#hashimoto kiriko
jaydrawstick · 4 months
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“Worst Nightmare”
Short Mirrorwatch comic I wanted to cook up with Kiriko and Hashimoto Kiriko! 🦊
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ladypaprikaart · 5 months
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Hashimoto Kiriko ❌ EDM Dva
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enden-k · 3 months
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im going to scream and chjoke ans
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Kiriko: now they’ve kidnapped my dad, my mom and mr yoshida…
Hanzo: don’t worry kiriko, we’re here now and we’re not leaving until we get them back.
Cole: what about the kid though?… anybody willing to stay back to look after th-
*excited clapping and laughter*
Everyone: *turns around to see junkrat sitting with Mr Yoshidas granddaughter*
Junkrat: *signing to her and drawing silly pictures with her* hey you’re a really good artist! Is that a giraffe??
Lil fox girl: *signs back* no it’s you!
Junkrat: Me?! Well I certainly am a handsome giraffe!
Lil fox girl: *laughs and claps some more*
Genji: do you think we can trust him to look after her?
Hanzo: yes we can. Let’s move.
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Koryu and Kiriko Hashimoto
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Koryu and Kiriko Yokaï
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paaaniny · 2 years
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brigneyspears · 9 months
"First Snow"
Synopsis: Kiriko & Sakura find something unexpected when raiding a Hashimoto weapons cache. a/n: Here's the second short story in my series featuring some of my favourite Overwatch heroes. This one was really fun to write, and came to me quite quickly when the idea popped into my head yesterday. Enjoy :)
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 “You sure about this?” Sakura asked, as she and Kiriko made their way down one of the many, winding back alleys of Kanezaka. Kiriko smirked, turning to face Sakura.
“Come on, what’s the worst that could happen? Hmm?” She asked, twirling a kunai playfully between her fingers. Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes, she found Kiriko’s nonchalance difficult to reckon with sometimes. She often wondered how so much bravado could fit into such a tiny person. But still, Kiriko’s confidence was as inspiring as it was, at times, frustrating. 
“Oh… I don’t know, we could get shot. Or captured. Or both.” Sakura responded, snatching the kunai from Kiriko’s fingers and smirking herself. Kiriko just laughed. 
“Now, now… We’ll be fine. How many times have we done this now?” She asked, taking the kunai back and sheathing it back into the strap on her leg. 
“That’s not the point. We’ve never done anything just the two of us before…” Sakura says, anxiously fiddling with the seam of her shirt. “The others aren’t around tonight, but I don’t know why we couldn’t have waited.” 
“The Hashimoto don’t wait. We don’t have the time to be patient, we need to keep on hitting them where it hurts.” Kiriko says, adjusting her headband. Sakura doesn’t say anything. Her nerves are worse than usual tonight, for obvious reasons. She’s a firm believer in strength in numbers, and their army of two didn’t feel nearly as strong as their usual six. Kiriko insisted that they do this tonight, their latest attempt at messing with the Hashimoto. The plan is to hit what is believed to be a weapons cache, down the street from the mall. It’s housed in a fairly small, garage of sorts. Not the usual Hashimoto hiding place, as Sakura had observed when they drew up the plan. But, if Nobuto’s intel was good, this would hinder the Hashimoto a fair amount. 
“Here we are”  Kiriko says, slapping her hand against the metal grate separating them from the supposed-weapons cache. 
“Well, if there are any Hashimoto guards in there, at least they know we’re here.” Sakura says, narrowing her eyes and nudging Kiriko gently. Kiriko gives her a look that says “you’re probably right.” But she’d never admit it out loud. 
“Well, I’m going in. See you on the other side.” Kiriko says with a wink, before putting her hands together and disappearing into thin air. Sakura was still getting used to Kiriko’s unique abilities, every time she teleported was usually just as shocking as the last. She hoped she would grow more accustomed to it, eventually. A few seconds, two bumps and approximately three exasperated grunts from Kiriko later… The grate slides up and Sakura enters the garage. It’s stacked wall to wall with wooden boxes, all of them sealed. Some of the stacks taller than both of the young women that have broken in.
“Well, well, well… let’s crack these babies open.” Kiriko says, plucking a kunai from the band on her leg and prying a box open. She looks surprised for a moment, then confused. 
“What is it?” Sakura asks, leaning in closer to get a proper look. 
“It’s just letters… hundreds of letters. None of them opened.” Kiriko says, picking out a handful of envelopes and flicking through the names. All citizens of Kanezaka. 
