#harriet tubman movie
devilfic · 7 months
I put on batman begins in the background while writing tonight and as Bruce is checking out the cave under Wayne mansion, Alfred goes "your great-great-grandfather used to transport freed slaves to the north using these caverns"
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justarandomgirly · 1 year
Harriet Tubman painting in Ellen's oval office!
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cinemauniverse112 · 11 months
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Now Streaming Harriet on Vudu!
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We filmed this at the end of Black History Month, so we have one more Black history fact for you! Did you guys know Harriet Tubman was doing all that?! Check out our Creed reaction for more laughs and fun facts!
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292pantone · 2 years
Okay! Time for some Glass Onion analysis bc I'm already obsessed with this movie.
I've seen people saying that it was unnecessary for the movie Glass Onion to be set in May 2020 during the height of the pandemic, and that it took away from the movie, but I disagree. The specific setting is relevant because of all the movie's subtext about the Black Lives Matter movement and its resurgence in May 2020. Hear me out- there are several parallels between Andi's death/Helen's avenging her death by wrecking the mansion, and the riots in 2020 following the unjust deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others.
To begin with, there's the power dynamic between Andi and Miles. A mediocre, unexceptional white man stole the contributions of a brilliant black woman and got away with it because his influential friends closed ranks around him in a system designed to benefit him. He got the benefit of the doubt and weaponized the legal system to financially ruin her. Even though she was telling the truth, no one believed her, and Miles fully expected this pattern to continue once her sister Helen took up the cause.
Miles burns the incriminating evidence of his lies and flat-out tells Helen that no one will ever believe her with only circumstantial evidence. Even Benoit Blanc acknowledges that his skill as a detective can only go so far without the police and courts on his side.
In the case of police brutality, cops similarly weaponize the legal system and avoid accountability for their murders by closing ranks through police unions that invoke "qualified immunity" (aka shielding the cops from legal liability). The privilege of white men, compounded by their wealth and connections, makes it difficult for them to face actual consequences for the harm they do.
We see the concept of avoiding consequences again with Miles' crew of "disruptors", all of whom rely on his money to bail them out of trouble. Birdie was implied to have done blackface, made tone-deaf comments comparing herself to Harriet Tubman, completely ignored all COVID restrictions, and tweeted ethnic slurs to the point where her assistant had to take away her phone, but her line of loungewear still takes off thanks to Miles' financial backing. In response to the latest scandal, personal assistant Peg says "We will do what we always do! Deny, half-apologize, then go silent awhile." Despite her litany of offenses and half-assed attempts at accountability, no consequences stick to the privileged Birdie either.
However, Helen refuses to accept this unfair state of things. In a situation where she appears powerless, with her sister gone and the valuable napkin burned, Helen essentially goes "fuck that" and makes Miles pay for what he did anyway. If the law won't take her side, she has to take it into her own hands. This is where the parallels to the 2020 riots come in.
We see her smashing the symbols of Miles' wealth, starting with his glass sculptures, and at first the other characters don't mind. They cheer her on from the couches, even though they all just refused to testify for her in court. This parallels the performative activism seen in many celebrities, who would rather watch from the sidelines and say vaguely supportive things rather than do any meaningful action to change the system. The other guests are happy to break the glass sculptures alongside her, saying how cathartic it feels, but they get antsy when she moves on to breaking more valuable things instead of giving up after a short while like they did. The camera shots of Helen smashing things and lighting a fire linger uncomfortably long as it starts to sink in that this isn't just a momentary temper tantrum. The so-called "disruptors" wince and gasp and exclaim how a piano belonged to Liberace and so on, completely ignoring how THE DESTRUCTION IS THE POINT, because if Helen only broke safe, acceptable targets, then it wouldn't actually mean anything. Similarly, when people rioted in 2020, there was a huge amount of pearl-clutching by people saying rioting is going too far, and can't we all just be nonviolent and have unity and forgive each other? In both cases, there's a veneer of support from people who just want the victims of injustice to "get their anger out of their systems" and move on without any serious changes being made.
