#harmione critical
fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
How Harmione Parallels Kataang
So I was reading snippets from Deathly Hallows, including the Harry & Harmione scenes after Ron left, and I noticed how much this non-canon ship is similar to the travesty that is Kataang.
It wasn't going to be as detailed or long as my Makorra vs Kataang post above but the thoughts just flowed.
Unequal Give and Take in the Relationship
Like Katara, Hermione gives way more than Harry to their friendship. Harry and Aang are the receivers usually. We never see Aang truly empathize with Katara when it comes to her mother and her darker side. When Harry sees Hermione breaking down in tears in DH, he literally just looks at her or ignores her crying when they sleep at night. Hermione on the other hand gives Harry hugs and pep talks whenever he is raging or sad. Harry is the exact same way with Ginny, by the way, his one true love (roll my eyes).
The instant they arrived Hermione dropped Harry’s hand and walked away from him, finally sitting down on a large rock, her face on her knees, shaking with what he knew were sobs. He watched her, supposing that he ought to go and comfort her, but something kept him rooted to the spot.
Motherly Vibes in the Relationship
ATLA literally had an episode where Katara pretended to be Aang's mom. Katara acts as the motherly figure in the group. In the Runaway episode, Katara acts like a nagging, mood-killer and Aang reacts to her like a mom when she scolds his posture. I recently posted about Aang's first earthbending lessons and how Katara was acting like a helicopter mom in those scenes. Hermione is not as motherly, thank goodness, but Hermione, like Katara, is posed as the boring, nagging friend. Harry does not enjoy her company as much as Ron's due to this nagging. He lies to her and avoids her due to her nagging. Whenever Harry is confused or emotional about something, I notice JKR usually uses the word "gently" to describe how she speaks to Harry. I notice Hermione is a lot more gentle and caring towards Harry compared to Ron a lot. She gives Harry tips on how to date Cho and coaches him on female nature. Like Katara, Hermione is the one who cooks and does the food shopping/stealing (well she did leave money at the coop and the muggle store so it is still stealing??) in their glorified camping trip. Even though Harry should know how to cook.
Threat of Violence/Intimidation
Katara is always the one who has to bear the danger of Aang's avatar state to calm him down. While Sokka and Toph run away in the desert episode, Katara is the only one left to approach Aang in this volatile state. It's not fair that Katara is forced to shoulder this burden alone. Also, I saw an avatar comic where Aang literally lavabends right in front of Katara in a tantrum when she tells him to practice firebending (it could be earthbending instead but the point stands). As for Hermione, Harry is not much better. You see this behaviour especially when it comes to Hagrid. Whenever Hermione has common sense and expresses annoyance about Hagrid, Harry often intimidates her to comply with his beliefs. I recall Hermione being frightened by Harry a lot. What a great friend. Not to mention when Harry went on his rage rampage in book 5, terrorizing Ron and Hermione. I don't care how much supposed PTSD Harry has. I understand things are rough for him, but that gives him no right to bully his friends and unleash his rage on them, especially Hermione.
Emotional Manipulation
For Katara, Aang was emotionally manipulative in Southern Raiders. He unfairly compares Katara's want for justice to Jet who tried to murder innocent people. He compares losing his pet to Katara losing her mother. Anyone who compares an animal to a human being is an idiot. Not sorry. Even at the end of the episode, he is still pushing forgiveness on her. As a Christian, I believe in forgiveness but someone should not force or guilt you into forgiveness. Harry is a bit more...messy to explain. He has used his parents' murder to guilt trip Hermione and Ron. For example, in book 1 when they were doing the magical puzzles to catch up to Moldy Voldy. The reason why I label this as emotional manipulation is because unless the plot calls for it, Harry does not care about his parents. Unless he wants something from someone. He is perfectly willing to use his dead parents to try to get Slughorne to give him the memory for Dumbles in book 6. He has a photo album he almost never looks at. He never talks much to Remus and Sirius about his parents. He never visits their grave until freaking book 7! So yeah, him using his dead parents to guilt trip Hermione, and Ron too, is 100% emotional manipulation. Also, Harry regularly uses the silent treatment or ostracization to guilt-trip people into apologizing to him. Even when he bears responsibility for the conflict. We see this with Ron, Seamus and yes Hermione. Hermione tries to protect Harry in book 3 when Sirius sends Harry that broom, and Harry, and Ron, punish her for this by ignoring her. For how long? At least a few weeks. How anyone sees the golden trio as a good friend group is a total mystery.
