#harsh feedback
technovore13 · 6 months
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3-aem · 2 months
chill tf out i was just giving an advice, you have no right to treat random ppl like that, especially when i was just trying to help. you’re a proper asshole, hope ppl realize that
who tf asked for it though
here i’ll spell it out for you since you clearly don’t understand and id like you comprehend why you giving unsolicited advice is broadly seen as entitled and a dick move by the entire creator community online: we are not an art critique circle
if your criticism ever hurts someone and stops them from wanting to draw you failed as a critiquer. your criticism wasn’t constructive it was destructive. and the chances of this happening on the internet is High.
point blank: you don’t know if someone is doing drawing something someway because they like it or not. and you voicing your opinion is thus not ‘helping’ as you so very much want to believe, it’s entitlement to think you know better.
people draw and post on here to get away from real world where critiques from ur boss or ur colleagues actually matter.
there are times where creators solicit advice or suggestions. give them there.
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prettyquickpoetry · 1 year
To all other editors and ghostwriters:
There’s apparently this $2000 online course called Fiction Profits Academy ‘teaching’ people how to make tons of passive income on Amazon as an ‘author’ by outsourcing everything. They’re being taught to squeeze writers and editors for everything they’ve got for the lowest possible price.
The students have flooded Upwork. You’ve probably seen all the many listings for ghost writing with infinitesimal budgets popping up. STAY AWAY.
These people are trying to flood the self publishing market with the sole purpose of making money. They are going to drive the cost of work way down, negatively affecting all freelancers whether they work directly with an FPA student or not.
I don’t know what makes them think this is a good idea. Authors who actually write books themselves and publish with the purpose of sharing their stories barely break even.
Readers aren’t stupid. They can tell if your story has heart or not, and these people trying to pay $300 for an entire novel? There’s no heart in that.
So good luck to these students, many of whom are already $10k+ in the red. And good luck to the freelancers they’re bleeding dry.
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ghostchanuwu · 7 days
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Some rock bois i drew as a warmup yesterdayyyy
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saisons-en-enfer · 4 months
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wickedlyqueer · 10 months
hi hello salut. do you find that having a tumblr account to promote fanfictions is helpful or do readers find your fics regardless? i am publishing first time ever. thank you greatly, big fan
Yeah, I'd say so.
For one you have another platform to let readers know "hey! there's a new fic of the thing you like!" Not every reader sorts fics on 'most recent' and only go off 'most kudos'ed/viewed/bookmarked'. A new fic will have an incredibly hard time to land a high spot with those filters. Hell, some only go off other people's recs... So any additional place you can let readers know of your fics existence helps.
It also makes it much easier for readers to reblog your fic. If I read a fic and like it, I probably wouldn't make my own post like 'oh this fic i read was really nice'. I would, however, reblog someone's tumblr post. This helps your fic (potentially) read a wider audience.
Just make sure to properly tag your fics so that—even when you don't have many followers—people can still find your fic!
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willowser · 1 year
Wait, you deactivated?!! I thought u got suspended?☠️☠️💀 , I was really like damnnnnnnnnn😭😭😭😭😭😭. WELCOME back tho💖💖💖💖💖💖💯💯💫💫💫💫💥💥
yeah, i actually privated ! and — i don't know how to explain why to yall without 1) oversharing, 2) being super long-winded, and 3) sounding like a crybaby LOL but the long-short of it is: i was getting a decent amount of negative feedback the last few weeks and a final comment kind of launched me into this weird episode where i was sort of forced to face this hurt that i had been avoiding for a few years, and then i felt really uncomfortable and embarrassed and nakey, so i didn't want anyone to look at me LOL but i'm on the mend now, so thank you ! 🩷✨️
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forestgreenlesbian · 3 months
hmmmmb private rites. what did everyone think
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lovsome · 10 months
just sent my illustrated book project to my ex professor to ask for his opinion and i am terrified …. i feel so numb to the project after having worked on it for so long and i am so scared that hes gonna say its mediocre at best and that is going to confirm in my head that i am just not good enough
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curiosity-killed · 11 months
My former manager was not very good at like professional coaching but does seem to have me firmly in the “you have never done anything wrong in your life and we love you” role which is ???? funny at least??
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wesawbears · 5 months
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finally did the unthinkable
noise demo
part 1 of 4 part series
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lol my student teaching supervisor sent me my feedback video because he observed me friday and it was twenty minutes long and he essentially said that he was disappointed in me and that i did a disservice to american poetry so i'm feeling pretty good about myself
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enniewritesathing · 1 year
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hazele-omega · 1 year
i constantly talk about writing yet share nothing...i promise i am actually doing stuff lmao
to prove that i really am here is a mostly spoiler free bit of Lucien the Korvax pirate being terrifying (it's not in the chapter I should be writing, which is the main problem here, but y'know)
obligatory robot violence content warning
i am very much looking for constructive feedback from anyone who has any /srs /gen
The Korvax's face-lights switched back on, their carapace sparking. Lucien's eye burned into theirs as it began to happen.
source: [divergent/traveller/bio-??unknown??]
// convergence signal [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]/[RED-D--D-----
They could feel them leaving. Like a starship running out of fuel mid-flight, the engines going dark; like a sun vanishing below the horizon of a breathless moon, abandoning it to an empty-eyed planet's silhouette; like the tide pulling away at shells on the beach, every memory, every moment, everything that they together knew slipping into the untouchable abyss. Gone.
"You see now, don't you?" Lucien leaned in just a little closer.
"I felt them. I saw how scared they were. Scared of you, the demon, the sinner, who looked too close and saw too much and who could rip their little world apart. And it doesn't matter that you didn't mean to, or that you wouldn't hurt them, because you are nothing more to them now than the information you hold."
Gone. Gone. The Korvax didn't know how to move.
"Chances are, your existence has already been erased. Now it's just the two of us - the only souls in the whole world that understand what I saw. I am the only one who knows you...what was your name again?"
Their name. They could not remember it.
"It doesn't matter," Lucien continued, "because when this is over, I will wipe you from my memory. Every piece of self that you still carry within you, and every piece that I have seen, will disappear. Permanently."
The shivering Korvax did not resist as their head was gently lowered, little lightning jolts scattering as Lucien lifted a panel from its back. An electronic mind was revealed - glowing softly, slightly warm, small lights slowly flicking out.
Ever so delicately, they lifted it from the head, nanites running between their fingers.
"Now let me show you," they whispered, "what it's like to be forgotten."
They clenched their hand, crushing the brain within.
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Don't use nikolai lantsov x reader tag if it's a Kaz x reader fic.
I shouldn’t have to check in on here during my vacation and see things as rash as this or similar messages. It really isn’t that hard to be respectful of others. Yet, here we are. So, I have the following points regarding your message since I seem to be needing to stand up for myself for no reason.
1. First of all, this was rude. You could have worded this far more politely and been less judgmental and harsh.
2. Going on from ^^^, if it happened, it was a mistake. Usually I click the suggested tags and tumblr is right 9/10 times.
3. Even if it had been intentional, I’ll let you in on a secret…. Saying please goes a long way in helping you get what you want and not made people mad/upset.
4. Can you please show/send (ideally politely if that’s not too much to ask for) which fic you’re referring to? I went back and looked at my recent Kaz fics and don’t see any Nikolai tags so I’m unsure where this came from.
5. To sum it up, please be polite when interacting with people, us as a life suggestion. It doesn’t take much time to do that. I realize it’s easier to say whatever you wish over the internet, but it doesn’t make it okay.
That’s all, hope you have a better day!✌️
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