#haruka completely serious: Not really
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
what are your thoughts on ayataka
as a ship i have to admit i dont care much for it because i am literally so insane abt harutaka i HAVE to work everything around it. i think ayanos psyche is too 😐🥴 to be in a relationship any time soon so forget abt a polycule. and takanes so into haruka its like anyone else would rly feel it and it wouldnt end up working out LOL unless theyre ok with being such a clear #2 but ayano specifically would be so self conscious abt it
i like the idea that maybe eventually they end up as qpp hehe but augh again. i think. haruka isnt into takane being in other relationships so itd kinda be drama lol. dont get me started on haruka She is so demi 🥴
the way i like it is not so much post str but baby sapphics in hs being close to another girl for the first time. they kissed ok. like theyve kissed
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Hero Vision Vol.15 (2004/Summer) ft. Kamen Rider Blade Cast Interviews Ryoji Morimoto x Terunosuke Takezai Segment (translations below)
Publication: August 20, 2004 (between episodes 29-30) Ryoji Morimoto (Hajime Aikawa) x Terunosuke Takezai (Kotaro Shirai)
"Currently, It appears that the two of you are not getting along within the drama."
Takezai: Hajime is reluctant to reach out, while Kotaro is. Kotaro wants to protect Amane-chan and Haruka-san, but can't even protect himself, and Hajime is the one to always protect us, which frustrates Kotaro……So now, he's taking it out on Hajime?
Morimoto: When he sees Kotaro like that, I feel that Hajime finds it very interesting.
Takezai: There's a part of Hajime that Kotaro admires, but he won't allow himself to feel that way. It's a complicated feeling.
Morimoto: Hajime is uncertain too. Being around Amane-chan makes his heart feel at ease and warm inside, but he still doesn't understand what it means "to be loved," and he doesn't even understand why he wants to protect her. As his human side develops, so too will the number of his problems, and I think Hajime is going to have a much harder time from now on.
"So, apart from your roles, what do you like about each other?"
Morimoto: He has good intuition, can immediately grasp the situation, and he's also very tolerant and considerate.
Takezai: I don't have anything to say about his performance, other than that I've learned quite alot from him. Usually, you act pretty silly, don't you? And when everyone's together, the tension really rises. But, when it comes to acting, he changes completely. I think, "Is this really the same guy?" The range of emotions, and the way in which he switches between them is amazing. I'm usually very reserved.
"Kotaro's becoming more and more quiet…or rather, it's more like he's becoming serious."
Takezai: There's alot of emotional ups and downs. Every time we get a new script, it's something new. I'm like, "Ah, so this time it's this emotion." I used to play Kotaro, but the range has become so narrow, that now, I'm pretty much playing the role of Terunosuke Takezai.
"Would you ever consider switching roles?"
Morimoto: I don't get to smile much, do I? Kotaro is a really cute guy, and he has a charming smile, I'd like to be able to laugh too.
Takezai: I'd like to try being Chalice. I rarely get to show my emotions. If you think about it, we're the complete opposite in terms of personality.
Morimoto: Yeah. I think Hajime is jealous of Kotaro because they're complete opposites. Hajime wants to smile, but his smile continues to be rather awkward. I want to hurry up and become human…..
Takezai: Then you'd be a monstrous human (laughs).
"What's the most interesting part about Chalice?"
Morimoto: Because I don't have many lines, the lack of dialogue makes it much more difficult to communicate through my eyes and facial expressions. That's why I'm looking forward to seeing how I'll show the process of becoming human.
"Come to think of it, have you been working out recently?"
Morimoto: When I watched 555's movie, there's a shirtless transformation scene, so I was worried that something like that would be in our movie, so I just thought......I don't want to look like a matchstick if I have to take my clothes off (laughs). I do think Hajime is strong, even in his human body.
"What about Takezai's role in the film?"
Takezai: The movie takes place 4 years after the TV show, and I've become a stuck up guy after selling my books and becoming rich……
Morimoto: Kotaro seems to be much more active in the movie.
"Do you ever have time to go out drinking together or just hang out?"
Takezai: Now that you mention it, we've never gone out drinking together once, have we?!
Morimoto: We all go out to eat together, don't we?
"Do you share any common interests, like soccer or motorcycles?"
Morimoto: We do. We both like comedy.
Takezai: I like to laugh. Although, I'm better at being laughed at than at making people laugh.
Morimoto: I'm more of Tsubaki-kuns type.
Takezai: I think you're right
Morimoto: It's better if no one notices me doing it. So I try to do it secretly.
Takezai: There are times where the audio crew picks up on it, and then they'll suddenly start laughing. It makes me happy when they laugh.
Morimoto: I can't help but sometimes joke in front of everyone! Sometimes I do it too much and get pulled aside.
Takezai: Lately, no one comments on your jokes, so you've been forcing them.
Morimoto: I'm like, "…wha, hey!" (laughs).
Takezai: That's…it's alittle bit funny.
"You share a similar hobby, but do you have any differences?"
Takezai: Yeah, I love soccer, but I'm more of an indoor type of person. I recently had 3 weeks off, but during that time, I stayed inside for a whole week. It was tiring, but I do like to just space out at home.
Morimoto: I'm about ready to get out of here! (*he can't imagine being indoors for that long)
"Well then, finally, for you two complete opposites, please give a yell of support to each other."
Takezai: Yell? Support? Don't want to.
Morimoto: No (firmly).
Takezai: With Ryoji around, I can focus on acting with a sense of ease. I trust him.
Morimoto: I'm at ease too. I feel he gives off alot of confidence.
Takezai: The truth is that I have alot of work to do. And yet, everyone says it doesn't look that way…..
Morimoto: I can see you're nervous. Your tongue tends to do this, right? (he licks his lips)
Takezai: Yeah (laughs).
"Well, we're looking forward to it!"
Takezai: Please look forward to watching Chalice this August!
Morimoto: That's right! From now on, the relationships will continue to be very interesting!
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tala-bez-i · 2 months
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At first sight Chapter Thirty-Six
(m!reader x Bonten!Haruchiyo Sanzu)
Fluff/slash/reader is male/cursing/BontenTimeline/drugs and alcohol mentioned/violence/blood/death
All characters that appeared in the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime belong to Ken Wakui.
Words: 3697
You stared at the photo you held in both hands. It was the ID photo of a young man who was looking at you with piercing, cold eyes the color of storm clouds, which were both so similar and completely different from your father's eyes that it was hard for you to understand how you had managed to erase it from your memory for so many years. 
The photo itself was old. As your uncle, Tsuyoshi, had explained to you, it had been taken before your sister was found dead, and the longer you stared at the man's features, the more you began to feel uneasy. 
All sorts of thoughts were swirling in your head, and somewhere in the back of your mind there was an unpleasant pressure, as if someone was pushing with all their might against a closed door. As if your memories were trying to jump into their old places in your memory. 
Despite the passing years and his stay in a psychiatric hospital, you hoped that Yuji L/n hadn't changed much and now, thanks to the detective's help, you would be able to recognize him in the crowds of people that rolled through the busiest places in Tokyo every day. 
"So..." A man in his sixties spoke in a calm tone, sitting on a small sofa in your small office in the cafe, enjoying the coffee that one of your employees brought him. "Do you really think that my brother's firstborn son is responsible for Haruka Uchiyama's death?" 
"And who else comes to mind?" You replied in an equally calm tone, not taking your eyes off the photo. "I don't know what exactly you managed to find out in this whole mess, but I don't think you suspect anyone else." 
“They let me see the photos from where the body was found.” The man sighed and scratched his head. “There were the same marks on Emiko’s neck as Sachiko’s. She didn’t hang herself, that’s a hundred percent certain. He strangled her first, and only then pulled her onto a tree branch. Even her shoes were lying in a very similar way to your mother’s.” 
At these words, you raised your gaze to the man to take a closer look. His face, marked here and there with wrinkles, had a serious expression, as did his eyes. 
“It’s a shame they won’t be able to connect her to Daisuke Sugiyama’s death.” You spoke up after a moment. “The car she fled in was found, but there was no sign that she used it. There were only traces of blood left outside. It definitely belongs to her husband.” 
“I didn’t know anything about the car.” 
“Because it was in a different place than her body.” 
“So, he moved then.” Tsuyoshi leaned forward and clasped his hands to his mouth, pondering the new information. “Where did this take place?” 
“At Sumida in Arakawa.” 
“Near Edogawa.” Your uncle muttered. “We need to check for any missing persons or unexplained deaths from that district.” 
“You’re not suggesting that…” You began, concerned, as the man’s words began to confirm your earlier suspicions. 
“That’s not out of the question. Yuji was not only targeting your mother, but her family as well.” He interrupted you, his eyes once again landing on you. “He’s never had the chance to hurt them in any way. That is, of course, until he murdered Sachiko. He could have gotten it into his head that the best way to honor his own mother’s memory would be to get rid of all the members of the Okabe family.” 
“But some of them lived here, not just in Edogawa...” 
“Yes. Please don't forget that despite several migrations, your mother's family's hometown is Edogawa.” 
“That's sick.” You shook your head, feeling anger rising inside you. “Are you telling me that if we don't stop Yuji, he'll hunt down all people in any way related to the Okabe family?” 
“Let's hope only those related by blood.” You gave him a warning look, which he didn't care about at all. “You have to remember, boy, that Yuji is not a sane man. His mind is completely twisted, and he lives by his obsession. He won't rest until he destroys you all.” 
“I'm L/n, not Okabe.” 
“But you don't look like L/n.” The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and the man spread his hands. “You can see for yourself that what's in my nephew's head, and your half-brother's, is completely devoid of logic. Sometimes I wonder if he'd want to hurt Yuuta...” 
“I don't want to find out.” 
“Me neither. Believe me, Y/n, me neither.” 
“Do you have any ideas where he might have his hideout?” You asked, hoping for some clue, but the man shook his head. 
“I thought about Setagaya at first, but with his movements over the past few hours, we can’t be sure anymore.” 
You let out a resigned sigh and leaned back in your chair, looking up at the ceiling. “What a pain in the ass.” 
Tsuyoshi laughed softly, and you heard him raise his cup again. 
“Yes, you could put it that way. You won’t find him unless he wants to.” 
“That’s what I’m afraid of. He’s got a lot of time and nothing to lose.” 
You looked at the man, whose searching eyes were moving around the room with interest. 
"I hope my girls don't feed Yuuta only sugar." You threw it loosely, changing the subject to occupy your thoughts with something else for a moment. 
"My hope is even greater. God, I haven't seen a child's eyes shine like that at the sight of sweets in a long time." The other smiled. "Such a choice, his hands were clenching into fists. His brain must have been working at full speed when he had to choose anything." 
“The pleasure is all mine.” You joked and the man shook his finger at you playfully. 
“I'll send you the bills for the repairs for the damage he'll do when he's bursting with energy.” 
“I'll take full responsibility for it.” You replied with a smile, taking the photo of your stepbrother in your hand again. Your face became serious, although in addition to helplessness and anger, you felt a certain amount of sadness. “You know, uncle... I don't really remember him.” 
“Yes. I don't understand why. I talked to my friend and she thought I preferred to forget about him because of the harm he did to Mai. I felt the same way about my father, although I remember him perfectly.” 
“Hmm.” The detective thought for a moment. “As for my nephew, I can agree. As for your memories of your father, I have to deny it.” 
You looked at him expectantly, not understanding what he meant at all. 
“Kenzou was always there for you when events important to you happened.” 
“Not at all...” 
“First day of kindergarten, first day of school... School plays, talent shows...” The man listed and you slowly started shaking your head. “Don't deny it. He was always around and never missed a single day. He was proud of you when you got the best score in target shooting at the festival. The stall owner said you were too small, but your father insisted and you were finally allowed to play.” 
You remembered that, but it always seemed to you that it was your mother's doing, not your father's. You bit the inside of your cheek gently when you remembered that you gave the teddy bear you won that day to Tomoko. She was angry and sad because her schoolmate, despite accepting her invitation to go to the festival together, ended up going with someone else, completely ignoring your sister. 
“When I was in a gang…” 
“When were you?” You pursed your lips at the sarcasm. “Please, continue, Y/n.” 
“So, when I was in the gang... In the first one, in the second one... In Valhalla. I know that the police dispersed our group several times. I know there were investigations, and a few went to juvenile detention. My friends knew who I was, but officers never knocked on our door to question me… Was my father behind this or were you?” 
“Did he ever talk to you about it?” 
“After your attempted intervention, no.” 
“You mean, after the attempted intervention that he banned me from coming to your house for?” He asked calmly and you winced. 
“Yeah... After that. Sorry about that.” 
“It doesn’t matter. It was hard for him, that’s true, but he understood your rebellion, even though it hurt him a lot.” 
“One of his sons went crazy, the other one was a failure. His only joy was his daughters...” 
“Yeah, hmm. One worked illegally as an escort instead of studying, and his only support was the other one, who wasn’t even his. His children were great.” Tsuyoshi’s tone was dripping with sarcasm so much that you instantly felt stupid. 
“But Tomoko studied...” You smiled uncertainly and your uncle gave you a cold look. 
“I guess not necessarily what she actually should have, because she abandoned any education at the age of 18.” 
“What?” Your eyes widened in shock. “I had no idea...” 
“You didn't go to college either.” 
“But I had a legal job.” You shrugged slightly. “I didn't know what I wanted to do after leaving the gang, so I didn't plan on going to college. I had something else on my mind.” 
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. Although, on the other hand, maybe it’s better that you didn’t end up with that girl. You wouldn’t have enjoyed your marriage for very long.” 
“But maybe I would have had a chance to keep the baby.” 
“Maybe. There’s no point in guessing now, Y/n. You can’t turn back time.” The man finished his coffee, slapped his thighs, and stood up from the couch. The removal team is supposed to show up today and we have to be home at that time.” 
You walked up to him and shook his outstretched hand tightly. “I'm glad you agreed to meet with me again.” 
“We were going to be nearby anyway, so I didn’t see a problem with visiting your cafe. It’ll do the boy good. Keep the photo, it’s one of the copies, and you might find it useful.” 
