank you for everything.” Your words were muffled between the two of you, and you were glad for it, because he didn’t seem to notice the waver in your tone. But he did squeeze you a little tighter, so maybe he did hear you. “I love you, Cha.” 
Charles’ voice seemed to waver just a bit too. “I love you too.” 
“Okay, okay, you really need to leave. Go before I change my mind and make you stay.” You blurted, pushing him away playfully. It was better than letting him see you get emotional. 
“Is that a promise?” 
“No, it’s a threat. Go home. I will see you soon.” You gave his hand one last squeeze, nodding reassuringly to rid him of the crease between his brows. “Don’t worry about me. Go, get some rest.” 
It was only then that he seemed satisfied enough to leave, but even then, he cast another backwards glance towards you on his way down the hall, as if he was waiting for you to beckon him back. You just smiled as best you could. 
You’d get over it. You had to. There was still a lot you needed to get done before you called it a night. 
It wasn’t until you were getting ready to go to bed that you started to feel lonely. You and Charles had your respective bedtime routines, but they always intertwined. 
You never liked being the one to turn off all the lights in the apartment because the switch was at the end of the hallway opposite from your bedrooms, so he knew to do it because you hated running back through the darkness after flipping the switch. 
He always filled a glass with water for late night sipping, but never remembered to actually bring it to his room until he was already in bed, so you always grabbed it for him so he wouldn’t have to make the trek back out the kitchen.  
The bathroom counter was where you’d find each other the most, terrible jokes and funny stories told muffled through toothpaste bubbles, even though you could’ve just waited until you were finished to tell each other. You’d flick water at him as you washed your face because he took up too much space at the sink, he’d turn off the tap in retaliation, things like that. 
Sometimes Charles would stay up later playing video games with his friends, or take some extra time to practice piano, so you wouldn’t get to do your well oiled machine routine, but he’d always take the extra second to pop into your room to say goodnight when he heard you bustling around, even if he was in the middle of something. 
The times you fell asleep on the sofa to Charles’ playing the piano, he’d camp out at the other end of the sofa for the night, or at the very least made sure you were covered with a blanket if he went to sleep in his own room. 
It was something you’d grown accustomed to over the years, oftentimes the well-needed end to a not so great day. Charles never failed to put a smile on your face, even with something as small and mundane as a bedtime routine. 
But there was none of that as you ran through your routine this time. 
You didn’t hear him shuffling around over in the other room, the muffled sounds of his shouts as he played his games, and most of all, you didn’t hear him and his piano. 
Because there was no Charles. Of course there wasn’t. You were in this new place that you hadn’t had quite nearly enough of a chance to get used to yet, alone, and it was finally settling in. 
Suddenly moving out and away from him seemed like the worst decision in the world. 
You knew it was only the first night. You had to give yourself a chance to reacclimate, and that would take time. So you inhaled a deep breath, trying to get as comfy as you could for a long, probably sleepless night ahead. 
It was nearing four in the morning when you finally decided to give up and call Charles. Part of you thought he might not even pick up the phone, because he was probably asleep. Any sane person would be sleeping right now. 
Much to your surprise, he answered on the second ring. 
“Why are you awake?” You asked, maybe a bit harshly. 
“Um, you are the one who called me? Why are you awake?” He replied, groggy voice still teasing. His accent always grew thicker when he was sleepy. You thought it was adorable. “You cannot sleep, can you?” 
“...No.” Your voice grew smaller. You felt embarrassed at the fact that you couldn’t even make it one full night without Charles around. “I just…I wanted to hear your voice, I guess. I miss you already, Cha.” 
Charles fell silent for a few moments, the only sound on his side of the line being his gentle exhales. “I miss you too. Do you want me to come over? I can stay the night, if you want.” 
“No. No, you don’t need to do that.” You said softly. “Can you just talk to me?” 
This was also something that had become somewhat of a ritual when either of you couldn’t sleep. 
You’d tiptoe into each other’s rooms quiet as a mouse, slipping into bed beside the other. Charles always stirred when he felt the bed dip under your weight, half asleep but still reaching out to pull you against his chest like it was second nature. On the occasions when he came into your room, you’d feel him tuck himself close to you, nosing against any part of you he could find with a content sigh. 
There was no rhyme or reason to the things you’d talk about in those moments, but eventually, somehow, you’d both end up asleep, usually fairly quickly. Maybe it was the extra added comfort of each other that helped, you could never tell. 
It wasn’t unusual to wake up a jumble of limbs tangled together, and neither of you ever addressed it either. Just went on with your business as usual, never talking about it because it was just something you did. To help each other sleep, of course. 
Another thing that really blurred the line between friends and more. 
Charles hummed a noncommittal sound, soft and fond like he always was around you. “I’ll do you one better. How about I play some music for you?” 
“Yes, please. Thank you.” You sighed, relieved. He knew what you needed without you even having to ask. 
You heard him get up, footsteps padding along until there was a thud and some shuffling coming from Charles’ side. A few warm up scales in and you were already feeling a little less anxious, letting yourself get comfortable. 
“Any requests from the audience?” 
“Been working on anything new?” You yawned, nuzzling a little deeper back into your pillow. 
“I have, actually. It’s still—fuck, how do you say it…a work in progress?”
“Anything you play is perfect.”
“You flatter me.” He snorted. “Alright, here goes nothing.”  
He began to play. You knew jack shit about music, so there wasn’t much you could think of to describe how it sounded, but you could describe how it felt. You could almost feel the emotion pouring from his playing, even through the scratchy quality of the speaker. 
It felt like something you’d hear in the background of a movie montage, lilting and delicate and warm notes swirling together to create a bright melody, and you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
Memories of good times with Charles flashed through your head—all the long days and even longer nights you’d spent together because you thrived in each other’s company, cooking together, binging Netflix shows until you both passed out on the sofa. 
Hushed laughing during dinners at fancy restaurants that Charles could get into by flashing his name, soft conversations accompanied with expensive food and even more expensive wine. 
Day trips up the coast with the top down on the car, pushing the speed limit just to feel an ounce of the freedom that it could give you. Walking through Monte Carlo on late night gelato runs, switching flavors because you both enjoyed each other’s choice more than your own. 
Most of all, you thought of the love you felt for Charles, ever since you’d first met him. You’d never been one to believe in the concept of soulmates, but fuck, it was so easy to think of him as yours. Never had you felt as much for someone as you did for him. 
God, why were you even thinking of those things? 
It would never happen. Any love that Charles had for you would be strictly platonic, limited to however much one could love their best friend. 
Surely he’d drawn inspiration from something else when he’d composed the beautiful piece. You weren’t sure if you wanted to know. 
Soon enough, you’d drifted off like you always did when Charles played, coincidentally right before he came to a lingering stop. 
Had you been awake, you would’ve heard him say that the beautiful piece had been inspired by you. Instead you were fast asleep, still none the wiser to anything. Maybe it was a good thing. You might not have believed it if you’d heard him. 
Charles was on your doorstep first thing in the morning, coffee and pastries in hand when you opened the door for him. 
“Hello, good morning, your savior is here. And with breakfast!” He chirped, coming to just enough of a halt for you to slide an arm around his shoulders in a hug and grab one of the drinks out of the tray before he swept past you.
Bright morning sunlight poured into the open area, washing the whole place aglow. A warm breeze floated in through the ajar window, rattling the shutters only slightly, and you could hear the all too familiar sounds of the city in the morning coming from the streets below. It was a gorgeous picture of peace; one of the apartment’s many fun quirks that convinced you to go for it in the first place. 
The only thing that might’ve rivaled the beauty of the moment was Charles standing at the window, leaning against the sill drinking his coffee while the breeze ruffled his hair. His back was to you as he checked out the view, but even the mere image of him here was nice. 
You sipped your own coffee, smiling to yourself when you realized Charles remembered exactly how you took it. You didn’t even need to look inside the bag to know they were your favorite pastries from the bakery down the street from your former apartment that both you and Charles loved. He was always thoughtful like that. Things like remembering your favorite foods and drinks, and going out of his way to get them as a little pick-me-up. 
It seemed wrong to ruin the moment, but you felt like you had to say something. 
“I’m sorry for waking you up last night.” You sighed, taking a cross-legged seat on a pillow. 
Charles turned away from the window, shaking his head quickly. He took a seat on the floor next to you, long legs stretching out towards your crossed ones to nudge a sneaker against your socked foot. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, I’m glad you called me.” 
“Right, but it’s kind of pathetic, isn’t it? First time on my own and I didn’t even last a whole night.” 
“Not pathetic.” He insisted, entirely firm in his words. He set his cup down as if it could strengthen his point. “It is a change, definitely. You can’t expect yourself to get used to such a big change immediately. It takes time, you know.” 
You messed with the lid of your cup, picking at the plastic with a scowl. “I know. But I can’t always come running to you whenever I need help. It’s not fair to you to have to keep rescuing me every time I need saving.” 
“Okay…” He trailed off, stretching out the last syllable in confusion. “I feel this is about something more than just last night. We can talk about it, if you would like?”
“I don’t know what it is.” You huffed. “I thought I was ready to be on my own, but maybe I’m not. Maybe I don’t know I’m doing and I’ll never figure it out, and—” 
“Whoa, whoa, slow down. Where is this all coming from?” 
“I don’t know,” You repeated, bordering on a whine. “But what I do know is that I can’t always keep relying on you for everything. It’s not good for me, or for you.” 
“You know, you could always just move back home if you’re truly not ready to do things on your own.” Charles offered, taking a casual sip of his own drink.
Home. He said it so casually, like home was with him instead of this new place you’d chosen to make yours. In a way, Charles was your home. Safety, comfort, love—all the things that made something home, you felt with him. 
That was the problem. You didn’t feel right relying on him for all those things, not without him being aware of how you actually felt about him. It seemed like too much of a burden to put on a friend, even one as perfect as Charles. 
His eyes met yours over the rim and he shrugged. “I still don’t know why you were so insistent on moving out in the first place.” 