Selfishness / Lack of Empathy
This is kind of related to the first and fourth sections. For Aang, he is selfish when it comes to Katara. In season 3, he does not respect Katara's boundaries and gives her non-consensual kisses twice. In Ember Island Players, he nods along at the dialogue about Katara being the "avatar's girl" indicating that he is possessive of her. All he cares about is his crush and he does not care about Katara's feelings about her confusion and her desire to wait after the war to deal with romance. Aang never tries to appreciate her water tribe culture beyond the pilot episode. To the point where Tenzin completely ignores his water tribe heritage. Unlike Katara's other love interests (Jet and Haru), when Katara tries to empathize with Aang about the death of the airbenders, he never offers any recognition of Katara's loss and instead just tries to deny the airbenders are gone. Even in the northern water tribe, Aang makes Katara's anger at Pakku about HIM. Aang fails to recognize that she is fighting because of the injustice and sexism being done to HER and she's fighting for HERSELF. Aang sees how his friends lost their father figures in the invasion and in the next episode he does not care. Or at least he does not care enough to take their concerns about the next steps in the war seriously and goofs off instead. Enough of about Kataang, how does Harmione measure up?
Like Aang, Harry is very self-centered. Every time his birthday comes around he expects to be treated like a king and have his birthday be acknowledged by everyone. When he believes people have forgotten, he gets upset and pouty. Ron and Hermione's birthdays are mentioned only once I believe. Ron in book 6 and Harmione in book 5 or 6. He gives Ron a present for his bday. But what about Hermione? Zilch, nada. Hermione explicitly mentions her birthday in the text and I can't recall him giving her anything. I did a quick google search and I can't find squat! The dude makes a big stink about his birthday every year and can't even have the decency to reciprocate. I mention Harry's lack of empathy already in section 1. And it not only applies to Hermione but everyone. Including Ginny. If you really look at Harry, everything revolves around him. Harry shows very little appreciation for Hermione practically doing his homework for him. There is also a weird thing where Harry thinks to himself that he acts as a mediator for Romione but his actions show the opposite. When Ron and Hermione fight, he stays out of it and finds the whole thing annoying. Or even worse, when Hermione is feeling affectionate with Ron, Harry has a 'what about me' attitude.
Hermione was watching Ron fret over the fate of the Cattermoles, and there was such tenderness in her expression that Harry felt almost as if he had surprised her in the act of kissing him. ‘So, have you got it?’ Harry asked her, partly to remind her that he was there.
Both Aang and Harry hide things from their "love interest". Harry hides the fact that he was not practising his occlumency. Not only that, he actively tries to probe his connection with Moldy Voldy against Hermione's warnings. Several times he purposely hides house elf matters from Hermione, despite knowing how much she allegedly cares about the elves. For example, when he learns Slughorne is using elves to test his drinks for poison one of his first thoughts is to not tell Hermione. I don't even think Harry has a once of empathy or concern for the elves being abused like this. When Harry is fighting in the triward tournament, Hermione constantly nags him to prepare for his tasks and asks about his progress. If Harry was not such a nitwit, he would have asked Hermione for her help and she would have offered it. But instead, he lies to her and brushes her off. Aang hides Bato's map so that Katara and Sokka will not leave him for their father. At least Aang owns up to his lies. However, I do not believe Aang is fully honest about his avatar state situation after season 2. I think he tells them that he can't go into the state but I do not recall him ever revealing WHY. This inability could have cost them the war. What if there were no conveniently placed rock in the finale? Would Aang's avatar state be locked forever??