I find it very fitting that Helen burns the Mona Lisa with Miles' own unregulated hydrogen fuel cell, using the override switch that he carelessly installed. She exploits the natural consequences of his self-centeredness so they all catch up to him at once. In the end, Helen's acts of protest do disrupt things and lead to change, even as people tell her she is going too far. Once Helen does the actual work of tanking Miles' reputation for good, only then do the "disruptors" jump ship and promise to back her up in court. They're willing to take the side of justice only when things have shifted to the point where it's the better act of self-preservation. If there was any chance of still hanging onto Miles' golden titty and making his reputation their hill to die on, they would've done it.
Blanc, the protagonist of the movie, gives Helen tacit permission to burn everything down by handing her the chunk of hydrogen fuel. He stands by her the whole movie and takes her seriously, demonstrating a path to better (non-performative) allyship.
Glass Onion shows that lasting change has to be demanded, not wheedled, and that sometimes things have to reach an undeniable crisis point to do so. In other words: protest is necessary.
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classycookiexo · 2 months
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This is the main reason why I could never get into Cynthia Erivo
She’s one of those people who believe that African Americans have no culture. She called African Americans a derogatory term in her mother tongue and it wasn’t a one time thing. She doubled down several times while playing roles of African American historical figures like Harriet Tubman
Also if anyone wants to know she used the word “Akata”
It’s crazy how she did that but had no problem taking up the role to play a black American, especially a very important one like Harriet in the plays and then the movie
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1800naveen · 2 months
You know how people will give book characters or book series theme songs and stuff?
I once saw one for Aelin and it was Stand Up by Cynthia Erivo. This was a year ago. Did homegirl not think about colonizing Erilea back in empire of storms? It may be a joke but that's one horrible ass joke.
And there were people doing it for Rhysand too because of what he endured with Amarantha and "protecting" the night court (protecting Velaris). I even saw mfs make book edits with Micheal Jackson's they don't care about us.
Free me from the chains of booktok
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modest-old-castle · 6 months
on my fourth RWRB rewatch and here’s what i’ve picked up this time (except it’s only the first half of the movie bc I never finished this rewatch):
in the opening, the newscast says Martha Fitzroy but the NYT article Ellen holds up says Martha Thompson
forever obsessed w “oh, unlike you, whose role is clearly spelled out in Article Nothing of the US Constitution”
would love a breakdown of the set for the Oval Office and what art they included (two busts, looks like one is a man and one is a woman? could be nondescript but presidents usually pick their art for reasons and I assume MML + scene team did the same) (Abe Lincoln is also there which may be a callback to Alex’s line to Miguel)
respectfully there’s no way Alex is doing well in his law classes w the life he leads (source: i’m a lawyer)
when Henry texts Alex w the “ACD is going to be a father” article, Alex had the Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act up on his laptop (✨foreshadowing✨)
Alex calls for Henry when H leaves the New Year’s party
the bi color scheme in the scene in Nora’s office is Elite
snow? in DC?? on new years??? about as unbelievable as a Democratic woman pres winning Texas
pretty sure CMQ said they picked the albums in Alex’s room (would also love a breakdown for these picks although some seem obvious) and they are: Wonderful Wonderful by the Killers; Rumours by Fleetwood Mac; Full Moon Fever by Tom Petty; good kid, m.A.A.d city by Kendrick Lamar; Bigger Than Both of Us by Daryl Hall & John Oates; and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
Henry fidgets w the ring when he asks Alex about the polo match 🥺
I can’t remember if it was a detail in the book but Henry always in double breasted suits and Alex (largely) in unbuttoned sport coats just Makes Sense stylistically and character-wise (Henry more traditional, “put together,” and closed off, Alex more modern and open) (also Henry taking said double breasted suit off for Alex)
plus Henry’s Rolex (? I don’t know watches) vs Alex’s Apple Watch
the HANDS which for better or for worse (*cough* better) just solidifies how much I associate them w Pride & Prejudice
two prominent pride campaign posters in the back of Ellen’s Texas campaign office when Alex gets there
sincerely hope Texas is Alex’s summer job bc there’s no way he’s doing 18 hour days plus law school (but also is that really only taking 3 months) (also I know his thing is that he never sleeps but geez)
Oval Office decor update: Harriet Tubman and FDR portraits
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marianadecarlos · 17 days
came back . opinions about period dramas ? would want to watch something lately !! but my french taste its too big to watch period dramas who arent french , you may know better than me about non - french stuff ?
