#harlem 2x08
booasaur · 2 years
Harlem spoilers
I loved the finale SO MUCH omg like Quinn deciding to take time for herself is so unexpected of a storyline but so actually good for her? Like she has been dating nonstop since the pilot so I think a season 3 storyline where she’s by herself figuring herself out is so good.
Then Tye. OMG what a TWIST. Aimee being Zoe’s Mom???? OOH I’m excited
Not sure how I feel about Angie getting proposed because it is fast but also it does kinda work for a Angie tbh and we don’t know how much time has passed really they haven’t told us
Then Camille her finally finally buckling down and focusing in her career when she’s been all over the place career wise since season 1?? And Pruitt maybe deciding to fight for her to stay?????? My god.
THEN. THEN THE CLIFFHANGER OMG THE CLIFFHANGER. It’s gotta be Angie right? Her storyline is the only one that would work with a pregnancy! Quinn can’t find herself if she’s strapped to a baby daddy (also I think we would’ve heard if Grace’s husband was becoming a recurring? Like I know season 3 isn’t confirmed yet but I just feel like that would be something we would’ve heard about if they were planning on making him more than a cameo and they would’ve put more effort into Quinn and Keith’s relationship if that was the case) Then Camille this whole season has been about her and Ian and her eggs I don’t see them rehashing that. Then Tye obvi can’t be pregnant. So it’s GOTTA be Angie I feel.
Thank you for the spoiler warning!
I already spoke about Quinn in the previous ask and lol, the Aimee and Zoe thing is such a mess. I wonder if they'll try to have Aimee and Tye make a go of it but it'll be too weird in the ennd. The Angie proposal definitely feels early but I suppose there's no reason to not go ahead with an engagement if they're both ready, and they seem like they are.
Very happy to see Camille winning at work and making a decision about no kids and not feeling guilted because Ian does want them and she's cost him so much already, which, to be clear, she didn't make him do any of this, but she feels responsible all the same.
Now, the cliffhanger. Both you and the previous anon implied that it can't be Quinn because it'd disrupt her finding herself storyline but I don't know if the writers would choose storylines based on least disruption, in fact, I kind of think they'd go for max. :x
It's true that it'd fit so well with Angie's storyline, but that's why I wonder if it might not be her. Or if it is her, then Mike's not the father. There's no fun in things going smoothly, as we've seen with all the other romances. I doubt it's Tye, of course, though I suppose one can never rule that out, but we'll put it in the least likely category for now.
The thing is, unless this is the last season, a baby doesn't really fit the show's vibe, though I can see them being supportive through the season during a pregnancy and rushing to the hospital at the end of the season to all be there for the baby being born. But then how would another season go? Bringing a baby to their lunches or constantly looking for a babysitter? So I wonder if possibly they might go with an abortion storyline, in which case I could see that being Camille's very tough arc, knowing how much Ian wants kids and the improbability of getting another chance at a pregnancy vying with her career and simply being unsure about it all. It'd be another reason to keep Ian in the show, since Tyler Lepley seems a regular along with the main four ladies.
On the other hand, the show may not go with abortion and instead highlight the dangers to expecting Black parents through pregnancy, delivery, and after, in the American healthcare system. In that case, I could see it being Quinn after all. And the show might decide that it's not going to be pigeonholed as just friends drinking and hanging out all the time and slowly work in children.
The other thing to keep in mind is that while Angie's s3 would be filled with the engagement/wedding, Tye with this romantic mess, Camille possibly with her career (and maybe Jameson??), learning to be at peace with yourself is more a passive thing. So, if they're trying to plan s3 storylines, that might be how Quinn's goes.
On the other hand, that seems brutal for her, to go from depression to, well, an unwanted pregnancy, to put it brutally, to then what, an exhausted mother in s4? Plus, like you said, the thing with Keith was so weak, like a little placeholder relationship that only existed to not be significant.
Honestly, I've just spilled out all my thoughts and really have no idea which way they're leaning. It all comes down to the stories they want to tell.
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jvlewis77 · 3 years
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I'm watching Godfather of Harlem 2x08 "Ten Harlems"
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booasaur · 2 years
Harlem Finale Spoilers
I absolutely LOVE how they ended Quinn’s storyline for the season like this girl has been going through person after person heartbreak after heartbreak since the pilot and now she’s finally at a place where she can just sit with herself and decide for herself what she likes about herself first before jumping in again to any other relationships (one of the reasons i doubt she’s the pregnant one because that would disrupt her whole finding herself arc.)
Yeah, that was a super welcome surprise! I'm glad the show twice subverted what it was originally setting up, first by saying a nice trip can't magically "fix" Quinn, if she needs meds, she needs meds, and then secondly when she's baldly stating she only feels happy when in a relationship, yeah, maybe she needs to learn to be happy alone.
I'll answer the pregnancy part in another ask, but thank you for warning about spoilers!
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