That's it from me. Both Kataang and Harmione are ships that lack proper respect, chemistry, maturity and trust. The girls give more to the relationship than the guys and the guys don't have any appreciation or care for their interests. Both these relationships are better off staying platonic. And even as a platonic relationship, they are still problematic. None of these kids are evil (not even horrid Harry) but these people need to either date other people and/or have some more emotional development.
Harmione is not a good ship. Harmione fans can claim how much better Harmione is than Romione and act superior all they want in the Romione vs Dramione war (all three ships are trash), but as far as I am concerned, both Hermione and Harry need serious help before they can date anyone. It's ironic really. Hermione mistreats towards Ron but then Harry turns around and mistreats her AND Ron. Harry makes it clear who's king in the golden trio. What karma. Poor Hermione.
If you want a better, more comprehensive meta on why Harmione does not work as a ship, check out this lovely gem of an essay. Have a great day!
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chaztalk · 1 year
What’s the most annoying and stupid Anti-Harry x Hermione argument in your opinion??
Have and nice day!
The most annoying and stupid anti-Harmione argument is the “they are siblings” argument, and it’s super obnoxious when people call it “incest” when they are not even blood related (and one of the few characters that share no blood relation to each other in the Wizarding World). There’s 4 factors the play a part of how annoying the argument is:
1. People don’t critically think about the “like a sister” quote from the books.
Being in this fandom for a few years now, and seeing people attempt to make sense of the canon pairings, and why the character does something, I’ve never really seen someone explain why Harry needed to refer Hermione as “like a sister”. There’s no paragraph before that where we get the sense Harry thinks of Hermione as sister. He just up and says it. He’s an only child. He saw Ginny as nothing more than a sister to him before she got hot, so he really doesn’t have a great track record of knowing what a “sister” is. And yet, people still believe, hype up about since it’s one of the scenes that pretty sinks our ship and solidifies the canon pairings.
2. People don’t know what they are talking about.
I believe most people who say that Harry and Hermione have a “sibling-like” relationship are an only child who can only imagine what having siblings is like or people that don’t really put themselves in Harry and Hermione with them and their sibling. I have 2 older sisters so I know what it’s like to have siblings, and I’d be weirded out if a bro closed his eyes at her touch, bro’s face getting red and hot when his sister compliments his looks, and if a sister kissed her little brother on the cheek only once in their lifetime when they were 15-14.
3. A “sibling-like relationship” degrades Harry and Hermione’s relationship.
The “like a brother and sister” label Harry and Hermione get is nothing more than a mask to use instead of what canon shippers truly believe about Harry and Hermione’s relationship, in that they don’t think it’s good or healthy. And I’ve seen it been admitted that describing Harry and Hermione as “siblings” is “putting it nicely” because all they can think about are the negatives of their relationship. It’s (referring Harry and Hermione as siblings) just a sort of facade they create in order to stick to the other anti-Harmony agenda that is “why can’t boys and girls just be friends?”
4. The cringey headcanons
There are headcanons and little one-shots specifically made to show Harry referring Hermione as his sister. And it just gives off a vibe of Harry having a sister complex, when he’s “proud” of Hermione as his sister in these tidbits. It just feels weird and feels forced, just like the OG scene.
Rant over! Thanks for the Q.