You sighed, again. There weren’t many ways you could make yourself any clearer. Other than telling Charles one of the real reasons why you had to leave, which again, was more of a last resort (hopefully not at all) type of thing. “It was time—” 
“It was time for you to venture out on your own, yes, I know. But it doesn’t seem to be working out so well right now, does it not?” The last sentence seemed to slip out of Charles’ mouth before he knew what he was saying, because his mouth snapped shut right afterward. “I’m—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I don’t want to argue.” 
But what had been done was done, what had been said was out there for you to know. Your coffee suddenly left a bitter taste in your mouth, and the traffic from outside became glaringly loud. The once peaceful atmosphere had been shattered now that you knew Charles’ true thoughts on it all. 
You stood up, letting your feet take you across the room from him. “No. Tell me more, Charles. Tell me how you really feel.” 
His nose wrinkled at the use of his full name. You never called him Charles unless you were upset with him, which wasn’t that often. Even hearing it come out of your own mouth seemed foreign. 
That seemed to change his reaction, because he stood too instead, doubling down on his words. “Okay. Yes, that is how I feel about you leaving. You barely even talked to me about it, and the next thing I knew, you were packing all your things into boxes! I didn’t understand where this—this sudden desire to leave came from. I still don’t.”
“You don’t have to understand it. It’s already done.” 
“Did I—did I do something wrong?”
You almost faltered. Almost.
“Did you ever think maybe me wanting to leave had nothing to do with you?” 
“Honestly? No. It feels like it has everything to do with me. It feels like you moved out because you didn’t want to be around me anymore!” Charles exclaimed. “And I have kept my mouth shut, I’ve been trying to be supportive of your decision, but I think I have a right to know. Am I why you wanted to leave so badly?” 
“That’s…part of it.” You admitted. Charles froze, brows flying up towards his hairline. “But not because of anything you did. Not because of the reason you’re thinking of.” 
“I don’t really see any other explanation. And I am sorry, but that is a shit excuse. I would’ve thought that you of all people would tell me the truth.” He didn’t sound angry, just disappointed and a little hurt. Somehow that felt worse. You’d rather him be mad at you than hurt by you. 
“I didn’t want to move out.” You said firmly. 
“Then why did you?” 
“I had to! I—I couldn’t live there anymore.” 
“But why?” He sounded desperate, begging for you to clue him in to any reason, anything at all that would help him understand. And god, as scared as you were of changing things by telling Charles how you really felt about him, you were infinitely more scared of losing him for good if you didn’t. 
“Because I’m fucking in love with you, Charles!” You blurted, finally. “I couldn’t live with you any longer, keeping this huge secret all the time, because it truly made me feel like I was about to explode. I just couldn’t do it anymore—pretend like everything was alright when every time I looked at you, all I could think about was how I felt about you! How much I felt for you.” Your voice rose with every word, emotion lacing your tone. 
You could feel the tears burning your eyes, threatening to fall no matter how much you willed them not to. “I just thought, maybe if we lived apart, if we didn’t see each other all the time, maybe those feelings would go away.” 
Charles blinked at you slowly. He scrubbed a hand over his cheek, across his mouth, letting it disappear into the neckline of his hoodie as he continued the motion near his jaw. Still, he said nothing. You weren’t sure if it was a good sign or a bad one, but still you continued. 
“So no, it wasn’t because of anything you did. Or maybe it was, for making it so fucking easy to fall in love with you. I don’t know. I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t say anything to me, but I’m not sorry for making the decision on my own. It was for the best.”
There it was, out there in the open at last. It felt like a proverbial weight lifted off your shoulders, but at the same time like a thousand rocks sinking to the bottom of your stomach, because he wasn’t saying anything. Maybe this was it. Maybe this was how you’d fuck up the best friendship you’d ever had. 
Charles was silent for the longest time before he replied, and when he did, his voice was quieter than you’d ever heard it before. It felt unnerving. “You could’ve just told me.” 
“Told you?” You had to fight the urge to let out a bitter, watery laugh. “Telling your best friend you’ve fallen in love with him isn’t just something you mention at the bathroom sink one night.” 
“It is, if he feels the same way about you.” 
A coldness crept down your neck, shooting through your veins like you’d just had a bucket of ice cold water dumped over your head. 
“No you’re not—you don't...you can't.” You whispered, disbelieving.
Charles’ brows furrowed in confusion. “What, do you want me to prove it?” 
You couldn’t give him an answer even if you wanted to. You weren’t sure if you could trust yourself to say a damn word, just in case this was all a dream and you'd wake up any second, still alone, still without him there.
He must’ve taken your silence as a yes to his question, because he crossed the room in three strides, took your face in firm hands, and he kissed you. 
Despite your utter shock, you managed to kiss him back clumsily, fingers curling into his hoodie tightly. Charles kissed you like he was afraid to let you go, like you’d slip through his fingers if he wasn’t careful enough.
A guiding hand curled around the back of your neck, angling your head so he could deepen the kiss, but only for a few seconds before he broke away, panting. His forehead stayed pressed against yours, soulful green eyes boring into your own in total seriousness.
“Do you believe me now?” 
“Maybe.” You breathed, letting your nose bump against his gently. This was not a dream. Charles was real and here and one hell of a kisser (just as you suspected).
“I am in love with you.” He murmured, stroking his thumb over your cheek fondly. “I have been for a long time. And I never thought you would feel the same way.” 
“I love you, Cha.” You were suddenly brought back to last night, when you’d uttered the same words to him. Only this time, they had a whole different meaning to them. 
This time, you knew Charles loved you in the same way you loved him.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
Hihi, what are you thoughts on the papas' s/o saying "let's get matching tattoos" and it being one of their lyrics? I didn't find if this had been done before so sorry if it has
Hope you like this :) I love this idea and it just makes me want to get a tattoo more (but I'm not at all good with needles lol) so I am gonna live vicariously through this :D - Nyx
Papas reacting to s/o wanting to get matching tattoos of their lyrics
As you ask him he pauses mid sip of tea and places his cup down. "Interesting idea amore."
"I havn't had a tattoo in years" he says with a wistful smile. "Why not! Lets show them I'm not too old for something new!"
He is flattered when you explain you want one of his lyrics even after all the music that has gone after him. He thinks you have very good taste to prefer his songs best.
All in all he thinks its an excellent idea he has a skip in his step on the way to get the tattoo and even more so on the way back.
He insists on opening a really special old bottle of wine he'd been saving to celebrate.
You expected him to be slightly more enthusiastic but he just grunts his agreement.
That is until he gets drunk at a party later and then he is wrapping you in his arms and placing kisses all over you. He tells you it's a brilliant idea and he can't wait to share this bond with you!
He is not at all shocked or surprised you wanted his lyric. Well of course you did.
He is very supportive of you as you get the tattoos. He is also really good with the aftercare post tattoo.
He makes sure to look after you first then himself.
He squeals at the idea and then hugs you tightly.
"Yes amore, a thousand times yes! I eh cannot think of anything better no? Everyone will see how much their Papa adores you and how much you love me!!"
He is also delighted you chose one of his lyrics (had you not he might have turned into a little bit of a diva).
He holds your hand tightly while you get the tattoos done. "It's looking really good amore, not as good as you though." he grins and kisses the back of your hand. He's hoping to kiss the pain away and take your mind off things.
He then goes back to the ministry and insists on showing everyone. He also runs to his brothers saying "Hey stronzo look how much my beloved loves me!! They have one too!!" he then drags you over and asks you show them your tattoo. He is very happy.
He makes happy rat noises "I would be honoured cara, I think its an excellent idea. Sì, its perfect"
He finds it hard to believe you want to use a lyric from his song, to have it permantly on your amazing body.
His whole face lights up when he finally does believe it. "I am the luckiest man alive to have you" he says with a grin leaning in to kiss you.
He makes sure to check all the reviews and find the best tattoo parlour. He is really supportive during it, he talks you through it and holds your hand.
He then spends the night afterwards lying with you and gazing at the matching ink. He kisses you softly and strokes your hair telling you how amazing you did today.
Old Nihil
He doesn't always hear what you say but at the mention of his song he suddenly sits a little straighter and his eyes almost seem to clear.
It brings back a glimpse of the man he used to be.
"Ooooh sibling, this is perfect" He full on grins and pulls you into his lap. "I am so glad to have found you. Now I am old enough to not mess this up."
He kisses you and tells you how happy he is to make his love for you permanent like this.
The entire time he's getting the tattoo he is just gazing lovingly at you and smiling. You are his whole world.
Young Nihil
This is the best day ever, I mean ever. He is so happy about this, his lyric, on your body forever!!
A way to remember the romance you two shared for the rest of your lives. A tattoo is forever, but you worry sometimes about Nihil, after the whispers you heard.
"Babe" he cups your face in his hand seemingly reading your thoughts. "I will never make that mistake again and this can be my way of showing you that." It's true you do see a different side of him, the man completely fell for you and shows you a depth to him that no one else gets to see.
He is a bit of a baby when they do the tattoo, it's more you supporting him through it.