You both left your small office and went back to the cafeteria hall where there were several customers, completely occupied with their own business. You easily found the table where Kiyoko and Yuuta were sitting, because from that part you could hear quiet, muffled laughter. 
Your two employees passed you and your uncle, blushing deeply and disappeared through the door leading to the back, where your small pastry shop was located, and you raised an eyebrow in surprise at their behavior. 
“What happened?” Tsuyoshi asked in astonishment as you pulled up at the appropriate table. 
“Yuuta is a real pick-up artist.” His wife laughed quietly, modestly covering her mouth with her hand to hide her wide smile. 
Your cheeks flushed when you heard her words and you looked at your offspring, who was unfazed, finishing eating a piece of fruit cake he had chosen. His face was adorably smeared with sweet cream, and his big eyes moved from Kiyoko's face to yours. 
“Pick-up artist?” You asked uncertainly and the boy gave you an innocent look. 
“He tried to feed Chiyoko-chan and Hanae-chan his cake.” The woman's eyes sparkled with amusement. “Oh, auntie! I've never seen so many beautiful blossoms in one place! Daddy must be so happy to work in a place like this!” She quoted the boy, who began to squirm in his seat, chewing on a piece of fruit. His cheeks flushed, and a shy smile played on his lips. “I don't know where he got those words from, because it definitely wasn't from our house.” 
“Sometimes something might slip out of my mouth.” The detective mumbled quietly, and you rubbed your neck with your hand, probably feeling more embarrassed than the little boy. 
“Children are more honest than adults.” You shrugged, watching another piece of fruit disappear into Yuuta’s mouth. “What are you eating, hmm?” 
“Honey melon.” He replied, leaving you and your uncle in quite amazement. 
“I thought that…” You started, but Kiyoko waved her hand. 
“Hanae-chan encouraged him with her warm words. A very sweet girl.” 
“Yes?” You looked at your child and smiled gently. 
“Can I have some more melon? Takeaway, please?" He asked uncertainly and you patted his head. You reached for a napkin and began to gently wipe his sticky face. 
"Yes, of course. I’ll ask Hanae-chan to cut you some in a moment.” 
The little guy smiled broadly and began to happily swing his legs under the table. You nodded to your aunt and uncle and walked over to the counter, behind which Aina-chan stood with a dreamy expression. She blinked at you a few times and smiled. 
“I’ll allow myself a little impudence, boss, but you know how to make a cute baby.” 
“I only have one, so I don’t really have that knowledge.” You replied, trying to keep a straight face and asked her to pass on the little customer’s special order to Hanae. 
After a short while, she returned with a Styrofoam box containing some sliced fruit and a few dark chocolate decorations. You immediately thought about buying a special food box for the boy. The corners of your mouth turned up and you handed the treats to the patiently waiting child. 
You said goodbye to everyone and watched your son go to the door, and when he disappeared behind it, you felt a pang of sadness. You agreed with Tsuyoshi that you would only see Yuuta again once you had managed to deal with Yuji. Neither of you wanted to risk the child's safety, and with a heavy heart, you had to agree to it. It would be best that way. 
*bzzt, bzzt, bzzt* 
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and looked at the screen. You answered the call but didn't have time to say a single word. 
"How much longer will you be at the cafe?" Sanzu asked slightly irritated, and you pursed your lips. 
"I just finished talking to Tsuyoshi. I'll be on my way back in a few minutes." 
"You have to go back now, Y/n." 
"Give me a few more minutes..." 
“You’ve been there for almost two hours. That’s enough time to ask the guy about the things we want to know. Come back.” 
“Yuuta came with them.” You said, and there was a brief moment on the other end of the line. 
“Is he still there?” 
“Then you have no reason to be there any longer. Come. Back. To. Your. Home. Right. Now.” The man drawled coldly. “Or I'll come pick you up there and believe me, you don't want me to do that.” 
“What got into you, Sanzu?” You frowned as you left the building and headed to the small parking lot where you had left your car. “I’m getting in the car now, are you happy?” 
“I’ll be happy when you get here.” The gangster, still clearly irritated, grumbled. “You didn’t ask.” 
“I didn’t ask what?” You closed the car door and reached for your seat belt. 
“Do I want something from the café?” 
You froze, not believing your own ears. You looked at the lit screen of your phone and cursed under your breath. “I asked before I left the house. You said you didn’t want anything.” 
“I guess you're stupid after all. That was over two hours ago. You should ask again.” 
“Ask, Y/n.” 
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a moment. “Do you want anything from the cafe, honey?” 
“No.” Came the reply and you raised your free hand, feeling your irritation mix with amusement. “I want you home already.” 
“I'm on my way.” You turned the key in the ignition. “Are you sure you don't want anything?” 
“No. Rosie doesn't want anything either.” He added after a moment, and you nodded. 
“I'm on my way then. Be good, please.” 
“I'm always good.” Haru feigned indignation. 
“I love you.” You said fondly and heard the man's short laugh on the other end. 
“Of course you do. We have something to discuss. Bye-bye.” He ended the call, and you sighed heavily as you drove out of the parking lot. 
You couldn't understand Haruchiyo the night before. His behavior was very similar to when you both had to spend the night at the Bonten hideout, but it had some deviations. 
At first, he slid behind you while you were taking a shower, only to bite you a few times on the shoulder and back, then threatened to throw you out of bed if your hands roamed his body, getting close to his private parts. 
You had no intention of groping him and just wanted to cuddle, but it wasn't your fault that your hands started to gently move over his attractive body on their own. 
Eventually he elbowed you in the stomach, but as soon as you started to pull away from him, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him, mumbling under his breath that only he had the right to be the big spoon. Eventually, you fell asleep against his back, lulled by the scent of his clean body and shampoo. 
Despite being half asleep, you could hear Haruchiyo's quiet voice perfectly. "Hmm..." 
"You're poking me." 
"Not at all." You mumbled, burying your nose deeper in his soft hair. Your arms tightened around his body, pulling the man closer to your chest. 
"Of course you do." He moved, and when his ass brushed against your crotch, you understood what he meant. 
You inhaled his scent, feeling your face grow warmer. “Fuck…” 
“Do something about it.” Sanzu demanded, pulling away from you. 
You mumbled, rolling onto your back, and one of your hands disappeared under the covers you both slept under. You slid down your pajama bottoms and began to lazily move your hand over your erection. 
After a short while, you heard the rustle of the sheets and the mattress dipped slightly under the influence of your lover’s body, who changed position from lying to sitting. You gave him a quick look, not stopping to masturbate, and the sight of his face illuminated by the moonlight almost made you burst out laughing. 
When Sanzu turned on the night light, your lips stretched into a wicked smile. 
“Seriously, pervert? Here?” He asked, looking at you in disbelief. 
“Where exactly? I need a perfect view of you to get this done quickly.” Your voice was smooth as velvet as you began to caress the head of your penis with your hand. 
“Go to the bathroom and use your imagination, or take your phone with you...” 
“Nope. It's much better in person. Besides...” You bit your lower lip gently. “We already had sex and... Hgnn... You can join if you want to.” 
“Excuse me?” Sanzu leaned back slightly, looking at you with narrowed eyes. 
“Ah... You know what I mean.” You laughed quietly and started massaging your balls with your other hand. “I can see you blushing. Your breathing quickened... Relieve yourself, honey.” 
“You're cheeky.” His lips stretched into a mocking smile and shortly after you closed your eyes, you felt the pink-haired man approach you and a few seconds later his hand slipped under the covers, grabbing your wrist. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, looking at him in surprise. 
“What do you think?” He replied quietly and pulled your hand away from your cock while his other hand moved the covers away, revealing your swollen penis, which was leaning towards your thigh due to your arousal. “Let me help you a little and we can go back to sleep, okay baby?” 
He pinned your hand just above your head, leaned down and your lips met in a long kiss, during which his free hand began to slide over your bare stomach. 
At the same moment his slender fingers closed around your cock, his tongue slipped into your mouth, taking you completely by surprise. At first, he caressed your shaft at a similar pace as you had earlier, but as the kiss heated up, his hand began to move faster. 
He gently ran his thumbnail over the frenulum just below the head of your penis a few times and you moaned into his parted lips, which he took advantage of again by sliding his hot tongue into yours. 
You grabbed him by the neck with one hand and held him there, and his hand tightened around the tip of your manhood, massaging it rhythmically. You squeezed your eyes shut feeling how little you needed to climax, and another moan escaped your lips, muffled by your lover's reddened ones. 
Haruchiyo moved his hand faster and your hips jerked upward, releasing your orgasm with a sticky shot of your seed. His kisses lost their intensity, though they became more and more tender, and his hand moved slower and slower until it finally stilled, allowing your throbbing member to rest. 
You swallowed hard, catching your breath, and felt the man's lips stretch into a smile. He pulled away from you so he could look at your heated face and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of his beautiful eyes. 
"Better?" He asked in a slightly amused tone, and you nodded. 
“Better. Thank you, Haru.” 
He patted your thigh and got off the bed, leaving you alone on it and a little disappointed. 
“You need to change out of your pajamas, honey.” He said disappearing into the bathroom and you propped yourself up on your elbows to see how messy you had made yourself and after a moment you followed him. 
You pulled into the driveway in front of your garage and pulled out a photo of Yuji L/n from your jacket pocket. You felt a sudden surge of determination and were willing to do anything to get your hands on that son of a bitch and put an end to his reign of terror. 
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sankatsuka · 1 year
Haruka & Tsukasa Character Discussion - HFD: The Joy of Being Someone Else, Someone Who Makes Everyone Smile
I've been feeling like talking about Haruka and Tsukasa for the longest time... The intentions behind Project Sekai's writing still does confuse me, but I decided to take a personal approach as to what Haruka and Tsukasa mean to me.
There will be HCs to fill in gaps
Spoilers up to BURN MY SOUL.
Mentions of ED
I am using my own experience with HFD to explain Haruka and Tsukasa's character
Edit: Felt compelled to add more. I also just found out that it may be more appropriately called dysthymia?
The desire to become someone else is an ongoing theme in Project Sekai, an emotion insecure characters like Ichika and Akito have. I feel like it's very easy to see in both their characters - Ichika is definitely most obvious, Akito takes a little tiny bit of psycho-analysis but his commissions scream obvious. The two characters I feel these emotions are very prominent in as well, but aren't clearly shown are Haruka and Tsukasa, and I want to discuss this because of how interesting I find it to be.
Haruka's desire to become 'someone else' really only became crystal clear in That Day's Dream. The story made it very obvious with how she wished she could be like the Smiling Princess as a child. As for Tsukasa, that desire has ironically always been crystal clear in his claims to "Future Star". What these two share in common is that neither of them seem to be insecure. But... if you're able to tell Akito is insecure from how hard he pushes himself because he can't reach his goal - it's really the same with Haruka and Tsukasa, they are extremely hard on themselves when they can't deliver hope/become a star (Haruka's rehabilitation, Sky's Edge). It just isn't as obvious as Akito's because they are both capable of becoming that 'someone else': they don't have to push themselves to the brink of death like Akito to be stopped and realize an alternative: that you have your own light. (Haruka is slowly realizing it... not Tsukasa)
Haruka and Tsukasa's feelings to "become someone else" seem to come from a similar place: not being able to make their loved ones happy as children. Haruka as a child laments making her mother sad, whereas Tsukasa has once said in passing in Hinamatsuri that he always makes Saki sad. It's completely normal to let people down from time to time, but both Haruka and Tsukasa express a desire of wanting to make sure this never happens again (Haruka as a child working on her smile, Tsukasa trying to buy Hina dolls). We see this sense of responsibility in their present again and again: Haruka being extremely hard on herself for accidentally hurting Mai, Tsukasa continuously criticizing himself for his mistake in unit story. It's like it's unacceptable for them to make mistakes, even when it's not entirely their fault nor responsibility (Mai should have stopped herself, Nene and Rui were the ones who made the mistake in the first place and anyone serious about it would have gotten angry). This sense of responsibility is what's hurting them, but the question is: where did it come from? Why is it so strong?
We don't know, so it's theory zone here. Haruka's monotonousness as a child and her few facial expressions at present (when off-stage) to me seems like a general difficulty to feel positive emotions strongly. I like to think this is genetic, linked to high-functioning depression (HFD) and/or anxiety. Further evidence of this is in how Haruka randomly expresses discomfort being in crowds as a child, and how her parents have to check if she's fine with walking more - we see a bunch of negative emotions amplified with child Haruka, even in the present-day where she's the one who constantly worries for MMJ. Haruka is more capable of expressions when on stage as an idol, and to me that's because she's acting as someone cute who makes everyone smile. Perceiving something as 'cute' fills us with a pure sense of happiness. As someone who suffers from HFD, I feel happiest when I can make other people happy, with the things I love. I know I enjoy them, but I cannot feel it strongly. But when I create something out of the things I enjoy, and someone else enjoys it - it elates me beyond anything. As if your dull emotions reached someone who feels it strongly in your stead... It gives you a reason to work hard and live your life to the fullest and nothing else can make you that happy to look forward to the next day. I'm inclined to believe this is what makes Haruka feel so strongly responsible for others, she lives for them and wants to deliver only the best hope for them.
But having HFD also means you've suppressed the pain that comes with dulled emotions, that it becomes the norm to suppress other pains too to keep meeting expectations of the people you live for. It's where I think her ED stems from, and why she herself isn't fully aware of all the pain that comes with her perfect lifestyle in Break Time - because she's suppressed it all.
As for Tsukasa, it's more ambiguous. There are tons of theories with how little we still know about him - but this is one way to look at it at an angle of HFD. Most kids in his position wouldn't be as empathetic with being neglected for their sickly sibling, and children don't have empathy at a young age - we see how Rui couldn't understand why his classmates were afraid and how An gets angry when she doesn't get attention. Tsukasa demonstrates emotonal maturity at a young age, being able to just accept the situation without throwing a tantrum about why it has to be that way (so far). On top of that, he also has the emotional clarity to see that Saki is lonely and that she has to continuously force her smile. It again stems from emotional maturity - always putting himself in the other's shoes: in Hinamatsuri, instead of fixating on how hurt he was from the fall, he thinks more about how Saki must be sad about having to see the dolls she longed for all dirtied up like that.