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harmione · 4 months
24, she/they
i’ll make a longer pinned later, but for now:
i want it understood that i am in no way supportive of jkr’s transmisogynistic views or practices. i think it’s possible to engage with these books with a critical eye and that’s what i plan to do.
i am a multishipper at heart and enjoy canon ships (including romione and hinny) as well as non-canon ones. however, whether as a platonic dynamic such as in canon or as a potential romantic one, harmione is probably the relationship i find myself most interested in canon, as my url may indicate.
that’s it for now! xoxo gossip wizard
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hermiones-amortentia · 8 months
I really hate how Kloves basically manipulated The Author when she was writing the seventh book. She always maintained that Hinny were soulmates, but he kept pressing her like "k BUT Harmione tho." And then she was suddenly like "oh yeah, let me just add 2 charged moments between them in the seventh book, yeah it totally could've gone that way after all." (Paraphrasing all of that, of course)
I swear, he never should've been involved in the HP universe. I'm glad he's NOT involved in the new TV series; with it promising to be accurate to the books, plus the commercial and critical failure of the one Fantastic Beasts movie he wrote, he will hopefully never be a part of the HP universe ever again. #AntiSteveKloves
It's about time we should stop blaming kloves and start blaming classist fans(mostly Europeans and Americans). Most of the Weasley bashing is a result of classsism. Not movies. The amount of slytherin and aristocracy wank in fandom should tell you that as the movies didn't portray any Slytherin in good light except for Snape. And Snape doesn't get nearly as much wank as other slytherins, James potter, Sirius Black get. Lol
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
For choose violence: 6, 23 & 24
[i've gotten so many of these -- thank you so much guys, this actually means the world to me that someone cares about my thoughts!]
from: choose violence ask game
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
It really depends. Nowadays, probably wolfstar. Some of them are pretty fucking annoying. But it's far from what it used to be. I was here during the gold old ship war days, and I remember dramione and harmione (?) stans being the most annoying people on the face of the earth. 2012 dramione fandom anyone? the ron bashing?? 2016 jily stans with the anti-snape posts??? *shudders*
Not to say the Marauders fandom isn't toxic now but my policy is to: block block block whenever I see people who say atrocious things with 100% conviction.
Also, I just can't stand, as a general rule, people supporting wildly fanon ships over canon ones, and trying to unironically argue why they work better... There is literally nothing wrong with liking a crack!ship, I could argue that's the point of fanfiction, but don't insult my intelligence. Sometimes I see takes where the only possible solution would be for the author to read the source material again.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Unwillingly is a strong word... I have read some good Tomarry fics in the last year (but. like. literally three (3). don't get excited) which is something that I would have rather gauged my own eyes out than do in the past. But then again only under very specific conditions for themes/setting/length/etc. It's not something I would ever look for, it's something I read if I know the author from other works and think “let's give it a try”... so, probably, I'm actually more in love with those authors' writing ability than the actual ship. You can tell if you actually like a ship in the following way: mediocre stories still make you swoon. You can tell if you like an author in the following way: I would rather get slapped in the face than read this ship but you make it interesting/enjoyable.
Jily is another, not because I disliked it in the way I dislike Tomarry but just 'cause it bores me a little. After exhausting any and all Snape character studies where he mopes about Lily (happy-ending Snily is not something I've ever liked) I thought meh, why not.
Oh! And you might be absolutely shocked to hear this but Belladolphus was one of these too. I was (and always will be) a Bellamort shipper, for my first few years in the fandom I was indifferent to Rodolphus at best. The man doesn't have a (1) single line in the books and we don't even really know what he looks like, but he's my angel and my baby and my darling and I accept no Rodolphus Lestrange slander in this house. Now, they're one of my favourites.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
In canon or out of canon? Because I feel that's different.
In canon probably Snape. The world isn't split into sexual assault apologists and Death Eater apologists, we all have some functioning brain cells and critical thinking skills, it's important we choose to stay in the fucking middle.
Out of canon... come on, you don't need me to tell you what it is. Personally, I think that pointing out the flaws in a book series is important and useful to the general public (and so many criticisms of the series are incredibly valid), but clutching your pearls because the kids decorate for Christmas in Grimmauld Place and *gasp* “I cannot believe JKR wrote her characters putting christmas decorations on the disembodied heads of slaves and thought "yes. this is good. very cute and charming."” (yes, this is a real comment someone made on the internet, i didn't write this. yes, it has hundreds of likes.)
