#harvey denton
One of the tlog scenes i have watched more times i can count😂
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forevers-world · 1 year
Imagine meeting your neighbors' nephew, thinking he's weird, and dating him anyway.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 11 months
Harvey Denton Moodboard
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A Harvey Denton moodboard requested by @9ismyfavnumber! This was slightly tricky, but it's ended up being one of my favourites - hope you all like it too
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prof-ramses · 7 months
I had the cursed thought that tie-guy looks like Harvey and now it won't leave my brain, so cursing you with it as well
Hah, I can kind of see it.
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mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
currently on my period (tmi?) and feeling like shit 😃 so here's a benjamin denton headcanon. him caring for you when you're on your monthly sufferings xoxo
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Time of the month - Benjamin Denton x reader Headcanon
you had been dating ben for just over a year, so he was used to caring for you when you got your period
however the topic could still make him a little bit uncomfortable sometimes. he was just a naturally awkward guy.
but he loved comforting you and hated seeing you in pain.
he knew the usual things that made you feel better. lots of cuddles, hot tea, belly rubs and bubble baths.
but the routine was proving a bit more difficult this month, as it was your first period in royston vasey, staying at ben's aunt and uncle's house
and they were... interesting people. to put it lightly.
you had been searching the bathroom cabinets for sanitary products, hoping that val might have some, but you couldn't find any
you didn't dare ask her. eventhough it shouldn't be a taboo subject, especially between two grown people, but you felt very awkward and had no idea how she might react.
you didn't want uncle harvey to be following you around the house for the next week, announcing loudly that you should be "careful not to get any menstruation fluid anywhere".
so you begged benjamin to pop to the shops and get you some supplies.
"alright" he finally agreed, kissing you lightly before heading downstairs to leave
but not before he was hounded by his relatives to find out exactly where he was going and why
you mentally praised your boyfriend as he rushed out the door awkwardly, trying to avoid their burning questions as much as possible.
he soon returned and left you to get ready in the bathroom.
but when you came back into the bedroom, he was propped up in bed surrounded by blankets and snacks, outstretching a mug of hot drink towards you.
you smiled widely and climbed in next to him, leaning into his side and gratefully sipping the liquid
you spent the whole afternoon being lazy in bed
being wrapped up in his arms and sharing sweet kisses, some of them getting a bit too heated sometimes
he read some of your current book to you and you did the newspaper crossword puzzles together.
he would constantly mumble compliments in your ear eventhough you felt like a gross, bloated mess.
"you're so gorgeous" "i'm so in love with you"
when your cramps would suddenly appear, he would offer you painkillers or massage your lower stomach
you wanted a hot bath but you didn't know what type of towel to use
and you certainly didn't want to accidentally stain one.
"you know... i once read that having an orgasm helps relieve period pain"
"be quiet, benjamin."
you drifted in and out of light sleep as his fingers rubbed your scalp and played gently with your hair
until suddenly you were startled wide awake by the bedroom door swinging open
"has anyone seen one of the kitchen mugs?!"
only short but i hope you enjoyed. ross gaines smut coming very soon 🤭
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queenofbrooklyn · 1 year
Do u ever think about how Newsies has Denton, not anybody's love interest, and then Livesies replaces the character with a girl, who is immediately a love interest?
Because I think about that a lot. Why is a woman in the SAME role a love interest while a man is not?
(And also how come she replaces Denton and Sarah both? Illegal to have more than 3 women in a show at once or something? Or just that a girl can't be anything but a love interest or a mother, so you'd have to cut Sarah out cause Jack's not available for her to kiss at the end as Katherine has to do it to be acceptable?)
Ultimately I think it’s because Harvey Fierstein has a very limited view of feminism. He says that he reframed newsies to “follow the love story”. And I don’t disagree that Newsies doesn’t do that in the original movie. But that was intentional! It’s supposed to highlight that different kinds of relationships that these boys all have. It’s about Jack but it’s not JUST about Jack, and I think that’s something livesies really loses.