“So… this isn’t a weapons cache?” Sakura asks, opening another box and finding the same as Kiriko. Hundreds more letters. 
“Doesn’t look like it. Must be mail that the Hashimoto have intercepted, but why? It can’t all be suspicious. There’s probably thousands of letters in here.” Kiriko says, opening box after box and finding more of the same. 
“Just another way for them to control us, I guess. They probably do it just because they can.” Sakura kicked a box out of frustration. She couldn’t help but conjure up imagery of the Hashimoto opening intercepted letters, laughing to themselves that they’d never make it to their destinations. Just another way of knocking the citizens of Kanezaka down. 
“Wouldn’t surprise me. Ugh… I don’t even know what to do with these. Guns, that’s one thing. But this… I….” Kiriko trails off, removing her headband and rubbing her forehead as if it might make her think a little harder. 
“Well, how about we take what we can tonight, then come back tomorrow with the others? We could try and figure out a way to get these letters to the right people. I know it’s not the same as stealing weapons from the Hashimoto, but it’ll still get under their skin. People have a right to know about this.” Sakura says, picking up two boxes, blowing some hair off of her face as she does. 
“Yeah, let’s do that.” Kiriko says, as she picks up a box. Just as she’s about to pick up a second, she notices a box in the far corner. She can’t quite put her finger on why, but she feels like she has to pick this box up. So she does. Trusting her instinct has become something of a second nature, for better or worse.
Once she was home, Kiriko took the boxes of letters straight up to her room. She emptied their contents onto her bed and began sifting through them, hoping that her Mother wouldn’t burst in and wonder what on earth she was doing. She looked frantically for her name, or her mother’s, hoping that there may be a letter for them. It’s been 8 years since her father was taken from them, and forced to serve the Hashimoto. Besides the kunai he forged just for her, Kiriko hadn’t received any communication from him. She didn’t understand how that would’ve been allowed by the Hashimoto, but any potential letters weren’t. Like most of the Hashimoto’s decisions, it didn’t make any sense. But all thoughts of the Hashimoto dissipated as she saw the unmistakable handwriting of her father. The letter is addressed to her. 
“Dad…” Kiriko says to herself quietly, gently tracing her fingers over his writing. She held it in her hands for a moment, unsure of whether she should open it. Even the envelope itself felt precious. Her father had touched this, written on it. Held it. After so many years of little contact, this wasn’t just a letter from a father to his daughter. It was Kiriko’s most prized possession. Kiriko shook her head, before delicately tearing open the envelope and removing the letter. She unfolded it, took a deep breath and began to read. 
My dearest Kiriko, 
I am writing to you from what was once Shimada Castle, a place both you and I know very well. Although it is unrecognisable from the glory years of the Shimada clans rule, there are… echoes of its former masters, if you know what to look for. From my window I can see that the first snow is arriving, and is sure to decorate Kanezaka much like it did the day that I was taken from you. I have many regrets about that day, but my greatest is that I did not get to speak to you. Your mother insisted we hide you with your grandmother, at least until you were older, and I don’t blame her for that. But still, it has been a heavy weight to carry all these years. Second only to the one that hangs so heavily around my heart - that I am unable to watch you grow into the resilient, capable young woman I know you will become. I hope, by the grace of the fox spirit, that this letter will find its way to you. Although, if my previous correspondence is anything to go by, I’m not sure that it will. 
There is so much I wish to say. But, as lights out is drawing near, I will try to keep it as concise as I possibly can. As I’m sure you remember, I have a tendency to ramble. So, please, forgive me if I do that here. Kiriko, if our family were a map of the stars, you would be the brightest one of all. Your grandmother knew this, and so does your mother, even if it may not always seem that way. When you were born, your grandmother held you in her arms and told us that you were special in ways that none of us could imagine. I like to believe that she was right. And although I cannot be by your side, and see her words come true, know that I am always with you. Kanezaka is in safe hands with your generation, that much I believe in. No matter what the Hashimoto may have planned for our city, I have faith that one day, with a flick of the kitsune’s tail, our luck will change - for the better. 
The time for lights out has come. I hate to end here, but I don’t want to give my captors any excuse to single me out. My dear Kiriko, you are my life. I can’t wait until the day that we reunite… What a glorious day that will be. Until then, know that I think of you every day. I hope you will enjoy the kunai I sent to your mother, if you’ve kept up your training, of course. 
All my love, 
Your father. 