Guys. It's not that deep. It's played as grotesque in the same way the Addams Family is. The Blacks are spooky ha-ha that's the joke. It's played for dark giggles, literally not that fucking deep. Although maybe I'm wrong and insensitive for this, but come on. Feel free to correct me.
Also, something that most people don't get about the Blacks: they weren't unkind to their house elves, or at least not in the way we think. Again, the Blacks are a bit like the Addams family in this scenario, they have a macabre way of doing stuff: their elves were all very devoted and thought it was an honour to be beheaded (which happened when they were too old or weak to carry the tea tray) and Kreacher even hopes that that will be his destiny when his time comes, like his mother before him. Dumbledore also says that "Mistress Cissy and Mistress Bella" were probably kind to Kreacher in their own way - Sirius was the one who was cruel to him, actually. They all saw elves as their natural slaves (which is bad), but they were part of the family just as much as servants were for an aristocratic family of the 1700s/1800s.
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romqnticstylez · 3 years
For me the biggest annoyance is how obsessed with Hermione the screenwriter Steve Kloves was. So many scenes where he seems to be forcing Harry and Hermione into a relationship that simply isn't there. This also affects his treatment of Ron and Ginny. Where Ron is treated like a bumbling fool in the later movies and Ginny comes off a kind of bland, where in the books they are fully realized characters. Really Hermione getting a handful of Ron's lines and is a flawless character is worse.
And how she got Dumbledore's lines. How she said voldemort from the first movie.
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wowsoboring · 4 years
Top 5 things the movies screwed up for the golden trio
Note: this is mostly about the golden trio and related to character development and growth. Also it's a lot about Ron and Hermione than anyone else. I also really like the movies. I love the cast and crew. The cinematography. The jokes. But not the people who did this.
Ron: they clearly screwed Ron up. I mean they exaggerated every imperfect thing he did and stole his lines by either cutting them out ("you're a witch", Philosopher's Stone), replacing them for comic relief ("why ask if you don't wanna be told/he's got a point you know" Prisoner of Azkaban) or just giving them to other people ("if you want to kill harry, you'll have to kill us first", Prisoner of Azkaban/ description of mudblood, Chamber of Secrets). They stole his intuition. And it's such a shame since Rupert Grint is such an amazing actor so they clearly just wasted both his and Ron's potential.
Making Hermione perfect: I love Hermione, okay? I friggin love her but the reason behind that is that she's a smart individual. Not because she's flawless. She wasn't supposed to be flawless. One of her characteristics are that she can't hold her own well if put under pressure- this is shown in the Philosophers Stone where she freaks out while trying to find out how to fight the Devil's Snare and needs to be brought back to reality when she looks for wood to create a fire-at this point Ron reminds her that she's a witch and she could do that by magic. This never happens in the movies which is a clear example of how the filmmaking guy just idolized Hermione way too much to bring down the important character moments for others.
