#harlan rowle
endlessly-cursed · 10 months
WWTG, Winter Solstice: The Winter Masquerade
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Primrose once again checked her outfit for tonight: it was the signature Somerset blue, adjusted to nowadays' fashion. Her aunt, the Dowager Viscountess Alina, had agreed to come up and socialize for a bit.
Finally, she put on the highest tiara she could find, with jewels that Queen Anne gave to her ancestor. It was kokoshnik style and had a massive sapphire that sparkled as brightly as the moon. Malcolm entered the room and smiled at his wife's beautiful ensemble. He dipped his head to kiss her cheek as he rounded his hands around her growing belly "You look wonderful, my love. There won't be a doubt on who's in charge here."
"I'm glad my choice of outfit pleases my beloved husband."
"I hope you feel less dizzy. You left the archery contest really early."
Primrose grabbed his hand and kissed it "It's just pregnancy sickness. Nothing out of the ordinary. Almost every woman has gone through it."
He nodded, but was still unsure. Primrose was tense still. It was the night of the solstice, and tonight had to go perfectly well. She was not the perstitious kind, but in the wizarding world, magic did play a role. She would rather not risk it."
Composing herself, she gave Malcolm a smile "I think I'm ready."
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Three hours into the ball, Primrose had decided to take a break from socializing and pretending not to hear the rumour mill about her past, and the fact that some ex-flames of hers were in attendance.
As she observed how the moon seemed closer to its goal by each hour, a pair of familiar hands surrounded her, kissing her bare shoulders. Malcolm.
"Thought I'd find you here."
"You thought well." She tiptoed, but Malcolm stopped her and crouched down to kiss her. "Given by how Aunt Alina's friends were gossipping, I knew you'd need a breather. Stress is not good for the baby."
Primrose bit her lip "Don't you mind? That I have a... past?"
Malcolm kissed her forehead "I don't. Do you know why? Because your past is there, in the past. There might have been others, but you chose me, and I'm thankful every day for it."
Primrose smiled widely and kissed him softly "Although, I do have a question." He nodded, a signal of go ahead "Did you? Have past relationships as well?"
He looked at her intensely "There might have been other women interested, but nothing of that sort ever happened."
"Why? You're handsome, rich and charming."
"Because I have loved you all my life, Primrose. Before I knew the word 'love', I knew that you were the one for me. Every time you were in the room, all the women ceased to exist, and when you weren't, they only reminded me that they were not you. You are my past, present and future, mitt allt. All I've ever wanted, the only thing my heart and soul ever desired and cried out for. My heart was born to be yours, dearest."
It might have been the pregnancy, or the fact that it had been the first time since announcing her pregnancy that he had bared his heart so, but Primrose couldn't help but tear up, feeling loved and stupid.
"Did I torture you, my love, every time I was in somebody else's arms?" She asked, her voice trembling.
"A bit. But in the end, here you are, in my arms, telling me that you love me. My dream coming true has overcome any torture or agony I ever felt."
And thus, they kissed, and he kissed the tears away. After what it seemed like an eternity, Miss Gwyn told the couple that they were waiting for the opening dance, and that Mr. Rowle could only stall the guests for too long.
With their heads high, they entered the ballroom and started to dance. Mal was yet to become as graceful as his wife, but with only looking at her in the eye and allow himself to become one with her, it was more than enough to conduct the dance with the grace the Somersets executed everything.
As they bowed, Primrose felt it. She gasped, her hands going to the growing three-month belly and beamed, looking at her husband "Kicking. The baby's kicking!" She cried out of happiness.
Mr. Demiurgos took the lead "It seems that the solstice has blessed our hostess. Let us give her an applause and carry on!"
Ignoring the claps, the couple embraced.
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Cecilia observed the young couple wistfully. Years ago, the thought of forming a family scared and disgusted her in equal measure. But now, with Vinnie at her side, maybe it wasn't so bad. She looked at her and whispered "I'd love to have that one day."
"What? Her clearly expensive and ancient coronet?"
"No, my love. A family. The three of us."
Vinnie whipped her face towards Cecilia "Are you... are you sure, Cecy?"
"When it comes to you, my love, I am."
Both women smiled, holding hands for as much as they could before pulling apart, but a clear happiness in their eyes.
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Tagging @gaygryffindorgal because Malcolm, Harlan and Vinnie belong to them <3
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fischerfrey · 10 months
Weekend with the Grays 2023;The Winter Solstice
Day 02: The Welcome Ball III an event by @endlessly-cursed characters: malcolm stolberg-burke, primrose gray, lavinia wakefield, harlan rowle briefly mentioned: elian goldcrest by @potionboy3, atticus doherty by @hphmmatthewluther, the kenways and the northmoors by @legilimenace, simon battersea by @unfortunate-arrow, cecilia balinor by @endlessly-cursed
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December 5th, 1900
The Ball
The ballroom was decorated beautifully with silver and gold and the mood, Malcolm thought, seemed to be rather jubilant. He and Primrose swayed to the music and Malcolm couldn’t help but think of how far he had come with his dancing lessons. He still wasn’t anything as graceful as a swan but at least there was no fear of him stepping on anybody’s toes. This year he had to manage for himself though, since Elian wasn’t around for secret dancing lessons. The memory of the previous year amused him, and he had to admit he missed his friend’s presence dearly.
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December 5th, 1900
The Ball
The ballroom was decorated beautifully with silver and gold and the mood, Malcolm thought, seemed to be rather jubilant. He and Primrose swayed to the music and Malcolm couldn’t help but think of how far he had come with his dancing lessons. He still wasn’t anything as graceful as a swan but at least there was no fear of him stepping on anybody’s toes. This year he had to manage for himself though, since Elian wasn’t around for secret dancing lessons. The memory of the previous year amused him, and he had to admit he missed his friend’s presence dearly.
“Are you having fun?” he asked Primrose in a low voice.
“Yes,” said Primrose. “Though I can’t help but feel like something is bound to go terribly wrong.”
“Well,” mused Malcolm. “If it does, then we’ll deal with it then, but for now, I’m rather enjoying myself.”
“You’re awfully optimistic tonight.”
“I have a good reason.”
“What’s that?”
“You see, my wife is the most capable, charming, and beautiful lady in all of England,” said Malcolm.
“Oh, you must introduce us,” Primrose said and finally smiled.
“I think you might be rather well-acquainted already.”
Primrose laughed, and really, that was always enough to put Malcolm in good spirits.
“I’m glad to see so many of our friends, though,” Primrose continued.
“Me too, especially Atticus,” said Malcolm.
“Yes, and some new faces too,” Primrose mused. “The Kenways and the Northmoors are attending this year.”
“Oh, yes. And Mr. Rowle decided to grace us with his presence,” said Malcolm.
“He’s not all that bad.”
“He’s like a peacock.”
“Well, yes, but Vinnie likes him.”
“Why she does is beyond me…” muttered Malcolm.
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“How’s the book coming along Lav?” Vinnie’s current dancing partner Harlan Rowle asked.
“I’ve got half of it written, I think,” Vinnie said. “The wrong half though, I’m afraid. Beginnings are difficult.”
“I’m sure you’ll crack it,” Harlan assured her. “Or if not, then you can always start working as The Viscountess’ cleaning lady.”
Vinnie punched him gently in the arm. “That’s an important job, you snob.”
“I’m sure it is. I wouldn’t do it, though.”
“You’ve never done a day’s worth of honest work in your entire life so no one’s asking you,” Vinnie reprimanded him. Harlan was some years older (and several thousands of galleons richer) than her and thus they hadn’t known each other at Hogwarts, but since graduating, Vinnie and Harlan had become something that one might generously call friends. It was a bit of a surprise, since Harlan was mostly an utter snob, not to mention a complete arsehole, but he could also be rather amusing.
“Alright, alright,” Harlan said. “I’m actually surprised I get invited at all.”
“It’s because Prim–, Lady Gray isn’t as judgmental as some people.”
“No, I’m pretty sure it’s because Malcolm and I are mates.”
“No you’re not.”
