#harry styles song fic
ellecdc · 3 months
elle elle elle can i request something with moon water killer (i think that's with barty?😭) with a reader inspired by the song Matilda by harry styles???
Since i saw you haven't gotten many requests with song inspo
omg! I'd never heard this song before! it's really beautiful, so thank you for sharing! also....I hope I did it justice <3 ** .... fuck ok I posted this and noticed you perhaps asked for reader to be Matilda coded? sorry I didn't catch that at the time
poly!moonwaterkiller x fem!reader who exceed expectations
CW: mention of Barty & Regulus' shitty childhoods and families (but nothing is described), lyrics are in a different font & the lyrics I inserted directly into the fic are in blue
You don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up. You don’t have to be sorry for doing it on your own.
Being born a Black came with a lot of expectations.
A young Black was expected to be well-groomed at all times, to be quiet, obedient, well-mannered, and have proper etiquette training.
They were expected to be dutiful sons and daughters, driven and successful students, and to keep up the family’s good name.
They were expected to grow into robotic adults, find a partner who was probably not too distantly related from them, and raise the next generation of Black children who would then wash, rinse, and repeat. 
Regulus Black expected the same for himself. 
He expected to be a dutiful son, a diligent student, a successful heir to the Black family name, and produce a suitable offspring who would amount to much the same. 
And by some brilliant stroke of luck, he did not meet those expectations. 
Though he tried to be a dutiful son, and he was indeed a diligent student, it hadn’t seemed to be quite enough for Orion and Walburga Black. 
And it wasn’t until Sirius left that Regulus realised that it would never be enough for them. 
So he left, too. 
You can let it go.
And when Regulus believed that there was lingering Darkness that flowed through his veins, he had found three people who saw the Light in him… even when he couldn’t. 
And Regulus won’t bore everyone with the details; but somehow that Light brought him here, to this day, with these people. 
And though both you and Remus were privy to the life Regulus lived growing up, neither of you truly understood it; and Regulus was happy for it.
But Barty did. 
Barty knew what it felt like to never live up to the expectations that came with your Name, to be perpetually wrong and disgraceful, and unfortunately that the consequences of such were really quite high. 
But they made it. They made it out.
Though it was not without scars.
Birthday’s had always been somewhat touchy for Barty, which may seem strange for the boisterous, egotistical, cocky son-of-a-bitch that everyone knew Barty to be.
A whole day? Dedicated to you? Where people were obligated to shower you with love and gifts? What self-absorbed, high-performing only child wouldn’t like that?
Barty didn’t.
Though Regulus supposed it was less that Barty didn’t like the idea, and more that birthday’s had never been a positive experience so he never quite knew how to handle them.
But - God love you both - you and Remus were determined to change that; and Regulus thought you might actually be succeeding. 
Because Regulus stood in the backyard of his small, cosy, modest townhouse with string lights hanging between beams and bannisters, basking the space in a golden glow as the small fire crackled and music played softly from Evan’s sound system that he brought for the event.
The event being Barty’s birthday. 
Everyone Barty loved was crammed into the small space; and the people Barty claimed not to love but rather tolerate (read: Remus’ friends) had shown up too. 
Throw a party full of everyone you know.
Regulus had the prime view from where he stood leaning against the wooden fence; some drink in his hand that Potter insisted was “so sodding good, mate, you’ll love it” - that Regulus could admit wasn’t horrid - as he watched Remus twirl you around in sloppy circles that the two of you seemed to think was a dance (years of proper etiquette and dance training would have Regulus saying otherwise). You threw your head back in a laugh that echoed in Regulus’ rib cage as Remus dipped you low; his honey brown curls glowing ethereally in the golden glow of the string lights as he pulled you back up to your full height to press a kiss to your lips. 
And Regulus’ prime viewing location also allowed him to watch Barty as he, too, watched the two of you.
Barty always talked of the pain like it’s alright; ever the comedian, he was always able to play off some of the most traumatic stories from his childhood as funny. And Regulus understood that; nothing about the way either of them had been treated had ever seemed especially alarming until now…until they saw that it could be better, that it should be better. 
Barty had been laughing and chatting with Evan, Pandora, Dorcas, and Marlene from the deck, but he had since opted to lean against the bannister as he watched two of his lovers enjoy the party; his party.
A party that Barty likely never imagined…expected for himself, a party that would have seemed impossible years ago. 
If the subtle glisten in Barty’s eyes and the mystified look on his face was enough to go by; the sentiment was not lost on Barty, either.
Their eyes met then; two boys whose families never showed them love who moved on to find freedom in love and a family that they started all on their own. 
It should have been impossible for Barty’s face to soften anymore than it had been as he watched you and Remus dancing, but it seemed to do just that when he shot Regulus a wink.
Regulus raised his glass to his boyfriend then; to growing up, to moving on, to showing love, to their little family.
And to exceeding every expectation either of them ever had for themselves.
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writingsfromhome · 9 months
Golf on TV
Ask: fluffy piece based on Lennon Stella’s Golf on TV (sorry I deleted the original ask but this song is so fluff so ty!)
I wake up to the bed made, for a second I don’t know where I am. My sleep-addled brain tries to catch up to the present moment. The present morning.
I was in bed, in my new home. It was Saturday morning.
Last night had been a late one. I was the co-lead in an intense case at work and the plaintiff’s team had been smoking our ass in court. Last night we’d gotten boxes of newly admitted evidence and every single person stayed well into the AM to sort it out. The other side liked to play dirty and this is how they did it. Little did they know we’d found our smoking gun. Never underestimate Stewart, Stone, and Nowak.
But I’d gotten home and passed out on the couch. Well, I’d gotten home to Harry passed out on the couch with the TV on. He must have tried staying up for me even though I had told him to go home. But he stayed.
I remember the tension leaving my body just seeing him snuggled on the couch, his face a kaleidoscope of colours reflecting off from the TV. I’d met Harry less than a year ago, a meet cute moment where both of us had gone for the same taxi. He’d waved me in like a gentleman and I’d invited him to share it. Turns out we were only going a few blocks from each other.
He was from London, in San Francisco for work. The taxi ride had been 27 minutes in total but in that time it felt like we’d known each other for 27 years.
As soon as I saw him on the couch, I’d dropped my jacket there, and gotten in beside him. He’d barely stirred, and I passed out pretty quickly thereafter.
I sit up and the sham that was draped over me falls over the side of the bed. I check my watch, still on my wrist. It was past 7. A solid 4.5 hours—that was a restful night for me ever since I took this case on.
Harry must have carried me to bed, I realize. And I’d been dead to the world while he did.
I never expected to see him again after that taxi ride. Until a few weeks later, he was waiting for me in the courthouse lobby. He’d looked me up, saw I had a case that morning, and waited. It was his last week in San Francisco and he wanted to take me on a date. He hadn’t stopped thinking about me, he’d said. I hadn’t either.
I’d dated plenty before him, had several boyfriends, even a situationship. Harry was the first guy I ever felt relaxed around. From that first date he made sure I felt cared for, that I was happy—he was unafraid to put me first. Even when he had to go back to London and we were long distance for three and a half months, we were always talking.
I’d felt unwanted before. Those were the days I chased after boys that only liked me for doing the chasing. Never did they actually want me. Because when they got me, they’d leave and keep me chasing them forever. Harry had never once been shy about the fact that he wanted me. That he chose me over everything.
We were always running towards each other. Never after each other.
I blink away the sleepiness and notice Harry had put me in a tshirt. It was the little things.
That’s when I hear the voices coming from downstairs. Harry…and my mom.
It was time to get up.
“Good morning princess,” my mom spots me first. I looked bad this morning—even though Harry had attempted to take my makeup off whenever he’d taken me to bed, and replaced my slacks for shorts, I still had craters for eye bags and a tangled bedhead, and dehydrated and inflamed skin from sleeping with makeup. But mom never stopped calling me princess.
“Harry and I were just making pancakes,” she points to the griddle behind her. God, mom loved Harry. It was weird because she’d only ever met 2 of my boyfriends since I started dating as a teen. She hated both of them and was never shy about it. All the others she’d heard about over the phone or a late night snack at her house back when she lived close to where I worked. She hated them all equally. “We’re worried you’re not eating enough.”
I catch eyes with Harry, it was a constant argument with us. But it was hard to eat with a regular appetite when I was so close to the end of big cases. He knew that. He used my mom as a shield to push his own agenda, they worked as a team like that.
But it never made me mad. It was more caring than any ex had ever been.
“Pancakes are your favourite,” Harry says while towel-drying his hands. He’d been ‘washing up’, as he would say with his accent.
“They are,” I say as he walks around the island to me and kisses my cheek. He was always weirdly chaste around my mom, nothing like his behaviour late nights in bed.
Mom grins at me from behind him. She was obsessed.
So was I though.
“Let’s eat!” Mom says. “C’mon, we gotta eat before they get cold. Y/N grab the fruit behind you.”
“Sure mom,” I grab the bowl she prepared. Harry watches mom leave the kitchen with the pancakes and syrup. As soon as she’s out of sight he tugs me right against him.
“Y’know you don’t have to wait for her to leave to be my boyfriend?”
“Is that what I am?” He nuzzles my neck. “I thought I was just your boy-toy.”
“Nah,” I let him kiss me even though we’re both smiling. “My boy-toy’s like, 5 years younger than you are.”
“Yeah well, he’s not the one trying to take your makeup off at 5am while you talk about invoices and flash drives.”
“Oops,” I must have been talking about our smoking gun in my sleep. I couldn’t even rest unconscious. “Thank you for that. You could have left me on the couch.”
“Maybe if I was your boy-toy. But I’m your strong English boyfriend, I take you to bed.”
“And you do it so well,” I pat his arm condescendingly, stealing one more kiss before skirting away. I leave him chuckling in the kitchen and gathering the coffee for breakfast.
Before Harry, I didn’t realize love could be so selfless. That it didn’t have to hurt all the time. That one person could be enough.
“Y/N?” Mom asks. “What do you think?”
“Huh?” I’d gotten lost in thought and I see Harry smirk. I guess I was just staring at him.
“For your dad’s birthday coming up?!” She sighs. “I’ve been talking about his dinner—Harry said he has to go back to London the week before. I thought we could do a birthday dinner early so Harry can be there. You know your dad would like that.”
He would. My dad was just as keen on Harry, telling me that he was good for me—the way a man should be. Those were his exact words.
I remember I’d been confused at first when Harry and I started long-distance dating. He was more stable and consistent than relationships I’d had where we lived inches apart. Being long-distance, I’d only missed him physically when we were apart, he was still there for me in every other way.
When he officially transferred to his San Francisco office 5 months ago, he had surprised me. I remember opening my door to him standing there with flowers and macarons—my favourite dessert. I’d nearly smashed them all when I screamed and threw myself onto him.
After that moment I knew I was done with romanticizing dysfunction and compromising. His love was healthy and pure, and it was for me.
I tried my best to give that to him in return. Lately I’d been a bad girlfriend working long hours and barely seeing him. But I’d make it up to him. He didn’t know this but I’d booked the same flight to London with him, that’s why mom was trying to move dad’s birthday dinner up. So I’d be there too.
“Sounds great,” I say. “That way we can all make it.”
“Perfect I’ll make us a reservation.” Mom picks up her phone and begins typing on it with one finger, one key at a time. She tsks, “Oh why is it doing this now.”
“Here Mrs. Y/l/n,” Harry holds his hand out. “What are you trying to do.”
“This new update has been driving me crazy,” she hand her phone to Harry. He glances at me and we bite back a smile. Mom was notorious for being Bad at Technology. But Harry was always patient and tried teaching her.
“The search bar’s on the bottom now,” Harry shows her. “That’s where you type it in.”
“It was fine at the top why do they always have to move it around, gah I’ll just do this on a computer.”
“Yeah no rush mom,” I say.
“Well I’ll clear the table now. I need to get going soon I have a squash game at half eight.”
“Yeah I need be in by then.” Court opened at 9:30 today and I had to be there a half hour early to submit what we had.
“You two stay here,” mom begins piling plates. She’s surprisingly strong when she snatches the mug Harry’s trying to take away himself. “Let me clean up. Then I’ll be out of your hair.”
“Thanks for the breakfast mom!” I shout as she heads away. Harry echoes a thank you.
“Don’t thank me,” I hear her mumble as she walks away.
Me and Harry are left grinning at each other. He holds his hand out on the table and I clasp his.
“Your mum’s sweet.”
“My mum,” I tease him. I keep his hand held as I go around the table to his seat. He tugs me down onto his lap. “Did you actually call your mom mummy as a kid?”
“Did you call your mum mommy?” Harry asks in a decent American accent.
“Maybe,” I smile.
“Maybe.” He replies.
“I’ll just ask your mum when I meet her someday.”
“She really does want to meet you.” He says seriously. “She thinks I’m deliberately keeping you away.”
“Maybe you are, so she can’t answer all the burning questions I have about you.”
“I can just imagine you and her teaming up against me. My sister will join in too.”
I’d met his sister a few months back when she visited. We hit it on immediately just like Harry and I had. It was a bit of a relief.
“I can’t wait to swap stories over breakfast with your mom.”
“Oh you’d love her breakfast,” Harry smiles fondly. I feel a twinge then, sometimes I wondered if he ever got homesick. Especially when he talked about memories from home. “She does the best English breakfast. You’d have to try black pudding though.”
I crinkle my nose, “Isn’t that the one with the blood?”
“Mmmm it sure is,” he grips my hips and a shiver shoots up my spine.
“Gross! Why would anyone eat that? Or your-what’s that other pudding thing? The one you tried making last winter that’s all puffy-“
“Yorkshire.” He smiles.
“You literally poured hot oil on your mixture. It’s clogging my pores just thinking about it.”
“That’s it. You’re coming to London before the year is over and you’re going to be begging for more when you have a proper roast. What I made at home was a pathetic attempt.”
“Mmm I don’t get it.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “I just don’t get English food. It’s like people who wear crocs, or golf on TV, I don’t get it.”
“You just descibed,” Harry tucks my hair behind my ear, “the perfect date. We’re sorted for the weekend.”
I laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“But I love you.” I kiss him. He pulls me back to him when I part.
“I love you.”
“I really do need a shower before I head in though,” I remind him.
“Maybe I’ll join you,” he says low enough so my mom can’t hear.
“If you’re brave enough with mom still here.” I tease.
“Okay hon,” she pops out of nowhere. “I’m heading out. Good luck with court today.”
“Thanks mom.” I get up and give her a big squeeze. “I appreciate you dropping by.”
“Of course. And I’ll drop dinner by tonight I saw the state of your fridge, you should clean that thing out y/n.”
“Yess mom,” I roll my eyes. Harry snickers behind me. Mom should see his fridge, it was half beer cans and takeout containers.
While mom tells Harry about the dinner she would drop by for us I get a headstart on my shower. It was already quarter to 8 and I couldn’t waste any more time.
Harry joins me shortly after, he lowers my hands when he gets in and washes my hair slowly with care. I nearly pass out in the shower with how good his fingers feel on my scalp.
“Thank you,” I turn to him after I wash it out.
“Don’t mention it love,” he kisses my temple.
“Harry,” I suddenly feel choked up. I think his scalp massage had unblocked some chakra stuff because I’m suddenly overwhelmed with feeling.
“What?” He tilts my face up.
“I’m just…I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”
“Nonsense.” He swipes my tear away even though the stream of water makes it all the same.
“No I…I never thought I’d meet someone like you. I used to think love was hurting. It doesn’t make sense anymore-“
“Like golf on TV.”
“Yeah,” I laugh and it breaks up the knot in my throat. “Yeah like golf on TV. Now being in love feels like soccer-“
“Soccer,” I correct him. He grins. “It makes sense to me.”
“If you didn’t have work in 30 minutes,” Harry pulls me into him and crushes me against him. It feels good, like being held together. “You’d be face down in bed in the next 10 seconds.”
“Where’s this Harry when my mom’s around.” I tease.
“This Harry’s just for you.” He says just as he turns the shower off. I draw away as he grabs us some towels and I watch him with an unbreakable joy; if it was physical it could illuminate this tiled shower and bounce around the whole room.
He was the reason I got through all these gruelling hours for court. Because I knew I had someone waiting for me, that I could steal an hour away with, and it would leave me refuelled enough for another 24 hour work-day.
“Why are you smiling at me like that,” Harry asks as he hands me the towel. I shake my head and wrap it around me. He watches as I blow dry my hair, kissing my shoulder when I’m done.
“I’ll leave when you leave. Should I drop you off to the office?”
“Please?” I ask. “That’d give me an extra 5 minutes.”
His face lights up.
“No,” I say as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. “No Harry I have to be early!”
“I only need 2,” he says as he launches me onto the bed. “Maybe 3.”
I pretend to be annoyed but I inch up in bed as he makes his way over and I can’t think of a better way to spend the extra 5 minutes. Or 10. Oops.
If the old me ever met the new me, she’d probably try to stop me. She didn’t know what love could look like. That it could be a gentle smile, a drive in to work, making sure you’re eating, helping your mom out with her phone, or washing your hair for you in the shower.
I’d tell her—the old me, that it was as simple as this: I wanted him, only him. And he wanted me too.
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emmis15 · 6 months
Bucky Barnes Jazz Bar ๋࣭ ⭑
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―How did you know about this place? It's 19 years old― my hand was holding hers as she led me to a huge bar with a red sign.
Everyone was dressed elegantly, forming a long line around the place, each of them in suits or dresses, elegant shoes, and shiny jewelry, making me feel out of place as I was dressed in blue jeans, a black shirt, a dark blue blazer, and normal black shoes.
Cass looked beautiful, and for the occasion, she was so herself. She wore a long burgundy red top with a black knee-length skirt, burgundy boots, a long black leather coat, and her burgundy purse where she kept the keys to my bike and my few belongings as I didn't know where we were going.
―I have friends outside the superhero world, and my last name isn't just for death threats or kidnappings; it's also for jumping the line right now― she said with a simple smile, pulling out a white card with a golden number on it and handing it to the security guard with his arms crossed against his chest.
With a simple smile, she handed a white card with a golden number on it to the security guard, who then let us pass by moving aside the rope separating the entrance from the line. Her hand never let go of mine as she guided me through the environment of red armchairs, alcohol, tables, and a stage in front of all the seating areas.
―¿What can I help you with tonight?― a waitress approached us with her uniform and a black tray with small glasses of orange liquid with orange slices inside.
―Good evening, I'm Cassidy Stark, and I reserved a table in the upstairs area; if you could take us there, it would be excellent― she sounded so serious and kind at the same time.
A bit hypnotizing the way she interacted with others, using her privileged position to get things done, something I was used to seeing her do at the complex, albeit in a disheveled manner and always with laughter in her voice.
―Follow me, Miss Stark.
The woman started walking ahead of us, guiding the way from the ground floor, which was filled with people already sitting at tables in front of the stage, having drinks or food and patiently waiting with little chatter to avoid drowning out the smooth jazz that was playing by the live bands tonight. We stood in front of some stairs a few meters from the stage against the wall. These stairs had a ribbon like the one outside but this time with a white sign hanging from the burgundy velvet that read "VIP."
―The reservation was for table 3 next to the bay, ¿right?― she asked as she looked at something on a computer.
I didn't know anything, and I was more focused on seeing the place and its mysterious and reserved aesthetics. But as I looked around and tried to read the decorative signs hanging on the walls, I heard Cass's affirmative voice along with the clinking sound of metal.
―Let's go, Buck― she pulled my hand as she climbed the stairs, leaving the waitress behind to be just the two of us along with a few others upstairs.
We had the best view of the stage, and the lights above were closer, almost as if it weren't for the warm, red lights, we would be in the dark.
―It's a new and exclusive bar because of its mysterious nature and the few reservations it allows. People outside are waiting in case there's room inside, even to stand and be with the people listening to unknown Jazz bands, indie music actually but soft from the aesthetics of the place.
―¿Why did you do this?― I asked as I looked around.
―You need to go to places with people who aren't from your environment. It's called exposure therapy, and since you said you liked jazz, well― she gave me a small smile before we sat facing each other.
―¿So it's like a date?― I asked with a raised eyebrow.
―Something like that.
I chuckled a bit, shaking my head before turning to the candlelight in the middle of the table, casting a warm glow on Cass's face.
―¿Whiskey as usual?― she asked, taking her gaze off the menu to look at me.
―Something normal. You know I don't like those trendy drinks nowadays― I looked at her with a small smile.
―You should try something new in your drinks to know that there are more things than the harshness and pain of whiskey― she left the menu as we heard the voice of a man.
We turned to see the waiter, who was dressed like the girl before, holding a notebook and a pen.
―I'll have an espresso martini, and he'll have a whiskey The Macallan 1926, please― she sounded very firm but kind, giving him a smile.
―¿For food?
―I'll have spaghetti with bolognese ragout― she sounded so good speaking Italian that I didn't think about what I wanted to eat.
They both stared at me, waiting for my response, so I stared back at the guy, trying to compose myself.
―The same as her, thanks― I said in a deep voice.
He left, and I heard Cass's laughter faintly, to the point where I also laughed a bit with her.
―¿Do you even know what you ordered?― she asked incredulously, playing with the napkins.
―No, I'm somewhat scared it might be the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life. I really hope it's delicious― I said, feeling the live music starting to play.
It was calm with light drums and a marked rhythm, with a bit of electric guitar in the background along with a guy singing into the microphone artistically. The song seemed to be about a woman, or at least that's what I thought from the way "She" was repeated.