Romione and Harmione: the movies screwed this up for realsies. It becomes too apparent that they're undermining the chemistry between Ron and Hermione while also bringing out random moments of chemistry between Harry and Hermione. This is done by over- exaggeration of the rows Ron and Hermione have by making Hermione cry when she doesn't in the books (Yule Ball) and making it look toxic while simultaneously bringing unwarranted moments of chemistry between Harry and Hermione that were never meant to be there. Also the Romione kiss in the movie, even though good, was done for all the wrong reasons in that it was mainly an adrenaline fuelled kiss as opposed to the loving kiss that takes place in the book, why that happened is directly correlated to my next point, that is:
S.P.E.W.- spew i feel like is very important. You see, first everything about spew makes it seem like Dobby doesn't magically show up after 5 years during the Deathly Hallows. Then it shows another important thing about Hermione's character which is that she's an activist. She cares about elves' rights and is a very firm believer in bringing justice to them despite what others think which is an important element of her character. Also spew is a way of showing how Ron changes from being dismissive of Hermiones beliefs and house elves in general to being grateful and respectful for both Hermione's beliefs and the house elves which is the reason behind the book kiss: Hermione finally realises that after all these years, Ron still changed as a person, not just for her but for himself
Hormones: you see, everyone at some point had these crazy amount of hormones in the book. I think Harry had his big caps lock freakout multiple times in the Order of the Phoenix. So I don't see much of that hormone stuff in the movie of all of them acting a bit like teenagers do, except for Ron which then again leads him to be antagonized
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
All I’m saying is Hermione Granger is a combination of smart guy and blood knight
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Me, on the Harmony server, seeing fellow shippers whine about antis: "But.... I've never heard/seen any antis???? The worst I ever directly heard is people simply going 'eh, I don't see any romantic chemistry' or 'the movies umped it up more' or something???? No real hate????"
Me, after looking up the anti-Harmione tag on Tumblr: "..... this is why I avoid anti tags as a rule.... 😓"
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Draco Malfoy is not the only problem with Dramione
Look, am I the only one who hates Dramione not because of Draco but HERMIONE?
Dramione antis (often Draco antis I notice) usually paint Draco as the toxic person in this ship undeserving of Queen Hermione. How he's a cowardly, dumb ferret and Hermione deserves a real man.
You know what Hermione deserves? A consuming career and a house full of cats! Ron can have her! I feel like I am dissing myself when I diss Hermione since I see a lot of my academic self in her but who the hell sees Hermione as wife or mother material??
No one deserves to be in a relationship with someone who hates them. Hermione is no exception. Hermione does not deserve to be in a relationship with a guy who stands by while she is being tortured or hurls slurs in her face. Or thinks she is worth less than trash.
But based on canon, we know who is more likely to attack their partner and commit domestic abuse. It ain't Draco. Like...do you not see how this girl treats Ron?! The guy she's supposed to like?! While Draco has never laid a hand on her, even when this girl slapped/punched him for no justifiable reason. Him making fun of Hagrid is not justifiable. Slap him when he calls you a mudblood and then we can talk Hermione.
Draco does anything to upset her and this vindictive shrew would probably turn him into a bug and squash him. Or maybe poison him. Or turn him into a bouncing ferret for nostalgia (I read a Dramione fic where Hermione did this - that definitely killed my recent short-lived Dramione reading spree). Magic provides a myriad of possibilities :).
At least with Draco, we don't really see him mistreating his (female) friends. None of his actions towards Hermione is irredeemable. After thorough redemption and maturity, he would theoretically treat Hermione well. His parents may be hostile but he can always just give them the finger the way he did for dear Astoria. Hermione on the other hand is shown to be constantly abusive to Ron yet she's one of the heroes of the story, hardly ever called out for her appalling actions. People need to wake up from their Draco hate and recognize Hermione's flaws as well in this ship. It's more than just her not forgiving him. She would literally hurt him. Like she already hurt Ron! And her own parents!
My mother told me that if your loved one hits you once, you need to leave. Immediately. Ron should have dropped Hermione as a potential love interest the second she attacked him. Because she will do it again when she gets angry.
So yeah, Ron can keep her. Poor Ron. Hermione is hardly a catch. For anyone calling me a sexist, that kind of attitude is not cute in a dude either.
Draco can do better than her. But literally, almost anyone is better than Hermione (I'll be over here enjoying my Druna content).
Actually, the only guy who probably deserves Hermione is Harry Potter himself. She actually seems to be sweeter to him and respects him more than Ron lol. Those two can be vindictive, inconsiderate psychos together while Ron finds better friends who don't see him as a dumb loser. Oh, and Ginny can find a guy who won't dump her the second she cries (like that "crybaby" Cho) or excludes her. Harmione is practically a match made in hell.
