#haru park
artkiving · 4 months
Park Haru WIP
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the-djarin-clan · 4 months
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 9 months
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In Our Day (Hong Sang-soo, 2023)
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jellychelley02 · 4 months
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im bored. here some begins ≠ youth being a crazy tumblr kinda memes. my favorite was probably the first one.
p.s cein-ah, i see you got that whole-ass bakery thing going on there huh (ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ)
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banghwa · 4 months
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BEGINS ≠ YOUTH · Episode 5
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jamrroolloo · 5 months
It’s so interesting to compare Haru’s and Jooan’s characters as someone who hears things that aren’t really there vs. someone who can’t hear things that are (out of one ear albeit).
It makes for such an interesting comparison between their characters. Haru who believes things that aren’t real vs. Jooan who (symbolically) turns a deaf ear to what’s real but he doesn’t want to believe. Haru who cannot decipher hallucination from reality vs. Jooan who won’t accept reality.
And although they are contrasted in such a way, they both have a fabricated reality which is less painful.
You have Haru who has no outlet for his trauma, isn’t allowed to talk about it, and has to constantly lie to his best friends. Then, you have Jooan who wants to believe things will be okay with his father, things will get better and he won’t have to leave. Jooan who wants so desperately to believe it is just bad luck he’s deaf in his left ear and it isn’t his father’s fault.
Reality for Haru is twisted so he has someone he can talk to, someone he finally does not have to lie to. Jooan twists his own reality by ignoring the truth for something less painful.
This is only makes Jooan’s outrage at Haru’s believing in a friend that doesn’t exist all the more interesting to me since he essentially does the same thing. They both believe in lies.
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jeonjeha · 5 months
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BEGINS ≠ YOUTH | Episode 2
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chaotic-dreamer88 · 5 months
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jimzittos · 4 months
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‎ ‎ ‎ rᥙᥒ or 𝗁͟𝗂͟𝖽͟𝖾 ﹐ 𝒂ᥴᥴᥱ⍴𝗍 𝒪r dec𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 . . . ꒷
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starsarehere · 3 months
here I go again...
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raplinenthusiasts · 4 months
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out of all people...
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tiiramisu-cake · 5 months
Talk about perfect casting? how did they find a literal ray of sunshine😭 look at him and tell me Park Haru is not Park Jimin
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the-djarin-clan · 4 months
I'm not crying… It's you who is!
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sanjoongie · 6 months
𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚏 & 𝙽𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚣
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🐍Pairing: Snake Familiar! Seonghwa x Witch! Reader (f) x Cat Familiar! San
🐈‍⬛️Genre: Fluff, angst, adventure
💧Au: witch au, supernatural au, fantasy au, familiars au, shapeshifter au, magical au
🐍Trope: savior love
🐈‍⬛️Rating: PG-13, MDNI
💧Warnings: mentions of familiars bonded against their will, escaping from an oppressed warlock, magical abuse
🐍Word Count: 2,147
🐈‍⬛️Summary: when a seemingly random cat and snake show up at your front door, you're pulled into a whirlwind story that poses you as the hero for the two
💧A/N: to my dearest Haru @stardragongalaxy. I hope your birthday can be a good one. You are my strength when I am feeling down. That's apparent with this tiny plot bunny that's been alive between us for almost a year now. Floof and Noodz have always been there to comfort me and that's because of you. I'm finally breathing some life into that story so that we can both share in the comfort of them. Happy Birthday!
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You stepped out of your humble cottage by the sea and breathed in deeply of the salty air. You stretched for a moment, enjoying the tranquil morning before heading towards your tide pool. Inside was coral, kelp and mini sea creatures. You frowned when you saw your seahorse in the top right quadrant. Why did your tidepool project that you were going on an adventure when the most you planned to do was shuck some mollusks?
Then you saw the most peculiar thing while peering over the stone wall of your land. A very black cat was making its way over the black sand dunes surrounding your home. You thought perhaps he was lost but his path appeared very determined. Must be someone’s familiar out and about. You confirmed such when you spotted a pink collar around its neck. 
Satisfied that there was nothing wrong with the world, you went to your shed to acquire your sturdy boots and some strips of cloth to tie back your sleeves and skirts, and grabbed a basket you had weaved of dry grass. 
You made your way to the cliffs that always had a good amount of mussels clinging to the rock, swinging your basket and humming a pirate’s ditty under your breath. Thinking of how you also needed to resupply your storage cupboard of the pretty black mussel shells, you aimed to pick big ones, hoping that the insides provided for a good supper later as well. 
