#hashtag Haley’s regrets
Ngl one of my biggest regrets and I feel missed opportunities in my life was being offered an internship with Henry Jackman (composer for the winter soldier and civil war) because of mental illness in teen years.
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2018 Fun a Day 31/31: Headcanon that in summer of 1995, Haley Clark starts teaching herself how to cook
[CN: food, eating, feelings]
Cameron is there, waiting for Donna to come home for dinner and their nightly work date ('work'), when Haley goes into the kitchen and starts looking through the cabinets and drawers for various pots and pans and utensils. Walking from the dining room to the kitchen, Cameron asks, "Hey. What are you up to, squirt?"
"Do you know how to cook?" Haley asks. Cameron laughs in her face. "I can barely get a cheese egg to turn out right." Haley looks at her sideways. "What's a cheese egg?" Cameron sighs, "It's a breakfast for sad women who can't cook and are trying to drive away their husbands." Haley grins tentatively, "Not really a problem I have, at the moment."
"I wanna learn how to cook," Haley continues. "I mean I love pot stickers and bagel bites but it seems like a good skill to have, and like a cool thing to be able to do for someone else." Cameron reflexively raises an eyebrow and says, "Oh. So who are you trying to impress, then?" When Haley blushes furiously, Cameron immediately regrets making her uncomfortable. "No one," Haley mumbles, running into the pantry. Cameron smiles sympathetically, imagining Haley pining after some kindly, completely oblivious girl in her computer class.
"My dad was really into cooking," Haley says, putting some boxes of spaghetti and cans of tomato paste on the counter. "That's all we really have that I like, kind of know what to do with," she says. "I think he thought cooking was relaxing, and he liked cooking for us. I thought it might be nice to be able to cook for my mom, no one else does." Remembering Donna's reaction the last time Bos cooked for her, Cameron agrees, "Yeah, that would be nice. It's a nice thing to do for anyone you care about," Cameron encourages her.
The spaghetti and canned tomato paste, seasoned with only salt and pepper, are a little lackluster. "But you also didn't burn anything down, or break anything, so that's a win," Cameron says. "There's always tomorrow, you can try again." Frustrated, Haley gripes, "I need directions, or instructions. I looked online but I couldn't find much, I guess people aren't making cooking websites yet." Brow furrowed, Cameron muses, "I guess it would be kind of inconvenient, cooking from a computer. Unless you could print the recipe out. And then you might as well use a recipe you already have. Or a cookbook?"
When Haley can't find any of Donna's old cookbooks (they've been in the garage since Donna moved in back in 1989), she decides to go out and buy one. The following day, she and Cameron embark on a trip to a large bookstore. They get distracted by the magazine and bargain sections, and browse the science fiction and art books, and then finally look through the cooking section.
When a very pretty young woman who works at the store asks Haley if she needs help, Haley panics and laughs nervously and says she's just looking. Cameron is about to tease Haley gently when the employee asks, "How about you, how are you doing? Can I help you with anything?" and Cameron also gets very flustered. "Okay, well I'll be around if you need anything," the girl smiles, before leaving them to go check on other customers.
Haley finds a Southern home cooking cookbook and says, "I think my mom would like this." "Okay, what would you like to eat, though?" Cameron says. Haley thinks about it for a minute and says, "…Mexican food. No contest." They find a cookbook of Mexican and Central American recipes, and then Haley says, "Maybe one more, something like, more general."
The same bookstore employee overhears this as she's walking by, and interrupts and carefully pushes past them and grabs a large hardcover book off the shelf. "This. I promise it won't steer you wrong," she hands it to Haley with a smile. It's a copy of The Joy of Cooking, and it looks vaguely familiar to Haley, like something she might remember her mother looking at in Dallas. "Okay," she nods. "Perfect."
For the next few months, Haley uses her free evenings to attempt to make some of the more complicated dishes, and Cameron is usually there, sometimes she's busy working with Donna, and sometimes she's free to casually assist Haley
Despite her best efforts, Haley ruins a lot of food. She burns a lot of food, and even when it's technically edible, it's usually overcooked and underseasoned. A lot of takeout is ordered, a lot of tears are shed.