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chaztalk · 2 years
Do you really have nothing better to do than be an asshat over someone posting a silly headcanon? I've been in this fandom since 2005 and it's sad how the Harmonian streak of being crybullies continues with no end in sight.
Do you really have nothing better to do than be an asshat over someone posting a silly headcanon?
Yes. I think it’s fun analyzing, debunking, or sharing my opinions on stuff, especially when it’s, y’know, during the weekend. I could do the same thing for Harmione headcanons if I wanted to. Lord only knows how harsh and critical I’ll be when I get back to reading fanfic.
And it’s sad how the Harmonian streak of crybullies continues with no end in sight.
Tumblr media
How am I a crybully again? I remember way back, when an infamous Ron stan came on to one of my (relatively old) posts, played the “victim” card, and started harassing me for 3-4 hrs straight. I somehow doubt you’ve ever sent a message to them like you did to me.
But me? I don’t play the “victim” card nor go to other peoples’ posts and start harassing them just because I think they’re wrong. What’s the point?
Have a good day!
P.S. adding “asshat” and “crybully” to my list of insults I’ve been called while being in this fandom. They gotta count for something when people can’t do anything other than resorting to name-calling.
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HAHAHAHA! Imagine thinking you are all innocent and your rivals are all bad. That is what you filthy Romiones and dirty Harmionians are! Congratulations, you have infected all of social media with your filth!(from Quora, Instagram and garbage Tumblr). You ain’t being harassed and neither is anyone hating on your mediocre ship, bitch. Quit using ‘they are toxic!’ as a shield to protect your ugly ass from being exposed. Man up and take criticism. Both of your pairings are trash and you shippers are assholes playing victim card.
okay i’ve had my fill of you, bro. when have i ever, EVER said that harmione doesn’t have its flaws? when have i ever said it was perfect? never, that’s when. romione certainly isn’t perfect either, and despite what you may think, neither are you. i AM being harassed, by YOU. get out of my asks and stop stalking me. and don’t call me a bitch
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lunarfly · 3 years
You Harmionians and especially Romiones are such babies! Getting butthurt over the smallest criticism. Guess what idiots?? It’s all fake, at the end of the day. Man the fuck up
Hello! Thank you for the ask! I'm assuming you're the same person who sent the last message. If not - I apologize.
You Harmionians and especially Romiones are such babies! Getting butthurt over the smallest criticism.
I'm confused. When was I "butthurt" over criticism? You are right, sometimes criticism upsets me and that's a normal human emotion. It doesn't make me a baby though. I have a sort of an emotional attachment to Harmione, do you know what I mean? So I get sad when I think my favorite ship is bad. Luckily, I check canon and find scenes that prove the arguments wrong, and I answer criticism in a considerate and respectful way. If you think that Dante Wood's posts were simple "criticism," you're wrong. They're hateful and toxic. Generalizing a group of people and calling all of them "scum" is wrong. When I see my favorite ship criticized, I write analyses and essays after I'm sure I have gathered enough evidence to make my points clear and I present at least plausible counter-arguments while trying to maintain a objective stance and make my analysis free of bias. That doesn't make me "butthurt."
Guess what idiots?? It’s all fake, at the end of the day. Man the f*ck up
You know, it doesn't always work that way. Sure, I may be able to forget about my emotions and respond to the criticism but some aren't able to do that. People can get overly attached to an idea so when someone tries to show them they're wrong, they start panicking. They can spend hours and hours obsessing over any detail that can prove the other wrong. They constantly seek for validation and try to hold on to anything that can help their case. They might go to bed stressed and anxious about that argument/criticism and all of this obviously horrible for mental health. It's damaging. This does affect real life people's mental health whether it's about fiction or not. Trust me, I know. I've heard others bring it up and it has happened to me a few times too, even though I handle and respond to criticism very well. It's not a good feeling and it's not something to be made fun of. Please keep that in mind! :)
Anyway, thank you so much for sending this ask. Even if it's a bit hateful, I'm still honored you found me worthy of taking the time out of your day. And your ask was my first anonymous ask I've received! So thank you! Have a good day. :)
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
I have a theory that Romione shippers go into the “anti Romione” tag and try to find anything related to a non canon ship or genuine Romione criticism in order to fill the comments. I can’t count how many times I’ve been in that tag and seen posts related to Dramione, Harmione, Snamione, Pansmione, etc etc with nasty comments from Romione shippers. But you know what I rarely see?? The same crap on Romione positive posts. I never see non canon shippers pulling the same BS on posts related to canon couples. Makes you wonder...