Kiriko had been so engrossed in her father’s letter she hadn’t even noticed the many tears gently falling down her face. She let out a small sob and clutched the letter close to her chest. As she let herself cry for a moment, she felt like that thirteen year old girl all over again. The girl whose father was taken from her. Kiriko set the letter back down on her bed, gently ironing out the creases she made when she held it to her chest. As she wiped her eyes and let out a deep sigh, she felt a a familiar sensation of warmth wash over her. She opened her eyes, and at the foot of her bed was the fox spirit. The one that has been guiding her, the same one that guided her grandmother. 
“You’re back. It’s… it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Kiriko said, wiping her eyes again and sitting up a little. Each time she saw the fox spirit up close, she wondered if it would be the last. The fox cocked its head, sizing Kiriko up. It appeared, much like Sakura, that even the fox spirit was used to Kiriko’s confident disposition. The spirit took a few steps towards Kiriko, taking a moment to sniff the letter from Kiriko’s father. It did a sort of playful hop when it realised what it was, clearly thrilled that the letter had found its way to Kiriko. 
“Heh. A little late, but at least it got here, right?” Kiriko said quietly, the fox spirit did another playful hop and moved closer to Kiriko, before gently curling up in her lap. She began to run her fingers through its fur. Despite its ghostly appearance, it really didn’t feel any different to when Nobuto’s mother’s cat would sit on her lap. Kiriko leant back slightly, settling against her pillows and absentmindedly stroking the fox spirit that lay in her lap. Her gaze drifted from the fox, to her father’s letter and then to her bedroom window. It was hard to make out, but from the dim glow of the street light outside she could just about see that snow was starting to fall. 
“The first snow…” Kiriko whispered to herself, as tears began to form in her eyes once again. It had been a long time since she saw her father, but tonight, as the first snow of Winter fell on Kanezaka again, she had never felt so close to him.
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overwatch-archive · 2 years
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Author: Christie Golden Artist: Hammling
Autumn, with its gift of crisp evenings and red maple leaves, was not yet here, but Kanezaka's weeklong eponymous End of Summer Festival heralded its arrival. The festival's grand finale, a display of dazzling fireworks that had been consistently spectacular for hundreds of years, always made Kiriko Kamori a little wistful. As her mother had taught the sons of clan leader Sojiro Shimada the Art of the Sword, and Kiriko's father had forged those blades himself, Kiriko had been a not-infrequent visitor at Shimada Castle. She had spent many years of her childhood staring in awe at the near-magical explosions of color from the castle’s balcony. And standing by her side had been Shimada's sons: Hanzo, looking ever forward into a future filled with duty; and Genji, who often filched sweets for her when the Shimada's many servants weren't looking. "The finest view in the city," the eldest Shimada had once stated, and it was no exaggeration.
But that was a long time ago. The Shimada were some ten years gone now, and their castle had a new occupant.
"I always wish these fireworks weren't the last of the year," Kiriko admitted as she, Ryōta, Nobuto, and Sakura joined the crowd heading back to town.
"Who knows? Maybe they aren't," Ryōta said, smirking. Ryōta was a busboy at Gozan Ramen. It wasn't the best job, but it helped him listen in on some interesting conversations. All the information he gleaned was being put to good (if slightly illegal) use by Ryōta and his friends, who had decided to push back against the criminal organization that had terrorized Kanezaka ever since the Shimada fell from power.
It hadn't taken long for the Hashimoto to swoop in and fill the power vacuum that the Shimada left behind. In the decade since, their stranglehold on the region had only continued to grow.
The Hashimoto's yen was as dirty as it got, obtained from dealing in contraband and other even more unsavory things. The hospital always had several patients who'd "fallen" after crossing paths with them. Tourists were told that the town closed up early because of tradition. In reality, it wasn't safe after dark in Kanezaka, not since the Hashimoto had moved in.
Ryōta and his friends could barely consider themselves more than vandals, but Kiriko knew their hearts—and their anger—were in the right place. The smaller gang had sprayed graffiti, broken windows at Hashimoto strongholds, and once, when they had felt very daring, robbed Tora no Sumika, the Hashimoto bar, a not-so-secret black market stop the Hashimoto had appropriated for their own use from a local family.
One of these days, Ryōta vowed, he and his friends would strike. Hard.
Kiriko believed him. All they needed was the chance, and it came sooner than Kiriko imagined.