But he is so happy when it's done and he insists on going out and drinking to celebrate. Also in his mind to help the pain "Honey come on it will help, I'm sore and you must be too"
Written by Nyx
Taglist: @ivyanddaisies @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @thatoddboy @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @randominstake
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transboysokka · 9 months
So my favorite character in The Brothers Sun is Taiwan. Like yeah Taiwan has its own shows and movies but it just feels Different to see Taiwan in a big international/American show! It’s SO cool actually and so um here are some thoughts I had and things I Noticed about different Taiwan scenes and things in the show idk
Episode 1
the opening shot of Taipei tells us this is a Thursday- the top of 101 is green and is a different color every day of the week
that corkscrew-shaped apartment building we see Charles living in is kind of an urban legend here in Taipei. They say it’s the most expensive place to live in the city, that each apartment has its own swimming pool, and that there’s an elevator specifically to bring cars up to display in your living room. No idea if the interiors look like that for real though
I was gonna say it’s pretty crazy he has an American-style oven in Taipei bc nobody does but actually in that apartment… yeah he probably would
afaik there’s not a way to (“legally”/officially) stream any of those famous British baking shows here rip
I do wonder if they actually filmed the opening scene in the corkscrew building or if they just really pay attention to detail because the skyline seen out the window matches up to what it would really look like from that part of the city
the shoes, I mean we all know about shoes-off houses but yeah
豆漿. Soy milk. Yeah
They definitely eat Hi-chews in one of these scenes
Episode 2
It makes way more sense for the guys to have snuck out for shaved ice as kids than youtiao… I’m just saying… like would *I* do that yes but it’s usually just like. A thing you eat with soup or breakfast
Episode 3
“Are you sure you can handle-“ “the heat? I’m from Taiwan.” lmfao BITCH Taiwan has some of the blandest cuisine I’ve ever tasted (he does think it’s too spicy tho lol)
“Keelung. A fishing village just north of Taipei.” Okay like I can see how the older generation would call it that but it’s actually a whole ass city…
Episode 5
Not a Taiwan thing but the Maotai made me laugh. It’s like the Coca Cola of Chinese baijiu and imho it’s just as awful as every other brand
Episode 6
ok the episode that made me want to make this list
the Costco shit IS funny because vitamins, baby formula, that’s all the good stuff you want to bring back from abroad BUT actually we have Costco in Taiwan and can easily get a lot of that stuff? This concept imo would fit a lot better for China than Taiwan. It’s still very much a thing to load your suitcase up with baby formula on the way home to China, and there’s actually a huge smuggling business bringing it in through Hong Kong but I digress
Idk why I’m happy to hear Changhua and Douliu mentioned in an American TV show… Seriously, I don’t know. They’re kind of like nowhere places I’ve never even been. I just feel like everyone’s grandparents live there.
Even the way they film Mama Sun on the plane. Like the Mandarin music in the background with the announcement for Taoyuan airport… to me it feels specifically like a transpacific flight to Taiwan lolol but that’s definitely like a bias probably
Okay not to be SO nitpicky but so when she looks out the window on the plane to see Taipei 101 etc I’m not sure about that? The airport is actually in another city and I feel like I usually come in around and over the ocean or something?
But WOW the taxi scene my favorite scene it’s SO visceral and SO Taiwan… the street, the lights, the Cosmed/Mos Burger/7-Eleven, the street noises, like I can FEEL Taiwan through the screen and HER FACE taking it all in I WANT TO SOB
The temple, beautiful like this episode makes me believe Michelle Yeoh is Taiwanese lol
I appreciate the viscerality of the night market shots too but it seemed a bit empty
Okay so Mama Sun’s mom is super rich too based on where she lives which I guess it makes sense. But what I am curious about is the story about why they’re speaking Cantonese because Taiwan has a lot of languages but that’s not one of them like officially at all. I wonder if there’s a character backstory there or they just like. Didn’t want to bother teaching Michelle how to speak Minnan or something
The cemetery too is so fancy, I mean it fits but wow that’s expensive real estate
In the hospital scene, Taipei 101 is lit blue out the window, making it a Friday. Has everything in the show so far happened in only 8 days?
Episode 7
“Last night the Boxers made their move” 101 says it’s Tuesday for anyone keeping track
I LOST it at the Foodpanda driver assassin the first time I saw this… So Taiwan
Big fancy church in Taipei? I know they exist but I’ve never seen one in person (like 2%? of the country is Christian)
A mom bringing back tea as a souvenir from Taiwan? 100% real
Episode 8
RAW is a real restaurant in Taipei. It’s very fancy and very expensive and had I think two Michelin stars. I don’t know ANYONE who’s actually been there lol
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thesweetestdevotion · 14 days
May I request a reading on Jay of Enhypen’s personality if he is comfortable sharing that is?
heyo!! i've done a reading on jay as a bf, where i go in a bit about his personality, so check it out if you'd like. I'll go a little more in depth about his personality here:
Jay Enhypen Personality
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before i even started i heard this song in my head: Streets is Callin' by B2K
so check it out if youre called to, maybe theres some messages in the lyrics. or he just likes the song lol. Also again hella cards jumped out, all at the same time. talkative much?? is he a yapper pls let me know im curious...
Dice: Mars, Gemini, 9th House
Tarot: Five of Wands Reversed, Four of Coins, Four of Cups Reversed, The Hanged Man, King of Coins, Three of Coins Reversed, Justice, Page of Coins, Ten of Wands
Okay so similar vibes as his bf reading. Theres the same emphasis on his position as a leader(?) he thinks about his financial position a lot and is very money smart! He likes to save money, and plan out what to do with it before he does (nice hehe). does he take care of his family in some way? i feel he looks up to an older man close to him, dont know what thats about. He seems like the type of guy to try to stop fights here with the five of wands reversed. Maybe he plays a peacemaker role in his relationships and friendships, he definetly feels diplomatic and fair. he's your guy if you need a third party to judge an argument or a fight, like a little personal lawyer hehe.
also sidenote after i heard that first song, i kept having the urge to listen to old rnb and hip hop. does he like that kinda music? i dont usually do music while reading to avoid distractions, but rn we're like jamming out!! he kinda wants to show this as a part of his personality, idk if thats a part of himself he's showed before. Its american rnb and hip hop (early to mid 2000's) did he live in america during this time?
continuing... hes such a martyr lol. someone tell him he doesnt have to sacrifice himself for everything all the time. he needs to learn how to work with others better. He has people around him willing to shoulder the burden with him but hes like nah, ill do it alone (bruh) like he tends to overwhelm himself with everyone's problems!! yall tell him chill out and share the hard work with other people!!
lastly, hes very realistic and grateful for his opportunities in life. Im getting hes grateful for all the people who support him! he seems very open about that lol. also could be happy with his bandmates, it seems he enjoys working with them, he just needs to improve upon effective teamwork (let people help u pls)
also im just letting music play by random and all the songs are fire so.. good music taste!!
I hope yall like this one! it was so fun to do <3
(last song as i finish this reading was No Scrubs by T.L.C!! thats so funny hehe reminds me of his bf reading)
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atinylittlepain · 11 months
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Only Lovers Left Alive
cowboy!vampire!joel x f!reader
series masterlist
warnings 18+ smut, blood, murder, studio 54, this bad boy has gawt it allllll honey
a/n | this one is from the VAULT lol. i wrote this back in june and never posted it, and now it's spooky season, so here you go, my beloved vamps. it's camp okay? we're going for camp here. ALSO, bonus points if you can guess what song vampaw (joel) is talking about hehehe
“Wake up, baby.”
“The sun is almost down and I’m thirsty. Come on, Joel.” When he still doesn’t stir, only letting out another petulant huff, the kisses she had been leaving along his bare shoulder blades halt, teeth sinking into skin, her jaw closing just enough to make him grumble.
“Not very nice, darlin. Was having a good dream. We were back in California. You were wearing one of those sweet dresses you always had on.” He cranes his head over his shoulder, cheek still smushed into his silk pillowcase, one eye crinkling open, seeking out a kiss that she is happy to provide.
“Those sweet dresses are about sixty years out of style, my love. Are you saying you don’t like the way I dress now?” With another grumble, he finally twists around to sit up in bed, squinting in the dim light as his eyes roam over her body, sequined and slinking.
“I like you all the time. You know that, huh?” Even after all this time, his palm slipping along her cheek can still set her stomach flipping, the only one he softens his snarl for. 
“I know. So get dressed for me. While the night is still young and the people haven’t flooded themselves with too much liquor yet.” 
If ever there was a decade for her man, she’d think it’d be the seventies with how good he wears it. Cream-colored suit and a black silk shirt that could hardly be called a button-up with the way he wears it, dripping gold chains laid pretty and perfect over the tan plains of his chest. Faded orange aviators to dull the sting of all the Manhattan neon when they step out into the night, his arm slung heavy around her waist as they throng through the sweltering summer crowds. 
That’s the other thing, as the years have passed by it seems that people have started showing more and more skin. Bare shoulders and sternums, shimmering with sweat in the close, hot night. It’s enough to make a girl’s mouth water. But they aren’t the kind to dine out, at least not these days, not when it’s so much more fun to do it like this.
She can feel the bass in her hips all the way down the block, eyes drooping in pure pleasure when she catches sight of the familiar flickering sign of Studio 54. A dance they have down by now, slinking right past the line of people waiting to get in, a quick bat of her lashes loosening that velvet rope for both of them to step inside the pulsing rhythm and light of the club.
Already a little bounce in her heels, bobbing her head side to side, her lips pulling back in a sharp grin, she presses her palm in the middle of Joel’s chest, though he’s unmoving, unimpressed in the close crowd, sunglasses sliding down his nose to look at her.
“Please, Joel.” 
“You go on. Gonna get a drink first.” Whiskey neat. Beneath it all, still her cowboy.
“Oh fine, you’re no fun though. What’re you in the mood for tonight, baby?” 
“Something lean. Swear I could taste the heart attack on that one last night.” Teeth, all teeth, technicolor in the flashing lights. A quick slip, his tongue licking into her mouth just once before he’s shouldering off toward the bar, leaving her to it.
She wastes no time, slipping through the crowd to the middle of the dancefloor, the pumping beat rolling her shoulders back, swaying her hips in an easy spin as she stretches out. She knows all the beats to hit by now. Arching her neck just so, one arm extending out before slipping her palm from her sternum down to her pelvis, her hips dipping back in time with the thrumming music. Side to side, eyes fluttered shut, she can already feel the pull of someone coming closer. Brunette, tall, all sharp lines and glittery eye makeup. 
Early in their time here, they had to set some ground rules. Never anyone famous, not after she nearly drained Elton John before Joel stopped her when he realized who the man was. Low profile. The nobodies, the hanger-ons, the ones they could slip out with and not a soul would notice. And this girl sliding up behind her fits the bill perfectly.
Cherry red nails splay along her hips and she leans into it, tossing her head back on the girl’s shoulder, smiling big and bright. She doesn’t ask for her name because she doesn’t care, simply slipping her hand through the girl’s hair to guide her lips to hers. A quick flicker of her tongue, just a taste to see what she’s working with. Sweet, sweet, sweet.