“Well, we could be, if he wasn’t such a stuck-up.”
Vinnie punched his arm again and a couple dancing nearby gave them long looks. “Stop being horrible.”
“I can’t, it’s my second nature.”
Vinnie let out a long-suffering sigh.
“I’m just kidding, Lav, I’m so very grateful to our gracious hosts.”
“Good, you had better be.”
“Have you seen a lot of friends?” asked Harlan, changing the subject.
“Well Simon’s here, which is nice, he was on my year,” Vinnie said.
“Not many faces from my year,” noted Harlan.
“Because you’re ancient.”
“Hey, I’m twenty-six,” Harlan said, affronted. “Not ancient.”
“Alright old man,” Vinnie said with a smirk.
Harlan laughed. The song was starting to wind down and he seemed to notice someone behind Vinnie.
“I think someone’s looking for you,” he told Vinnie, and she turned her head to see Cecilia eyeing them from the crowd.
“Oh, thank you very much for the dance, Mr. Rowle,” said Vinnie.
“My pleasure, Miss Wakefield,” replied Harlan and then added mischievously: “Tell Miss Balinor I sent all my love.”
“I will do no such thing; I don’t want you found dead in the lake by morning.”
“Oh please, she secretly likes me.”
“You have a dangerously inflated ego,” Vinnie teased.
“I think it is appropriately inflated,” said Harlan.
“Whatever you say, Harlan.”
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anonymousad · 1 year
read MORE carefully when you feel attacked, not less
I honestly wonder about the reading comprehension of some people because some of the reactions to my posts seem to go like this:
me: I think pancakes are better than waffles other person: WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DO YOU HATE WAFFLES
and... no, that isn't what I said?
I didn't say people don't deserve to be compensated for their work, I said that you can't be trying to pay people like it's a salaried job without having that kind of stable and consistent business income. that's literally how businesses go bankrupt all the time.
I also didn't say that you can't/shouldn't be able to make money in audio drama, I said that you need to do it SUSTAINABLY. off the top of my head I can name several shows that do just that (WOE.BEGONE and Malevolent being two I've mentioned in the past), not to mention people like Lauren Shippen. timing and luck have a lot to do with success, absolutely, so that isn't to say it is easy or guaranteed if you follow in those kinds of steps, but it does show that it can be done in ways that are self-sustaining rather than constantly asking for large cash drops to stay afloat.
speaking of, I didn't compare Harlan to JK Rowling, I pointed out how "death of the author" has been deployed by people who don't want to face HER hatefulness while still engaging with Harry Potter (I know many people like this as we all do I'm sure) as an example of why you have to be cautious when throwing it around as an excuse.
and I definitely didn't say that a Black woman was hoarding resources by having a crowdfunding campaign with a high goal??? very weird assumption for you to draw from what I actually WAS talking about, person on Bluesky. almost like you didn't actually read and understand that whole section before trying to jump down my throat about it.
I have found, both in writing this blog and generally in life, that the more people feel defensive the less they are able to engage with what is being said. anyone who has ever tried to argue for trans or gay rights with a right winger has experienced this, it's the reason that "debate bro" types are so successful. you pick out the parts that make you feel angry and you go on a tirade about them, rather than stepping back and trying to synthesize the whole message.
not once has one of the people defensive about the crowdfunding stuff addressed my key point of it being "unsustainable" in their responses to it. that is literally the thesis, sidestepping it does not make it go away. it just reinforces to me and others that you are not thinking long-term about what will and won't work for us as a community.
I should also say that none of what I post comes just from me. every single thing I've said on this blog has come from at least a few different people. it is not a one-person opinion party, something I'm not sure I've ever said outright. especially with the crowdfund stuff I have had conversations with at least a dozen showrunners who all think the current methods do not work, are not sustainable, and are only benefitting the same people over and over. I have these conversations with my "colleagues" (because I can't think of another word) in the space because I find it interesting and important and valuable. I am engaging with these conversations outside of this blog because I have an emotional investment in us as a community figuring this out so that we can thrive.
I still regret not making this blog when I first desperately wanted to to talk about The Magnus Protocol campaign. (I do have thoughts on the TMA ttrpg though, as a general thing that exists and also based in some basic understanding of how the selected system was a bad choice for what people will be hoping to get from this thing so people will likely be disappointed once they actually play it)
anyway, that's all I have to say on that right now.
tldr: I know my posts are long and there is a lot to get through sometimes. but if you are going to fixate on one sentence and ignore the larger context you are setting yourself up to misunderstand the actual point being made. and yes, there is usually a point, one that I find important enough to bother writing about in the first place.
actually, I should also say that I would be more than willing to have a conversation with Tal or someone else from that part of the community who believes that the current crowdfunding model is working and will continue to work in the long run. seriously, if I am missing something obvious then explain it to me so I can understand what about this is working. and I don't just mean working for you, I mean working for the community and creators as a whole. because I still see a lot of campaigns fail for much less, even when following the vague tips being handed out about how to run a successful campaign.
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dhr-ao3 · 4 months
BLACKBIRD https://ift.tt/d6Cz1Na by thrilljoy Enemies to lovers and back again. They want nothing to do with each other but can’t seem to stay away. Setting: Oxford University (Hogwarts Magical College), England, 2009 Words: 29, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Rita Skeeter, victor krum, Oliver Wood, Seamus Finnigan, Jean Granger, Stan Parkinson, Brigitte Parkinson, Harlan Granger Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass/Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini/Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley/Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood/Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Oliver Wood, Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger/Seamus Finnigan Additional Tags: dramione - Freeform, DualPOV, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Exchange Student, Dual POV, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, Consensual Kink, Happily Ever After, Eventual Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Unreliable Narrator, Hogwarts, Oxford via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/BZqvJ5g June 09, 2024 at 11:36PM
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aninsecurewriter · 1 year
100 must-read books!
This is a list of books considered "must-reads" from various lists and online posters. I'll be reviewing them as I go but mainly keeping track of what I have and haven't read here.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Matilda by Roald Dahl
The Secret History by Donna Tart
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
The Godfather by Mario Puzo
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Norwegian Wood bt Haruki Murakami
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
The Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling
His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Ulysses by James Joyce
Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Wild Swans by Jung Chang
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carre
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Gulliver's Travels by Johnathan Swift
The War of the Worlds by H.G Wells
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt
Persuasion by Jane Austen
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Beloved by Toni Morrison
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson
Macbeth by Shakespeare
The Lord of the Rings (trilogy) by J.R.R Tolkien
The Outsiders by S.E Hinton
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally
London Fields by Martin Amis
Sherlock Holmes and the The Hound of the Baskerville's by Arthur Conan Doyle
My Man Jeeves by P.G Wodehouse
The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Gladys Aylward the Little Woman by Gladys Aylward
Mindnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
Tess of the D'Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy
The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas by John Boyne
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian
Dissolution by C.J Sansom
The Time Machine by H.G Wells
Winnie the Pooh (complete collection) by A.A Milne
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
The Castle by Franz Kafka
Dracula by Bram Stoker
All Quiet on the Western Front by Eric Maria Remarque
Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Misery by Stephen King
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis
The Shining by Stephen King
The Odyssey by Homer
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson
Tell No One by Harlan Coben
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
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mosie-b · 11 months
On Writing Routines
I don't get the obsession with studying the routines of the great authors. If Hemingway's routine was so great, why come he shot himself hmmm? It wasn't good enough to stop his mind aging, failing him, turning inward, unable to do what had come so easily in his youth. So clearly, it wasn't a good routine. Hell, there's even a whole Rush song about it. Now, there's a good writer. I wanna know what Neil Peart's routine---
Oh, never mind, he died too. Well, further proves my point: writing songs about Ayn Rand, set to insanely complex instrumentation, only leads you one place: eternity. Bradbury, come on, that guy didn't even know what his own book was about, "451 is about muh television make people dumb." Why in the hell would I ever want to emulate him? It's no wonder he's dead now. And Oscar Wilde, oh, don't even get me started on Oscar Wilde! Do you know where his writing routine led him? Two years hard labor for gross indecency with men! And he croaked three years later, just to boot. I refuse to allow myself to fall into my base homosexual urges. Last night, in a drunken stupor, I told another girl that I liked her. You better believe that's the last time I write like Wilde. It goes further: Mary Shelly(dead), Edgar Allen Poe(dead), T.S Elliot(dead), Robert. A. Heinlein(Dead), J.R.R Tolkien (dead), G.R.R Martin(retired), Harlan Ellison(dead), Philip. K. Dick(deceased.) So, I chose instead to follow the writing routine of our current living greats. Unfortunately, That does mean forcing transphobia and romanticized domestic violence into my work.