One night Donna is helping her scrub a pan that has burnt breadcrumbs stuck to it. "It's okay, monkey," she says. "It's a process, and it takes time to learn how to relax enough to enjoy it." "How do you enjoy trying to not kill people with your incompetence? What if I poison someone?" Haley frets. "That's really the trick," Donna grins at her, "you can't be afraid of it. You have to improvise and try new things as you go, and trust that it will be okay, even if it doesn't look great or like what you expected."
It gets easier after Haley gets into the habit of listening to Gordon's tapes before heading into the kitchen. His voice is soothing, and it's easy to imagine-slash-remember him talking about looking up from her computer one and a while in the kitchen, while making some elaborate meal for her and Joanie and Katie.
By Donna's next birthday, Haley starts to get the hang of it. When Donna gets home that night the table is set with her and Gordon's good china, which she hasn't seen since the early '80s when her parents gave it to them, expensive candlesticks that she bought herself (hashtagged: #independentliving), and flowers that Cameron ran out and bought right before the florist closed for the night.
When Haley serves her mom's famous salad, spaghetti, and veal parmesan, all made from scratch, Donna jokes, "And you're sure you two made this? This isn't a Mrs. Doubtfire type thing, is it?" She looks over at Cameron and says, "You didn't order this from a restaurant and then put it on our plates, did you?" Cameron, black jeans covered in flour and sweater stained with tomato paste, says, "…I resent that."
Donna isn't surprised when everything is delicious, she knows how much effort went into it, but she is caught off guard by how loved she feels that evening. She enjoys the showy dinner party that her friends come to that weekend, but it doesn't come close to how happy she felt just quietly having dinner with her daughter and her 'business' partner.
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yassinetop · 5 years
20 Best Weight Loss Stories
Kim Kardashian Claims to Drop 70 Pounds
Whether or not you believe it, Kim Kardashian has repeatedly claimed that she dropped a whopping 70 pounds after having her baby last December. "I think dieting is so important to weight loss, whereas, I didn't really ever think that before," she told PEOPLE. "I thought, 'Oh, I can work out, I can just eat whatever I want.' But you have to work out all the time." Kardashian claimed that the low-carb Atkins 40 plan is what helped her shed the pounds, adding that she aimed for 1,800 calories a day, along with intense workouts. Intrigued? Then don't miss these 15 Amazing Weight Loss Tips from Kim Kardashian's Nutritionist!
Mariah Carey Only Eats Two Things
One thing is for sure: Mariah Carey loves attention. So, it's only fitting that her latest weight loss strategy would raise a few eyebrows. The strategy? Consuming only two foods. "It's really hard. My diet, you would hate it," Carey tells E! News. "All you eat is Norwegian salmon and capers every day. That's it."
Britney's Bod Slays
This one's more about an awesome weight loss maintenance and fitness story than a dramatic before-and-after transition. With her resident show in Vegas, it's no secret that Britney Spears has gotten back in killer shape and has been turning heads for well over a year. But she garnered more-than-usual attention earlier in 2016 after a smokin' hot performance at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards in May. (We know you wanna watch it!) And then she recently celebrated her 35th birthday with another sexy performance at the Jingle Ball in LA. How does she do it? It's not exactly a secret, people. As she says: "You wanna hot body? You better work…"
Kayla Itsines Helps Millions
There's no doubt that 2016 was the biggest year yet for Instagram sensation Kayla Itsines, who now has nearly 6 million followers. Known for her online fitness guides, Itsines hosted a massively successful '2016 Sweat Tour,' but it also made her second guess naming her guides "Bikini Body." She noted on Instagram: "I originally called it 'Bikini Body Guides' because when I asked my clients what their goals were, 99 percent said at some stage that they just wanted 'to feel comfortable in a bikini,' so I didn't think twice when I called it that." She told Bloomberg, however, that she now regrets the name since it's not only about looking and feeling good in a bikini, but it's about being strong. Regardless of the name, it's clear that this is only the beginning; just see how many hashtags #bbgprogress #sweatwithkayla there were this year for endless weight loss inspiration.
Khloé Kardashian Sheds Major Pounds
Kim Kardashian called Khloé her "weight loss idol" after the reality star shed a significant amount of weight. Unfortunately, she went from being body shamed for being "the fat Kardashian" to being body shamed for being "too skinny." Whatever your judgment may be, there's no denying her weight loss story has inspired many. She credits her drop in size to small tweaks in lifestyle and her diet, saying that her "biggest tip for starting off strong is to swap out some common foods you eat for healthier versions." Now that's a suggestion we can definitely get behind. Many of these 40 Ways to Lose Weight in 4 Seconds are along the same lines.
Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian
She wouldn't be a Kardashian if she didn't capitalize on her media attention, so Khloé announced that she would have a new show on E!—Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian. The show has enlisted a number of A-list trainers including Simone de la Rue, Lacey Stone and Gunnar Peterson to work with the reality star to help contestants overcome traumatic life experiences through fitness.
Bride-To-Be Loses Over 100 Pounds
After seeing her engagement photos, Texas bride Haley J. Smith set off on a weight loss journey that resulted in a 100-plus pound weight loss in 15 months. How did she do it? She enlisted a workout buddy (her husband), tracked her progress, ordered smart at restaurants (and tracked her calories), cooked more, and ate a diet rich in protein (think salmon and chicken). Sounds do-able, right? For more on Haley's incredible transformation, check out The 5 Tricks One Woman Used to Lose 100 Pounds!
Megyn Kelly Swears by the F-Factor Diet
Megyn Kelly was in the spotlight for many things this year, not least of which was her reliance on a fiber-rich diet prescribed by celebrity dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot to stay trim. In fact, the 40-something Fox News anchor not only praised Zuckerbrot's F-Factor diet and book on her show, she mentions it in her new book, Settle for More. Don't miss these 9 Ways Megyn Kelly Stays Slim at 45 for more insights into this star's slim figure.
Guordan Banks Drops 70 Pounds
Singer-songwriter Guordan Banks started his weight loss journey in 2015 and he's now down 70 pounds. Banks, who is behind the #1 single "Keep You In Mind," says he credits his weight loss with moving more (he's a fan of basketball), cutting out certain foods (like soda, bread, and fried foods), and opting for a diet full of water and lean protein (like fish and vegetables). Check out these 23 Ways to Accidentally Start Your Diet Today to see how you may be on a weight loss track you didn't even realize you were on!
Drew Barrymore Sheds 20 Pounds
As we age, losing those extra few pounds gets all the more challenging since our metabolism slows down. But Barrymore worked with celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder to go from 144 to 124 pounds, and she did it all while filming her Netflix show, Santa Clarita Diet. Snyder, who is the author of several books and a proponent of a daily green smoothie, prescribes vegan or vegetarian with her weight loss plans; Barrymore, a carnivore, followed Snyder's methods but added some protein like fish and chicken. Barrymore kept it real, though, when she admitted that she "dreams of pizza."
Adrienne Bailon Reveals Pre-Wedding Weight Loss
After headlines declared she might be pregnant (she was not), Adrienne Bailon embarked on a 15-pound weight loss, which she revealed on Instagram. "Well folks, I've lost 15lbs & counting! Can't stop. Won't stop. Focused! Ha. It's always tea time in my dressing room! Loving my detox with @fittea! Have you joined me?! Um, it's November 1st! The perfect time to start! Stay classy lol. XO." This post was also captioned "#ad" so we might want to take it with a grain of salt when she credits her Fit Tea with this pre-wedding weight loss.
Gabourey Sidibe Sets Out To Get Healthy
Gabourey Sidibe showed off her weight loss—estimated by some to be as much as 100 pounds—on Instagram in a snap from Watch What Happens Live's red carpet. While the star has been vocal about how much she suffered because of her weight growing up, she has yet to reveal exactly how much she lost and how. For someone who was accustomed to being overweight, we wonder if her motivation was anything that might be on our list of 33 Reasons to Lose Weight Other Than Fitting Into Skinny Jeans.
Oprah Backs Weight Watchers
After buying a stake in Weight Watchers, the superstar influencer and media mogul once again set off on a weight loss journey. By mid-June, she showed off a 30-pound weight loss and wrote on Instagram, "Best Health report card ever! Total cholesterol 180. LDL 82. thanks to #wwsmartpoints #ClevelandClinic #AnnualCheckup."
John Goodman Is Almost Unrecognizable
A 2014 knee surgery caused by his unhealthy lifestyle served as a wake-up call for 10 Cloverfield Lane's John Goodman, who in March 2016 shocked fans when he showed up at LAX looking thinner than ever. It has been an ongoing journey for the actor; Goodman credits the tried and true method of diet and exercise for his newly svelte physique.