But just how is he able to be this... easily selfless, without harbouring any spite for having to neglect his own desires? Once again, my HC is that this has to do with being born with HFD, that spending time with his family doesn't spark that much joy for him to get strongly upset over. But what he does express is a desire not to be left alone for too long, a primitive human emotion, but only to himself. But even with this loneliness, he prioritizes the emotions of his family. Because they're all having a hard time, what he can do is make them happy. Shows gave him his answer: becoming a star like Amami would let him give the best smile to his family and friends. He naturally wants to entertain them as much as that show excited them so they didn't have to keep suffering, and stardom was the answer to that.
For Tsukasa, this is the reason why he must be at Amami's level no matter what. He views this as the only way for him to deliver the best possible smile, to fulfil his life's purpose. As I said, with HFD you live for people - your life's purpose is to make other people happy with what you enjoy. Tsukasa didn't think much about the performance in the prologue, but he does note how just singing and dancing made everyone smile, which could be a hint to what about shows he enjoys (like how Haruka finds idols cute). But I think he's also been heavily misled to think being the top star is the only way - because, why not just be a star in your own right, as Tsukasa Tenma and not having anything to do with Seiichi Amami?
A notable difference about Haruka and Tsukasa's discoveries of their dreams is how they were introduced to it. Haruka was invited on stage as her own idol, Tsukasa was an audience. Haruka can be her own idol, whereas Tsukasa lacks this reference point of himself. And another difference is how their families treat their dreams - Tsukasa's family seem to view it as just an odd trait of his, whereas Haruka's parents took it very seriously when she expressed her desire to become an idol. In fact, Haruka's mother's words were probably most important in making sure Haruka remembered that she would always, always, always be enough as herself:
"Yeah. Because Haruka's smile... is the cutest in the world!"
It's Haruka's smile that's the cutest in the world to her beloved mother, and not just on stage. Wherever it was that Haruka was smiling, wherever it was that she found her happiness, it'd be the cutest for her mother. Her mother wants her to smile, to be happy, to remember idolhood is for her own happiness above all. Whereas for Tsukasa, his family was smiling at the star in front of them, not him. His own performance won't make anyone happy.
It doesn't change that Haruka is hard on herself though. Habits of taking on too much responsibility for the only thing you care about don't die easily, and the idol world is tough... But she has people who care about her, who were there for her when she was at her worst, and now she has MMJ. There's also the difference of how Haruka wants to be seen as a normal schoolgirl, whereas Tsukasa is always in future star mode and has never expressed a desire to be normal. Haruka can probably cling onto her normal self after quitting idolhood and not feel overly responsible about letting people down, because she knows it's just right that her real, non-idol self should be loved too. But for Tsukasa, this common sense doesn't exist, not when he isn't convinced that him just being there, being normal is enough to make Saki happy (Hinamatsuri):
Saki: "W-Wait, onii-chan! It's fine to be more normal about it! Icchan and the others will get surprised!
Tsukasa: "I-Is that so?"
Saki: "It is! Besides, it's enough fun with you just being here with me!"
Tsukasa: "Just being with me makes you have fun... That is indeed something only a star can do!"
Saki: "Ahahaha..."
This common sense doesn't exist because his upbringing has taught him that only through stardom will he be accepted and loved normally. Because he couldn't give anyone a smile when he was just himself, but they all smiled at the star - this is who he has to be in order for people to love him and so he can bring happiness to them. Unlike Haruka's parents who made it a point to show her how her own happiness is what makes them happy. And no one thinks there's anything wrong with Tsukasa's pursuits because he seems to be having fun, but he can only really have fun because of the false sense of security and belonging that the title of 'future star' creates for him. That we see the excruciating pain he goes through when suddenly, that dream of becoming a star seems to be impossible.
Because his parents never seemed to take his dream seriously like Haruka's (which is possibly the reason she was able to become an idol so early), Tsukasa has to work on the stardom he desperately wants on his own with no guidance since childhood. There's no reference point other than the star on the TV, no teacher to help him shape his very own acting style, so he has to imitate all of the star's mannerisms to get closer to them. It's similar to Minori, but because she was pursuing idolhood out of her own passion for it there wasn't as much pressure to get there quickly and do it right. But for Tsukasa, being a proper star is the only place he thinks he'll be happy in - a place he can finally make people smile and for the happiness he brings them to colour his dull world and save him, like how Haruka was saved with idolhood (HFD tingz). Unfortunately, that proper path was closed off from the beginning for him, because of the lack of parenting.
Minori once viewed idolhood as being just like Haruka, until her first live made her realize how idolhood was about working hard and shining as yourself over naively yearning to be someone you admire. Haruka always knew this because of how she was introduced to idolhood in way of 'you can be an idol, too!'. Tsukasa only seems to be realizing that now: his obsession with colouring his dull world with stardom made him not see how he as a person, his own emotions, has a role in achieving it as well. He can't just be a copy of others. As we can see from how he currently has a hard time grasping deeply emotional roles, it isn't far-off to deduce that his continuous emotional suppression, learning-from-imitation and lack of focus on self have hampered his ability to feel emotions purely as himself, and instead understands emotions from other people's perspectives - reflected in his empathy as a child.
Sky's Edge portrays Tsukasa's soul-crushing pain of being far away from the star of that day, of the impossibility of being that star, exactly because of how obsessed he is with stardom saving his dull, worthless days. The world became grey and colourless for Haruka when she suddenly became incapable of standing on the stage as an idol. But for Haruka... there was still a tiny bit of hope she can return to the stage by a miracle, because her own guilt was what was stopping her and her past proved that she always had the ability to. So more than permanent loss, it was frustration at being the way she was, how her own emotional weakness made the world became grey and made her unable to be an idol, when it was just... right... there. But MMJ showed her that it was fine to be that way, that she can still be an idol even as someone like that. Everyone has emotions, so she doesn't have to be hard on herself for it - share that pain with them, and then try again tomorrow.
Haruka's feelings in Painful Hope can be seen as a similar pain as the powerlessness and self-hatred that Tsukasa felt in Sky's Edge, but the difference is that Tsukasa doesn't have the hope she has. He never got a place on the stage as his ideal star before and now it's being shown to him how he will never get it because he may have reached his limit. Even though he tried so hard, getting past all the times he felt weak and wanted to give up - because something about him just wasn't enough (his emotions). It's as if it was all pointless. There's no proof to Tsukasa that his efforts were never pointless, like how Haruka's past successes prove to her. And this is all because Tsukasa never had the proper path to stardom in the first place, because his parents for some reason just didn't push him onto it despite how passionate he was.
But Tsukasa still reaches out, because he wants it and wants to be saved. Even the tiniest bit of hope that's there for his dream, he'll reach out for it. Just like Haruka did after she experienced her trauma on stage, until... it all felt impossible. Tsukasa seemed about ready to give up too at the end of Sky's Edge and just gave it his all, not expecting his performance to be any great but still wanting to try his best. Luckily for Tsukasa it worked, but for Haruka... it never did, until she met MMJ. But it may be better if things don't work out for Tsukasa at some point, like it was with Haruka - because it led her to meeting MMJ who taught her a happiness of not holding all her pain to herself anymore. Tsukasa and Haruka are humans, so getting too caught up pursuing an ideal without considering your own emotions is like rejecting your humanity, placing inhuman expectations on yourself. As If's lyrics goes, "A never-ending story? That's boring. I want to see a dawn that won't come 'forever'."
But... It may get very messy if stardom doesn't work out with Tsukasa, especially with his upbringing of 'not feeling loved as just himself'. Without stardom, Tsukasa will have nowhere to go. It will probably be a necessary mess at some point in the future so he can finally learn to embrace his humanity...
Maybe I'm biased, but with how Mafuyu and Touya have highly similar upbringings, maybe it's the same for the other SEKAI creator (Tsukasa) and Haruka. The difference does seem to be that the non-SEKAI creators were still loved. Even Touya by his own family, despite being wronged by them - he could tell his father was passionate, to the point he loved his father's music and he's still able to voice his complaints, but with Mafuyu it's just cold iciness. As if Touya can feel that his family will always care no matter how he expresses himself, whereas Mafuyu can feel that if she isn't the person her mother wants her to be, then she will lose the love her mother has for her (emotional manipulation...). And with Haruka and Tsukasa, this whole post details it - how Haruka's family's proper support is what has gotten her this far whereas Tsukasa's lack of it is what has led him astray.
If Mafuyu and Touya share 'winter' in their name, then Haruka and Tsukasa's relationship is in Tsukasa's use of the word 'haruka' in describing how far his dreams are 🤪
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practickles · 6 months
HarukAiri Tickle Headcanons
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Some of these got LONG. Maybe potential fic ideas.
Tickle fights with these two get REAL. 
They are both competitive, stubborn and have ridiculously good physical stamina.
Even panting and teary-eyed, they just. keep. going. 
Giving up and admitting defeat doesn't even cross their minds until their voices are hoarse and even the slightest touch has them giggly. 
Usually they both either claim to win and “agree to disagree” because they don't want to admit how tired they are OR call it a draw and have a rematch a couple hours later.
There is somehow not EVER a decisive winner. 
Anyone who didn't know them might find it moderately concerning.
One of the rare soft forms of competition is typically during movie night/any scenario where they’re holding each other on the couch. One of them will be relaxing and idol-ly (ha) stroking the other’s back before she gets the twitch which is all but a declaration of war.The game then begins and is operated on a set of unwritten rules because to write them would mean admitting they exist. They sit there and geeeently trace each other’s back/shoulders until someone giggles and then has to get absolutely WRECKED. Neither of them have ever acknowledged it to the other. 
They don't tickle each other often enough to really consider it something significant in their relationship. Just another form of affection.
Airi ends up ler more often than not purely because she just happens to lean more ler. She very rarely actively craves tickles, at least not in the way Haruka does. 
Airi also gives KILLER tickle bites. Haruka is very sensitive to mouth tickles on her stomach and Airi is consequently very good at making her girlfriend’s life hard.
*Can* do raspberries but prefers acting like she’s going to and instead nibbles to her heart’s content. 
Tickling is one of Airi’s favorite approaches to Haruka’s body image issues, assuming she’s not in the mood to be serious about them. 
Airi generally uses tickling as a way to get Haruka out of her own head.
She also does not hesitate to do it in front of other people too, which Haruka finds flustering to no end. Especially in front of Minori and Shizuku who are two separate flavors of “awwwww!” 
Minori does it in an adoring “my idol is so cute right now! She should smile like that all the time!” way. 
Shizuku is more of a “what a cute moment between my two dear friends!” 
Either way Haruka just wants them to stop cooing at her. (no she doesn’t)
When Haruka is in a lee mood, conceptually, asking Airi is no big deal until she’s in front of her. Something about her big eyes and smug look reduce her to absolute rubble. 
Airi, of course, NEVER helps fill in the words. Haruka isn’t getting what she wants until she CLEARLY utters the EXACT words. 
“Aw, c’mon Haru! You can be clearer than those mumbles! You do it on stage all the time! In fact maybe we should practice your projection right now too…” 
She likes to tease as if tickling is just training. “Oh you’re babbling a lot, aren’t you? A good idol can talk through any amount of strain” And then she doubles down, making her tasks downright impossible. 
They are complete opposites on the “scary ler” spectrum. 
While Airi is more “everything all at once” and goes for worst spots and stays there before switching up out of nowhere, Haruka tends to be more meticulous, taking the time to find out exactly what the best approach is. 
They both have a “ler voice”, I'm not sure how to describe it, but sometimes they'll switch randomly into a tease-y flirty voice and the other knows they’re done for. 
I know I’ve talked about precise ler Haruka on here before so I won’t say more than that but I cannot emphasize enough just how bad that is. 
One of my favorite pjsk tkl headcanons EVER is that Airi’s stomach isn’t at all ticklish so people will poke once or twice then give up in favor of somewhere different. The actual death spot, however, is in her belly button. No reaction anywhere else on her stomach EXCEPT for there. 
Haruka was the first one to figure this out (including Airi herself) and frequently uses it when Airi’s being grouchy. 
Haruka uses a lot of “cheer up” tickles. This basically translates to “Airi please take a deep breath and calm down before I have to tickle you to bits just to see you smile.”
Airi doesn’t feel fear often, preferring to deal with her problems head on instead of running away. Haruka in a full tickle monster mood though? She becomes a COWARD (totally justified) It doesn’t happen often, so a lot of energy gets built up at once and then explodes out all at once. 
Sometimes she’s just wound up and fidgety, sometimes Airi needs to be knocked down from her podium, really anything can trigger it and it’s sometimes as much a surprise to Haruka as it is to Airi when it happens. 
The primary problem is that Haruka both A: Knows EXACTLY how to get to Airi and B: Knows she can take it. 
The fact that Airi lers more is more than made up for in pure intensity. 
Haruka also, language-wise, has a scarily good memory and likes to throw Airi’s word right back into her face.
“Look how strong I’ve gotten! It’s not fair unless you get the same training.” “What’s that? I thought a good idol was supposed to talk through anything”
Airi is a screamer and Haruka will never admit the self satisfaction that she feels if she can get silent laughter from her. 
Same goes for giggly Airi. Just not something that happens. 
I made them both seem super mean throughout most of this and maybe they are… a little bit. But it’s out of love! They’re each confident in each other’s ability to withstand it and both know the other (especially Airi to Haruka) needs to let some fun into their life, even if it has to be forced.
Ignore the date ignore the date guys just ignore the date ignore th-
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summer-nights19 · 1 year
I'm not her part 3
Someone requested part 3 so I decided to pick this up again lmao
f! Haruka Tenoh and f! Ko Seiya x gn! reader (angst)
For the past few weeks, you'd just been moping around at Rei's place. You'd found yourself a job working at her shrine a few days after you arrived there, and, though you meant to find yourself some proper accommodation, the thought of living alone seemed almost impossible. You knew that, without Rei there to encourage you and give you strength, you'd fall apart all over again, and the pain of having lost her would grow sharper and sharper until it was impossible to ignore. When you weren't working, you spent the majority of your time in the guest bedroom you were staying in, lying on the bed and idly scrolling through social media while you tried not to cry. Nothing seemed enjoyable or worth doing anymore- you'd tried many times to picture what life had been like before Haruka, and what kinds of things you'd done, but all you saw was blank emptiness.