Will post my writing routine for any struggling authors wishing to emulate Joanne Rowling and Colleen Hoover
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penguins-united · 2 years
Books read in 2022!!
rereads are italicized, favorites are bolded
1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
2. Boxers by Gene Luen Yang
3. Saints by Gene Luen Yang
4. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
5. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
6. Immortal Poems of the English Language by Oscar Williams
7. Soldier’s Home by Ernest Hemingway
8. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
9. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix by JK Rowling
10. The Dead by James Joyce
11. Soldiers Three by Richard Kipling
12. The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
13. Richard iii by William Shakespeare
14. Balcony of Fog by Rich Shapiro
15. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
16. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
17. I have no mouth and I must scream by Harlan Ellison
18. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
19. The moment before the gun went off by Nadine Gordimer
20. The importance of being earnest by Oscar Wilde
21. A farewell to arms by Ernest Hemingway
22. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
23. Rules for a knight by Ethan Hawke
24. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling
25. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
26. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
27. Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins
28. Highly Irregular by Arika Okrent
29. The Green Mile by Stephen King
30. The Swan Riders by Erin Bow
31. The King’s English by Henry Watson Fowler
32. The Truelove by Patrick O’Brian
33. The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett
34. The Wine-Dark Sea by Patrick O’Brian
35. The Commodore by Patrick O’Brian
36. An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott
37. Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Eugene O’Neill
38. The Disaster Area by JG Ballard
39. The Tacit Dimension by Michael Polanyi
40. Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan
41. The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh
42. The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
43. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
44. The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
45. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
46. The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
47. A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
48. Thick as Thieves by Megan Whalen Turner
49. Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
50. Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
51. Confessions of St. Augustine by St. Augustine of Hippo
52. Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett
53. The Yellow Admiral by Patrick O’Brian
54. Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre
55. The Russian Assassin by Jack Arbor
56. The ones who walk away from Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin
57. Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling
58. The Iliad by Homer
59. The Treadstone Transgression by Joshua Hood
60. The Hundred Days by Patrick O’Brian
61. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead by Tom Stoppard
62. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
63. Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
64. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Pearl, and Sir Orfeo (unknown)
65. Persuasion by Jane Austen
66. The Outsiders by SE Hinton
67. Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville
68. The Odyssey by Homer
69. Dead Cert by Dick Francis
70. The Oresteia by Aeschylus
71. The Network Effect by Martha Wells
72. All Art is Propaganda: Critical Essays by George Orwell
73. This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar
74. The Epic of Gilgamesh (unknown author)
75. The Republic by Plato
76. Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
77. On the Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche
78. Ere the Cock Crows by Jens Bjornboe
79. Mid-Bloom by Katie Budris
80. Blue at the Mizzen by Patrick O’Brian
81. 21 by Patrick O’Brian
82. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
83. Battle Cry by Leon Uris
84. Devils by Fyodor Dostoevsky
85. The Uncanny by Sigmund Freud
86. The Door in the Wall by HG Wells
87. Oh Whistle and I’ll Come to You My Lad by MR James
88. The Birds and Don’t Look Now by Daphne Du Maurier
89. The Weird and the Eerie by Mark Fisher
90. Blackout by Simon Scarrow
91. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
92. No Exit and Three Other Plays by Jean-Paul Sartre
93. The Open Society and its Enemies volume one by Karl Popper
94. Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
95. The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
96. The Cue for Treason by Geoffrey Trease
97. The things they carried by Tim O’Brien
98. A very very very dark matter by Martin McDonagh
99. The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A Hayek
100. The Lonesome West by Martin McDonagh
101. A Skull in Connemara by Martin McDonagh
102. The Beauty Queen of Leenane by Martin McDonagh
103. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
104. The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
105. The Shepherd by Frederick Forsyth
106. Things have gotten worse since we last spoke and other misfortunes by Eric LaRocca
107. Each thing I show you is a piece of my death by Gemma Files
108. Different Seasons by Stephen King
109. Dracula by Bram Stoker
110. Inker and Crown by Megan O’Russell
111. Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis
112. Killers by Patrick Hodges
113. The Game of Kings by Dorothy Dunnett
114. The Rise and Reign of Mammals by Stephen Brusatte
115. Any Means Necessary by Jack Mars
116. The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche
117. In A Glass Darkly by J Sheridan le Fanu
118. Collected Poems by Edward Thomas
119. The Longer Poems by TS Eliot
120. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
121. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
122. The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche
123. Choice of George Herbert’s verse by George Herbert
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personal-reporter · 10 months
I libri da regalare a Natale
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Il Natale è un periodo perfetto per regalare libri. I libri sono un regalo sempre gradito, che può essere apprezzato da persone di tutte le età e con interessi diversi. Ecco una selezione di libri da regalare a Natale, con un'attenzione particolare a "Cosa vi siete persi" di Gerry Scotti, uscito il 22 novembre 2023. Per i bambini "Il piccolo principe" di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry è un classico della letteratura per l'infanzia che racconta la storia di un aviatore che si ritrova su un pianeta deserto, dove incontra un piccolo principe venuto da un altro pianeta. "Le avventure di Pinocchio" di Carlo Collodi è un altro classico della letteratura per l'infanzia che racconta la storia di un burattino di legno che sogna di diventare un bambino vero. "La storia infinita" di Michael Ende è un romanzo fantasy che racconta la storia di Bastian, un bambino che scopre un libro magico che lo trasporta in un mondo fantastico. Per i ragazzi "Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale" di J.K. Rowling è il primo libro della saga di Harry Potter, che racconta la storia di un ragazzo che scopre di essere un mago. "Il Signore degli Anelli" di J.R.R. Tolkien è un romanzo fantasy che racconta la storia di un gruppo di amici che si uniscono per distruggere l'Unico Anello, un artefatto malvagio. "La saga di Percy Jackson" di Rick Riordan è una serie di romanzi fantasy che racconta la storia di Percy Jackson, un ragazzo che scopre di essere figlio di Poseidone, il dio del mare. Per gli adulti "Cosa vi siete persi" di Gerry Scotti è un libro di memorie in cui il conduttore televisivo racconta la sua vita, dalla sua infanzia in una famiglia umile alla sua carriera di successo. "L'arte della felicità" di Dalai Lama e Howard Cutler è un libro che offre consigli pratici per trovare la felicità nella vita quotidiana. "Il nome della rosa" di Umberto Eco è un romanzo storico che racconta la storia di un frate francescano che indaga sulla morte di un monaco in un monastero medievale. Cosa vi siete persi "Cosa vi siete persi" è un libro di memorie in cui Gerry Scotti racconta la sua vita, dalla sua infanzia in una famiglia umile alla sua carriera di successo. E' scritto in uno stile semplice e diretto, e offre un ritratto intimo e sincero di uno dei conduttori televisivi più popolari d'Italia. Scotti racconta la sua infanzia in una famiglia di operai, e di come la passione per la televisione lo abbia portato a intraprendere la carriera di conduttore. Il libro ripercorre le tappe salienti della sua carriera, dai suoi esordi in piccole emittenti locali fino al successo nazionale con programmi come "Chi vuol essere milionario?" e "The Voice of Italy". Parla anche della sua vita privata, della sua famiglia e dei suoi amici. Il libro è un racconto di successo, ma anche di riscatto sociale, e offre un messaggio di speranza per tutti coloro che credono nei propri sogni. Suggerimenti per scegliere il libro giusto da regalare a Natale Considera gli interessi della persona a cui vuoi fare il regalo. Se sai che la persona ama leggere, puoi scegliere un libro di un genere che le piace. Se non sei sicuro, puoi sempre chiedere alla persona cosa le piace leggere. Ad esempio, se sai che la persona ama i romanzi storici, puoi regalarle un libro di Umberto Eco, come "Il nome della rosa". Se sai che la persona ama i romanzi fantasy, puoi regalarle un libro di J.R.R. Tolkien, come "Il Signore degli Anelli". Se sai che la persona ama i thriller, puoi regalarle un libro di Harlan Coben, come "La ragazza del treno". Pensa all'età della persona. I libri per bambini e ragazzi sono molto diversi dai libri per adulti. Se stai regalando un libro a un bambino, assicurati che sia appropriato per la sua età. Ad esempio, se stai regalando un libro a un bambino di 10 anni, puoi regalarle un libro di Roald Dahl, come "La fabbrica di cioccolato". Se stai regalando un libro a un ragazzo di 15 anni, puoi regalarle un libro di Stephen King, come "Carrie". Pensa all'occasione. Se stai regalando un libro per Natale, puoi scegliere un libro che abbia un tema natalizio. Ad esempio, puoi regalare un libro di Charles Dickens, come "Il canto di Natale". Puoi anche scegliere un libro che sia un po' più personale. Ad esempio, puoi regalare un libro che tu stesso hai letto e apprezzato. Oppure, puoi regalare un libro che ricordi un momento speciale che hai condiviso con la persona a cui stai regalando. Read the full article
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The Space Cases Crew Gets Sorted!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vo8yBmh
by Anifan1
The Sorting Hat doesn't have a very exciting life in the 23rd century, so with the Headmaster Eldervy, it travels to various fandoms and Sorts the characters. This time, the crew of the Christa on "Space Cases" finds out what house they would be in. You know, if they actually had magic and were to go to Hogwarts.