Fierstein was really interested in streamlining Newsies, which took out a lot of the heart, in my opinion. He got rid of things that were “unnecessary”. Like the rest of the Jacobs, but ALL the Jacobs are so important to Jack’s journey! Jack’s relationship with Sarah is important because she’s someone he’s honest with. Her and the rest of the family, obviously including David, give Jack something to keep him in New York. It’s not just romantic love that keeps him from going to Santa Fe, it’s familial love. The love he receives from David (no matter which way you interpret it), the rest of the Jacobs, Les looking up to him, the love he gets from Denton as a father figure, and the love he gets from the other newsies.
When it comes to Denton, I think they made a mistake in cutting him. (I think this about Sarah too, but if we’re getting down to it, I think livesies was a mistake, so).
But with Denton- he would be SO useful in livesies! I have mixed feelings about Katherine, she’s not my favorite character, but I think Denton would have been SO good for her development.
Denton could be there to show her it’s possible to live outside of her father’s realm. We know that Pulitzer still had quite the hold on her and basically “lets” her write for other newspapers. Denton could be a replacement father figure (like he was for the newsies) and show her that there’s another way, that she doesn’t have to be dependent on him completely.
He’d be someone to bounce ideas off of (though if they were smart they would have used Bill and Darcy for this)
He’s someone else in her circle who understands the newsies perspective. Someone to lead her back from some of her harsher perspectives (calling the newsies dogs, using them only for her own gain)
Emotionally she could turn to him when Pulitzer is a shitty father. They could have such a good bond! Like Denton and David have, it’s something special, and it would help refocus livesies on the bonds of non romantic relationships.
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emetophobiahelp · 4 months
Complete Masterlist of The League of Gentlemen (including live shows and radio show)
Hello! My emetophobia is very mild and doesn’t often extend to television, but I have a friend who wanted to watch TLOG with a more severe phobia, so I thought I’d compile this list for anyone else looking to get into their work! I will also probably do one for Psychoville and Inside No 9!
[6:30-6:43] Chinnery is brought to a small tent to analyze ‘the beast of Royston Vasey’. The policeman (played by Steve Pemberton) lifts some foil off of the body, and Chinnery v* into his mask, then ducks behind the table. I’d recommend skipping the scene if you’re sensitive.
[24:25-24:32] Later, after Dave, Ollie and Phil have finished their performance, Dave says to ollie that he’s leaving legs akimbo. When Dave walks off stage, Ollie says ‘excuse me a moment, I think I’m gonna be s*’ and runs off stage.
He does not look nor sound ill so hopefully it shouldn’t be too triggering
For the most part it is safe, the nosebleed epidemic *could* be triggering for some, however, so bear that in mind.
Throughout this season Benjamin appears quite unwell when onscreen, but not at any point does he v*.
[14:50-14:57] However, during the Denton’s house rules song (an absolute banger by the way), when Benjamin is taken to the bathroom, he crawls along the floor to the toilet, and hovers his head over the top before he is shoved in by Harvey. He doesn’t make any gestures or expressions but I thought I’d put it here in case it’s triggering for some.
This is a silly detail but if you’re as a big a fan as me and you’ve bought the script book, on page 216 there is a deleted scene involving Benjamin that could be rather triggering.
[9:10-9:18] Pauline does spit a rather gratuitous amount of saliva onto a burger, just in case anyone finds that triggering.
In the opening scene, Hillary takes Maurice into the woods, when they accost the two figures, Maurice sort of doubles over and coughs, no v* though!  
[26:16-26:25] However, after Maurice’s wife mentions ‘compulsory health inspections’ he v*, you see him lean forward with audio, the scene then abruptly cuts to Pop pouring a bowl of macaroni onto his plate. This scene is a bit of a weird one in terms of visual because it’s a match cut, so be wary.
[19:28-19:43] Iris is speaking to Judee and mentions her daughter, Nicola, having bulimia – just something to be mindful of.
[10:38-10:45] When the police invade Hillary’s home, they pull a blanket over a mound to reveal a cow, they g* slightly at the smell. It’s sounds more like coughing to me though!