Thank you for your Question
I love period dramas especially if they are historically accurate and entertaining. I like how historical dramas references real life events. Example: The Crown, The Gilded age, The Ministry of time, Downton abbey, and Maria Theresia.
The historical dramas that I would not prefer are the ones that bastardize the historical timeline, costume, and characters. Example: The Tudors, Blood, Sex, and Royalty, The White Princess, and the Spanish princess. (The siesta part made me cringe) They made Margaret Beaufort and Elizabeth of york evil. The White Princess. Her affair with Richard 🤢. I hated when historical drama put modern music into a period drama and movie. ( It can work if it is instrumental and it does not take you away from the period to much example: Bridgerton) but If said music is so modern that it takes you away from the historical setting it just feels wrong Example: Gladiator 2 (A movie that did not need a sequel)
I hate it in period dramas if they decide to insert a 21st century feminist character. In a time period where women are barely educated about their rights. Don't get me wrong there are historical women who are ahead of their time and made great contributions example: Harriet Tubman, Risa Parks, Joan of Arc, Anne Frank, Catherine the Great of Russia, Maria Theresa of Austria, Mariana of Austria, and Marie Curie. There are characters I see in historical dramas that carries beliefs such as refusing to marry, A Mary sue, and I do not need any man trope. These tropes often make these characters annoying and unrealistic.
There is a Spanish Movie about Carlos III reign mainly focusing on esqhilache time as prime minister. Isabel was in the movie. she was amazing! My favorite scene is her discussion with esqhilache. Carlos III in the movie is so cute. I love him.
@chateau-de-gamin @catherinemybeloved @rmelster
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I have a question about Black History Month? What do people even do?
Do they learn about specific countries from Africa instead of lumping the whole continent as ''where Black Americans'' are from?
Do they learn Zulu, Swahili, etc.?
Do they watch movies about Africa or made by Africans or about Africa?
Do they learn about some overlooked Black historical figures (And I mean real ones and not Black Cleopatra. Also bonus points for those who aren't musicians, singers, sports stars, or activists.)?
Or is it just a talk about slavery in America and MLK for the 100th time that is all year round anyway?
You know the cartoon story about how somebody wishes there was Christmas every day but it gets boring and less special because it's all the time and you need to actually do other stuff? It feels like Black Month and Pride Month are all year round in the US.
So, when I was in school we never did anything. This was in New York in the 90s and 2000s, though, so I don't know what happens now. I know most people outside of a school setting just use it to be racist to white people and perpetuate victim narratives. Which is sad, because there's a lot of "black history" that's really interesting to learn about. The integration of baseball, Harriet Tubman, Bass Reeves, The Haitian Revolution (most successful slave revolt in history), the history of Motown, the racist origins of gun control, Aunt Jemimah; these are just some of the fascinating people and histories that you could dedicate time to learning about during a Black History Month. Instead it's filled with hate and racism and people demanding free shit as recompense for slavery and oppression they never experienced, from people who never oppressed them.
All these months do, as they currently are, is further separate us and pack us into faceless groups based on the least important parts of who we are. I hate these months and days. I despise them. And I truly hope one day society heals itself enough so that the majority of people view them with the same contempt I do.
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faejilly · 5 months
I was at a Harriet Tubman museum today and their orientation movie was narrated by Keith David which was a nice little treat
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3rdeyeblaque · 2 years
Hoodoo Veneration Days in March 2023
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The 2023 Hoodoo's Calendar recognizes these Hoodoo Saints & Elevated Ancestors on the following dates in the Month of March:
3/7 Morris Slater aka Railroad Bill (D-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Brother Slater: corn liquor, bread, & his Blue's song
3/10 Harriet Ross Tubman aka Black Moses (D-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Mama Harriet Tubman: milk, apples, & orange flowers
3/11 Venerable Henriette Delille (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Venerable Sister Henriette Delille: catholic bible, recite her prayer, & red wine
3/12 Virginia Hamilton (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Sister Virginia Hamilton: read/share her work, nightclub tunes from the 50s, & water libations
3/19 The Tuskegee Airman is Founded
Offering Suggestions to the Tuskegee Airmen: reflect on their service via movies/books dedicated to them, do a flyover in their honor (for pilots), & pour libations of water
3/20 Rosetta Tharpe (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Auntie Rosetta Tharpe: play/share her music (delta blues/jazz/gospel), a COGIC bible, &  whiskey/gin
3/21 Son House (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Brother Son House: play/share his music (Mississippi delta blues), Baptist bible, & libations of water
3/24 Dorothy Height (B-Day) & John Mason Brewer (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Sister Dorothy Height: purple flowers, Baptist bible & libations of water
Offering Suggestions to Brother John Mason Brewer: read/share his work & libations of water
On the birthdays/death days of Elevated Ancestors and Hoodoo Saints, consider pouring libations or researching their stories as a way of venerating them. Lift them up in prayer. Share their story. Do for them what you would want the living collective of Hoodoos to do for you.