Words: 624, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Space Cases (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Headmaster Eldervy, Sorting Hat (Harry Potter), Catalina (Space Cases), Miss Davenport, Commander Goddard, Harlan Band, Radu (Space Cases), Rosie Ianni, Thelma (Space Cases), Bova (Space Cases)
Additional Tags: Humor, The Sorting Hat is bored, Sorting non-witches and wizards, The Christa - Freeform, Catalina returns! (briefly), The Plot Bunnies take over the author's head, Did I mention plot bunnies?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vo8yBmh
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disturbedbydesign · 3 years
I Hate You, I Love You - Chapter 5
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PAIRING: ex-husband!Ransom x Reader (featuring dark!Jake Jensen)
SUMMARY: After your divorce from Ransom is final, you just want things to be cordial between the two of you for the sake of your children. You want to hate him but you can’t—you’re addicted to memories of him and the good years you had together. Ransom can’t let you go, either. He insists he never cheated and he’s determined to figure out which one of his terrible family members set him up and destroyed his life. He knows you’ll take him back if he has proof, and he’s found a world-famous detective to help him find it.
WARNINGS: Divorce, References to Infidelity, DILF Ransom (he’s a warning), Explicit Sex (O&V), CNC, Breeding, Degradation, Choking, Femdom, Hidden Camera/Voyeurism, Past Drug Use/Addiction, Violence. 18+ only, no minors.
A/N: Written for @boxofbonesfic and @darkficsyouneveraskedfor Triple D Challenge! Also, this is an anti-JK Rowling blog but the fact remains that reading Harry Potter books to little kids is cute so we shall pretend for the sake of DILF Ransom that the HP books were written by someone who isn't a complete piece of shit.
Chapter Five
The second Ransom gets the kids out of the car, they sprint to the door calling for you. When the door swings open, the sight of you steals Ransom’s breath.
“You look so pretty, Mommy,” Kira says, wrapping her arms around your waist. “Daddy, doesn’t Mommy look pretty?”
“Always,” he says.
You smile at him and the diamonds he bought you catch the porch lights and sparkle. You’re always beautiful to him—even sleep-deprived and covered in spit-up, you were the loveliest thing he’d ever seen—but he hasn’t seen you like this in a while. You look put together, you look relaxed, you look almost happy.
You’re not, though. He knows you’re not happy with him even before you ask him to come inside.
“I need to talk to you,” you say. “It won’t take long.”
Ransom waits nervously as you get the kids settled in upstairs. When you come back down, the look on your face is some combination of anger and discomfort.
“Look,” you say, “obviously you’re free to see whomever you like, but I need you to promise me—really promise me this time—that you won’t bring random women around the kids. Now if you’re actually with someone, that’s a different conversation. So, the woman you brought to Harlan’s, are you two…”
“No,” he says, “not at all. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought her. I just…”
“You just what, Ran?”
“I knew it would piss you off, and I’m a fucking child, ok? I just… I wanted to make you jealous.”
You huff and shake your head, crossing your arms in front of you. “Why do you do this shit to me? Why do you insist on making everything so fucking hard?”
He snaps back, “Because I’m mad at you!”
“You’re mad at me? Is that a joke?”
“Yeah, I’m mad at you. I’m mad at you because you didn’t believe me when I swore on our children’s fucking lives that I never cheated on you. And you still don’t believe me. And it fucking hurts me. So I’m a prick to you and I’m sorry. I’m an asshole. I know I’m an asshole. But I fucking love you. I’m still in love with you and-”
“Don’t,” you cut him off. “Don’t you fucking do that.”
“No, fuck that. I love you and I’m tired of pretending I don’t.”
“So that’s it? You’re either acting like a complete prick or declaring your love for me? There’s no in-between for you where maybe we can stop fucking fighting all the time and make this work and actually move on?”
“I don’t want to move on,” Ransom says. “I can’t.”
“Seems like you already have, Ran,” you reply sadly.
“It’s not what you think,” he says, wishing so desperately he could tell you the truth—that he hasn’t touched a woman since you, that he only brought Natalie around the kids so he can find out who the fuck destroyed both your lives. “I don’t want anyone else. I never have.”
“Please just stop lying to me. I swear I’ll forgive you for everything if you just stop with the lies.”
“I’m not lying and I’m gonna prove it to you if it’s the last fucking thing I do.”
You squeeze your eyes closed and take a deep breath. “I wish I could believe you. I really do. You think I don’t miss our life? You think I wouldn’t give anything to have it back?”
“Then just trust me, baby. Please. I know it’s asking a lot.”
“It’s asking too much. I can’t trust you, are you fucking kidding me? Two days ago you were with some other woman, being an absolute prick to me, and giving me… I don't even want to talk about your little Christmas present.”
“Wasn’t that little,” Ransom says with a smirk.
You try not to laugh but you can’t hold it in. “I fucking hate you so much,” you say, still trying and failing to fight off the giggles.
“No, you don’t. I know you don’t.”
“Maybe not,” you say, “but I should.”
“Look at me,” Ransom says, taking your upper arms in his hands gently and pulling you closer. “I promise you that I’m going to fix this. I’ve been trying to fix this for a year and I’m close now. Just give me a little more time.”
Your eyes start to water as you stare into his. “You can’t fix it, Ransom. There’s nothing left to fix. It’s over.”
“We’ll see about that,” he says, and he lets you go even though all he wants is to hold you tighter.
“You should go,” you say and Ransom nods and starts for the door. “Unless… do you want to stay for bedtime?”
Ransom feels like his heart is going to explode in his chest because there’s nothing he wants more in the world at this moment.
“I do,” he says. “I really do.”
You sigh. “Alright. Come on, then.”
Ransom follows you up the stairs, eyes trained on the curve of your ass in your tight little jeans, and all he wants is to grab you by the hips and take a big bite. You’d let him, too. He knows you would. But he needs more time, he needs Blanc to come through with concrete proof, which reminds him: he needs to check in with Jake and see what he was able to get out of you.