No words, not over the rolling bass and dizzying lights, just her hips molding and moving with this girl’s, spinning around to slip her arms over her bare shoulders. She catches his eyes through the crowd over the rims of those damn sunglasses of his, shooting him a slanted grin and a small nod, an invitation that she knows he won’t take just yet. Joel likes to watch, something else she’s learned over the years. Nursing a glittering glass of something dark and strong as she continues to sway and dip against the girl. But the moment the dizzying synth of I Feel Love starts flooding through the club, she knows it’ll be time for dinner real soon. Because for as much as he rails against disco music and its sugary-sweetness, Joel Miller has to admit that Donna Summer makes a mean record. 
She feels him before she sees him, a wide palm slinking around her waist to splay over her stomach, pressing up behind her even as she keeps her arms slung behind the girl’s neck.
“Is he with you?” Barely heard over the driving music, she just smiles and nods, leaning in to let her lips graze her ear.
“Do you wanna come have some more fun with us? Somewhere a little more private?” It’s almost too easy. She’d be bored with it if she wasn’t so thirsty, smacking her lips as they trail out of the club, her arm slung around the girl’s waist, her other hand held in Joel’s as they traipse through the swirling, blinking city streets. 
“He doesn’t talk much, does he?”
“Don’t worry about him, baby. I promise he’s lots of fun, you’ll see.” 
Their other ground rule. No alleys, no backs of bars or cars, never in public, always at home, wherever that might be. Easier, simpler, cleaner. The world has gotten more complicated, and they’ve had to change with it.
She lets Joel lead them up the two flights to their apartment, all the while stumbling in between stolen kisses and squeezes with the girl whose name she still doesn’t know, and probably won’t ever know. Another lesson learned, while fear tastes good, whatever this is, this want, this lust, goes down even sweeter. 
Joel doesn’t like to touch though, instead sitting down in the leather armchair facing the bed, legs splayed wide and a palm rubbing at his scruff as she and the girl crawl onto the mattress, the slip of silk against skin, swallowing down her sighs. She kneels behind her, her hand skating up her front to curl around her throat, holding her spine in a perfect arch, on display for her lover.
“What do you think?” The tilt of his head, elbows coming to rest on his thighs, gold chains dangling and dazzling on his neck. And teeth, all teeth. 
“This’ll do just fine, darlin.” 
“Are you guys tripping out or something?” A little tug, just a touch unkind to the girl’s hair, lips to her ear, shushing her. 
“Shh, baby. You wanna feel good, don’t you?” A kiss to her temple, just behind her ear, down over that dizzying pump just below her jaw, so much of it rushing all at once she feels herself get a little lightheaded when her tongue flickers out over that pulse. Her one hand still tangled up in her hair, holding her neck long and taut, her other palm gripping the swell of one of the girl’s breasts, feeling the rise and fall of her ribs between her fingers. That fluttering thing, that thing she can break and burst between her teeth.
Her eyes don’t leave his, steady and still as she mouths along the girl’s neck, finding that soft, trembling spot that makes her jaw ache. A broken gasp, the only sound the girl makes when her teeth finally sink in before that fluttering fizzles out. 
“Dinner’s ready.” 
“Thank you, darlin. Always do so good for me.” Finally sliding his sunglasses off, he kneels down on the end of the bed, the body held between them as they both start to drink. Every last drop. Her mind swims in the sate, warmth rushing beneath her skin as she lets out a long sigh, already slumping back into the sheets while Joel hoists the body over his shoulder. She doesn’t know what he does with them, just that by the time he gets back with a soft click of their front door, a different need has settled in her bones. 
“All good?” His hand slips along her ankle, kneading at the curve of her calf as he kneels at the end of the bed, eyes dragging along her body.
“Taken care of. Don’t worry yourself about it. You already handle the hard part.” The beaded material of her dress slips back, bunching around her hips as she spreads her legs for him to settle between her thighs, his slow crawl onto the bed ending with a kiss dropped to her lips.
“Hmm, I’m not worried. But I do need something else from you, baby.” 
“Think I might know what you need.” He’s already slipping back down her body, tugging the straps of her dress off to let his teeth graze over her nipples. But before he can set her mind into a perfect haze, she reaches over to the nightstand to flick the needle of the record player into place. A chuckle thrums against her stomach where his mouth is resting when that familiar snare riff starts to crackle and pop.
“Don’t deny it. I know you like this song.” He hums low in his throat, his chin resting over her pelvis as his eyes glint up at her. 
“Best invention in a while has to be the twelve inch. Can just let it play, don’t have to worry about catching the needle for a little while longer, and this song was made for it.” When she rolls her eyes at him, his teeth bite down over the jut of her hip, a quick pinch of pain that makes her huff. 
“If you like it so much how come you never dance with me?”
“I like watching you too much. Watching everyone else watching you, knowing you’re all mine, even when you get all fresh with them.”
“Fresh, huh? Someone learned a new slang word it seems.” Another bite to the soft curve of her stomach, hard enough to make her yelp, though he’s quick to soothe the skin with his tongue.
“Just keeping up with the times, darlin. But if you really want a dance with me so bad, I suppose I could indulge you one of these nights.” That crooked grin of his makes her huff. He’s promised her a dance a few times now, and has yet to fulfill that wish. But before she can tell him off he’s already settling the heat of his mouth over her cunt, his tongue dragging a salacious stripe up before settling over her clit in a lazily circle. 
He knows her body like his own at this point, coaxing pleasure out of her the way he knows she likes, a low hum in his throat as he dips his tongue down to fuck up into her, fingers digging into the swell of her ass to press her hips up closer to his mouth. 
They don’t even have to speak, not anymore, just long mewling sighs rolling through her chest, her heel digging between his shoulder blades while he continues to lap at her cunt. But it never gets old, the way she furls up around him, that pleasure contracting and contracting until it all blows out and bursts, white hot and heaving. Only her fingers hooking in the chains around his neck finally drag his face away from her cunt, up and up until she can taste herself on his tongue. 
“Always so sweet for me, huh? My angel gets sweeter every day.” She runs her fingers through his hair, taking a beat just to look at each other, the same man she fell for all those decades ago, that same sweetness in his eyes.
“You and me, Joel. Forever.”
“That’s right, darlin. Forever.” Another kiss, slower and more desperate as she shrugs his suit jacket off, fingers running quick through the few buttons of his shirt that are actually done up before she gets to work on his belt. But she doesn’t get far in her efforts when the catch of the needle startles both of them, Joel grabbing her wrist before she can reach to set it back to spin.
“We don’t need it, huh? Give that Summer woman a run for her money with the moans coming out of you.” He swallows up her laugh, his tongue twining with hers as he finally shrugs his pants down his legs. She’s only a little surprised to see he isn’t wearing underwear, a habit he picked up somewhere in Italy in the 30s.
“How does this damn dress come off?” He grumbles it out, hands grasping at her waist where the fabric has all bunched up and she has to laugh at the furrowed frustration in his face.
“There’s a zipper, here.” Joel huffs as she deftly undoes the zipper running up the side of her dress, pressing his face between her breasts and sighing.
“Fucking zippers. You know what I liked? Those corsets you used to wear with all the laces. That was easy to figure out.” She tugs at his hair, coaxing his face up so she can quirk her brow at him.
“Spoken like someone who never had to wear one.” He just grins, shimmying her dress down until she can toe it off and lay tangled up in each other’s bareness. His cock rests against her thigh, flushed and heavy, the weight of it sending a pang of want up her spine. 
“Do you want me, darlin? You still all mine?” It startles her sometimes, how sweet he can be, those dark brown eyes of his looking up at her through his lashes, glinting in the dim lamplight. Her man, the beast that lays down at her feet. She brings her palm to his cheek, lightly scratching at his stubble, his eyes fluttering shut with the sensation.
“You know I am. I always want you.” That sweetness snaps into a snarl when she coaxes him down for a kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth and lapping up the last taste of their dinner, just a tinge left on his bottom lip. 
Languid and smooth, he guides the tip of his cock through her aching cunt, both of them sighing when he starts to spread her open around him. Perfect pain simmering just beneath that shake of pleasure, his hips settling against hers, stuttering into stillness as they both settle into the stretch. His palm slides down the outside of her thigh, hooking behind her knee to draw her open for him, her calf resting in the crook of his elbow as he finally pulls back before rolling his hips forward in a languorous stroke that sends them rucking up the sheets. Push and pull, he moves them into a slow, strong rhythm, each thrust making her gasp as she drags her nails down his back. 
“Always so perfect like this, ain’t you? Mine from the moment I met you.”
“Fuck yes. Make me feel so good. Yours, all yours.” It all slurs together, praise and pleas mingling with the slick sound of flesh meeting over and over again. Their mouths rest over each other’s, just close graze, open and receiving what the other provides, swallowing up sighs and moans and preening cries of each other’s names. Just like this, her favorite way to have him, blanketed by the broadness of his shoulders and those blown-out eyes of his, unwavering, a heady weight on her even when she scrunches her eyes shut. Though Joel doesn’t let that last long, a snarl with the sweet when his hand comes to her jaw, fingers pressing into her cheeks to get her to refocus.
“Eyes on me, darlin. That’s it. Fuck, you’re good, huh? So good for me.” His words come out a bit breathless, though his eyes stay steady on her, even as he sits back on his haunches, palms slipping under her ass to pull her hips up into his lap, fucking into her deeper, more desperate. It’s just over the edge of too much, her spine arching off the bed until only the wings of her shoulder blades are pressed into the mattress. Every muscle in her body snares taut and tight, her cunt spasming around him as she unravels, going sick with the pleasure as he settles his hips into a close grind. He’s never far behind, ready and willing to freefall alongside her, muscle curling until he’s hunched over her, his forehead pressed to her sternum as he snaps with a groan of her name. 
He goes slack, slumping down against her, the solid weight of him making her sigh as she runs her nails up and down his back, both of them still coming down. 
“You know, baby, we’ve still got a few hours before the sun comes up.”
“Mmph, not thirsty.” 
“Not what I meant.” He lifts his head from where his cheek had been smushed against her sternum at that, brow furrowing at her.
“You owe me a dance. And I intend to get it before we have to leave this city.” 
While she’s certainly all his, she knows that he’s all hers just the same, and that he couldn’t possibly say no to her, ever. And though it’s not without a few grumbles on his part, he’s back in his suit and sunglasses in no time, palms grabbing at the barely-there fabric of her dress as they slip back into the club. Except this time, she keeps her fingers circled around his wrist, tugging him out into the center of the pulsing dancefloor. 