Ryōta had learned from Nobuto that a weapons shipment was coming into the nearest port in two days. Sakura informed the gang that she had just visited her uncle, who unloaded cargo at the warehouses, and had pretended to avert her eyes when he'd entered the code for the main gates. The weapons shipment would stay overnight and be out of their reach in the morning. They only had one shot.
Kiriko, Ryōta, Nobuto, and Sakura snuck up to the gates of the yard unchallenged, though Kiriko kept a sharp eye out. The code worked like a charm, but as the gates opened, the moonless night was abruptly flooded with harsh, bright light.
"Which bay is the target in?" Kiriko asked.
"Number six-seven-five," said Ryōta. "Sakura has a code for it too. But first we have to kill these lights."
"Or get rid of the cameras." Kiriko lifted a pair of kunai and twirled them about casually, then pointed one at the top of a building.
The gang exchanged relieved smiles. They knew what she could do.
"Perfect," Ryōta said. "Take them out, Kiriko. We'll head for the bay and have it open when you return."
The group split up, moving quickly but being wise enough to seek what shadows they could. Kiriko closed her eyes and focused.
Fox Spirit, guide me.
She sensed warmth and affection, soft as the brush of a tail, and an image formed in her mind. She opened her eyes.
The Fox Spirit had answered.
Ethereal, softly radiant, the glowing figure stood atop the nearest building, beautiful as moonlight, bowing to Kiriko and inviting her to play.
Kiriko grinned and bowed in turn. She leaped at the wall, climbing with grace and speed to discover the spirit was already bounding along the roof. Kiriko followed, her gaze flitting about for security cameras, her hands reaching for her kunai, throwing with speed and precision. One camera sputtered, crackled, flashed, and went dark. The Fox Spirit sprang off the building, floating down gently, while Kiriko teleported two meters ahead of where the spirit would land.
The race was on. They ran between the outbuildings, Kiriko whipping blade after blade at the cameras until none were left. The spirit turned a corner, and Kiriko felt her energy change.
The Fox Spirit no longer appeared as a playful kit but something otherworldly, impossible, yet terrifyingly real. A trio of Hashimoto guards stood beside a door to the warehouse. Kiriko put her mother's training to work, taking on two of the Hashimoto guards. She knocked one out with the hilt of her kunai and the second by a precise, well-timed elbow to the temple. When she struck the third's weapon from his hand, he surprised her by standing his ground and attempting to grab her. Kiriko seized his outstretched arm and yanked him forward, ducking and slamming his midsection with her shoulder, and finally flinging him to the pavement. He was out cold.
Kiriko dragged them inside the warehouse and locked them in a custodian's closet, then teleported to the roof of the nearest building, scanning the area for other threats. Below, her friends had almost reached the bay, but Kiriko could see what they couldn't: another Hashimoto guard, headed in their direction.
Kiriko dashed lightly toward them as Sakura opened the door to the cargo bay they were after. Pleased with herself, the teenager stepped back.
Kiriko delivered well-placed blows to the pursuing guard's stomach and then neck, knocking him out. He fell to the ground with a thud, inches from her friend.
"Perfect timing," Nobuto told Kiriko.
Everyone's attention turned to the cargo. The crates were easy to locate—marked with the same stylized tiger-head emblem as the Hashimoto-controlled bar—but the shipment was also heavy and awkward. Still, the group managed, and Ryōta, who had come up with this plan, was given the honor of opening the first crate. As expected, it was packed with guns, and everyone gazed solemnly at the array of weapons.
Kiriko moved to push a crate toward the bay. The Hashimoto would be unlikely to search for them beneath the murky waters.
Ryōta grabbed her forearm. "Hang on. I said you'd see more fireworks this year." He opened his backpack.
Kiriko stared at its contents.
"So you did," she said quietly.
"We've been stockpiling fireworks all summer, waiting for a chance like this. I've made timers for them too, so no risk. Can you imagine the blast? This'll show those bastards who they're messing with!"
"Yes," Kiriko said. "It will."
At the coldness in her voice, Ryōta's smile faded. "What's wrong?"
"Listen, before we do this, I want to tell you a story I heard from Sojiro Shimada himself; he told it to me and his sons, Hanzo and Genji, one night after the End of Summer Festival."
Ryōta, Nobuto, and Sakura were younger than her, too young to remember the centuries-old bond the Shimada clan had formed with the people of Kanezaka. Centuries ago, the villagers supplied Shimada soldiers with the rice that kept them fighting and grew the famous Shimada peach, a source of pride for the clan. The Shimada understood how their strength came from the close relationship they had with the people of Kanezaka. They took from their people, yes, but the Shimada had learned a lesson the Hashimoto had not: as the rice fields and peach trees needed care to flourish, so would the clan flourish by caring for Kanezaka.