Late one Saturday morning, as you were staring at the ceiling while remembering your life with her, Rei burst into the room. She looked serious.
"I know that breakups are hard, Y/N, but you can't just decide to completely bring your life to a stop because of her. Don't give her that much power over you,"
You looked at Rei, trying as hard as you could to mask your annoyance. While you appreciated her greatly, she simply didn't get it.
"Rei, I'm not choosing to feel this way. And I've just lost my entire world. How do you want me to react ? Do you expect me to shrug my shoulders and move on ? God, I swear you just don't-"
"I never said that, Y/N. Moving on, however, is a choice. It starts with your actions and your attitude. That's why you're coming out with the rest of the girls and I today,"
You opened your mouth to protest
"I don't want to hear it. I'm not giving you a choice. Now get up and put your clothes on,"
Grumbling, you got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. You knew there was no arguing with Rei when she got like this. Maybe she was right, and seeing your friends would lift your spirits. You sighed as you threw on a hoodie and baggy tracksuit bottoms. You really didn't have the energy for this.
"Y/N, are you ready ?" Rei called from outside
"Yeah, I'm coming,"
As the afternoon passed, it became increasingly clear that maybe Rei had been right- despite your initial reluctance, it had been the best day in a while. There were even moments, when you roamed the shops and chatted with Mako, Mina and Usagi, that made you feel like nothing had changed. They were fleeting, but precious nonetheless.
"So Y/N... I bought tickets for all of us to see three lights tonight. I know that maybe with the whole Haruka thing you don't feel like coming tonight, but they're only in Japan for this week," Mina looked at you with pleading eyes.
"Remind me... which group is three lights again ?" You asked. You doubted you'd be interested.
With stars in her eyes, Mina took a journal out of her bag and shoved it in front of your face. You took it, rolling your eyes slightly. It was full of cut outs from magazine articles and photographs. You let your gaze rest on the woman in the middle. She had long, dark hair and was very toned. What really struck you were her eyes- there was something haunting about them, something that demanded your attention.
You could feel yourself getting a little hot.
"Ok, fine. Let's go see three lights," you said before you'd even thought about it," Mina and Mako cheered and hugged you
"I take it seeing how hot Seyia is changed your mind. I can't blame you, and she's probably even more attractive in the flesh !" Mako exclaimed, grinning at you.
"No, I just want to listen to some music," you said, feeling your face grow hot
"Uhuh yea sure thing," Mina said, giggling. "Anyway, we should catch the next bus to the stadium to make sure we get there on time,"
You got there and found your seats, all with around 30 minutes to spare.
"Why are we so absurdly early ? We could have caught the next bus," you said as you took your seat next to Ami. Waiting around like this was making you anxious in a way you couldn't explain.
"Well, we needed to make sure. Also, maybe three lights will notice us if we get here early... they might even ask us out on dates," Mina replied, her eyes going dreamy.
"Yeah whatever. I'll get you some concert snacks," you said, standing up and heading out before the others even had a chance to reply.
You wondered around the circumference of the stadium, confused. The sign said you could get snacks around here, but you couldn't seem to find a stall. You saw some guys in suits crowding around a door not too far away from you.
"That must be backstage," you thought to yourself "Which means that this one is the snack stall,". You opened the door a few paces away from the first door and went in.
The sent of musky perfume hit you as soon as you stepped in. You looked around and realised you'd made a terrible mistake. This was backstage, as evidenced by all the clothes and makeup and mirrors scattered around.
That, and the fact that Ko Seiya was standing with the back to you, tying the back of her top in front of a mirror. She turned around, the suspicion on her face quickly replaced by amusement when she met your gaze.
"Well well, what are you doing here all alone ?" She asked, the hint of a smile on her lips.
"This is really embarrassing, but I entered the wrong door. Really sorry, I'll get goi-"
"No. I didn't tell you to leave," you turned back around immediately. Seiya continued.
"Keep me company instead. You look like you could be fun to play with,". She ran her hand from your cheek down to your chest and rested it there. You swallowed. You knew this was forbidden, that you could never truly be with her, that you didn't even know her, that your heart still belonged to Haruka... yet, none of that seemed to matter as she slipped her hands under your shirt and took it off. You wrapped your arms around her, kissing her passionately as you unhooked the back of her top. Gradually, her lips started to move down your neck, leaving a trail of small bites and hickeys as her fingers toyed with your nipples. You let out a loud moan.
"That's right, babe. Don't hold back, let the entire world know that you're my little sex toy," your breath hitched as she started to take off your trousers, running her fingers along the waistline of your underwear and snapping it against your hips. A loud buzzer sounded, breaking you out of your trance. Seyia pulled away from you and smirked.
"I'm on now, but would you be good for me and wait here until the concert finishes ? I'm not done with you yet, sweetheart,"
You nodded, your eyes wide as Seiya left, giving your ass one last smack before walking away.
You knew it would all go to shit. You knew that it was just for one night, that tomorrow reality would come crushing down on you again.
And yet, you couldn't help but hope.
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shiningwonderland · 6 months
Otoya Ittoki (Repeat)
Translator: Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Proofreader: Nadie (Twitter: Nmoniag)
Editor: Noemi (Twitter: dreaminbeyond)
QA: Rei (Twitter: wolfe_raine)
December — Feelings are Fortissimo
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As the year is drawing to a close, the town and the people around us are getting restless.
And the Saotome Academy is buzzing with excitement as we prepare for the dance party that will take place during Christmas.
Tomochika Shibuya: So? What are you going to do for the dance party? Are you going with Otoya or is there somebody else you're thinking of?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, umm…
Select the Phrase!
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やっぱり、音也くんが・・・I want to go with Otoya-kun… (+20 Love, +5 Music)
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, choosing your partner makes sense in this case.
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聖川様が気になる。I want to know more about Hijirikawa-sama. (+0 Love, +0 Music)
Tomochika Shibuya: I see, you two are very diligent so I think you'd match well. Masayan seems interested in you.
Haruka Nanami: Uh, no, um… I'm just curious about him, that's all… I actually want to go with Otoya-kun…
Tomochika Shibuya: I know. I was just messing with you.
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四ノ宮さんと踊ってみたい。I want to try dancing with Shinomiya-san. (+0 Love, +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I really want to know what kind of dance moves he would do.
Tomochika Shibuya: I'm more curious about whether or not he could actually dance.
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Otoya Ittoki: Good morning, Haruka!
Haruka Nanami: Good morning, Otoya-kun.
Tomochika Shibuya: G'mornin’! Speak of the devil.
Otoya Ittoki: Huh? What?
Tomochika Shibuya: We were just talking about the dance party. You're dancing with her, right?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, that’s the plan.
Tomochika Shibuya: See, Haruka? I'm happy for you.
Haruka Nanami: Ah… I am honored.
Otoya Ittoki: Ah, uh, it is my pleasure?
Tomochika Shibuya: Why are you two acting so formally…
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After classes have finished, we have stayed behind in the classroom to practice dancing. 
Otoya Ittoki: One, two, three… H-huh?
I learned some dance steps when we were practicing for our lives, but a dance party is a completely different story.
The principal said that this is basic formal etiquette, but it's quite difficult.
I wish I practiced this sort of thing earlier.
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, you're doing great, Haruka! Your sense of rhythm is good, so it'll be easy once you get used to it–Ah!
Haruka Nanami: Ah!
We fall to the ground with a loud thud.
Otoya Ittoki: Ah, I'm so sorry… Are you hurt?
Haruka Nanami: No, I'm fine…
We look at each other while we're still on the ground.
If anybody walked in on us, they would probably think that Otoya-kun pushed me to the ground.
Haruka Nanami: Um… Otoya-kun, this is a little…
Although I know this isn't a good position to be in, I don't move at all.
It's because Otoya-kun is gazing at me straight in the eyes.
I can't turn away from him.
He touches my forehead lightly, brushing my bangs aside.
Haruka Nanami: … Otoya-kun, you shouldn't do this…
I say, but I can't take my eyes off him.
His face leans in close to mine…
Otoya Ittoki: … I'm sorry. Let's continue practicing…
Otoya-kun stands up and turns away from me. 
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun…? Um, we can't… practice if you're turned away from me.
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, I know. Sorry, give me five minutes.
Haruka Nanami: Um… Okay.
Otoya-kun is taking in deep breaths as if to calm himself down.
What should I do? My heart is still throbbing… I’ve been feeling this so often lately.
My heart throbs when our hands brush against each other or even when we just make eye contact…
I can't think straight when this happens.
Otoya Ittoki: … Haruka? Why do you look so serious?
Otoya-kun, who seems to have calmed down, is looking into my eyes.
Haruka Nanami: Ah… Um, it's nothing much, but lately my heart has been racing a lot…
Otoya Ittoki: Racing…? When does that happen?
Select the Phrase!
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走った後とか。 After I go running. (+0 Love, +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: … Well, same for me.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah.
Otoya Ittoki: We're not running right now.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, that's right. Then what is it…
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寝ている時とか。When I'm sleeping. (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Are you worried about something? Are you so nervous you can't sleep?
Haruka Nanami: Umm, I wonder what it is… My heart starts beating fast when I get worried about failing at our dance, but…
Otoya Ittoki: Then we should practice more.
Haruka Nanami: … Yeah.
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音也くんといる時とか。When I'm with you. (+20 Love, +5 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Huh…? Me?
Haruka Nanami: Ah… I-It's nothing… Please forget what I said…
Otoya Ittoki: Why? That means your heart's racing for me, right?
Haruka Nanami: Ah… Um… Probably?
Otoya Ittoki: You're not sure?
Haruka Nanami: … I don't know what's going on with me.
I probably like Otoya-kun and want to stay by his side forever.
But I'm still not sure if this feeling is romantic or not.
As a composer, I could also be attracted to his talent...
But then why is my heart racing so much?
Otoya Ittoki: I see. Then maybe I'll make things clear to you by making your heart race on purpose!
Haruka Nanami: Huh?
Otoya Ittoki: Hehe, just kidding!
Haruka Nanami: … Oh.
Huh? What is this? I feel relieved and yet disappointed…
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The day before the dance party, we gather in the classroom to borrow the clothes to wear the next day.
There are some students who have their own formal wear, but the average student doesn't own anything that comes close, so the school is providing for us.
Otoya Ittoki: Ah, how about this, Haruka? You'll look great in this!
Otoya-kun takes an off-white dress and holds it up to me.
Tomochika Shibuya: Off-white? Hmm, I don't know, how about something more flashy?
Natsuki Shinomiya: I think a cherry blossom colored dress would look lovely on you.
Masato Hijirikawa: I think a blue dress would be nice.
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Umm…
I've never worn a formal dress before, so I have no idea what kind would look good on me.
Tomochika Shibuya: So? Which one would you like?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Um, uhh…
Select the Phrase!
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オフホワイトで。Off-white. (+20 Love, +5 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Ah, so you agree? I think this will look the best on you! It looks super cute!
Haruka Nanami: … T-thank you…
I feel so embarrassed.
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ピンクがいいです。Pink's nice. (+0 Love, +10 Music)
Natsuki Shinomiya: You think so, too? Hehe, thank you very much.
Haruka Nanami: … You're welcome.
Tomochika Shibuya: Ah, hold on, Haruka. The bugs got to it. It’s no-good. You've gotta pick something else.
Haruka Nanami: Umm… Then the off-white one…
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水色のドレスが・・・The sky blue dress…. (+0 Love, +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I think this one looks wonderful, but… The size seems to be too big.
Masato Hijirikawa: I see, the size is off… Then it can't be helped. You should pick something else.
Haruka Nanami: … Then I pick the off-white one.
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Tomochika Shibuya: Okay, that's settled! Let's get changed right away!
Haruka Nanami: Huh…? Wait, Tomo-chan—
Tomochika Shibuya: You don't know if it's good until you try it on, right?
Tomo-chan drags me to the changing room. However, I've never worn this style of dress before…
Is this really something a person like me should wear…?
I change into the dress and come back to the classroom.
Otoya Ittoki: …
Natsuki Shinomiya: …
Masato Hijirikawa: …
Ah… Everyone's speechless. It's maybe because I'm wearing something I'm not used to…
Otoya Ittoki: Whoa… I'm shocked. I didn't think you could look this cute!
Otoya Ittoki: Ah, wait! I mean, you're always cute, but… you just… look different than usual…!
Masato Hijirikawa: Ahh… It is said that women can change drastically but… I didn't think you could become this beautiful…
Natsuki Shinomiya: For a moment, I thought you were a completely different person.
Tomochika Shibuya: You heard that, Haruka? This is great!
Select the Phrase!
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え・・・?え・・・?Huh…? Huh…?  (+0 Love, +5 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Don't think so hard about it. You look really cute and you should be proud of yourself!
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社交辞令でも嬉しい。You're flattering me, but thank you. (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Flattering? Me? Why would I lie to you?
Otoya Ittoki: You look really, really cute! I was so surprised! It's the truth!
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あ、ありがとうございます・・・ Th-Thank you… (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Y-you're welcome…
Tomochika Shibuya: Why are you two blushing so much? Sheesh!
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Otoya Ittoki: Haruka! You ready?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, yes.
The party begins at 7 PM. Otoya-kun and I meet up in the classroom thirty minutes before the party starts.
Otoya Ittoki: Then let's go, shall we?
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
Otoya Ittoki: Ah, yes. Sorry, I should apologize in advance, but I'm going to really cause some trouble tonight.
Otoya-kun flashes a mischievous grin.
Haruka Nanami: What do you mean by trouble?
Otoya Ittoki: Let's just say… it's something really big. Haruka, do you trust me?
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I've always believed in you, Otoya-kun.
Otoya Ittoki: I see, I'm glad!
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The banquet hall is a place that students usually are not allowed into. According to the principal, it's a place for adults to mingle.
Normally, it's a place for the rich and the elite, which is why it's so extravagant.
Marble floors, large chandeliers… The soft red carpet feels nice under my feet. 
There is a large Christmas tree in the back that is decorated with sparkling ornaments.
The tables are lined with an abundance of dishes.
Haruka Nanami: This is amazing!