Oddly enough, the black cat you had spotted early chose a spot high above you on the rocks, watching you with dark eyes. You tipped your floppy hat in greeting and went back to your work. You found an awful lot of mussels, huge ones, a better haul than you had ever acquired and started to get suspicious. 
You stared at the black cat, unblinking and licking its paw, a little too casually. Every witch knew black cats were bad luck. You froze in alarm when the pink collar around the cat’s neck began to move but that’s when you realized that it wasn’t a collar. In fact, it was a tiny pink snake that had wound itself safely and securely around the cat’s neck. It slithered until its small head was on top of the black cat’s, tongue slithering out, scenting the air around it.
Curious but well aware the pair were none of your business, you made your way back to your cottage. You worked on the outside water pump, luring fresh water to wash most of the salt water from the mussels you had gathered. You shrieked and fell on your ass when the same black cat from the rock’s was suddenly on top of your pump.
The black cat raised its hair and hissed back at you. “Well, that’s not a very nice hello,” You muttered under your breath. 
The snake and cat exchanged a look. Suddenly, with a poof of golden starred smoke, the black cat changed into a human. “You’re the one that screamed because of me,” the man pouted when he spoke.
The snake was still in snake form, around the black-cat-now-man’s neck still. He was dressed in a flowing white shirt and tight black pants but he didn’t like he was in the best of shape, the clothes quite shabby and bags under his eyes. His dark hair was long and he shook it out of his face. He sported a chain that connected from his ear to his lip, piercings in both parts there. He was quite handsome. You shook your head. That was besides the point. 
You brushed yourself off of sand as you stood up. “And you, sir, are on my land, without permission.”
The man stood a bit straighter at the formality. “Mistress Witch, with your permission, my companion and I are seeking refuge. Would you allow us a day and a night on your land and in your cottage? Allow us to break bread and drink merrily at your table?”
You sighed. It was a harmless but formal request. The fact that he had responded in kind to your language meant that he was definitely a familiar and knew of the laws that governed all the witches and warlocks. 
“A day and a night is granted,” You agreed. You sent a dirty look at your tide pool and you could have sworn your mini dolphin sassily flipped in the water in response. 
The black cat introduced himself as San and the snake was Seonghwa. San immediately hauled the collection of mussels inside, aiding in shucking them while you chattered about a few recipes you contemplated cooking them into. 
The silence lulled and your eyes were drawn to the sparkly eyes of the snake around San’s neck. “Will your companion be joining us?” You wondered.
San ran a fond finger over Seonghwa’s scales. “He’s…shy. He’ll probably stay in his snake form for our visit.”
Seonghwa raised his head off of San’s collarbone and flickered his tongue at you. Then he slithered down San’s shirt, into his sleeve, and stuck his head out from the cuff of San’s sleeve. His tongue flickered again and then he looked back at San.
“Seonghwa says you taste like good magic,” San supplied. 
You laughed abruptly. “Do I?”
San frowned, unsure if you were mocking him or not. “You could say we’re not used to that.”
You tilted your head. “Wait. You’re truly seeking safety? You weren’t just offering a formality?”
San scratched the back of his head, avoiding your gaze. “It’s just for a bit. We won’t inconvenience you longer than we agreed on.”
If San wasn’t going to supply the reason for needing safety, you weren’t going to pry. You’d had your fair share of people passing through. So you cooked up the mussels in a wonderful white wine and ate in companionable silence with San. You were about to wash up the dishes but San insisted on doing that too. He was quite polite for a guest. 
Then as day turned into evening, and there was only the snap and pop of the fire while you sat in front of it, you found yourself lulled into a sense of warmth by the fire and fell asleep. You woke up to shouting from San and it was not a nice way to wake up.
“Seonghwa! Stop eating that right now!” San protested.
You blinked your eyes clearly and found that Seonghwa was three quarters of the way through chomping down on your imbued narwhal horn that acted as your staff. You stood up quickly, magic sparkling from your fingertips. 
San stood in front of Seonghwa immediately to stop you. “Wait, I know how this looks!”
“Like I offered you safety stupidly and now you’re stealing my staff!” You growled.
At this point, there was simply the tip left to consume and you took a step forward. “Either he stops or I’m about to suck you both into such a strong, magical maelstrom you won’t know up from down.”
“He can’t stop once he’s started, I’m sorry,” San apologized, “We’ll help you replace your staff.”
You watched with a heavy heart as the pink snake finished consuming your staff and shrunk back to his teeny tiny size. Then he slithered up San’s leg and found his place back around San’s neck. You narrowed your eyes at the offending creature. 