―It's a Bolognese pasta, but the meat is cooked with milk and white wine. The noodles are a bit thicker than usual, and it's served with grated cheese on the sides― she explained with a small smile.
―It doesn't sound so bad, but the idea of meat cooked in milk and wine sounds disgusting due to the combination.
She shrugged her shoulders, staring fixedly at the stage with attention, her right hand holding her chin with her elbow resting against the table, and her left hand playing lightly with the plants on the railing.
―Your drinks and your plates, and in 5 minutes, your food will be ready― the guy brought the white plates with food and the glasses with the wine bottle.
―Thank you― Cass said, getting comfortable, waiting and watching how they left our food.
The plate was white with clean edges, and the pasta in the middle with the sauce spread nicely, with the touch of cheese on the sides slightly raising the mountain with pieces of meat and tomato randomly placed.
He left, and my girlfriend took a photo of her plate along with the glass.
―I don't understand why you do that― I said as I took a sip of my drink.
―¿What?― she asked, putting her phone down near the railings and placing the napkin on her lap.
―The photo of your food. I don't understand why you take a picture of your food.
―Because it's pretty, and I want to take a picture of it. Besides, I like posting them in my stories because it looks nice and aesthetic― she began to eat her food lightly.
―I don't understand this modern era. In my times, photos were taken of people and landscapes.
I tried to mimic the way she ate and picked up the pasta from the plate.
She shook her head while laughing before looking back and listening to the music, her foot tapping a bit against my leg, marking the beat of the song.
We spent the night until around 2 am listening to the same guy with his band, drinking a bottle of red wine and finishing the food with a strange frozen dessert that had a chocolate brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream prepared with champagne according to the dessert menu.
―Thank you, have a good night― the waiter left after Cass swiped her black card.
―¿Shall we, Buck?― she asked, getting up carefully and with her jacket on, along with her bag.
―¿Are you okay?― I asked, standing up.
―Just a little dizzy― she gave me a small smile.
I took her hand carefully to help her down the stairs, seeing how, despite the time, the bar was still full of new people, and the line outside had the same number of people.
―¿Why are there still so many people?― I asked confused.
―The bar is open until 5 am― Cass replied as she brushed her hair out of her face, breathing in the fresh air.
We both walked to my bike slowly, enjoying the cool spring air with the few stars in the sky.
―Buck― Cass stopped us a few meters from the bike, her hand on her chest, looking at the ground.
I thought the worst; two months ago, her "heart" had suddenly stopped while she was chatting with the guys at dinner, and she was in intensive care until this week when she finally got rid of her tube and some pills to take and eat solid things, but we were all worried. I think if Cass were to shut down right now on the street, and knowing I only have 5 minutes to get her to the complex doctors, I wouldn't mind killing people in my way to the middle of the forest far from the city just to save her.
―¿What's wrong, Doll?― I asked worriedly, placing my hand on her shoulder.
Her head lifted to look at me with her eyes before throwing herself into my shoulders and kissing me forcefully, putting her hands on my left shoulder and on my hip, smiling in the middle of the kiss.
―Thank you for giving me a very nice night; I needed to forget about my life for a moment― she whispered on my lips.
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avalentina · 1 year
Satellite: A Harry Styles Song Fic
By Ava Lentina
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Image not mine
I owe everyone reading this an apology for all of the many delays, and I also owe you a thank you for reading it even after all of the delays. As always, Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
I also have not decided whether to put together the inspiration post so y'all can see what i was looking at while creating this. Comment or Dm me your thoughts on that!
And Now, without further ado, I present to you the almost 28k word story, Satellite: A Harry Styles Song Fic.
Text Guide: Red: Song Lines, all will be bolded text, most are bigger Green: Harry Singing Matilda Blue: Background/Stage Notes and Actions Violet: Titles and Author Notes Pink: Y/N Singing Matilda
"You Got A New Life"
You and your friends Lyla and Mia were celebrating your promotion at work by going to a Harry Styles pop-up concert (December 19, 2019), Lyla and Mia are the only co-workers of yours who know about your history with Harry. Having met on the road while you were writing a song for One Direction. Harry was writing the song with you. Everything About You was the most fun you ever had writing a song, and while writing it, you fell for Harry, big time. You hooked up a few times, the best of your life so far, even dated for a couple years (secretly of course), while you continued to write with One Direction. You thought he was your forever. But all good things end, and yours went up in flames when Zayn Malik left One Direction and though you tried to make things work with Harry, it all came to an end when you found out that he cheated on you with Taylor Swift in 2014. After that you left and pursued a degree in law. Now you're the youngest senior partner at the hottest firm in London, you specialize in entertainment law, but don't tie yourself to it. Lyla is a Senior Associate in your division and Mia is a Paralegal. The three of you often work on cases together. You dance your hearts out at the concert and during Watermelon Sugar(which Harry wrote after Anne told him about your new career, what, he misses you, you're his one that got away, not that he would admit that to you right away), Harry's soft green eyes lock onto your emerald blue green ones and a rush of longing courses through him. Immediately after the song, he jumps behind the makeshift stage and gives Jeff a brief description of you so he can send someone to you with an invitation for the after show party. He noticed you were with some friends, so he says they can come too before jumping back on stage into Adore You. When you receive the invite you immediately say no, but the invitation remains open and after a bit, Lyla and Mia manage to convince you to go, mostly because they want to go, but still, you deserve it. Harry closes the show with a throwback, one the two of you wrote shortly before things went south, Change Your Ticket. 
"Rat bastard." You curse but find yourself singing along and doing the little hair toss thing that made Harry lose his shit every single time, and you looked him dead in the eyes tonight while doing it. Harry swore he wasn't going to be able to hide his stiffie from the crowd for much longer, so in typical Harry Styles fashion he body rolled with it, turning away from you, and finished the song. Before finishing himself off to thoughts of you in the makeshift dressing room and changing before heading into the main area of the club, and then quickly getting to the private room before he got mobbed by fans. Sarah and Mitch were already there and Mitch looked at Harry. 
"So, who the fuck was that girl you screwed us all up for?" "Y/N." Harry answered simply. "And hopefully she'll be joining us here, and maybe if I'm lucky she'll be in my bed tonight." "That Y/N? The one you dated during 1D times, the one you wrote with?" Sarah chuckled. "Enough of that, be on your best behavior, both of you." When you, Lyla, and Mia get to the ropes leading to the private room, you give the guard your name and the three of you slip by. "What do you want, Harry?" You ask him, quite stubbornly. "Did she inspire Sweet Creature too?" Mitch asks and you notice Harry send a glare his way before going to hug you and then changing his mind at the last minute. "Just want to catch up with a friend." Harry insists but you and everyone else in the room know it's bullshit. "You, me, we're not friends, you cheated on me H, that's not the kind of person I call my friend, in fact that's the kind of person I like to refer to as an arrogant son of a bitch." "Speaking of friends, I'm Lyla, and this is Mia." Lyla introduces the two of them. "Nice to meet you ladies." Harry replied, still engaged in your tense staring match. You smirk and Harry blinks. "Fuck." Harry curses and you actually smile.
You try to keep your distance from Harry for the rest of the night, however once the shots start coming you allow yourself to indulge, which leads to a drunken conversation between you and Harry. "I've already apologized like a gazillion times Y/N." Harry whined. "And at least it was Taylor, hell I probably would've slept with her too." You answer and the two of you actually laugh. You end up drunkenly exchanging numbers just before you leave. It was kind of nice to talk to him again. But you know better than to forgive him, although he insists on having his driver take the three of you home. He definitely wasn't using it to get your address. 
"Am I Bothering You"
It was a little over a week after the pop up where you saw Harry again in person for the first time since your breakup. You just got off the tube right around the corner from the building your flat is in. It's 2:30 AM and you're tired and still unsatisfied, having had another hookup where he came before you without even trying to finish you off. Removing your dress, blazer, and heels, your mind suddenly goes to how Harry always made you come at least twice before allowing himself to, unless of course you were on your knees giving him a blowie. You finger yourself in the shower, imagining it's Harry's fingers inside you, and it doesn't take long for you to send yourself spiraling into the most intense orgasm you've had since Harry, and quite frankly, it kind of pisses you off. 
The next night, you, Mia, and Lyla were in your favorite pub, Lyla just left with her boyfriend, and Mia ditched you for a hot girl at the bar. You're about to leave (mostly sober, but not completely) when a drunk ass guy squeezes your ass on your way out and catches your wrist before you can leave. It's not your first time dealing with a drunk asshole and you're about to tell him to expect a court summons when another idiot in a beanie pulls him off of you and escorts you out. You look at the guy and there is no mistaking him. Harry. 
"Bloody fucks, seriously H, I had that handled, I'm not some damsel in distress, I'm one of the best lawyers in the city, and I know Krav Maga." You go off on him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my vibrator. Fuck, I shouldn't have said that to you." You turn and start walking to your flat but don't get far before Harry catches up to you. "Need any help?" He asks you with a smirk. "Not from the real you, now quit bothering me and let me go home." "What do you mean the real me? And since when am I bothering you?" "You're trying to get into my pants again and it's not going to happen now or ever, now please, let me walk home in peace." Harry shuts up and just silently walks next to you, making no flirtatious move whatsoever. Which actually surprises you. When you get to your building Harry walks you up and turns to leave after dropping you off at your door. Yeah, nope, that's not happening. "Har," you sigh. "Yeah Y/NN(your nickname only Harry called you)?" "Thanks for walking me home." You say and kiss his cheek before gripping his jacket and tugging him into your flat, kissing him desperately. "Fuck, I…" you try to apologize, but are cut off by Harry pinning you to the door and claiming your mouth in another searing kiss. You throw caution to the wind and allow yourself to get consumed by the man in front of you. "Now where's this vibrator of yours?" Harry asks after breaking the kiss. "Please can I make you feel good." He asks after your expression turns to one of slight shock. "You're the only one that actually can make me feel good. The rest of them just come too soon." "Don't ever mention another guy in a sexual context when I'm with you. Or I will not be held accountable for my actions." Harry growls. "I forgot how jealous you can get, it's hot." "Now, Do You Wanna Talk?, or do you want me to make you come?" "Make me come, please make me come." "And how would you like me to do that?" "I haven't been eaten out since the last time you did it H." "But, that was literally an almost instant orgasm from you. None of your boyfriends since have eaten you out?" "Harry, I haven't dated, I don't have time to date. My career is my life. I love a good fuck, but there just that, fucks. And I could never come without the foreplay." I say, the tears building at finally saying this to Harry. "WOAH! Are you telling me that you haven't had an orgasm in 5 years?" Harry asks. "Hell no, I've just given all of them to myself." "Sounds like something I should spend a lot of time fixing." Harry says before picking you up and asking you, "which way to the bedroom?" "Down the hall, last door on the left." You say, giggling like a fucking five year old. After a wonderful romp between the sheets, you and H are both spent, he gave you three earth shattering orgasms, ate you out, fucked you, and then he ate you out again.
"Hey, so I don't want to make any assumptions, but I want you to know that I miss you. I've always missed you, I dated, I did hook-ups, but every relationship, you were what was missing. 5 years ago, I was a fucked up teenager. Now I'm a fucked up adult who is thinking about a future beyond music. And I want that future to be with you. I know you're not ready to forgive me and that's ok, but I'd like to take you on a date, and by that I mean have you come over to my place, I'll cook, and I will listen, I just want you to see me for the me I am now." H says to you. "After that speech and the mind blowing sex prior to said speech, how could I say no? "Umm, you can't?" Harry responds with a shy grin. Which you kiss.
"We Share The Last Line"
You and Harry are talking all the time, and when you're not talking, you're texting, sometimes sexting because why the fuck not? You had dinner at his house two weeks ago, and he made vegetable Lasagna with homemade garlic bread. The two of you talked for hours and you felt free when you left, and also maybe ready to give Harry a second chance. Today, you're making your relationship office official. At least to Lyla, Mia, and the rest of the entertainment law division. On paper, he's coming in as a prospective client, but actually he's coming to see you, and bringing you fish and chips from your favorite spot. Though with him branching further into songwriting for other people, he wants to have a team in place should anything happen. After a morning spent in the law library doing research prep for a different case, you're returning to your office when some of the interns start freaking out because Harry Styles is in the lobby on his way up. You smile to yourself and wait for him by the elevators. When he steps out of the elevators, the girls can't quit ogling him. "Shall we head into my office?" You ask Harry, voice dripping with professionalism. "The team I've assembled for you is already waiting." "Absolutely, lead the way love." He replies packing some extra charm, and you smile lightly at the duplicity of the term. Oh and blush because he is definitely eyeing you all over right now. Your aquamarine silk tank top with a gold bar keyhole and the way it's tucked into the gold belt and black skirt. He's rather happy the black and gold crop style blazer you put on with it all this morning is currently nowhere to be found. His eyes continue to trace all the way down to the golden gladiator heels you're wearing. Everything at the meeting goes swimmingly and you end up leaving with Harry because he insists on staying until you're done with your work saying, "I have a surprise for you." So when you get to his house, he leads you to the basement, stealing a few kisses on the way. "Holy shit Harry!" You say when he walks you into his home studio. "You still write?" He asks you. That night the two of you wrote a song together for old times sake, and unbeknownst to you, Harry had big plans for that song. A few days later during movie night, Harry turned to you, "Be my date to the Brits?" "Would if I could H, but I'm going with the firm execs." "Then, just match with me?" "You're not going to stop until I agree to be connected to you in some way are you?" "You know me so well." "Fine, we can coordinate outfits, but nothing extravagant. And no Gucci." "M'fraid it's a bit too late for that one." "I'm not wearing Gucci, you can wear Gucci." "What's wrong with Gucci?" "Nothing, I just prefer a good Alexander McQueen."
At the BRITS you arrive with the firm execs shortly after Harry. He's being interviewed when you step out of the car. He catches a quick glance of you and just smiles. You pose for a few pictures all while Harry is still being interviewed. As you pass him on the red carpet, you intentionally brush your fingers together, and yes, there's photos of it. But you had already planned that, just like you shuffled the execs and yourself to the same table as Harry inside. He squeezed your hand just before leaving to go change for his performance. You smile seeing him in his element, and he looks straight at you during the entire performance. Yeah, that's when you realize the words behind the song. Tears prick at your eyes and they become too much to hold back completely so you let a few of them escape. "Missed you so much." He whispers to you upon his return. "Missed you too, I'll always want you around H." You reply. "Can't believe you made me cry in front of the other execs." "Yeah, M'not sorry about that." He replies and you smile at each other. "Umm, Y/N," one of the other partners says. "See you on Monday." They say as things wrap up. "We have an after-party to go to." Harry says to them and excuses you both. The two of you enjoy the hell out of the after-party before making your way back to your flat because it's closer and Harry is being extra handsy, not that you mind, you love it. "I was so ready to have to find an excuse to fuck you after that performance." You say as you straddle him on your bed. "Promise me that if you ever feel that shitty again, you call me, I will come running, I'll always need you around H." "Promise. I love you." H replied. It took him a second to realize what he said as your body went still. "Tell me I didn't just fuck this up." It takes you a second to snap yourself out of your head. "Never H. I love you too. I've waited years for you to say that to me again and it's everything. Need you H. Now and forever."
"Then we drink the wall"
As Fine Line continues to perform amazingly well, Harry FaceTimes you from different cities during the drinking parties. He always has an extra shot next to his waiting for you.
He just got back to London when COVID hit and the two of you quarantined together. Writing, loving on each other, Harry trying to interrupt your zoom meetings with clients because you either aren't wearing pants, or you've stolen a pair of his. Thankfully, the entertainment industry can't function too much when there's a global pandemic so your department is relatively quiet. You're wrapping up for a day when you hear Harry come home. He left that morning mumbling something about being out of avocados, and ended up being gone for over four hours. "H? Where else did you go? It doesn't take four hours to go get groceries." You laugh, making your way down the stairs. "I had to pick up a couple packages I ordered." He replies and then you hear it.
"No, shhhh, don't tell momma you're here yet, it's a surprise." "H, we talked about getting a puppy, not 2 puppies." "Yep, we have A big puppy and A small puppy." He says with the biggest smile ever. "What are their names?" "Don't have names yet." The little Tricolor Cavalier comes over to you. "Maybe you should be Avocado since your dad was supposedly getting avocados." "And you," you say, petting the standard goldendoodle. "You look like a Palmer to me." You named him after your favorite tea. "Avocado and Palmer? Those what we're going with?" "Absolutely." You reply, admiring the love you're currently surrounded by. "Y/NN?" "Yes H?" "Move in with us, like officially." "Well, I mean, most of my stuff is here already, but H, are you sure?" "So sure." "Ok, I'd love to call you home." "Cheeseball." "Nope, you're the cheeseball. I'm just what makes you a cheeseball." "Mmhmm." H kisses you as the two of you sit on the floor with your new puppies. But one of them isn't too happy with the two of you kissing. "Fuckin Avocado." H curses as the cavalier paws at your faces to get you two to stop. "C'mere little Cado." You say and love on the little pup. You and Harry finish moving your stuff into his house over the next month. And H throws a little dinner party when everything's done. Anne, Gemma, Mitch, Sarah, Lyla, and Mia come over.
"Y/N!" Gemma says squeezing you tight. "I always told him he was an idiot for letting you go." "What's meant to be," you reply and Gem finishes it. "Is simply meant to be." "Now you listen here Harry Edward Styles, don't fuck it all up this time." Anne scolds Harry while you and Gem laugh. "Don't worry Anne, I'll just drown him in legal stuff if he does." You say, hugging her. You always did love Harry's mum and sister, mostly because you were never close with your family. The only reason they spoke to you anymore, was if you screwed up something else for them. Something you shut down very quickly by getting a no contact order.
"Til we wanna talk."
During the dinner party, after everyone has already arrived, the doorbell rings and you go to get it. It's your parents. "What the hell do you want? And why the hell are you here? You do understand this is a violation of the no contact order, yes?" "We're just here to give you a housewarming gift and then we'll leave. We are happy for you and Harry though." My mum says, my dad just glares at me. But I suppose that's what happens when you run away from home to be your own person rather than end up pumping out babies for an old, ugly Viscount.  "Thank you mum. I'm sorry to have bothered the two of you." "Hey, … oh, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N (Your last name) glad you could make it, would you like to come in?" "That's Baron and Baroness Y/L/N to you." My father said to Harry. "Wait, Y/N, you never told me you had a title?" "We'll be going now, we just wanted to wish both of you the best." My mum says and she and my dad leave. "H, I didn't tell you because I don't have a title anymore. I renounced my claim the second I was legally able to. They wanted to turn me into a trophy for some Viscount and I said no, they didn't like that, so I ran. And then I started writing, which led to meeting you and I've never looked back since." "Can we please forget they ever stopped and just go back to our guests?" I practically beg. "Course we can, come on." H answered and laced his fingers through yours. The rest of the night went smoothly and you were just happy to be surrounded by people who love and care about you.
"What can I do?" H whispered into your ear as the two of you laid together in the big comfy bed. "You can start by being your normal cuddly self, and then you can do me a huge favor and not turn us being together into something labeled. And don't be mad when I tell you that I don't think I want to get married, like ever." "I don't think I could ever be mad at you, and there are so many ways to be together without ever getting married, which actually wasn't even on my radar at this point. As long as we're happy how we are, why screw with things?" "I love you H." "Love you too."
"I go round and round"
You and Harry had been living happily in your relationship for 2 years now. Harry's fans weren't necessarily the happiest at first, but once they actually traced things back to 1D, they started to come around. Now, you still get some hate, but it honestly doesn't bother you. Harry just dropped his new single from his upcoming album. Remember that song the two of you wrote in his home studio that first night he showed it to you? As It Was, and it's been huge. But another song on that upcoming album means more to you than anything else, because Harry is holding onto an alternate version of it. You were playing around in the basement studio, re-listening to Matilda (which happens to be your middle name) which talked about your struggles with your family. When you started singing along with the choruses changing, you to I. 