Jake had texted earlier in the day and told Ransom he was about to take you out to lunch for a chat. Ransom hated the idea of you out with Jake; it made him insanely jealous (and even more so now that he sees what you decided to wear for the occasion) but he let it go. After all, he was the one who sent Jake on that particular errand—a necessary evil—and Jake knows how to butter you up; you trust him, he’s become your confidante since the split, and they both know that a nice bottle of red always loosens your lips. But It should be Ransom sitting across a table from you in the North End, sharing a bottle of wine, and if all goes to plan it will be again soon.
“Daddy!” Kira screams when the two of you come up the stairs together. “You’re still here!”
“That’s right, baby girl. Mommy’s throat hurts a little and we can’t have you going to bed without storytime so I said I would stay and help.”
“I’ll get her ready and you take Henry?” you say and Ransom nods, heading towards Henry’s room to get him ready for bed before bringing him into Kira’s room and tucking him in next to her.
“So what am I reading tonight, Miss Kira?” he asks, because Kira always gets to pick the books (and Henry is mysteriously fine with it).
“Grandma and Grandpa got me Harry Potter for Christmas.”
“I think I can manage that,” he tells her.
You walk over to Kira’s bookshelf, grab the hardcover Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone off the shelf, and hand it to him. Ransom pulls up a chair next to the bed and you sit cross-legged at the foot of it, facing the three of them.
“OK, are we ready for a brand new adventure?” he asks.
“I’m so excited!” Kira squeals.
Henry just nods his head and Ransom can tell he’ll be out in a minute. Kira, on the other hand, will want a whole chapter. He’d read her the whole fucking book, start to finish, if it meant he could stay longer.
“Here we go,” he says, opening to the first chapter. “Chapter One: The Boy Who Lived. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four Privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such nonsense…”
As Ransom reads the first chapter in its entirety, he steals tiny glances at you. Mostly you are watching Kira’s face light up as she enters the Potterverse, but a few times he catches you looking at him with a soft smile on your face. You don’t try to hide it; you don’t look away when he catches you staring. You just look at him the way you used to, back when the two of you were always together for this nightly ritual. God, he’s missed this.
Ransom focuses hard on his storytelling—on the performance he’s giving for his daughter—because if he doesn’t, he’ll start thinking about how many chapters there are in the book in his hands and how many of them he’s going to miss. He’d beg on his knees for you to let him come over every night until it’s finished just so he doesn’t have to miss one single expression on his daughter’s face. He knows he won’t have to, though, because he’ll watch storytime on the security camera every night he can’t be there. But it’s not the same. Not that he ever thought it was, but being back together like this just reminds him how much he’s lost, how alone and empty he is without his family.
“… He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: To Harry Potter—the boy who lived!”
Ransom dog-ears the page and closes the book and Kira looks up at him with puppy dog eyes. “One more?” she asks.
“Not tonight, sweetheart,” he tells her. “It’s already past your bedtime.”
“Will you come back tomorrow if Mommy’s throat still hurts?”
Ransom looks at you and you give a slight nod.
“I will,” he says. “I promise. Sleep tight. I love you.”
“I love you, Daddy,” she says. “Goodnight.”
Ransom leans over Henry’s sleeping body and kisses Kira on the forehead before picking Henry up to carry him to his room.
You give Kira a goodnight kiss and follow Ransom into Henry’s room, pulling back the covers so he can lay his son down and tuck him in. You turn on the nightlight and close the door behind you, leaving it open just a crack, the way Henry likes. Ransom follows you back down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Thank you,” he says. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“It was nice. I missed it.”
“Me too. You have no idea how much.”
“I think I do,” you reply. “Besides, you’re so much better at doing the voices than I am.”
“I mean, I did take one semester of acting in college, so obviously I’m a pro.”
“You only took that class because you thought the professor was hot.”
“Exactly, which is why I actually went to class.”
You laugh and Ransom almost forgets that this is not his home anymore. It feels wrong to leave when he should be lighting a fire and sitting on the couch under a blanket with you, having a glass of wine to chase off the Sunday Scaries and talking about the week ahead. But he knows he has to go, that if he stays any longer something could happen to ruin this perfect moment, so he grabs his coat off the stool in the kitchen.
“I should go,” he says. “Let you get on with the rest of your night.”
“Yeah, me and all my big plans. I’ll walk you out.”
You follow him to the door, and when he turns around to say goodnight to you, you walk right into him. He grabs you instinctively to steady you and you put your hands on his chest, looking up at him with sweet hungry eyes. He sees the want in them and he waits for you to come to your senses and push away from him but you don’t. Instead, you wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze, burying your face in the fabric of his sweater as you hug him. Ransom hears you inhale his scent and he hugs you back tight—maybe too tight, but he doesn’t want to let go—and when you tilt your head up to face him, the tip of your nose brushes against his chin and he loses all control.
He brings his lips to yours slowly, praying that you’ll accept his kiss, and you do—softly at first, tentative, just lips. His whole body is on fire for you and he wants nothing more than to grab the back of your head and deepen the kiss but he stops himself. It takes every single ounce of willpower he has, but he lets you lead. But all it takes is one touch of his tongue to yours and you’re done for. You moan into his mouth and open wider for him, letting him kiss you deep as you bury your hands in his hair and pull. You push him back against the door and he brings one hand down to cup your ass while the other cradles the back of your neck. He’s rock hard already, and he knows you know it by the way you're moving your body against him.
You break away, breathless, and look into his eyes. He searches you for any sign of shame or regret but it isn’t there.
“Take me to bed, Ran,” you whisper.
He doesn’t hesitate. In a flash he has you over his shoulder, taking the stairs two at a time until he gets you to the bedroom you used to share. He closes the door quietly and locks it before tossing you down on the bed.
“Are you sure about this?” he asks.
“Oh just shut up and fuck me, will you?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Clothes fly everywhere as the two of you scramble to disrobe, and when you’re both completely naked, Ransom kneels at the edge of the bed and yanks you down towards him by the ankles. He wastes no time, a part of him still thinking that you’re going to change your mind at any moment—and he would stop, he would, but he knows he won’t have to the second he buries his head between your thighs to get a taste of you. He moans against your flesh as the first drop of you hits his tongue and you spread your legs wide for him. When he licks a hot, slow stripe up your folds, you arch your back and keen—it’s loud, too loud, and Ransom just laughs.
“Shhh, baby,” he says, pressing his finger to his lips.
You clap your hand over your mouth and mutter “shit” before you grab the remote off the nightstand and turn on the TV, raising the volume just loud enough to muffle the sounds he knows he’s about to drag out of you. Ransom eats you like you’re a tasting menu at a Michelin starred restaurant—slowly, taking his time with each course, savoring every part of your sex until your legs are quivering and your heels are digging into the bedspread as your toes curl.
“Oh God, Ran. Don’t stop. I’m gonna cum. Please.”
Ransom wouldn’t dream of stopping—not now, not when he’s got you on the verge of cumming all over his face, which is exactly what you do when he digs his fingers into the flesh of your thighs and sucks your clit into his mouth. You can’t hold back, or you don’t want to—either way, you have to grab a pillow to muffle your cries as you grind against his face and topple over the edge. Ransom wishes he could see your face, watch you as you come undone for him, but he’s not done with you yet. Not even close.
Ransom kisses his way up your body—your mound, your hip bones, a circle around your belly button and up to your breastbone—watching you the whole time. You look down at him with your lips slightly parted, your breathy little moans escaping each time he presses his lips against your skin. He takes your breasts in his big hands, gently kneading at them before he takes one of your nipples into his mouth and flicks it with his tongue. You gasp when he gives it a tiny nibble, and then he moves to the other side to give it his full attention.
You’ve got your legs wrapped around his waist and he can feel your pussy throbbing with need against his cock. He’s painfully hard and leaking for you but he takes his time savoring every inch of exposed skin. He kisses up your neck to that spot behind your ear that makes you crazy, and when runs his tongue over it, you grab his biceps and arch off the bed.
“Need you inside me, Ran. Please. I need it so bad.”
“You miss my cock, baby?”
“So much.”
“You need the real thing?”
“It’s yours. It’s always been yours.”
Ransom sits back on his knees and pushes your legs open wide. He takes a beat to admire you splayed out for him, pussy glistening and clenching around nothing, more than ready for him.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he says. “I fucking love you.”