Exactly! I never see anything about that ship here on the dramione tag! In fact, I’ve seen posts where dramione people are saying that maybe we should have more pro-Ron fics.
I think most dramione fans actually like Ron, but we all agree that him and Hermione are not good together. And we do like Draco and we think he, if redeemed, which in canon we can see happening, would be a better fit for Hermione. But we still like Ron and we would actually prefer a positive-Ron fic. We get excited when there is a fic where Hermione and Ron break up amicably and he is a good guy. Personally, I prefer fics where Draco becomes Ron’s friend. I think they will get along nicely!
- Lisa
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tatamoonly · 3 years
I have always been a fan of Romione and I hardly like any ship other than theirs, but I want to talk about something that I find very hypocritical in the Potterhead community of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok and that is that they always ask for respect for the other ships of Hermione (Harmione, Dramione, Bellamione, Pansimione, etc.) but if someone happens to shipe Ron with another character everyone criticizes him "shipear Rarry is wrong because they were like brothers" ah but shipear Harmione does not matter because It's fanon, shipear Dron or Ronsy is wrong because they had different ideals but nothing happens if you shipe Dramione or Pansimione, don't even think of shipear Ron and Luna because she was a lesbian in head-canons, it seems that the only Ron ship they accept that is not Romione that is accepted is Blairon and this just because it is a ship that accompanies Drarry's fanfics, sometimes I think that it simply bothers them anything that is done where Ron takes center stage.
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My vague understanding of the timeline of being a Ron fan.( Note: I did not get into the fandom until 2006 so anything before that is just from what I’ve heard from others so feel free to correct me)
1997-2000(The Golden Age): Premovies. A glorious Utopia where Ron was a fan favorite and Kloves had not touched the series.
2001- 2003( The Calm): Not too much of a change. Hermione’s portrayal wins her a bigger fanbase. Movies make some changes but are still close enough to the books so no huge changes to Ron’s status.
2004 - 2006 ( The Decline): The beginning of the end. The movies have throughly influenced the fandom.Ron the Death Eater trope infects fanfiction. Ron’s reputation takes a nosedive.
2007 - 2012 (The Dark Ages): The absolute worst time to be a Ron fan. ‘Hermione is a goddess who deserves better than stupid sidekick Ron’ mindset runs rampant in the fandom causing her toxic fans to lash out at Ron. Angry Harmione and Dramione shippers infest the Ron FanFiction tag flooding it with their hate and bashing. Ron lovers constantly fend off attacks from all sections of the fandom. Avpm and Avps provide the one bright spot.
2013-2014(The Revival ): Ron’s reputation remains in tatters. Ron fans tread carefully and keep to themselves even as the movies poor protrayal colors his reputation and causes others to ignore his book counterpart and continue to bash him. The silence is broken when JKR says that Romione had a bad marriage stirring outrage amongst the Ron fans that have finally had enough.
2015 - now (A New Age): Harry Potter fandom explodes with a wave of Ron appreciation. More and more people begin to appreciate Ron and criticize Kloves for how he handled the character. The Ron Weasley defense Squad gains more and more members. Ron hate is still present but it is swiftly dealt with and not as in vogue as it previously was. Newer fans come into the fandom with an already present love for Ron. Ron’s reputation continues to heal with each passing day. Truly the Dawn of a new age.
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