I can let it go
I can throw a party full of everyone I know
And not invite my family cause they never showed me love
I don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
I can let it go
I can throw a party full of everyone I know
And not invite my family cause they never showed me love 
I don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
I can see the world, following the seasons 
Everywhere I go, I don't need a reason
Cause they never showed me love
I don't have to be sorry for doing it on my own
I don't have to go home
I can let it go
I can throw a party full of everyone I know
I can start a family who will always show me love
I don't have to be sorry for doing it on my own
I can let it go
I can throw a party full of everyone I know
I can start a family who will always show me love, I don't have to be sorry, no
It was in your soft, sweet, shy, soprano tone and you had only done the first one when Harry got the idea to have you do all of them and actually record it. Laying it back over, you had to admit it sounded really good. Harry wanted to put it on the album instead of the original, but you weren't ready for that so you told him he could release it as a mix or an edit down the road a bit.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna come to Coachella with me?” Harry asks you, batting his long eyelashes again, and then tossing in the sad puppy dog eyes. “Wish I could H. but I’m buried in depositions.” You answer and give him one last hug and kiss before he leaves for the airport. After he’s gone you smile to yourself. “Yeah, he’s gonna love this.” You're surprising H at Coachella. You've never been, but have always wanted to go. Jeff is the only one who knows you're going to be there. And you have quite a plan for Harry during the show. You know that little earbud he always has in? Oh yes, you were in his ear for the entire show, while also watching it from the cameras backstage. Teasing him about how fucking amazing his ass looked in those pink pants. (You were totally hiding those and never giving them back, they would be yours after this show, the hell with it, you were taking the entire fucking outfit!) Harry would've called you out for it, if he wasn't preoccupied singing. But he did miss a few lyrics here and there, especially when you mentioned how sweaty he was getting and then commented on licking the entire butterfly tattoo. And the tiger. And the laurels. And literally every other tattoo on his sexy as fucks body. At this point, Harry knows your backstage. And he knows how riled up you get during Carolina. So he goes extra on all of it. When you practically moan into it, he's about had enough, but he's only a quarter of the way done with his set. You decide to be nice for a few songs, a little "make me shine for you" during lights up, and then radio silence, just to throw him off.  It's also so they can prep you for your moment. They have you walk out and down the stairs during the na's while singing them, your mic turned up just a bit so Harry turns. His reaction to you walking out, priceless! He squats down and bows his head for a second before looking back up at you. He also loses his ability to sing for a few seconds, you have succeeded, Harry Styles is finally speechless.. You hip bump Lizzo when you reach the bottom and do the hair toss that Harry likes. He kisses you soundly, all hyped from the energy, and the three of you finish the song. “SHIT! FUCK! Like obviously I knew you were here, but WOW!, DAMN I love you.” He says to literally all of Coachella. “Hey, H, you know that little thing from Harry’s House that I was anxious about and making you hold onto?” You say in the mic, and Harry just looks at you, he knows what you’re talking about of course, but doesn’t quite know why you’re bringing it up now. “If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about, then yeah, I know it, what about it?” He replies and you smile cheekily. “Should we do it?” You say and Harry’s band (who has been clued in to this part) starts it up. You’re standing right next to Harry, he covers his mic for a sec, and you do the same.” “Are you sure you’re ready for this? Because it’s Coachella, it will blow up.” He asks you, concerned about making sure you’re comfortable with this. “I wouldn’t suggest it if I wasn’t H.” You reply and squeeze his hand. The song kicks into the real intro, and you’re still holding Harry’s hand, praying and hoping he won’t let go. 
You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal" And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
You can let it go I can let it go You can throw a party full of everyone you know I can throw a party full of everyone I know And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love Not invite my family, ‘cause they never showed me love You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh I don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh
You let go of H’s hand and slowly start walking back up the steps, pausing halfway during “a piece of me’s dead inside”. When Harry sees where you’re going he understands immediately, and starts following you, but on the opposite staircase.
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside A piece of me’s dead inside You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
The two of you meet again at the top and during “it’s just been on my mind” you spin slowly under Harry’s arm.
You can let it go I can let it go You can throw a party full of everyone you know I can throw a party full of everyone I know And not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love Not invite my family, ‘cause they never showed me love You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up I don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
You and Harry sit perched on the edge, your feet swinging side to side as you go into the second half of that chorus and the following verse
You can see the world, following the seasons I can see the world, following the seasons Anywhere you go, you don't need a reason Anywhere I go, I don’t need a reason 'Cause they never showed you love ‘Cause they never showed me love You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own I don’t have to be sorry for doing it on my own
You're just in time, make your tea and your toast You framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh You don't have to go You don't have to go home I don’t have to go home Oh, there's a long way to go Oh, there’s a long way to go I don't believe that time will change your mind I don’t believe that time will change my mind In other words I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go
The two of you stand up slowly, brushing your fingers together again before returning down the opposite staircases, singing as you go. 
You can let it go I can let it go You can throw a party full of everyone you know I can throw a party full of everyone I know You can start a family who will always show you love I can start a family who will always show me love You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own I don’t have to be sorry for doing it on my own You can let it go I can let it go You can throw a party full of everyone you know I can throw a party full of everyone I know You can start a family who will always show you love I can start a family who will always show me love You don't have to be sorry, no I don’t have to be sorry, no
During the last line, as you sang “I don’t have to be sorry, no”. You held your palm up to Harry’s and slowly leaned your foreheads together.
At the extended closing chords Harry kissed you again, slower this time, and whispered, “That was everything. You are my everything.” The audience cheered so loud, you thought you might end up deaf.  After another quick peck, Harry turned to the crowd. “Y/N Y/L/N, everyone!” He hollers, the crowd screams. “Now, a little secret,” he pretends to whisper. “She actually inspired some of my best work on my previous two albums, and co-wrote most of Harry’s House with me, including this next song.” H says and the band starts to lead into ‘Late Night Talking’. “I’ll be waiting and watching in your dressing room H.” you say after shutting off your mic. You blow him a kiss and head back to your spot backstage. While Harry pauses for a drink during Watermelon Sugar, you just can't help yourself. "I'm waiting for my high H" you tease, and he almost spits out his water. He's got his huge grin on his face the entire song and during Kiwi you say nope the first time he sings "I'm having your baby" and each time after you very very slowly hint that someday you'll have a family, but also warn him not to get any ideas. He's laughing internally, the entire time. You watch sign of the times from his dressing room and add in the new lingerie (the top looks like cherries and the crotchless panties look like a strawberry. You had way too much fun picking these out. But you know he will love them.
"Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in"
You're just lounging casually as you wait for Harry to return to his dressing room after his set, scrolling through all the comments about his duet style performance with you, but mostly they’re about his ass, you can’t blame them, but your soaking wet cunt is starting to get a bit jealous and just begging for his attention. You're quite literally dripping onto the seat just from all the pictures. You hear him outside the door and lock your phone, tossing it aside before fixing the slit on your green skirt in the same style as the pink one you had on, on stage, but swapped into after so you were wearing watermelon colors. Finishing your task just as H walks in and sees your bare cunt on display. "HOLY! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Y/N!" He quickly shuts and locks the door praying that no one out there got a glimpse of your naked pussy. "No, not allowed, you keep that nice and covered in public unless I say otherwise." Harry tsks at you. "This…" you begin, gesturing to your soaked folds before standing up so you can wrap yourself around Harry. You land a nice smack to the H & S on his ass cheeks. "Is all from watching that ass of yours throughout the night. And now it's all over the Internet. And I can't help it, I'm so fucking turned-on, and worked up, and jealous now that pictures of your ass are trending on Twitter. Like I'm stealing and keeping the entire outfit. You're not washing it, and you are most certainly never wearing it again. It's mine now. That's how fucking jealous I am. I've resorted to being petty and you know how much I hate being petty." "You're so fucking sexy when you're jealous baby." Harry pants and then slides your skirt off. "And they say I'm the master of fruits. You look fucking delectable doll. Turning your pretty pussy into a plump juicy strawberry. Much more and I'm going to end up nutting in my pants." "Then don't take my top off yet H, want you to come inside me."
"FUCK! Doll, you can't just say things like that so casually. "And what's under the top? Or is it nothing?" "All I'll say is that you haven't seen it before." Harry's eyes darken instantly, and you get to work relieving him of his pants and vest. "FUCK!" You can't help but moan once Harry attaches his mouth to your cunt. He gives your left thigh a warning smack but you're too far gone to care. "HARRY!" you scream as your orgasm consumes you. Harry puts a hand over your mouth to muffle you, but the damage has already been done. You're pretty sure everyone and their mother backstage heard that, when the thought crosses your mind, your orgasm gives one last gush and Harry can't help but smile. He knows you're turned on at the possibility of getting caught. "You like that, huh?" H groans out and you moan into his hand. "Want everyone at Coachella to know how good I fuck you?" "Want them to know I'm off limits?" "Want them to post all about how I'm fucking you, wishing they were you." You can't help but nod and moan even more. Just thinking about how many people want Harry and the fact that he chose you gives you such a power trip. The sparkling love in his eyes as he fucks you so good sends you tipping in no time. Harry follows you immediately over the edge. “Shit. Best Show Ever!” He pants, still catching his breath. You move to straddle him and kiss him silly, but quickly realize you’re still turned on when you can’t help but grind against his softening cock. You quickly yank your top off and when Harry sees the cherry lingerie top, his erection is coming back, and fast, which of course only serves to turn you on further. “M’ DEAD! I have to be dead if I just put on that long of a show, fucked you, and already want to go again. S’ the only explanation. “And I am quite sure that if you were dead, this…” You say, sliding your hand over his cock, “this wouldn’t be functioning, and I am so glad that it is, want it H, need it, need it so bad.” You answer and H just chuckles. “You’re a greedy little cockslut you know that right?” “Yep, don’t care, need it, starved, been too fucking long. ‘Sides, I’m your cockslut, and you are anything but little.” You add that last part with a giggle that makes you feel like a teenager. “FUCK! Hop on, fucking fucks you look so good riding my cock Y/NN.”
“I Can See You’re Lonely Down There”
You wake up the next morning to sweet, lazy kisses that trail down your jaw, to your neck, over your shoulders, and all the way down your arms. When Harry reaches your fingers, he sucks on each one making a very exaggerated pop after each. “No, H, M' Sleepy!” You groan. “Do you want to stay and sleep, or do you want to actually go enjoy a day at Coachella?’ He asks you. “Sleep first, then Coachella.” “Nope, it’s an either or situation today, cause if that cute butt of yours doesn’t get out of bed, then I am going to spend all day edging you, just because I can.” “Mmm,” you groan again and slowly blink your eyes open. “Now i’m tired, grumpy, and fucking soaking wet.” You add, sitting up slowly. “Just the way I like you. Now time for a shower, then breakfast, and we’ll be off.” H says, kissing your nose before scooping you up to carry you to the shower. It only takes the two of you a few hours, but you do eventually get cleaned up, and changed into something fit for roaming Coachella, Harry disguised himself in a gray TPWK hoodie and black shorts with his very very worn white gazelles. Added a red bandana and shades as an extra measure. You’re in a pastel rainbow halter crop top, light wash denim shorts, white boots, and your favorite pair of aviators. As the two of you walk around Coachella with Harry’s Bodyguard staying relatively close to you. You do get some glances, some fans of Harry’s that definitely recognize him, but only a few of them actually try to approach. The two of you stay all day. Literally ALL DAY! Billie performs and Harry sneaks you backstage to meet her. He “Left his bunny ears behind last night.” You laugh when it works, but then again, he does just have that charm. He can smooth talk his way into getting whatever he wants. It’s how he got you under his spell way back when, after all. 
“So, are we going straight home, or having a layover in NYC for a bit?” H asks you the next morning as your packing up to leave. “You should go to NYC, I know you want to see a few people. I have to get back though, Depositions remember?” “M’ not sure if I can believe you on that one.” H teases you and you swat at him, not actually hitting him. You would’ve, but he caught your arm and pulled you flush against him. You can feel him stiffening between you and it honestly makes you blush at how turned on he can get from the simplest of things. 
“Five days. Five days in NYC with me, and then you can do your depositions. Sides’ need you there with me. Always need you with me.” “I can give you three. Any more than that and the execs won’t be happy with me. You are so lucky I’m good at my job.” You answer and H tickles your sides at your last comment. “I like to think that I’m lucky you’re so good, period. You’re good at your job, you’re good with me, you’re a good momma to our fur babies, and don’t get me started on how good you feel and taste.” “H!” You squeal and smack him playfully. Of course, those three days in his NYC apartment were fantastic. So fantastic, that you let him talk you into staying for an entire extra week. You spent the mornings working with your team, and your afternoons and evenings with H. On your second to last morning, H woke up earlier than he usually does. You were absorbed in your research. He had to be very stealthy, which was not his forte, especially in the mornings. But somehow he managed to sneak up behind you and wrap you in his arms. "Mmm, what's got you up this early today?" You asked H. "Lonely." "My poor boy needed more snuggles, didn't he?" "Mmhmm, need more snuggles now." "How about you make yourself some breakfast, go for a walk, and then by the time you get back, I should be done with a solid chunk of these files and we can have movie snuggles." "No, want snuggles now." "Ok. On the couch, but I have to work too." H shrugged, as if to indicate that you working during snuggles was an acceptable compromise. He obviously doesn't understand how much of a distraction he is. Those damned sleepy curls begging to have your fingers running through them, him practically curled up and purring in your lap. You were just flipping pages, nothing was sticking. Which is the exact opposite of what you needed to happen. So you set it all aside. Turned on the TV, and started rewatching NCIS: Los Angeles for the millionth time. You eventually gave in to the lull of sleep as well and when you woke back up, Harry was between your legs. Pressing sweet kisses to the insides of your thighs. "Good Morning again." "Mmm, what time is it?" "2 in the afternoon." "And just how long have you been awake?" "Not long, probably 10 or so minutes." "And are you hungry yet?" "No, just wanna be inside you and have movie snuggles." "Not until after you eat something, you skipped dinner last night too." You say to him, a little worried that he doesn't seem to want to eat. "I did too eat last night." He replies with his mischievous smile. "Yeah, I'm not a meal H and you know that." "I'd say you're the most delicious meal in the entire world, love." "Let's take a walk to Il Mattone, get all our Italian favorites and then have a lazy finish to the entire trip." "Mmkay." 
On your way to JFK the next morning, H insisted on stopping at Tomoko's for pastries. Something you weren't about to argue with. So with your stuff packed, an unhealthy amount of sweets, and your morning caffeine fix, you hopped onto the Dassault Falcon 7x Harry chartered for his Coachella trip and then extended for your NYC visit. He's been talking about buying one so the two of you can go wherever you want, whenever you want.  "So Italy every other weekend instead of every other month?" You tease him. "Or I can have someone pick you up and put you on the plane to bring you to wherever my show is that night." He teases back as the two of you settle in. "Luckily as a Senior Partner, I have more room for flexibility in my schedule."
"Don't you know that I am right here"
Upon your return to London, you were shocked to find a handwritten, hand-delivered letter from your mother. 
I wanted you to hear it from me first, your father is no longer with us. Which is why I am finally free to send this letter. I hope you know how much I truly love you, how much I hated to have to be complicit in his horrid plans for you. I am so very happy with who you grew to be, the woman you are today. I love you my daughter, and I hope to be a part of your life again someday, until then know that my love for you could never fade.
"Oh shit." You say aloud after reading it. "What? What happened?" H asked, mildly concerned. "My father, he's dead, and my mother wants to see me and try to fix our relationship." You reply. H wraps you in a hug. Both of you unsure of how to feel. You're relieved in a way, but also he was your father. And when it comes to your mother, well, she was never as adamant about you embarrassing the family the way your father was. But she also never spoke out against him. "What should I do H?" You ask him, without breaking the hug. "I can't decide that for you love, you have to make that decision yourself." He answers quietly, desperately wishing he had a better answer for you. "Gut feeling?" "My gut feeling is that it's not up to me, it's up to you, if you want to see your mum you should, but it's also totally ok if you're not ready to face that."
You break away from the hug slowly, just so you can look at his face. "That is a very diplomatic, lawyer type answer and I don't like it. So help me, please H, I just need help processing it all." "You know I love you, and that I support you no matter what, but this isn't a decision I can make for you, I don't want to put ideas in your head and have them backfire. I can't let my dumb ideas be the reason I lose you again." "Ok. Let's just go to bed then, maybe sleeping on it will give me some clarity." You say and start towards your shared bedroom, Cado right on your heels. After you're out of earshot, Harry looks at Palmer who is sitting by his feet waiting to be spoiled. "What? Don't look at me like that you. I'm on her side, I just don't know how to help her, I can't jeopardize us again, I just want her to know that I'll be right here, no matter what she decides." When H finally gets upstairs after exercising Palmer for the night so he actually sleeps, you're already tucked in bed, curled up with Cado, and facing away from him. Usually you wait and watch for him to lay beside you, and start giving you millions of bedtime kisses. Tonight he heads straight for a shower. When he does slip into bed he quickly kisses the back of your head, just reminding you that he's still here. You fight the urge to make him cuddle you and settle for the fingers gently playing with your hair. Palmer settles in between the two of you since this way he can get more attention, his head is nudging into your back and you find yourself quickly succumbing to the call of sleep.
"Spinning Out Waiting For Ya to Pull Me In"
"Morning love." Harry says, his eyes still closed, reaching for you but when he feels an empty bed, everything from last night comes crashing back to him at full speed.  He finds you in the garden sipping on a tea while the pups run around. Rather than bother you while you're deep in thought he gets started on breakfast bowls for you both. When he brings it out to you along with a cup of tea for him and a new cup for you, you look at him. "I'm going to meet my mum for lunch today." You tell him. "Do you want me there?" He asks. "Just for moral support, I can keep my mouth shut." You laugh knowing full well he sucks at keeping his mouth shut, especially when he has an opinion on something. "Not today, but if it goes well, I was thinking the three of us could do dinner here next week. Something Italian since we both love it and we always make it together." "Pasta and bread from scratch then?" He asks with a small smirk. "Is there any other way with us?" You answer and reach for his hand. "We'll be alright H, and I'm sorry for pushing you last night and then pushing you away. It's, ugh, why can't I ever say what I want to around you." You apologize, but lose your train of thought as soon as a small smile appears on H's face. "Love you." He says. "Love you too, sunshine boy." "Sunshine boy, that's a new one from you." "Stop being romantic and making me melt and then I might be able to come up with a good one." "Never." After a quick yet thorough round of makeup sex, you shower and change into something fitting for a luncheon with your mum. You decide on a pastel pink midi length pencil dress, with floral-like embroidery. Accenting the dress with a simple pearl necklace and matching bracelet, leafed silver headband, and strappy gold heels. You added a few waves to your hair, not wanting it curled but also not straight, you loved the way it made the natural highlights in your hair shine through and add that extra little bit of pop to your hair. You kept it simple on your makeup, just enough to complement without stealing the show. When you looked at yourself in the mirror you looked understated, elegant, and very peerage.
"Wow." Is all H was able to say when you were done. "Don't even think about it H." You replied, watching him eye you like a predatory animal. "After?" "Maybe." It was no secret that your sexual appetites for each other were practically limitless. But this time you were in a time crunch and were not about to risk meeting your mum, looking like you just had sex. H could wait a few more hours. 
When you got to the Country Club you were meeting your mum at, she was already there waiting for you in a black skirt suit, the skirt has a tiny silver slit and the ¾ sleeve jacket features silver pocket liners and gold buttons, with a silver tank blouse under the jacket and a small black fascinator and veil to indicate her mourning. "Y/N, my beautiful daughter." Your mother says to you as you arrive at the table. "Hi Mother," you reply. "I'm sorry about Father." Your mother waves off the second part knowing you and your father rarely saw eye to eye. "My darling, I never wanted that for you, and after we had you your father slowly started to become more distant, especially after we were told that you would be our only child. As it turns out, he was having multiple affairs, trying to secure his male heir, but after years of trying and failing your father resorted to the old ways of increasing a family's power by way of a match, an arranged marriage where you end up being a trophy, the day you ran, I was originally planning to take you and return to my family's estate, allow him time to come to his senses. And shortly after you renounced your claim, your father managed to sire another child. Your half-brother, Fitzwilliam." "Wait, I have a sibling?" "Yes dear, he is but 12, only a boy, and your father was never much involved in raising him outside ensuring his education. But he did 'legitimize' him so to speak, he knows a bit about you, and I am hoping that you aren't totally closed off from the idea." "What idea?" "You, building a relationship with your half-brother, he needs it, he’s not the social butterfly you are, would much rather isolate himself than be around people, I’m thinking you might be able to help him out of his shell."
"Actually, my plan was to see how well this went and then hopefully invite you to Harry and I's place for a homemade Italian meal, perhaps Fitzwilliam and his mother could join us as well, as long as you and she are on good terms of course. And nobody is allergic to dogs, H and I have 2." "Yes, Avocado and Palmer right?" Your mother replies and you're momentarily stunned by how much she has managed to keep up on despite the no contact order. Which you will hopefully withdraw after a few more meetings with your mother. "Yeah, I must admit I am a bit surprised you know that." "Darling, there are some perks to being a Baroness, although you are technically in line for the throne, as am I." "Tell me you're not being serious right now, mother, I'm not a princess, I'm a lawyer who dabbles in songwriting with her boyfriend, just sang a song with him onstage at Coachella and lives a quietish life in Hampstead. "Relax, you are not a princess, you're of royal blood, there's quite a difference. Believe it or not, there are a few hundred commoners in London who are of royal blood, most just are not aware. And it was my line that was of royal blood, so your father saw it as a way to increase his status. I was also not given a choice in my marriage, but unlike you I lacked the courage to do something about it for myself and if you are the result of that then I am very happy I went along with it." "Thank you mother." "Someday I hope to hear you call me mum once again, but until then I am just happy to speak to you." "I would like that too, now for dinner next week, Wednesday or Thursday?" You reply and ask. "Let me speak with Lorraine and Fitzwilliam, and then I'll have a memo sent to you at your office, via your assistant, Amelia isn't it?" "She prefers Mia, and she's not my assistant, but she is in my department. I don't keep an assistant, I prefer to manage it all myself." "Well I will have it go to Mia then just to avoid violating the no contact order." "That won't be necessary, I'll have it fixed before the end of the day." Over the next hour you asked your mother all the tough questions that you had been waiting years to ask and she answered every single one of them in detail, she told you more about Fitzwilliam, and how her and Lorraine are quite friendly. Having chosen to make light of the situation your father had put them both in. When you're getting ready to head out you pause to look at your mother, she too is standing and without letting your head convince you otherwise, you give her a quick, polite, appropriate hug. "Thank you Mum, thank you for this, for everything we discussed today. I'll be waiting for your letter or call.” You say as the two of you walk out. When you return home, H is waiting by the door to greet you like a lovesick puppy. The wet sloppy kiss you receive also reminds you of a puppy, of which you have two that are also begging for your attention and happy to have you home.