“I love you too, Ran. I love you so much.”
It’s all he’s wanted to hear for a year, and he could blow just from hearing the words pass your lips, but he pulls his shit together because your warm, wet pussy is waiting for him and he can’t disappoint her. He grabs his cock and drags the tip through your folds a few times before pushing inside you. You let out a low moan as he slides inside you and between that fucking sound and the fact that you’re so fucking wet and it’s been so fucking long, he’s already overstimulated and has to stop halfway.
“Shit,” he hisses. “Fuck, baby. You feel so fucking good.”
“More,” you beg, and he gives you what you crave.
Ransom snaps his hips, burying himself inside you, and he kisses you gently as he slowly starts to move. He takes his time with slow, deep strokes, savoring the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls, of your nails digging into the meat of his ass you pull him in closer. You throw your head back, exposing your neck to him, and he licks a hot stripe from your collarbone up to your chin, the salty-sweet taste of your skin better than any candy. When he starts to roll his hips, he hits you just right, and you wrap your legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts, telling him without words that you want more. He starts to really fuck you now—hard and fast and deep, the way he knows you like it.
Ransom grabs the back of your thighs and pushes them back, folding you in half underneath him and angling you just right so he’s hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. He brings his face close to yours, your ankles bouncing on his broad shoulders as he pounds you into the mattress. He grabs your face and presses his forehead to yours, sweat mingling together, as he watches you start to unravel.
“I’m so close,” you moan. “Do it.”
“I know what you need, baby. But I wanna hear you say it.”
“Choke me, Ran.”
Ransom wraps his left hand around your neck and you put your hand on top of his, two of your fingers gripping his pinky ring, and when you start to squeeze his hand, he knows it’s time. Ransom applies just enough pressure to the sides of your throat to hear your breath catch, and when your eyes roll back and your mouth falls wide open, he gives you everything he’s got left in him.
“Cum for me, baby. That’s it. That’s my girl.”
He almost loses it when he feels your pussy start to spasm but he squeezes his eyes closed tight, willing himself to last longer even though the feel of you after all this time is absolute bliss. He releases some of the pressure on your neck as he fucks you through your orgasm, clasping his right hand over your mouth to muffle your screams, and when you’re done and your body goes limp beneath him, he takes his hand off your neck and cups your face, running his thumb across your bottom lip. He feels you clamp down on him hard, your greedy cunt desperate for his release, and while he’d love nothing more than to fuck you until the sun comes up, he can’t hold back anymore.
“Oh, fuck, baby. Squeeze me just like that. Fuck. I’m gonna cum in that tight little pussy.”
“Do it. Fill me up, Ran. I need it.”
“You want my cum, baby?”
“Uh huh.”
“You’re gonna get it. FUCK.”
He hears you giggle and you bring two fingers to his lips. “Shhh,” you say, but it’s hard to keep himself quiet when you feel so fucking perfect wrapped around him—like you were built for him, like he’s finally home.
Ransom goes white behind the eyes and explodes, burying his face in the crook of your neck as his hips jerk involuntarily. He spills himself into you and he can hear how desperate he sounds, whimpering against your flesh as you milk every last drop from him, your satisfied sighs filling his ears as he fucks his cum into you, deep as he can get it. He’s never stopped wanting another child with you, and he knows it’s what you wanted, too. It’s not that he thinks another baby would fix things on its own, but it would never be a mistake.
“I love you,” he murmurs as he comes down, kissing his way up your throat to your lips. “I love you so fucking much, baby.”
“I love you, too,” you whisper.
He stays inside you for a while, not wanting the moment to end, terrified of what comes next. When he finally pulls away, he settles in beside you, your back pressed to the front of him. The curves of your body are a perfect fit for him as you lay there together, snug as two puzzle pieces.
“I know I have to go,” he says, chin resting atop your head. “Just let me hold you for a while.”
You don’t speak for a moment, and it feels like an eternity as Ransom waits for the inevitable rejection.
But it doesn’t come. Instead, you whisper, “Don’t leave yet,” and that’s all that needs to be said.
He’d intended to sneak out before dawn but you’d worn him out, physically and emotionally, and he wakes to the sound of banging on the bedroom door, the kids trying the doorknob and yelling for their mother.
You shoot up in bed and look at him with panic in your eyes. “Fuck. What are we gonna tell them?”
“I’ll handle it,” Ransom replies. “Just get some clothes on and get back in bed.”
Ransom dresses quickly and waits for you to get yourself back under the covers before opening the door. Henry’s delighted squeals of “Daddy!” echo through the room; he looks elated, but Kira is hesitant.
“You didn’t go home,” she says—half-question, half-statement.
“Mommy wasn’t feeling well so I told her I would stay and take care of her.”
“What’s wrong with Mommy?” Henry asks.
“Just one of her headaches. She’s feeling better, now. Right, sweetheart?”
You smile at him and you’re absolutely glowing. “I feel great,” you reply.
“See? Mommy is fine. Now who wants breakfast?”
Kira looks up at him, still not convinced. “Pancakes?” she asks.
“Coming right up.”
Ransom is in the middle of whipping up his pancake breakfast when you come down the stairs, showered and dressed in a pair of jeans and a distractingly tight cowl neck sweater. You grin when you see him at the griddle.
“Smells good,” you say.
He hands you a cup of coffee—light milk, brown sugar, the way you like it—and watches as you look at the kids sitting impatiently at the table. He can see the tinge of worry in your eyes, and he feels it, too. This was all very unexpected, to say the least, and Ransom is just as concerned as you are that whatever is or is not happening here not make things harder on the kids. Not so much Henry, but Ransom can’t bear the thought of giving Kira any false hope. She’s a clever little thing, she can sense something is up, and it’s one thing for Ransom to hold out hope that things might go back to the way they used to be, but the last thing he wants is to disappoint his baby girl again.
You’re mostly quiet during breakfast, picking at your bacon, and Ransom puts on a good show for the kids but he knows it’s coming—that the two of you need to have a conversation and he may not like what you have to say. But he’s made a decision; he made it the second you kissed him back last night. He’s going to tell you the truth, Benoit Blanc’s instructions be damned.
When breakfast is over, you send the kids into the den to watch TV and come up behind him while he’s finishing up the dishes. You start to speak but he stops you.
“Before you say anything, there’s something I need to tell you,” Ransom says. “And I just need you to listen to me, ok? Just listen, and then you can say whatever you need to say.”
“Alright,” you agree. You take a deep breath and let it out. “Tell me.”
Blanc had made that clear that neither he nor Harlan was supposed to tell you about the investigation—something about observing you coming and going without any outside influence at play—but Ransom doesn’t want to keep any more secrets from you. It seems counterproductive to lie to you in the cause of proving he’s not a liar.
“That woman I brought to Harlan’s-”
Your lips set in a straight line and he can see the fire in your eyes, and he knows exactly what you’re thinking. “Goddammit, Ransom. You promised me you weren’t-”
“Just listen,” he pleads. “She wasn’t my date. Her name is Natalie and she’s a private investigator who works for a guy named Benoit Blanc.”
Your brow furrows and you tilt your head to the side. “The guy from The New Yorker article? The detective?”
“Exactly. Harlan and I hired him a few weeks ago to figure out what happened with those fucking pictures.”
“I don’t understand,” you say. “What do you mean what happened? You know exactly what the fuck happened, Ransom.”
“No,” he snaps. “I don’t, which is what I’ve been trying to tell you for a fucking year. I’ve been through four other guys, spent I can’t even tell you how much money to try and figure out who the fuck decided to ruin our lives, and nobody had any answers. But this Blanc guy… he’s the best there is.”
He can see your mind racing, trying to square what he’s telling you with what you think you know.
“I don’t… I… You really don’t know what happened?” you ask, your voice wavering a bit on the question.
“I really don’t. But I’m gonna find out, and I want you to help me. Will you meet with him? Answer some of his questions?”
“What questions? I don’t know anything.”
“Just let him do his job, ok? Will you do it?”