[25:15-25:20] I believe this episode is mostly safe, however, when Lottie unveils a plate of German breakfast in front of Matthew, he groans squeamishly and sits back but does not v*.
[15:48-15:57] Carlton takes Gina to his home to stay overnight. As she’s walking along the hallway beside him, she gets a sudden pain in her head and tells him she feels n*, but does not v*.
Although, if you’re going to watch the deleted scenes, be wary of the scenes with Gina. In one of the takes, when she reaches the top of the stairs, she runs towards a drawer and v*s in it, full visual and audio. It explains why she is wiping her mouth in the scene following the one mentioned above.
[12:53-13:38] Gatiss’s monologue in the mortuary does mention v* in relation to seeing bodies in a morgue, it might be slightly triggering.
[21:03-21:07] When the bodies Alvin has hidden begin to squeak, Judith coughs slightly as a result of the smell, I wouldn’t call it a g* but better to be safe than sorry if you’re particularly sensitive!
[13:19-13:26] The Denton twins shove a frog into Benjamin’s mouth while Val holds it open, he g*s slightly as he tries to resist it.
[25:00-25:20] Not technically v* but has the potential to be very triggering. When Val exorcises Benjamin (possessed by Harvey), he flings the curtains open and flops onto the couch. He then proceeds to cough up a toad, the visual is just a mucus covered frog but the audio is quite visceral, so maybe skip this one.
Also, earlier in the episode, after Pop pays Ritchie a visit, he comes out looking rather uncomfortable and ill, but he doesn’t v* so don’t worry.
[22:15-22:42] Papa Lazarou begins to g* quite violently, and coughs up a matted ball of hair. It’s played for laughs but be wary if you’re triggered by stuff like that!
[45:40-45-50] Steve’s character spits a large amount of phlegm into a bowl, I found it to be not so much triggering but more gross, but then again, my phobia is very mild so watch at your own risk!
(These timestamps are for just the Royston Vasey second part of the show, if you want to know the length with the tuxedo sketches included, just add the length of that show onto whatever timestamp you need!)
[34:23-34:48] I don’t know what it is with Steve and spitting but he seems to do it a lot. In this scene, Pauline spits into a cup for quite a while, again, it’s more gross than triggering personally but just be wary.
[50:52-51:40] Another Denton sketch. They do their typical ‘aquavita’ sketch, but towards the end, after Val comes up from behind the piano, Benjamin begins to g* and walks towards the lamp post. He then proceeds to v* onto Harvey. Both the visual and audio are quite unrealistic (it’s a v* rig so it looks more like a hose pipe with water, and the sound is just Reece sort of yelling) but the g*ing beforehand and the coughing after may be triggering, so be careful!
This is quite obscure but just in case I’ll pop it here too!
There is a flu going around Spent, which as a statement within its self might be slightly triggering, but I can assure you that it is more a cold sort of flu as opposed to a stomach bug. Both Judee and Benjamin contract it but as I said it’s more like a cold.
[20:36-20:40] Like the scene from S01E04, Dave tells Ollie that he is leaving Legz Akimbo, and Ollie freaks out. After he says ‘…for our gala performance of everybody out!’ he then asks Phil to fetch him a bucket because he thinks he’s going to be s*, then begs him to be quick. This is only slightly more triggering than the television adaption but I thought I’d mention it.
Mike groans all throughout this scene so it’s easy to see it coming. It culminates at about [21:15-21:20], the sound itself isn’t *that* realistic but something to be wary of nonetheless.
[18:56-19:07] If you’re going to watch the christmas special DVD extra Highgate House of Horror, just be mindful that at 18:56 Reece’s bursts a bag of blood that spouts onto his face, and in response he v*. I actually found the g*ing a little bit triggering but it might have been justt the stimuli from everything else going on in the scene. There is no audio, only music and visual.