🌟 FINAL copies of The2023 Hoodoo's Calendar are available for purchase (once sold out, that's it)! Subscribe to the official e-newsletter for the latest updates & exclusive content access. https://thehoodoocalendar.square.site 🌟  
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whiteshipnightjar · 1 year
Does art make a difference?
Aw, sure. Of course there are degrees of extremity to the potential change that art can effect, depending on how many people are able to engage with it. The Beatles made a huge difference in the world. But Henry Darger, Jeff McKissack, Karen Dalton, Pauline Oliveros, Kenneth Patchen – there are so many folks who have made great art and not gotten massively famous for it, yet I think there are all sorts of ways their work informs and shapes other people’s work, and brains, and decisions.
Should politics and art mix?
Well, everything mixes, the New Statesman! That’s like asking if a knee-reflex hammer and a quadriceps tendon should “mix”.
Is your work for the many or for the few?
That’s for the many/few to say. I just crank out the hot jams.
If you were world leader, what would be your first law?
Gravity. I feel like we need to tighten up the constitutional protections that particular law enjoys. It’s a ticking time bomb, if you ask me.
Who would be your top advisers?
Cute angel on one shoulder, cute devil on the other.
What, if anything, would you censor?
Maybe we could all agree to not bust each other’s chops all cut-dang day.
If you had to banish one public figure, who would it be?
Don’t know, banishment might be a little extreme, but I’d sure like to take that Stephen Hawking dude down a notch or two. Right? Are you with me?
What are the rules that you live by?
Basically, “bros before hos”. I feel like if you stay true to that, everything else just kind of falls into place.
Do you love your country?
I love William Faulkner, Dolly Parton, fried chicken, Van Dyke Parks, the Grand Canyon, Topanga Canyon, bacon cheeseburgers with horseradish, Georgia O’Keeffe, Grand Ole Opry, Gary Snyder, Gilda Radner, Radio City Music Hall, Big Sur, Ponderosa pines, Southern BBQ, Highway One, Kris Kristofferson, National Arts Club in New York, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Joni Mitchell, Ernest Hemingway, Harriet Tubman, Hearst Castle, Ansel Adams, Kenneth Jay Lane, Yuba River, South Yuba River Citizens League, “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”, “Hired Hand”, “The Jerk”, “The Sting”, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”, clambakes, lobster rolls, s’mores, camping in the Sierra Nevadas, land sailing in the Nevada desert, riding horseback in Canyon de Chelly; Walker Percy, Billie Holiday, Drag City, Chez Panisse/Alice Waters/slow food movement, David Crosby, Ralph Lauren,San Francisco Tape Music Center, Albert Brooks, Utah Phillips, Carol Moseley Braun, Bolinas CA, Ashland OR, Lawrence KS, Austin TX, Bainbridge Island WA, Marilyn Monroe, Mills College, Elizabeth Cotton, Carl Sandburg, the Orange Show in Houston, Toni Morrison, Texas Gladden, California College of Ayurvedic Medicine, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Saturday Night Live, Aaron Copland, Barack Obama, Oscar de la Renta, Alan Lomax, Joyce Carol Oates, Fred Neil, Henry Cowell, Barneys New York, Golden Gate Park, Musee Mechanique, Woody Guthrie, Maxfield Parrish, Malibu, Maui, Napa Valley, Terry Riley, drive-in movies, homemade blackberry ice cream from blackberries picked on my property, Lil Wayne, Walt Whitman, Halston, Lavender Ridge Grenache from Lodi CA, Tony Duquette, Julia Morgan, Lotta Crabtree, Empire Mine, North Columbia Schoolhouse, Disneyland, Nevada County Grandmothers for Peace; Roberta Flack, Randy Newman, Mark Helprin, Larry David, Prince; cooking on Thanksgiving; Shel Siverstein, Lee Hazlewood, Lee Radziwill, Jackie Onassis, E.B. White, William Carlos Williams, Jay Z, Ralph Stanley, Allen Ginsberg, Cesar Chavez, Harvey Milk, RFK, Rosa Parks, Arthur Miller, “The Simpsons”, Julia Child, Henry Miller, Arthur Ashe, Anne Bancroft, The Farm Midwifery Center in TN, Martha Graham, Alvin Ailey, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Clark Gable, Harry Nilsson, Woodstock, and some other stuff. Buuuut, the ol’ U S of A can pull some pretty dick moves. I’m hoping it’ll all come out in the wash...