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah… We're definitely out of place here.
Haruka Nanami: But at least everyone from our class is here today.
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HA! Sorry for keeping you waiting, everyone.
Shining Saotome: Now the dance party shall begin! Boys and girls will be close to each other to dance, but…
Shining Saotome: Be sure to keep things in moderation and not fall in love!
Otoya Ittoki: I refuse!
Otoya-kun yells out.
Shining Saotome: Why? Mr. Ittoki, did you say something?
Murmur, murmur.
The entire hall is stirring.
Otoya Ittoki: I said I refuse. I won't lie in front of the girl I love!
Shining Saotome: I said love is absolutely, POSITIVELY forbidden. YOU understand what that means, right?
Otoya Ittoki: No, I don't!
Shining Saotome: … What?
The principal's eyebrows perk up.
Otoya Ittoki: I love her.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…!?
W-w-what? What's going on?
Murmur, murmur.
Male Student A: H-hey… That guy is defying the principal.
Male Student B: That guy's idol career is finished. Well, not like it ever began in the first place.
Tokiya Ichinose: He's such an idiot. No one who has defied him has ever survived in this industry…
Tokiya Ichinose: But, well, this is very much like him…
Ringo Tsukimiya: O… Oto-kun! What are you saying…? You shouldn’t do this…!
We're the center of attention of the entire hall. Tsukimiya-sensei is looking at us desperately.
Otoya Ittoki: What's so bad about it?
Shining Saotome: It is me who has decided that no love is allowed.
Otoya Ittoki: So?
Shining Saotome: I decide the rules in this academy. What I say is final. I don't allow defiance!
Otoya Ittoki: Then change it. This rule is wrong!
Shining Saotome: Hrrrm…!
Girl Student A: Please, stop! If you anger the principal, your life is over!
Male Student A: Bravery and recklessness are two different things! Apologize right now!
Girl Student B: Please, don't anger the principal more than this!
Ringo Tsukimiya: W-what's with you? Stop joking around. Ahaha, come on, say you're joking. You just wanted to try out saying those things, right?
Tokiya Ichinose: Teacher, do you really think those are the eyes of someone who's joking? That idiot is completely serious. There's no use in stopping him.
Tokiya Ichinose: I always thought he's an idiot but I didn't think he could possibly be this stupid… It's amazing, really.
Tokiya Ichinose: He should just grovel at his feet and apologize… If he does that now, there's a slight chance of him still being forgiven.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Come on, please, take it back! Shiny will forgive you if you do it now!
Otoya Ittoki: Thanks, both of you! I'm happy that you feel that way, but it's okay…
Otoya-kun smiles at Tsukimiya-sensei and Ichinose-san, then turns to look straight at the principal.
Anyone who angers the principal won't survive for long.
We've been hearing that from everyone around us, but…
I just don't think that the principal is that frightening of a person.
He's sturdy, strong, and does bizarre things from time to time… but deep down, I think he's a good person.
Otoya Ittoki: I love her and want to be in a relationship with her, but I don't have any plans of quitting this school. That's all I wanted to say.
Shining Saotome: You have some guts! Don't think you can get away unscathed after defying THE Shining Saotome!
Shining Saotome: I have connections in a variety of industries! I'll get you blacklisted and prevent you from ever being hired!
Shining Saotome: With just one fell swoop of my pen, you'd be out of work for the rest of your life! Would you still defy me despite that?
Otoya Ittoki: I'm fine with that! If I lie about my feelings, then everything would become a lie!
Otoya Ittoki: And if that's the case, there wouldn't be any reason to live anyway! Let's go, Haruka!
He reaches his hand out to me. If I take that hand, there will be no return.
And yet…
Haruka Nanami: Sure!
I take his hand.
Otoya Ittoki: Sorry everyone for the ruckus!
He bows his head and leads me out of the hall.
Otoya Ittoki: Whoo! That felt great!
He grins with a refreshed look on his face.
Otoya Ittoki: Tomorrow's going to be rough!
Despite saying that, he doesn't sound grim at all.
Otoya Ittoki: But for some reason, I feel so excited!
Otoya Ittoki: I stood up against Shining Saotome of all people, but I don't feel anxious at all! However, there's one thing I'm scared about.
Haruka Nanami: Scared…? Why?
I can't imagine anything scarier for him than the principal.
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Otoya Ittoki: Hey, Haruka…
Haruka Nanami: Yes?
Otoya Ittoki: I love you.
Haruka Nanami: Eh…?
My mind goes blank at his sudden confession and for a moment, I can't process what he said.
Otoya Ittoki: So, Haruka, what about you? Do you… love me too?
His gaze pierces me like an arrow into a bull's-eye.
The look in his eyes is filled with confidence, as if denying any other possible response other than, "Yes, I do."
In fact, that is how I truly feel. I knew what the answer was the moment I took his hand back at the hall.
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I do. I… love you too, Otoya-kun.
My heart knows that's how I felt this entire time.
However, I feel like I've just been avoiding my feelings because I kept worrying about the no love rule.
Otoya Ittoki: I see. I believed that you felt the same way about me too, but I was a little scared that maybe I was just misunderstanding.
Otoya Ittoki: I also caused a lot of trouble for you, so I wanted to make things clear.
Otoya Ittoki: I'm sorry, I must've really surprised you. What I did back there was so sudden and I got you involved, but I don't think I'm doing anything wrong!
He just wants to be honest with his feelings. I don't think that's wrong at all.
Haruka Nanami: U-um… sorry about asking this after I agreed to go with you, but… Isn't this against the school rules…?
Well, we already angered the principal before we ended up here…
Otoya Ittoki: Of course!
What a simple answer… as if this isn't a big deal.
He really is direct.
Otoya Ittoki: But I have no intention of hiding! That's why I took you away from the party.
Otoya Ittoki: We're not doing anything wrong! We just love each other, that's all!
Otoya Ittoki: You agree, right? The school rules are wrong for banning love in the first place!
Haruka Nanami: Yes… that may be true.
Otoya Ittoki: I wasn't raised by my actual parents, so I was never sure what "love" really meant.
Otoya Ittoki: But now I know how precious loving one another is and how necessary it is to keep living.
Otoya Ittoki: I met you and fell in love with you. I learned what "love" was for the first time.
Haruka Nanami: Love?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. This is the first time I ever felt this strong of a bond with another person. I won't go back to being alone. I love you.
Haruka Nanami: Ah…
I wanted to say the words, "Thank you" to him but they're stuck in my throat.
Otoya Ittoki: You, your dreams, my dreams—all of that is so precious to me. I can't sing without you, and I can't fulfill my dreams if I can't sing.
Otoya Ittoki: At first, my dream was just a small yearning for something more. I thought that if I became an idol, my real father would find me.
Otoya Ittoki: I thought if he came, I would stop feeling so alone, but now, that doesn't matter!
Otoya Ittoki: I love music! I love it with all my heart!
Otoya-kun declares at the top of his lungs.
Otoya Ittoki: I was satisfied with just singing. I was so happy if I managed to hit the right rhythm or sing a clean long high note.
Otoya Ittoki: But when I stood on the stage in that school festival and had the spotlight shine on me while hearing the cheers of the audience…
Otoya Ittoki: That's when I thought, "Ah, this is it!"
Otoya Ittoki: I found that the stage was where I belonged! I want you to be here beside me always.
Haruka Nanami: Huh? M-me? B-but I'm a composer and being on stage is…
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, I understand! I just want to feel your presence on the stage, which is why I want to sing your songs.
Otoya Ittoki: Do you know that there's a time out of many where I feel something just clicks.
Otoya Ittoki: That's when I feel one with you, the composer.
Otoya Ittoki: That could just be me overthinking things, but it feels great!
Otoya Ittoki: Maybe that too is love.
Otoya Ittoki: I become one with you on stage. I want everyone to know our love. I want to spread happiness through our love.
Otoya Ittoki: We can't do that unless we're together, right?
Otoya Ittoki: That's why we should change the school rules!
Select the Phrase!
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校則を・・・変える?Change the rules…? (+10 Love, +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Is that even possible…?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah! Think about it, that old man decides the rules of the school, right?
Otoya Ittoki: We just have to convince him to change them!
Otoya Ittoki: What I did earlier was a declaration of war, I guess!
He says that with a grin.
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不可能じゃないかもしれないけど。It may be possible. (+5 Love, +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Can we really do that?
The principal decides the school rules, so on the flip side, we could have the rules changed as long as the principal is convinced.
But I think that's a difficult task to undertake.
Otoya Ittoki: We can do it! As long as you believe, there's nothing you can't do!
He declares with utmost confidence and grins.
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難しいと思う。That sounds difficult. (+5 Love, +0 Music)
We can surely change the rules if the principal just says so.
Haruka Nanami: I wonder if the principal would be convinced…
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Otoya Ittoki: We just need the old man to know how powerful love can be! Don’t you agree?
Haruka Nanami: I-I see…
But, l-love… My face blushes from embarrassment. 
Otoya Ittoki: But I don't think this will be a walk in the park. It's going to be an uphill battle from here on out, so if you don't want to deal with it, tell me now…
Otoya Ittoki: I confessed to you in the hall, but you didn't say anything back there… You can still pull back.
Otoya Ittoki: I don't want to do anything that troubles you. We can end our relationship right here if you want…
… I don't want it to end here, so I'll…
Haruka Nanami: No, I'm not troubled at all… I'm fine…
Haruka Nanami: I'll always be by your side, so… Don't let go of my hand…
Otoya Ittoki: Okay! I won't let go of you! I promise!
Otoya Ittoki: … I'm not alone. I know for sure that you'll always be by my side.
Otoya Ittoki: I'll do my best.
Haruka Nanami: Yes. We can go far as long as we're together. I believe in us.
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, let's make him see the light!
We tighten our grip in each other's hands. I vow to myself in my heart that I'll never let go of his hand.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Let's see… The theme for today's individual lesson is lyrics.
Ringo Tsukimiya: However, these aren't lyrics a professional wrote… This is from a student. He asked me for some help.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Would it be alright for you to give some advice about these lyrics as a composer?
Ringo Tsukimiya: The way that this test is done won't be much different from the last lyrics test you took. Just choose from the number of phrases given to you.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, there isn't an actual correct answer… Ah, but the results would show how much you match with the other student…
Ringo Tsukimiya: Hehe, it's nothing! Just talking to myself.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Anyway, let's begin. Choose based on your gut feeling.
Otoya Ittoki: I feel like I become honest with myself when I read the lyrics that you wrote. It's as if you wrote down the feelings I couldn't figure out for myself. 
He smiles as he looks through the lyrics that I wrote.
He feels the same… We can make the best songs if we keep writing lyrics and compose music with the same feelings in mind. 
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Chapter End
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pharaohbean · 9 months
zero's unit shuffle au
the time has come...... to talk about these People. in order!! feel free to ask me about anything in this au! i do have songs ("commissioned" and "covered") and events and even freaking area items for the sekais!! bc apparently i was REALLY bored in class!!
more shenanigans below!
A family--both by blood and by bonds--come together to create joy through their musical-like shows. The WxS-adjacent group (with MMJ-style name) comprised of Tenma Tsukasa (leader), Tenma Saki, Aoyagi TENMA Toya, and Yoisaki Kanade. YES TOYA IS LEGALLY A TENMA
about the sekai: the Star SEKAI is a void full of stars with an amphitheater as well (yes Toya's scared of the void). Although there is technically a glass floor if one steps off of the amphitheater stage, you can see directly through it to a mind-bending expanse of stars. The SEKAI gives the feeling of being in space. Star SEKAI was formed from all 4 members' feelings. SSS starts with Miku (ENFP & 7w6) and Luka (ISTJ & 5w6). - Miku is a chaotic cat-like ringleader, with a top hat and everything. Although she's more of a force of chaos than WxS Miku, she still possesses (unfiltered) pearls of wisdom for the SEKAI members. She primarily comes from Tsukasa and Saki's feelings. - Luka is much quieter than Miku, being a vocalist. Her dynamic with Miku has basically just turned into Luka being Miku's babysitter. Luka is down-to-earth, to a degree that some would call pessimistic. She primarily comes from Toya and Kanade's feelings.
A group of outcasts, all on the rooftop of their school, attempts to reclaim their lost passions through music. The 25ji-adjacent group (with L/n-style name) comprised of Akiyama Mizuki (leader), Kamishiro Rui, Shiraishi An, and Kiritani Haruka.
about the sekai: the Rooftop SEKAI is comprised of tall buildings so high up that there seems to be no ground below. There are sky bridges crossing to other rooftops, but no doors down to lower levels of the building. Colorful graffiti is found all over the walls and floors of the buildings. Rooftop SEKAI was formed from all 4 members' feelings.
R/l starts with Miku (ISTP & 8w7) and Len (INFJ & 3w4). - Miku is a cool, calm, and collected girl with a bit of an extreme side to her. She's unafraid of trying new things, even if they seem dangerous. So far, she hasn't broken anything (well, anything of HERS). She primarily comes from a mixture of all four's feelings. - Len is exceptionally creative and outgoing ... and scared of heights. His fear often keeps him grounded on one rooftop for days at time; he tries to fill the boredom void by graffitiing everything in sight. He primarily comes from a mixture of all four's feelings.
Archery Towards Dawn
A school archery club, led by an ex-idol, tries to spread light--to both the world and themselves--through an online presence. The MMJ-adjacent group (with 25ji-style name) comprised of Hinomori Shizuku (leader), Asahina Mafuyu, Mochizuki Honami, and Kusanagi Nene.
about the sekai: the Range SEKAI is a typical archery range, including a small wooden building that seems perfectly designed for idol work, complete with cameras and mirrors; around the archery range are a ring of darkened woods, almost giving off the impression that none should even near them. Range SEKAI was initially thought to be formed from Shizuku and Mafuyu's feelings alone, but later it's reaffirmed that Honami and Nene contributed in quiet ways.
ATD starts with Miku (ENTP & 5w4) and MEIKO (INTJ & 1w9). - Miku is a secretive and mysterious card dealer (of all things...). No matter where she goes, she has a deck of cards and a playful challenge for the SEKAI residents. She doesn't seem to pull from anyone's feelings, but does in fact come from a mixture of all four's. - MEIKO is a serious and unemotional archer, known best for her cold shoulder that she gives just about everyone (Mafuyu is the occasional exception). She spends almost all of her time perfecting her archery skills. She comes from a mixture of all four's feelings.
