#hard to concise him down into smth small with no precontext
disruptivevoib · 9 months
Could you tell us about AI Mimb...
--🍷🧡 {Soul front 🔱}
Or rather, [Mod]eratorbot. While there are certain things that I can't say because they're not revealed to folks besides those of us in the AU itself, his Whole is a streamer!
@shadywoods plays the aforementioned Whole, named Sneeb.
@agent-8449 @shxwrunner are Soul and Heart respectfully.
Edgar, Allen, and Poe or Mind, Soul, and Heart are all bots made by Sneeb and utilized on his streams as part of the entertainment!
They are also, in chatroomverse canon, the creators of the chatroom through the usage of an Algorithm they created to interdimensionally sort and search for timelines or universes where instances of themselves or whole existed.
And then they lost control of that algorithm.
Edgar himself was insistent on remaining non-sentient. He is not alive and thus shouldn't be much more than code. Poe, or Heart wound up deleting a chunk of his code and in the aftermath, Edgar.. well.
Computer's aren't made to effectively sort through literal human thought and logic. Which means he is in a near perpetual state of having a "headache" of sorts. Though it has now been midigated.
He wants, most times, to do what is best or right for his Heart and Soul. Though Allen left them, in some twisted attempt to try and make things better (long story. Tldr. Allen knows things the other two do not.)
Edgar now fairly staunchly despises Soul (and missed him). And while he and Heart get along, he's still prone to insensitivity, even when trying to be helpful. Suppose sometimes your emotions need to be spoken to harshly.
Overall, he wants to do whats best and wants to keep Whole and Heart both with him and from spiraling further than either of them already has. He's got a knack for being a bit nosy and fairly petty at times too.
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