“I Can See You’re Lonely Down There”
It’s Thursday, the day you and Harry are having dinner with your mum, half-brother, and his mum. If all goes well H wants to do another dinner next week with the addition of his mum and his sister, maybe even invite his father. Your nerves are starting to get the better of you, you know that you and H still have secrets between you, you especially, there are so many things that happened in your five years away from him that haunt you to this very day. Some of them you’re a little surprised he doesn’t seem to know about, but then again, your father had it buried in a snap of his fingers. But tonight is about looking forward not dwelling in the past. Tonight is about the bond blood can create, reuniting as an albeit slightly dysfunctional family, but still a family. You’re going back to your roots and sharing them with the man you love. “Morning Lovie,” H says as he brings you breakfast in bed this morning. He made pancakes, but not just any pancakes, these pancakes are stuffed with cheesecake, and are drizzled in chocolate and caramel sauce. You smile brightly at the gesture and the two of you spend the next hour cuddling and enjoying the delicious food. Once it’s gone you turn to H, "just wanna change and then I’ll meet you down in the kitchen." 
You knew this would take most of the day, you two have a lot to make, and cooking in the kitchen together with H is one of your favorite things to do. He wears skimpy shorts, no shirt, a pair of socks so he can dance around the kitchen while cooking, and a damned claw clip holding back his messy curls. The damned clip gets you soaked every time but you wouldn’t change a thing, being horny and desperate just up the level of difficulty and amount of concentration needed to properly execute the recipe and you love the pressure just like you love a challenge, sides, H always fixes it. Today you decided to tease him a bit by wearing a y/f/c (your favorite color) bra and panty set, the set itself is basic and plain, but when you put on your white crochet mini over it you know it will drive him crazy, especially when you add the rose gold choker that has the letters ‘H⬪S’ in the middle. You also stick with socks only on your feet so you can dance around with H, knowing he’d pull you around regardless. When you enter the kitchen, in addition to his standard cooking fit, he added the pink frilly apron you got him for his birthday the first year you were together. When you see how he also used a pink claw clip you can’t help but giggle which alerts Harry to your presence, not that he didn’t know you were there because he did, but he allowed himself to look at you after the giggle. 
“Oh, fuck me,” he groaned seeing what you were wearing. “How am I supposed to cook when you look like that.” he adds, his eyes darkening with lust. “Now you know how I feel watching you dance around the kitchen in skimpy shorts, sometimes just your briefs, without a shirt, a towel over your shoulder, and your hair in of those damned clips that make me fucking swoon, you dolt.” you counter and he just smirks. “Ya know, it does feel like a brief kinda day,” he comments and slips his shorts off, right in front of you, turning around to show off his ass that you love. “Is that the game we’re playing H?” you ask and even the score by removing your bra and panties, but leaving the cover on. “Let’s start cooking before I end up fucking you on the cleaned and sanitized counters.” You bite back a moan and nod your head. “Words, lovie.” “Oh for fucks sake, just fuck me out of my misery H, please, we can re-clean them and still have enough time to do everything, plus have time for our oomph.” You are cut off by H melding his lips with yours and demanding access to your mouth. He pulls the tie on the front of the cover free and gives both of your ass cheeks a good slap before completely removing the cover. “Open,” he demands, one you eagerly comply with, especially because you can tell he is feeling very much his dominant, alpha male self today. He spits directly onto your tongue, before resealing his lips with yours, his tongue spreading it all over the inside of your mouth. Pulling back just a bit, he smirks before running a single finger through your dripping folds, he brings it back up and smears it all over your lips before kissing them clean. Then he goes back for more, but this time he has you suck yourself off of his finger, repeating the last one again, only with two fingers and licking them clean himself. All while somehow keeping his eyes locked on yours, and yours locked on his, unable to look away even if you wanted to. “S’ fucking delicious, baby, could eat you all fucking day for the rest of my entire fucking life and still not have enough.” You moan at his words and grip the sides of his apron to pull him flush against you. His hands return to your ass, then a bit lower where he slaps so you know to jump. “Y’ve got me so fucking whipped I can’t even go 24 hours without fucking your tight, pretty little cunt.” his words are like pouring gasoline on a bonfire in the middle of a fucking forest, igniting every nerve in your body, to the point where it moves of its own volition, grinding your bare, drenched cunt against his brief covered cock, staining them with your arousal. “Fucking drenching my cock and its not even out yet doll, fucks.” he says, his voice almost a moan. 
“OH GOD, please H, please just split me in fucking half with your cock, can’t wait anymore.” You cry out, on the verge of an orgasm. “Gonna come already baby, ‘ve barely touched your cunt.” “DON”T FUCKING CARE H, JUST FUCK ME, WANNA COME SO BAD!” you whine and plead and beg. “PLEASE! FUCKING PLEASE H!” before your body even has time to register, his briefs are off and his cock is pressing at your entrance waiting for you to tip over that blissful edge before he slides in. He knows your tight, you’re always fucking tight, but he also knows you like the initial bit of pain. He ruts once, twice, thrice, never entering you just rubbing against you and giving your ass cheeks a nice, rough pinch on each rut. That was all it took to tip the scales and send you tumbling over. Knowing he can build up a nice gush, he pinches at your clit before rubbing over your slit, left and right, only using two fingers, but moving them faster and faster. Just until he feels you stop pulsing with aftershocks from your orgasm and places his tip against you once again before finally slamming himself forward, giving you that rough first thrust which has you letting out a surprised yelp and a pleasured scream. “YES! FUCK H!” you scream and pant, H never letting his pace or force falter. A quick glance to his face shows his gorgeous green irises gone, swallowed by his dark desire, and you know he’s chasing his own orgasm, still paying the slightest bit of attention to you, as he wants you to squirt all over his cock when he comes, he knows exactly how to get you there, and exactly how to time it with him, He knows your body better than he knows where the nearest Gucci store is. Better than he knows even his own fucking body. He can play yours like a fine tuned guitar, which string to pluck, when and where to strum, and what to press on when.  So even though 99% of him is a primal, savage beast right now, there is always part of him focused completely on you. And when he slides against that spongey part inside you, over and over again, you know you’re done for, you know what’s going to happen, and he knows it too, knowing what he can do to you, how well he can play your body has his balls tightening, ready to explode, his thrusts falling out of rhythm, his movements becoming sloppier and more erratic, and as soon he feels that first bit of release, he pinches your clit again and takes you over with him. Gushing all over his cock, all over the counter and floor, turning the once clean kitchen into a sticky sexy mess. When you’ve both emerged from your orgasmic hazes, he can’t help but laugh and lick you clean as best as he can before grabbing a towel and helping you off the counter. “Oopsies.” You say with your most innocent smile, which has him laughing again and the sound of his laughter is so contagious you can’t help but laugh with him. 
“Don’t You Know That I Am Right Here”
After recleaning the entire kitchen(a deep, deep clean), changing out of your sticky clothes, and one last kiss, you and H actually get to work prepping dinner, he starts on the garlic bread, while you make the strawberry gelato so it can get into the freezer in time. Then you shift your focus to the alfredo sauce, and the baked chicken seasoned only with salt, pepper, a bit garlic, and a hint of onion. When H finishes the garlic bread and gets it into the proofing drawer in your kitchen, he goes to town on the pasta. The two of you ended up deciding on linguine rather than fettuccine, you just like the way it cooks a little bit better. When the pasta is ready to cook he pulls the cheesy meatballs you prepped the previous day out of the fridge and rolls them in the seasoning you use, so they are ready for you to pan fry. Finally he turns his attention to hunting down some limoncello and one of his italian red wines that he thinks your mother will like. In addition to the sparkling white grape juice the two of you picked out for your half-brother. Once everything is going, you watch the food while he runs up to shower and change. He comes back in the suit he wore onstage during LOT in Dallas, the pink one with the flowers that makes you happy, because he wears it so well. “It was this one or the rainbow one from Late Late 2017.” He comments when he catches you staring. “Harry Edward Styles, you know damn well that the suit you’re wearing right now is my second favorite suit of yours.” “Your second favorite, I thought this one was your favorite.” “Nope. And I’m not telling you which one is my favorite, you’ll tease me with it.” You answer and add, “I might tell you tonight though if you behave.” “Your turn Lovie,” he says and takes over food watch. You shower quickly and change into a rose colored tank style jumpsuit with a belted waist, keeping it classy and elegant, but the casual kind of classy and elegant.
About 15 minutes after you are both ready, your phones chime with a gate request. “They’re here.” You say, the nerves returning. “Breathe, It’s ok, we’ve got this. Together.” H reminds you after approving the gate request. Your mum enters first with a young couple behind her, the woman appears to be about your age. And hiding behind the woman is a boy, your half-brother. “Y/N this is Lorraine, her boyfriend Andrew, and your brother, Fitzwilliam.” Your mum says, introducing everyone. “And this is my daughter Y/N and her boyfriend Harold.” “Yeah, i got that, you really don’t need to introduce Harry Styles.” Lorraine comments, slightly starstruck. Yeah, you can already tell you’re going to like her. “Its lovely to meet you as well Y/N,” Lorraine adds. “I apologize by the way, When your mother said we’d be having dinner at your boyfriend Harold’s house, I didn’t realize she was referring to Harry Styles.” “I take it you’re a fan,” Harry says to Lorraine. “She’s quite the fan of yours, and now that I’ve met you, I might have to give her that one.” Andrew chimes in. “Hey, Fitz, this is the guy that sings Watermelon Sugar,” Lorraine says to her son. “Fitz adored that song when he was 8.” Harry swallows, and you look at him and smile. “Definitely has a fun kinda vibe to it. It’s one of my favorites of Harry’s as well.” You say. “Fitz, would you like to hear a secret?” You ask the boy and when he nods you pull him a few steps down the hall while Harry leads the adults into the open kitchen/dining room/living room area.
“So Harry doesn’t know i’m doing this, and you can’t tell him I showed you, he is very protective of this space.” You say, leading him down to the basement. You open the door to H’s studio and watch as Fitz’s eyes travel along all the awards and certification records. You go to a small closet while Fitz looks at things and pull out a size small TPWK hoodie, and an autographed Fine Line cd. “Here, these are for you.” You say to him and hold out the hoodie and cd. He takes them excitedly and smiles at you. “Thank You Y/N.” Fitz says to you and it makes your heart happy because he hasn’t said a word all night until now. “May I?” He asks, pointing to the piano. “You play?” You ask and he gives you an ‘mhmm’ so you let him approach the piano. When he sits on the bench and places his hands properly before beginning to play, no book or sheet music in front of him. It takes you a few moments to recognize the song he’s playing, As It Was. Those same notes that you and H wrote together over two years ago. It makes you smile and also has you wondering if your and Harry’s kids would be this musically inclined. “Wow.” Harry’s voice says from the doorway, everyone else close by. “That was really good, remember sitting there and writing it together Y/NN?” H adds. “Of course I do H.” You answer. Fitz quits playing and runs over to Lorraine saying, “Mumma, look what she gave me, look, look what I got.” Lorraine and Andrew both look at you, surprised he’s talking as much as he is. Tears are actually forming in Lorraine’s eyes. H hugs you closer to his side as the moment sinks in. “Well, dinner won’t serve itself, unless of course someone here can do magic?” You say and everyone laughs before you all head back upstairs. After dinner, Andrew pulls you aside, and Lorraine joins soon after, Harry is chilling with Fitz, who has opened up a great deal in just a few short hours. “How did you do that?” Lorraine asks you. “I don’t actually know,” You reply, “Well, whenever you want to work another miracle on him, call me and we’ll figure out a time and place.” She adds. “Absolutely, maybe the two of us could do lunch tomorrow and talk, or indulge in some healthy gossip?” You say, wanting to actually turn Lorraine into a friend, not just your ‘half-brother’s mum’. “I’d like that.” She answers and the two of you exchange numbers. “Come on Fitz, time to go.” Andrew calls, Harry and Fitz both join you. Your mother making her way over shortly after. “You know, the two of you will make wonderful parents… when you’re ready of course.” There was a moment of silence before Harry spoke up. “Someday, when it happens for us, i’m sure we will.” He says, looking at you the entire time. “Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Y/N, and you as well Harry.” Andrew comments, you and Harry walk them out. Fitz hugs both you and Harry before leaving. “Bye Y/N, I’m glad you’re my sister. Bye Harry, you’re the coolest.” Fitz says as he hugs each of you. “Bye Fitz, I’m glad you’re my brother.” You say and Harry adds, “You’re pretty cool too, don’t underestimate yourself bud.” With that he gets in the car and you watch as they all leave.
Immediately after they've all pulled out of the drive, Harry turns to you. "So, which of my suits is your favorite?" He asks, the smirk already on his face. "I think you know." You reply. "I think I do as well, but I still want to hear you say it." "And I'm waiting for you to get so impatient you just stay guessing." "The Purple Paisley one." He responds. "Got it in one, you cocky, egotistical, messy, loving, sexy as fucks, man that I love." "But I also know that you love all of my suits and all of my stage clothes. Miss 'I'm just going to borrow your pink Coachella vest for the night and the rest of the outfit that I still haven't gotten back." "And that one you are NEVER EVER EVER EVER getting back, that one is mine now." You reply as Harry tickles your sides while you make your way upstairs.
“Spinning Out Waiting For Ya”
It’s been a little over six weeks since you first met Lorraine, Andrew, and Fitz. The family dinner H wanted to have got postponed, and its happening tomorrow night, you and Harry are hosting. It will be the two of you, Anne, Gems, and Desmond, Harry’s step-brother Mike might also join you, plus Lorraine, Andrew, Fitz, and your mum. “Y/NN, would you mind if I invite Sarah, Mitch, and Scout?” Harry asks you while the two of you are cuddling on the couch. “That might actually be a good idea, should I see if Mia wants to join as well?”
“Let’s do it, keep it small, but we have both blood and chosen families.” He answers and you tilt to capture his lips with yours, thanking him for putting as much thought into this as you. You spend the rest of the day being lazy and also planning out the meal, After deciding on doing individual homemade pizzas, you and H fall into bed and despite how lazy you were today, you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, the dogs joining immediately, but H gets his spot before Palmer can steal it from him. When you wake up the next morning, you and H go for a jog with the pups, pick up breakfast on the way back, and clean the house together before showering together. You are most definitely not teasing H in the shower, oh fuck it, you so are. He knows it to, so when you go to accidentally bump him again, he grabs your hips and pulls you into him. His chest is pressed flush against your back, his cock hard as steel and wedged between your ass cheeks, and he’s holding you in place with a firm grip on the front of your hips, formally known as ‘the column’ its one of your shared favorites because it doesn’t necessarily look explicit at first glance. 
“Will you quit being a bratty fucking temptress, or do I have to fuck it out of you?” H whispers into your ear and follows it up with a slap to your right nipple. You moan but don’t give him a coherent answer so he slaps your left. When you still don’t answer, he has his answer but changes his tactic to get you to speak. A quick slap directly over your clit has you talking and behaving in an instant. “Fuck me.” You whine, “Do you want me to prep you? It’s the only orgasm your going to get.” He asks, almost growling the last part. There is something about his face buried between your thighs that makes him go absolutely feral, whether he’s actually eating you out, or getting himself off in a hotel after a show to the thought of eating you out, his dick reacts the same way to both. 
“Please H.” You whimper and that’s all he needs to hear before picking you up and immediately slamming you into the wall of the shower, your legs over his shoulders, cunt resting on his face. He inhales deeply, absorbing as much of your scent as he can, knowing he could never get enough. Not to mention the lingering reminder of being back on tour, and even though it’s the European leg, he knows you won’t be able to join him, having too much to do at the firm. “God baby, gonna miss tasting you everyday while i’m gone.” he sighs before returning to his meal that consists of you and only you. Alternating between licking, sucking, and small bites, he built you up to your edge in no time and now has you teetering there, when he sucks your clit into his mouth and begins to whip his head from side to side, you know you’re done for. He smirks to himself and greedily slurps up every last drop of your orgasm, while rubbing circles into your thighs as you come back down from the high. He slowly stands, still keeping you locked against the wall and his body. Immediately after you regain a semblance of balance, you wiggle out of his grasp and drop to your knees. You manage to catch him offguard with a few teasing kitten licks to his leaking slit, before sitting back on your knees and looking up at him, you stick your tongue out and he spits on it before answering your silent request. “Words, but don’t you dare swallow, doll.” You take a quick breath before speaking, slowly so you can be understood without question. 
“Fuck my face please H.” “Good fucking girl,” he answers and places the tip of his cock on your once again outstretched tongue. Moving his spit around your tongue with his tip for a just a few seconds before giving you what you asked for. He doesn’t relent either, going in and out, a solid grip on your head to help maximize the friction and pace. “Fucking made for my cock baby aren’t ya.” “All your fuckholes are, they’re all mine, y'mouth, y'cunt, and y'sweet little asshole, all made just for me and my cock. Fuck, just like that, take it, fucking take it baby.” H pulls you off for a quick breath before putting you right back in place, your nose pressed into his pubic hairs, and his balls against your chin. He keeps one hand on your head and moves the other to your throat for a slight squeeze. He can feel his cock down your throat and with his hand choking you slightly, you feel it even more than you already do. H knows you like it, and knows you prefer to tap out so he holds you there, rutting slightly, just enough to hear his balls slap against your chin. You give his left ass cheek a small slap and he pulls out completely. “Thank you H,” you croak. “Up, now.” He demanded and almost just pulled you up himself, he was on edge himself, and knew time was running short, so he quickly spun you so you could lean your hands against the shower wall as he fucked you mercilessly from behind. Just as his orgasm surfaced, he felt you spasm around him, indicating you were coming again, even after he told you that you were only getting the one, oh yes, he was ready to punish you with a nice twelve to eighteen hour edging session, god he loved them. Mostly because they didn’t happen often, in the going on three years the two of you had been together, it had happened three times, this one made it four. When he started thinking about it, it was as if his orgasm just kept going and going and going. “Fuck Harry.” You whispered. “You do realize what this means right baby?” He spoke, a tinge of huskiness in his voice. “Mmm, yeah, i know. This weekend, promise.” You answered. That was an acceptable timeline seeing as it would probably be the last time you two got to fuck before he leaves monday afternoon. 
The two of you finally got clean, a splash battle taking place while Harry was taking too long washing his hair. “Hey, these messy curls you like so much take effort.” He teased you. So you splashed him, and he just had to splash you back. By the time you were both out of the shower, you had less than an hour to get ready. Your hair ended up in a diagonal fishtail which you wrapped into a bun that sat just under your ear. A dusty blue floral dress, white flats, and your sunflower anklet from H. Speaking of H, he was looking sexy as always in a denim suit with a white tank. “I hope Fitz likes his present, i’d love to bring out a piano at Wembley and have him play a song or two with me.” H says, kissing the top of your head as you start getting things pulled out for the pizzas. “H, you are the only person I know who would actually pull a twelve year old boy onstage with you in front of an already sold out crowd of 90 fucking thousand, four nights in a row. And design and purchase a full size piano for said boy. Like seriously, I’m almost jealous of it, and I for sure would be if said little boy wasn’t my little half-brother who is an absolute gem.” You answer and H looks at you, almost as if he was hoping you’d be jealous. “Oh, don’t you worry darling, you’ll get your turn.” He says with a smirk, and just as you’re about to reply the gate notification goes off. “I’m not done pestering you about this yet.” you say and emphasize it with a firm finger poke to his chest. H being H just laughs out loud while you go out to greet Lorraine, Andrew, and Fitz. 
“Y/N!!!!!” Fitz hollers, jumping out of the car and running up to give you a big hug. “Who are you and what have you done with my shy little brother Fitz?” you laugh but hug him back. “I don’t know how you and Harry managed to do it, but even his teachers have noticed the difference, he’s speaking up in class, making actual friends, and he gave an entire presentation without a single stutter.” Lorraine says to you. “Well if that’s the case, I’d say he’s earned the present I have for him.” Harry adds walking outside. “HARRY! GUESS WHAT!” Fitz says, jumping up and down excitedly. “You climbed Mount Everest? Got cast in a hollywood movie? Somehow gained superpowers? Kissed a girl?” Harry starts throwing random guesses out and you elbow him for the last one. “H!” “Ew, kissing.” Fitz says with a shudder, indicating his disgust for the concept. “It’s not so bad once you get it right kid.” H says and ruffles his hair a bit. “Now what did you want to tell me?” “I can play Matilda on the piano now. I wanted to learn it after I saw a youtube video of you and my sister singing it together.” Fitz says, and you about cry at how thoughtful this kid is. “Well… maybe we’ll have to have a concert tonight. If your sister is ok with it of course.” H replies and they both turn to you with the sad puppy dog eyes that H taught him. 
“Nope, not happening.” You say at the same time Anne gets out of her car and says, “That sounds like a wonderful idea young man. You must be Fitzwilliam, but my baby boy Harry here tells me you go by Fitz, is that right?” Anne holds out a hand for a shake but the new bubbly and social Fitz goes straight for a hug. “If Harry’s your baby, then you’re his mum, Anne, who likes Y/N better than you like your own son Harry. At least that’s what Harry told me.” “Harry Edward Styles!” Anne says sternly to H. “Fitz, you weren’t supposed to tell her that. You silly kid.” “Well, then again, you are quite the handful, always have been.” Anne adds and you laugh, hugging her tight. “See, my point exactly.” Everyone laughs just as your mum’s driver pulls up. “So, do I like her, or not like her?” Anne whispers to you. “You’ll like her Anne.” “Glad to hear it.” “Hi, Mum.” you say and embrace your mother. 