“Move pretty good for your age, baby.” He rolls his eyes, biting back a smile she can see twitching at the corners of his lips. But he’s quick to hide it, throwing her into a tight spin that makes her laugh, his arm snaking around her waist to pull her back against his chest, his lips pressed to the curve of her ear. 
“Guess I better remind you just how good I can move, huh?” 
He does, until they absolutely have to leave before the sun starts to creep out from behind the skyscrapers, slinking home in the haze of dawn and collapsing in a heap of tired limbs on their mattress. 
Meanwhile, across town, a young woman is taking the subway with a sinking, sickening feeling in her stomach. She’s on her way to the police station. Her roommate said she was going to Studio 54 last night, and never came home, even though she knows she had an early morning shift at Macy’s. Maybe she’s overreacting, she thinks to herself. But the string of disappearances tied back to the club are hard to ignore, and something cold snickers up her spine when she thinks about her roommate stepping behind that velvet rope.
The officer she talks to is kind, taking the time to listen to her story, though he regretfully informs her that they don’t have a single lead on the disappearances, taking the picture of her roommate from her hands and tacking it onto a cork board alongside at least a dozen other faces. 
“I’m sorry, ma’am, we’ll do our best to get to the bottom of it. Though I’ll admit this one has us scratching our heads. But in the meantime, my advice to you is to stay far away from that club. Whoever, or whatever is doing this, it seems like pure evil to me.” 
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wraithdance · 6 days
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The TF 141 Compatibility Love Report
For: @dwarvenagenda
This is based on my personal opinion and interpretation of you and the character.  the user makes no claims to be a real doctor or any medical professional. Please don't sue me! I got shook down by some girl scouts, they took my money and broke my knee caps. I have nothing but my illusions of grandeur left :(
The Doc says your TF 141 Perfect Match is…
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley!
Romance: Unsurprisingly this was a no brainer for me! Romance with you and this scary murder muffin would be like two worlds colliding and merging into something so fundamentally right it blinds the rest of us peons. Simon is often misunderstood and labelled as a 'big bad'. As a partner you would be able to give him the space to put down his armor and be his unmasked self (doubly important because I do personally believe he is on the autistic spectrum.) The same would be said for you, given his protection of his family and his loyalty to his team, I don't think Simon would shy away from supporting you through even the hardest times. Mutual understanding and acceptance is the core of why I believe this is your perfect match.
Simon has weathered the torrential storms life has given him, he's not leaving you behind once he's got that collar on him and babes the leash you'd hold is but another string of fate. I specifically use dog analogies in reference for Simon because as humans a lot of us like to believe we are absolved of our primal natures with the emphasis on moral rightness.
Simon is someone who seems to embrace his more 'primitive' traits to be effective and cut through to the hard truths over politeness. To me, that means when Simon has his teeth in someone soft with gentle hands, he's in for life. In this dynamic physical connection would take precedence (with a bit of an awkward phase inevitably) and shared inside jokes would be the glue to a successful relationship. Romance with him is lazy days in bed at your rustic cabin or farm, taste testing recipes while music plays in the kitchen, playing footsie while checking in on your stardew valley crops.
Sex:  Please know that shit would be so good you'd need 800 years to write love sonnets about it. Sex with Simon would be the definition of dichotomy. Rough and primal, all teeth and tight grip, demands for acknowledgment of your life long (and beyond) connection. But also sensual and slow, wet lashes and heady kisses, sweetness that usurps the taste of candy. Either way he's taking care of you the whole time and he'll put you first. Def into freaky shit if you are! Get him comfortable with not having control and you can hogtie that man up and ride him like your life depends on it, if you so choose.
Possible points of Contention:
Trouble with communicating needs
may be insensitive about certain niceties
heavy handed with the petting (good luck to you and your pets lol)
Your Poly Pairing (haha) is…
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GhostGaz- Pure bliss. Do I even need to tell you the vibes? In this poly pairing you would 100% be the ward to Simon's knight. Gaz would act as the charming diplomat and first point of contact for potential threats. But when shit hits the fan? These men work like perfectly oiled machines to get you all to the other-side. that goes for the way they'd flow in a relationship with you. Always pivoting around each other in an intricate dance to ensure the continued happiness of your lil love bubble. Besides who wouldn't want to wake up to the literal epitome of sour and sweet?
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speedydestinydream · 1 month
Post "Fight or Flight" Episode Thoughts
(general thoughts after watching episode 2 of the milliot spinoff; seeing if my predictions were right and just talking about the episode)
For reference, my pre episode prediction post
• Okay so they did show the video advertisement, and Elliot didn't really freeze up BUT he did stutter a lot which is fair, Milly didn't really speak but thats fair since it's. His gardening club
• Elliot was STRUGGLING with pulling out that fucking weed. Bro you can use a weed cutter THIS IS WHY THEY WERE MADE
• SEAAAANNNNN MOMENTTT YEAAAAHHHHH it's mostly his voice behind the camera but STILL. Also poor guy man accidentally ate compost RIP (Elliot being so apologetic for it,,, Elliot you are me and I am you.)
To be honest I thought black gold was oil tho??? Not compost? Idk
• Elli. Elliot. Elliot Thornton. Why did I just watch you bite into a tomato like an apple.
• Did he change shirts into the exact same shirt after that take cause he definitely had tomato juice on his shirt lol 😭
• Elliot practicing conversations in the mirror 🤨 Giving me huge Jake vibes here JUST LOOK AT HIM
• Milly has a father‼️‼️
• oh god cyberbullying... Elliot NOOOOOO
also for the students that were typing those replies. How stupid do you have to be to cyberbully someone on THE SCHOOLS OFFICAL GACHABOOK POST. WHERE THE FACULTY CAN SEE IT. USE YOUR BRAINS PLEASE
• Also... Bradley's last name is Buckley I think? Bradley Buckley? (the @ on one of the replies of the post)
• "Nothing will change. I'll always be pathetic." ELLIOTTTTTT NOOOOO
• "Stop fighting this isnt you 🥺" - Elliot, probably
• Ms. Cherry is PISSSSEDDDD
• I WAS RIGJT WE DID SEE NEW STAFF (the nurse!!) She seems nice :3
• Elliot: "Oh lord... I wanna die...!"
Milly: "Yeah, he's ok. He's back to normal." LMAO. poor Elliot bro
• He PASSED OUT and still doesn't wanna go home??? Elliot take the free go home excuse it's ok
• awwwwwhhhj he's blushinggg
• Faye and Dominic wanted to be friends with Elliot but thought he was avoiding them and Elliot wanted to be friends with Faye and Dominic but was too scared to talk to them,,,, awwhwwhwhw friiieeennndddssshiiipppp
• damn these two are PASSIONATE about their animals
• He sounds like a really sweet guy
• Bradley. Is blushing. Oh my god
• Man these guys all LOVE Elliot. Treating him like Jake 2.0 LMAAOOOO (seriously tho I'm so happy Elliot has 4 friends now WWOWOOOOO)
• His height compared to Milly I. He's SO FUCKING TALL WHAT. He's gotta be a senior atleast right???? Jesus christ how old is he
• "Who died and made you president of this club?" Dominic you are going up the ranks of my favorite tmf characters at an alarmingly quick rate I'm afraid that when I'm done typing this you'll be in my top 5
• Clozy Crunch? Wonder if it tastes good 🤔
• So real Hailey, princess is a stupid nickname fr
• "Hate is a strong word-" Jake bullied you for 2 years???
"Hate isn't strong enough of a word for me." Real Zander real
#letzandersayfuck2024 rip 😞
• awwwhh Elliot's symbolism with the pink cactus flower that's cute
• God they're so awkward I love them
• Milly you are blushing RED girl
• Hes just gonna. Leave the paper towel on the floor?? 😭 I mean I wouldn't wanna touch it either but atleast kick it to the bathroom??? Jake???
• Jake reprimending himself for embarrassing himself in front of someone and Elliot celebrating the fact he built up the nerve to talk to someone... oh how the tables turn
• Aww butterfly on Bradley's nose
• They're all BUDDIES
• Good ass episode and I was right with a lot of my predictions omg. How did that happen 😭
• Elliot I wanna see more of you and your club YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME
Anyway that's all I just had to talk about this episode cause it was SSOOOOOSOSOOSOO good. I was literally screaming while it was premiering I was so overjoyed
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venuslovesmascs · 1 year
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Hi!! I don’t really have a certain style or outline for readings so every one will be a little different im sure, I don’t like to limit myself and let the spirits and universe tell me what’s needed.
if it resonates pls leave a tag or comment 
I’m begging, talking to tarot and spirits
alone can make a girlie think they need psychiatric help
first guy - happy shark ? he looks happy
- queen of cups up, queen of wands reversed were the first two cards to come out - which I thought was really interesting. they want emotional maturity first , before intimacy or passion if it’s that type of connection. they don’t seem to be a sensual person, they like to emotionally get to know others however. they don’t accept “childlike” energy or people who can not commit. they have virgo energy. also cancer. always reminds me of queen of cups. they like security and balance.
honestly to me this doesn’t seem like someone you are seeing, either a crush you are scared to come forward to, or just a friend in general. it it’s a friend, they want to know you more intimately , to be able to care for you more. to emotionally support you more. if you reach out a hand, they will always want to grab it to help you.
they like to stay home. don’t like to go out and party. do not invite them out, especially with a large group. maybe a study sesh, baking, movie. honestly im not getting too much to pick up on here, they seem like a pretty chill person who likes to be in their own world. like I feel bad for interrupting their energy or peace lmao. if you want something, you have to make it known. they will NOT make the first move. but this person has good communication skills, and emotional maturity. definitely worth talking to. i think you will both learn more about each other if you have an honest conversation about how you are feeling. this person appreciates honesty, straightforwardness, and vulnerability. i honestly really get the vibe it’s a friend u want to communicate feelings for. don’t come on too strong or passionate, take things slow, they don’t like to rush. you’ll scare them lol. they are sensitive. don’t like change. u got this. let things flow. i know it’s hard, I suck at it that part.