And I think that’s it! Sorry if I’ve missed anything I tried to be as comprehensive as possible! Enjoy a safe watch :)
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mysteryideasgroup · 1 year
12 Men/Males Bakers (My New Msa X WnG ocs sonas)
Edward Anderson (1st/First Baker) (1/First: Death by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: 20 (Deceased)
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Joseph Cullen (2nd/Second Baker) (2/Second: Bludgeoned by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: B+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Gilly Clarkson (3rd/Third Baker) (3/Third: Strangled by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Remy Denton (4th/Fourth Baker) (4/Fourth: Drowned by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: B
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Jake Branson (5th/Fifth Baker) (5/Fifth: Crushed to Death by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: C+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Lou Gibson (6th/Sixth Baker) (6/Sixth: Impaled by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: C
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Harvey Harrison (7th/Seventh Baker) (7th/Seventh: Poisoned by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: D+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Nando Jensen (8th/Eighth Baker) (8/Eighth: Electrocuted by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: D
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Scotty Fallon (9th/Ninth Baker) (9/Ninth: Burned Alive by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: D+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Neddy Maddock (10th/Tenth Baker) (10/Tenth: Decapitated by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Huey Thompson (11th/Eleventh Baker) (11/Eleventh/Penultimate: Decapitated by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: B+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
Alex Parker (12th/Twelfth Baker) (12/Twelfth/Final: Throat Slit by Spinel)
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: __ (Deceased)
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Baker
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Clothes: Baker Clothes and Baker Chef Hat and Apron
Shoes: Baker Black Work Shoes
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
Beard styles:
Cause of Death:
For @laurasanchez36
12 Males/Men Bakers
12 Men/Males Bakers (My New Msa X WnG ocs sonas) are Bakers have been killed by Spinel Quinn 
12 Men/Males Bakers (My New Msa X WnG ocs sonas) belongs to my new msa ocs sonas MSA x WnG A Matter of Loaf and Death 
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nnjzz · 7 months
MARDI LE 05.03
TREIZE 24 rue Moret 75011 M° Couronnes / Ménilmontant
19:30 PORTES
20:00 ACTION !
ETERNITIES us utah nyc " deep presence, resonant feedback, melodic drone, and overtone magic, in the fluid realm between intention and indeterminacy. We use harmonic tones from wind instruments played within feedback systems to create deep spectral drone. "
Duo composé de Katie Porter ( clarinette basse ) et Bob Bellerue  ( electronics, feedback ).
Musicienne spécialisée surtout dans la musique expérimentale / contemporaine ( interprétant p. ex. les musiques de John Luther Adams, Jason Ajemian, Mike Kelley, Michael Pisaro, Larry Polansky, Stephanie Richards, Morris Rosenzweig, Arthur Russell, James Tenney, Maayan Tsadka, Christian Wolff, entre autres ) mais pas que  ( "   She exists mainly in the experimental realm, but can sometimes be found elsewhere. " ) , Katie Porter est aussi curatrice, passionnée par la création de communautés musicales - elle a cofondé p.ex. Listen/Space (Brooklyn) et est commissaire des Listen/Space Commissions, responsables de 46 nouvelles œuvres pour groupes de chambre mixtes.
Elle co-dirige également le Symposium biennal VU pour la musique expérimentale, improvisée et électronique (Park City, Utah) et travaille sur un projet de longue haleine ( jeu de mots intentionnel ) pour clarinette solo dans l'installation Sun Tunnels ( 1976 ) - en cours de restauration -  de  la land-artiste, Nancy Holt, dans l'Utah.
Plusieurs projets dont le duo RED DESERT ENSEMBLE (   “a finely poised musical partnership”- THE WIRE,  ) avec le percussionniste/compositeur Devin Maxwell, qui a publié un album  sur le label de feu Phil Niblock, XI.
Bob Bellerue est artiste sonore / noisician, ingé-son, technicien et entre autres choses, curateur, entre autres, et notamment LE responsable principal de l'immensissime festival de musiques oufissimo-interlopissimes, ENDE TYMES. 
Sa pratique sonore tourne souvent autour des systèmes de rétroaction résonnante, utilisant des instruments, des objets, des enregistrements et des espaces amplifiés, en combinaison avec des composants électroniques et des logiciels écrits dans le langage de programmation de synthèse audio Supercollider.