“Baroness Y/L/N.” Harry greets your mother, she swats the greeting away. “I do believe i’ve told you to call me Isabelle, Harold.” “Apologies m’am, but my mother raised me better than that.” “I raised you to treat your elders with respect which includes addressing them how they wish to be addressed Harry.” Anne scolds him. “Thank you Anne, and I would also like to thank you for being there for my daughter when I wasn’t.” “Of course, I love her just as much as I love Harry and Gemma. Y/N is an amazing young woman.” “Fitz tells me it might even be more than Harry, but a mother’s love is infinite.” “That it is,” Anne replies and the two of them head into the house chatting as if they’ve known each other for years. 
“Damn, did we miss all the fun?” Gemma says as her and Michal arrive. “Gemms!” You squeal and hug her. “Hi. Is your name Gemma, are you Harry’s sister? I’m Fitz and Y/N is my sister.” Fitz introduces himself to Gemma and you can’t help but find it adorable. “It absolutely is, and even though sometimes I wish I wasn’t, I am Harry’s older sister, just like Y/N is your older sister.” Gemma says to Fitz who turns to Michal next. 
“Who are you, why are you here, and how do you know my sister and Harry?” He asks. “Fitzwilliam, be nice.” Lorraine corrects him. “He’s ok, his honesty is quite refreshing.” Michal says to Lorraine. He then squats to Fitz’s level and holds out a hand for a handshake. “Nice to meet you Fitz, i’m Michal, Gemma’s boyfriend, and she’s how I know Y/N and Harry.” “Ok.” Fitz replies, shaking his hand, apparently deeming that an acceptable answer. He then turns to Harry. “Can I have my present now?” He asks politely. “Fitz, I love that you’re talking willingly, but you need to be respectful and courteous, wait for them to ask you if you would like to open your present.” Lorraine explains to Fitz. “Ok mum, sorry Harry.” “Well, would you like to go open your present Fitz?” Harry asks him, going about it the right way. Fitz nods and tears into the house so you all follow after him. Fitz has just finished unwrapping his piano model, because the big one is going to be professionally installed wherever Lorraine allows it, but Harry also bought a second one for his studio, so it is currently behind a curtain in your living area until Harry has people come over to swap them. “That’s just a model of the full size one you’re getting, which will look like this in your house.” he says and pulls the curtain. “You can use this one today though, now we’ll have matching pianos.” H says and Fitz hugs him as tight as he can. “So, how many did you buy?” You ask Harry when Fitz goes to the actual piano. “Only four. One for Fitz, one for the studio, one for tour, and a spare because I know the tour one or the studio one will end up getting broken with my rowdy band. “Too true.” “Hope I’m not late.” Desmond says, entering the living room. “Not at all Dad.” Harry says, briefly hugging his father. “Desmond.” Anne says in greeting. “Anne.” He replies. “Hey Dad.” Gemms says and hugs him. “Good to see you Gemms.” “Hello Mr. Styles.” Fitz greets him and offers a handshake. “I’m Fitz, Y/N’s brother.” Desmond shakes his hand gladly and returns the introduction. “Nice to meet you Fitz, and you can call me Desmond.”
Sarah and Mitch arrive with Scout a few minutes later, and Mia shows up not long after that. You all make your pizzas and enjoy them in the garden. When it starts to get dark, H lights a fire and you run inside to get the ingredients for s’mores. “Really Y/N, s’mores? How American.” Mia teases you, and before you can laugh, Fitz jumps to your rescue. “Well I happen to think s’mores are delicious and you should be nice to my sister, teasing is not nice.” He says quite matter of factly and you hug him. “Mia just doesn’t like sweets like we do Fitz, so she likes to tell me to eat healthier sweets, in her own way. It’s one of my favorite things about her actually.” You explain. “Sorry Miss Mia.” He apologizes. After that, most of you take turns roasting marshmallows for s’mores. As the night was winding down, you all went back inside. Harry turned on the spotlight by the piano, Fitz sat down and the three of you performed a one song concert with Matilda. H kissed you at the end and Fitz interrupted the moment with a well timed ‘Ewwww’ but H could care less, Fitz would learn someday. Sarah, Mitch, and Mia were whooping you two and everyone else was laughing at the opposite reactions. “I love you Y/N.” “Love you more H.” Harry just shook his head no into your kiss. You both knew you were so far gone for each other. Properly ruined for anyone else. Everything H did with other people was friendly, whether it be a friendly hug with a fan, a friendly kiss with Lewis Capaldi, or a friendly slap on the ass to one of his band members, it was all friendly, and you knew that, you know just how much love H has. He just fucking radiates it, let’s it roll off of him in waves, but he would never love anyone else the way he loves you. Although you know that with every fiber of your being, you never stop teasing him about chopping his dick off if he ever cheats on you again. And yes, he laughs every single fucking time you say it, you can barely say it without laughing yourself anymore.
“I’m In An LA Mood”
“Hi Lorraine… OH MY GOD IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS!?” You say joining her at the table she reserved for the two you for lunch. “Yeah, Andrew proposed last night, he even asked Fitz if that was ok with him before asking me.” She says, happy tears starting to fall. “And well, that also brings me to why I wanted to meet you for lunch, I was well, you’ve become an amazing friend, and I don’t have any siblings, so I was hoping you would be my maid of honor, please?” she asks you and even though you are momentarily speechless you quickly recover and agree. “I’d love to!” “Also, Andrew and I were hoping that you and Harry would be willing to let Fitz spend the night on our wedding night and maybe like a week after it. We toyed with the idea of a familymoon, but decided to go the classic route instead.” “Well, the wedding night won’t be an issue, we’d be happy to, but the week will depend on Harry’s schedule, as well as my own, I can’t always control my caseload.” “Absolutely, it’s going to be August 4th. So just a month away, neither of us wanted something large, so it’s actually in the east garden at your family estate.” 
“Shit, a month? That is going to be pushing it, but I will make it work. We’re going to LA for your bachelorette party, I know you said you always wanted to go, and I actually have a few clients there with quite the connections.” “You don’t have to do that.” “You’re right, I don’t, but I want to, so are we doing a stag and doe, or separate bach parties? Because Harry would know what to do for guys, although he’d tag along with the girls just for the hell of it though too.” “Stag and Doe, ideally kid friendly, we want Fitz to be there as well. And well, it should also be expecting mother friendly.” She adds that last bit with a smile. “Woah, so not only are you getting married, your pregnant too? Please tell me that’s not why you’re getting married.” “Fuck no,” She says and quickly claps her hand over her mouth. “Lorraine, it’s ok, you can swear in front of me, I am not my mother.” 
“Oh thank goodness, i’m usually so good about it, mostly because I don’t want Fitz to start swearing." You finish lunch with Lorraine, and as soon as you’re back in your office, you summon Mia. “Pack a bag bitch, we’re going to LA for a bach weekend!” Mia whoops, as you knew she would, she loves a good reason to get high and/or drunk. Mia has this way of being the party without stealing the party away from the intended person(s). It’s incredible really, and just another reason she is quite honestly your absolute best friend. 
So… you and Harry planned the bach weekend, friday on a private beach, Saturday sightseeing for those that are not completely hungover, and sunday in vegas. H is chartering your favorite plane (and yeah, somehow he got the exact same plane he fucked you on during the flight to NYC after Coachella), so you don’t have to worry about oversleeping (H will end up oversleeping, he always fucking does, especially if he’s high), and you can bring all the shit you want, with the added bonus of not actually having to walk through the airport, a car drops you off on the tarmac, and picks you up on the tarmac (God it’s fucking great). Mostly you’re planning it over video calls, phone calls, and texts (a lot of texts with some explicit photos mixed in to ‘spice things up’, classy right?). Obviously you’re not getting any planning done at Slane FUCKING Castle, c’mon its a fucking castle, you and H left your mark on Slane, thats for damn sure. You may or may not have broken a statue in one of the gardens while fucking. It was the second time you performed Matilda with him, the fans eating it all up. You also joined him for As it Was, and the techs ‘forgot to turn off your mic’ so when you started singing along to medicine, well… yeah. It got fixed pretty quick, but it was still funny, and still ended up all over social media. And Wembley, well, Fitz made it onstage all four nights, twice each night, playing Matilda with you and H, as well as playing Watermelon Sugar. Then you had to stay in London for a case while H continued, but you made it to Madrid, Lisbon, and Italy for the final three shows of Love On Tour. Emotions were running rampant at Reggio Emilia, H needing his pre-show shag, and an additional handie between the set and the encores. You and H were back in London on the 25th, wanting a few extra days in Italy, a country you both absolutely adore.
You and the rest of the bach crew flew to LA on the 27th, and came back on the 31st with an extra passenger (but you didn’t know that yet). Lorraine and Andrew got married in the east garden on the 4th, in front of close family and close friends. You were crying the entire ceremony (hormones), but it was during that event that you realized marriage isn’t scary, especially not with the kind of love you and Harry share. You waited an entire extra month to tell him though, wanting to make sure that Fitz wasn’t in the house, and also just to make sure you wouldn’t change your mind. So when you finally were ready to tell Harry, well, you were close to six weeks pregnant, but still had no idea, because it wasn’t uncommon for your period to misbehave and just not happen one month. You planned everything to a fucking T. Got your favorite fish and chips, had dinner in the garden, and cozied up on the outdoor sofa when you were done eating. “H,” “Yeah baby?” “Remember how I told you I didn’t think I ever wanted to actually get married?” “Of course I do, why, did a certain couple change your mind?” he asked, peppering kisses down your jaw and onto your neck before moving them to your shoulders. “Maybe. I might have realized that marriage doesn’t have to be scary, its just sharing your love, your bond, with friends, family, and millions of fans all over the entire world.” “Ahh, marking your territory, I like it.” H teases you more. “Stop it H, this is serious business.” you say, swatting at him lightly or well trying, but he catches your hand (you happened to be using your LEFT hand). He firmly shuts you up with a deep, burning kiss. 
“Then marry me Y/N, fucking marry me, we can go first thing tomorrow and pick out whatever fucking ring you want, I honestly don’t care, s’long as the end result is me getting to call you m’wife.” You’re stunned into silence, clearly he’s been thinking about it too, you weren’t actually expecting him to ask immediately. “Yes, yes, i’ll… i’ll…” “Baby? You okay?” H asks you when you start gagging. You bolt up and over to the small waste bin you keep out here and vomit. “Fuck, baby,” H races over to you. “Are you okay? Please baby, please tell me your okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?” You can’t help but giggle, feeling fine now that you’ve thrown up. “I’m okay H, I swear. Must’ve been the fish. But Yes H. Yes, I want to marry you.” Harry didn’t give a fuck that you’d just vomited, he was so fucking happy in that moment, with you that he just picked you up and spun you around. “H, DOWN NOW!” you managed to say before gagging again. He set you down immediately, and you vomited into the bin again. “Ok, what is it? And don’t tell me you’re okay, because clearly you’re not.” He said, stroking your back gently. “Is it bloody week?” He asked and that comment, that reminder, was what really brought the thought into your head. “Follow me, don’t get your hopes up, it could easily just be a bug, but..” “But you don’t think it is now do you?” he finishes your thought. “Quit interrupting me will you?” you say as the two of you make your way upstairs and into your bathroom. Cado and Palmer following close behind, both of them worried about you as well. You pulled a two pack of pregnancy tests out of the bottom drawer and followed the directions, although peeing on a couple sticks seems rather self explanatory. H set a timer, you washed your hands and rinsed out your mouth. After which H kissed you again. You could tell he was both nervous and also minorly excited even though you told him not to be. When the timer went off you looked at one and H looked at the other. You swapped sticks, they both read the same thing. 
“I Don’t Wanna Talk To You”
- One Month Later-
“Y/N, you’re still coming to my recital tomorrow night right?” Fitz asked you, and you realized you forgot to tell him with everything else that’s been going on.
-Flashback, One Month Ago- You and H had just gotten engaged, albeit without a ring temporarily, a situation the two of you were going to rectify the next day. But then you vomited, and took two pregnancy tests. You and H both looked at each of them. “Holy Fuck. I’m… i’m pregnant.” “Yeah, you fucking are.” H said, already on his knees in front of you. Pressing kisses to your abdomen and resting his forehead against it. “H, we’re having a fucking baby.” “Yeah, we fucking are.” “H, language, watch it. God I have so much more research to do now.” “Not without me you don’t. We are doing all of this together, every single step of the way, every high, every low, together, all three of us. and if I have to watch my language, you have to watch yours, mama." “I like the sounds of doing it together, and let's just promise to try not to swear every other word like we sometimes do, now, bedtime cuddles?”
“Bedtime cuddles. You are not getting out of any of them during this. You are also not leaving my side.” “H, be reasonable, I have work, I will have to pee, you will have meetings, and you have a little brand called ‘Pleasing’ to watch over as well. “Fine, but you will have someone with you at all times, except bathroom breaks. But lovie, once we take our engagement public…” “Yeah, there’s a big difference between being your girlfriend, being your fiancee, and then being your wife.” You finish his thought while slipping into one of his pink Pleasing hoodies. “Oh fuck me, this has somehow managed to be both the absolute best and the most stressful day of my entire fucking life thus far.” H says as the two of you cuddle into bed together. “We’re still going ring shopping first thing right H?” You ask, excited to actually get a sparkly ring slipped onto your finger by H. You know he’ll be at least a little bit extra, and you love him all the more for it. “Mmhmmm,” He mumbles, already asleep. True to his word, he actually got up first thing in the morning, cooked breakfast, and made tea, brought it all back to bed and woke you up slowly and deliciously. You got soft kisses all over. He started at your legs and inched his way up. By the time he was finally done loving on your tummy and tits, you were a soaking wet mess for him. “Food first, then more loving, then we’re leaving, there will be a ring on this finger…” he said, sucking your left ring finger into his mouth, “...before 2pm today.” “Wow H, 2pm, is that your definition of first thing?” You tease. “Would you rather go ring shopping with a drenched cunt?” “Honestly H, I’m going to end up drenched regardless, so wouldn’t you rather wind me up a bit more?” “You Y/N, are a dirty, dirty girl. My dirty girl. And the mumma to our baby.” H says, holding himself above you, his cock resting at your core. 
“Mmhmm, and you H are this baby’s daddy.” He ruts into you at the word. “Fuck, say it again.” “What? Daddy?” you say again and feel him rut again.. “Damn, I fucking love the way that sounds coming from your lips.” he says and kisses you. His kiss is needy and heavy and wet, and you don’t ever want him to stop. “Careful Daddy or I might demand to be fucked.” “Careful lovie, or you might not get to come at all today.” You mewl and just take what he gives you. Which is a few more short kisses before he gets up and hands you your oreo berry parfait. You eat, shower, and dress then H is putting you in the jaguar e-type, and driving you to a small, tucked away jewellery shop. “Why this one H?” You asked, mildly curious, you passed at least four others on your way here so you figured there had to be a reason. 
“This is where Robin got my mum’s ring, he had asked me to help him pick one out.” “I love that, the one time I got to meet him it was clear how much he loved your mum, goddammit H, I didn’t want to cry.” You say, trying to blink away the tears. “I hate hormones so much.” you finish saying and H wipes away the few tears. “It’s ok to cry lovie, sides’ your emotions are stronger right now, you feel them more. Thanks to the little baby Styles we created. Now c’mon, the sooner I get a ring on your finger the better.” 
H helps you out of the car, and does a little knock rhythm on the door. A cheerie old woman runs out to greet him, “Harry, so good to see you again dearie.” she says, and you just smile at how she pinches one of his cheeks. “Fiona, this is Y/N, my fiancee who I am here to get a ring for.” “Dearie, you agreed to marry Harry without seeing the ring first?" She says with a hearty laugh and you instantly decide you like this woman. "She also let me knock her up, but that's a secret Fiona, my mum doesn't even know yet." Harry says, clearly trusting the old woman. "Well then, congratulations you two, and as soon as I saw the two of you come in together, I knew you were the one Harry mentioned way back when. But for today dearie, Harry already picked out the band, so all that's left is the diamond, you pick it and i’ll finish setting it immediately. What shape?” Fiona asks and shows you a 1 carat sample of each shape. Your eye immediately caught on two, the asscher, a square with cut corners, you weren’t familiar with it like you were the rest of the cuts, but for some reason it stood out to you, and the radiant, again it features cut corners, but rather then the stepping stone pattern seen in an asscher, the radiant gives has a star shape appearance inside the diamond. 
“The asscher.” “That is my absolute favorite cut. It is subtle and won’t shine like most of the other cuts,  It’s also the one I would have recommended for you. The bond you two share is deeper than any ocean, and the asscher diamond will emulate that with how it appears to swallow you in when looking at it.” "How big dearie?" Fiona asked when she got back with her tray of asscher cut. "Smaller. Maybe a 1 carat or 1 ½ carat." "This one is a lab created 1.55 carat, with excellent clarity and level of brilliance." Fiona said and held out a diamond. “It’s stunning, I love it.” You say and Fiona measures your ring size. “Then I’ll be right back, it should only take about 20 minutes to set.” When Fiona returns, and starts to reach for a box Harry stops her. “No need for that Fiona, its going on right now.” Harry says and swaps his card for the ring. He takes long, purposeful strides over to where you’re standing and grips your chin so youre looking at him. “Once this ring goes on that finger, its game over, you’re fucking mine, you understand that right.” You blink up at him innocently, before pulling him to whisper something to him. “I understand that perfectly… Daddy.” You whisper before backing away. Harry’s eyes go dark, as he slips the ring onto your finger, he kisses it quick, before kissing you, desperately. “Mmhmm, quite a love indeed.” Fiona says handing Harry his card back. -End Of Flashback-
“Fitz, i’m so sorry, I have a lot going on right now and I just got a new case at work that I have to go out of town for, I’ll make the next one. “NO! You promised me you’d come to this one Y/N. Just go, I don’t want to talk to you anymore, no one has time for me anymore.” Fitz yells, and then tones it down but you can tell he is still extremely upset. And at his last comment, you start crying and run outside for some air. “Lovie? What’s wrong?” H asks you when he joins you outside, he saw you talking to Fitz, he knows it didn’t go well, and as soon as you headed outside, he followed. “I’m the worst sibling ever. I just, god, I love my job, but there’s too much going on in every part of my life right now.” You cry into H’s shoulder, probably ruining his shirt. “Well, what about starting your own firm, you can take as many or as few cases as you like.” H suggests. “No, I honestly think I want to just leave law behind except for my family and friend clients, I kinda just miss traveling with you and writing all the time.” you say and H lights up. "Plus the execs want me to take on that client who tried to get me to fuck him, apparently he'll only sign a retainer agreement if I'm the one listed." You add. "You mean that guy whose head I almost bashed in when he tried to grope you right in front of me." Harry says, now rather frustrated. "Mhmm." You respond. “So fucking quit, put in your notice, and comeback to writing with me. Run a remote firm, just you and Mia, and I can just get you contracted through Pleasing, plus I can make sure that bloody bastard keeps his hands away from my fíancee.” H offers, and honestly it sounds so perfect to you, but you want to make sure it’s not a ‘spur of the moment’ decision. “She Said, “Give Me A Day or Two”. So that’s what he did. You slept on it that night, still thinking about how nice it would be. And when you woke up in the morning, you told him. “H, let’s do it. I’ll talk to Mia while we’re on the jet, and put my notice in as soon as I get back.” "You fucking serious right now?" "Absolutely, 100%." You say back and he immediately melds his lips to yours, his eyes intensely locking with yours, all while stealing your breath with his delicious kiss.
"I Go Round And Round"
Nashville without Harry was horrible. But at least Mia was in on your new plan. "You don't have to leave the firm with me Mia." "I know, I want to, besides you and I are 'The Law/Legal' duo. We used to be 'The Law/Legal/Law' trio until Lyla and Connor moved to Spain." "I miss her." You say, feeling emotional at the absence of your other best friend. "New topic, tell me everything!" Mia exclaims and you roll your eyes but play along. "When are the two of you taking it public?" "We're taking the pregnancy public in a month, my 16 week mark. H loves that the baby will be the size of an avocado at that point. He actually organized a shoot with the dogs included." "AWWWWWWWWWE! Gahh, you two are just too fucking perfect sometimes and I love it." "As for the engagement, we aren't announcing it. Well we are, but we're going to announce it and the fact that we're married together. We already worded it too." "TELL ME! You agree, pull up the locked note you put it in on your phone, and show it to her.
"Forever and Always, better or worse, sickness and health… til death do us part"
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Image not mine
This is the only thing being posted the day of, every attendee will have to sign an NDA, and it's all being kept hush. Harry wants to ensure nothing gets leaked, not even a crumb is to go anywhere near the paps and other press.
"Yesterday you made me the happiest woman on the planet, soon we'll start a family together, but today I can call you mine in every which way and to think it all started with you proposing in our backyard (without a ring might I add), me throwing up immediately after agreeing, and then us finding out about our little Baby Styles. Can't wait to see where our adventure takes us Mr. Styles. -With Love, Your Mrs. Harry Styles
Y/N, baby, my ex, lovie, doll. I've called you a lot of things. But starting yesterday I got to call you my wife, and soon thanks to you, I'll be a dad to our baby Styles. I loved you when I met you, I never stopped loving you when I'd lost you, I loved you when we found our way back to each other, I loved you when you performed at Coachella with me, I loved you the night I proposed in the garden, and our baby we didn't know about yet interrupted us, I loved you while following you to find out we were having a baby, I loved you yesterday on our wedding day, I love you today, I will love you tomorrow, and I will love you every single day for the rest of our lives. You're my one and only and I love you, my Mrs. Styles. Not even in death will I ever part from you. -H
"Dammit Y/N, y'all are seriously just too fucking cute and perfect. "We'll have a few wedding photos posted with them, but we really just want to keep it about us, and on that note, Mia will you please be one of my bridesmaids?" "Yes, of course, absolutely." Mia squeals and hugs you.