Are we all doomed?
If we keep our expectations pretty low I think we might be fine. I mean, we’re definitely all dying at some point. There’s no getting around that. But between now and then, things might start looking up!
— Joanna Newsom for The New Statesman, 2008
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theamazingmuse · 11 hours
General knowledge
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Senku is so fine !!!
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There is basic knowledge, that you must know in order to become powerful. Priority to topics that you like of course .
So here my topics recommendations to be well rounded.
When you know some details about something and after they're like “how do you know all of this ?” 😎 (so pleasant)
-> Keep a journal of all your discoveries. It can be a notion page too or Notes. Make it pretty, put some color, have a nice pen. Treat this like an ancient grimoire with your own notes. It's gonna be fun to learn.
Politics - any country that you want. This is important to know what happen in this crazy world. Know the basics. The difference between republics and democrats for exemple. Why there is a monarchy in England ? And what about Africa ? Politics is HUGE
Literature - Stick to the basics, again. Especially French and English literature. (I would make a library don't worry).The reference. For exemple, Shakespeare with Romeo and Juliet, Albert Camus and The stranger. 1987 by George Orwell
History - Obviously ! It's like politics. No order. Do which topics you want. This is very important to know why we are here today. Even religions. It can be anything, this is so interesting. And have your own perceptions even when nobody understands you.
Languages - listen, (you're reading actually) knowing languages is such a flex. I already tell you in my post hobbies that might be interesting to you. Being a polyglot is amazing in this world. For your brain and your social skills. Connections, opportunities omg
Etiquette - especially as woman. This so elegant, so sophisticate. That's always so feminine to see a gesture that is not like everyone else (nowadays). I think about Audrey Hepburn or Wonyoung's posture for exemple. .
-> btw you should also know some food etiquette. How to eat with several place settings at your table for exemple. So useful.
Music - Huge part. I was on twitter and I was shocked that many people listen to one type of music. For exemple, someone said that they only listen to Kpop. Some people only listen to rap. Personally, I listen to EVERYTHING. I really like music. Classic, jazz, Kpop, rnb EVERYTHING. On this one explore some genres and then see if you like it or not.
-> note expert: I really like classical music, but some people don't. Try to put a playlist (with a POV) while you study you're gonna see. I have this one for newbies when you're spy or a villain (my favorite one there is all the classic)
Films - American, French, Italian . On this one, (sigh) I never watched marvel/dc. Even Star Wars. But I like old movies with Marilyn Monroe for exemple. I really love those kind of movies
Art - So vast. I highly recommend you to know the principal mouvements (Baroque/ rococo/classicism) and their paintings. Van Gogh, Degas, Frida Kahlo, Botticelli...all of those artists. Famous paintings too obviously
Last but not least - celebrity figures. People who ACTUALLY did something in their life. Newton, Marie Curie, Harriet tubman...And make good search about them. The world love to tell good story about those figures but they don't tell everything. People love to glamorize things
-> Note expert #2 : you need to learn discernment. It is not because someone says something that this true. Also be curious, everytime.
In my case I like to study, famous people and how they achieve fame. In this new generation, everybody can be famous and I love to understand why people like Nara smith, get famous to a point that they can attend show and be treated like a star. Next human body especially the brain and how women's health works. Languages, HEAVY on languages. I am learning Italian right now. It's pretty good. Fashion, I have to know who is behind the collection that I want pls. Food because I like to eat. And lastly philosophy, because I like complicated words .
