bonearenaofmyskull · 9 months
why didn't jack crawford know hannibal was the workshop guy doctor in the past and why didn’t he look into it?
Because medical records are private (always private, but more private post-HIPAA than when the books were written). That's why he looked the other way when Miriam Lass broke rules the "guru" couldn't, because for her it was better to ask forgiveness than permission. For him, not so much. Jack is also a team supervisor, not a primary investigator. He has other people do the leg work.
In the book, Will makes this leap as a routine part of the investigation, and it's how he catches Hannibal.
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theflikchic · 1 year
Thomas Harris: So Hannibal and Will had never actually met before Hannibal's arrest. They don't have a years-long consulting history or an ex-friendship or anything.
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thecambriaone · 5 months
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❪ ⋅ ◆ ⋆ — welcome to thecambriaone, BILLIE - you have been approved to join the program, so go on ahead, send us an ASK OR DM OFF-ANONYMOUS WITH YOUR NAME THAT YOU APPLIED WITH in order to reach our servers within 24 hours or you will be promptly left at the docking station and someone else will take your stead.
below the cut are the recently accepted characters + their apartment numbers !
SOOKIE STACKHOUSE (solaris, 2026)
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pentiments · 3 years
"Parts that precede pity and morality"
[In nature] there is no mercy; we make mercy, manufacture it in the parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain. There is no murder. We make murder, and it matters only to us. Graham knew too well that he contained all the elements to make murder; perhaps mercy too. He understood murder uncomfortably well, though. He wondered if, in the great body of humankind, in the minds of men set on civilization, the vicious urges we control in ourselves and the dark instinctive knowledge of those urges function like the crippled virus the body arms against. He wondered if old, awful urges are the virus that makes vaccine.
—Thomas Harris, Red Dragon
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housestarling · 6 years
Hannibal: Why is it whenever I have fun, it’s considered ‘wrong’?
Clarice: Hannibal, when you have fun, people die.
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In Hannibal Clarice doesn’t actually return to the abandoned hospital to seek inspiration and comfort but to find her single fucking brain cell she dropped and lost there apparently
Unfortunately for me and the rest of the book, she does not find it
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Hey guys I’ve gone ahead and made a little hannibal discord channel if anyone is interested! :)
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clannibalistic · 7 years
I saw the term Harrisverse on someones blog today. Is that an actual thing? Have I completely missed something in this fandom? Personally I like the term lecterphile but.... Ya know
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violentdelvghts · 8 years
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“The most stable elements, Clarice, appear in the middle of the periodic table, roughly between iron and silver. Between iron and silver. I think that is appropriate for you.“
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thecolossalennui · 4 years
The Terror Antarctic Modern AU/ Chernobyl Antarctic AU crossover where the monster/ the radiation is eldritch horrors and hyperdimensional shit - bit 4 of ???
"Valery," Boris rasped. "I--"
Valery stopped gathering his things. "Boris," he said, waiting.
Boris looked small, suddenly, lost in his sleepwear in the infirmary bed, eyes sunken, as small and uncertain as a child. He looked like he had when Valery had explained that the other universe might destroy theirs.
"Valera," he whispered. "Please stay with me. I can't stop shaking."
Valery had kicked off his shoes almost before he knew what he was doing, his jacket shucked off and left haphazardly on the chair. Sock feet, soft fleece jumper. He slipped under the covers beside Boris.
Boris was rigid, uncertain, staring at the ceiling. It was one thing to seduce your younger coworker, bold, assured, steering the game with a practiced hand. It was another to admit fear, admit you had seen… things you couldn’t explain. Needed someone else. Another man.
Uncharted territory; here there be monsters.
Valery moved slowly, stretching out on his side, one hand under the pillow, and... the other, gently, on Boris's clasped hands.
Boris was shaking, a full-body tension, a thing stressed past yielding and permanently marked, injured. The abyss beheld the beholder, as the philosopher said.
Valery waited, waited for Boris's breathing to slow and his body to relax. Breaths in the dimness, Boris’s chest rising and falling; Boris’s eyes shining in the light from the hallway; a clock ticking, somewhere. Boris’s hand shifting, knitting itself with Valery’s. The tightness of his grip as his heart hammered and lungs worked.
Later. Later, in the gloom and the stillness, Boris’s breathing slowed, and he sighed, and raised the arm nearest Valery. Some shuffling later, Valery's head was in the hollow of Boris's shoulder and their legs tangled.
"You are too kind, Valera," Boris managed to say.
"I owe you my life, Borya," Valery whispered. "This is nothing." He ran his hand down Boris's breastbone. "This is a gift. There is so much more I owe you."
1 / 2 / 3
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Unironically my favorite thing about the Hannibal universe is that the original watercolor of The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun by William Blake is torn up and eaten by a psychotic serial killer obsessed with it. Which means that painting is now considered lost or destroyed in-universe. Imagine being an art historian in the Hannibal canon and trying to keep a straight face while you write about how a 200 year old William Blake painting is gone for all time because some guy in the 1980s fucking ate it and then died shortly after.