You don’t respond. You just walk over and sit on one of the kitchen stools, staring into space. Your voice is shaky when you whisper, “You really didn’t do it?”
“I really didn’t do it, but someone went to a lot of fucking trouble to make sure you think I did.”
You look at him with tears in your eyes. “Ran-”
“Don’t, baby,” he replies “It’s ok. Someone played you, someone who wanted to hurt us.”
“Your fucking cunt mother,” you snarl.
“It wasn’t her. I know, I know. I thought so too, but it wasn’t. Blanc doesn’t think it was anyone in the family.”
“So who then? Who the fuck would do this? And HOW? Because… God, it makes me fucking ill to think about it, but that was you, Ran. I know what you look like when you’re getting your dick sucked.” You clutch your stomach and swallow hard. “Christ, I think I’m gonna be sick.”
You rush to the bathroom and Ransom can hear you throwing up your breakfast. But as hard as it is for you, you believe him now. You finally fucking believe him, and Ransom can’t help but smile. When you finally come out of the bathroom, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.
“Ran,” you croak. “I think I know who did this.”
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endlessly-cursed · 10 months
WWTG, The Winter Solstice: The Welcome Ball III
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Everything was going as well as it could be. The Welcome Ball was afoot and Primrose observed from a chair that her beloved people had made for her as a gift for producing an heir. Malcolm was beside her, observing quietly the guests and commenting on the now absent faces they didn't see.
"Henry wrote back to me. No word of what he and the Goldcrests are up to in Scotland, though," It was true. This morning, they had received a letter from Henry and Elian each. It was odd that they didn't attend this year's festivities, and many whispered of it.
"Elian was quiet as well," Malcolm added "hopefully they aren't roping one another into danger."
Primrose chuckled "Hopefully being the factor word here. Of both of us, you ought to know Elian best." She teased.
Malcolm let out a small laugh "You're right, dear. Danger chases our dear friend, I'm afraid."
Primrose observed Simon Battersea, standing in a corner, surely pining for his faraway sultana "Poor boy. I wish I could do something to make his stay less lonely." She looked at Malcolm "I shall dance with him the next number."
Malcolm nodded "Be my guest, dear. I shall see myself that Mr. Rowle doesnt rue the night."
He kissed her hand and she extended her hand to the young earl "Dance with me, Earl Simon?" She gave him a smile that she knew well nobody ought to deny.
"Can you? In your condition?" He asked concerned.
"A little movement will do good to me and my child."
He bowed "I shall oblige, then."
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Cecilia wasn't Harlan Rowle's biggest fan, and despite him having a nice face to look at and a certain charm -though she'd rather perish the thought than admit it out loud- but he made her beloved Vinnie laugh, and that was enough for her to tolerate him, no matter how much she liked the idea of punching him in the throat, though the cad would find a way to make the situation humorous.
As the quadrille begun, she and Vinnie looked at one another "Sneak to our spot for our people-watching game?"
Brushing their hands, they left for a small terrace that Viscountess Primrose kept close to her heart, but Cecilia had worked a way to give her access as well. Suffices to say, the oh-so-perfect viscountess once had some scandalous rendezvouses with a beautiful and witty painter.
"Tell me, dearest, who shall be your victim for the night?" Cecilia inquired.
Lavinia observed the people around until her eyes on poor, flushed Orpheus Kenway, who looked positively lost "Oh, good Godric, by the time I have been here, I have only made a mess with five syllables or less, and overshadowed by my unsufferable villain of a brother! Whatever shall I do without cousin Charis?! Oh, Godric, grant me mercy, because polite society won't!" She cried as Cecilia snickered.
Cecilia observed the poor Adonis Demiurgos, his usual twinkle gone and observing wistfully the dancing pairs "Oh, woe is me, wherever is my witty little nightingale, who pecks me deliciously so with her razor pen? Oh, Minerva, my Minnie, where art thou?!"
Lavinia doubled in laughter, Cecilia covering her mouth while she tried to regain her breath "God, Cecy, you are vicious!"
"But true," she winked.
Not having realised till now that they were leaning on one another, Cecilia kissed her nose and Lavinia scrunched her nose. Seeing if anyone was searching for them, they kissed softly for a minute before breaking apart "I don't wish to go back, but..."
"Primrose can only buy us so much time."
Both women finally emerged from their hidden corner and rejoined the festivities, which were thankfully winding down.
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Adonis downed yet another brandy as he slowly started to believe that no Kennedy would attend this year's festivities. Ed had given his word to check on his calendar, and the next thing he knew, he was already at Winbourne, wondering where Minerva could've run off to.
A concerned Primrose approached him. He stood up and quickly curtsied in respect for the lady "My lady."
"I see that Miss Kennedy won't be in attendance. It's a shame. I always enjoyed her literary insight. And don't say which one, or take me for a fool for that matter, Mr. Demiurgos, because I know better."
He raised his hands in defeat "Worry not, my lady, I know that you can't be fooled even if I tried."
"Tell you what, I have a drawing room that is perfect for some... illicit writing."
He cocked an eyebrow, intrigued "Do tell me..."
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Tagging @gaygryffindorgal @unfortunate-arrow and @legilimenace because their characters made an appearance on this POV!
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fischerfrey · 11 months
Gimme Harlan content or gimme death
thank you for asking! harlan truly is underappreciated, poor lad💚
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i'll use this opportunity to soft launch a new ship with @usernoneexistent's winona rosewood!
we haven't really discussed them much yet (mostly because i suck at replying to messages in a timely fashion lol) but safe to say i love them!
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anonymousad · 1 year
hey do you mind not putting your creator witch hunts in the audio drama tag? I'm just trying to enjoy media about the shows I like and it's super off putting to see this weird Harlan gossipy stuff in the tags.
(lowkey it's also kinda weird for you as a creator to anonymously gather info about another creator in the space like this. if you've got a problem, go talk to them like a normal person? Why do you get a veil of anonymity while you air out para-social grievances?)
honestly I find it a bit concerning that you are unwilling to engage with the community at more than a surface level.
this feels like one of those things where someone will point to death of the author and "separating the art from the artist", but that isn't what that concept means: it's about artistic intent and meaning behind a piece, and how your interpretation is valid regardless of what the artist would say it is SUPPOSED to mean.
it has very conveniently been used in recent years to try and excuse people's engagement with problematic media figures (JK Rowling being a very obvious one), but the entire essay is ONLY about interpretation and a piece of art's "ultimate meaning".
not holding people accountable because you like their work is how you get unchecked abuse, just look at Hollywood.
actively choosing not to engage with these factors is a point of privilege, the same way that "not being political" is. I understand that fiction is escapism, but fiction is also how unsafe and unhealthy ideas can be spread. fiction does not mean "completely divorced from reality".
as for the anonymity, I'm not sure if you've ever paid attention to what happens to people who do NOT speak anonymously? I've seen people who are just listeners and not creators get fucking dogpiled on for something that isn't even a harsh take. some people in the community have a lot of power and connections and willingly deploy them against the people they feel have "wronged" them.
I've seen people get blocked on Twitter by some of those people for daring to ask a non-attacking question about the journalistic approach taken for a certain RQ-related article.
everyone is shit talking in private and happy faces on the exterior. nothing stays between two people for long if one person feels like they are being "attacked" by some feedback, even if said feedback is something small.
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findingournature · 4 years
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Je m’appelle Sarah Guille, j’aurai bientôt 19 ans et je suis une personne curieuse et très créative.
Je poursuis actuellement mes études en terminale générale au lycée Paul Claudel de Laon ( dans l’Aisne ), où après une première année de classe de première scientifique dans un autre lycée de la ville, je me suis ré-orientée : je me suis en effet rendue compte que j’avais plutôt des goûts artistiques et souhaitais donc choisir les spécialités Arts Plastiques et Langue et Littérature de la Culture Etrangère ( tout en poursuivant la Spécialité Mathématiques en classe de première ).
Je définirais mon univers visuel comme imaginatif et varié.