Music x Creation
An up-and-coming band forced to play in underground music battles due to a series of deadly events. The L/n-adjacent group (with WxS-style name) comprised of Hinomori Shiho (leader), Momoi Airi, Shinonome Ena, and Azusawa Kohane.
about the sekai: the Venue SEKAI is almost entirely comprised of a venue and it's backstage; all doors leading elsewhere are locked. There are people in the crowd regardless of if a music battle is on or not. The venue itself seems to pull elements from the venues Shiho used to work at and the large underground music battle venue itself. Unlike other SEKAIs, Venue SEKAI is formed primarily from Shiho's feelings.
MxC starts with Miku (INTP & 8w9) and Rin (ESFP & 7w6). - Miku is a determined and powerful girl, often overwhelmingly so. She is proficient in the guitar, stands out in a crowd, and never minces her words. She can hold her own in a music battle with no teammates, which is exceedingly rare. She primarily comes from Shiho's feelings. - Rin is upbeat and gusty, but air-headed and inexperienced. Her instrument of choice are the drums, but she can often be found daydreaming, which Miku criticizes her about often. However, she somewhat makes it up with her innocent determination. She primarily comes from the other three's feelings.
Four unlikely people form a music group through a dare to create a new style of music in just a week. The VBS-adjacent group (with VBS-style name) comprised of Shinonome Akito (leader), Hanasato Minori, Hoshino Ichika, and Otori Emu.
about the sekai: the Mountainside SEKAI is a lone road up on the side of a mountain, with unmarked parking and a small sitting area off to the side. The road seems to go infinitely in both directions along the side of the mountain, but one can look over the edge, held back by a steel railing and find an ocean far below. Mountainside SEKAI was formed from all 4 members' feelings.
AWR starts with Miku (INFJ & 6w5) and KAITO (ESTP & 2w1). - Miku is shy and awkward, often hiding herself in her sketch book. She often freezes up and flees when faced with new people, which most often leads to her hiding behind KAITO and later Akito. Although her self-esteem is low, her advice is deep--a little too deep. She primarily comes from the girls' feelings. - KAITO isn't too far off from VBS KAITO; he is clumsy yet sincerely tries his best as a sort of father figure for the group and other VIRTUAL SINGERS alike. It's been rumored that KAITO knows where the road leads, but he likes to keep an air of mystery around him. He primarily comes from Akito's feelings.
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proseka-headcanons · 8 months
Omg omg omg ok ok I love practically all Ichika ships and actually am writing a fic with the synopsis"Ichika kisses a bunch of girls to prove she's gay" so here is my headcanons about the ship I'm titling: Ichika and her awesome girlfriends (but they are all dating). Here you go mod Ichika (also the fic currently only features 4 characters kissing Ichika but I might just make it a series)
Kanade, Nene, Shiho, Honami all completely melt when around Ichika, Shiho and Nene so often act super serious and no-nonsense but whenever Ichika flirts they will glow redder than a rose
On the other hand, Saki, Mizuki, An, Kohane all get Ichika to melt. Odd considering Kohane isn't the most immune to An or Mizuki, but still can flirt back with Ichika leaving her unable to form words
Emu, Minori, Haruka, and Mafuyu are all definitely in the polycule, and depending on how I'm feeling, so is tfem Rui and Akito, and Airi. Ena is in the polycule if Akito is not.
A date with all of them is extremely large and they'll go to 50 different places. They all can visit each others sekai, and intentionally do not share it with Tsukasa, Shizuku, and the shinonome not in the polycule. They do this specifically to fuck with them.
All of them visit each others shows, and Ichika makes a point to shout out all of them. She also is the designated polycule therapist
Finally, it originally was just L/N, then EmuNene and Kanamafu, and from there it snowballed. (My fic does not feature this, but that's cause I love ichimizu and needed to include it). Multiple other relationships were integrated into the polycule, the main deciding factor being that Ichika is somehow the most attractive person in every room for them.
Anyway super long ask over, hopefully it's not way too long, and also really wanna hear your Ichika ship Mod Ichika! (Also might send the fic when I finish it but I'm not super happy with my writing and won't if it's not what y'all would want)
Also tfem Ichiaki so real and so is tfem Ichirui they'd be so silly
And I also raise you this, anon
Ichika has so little rizz while flirting it circles back to all the rizz (not projecting at all btw)
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444lpblue · 11 months
Stardust Telepath #3 - Explosive Mechanic
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Screenplay: RinRin Storyboard/Episode Direction: Shinichirou Ueda Animation Direction: Megumi Nagayama, Ryoutarou Takamura, Yuuta Masaki, Ken Mukaigawara Key Animation: Hiroyuki Shimizu, Megumi Nagayama, Maya Yoshida, Tatsuya Urano, Yuuta Masaki, Hiroshi Tanabe, Yousuke Sotoyama, Haruka Sakai, Manabu Kushibuchi, Takanori Suzuki, Satoshi Horisawa, Michitaka Yamamoto, Takahiro Ninagawa, Lilin Zhao, Haruki Ebisu, Yoshiko Nakamura, Kanoko Sakurai, Ryoutarou Takamura, Tetsuya Sunaga, Ken Mukaigawara, Junichi Hashimoto, Yuuichirou Kamura (Eyecatch: 街早智子)
I've wanted to talk about this show since I watched the first episode, but I couldn't find the time. Now we're at episode 3, and guess what? It's pretty great still. Kaori has been at the helm of the whole series at Studio Gokumi, showcasing the studio's in-house staff in a very strong way. Kaori's approach to adapting this series is fantastic; the show is very colorful, especially in its character designs. There are so many fun reactions and expressions that I just can't help but love. It's been a lot of fun so far, and Kaori's expressive and colorful direction is a great match for the series' character designer, Takahiro Sakai. You might have already seen his designs in Yuki Yuna is a Hero, or perhaps you've watched the recent Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon (I know I didn't). The designs are very flexible and simple, which works great with the more expressive moments. I mean, it's just so cute, and when combined with the color design, they really stand out to me as a big selling point of this anime.
The story itself is somewhat comparable to the recent Bocchi the Rock, if I had to mention something to compare, if you're a fan of shows dealing with social anxiety and featuring fun visuals, I would definitely recommend giving this a try.
Since the title does say this is a write-up on episode 3, I should probably start talking about episode 3. This is actually the first episode so far that Kaori didn't have a hand in from a boarding perspective, but the expressiveness and reactions were still present in this episode. While the usage of them and the colors weren't as bold as Kaori's usual style, I believe Shinichirou Ueda did a really good job, especially for the more serious or emotional moments of the episode.
Kaori relies on a lot of contrast or bright and simple elements over detailed backgrounds to make things pop. Every time they're a bit quirky or making a funny face, you'll notice it. Ueda's approach is a bit more cohesive, and I couldn't really find a word for it until I talked to my friend this morning, who mentioned that he noticed it, and he's absolutely right. Ueda takes a more environmental approach compared to Kaori, incorporating more variety in distance and layout size. For instance, he uses long empty halls to emphasize the distance Umika must cross to connect with Raimon. When Umika runs during the night, it's subtly matched by the soft stars in the sky. In contrast, Kaori might have been a bit more heavy-handed in how brightly the stars shine or how much they pop out. I think Ueda's approach is different in that he likes to make the entire scene a bit more unified in its look rather than having one element stand out more than the others. I like both Kaori and Ueda's styles very much, and I don't have a strong preference between the two. I just wanted to mention the differences I see in their approaches.
Returning to the production as a whole for a moment, I completely forgot to mention that, aside from the aesthetic direction and character designs, the show animates quite well. It's a very pleasing-looking show, at least to me. The production is very solid, and I think credit should be given to the talented in-house animators at Gokumi and the animation producer, Kenta Washikazi. He has only held this role for two shows prior to this one (Yuki Yuna is a Hero: The Great Mankai Chapter and Seton Academy), both of which also had solid production, so it's clear he knows what he's doing. He has brought on people like Kouta Sera, who appears to be fairly heavily involved in this show as a key animator so far, and he's extremely talented. For instance, he did the cut of Umiko floating up in the opening. It's a perfect mix of in-house staff and the talent Washikazi decided to bring on.
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woundedheartwithin · 11 months
The one thing that could make Kiryu cry like that. The ONE THING. Knowing his kids and grandson are doing fine, in fact pretty well, without him and he gets shown that video and little Haruto's picture.
Broke my fuckin HEART my dude 😭😭😭😭 and like we’ve seen these kids grow up so that shit was personal. Taichi’s a firefighter????? PROUD OF HIM. Haruka and Yuta are great parents? PROUD OF THEM. They keep Kiryu alive by telling Haruto stories about his grandpa? PROUD 👏 OF 👏 ALL 👏 OF 👏 THEM 👏
To be a little more serious for a second, I’m glad they showed how wretched he is. How much he misses them, how much he needs them, how much he wishes he could have done things differently. He’s been and continues to be such a profoundly good influence on all of them, but he’s so caught up in how he thinks he’s let them down, when the only person he’s really ever let down was himself. But he’s stuck in this impossible situation, quite literally in limbo in that ephemeral space between life and death, and there’s no way out, no way forward, no way back, and his glimpse through the looking glass was just as much a blessing as it was a curse. It showed him exactly what he’s missing, exactly what he could have had, what he SHOULD have had, but at the same time it’s living, breathing, thriving proof that he did the right thing the day he died. He gave them a chance to be happy without him, at the cost of ending up completely and utterly alone
Also Kuroda’s such a good crier too like damn you didn’t have to tear my heart out like that I was already UPSET
And he’s Suzuki Taichi again? (my brother’s gonna have a field day with that when he’s finally able to play it, he references that alias a lot cuz he thinks it’s funny lmao) AND Hanawa knew him when he was driving a cab under that name? The start of his crush??? The thot plickens. Gettin me all excited for the next one for sure. I haven’t played the infinite wealth trial yet, I’m still piddling around in premium adventure, but I’m excited to see what it’s all about!
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declawedwildcat · 2 years
I’m apparently incapable of doing anything non Free-related right now, so have an angsty FSp1 mini-fic based on a post from @partrin earlier 🦈
He lays curled on the bed as Makoto’s concerned voice chimes from the nightstand where his voicemail is running. Even if he wanted to turn over and answer, he couldn’t; he couldn’t take the hopeful, innocent looks smiling up at him from tiny faces across the room where his old relay photograph was serenely displayed. The second his eyes had caught on it he’d tossed away, staring into the wall instead in disgust.
How had things ended up this way?
It’s far from the first time Rin had fought with Haruka. Hell, it was their entire routine - anything from dinner choices to college choices, the results of a world-class race or a race to the end of the block, if they didn’t have at least one squabble between the them then the day wouldn’t be complete.
But this... this felt totally different.
This was the first time Haru had ever been the one to start a serious fight. He’s fought back, sure, sometimes Rin was still haunted by the unadulterated rage he’d seen in those dead eyes that day in the locker room at regionals. But every time without fail, it had been Rin who antagonized, who looked for that anger and dragged it out of Haru, sometimes even intentionally. It had never been brought to him uninvited before.
He’d had to go as far as Australia to atone for his fuck-up last time. This time, he worried there wouldn’t be any coming back.
He’s said the wrong thing so many times in his life, snapped at people he cared for and lashed out when all he really wanted was to pull them closer. As he curls in tighter on himself, he feels totally empty thinking that perhaps this was even worse - not fighting back, not even deigning to give him the energy of a true fight, nothing but a callous declaration that he no longer cared.
"There’s no way it doesn’t matter to me... Idiot.”
It’s quiet, clipped, hissed under his breath in the empty room. A breath that hitches at the end, threatening to flood the desert of his somber apathy with the full force of tumultuous emotions dammed up behind it.
He isn’t at fault, really. He had only been there to tell Haru his decision, had been almost excited to up until he sensed something was off. It was Haru’s unexpected childish reaction, his cutting words so out of character he hadn’t known how to react, that caused the damage in the end.
And yet...
The claws digging in around his heart were undeniably guilt. After all, nothing Haru had said was really a lie, was it? That is what Rin does - pull everyone in just to leave them, over and over again. Even now, he’d listened to Haru clearly hurting, clearly alone, and rather than reassure him he wasn’t being abandoned, he’d let his anger get the best of him and ran away yet again.
He wasn’t blameless in this twisted game they’d been playing far too many years for people this young.
The cork holding in those bottled-up feelings was nearing its limit, and his hands were starting to hurt from where they were clenched so tightly in the sheets. He can’t keep doing this anymore. He needs Haru just as much as Haru needs him, and he can’t just rely on Haru always being the one swooping in to save him. He needs to be there for him too, able to own up to his mistakes and be the strength and comfort that Haru needs even when he’s pushing him away, the same as Haru had done for him when he first returned.
With a surge of remorseful energy he whips back over and snatches his phone off the nightstand, punching in Haru’s number before he can think better of it. The ringing feels as though it lasts an eternity as he waits on baited breath.
It hits a disconnect tone.
He tries again. Haru had only recently started putting effort into using his phone after all, maybe he missed the call. Maybe he was already asleep. Maybe he wasn’t purposefully ignoring Rin, cutting him out before he could leave the way he always does.
Please. Please pick up.
It’s not until the third attempt that the first tear finally falls, shattering the wall holding them back and leaving Rin only dimly aware that he’s sobbing into his knees where he’s doubled over on himself at the edge of the bed. His phone clatters as it slips out of his hand, fingers burying into his bangs instead while a year's worth of feelings rain out onto Rin’s lap with no sign of stopping.
He’s doubtful he’ll ever hear that number answer again.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hey. I know I usually have a bit of silly banter to lead up to each episode, but I'm gonna be honest, I'm... feeling a little bittersweet. We've spent almost whole year with these lunatics in the town of Oniga, and yet it feels like we met them just yesterday. I personally have been given a lot to think about.