“That staff has been passed down from generation to generation. I use it to push away big storms or to help wrecked ships! There’s no way--”
“There’s a warlock after us who is looking to suck away all our power for himself!” San shouted suddenly.
It took you a moment to process this information and still it didn’t quite hit home. “What?”
San sighed heavily and took a seat in one of your wonderfully constructed, ‘filled with sea-foam’ chairs. He wiggled until he was comfortable and then began. He spun a tale of how Seonghwa and he were powerful familiars. They had not bonded with any witch or warlock. Then one day they met a warlock with a charming grin. He introduced himself as Hongjoong. The warlock was indeed powerful, but with a familiar already. The hawk Hongjoong held on his arm was Yunho but he didn’t look good; his feathers weren’t healthy and Seonghwa sensed something wrong with the hawk. San and Seonghwa both declined to agree to a bond with Hongjoong but as it turned out, Hongjoong didn’t need them to agree. He was capable of twisting familiars to be his without an agreement. The two had been fleeing from Hongjoong since they fought with the warlock. 
“Is that why Seonghwa ate my staff?” You demanded tiredly.
San nodded. “I’m sorry. It was like an instinct for him. I had fallen asleep too after the yummy meal you made us.” He sent you an apologetic smile. 
You stood up, unable to sit down any longer with the energy inside of you. “I’ll have to cast a spell. Perhaps a magical fog to suppress your auras. That will keep you hidden for a bit, at least. But you’ll have to stay here.”
San frowned at you in confusion. “Why would you help us? Especially when Seonghwa just ate your staff?”
“I… I will not stand for anyone to be bullied,” You said adamantly, “This Hongjoong must be stopped.”
San raised his hand to run a reassuring finger down Seonghwa’s head but found that there was no snake around his neck. You both looked around in alarm but as it turned out, Seonghwa had slithered to your chair and was hovering on the arm of it. You inched your hand forward, pulling back when Seonghwa’s head reared back, but when you offered your hand palm up, Seonghwa slithered until he was coiled up in the palm of your hand. 
You brought him up to your face, still not pleased with your staff being eaten. “You, sir, are going to have to do a lot of apologizing.”
Seonghwa, whether in response or simply to taste if your magic was still good, flickered his tongue out at your nose, almost kissing it. “Seonghwa!” San scolded him.
You glanced towards San. “Did he… say anything?”
“He says the narwhal horn tasted yummy and he was wondering if you had more for him to eat,” San admitted.
You couldn't help but laugh despite the situation. You shook your finger at Seonghwa. “No more magical item consuming, please. If you want me to help you with Hongjoong, I’m going to need all the help I can get!”
You went outside, about to pass Seonghwa back to San but instead, the snake wound himself around your wrist instead. You lifted your eyebrows up at San but he shrugged, not sure what Seonghwa was intending. 
You raised your arms and called upon your powers to summon a fog that could cloak everything it touched. The fog appeared along your ankles and swirled around the sand until finally you couldn't see the sea or anything outside of the limits of your land. When you were done, you looked down to see Seonghwa was shining, iridescent and neon pink. You looked over to San, whose eyes were now shining a bright purple. You checked your inner well of magic and it was like you hadn't cast a very large spell at all.
“Did you help me?” You took a shot in the dark.
“It’s the least we could do,” San smiled, showing some dimpled cheeks. 
That night you slept in your hammock, hanging up a spare for San in the sunroom of your cottage. But when you woke up the next morning, from a tickle on your arm, you found that San had turned back into a cat and had curled up on your chest. You stretched for a yawn, holding San very carefully and depositing him into the hammock where he remained slumbering as a cat.
You moved into the kitchen and found a very tall, pink-haired man standing there. He turned around and shot a pink beam of magic at you, which you very quickly ducked out of the way. 
“Oh--no! I’m so sorry! That was instinct! I didn’t mean to harm you!” The large man’s eyes began to shake in worry. 
“At least I didn’t--” Your mouth shut when you saw the hole that was now in your fireplace. “Oh, Seonghwa.”
The black cat bound into the kitchen, meowing loudly and entwining around your ankles in comfort. Seonghwa smiled painfully, “We’ll help you with that too.”
You rubbed your temples in worry and tried to smile back. It was going to be a bit before the two of them trusted you but perhaps a few fumbles on the way would build a rapport between the three of you. Only time would tell and you hoped you had plenty of that before Hongjoong descended on you all.
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 9 months
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In Our Day (Hong Sang-soo, 2023)
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deathbypufferfish · 9 months
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a little day out! Ume got a mani-pedi and Marinella finally got back to the slopes. Also Ume's grandmother, Mai, refused to hug Haru. wtf girl.
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