#hashtag legend
gidleinstagram · 1 year
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Yuqi for Hashtag Legend October 2023
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celebratingwomen · 9 months
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Jasmine Sanders for Hashtag Legend, July/August 2019
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macncheems · 4 months
when youre in a "making the worst image ever" contest and your opponent is me
(edit: kremy homophobic homosexual for those who asked)
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tondajpg · 10 months
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Finally winter holidays for guys❄️❄️❄️
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aposemetric · 2 years
have you ever wanted to find out which Actually Gay™ anime character you are? have i got the diagnostic quiz for you! this quiz is long, varied, and has 26 different possible results. there is fashion. there is bloodshed. there is overly personal questions.
Let me, Dr. Gay Anime Bitches, assign you a gay anime bitch.
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kukzoa · 18 days
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protagonists of the games i played this summer 2024 (who can guess them all w/o looking at hashtags deserves a cookie)
shoutout to my mom, ty for building a ✨g a m i n g p c✨ for me to play those EPIC GREAT GAMES, you are the real one
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good-advice-ganondorf · 11 months
I have a loving bf, whats something big i can do to show my affection?
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arcane-hotties · 6 days
Pro-Silco tag round-up
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Pro-Finn tag round-up
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Vote for Silco OR Finn HERE
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telemna-hyelle · 3 months
interesting patterns on the back of the cloak...
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and hte bow looks interesting too...
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is it just me or is Link not using the master sword in EoW?
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honestly if i have to pick one sword it reminds me of, it's the phantom sword, even though it's not an exact copy... i feel like there's another sword that's even closer but i'm blanking
it can't be the master sword tho
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pwhale6 · 11 months
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various fanart from 2020
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professionalidiot32 · 6 months
he’s a facebook mom to a weird egg first, and a silly little guy who wants to destroy the world second
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he just wants to make a perfect world guys (replace every person and pokemon with a togepi)
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
Ok, apologies in advance cause I'm turning into a lil hater.
People ragging on Katara being able to be purely a healer in tlok piss me off so bad.
Bitch, she was 14 in atla. Add onto that. She was a traumatised 14 year old who HAD to fight because the world pushed her into it.
Rewatching atla, Katara's rage and drive are wonderful and iconic and amazing character elements. But not because it's some sort of feminie rage, "stick it to the man" feminist sort of thing (sorry for sounding like a Conservative idk how else to phrase it)
No, it's wonderful because she's a hurt child. Not some aestheticised YA protagonist who gets to go villain mode for a bit.
Katara's rage comes from what has been done to her nation, to her family. Her will to fight is so intense because she has to fight. It's not that she never wanted to heal, since she becomes incredibly adept at it, even after she's allowed to 'train with the boys'. She was upset over being forced to heal not because she didn't want to, but because she had to fight, and ridiculous gender roles were being ridiculous.
Plus, her embracing healing in a time of peace does have some amazing symbolism to it, don't you think?
Too many people just equate healing with misogyny in the Avatar community, when it can and often does symbolise so much more.
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When director Hidemaro Fujibayashi said that Zelda in TOTK is “going through growth, experiencing things, and ultimately figuring out what kind of a person she’s going to be,” how would you say that is reflected in the game? What kind of person do you think she realizes she wants to be? What scene(s) reflect her overall growth?
Zelda’s growth in this game is all about choosing her role, becoming a leader for a freshly healing Hyrule, and about finding her place in the past. For so many, I think we misinterpret growth and development, as Zelda’s main growth in BoTW was directly tied to her magic and her narrowed outlook on life.
In botw, Zelda disregards the reason she needs a knight, naively travels by herself for research purposes, cannot understand the magic supposedly within her, detests the magic, and ultimately detests herself. She’s constantly bottling up her emotions, to the point that she lashes out and it is even commented by Daruk that she “can’t quite see the ranges” because she was incredibly sheltered and stubborn as a result from the constant pressure to do as she is told, not as she thinks. We do see Zelda working on this, as a result of finally seeing Link for who he is, rather than what she has assumed of him. On top of that personal development, she is pitted against a prophecy that TELLS her what she has to do. And when she finally unlocks her magic, in a moment of pure love and selflessness, she is forced to adhere to the prophecy, to do as the sword’s spirit says, to play her part in this prophecy.
I think so many people think Zelda’s development is shallow or barely there in ToTK because we don’t see that personal development piece we get with Zelda and Link’s relationship. And the reason for that is simple— Zelda is now an adult, she has matured and grown from the development we got to see in botw. She’s at peace with herself and with the fact that her magic is basically gone.
The thing she spent the entirety of her life focusing on— it’s gone. Zelda no longer has that pressure on her shoulders. There’s no prophecy to live up to. There’s no kingdom to protect.
But there is one to rebuild.