Well, the day was here. Baby Styles was about to be announced to the entire world. You and H decided on a picture where he was sitting on the floor with his legs wide, back resting against a wall, you were nestled between his legs, Palmer was sitting obediently on Harry's right, getting head scratches of course, and Cado had his front two paws on your left thigh with his head by your small bump.  Harry's left hand was also on the bump with yours (minus the engagement ring) over top and your fingers lacing together. "Mum, Dad, and the pups love you so much already Baby Styles!" Was what you both posted. Wanting the message to be the same. Within 15 minutes of it being posted, Harry's post had been liked by over 250k people, yours was at 100k, and the entire internet was in love with your little family. The fans were going crazy, most the good kind of crazy, but there were a few already bad mouthing you and claiming the baby was a fake, that you were just trying to trap Harry. "Unfuckingbelieveable. This might be the only thing I hate about my life, the fans that don't know when to stop. I'm so glad you're okay with having a bit of a security team while you're out. I just need you two to be safe." Harry comments to you after looking at some of the posts. "But H, look at these," you say and show him the replies on the hate comments. Most of them referencing the ecstatic smile on Harry's face in the picture. "Look at all the good ones you have H, don't let the other ones get to you, just focus on the good ones while you show the hateful ones how serious you are about us, besides, we're getting married in a few months and then they're really going to have to get over it. Because I am not giving you up ever, period, end of discussion." "They'll learn not to poke the mama bear. Won't they baby?" H asks your bump, pressing a kiss to it. "Damn right they will, especially with my background and record in the courtroom." "Your mumma is quite the badass baby. And that's just one of the reasons why I love her. How could I not love her even more when we found out about you." He continues to talk and press tiny little kisses all over. "Daddy can't wait to hold you and change your stinky little diapers baby. And you be nice to your mumma, else she'll take it out on me." He wraps up and presses one more kiss before coming back up to your level. "I love you. And so does Baby Styles." You whisper to him.
"Spinning Out, Waiting For Ya To Pull Me In"
You battled the ups and downs of pregnancy, all while planning your wedding, setting up your new remote firm in the house, baby proofing the house, writing with Harry, and managing to have family time with Fitz. It took a lot, but you were happy, happier than you can ever remember. It was hard for you to believe that tonight was your last night as an engaged couple, and being almost 8 months pregnant, Harry was not leaving your side, not that either of you really cared about traditions. And you were back in Italy getting married on the beach. It was just something that felt right when H mentioned the idea and everything fell into place. One of your favorite Italian designers made your dress. Harry of course had Lambert work with Gucci on a new custom suit or well tuxedo actually. It was all black with subtle charcoal pinstripes, the pocket openings were lined with pearls, to match the top of your dress, he had a pink and blue pocket square for funsies, and it all came together with black and ivory gazelles. You were wearing ivory gazelles as well. And you had smaller designers looking for a break, making all the other outfits you'd need for your wedding party. The bridesmaid and maid of honor dresses were different styles in different shades of green. Gemma was your maid of honor, Sarah was a bridesmaid, and Mia was a bridesmaid. Fitz was Harry's best man, Mitch a groomsman and Niall was the other groomsman. That was it. You had Harry's ring in one of the hidden pockets of your dress, and H had yours. Harry smiled, almost laughed when you started practically waddling down the sand. You kept your vows simple and standard. And when the officiant finally declared you husband and wife, you cried into the kiss you shared with Harry. "Those better have been happy tears lovie, because you are stuck with me." H whispered after the kiss. "They're always happy tears when I'm with you H." "Where are we going?" You ask Harry, not recognizing the streets the driver is on. "Somewhere special." Harry replies with a smirk. "H, just tell me." You whine. "Civita di Bagnoregio. We've got an hour and 45 minute drive, so go ahead and take a little nap, I'll wake you when we get there." "Why are we going there instead of going back to the villa we rented." You ask. "I'll explain when we get there, but for now, just rest." H answers and kisses the top of your head. "Fine." You relent and succumb to the rhythmic movements of the car. "Lovie, we're almost there, wake up darling." Harry whispers. 
"Hmmm?" You ask tiredly. "Civita di Bagnoregio, also known as the dying city. I finalized a purchase on a home there in late June of last year. Bought it to surprise you, but then we got busy and I just held onto the secret. So now it's your wedding present." "That's an extravagant present, even for you. And why is it called the dying city?" "There's only 11 houses left in the city. And while it is a bit of a tourist destination, it's also quiet and isolated." H answers your question and you smile. "Quiet and isolated, I like the sounds of that." You say and feel baby Styles kick in excitement as well. "And so does Baby Styles." You add and Harry is quick to feel. Giving you his big, dimpled smile the entire time. Baby Styles' kicking has become one of his favorite things in the world. "Good thing I have your present hidden as well then." You squeal as Harry starts tickling your tummy to get another reaction from the baby. When you get inside the house, it's beautiful and you have this amazing view of Italy. H carries you inside, and up the stairs to the master suite which takes up almost the entire second floor. The second floor balcony shows off the views even better than the first floor terrace. Harry has some of it already decorated, but a little of it is still just the basics, his mattress, a hand carved bed frame with matching end tables and a matching television stand. A nice plush chaise in the corner. "I didn't want to decorate too much without you." H comments as you take in the room. "No, I love it, really H. C'mere." You respond. He makes his way to you and you pull him in by his tie for a deep kiss. "Oh. MMMM!" H moans into the kiss. He slides his arms around your back to undo the lace-ups on the dress. You skip the tie and go straight to unbuttoning his shirt, before shoving both the jacket and the shirt off his shoulders. "Eager, are we?" H asks you with a smirk. "Cause you aren't?" You snark back. "I never said it couldn't be mutual." "Oh just shut it and take off the rest of this damned suit, I prefer my husband without clothes. "That feeling is also mutual, my wife." When H let's the shoulders on your dress fall away and take the rest of your dress with it, he finds a new blush pink lingerie set that you had made for this occasion. Harry still thinks you wanted to be 'surprised' by the gender of the baby, but actually, you've been sitting on this one since your 23rd week of pregnancy. When you found out, you laughed, it reminded you of Harry's X-factor audition. And you thought he'd enjoy a spicy reveal. "Fucking Stunning." "I hope you like your present." "The new set? I fucking love it." "I was debating between this color and a baby blue but I decided I liked the pink." You say and look at him. He still doesn't seem to be quite getting it, but he's getting closer. "Surprise." You add and that's when it all clicks for him. "We're having a baby girl?!" He asks, just to confirm. "Mhmm." "Isn't she lovely, made from love." He sings and you laugh. "That's what I thought about too, right away when I found out." You tell H. "And when exactly did you find out?" "23 weeks. So a little over 10 weeks ago. "I suppose that's fair when I've been sitting on this, the house for long enough. But no secrets or surprises for the next baby." "Next baby? What next baby?" You reply laughing.
"I Can See You're Lonely Down There"
It's May 9th, one day before you officially hit full term. You and H both like the name Belle, and have agreed that it should be short for something, but can't decide on Annabelle or Isabella. "H? What about Arabella with Belle for short?" You ask. "I like that. Arabella Eleanor Styles. Though she'll be Belle to us." "Are we agreed then? Finally?" "I do believe we are. Now give me a few minutes. I gotta go call my cousin Ben to say happy birthday." Harry left the room to go outside and talk to Ben. But then your water breaks, and H is still outside on the phone. "HARRY!" You flat out scream to get his attention. "BABY. COMING. NOW." H hangs up the call immediately and gets towels and your go bag and the two of you get into the new Jaguar F-Pace SUV Harry bought for your family car. And by bought he means customized, it was built for you. It's all tricked out with every cool feature imaginable, and you picked the color, Petrolix Blue. You make it to the hospital in record time, thanks to Harry's careful yet super speedy driving. And after nine grueling hours of being in labor, Arabella Eleanor Styles is born. She has messy curls like her father, but in the same color as your hair. You got two days of observation, just because they wanted to see if Belle's weight would go up a bit. Which it did. So with that, you and Harry were parents with a newborn and you got all the gifts that come with it. Sleepless nights, loud crying and screaming, constant diaper changes. You and Harry spent whatever little time you had cleaning up the place constantly. It was hell for both of you, but at the same time it was amazing. Little Belle was usually a happy baby, she just needed her feedings, her naps, and her playtime on schedule. But once the schedule got messed up, she was not a happy baby. Not at all. Harry once called her a demon when her schedule got off by less than three minutes and she was cranky. 
"Don't You Know That I Am Right Here"
It was one of Belle's cranky days. Harry had meetings almost the entire day yesterday, and you were absolutely exhausted because she was cranky yesterday too. You got up to feed her on time this morning, then tried to put her back down but she was having none of it. As her crying intensified, Harry was quick to your side and took her from your arms. "S'okay baby Belle, daddy's right here." H whispered to her and she calmed to sleep almost right away. "How?" Is all you asked when the two of you retreated to the safety of the master suite. "She just missed her daddy yesterday. She doesn't love you any less, it had just been too long without me. You get pretty cranky when I'm gone for too long as well, so don't blame her." He teases. "You just lost out on morning nap sex." You answer and climb back into bed. "Come here Palmer." You called quietly and the dog was quick to settle at your back. "M'wife and the dogs are ganging up on me." Harry chuckles and settles in as close to you as Palmer will allow. Harry did lose out on morning nap sex, but he had made up for it by the time evening nap was here and so you went along with evening nap sex. Before also having night night sex. Evening nap was usually cuddle time and snack time, but as it turned out, you had to admit to yourself that H was right, you were cranky without morning nap sex, it had been too long since you felt him inside you, and your body was demanding you fix it.
"Spinning Out, Waiting For You To Pull Me In"
Belle was having a day at Grandma Anne's, and you and Harry were downstairs in the studio almost the entire day. You and H were singing some of Belle's favorite lullabies to record and be able to have for if either of you had to be gone overnight. She loved it when the two of you sang for her together. She also loved watching videos of her daddy dancing on stage. She would try to stomp her tiny foot whenever you played satellite and it just made the both of you smile. "H, I miss her." You whined. "Me too, lovie." He replied. "Can we call your mum and go get her early?" "Sure if you want to make my mum upset. You know she doesn't like it when she has to give Belle up, and that's when she's only had her for an hour. We promised her the entire day, she'll be pissed." "Harry Edward Styles, man up and tell your mum that we're picking Belle up early." "Or… you could call her and tell her." Harry suggests and you laugh. "Are you scared of your mum H?" "Lovie, my mum is downright terrifying when she's upset, she'll pretend she's not, but she'll guilt you into a lot of things before you figure it out. She almost guilted me into ending a tour early until I offered to fly her in instead." "Fine. Then what is your suggestion so we can take our minds off of how much we miss Belle?" H gives you a cocky, smirky smile and you immediately regret asking him. "That's an easy one. All we have to do is make another one." He answers and tugs you into him. You're both laughing but it quickly turns heated when you end up in his lap. Tongues tangled together, you grinding over his bulge. All while still in the studio. The one room in the house that you both swore was off limits for sex. H had a nap room across the hall for this exact reason. There was just too much equipment, all of it quite expensive in this room, plus more often than not, Harry had a few members of his band here when he was recording. "H, not in here remember." You whispered as he stood up and set you down on top of the back of the piano. "No one else is here today lovie." He reminded you, already attaching his lips to your cunt. "Gonna make you squirt all over this room, fucking ruin every piece of equipment in here, then I'm going to fuck you on every single surface of this room. Fuck you and fill you." Your only response was a mewl. A few days later, H and Belle were out running errands and you wandered down to the studio. You found yourself sitting in the nice chair by the computer all the recordings were on. And you were relistening to you and H singing 'You Are My Sunshine' for Belle. After the song finished, you heard the statement that started it all. 'H, I miss her.' you know that at that point you probably should've stopped listening and deleted the entire recording. But you kept going. H ruined you over and over again, and it all got recorded. 
"There you are… oh." Harry interrupted the little session. "Is that??" "Yeah, apparently we forgot to turn off the mics." The two of you laugh about it. "I swear, this better not ever end up as something that somehow ends up in one of your songs, ever." You say to him, knowing his track record. "Now why would I share the noises you make when we fuck, with my fans? Those are for my ears only." He responds. "So does that mean you'll let me hit the delete button?" You ask him. "Oh hell no. I never said I didn't want to keep it. We accidentally recorded ourselves having sex, it's fucking hot." He replied. "Then you should probably get over here and stop me." You say, teasing him. "Don't you even think about it!" He answers, sprinting over and pulling you away from the keyboard. "H, be real, we're not the ones usually on this computer." "That's why I have a folder that requires a finger scan to get into it." He answers and drags the file into said folder. "Now let's edit this part out and save the actual song with the other recordings we did. Kid is going to look at all of them tomorrow." You flush, thankful that you came down here today to check them yourself first. "Oh my God, what if he had found them?" You say, starting to hyperventilate. This, hitting way too close to what happened to you before your father died. "Lovie? Are you okay? What's wrong? Kid can't find it now, and he won't be able to find it." Harry says to you, wanting to just give you a hug. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" You scream at him. "Lovie?" H says to you, officially worried. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" You say and bolt out of the studio. Harry is dumbfounded. He can't even figure out what the hell just happened.
"I Can See You're Lonely Down There"
(A/N: This section is mostly a flashback. It contains kidnapping, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, incest, drugs, forced rape, and multiple perpetrators, all of whom got away with their crime. Please do not read if any of this might be triggering to you. Skip to the next line of the song.)
You got into your old Camry that you loved and took off. H kept it in the other garage because you didn't want to get rid of it and have to drive one of his cars if he needed to take Belle somewhere. You found yourself driving back to a place you haven't been to since Harry came back into your life. Your dad's old warehouse. The warehouse holds your worst memory, and also was where you were held against your will for over a month. You arrive and walk inside. You own this building now, but haven't been able to bring yourself to demolish it. In fact it's actually been somewhere you go when you hate yourself.
-Flashback- Shortly after you returned to London after your initial breakup with Harry, your father found out you were back. It was the beginning of summer, and you had already decided to pursue law and enrolled for the upcoming fall term. You were in the studio apartment you rented initially, sleeping. Your apartment was broken into and before you could put up a fight, you were drugged and fell unconscious. When you woke up, your legs were cuffed to a chain which was welded to a loop on the concrete floor. Your hands tied together with rope, on the floor next to you was a bottle of water and a small bowl of crackers. There was a metal door about 10ft in front of you, and on the other side you heard voices. One of which you were able to identify as your father's. -end flashback-
When you parked the car and walked inside the warehouse, you saw your dried blood on the walls, the box of tools you used to cut yourself, and the old scarf you used to use to try and choke yourself. The only room in this warehouse you haven't been back inside is the one at the end of the hall. The one where you were videotaped without your consent. 
-Flashback- Your father opened the door and entered the room, a sick smile plastered on his face. He was happy seeing you chained up, thought it served you right for defying him. He walked over to you and slapped you across the face. "Hello Daughter." He said to you. You couldn't answer. you were too disgusted and shocked to say anything. "ANSWER ME YOU DUMB BITCH!" Your father screamed at you. Still you couldn't find anything to say. Your father pulled a whip down from the wall across from you and hit your arm with it. "I SAID ANSWER ME!" "Hi…F…Father." You choked out. He whipped you again, on your other arm this time. "YOU ARE A DUMB, STUPID BITCH Y/N!" Again he whipped you, this time on your leg. "If you won't marry as I told you to, then you'll mother my male heir." He added with a whip to your other leg, before exiting the room. After he left, another man came in and you let him inject you, knowing it would be stupid to fight it. You passed out again after the injection and the next time you woke up, you were naked and spread out on a bed, arms and legs cuffed to metal posts. There was a single light, and two cameras. "Excellent, you're awake." Your father said through one of the cameras. "Now, George is going to come into your room and penetrate you, while I watch. If he enjoys you, and you finally agree to marry him then I am willing to let that be the end of this. Otherwise tomorrow it won't be George penetrating you, it will be me." He says and clicks off so you can't hear him anymore. About a minute later the door opens and you once again come face to face with the ugly Viscount your father tried to force you into marrying. When you saw that there would be no condom used, you felt the tears welling up, and you cried as he forced his way into you, without preparing you. The worst part of it though was after he came inside of you, he wedged something under you so that his semen would not be able to drip out. After an hour you were led back to your previous room. You tried to fight this time, hoping you would be able to hit him right and run, but instead a needle ended up in your neck, and you went limp. You woke up again that night, were forced to eat something, and drink water. After which you received another injection. When your father came to ask you if you changed your mind, you said no. You would not allow your father to control you the way he wanted. He forced a cup of tea down your throat, slapped you across the face again and left. You felt woozy and passed out again. You were in the room with the bed again, still chained down and naked. The only difference was that your father was in the room with you, and you noticed that one of the cameras was turned off. "Fucking take it, if you want to be a whore, then I will treat you like a fucking whore." Your father said to you as he filled you with his semen. Day after day, multiple times a day, your father penetrated you. After a month and you were showing no signs of pregnancy, you were given another injection, this one different from the others. You lost track of time, you weren't given anything to do, you had no contact with the outside world.
When they quit tying your hands though, you started to punch the concrete wall until your fingers bled. And eventually they started tying your hands again so that you couldn't. You don't remember how you got out, you just remember that you were alone, and someone rescued you out of there, and took you back to your studio apartment. You don't remember what the man looked like, but you do remember it was a man. When you woke up, you were back in your studio apartment. You tried to take the statement to the police, they wouldn't listen, you even tried to tell your mother, but she wouldn't answer your calls or letters. You blocked it from your memory and threw yourself into school. Which led you to where you are now. Back in that horrendous warehouse. Your father had sold it right away, and you tracked it down and bought it. It was the first purchase you made after you were hired at the firm. And you just hoped that someday you'd be able to let go of that event. -end flashback-
You sat down on the floor in the room you ate in, and just cried.
"Don't You Know That I Am Right Here"
(A/N: There are some more references made to the incident in this section, but mostly it's just Y/N revisiting the incident with Harry before finally moving on. Again please skip if you find these events triggering.)
Harry had been worried, hell he's currently terrified, he's on his way to the warehouse after Anne arrived to watch Belle. He knows he probably shouldn't have put a tracking device in your car, but he couldn't help it, he just wanted to make sure you were safe. You don't know that Harry is the reason you got rescued from the warehouse. Or that it was Harry himself who actually rescued you. Harry had regretted cheating on you instantly and even tried to find you, but when your father answered your phone, he had a bad feeling. So he hired a private investigator and got you out of there himself. He also made a deal with your father to drop it and not let it get out. After that he went back to his music, he knew you still hated him and he knew Anne would give him updates on how you were doing. But in the present moment, all he could think about was getting to you, and apologizing. He knows he doesn't have the full story. But he's okay with that. "Y/N?" You hear Harry's voice ask when he gets to you. "How did you find me?" You asked him. "I had a tracking device installed in your old Camry." He answered. "I also think I should tell you, finally." "Tell me what?" "I'm the reason you got out of this place way back when. I was calling you to apologize for the millionth time when your father answered your phone and I just got this bad feeling, so I hired a private investigator to find you and then I got you out of here myself. I knew you probably still hated me so I just took you back to your apartment and left again." "You? You're the man that saved me? How did I not recognize you though?" "Well, you were extremely drugged up for one." Harry answered. "I thought I had finally let it go H." You cried and hit the wall again. "Hey, it's ok. It was traumatic. You don't have to ever be okay with what happened or let it go. All you have to do is lean on me, and I will help, however I can. Because I love you, and we're in this together. You know I have shit too. But we can lessen the weight of each other's shit when we shoulder it together." "Can I tell you?" You asked H, no longer wanting to shoulder it yourself. "I would love that." "Well, this is the room I spent all the time I wasn't being raped in. These spots are from where I would hit the wall until my knuckles would bleed. My feet were chained to that loop, and usually my hands were tied. I was force fed and forced to drink, and was usually injected with something that would put me to sleep. Whenever they had to move me except once, I was knocked out." You explained, H just sat next to you and let you go at your own pace. When you stood up to go face the room for the first time, you took his hand. "Don't let go. I can't face this one on my own." "Promise."
So you led him to the end of the hall and opened the door. "This is the room where I was raped. My hands and feet were chained to the posts." You said slowly. You didn't know how to feel, you were just thankful that Harry never let go. After you finished in the room you took him out to the main area and showed him the rest of it. The blood spots, the tool box, the scarf, everything. He still never once let go. Finally, after you were done explaining everything, you felt a little bit lighter. "Do you feel better?" H asked you, you nodded. "Think you'd be okay with demolishing this building, or would you rather do something good with it?" "Both. Demolish this one and build something good in its place." You answered. "I like that idea even better lovie." So that's what the two of you decided to do. Harry gave you a hug, and you rode back with him, he called someone to have them pick up your car and take it back to the house.