Au cours des 30 dernières années, il a été impliqué dans la création et la présentation d'un large éventail d'activités sonores – entre noise, art sonore, musique expérimentale, percussions junk metal, gamelan balinais, bandes son pour la danse/théâtre/vidéo/art de la performance et  installations vidéo / son. 
Il a publié moult enregistrements, notamment chez Elevator Bath Records, iDeal Recordings, Banned Productions, Fabrica, P-Tapes, RRR Records, Love Earth Music, Prison Tatt Records, Los Discos Enfantasmes, Zelphabet, Peyote Tapes, No Rent Records ou sur ses propres labels, Anarchymoon Recordings and Sleepy Hollow Editions. 
earthworm us uk Nouveau duo / projet collaboratif composé de Christi Denton, artiste sonore et compositrice polyvalente originaire des États-Unis et de France, et de Margaret Fiedler McGinnis ( US / UK ), auteur-compositeur et multi-instrumentiste connue pour son travail avec au mitan des années 90s MOONSHAKE et LAIKA ensuite, et plus récemment avec  PJ Harvey & Wire ( excusez de peu).
 Dans une pièce spécialement composée pour Le Non_Jazz aux Nautes, elles s'aventureront dans le domaine de l'improvisation structurée. Conçu pour faire écho aux pousses vertes tendres de la saison, SPRINGS promet une expérience sonore immersive. Denton et Fiedler McGinnis créent une partition graphique unique pour l'électronique réactive, la guitare et d'autres éléments qui n'ont pas encore été révélés. Cette approche innovante s’entremêle avec les battements de cœur des musiciens et d’autres rythmes organiques, créant une interaction dynamique entre les interprètes et l’esprit éveillé de la saison.  https://www.christidenton.com/
AUGUSTÉ VICKUNAITÉ lt   Performeuse / collagiste sonore, avec une formation en sciences physiques ( ! ). Elle utilise principalement des magnétophones à bandes pour jouer, enregistrer et créer des compositions instantanées à base de d'enregistrements de terrain divers, dysfonctionnements de la technologie vintage ou encore des sons d'instruments enregistrés dans des environnements naturels.
Sa performance contiendra des boucles de bandes audio et des collages effectués à partir de de bandes trouvées.
SIMONAS NEKROŠIUS lt Artiste interdisciplinaire de Vilnius, spécialisé dans l'art sonore et la construction d'instruments électro-acoustiques et d'objets sonores faits maison.
Son travail est souvent associé aux notions de « ready-made » et de « DIY ». Il perçoit la créativité et les objets d'art comme un processus, réduisant ainsi l'importance des résultats finalisés dans ses projets. En conséquence, son travail a tendance à être indéterminé et transformateur au fil du temps.
ALANAS GURINAS lt Jeune artiste interdisciplinaire, adepte des performances sonores et des installations audiovisuelles.
Dans sa démarche, il explore le son en tant que phénomène textural, les thèmes de l'éphémère et les relations entre divers objets et espaces audibles et inaudibles.
A slightly light tone  ( Strained paper sheets, weights, vibro motors, various sound objects ) 
est une performance sonore acoustique live qui utilise le papier comme matériau principal pour produire du son. Différents types de papiers sont placés entre deux pinces en bois et, à l'aide de poids, sont tendus jusqu'à ce qu'ils trouvent leur état de résonance. En conséquence, différents tons, drones et textures générés par du papier en suspension sont produits. (La durée de la représentation est de +- 30 minutes)  
Fly - Jo L'Indien
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lecameleontv · 10 months
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Le 07 novembre 2023 à New-York (USA), l'acteur James Denton a assisté à la projection spéciale du TVfilm Christmas on Cherry Lane de la chaîne Hallmark.
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Un échange a eu lieu avec les spectateurs. Pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas pu se déplacer, un deuxième échange virtuel via la réseau Facebook a été organisé le lendemain.
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Cette projection spéciale, honorant les premiers intervenants et les militaires du pays, s'est tenue à l' AMC Lincoln Square Theater.