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The end. The things with me it's that I'm love to go deeply on things. I love to do that. Maybe it's because I am an INFJ (the rarest MBTI for a women hehe)
I'm so grateful for all your likes, reposts and subscriptions. It motivates me to continue. The fact that you can learn something from me means the world. I'm so glad that I have created this blog. Thank you to take the time to read my post and the fact that you put a like ? Omg
Do not hesitate to tell me what you wanna read. I'll be so glad to make a post about it or to just answer.
I love you wherever you are
theamazingmuse 📖
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
(PJO nerd too) Oh actually the demigods often START wars in the setting. WW2 is considered a big fight between the sons of Zeus and Poseidon vs the sons of hades. With hades sons loosing…
Yeeeah, it consisted the hp “love potion” discourse among the pjo fandom
Also in the current setting, the demigods often die at extremely young ages usually in their teens. Now beyond the implied ww2 historical figures, other figures such as Harriet Tubman(Daughter of Hermes) and Blackbeard (Son of Ares) also I think that Union general that looted and burned down Gettysburg too is a son of ares
Now demigods are usually killed by monsters who want to get back at the gods via taking out on their kids. But given the WW2, it was stated in the first book the Abrahamic god does exist in that universe. And other pantheron such as the Egyptians and Nordic joined Riordan books
But I as I got older, I often headcanon that the Greco Roman gods made a deal to let their kids be killed at such a young age so they wouldn’t able to get too powerful (As Big G was definitely pissed, with what that certain Hades son did to his chosen people)
Sorry for my autistic rambling
You're good, I know none of that about the books think I saw 2 of the movies I was just looking for a pop culture reference I could use.
apparently I failed miserably at it, lmao
GrecoRoman pantheon is wild, never understood why they always tossed Hercules in with the Greek ones when Hercules was the Roman incarnation and Heracles was the Greek.
Maybe they thought it was easier for a english speaking audience to pronounce, that or someone made a typo and we've been running with it ever since.
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
Clone High S3 Trailer Personal Rundown
>everyone still mad at Joan! apperently 3 months of vacation have passed and she's still not forgiven yay :3 >but why does Joan want to be forgiven tho? well lets say i have my theories but like- no girl, you should double down, think you did nothing wrong and be bitter and resentful and stuff >30♡ >Malcom X/Harriet Tubman?? Joanfucius??? MaryAbe???? im actually more worried about Julius Caesar/Marie Curie, girl really doesnt remember Gandhi :((( >but tis ok, what matter is that Joan and Abe are still very much heterosexually straight and thats epic uwu🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤 >super judgemental cheerleader tryouts lol >skunky poo comes back and i have no strong feelings one way or the other :P >HARRIET GETS SWATTED LMFAO WOOOOOO!!! >bleachers creatures ughughuhbughughubughuhbg (and they better mention that joan used to live under the bleachers!!) >also this?!?!?
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esta cosa bonita cosa preciosa, Juana y Tobi interactuando??? it is mine, MINE!! FOR ME TO ENJOY, My Dearest Joanpher crumb for Yours Truly The One and Only and FIRST Joanpher Queen!!! Unironic! Unapologetic! Unvertebrated! And well, ok y'all can have fun too now, to those who have it as a second choice, last resort, meme ship, guilty pleasure, whatever~~ >Jackie The Ripper is the most excellent idea and parody that I wish I could elaborate more about but we'd be here all day! >Stalin and Mussolini in jail lol (mussolini did have a design in s1 tho) >Cleo being a mean ass bully bitch!!! :DDD (i hope JFK also gets to be a bit of a jerk too, like yknow, in s1??) >dick pic xd >zombie movie parodies are so old that it turns around to being nostalgic so this better be aight but like- i dont think im liking the cementary scenes :/// (except when its Scudworth and Mr B of course) >Scudworth's cringe ass rap being interrupted xd and hellyeah >And finallYYY
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at the end of the day, the only thing that bothered me about the trailer is that the show it really is dropping tomorrow, like as soon the month changes, it's there and available to watch......... and yeah, i guess i do still have time, i could be extra cheeky and drop it January 31st (im considering earlier tho) pero no daaaa boludo NO DAAA but yeah i guess it can be done see you then, then? xdd
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