"Right Here, Right Here"
Belle was growing right in front of your eyes, you felt like just yesterday she was born and now, well, tomorrow is her first birthday. She's spoiled in all capital letters, and well, you found a shirt that says just that. 'SPOILED! by my daddy!' and you laughed so hard you had to get it for her. You also got her a giant plush unicorn. But that was it. You knew Harry had at least 10 giant presents for her, so you didn't feel the need to pull out all the stops. But her day was perfect, she was happy, and she loved the giant unicorn even more than Calleigh, the cat Harry bought her. She went to sleep that night without a fuss and slept soundly the entire night and into the next day, until you finally took her out of bed at noon. "Just like your father, little Belle, you like your beauty sleep." You whispered to her, gently waking her up. Just over six months later, you found out you were pregnant with your second child. Harry was ecstatic, and the two of you were discussing when and how to tell Belle (not that she would understand the concept). You decided to take her and Mia to your next appointment, so she could actually see it, and then Mia would watch her while you finished your appointment. She was very excited. That is until Henry Joseph Styles was actually born, and she realized she wasn't the only kid anymore. But you and H still loved her just as much, and more everyday. 
"Spinning Out Waiting For Ya"
Belle continued to grow and grow and grow. Her third and fourth birthdays flew by, it was six weeks before her fifth birthday. And Henry had turned two a few months prior. You and Harry continued to have a very active, very healthy sex life, between Anne, Desmond, Gemma, and your mum, you and Harry had no issues finding a babysitter for a weekend when you wanted to go somewhere or just stay home with a bit of quiet. But a weekend was as long as you could go. You both missed your kids way too much. Your first trip to Italy as a family of four was the best vacation you had ever had. You rented a villa in Venice. The kids loved the water, and they loved it even more when Mia dropped in to take them back to London. You and Harry stayed for an extra few days before heading home as well. The two of you went to Greece by yourselves for your first ever full week away from the kids. On your last night, Harry fucked you on the terrace. He didn't care who could see or hear, he just had this animalistic need to be inside you. That primal need of his resulted in the conception of your twin boys. 
"I'm Here, Right Here"
Harry had to go to the US for a month, it was something that he could no longer put off and they refused to let him do it via video call. It was the month-long event where it would be decided what songs would make his next album and they only had 106 songs to go through with how successful you and he have been with writing. Three days before he was scheduled to return, you went into labor and he was halfway around the world. When Anne called him he dropped everything and took the jet back to England immediately. It was no more than an hour between when he found out and when the jet took off. 
"Wishing I Could Be There For Ya"
The flight was long and Harry full on sprinted through the hospital to get to your side, his duffel over his shoulder. When he finally reaches your hallway, he hears a cry, your cry. By this point you had been in labor for nearly 12 hours. You were not in a good mood. "Lovie." Harry said immediately upon reaching you. "Where the fuck have you been for the last twelve fucking hours?" You pant. "On a plane, praying I wouldn't miss it." "So it's your fault. I hate you. We are never having sex ever again. EVER." You say and Harry actually laughs. "Whatever you say Lovie. Now what can I do?" "Carry your own children." You reply. "Y/N, it's time to start pushing." Your OBGYN says and Harry takes a deep breath, making sure he is ready to help do whatever. It only took an additional four hours, but at the end of it, you had two baby boys, Charlie Mikael Styles and Colt Jameson Styles.
"Be There For Ya, Be There For Ya, For Ya, (For Ya), (Be There For Ya)"
Your first year with the twins was rough. When one started crying the other followed shortly after. It didn't help matters that Harry's new album was being hyped up and he couldn't do much to help you between the interviews and meetings and actual studio sessions. Plus with the talks of another huge world tour, big enough to rival LOT, he had to interview and see if he could vibe with replacements for both Mitch and Sarah who decided not to tour again while Scout was in school. He was also worried about Belle, could you guys find a way to keep up on her education while being on tour with him full time? Would you even want to join him on tour? He came in late one night, you were on the main floor with the twins, Belle and Henry were both upstairs in their rooms, sleeping. "Charlie and Colt, still not down yet?" He asked, taking Colt from you so you could focus on Charlie. "Silly boys, don't you know sleep is a wonderful thing?" He asks Colt. "Clearly not, I know I value sleep though. Now more than ever." You reply. The twins finally go down and you and Harry make your escape. "Are you awake enough for a quick fuck? Everyone was pushing all my fucking buttons today and I just need you, so fucking bad." "Tomorrow? I'm just so fucking tired right now H. I can't keep up, I'm a full time mom and I can't even look at the files I've needed to flip through for months now." "I'm sorry baby, you know I'd rather be here. London pop-up shows can only hold off the label for so long. They want another LOT. Actually they want something bigger than LOT." "I know H, I know, but how will Belle keep up with football (soccer) practice? And school? And fuck, I'm just even more exhausted thinking about it. I can't parent by myself H, I just can't." You start to cry. "Ssh, it's ok lovie, it's ok. We'll figure something out. Now come on, let's get you into bed, I'll take a shower and then I can just hold you." H assures you. "Okay. I really do need a fucking tomorrow though, need to feel closer to you, but just too tired tonight." You reply almost whining. "I'll cancel everything for tomorrow then and we can pawn the kids off on my mum, and then we can have a naked day." H says as he tucks you into bed.
"Spinning Out Waiting For Ya To Pull Me In, (Spinning Out Waiting)"
A world tour with four kids and another one on the way was a challenge. But it was a challenge you came to realize that you were happy to accept because it meant that you and the kids wouldn't be without Harry, and he would not have to be away from you and the kids. Something he didn't know if he could do. You had found out you were pregnant yet again only ten days before you were leaving. The tour, nicknamed HOT, which stands for Home On Tour, was a reference to how Harry knew he would feel at home with you and the kids on tour with him. The H•S Dassault Falcon 10x was loaded, enough toys, and clothes, and snacks, and everything else a small army might need for a ten or eleven hour flight. H chartered a second jet for his crew and band, this one was just you, him, the kids, Anne, and Mia. The kids enjoyed the plane, and napped through a lot of it. You and H got a couple of hours each, but nothing major like you would have preferred. You and Harry were taking a little break from the kids in the plane's bedroom and reminiscing about love on tour. "Also, where's my Madrid fit? Oh, and my SLANE fit, I wanted to keep that one!" He asks knowing that they are all hidden in the room you turned into an office at the house. The one room he doesn't have the code for because of the sensitive files you keep under tight lock and key. 
"Those are also mine, SLANE, since you didn't let me keep the finger off the statue we broke while fucking in the gardens." "In all fairness, you did make that jacket look really fucking good. I think Lambert wanted to ditch me to style you at that point. That was a day!" "That was a fucking day indeed." You reply cornily knowing one of you would've said it. Harry captures your lips in a long deep kiss as the two of you continue to reminisce about LOT. And when the plane landed, everyone was quick to exit the plane and you were all whisked away in the Humhum-mo as Colt so wonderfully called the Hummer style Limo that you were all riding in. It was about perfect timing for another baby though, because the ending of the entire American leg, would line up with your 35 week mark, and unless baby Styles number 5 decides to take their sweet time, you're looking at being on the three week break before Asia and Oceania, a three week timeline for baby Styles number 5 to make his or her appearance. Hopefully, fingers crossed, but if he or she doesn't, Harry is planning on taking your OBGYN with you. You just arrived in Los Angeles, getting ready for the US part of the American leg. Harry flew in your OBGYN so the two of you could still get the gender reveal when you wanted. You didn't have nearly as much morning sickness with this pregnancy as you did during your previous three. Henry's was probably the worst. On the single day break between nights 1-3 and 4-10 of the LA shows. You and Harry were in one room, with Anne, Mia, and the kids in an adjoining room. You were laying on the bed, the ultrasound cart next to you. Harry was sitting in a chair when your OBGYN knocked. H let her in, and the two of you found out you were having a baby girl. You both thanked her and went back to the other room while she packed up her cart and headed back to the airport for her return to London. Belle was skeptical, Henry was excited, and the twins were too little to care. They seemed to understand that there would be another baby though. Which sounds about right for a 9 year old, a 6 year old, and twin 2 year olds. And well, you were feeling old yourself at 42, Harry was 39, and you two were somehow going to do the whole newborn thing all over again.
"I Can See You're Lonely Down There"
You were in Vegas for three full weeks, a total of 18 shows, and a lot of drunk Harry moments. You don't know which is more attractive to you, drunk Harry or high Harry. They are both extra loving and extra handsy. You're not exactly the biggest fan of the stench from either one, but you prefer cannabis to beer. Although if he's drunk on whiskey or scotch, well, you'd lick that off his lips and drink it out of his mouth if you weren't currently pregnant. The night of the last show, after everyone but you is drunk off their asses, Harry suggests everyone go to the casino inside the hotel. Yeah, not very smart. Especially when he offers to cover the expense. You look at him. "H, I'm going to go upstairs and relieve your mum from kid duty." You say, ready to go to bed. "Baby, no, you're my good luck charm, need you to play with me, just 15 minutes, ok baby, promise." He begs you and you agree. An hour later and well, you're ok with staying because you kinda have been quite the good luck charm. Harry hit a few small jackpots, and you were lucky on the roulette tables. You played craps, and then went back to the slots for a bit. At 90 minutes you were ready to call it, both of you were currently ahead, by quite a bit actually, but your feet were killing you, and you were starting to get a headache from the lights and sounds. "H, can we please go upstairs now? Wanna love on you and get off my damned feet. 'Sides m'soaked from watching you win." "Yeah baby, need me to make it better?" He asks and you know that using sex is probably the only way you're getting him back into the suite. Not that you mind of course, you really are soaked, and feeling rather desperate for a good dicking from H. "Please. Please make it better Daddy, just need your cock so fucking bad Daddy, y'cock's the only thing that will make it better, want you to fuck me, and come all over my belly, Daddy, can you do that for me please?" "Shit baby, let's go. Into the damn elevator baby, y've got m'cock hard f'ya already baby." He whispers, tugging you along. You're struggling to keep up, but he knows that and makes it easier for you by slowing down a bit, using your body as a shield to hide his erection. Which only serves to work you up that much more.
As it all turns out, baby Styles number 5 didn't want to wait, and joined your family just two days into the three week break. McKenna Elizabeth Styles with her long, dark, curly hair and eyes the same color as yours, was the very definition of a perfect baby. She cried twice in the entire rest of the three week break. Even after getting back on the road she was an angel, to her it didn't matter as long as she got to see her daddy every night. Harry would put her down while you wrangled the other 4. Belle was always helpful, usually reading a story to the twins while you tucked Henry in. 
"Don't You Know That I Am Right Here"
"Happy Anniversary you two!" Lorraine and Andrew said when they arrived at the little soiree you and Harry were having. "This is from all of us." Fitz added and handed you the envelope. You tore into it right away, like a kid on Christmas. "Oh, OH, OH MY!" You said as you read the short message not one, not two, but three times. "Harry, they're going to keep an eye on the kids for two whole weeks while spoiling us in Italy!" You say and show him. "Just don't wreck the boat." Andrew asks of the two of you. 
"Promise. We'll be careful with the boat." The two of you head out the next day, making sure to say goodbye to the kids before you leave. The only one upset about you leaving is McKenna, but as soon as she sees her Uncle Fitz she's perfectly fine. You and Harry spend the first day just relaxing in the house, enjoying your first naked day together in just over 5 years. "Fuckin 'ell, you're always so tight." Harry cursed as he fingered you, opening you up for him. "And wet," he adds after a quick slurp. "Just for you daddy." The two week trip was composed of mostly naked days, and a lot of you and Harry going at each other like teenagers who don't understand hormones, but that was just how strong the bond between you and Harry was. There was no problem that a good hash out session followed by some very, very thorough makeup sex couldn't fix. That and the fact that both of you have high sex drives is likely the cause of you and H returning to London with Baby Styles number 6 on the way. You later found out that this one was a boy, and you and Harry decided on naming him Kaiden Lincoln Styles.
"Spinning Out, Waiting For Ya (for ya, for ya) To Pull Me In (for ya)"
After Kaiden Lincoln Styles was born, you looked at Harry. "No. No more, I'm done, you hear me? DONE! NO MORE KIDS!" You give him the stern voice so he understands just how serious you're being right now. "Babylove, that's what you said after Henry, and the twins, and McKenna." Harry responds, laughing. "I will chop your balls off myself if I have to H. We are done having children, I'm too old for this." "Lovie, you're only 48, and we are very healthy, we go for runs together, ride bikes, box, and keep our diets in very good shape. We'll be fine, but if it will make you feel better, I'll get myself fixed so I can still fuck you, because we don't usually last long without sex. You're an extremely hot mumma and I am more in love with you now, than I was the day we got married.
"I Can See You're Lonely Down There"
Your 91st birthday. You never thought you'd make it this far. But here we are. Old and wrinkly, and to Harry you're still sexy. And well he's still sexy in your eyes as well. So maybe you're both losing your eyesight, but oh well. The love the two of you have for the other is still just as strong, if not stronger than it used to be. The two of you provide the laughs for the in house caretakers your children insisted upon since Harry says he's dying in this house. When he officially retired from music at the young age of 72, he could still enchant a crowd like it was nobody's business. 18 studio albums, 14 time Grammy winner, and 15 world tours. But that is his music legacy. Belle, Henry, Charlie, Colt, McKenna, and Lincoln are his real legacy. Your six wonderful young children who are all grown ass adults with messy curls like their father. Colt is practically a carbon copy of Harry, Charlie is too, it's like they got zero of your DNA and all of Harry's. 
Belle is a best-selling author, Henry produces music, Charlie works in tech, Colt took after you, he works in law, and McKenna took after Harry, she is quite the worldwide sensation, and the queen of the next generation of music, her king and husband, just so happens to be Taylor Swift's youngest son, Evan who is also quite the musician like his mother. Your youngest, Kaiden, is a world renowned surgeon in every area of the field. He can do the trickiest of procedures flawlessly.
You know in your heart your children will be alright. So when you close your eyes and take your last breath, you are happy. Harry, well, he's absolutely distraught. Downright refused to take care of himself. It took a special kind of interaction with a long-time fan, to make him realize that he still has a reason to be alive. You inspired and wrote or co-wrote quite a few of his most important, most special songs over his long career. He wrote, recorded, and released one final EP, exactly a year after you died. It was emotional and told the entire story of your relationship. And exactly what you meant to him. 
"Don't You Know That I Am Right Here"
Harry made it through two whole years without you by his side, but when you came calling back, he was ready to follow you anywhere. "You look a little lonely H. I'm right here, waiting for you. I'd wait forever for you H, but I think you're ready to let go too. Come find me again my love. I'm here, spinning out and waiting for you to pull me back and into your arms once again." With that Harry opened his eyes, turned to his children who were with him and said, "Look after each other, I'll see you again when the time is right, treat people with kindness, I love you more than you'll ever know." He finished his little speech, closed his eyes once again, took his final breath and pulled you into his arms, for eternity. 
Thank you So So So much for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Please Like, Comment, and/or Reblog. I appreciate all of it! and again a little reminder that if you are interested in seeing the inspiration post, to let me know via comment or dm or add it through a reblog. Thanks Again! Love Ya's -Ava
@lilfreakjez , @yeehawbrothers , @hermionelove
@gurugirl (Queen G, for being my guide to everything tumblr, especially when I have no clue what i'm doing, and because PRIESTRRY never ever fails to put me in a smutty kinda mood.) , @lukesaprince (because you have an amazing perspective that I always love hearing and because RICHRRY makes me Happy) , @fkinavocado (Dreea for always keeping it real, , and for just being fking amazing! And because CANDYMAN HARRY has me feeling licorice allsorts of things) , @freedomfireflies (for encouraging me, and for always checking up on me) , @tiredinwinter (because I Can't wait to see what part speaks to you and your art the most!, And also for being quite literally one of the sweetest people I've had the privilege of talking to on Tumblr!) , @watchmegetobsessed (for being the reason I first went down the Harry styles fanfiction rabbit hole!)
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cherrycheridarling · 1 year
harry styles masterlist
a/n: please don't repost any of my work without permission<3 you can reblog and all that jazz:)
fluff: ❁
angst: ✎
sad: ꕥ
suggestive: ➷
»»————-  ————-««
harry styles series
coming soon :)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
fine line series
cherry ꕥ ❁ harry styles x famous!reader
how 'cherry' came to be
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harry's house series
coming soon :)
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matildagirl1 · 27 days
I Can See You
• This is my first story here, so I'm sorry if it's not very good.
• English is not my first language, so feel free to let me know if there are any mistakes.
• This story takes place in 2014.
Summary: This is a story based on I Can See You by Taylor Swift.
Warnings: Contains +18 elements, but nothing explicit.
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This is your first time at the Brit Awards. You recently started gaining fame when you released your first studio album. When your manager told you about the nomination, you almost fainted from excitement, but here you are.
You arrived wearing a beautiful red satin dress with two slits that go halfway up your thighs, making the look both sexy and elegant.
Your manager stayed with you the whole time, which was great because when Harry Styles casually walked by you in the hallway, it took all your self-control not to run towards him and ask for a photo.
Harry Styles has been your crush since The X Factor, but it never crossed your mind to actually try anything with him; he's known for liking older women, and you are the same age. When everything starts to get a bit too overwhelming inside the event, you decide to step out for a bit from the crowd of celebrities and maybe find a bathroom in the hallway.
The backstage of the Brits is as busy as expected, but the hallway leading to the back would be completely deserted if it weren't for you and a member of one of the biggest boy bands of the moment.
No one other than Harry Styles is standing at the end of the hallway, being the wet dream he naturally is. It’s impossible not to have dirty thoughts about running your hands through his curly brown hair and seeing what’s underneath those black pants, printed T-shirt, and black blazer.
Maybe you’re just a pervert for imagining yourself sucking the dick of a famous celebrity who probably doesn’t even know who you are, but who cares.You’re about to turn your back and leave him alone, but his slightly hoarse voice stops you from moving.
“Hi, are you Y/N L/N?”
Your legs move quickly closer, and you smile shyly under his intense gaze.
“Yes, that’s me. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He smiles and admires the outline of your body in the red dress.
“The pleasure is all mine. It might be strange, but I wanted you to show up.” He takes a step forward, pinning you against the wall.
“What do you mean?” you feel your breath starting to become irregular.
“I hope you don’t think I’m a creep, but I saw you posing on the red carpet and I’ve definitely never seen anyone more beautiful than you.”
His words catch you by surprise, making you swallow hard and look away at the wall.
“I honestly thought you wouldn’t know who I am,” your cheeks start to turn red.”
Contrary to what you imagined, he laughs and brings his face closer to yours, making you feel his fresh minty breath.
“I’ve been watching you for a long time.”
Before you can say anything else, he simply attacks your mouth, making you moan. Your legs turn to jelly, and thankfully he grabs your waist and presses your body against the wall.
His lips move quickly, and his tongue explores your entire mouth, leaving you so aroused that it takes all your self-control not to grind against him against that wall.
The host says something inside, and the crowd starts screaming, but neither of you is willing to stop. You hold onto his shoulders as if he were your lifeline, but before you can ask him to go to a bathroom so he can really fuck you, someone shouts his name.
“Harry! Oh my God... Sorry to interrupt.”
You both pull apart, completely out of breath, and stare at one of the award show organizers who’s looking at you two in shock.
“One Direction just won the Global Success Award, the rest of the boys are already on stage.”
Harry huffs and turns to you, holding one of your hands.
“This will be our little secret.”
And just as you found him, he walks away, leaving you desperate for more of his touch. You snap out of your trance when you notice a small piece of paper in your hand.
“Meet me tonight.”
And you’re absolutely sure you will. For him, you would make it a secret mission.
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heysweetheart-writes · 10 months
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Watermelon Sugar - Find it on AO3
by me & @inexplicablymine
Alexander Claremont-Díaz is calm. He is cool. He is collected. He also has a crush the size of the Empire State Building on one of his classmates. Now, he is happily in a committed relationship with HRH Prince Dickhead, His Royal Hardness, Henry George Edward James Fox Mount-Me Windsor. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t appreciate the great wonders of the world around him. - Alex has a fantasy, and Henry has all of the answers. The threesome you might not have thought you wanted, but you definitely need.
MIND the tags. If this isn't your cup of tea, back button is there for a reason. Otherwise, enjoy the intro for this steamy, sultry, sexy, not so little threesome to explore Alex's Bi identity.
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nerdywriter36 · 2 months
Erik and Christine, 7!
You Don't Have to Go Home
hi, yes this ask has been sitting in my inbox for 7.5 months, BUT Aster, I finally finished this piece for you! this oneshot was for my Spotify Wrapped Asks series, and Aster requested 7, which was Matilda by Harry Styles. enjoy!!
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forgedroyalseal · 8 months
Song Fic Drabbles Part 1
I’m in my bed, and you’re not here:
Early dawn light flickered through the window, casting Will in a warm haze. He fought to hold onto the fleeting wisps of sleep, but his years of training had him up with the sun, no negotiation allowed.
His hand stretched out to the sheets besides him and was greeted by the distinct lack of another person. He sighed as the weight of his loss washed over him, as it did each day. It had been nearly a year since Alyss had died, and yet, every morning he forget. Every morning he’d wake expecting to see his wife. And every morning, he remembered. And on this particular morning, there was even more to remember.
He shifted onto his back and stare up at the ceiling, the knotted wood beging to blurry as his eyes burned.
“Happy anniversary my love.” He whispered.