Lunch Lady Loses 100 Pounds
In the fall of 2015, 260-pound Tammy McRae, who works at Carver Elementary School, decided she was going to lose weight. Instead of eating donuts for breakfast and frequenting Wendy's and McDonald's, she started eating off her cafeteria menu—and the results were staggering. For breakfast, her diet typically includes fresh fruit and cereal; lunch has a menu of things like broccoli and cheese, a baked potato, and boneless chicken wings. At night, she says she has a little bit of fruit or a little yogurt. By September 2016, McRae weighed in at 160 pounds and garnered some much-deserved attention for her resourceful strategy. Speaking of lunch, get some smart tips with these 18 Lunch Rituals to Help You Lose Weight.
Widow Heals Emotional Wounds Through Weight Loss
After her husband took his life in 2015, Justine McCabe ballooned to 313 pounds. With the support of her friends and family, McCabe began documenting her 124-pound weight loss journey on her Tumblr page, taking daily selfies (she now updates via Instagram @HairStarGetsFit). How did she do it? Motivated by the daily selfies, she got a gym membership, worked out six days a week and ate clean. She also challenged herself and faced her fears by doing things like skydiving, traveling abroad alone, and climbing the Eiffel Tower. What made this story so great is that it's not only about weight loss but about emotional healing, which is why McCabe uses the hashtag "#Ichoosetolive." Now that's a weight loss mantra we love!
Penn Jillette Lost 100 Pounds Eating Potatoes
Comedian and magician Penn Jillette released his book Presto!: How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear this year, in which he chronicles his weight loss journey. His efforts kicked off in a very unconventional way, though; he ate nothing except potatoes for two weeks. About five naked potatoes a day to be exact, which resulted in an 18-pound weight loss. After that, he ate nothing besides vegetables for three months. He now follows a diet with no animal products, processed grains, or added sugar or salt—and has kept the weight off. The lesson of story? Do what works for you, as long as you get to a healthy, sustainable place eventually!
Rob Kardashian Begins His Journey
In a recent episode of Rob & Chyna, Kardashian says, "I'm not comfortable in my skin. I'm not comfortable with this weight. So, I feel like I'm not happy with anything I do right now." The reality star was reportedly around 300 pounds at his heaviest, and my how things have changed! He recently posted the above snap on Instagram saying: "Oh yeah we snapping back lol,,, baby will be here in 4 weeks and I'm done with carrying this pregnancy weight me and my baby gonna be righttttttt ,,, MOTIVATION TIME‼️ we almost there Chy FAAAAACK Chy looks so bomb here aghhhh ." Moreover, his type 2 diabetes is in remission, thanks to a low-carb diet and doing cardio at least five times a week.
New Zealand Woman Gets Honest About Weight Loss
New Zealand woman Simone Anderson has been chronicling her weight loss journey on social media—and after some backlash that claimed her images were Photoshopped, she posted a very honest image showing the excess skin gathered around her torso. Then, months later, she shared an unforgettable "before and after" comparison of her dramatic skin removal surgery.
Jonah Hill Gets In Shape
The comedian has seen his weight fluctuate over the years (he lost weight for his roles in Moneyball and The Wolf of Wall Street, but soon gained it back); but this summer, Hill seemed to be thinner than ever. Dr. Philip Goglia, who worked with the star, revealed that Hill would send him pictures of his food to prove that he was on track and eating healthy things like protein-rich salmon and eggs. Speaking of, find out the 26 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Carton of Eggs now!