- it only takes a taste, waitress the musical - came to my mind
- they have mom friend energy , maybe u have dad friend energy, “accidently parents to found family trope”
pile 2 - curved sharkey
this person may tend to take more than they give. we got the devil card. which isn’t always bad, but can involve lust or deep fantasy, living too much in a dream world, not being practical enough. they don’t desire commitment or balance right now. or communication. if they want to….,18+….. they like things firey and passionate. quick. they are the type to “get what I want”. no thinking. they want you to maybe relax a little more about communication. to live more in the moment. everyone wants different things from connections and that’s okay, you don’t always have to be on the same exact page, but you need to find a common ground. make sure you aren’t always walking the extra mile for them.
this person is fast. moves on quickly. like they don’t want me in their energy. they are like… sorry got to go. I’m bored.
you may be blinded to some red flags. they seem really sweet!! just not looking for anything serious, do not have time for commitment. but also have not communicated that, yikes :/ they like to indulge. I’d be careful with their energy honestly. you do not owe them anything. i wish I had more to say but there’s not much left lmao. they do not like the mushy feelings, or letting people in. you won’t be able to change that any time soon. feel free to engage if you don’t mind, just remember to stay true to yourself as well. do not hide your wants and needs. be honest that you are meeting them where they are for now. don’t build any resentment before something even begins.
pile three - cartoon shark
seems like a connection that has had separation, big changes in the past. a lot of hurt for both ends. one being more silent about their pain than the other.
this person wants a change for sure. numbers 3 or 12 could be important. they want to be more integrative . they seemed stuck in the past before, and feel guilty for so. they may have left you in the cold, “dropped your hand while dancing” / champagne problems. they want to bring you peace, if not come together, at least give closure. i think they had a lot going on, and want to explain. if you want to talk or not, that is your choice. just make sure you aren’t letting your “ego” decide - the part of you that holds resentments , pettiness, the part of your animalistic desires or patterns - dont make this a quick decision, take some time to think about it, not what would bring you short term fulfillment, but long term fulfillment.
they will understand if you do not want to integrate again, but either way want to help in whatever way possible.
this person cared about others opinions in the past, let status/family/friends/affairs get in between the connection. they care about their reputation. maybe they have already done some things in the past they are ashamed of, and are still afraid it can come into light. they felt like they were holding on my a thread. i still think their fear of reputation hasn’t changed if I’m being honest, im not sure they are still willing to put in any fight against others, but maybe for your connection. but don’t expect this person to change over night. they care, but still have issues being publicly outgoing or seen. they don’t like conflict. which is probably why they ran from you too lol. definitely avoidant. but if they come forward, it shows they are making change - remember that.
they didn’t fight for something like you wanted them to. they have never been good at communicating. they have worked on that for months, for themselves, not just you.
you are good at strategy. planning things out. they admire you for this. they are not. they are not good at looking into the future. they live in the moment. but are learning either way they fear what is to come. and they wish they had you to rely on , to be in the future , if nothing else. they don’t want to put the burden on you however , this scares them, maybe you are more financially/ emotionally put together, they may not feel good enough for you.
okay there’s a lot going on here but I think I’m going to end it here, feel free to message me for any clarification but, I think this is something that can only be worked out between you two in divine time.
this is definitely an ex or a past lover or current situation that’s getting less intimate . something has recently gone wrong. some kind of trust has been broken.
i think you are waiting for this person to change. but you two can not change together. they do not want the same things, you are both lacking fulfillment.
if I’m being honest, I don’t even think this person wants closure or to talk. they want a clean break, a fresh start. im sorry if you feel left out in the cold. there’s some new journey here that you have to take on your own. and I don’t think you are used to being alone. i know it’s scary, but I think the universe is high lighting some lesson or journey here. maybe this is long distance. starting college, or studying abroad, a new job, that kind of energy . i think you have a lot to look forward to. all these new changes coming are a blessing in the future. take time to mourn and heal, but know that when you are ready, you have a lot of fulfilling things ready for you. new friends, passions, hobbies
i think you felt really bogged down by this persons energy. that you were too similar. “twin flames” energy , not the western Instagram post “twin flames” but the idea that you meet someone who mirrors all the parts of you that you have ignored for years. that feels like your soulmate - how quickly and intimate you knew them. but it’s just the catalyst for your change and self growth. you will heal and grow into a person that people will love and understand, a person that this past energy won’t even recognize. i think you will always have love for them, it dosent feel too toxic in a sense, more just confusing, and hard, too hard. love dosent need to be hard.
focus on taking a break. mourning. going no contact seems like the best route here. we all have free will, im not telling you what to do. however , I think your energy would be best preserved if you had a clean break. no meeting up again. no drunk texts. no giving back some old tee shirt from the back of your closet that they don’t even want. bring it to goodwill. you will feel better in the long run if you focus on feeling empowered by yourself and not others. it’s okay go want community, and human connection is natural, but we still need self reliance and independence to be able to help others too. okay that’s a lot hope ur ok , much love. bye.
pile five - teeth sharkey
I’m getting this person wants to call you lol. they want to come back around, maybe from the past but not too far back.
they want to cleanse whatever has happened , maybe a fresh start. you may have noticed they have changed a little , dress differently, talk differently, new confidence?? new haircut ?? new phone?
they are a “shape-shifter” , they want to be a person that can change and provide for you. i don’t know how long term these changes are, they seem to change a lot - that is for your judgement and not mine. they seem smooth , I can like feel myself blushing??
welp - there’s definitely some big change spiritually within them with the death card I just pulled. they want change in your situation. maybe they link k***nk …. u know. they want to know the dark parts of you. show you the dark parts of them. “For better or for worse” energy. idk if they want long term commitment so to say? but they definitely want a more stable emotional connection. i may not be your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner but I’ll treat u and know u better than any of them energy.
there’s some secret they are hiding . i still don’t think they want to tell you everything, im not sure they want me to even be clear of what they want, maybe they do not know. they for sure want u tho. especially physically. wow they are attracted to u. possessive energy. maybe u like that, maybe u don’t. that’s urs to say. they want more eye contact, they think you have pretty eyes. they may like the occult / spiritual. OOO u know what, maybe they know you like it , they either researched it to impress you or actually had an awakening and want to share with you. they love your energy. they like being with you at night lol. maybe for some non-pg 13 stuff, but also I think they just want to be “spooky” in general with you and look at the moon and wander at night , do spells, that stuff. you seem to have changed them if I’m being honest. maybe opened up their heart. maybe you are their death moment.
if I’m being honest, idk if this is a person you see as “the one”. more like, a fling or fwb. but they were brought into your life for a reason. don’t let fears of the unknown / future hold you back from connecting with them. they have a lot to teach you.
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jaemsljn · 2 years
-when skz find you beautiful
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pairing: boyfriend!ot8 x gn!reader
genre: fluff!!! tooth rottingly sweet
warnings: none that i know of (lmk if i’m wrong), not proofread
word count: 1990
A/N: This was very spur of the moment brain to keyboard writing so i’m sorry if it’s not the best!! some members are a little long lol hope you enjoy!!
Whether you’re a good chef or not something about seeing you in the kitchen does something to him. Watching you flit around the kitchen, singing under your breath, or dancing to the music floating softly throughout the room just melts him. The way you mindlessly brush your hair away from your face only for it to fall a few seconds later, so focused on your task that you don’t even notice the repetitive motion. Or the way you furrow your eyebrows while you try to figure out the correct proportions for each spice. Not to mention, the way you call his name and ask him to come and taste it, still not even giving him your full attention.
Bonus points if you’re cooking for the members as well. He loves the idea of you taking care of him and the people he loves, wanting to show that you love them as well. Watching you pretend not to notice when one of the boys “sneaks” in to steal a piece of whatever you’re making. The members think they’re slick but he sees the way you watch them from the corner of your eye and smile softly to yourself, letting them believe they’ve gotten away with something.
He can’t help but imagine a day when you two have a family. Imagining the home you'll one day have for the two of you, getting to decorate it together and fill it with happy memories. At some point he’ll get too overwhelmed by his adoration for you and end up behind you, clinging to you. He’ll shuffle with you as you struggle to continue with your task. If he feels you’re not giving him enough attention he begins to pepper soft kisses to your neck, whispering how much he loves you between each press of his lips to your soft skin. Eventually, you’ll get him to stop by threatening to kick him out of the kitchen. After that he’ll go back to admiring you, trying to commit the image to memory.
이민호 | minho
I think Minho would like to watch you while you’re focused on something.
Whether you’re doing work on your laptop or scrolling through social media something about the focus you exude makes you seem even more beautiful. If you’re a student he loves watching you study, if you’re not in school he loves watching you read or get enthralled in a TV show. He loves watching you completely distracted, not thinking about what facial expressions you’re making or how you’re holding your body. There’s something pure and genuine about watching you while you aren’t thinking about how you should be acting.
He loves watching your eyes widen if you see something shocking. He loves the way you’ll mumble to yourself if a character does something frustrating or you reach a difficult question in your work. He loves the way you run your hands through your hair every now and then. He especially loves when you absentmindedly initiate physical contact with him. Reaching out to grab his hand and thoughtlessly running your thumb on the back of his. Or scooting closer to him on the couch, pressing your side to his without a second thought.
You glance over to see what he’s doing and find him staring at you with the most adoring expression on his face.
“Why are you staring?”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
Cue the blushing.
He pulls you into his side and presses a kiss to the top of your head. You continue with what you were doing knowing the man holding you has nothing but love for you.
서창빈 | changbin
Watching you explain things you’re passionate about.
Changbin could get lost for hours just watching your face while you explain whatever is taking up your mind that day. He loves the way you get so passionate about things while explaining them. Sometimes it’ll be something silly like a book you’re reading, or a dumb TikTok you saw that made you frustrated, either way, Changbin loves watching you as you ramble. He tries to listen, truly he does. But, it’s just so hard to pay attention to your speech when he could instead stare at the way your lips form each word or the way your eyes get extra fiery when you reach an exciting part of the story.
Eventually, you notice that he’s not listening to a word you say. The pout on your face as you scold him only makes you seem all the more adorable to him. He ends up holding your face between his hands, a wide adoring smile on his lips as he apologizes “I just keep getting distracted by how beautiful you are.” he tells you, and you immediately forgive him. You could never stay upset with him for long anyways.