Sakura frowned. "Is now really the time—?"
Kiriko could see that this fledgling gang was poised to take the first step down a dark path, and she knew she had to stop them. Now. And, possibly, give them a different road to walk.
"A long time ago, Kanezaka was preparing to hold the End of Summer Festival. Each night, nearly everyone would leave their homes to watch the grand display of fireworks by the river on the outskirts of the village.
"A rival clan in the area knew this. And one summer, they came to end the Shimada's rule in Kanezaka . . . and to reduce the city to ash."
Ryōta looked away, as if he knew which way her story was going.
"With everyone distracted, the fires they set would burn unchecked. So the clan torched the peach orchard. Set homes aflame. They even tried to destroy the Fox Shrine. And in a last, despicable gesture, they murdered the guards protecting the huge fireworks and ignited the building.
"It's said the explosion was at once the most beautiful and the most horrifying thing that anyone had ever seen. Smoke and fire, colors and sparks—everywhere."
"But . . . why?" asked Sakura. "Just to get at the Shimada?"
Kiriko nodded. "They knew the Shimada were the only ones powerful enough to stand against them, and they wanted to take everything their rival had: their organization, their castle, and Kanezaka itself. The attack was meant to weaken and demoralize the Shimada. The townspeople were just collateral damage to them."
The friends all stared at the ground.
Good. This was something they needed to understand if they were to achieve their goal the right way.
"The clan assumed the Shimada thought like they did. There was nothing in Kanezaka that was of real value—no artwork or rare goods, just people. They figured the Shimada would send some wagons from the castle to extinguish the fires in the orchards or fields. The crops were important, but those who tended them? Replaceable. The rival clan hid their warriors in the orchards, ready to attack the unsuspecting Shimada.
"That was their mistake. Because the Shimada did not think like they did. The Shimada arrived in Kanezaka with twenty wagons of huge water jars, food from their own storage, medical supplies, and doctors. Shimada's heirs were even sent to coordinate the effort. When the people were tended to, the Shimada warriors and townspeople went to the orchards together, where their united numbers far outstripped the other clan's. They quickly extinguished the fires and made easy work of the intruders."
Kiriko remembered Sojiro speaking to his own children in his calm, serious voice. This is the lesson. This is what a Shimada does. We take care of our people, because they take care of us. When they are hungry, we feed them. When they are hurt, we heal them. And when their city is burning about them, we quench the flames. A leader must be responsible, or else he is nothing more than a parasite.
She turned to Ryōta. "The Hashimoto's idea of how to run Kanezaka is the same. In the past, the Shimada’s rivals used our festival and our fireworks—something we were known for, were proud of . . . something we still love to this day—to show how little we mattered and how powerful they were. Now? The Hashimoto beat up our families, they control our shops, they own our streets."
She regarded Ryōta with compassion. "A blast like this will destroy more than the Hashimoto's guns. You could easily ignite this place, the whole city even. People—our neighbors, our friends—could die."
Ryōta gnawed on his lower lip as he mulled over her words.
"I won't say the Shimada were perfect, especially at the end. But you need to ask yourself what this"—she indicated the bag Ryōta held—"is going to tell the world about who we really are."
Ryōta finally met her eyes. "It’ll tell them that we're strong . . . but also that we're no better than the Hashimoto."
Kiriko nodded. "We shouldn't give the people of Kanezaka more reasons to be afraid. But that doesn't mean we can't frighten the Hashimoto. And I can't think of anything more terrifying than a force that strikes from the shadows, a force with no face, one they can't explain—"
"Like ghosts—Yōkai," Ryōta finished.
The mood shifted in the group, and Kiriko even saw some smiles. In her heart, she sensed the Fox Spirit's approval.
"But for now," Sakura said tentatively, "maybe we take the guns and throw them in the bay?"
Ryōta nodded to his backpack full of pyrotechnics. "What should we do with these?"
Kiriko smiled. "We use them to celebrate our victory."
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vacantgodling · 1 month
crazy if i decided to go with that idea
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venllari · 5 months
oohjghm my god i NEED hashimoto kiriko IN ME RIGHT NOW😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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wildissylupus · 1 month
So a little HC I have is that while Hanzo is helping Kiri and the Yokai protect Kanezaka, he's also living with Kiri, and honestly the idea of these two living together is incredibly funny.