The beautiful lies of the moon, the difference between ravenously attempting to take your own desires by force and the beauty in the mindset of wabi-sabi, the joy we find in things we create ourselves, the sheer depths of cruelty we're willing to sink to for love, the importance of having those you can rely on... I might have a lot to think about once it's all over.
-The Donbrothers! Have reached their complete state! Nobody can get in our way!
-Good work, Taro!
-Seems like Sonoshigoroku are clearly incapable of getting real.
-Batsu da!
-I only found about this last night, but Morisaki Win? Turns out the dude's from Myanmar. Funny that, huh? Would've been something really cool to know by like... the second episode, but oh well, live and learn.
-"Count off, my companions! Of course, I'll be the one to start us off."
-You might have to do a lot more exercise than you're used to when Tarou's leading the session.
-Jirou's not quite so eagerly participating. Figured he'd be three times as enthusiastic as everyone else.
-Goddang it Haruka, you're too cute for this.
-One of those five fingers is a hell of a lot lighter now...
-Tsubasa's definitely dodging the six shooters of those cops.
-This event is certainly something Sonoi's looking forward to.
-Aw, Sononi. Your romance game ate shit these past couple episodes, but now you're our beloved failgirl.
-...Sonoza, do you know a good play on number nine?
-The roster's all here!
-Let's train.
-"You're the disruptive one, Boss."
-Ooooooh, good work Haruka!
-"Later nerds! We're in serialization!"
-Oh, okay! That's three down.
-And then there were three.
-Spending time with your big brother and your boyfriend.
-Gettin' real serious!
-"I'm gonna power-up too! ...or, perhaps not..."
-I see Tiger Jirou's definitely there in spirit.
-Get moron'd.
-"Momotani Jirou. Welcome to the Donbrothers."
-"I've... got a lot to think about..."
-Kijino's loved after all. ...in his weird way.
-Speaking of which, hello Tsubasa!
-"You seem... normalish, now. That's frightening."
-You're breakin' my heart over here, man.
-Woken up and smelled the roses.
-Guess he's feeling the ending blues too.
-"Go back... to the nice dude you used to be."
-"Kind man you are, Tsubasa-san."
-Y'know, I don't blame Natsumi at all, but goddamn, that hurts
-"I'll uh... I'll just go..."
-The plot thickens.
-Sononi says ACAB
-"This place... it smells too much of cranes."
-She knew.
-See the boss has taken an interest in the manga?
-Poor Ma
-"This is the one~!"
-The Ultimate Hitotsu-ki!
-Noooo, Minoru-san!
-"Oh goddammit boy, not again!"
-"Kneel before me, peasants! I shall become king and king alone!"
-Yeah, that backfired on you scrubs, huh?
-Yeah you better run!
-Oden-based bribery.
-"You kidding me? I can't have you randos pay for my lunch."
-"But we're enemies! That's gotta count for something!"
-...WAIT. Tarou just said "total strangers" and Tsubasa fixated on that. That's important.
-"So like, you guys need our help?"
-I mean to be fair, you did make him break his promise to his mom and tried ordering him around. I'd probably wanna kill you assholes too.
-Of course! That's how all kings eat oden!
-...or at least, that's how the King of Town probably would.
-Time to fight!
-"Noi-chan? :o?"
-Thems the King-Ohger colors!
-Mantis, Stag Beetle, Butterfly, Dragonfly, and Bee!
-Him being ourple implies to me that Papillon Ohger's the one in charge.
-Hahahaha~! Matsuri da!
-Oh, there they are.
-The final bosses.
-"Man, Sonoshi sucks, huh? Oh well, who cares?"
-Oh now Tarou cares about the strong.
-We ain't done yet, no doubt.
-Oh. That's all then. Seems like Minoru's had enough.
-Happy birthday~!
-National Momoi Tarou Day.
-"I lied, bitches."
-"Happy Not-Birthday, Momoi-san! I can be your wife for today, if you want!"
-Way to remind me that literally Tarou's entire apartment complex hated him.
-Oh well, their loss! Momo Pillow!
-Momo Oden Sticks!
-"I'm the grumpiest motherfucker on the planet around you assholes!" Fucking Dies.
-"He's dead... WE DID IT!"
-...no, I agree Haruka, what have our lives become
-Sonona and... Sonoya. Our final bosses.
-Of fucking course Kouhei Murakami would be here at the very end.
-The final festival. The final battle.
-Our bond is true now, everyone.
-Mmmmm oden.
-Well... hard to believe we're done with these guys next week. Man...
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ririveeazu · 2 years
Uta no Prince-sama MUSIC 3 Episode 39 English Translation (Ai Mikaze)
Time to feed the Ai mob☆ This episode is unlocked by completing Ai’s solo song “二人のモノグラム” on pro. (Yes I’m skipping to the cute pro scenes now after Tokiya’s, I probably should restrain myself and do the lamer easy and hard mode episodes first but still-)
Disclaimer: I am using translation as a form of study and am not fluent in Japanese. Do not take my translations as 100% and if you have any corrections/feedback feel free to tell me!
[In a music production room]
Ai: Are you finished with your work yet?
Haruka: I-I’m sorry but there’s still a little bit left.
I know Mikaze-senpai is very busy. I’m really sorry for taking up your time.
Ai: Don’t worry about it. It’s good to be serious about your work.
The only thing that’s bothering me is that this looks different from the work you were doing earlier.
Haruka: !!
Ai: Could it be…. That because I said I wanted to go out with you later that you’re having to overwork yourself?
Haruka: Uhhhh… …
Ai: I hit the nail on the head didn’t I?
Haruka: Yeah… ….
But it’s already almost done, it just needs some corrections now… …
Ai: Knowing you, you’re probably already rushing to finish it early aren’t you?
Haruka: … … How is it that you can always see right through me Mikaze-senpai
Ai: I certainly can. It’s because I see you more than anyone else I know so I'm always thinking about you.
Haruka: S-senpai!?
*hug sfx*
Ai: Is something wrong? You shouldn’t be this surprised. It's not my first time hugging you, you know.
Haruka: W-well I suppose… …
Ai: But I did want to see your reaction, that’s why I did it without warning.
Haruka: Uuu Senpai, honestly… …
Ai: Hey, am I warm?
Haruka: Y-yeah… …
Ai: It’s said that feeling the warmth of someone else can be comforting. I hope I'm helping, even just a little bit.
Haruka: Mikaze-senpai… … Thank you.
Ai: When we’re like this, with our heartbeats in sync, it's almost as if we’re one in the same.
Haruka: It really does feel like that doesn’t it?
Ai: I want to monopolize you, just like this. I know I’m not allowed to though.
I’ll wait patiently until your work is finished, so do your best, okay?
Haruka: I will.
Ai: Then as a reward I’ll embrace you tightly and give you a gentle kiss… … *kiss* I love you, Haruka.
5/75 complete, this is going quicker than I expected actually. Maybe it’s because I’ve just been doing these instead of schoolwork;; My apologies if I’m spamming to much, though I suppose the more resources people have the better. 
I have realized since though that completing all of the songs on easy and hard gives different episodes. Aka, I’m going to have to sit doing the super easy boring mode three times on every song now T ~ T Meaning that you have to play every song 7 times minimum to get all of the episodes (._.) I did go back and edit that on my previous post though now since I was saying complete on easy/hard when it was really just hard mode whoops;;
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Reiji Kotobuki (All Star)
Translator: Belen (Twitter: reiharus)
Proofreader: Raine (Twitter: amagiyas)
Editors: Mae (Twitter: itoshikimaegirl), Noemi (Twitter: dreaminbeyond)
Love End — Dekiai Temptation
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Kotobuki-senpai sings.
Smiles spread through the audience.
Everyone is charmed by his vivacious, sweet singing.
Female Fan: Rei-chan, you're beautiful!!
Male Fan: You’re awesome! So cool!!
Running from one end of the stage to the other, he responds to the audience’s cheers, egging them on.
His smile dazzles, along with the sweat flying off of him.
Kotobuki-senpai does a final turn and glances at me for a second.
Reiji Kotobuki: I love you!
He blows a kiss and the song ends.
The audience bursts into cheers and applause.
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When Kotobuki-senpai returns to the wings, he collapses into my arms, breathing heavily.
I quickly support his body and give him a towel and a drink. He leans against the wall and catches his breath.
Reiji Kotobuki: Haaa…. It’s been a while since I’ve been this serious…. Might have even… gone past my limit….
Haruka Nanami: You did great. It was really lovely. Everyone had so much fun….
Reiji Kotobuki: What about you? Did you have fun too?
Kotobuki-senpai asks with puppy eyes.
Haruka Nanami: Of course I did!!
Reiji Kotobuki: I’m glad…. I was already exhausted before that axle turn with the kiss, but I wanted to give you a present.
He smiles sweetly.
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Then, all the performers finish their acts.
I wait for the announcement of the results with Kotobuki-senpai side stage.
For this Song Festival, the final score will be determined by counting up the points given by a special jury along with the audience’s online votes.
When the counting is completed, the president appears on stage with an envelope that contains the name of the winner.
If Senpai’s name isn’t in that envelope, I’ll have to leave the agency.
Reiji Kotobuki: Believe. My name is written on that piece of paper. Rei-chan has the power to see through things, so I know.
He holds my hand softly to encourage me.
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
I nod deeply and look towards the stage.
Shining Saotome: The first prize of this year’s Shining Song Festival goes to….
From a platform, the president rips open the envelope, then takes out the paper with the name of the winner.
Shining Saotome: The winner is… Reiji Kotobuki!!
Haruka Nanami: We… we did it! We won!! Senpai, congratulations!!
Reiji Kotobuki: Thank goodness…. My feelings and your passionate music were conveyed to everyone.
He goes on stage to accept the trophy.
Shining Saotome: Mr. Kotobuki, congratulations! BUT you did not win this alone; it was thanks to the support of a lot of people as well. Don’t ever forget that! And you will become an even bigger star. Keep working HAAARD!!
Reiji Kotobuki: I’ll be a star that shines brighter than anybody. I’ll be an idol! I’ll continue singing out the sound of love, so please watch over me!
(TL Note: Reiji's choice of words here, "sound of love" (愛の音), are a reference to Aine's name (愛音). Like Reiji explains in chapter 2, Aine's name is written with the kanji of "love" and "sound".)
Saying that, Kotobuki-senpai raises the trophy towards the audience.
At the end of his line of sight… stand Otonami-san and Katagiri-san.
They came after all!
Hearing Kotobuki-senpai’s words, Otonami-san, who previously had his arms folded, raises them high above his head and gives him loud applause.
Then, Katagiri-san also claps with all his might.
Reiji Kotobuki: Everyone…. Really, really…. Thank you so much!!
The cheering starts once again when he bows to the audience.
Ryuya Hyuga: Good job, Nanami, you’ve worked hard.
When I feel someone tap my shoulder lightly, I turn around and see Hyuga-sensei.
Haruka Nanami: Th… thank you very much.
Ryuya Hyuga: You’ve been through a lot. To be honest… I didn’t think you’d make it this far.
Saying that, Hyuga-sensei looks to the stage.
Ryuya Hyuga: It’s the first time I’ve seen him smile like that. You were the one who saved Reiji. Thank you. And congratulations on your debut. Looking forward to working with you from now on too.
Hyuga-sensei pats my shoulder.
Haruka Nanami: Yes, thank you very much. I’ll be in your care.
Then I look at the stage once again.
Senpai has lifted his head and is looking over the audience with a bright smile.
I’m also seeing it for the first time. A smile from the bottom of his heart.
I continue gazing at the smile that shines so bright while basking in the spotlight, enveloped by thunderous applause.
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I won the Song Festival and safely made my debut.
A week later, Kotobuki-senpai invites me to go for a drive.
He takes me to the beach that we visited at Christmas.
The cold is milder now, but there’s still nobody on the beach.
I'm standing on the shining, blue beach alone with Senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: Congratulations!! In celebration of your debut, cheers to your eyes!
Haruka Nanami: Congratulations on your victory too!!
We toast by tapping each other’s juice cans.
This is the sea where Aine-san disappeared….
I wonder if Senpai is thinking about him….
While thinking that, I look up and see Kotobuki-senpai’s profile. He suddenly looks back at me.
Reiji Kotobuki: What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?
Haruka Nanami: No… um….
Reiji Kotobuki: Could it be about… Aine…?
Haruka Nanami: Yes….
When I answer, he turns back to the sea.
Reiji Kotobuki: I gotta tell him I won too. Well, he might’ve watched the TV broadcast somewhere, or that’s what I’d like to think.
He chuckles.
Reiji Kotobuki: And I want to boast about you too. I’d go, “Look, I was able to find such a cute partner. If you’re jealous, then come back.”
Haruka Nanami: Ah….
I look up at him, surprised. He calmly looks back at me.
Reiji Kotobuki: What’s wrong, Kouhai-chan? You look surprised.
Haruka Nanami: Well, you said “partner” ....
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s right, I want you to continue being my partner from now on. Could it be that you want to partner with someone else? Or that you just don’t want to?
Haruka Nanami: N-no way, I could never do something like that!
I shake my head.
Living like this is so dreamlike. Even though I’m happy with my debut, I want to keep on dreaming.
Reiji Kotobuki: Then all’s good, isn’t it? I also have something else I want to tell him…. “I was able to find such a cute girlfriend.”
He whispers in my ear.
Haruka Nanami: That’s….
"Girlfriend". At the sound of that word, my heart beats quickly enough to make me feel dizzy.
Is this really not a dream? I can’t believe it.
Without realizing, I look down... when a beautiful finger suddenly lifts my head.
Reiji Kotobuki: If you didn’t want this… you wouldn’t have turned so red, right? So… it’s okay?
Senpai’s face draws closer as he says that.
He touches my forehead with his and his long eyelashes come in contact with mine.
Haruka Nanami: That….
I’m so happy, but….
Haruka Nanami: But you’re an idol and romantic relationships with idols are forbidden….
Kotobuki-senpai stares at me, unreadable.
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s true, but before I am an idol, I’m a man.
He smiles slightly.
Reiji Kotobuki: So I’ll show you that I’m a man and how much I like you….
Haruka Nanami: S-Senpai….
He slowly splays his hands across my shoulders.
His face comes so close that I can feel the warmth of his cheeks.