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How To Separate Good Internet Outrage From The Evil Kind
27 You need to appendage yourself against weaponized old tweets. Not your own tweets, hopefully( though who is familiar with ). We’re talking about how every time you open social media, someone’s outrageous terms are being used against them. Maybe the frequency of that fears you; after all, every one of us is luck certain things we’ve said weren’t timestamped for heaven. Or maybe that pile of resentment excites you; justice relies on testify, so maybe the more attest there is the better the world will get. But take a search past all these maybes and semicolons( we know we expended a lot; we feel fancy today, dealing with this problem ). Look at what’s actually going on with Internet outrage right now. Is all that handwringing the same across the board? Or is some of it intended to break lives only to earn a political sport? On this week’s episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by Amy Nicholson ( Unspooled) and Andrew Ti ( Yo, Is This Racist ?) for an always-timely look at how you can tell profitable online activism apart from digital hassle. They’ll examine recent disputes from James Gunn to Sarah Jeong to Roseanne Barr. They’ll lay out basic rules of digit enabling you to manage the next hashtag that comes along. And they’ll find a fuller provide answers to all this than Twitter users often can, thanks to the trickery of being human toward one another in more than 280 characters. Footnotes : u> Unspooled( Earwolf ) Yo, Is This Prejudiced?( Earwolf ) Catch a LIVE episode of Yo, Is This Racist ? i> at The Chicago Podcast Festival on November 29 th ! b> tar and feather stage from John Adams ( HBO ) The Reign Of Terror( Wikipedia ) Whataboutery and whataboutism – what’s it all about?( Oxford Dictionaries ) How YouTube and Internet Journalism Destroyed Tom Cruise, Our Last Real Movie Star( LA Weekly ) 8 Famous Political Scandals You Won’t Believe Are Total Lies( Cracked ) Sarah Jeong account on Twitter Sarah Jeong And The Question Of “Context”( The New Yorker ) Andrew Sullivan Can Fuck Right Off( Splinter ) Director James Gunn Apologizes for ‘Offensive’ Old Tweets Joking About Rape, Pedophilia( The Wrap ) Mike Cernovich, Who Got James Gunn Fired Over Rape Tweets, Has History of Rape Tweets( The Wrap ) Guardians of the Galaxy shed obligates support for James Gunn( Polygon ) Disney Stands Firm on James Gunn Not Returning to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy'( Variety ) FACT CHECK: Pizzagate( Snopes.com ) Ted Cruz dumb tweet and double-down Ted Cruz Defends Roy Moore And Criticizes Al Franken In The Same Breath( Huffington Post ) Wendy Molyneux thread on Gunn/ Cernovich Dan Harmon removes Twitter account, apologizes for resurfaced comedy cartoon( Consequence Of Sound ) Michael Ian Black thread on Cernovich Anthony Jeselnik gab response Roseanne Revival Joke Blasted as ‘Belittling’ to Diverse Shows( ScreenRant ) “The New Roseanne Takes Place in Another Dimension, Seriously” by JM McNab( Cracked ) Disney Should Know the Difference Between James Gunn and Roseanne( Vulture ) The Conservative War on Comedy Is Full of Shit( Vice ) The Value Of Public Shaming( Deadspin ) Giving A Guy Who Was Racist Online A Standing Ovation To Own The Libs( Deadspin ) Racism Has Long Surrounded Baseball In Boston( Newsweek ) Disneyland Resort contacts a tentative contract settlement with employees, putting an end to the hot combat that lasted months( LA Times ) In Her Shoes: Spotting Feminism, Cynicism, And Geena Davis At A Walmart Soda Counter In Arkansas( MTV News ) The Time Coca-Cola Got White Elite In Atlanta To Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.( NPR Code Switch ) When Arizona lost the Super Bowl because the state didn’t recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day( The Undefeated ) The Assault on Minority Voting Rights Is Loud and Proud in Georgia( Esquire ) Bari Weiss calling Mark Duplass regret a “struggle session” Bari Weiss calling Lena Dunham justification a “struggle session” Wikipedia article for “struggle session”( a flesh of public humiliation and subjected to torture in Maoist China ) Join us for our next LIVE Cracked Podcast ! It’s happening Saturday, September 15 th at 7pm at the UCB Sunset Theatre in Los Angeles. Alex Schmidt is joined by columnists/ jesters/ fictions Demi Adejuyigbe, Haley Mancini, and Dana Gould for an night of Emmy Awards We Wish Existed. Tickets on sale soon ! i> Subscribe on iTunes li > ul > div > Read more: http :// www.cracked.com/ podcast/ how-to-separate-good-internet-outrage-from-evil-kind http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/08/26/how-to-separate-good-internet-outrage-from-the-evil-kind/
0 notes
How To Separate Good Internet Outrage From The Evil Kind
You need to appendage yourself against weaponized old tweets. Not your own tweets, hopefully( though who is familiar with ). We’re talking about how every time you open social media, someone’s outrageous terms are being used against them. Maybe the frequency of that fears you; after all, every one of us is luck certain things we’ve said weren’t timestamped for heaven. Or maybe that pile of resentment excites you; justice relies on testify, so maybe the more attest there is the better the world will get. But take a search past all these maybes and semicolons( we know we expended a lot; we feel fancy today, dealing with this problem ). Look at what’s actually going on with Internet outrage right now. Is all that handwringing the same across the board? Or is some of it intended to break lives only to earn a political sport?