Absolutely insane shit, Thomas Harris you madman of an author I love your mind!
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bonearenaofmyskull · 3 years
Will is not gonna say if a woman show him a little interest he’s down 100% of the time, even in dire stressful situations.Will is also very demonstrably responsive to physical affection. He puts on a very standoffish front, but he frequently leans into even platonic touch. He kissed Alana when he was feeling mentally unmoored. He's sad and lonely looking for Dolarhyde, but is quick to get a little spicy on the phone with Molly.
After the very chilly reception from Chiyo and subsequent release of her prisoner, when she leans in to fein a kiss he goes of. And sleeped with Margot. What do you think if Clarice had been in the series and taken an interest in or cared for Will, they had sex or kissed would ?
(I think these two asks go together. IDK, they don't say.)
I'd say it really depends on who's in the writer's room at that time and what pressure exists from whatever studio the show is on to heterosex things up. I know that's not a very satisfying answer, but it's probably the most realistic one.
As far as Clarice's characterization in the books go, although she has the one relationship with the scientist dude Pilcher in SotL, Hannibal himself suggests that she's found most of her sexual relationships to have been "tedious, sticky fumblings" and Hannibal places her as a kind of weird daddy issue asexual, maybe partly because all the men who come onto her are older than she is and in her workplace. IDK. But the pathology of it seems to be that she either places men into a category where they remind her of her father, or she doesn't, and if she puts them in the father category then no sexual relationship is possible. This is why Hannibal's "therapy" where he digs up her father's remains and has her confront them has the (unintended, since he was looking for a sister replacement) consequence of her moving Hannibal himself from father figure to potential sex partner. To which he's just like, I guess this sister thing ain't working out, but I'm game to lick your steering wheel.
Anyway, as far as the show goes, it's a little grayer because they've used the am-I-your-father-are-you-my-sister thing rather heavily already with Abigail, including the actual event of digging up Daddy's body for #therapy. That doesn't mean they wouldn't go there again with a new candidate, given that they do reuse material in their circular pattern of teacups and time. But they don't have to.
Clarice has no relationship with Will Graham in the books except being aware of him as a kind of urban legend about the costs of running with Jack Crawford's pack. So any relationship between the two of them could be anything anyone might want it to be. The father-sister-family mess seems like the obvious place to go, and just speaking as a writer myself, it would make the most sense to me to use Clarice as a counterpoint to Abigail, wherein the murder family is able to get right what they got wrong before. This doesn't mean I think they'd all go murdering together, but rather that there's an opportunity for character growth for both Hannibal and Will through Clarice, given how badly they botched things with Abigail.
Clarice does have a relationship in the books with the one mentor she'd had at the academy whose name escapes me now, and he ended up in the father category and got killed anyway, iirc. But I can see them using that relationship as inspiration to connect her to Will and stitch together the disparate qualities of the books. If they did, then a sexual relationship seems unlikely.
That really depends on at what place they add her to the story and where Will and Hannibal themselves are. Is she chasing them after a murder spree that starts in Cuba and ends in Bedelia's dining room? Did Hannibal finally get Alana? Did they get caught already and sent off to the BSHCI, where Frederick Chilton has returned to lord over the inmates like a charred marshmallow atop a giant s'more? Has Jack had a heart attack yet and rolled over onto his wife's side of the bed to die?
So I think they have leverage and freedom to pretty much do whatever they want.
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thecambriaone · 5 months
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the following character is now on reserve for 48 HOURS:
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well I watched hannibal yet again! it’s been like...  3.5 times? the red dragon arc is particularly interesting to me in how it handles the tv show verse characters (who are so extremely different from their book counterparts) while still having them go through the motions of the book characters’ actions. even though all the while their intent and like means of attack, and all the surrounding context of why they do what they do, is still so intensely different
the red dragon arc (next to season two’s role reversal au lol) is also my favorite. I think mostly because it allows hannibal any small degree of vulnerability and idk... piteousness ever. in order to get him to a similar place to his book version, they have to bring him down low AT ALL. he’s still a tremendous gary stue and is given super small and unnecessary advantages just to make it clear that he’s In Charge Of Shit, but he’s not controlling literally everything, and so it’s a step up. 
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housestarling · 7 years
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Silence of the Lambs text post meme, Hannibal edition. |part 1]  [part 2]
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Nbc Hannibal: what?! Me the ripper?!?! Tsk tsk and I thought you were above such insults
Hopkins: oh cannibalism is a CRIME now?! Is that it?? Oh suddenly I’m the bad guy because I prefer to EAT people?!? Oh you think your eating habits are so humane well let me tell you a little something about industrialized farming———
Novel hannibal: haha alright you got me
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