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A ses côtés : - ses partenaires du téléfilm, Catherine Bell, Vincent Rodriguez III, Jonathan Bennett, Erin Cahill et John Brotherton; - le scénariste Rick Garman; - la responsable de production Samantha DiPippo; - la directrice de production Candice DiLavore; - la responsable de la communication de la chaîne Annie Howell;  - le réalisateur Gail Harvey; - Breanne Heldman et Rob Bruchman; - les actrices Alicia Witt, Ginna Claire Mason, Ashley Williams, Nikki DeLoach, Kimberley Sustad, Cindy Busby et Taylor Cole; - les acteurs Benjamin Ayres, Kristoffer Polaha, Victor Webster, Will Kemp, Paul Campbell, Andrew Walker, Steve Lund, et Tyler Hynes.
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Photos : Craig Barritt Sources : @hallmarkchannel et Getty Images - Hallmark Media
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Alias Mr Lyle dans la série Le Caméléon
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
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DATES: Sept. 4th, 2023 – Jan. 7th, 2024 COMPANY: Drew & Dane Productions THEATER: New World Stages, 340 West 50th Street, New York City ACTORS: Jordan Boatman, Arnie Burton, James Daly, Ellen Harvey, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Kaitlyn Boyer and Sean-Michael Wilkinson. CREW: Director/Writer - Gordon Greenberg; Writer - Steve Rosen; Producers - Drew Desky and Dane Levens; Scenic and Puppet Designer - Tijana Bjelajac; Costume Designer - Tristan Raines; Lighting Designer - Rob Denton; Original Music and Sound Designer - Victoria Deiorio; Wig and Hair Designer - Ashley Rae Callahan.
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(L-R) Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Jordan Boatman, James Daly, Ellen harvey and Arnie Burton in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
SYNOPSIS: A pansexual GenZ Count Dracula is in the midst of an existential crisis. When he sets his sights on the brilliant young earth scientist Lucy Westfeldt, he meets his match for the first time – as well as a slew of other colorful characters including vampire hunter Jean Van Helsing, insect connoisseur Percy Renfield and behavioral psychiatrist Wallace Westfeldt, whose British country estate doubles as a free-range mental asylum.
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(L-R) Ellen Harvey, James Daly and Arnie Burton TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
REVIEW: Horror comedies come in only two flavors - good and bad. DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS is a sensational, decadent satire that is the perfect treat for the Halloween season.
Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen's satirical and irreverent treatment of the Stoker novel resides somewhere in between “The Rocky Horror Musical” and a Monty Python film, with flares of the immortal Charles Ludlam. The tone is set right from the start as the cast tosses the novel and the hilarity begins. The previous productions of the play, including an adaptation of the piece as a radio play for The Broadway Podcast Network, clearly have sharpened the dialogue and wordplay to a razor sharp wordplay duel that had the audience laughing out loud within the first few moments. The writers have trimmed the novel down to a 90 minute tale that tries to incorporate key elements of the story, taking liberties with the novel’s climax to nicely dovetail with the themes of their play. The satire runs the spectrum from that of the novel, political, contemporary pop culture, and gender. Except for Dracula, the other actors have dual or multiple roles where the juggling of the characters adds to the merriment.
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James Daly and Jordan Boatman in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
Gordon Greenberg’s direction is superb. It is a finely tuned choreography of dialogue and movement that harkens back to the golden era of silent films to the Marx Brothers. There are some delightful props, including puppets, that add yet another level of humor to the production. Greenberg turns up the energy right at the start and maintains it for 90 minutes, giving the audience little time to recover from the side splitting laughter.
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James Daly and Andrew Keenan-Bolger in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
Tijana Bjelajac’s Scenic Design is a wonderful minimalist and still adds atmosphere to the production. Integrated into the set are nice visual and functional elements that are scaled down for an off-broadway production but are lavish enough, and easily would work for a Broadway staging. Tristan Raines’ costume designs are fabulous. The designs capture the period but also combine contemporary elements that highlight the performances.