On this week’s episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by Amy Nicholson ( Unspooled) and Andrew Ti ( Yo, Is This Racist ?) for an always-timely look at how you can tell profitable online activism apart from digital hassle. They’ll examine recent disputes from James Gunn to Sarah Jeong to Roseanne Barr. They’ll lay out basic rules of digit enabling you to manage the next hashtag that comes along. And they’ll find a fuller provide answers to all this than Twitter users often can, thanks to the trickery of being human toward one another in more than 280 characters.
Footnotes : u>
Unspooled( Earwolf )
Yo, Is This Prejudiced?( Earwolf )
Catch a LIVE episode of Yo, Is This Racist ? i> at The Chicago Podcast Festival on November 29 th ! b>
tar and feather stage from John Adams ( HBO )
The Reign Of Terror( Wikipedia )
Whataboutery and whataboutism – what’s it all about?( Oxford Dictionaries )
How YouTube and Internet Journalism Destroyed Tom Cruise, Our Last Real Movie Star( LA Weekly )
8 Famous Political Scandals You Won’t Believe Are Total Lies( Cracked )
Sarah Jeong account on Twitter
Sarah Jeong And The Question Of “Context”( The New Yorker )
Andrew Sullivan Can Fuck Right Off( Splinter )
Director James Gunn Apologizes for ‘Offensive’ Old Tweets Joking About Rape, Pedophilia( The Wrap )
Mike Cernovich, Who Got James Gunn Fired Over Rape Tweets, Has History of Rape Tweets( The Wrap )
Guardians of the Galaxy shed obligates support for James Gunn( Polygon )
Disney Stands Firm on James Gunn Not Returning to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy'( Variety )
FACT CHECK: Pizzagate( Snopes.com )
Ted Cruz dumb tweet and double-down
Ted Cruz Defends Roy Moore And Criticizes Al Franken In The Same Breath( Huffington Post )
Wendy Molyneux thread on Gunn/ Cernovich
Dan Harmon removes Twitter account, apologizes for resurfaced comedy cartoon( Consequence Of Sound )
Michael Ian Black thread on Cernovich
Anthony Jeselnik gab response
Roseanne Revival Joke Blasted as ‘Belittling’ to Diverse Shows( ScreenRant )
“The New Roseanne Takes Place in Another Dimension, Seriously” by JM McNab( Cracked )
Disney Should Know the Difference Between James Gunn and Roseanne( Vulture )
The Conservative War on Comedy Is Full of Shit( Vice )
The Value Of Public Shaming( Deadspin )
Giving A Guy Who Was Racist Online A Standing Ovation To Own The Libs( Deadspin )
Racism Has Long Surrounded Baseball In Boston( Newsweek )
Disneyland Resort contacts a tentative contract settlement with employees, putting an end to the hot combat that lasted months( LA Times )
In Her Shoes: Spotting Feminism, Cynicism, And Geena Davis At A Walmart Soda Counter In Arkansas( MTV News )
The Time Coca-Cola Got White Elite In Atlanta To Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.( NPR Code Switch )
When Arizona lost the Super Bowl because the state didn’t recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day( The Undefeated )
The Assault on Minority Voting Rights Is Loud and Proud in Georgia( Esquire )
Bari Weiss calling Mark Duplass regret a “struggle session”
Bari Weiss calling Lena Dunham justification a “struggle session”
Wikipedia article for “struggle session”( a flesh of public humiliation and subjected to torture in Maoist China )
Join us for our next LIVE Cracked Podcast ! It’s happening Saturday, September 15 th at 7pm at the UCB Sunset Theatre in Los Angeles. Alex Schmidt is joined by columnists/ jesters/ fictions Demi Adejuyigbe, Haley Mancini, and Dana Gould for an night of Emmy Awards We Wish Existed. Tickets on sale soon ! i>
Subscribe on iTunes li > ul > div >
Read more: http :// www.cracked.com/ podcast/ how-to-separate-good-internet-outrage-from-evil-kind
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