Like I love Hanzo but he is a dramatic bitch and Kiriko is usually just done with any given situation. That and their added history of them just annoying the shit out of each other just leads to an amazing roomate dynamic.
Imagine with me for a second;
*Kiriko on her phone early in the morning looking at news reports of recent Hashimoto activity, suddenly being jolted away by a loud noise in the kitchen. She rushes in only to see Hanzo lying face first of the ground*
Kiriko: Fucking God Hanzo, you scared me half to death! What are you even doing?!
Hanzo: Resigning myself to my fate
Kiriko: What? What happened?
Hanzo: Natural selection has come for me...
Kiriko: .....You forgot put on your ankle braces didn't you.
Hanzo: ....Maybe
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arclundarchivist · 6 months
Reading through the Heroes Ascension Book, and here’s the stuff I found that seemed like set up for future, likely sidelined story content :/
But there are also hints for stuff that could show up in the main blame through interactions and some possible new characters.
Rebuilding Ruins: Symmetra/Lifeweaver Story
• ⁠Lifeweaver is living at the Atlantic Arcology, which comes under attack by Null Sector, which could have been a major problem due to their “guests”.
• ⁠Symmetra is working against negative influences inside Vishkar, but how far that will get her is up in the air and Lifeweaver invites her to join him at the Arcology as a member of the “Collective”, an altruistic group of scientists and intellectuals.
Unity: Orisa/Efi Story
• ⁠Numbani comes under assault by Null Sector, with Humans defending their Omnic neighbors much more openly than other places.
• ⁠Efi creates a bunch of small drones to help defend Numbani, so that Orisa and her can leave Numbani to help people.
• ⁠Story ends with the pair planning on setting out immediately, and takes place around the same time as the Rio Mission, Efi may be seeking out Overwatch.
Luck of the Draw: Ashe Story
• ⁠Ashe and the Deadlocks were attempting to break into the Las Vegas criminal underground.
• ⁠Ashe nearly died defending BOB, who in turn is almost taken captive by Null Sector.
• ⁠It confirmed damaging or removing the “helmets” on an Omnic causes them to have a “seizure” and die. (What the fuck Rammatra?)
A Friendly Rivalry: Junkers Story.
• ⁠Junker Queen almost had Roadhog and Junkrat executed.
• ⁠Junkrat reveals his secret treasure: A giant airship stored within the last remnants of the Omnium beneath Junkertown. Queen and Hammond begin making plans to get it airborne again.
Thoughtless Gods: Hammond Story (And boy these is a lot of worldbuilding in this one)
• ⁠Direct sequel to the previous story.
• ⁠Reveals that Omnics remaining in the Outback are oddly feral and corrupted in some fashion, cannibalizing each other for parts and actively “hunting” Junkers. Hammond has no idea what caused this.
• ⁠Hammond remembers his time being experimented on the Moon Colony, he is apparently “older” than Winston has he gained awareness before hand, and sort of became a “big brother” to Winston.
• ⁠The apes and Hammond were not the first experiments. There were failures, apparently some other kind of animals, that are still up on the Moonbase. Hammond calls them “wrong”.
• ⁠The apes have a whole society, are building weapons and armor and may be constructing a whole new building/device on the Colony.
• ⁠Possible hints at the Mars Colony.
• ⁠Two apes are named. Oscar, unknown, and Dyson, a large, cruel Orangutan - feels like a character set up.
Where Honor Lives: Hanzo/Kiriko Story
• ⁠Shimada weaponry have “special energy tech”, throws more confusion on the “is this magic” question surrounding the Japanese characters abilities. The Hashimoto are attempting to copy the designs but “they can’t manifest the proper power”. (This seems to be due to Kiriko’s father purposefully give them shoddy work but they don’t know that).
• ⁠The Hashimoto can work with impunity in Tokyo, and are causing trouble even with Null Sector literally on the horizon.
• ⁠Hanzo and Kiriko’s interactions again confuse the whole age gap, because he treats her as if she was a tween when he was a teen.
• ⁠Hanzo joins Kiriko in protecting Kanezaka from the invasion.
Lost Ghosts: Soldier/Ana Story
• ⁠Ana splits from Jack after learning he’s been sitting on the list of Overwatch agent names using it to track Talon movements and not warning the targets. She isn’t joining Overwatch but is going to be trying to protect remaining Agents who haven’t answered the Recall but are not yet dead to Talon.