For the first time in five years, no one was there to say it back. Will let his eyelids fall, tears pooling around his lashes, and tried to stay grounded. He breathed deeply. He counted to ten. He opened his eyes and forced himself upright. And then, like always, he crashed. The oxygen was robbed from his lungs as his body tilted sideways and suddenly his was back to where he had started, laying in his cold, empty bed, groping out blindly for someone who’d never be there.
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jqmalikhsgib · 1 month
h styles song fics masterlist
• wedding bells (completed)
• love of my life (discontinued)
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princehrry-writings · 2 years
Let Light Be Light
i've been on a lizzy kick and also experiencing college for the first time so this is what came of that.
warnings: BRIEF mentions of a serial k*ller, slight angst, fluff!!!!! mentions of family trauma
wordcount: 1894
But my therapist says To just let light be light So I'm letting him stay around
I’m alone almost every night and I don't know if I’m processing right.
The days grew shorter and the nights colder. Y/n spent most of her time studying, trying to stay on top of her school work. Fall semester was in full swing and while she was sad to be away from home, she was happy to be allowed to think her own thoughts and feel her own feelings instead of everyone else’s. It was a breath of fresh air she didn’t know she needed until she took it. 
Another late night at the library, nailing down her answers for her music theory midterm. She found that she loved the smell of old books and dust. Something about it made her feel so studious. She thinks it must be some kind of placebo effect or something because anytime she studies in the library, she feels like the information sticks better. 
Her friends had invited her to a study session but she's never been able to focus in group settings like that. She had to figure shit out on her own growing up and that's been a running theme with everything she does in her young adult life. She does shit by herself. She’s never had anyone to lean on before so why would she start now? 
That’s not to say Y/n doesn’t appreciate her friends because she does, but if something isn’t broken, no need to take it apart and put it back together. 
It’s nearing closing time at the library, meaning it’s closer to midnight then she realized it was. It’s dark out and she forgot her pepper spray in her room, but her dorm isn’t too far away from the library. A 10 minute walk when she’s really moving, so she packs up and gets ready to head out when a voice stops her. 
“Wait, you’re not gonna walk alone are you?” She turns around to see this boy, who she recognized from a few classes and he worked here, standing at the counter, lookin at her like she's about to jump off a cliff. He seems cute enough, more than she would ever admit to herself, really. He’s tall, long legs and arms, built muscles. His hair falls right above his ears and is curly, but not too curly. It’s very flowy from what she assumes is him running his fingers through it all day to keep it out of his face, and it looks really soft.
“Yeah…?” She says, wondering why he’s so concerned for her. She’ll be ok, it’s not a bad walk. 
“It’s not safe… haven’t you seen the news? There’s a suspect for a murder case running loose on this side of town. His targets are college age girls. Let me walk you home?” His accent makes her a lot less annoyed than she normally would be by somebody telling her she can’t take care of herself. 
“How do I know you're not him?” She quips, hoping he’ll give up so she can just go home. Well, as home as a dorm room can be. 
He raises an eyebrow, making him more attractive than she thought a random boy in the library could ever be, chuckling a little bit and picking up his bag. She notices that everyone else is already gone and it’s just the two of them, and wishes just for a second that she didn’t listen to true crime podcasts because she’s a little scared he could actually be the murderer he just warned her about. But when he comes over and she gets a good look at him, she just can’t see him being a murderer. She couldn’t really see him hurting a fly if she had to be honest. 
He grabs his bag and a ring of keys off the desk and pads over to where she stands. 
“M’ Harry, by the way. Figure you should know my name before I kill you behind the library.” He smirks. Oh, so he’s funny too. Now Y/n really has to put up a wall. Funny guys are dangerous. 
“I’m Y/n. Figure you should know the name of your latest victim.” She smirks back, matching energy but mentally she detaches herself because she can’t let herself form any sort of attachment to him. 
“What hall are you in?” He asks, leading her to the front door and turning off the lights, locking the door behind them. 
“It’s only like a 10 minute walk from here. I live in Greeley.” She answers quickly, shoving her hands deep into her pockets. Fall nights can be brutal but there's something that endears her to them. Something about the promise of the seasons changing, new beginnings, a fresh start. A cycle you can always count on. If nothing else, you always know that summer will turn to fall, and fall to winter, and so on. 
They walk quickly, making small talk and learning little things about each other. Like Harry is in three out of 7 of her classes. He talks to her like they’ve been friends forever and she can’t figure out why he’s being so nice to her. Can’t figure out what he wants, not that she really has much to give in the first place. 
 Too soon do they arrive at the front door of her dorm building. He says goodbye with a charming smile that she has to consciously not blush at and she makes her way upstairs. 
The butterflies win anyway, flooding her with a warmth she swore she would never feel again. She just met him today. What is she doing with herself? 
Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?
Suddenly, Y/n sees Harry everywhere. She knows it's crazy to think he’s following her, but that’s what her brain tells her because why would she be seeing him everywhere all of the sudden. She definitely doesn’t think it’s because he’s all she's been able to think about since he walked her home from the library. 
The nights had continued getting colder, and finally the first snow of the season had fallen upon them. And as cynical as people think she is, Y/n absolutely loves all things winter. The cozy nights with a lit candle (that she hides from her RA), ice skating, christmas lights. All of it, she loves. So as the snow falls, Y/n sits out on a bench wrapped in her heavy coat, a hot drink in her hand and wanderlust written across her features. 
She doesn’t even realize there's someone sitting next to her until Harry scoots a little closer, waving his hand in front of her face. 
“Aren’t you freezing?” She startles out of her daze, seeing the boy sitting next to her. Something between a goofy smile and a concerned stare paints his face and it's almost enough to make her laugh, but she stops herself. 
“Not one bit…” She lightly smiles, thinking about how much she loves the weather right now. He can’t seem to wrap his head around this girl, why she seems so… distant from him. 
He thought maybe it was him specifically, but he hadn’t done anything rude. At least not that he knew of. Maybe sometime ago he had accident;y been a prick and she still remembers and holds it against him.
She doesn’t say anything else so he just sits there with her, quietly people watching and trying not to freeze his bits off. He wanted to figure her out. 
“I don't know why he’s so persistent… I see him everywhere now, after the library thing. And last week he sat next to me on a bench outside for like an hour. Just quietly sat next to me, didn’t try to talk to me or anything. I don’t understand him at all.” 
“Have you ever thought that maybe he wants to get to know you?” Y/n’s therapist wonders out loud. 
“Why would he want to know me? What even is there to know? My family trauma, my anxiety, that I’m jaded because of what happened with my last relationship? I’m not exactly a ball of sunshine…” She rants back, wondering what this boy could possibly be interested in when it comes to her. 
“I think you should just let light be light. Let him be a good thing in your life. Don’t try and mess it up before it even starts because you’re scared to let someone in.” 
Y/n pauses, suddenly realizing why she was pushing him away so hard. 
The boy turns around quickly, zeroing in on who called his name. He does a double take, not believing who was trying to get his attention. 
“Hey Y/n…” He’s confused but elated. She’s never really shown interest in trying to talk to him unless he comes up to her first so seeing her calling his name is a bit jarring. He feels a little thrown off his game. 
“Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab lunch with me, if you’re not busy?” She asks. Y/n feels like she might pass out or throw up… or both. But she’s trying to take her therapist's advice and let good things happen to her and she figured she would take matters into her own hands. Again, she always had to do shit by herself so this isn’t really any different. She didn’t feel like waiting around hoping he might make a move. So here she is… 
Harry’s face lights up in that stupidly cute little smile that he has and she can feel the warmth it radiates flow through her body. Maybe her therapist is on to something… 
“Are you asking me on a date?” He quips, the smile morphing into a smirk. Her cheeks glow bright red and something tells him it's not from the cold weather. 
“It’s about time, jeez. I’ve only been flirting with you since, oh I don’t know, I offered to walk you home that night!” He lets an exasperated sigh leave his lips and he takes a few steps closer to her, giggling at how this situation had turned in his favor so quickly. He’d actually been working up the nerve to ask her that exact question. She just happened to beat him to the punch line. 
“So that’s a yes?” He softens, seeing the look in her eyes. The genuine vulnerability. She was scared, putting herself out on the line with no defenses. He knew she didn;t do this often, if at all. 
“S’ a yes pet, where would you like to go to lunch?” He reaches out for her hand, pulling her into him. She slowly wraps her arms around his, burrowing into his chest like she had belonged there this whole time. He wraps her up tight, one arm around her waist, the other cradling her head. She fit perfectly against him, like his body was built just for her. He would like to believe it was but he doesn’t want to get too ahead of himself. 
“I dunno, m’fine with anywhere.” She mumbled, her cheeks squished against him. She feels weird, like she never had before. But a good weird.
She felt at home. 
I think that he’s good for me, this boy that I’ve found.
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wendydarlingfics · 9 months
Holiday Dash Game
Tagged by: @pearlypairings
Rules: post an older fic of yours (it can be a christmas fic or just a fic that you think deserves some extra love) and give us a juicy snippet. Tag five people and pass on the joy!
My fic: Laced In Lies
Synopsis: It's been months since Harry reunited with Zac backstage at his concert but after a run in at Taylor and Georgie's wedding things may get even more complicated for them and the friendship they were trying to build.
"I'm sorry," Harry apologized as he felt his blush grow on his cheeks. "I missed what you said."
"Yeah, because you were checking out your ex," Carter told him though he didn't sound upset. He half sounded like he was teasing Harry. "Which is understandable because if I had Zac Hanson for an ex and he looked that good I'd stare at him too."
Blushing more Harry had to look away from Carter, mainly to hide the fact that he was sure a jealous look was on his face. It seemed when it came to Zac a small part of him still had jealousy when another person expressed a liking in him. Harry knew it was wrong to feel that way.
Zac wasn't his boyfriend anymore and other men and women could find him attractive. Could hook up with him even and Harry had to be okay with it.
"But Zac's hotness is beside the point," Carter continued with a laugh. "I asked if you wanted to come home with me after the reception," he said and after he spoke his hand rested on Harry's thigh. "I'm sure I can make you forget all about Zac for at least a night."
This time when Harry's blush grew at least it wasn't out of embarrassment. It was because of Carter's words and the fact that somehow despite how not tuned in Harry was that Carter wanted him.
At any other time Harry knew he would have jumped. In fact he had wanted to leave here tonight with one of the porn stars that Taylor worked with but that was before he had seen Zac. Before he realized how hot Zac was and now it seemed his body, at least one certain part anyway wanted Zac.
Harry was thirsty for Zac and sadly he knew he wasn't going to leave here tonight with any man besides Zac and if he couldn't have Zac then he'd just leave alone and have to use his hand as company.
"I'm sorry," Harry apologized again. "But I'm not sure I want to go home with you," he said cringing inside because he was sure his words sounded harsh.
tagged: @karadanverss @foodiewithdahoodie @starsarefire824 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @phoenixwrites
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sunflowerim · 2 years
You can throw a party full of everyone you know, you can start a family who will always show you love
Marauders au. Word Count: 1678.
Sirius lay quietly in his bed in the dorm room as he fiddled with his pocket watch. 10 minutes to midnight. And Sirius would be thirteen years old. The pocket watch had been an early gift from his uncle Alphard; one of the two people who seemed to care about his birthdays. The other person would be Andromeda. She’d probably wish him in the morning.
Sirius had never been overly excited about his birthdays like the other kids. For him, it was just a reminder that he’d lived another pathetic year of his life. Especially after last year when his mother had sent him a strongly worded “birthday wish” reinstating that Sirius Black was a disgrace to the Black family and that she shouldn’t have birthed him on this “cursed day”. All this because he wasn’t sorted into Slytherin like the rest of the family. Because he refused to uphold the family traditions. He couldn’t remember the last time his parents had actually celebrated his birthday. He’d be just glad if he could make it through the day without being traumatised by either of them. He hated birthdays.
Not exactly the positive outlook a twelve-year-old should have.
Which is why he hadn’t even told his friends about it. At the beginning of this school year, James had been furious. “I have known you for a whole year now, how come your birthday never came around?” He absolutely refused to buy that Sirius didn’t know his own birthday.
Right now, James was snoring soundly in his bed. Remus was also in deep slumber, completely engulfed in his sheets. Sirius watched as the hour, minute, and second hand of his pocket watch aligned on 12 and he whispered “Happy Birthday Sirius.”
Almost immediately he felt a wad of paper being put in his mouth and a sack of cloth being put on his head. He tried to protest, but in a moment he was off the ground as his hands bound themselves in a lock. Even his wand was out of reach. He tried to shout for James but he knew that his muffled screams were barely audible. He struggled helplessly as his body floated out of the room and down the stairs. In the dark, he couldn’t see the caster of the spells. It was probably one of his cousins here to humiliate him on his birthday, but how they got past the Gryffindor portrait, he didn’t know.
He felt a soft thud as he was placed on what he guessed was the couch in Gryffindor common room. In a moment his hands were free along with his face and mouth. The darkness made it impossible to see yet he stood up angrily ready to shout at whoever was messing with him this late when the lights came back on and he saw that he was surrounded by a crowd of kids from his class and a few older kids he’d befriended over the year. From behind him, he suddenly heard the chorus of Happy Birthday and turned around to find James walking towards him with the cake, Remus and Lily in tow. Sirius was stunned. He watched with his jaw hanging open. To his side, stood Frank Longbottom, grinning ear to ear, wand in hand. That cleared up the mystery of Sirius’ hijacker.
“Happy Birthday Siri,” James announced as he stood before Sirius.
“Bu- but you and Remus are upstairs! You were snoring!” Sirius’ mind was a mess.
“Ah, that was nothing a few spells couldn’t fix. You’d be surprised to know how many tricks Frank knows,” Remus grinned.
Sirius turned to Frank and received a side hug. “Happy Birthday Black,” he said as he shook him lightly by the shoulders.
He turned to Lily, the girl he argued with almost every day, mostly because Lily insisted on following the rules and Sirius on breaking them.
“You too?”
“If you’re questioning my presence here, then, I might fight with you, but that wouldn’t stop me from showing up on your birthday. I promised Remus I’d be nice to you today. If you’re surprised to find that everyone including me is here despite the curfew, then, you must know that I have been overpowered by Mary and Marlene,” she replied nonchalantly.
“Damn right we did,” Mary snickered from Sirius’ other side.
“Language,” Lily chided.
“Aw, come on Lils, it’s Black’s birthday,” Remus interrupted. “You have to cut everyone some slack today.”
Sirius’ eyes started to prick. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He cleared his throat before speaking again.
“How did you guys even know?”
James set the cake down on the coffee table and embraced Sirius in a bear hug.
“Never underestimate my powers of flattering the professors.”
Sirius huffed a laugh, “What?”
“Yeah,” James let go of Sirius and joined in on the laughter. “I asked Dumbledore.”
“Dumbledore?” Sirius couldn’t hide the amazement in his voice. “You went to Dumbledore for this? I seriously underestimated you.”
“Guys, I think we should cut the cake soon or Marlene will fall asleep right here,” Lily buzzed in.
“What? No, I’m awake.” Marlene violently rubbed her eyes to shake off the sleep.
That erupted a burst of collective laughter from the common room.
Sirius could only nod. He didn’t trust himself to speak anymore. This was too overwhelming for him. Not only had his friends found out about his birthday but also broken the curfew to celebrate it with him, even Lily. To say he was touched would be an understatement.
Sirius cut the cake as the common room burst into the birthday song again. As soon as he’d taken the first bite of the cake, another cake appeared out of thin air and sailed right up to Sirius, smashing into his face.
Sirius wiped the cake out of his eyes to find Lily standing with her wand extended.
“I was promised I could do the honours if I cooperated,” she grinned mischievously.
“Evans you just wait,” Sirius all but screamed as he ran after her with his hands filled with cream but Lily still had her wand on her, and with a simple flick, she froze Sirius in his steps. Remus and James burst into laughter followed by the other kids.
Lily came forward and gave him a short hug. “Happy Birthday Black."
She muttered a spell as she released him, bringing him back to motion.
Sirius couldn’t even be mad. Tears started to well up as he thanked her. He couldn’t remember the last time either of his parents had hugged him.
"Now, now, Siri, let’s distribute the cake so that we can open your gifts and sleepy people can go back upstairs,” Remus said, guiding Sirius to the couch.
“Gifts?” Sirius was dumbfounded.
“Of course,” James patted him on the back, rather hard. “What’s a birthday without gifts?”
Mary and Marlene went off distributing the cakes as Lily yawned, “I’m off to bed now Black. I didn’t get you a gift because my presence should be enough.”
Sirius managed a laugh, “Thank you for coming, Evans.”
Remus arched an eyebrow at Lily.
“Fine, I’m kidding Remus, Jeez. Here you go, Black.” She dug out a box of sweets from under the couch and handed it to Sirius. “Okay bye.”
Sirius smiled at the retreating form of Lily, as she walked over to where Mary and Marlene were.
“What did you tell her, Remus? Why was she so nice to me?” he chuckled.
“Oh shut up. You know she’s a nice person. She is just not fond of our pranks,” Remus said.
“Yet she likes you perfectly fine,” James pouted.
“Well, what can I say, I’m just that nice James.”
James pouted again as Remus continued, “Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you people too”.
Next Remus presented his gift, a nicely wrapped package, which Sirius opened to reveal a box from Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop filled to the brim with various prank items. Sirius was sorted for the whole year.
He jumped to hug Remus, “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I’m gonna have so much fun with these.”
“Leave some hugs for me too,” James said as he took out his present from under the couch.
Sirius’ breath caught in his chest. Anyone could tell what the gift was but James had taken care to wrap it nevertheless. That adorable fool.
Sirius laughed fondly at the badly wrapped gift.
“Hey, I did my best,” James protested.
“Thank you,” Sirius said, voice heavy with emotions, as he unwrapped it to find the latest model of Nimbus, the wooden handle polished so finely it shone in the light from the fireplace.
Sirius gently set it down and turned to hug James. Tears threatened to spill out and this time he didn’t hold back. He couldn’t speak and he could only hope, as he buried his face in the crook of James’ neck, that the hug would convey how thankful he was, for everything.
“Trials start next week. Let’s go together,” James muttered as he caressed Sirius’ hair.
Sirius only nodded against James’ shoulder and let James comfort him.
His own family had never done anything for him other than make his life miserable, so how could these people he’d known for a little more than a year care so much? Even Lily, who he argued so much with. But he didn’t doubt it. He believed it when they cared, he accepted it when they showed love, hoping that he could make them feel loved too.
Sirius looked around at all the faces in the common room, the people who’d come despite being on the receiving end of some mild pranks, people who’d come because they admired the marauders, seniors he’d managed to charm with his pranks, and Lily, Mary, and Marlene eating the last of leftover cakes.
He might not have gotten a family who loved him by birth, but he indeed had found a family for himself here in Hogwarts and at that moment, that is all that mattered. He was home.
A/N : Sirius'birthday is around the corner and he's turning 63!! I wrote this and obviously couldn't wait for 3 more weeks to post it (I'm very impatient). Listening to Matilda makes me think about Sirius a lot, so here's an early birthday fic for our beloved Sirius Black!
My Other Works
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
cute grocery shopping for the prompt :)
Hey sorry it's so late!! Hope you like it 💖
"Watermelon, check. Eggs, check." Harry muttered to himself, crossing the items off his list as he scanned the baskets of vegetables in front of him. "Right, so next we need peas, bananas, aubergine-" He was cut off by strong arms wrapping around his waist, immediately relaxing into the hold as Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's shoulder.
"What the fuck do we need aubergine for?" Louis asked, causing Harry to chuckle slightly.
"I thought I'd try out a new recipe," he answered, turning in his husband's arms and wrapping his arms around Louis' neck, "Niall recommended it."
"Well, if Niall recommended it..." Louis teased, pulling Harry into a chaste kiss. "But seriously Haz, do we need aubergine? I don't want a repeat of the avocado incident of 2018."
"Ugh, I thought we agreed to never mention the avocado incident again." Harry groaned, dropping his head onto Louis' shoulder with a huff.
"No, you agreed to never mention it again. I, on the other hand, am plagued with them ever since that gogglebox episode with Payno." Louis defended himself, carding his hands through his husband's hair, the man in question letting out a small laugh.
"Well you did announce your dislike for them on national TV. What did you think was going to happen?" Harry chuckled, standing back to his full height and kissing Louis again, cutting off any response. "Fine. We won't get aubergines." He relented with a sigh, Louis giving a little cheer in response before pulling Harry in for a deeper kiss. He reluctantly broke it after a few minutes, aware of their surroundings.
"Probably don't want to get caught for public indecency." He whispered against Harry's mouth before taking a small step back. "What's next on the list then, love?"
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avalentina · 1 year
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In celebration of Tumblr finally fixing my account...
Satellite: A Harry Styles Song fic releasing SUNDAY, AUGUST 20TH @11AM CST!
Hope you're ready, but you're probably not!😝
With Loves!
PS: it will be my longest fic to date, ≈30k words (oopsies)
PSS: Comment if you want to be tagged!
So so so so so so so sorry for all the delays.
No more jokes guys! I finished it tonight, am too tired to proofread, and work all day tomorrow (Saturday), so SUNDAY I'm posting!!!!
You have until 9pm CST tomorrow night, To reply and comment if you want me to tag you.
The final product is just shy of 28k words and if y'all like it, I'm willing to make an inspiration post so you guys can see what I was looking at while writing it.
Love Ya's! Take care of yourselves!
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ghostlywhiskey · 11 months
i'd just like to say when harry styles said:
Cocaine, side boob Choke her with a sea view
he wrote it about price x reader. he told me himself.
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