*spoilers for totk and the ending*
We see through Princess Sightings side quests how Zelda has truly traveled the world of Hyrule and gotten to know her people. She is beloved by all— she did NOT immediately reclaim a throne abandoned for a century. She did NOT make it a priority to rebuild castle town and the castle. I have seen people actively BASH these things, but it makes so much sense when you consider who Zelda is.
Zelda is this legendary Princess that has been holding back Calamity Ganon for a century— everyone knows of her (which is confirmed by talking to NPC’s, one of the most notable being Manny from Hateno). And from ToTK, we see that she has formed research teams, a Guard, presumably (with the shared opinion of Robbie and Purah) cleared nearly all traces of Sheikah tech from Hyrule, built a school to ensure education is properly taught, and invigorated Hyrule’s kingdom through COMMUNITY and CULTURE. Zelda could not just sweep away the rubble on her throne in the Sanctum and start ordering shit around from the castle.
She integrated herself back into Hyrule, learned the people of NOW and grew to love them. Zelda acted as a symbol for a long time and she finally got to show everyone exactly who she is. A kind, compassionate, incredibly smart girl who lived in a village just like everyone else. She put the focus on healing the kingdom and rebuilding it. Which brings us to the world we see in ToTK.
One question in general helps us pinpoint Zelda’s development in ToTK: What is her purpose of being in the past?
This question is first introduced through Rauru, who posed it as a “why”. Why did Zelda’s magic bring her back to this point in time? Why is she here, at the moment in time where Hyrule is currently under the rule of its first King and Queen. Now let’s take a look at this— Zelda went back in time. A newly developed kingdom. The first King and Queen. So that + that = fuckin parallels PEOPLE!!! PARALLELS!!!! Ooh man do I love parallels.
ANYWAY. This introduces Zelda’s main development in ToTK. Whereas in botw her character constantly expected to act as she is told, do as is prophesied (is that a word? … I have a degree in professional writing but that word looks so incorrect… sorry, carry on), and ultimately accepts that the thing she vied for her entire life has been drained, her character in ToTK is now given the chance to DO as she wants, to find her own role, to make her OWN choice.
It’s foreshadowed with Zelda unlocking her magic in botw by way of her own, deliberate, selfless choice to love and protect Link that grants her a path to save everyone else. Zelda’s entire CHOICE is a key focus in her journey.
Zelda chooses to train her magic, to learn about the Zonai, to befriend the sages, to immerse herself in the culture of a Hyrule long forgotten by time. There was no one telling her what she HAD to do. Instead, she was guided. Zelda is supported by Sonia and Rauru in ways she was never granted as a child.
And in this, she learns that even having EVERYTHING she was deprived of in botw, they will fail. They couldn’t save Sonia. They won’t stop Ganondorf.
Zelda, through all of this, develops as a LEADER. She acts as a Sage and ultimately finds herself confused at Rauru’s steadfast determination. She knows he will die if they face off with Ganondorf. He knows he will too. But.
“Maybe so. But it is my duty to try.”
Rauru is the King of Hyrule. He made the choice best suited for his kingdom, to be the sacrifice in order to let the world continue on in his absence. He did what was best for the kingdom— not what was best for him as a person. He was secure in his role as the King of Hyrule, he knows the type of leader he is and wants to be.
Zelda… has not yet figured that out for herself. She is beloved, known to the people of Hyrule for his compassionate deeds and lovely personality, but she has yet to cement herself as the Queen of Hyrule. Naturally, she was born a Princess and remembered to be, but she is not a Queen. She is the Princess of a newly developing kingdom, one being rebuilt from rubble. But she is not the Queen. She is the only royal family member left.
Zelda’s character in ToTK develops to be a QUEEN.
Her actions and assured choices speak VOLUMES over the ones she took when she was listening to the words of others. Instead, she CHOSE to TRY. She embraced the duty to her kingdom, even if it took EVERYTHING she had to offer. Her sense of self and her life. Gone. She expected to NEVER wake up as she does in the end of totk. She knew precisely WHY she found herself in the past, in that era, and with Sonia, Rauru, and the sages.
Zelda chooses to have faith in Link, to heal the sword, to lose herself… all for her kingdom. The one she was rebuilding. The one she was healing with. Zelda becomes her own, mature leader in ToTK. And this is even FURTHER established at the very end, with the extra cutscene of Zelda, Link, and the new sages. They vow to support ZELDA.
The last vow was the serve the King of Hyrule. Zelda now finds herself in the same position, albeit different circumstances and new people.
Zelda’s development in ToTK is establishing the leader she WANTS to be, the person she matured TO be, and ultimately the Queen she WILL be.
Zelda’s story is so emotional and there are so many layers to dig through that I am so so thankful to have the opportunity to discuss this. She is absolutely PRECIOUS and I am so proud of her and the journey from botw to the end of totk.
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slvtforhimm · 10 months
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when you casually commented "real" under some jinx edit and the creator is concerned about your mental health (no i dont)
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dubiousdisco · 1 year
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soft-deuce · 1 month
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i apologize in advance
no I don't
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