• ⁠We meet another old Overwatch agent Mirembe, who is thinking about answering the Recall, I think she’s the woman that was standing in the group photo from Ana’s trailer.
• ⁠Another, Kimiko, is named.
Lucky Man: Soldier/Sombra Story
• ⁠Sombra has been leaking info to Soldier, because she believes the cabal she is after is also to blame for that happened in Zurich.
• ⁠Jack has been hunting Talon as a proxy because he never truly believed they took down the HQ. He also doesn’t believe Reyes knew what was going to happen.
• ⁠Sombra and Jack seem to be set up to continue working together, and Jack is headed to Oasis hunting for more clues on the Cabal.
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wisteriaiswriting · 10 months
can you make a sombra, kiriko, dva and mercy jealousy headcannons? (you can remove some if its too much)
𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤:
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Scenario | How quickly do they come over | How obvious are they | Do they show off, if so how much? | What happens if the person tries to fight | What happens at home | How to comfort / calm them down | How often do they become jealous | Their jealousy level out of 10
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If anyone flirts with you it will be caught on camera, and who has access to practically all of them? That’s right, Sombra.
Once it registers in her mind she’s over instantly, not letting anyone or thing get in her way.
Her jealousy isn’t obvious if the person has the roughest idea who she is. Meaning she can get away with it.
On the day to day basis she’s clingy, this only improves when she’s jealous. This time she’s practically a blanket now, not leaving your side.
If the person doesn’t get the hint and tries to ‘fight over you’ she’s quick to leave, letting them swing but teleports you both away before it can hit.
Once you return home she’s quick to brag, not straying too far from you though. She’ll text and call friends, even sending around the video.
After that passes she’ll start working again, only this time keeping you with her for the next few hours. If you try to leave she either won’t let you or she’ll follow you.
She doesn’t become jealous as often as you would think, but it is pretty common though.
Out of ten her jealousy level has to be a 7.
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Often enough people try to shoot their shot online but that goes ignored or they get blocked, some persistent person decided it was a good idea to try it at D.Va’s next meet and greet.
Once she is aware of what is happening she is over quickly as possible, apologizing to the now waiting fans but you’re her first priority.
Her jealousy is obvious, now yelling at the person. Making sure anyone around knows what is happening.
Even if they try to continue she’ll pull you away towards a tv, having them play clips of you two being a duo. From gaming to real life dates, letting everyone know.
If the person follows and tries anything security is there before they know it. Quickly banned from any of her future events, adding to the list if you’re going to be there.
Any planned streams are canceled for now, neither of you are leaving the house for a while. (Until she calms down)
Spend time with her, play some 2 player games where you two just have some fun. Let her choose some movies and snacks for the night.
She becomes jealous real often, managing to not let it show the majority of the time. She’ll let you know later in the night though whether she is aware of it.
She is a 9 out of 10.
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After weeks away from each other she decides to treat you to a night out, ending in a decent bar. Where someone seems to ignore your clear relationship.
At the start she’ll let you handle it, but if they start going too far or you get uncomfortable she’ll step in. Making them even more aware.
She tries to not be obvious, most of the time she manages. Though there are a few times where she wasn’t, you had to drag her away.
As much as she wants to show off, she's worried about the Hashimoto coming after you, so the most she’ll show off it to any friends.
If they try to swing at either of you she’ll be quick to take them down. A swift hit and / or kick from behind them before the both of you leave.
She’ll need a few minutes to calm down, not from you but because someone else thought they had the slightest chance to take you
After she returns you won’t have the chance to even try to help her out, she’ll have you wrapped up in her limbs. Give her some smooches, the more you give the more freedom you’ll slowly get.
She’ll become jealous pretty often but is never worried about you leaving.
Out of ten she is only up to a 6
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Many of the supports have their special someone, if not someone there to flirt. This time they seem unaware of your uh, ‘supportive’ relationship.
She won’t rush over if you’re not in danger, as she’s not worried. So she’ll finish her job at hand before walking over.
She’s been in many situations where she can’t reveal many emotions, meaning she’s had enough training to not let her jealousy show.
If she has the chance and feels like showing off she’ll take it. Healing your injuries due to “Spending enough time in the frontlines.”
Neither of you will have to fight because most of the time they won’t try anything while surrounded by other agents, especially high ranking ones. Not even risking no healing from Mercy.
Not a lot happens honestly. The day will continue on as if that never happened, unless you were uncomfortable, then she’ll care for you.