Then his lips touch mine, but just at that moment….
Reiji Kotobuki: Eh…?
A droplet falls onto the tip of my nose.
Haruka Nanami: Ah…. It’s raining…!
I look up at the sky. I see it getting darker and heavy rain starts falling.
Reiji Kotobuki: Wah, this is bad…. We’ll get wet. Hurry, come here!!
Haruka Nanami: Oh… right….
As I'm dumbfounded, Senpai takes my hand and we run towards the car.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh man, it seems like Aine is jealous? Aaah, we’re all soaked.
Already in the car, Kotobuki-senpai sighs. Water drops fall from his hair.
The rain hits the windshield like a waterfall and it doesn’t look like it will stop soon.
Haruka Nanami: Achoo!
Ugh… I must be a bit cold….
Reiji Kotobuki: At this rate, you’ll catch a cold. You need to warm up fast…. Let’s find shelter from the rain.
He starts the engine in a hurry.
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The place we head to is….
Haruka Nanami: Whoa… this is incredible….
A hotel suite on the top floor.
You can see the sea from the big window that makes up one of the sides. Some chocolates have been placed on the table to welcome us.
The sideboard is adorned with overflowing flowers.
Reiji Kotobuki: I’m glad, you seem to like the room.
Haruka Nanami: Yes, it’s so gorgeous and big, like in a drama. It’s my first time being somewhere like this.
Reiji Kotobuki: I’m happy I can be with you for that first time. Here, a towel. Ah, or did you want to take a shower?
Senpai brings me a towel from the bathroom before I notice.
Haruka Nanami: That’s… you go ahead. I’m fine with going after you.
Reiji Kotobuki: What are you saying? “Ladies first” for things like this, right? Come here, I’ll wipe your hair.
I feel bewildered as Senpai carefully wipes my hair.
Reiji Kotobuki: Your cheeks are red. Perhaps you have a bit of a fever? I’m worried….
His fingers touch my cheeks as he says that.
Flustered, I quickly pull away to escape him.
Haruka Nanami: I… I’m fine.
I don’t think this fever is because of a cold.
My body burns hotter when I approach him and the heat goes down when I move away from him.
Reiji Kotobuki: Is that so? You should eat something, then. I’ll give this to you.
Saying that, he takes a chocolate from the table and unwraps it.
Reiji Kotobuki: Say “aaah”~
Haruka Nanami: S-Senpai!!
Reiji Kotobuki: Be honest. Do you like me? Do you not like this type of boyfriend?
Haruka Nanami: It’s nothing... like that….
Each word he says feels magical and my heart won’t stop beating.
I feel at a loss staring at him, so I just close my eyes and open my mouth calmly.
Then, when the chocolate touches the edge of my lips, a bittersweet flavor spreads in my mouth.
My senses are probably sharper because I have my eyes closed.
Kotobuki-senpai’s sweet voice and the scent of his cologne that has gotten stronger after getting wet in the rain.
My heart is beating too fast and I start zoning out….
I start losing strength in my knees, so I grab onto Senpai’s shoulders.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, are you okay? Lie down for a bit.
Senpai catches my body hurriedly, then lifts me into his arms with ease.
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki… senpai….
Reiji Kotobuki: It’s Reiji, right? If you get it wrong I’ll have to punish you, Haruka-chan.
He says that gleefully while he carries me to the bed in the back.
I cling to his body tightly from embarrassment.
Before long, he softly lays me on the bed.
It feels very fluffy and my body sinks deep into it.
This is like a dream; it doesn’t feel like real life at all.
I feel like I’m intoxicated by happiness and my mind is absent.
I hear the sound of the bed creaking beside me.
When I look towards it, I see Kotobuki-senpai’s kind smile facing back at me.
Haruka Nanami: Reiji… san….
I mutter and Senpai strokes my cheek.
Reiji Kotobuki: Hey… can we kiss?
His warm cheek touches mine and his sweet voice tickles my ear.
Haruka Nanami: Yes….
As if in a fever dream, I respond and nod. I feel his sweet warmth delicately approaching.
Haruka Nanami: Mm….
Reiji Kotobuki: Mm, ha…. This kiss tastes so sweet…. Like chocolate….
Haruka Nanami: That… mmm….
We kiss once again, deeper than before. I can’t breathe.
Reiji Kotobuki: Mmm, delicious….
While he says that, his lips slide from my ear to my nape.
He strokes me with his fingers as if chasing the trail his lips left, then stops.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai… that’s not good….
He pins me down gently when I try to get up in bewilderment.
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Reiji Kotobuki: You don’t really feel that way, right? You came here wearing this.
Senpai’s finger fiddles with my necklace.
The necklace he gave me that day with the key charm.
Haruka Nanami: It’s very important to me….
Reiji Kotobuki: Is it more important than the person who gave it to you? It’s not, right? I won’t forgive you until you say it clearly.
Haruka Nanami: Ah….
Every time the chain moves, it tickles my neck and my body twists on its own.
Reiji Kotobuki: It’s no good that you’ve made me become serious. You went and opened the door to my heart. Are you prepared for something like that?
He captures me with an unusual, bewitching look, and his slick lips kiss the back of my hand.
Reiji Kotobuki: Nobody else has ever been in my heart. I’ll show it only to you…. So, become my special person.
Haruka Nanami: …!!
He kisses my collarbone.
Haruka Nanami: …!!
And his lips touch my ear.
As if prompting me to speak, he excites me more and more.
Reiji Kotobuki: So… will you answer?
Haruka Nanami: I like you… Reiji-san….
His eyes bunch up as he gazes at me while I mutter that.
Senpai’s eyes shine and sparkle.
Reiji Kotobuki: From now on, I want to sing for you. I want to make music with you. I want to see the future with you.
He stares at me with a gentle expression.
My heart beats fast; I can’t say anything….
I can only nod deeply, which makes him narrow his eyes in joy.
Reiji Kotobuki: More than the blue sea and more than sweet chocolate. I like you so much, more than the starry sky.
He gently strokes my lips with his finger.
Reiji Kotobuki: No, those words are not enough. You’re the person I like the most in the whole world….
Haruka Nanami: Me too…. I like you so much….
When I say that and stretch out my hand, he holds it tight and intertwines his fingers with mine.
Reiji Kotobuki: Do you want me to show you how serious I am?
Haruka Nanami: … Yes.
Senpai’s smile is filled with happiness, more than anybody else’s.
Reiji Kotobuki: I love you, my girl.
He whispers in my ear, then climbs over me and we move into a deep, deep kiss once more.
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Thus, I become a regular composer affiliated with the agency and my busy days as Kotobuki-senpai’s partner begin as well.
The drama he was to star in, “Midnight Agent,” also makes a comeback thanks to Katagiri-san’s efforts.
They’re cooperating with Otonami-san to make the background music as well.
Kotobuki…. No, Reiji-senpai’s character, the host and detective “Reiji,” becomes extremely popular and the drama is decided to launch in a prime time slot.
Our song is a big, record-breaking hit as the opening of the show.
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For a while, even if we do see each other at work, we don’t have much time to be alone and relax together.
We both have the day off today, so we decide to go on our first date as a couple, which is a drive in Senpai’s car.
Before we started dating, he drove me around many times.
But sitting in the passenger seat as his girlfriend feels thrilling.
Since we haven’t seen each other in a while, there are a lot of things we want to say and we never stop talking.
About music, the past, the future, and also silly, everyday things….
I have so much fun talking that I’m overflowing with smiles.
And I’m glad to see Senpai laughing happily as well.
Reiji Kotobuki: And like, Ryuya-senpai doesn’t know how to read the atmosphere. The man is stupidly serious. It was super weird, ahahaha!
Haruka Nanami: Hehe.
Reiji Kotobuki: What’s that? You look so happy. Did something good happen recently? There are no secrets between lovers.
Haruka Nanami: Well… I was just thinking about how much I love it when you laugh…. You look so happy.
Senpai smiles even more when he hears me say that.
Reiji Kotobuki: Then I’ll let you listen to something you like even more than that.
Senpai sings our song a capella.
No matter where it resounds, his voice changes everything in the world to music….
The sound of the waves that can be heard from the window, and the sound of the engine of the car….
Not only that—the shining waves, the blue sky, and the white clouds.... Everything seems like music.
I want to keep turning everything in the world into music like this with him.
As long as we’re together, we can make it happen.
I believe that from the bottom of my heart.
And then, when I look up at the sky….
Haruka Nanami: Wah…. A rainbow!
A beautiful, seven-colored rainbow appears.
Reiji Kotobuki: Say, Kouhai-chan, do you know the words “No rain, no rainbow”?
Senpai asks while driving.
Haruka Nanami: No rain, no rainbow?
Reiji Kotobuki: Yes. Without rain, you can’t see the rainbow. Without pain, there’s no joy.
Senpai looks at the rainbow across the windshield.
Reiji Kotobuki: So it means that we can’t give up.
He gives me a sidelong glance and smiles sweetly.
Reiji Kotobuki: Even if I haven’t forgotten in ten years, that doesn’t mean I can’t forget in eleven years. Someone may appear tomorrow to save me. And the day after that, I might meet someone who loves me. Because I believed in that, I met you. That’s what I think now.
While saying that, Senpai gazes at the rainbow dazzlingly.
Reiji Kotobuki: So, when we face hardship or trouble, let’s overcome it together!! And let’s run towards the future together!! Haruka-chan.
Haruka Nanami: Yes!!
Then, we follow after the shiny, seven-colored rainbow.
We’ll continue running in the ever-sparkling light no matter where we go.
Aiming for the future!
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Reiji All Star Route End
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It's Reiji, your first lover! I wonder if you're happy to get this first message~? At my age I don't get many "firsts" anymore, but being with you has given me lots of them, that makes me so happy. I want to be... your No.1 forever ☆ - Reiji
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complete-gay-chaos · 2 years
For the October Write-blr ask game!! :DD (also I'm pretty sure yee may be working on some writings for Fandoms I'm not in, but I do not mind those being the ones you talk about!! (I'd actually really enjoy it fgdv I love learning about other characters like that :DD) /gen /pos /nf)
☕ coffee or tea: describe your OC’s favorite place to relax.
👻 ghost: can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future?
🥧 pie: let’s talk about food in your wip. are there any special recipes or traditional meals? do any of your OCs cook or bake?
okay yeah so I'm going to apply this to the multichapter fic I'm writing rn bc I have to keep the ball rolling I have to keep the ball rolling aha
you're correct, it's a project sekai fic which like pardon me but I will absolutely explain this to you it's living in my brain 24/7 project sekai is a rhythm featuring hatsune miku and few other vocaloids (MEIKO, KAITO, kagamine len and rin, luka and I think that's it) but basically there are four musical groups in the game not counting the virtual singers and they're
vivid bad squad- I started out with them 10/10 good stuff they're like high school kids who also preform on the street and like at gigs and stuff and they all want to throw a musical event to outdo this really big one that one of the member's father threw
leo/need- they're very wholesome. middle school friends who stopped being friends bc of unfortunate circumstance and the nthey come back together in high school to form a band together and have emotional baggage. very sweet. love them <333
more more jump- going to be honest don't know a lot about them, they're an idol group and I know their leader, minori, like didn't start out an idol and is trying really hard to be good at it and I know haruka like was an idol but was unhappy w it or something, idk much about shizuki or airi though
wonderland x showtimes- okay so I don't know much about them from the actual game but they're VERY popular in the fanbase bc the fandom really saw the four male character in the game not counting len and KAITO and completely latched onto them and ignored most of the other groups w/out men in them (other group w boys is vbs, which is also v popular in the fandom) anyway, they're like a musical theatre troupe and they do shows and stuff, pretty cool. nene and emu are the girls in the group and they're both slightly unhinged. absolute queens.
OKAY OKAY OKAY NOW MY FAVOURITE nightcord at 25:00 okay so basically they're an online music group who voice chat over what's discord in everything but name to make music aaaand they're all depressed. :D but basically there's kanade and she's like an extreme shut in, and then there's mafuyu whose mom is like so controlling she destroyed any semblance of a personality in her daughter 👍 A+ parenting. and the main group story is them helping her figure out like The Emotions and develop a personality again. ena is my profile picture and she's the group's artist and basically she's a little bit attention seeking and frustrated bc her art is good but it never came as like natural talent for her and she never gets a lot of recognition for it and also her dad is a shitbag who said she should give up bc it's too hard for her. and the MIZUKI AAAAAH I love them I love them I love them so they're the group's animator they do like cool videos and stuff with the songs and she's literally the best person ever and she has like serious abandonment issues bc they're always made fun of for dressing and acting weird and they lost all their friends because of it and they're worried they'll lose 25ji bc of it too AND I'M PRETTY SURE THE REASON WHY THEY'RE MADE FUN OF FOR DRESSING/ACTING WEIRD IS BECAUSE SHE'S TRANS which like aaaaaah! AAAAAAH! no canon confirmation just hinted at, but common fandom belief is nonbinary or transfemme just bc of how she presents herself. I, ever the intellectual, think she's nonbinary and transfemme.
short interlude aside, I'm writing a mizuki-centric multichapter fic rn so I'll probably just answer w headcanons and the like bc they're not my OCs :P
describe [Mizuki]’s favorite place to relax.
there's not a lot of canon to pull from but I would say either in the empty sekai, but more likely, it doesn't matter where, just around the members of 25ji <3 really taking canon and running w it here but I think it's true!! they love their friends!!
can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/something you want to write in the future?
okay so actually I did have an idea come to me about an ena fic, I also really like ena so I do really want to do something ena focused and hanahaki fics are really popular in the sekai fandom from what I've read but I've not seen many where ena gets it, plus a few common things about hanahaki fics rub me the wrong bc I'm aro, and if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself. also I don't write romance a lot so writing it is always interesting.
let’s talk about food in your wip. are there any special recipes or traditional meals? do any of [the characters] cook or bake?
I think unintentionally I kind of made food the way a lot of the characters show affection for one another or try to express how they're feeling about one another, and kind of a way to show how close they are/how much they trust each other. no traditional dishes but a lot of meals made in the place of telling people you're sorry, or you're there for them, or you love them. gift giving, the love language of the emotionally constipated <3
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