Je me passionne pour le dessin traditionnel ( paysages, objets, personnages, etc ) en utilisant des supports tel que le papier blanc et le papier Kraft, en privilégiant le crayon à papier car je n’aime pas beaucoup mettre de couleurs dans mes dessins : je préfère travailler les contrastes et les ombres.
Je voudrais d’ailleurs progresser dans le domaine du dessin digital : en effet, je projette d’acheter une tablette graphique afin de m’améliorer et créer des dessins plus techniques.
En ce qui concerne mes préférences artistiques, je m’intéresse beaucoup aux œuvres de Niki de Saint Phalle, notamment « l’ère des nanas » : j’apprécie beaucoup sa vision de la femme et son utilisation des couleurs et des formes, qui mettent en lumière leur caractère jovial.
J’apprécie particulièrement les œuvres de Banksy, un artiste pratiquant le Street Art et qui produit des œuvres créatives, parfois drôles, pour dénoncer des problèmes de société.
Sensible aux problèmes environnementaux, je privilégie le recyclage et les actions quotidiennes : je m’intéresse beaucoup aux 5.5 designers qui pratiquent ce qu’on appelle « la médecine des objets », en récupérant des matériaux pour créer des meubles et objets divers.
J’aime également écrire des scénarios de bande dessinée en y dessinant des personnages de type manga.
J’ai par ailleurs la passion de la lecture : je lis surtout les romans de Stephen King, J.K Rowling et Harlan Coben...et je me là aussi lancé dans l’écriture d’un roman à l’âge de 13 ans.
Concernant mes intérêts culturels, j’aime beaucoup aller à des expositions ( je me suis par exemple rendue à l’exposition Toulouse-Lautrec à Paris l’année dernière ) et visiter des musées (Orsay, le Louvre, l’atelier des Lumières,…).
J’ai également un certain intérêt pour les sciences : je vais régulièrement visiter le Palais de la Découverte et à la Cité des Sciences, où nous avons un abonnement familial annuel depuis plusieurs années.
En matière de cinéma, j’aime particulièrement certains films de Jean-Pierre Bacri et d’Agnès Jaoui, de Quentin Tarantino ainsi que les films d’horreur et fantastiques en général.
Concernant la musique, j’écoute principalement du rap ( Colombine ) et de la pop ( Ed Sheeran, Sia, Dua Lipa, Ava Max et Angèle ).
J’aime beaucoup la mode ( Chanel, Louis Vuitton ), le théâtre ( je vais voir plusieurs pièces par an et je joue le rôle d’Hermia dans un spectacle de son et lumière de Coucy à la Merveille, qui adapte une pièce de Shakespeare : « Songe d’une nuit d’été »), ainsi que la danse contemporaine ( j’ai suivi des cours pendant plusieurs années ).
Toutes les caractéristiques de mes goûts et de ma personnalité décrites ci-dessus m’incitent donc naturellement à souhaiter intégrer un DN MADE afin d’apprendre et de perfectionner des compétences dans le domaine du design.
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jessilynallendilla · 4 years
The 100 Books I Read In 2020
The Castle of Llyr: The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 3 -Lloyd Alexander
Taran Wanderer: The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 4 -Lloyd Alexander
The High King: The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 5 -Lloyd Alexander
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There -Lewis Carroll
Sweeney Todd: The String of Pearls -Anonymous
That’s Not What Happened -Kody Keplinger
Jumper -Steven Gould
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -Robert Louis Stevenson
Star Trek -James Blish
Star Trek 2 -James Blish
Star Trek 3 -James Blish
Star Trek 4 -James Blish
V -A.C. Crispin
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again -J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hound of the Baskervilles -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Turn of the Screw -Henry James
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah -Colm A. Kelleher, George Knapp
Star Trek 5 -James Blish
Star Trek 6 -James Blish
Star Trek 7 -James Blish
Star Trek 8 -James Blish
The Tempest -William Shakespeare
A Midsummer-Night’s Dream -William Shakespeare
Guest: A Changeling Tale -Mary Downing Hahn
The Legend of Drizzt: The Dark Elf Trilogy Book I: Homeland -R.A. Salvatore
The Haunted Lands Book I: Unclean -Richard Lee Byers
Rewards and Fairies -Rudyard Kipling
The Legend of Drizzt: The Dark Elf Trilogy Book II: Exile -R.A. Salvatore
Twelfth-Night; or, What You Will -William Shakespeare
Red: A Crayon’s Story -Michael Hall
The Legend of Drizzt: The Dark Elf Trilogy Book III: Sojourn -R.A. Salvatore
Star Trek 9 -James Blish
Star Trek 10 -James Blish
Star Trek 11 -James Blish
Star Trek 12 -James Blish, J.A. Lawrence
The Little Vampire -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire Moves In -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire Takes a Trip -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire on the Farm -Angela Sommer-Bodenbug
The Little Vampire in Love -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire in Danger -Angela Sommer Bodenburg
Midnight Sun -Stephenie Meyer
New Earth -Ben Bova
The Little Vampire in the Vale of Doom -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire in Despair -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Apes and Angels -Ben Bova
The Little Vampire and the Mystery Patient -Angela Sommr-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire in the Lion’s Den -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Little Vampire Learns to be Brave -Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
The Tragedy of King Richard the Third -William Shakespeare
Star Trek: The Original Series #39: Yesterday Saga, Book 2, Time for Yesterday -A.C. Crispin
Romeo and Juliet -William Shakespeare
Ghosts on the Battleship North Carolina -Danny Bradshaw
Star Trek: The New Voyages -Sondra Marshak, Myrna Culbreath
Star Trek: The New Voyages 2 -Sondra Marshak, Myrna Culbreath
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark -William Shakespeare
King Lear -William Shakespeare
The Prince -Niccolo Machiavelli
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -J.K. Rowling
The Perfect Horse: The Daring U.S. Mission to Rescue the Priceless Stallions Kidnapped by the Nazis -Elizabeth Letts
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier -J.M. Dillard
Star Trek: The Original Series #44: Vulcan’s Glory -D.C. Fontana
The Bad Seed -Jory John
Marvel Graphic Novel #5: X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills -Christopher Claremont, Brent Eric Anderson
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay #1 -Harlan Ellison, Scott Tipton & David Tipton
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay #2  -Harlan Ellison, Scott Tipton & David Tipton
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay #3  -Harlan Ellison, Scott Tipton & David Tipton
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay #4  -Harlan Ellison, Scott Tipton & David Tipton
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay #5  -Harlan Ellison, Scott Tipton & David Tipton
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse -Charlie Mackesy
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 1: The Magian’s Nephew -C.S. Lewis 
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 2: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -C.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 3: The Horse and His Boy -C.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 4: Prince Caspian -C.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 5: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader -C.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 6: The Silver Chair -C.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia Book 7: The Final Battle -C.S. Lewis
Star Trek: The Original Series #45: Double, Double -Michael Jan Friedman
The 100 -Kass Morgan
Stat Trek; The Original Series #38: The IDIC Epidemic -Jean Lorrah
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country -J.M. Dillard
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Enigma Tales -Una McCormack
Station Eleven -Emily St. John Mandel
The Legend of Drizzt: The Icewind Dale Trilogy Book IV: The Crystal Shard -R.A. Salvatore
Coraline -Neil Gaimen
The Wind in the Willows -Kenneth Grahame
Animal Farm: A Fairy Story -George Orwell
The Legend of Drizzt: The Icewind Dale Trilogy Book V: Streams of Silver -R.A. Salvatore
The Legend of Drizzt: The Icewind Dale Trilogy Book VI: The Halfling’s Gem -R.A. Salvatore
The Last Temptation of Christ -Nikos Kazantzakis
The Man in the High Castle -Philip K. Dick
Vampire Hunter D Volume 3: Demon Deathchase -Hideyuki Kikuchi
The Last Unicorn -Peter S. Beagle
Beren and Luthien -J.R.R. Tolkien
Art of War -Sun Tzu
Johnny Tremain -Esther Forbes
Conqueror: Time’s Tapestry Book Two -Stephen Baxter 
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