Much doesn’t need to happen, but she would prefer a night in. Just you two spending the night doing some of your favourite activities.
Not many people dare to flirt with either of you, meaning she won’t become jealous a lot. Even if they did, she is never worried.
Her jealousy level doesn’t get much higher than a 3/10.
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professionalranter31 · 4 months
So I mentioned in a previous post how Overwatch has a lot of factions that aren’t expanded upon a lot, so I’ve got a list of my top five that are currently represented and my top five that I wish got representation
We’ll start with the ones that currently have representation
Number five is Oasis, represented by Moira who is their Minister of Genetics however we do know in lore that there are other ministers so they could be playable in the future or someone else who works within Oasis
In the same vein as Oasis at Number four we got the Atlantic Arcology which is represented by Lifeweaver. It’s a similar place to Oasis where many great minds live in order to try and further research in various fields and I just feel like both of them should have more representation given the significance they most likely have with advancements in the Overwatch Universe
Number Three is Blackwatch, we only know of four of them and one them also doubles as representation for Overwatch. I want to know more about the black ops of Overwatch, like, did they have a tank?
Number two is the MEKA Squad, with what we know of them in lore is surprisingly little and I’m gonna be honest the vibes I’ve gotten from the lore is that D.Va does most of the work and I want to be proven wrong about that. Plus, the Genshin are meant to be this big threat but it’s hard to take it as a threat when we are only able to see the capabilities of one of Korea’s defenders
And at Number One, the Inti Tribe because why the absolute FUCK is Illari labeled as its only defender!? No seriously, she is fucking 18 why is she treated in lore as her tribe’s only defender. If she was their tribe’s only sun warrior that’s a different thing but she’s working with others to defend their tribe but the Sun Warriors made up the bulk of the defenses so at least then it still gives to the tragedy of her explosion while not leaving the literal eighteen year old as the only defender of an entire giant tribe I want an explanation Blizzard!!! I will crawl into your office like a demon possessed and tear through whatever lore books you have in there to find my answers give them to me!!!
On to the factions that don’t have representation within Overwatch that I feel should have it
At Number five we got the Hashimoto. They’re meant to Kiriko’s main enemy and as of the recent Hanzo short story his as well but they just feel like a dime a dozen goons from what we have seen. Like how Null Sector began to feel like more of a threat after Ramattra was added I feel like the Hashimoto would be seen as more dangerous if we actually got a hero to represent them
At Number Four, the Gwishin. Sort of the same story like with the Hashimoto except we do have some idea of what they are capable of, no what I want a hero to represent them for is how they happened in the first place and how they are able to adapt like they do
At Number three the Wastelanders of Australia, they’re the outcasts of the junkers and what Junker Queen used to be when she was exiled. It shows a new perspective on the Australian Wasteland that’s different from the Junkers
At Number two we got the UN. Look, given how big of a deal the UN is in the larger story of Overwatch I just feel like having a hero to represent them would be pretty good in terms of lore and generally either a character who is morally grey or a villain
At Number one we have the God AI. We currently know the names of four God AI, Anubis, Chernobog, Xibalba, and Macaria. Given the massive importance the God AI have in the lore of Overwatch I’m genuinely surprised that not one of them has been made into a playable hero. I’m also kinda impressed that Blizzard hasn’t released a hero that is just them taking a god from mythology and translating that into an FPS. Anyway, given the various purposes the AI had there’s plenty of ways to design their kits around it and there have been hints that some of the God AI achieved some level of Sentience such as Chernobog’s lore. So yeah, I want them represented in game
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Winston: okay I’ve spent days going over it! The schematics, the guards walk paths, everything! I’ve got a perfect plan for us to swoop in and rescue your father before eliminating the hashimot-
Kiriko: *holds up her hand* mm. Better idea.
*a few moments later*
Kiriko: *plops the lil deaf girl from the cinematic in front of the gate and hands her an axe before signing “go nuts.”*
*A few more moments later*
Kiriko: *tearfully hugging her mom and dad after finally being reunited*
Hanzo & Genji: *pushing the last of the hashimoto into a van before grabbing their leader by the hair and dragging them off to god knows where to get revenge for their father*
Soldier 76: *signing to the little girl and her grandad about how incredible she did and how Overwatch will have a place for her if she wants it when she’s grown up*
Winston: *standing there in utter shock*
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koryuow2 · 5 months
Koryu Spray : After Sport
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Just imagine if Kiriko sees him like that...
what will happen…
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