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Arnie Burton and James Daly in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS features an award worthy ensemble cast. The delivery of lines, the body language and facial expressions, their interactions are flawless, and if there were any misfires I didn’t notice. There was a fluidity to their performances that at times it felt like choreography. James Daly is outstanding as Dracula. He is as dynamic and enchanting as Tim Curry’s Dr. Frank-n-Furter, combined with the physique of Rocky. He delivers this multifaceted performance rich with comedic timing. Actor Arnie Burton steals the show as both Mina and Jean Van Helsing. He creates two unique performances that embodies the comedic prowess that is reminiscent of Milton Berle to Harvey Fierstein, with a dash of Bugs Bunny. In contrast, actress Ellen Harvey brings to life Wallace Westfeldt and Percy Renfield. She brilliantly effects switching between the two extremes that eventually becomes an uproarious gag in play. The cast does an astounding job of maintaining the energy level of the play for 90 minutes.
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Andrew Keenan-Bolger and Jordan Boatman in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS is a side-splitting tour de force that would leave Bram Stoker and Mel Brooks rolling in the aisles, and maybe a bit envious. I’ve always advocated that there is a distinct bond between comedy and horror, and this is at its finest. Outstanding performances, fabulous production designs, brilliant directing, all deliver an energetic feel good and memorable theater experience. You must bring your friends for a night you’ll long remember as the perfect treat of this Halloween season.
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James Daly in DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS. Photo by Matthew Murphy
Opening night is September 18. Performances are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7PM, Friday and Saturday at 8PM, with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2PM. Tickets are $99 - $119. Premium seating is available. Tickets are now on sale at Telecharge.com, (212) 239-6200. For more information, visit www.DraculaComedy.com.
Review By: Joseph B Mauceri
Listen to our interview with director & co-writer Gordon Greenberg & co-write Steve Rosen on creating DRACULA, A COMEDY OF TERRORS – HERE
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tumblr ads out there thinking im harvey denton
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Conversations I imagine Steve and Reece must have really had:
Self lowering lavatory seats must be something they’ve really discussed because obviously Harvey Denton is obsessed with it in League, but Reece’s character also mentions it in The Referee’s a W***er.
And time spent on the toilet - I reckon they discuss that. Maureen Sowebuts says in Death Be Not Proud, that she’s seen the Queen having a poo - she “takes ages”. And in A Quiet Night In they did that hilarious mime, trying to guess how long it takes to do a poo - 3 minutes or 10 minutes.
Also I think something they must talk about often is pooing in a paint pot before moving out of a house. It’s so specific and it’s in TWO episodes of No 9 - Once Removed and Merrily Merrily - that it makes me wonder if it really happened…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"EVANS, A DOPE FIEND, IS SHOWN CLEMENCY," Toronto Star. October 29, 1912. Page 7. ---- Gets Light Sentence of Fifteen Months in Central Prison for Forgery. ---- HE USED MORPHINE ---- "The question of the term I should give you has caused me much anxiety. In your case, Evans, I have received a good many recommendations on your behalf, and although I do not always place much weight on them, I think there are two or three things which should be considered in your case.
"Ordinarily, the crime of forgery is one which calls for a long term, but here, I think, there are other things that have a bearing on the case.
"No one lost anything, although, of course, it can be said that it wasn't your fault. Then, there is this drug habit. While, in one sense, it is no defence, I think that it should be con- sidered.
"It is most unfortunate that a man of your intelligence should find yourself in a position like this, for you are a man far above the ordinary."
Making this statement, Judge Denton, presiding in the County Criminal Court, sentenced Dr. James G. Evans, convicted in the Sessions two weeks ago of forgery, to spend fifteen months in Central Prison.
Dr. Evans, of the College of Ophthalmology, was convicted of forging a check for $5,000 in favor of the college, to which the name of John Revell was attached, after the death of the latter.
"I have discovered that Dr. Evans is what is commonly called a 'dope fiend'; he used morphine. Dr. Harvey and Detective Guthrie both told me that he is addicted to the use of drugs.. Two days after the trial Evans told me so himself. Both of his arms, from the wrests to the elbows, were one mass of scars caused by the stabs of the hypodermic needle," said Mr. D. O. Cameron Evan's lawyer.
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