황현진 | hyunjin
He loves watching you do art!!
Even if you’re not an artist he’d find a way to get you to do art with him. This boy adores art and wants to share it with the most important person in his life (you!!)
He’d especially love to watch you paint. The way little specks and smudges of color cover your hands and face is ridiculously cute. Sometimes he’ll completely abandon his own art project in favor of simply watching you work on yours. The grace of your hands as you touch the brush to the canvas. The way you bite your lip when you can’t seem to get the proportions right. God forbid you ask him for help on something, he'll melt immediately. He adores helping you when you’re stuck. It may seem silly to others but Hyunjin takes great pride in his art, whether it's the project itself or the skill he possesses. So, when the love of his life, somebody he views in such high regard, asks him for advice or help on something like that he becomes overjoyed. If you ask for help a bit more than you actually need to see his eyes light up, well, he doesn’t need to know that.
Another moment for Hyunjin is watching you read. The serene look on your face is just breathtaking to him. The chair you read on is situated right under a big window in your shared apartment so the sun shines off your face making you seem to glow. It’s become a routine for you to sit down and read in the early morning and for Hyunjin to pull out his drawing pencils and sketchbook. There have been days he gotten too distracted by the curves and lines of your face to even have touched the pencil to the paper by the time you’ve finished reading. He sketches you this way every day but never seems happy with the results, saying that he could never fully capture the beauty of you on paper. He then tells you that this is his motivation to keep getting better.
한지성 | jisung
When you’re laughing and having fun.
Jisung loves watching you interact with your shared friends. The way you glow after you tell a joke that gets everybody laughing. The way a smile never leaves your face the entire night. He loves the way you throw your head back when you laugh at a particularly funny joke or the way you grab onto his arm and fall limp as laughter racks your body. He adores watching your eyes crinkle with fondness at him and the people you both love.
He especially loves when you’re laughing at a joke he told!! Jisung values humor as a form of connection with the people he’s comfortable with. His chest wells with pride every time he succeeds in pulling a giggle out of you. He truly thinks he could be happy just making you laugh for the rest of your lives. He just loves seeing you so full of joy, in his opinion that’s when you look most beautiful.
필릭스 | felix
When you’re with kids.
Now hear me out here. Felix adores children and cannot wait to be able to have a family with you. Watching you laugh with kids and play little games with them just warms his heart in a way he’s never felt before. He can’t help but smile as he watches you interact with the children so naturally. He finds himself imagining they’re your children. The way you give a genuine laugh every time the kids do something cute. When one of the children falls and you immediately rush to comfort them as they cry, rocking them back and forth in your arms, whispering reassurances to soothe them, that is the moment he knows for sure that he’ll spend the rest of his life with you.
Felix loves watching you care for people in general! He adores the fact that you have such a loving heart always ready to take care of the people you love. The tender look in your eyes as you fix Jeongin’s hair for him or help Seungmin pick out an outfit for an outing with his friends. The way you mindlessly smile at him when you think he’s not looking. Or when you gently push his hair off his face when you think he’s asleep. These little actions that you do without thought show how much love you have for those around you and it makes Felix adore you even more.
김승민 | seungmin
While you’re sleeping.
Seungmin’s an early riser and his favorite thing to do when he first wakes up is to watch you for a bit. Some people would probably find it creepy but it just brings him so much peace. The gentle rise and fall of your chest. The golden lights filtering in through the blinds fall on your face making you look like an angel. He studies the curve of your nose and the shape of your lips. Sometimes he’ll trace the lines of your face, making you crinkle your nose at the touch, which he finds even more adorable.
If he wakes up anxious or upset he has this habit of holding onto your wrist, resting his thumb on the inside of your wrist right where he can feel your pulse. He is careful not to put too much pressure so he has to focus to feel each rhythmic beat of your heart. It never fails to calm his busy mind. More often than not he ends up falling back to sleep lulled by the measured thumping under his thumb.
If he accidentally wakes you you’ll just flutter those pretty eyes open and give him the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen. You usually end up pulling him to your chest and forcing him to sleep a bit longer.
Just because he wakes up before you doesn't mean he's ever very successful at actually leaving the bed.
양정인 | jeongin
When you’re playing video games.
Now this one might seem a little ridiculous but he just loves watching you get really into a game! He’s lost so many matches because he got distracted watching you. He loves the way you stick your tongue out of the corner of your mouth. He loves the way your furrow your eyebrows when you lost a point. Or the way you yell with joy when you get ahead of him or win the game entirely. He may have let you win a couple of times just to watch you jump up with joy and dance around the room, But, he would never admit that to anybody.
Sometimes he’ll ask you to play games with him only to come up with an excuse as to why he needs to sit this round out. Once he’s exited the game he just sits and watches your face as you play, a smile gracing his features. He hates how soft you make him but he can’t help it when you look so adorable all the time. Whenever you lose a match you get this little pout on your face and look over at him with these sad doe eyes, it’s almost as good as watching you win. But, he prefers seeing you happy even if you’re cute when you’re pouting.
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deetealeaf · 24 days
I'm hunting for songs to hand in, but since our music tastes are pretty different, I think they might sound good to you, but we shall see!
Since You Stole My Heart by Saturday Looks Good to Me Marceline and Alice are both by Vista Kicks Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners All I Want Is to Be Your Girl by Holly Miranda Aengus' Fool by Sleep Walking Animals!
And I'm not sure how you feel about Kate Bush but Suspended and Gaffa and The Wedding List are some my favorites!
Some of Alec Benjamains songs? My favorite one is Sacrafice Tomorrow and it reminds me of Shakespeare's tragedies for some reason lol
And You've got the Love by Florence and the Machine, don't know how you would feel about her music but I'm choosing a bunch of songs that I think are light-hearted and happy
There is an artist that makes, I think, folk-esque songs (not sure how to describe it) their name is Rabbitology and I love a lot of their songs (most of which are about women's struggles) I just think you might find them neat maybe? Especially the song The Bog Bodies which also delves into religious aspects and their song Millie, Warm the Kettle is about their struggles with a panic disorder I believe.
(we should totally make a playlist together...maybe...idk...up to you though ofc <333)
ofc these are just little recs im slipping in so if they don't seem interesting and far from what you listen to I totally get that lol
have i ever told you how much i love you😭😭
We should totally make a playlist together!!! Mostly cuz you have absolutely fantastic taste :))
Its kinda embarrassing, but ive only heard of one of the artists that you mentioned (alec benjamain) and i do like him!! Im gonna check out the other ones tho!! honestly rabbitology sounds like the type id love😌
Really you can get as out there as u want with music recs, cuz im pretty desperate and open to listening to anything once lol
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saynomorefic · 3 months
Hi June! If you're still up for it, 4, 5, 34, 35 and/or your choice for the otp asks?
Have a lovely day 💜
Hii W! Tysm for the ask <3 I kinda wrote a novel 😅
4. Their favorite show to watch together? 
Simon 100% watches anime. My knowledge of anime is next to nothing but I feel like he likes Deathnote, Attack on Titan, Hunter x Hunter, etc. I think Wille prefers teen dramas (he got a taste for them from Felice/ the girls) and docuseries, because he's hungry to learn more about the world around him. I think together they probably watch whatever anime Simon is into and nature documentaries because they're both kinda big nerds?! Oh, and Avatar.
5. Who is the cheesier one of the two? 
Sorry but Wille. I feel like I see this pretty much confirmed everywhere, from canon to fic. That boy knows how lucky he is and takes every opportunity to show it.
34. How do they cheer one another up during sad times?
I agree with the consensus that it's physical (lol) however I'll try to say some new things. Wille seems to want to talk it out, and Simon has demonstrated that he shows care by listening, asking questions, and offering support. I imagine he learned these skills from living with Linda and Sara. Sometimes when Wille's sadness turns to big anger (like once a year) they'll go to the junkyard and smash a bunch of shit, then go make out. Yeah. 
Simon seems to go within when he's sad, so Wille tries really hard to stop him from spiraling and get him out of his head until he's ready to talk. He'll plan little excursions, like a walk in the park, or get Simon to dance with him in their living room, anything to show him that it's not all bad. Wille also tries to make him laugh. I envision a lot of tickling. He knows not to rush Simon, who will share when he feels safe and ready. 
35. What are their tastes in music? 
I've thought about this one quite extensively. 
So I think Simon inherited a bunch of Micke's taste, because we know Micke exposed him to music and took him to concerts as we see in canon. I imagine it's a good mix of 80's and 90's rock, things like Nirvana and maybe some Swedish bands (like Kent, thank you Wilma @nothingadoaboutnothing ;)) 
As for contemporary music, I feel like Simon likes indie rock, some of it more underground, some more standard like the Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend, etc. I see him listening to Lizzy McAlpine and Sufjan to cry and get his feelings out. I also feel like he likes Lady Gaga, perhaps a mix of her vocals and aesthetic. 
Wille likes rap and EDM as we saw in YR. However, much like the TV show thing, I think Felice and company have definitely awakened some love for queer pop / hyperpop in him. I see a burgeoning Charli / Chappel fan. Maybe this is just wishful thinking but I see it. Simon 100% makes fun of him (but definitely doesn't complain when he puts it on). 
Bonus / free question: 
39. Do they get along with each other's family? 
I want to say I'm hopeful on this one. Simon seemed to do fine with Kristina and Ludvig, although I'm sure there's going to be plenty more awkwardness and discomfort now that Wille has stepped down. Overall I think they're pleasant towards each other with occasional moments of connection. 
I think Wille is very invested in getting to know Sara, Linda, and possibly Micke. Post S3, I think he starts to form a closer bond with Sara; I'd like to think she becomes like another sibling now that he doesn't have Erik anymore. Wille tries hard with Linda in the beginning, and eventually realizes that all she wants is for him to treat Simon well and be happy, which for him is easier than ever. Perhaps Wille is the bridge towards a better relationship with Micke - he understands shitty family dynamics and is neutral where everyone else is scarred, so maybe he can help them be in each other's lives again in small ways. Like I said, wishful thinking.
I think Simon actually pushes for Wille to spend time with Wille's parents more, because Wille definitely prefers holidays at the Erikssons. S3 made me feel very hopeful about both fronts.
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DEVON. How has this not happened yet?
Almost at the end of a chapter with this one so we shall see if I can fit it all in lol.
90 new sentences for TWATYTK:
Buck is certainly right about one thing. You can only count the number of times Eddie has been silly drunk on one hand. Drunk with abandon, that is. He’s been stupid drunk and upset before. But the kind of easy, floating fun that is totally worth the hangover the next morning? Eddie isn’t well versed in that the way Buck is. 
Which is why Eddie happily accepts the gratuitous amounts of champagne offered to him. With his son safely at Pepa’s and at no risk of seeing him, Eddie lets loose and gets champagne drunk. Prosecco drunk? Eddie’s not sure it’s the real thing. Who cares? Tastes great. Makes his head feel carbonated. 
Eddie thinks Buck is taking it a bit slower than him but he doesn’t keep track. They’re both red faced, sweaty, and laughing as the dancing progresses throughout the evening. It all kind of goes by in a blur of lights and greatest hits of years past. Whitney Houston. David Bowie. Earth, Wind, and Fire. Abba. Chim has covered all his bases. 
“It’s a little dated,” Buck observes as they take a moment for fresh air and some water out on the patio. December, 1963 is currently playing, so Eddie supposes he is literally correct.
“Oh yeah?” Eddie raises an eyebrow. “And what would your wedding reception playlist be? Pitbull and Sean Paul?” 
“Hey, now,” Buck laughs. “Don’t knock my early 2000s dance mix until you try it.”
Eddie is a little too drunk and happy to even reminisce on the over-abundance of Shannon’s taste in country music present at their own wedding. 
“Okay,” Eddie says instead. “I’ll just have to try it.”
Buck’s eyes twinkle. “Well, uh, good.”
And it’s a little silly. It’s a little premature, maybe. Or maybe not, all things considered. But Eddie thinks about it. The stupid playlist Buck would make. They could find suits that aren’t exactly matching, but highly complimentary. How they could include Chris in the ceremony. What it would feel like to be someone’s husband again. How it would feel to have a husband. 
Eddie brims with giddy laughter at the thought. 
“What?” Buck asks, grinning.
“Nothing,” Eddie says, reaching forward and resting a hand over Buck’s collarbone. “I just love you.”
Buck kisses Eddie’s forehead, as sweaty as it is. 
“I just love you, too,” he says. “But if we don’t get back inside and keep dancing, Albert is going to call us old. And I simply refuse to deal with that on my sister’s wedding day.”
Eddie laughs. “We can’t have that, can we?”
“My ego simply won’t allow it.” Buck nods.
So Eddie and Buck return to the party, and if Eddie has the tiny seeds of a fantasy taking root in his head, he just hopes it’s not too terribly obvious on his face. 
In the interest of remembering the evening as best he can, Buck elects not to get as drunk as Eddie. This poses the risk of having less fun, but this doesn’t turn out to be the case. Instead, he gets to watch and stamp it all into memory. Eddie, letting loose in a way that is rare for him. Smiling and utterly gorgeous. Maddie and Chim, so happy in celebrating something that seems both hard won and as simple as magic. Hen and Karen, dancing together, warm and tender and familiar. Giving Buck something to seriously aspire to. 
He’s also very glad he’s functional enough to get video evidence of Ravi and Albert doing a drunken handstand competition well after midnight. Beautiful, really. He’ll have lots of embarrassing photos and videos of everyone for a group chat tomorrow. And lots of Eddie just to keep for himself. 
Somewhere close to two in the morning, Buck is fumbling with the hotel room keycard, while Eddie is slumped against his shoulder. 
“Mmm, just want to lie down,” Eddie complains, when Buck isn’t moving fast enough. Maybe if he wasn’t holding up a whole ass drunk, squirmy man, he’d be a bit quicker.
“Give it a second,” Buck promises. 
When he finally swipes them through, Eddie straightens up, strides through the door, and flops onto the bed with alarming deftness, given how he could hardly walk a second ago. 
“You are full of shit,” Buck accuses. 
Eddie laughs, mischievously. He does not deny Buck’s allegations. 
On top of the covers, head not even making it to a pillow, Eddie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. 
“Oh, no.” Buck scolds, amused. “No falling asleep yet. Take off your damn shoes.”
“You,” Eddie slurs in accusation, keeping his eyes closed but pointing a finger in the approximation of Buck’s direction. “Have put your shoes on my coffee table.”
Buck can’t help but laugh. “It’s our coffee table now, darling.” 
“True,” Eddie yawns. Eyes still shut, he lifts his lefts and awkwardly paws at his shoes. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Buck says, crossing the room to help him remove his shoes.
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thenugking · 10 months
star beast thoughts
Deeply enjoyed it. I've been worried that I only liked original RTD because it was my first Doctor Who, and now that I'm an adult with critical thinking skills, I won't enjoy his stuff half as much. It might just be the return of Ten and Donna, but everything came rushing back.
lots of very funny moments that made me laugh out loud
Not sure how I feel about the opening credits, but I love the theme music
love shirley, p sure she's a recurring character now, very happy for that. Her dynamic with the Doctor was immediately Great.
i like the quiet acknowledgement that sylvia and wilf are fucking Traumatised and have been terrified every time aliens happen for 15 years
Shaun seems very nice! Love the reference to Nerys too, Nerys was great, I love her frenemies thing with Donna.
I gotta apologise for misgendering the Meep for years. Beep the Meep's pronouns are the/Meep, thank u rose.
the scene abt wilf landed Oddly though considering bernard cribbins Is dead now. idk reshooting it might have been difficult but it left a bad taste when they're going "lol he's not dead why would you think that dumbass"
Love Donna's family. Love the scene of Sylvia trying to be Supportive of her trans granddaughter while Struggling bc yeah she's trying but she's not perfect. Love that Sylvia in general is still abrasive but no longer straight up emotionally abusive (which I think was true of The End of Time too, but she's in this one a lot more)
Not sure why they bothered to include Fudge since he didn't do anything?? it felt like fanservice but like…. they aged him down and took out his mum, who was one of the funniest characters in the comic, so what's the point of keeping him?? Would have liked to see him interact with Rose more.
I did like that they went to an effort to make the wrarth warriors actually sympathetic in this one though, pointing out they use painless stun guns, rather than "oh well they're policemen so they're automatically Good" and also not having them plant a bomb in the doctor's stomach. That was fucked up.
The stuff leading up to Donna fully remembering was Very Good. Her mentioning giving away the money feels like something He would do and everyone just being silent because they Can't Bring It Up etc. I liked that a lot.
I liked Rose being explicitly transfemme but I feel they should have actually set up her being non binary earlier???? as it is it feels kind of like it's saying trans automatically equals non binary??? I do love that she saved the world by being trans though.
The metacrisis going into Rose worked really well too, good resolution to All That. I am less sure about "well we can just Let The Power Go, obviously you never thought of that because you're a man"
New TARDIS console is Perfect i love her sm
Also love Donna lampshading "going inside Just To Look means an adventure will accidentally happen"
Love the coffee thing also. Oh No an adventure is accidentally going to happen
doctordonna <3
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aeide-thea · 9 months
tagged by @aldieb! thx for thinking of me, these little questionnaires are like. a cute little blast from tumblr's more interactive past :)
last song: i was going to have to give a sad little answer here about how i don't listen to music nearly enough anymore (never mind sing) and it's very definitely a reflection of my depression, but then i entirely out of nowhere and very urgently was like 'wait actually i have to listen to gordon lightfoot's "song for a winter's night" right now' so then i dashed off and did that and now that's the answer:
if i could know within my heart that you were lonely too i would be happy just to hold the hands i love on this winter night with you…
favorite color: oof so so many!! colors are so important. the signature one has gotta be a really highlighter-vivid chartreuse (🎾), but i do also really love me a good marigold orange? not to mention vermilion, or ochre, or moss green, or really saturated cobalt, or shades of rust or russet…
last movie/show: shetland bbc, which is a quiet well-acted murder mystery series set in a very beautiful very remote landscape. soothing if you like the british isles and can bear to entertain the fantasy of a decent policeman, at least for an hour or so at a time. also i admit to enjoying douglas henshall's face.
sweet/spicy/savory: all the best things are savory and also spicy! like. the jamaican curried chicken i grew up with. indian curries. malaysian laksa my beloved. can you tell i like curry. :D
relationship status: sidebar but this is such an amatonormative question lol. like why are we societally expected to look at 'relationship' and infer 'romantic.' also it seems like a weird outlier given that all the other qs are low-stakes little softballs abt yr tastes. however. extremely single! sometimes i'm sad about it because i miss sexual intimacy and i'm too shy to pursue that with strangers? but honestly most of the time i'm just as glad, because i don't actually know how to love people romantically without making a whole self-abnegating religion of it, so i'm not really convinced that dating was ever really all that good for me, on the whole…
last thing i googled: i use duckduckgo now, and you should too! :) having said that: 'yoal boat.' which is a very beautiful traditional style of shetland boat—apparently descended from a norwegian model?—that the islanders used to use for fishing, and then for storage draw up onto the land into these little prepared hollows called noosts (they have marinas now), which like. obviously i think is the most charming word imaginable. a cozy little noost for a lovely little boat! 🪺
current obsession(s): yoals aside, i guess the thing that best fits this category is that sometime in the last year or so i turned into Merino Guy??? like. even my boxer briefs are merino now (well, a merino-tencel blend) and like. it's so good, guys. comfy in a startlingly wide range of temps, helps me lessen my contribution to the microplastics problem, somehow even makes for reasonable athletic wear in the right weights and cuts: what's not to like. anyway brb, gotta go print out my 'NOT 🐑ISH ABOUT MERINO' bumper sticker. :D
tag 9 people: oof idk, do this if you'd enjoy it and ignore it if you wouldn't? gonna make like west and pull some names from my activity feed: @e-b-reads, @ghostofasecretary, @leatherbookmark, @nathanielthecurious, @obstinatecondolement, @papavera, @quailfang, @tisiphoness, @youcanthandelthetruth
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